
Thanksgivies plans

Nov 22nd, 2017
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  1. Covet: "Mmm. No more like... I'm thinking something more along the lines, of maybe when the kids go down for bed, we can have some time to just be.... adults." She said with a sweet smile taking another drink from the glass.
  2. Covet: *Cup
  3. Alexithymiaa: "I'm also okay with this method of being an adult." He said with a laugh, turning his head to glance over at Connor on the pony ride again. "That way everyone gets to have a little bit of fun."-
  4. Covet: "Exactly. We can figure out drinks too, and keep the curtains pulled so that anybody that could possibly catch us won't be able to see what's going on. Dear god I think Nancy is making me neurotic." She said, looking back over at Connor on the horse ride.
  5. Tsaaq: Katie came out of the break room with a yawn. "I can't do this shit no more." She grumbled as she walked to her counter then saw Brad and Kelsey. "Hey y'all. You want to play some games?" She asked with her hands on her hips.
  6. Alexithymiaa: "Probably, but I guess it comes with the territory of the business, right?" He asked with a laugh. "Besides, it's probably safe to do that regardless of who you are. Unless you're into that sort of thing...." He smirked, leaning in close to her to brush his lips over her neck. He pulled his head back when he heard Katie, glancing at Kelsey again. "Up to you."-
  7. Covet: "You're cute, really. And if it wouldn't make Nancy completely lose her mind....I'll give you a maybe." She said with a laugh then looked at Katie, "Connor's happy over there on the horse, I just wanted to give you an update of what's going on this weekend, just sort of hang out. I know you're at work and all, but I figured you wouldn't have an issue with it."
  8. Tsaaq: "Oh, you want me to call Oz?" She asked the two and went to pull out her cellphone. "Well what's up? Tel me about all the plans. It's dead in here. I don't mind." She went to sit with the two of them.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I know I'm cute. I planned it that way." He said with a laugh, flashing her a grin. "Yeah, get Ozzie down here. He's included in these plans afterall." He said with a nod, lifting his tea to take a sip.-
  10. Covet: "If you want to, no biggie. It's nothing that can't be explained on the flight." Kelsey said then grinned, "Okay so originally we were going to be staying in a hotel, but we're actually going to be staying in this very nice, private house on the beach. Fenced off property, lots of space. Also, would it be possible for you and Ozzie to stay another night? Instead of coming back sunday, we could come back monday, since I won't have practice or anything. I didn't know how that would work out with your schedules." She explained.
  11. Tsaaq: She gave a curt nod. "On it. He bummed about the game last night though." Katie rambled. "I didn't see it but apparently it was very one sided." She said. "Oooo a house on the beach! Oz will love that! And hell yeah we can stay another night. He's on his way now."
  12. Covet: "Aww, I bet. Last night was a... well fiasco for some, but fun for the rest of us." Kelsey said with a bit of a cringe because yeah that game was brutal. "Mhhm, then we have the theme park, to tire the kiddos out during the day, so that at night we can be adults and relax."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Honestly all I know is that they lost. Following the game in the moment? I had no idea they were really doing that badly. Do you think that will make him feel better?" Brad asked.-
  14. Alexithymiaa: (No Brad. Your lack of football knowledge doesn't make anyone feel better.)
  15. Tsaaq: Katie's eyes widened as she slowly shook her head. "I know that won't make him feel anybody." She whisperd. // Ozzie pulled up to the bowling alley and jogged inside then looked around for the group. "Hey ya'll. Katie said something about the beach?" He looked extremely excited.
  16. Covet: Kelsey gave Brad's knee a shove, "No.. shhh. Just be supportive." She said then looked over at Ozzie as he joined them. " Hi Ozzie, Yes, Our own private place on the beach at that." She added, "With some recent issues regarding my personal life, I thought some privacy would be could... for all of us." She said looking over at Katie as she sipped from her iced tea.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "Ow, what?" he asked Kelsey because he didnt really understand what the girls were getting huffy about. He waved at Ozzie on his way in, his eyes dropping over the male's form. "Heyyy Ozzie. Yeah, we're going to beach it up this weekend. Are you ready and excited?"-
  18. Tsaaq: "Hey Ozzie." She gave him a half hug as he went to sit down. "Shiiiit I'm ready. My body doesn't look like a construction site after my pregnancy. I'm ready to wear bikinis again." Katie started to dance in her seat. // Ozzie looked like a happy fuckin' puppy. "Are you kidding!? I'm stoked bro!" He cheered. "And I can't wait to show Lulu how to build a sandcastle and all the other awesome beach things." He smirked. "This is so much better Kels. That's a great idea."
  19. Covet: "I definitely know that feeling." Kelsey said with a laugh. "Happy to oblige. Now, the next question is, what kind of drinks do we want the bar stocked with?" She said with a grin.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Sandcastles are like my fortay. We're going to build the most massive sandcastle California has ever seen." Brad spoke a little triumphantly before glancing at Kels. "Definitely beer. And I'm going to say maybe tequila so we can do tequila shots?"-
  21. Tsaaq: "Alize." Katie stood up and started to twerk her ass. "And Remy Martin, Johnny Walker!" She listed. "I'm pumping before the trip so I don't have to fucking breast feed. Woo!" // "Beer. Tequila. Just a sampler." Ozzie listed. "This is going to be a great getaway. I'm so fuckin pumped. It's getting all cold and yucky already."
  22. Covet: "I will make sure all of those things are stocked for us." Kelsey laughed watching Katie, "Thank god for breast pumps right?" She nodded her head at Ozzie, "Mhhm, It's supposed to be super nice and sunny the whole time we're there. It's going to be fantastic. I'll make sure to get pictures of your amazing huge sandcastle."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I don't really mind the cold. I guess I'm used to it. And snow is fun too. But nothing compares to the beach." He said, his face beaming as he tried not to think about breast pumps because it wasnt how he liked his boobies.-
  24. Tsaaq: "Right." She agreed immediately. "Shiiit. I'm even more excited now." Katie smiled. "And a change of scenery is always nice. We have great friends." She shook Ozzie's shoulder. // "I hate the cold!" Ozzie said dramatic. "The beach is just what I need. Coach is on my ass about the team and midterms were a nightmare. I need a vacation."
  25. Covet: Kelsey smiled, "I'll need it after Thursday. For sure." She laughed, "I'm glad we get to do all of this together with people. Like a mini winter break. Similar to spring break, but in the off season, with fewer people, but hopefully four times the fun." She said looking at Bradley.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Itll be like five times the fun." Brad correct, easing out of his chair. "I'm going to go bring Connor more quarters for the pony ride." He said with a smile because Connor looked happy riding the little horse. "Be right back." He said as he walked across the building to where Connor was, digging into his pocket for change.-
  27. Tsaaq: "I better get back to work." Katie rose from the table as well. "But when I get home I'm gonna start packing for us." She pointed to Ozzie with a threaning look. // Ozzie furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay!" He jumped a bit. "She's scary sometimes..." He trailed off. "I have an early bio class in the morning but I'll be in contact. Is that okay?" He asked Kels after waving at Brad.
  28. Covet: Kelsey nodded, "Alright sounds great!" She said as she walked over to where Brad was to give Connor one more ride before they headed back to the dorms.
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