
Mekton: Episode 9: Mechromantic

Jan 18th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Friday, January 17, 2014
  3. 8:08 PM - Nekomancer Queen entered chat.
  4. 8:08 PM - Smas entered chat.
  5. 8:09 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  6. 8:09 PM - Smas: Just appearing away is all
  7. 8:09 PM - MeltingData: oreimo s2
  8. 8:09 PM - MeltingData: best shit ever
  9. 8:09 PM - Smas has changed their name to Bishop.
  10. 8:09 PM - Bishop: I don't know, I was watching Evangelion and that was actually pretty good.
  11. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: did you watch the movie End of Evangelion?
  12. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: if not do it
  13. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: way better end than the last two episodes
  14. 8:10 PM - Bishop: Not yet, on episode 15.
  15. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: ah
  16. 8:10 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Isn't there that one famous scene in End of Eva?
  17. 8:10 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: yep
  18. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: two scenes actually stand out
  19. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: spoilers
  20. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so sh
  21. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: where's trog
  22. 8:11 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy has been invited to chat.
  23. 8:11 PM - Bishop: probably off burninating villages.
  24. 8:11 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy entered chat.
  25. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: you can watch
  26. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: us be in giant robots
  27. 8:11 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: kk
  28. 8:11 PM - KBz | NicoleFancy: lol
  29. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: and watch me in my giant robot
  30. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: punch other giant robots
  31. 8:11 PM - MeltingData: hey im here for that too
  32. 8:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: and possibly giant monsters
  33. 8:11 PM - MeltingData: woo
  34. 8:11 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Where is Trogdor
  35. 8:11 PM - MeltingData: ded
  36. 8:12 PM - Nekomancer Queen: FFS
  37. 8:12 PM - Bishop: Also Dan, I tried to ask you earlier, but what were your plans for Monday?
  38. 8:12 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: rip trog
  39. 8:12 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: monday? work
  40. 8:13 PM - Bishop: kk
  41. 8:13 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: why?
  42. 8:13 PM - Bishop: from what I understand, basically everyone else is free
  43. 8:13 PM - Bishop: because it's MLK day
  44. 8:13 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Depending on how far we get in these two days, I might wanna snatch that up
  45. 8:13 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Because
  46. 8:13 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Shit's gettin real
  47. 8:13 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Real soon
  48. 8:14 PM - Bishop: Yeah, I was just saying that it was open for either Dan's game or yours, since I now don't have to do anything till Wednesday
  49. 8:15 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: but I don't think that work is gonna close for that fake holiday
  50. 8:15 PM - Bishop: (sick burn)
  51. 8:15 PM - Bishop: yeah, I figured as such
  52. 8:18 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: 5:18 PM - MeltingData: >"You already preordered those, didn't you?"
  53. 5:18 PM - MeltingData: >"Why not preorder more?"
  54. 5:18 PM - MeltingData: they made an anime about you appy
  55. 5:19 PM - MeltingData: possibly even a
  56. 5:19 PM - MeltingData: danime
  57. 8:18 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: incredible
  58. 8:19 PM - Bishop: wat
  59. 8:23 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Where is our Cedric
  60. 8:23 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: banging spacechicks
  61. 8:23 PM - MeltingData: nigga he in harry potter
  62. 8:24 PM - Nekomancer Queen: IF HES NOT HERE IN TEN MINUTES
  63. 8:24 PM - MeltingData: hes dead
  64. 8:24 PM - Nekomancer Queen: IM MAKING HIS WOMAN A LESBIAN
  65. 8:24 PM - MeltingData: didnt you read book 4
  66. 8:24 PM - Nekomancer Queen: SEVEN THIRTY FIVE
  67. 8:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: well if you can summon frig we could do meguca
  69. 8:25 PM - Nekomancer Queen: DAN SHH
  70. 8:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: if he doesn't show up
  71. 8:25 PM - Nekomancer Queen: I am in the mood to giant robot
  72. 8:25 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Not magical lesbian
  73. 8:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: how could you ever not be in a magical lesbian mood
  74. 8:26 PM - Nekomancer Queen: How could you not be in Giant Robot mod
  75. 8:26 PM - Nekomancer Queen: mood
  76. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: never said I wasn't you shit
  77. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: but if Trog doesn't show up
  78. 8:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: we can't play with 2 people
  79. 8:26 PM - MeltingData: which one is trog again
  80. 8:27 PM - MeltingData: is he the space dandy
  81. 8:27 PM - Bishop: Gun-Tank
  82. 8:27 PM - MeltingData: close enough
  83. 8:27 PM - Bishop: I thought Data was wanting to be space dandy anyways :T
  84. 8:27 PM - MeltingData: m8 i aint even playing mekton :v
  85. 8:28 PM - Bishop: well, you mentioned something about that being the kind of char you wanted, even if you weren't going to play :p
  86. 8:28 PM - MeltingData: space dundies
  87. 8:28 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: space dandy's a p dandy guy
  88. 8:28 PM - MeltingData: yeah
  89. 8:29 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Brb then, Ill get a drink or something
  90. 8:29 PM - MeltingData: *2 hours later*
  91. 8:29 PM - Bishop: (shh we don't talk about the dark times)
  92. 8:30 PM - MeltingData: oreimo has some good-ass music
  93. 8:31 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Shhh
  94. 8:34 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Also, you know what, unless you idiots fuck up big time, there wont be any combat for a bit anyways
  95. 8:34 PM - Nekomancer Queen: Would just two players be okay for the moment?
  96. 8:34 PM - Bishop: I'd be fine.
  97. 8:34 PM - Bishop: Trog isn't much for conversatin anyways :T
  98. 8:35 PM - Nekomancer Queen: You have a point :V
  99. 8:35 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: I always accidentally say most everything anyway
  100. 8:36 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge has changed their name to Perseus the Rad.
  101. 8:36 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Change your name and lets get the show on the road
  102. 8:36 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: He should join before anything happens involving him
  103. 8:36 PM - Perseus the Rad: so he's just bangin his chick in the cockpit right now
  104. 8:36 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  105. 8:36 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Well, I'll resume where we were
  106. 8:36 PM - MeltingData: gg
  107. 8:37 PM - Perseus the Rad: hope he brought some wipes with him cause I'd hate to have sticky stuff all over my mecha's nice seat
  108. 8:37 PM - MeltingData: it's just syrup you wimp
  109. 8:37 PM - MeltingData: who doesnt have breakfast in their mecha these days
  110. 8:38 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Standing in the wastes controlled by the Mechromancer, you are surrounded by several destroyed metal tendrils, and a small cloud of smoke, from the tendrills, and the two lancers who abandoned you. Comms are on, and the voice of a female comes over the speakers
  111. 8:38 PM - Perseus the Rad: that's even more painful to get off the seat
  112. 8:38 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"So, your friends are gone, perhaps we could try negociating instead of another wave of drones?"
  113. 8:38 PM - Perseus the Rad: we're surrounded by the two lancers who abandoned us
  114. 8:39 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: No, the smoke was left by them
  115. 8:39 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Indeed, let's. But first, if I might pose one more question, how are you familiar with interstellar travel?"
  116. 8:39 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Rocketing off into the distance
  117. 8:40 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Every other local of the planet thus far has been entirely unfamilar with the concept, so I can only assume you're an offworlder originally."
  118. 8:40 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"I'm going to assume you've brought the subject up around locals? Or else you wouldn't be so surprised that I am familiar with the concept at all."
  119. 8:40 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Just so."
  120. 8:41 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"Yes, its the first time in a long while since I've seen a ship, especially one of that size, but it is not the first time."
  121. 8:41 PM - Bishop: "When... was the first time?"
  122. 8:42 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"I would love to talk premodern history, but, people are most likely listening, we'll have time to talk about such matters face to face, if you take my offer."
  123. 8:43 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Very well then. Bishop, shall we? And Cedric, you can stay up here, keep an eye on the desert."
  124. 8:43 PM - Perseus the Rad: "No need to respond. I'll take your silence as an affirmative."
  125. 8:43 PM - Bishop: "Hey, I'm just trying to get this scanner system working."
  126. 8:44 PM - Bishop: Bishop resumes flipping switches.
  127. 8:44 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"Two miles northward, through a canyon, after seeing those brave knights retreat, I can assure you you are not being followed."
  128. 8:45 PM - Perseus the Rad: "In an event, where do we go from here?"
  129. 8:45 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"What do you mean by that?"
  130. 8:46 PM - Bishop: "He's asking where we should hide if things go south."
  131. 8:46 PM - Bishop: "... Metaphorically of course."
  132. 8:46 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Well, not quite. What I'm saying is that we accept your offer."
  133. 8:46 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"Again, I'll speak to you again when you enter local communication range, things should be, safer ,then."
  134. 8:47 PM - Bishop: "One last question, before we head off to meet you."
  135. 8:47 PM - Bishop: "It's been bugging me for a bit, but..."
  136. 8:47 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"One last answer then"
  137. 8:48 PM - Bishop: "What are you exactly; are you an AI? A person?"
  138. 8:49 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"That, especially, I cannot say to open ears, the Knights have been trying to find out for a long time"
  139. 8:49 PM - Bishop: Bishop sighs, he figures he's heard enough.
  140. 8:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Come now, Bishop! Let's be off."
  141. 8:50 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Heading out then? No more questions for sure?
  142. 8:50 PM - Bishop: "...Alright, Cedric. You and your lady friend should form a rear guard. Make sure our friends, the lancers, don't come back."
  143. 8:50 PM - Bishop: (I'm fine without any more questions)
  144. 8:51 PM - Perseus the Rad: so
  145. 8:51 PM - Perseus the Rad: we go
  146. 8:51 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You head off, the canyon getting narrower, and harder to traverse the farther into it you go
  147. 8:51 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You only travel about a mile and a half, but it takes easily over an hour to prevent any sort of mishap.
  148. 8:52 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: After the long walk, the comms come on again, this time, the short range direct comms are on, a bit fuzzy, but you can make out the same voice as before.
  149. 8:52 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"So, you're coming up anyways, not turning back after taking a look at the path like the last few who tried huh?"
  150. 8:53 PM - Bishop: "I wasn't aware I was supposed to be frightened."
  151. 8:53 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Perseus Carpedim does not back down from an agreement. T'would be a dishonor to the Carpedim family name."
  152. 8:54 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"You aren't, just that most pilots see mountains of trash and scrap, and fear getting stuck, or damaged, though you've made it past the hard part."
  153. 8:55 PM - Perseus the Rad: "So you've had others attempt to assist you previously?"
  154. 8:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"Yes, originally people who seemed to know what they were doing, mechanics looking for spare part, explorers, map makers. But now, I'd take anyone, I don't know how much time the system has left."
  155. 8:57 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: parts*
  156. 8:57 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Quite a lot of junk here, at any rate. How did it all come to be piled so high?"
  157. 8:58 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"Whenever I find something within my grasp, I take it, keeps weapons out of bandit's hands, prevents pollution, and, I've made quite a few repairs already with spare parts from this junk, but, what I need is not in here."
  158. 9:00 PM - Bishop: "So..."
  159. 9:01 PM - Bishop: "What kind of system are we talking about here?"
  160. 9:01 PM - Bishop: "I'm more of a field medic than a mechanic, but I know my way around basic machines."
  161. 9:02 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"I am a human computer interface, a human mind managing and linked with a network of super computers, much more cost effective than an artifical intelligence, much more efficent than a human mind."
  162. 9:02 PM - Bishop: "... Gotcha."
  163. 9:02 PM - Perseus the Rad: "A biocomputer, then?"
  164. 9:04 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"No, a biocomputer by definition is an organic computer. Think of it like this, I run numbers through actual computers, but run the programs, I tell the computers what to do, I make sure everything works."
  165. 9:06 PM - Perseus the Rad: "An interesting setup. So you're a... mediator, of sorts, between these computers."
  166. 9:06 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"Exactly, I am not combined with them, but I oversee their work."
  167. 9:06 PM - Bishop: "So, where are you housed, exactly?"
  168. 9:08 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: As if to answer your question, after passing another heap of junk, you see a massive grey building, almost looking like a warehouse of sorts. "You should be in visual range by now, I assume at least."
  169. 9:08 PM - Perseus the Rad: "So it would seem."
  170. 9:09 PM - Bishop: Bishop shakes his head, and opens a private channel to Pers.
  171. 9:09 PM - Bishop: "Hey Pers?"
  172. 9:09 PM - Bishop: "I'm... I'm not sure if I can do it."
  173. 9:09 PM - Bishop: "This sounds way above anything I've ever worked on."
  174. 9:10 PM - Bishop: "I mean, Cedric might be able to do it, but... he's been kinda out of it since that fight yesterday."
  175. 9:10 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Maybe that woman slipped him something..."
  176. 9:11 PM - Perseus the Rad: "I do have a PhD or three, though none particularly tech-related. I'll see what I can do, though."
  177. 9:12 PM - Bishop: "You can probably help me out, just... don't go too far once I start working."
  178. 9:13 PM - Perseus the Rad: "So, what is is exactly that we need to do?"
  179. 9:13 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((I assume thats not on private comms))
  180. 9:13 PM - Bishop: "Don't know, should probably ask Lady."
  181. 9:14 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Is it some ridiculously simple and virtually self-explanatory procedure that's video game puzzle material?"
  182. 9:15 PM - Bishop: Bishop closes the private coms link.
  183. 9:15 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: M:"My life support systems are beginning to fail. Slowly of course, but it's happening. The aging process has resumed, though very slowly, in the last fifty years. If I stay hooked up to it when it fails, I will die, instantly. I need to have my body unhooked from the system until its repaired, and I am forbidden to activate the release procedure, I need an outside party to do it."
  184. 9:15 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "I
  185. 9:15 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "I've tried to send a tendril to simply hit the button, but they have an overide in their programming to prevent that."
  186. 9:16 PM - Perseus the Rad: "How do we activate the release procedure, then?"
  187. 9:17 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "It is literally just a few labled switches and buttons. The complicated part is that, well, I can't stay here, there's no food or water, so, I will be thrusting myself into your company. For the time being at least."
  188. 9:17 PM - Bishop: "So."
  189. 9:17 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Simple enough, then. Let
  190. 9:18 PM - Perseus the Rad: 's begin. Where's the console with these switches?"
  191. 9:18 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "The hallways are labled, follow the signs to Life Support Control, I'm sure you can read, or at least I hope so."
  192. 9:19 PM - Bishop: "Yeah, as long as it's in (insert language we speak here), we should be fine."
  193. 9:19 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: (English dumbshit :V)
  194. 9:19 PM - Perseus the Rad: Coulda been jap
  195. 9:19 PM - Perseus the Rad: translated to english for our convenience
  196. 9:19 PM - Bishop: (hey, you made us name our mechas in japanese yea)
  197. 9:19 PM - Perseus the Rad: since it's anime
  198. 9:19 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: (Only jap is cool mecha names)
  199. 9:20 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: (Since you never translate mecha names to English)
  200. 9:20 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: (Or else we'd have Heaven's Piercing Crimson Face instead of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
  201. 9:20 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: (Which is more badass?)
  202. 9:20 PM - Perseus the Rad: the former does sound pretty cool actually
  203. 9:20 PM - Perseus the Rad: but ttgl's cooler
  204. 9:20 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Anyways
  205. 9:21 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You arrive at the massive complex, looks like you'll have to get on foot to get it
  206. 9:21 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: in
  207. 9:21 PM - Bishop: Bishop hops out and takes point.
  208. 9:21 PM - Perseus the Rad: I hop out of Ken Kare and follow behind
  209. 9:22 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You enter the building, still lit up and taken care of, you wonder why, until you see a little automated janitor bot zip by.
  210. 9:23 PM - Bishop: Bishop takes a good hard look at the various arrows pointing in different directions, and upon seeing the janitor-bot, realizes something.
  211. 9:24 PM - Bishop: "Hey, Lady?" Bishop sheepishly adds on, "You don't mind if I called you Lady, right?"
  212. 9:24 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "There are worse things to be called, what do you wish to know?"
  213. 9:25 PM - Bishop: "Well, I'm wondering if you have some sort of decontamination chamber in here somewhere?"
  214. 9:25 PM - Bishop: "I've taken a severe dose of radiation, and I've sealed myself inside this suit to keep myself from offing the others."
  215. 9:25 PM - Bishop: "And..."
  216. 9:26 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "There is a decontamination chamber in the life support suite, I can show you the way when I get out."
  217. 9:26 PM - Bishop: "... Ok."
  218. 9:27 PM - Perseus the Rad: I search for the console and the appropriate switches, dials and buttons to pull, flick, turn, twist press and push
  219. 9:27 PM - Bishop: Bishop whispers to Pers, "Hey, you got any Nutrigrain bars or something on you? I haven't eaten anything since I put this suit on."
  220. 9:28 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: They're numbered, you start by draining the cryopod, before raising temperature, depressurizing, venting waste air, and finally, opening the pod. Comms go silent.
  221. 9:28 PM - Perseus the Rad: "...definitely video game puzzle material."
  222. 9:28 PM - Bishop: I go to make sure that whoever is inside the pod doesn't flop out.
  223. 9:28 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Hm? My apologies Bishop, what was that?"
  224. 9:28 PM - Perseus the Rad: aww I wanted to do that
  225. 9:29 PM - Perseus the Rad: then I'd catch her and be like "no funny business, I'm married"
  226. 9:29 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  227. 9:29 PM - Bishop: "... It's nothing Pers, just make sure we've got some food."
  228. 9:29 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Bishop, standing in the chamer, catches the girl's body, and the first thing that strikes you, is the complete lack of pigmentation in her hair and skin
  229. 9:30 PM - Bishop: "... Yeah, that ain't healthy."
  230. 9:30 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Probably have some someplace or another. If not we can always just hang on until the next town."
  231. 9:30 PM - Perseus the Rad: is she awake?
  232. 9:30 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She's breathing and you can feel her pulse, she's cold, very cold, but you can feel the body heat returning gradually as she opens her eyes with a yawn. "So, that worked at least."
  233. 9:31 PM - Perseus the Rad: ah
  234. 9:32 PM - Bishop: "So... what's your name?" Bishop hands Lady his Flight Jacket.
  235. 9:33 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She opens her mouth before blushing and looking dumbfounded. "I, I, I can't remember. Five hundred years of being called M-12, or, Mechromancer, and, I can't remember the real thing."
  236. 9:33 PM - Perseus the Rad: "I must say, 'Mechromancer' is a bit of a mouthful, and 'Lady' hardly seems appropriate."
  237. 9:34 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "If either of you call me M-12, I will stab you. A product number is worse than either."
  238. 9:34 PM - Perseus the Rad: "You could always make a new name for yoruself. Not as though there's anything preventing you."
  239. 9:35 PM - Perseus the Rad: Perseus laughs slightly, "Though for my sake, I'd appreciate if you avoided calling yourself Elesia. That is my wife's name."
  240. 9:35 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "But, what if I think of a stupid name? Or something I end up not liking?"
  241. 9:36 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Well, fiancee. Soon to be wife."
  242. 9:37 PM - Perseus the Rad: "And what stops you from making a new one after that? There are only so many choices as stars in the sky."
  243. 9:37 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "I'm open to suggestion at least, five hundred years, and I didn't spend a moment thinking about names."
  244. 9:38 PM - Bishop: Bishops eyes glaze over, as if in thought.
  245. 9:38 PM - Bishop: Or perhaps in distant memory.
  246. 9:38 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Have you struck on something, Bishop?"
  247. 9:39 PM - Bishop: "... You know, you've had your eyes in the sky for as long as you can remember, right?"
  248. 9:40 PM - Bishop: "It might sound silly, but..."
  249. 9:40 PM - Bishop: "What about Hawke?"
  250. 9:40 PM - Bishop: "There's an E on the end of it."
  251. 9:40 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Like, the bird?"
  252. 9:41 PM - Bishop: Bishop sighs, "Yeah... like the bird."
  253. 9:42 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She shrugs. "I don't know, I dont want to say it sounds terrible, but, I don't think that'd be my sort of name."
  254. 9:42 PM - Perseus the Rad: I whisper to Bishop so that the lady can't hear, "Perhaps suggest Arata? It means new, or fresh in Japanese."
  255. 9:43 PM - Bishop: "Yeah, that sounds.... better than Hawke."
  256. 9:43 PM - Bishop: "Hey Lady? I... I think I need a shower. You can keep brainstorming names with Pers here, but I'm kinda in a bad shape."
  257. 9:44 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Oooh, fitting, better than M-12 for sure! Perhaps Hawke would be a nice last name?"
  258. 9:45 PM - Bishop: "Yeah... Arata Hawke sounds nice."
  259. 9:46 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Jumping out of Bishop's arms, she stretched out and reached into a locker on the floor. "There's a few showers back in the researcher's dormitorys, if you don't mind, I plan on properly bathing and clothing before heading out, you needed a decontamination chamber, anything else?
  260. 9:46 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "
  261. 9:47 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Perhaps if there's some sort of pantry where preserved food is kept? Bishop hasn't eaten in quite some time, as I understand it."
  262. 9:47 PM - Bishop: Bishop collapses to the ground, with a stomach grumbling louder than earthquake, ""
  263. 9:48 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Come with me to the dorms? I know there's no long term provisions, but I'm sure they'd have some sort of MREs, or preserved food for an emergency."
  264. 9:48 PM - Bishop: Bishop begins to shake violently at the thought of eating 500 year old MREs.
  265. 9:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Beggars can't be choosers, my friend."
  266. 9:50 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Better than nothing huh?"
  267. 9:50 PM - Bishop: "...We could always eat Skyren, he probably tastes a bit like snake..." Bishop half jokes, still laying on the floor.
  268. 9:51 PM - Perseus the Rad: oh yeah Skyren is a thing isn't he
  269. 9:51 PM - Perseus the Rad: "If you eat my copilot I'll be very cross with you."
  270. 9:51 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: He's with Cedric shh :V
  271. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: we never uncombined problem solved
  272. 9:52 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Why would a person taste like snake?"
  273. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Skyren is a unique case."
  274. 9:52 PM - Bishop: "He's like... well you'll see soon enough."
  275. 9:52 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((I dont want to write for two NPCs at the same time, mostly because Arata here is quite talkative))
  276. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: >doesn't want to write for 2 NPCs
  277. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: I write for 4+
  278. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: while dealing with like 8 private chats
  279. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: GET
  280. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: ON
  281. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: MY
  282. 9:52 PM - Perseus the Rad: LEVEL
  283. 9:53 PM - Bishop: "We're all kind of a group of misfits anyways." Bishop half chuckles, noting that he is still glowing like a christmas tree.
  284. 9:53 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: I know :V
  285. 9:53 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Right, you want to follow me to the decontamination chambers? I can sort that out"
  286. 9:53 PM - Perseus the Rad: Wait did Bishop cover her with his probably irradiated jacket that he had on over his hazard suit or what
  287. 9:53 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: I'd assume its over the jacket
  288. 9:54 PM - Bishop: that's even worse :T
  289. 9:54 PM - Bishop: that meant I had to unzip myself to get it off
  290. 9:54 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: I meant it the other way around, jacket over hazard suit
  291. 9:54 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Sorry :V
  292. 9:54 PM - Bishop: yeah, it was over the suit, so it should be fine
  293. 9:55 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Right, now then
  294. 9:55 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Reply and get unglowly
  295. 9:55 PM - Bishop: (I wanna glow forever)
  296. 9:55 PM - Bishop: (I just want to get rid of my excess killer particles :P)
  297. 9:56 PM - Perseus the Rad: didn't he get a mutation
  298. 9:56 PM - Bishop: "Oh.. yeah, should probably get washed up."
  299. 9:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((Beggers cant be choosers, the light is a result of copious radiation))
  300. 9:56 PM - Perseus the Rad: make the mutation give him like, bioluminescence or something
  301. 9:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((True))
  302. 9:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((Alright))
  303. 9:56 PM - Perseus the Rad: bioluminescent dick
  304. 9:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((But its not bright, more of, slight glowing))
  305. 9:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: ((Not a lightbulb))
  306. 9:56 PM - Bishop: (yeah, I can deal)
  307. 9:56 PM - Perseus the Rad: so less than a glowing ghoul I'd assume
  308. 9:57 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Yes
  309. 9:57 PM - Bishop: (it'd be like, a holy aura c;)
  310. 9:58 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Pointing to a door to a white room, Arata smiles. "That should take care of the problem, I assume you two will stay here while I shower? Food storage is down the hall."
  311. 9:59 PM - Perseus the Rad: "I've nowhere else to be."
  312. 10:00 PM - Bishop: "Yeah, it's fine. Just..." Bishop's stomach grumbles "Don't take too long ok?" T.T
  313. 10:00 PM - Perseus the Rad: "And unless you need Bishop to wash your back, we'll be here as I coax him into eating 500 year old MREs."
  314. 10:01 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "I assume he would want no part in such a chore, but I will be back soon!" And with that, she walked down the hallway, stepping into a room, and out of your sight
  315. 10:01 PM - Bishop: "What, no! We can totally eat Skyren he probably won't mind!" Bishop attempts to step away from Pers and make a break for it.
  316. 10:02 PM - Perseus the Rad: ",,,what."
  317. 10:02 PM - Perseus the Rad: I try to chase and grab Bishop before he makes a bigger ass of himself
  318. 10:02 PM - Bishop: "Or hell, even Cedric! Just anything besides those MREs!"
  319. 10:03 PM - Perseus the Rad: and by proximity myself
  320. 10:03 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Considering he hasnt eaten in a few days, you grab the crazy weak man, perhaps you should just toss him in the decomtamination room?
  321. 10:03 PM - Perseus the Rad: he'll reduce my coolness to like, 9
  322. 10:03 PM - Perseus the Rad: that's horrible
  323. 10:04 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Come now. You're probably mad with hunger and slightly rotten in the mind from radiation. Into decontamination with you!"
  324. 10:04 PM - Perseus the Rad: I drag and push him into the decon room, shutting the door behind him
  325. 10:04 PM - Bishop: "Hey Pers what are you doiiii-" Bishop begins to scratch at the door from the inside.
  326. 10:04 PM - Perseus the Rad: I block it with a chair or something so he can't get out and say, "I'll get the MREs ready for when you're done!"
  327. 10:05 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You flip on the cleaning systems, and Bishop starts to lose the bright glow, becoming more of a light biolumineciance
  328. 10:06 PM - Perseus the Rad: then I get the MREs ready and come back to see Bishop after some time
  329. 10:06 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Perseus raids the pantries, grabbing two MREs that look untouched. "Beef Brisket and Powa Korn Grits, 72 hours of energy!"
  330. 10:07 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Bishop probably won't enjoy the korn, but, not my problem." I mumble
  331. 10:08 PM - Bishop: Bishop just rocks back and forth on the floor of the decontamination chamber, muttering something about unholy foods from the hands of men or something along those lines.
  332. 10:08 PM - Perseus the Rad: I knock on the decon room door after any other stuff that needs to be done. "You alright in there, Bishop? Looking little less bright?"
  333. 10:08 PM - Bishop: "... Yeah? I think so..."
  334. 10:08 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: A ding goes off as if it was a microwave, and the door pops open, revealing a healthier looking Bishop
  335. 10:09 PM - Bishop: "So."
  336. 10:09 PM - Bishop: Bishop eyes the MREs that Pers brought.
  337. 10:09 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Completely edible, I assure you."
  338. 10:10 PM - Perseus the Rad: "They don't even expire for another 500 years, at least!"
  339. 10:10 PM - Bishop: "What are they? Ham and processed beans?"
  340. 10:10 PM - Bishop: "Crackers?"
  341. 10:11 PM - Perseus the Rad: "It's food, isn't that all that matters? Or perhaps you're too weak to lift the utensils. Must I spoon feed you?"
  342. 10:11 PM - Perseus the Rad: "You can starve if you'd like and I'll eat it myself."
  343. 10:11 PM - Bishop: "Give me the damned box." Bishop attempts to swipe one of the MREs out of Pers's hand, and chews on the corner of the casing it's in.
  344. 10:12 PM - Bishop: "... I thought you said this was edible."
  345. 10:13 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Perhaps if you ate the food and not the package."
  346. 10:13 PM - Perseus the Rad: "If you don't eat it properly, you'll never grow up big and strong, Bishop. You want to be big and strong enough to pilot, don't you?"
  347. 10:13 PM - Perseus the Rad: I say in a slightly mocking intonation that is clearly amused
  348. 10:14 PM - Bishop: Bishop keeps chewing on the side of the MRE, "Yeah, perhaps one day I want to be like the great and heroic Perseus, who only has to rely on his fists and his wits to see him through the day."
  349. 10:15 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Bishop, are you irradiated, or retarded
  350. 10:15 PM - Bishop: (both)
  351. 10:15 PM - Perseus the Rad: clearly
  352. 10:15 PM - Bishop: (also slightly mad)
  353. 10:16 PM - Bishop: (and more than partially mentally unstable)
  354. 10:16 PM - Perseus the Rad: The thought of my beautiful wife is all that's keeping me together
  355. 10:16 PM - Perseus the Rad: that and being cool
  356. 10:16 PM - Perseus the Rad: hard to be crazy when you're this cool
  357. 10:17 PM - Bishop: Bishop finally gets that he's probably supposed to open it first, and reads the packaging.
  358. 10:17 PM - Bishop: "Oh."
  359. 10:17 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Now you're getting it."
  360. 10:18 PM - MeltingData: (( The MRE reads in large, bolded letters, "UR A FAGET". ))
  361. 10:18 PM - Bishop: Bishop doesn't like what he reads, but again, beggars can't be choosers.
  362. 10:19 PM - Bishop: He just rips the thing opens and starts eating the contents of the MRE, avoiding to eat the non-edible bits.
  363. 10:19 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: The two of you devour the MREs, including the copious amounts of powa korn
  364. 10:21 PM - Perseus the Rad: uh
  365. 10:21 PM - Perseus the Rad: he devours his
  366. 10:21 PM - Perseus the Rad: I eat mine slow and cooly
  367. 10:21 PM - Perseus the Rad: by that I mean I devour it
  368. 10:21 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  369. 10:21 PM - Perseus the Rad: but coolerly
  370. 10:22 PM - Perseus the Rad: so
  371. 10:22 PM - Perseus the Rad: what happens now
  372. 10:23 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Before long, Arata is walking down the hallway in a towel, her hair still wet, she walks in on the two devouring the meals.
  373. 10:23 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "I hope you know the Powa Korn ration in those is enough to last a month, I don't think you're supposed to eat it all at once."
  374. 10:24 PM - Perseus the Rad: I look up, look between her and the forkfull of korn, shrug, then continue eating
  375. 10:25 PM - Bishop: Bishop just ignores everything whilst he consumes what is probably the highest calorie meal he's had in years.
  376. 10:25 PM - Perseus the Rad: why didn't you make me get 3 rations
  377. 10:25 PM - Perseus the Rad: she probably wants one too
  378. 10:25 PM - Perseus the Rad: I'd assume anyway, unless she's not hungry from her tankfed whatever they gave her
  379. 10:26 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Well, maybe you should ask? :V
  380. 10:26 PM - Bishop: Bishop stops half way through eating the Powa Korn, and realizes that Arata is probably starving.
  381. 10:26 PM - Perseus the Rad: I let Bishop handle the being nice to her part
  382. 10:27 PM - Perseus the Rad: Sit back and fold my arms, kicking my legs up on the nearest thing that isn't the table with our food on it
  383. 10:27 PM - Bishop: Bishop manages to get a grip over his starving, mentally strained self and manages to find some of his manners.
  384. 10:28 PM - Bishop: "... I... uh... sorry, I kinda ate most of it." Bishop mutters sheepishly.
  385. 10:29 PM - Bishop: "But, would you like the rest? I'm sure I could go without an extra 2 weeks worth of Powa Korn."
  386. 10:30 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She smiled before grabbing a chair and taking it. "Thanks, after 500 years without sleep, I dont think I'd mind another two weeks." She took it and almost quite literally inhaled it, being the first food she's had in a long time.
  387. 10:30 PM - Perseus the Rad: I wink stealthily at Bishop, motioning with a hand for him to say something
  388. 10:31 PM - Bishop: Bishop looks to Pers, looks at Arata, and doesn't say much.
  389. 10:32 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She is too busy licking the packaging clean of any and all remaining food.
  390. 10:32 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Classy lady
  391. 10:33 PM - Perseus the Rad: "So then, Arata. The point of this was to swap the life support system, but you know... you don't have to back in there."
  392. 10:33 PM - Perseus the Rad: "You could come with us. There's room in one of our mechas, I'm sure. Unless you happen to have your own somewhere around here."
  393. 10:34 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "No, it wasn't just a swap, I can't go back in until quite a few things are replaced, I promise you it'd be temporary, I would get annoying or something!"
  394. 10:35 PM - Bishop: "Annoying? Heh." Bishop leans back in his chair.
  395. 10:35 PM - Bishop: "This whole trip has just been..."
  396. 10:35 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Not at all! We've been making it a habit of recruiting locals. The last one we got actually had a psychopathic murderous brother who almost killed me, so you can't be much worse than that."
  397. 10:36 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "You mean the sucubus Knight spy who fucks the information out of anyone who'll give her a chance?"
  398. 10:36 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Probably. We'll have to talk to Cedric about that."
  399. 10:37 PM - Bishop: Bishop hops out of the chair, "I KNEW IT!"
  400. 10:37 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Though, the fact that you say almost means you beat him, I assume?"
  401. 10:38 PM - Perseus the Rad: "In a manner of speaking. I likely would have gotten him with a few more punches. I DID dent his shield quite a bit with my mecha's severed leg."
  402. 10:38 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Then punched the armor off his sword arm."
  403. 10:38 PM - Bishop: Bishop slowly sinks back into his chair.
  404. 10:39 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "So, you didn't kill him?"
  405. 10:39 PM - Perseus the Rad: "And yes, Bishop. We'll talk about her later. As for killing him? That was all Bishop. Saved the day, really. And myself."
  406. 10:40 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Really? You took down the crazy bastard?" She looked at Bishop with a bit of shock and excitement in her eyes.
  407. 10:40 PM - Bishop: Bishop sighs. "I... yeah. I stopped him."
  408. 10:41 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Aye, that he did. Bishop? It was your story. You tell it."
  409. 10:42 PM - Bishop: "I..." Bishop looks to Pers, looks to Arata, and back to himself.
  410. 10:42 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She clapped a bit as she relaxed in the seat. "Yes, a good story is always fun! I haven't heard one in, well, 500 years!"
  411. 10:43 PM - Bishop: Bishop gathers enough words to talk.
  412. 10:44 PM - Bishop: "Well, like Pers said, he managed to bring down the Knight's armor."
  413. 10:44 PM - Bishop: "I knew that Pers would need help though, since these Knight mechas are pretty powerful."
  414. 10:44 PM - Bishop: "So basically, I devised a plan."
  415. 10:45 PM - Bishop: "I managed to get back into my Mecha, and watched from above whilst Pers and the knight layed arms on each other."
  416. 10:46 PM - Bishop: "When I saw that Pers was in trouble, I stepped in to save him, by dive bombing the Knight, disarming him."
  417. 10:47 PM - Bishop: "I then tried to give Pers the honors of finishing the Knight himself, but he refused."
  418. 10:48 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She merely sits, ooohing and aaaaahing her heart out
  419. 10:48 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Mostly because he crushed my poor Ken Kare's head and I couldn't see a thing without risking opening the cockpit and exposing myself."
  420. 10:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: I raise an eyebrow at Bishop, waiting for him to continue
  421. 10:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: Still kicked back all cool
  422. 10:50 PM - Bishop: "Yeah, so basically, right when the Knight was about to do Pers in, I managed to grab the Knight's sword, and...." Bishop chokes a bit on his words "Well, you can kinda tell how it goes from there."
  423. 10:50 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "No no, keep going!"
  424. 10:50 PM - Bishop: Bishop looks to Pers with sorrowful eyes, but continues.
  425. 10:50 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Come now, Bishop. You can't leave out the best part."
  426. 10:52 PM - Bishop: "Well, Pers's mecha was cracked, coming apart from the seams, so I did what I had to do. I blocked the Knight's fist with my mecha, and when all hope seemed to be lost, that's when I picked up the Knight's sword."
  427. 10:53 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "And then?!?!"
  428. 10:53 PM - Bishop: "By blocking the Knight's fist, I was able to sacrifice part of my Mecha's hull integrity to create an opening for me to strike through his un-passable defenses. That's when I layed down the final blow."
  429. 10:54 PM - Bishop: Bishop takes a fork and pokes Pers right in the chest. "Just like that."
  430. 10:54 PM - Bishop: "Well, with a bigger, sharper instrument, but you get the idea."
  431. 10:55 PM - Bishop: Bishop takes this moment to stare Pers right in the eyes, with a look that screams, "Why?"
  432. 10:55 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She mouthed the word 'Woaaaaah' before looking at the fork. "You did all of that? To save your friend? I'd be honored to travel with you!"
  433. 10:56 PM - Bishop: Bishop sighs, and turns back to Arata, "Yeah, I'd do anything for these guys."
  434. 10:57 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Happy to have you aboard, Arata! Bishop, is there room in your cockpit? Mine is a little tight as it is, and I'd hate for Arata to accidentally cut herself on the sword I keep in there. Not to mention how it'd look to my wife if she saw us leave my Ken Kare together."
  435. 10:58 PM - Bishop: "... Yeah, there should be room. I should probably clean up in there though."
  436. 10:58 PM - Perseus the Rad: "And Cedric currently has the succubus who we'll deal with later."
  437. 10:58 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She preforms a maneuver that can only be described as a tacklecuddle
  438. 10:58 PM - Perseus the Rad: glomp
  439. 10:59 PM - Bishop: (who is the target of this heinous crime?)
  440. 10:59 PM - Perseus the Rad: you I'd assume
  441. 10:59 PM - Perseus the Rad: mister hero
  442. 10:59 PM - Perseus the Rad: cl
  443. 10:59 PM - Perseus the Rad: c;
  444. 10:59 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Indeed
  445. 11:00 PM - Bishop: "I.. uh..." Bishop stammers.
  446. 11:01 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Heeeeeroooooo"
  447. 11:01 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Since we probably won't be needing to replace any of the life support parts, then, if there anything worthwhile we can use in here before we continue searching for the rest of our crew? Not to mention we never searched the interior of the ship that you took."
  448. 11:01 PM - Perseus the Rad: is*
  449. 11:02 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Nothing that works out of this massive complex system."
  450. 11:03 PM - Bishop: "I... Oh yeah, you mentioned something happening inside the dorm rooms of our ship."
  451. 11:03 PM - Bishop: "What was that all about?"
  452. 11:06 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She looks up from your lap, recalling the information. "Just some burns, as if energy weapons had been used, which is quite rare on this planet. Must be something quite interesting that they took out of there. To require special forces with such equipment"
  453. 11:08 PM - Bishop: "Yeah." Bishop looks up to face the sky, "Something's felt wrong since I got out of cryo."
  454. 11:08 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You're looking at the ceiling
  455. 11:08 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Odd indeed..." I try to recall if there was anything of extreme value worthy of such a raid on the ship
  456. 11:08 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Nope
  457. 11:08 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Just the crew and a few basic mecha
  458. 11:09 PM - Perseus the Rad: And energy weapons? Could the burn marks have come from an internal dispute?
  459. 11:09 PM - Bishop: "I don't know what, but, I think you're right about something Pers." Bishop looks over to Pers.
  460. 11:09 PM - Perseus the Rad: "And what's that?"
  461. 11:10 PM - Bishop: "The shot-up medbay, the sabotauged reactors, the Captain being unharmed whilst everyone else was seemingly systematically killed?"
  462. 11:10 PM - Bishop: "There's something going on."
  463. 11:11 PM - Bishop: "I could tell, you know, the last time I saw the captain."
  464. 11:11 PM - Perseus the Rad: "So you think there was an internal dispute with the crew, perhaps?"
  465. 11:11 PM - Bishop: "He gave me the strangest look when I mentioned the reactors."
  466. 11:11 PM - Bishop: Bishop shakes his head, "But yeah, I don't know. I want to say Sabotage, but..."
  467. 11:12 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Shame we can't ask him now. Best we can do is take a look around the place ourselves."
  468. 11:12 PM - Bishop: "Yeah, I suppose you are right."
  469. 11:12 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Its only a few miles away if you want to examine it."
  470. 11:13 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Sabotage or not, the ship getting shot down was hardly an internal affair."
  471. 11:13 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "He has a point"
  472. 11:14 PM - Bishop: "Yeah, I suppose that doesn't help things much."
  473. 11:15 PM - Perseus the Rad: "In any event, examining the ship ourselves would be the best course of action. You don't need to join us for this, Arata. This is our mission."
  474. 11:16 PM - Bishop: Bishop looks back down to Ara, "...Yeah, you don't have to come along if you don't want to. It's dangerous out there."
  475. 11:16 PM - Perseus the Rad: "In there, rather. Possibly dangerous, so long as we avoid the reactor. Undeniably dangerous if we don't."
  476. 11:17 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Well I mean, like I said, there's no drinkable water here, I'd last a few days before falling over dead..."
  477. 11:17 PM - Perseus the Rad: "I meant inside the ship itself. Not as though we're going to spend weeks in there. At least, I'd hope not."
  478. 11:18 PM - Bishop: "Ah, I refering to just... the outside world in general being dangerous."
  479. 11:18 PM - Perseus the Rad: "We already agreed on her coming with us to the outside, I thought. It's the ship interior that currently worries me."
  480. 11:19 PM - Bishop: "Well, yeah I suppose you're right."
  481. 11:20 PM - Bishop: Bishop realizes something. "Hey Pers, how far out you think Cedric is at the moment?"
  482. 11:21 PM - Bishop: "You think he stayed on the other side of the canyon?"
  483. 11:22 PM - Perseus the Rad: "We'll find him eventually. He'll turn up when he needs to."
  484. 11:23 PM - Bishop: "Well, if what Ara says is true, I think that Xyl is probably out for her blood. I'm just afraid that she might overpower Cedric if given the chance."
  485. 11:24 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Well, considering her brother actually died, things might have fallen apart"
  486. 11:24 PM - Perseus the Rad: "Assuming she hasn't screwed him to death, I'm sure he's fine. He's a big boy. He can handle himself."
  487. 11:26 PM - Bishop: "I... I'm just concerned is all."
  488. 11:27 PM - Bishop: "He did show her the 'Big Button' after all."
  489. 11:27 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "She's never hurt a fly, her brother being gone, there's nothing to be worried about!"
  490. 11:29 PM - Perseus the Rad: "That's all the reassurance I need for the time being, then."
  491. 11:29 PM - Bishop: Bishop looks down to Ara, then up to Pers, and drops the issue.
  492. 11:31 PM - Bishop: "So... I guess this leads to our next order of business."
  493. 11:31 PM - Perseus the Rad: "The ship."
  494. 11:32 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Indeed"
  495. 11:32 PM - Bishop: "Yeah. The ship."
  496. 11:32 PM - Bishop: (hey, is Arata still only in a towel?)
  497. 11:33 PM - Perseus the Rad: unless she decided to wear the MRE packaging I'd assume so
  498. 11:34 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: (Ye)
  499. 11:34 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  500. 11:34 PM - Bishop: Bishop looks back down to Arata, "You know... we should probably find you some clothes first."
  501. 11:34 PM - Perseus the Rad: Bishop got glomped by a chick in a towel
  502. 11:34 PM - Perseus the Rad: livin the lyfe
  503. 11:35 PM - Bishop: "Give me a moment."
  504. 11:35 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Right, and I would find these, where?"
  505. 11:35 PM - Bishop: Bishop gets up, and removes his Rad Suit, leaving him with only a pair of scivies and a white t-shirt.
  506. 11:35 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Oh god everyone's getting naked
  507. 11:36 PM - Bishop: "I know it's not the coolest thing you've ever seen, but you can probably wear this. It should be decontaminated."
  508. 11:36 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Right, Ill take it and run off somewhere."
  509. 11:37 PM - Bishop: Bishop nods and hands her the Rad Suit.
  510. 11:37 PM - Perseus the Rad: wow it's a proper noun it must be important
  511. 11:38 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: She runs off behind the corner, and soon returns in the baggy, bright yellow, rad suit
  512. 11:38 PM - Bishop: (I know, it's pretty Rad)
  513. 11:38 PM - Perseus the Rad: my 10 cool is contagious it seems
  514. 11:39 PM - Perseus the Rad: even radiation suits are affected
  515. 11:39 PM - MeltingData: (isnt that shit still irradiated))
  516. 11:39 PM - Bishop: (no, I had it with me in the decontamination chamber, it should be as irradiated as I am)
  517. 11:39 PM - Bishop: (which is, not much if at all)
  518. 11:41 PM - Bishop: "Well, at least it's something." Bishop cocks his head to the side in thought. "Oh hey, what'd you do with my flight jacket anyways?"
  519. 11:43 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: "Well, what point is there in wearing a jacket and not pants?" She took it out of what can only be assumed to be some sort of hammerspace
  520. 11:43 PM - Perseus the Rad: Eri's lousy cupcake hammerspace is contagious
  521. 11:43 PM - Perseus the Rad: and there isn't even any magic here
  522. 11:44 PM - Perseus the Rad: that reminds me literally everyone in this chat right now is a member of meguca
  523. 11:44 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  524. 11:44 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: You just gave me a terrible or amazing idea
  525. 11:44 PM - Perseus the Rad: do not say crossover
  526. 11:44 PM - Perseus the Rad: say crossover
  527. 11:44 PM - Perseus the Rad: I don't know what I want
  528. 11:44 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  529. 11:45 PM - Perseus the Rad: oh god oh GOD
  530. 11:45 PM - Perseus the Rad: RYAN
  531. 11:45 PM - Perseus the Rad: IF WE CROSS MEGUCA AND MEKTON
  532. 11:45 PM - Perseus the Rad: THEY BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN BRICK
  533. 11:45 PM - Perseus the Rad: THEN THERE WILL BE TWO BRICKS
  534. 11:45 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: OR
  535. 11:45 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: IT IS THE SAME BRICK
  537. 11:46 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: I NEED TO POOP BRB
  538. 11:46 PM - Perseus the Rad: WHAT HAVE WE DONE
  539. 11:46 PM - Perseus the Rad: God imagine Sarah trying to pilot a giant robot
  540. 11:46 PM - Perseus the Rad: when she's from like, ye olde times
  541. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: idk i think she'd do a stellar job
  542. 11:46 PM - MeltingData: of smashing shit up at the very least
  543. 11:46 PM - Perseus the Rad: she'd stab the controls with her hook
  544. 11:46 PM - Bishop: just give her one of the steam powered ones she'll be fine
  545. 11:47 PM - MeltingData: can you overcharge punching a nigga in the face with a robot
  546. 11:47 PM - Perseus the Rad: Eri would yell about justice and push all the buttons
  547. 11:47 PM - Perseus the Rad: Eve would cry and Ally would somehow be the best pilot ever
  548. 11:48 PM - Perseus the Rad: Satoya would fill the cockpit with zombie cats that help her push buttons
  549. 11:48 PM - Perseus the Rad: and she'd probably have her husbando in there too
  550. 11:48 PM - MeltingData: bonus points if syncing with the mech changes the whole thing to reflect the appearance of the user because magic
  551. 11:48 PM - MeltingData: enormous cat themed mecha
  552. 11:48 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  553. 11:48 PM - MeltingData: launching bone rockets
  554. 11:49 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: We just derailed the game
  555. 11:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: should we do this guys
  556. 11:49 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: And I dont know if I want it back on track
  557. 11:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: I'm scared
  558. 11:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: this is a scary thought
  559. 11:49 PM - MeltingData: no
  560. 11:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: we could break both our games
  561. 11:49 PM - MeltingData: we shouldnt do this
  562. 11:49 PM - Perseus the Rad: probably will
  563. 11:49 PM - MeltingData: but its a great idea and should be discussed at length
  564. 11:50 PM - Perseus the Rad: Tami gets a mech that shoots boiling hot coffee
  565. 11:50 PM - Bishop: It should also come armed with a giant carrying tray to beat other mechas over the head with
  566. 11:51 PM - Perseus the Rad: mostly yours because it has a stupid smile
  567. 11:51 PM - Bishop: T.T
  568. 11:53 PM - Perseus the Rad: Haku and Burd can totally be the equivalent of Boota
  569. 11:53 PM - Perseus the Rad: also Gekko
  570. 11:53 PM - Perseus the Rad: can't forget Gekko
  571. 11:54 PM - MeltingData: sarahs is completely outdated and for some reason draws almost all enemy fire
  572. 11:54 PM - Perseus the Rad: Eri got unmegucaed before once
  573. 11:54 PM - Perseus the Rad: courtesy of the clown
  574. 11:54 PM - Perseus the Rad: then again you almost died then thanks to Eve
  575. 11:54 PM - Perseus the Rad: :v
  576. 11:55 PM - Perseus the Rad: Sarah's almost died, what, 4 times now?
  577. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: i think 4 with this latest battle, yeah
  578. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: every battle is a new almost death experience so
  579. 11:55 PM - MeltingData: :v
  580. 11:55 PM - Perseus the Rad: woo
  581. 11:55 PM - Perseus the Rad: gotta crank up the GM-brand Shitfucker 9000 to 11
  582. 11:56 PM - Perseus the Rad: then break the dial and crank it to the hastily stenciled in 12 spot which isn't manufacturer approved
  583. 11:56 PM - FP Digs Giant Robots: :V
  584. 11:57 PM - MeltingData: :v
  585. 11:57 PM - Perseus the Rad: So let's poll here. How do you guys want shit to get tougher? More enemies? More health? More random oddities that debuff you or something of the sort? All of the above?
  586. 11:58 PM - Perseus the Rad: I've got some plans for the next few games, so unless Ryan decides to fuck his new husbando instead of play with the demons, shit should be somewhat coherent
  587. 11:58 PM - Bishop: More enemies would be nice, toss some mooks in there a little bit more often.
  588. 11:58 PM - MeltingData: my vote goes for more random oddities
  589. 11:58 PM - MeltingData: i like my campaigns how i like my anime
  590. 11:59 PM - MeltingData: weird
  591. 11:59 PM - Perseus the Rad: pfft
  592. 11:59 PM - Bishop: also, I feel like we should get this train back onto it's rails finally, we can talk Meguca later :T
  593. Saturday, January 18, 2014
  594. 12:00 AM - Perseus the Rad: unless we're done here
  595. 12:00 AM - Perseus the Rad: since we're about to do kinda important stuff and still don't have Ced
  596. 12:00 AM - Perseus the Rad: ?
  597. 12:01 AM - Bishop: well, to be fair, he's only obligated to pop up on a Friday night from 8 till round 12, if he wanted to join us he could have by now. :T
  598. 12:01 AM - MeltingData: eyyyyy
  599. 12:02 AM - Bishop: I mean, I understand your point
  600. 12:02 AM - Perseus the Rad: Data are you implying you could replace Trog as our resident big red button pusher
  601. 12:02 AM - Bishop: but I'd rather not have to wait around for him forever
  602. 12:03 AM - MeltingData: no
  603. 12:03 AM - MeltingData: no i am not
  604. 12:03 AM - MeltingData: that was more of a generic agreement with smas
  605. 12:03 AM - MeltingData: also i feel like i should be saying eyyyy more
  606. 12:03 AM - Perseus the Rad: :v
  607. 12:03 AM - Bishop: no, only I'm allowed to say "ey" cuz I live like 50 miles away from Canada.
  608. 12:04 AM - Bishop: :T
  609. 12:05 AM - MeltingData: but im 10x as hellacious as you
  610. 12:05 AM - FP Digs Giant Robots: Someone archive this
  611. 12:06 AM - MeltingData: ie appy
  612. 12:06 AM - Perseus the Rad: die
  613. 12:06 AM - MeltingData: c:
  614. 12:06 AM - Perseus the Rad: fuckin scribing this shit all the time
  615. 12:06 AM - Perseus the Rad: i get no love
  616. 12:06 AM - Bishop: I just saved it
  617. 12:06 AM - Perseus the Rad: no
  618. 12:06 AM - Perseus the Rad: you did it wrong
  619. 12:07 AM - Bishop: T.T
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