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a guest
Apr 29th, 2016
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  1. Log: Log file open, 04/29/16 23:20:09
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  4. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  5. Init: Version: 9656
  6. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  7. Init: Compiled (32-bit): Apr 20 2016 11:02:06
  8. Init: Changelist: 1202061
  9. Init: Command line: ?Name=Placid.
  10. Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\America's Army\AAPG\Binaries\Win32\
  11. Init: AAGame Build Info OPEN BETA - CL 189473
  12. [0000.53] Init: Computer: MARK-PC
  13. [0000.53] Init: User: mark
  14. [0000.53] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2
  15. [0000.53] Init: High frequency timer resolution =3.092529 MHz
  16. [0000.53] Init: Memory total: Physical=3.0GB (3GB approx) Pagefile=6.0GB Virtual=3.0GB
  17. [0000.53] Init: Presizing for 33476 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  18. [0000.53] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  19. [0000.57] Log: CachePaths() took 0.03 Seconds
  20. [0000.57] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
  21. [0000.67] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
  22. [0000.67] Log: Adapter has 977MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 1279MB of shared system memory
  23. [0000.74] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
  24. [0000.77] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
  25. [0013.20] Log: 87885 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  26. [0013.20] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  27. [0013.20] Log: Initializing Engine...
  28. [0013.28] Log: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2015.1.4 Build 5497. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved.
  29. [0016.97] DevOnline: Created named interface (RecentPlayersList) of type (Engine.OnlineRecentPlayersList)
  30. [0017.19] Log: USING STEAM AAU INTERFACE
  31. [0017.19] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::DefaultChallengesRequest Entered.
  32. [0017.25] DevOnline: ASTARKEY:: UOnlinePlayerInterfaceAASteam::Login Login Completed. UNID[0x0110000101F2E70D]
  33. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: Steam ID's Loaded from AASteamUGCManager.ini:
  34. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::Init SteamUtils is valid. SteamAppId is: 203290
  35. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::Init Successfully acquired SteamUGC instance.
  36. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::QuerySubscribedUGCItemDetails Entered.
  37. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::QueryPublishedUGCItemDetails Entered.
  38. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: Successfully created QueryHandle[8] for items published by AccountId[32696077]
  39. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: Sent query for published items.
  40. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetNumSubscribedUGCItems 0
  41. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetSubscribedUGCItemIds Entered.
  42. [0017.25] SteamUGCManager: Num Items Requested: 0. Num Items Returned: 0
  43. [0017.27] Log: GFx Warning: FontConfig - unknown map font style 'Regular'
  44. [0017.27] Log: GFx Warning: FontConfig - unknown map font style 'BoldItalic'
  45. [0017.34] DevGFxUI: UGFxInteraction::Send - CALLBACK_ViewportResized
  46. [0017.64] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::OnPublishedFileDetailsResponse Result Success. Handle: 8
  47. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  48. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  49. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  50. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  51. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  52. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  53. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Class None.': Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  54. [0017.64] Warning: Warning, Failed to find object 'Class None.'
  55. [0017.79] Log: LoadMap: AAEntry?Name=Placid.?Team=255
  56. [0021.04] Log: Game class is 'AAGameMenu'
  57. [0021.08] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  58. [0021.08] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  59. [0021.08] Log: Bringing World aaentry.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2016.04.29-23.20.30
  60. [0021.08] ScriptLog: Init Game: ?Name=Placid.?Team=255
  61. [0021.08] Log: Updated Destroyable List: 0
  62. [0021.10] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetNumSubscribedUGCItems 0
  63. [0021.10] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetSubscribedUGCItemIds Entered.
  64. [0021.10] SteamUGCManager: Num Items Requested: 0. Num Items Returned: 0
  65. [0021.10] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.055032
  66. [0022.23] ScriptLog: AUTH DEBUG INFO: PostBeginPlay entered for AAU Server Player Profile Management Tools
  67. [0022.23] ScriptLog: ASTARKEY:: DisplayDebugVoiceFont SmallFont
  68. [0022.23] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::DefaultChallengesRequest Entered.
  69. [0022.24] Log: LocalPlayer 0 - Multiple UberPostProcessEffects present...
  70. [0022.49] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetNumSubscribedUGCItems 0
  71. [0022.49] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetSubscribedUGCItemIds Entered.
  72. [0022.49] SteamUGCManager: Num Items Requested: 0. Num Items Returned: 0
  73. [0022.49] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 4.701307 seconds
  74. [0022.49] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  75. [0025.36] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 25.36s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  76. [0025.37] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  77. [0025.38] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::DefaultChallengesResponse Entered
  78. [0025.38] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::DefaultChallengesResponse(200)
  79. [0025.39] DevOnline: UAAChallengeInfo::DefaultChallengesResponse Entered
  80. [0025.39] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::ChallengesUpdateRequest Entered.
  81. [0025.39] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::UnlocksUpdateRequest Entered.
  82. [0025.39] SteamUGCManager: FSteamUGCAsyncPublishedItemQueryResponse::ProcessAsyncCallback Entered
  83. [0025.39] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  84. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/configUI()
  85. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
  86. [0025.39] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  87. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/configUI()
  88. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
  89. [0025.39] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  90. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/configUI()
  91. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
  92. [0025.39] DevGFxUI: UGFxInteraction::Send - CALLBACK_ViewportResized
  93. [0025.39] ScriptLog: ViewportResized::AAHUD_Menu
  94. [0025.73] Log: PunkBuster Server: Changing (Vista) homepath to [C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\PG\pb\]
  95. [0025.74] Log: PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 519240 (0 to 999999)
  96. [0025.74] Log: PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_LogNext = 25 (1 to 999999)
  97. [0025.74] Log: PunkBuster Server: PB Log File C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\PG\pb\svlogs\00000025.log Opened for PG (w)
  98. [0025.75] Log: PunkBuster Server: 0 Power Players loaded from C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\PG\pb\pbpower.dat
  99. [0025.75] Log: PunkBuster Server: 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\PG\pb\pbrcon.dat
  100. [0025.75] Log: PunkBuster Server: 0 Map lines loaded from C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\PG\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg
  101. [0025.76] Log: PunkBuster Server: Attempting to resolve
  102. [0025.79] Log: PunkBuster Server: Resolved to []
  103. [0026.36] Log: PunkBuster Server: PunkBuster Server for PG (v1.892 | A1376 C2.312) Enabled
  104. [0026.37] Log: PunkBuster Client: Changing PunkBuster homepath to [C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\PG\pb\]
  105. [0026.40] Log: PunkBuster Client: Attempting to resolve
  106. [0026.41] Log: PunkBuster Client: Resolved to [] (14)
  107. [0026.42] Log: PunkBuster Client: PunkBuster Client (v2.341 | A0 w) Enabled
  108. [0026.42] ScriptLog: Checking command line options
  109. [0026.43] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::ChallengesUpdateResponse Entered.
  110. [0026.43] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::ChallengesUpdateResponse(200)
  111. [0026.43] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::UnlocksUpdateResponse Entered.
  112. [0026.43] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::UnlocksUpdateResponse(200)
  113. [0026.43] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  114. [0026.49] Log: PunkBuster Client: Game Version [189473]
  115. [0026.49] Log: PunkBuster Client: Not Connected to a Server
  116. [0026.69] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  117. [0026.94] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  118. [0027.19] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  119. [0027.44] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  120. [0027.69] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  121. [0027.95] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  122. [0028.20] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  123. [0028.46] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  124. [0028.71] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  125. [0029.60] Log: PunkBuster Client: PB Services socket initialized
  126. [0037.72] Log: PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB
  127. [0040.76] Log: PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
  128. [0050.39] Log: ChangeResolution: (1440.000000, 900.000000, 12, 19)
  129. [0054.20] Log: New Settings applied:
  130. bOnlyStreamInTextures: 0
  131. SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier: 1.000000
  132. [0100.85] Log: New Settings applied:
  133. bOnlyStreamInTextures: 0
  134. SceneCaptureStreamingMultiplier: 1.000000
  135. [0101.99] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  136. [0102.00] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  137. [0102.25] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  138. [0102.51] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  139. [0102.76] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  140. [0103.01] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  141. [0103.26] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  142. [0103.51] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  143. [0103.77] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  144. [0104.02] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  145. [0104.27] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  146. [0104.52] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  147. [0104.56] Log: [SERVER BROWSER] Requesting Server List
  148. [0110.05] Log: [SERVER BROWSER] Server List Request finished.
  149. [0110.05] Log: [SERVER BROWSER] Servers found: 350
  150. [0110.05] ScriptLog: Server List Query Complete: eAASDQR_SUCCESS
  151. [0113.98] ScriptLog: [SERVER BROWSER] connecting to inputted IP address:
  152. [0114.03] ScriptLog: Sending stats and unregistering: Placid.
  153. [0114.22] Log: LoadMap:
  154. [0114.24] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  155. [0115.57] ScriptLog: WARNING - Spectator only player leaving spectating state to go to None
  156. [0115.57] DevOnline: Clearing online delegates for AAPlayerController_0 (Player:AALocalPlayer_0)
  157. [0115.57] ScriptLog: Player controller logging out: AAPlayerController_0
  158. [0115.57] ScriptLog: Sending stats and unregistering: Placid.
  159. [0115.57] ScriptLog: AAPlayerController_0 Cleaning up PRI
  160. [0144.07] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
  161. [0144.07] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
  162. [0144.14] Log: Bringing World FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld up for play (90) at 2016.04.29-23.22.33
  163. [0144.19] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.135526
  164. [0144.19] ScriptLog: ASTARKEY:: DisplayDebugVoiceFont SmallFont
  165. [0144.19] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 29.969316 seconds
  166. [0144.26] ScriptLog: ASTARKEY:: DisplayDebugVoiceFont SmallFont
  167. [0144.26] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::ChallengesUpdateRequest Entered.
  168. [0144.26] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::UnlocksUpdateRequest Entered.
  169. [0144.26] DevOnline: Clearing online delegates for AAPlayerController_1 (Player:None)
  170. [0144.26] ScriptLog: Steam canceling ticket on termination from server, client object: None
  171. [0144.26] Log: WARNING: Steam AA4 authorization ticket did not cancel properly. Restart Steam.
  172. [0144.27] Log: LocalPlayer 0 - Multiple UberPostProcessEffects present...
  173. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAPRI'
  174. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  175. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseWeapon:015D
  176. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAGRI'
  177. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  178. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseAttachment:000E
  179. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  180. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  181. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseAttachment:019F
  182. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAGRI'
  183. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  184. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseAttachment:000E
  185. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  186. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  187. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseAttachment:019F
  188. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAPRI'
  189. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  190. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseWeapon:015D
  191. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAGRI'
  192. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  193. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseAttachment:000E
  194. [0144.30] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  195. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  196. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CanPlayerUseAttachment:019F
  197. [0144.49] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetNumSubscribedUGCItems 0
  198. [0144.49] SteamUGCManager: USteamUGCManager::GetSubscribedUGCItemIds Entered.
  199. [0144.49] SteamUGCManager: Num Items Requested: 0. Num Items Returned: 0
  200. [0144.51] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_318 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  201. [0144.54] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_318 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh
  202. [0144.54] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_3829 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  203. [0144.54] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_3829 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh
  204. [0144.54] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_635 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  205. [0144.54] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_635 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh
  206. [0144.58] ScriptLog: Script call stack:
  207. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:CheckIfUpdatingAdvertisements
  209. [0144.58] ScriptLog: (AAPlayerController_2) AAPlayerController::Spectating:CheckIfUpdatingAdvertisements Testing is server now!-2222222 GameInterface= None
  210. [0144.58] ScriptLog: (AAPlayerController_2) AAPlayerController::Spectating:CheckIfUpdatingAdvertisements Not server, not starting update loop
  211. [0144.79] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  212. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  213. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:UpdateRespawnUIChecks:0019
  214. [0144.79] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  215. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  216. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:UpdateRespawnUIChecks:0045
  217. [0144.79] ScriptLog: WaitForOwnerSetup() with pri: None and PC: AAPlayerController_2
  218. [0144.79] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  219. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  220. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:UpdateRespawnUIChecks:0019
  221. [0144.79] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  222. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  223. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:UpdateRespawnUIChecks:0019
  224. [0144.79] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'
  225. AAPlayerController FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAPlayerController_2
  226. Function AAGame.AAPlayerController:UpdateRespawnUIChecks:0019
  227. [0144.90] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_511 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  228. [0144.90] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_511 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh
  229. [0144.90] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_494 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  230. [0144.90] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_alley_01_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_494 Component: StaticMeshComponent_611 StaticMesh: ModKit_Res_LCL_02.Walls-F2-Dbl-Blank_NK_SMesh
  231. [0145.05] PerfWarning: hospital_const has 0 cross-level refs! took 8.850 ms to fixup refs! Couldn't match 0(-1.#J%)
  232. [0145.10] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_laundry_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_801 Component: StaticMeshComponent_8 StaticMesh: MetalDesk_01.Furniture_01_Desks_MetalDesk01_JC_Smesh) Cannot 3D-Scale rigid-body primitives (sphere, box, sphyl).
  233. [0145.10] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_laundry_nk.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_801 Component: StaticMeshComponent_8 StaticMesh: MetalDesk_01.Furniture_01_Desks_MetalDesk01_JC_Smesh
  234. [0145.18] Warning: GetBoneMatrix : BoneIndex(4) out of range of ParentBoneMap for SkeletalMeshComponent_1 (HeadWhite)
  235. [0145.18] Warning: GetBoneMatrix : BoneIndex(5) out of range of ParentBoneMap for SkeletalMeshComponent_1 (HeadWhite)
  236. [0145.18] Warning: GetBoneMatrix : BoneIndex(1) out of range of ParentBoneMap for SkeletalMeshComponent_1 (HeadWhite)
  237. [0145.18] Warning: GetBoneMatrix : BoneIndex(2) out of range of ParentBoneMap for SkeletalMeshComponent_1 (HeadWhite)
  238. [0145.18] Warning: GetBoneMatrix : BoneIndex(3) out of range of ParentBoneMap for SkeletalMeshComponent_1 (HeadWhite)
  239. [0145.38] Log: No Cached Brush Physics Data Found Or Out Of Date (Model_8) (Owner: BlockingVolume_10) - Cooking Now.
  240. [0145.47] DevPhysics: Error (1) in file ..\..\Cooking\src\ConvexMeshBuilder.cpp, line 77: Supplied NxConvexMeshDesc::checkValid() returned 1.
  241. [0145.69] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_interior_props.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_1760 Component: StaticMeshComponent_17 StaticMesh: Props_MailRoom.Mesh.Flyer_SM) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  242. [0145.69] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_interior_props.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_1760 Component: StaticMeshComponent_17 StaticMesh: Props_MailRoom.Mesh.Flyer_SM
  243. [0145.69] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_interior_props.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_3039 Component: StaticMeshComponent_20 StaticMesh: Props_MailRoom.Mesh.Magazine04_SM) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  244. [0145.69] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_interior_props.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_3039 Component: StaticMeshComponent_20 StaticMesh: Props_MailRoom.Mesh.Magazine04_SM
  245. [0145.69] Log: FKAggregateGeom::InstanceNovodexGeom: (Actor: hospital_interior_props.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_547 Component: StaticMeshComponent_17 StaticMesh: Props_MailRoom.Mesh.Flyer_SM) No geometries in FKAggregateGeom.
  246. [0145.69] Log: URB_BodyInstance::InitBody : Could not create new Shape: Actor: hospital_interior_props.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.StaticMeshActor_547 Component: StaticMeshComponent_17 StaticMesh: Props_MailRoom.Mesh.Flyer_SM
  247. [0145.75] Log: PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server
  248. [0146.37] ScriptLog: WaitForOwnerSetup() with pri: AAPlayerReplicationInfo_5 and PC: AAPlayerController_2
  249. [0146.53] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  250. AAWeap_M9Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M9Pistol_0
  251. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  252. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  253. AAWeap_M9Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M9Pistol_2
  254. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  255. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  256. AAWeap_M1911Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M1911Pistol_0
  257. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  258. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  259. AAWeap_M1911Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M1911Pistol_1
  260. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  261. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  262. AAWeap_M9Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M9Pistol_4
  263. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  264. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  265. AAWeap_M1911Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M1911Pistol_2
  266. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  267. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  268. AAWeap_M9Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M9Pistol_6
  269. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  270. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  271. AAWeap_CZ2Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_CZ2Pistol_0
  272. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  273. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  274. AAWeap_CZ2Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_CZ2Pistol_1
  275. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  276. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  277. AAWeap_CZ2Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_CZ2Pistol_2
  278. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  279. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  280. AAWeap_CZ2Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_CZ2Pistol_3
  281. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  282. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  283. AAWeap_CZ2Pistol FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_CZ2Pistol_4
  284. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  285. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  286. AAWeap_Gauze FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_Gauze_0
  287. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  288. [0146.54] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'AAController'
  289. AAWeap_M24Sniper FLO_InnerHospital_EX.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.AAWeap_M24Sniper_1
  290. Function AAGame.AAWeapon:ClientWeaponSet:01D5
  291. [0146.88] DevGFxUI: 24
  293. [0146.94] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  294. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/configUI()
  295. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
  296. [0146.94] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  297. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/configUI()
  298. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
  299. [0146.94] DevGFxUI: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
  300. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/configUI()
  301. at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
  302. [0147.02] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::ChallengesUpdateResponse Entered.
  303. [0147.02] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::ChallengesUpdateResponse(200)
  304. [0147.02] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::UnlocksUpdateResponse Entered.
  305. [0147.02] DevOnline: UOnlineAAUInterfaceImpl::UnlocksUpdateResponse(200)
  306. [0147.13] ScriptLog: WARNING - Spectator only player leaving spectating state to go to AuthorizePlayer
  307. [0147.53] Log: Updated Destroyable List: 172
  308. [0147.79] ScriptLog: AUTH DEBUG INFO: PostBeginPlay entered for AAU Server Player Profile Management Tools
  309. [0147.79] ScriptLog: AUTH DEBUG INFO: Setting PRI and owner for Server AAU Profile Access to AAPlayerReplicationInfo_5 and aapc AAPlayerController_2
  310. [0147.79] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "soldierName"
  311. [0147.79] ScriptLog: Active soldier name "Placid."
  312. [0147.79] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "aauId"
  313. [0147.79] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "authKey"
  314. [0147.87] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "userSessionToken"
  315. [0148.34] Log: PunkBuster Client: WARNING: PB Kicks for Name Spamming and Name Stealing and Non-standard Characters and Level 2 PB Restrictions on this Server
  316. [0148.34] Log: PunkBuster Client: PB Server assigned guid = 00000000000000076561197992961805
  317. [0148.34] Log: PunkBuster Client: Receiving from PB Server (w v1.892 | A1376 C2.341)
  318. [0148.35] Log: PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server
  319. [0149.56] DevOnline: Profile Refresh Finished
  320. [0149.56] Log: AAAUClientPlayerProfileManagement::PlayerProfileQueryString looking for field "userSessionToken"
  321. [0160.88] Critical: appError called: Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk.
  322. [0160.88] Critical: Windows GetLastError: Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden. (2)
  323. [0189.39] Log: === Critical error: ===
  324. Ran out of virtual memory. To prevent this condition, you must free up more space on your primary hard disk.
  326. Address = 0x75b6812f (filename not found)
  327. Address = 0x56b9c972 (filename not found)
  328. Address = 0x56cf53df (filename not found)
  329. Address = 0x56e09909 (filename not found)
  330. Address = 0x53919ffd (filename not found)
  331. Address = 0x53919aef (filename not found)
  332. Address = 0x53912d54 (filename not found)
  333. Address = 0x539129bf (filename not found)
  334. Address = 0x53912683 (filename not found)
  335. Address = 0x539120ec (filename not found)
  336. Address = 0x5394cbc1 (filename not found)
  337. Address = 0x56ad3de2 (filename not found)
  338. Address = 0x56ae3315 (filename not found)
  339. Address = 0x56aea6b9 (filename not found)
  340. Address = 0x56c68cba (filename not found)
  341. Address = 0x56c68c34 (filename not found)
  342. Address = 0x5394ca8e (filename not found)
  343. Address = 0x5394c99c (filename not found)
  344. Address = 0x5394cd8b (filename not found)
  345. Address = 0x56ad3de2 (filename not found)
  346. Address = 0x56ae3315 (filename not found)
  347. Address = 0x56ae6cdf (filename not found)
  348. Address = 0x56b817c2 (filename not found)
  349. Address = 0x56b81884 (filename not found)
  350. Address = 0x53958f2d (filename not found)
  351. Address = 0x5394b493 (filename not found)
  352. Address = 0x53948b00 (filename not found)
  353. Address = 0x53948aaa (filename not found)
  354. Address = 0x60515bd (filename not found)
  355. Address = 0x28b244a (filename not found)
  356. Address = 0x33a9d35 (filename not found)
  357. Address = 0x6d9dcd6 (filename not found)
  358. Address = 0x56ad3de2 (filename not found)
  359. Address = 0x56ae3315 (filename not found)
  360. Address = 0x56ae6cdf (filename not found)
  361. Address = 0x56beb9b6 (filename not found)
  362. Address = 0x56b80630 (filename not found)
  363. Address = 0x56bdd182 (filename not found)
  364. Address = 0x56bdd225 (filename not found)
  365. Address = 0x56bdcb88 (filename not found)
  366. Address = 0x56bdefbf (filename not found)
  367. Address = 0x656ef4f3 (filename not found)
  368. Address = 0x65a57f16 (filename not found)
  369. Address = 0x65a54de3 (filename not found)
  370. Address = 0x77ac3a03 (filename not found)
  371. Address = 0x77ac39d6 (filename not found)
  372. Address = 0x77ac39d6 (filename not found)
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