
Handyman in Equestria CH 7

Jul 28th, 2013
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  1. >Luna trots to your side as the two of you make your way out of the garden and into the city streets.
  2. >It was a bit of a walk to the amphitheater, but at least you had some interesting company.
  3. >Once again, you take in the charm of the night sky.
  4. >The moon is exceptionally beautiful tonight, large and bright.
  5. “You do good work, Luna.”
  6. >Your gaze is fixed at the sky. She looks to the moon and blushes at the compliment.
  7. >”Thank you, Anon. I take a great deal of pride in my night. Only right it fit such an occasion.”
  8. >She must have been more stoked for the concert than you thought.
  9. “Well, it'll go well with the concert, for sure.”
  10. >”Right... The concert. I've been excited, to say the least.”
  11. >Seems the blush is getting a little more noticeable.
  12. “Yeah. Me, too. Let's just try to avoid any more meteor showers though, alright?”
  13. >A sly wink is sent her way, but goes unnoticed as Luna winces at the comment.
  14. >The pace slows for a second.
  15. >”About that, Anon...”
  16. >...Did you just goof?
  17. >”I wanted to apologize for my conduct the other night. It's not like me to be so cavalier with somep0ny.”
  18. >You cock an eyebrow at this development, recalling the light gags she pulled on you in the garden when you met her.
  19. >”It's not often I get company during my normal duties. I may have been... a bit enthusiastic...”
  20. >That's putting it mildly, darlin'.
  21. “No worries, Luna. Work had been getting to me, too. It's all good.”
  22. >You plop a hand on the back of her neck briefly, sensing a slight jerk from your date.
  23. >She soon relaxes, returning to her original pace.
  24. >Her face starts to glow with a wide smile, her eyes large and directed right at you.
  25. >”Thank you, Anon.”
  26. >Man this mare was something. She definitely had something to her these other ponies didn't.
  27. >Still, best not to get ahead of yourself. It was just a concert after all.
  28. >By now, the two of you have reached the city circle.
  29. >You were making great time. At this rate, you would get to the amphitheater with plenty of time to spare.
  30. >A detour wouldn't be uncalled for.
  31. “Hey, Luna. Wanna stop somewhere for a drink? We got plenty of time before the show starts.”
  32. >Luna looks up to you quizzically before a slight grin appears.
  33. >”I'd like that, Anon. What did you have in mind?”
  34. “I know this tavern close by. Let's grab a quick drink until it gets closer to show time.”
  35. >”Lead the way, Anon.”
  37. >It takes no time at all before the two of you are in front of Barley's tavern.
  38. >You open the door and wave Luna in, like the gentleman you were, following in tow.
  39. >Seems the place is a little slower than usual. Probably because of the show.
  40. >Barley takes quick notice of his high profile customer, taking on a shocked expression.
  41. >”G-good evening your Highness. Welcome. Is there anything I can...”
  42. >Seems he finally notices you, too. You'd be hurt if you weren't walking in with royalty.
  43. “Luna, this is Barley. Best bartender in the city.”
  44. >Barley's gaze is now one of absolute shock. He darts back and forth between the two of you as you take your seats at the bar.
  45. >”It's nice to meet you, Mr. Barley.”
  46. >”L-likewise...”
  47. “So how's things?”
  48. >It takes a second before he calms down enough to respond.
  49. >”Fine... Uhh. What can I get you?”
  50. “I'll take a mug of cider.”
  51. >”Do you have a wine list?”
  52. >Barley ducks under the counter for a second before producing a modest list of reds and whites.
  53. >Luna ponders over the menu before a spark comes to her eye.
  54. >”May I have a a glass of the Chateaus Warmblood, please?”
  55. >You double take. Did this mare just order the most expensive wine in the tavern on you?
  56. >Good job taking those extra bits, you suppose.
  57. >”Of course. Right away, your majesty.”
  58. >Barley scampers off to fill the order. Luna turns her attention back to you.
  59. >”Please excuse me, Anon. I need to use the little filly's room.
  60. >Luna hops from the chair and makes her way to the back of the tavern, drawing the attention of every pony in the joint.
  61. >Once she's inside, dozens of eyeballs shift over to you.
  62. >Maybe you hadn't thought this out all the way...
  63. >Barley is back almost immediately, sliding a mug your way and placing the wine glass in front of Luna's chair.
  64. >”Uhh... Anon?”
  65. “Restroom.”
  66. >”That's not what I'm talking about.
  67. >Of course, you knew that, but you really weren't looking forward to the third degree.
  68. >”What are you doing bringing Princess Luna into my tavern?”
  69. >You look at him with an eyebrow raised, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it on the nearby lamp.
  70. “What's the problem? We're just grabbing a drink before that concert tonight.”
  71. >Barley's jaw almost hits the counter top.
  72. >”You're going on a date with Princess Luna?”
  73. “Not so loud, asshole!”
  74. >You case the tavern, trying to gauge how many ponies heard Barley's outburst.
  75. >”Starswirl's beard, Anon. How the hell did you manage this?”
  76. “Carefully, so stop spazzing on me, will ya?”
  77. >Barley absorbs the situation as a shit eating grin comes across his face.
  78. >”Glad to see you're starting to listen to me, kid.”
  79. “Fuck you Barley”
  80. >You take a hearty swill, shaking off the comment.
  81. >Luna reemerges from the restroom and rejoins you at the bar.
  82. >”Please excuse me for making you wait.”
  83. “Not at all. Drink up.”
  84. >The two of you smile warmly as you raise your glasses for a quick toast. You notice Barley down the bar, still giving you that fucking grin...
  85. >'I swear to god, Barley...'
  86. >You take a long drag from your cigarette in attempts to unrustle your jimmies.
  87. >”I wasn't aware you smoked, Anon.”
  88. >The comment jostles you a little.
  89. “Oh, my bad. Old habits.”
  90. >You motion to put the cigarette out.
  91. >”It's not an issue, Anon. I was simply making an observation.
  92. >Pausing, you look back to Luna with a raised eyebrow.
  93. >She takes another light sip, her large blue eyes staying stuck to you.
  94. >They really were beautiful.
  95. “Yeah... Well the coffee in Equestria has never been to my liking, so these keep me going most of the time.”
  96. >”Ah, I see. I've never been a fan of coffee, myself. It tends to keep me up into the daylight hours.”
  97. >The irony of the comment is not lost on you, as you smile in response.
  98. ”So what's your drink of choice.”
  99. >”I prefer wine above most options. I find it compliments a quiet night quite well.”
  100. >Well well well. Seems Luna is a bit of a lush. You wonder if she was a little better at holding hers than Dash.
  101. >”And what of yourself, Anon.”
  102. “I prefer whiskey. Keeps me warm.”
  103. >”Eugh...”
  104. >You pause, looking at Luna with a puzzled look.
  105. “Not a fan?”
  106. >Luna winces a little.
  107. >”It brings back... unfortunate memories from fillyhood.
  108. >A wry smile comes across your face.
  109. “Care to explain?”
  110. >”Not a chance, Anonymous.”
  111. “You're no fun...”
  112. >She chuckles as she blushes slightly.
  113. >”Let's just say I'll be sticking to wine.”
  114. >She takes another sip.
  115. “Fair enough.”
  116. >You take a glance at the clock. Seems like it was getting to be around that time.
  117. “Hey, we better get moving. You ready?”
  118. >She nods before finishing her glass.
  119. >You take the mug and finish the contents, waving Barley over for the check.
  120. >”Please feel free to charge the castle, Mr. Barley.”
  121. >Oh, fuck that. Not on your watch.”
  122. “I got it Luna.”
  123. >She turns to your with a surprised look.
  124. >”Anon, you don't have to...”
  125. “The lady never pays. I got it. What do I owe you, Barley.”
  126. >Barley smiles cheerily.
  127. >”On the house, kid. It was a pleasure serving you, Highness.”
  128. “You sure?”
  129. >Barley shoots you a wink.
  130. >This fucking guy... You love this guy!
  131. >“You two enjoy your evening. Feel free to stop in any time.”
  132. >”Thank you, Mr. Barley. I will be sure to do so. Shall we be off, Anon?”
  133. “Sure. Thanks again, Barley.”
  134. >Barley waves a hoof in the air as the two of you take your leave.
  135. >The night air meets your face as you direct Luna back to the amphitheater.
  136. >”That was lovely, Anon. Thank you for the suggestion. It's not often I get to frequent such an establishment.”
  137. “No problem. Let me know if you ever feel like stopping in.”
  138. >”Very well.”
  139. >She smiles heartily before blushing again.
  140. >”And... Please don't hesitate to come to the castle if you wish to sample our stock. We have an impressive selection.
  141. >Getting hammered with Luna? She's really twisting your arm.
  142. “That sounds good. I can't wait to hear more of these stories from when you were younger.”
  143. >She blushes a little harder, trotting closely next to you.
  144. >You feel her brush up against you occasionally as the two of you continue towards the amphitheater.
  145. >Surely she wasn't tipsy already...
  146. “You feeling alright, Luna?”
  147. >She looks up to you smiling widely.
  148. >”Of course, Anon.”
  149. >Huh...
  151. >After a brief walk, you finally arrive at the amphitheater.
  152. >There was a pretty decent crowd to see Lyra play. Seems she's gotten quite the following from her days of playing the taverns in Canterlot.
  153. >You find some open seats toward the top of the amphitheater. The view is really something to behold.
  154. >The moon is placed directly behind the stage, almost like a backdrop.
  155. “Damn, Luna... You don't fuck around, do you.”
  156. >She giggles, taking a seat close to you on the bench seating.
  157. >”Thank you for the compliment, Anonymous.”
  158. >After a brief period, you notice Lura taking the stage.
  159. >Ponies stomp their hooves an shout in anticipation for the music to start. Luna takes on a grin, marking her own enthusiasm.
  160. >You pick yourself up from the seat, drawing Luna's attention.
  161. >Placing two fingers in your mouth, you blow out a deafening whistle.
  162. >Seems it did the trick. Lyra takes notice of you in the stands, her tell tale playful smile beaming.
  163. >You sit back down, happy in the knowledge that Bon Bon wouldn't have anything to harp on you for a while.
  164. >Luna is looking at you with a certain look of surprise. A few of the ponies around you do as well.
  165. >You bring your hand to your front, wiggling your fingers.
  166. “Human thing.”
  167. >She chortles at you, turning her attention back to the stage.
  168. >Lyra prepares herself and her instrument as the theater grows quiet.
  169. >With an enthusiastic strum, she begins to play.
  170. >Seems she's leading off with that son she played at your workshop.
  171. >She's playing it well, too.
  172. >If anything, she's playing it even better than she did before. She's been practicing hard, it seems.
  173. >The song rings with a playful bounce, as ponies start to clop their hooves together to the rhythm.
  174. >You and Luna join along.
  175. >Occasionally, the two of you shoot glances at each other, gaze meeting from time to time.
  176. >Luna was really having a good time, her mood becoming more and more infectious as the song goes on.
  177. >By now, Lyra has the crowd in the palm of her... hoof... however that phrase goes.
  178. >After some time, she finishes the song with a flamboyant strum, causing the amphitheater to erupt in a ruckus.
  179. >You and Luna clap and clop respectively.
  180. >”She's amazing.”
  181. “Right?”
  182. >”You said you knew her, right? Would you mind introducing me afterwards?”
  183. “For sure. Lyra will be stoked you came.”
  184. >”Wonderful!”
  185. >The crowd settles as Lyra starts the rest of her set.
  186. >The rest of the performance is just as incredible as the beginning. Each song carrying Lyra's carefree spirit.
  187. >After a couple songs, however, something catches your attention.
  188. >Your side has a warmth to it that the other didn't.
  189. >Out of the corner of your eye, you notice that Luna seems to be leaning on you.
  190. >Her attention remains on Lyra's performance, smiling a nodding to the rhythm.
  191. >You sit there, almost motionless for a moment, taking in the situation.
  192. >...
  193. >Welp, no going back now.
  194. >You move your arm around Luna's back, havering your hand over Luna's shoulder for a moment.
  195. >As it makes it's landing, you feel Luna fidget slightly, looking at you with a slight look of shock.
  196. >After a brief pause, she smiles weakly, blushing heavily.
  197. >She turns her attention back to the stage, resting her head against your shoulder.
  198. >Achievement Unlocked.
  199. >A serious feeling of joy washes over you. Seems Barley knew what he was talking about, after all.
  200. >Still, you're not sure if Luna was open to the idea of taking this anywhere...
  201. >Fuck it. It's a conversation for another day.
  202. >For now, it's just you and Luna listening to one hell of a performance.
  203. >That's plenty.
  205. >Eventually, Lyra finishes her final song, standing and bowing to an extremely grateful audience.
  206. >Seems she knocked this one out of the park.
  207. >Luna, now out of your arm, begins clopping intensely.
  208. >You join her in applause as the crowd stands.
  209. >Lyra takes a final bow before skipping off the stage.
  210. >”That was incredible!”
  211. “You aint kidding! She's gotten a lot better.”
  212. >The applause continues for some time before eventually settling down.
  213. >Ponies start to file out of the amphitheater, comments of accolades are heard left, right and center.
  214. >You and Luna start to rise from your seats as well.
  215. >As you start to make your way for the stairs, Luna places a hoof on your hand.
  216. >”Anon?”
  217. >She's looking at you with a sort of nervous smile.
  218. >”Thank you... I... had a lovely time.”
  219. >Fucking adorable...
  220. >You tussle her mane a little.
  221. “Glad you could make it.”
  222. >She giggles at the display.
  223. >”So, will you be able to introduce me?”
  224. “As unnecessary as an introduction would be for someone like you, I can definitely do so.”
  225. >She trots to your side as the two of you make your way down.
  226. >The two of you head for the back of the stage, a few ponies are helping break down the equipment.
  227. >You notice Lyra, apparently taking a few compliments on her performance from some ponies from the audience.
  228. >Once they leave, you call out to Lyra.
  229. >”Hey Lyra! Hell of a show!”
  230. >Lyra turns in an instant, her big, golden eyes beam at the site of you.
  231. >She trots over to you with an enthusiastic bounce.
  232. >”Thanks, Anon! It's great that you could make it!”
  233. “Wouldn't have missed it. Hey, Lyra. This is Luna. She saw the show and wanted to meet you.”
  234. >”It was an extremely impressive performance. I thoroughly enjoyed it, Ms. Lyra.”
  235. >Lyra takes on a shocked expression, bowing immediately.
  236. >”Th-thank you, Highness. I'm glad you enjoyed the show.”
  237. >”No need to stand on formalities. If anything, I should be thanking you for your music.”
  238. >”Thanks...”
  239. >She picks her head back up, blushing intensely. She was obviously proud.
  240. “So is Bon Bon around?”
  241. >”She left already. She came by as soon as the show was over to say 'hi', but had to get back home.”
  242. “She knows I came, right?”
  243. >She grins.
  244. >”Yeah. You're good.”
  245. >Nice.
  246. >”She said she was looking for you earlier before the show started. Where were you, anyway?”
  247. “Yeah... me and Luna decided to stop for a quick drink before the show got started.”
  248. >Lyra's smile vanishes almost instantly.”
  249. >”You two came together?”
  250. >Luna chimes in quickly.
  251. >”Indeed. Anonymous was kind enough to invite me to your performance the other day.”
  252. “So hey, if you're free, do you want to stop by Barley's for a quick drink before we call it a night?”
  253. >”I would love to ask you about how you started your music career.”
  254. >Lyra begins to take on a sullen expression, her eyes tearing only slightly.
  255. >”Ugh... Sorry... I. I can't. I... gotta go do something.”
  256. >She turns from the two of you, making a hasty retreat.
  257. >The two of you stand there, a little surprised at this turn of events.
  258. >What the hell was that about?
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