

Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. [b]WWF Title - Hardcore Rules
  2. [url=""]Cactus Jack (c)[/url] vs [url=""]Steve Austin[/url][/b]
  4. As the bell rung, both men came out swinging, with both Jack and Austin landing several elbows into each others' skulls. Austin got the upper hand after reversing an elbow attempt into a neckbreaker, and tried to set up Jack for a Thesz press, only to find air as Jack stopped himself at the ropes. Cactus then hit the staggered Austin with a clothesline, set up an Irish whip of his own, and barreled into Austin with a big Cactus Clothesline that dumped both participants to the floor. Outside, Jack dragged Austin to the announce table and started clearing it off, throwing the monitors to the ground as JR, Gene, and DiBiase scurried to safety. However, Austin was able to grab a monitor, and put it to use, broadsiding Cactus across the head and sending him to the ground!
  6. Austin took his sweet time searching for a weapon under the ring, and eventually came out with a garbage can. Stone Cold twirled the can around a few times before slamming it right into the back of the still-downed Cactus Jack, leaving a sizable dent in the can. He went for another can shot, but as he raised the can up, Cactus tripped him, sending him to the floor and his face into the can! As Austin tried to recover, Cactus got to his feet and looked for a weapon of his own, eventually finding a microphone cord. Cactus wrapped the cord tight around Austin's neck, cackling with glee as he did so. Austin was just barely able to stay conscious, and Cactus kept yanking on the cord, eventually pulling the both of them over the guardrail! Austin used the fall to slip out of the cord before making a beeline up the stairs with Cactus close behind. The two continued to brawl through the crowd, and at one point Austin commandeered the beverages of two fans in attendance, bashed them together, and poured them all over Cactus. Once the two got to the top of the stairs, Austin stopped Foley in his tracks with a series of body blows, before whipping him into the guardrails at the end of the deck. Austin tried to throw Cactus over the top, but Cactus held his ground, and Austin switched strategies, knocking Cactus' head into the railing before dragging him back to the stairs and tossing him down! Austin slid down the banister as Cactus' body clattered to the bottom, and made the cover.
  8. 1...2, Cactus kicked out, and pushed Austin off him before clambering to his feet and making his way back to the ring, with Austin close behind. Austin hit a Big Boot over the guardrail, sending Foley onto the entrance ramp, and continued on the offensive, stomping a mudhole into Foley's upper body on the ramp before going for yet another cover.
  10. 1...2, Cactus kicked out again, but Austin didn't give him a chance to get away, dragging him up the ramp, and ramming his head into the barricades, set pieces, and various other rammable objects, before setting him up at the edge of the ramp and trying to throw him into a bank of A/V equipment. Cactus kept his footing, and hit a few choice elbows into Austin's skull before whipping Stone Cold right into one of the entryway columns! Cactus kept on the offensive, dragging Stone Cold into the backstage area, as the two battered each other with chairs, trash cans, posters, a cardboard standee of Vince McMahon flexing, and Austin even tried to choke Cactus out with a Kazuya Okada Rainmaker Towel, available now from, but Cactus used Stone Cold's weight against him, tossing him right through the craft services table! Cactus, by now bleeding a little bit from the forehead, grinned and grabbed Austin, dragging him back out to the arena, this time taking him to the area next to the ramp and setting him up for a piledriver on the floor! Austin tried to block it, but just couldn't manage, and Cactus spiked him right into the ground! Cactus almost went for a pin, but turned to the camera, shook his finger, and pointed to the balcony to a huge pop. Cactus basked in the applause for a brief moment before setting Austin up on a table, CLIMBING UP THE AUDIO EQUIPMENT, MAKING HIS WAY TO THE UPPER BALCONY, AND HITTING A STUNNING CACTUS ELBOW FROM 15 FEET UP RIGHT INTO AUSTIN AND THE TABLE! Both men were just gone for a good minute as the crowd went wild, chanting HE'S HARDCORE, HOLY SHIT, and THIS IS AWESOME as Cactus, still bleary, crawled onto Austin for the cover.
  12. 1...2...2.999, AUSTIN GOT THE SHOULDER UP, AND THE CROWD WENT WILD! THEY COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! THE COMMENTATORS COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I'M PRETTY SURE CACTUS JACK WAS TOO ZONKED OUT TO BELIEVE IT! Austin and Foley staggered to their feet, the crowd still in awe, with Austin making it to his feet first. JR noted that while Austin did take a lot of damage, he's not the one who fell 15 feet through a table: "As a pro wrestler, you learn a lot along the way. You learn how to take a punch, you learn how to fight through pain, you learn how to get knocked down and get back up, but I can't see how you can learn to fall from a 15 foot balcony!" Austin proceeded to drag Cactus back to ringside before whipping him right into those unforgiving steel steps and going for the mic cord, wrapping it around Cactus' neck just like Cactus wrapped it around his. However, Cactus was still cognizant enough to get a hand around the wire before it got completely taut, and he whipped Austin over his back right into the ringpost! Cactus staggered off to find a chair, and when Austin recovered, he did the same. Austin found one first, and rolled into the ring just as Cactus got his chair. The two faced off for a moment, staring each other down, circling, trying to figure out how to get the upper hand. They started swinging the chairs, but each time, they clattered into each other, doing no damage to either man. Frustrated, both men threw the chairs aside, and went back to hard elbows. Cactus got the upper hand after a hard roaring elbow sent Austin clattering onto the ropes, and Cactus played to the crowd before hitting the ropes and driving the both of them to the floor with the Cactus Clothesline! Cactus got back to his feet first, picked up a discarded chair, and DROVE THE CHAIR RIGHT INTO AUSTIN'S ALREADY BLOODIED HEAD! Austin was just about unconscious at this point, and Cactus limped up the ring steps, shot finger guns to the crowd, and began the running(really, fast walking) start for a Cactus Elbow, but Austin, in a last ditch burst of adrenaline, GOT ONTO THE APRON, GRABBED CACTUS MID-RUN, KICKED HIM IN THE GUT, AND EXECUTED A STONE COLD STUNNER TO THE ARENA FLOOR! Cactus flopped to the ground and Austin draped his arm over for the cover, punctuating each count with a middle finger to the camera.
  14. [b]1...2...3. Stone Cold Steve Austin is the new WWF Champion, solidifying a clean sweep for the Power Trip.[/b]
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