
Ferguson TRUTH (with links)

Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. Mourn for this injustice and fight for what’s right, but don’t make this about yourself. This is not about you. What is happening is justified considering months of protest have happened before this to prevent this. "A riot is the language of the unheard." said by Martin Luther King himself. The KKK shouldn't be returning, neo-nazis shouldn't be relevant anymore and in general white supremacy should not be active. There is too much hypocrisy in terms of racial balance within the USA, too many examples. Such as when some kids who happen to be white can even carry guns with them without being shot while some black kids with transparent toy guns will be shot. Do what you must to end white privilege within your personal life as it only causes more problems. Too many today actively think innocent black people should die and would be glad to kill them.
  2. Never say “not ALL of us white people are racist”, all white people benefit from institutionalized racism in one way or another. While you yourself may not be racist (but I doubt that if you would ever take time to defend white people in a world where all white supremacy is all negative) you benefit from a system that lets white people walk free for killing a black person for just about any reason even with all charges and flaws presented and get supported by the KKK (among other White Nationalist groups) and media while in the aftermath. Again repeating on what I've said a million times before, do not make this about white people, every racial issue is mainly based on those who aren't white for obvious reasons due to a unbalanced social construct.
  3. To ignore the humanity of a situation because you are skeptical if someone was a thug or not is down right unconscionable, especially with the added fact that tears have been shed for them and elements just don't add up when in comparison to other cases.
  4. And to derail a discussion surrounding protests by pointing out vandalism while ignoring all of the times many people have celebrated destruction as an act of bravery with all the possible less reasons is extremely hypocritical and shows that you are looking at it from a different perspective. I could add that Black people were harassed for 4 months during the Ferguson protests by heavy equipped police, and it took 4 months for 1 single riot to outbreak because of the death of someone. Do you know how much time it took for white people to outbreak? A single sports game result day. Those are just some double standards there for you.
  5. Racial tensions have existed and not gone away for centuries. I'm not stirring anything. What What i'm doing is the complete opposite of not being ignorant to the way perpetrators and alleged perpetrators are treated in this country. And like MANY things, race is a factor. Black people shouldn't be commented on like they're lesser like that because of biased excuses, black people shouldn't be ignored for neutrality when there are issues to be solved, black people should not be taught to assume the position, black people should not fear walking at night to buy a candy bar or a simply SWISHER, black people should not be treated like second class citizens.
  7. The facts you hear that are pro-Darren Wilson are planned lies. Darren Wilson’s injuries are more likely either self-inflicted (cheek), shaving (chin/back of the head), or rosacea/other erythema (back of the head). Not a single real bruise has been found on Darren Wilson's body. That and it has been proved many times that the police were lying about the location, the location that Mike Brown was killed 148 ft. away from Darren Wilson's SUV. And of course that the position of all 6 gunshots seem to have been calculated to a crisp to see a completely different scenario that isn't being told as researched by Forensic Pathologist Cyril Wecht where a distance within combat has been used and Michael Brown is fearing for his life. The video footage is disputable and the time stamps on the video don`t sync up with the stories that are presented. The cigarettes he allegedly stole were paid for and there`s proof of it existing. And even if Mike Brown would had done some petty shoplifting, there`s no reason for him to shot six times in the middle of the street. Again, quite a double standard when it comes to when white people do it. Darren Wilson also has a confirmed history of past failed cases where he shows signs of racism and is most notably known for neglecting the usage of tazers and being violent on camera. Darren Wilson was not a safe candidate to work for the police as everything he did was wrong and on top of that Darren Wilson might even be affiliated with the KKK as everywhere he goes a lot of links related to the fascist groups are relevant in being pro-Darren Wilson. Darren Wilson is 6’4” and 215lbs (needs source), in a vehicle with a loaded weapon. Mike Brown was an unarmed teenager walking down the street. And in general the entire case is illegal no matter how you look at it. It could also be said that McCullough, A grand jury witness for Darren Wilson appeared to be a self-admited racist and the president of an organization that raised 432,000 dollars for Darren Wilson is also the attorney prosecuting him. Why should I trust any "Evidence" or "facts" they presented by them when it seems everything is too connected by racist acts? In the meanwhile Darren Wilson just got 400,000 dollars for a interview where he said he was glad he killed Mike Brown and would shoot him again while the world burns showing he is a incosiderate monster.If you still pursue to say otherwise even though this investigation has happened to it's fullest, then you are simply trying to glorify the death of someone and you are not to be trusted with that desensitized attitude.
  9. Do not trust desensitized people who have no sympathy. Everything in this world is so important, those without sympathy or emotion are machines, machines without love, machines without passion or anger, machines without ambition or fury, machines that only hate and can only defend what is neutral to them, machines that are blind to see the issues and connect with people. The only thing you should do with a machine is repair them. It's weird how widespread white supremacy is. I guess you expect it with corrupt government officials and agencies and whatever but the sheer amount of everyday people who are outspoken in defense of literal child murderers is just too much to handle. It all makes sense and everything but actually witnessing it is still wild. It really feels like the majority of the people in this world are psychopaths beyond repair.
  11. "Do you think it's that simple?"
  12. Well that's an ironic thing to say, do you believe a man shooting 6 bullets because someone stole something minimal from a supermarket and a innocent kid wrestled him while being fired while Darren Wilson himself said he appeared like a hulk but Darren Wilson was bigger than him? And no, it's not that simple, there's a lot of stuff pre-dating the murder of Michael Brown and a lot of statistics showing the state of Ferguson as it is and how racism is common there. You can look up many sources of this while at Google if you are that skeptical showcasing how much of the "evidence" you see is very controlled by those who want to make the population ignorant. We must dismantle this corrupt system.
  13. What can you do? At the very baseline, spread information. Become your own news outlet. Share information, information is our weapon. Spread solidarity. Show support and if you’re not black, remember to step back when appropriate. Donate to funds supporting protestors. do not talk about anything else tonight. Support ferguson, fully, without reservations. That is what you can do. There are also many donation services for those who are starving because the heavy armed police have cancenled many days of school which also means many days of no recesss food for those who are poor.
  15. Sources, you could look up for more that defend Ferguson here are just some basics:
  17. Eye witnesses:
  23. Surveleince video:
  27. Darren Wilson:
  31. - Forensic Pathologist Cyril Wecht SHUTS DOWN All Nonsense in Michael Brown Case
  32. - "like it was making him mad that I’m shooting him" A boy who was scared and in pain and pleading for his life has been transformed to some impervious monster that can’t even be contained by bullets. That’s racist white imagination for you.
  40. Michael Brown:
  43. Jury:
  49. People get charged w/ manslaughter when someone dies in a car accident
  51. Justification for "Fighting violence with Violence":
  52. , A link to an entire Martin Luther King Speech related to the situation.
  54. Some emotional videos:
  55. - Steve Harvey's emotional chat with Michael Brown's mom
  57. Misc:
  62. KKK And White Nationalism In Action:
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