

Aug 16th, 2023
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  111. \begin{document}
  113. \begin{center}
  114. {\Huge \scshape Sofiia Klokova} \\ \vspace{1pt}
  115. \small
  116. %\raisebox{-0.1\height}
  117. $\triangleright$\ +66 00 000 00 00 ~
  118. \href{}{$\triangleright$\} ~
  119. \href{}{$\triangleright$\ whatsapp: +7 921 000 00 00} ~
  120. \href{}{$\triangleright$\ linkedin: klokova}
  121. %\href{}{$\triangleright$\ tg: klokovasm}
  122. \vspace{-8pt}
  124. \end{center}
  127. % -----------Summary-----------
  128. %\section{Objective}
  129. % \small{Enter your objective here}
  130. %\vspace{-12pt}
  131. % adjust vscape based on the space you want to leave between each section.
  136. %-----------Technical Skilss-----------
  137. %\section{Technical Skills}
  138. % \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.1in, label={}]
  139. % \small{\item{
  140. % \textbf{Languages/Database}{: Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4} \\
  141. % \textbf{Web Technologies}{: Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4} \\
  142. % \textbf{Software \& Tools}{: Skill 1, Skill 2, Skill 3, Skill 4}\\
  144. % }}
  145. % \end{itemize}
  146. % \vspace{-20pt}
  149. %-----------EXPERIENCE-----------
  150. \section{Experience}
  151. \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  152. \resumeSubheading
  153. {Maths and computer science tutor}{September 2016 -- present}
  154. {Private lessons}{}
  155. \resumeItemListStart
  156. \resumeItem {Was a research supervisor for an article author, published in the international scientific journal “Young Scientist" (“«Theory of Everything» Through the Eyes of a Tenth Grader", 2021, № 6 (47)). }
  157. \resumeItem {Prepared students for top-tier mathematic schools enrollment in less than 2 months covering 10+ topics from the advanced curriculum.}
  158. \resumeItem {Improved the results of senior school students for the Russian Unified State Exam from 0 to 90+ points (including 100 points) within a 9 month span.}
  159. \resumeItem{Successfully taught programming for school students starting f the age of 8.}
  160. \resumeItem{Cultivated a true comprehension and passion for informatics to the extent that a student opted to take the Russian State Unified Examinations in informatics within the first month of our collaboration.}
  161. %Based on the number of point you want to add add the "\resumeItem" for each point you want to add.
  162. \resumeItemListEnd
  164. \resumeSubheading
  165. {Methodologist and motivation consultant}{February 2023 -- July 2023}
  166. {Startup in Advanced Supplementary Education in IT “The IT Way”}{}
  167. \resumeItemListStart
  168. \resumeItem {Crafted a list of courses that is the most current and up-to-date, determined the goals, topics, and duration of training for each of them.}
  169. \resumeItem {Designed the system of knowledge: a teacher prerecords a series of short videos with the main information on the program’s topics that is downloaded to the teaching platform, so that students could review the main points of the lesson at any time; every lesson is recorded and has its own summary, made by students and checked by teacher.}
  170. \resumeItem {Developed an evaluation system partially based on the system used in the International Baccalaureate program.}
  171. \resumeItem{Designed the schedule of internal events such as project markets and competitions.}
  172. \resumeItem{Created a student motivation system: a system of student support, a system of teacher support, along with workshops and masterclasses designed to sustain student engagement, enhance subject-specific interest, and teach them soft skills conducive to successful learning.}
  173. \resumeItemListEnd
  175. \resumeSubheading
  176. {Algorithm engineer}{July 2020 -- December 2020}
  177. {“Steam Gambling”}{}
  178. \resumeItemListStart
  179. \resumeItem {Developed a highly efficient algorithm for number generation in online casino and validated it by simulating and analyzing over 100,000 gaming sessions.}
  180. \resumeItem {Gathered data from competitor websites, analyzed them, and drew conclusions about the functional advantages and shortcomings of the developed algorithm.}
  181. \resumeItem {Studied cases of fraudulent schemes, configured the antifraud system, and tested its functionality on over 100,000 simulated sessions.}
  182. \resumeItemListEnd
  184. \resumeSubheading
  185. {Methodologist}{September 2019 -- July 2020}
  186. {Supplementary Education School for 1-6 Grades “Matformat”}{}
  187. \resumeItemListStart
  188. \resumeItem {Collaborated with teachers to develop a tiered learning approach: designed extension tasks for students demonstrating mastery, as well as supplementary exercises for reinforcement. Got feedback from the students and their parents to assess the result of each change.}
  189. \resumeItem {Crafted lesson plans for a geometry teacher on advanced topics, where students were taught through hands-on activities like using Montessori 6 - 12 materials and creating geometric shapes with 3d pens.}
  190. \resumeItem {Designed interactive problem-solving sessions where students collaboratively tackled complex math puzzles, encouraging teamwork, creativity, and independent thinking such as “pirate treasure hunt” or “identify the shape by touch”.}
  191. \resumeItemListEnd
  193. \resumeSubheading
  194. {ICT and Data Analysis Teacher}{September 2017 - August 2018}
  195. {Private Educational Institution for General and Supplementary Education “LNMO”}{}
  197. {During my work at a school focused on scientific research and advanced programs in mathematics and biology, my colleague and I created and delivered 4 courses in Data Analysis for 7th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. The course development process encompassed several key steps:}
  198. \vspace{-5pt}
  199. \resumeItemListStart
  200. \resumeItem {designing programs that seamlessly integrated into each grade's curriculum}
  201. \resumeItem {developing visual aids to enhance understanding and engagement}
  202. \resumeItem {researching the pool of technologies to identify the most appropriate ones to be integrated into the teaching process, starting from technologies for conducting statistical analysis (Python, R, Excel, XMind), and extending to technologies for a more straightforward and visual grasp of the material (computer simulations, online learning platforms, online summaries)}
  203. \resumeItem{curating compelling topics that would encourage students to apply newfound data analysis skills in ways that were not only valuable, but also challenging, relevant to their field of study, or reflective of real-world scenarios; that includes the extension of assignments in students’ biology classes, analyzing research on harm and benefits of computer games, and conducting and presenting research on their classmates’ viewpoints across diverse subjects}
  204. \resumeItem{choosing and implementing methods of knowledge and skills assessment, including research and other individual or group-based assignments.}
  205. \resumeItemListEnd
  207. \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  209. \vspace{-18pt}
  211. %-----------EDUCATION-----------
  212. \section{Education}
  213. \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  214. \resumeSubheading
  215. {Saint Petersburg State University}{}
  216. {Bachelor's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science}{}
  217. %leave a line after this
  219. %\small{\textbf{Coursework: Course-1, Course-2, Course-3, Course-4}}
  221. \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  222. \vspace{-18pt}
  224. % adjust vscape based on the space you want to leave between each section.
  227. %-----------PROJECTS-----------
  228. %\section{Projects}
  229. % \vspace{-6pt}
  230. % \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  231. % \resumeProjectHeading
  232. % {\textbf{Project Title} $|$ \emph{Tool1, Tool2, Tool3, Tool4 \href{}{Git}}}{Month -- Month Year}
  233. % \resumeItemListStart
  234. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  235. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  236. % \resumeItemListEnd
  237. % \vspace{-14pt}
  238. % \resumeProjectHeading
  239. % {\textbf{Project Title} $|$ \emph{Tool1, Tool2, Tool3, Tool4 \href{}{Git}}}{Month -- Month Year}
  240. % \resumeItemListStart
  241. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  242. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  243. % \resumeItemListEnd
  244. % \vspace{-14pt}
  245. % \resumeProjectHeading
  246. % {\textbf{Project Title} $|$ \emph{Tool1, Tool2, Tool3, Tool4 \href{}{Git}}}{Month -- Month Year}
  247. % \resumeItemListStart
  248. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  249. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  250. % \resumeItemListEnd
  251. % \vspace{-14pt}
  252. % \resumeProjectHeading
  253. % {\textbf{Project Title} $|$ \emph{Tool1, Tool2, Tool3, Tool4 \href{}{Git}}}{Month -- Month Year}
  254. % \resumeItemListStart
  255. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  256. % \resumeItem{ Write about your project experience.}
  257. % \resumeItemListEnd
  258. % \vspace{-14pt}
  259. % \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  260. %\vspace{-3pt}
  263. %------------Publications-----------
  264. %\section{Publication}
  265. %\vspace{-6pt}
  266. % \resumeSubHeadingListStart
  267. % \resumeProjectHeading
  268. % {\textbf{The Title of your paper} $|$ \emph{\href{}{Publication link}}}{Month Year}
  269. % \resumeItemListStart
  270. % \resumeItem{Write about your paper.}
  271. % \resumeItem{Write about your paper.}
  272. % \resumeItemListEnd
  273. % \resumeSubHeadingListEnd
  274. %\vspace{-16pt}
  275. % adjust vscape based on the space you want to leave between each section.
  277. %-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
  278. %\section{Certifications}
  279. %\textbf{Certificate 1}{: Title} \\
  280. %\textbf{Certificate 2} {: Title}
  282. \vspace{22pt}
  283. \section{Cover letter}
  285. Dear Mx, Madame or Sir,
  287. I want to start this cover letter by telling you that both of my excellently prepared students failed their entrance exam at the mathematics school in my first year of work. I would even say that it wasn’t the moment I realized how much life skills mean in the education process. But it was a start.
  288. \newline
  290. When I started to teach I had a sincere love for mathematics, informatics and science itself and I was greatly captivated by the process of finding the approach and methods of presenting the material for each student. I liked (and still do) learning new things, solving interesting problems and working with kids. And as I was hoping I was learning a lot - for example, I learned a few new programming languages, took a course in data analysis and I worked with students from a variety of countries such as Switzerland, UAE, Sweden, USA and Czech Republic. Surprisingly, the primary challenge for me arose from delving into the concepts behind academic knowledge. And so I studied a great amount of research about the importance of a variety of soft skills such as taking and giving constructive criticism to yourself and others, the ability to work in new surroundings without letting stress to mess with a student’s mind, self-directed learning, the ability to talk and ability to listen, the ability to understand what you are capable of and what is it you truly want, to communicate with your classmates, work partners, teachers and any other people or institution you are interacting with, the ability to tell people exactly what you want to tell, surely the ability to work in the team and a lot of other non-academic skills. In summary, this journey has led to significant learning, and I am looking forward to seeing where it leads.
  291. \newline
  293. I genuinely find education one of the most important things people should improve to make the world a better place. I am taken by the approach your school is taking. I believe the educational landscape needs dynamic changes to match the demands of our evolving world, and if there is a way to learn more, better, faster and with entertainment to live and respond to the present day world challenges, let’s make it happen. I also think it is great when the education system can offer schoolchildren a variety of skills to learn and as many ways to learn them as possible. From what I saw on your website it is what you do, and I would be honored to join your team and contribute to your mission with all my experience and dedication.
  294. \newline
  296. Thank you for your time. I hope to continue this conversation, but already on a two-way basis in the interview.
  297. \newline
  298. \newline
  300. Sincerely,
  301. Sofia.
  306. \end{document}
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