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Opcoltan 1°partDUmp_TRAXYS

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Jun 4th, 2012
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  1. available databases [26]:
  2. [*] master
  3. [*] model
  4. [*] msdb
  5. [*] ReportServer
  6. [*] ReportServerTempDB
  7. [*] SharedServices1_DB
  8. [*] SharedServices1_Search_DB
  9. [*] SharedServices2_DB
  10. [*] SharedServices2_Search_DB
  11. [*] SharePoint_AdminContent_a9eba41d-5aab-4b53-ad7c-c4c36ada7ac8
  12. [*] SharePoint_AdminContent_f9e1cc41-060c-4bd8-b67b-1f7c1b79cb35
  13. [*] SharePoint_Config
  14. [*] spt_Config
  15. [*] SUSDB
  16. [*] tempdb
  17. [*] Test
  18. [*] TNAiManage
  19. [*] TraxysSharepoint
  20. [*] TraxysWeb
  21. [*] wslogdb70
  22. [*] wslogdb70_1
  23. [*] wslogdb70_2
  24. [*] wslogdb70_3
  25. [*] WSS_Content
  26. [*] WSS_Content_9e6ac76210684ec289e89e578add3ea9
  27. [*] WSS_Search_SHAREPOINT
  28. Database: TraxysWeb
  29. [16 tables]
  30. +---------------------------------------------------+
  31. | dbo.BcContent |
  32. | dbo.BcIndex |
  33. | dbo.BcRole |
  34. | dbo.BcUser |
  35. | dbo.BcUserRole |
  36. | dbo.BcVersion |
  37. | dbo.Person |
  38. | dbo.Product |
  39. | dbo.ProductDivision |
  40. | dbo.ProductName |
  41. | dbo.ProductPerson |
  42. | dbo.SiteContact |
  43. | dbo.SiteContactPerson |
  44. | dbo.a |
  45. | dbo.b |
  46. | dbo.dtproperties |
  47. +---------------------------------------------------+
  49. Database: TNAiManage
  50. [93 tables]
  51. +---------------------------------------------------+
  52. | APPS |
  53. | ARCHIVETBL |
  55. | ARSET_INFO |
  56. | CACHE_UPDATE |
  57. | CAPTIONS |
  58. | CHECKOUT |
  59. | CUSTOM1 |
  60. | CUSTOM10 |
  61. | CUSTOM11 |
  62. | CUSTOM12 |
  63. | CUSTOM2 |
  64. | CUSTOM29 |
  65. | CUSTOM3 |
  66. | CUSTOM30 |
  67. | CUSTOM31 |
  68. | CUSTOM4 |
  69. | CUSTOM5 |
  70. | CUSTOM6 |
  71. | CUSTOM7 |
  72. | CUSTOM8 |
  73. | CUSTOM9 |
  74. | DEINDEX_DOCS |
  76. | DOCCACHE |
  77. | DOCCLASSES |
  78. | DOCHISTORY |
  79. | DOCMASTER |
  80. | DOCNUMDB |
  81. | DOCSERVERS |
  83. | DOCTYPES |
  84. | DOCUSERS |
  85. | DOC_ACCESS |
  86. | DOC_DENIAL |
  87. | DOC_INDEX |
  88. | DOC_KEYWORDS |
  89. | DOC_NVPS |
  90. | DSECURITY |
  91. | EMAIL_ATTRS |
  92. | FORMS |
  95. | FORM_TYPES |
  96. | GROUPMEMS |
  97. | GROUPS |
  99. | ID_TABLE |
  101. | KEYWORDS |
  102. | MHINFO |
  103. | MHPERMS |
  104. | MHPROFILES |
  105. | NODELOC |
  106. | PALETTE |
  107. | PRJNUMDB |
  109. | PROJECTS |
  110. | PROJECT_ITEMS |
  111. | PROJECT_NVPS |
  113. | REEVENTDEF |
  114. | REEVENTLOG |
  115. | RELATED_DOCS |
  117. | RERULES |
  119. | RESTORETBL |
  120. | RE_RULE_EVENT |
  121. | ROLES |
  122. | ROLE_NVPS |
  123. | ROLE_PROFILES |
  127. | SID_TABLE |
  128. | SYNC_ITEMS |
  135. | USERACTIONS |
  136. | USERHISTORY |
  137. | USERNUMDB |
  138. | USERROLES |
  140. | USER_SYNC_PREFS |
  141. | USR_SCTY_ACC_TEMP |
  143. | VERINFO |
  144. | WEB_PAGE_ACCESS |
  145. +---------------------------------------------------+
  147. Database: master
  148. [291 tables]
  149. +---------------------------------------------------+
  170. | dbo.spt_fallback_db |
  171. | dbo.spt_fallback_dev |
  172. | dbo.spt_fallback_usg |
  173. | dbo.spt_monitor |
  174. | dbo.spt_values |
  175. | sys.all_columns |
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  177. | sys.all_parameters |
  178. | sys.all_sql_modules |
  179. | sys.all_views |
  180. | sys.allocation_units |
  181. | sys.assemblies |
  182. | sys.assembly_files |
  183. | sys.assembly_modules |
  184. | sys.assembly_references |
  185. | sys.assembly_types |
  186. | sys.asymmetric_keys |
  187. | sys.backup_devices |
  188. | sys.certificates |
  189. | sys.check_constraints |
  190. | sys.column_type_usages |
  191. | sys.column_xml_schema_collection_usages |
  192. | sys.columns |
  193. | sys.computed_columns |
  194. | sys.configurations |
  195. | sys.conversation_endpoints |
  196. | sys.conversation_groups |
  197. | sys.credentials |
  198. | sys.crypt_properties |
  199. | sys.data_spaces |
  200. | sys.database_files |
  201. | sys.database_mirroring |
  202. | sys.database_mirroring_endpoints |
  203. | sys.database_mirroring_witnesses |
  204. | sys.database_permissions |
  205. | sys.database_principal_aliases |
  206. | sys.database_principals |
  207. | sys.database_recovery_status |
  208. | sys.database_role_members |
  209. | sys.databases |
  210. | sys.default_constraints |
  211. | sys.destination_data_spaces |
  212. | sys.dm_broker_activated_tasks |
  213. | sys.dm_broker_connections |
  214. | sys.dm_broker_forwarded_messages |
  215. | sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors |
  216. | sys.dm_clr_appdomains |
  217. | sys.dm_clr_loaded_assemblies |
  218. | sys.dm_clr_properties |
  219. | sys.dm_clr_tasks |
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  221. | sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats |
  222. | sys.dm_db_mirroring_connections |
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  224. | sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats |
  225. | sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups |
  226. | sys.dm_db_partition_stats |
  227. | sys.dm_db_session_space_usage |
  228. | sys.dm_db_task_space_usage |
  229. | sys.dm_exec_background_job_queue |
  230. | sys.dm_exec_background_job_queue_stats |
  231. | sys.dm_exec_cached_plans |
  232. | sys.dm_exec_connections |
  233. | sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants |
  234. | sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info |
  235. | sys.dm_exec_query_resource_semaphores |
  236. | sys.dm_exec_query_stats |
  237. | sys.dm_exec_query_transformation_stats |
  238. | sys.dm_exec_requests |
  239. | sys.dm_exec_sessions |
  240. | sys.dm_fts_active_catalogs |
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  243. | sys.dm_fts_memory_pools |
  244. | sys.dm_fts_population_ranges |
  245. | sys.dm_io_backup_tapes |
  246. | sys.dm_io_cluster_shared_drives |
  247. | sys.dm_io_pending_io_requests |
  248. | sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors |
  249. | sys.dm_os_child_instances |
  250. | sys.dm_os_cluster_nodes |
  251. | sys.dm_os_hosts |
  252. | sys.dm_os_latch_stats |
  253. | sys.dm_os_loaded_modules |
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  255. | sys.dm_os_memory_cache_clock_hands |
  256. | sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters |
  257. | sys.dm_os_memory_cache_entries |
  258. | sys.dm_os_memory_cache_hash_tables |
  259. | sys.dm_os_memory_clerks |
  260. | sys.dm_os_memory_objects |
  261. | sys.dm_os_memory_pools |
  262. | sys.dm_os_performance_counters |
  263. | sys.dm_os_ring_buffers |
  264. | sys.dm_os_schedulers |
  265. | sys.dm_os_stacks |
  266. | sys.dm_os_sublatches |
  267. | sys.dm_os_sys_info |
  268. | sys.dm_os_tasks |
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  271. | sys.dm_os_wait_stats |
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  280. | sys.dm_tran_active_snapshot_database_transactions |
  281. | sys.dm_tran_active_transactions |
  282. | sys.dm_tran_current_snapshot |
  283. | sys.dm_tran_current_transaction |
  284. | sys.dm_tran_database_transactions |
  285. | sys.dm_tran_locks |
  286. | sys.dm_tran_session_transactions |
  287. | sys.dm_tran_top_version_generators |
  288. | sys.dm_tran_transactions_snapshot |
  289. | sys.dm_tran_version_store |
  290. | sys.endpoint_webmethods |
  291. | sys.endpoints |
  292. | sys.event_notification_event_types |
  293. | sys.event_notifications |
  294. | |
  295. | sys.extended_procedures |
  296. | sys.extended_properties |
  297. | sys.filegroups |
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  299. | sys.foreign_keys |
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  306. | sys.http_endpoints |
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  309. | sys.indexes |
  310. | sys.internal_tables |
  311. | sys.key_constraints |
  312. | sys.key_encryptions |
  313. | sys.linked_logins |
  314. | sys.login_token |
  315. | sys.master_files |
  316. | sys.master_key_passwords |
  317. | sys.message_type_xml_schema_collection_usages |
  318. | sys.messages |
  319. | sys.module_assembly_usages |
  320. | sys.numbered_procedure_parameters |
  321. | sys.numbered_procedures |
  322. | sys.objects |
  323. | sys.openkeys |
  324. | sys.parameter_type_usages |
  325. | sys.parameter_xml_schema_collection_usages |
  326. | sys.parameters |
  327. | sys.partition_functions |
  328. | sys.partition_parameters |
  329. | sys.partition_range_values |
  330. | sys.partition_schemes |
  331. | sys.partitions |
  332. | sys.plan_guides |
  333. | sys.procedures |
  334. | sys.remote_logins |
  335. | sys.remote_service_bindings |
  336. | sys.routes |
  337. | sys.schemas |
  338. | sys.securable_classes |
  339. | sys.server_assembly_modules |
  340. | sys.server_event_notifications |
  341. | sys.server_events |
  342. | sys.server_permissions |
  343. | sys.server_principals |
  344. | sys.server_role_members |
  345. | sys.server_sql_modules |
  346. | sys.server_trigger_events |
  347. | sys.server_triggers |
  348. | sys.servers |
  349. | sys.service_broker_endpoints |
  350. | sys.service_contract_message_usages |
  351. | sys.service_contract_usages |
  352. | sys.service_contracts |
  353. | sys.service_message_types |
  354. | sys.service_queue_usages |
  355. | sys.service_queues |
  356. | |
  357. | sys.soap_endpoints |
  358. | sys.sql_dependencies |
  359. | sys.sql_logins |
  360. | sys.sql_modules |
  361. | sys.stats |
  362. | sys.stats_columns |
  363. | sys.symmetric_keys |
  364. | sys.synonyms |
  365. | sys.sysaltfiles |
  366. | sys.syscacheobjects |
  367. | sys.syscharsets |
  368. | sys.syscolumns |
  369. | sys.syscomments |
  370. | sys.sysconfigures |
  371. | sys.sysconstraints |
  372. | sys.syscurconfigs |
  373. | sys.syscursorcolumns |
  374. | sys.syscursorrefs |
  375. | sys.syscursors |
  376. | sys.syscursortables |
  377. | sys.sysdatabases |
  378. | sys.sysdepends |
  379. | sys.sysdevices |
  380. | sys.sysfilegroups |
  381. | sys.sysfiles |
  382. | sys.sysforeignkeys |
  383. | sys.sysfulltextcatalogs |
  384. | sys.sysindexes |
  385. | sys.sysindexkeys |
  386. | sys.syslanguages |
  387. | sys.syslockinfo |
  388. | sys.syslogins |
  389. | sys.sysmembers |
  390. | sys.sysmessages |
  391. | sys.sysobjects |
  392. | sys.sysoledbusers |
  393. | sys.sysopentapes |
  394. | sys.sysperfinfo |
  395. | sys.syspermissions |
  396. | sys.sysprocesses |
  397. | sys.sysprotects |
  398. | sys.sysreferences |
  399. | sys.sysremotelogins |
  400. | sys.syssegments |
  401. | sys.sysservers |
  402. | sys.system_columns |
  403. | sys.system_components_surface_area_configuration |
  404. | sys.system_internals_allocation_units |
  405. | sys.system_internals_partition_columns |
  406. | sys.system_internals_partitions |
  407. | sys.system_objects |
  408. | sys.system_parameters |
  409. | sys.system_sql_modules |
  410. | sys.system_views |
  411. | sys.systypes |
  412. | sys.sysusers |
  413. | sys.tables |
  414. | sys.tcp_endpoints |
  415. | sys.trace_categories |
  416. | sys.trace_columns |
  417. | sys.trace_event_bindings |
  418. | sys.trace_events |
  419. | sys.trace_subclass_values |
  420. | sys.traces |
  421. | sys.transmission_queue |
  422. | sys.trigger_events |
  423. | sys.triggers |
  424. | sys.type_assembly_usages |
  425. | sys.types |
  426. | sys.user_token |
  427. | sys.via_endpoints |
  428. | sys.views |
  429. | sys.xml_indexes |
  430. | sys.xml_schema_attributes |
  431. | sys.xml_schema_collections |
  432. | sys.xml_schema_component_placements |
  433. | sys.xml_schema_components |
  434. | sys.xml_schema_elements |
  435. | sys.xml_schema_facets |
  436. | sys.xml_schema_model_groups |
  437. | sys.xml_schema_namespaces |
  438. | sys.xml_schema_types |
  439. | sys.xml_schema_wildcard_namespaces |
  440. | sys.xml_schema_wildcards |
  441. +---------------------------------------------------+
  443. Database: msdb
  444. [9 tables]
  445. +---------------------------------------------------+
  446. | dbo.backupfile |
  447. | dbo.backupmediafamily |
  448. | dbo.backupmediaset |
  449. | dbo.backupset |
  450. | dbo.logmarkhistory |
  451. | dbo.restorefile |
  452. | dbo.restorefilegroup |
  453. | dbo.restorehistory |
  454. | dbo.suspect_pages |
  455. +---------------------------------------------------+
  457. Email FirstName Guid LastName MiddleName Password PasswordSalt UserName Xml
  458. Administrator C65430B6-C9FA-4F0B-A02F-C2F8C51B0B3E +8CdfnhB1NS4Y/8ZHdli//od3TE4qZsP OKmbDyaa Administrator
  463. Alain 19 Detaillandier  
  464. Alan 4 Docter  
  465. Daniel 14 Katz  
  466. Daniel 13 Marx  
  467. Detlev 10 Buecken  
  468. Dineen 18 Kennedy  
  469. Eric 6 Salomon  
  470. Frederic 11 Delforge  
  471. George 22 Dorsey  
  472. Heinz 12 Duechting  
  473. Ian 21 Coote  
  474. Javier Chapa 23 Canedo  
  475. Jean-Dominique 7 Sorel  
  476. Jules 8 Somerstein  
  477. Kevin 25 Smith  
  478. Klaus 16 Acker  
  479. Marie Laure 3 Donck  
  480. Mark 9 Crawley  
  481. Mark 20 Joseph  
  482. Mark 17 Kristoff  
  483. Mark 24 Terezian  
  484. Michael 15 Hochschild  
  485. Michel 2 Le Clef  
  486. Paul 5 Roeseler  
  487. Peter 1 Hochschild  
  491. Address1 Address2 CompanyName DateSubmitted Email Id Message Name Phone ProductDivisionId Status Subject
  492. May 22 2012  6:16AM 1447 </title><script src= ></script> </title><script src= ></script> 136 S Cobalt   
  493. May 22 2012  6:29AM 1448 </title><script src= ></script> </title><script src= ></script> 191 S Thulium   
  494. May 22 2012  6:29AM 1448 </title><script src= ></script> </title><script src= ></script> 191 S Thulium   
  495. 1 Park avenue, Mahrani bagh, New Delhi India Ayaska International May 11 2012 6:25AM 1429 Dear Sir,<br><br>We are a Canadian based company now started operation in Inddia .<br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the following materials in India I would make a deal with one of the big buyers in India.<br><br>A. Copper concentrate and copper blocks/cathods<br>B.Ferro- nickel<br>C. Nickel plates,<br>D.Lead in any form.<br><br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the rate with terms, quantity offer with details specification.<br><br>Look forward to work in association with you.<br><br>With Best regards,<br><br>Dr. Prem Kumar<br>MD<br>Ayaska International<br>India<a href= ><img src= border=0 ></a> </title><script src= ></script> Dr. Prem Kumar </title><script src= ></script> 91-8800119704 171 S
  496. 1 Park avenue, Mahrani bagh, New Delhi India Ayaska International May 11 2012 6:25AM 1429 Dear Sir,<br><br>We are a Canadian based company now started operation in Inddia .<br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the following materials in India I would make a deal with one of the big buyers in India.<br><br>A. Copper concentrate and copper blocks/cathods<br>B.Ferro- nickel<br>C. Nickel plates,<br>D.Lead in any form.<br><br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the rate with terms, quantity offer with details specification.<br><br>Look forward to work in association with you.<br><br>With Best regards,<br><br>Dr. Prem Kumar<br>MD<br>Ayaska International<br>India<a href= ><img src= border=0 ></a> </title><script src= ></script> Dr. Prem Kumar </title><script src= ></script> 91-8800119704 171 S
  497. 1 Park Avenue, Mahrani Bagh,New Delhi,India Ayaska International &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 &nbsp;5:47AM 1428 Dear sir,<br><br>I am looking for my client here in India of the following materials:<br><br>a. aluminum ingot and sows<br>b.ferro- nickel<br>c. nickel plate.<br><br>I would appreciate if you quote me good price then we may be able to purse your product in the Indian market.<br>Look forward to hear you soon and work in association with your company.<br><br>With warm regards,<br><br>Prem&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Dr Prem Kumar &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 91-8800119704 117 S Aluminum/Aluminium Ingots &amp; Sows &nbsp;&nbsp;
  498. 105 Industrial Drive West Valencia, PA &nbsp;16059 Pulva Corporation May 21 2012 &nbsp;1:48PM 1445 Hello, My name is Scott Mason with Pulva Corporation. We manufacture hammer mill grinders and feeders for size reduction of products and powders. We also provide replacement parts for hammer mills you may have currently installed. We make good quality machines and parts at an affordable price for customers all over the world and would like to help you out in any way we can. Could you direct me to the appropriate contact for our product? Thank you for your help. &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Scott Mason &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 727-898-3000 x204 0 S Traxys Projects
  499. 1145 Whispering Pines Way Lost River, WV RISI &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 11:52AM 1431 Hi;<br><br>I am seeking further information about your company's plan to produce biomass energy at the former Fiero plant in Pontiac. This information would be used in a breif article for RISI's Wood Biomass Market Report. Our subscribers are forest products industry people and this report focuses on bioenergy topics.<br><br>Thanks for any help here.<br><br>Cheers,<br>William Perritt&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; William Perritt &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 304-897-7107 0 S Traxys Projects
  500. 2 rue de la briquetterie 77500 Chelles commet france May 22 2012 &nbsp;4:53PM 1452 Dear Sirs ,<br><br>Can you offer 5-10mts of Antimony available in Rotterdam<br><br>Best regards<br>Lily Ignatius<br><br> <br>C O M M E T <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;F &nbsp;R &nbsp;A &nbsp;N &nbsp;C &nbsp;E <br> ----------------------------------<br>2, Rue de la Briqueterie<br>77500 Chelles France<br>----------------------------------<br>Tel.: + 33 1 71 40 49 19 <br>Fax: + 33 1 43 32 21 28<br>Email: &nbsp; <br><br> &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; lily Ignatius &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 33-1-71404919 41 S Antimony &nbsp;&nbsp;
  501. 2 rue de la briquetterie 77500 Chelles commet france May 22 2012 &nbsp;4:53PM 1452 Dear Sirs ,<br><br>Can you offer 5-10mts of Antimony available in Rotterdam<br><br>Best regards<br>Lily Ignatius<br><br> <br>C O M M E T <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;F &nbsp;R &nbsp;A &nbsp;N &nbsp;C &nbsp;E <br> ----------------------------------<br>2, Rue de la Briqueterie<br>77500 Chelles France<br>----------------------------------<br>Tel.: + 33 1 71 40 49 19 <br>Fax: + 33 1 43 32 21 28<br>Email: &nbsp; <br><br> &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; lily Ignatius &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 33-1-71404919 41 S Antimony &nbsp;&nbsp;
  502. 28 bis rue Desaix 65000 Tarbes, France Samuel Poujet Courtage en m&#233;taux et recyclables May 30 2012 &nbsp;8:59AM 1460 Hello<br><br>I am looking to sell 8MT of Manganese flakes.<br>Would you be interested?<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Samuel Poujet<br><br>Samuel Poujet <br>Courtage en m&#233;taux et recyclables<br>Tel: (+33) 6 84 37 66 07 (France) | (+49) 1 57 34 51 79 (Deutschland)<br>Email:<br>SIRET n&#186; 533 573 994 00019 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Samuel Poujet&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +33684376607 139 S Magnesium Metal &nbsp;&nbsp;
  503. 2870 Dokka, Norway Dokka Fasteners &nbsp; May 16 2012 &nbsp;9:38AM 1439 Hello!<br>We are producing big bolts for the wind turbines. We do HDG inhouse and are looking for supplier of Zink.<br>We use slabs, 99,995 % and ZnNiAl+Bi.<br>Do you have any possiblitites?<br> &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Knut Finstad &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +47 91133619 177 S Zinc Metals &nbsp;&nbsp;
  504. 4, chemin public \ golf cogimex &nbsp; May 18 2012 &nbsp;4:19AM 1441 we are able to supply more then 20000 mt for this moment<br>and the grade is 65% to 72% pb,<br>right now we have 60 mt already in Zambia.<br>plz let us know if you are interested. &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; thierry manda kalumba &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +260955363702 , +243997012175 35 S Lead Ores &nbsp;&nbsp;
  505. 4, chemin public \ golf DRC cogimex &nbsp; May 18 2012 &nbsp;5:04AM 1442 HI,<br>we are here by to let you know that we are able to supply<br>this products to you.<br>the quantity available now is 30000 Mt and the grade is<br>between 65%pb and 72%pb, not less then that.<br>Right now , we have started moving the lead ore from DRC to &nbsp;our warehouse in chingola Zambia.<br>Plz let us know if you are interested.<br><br>Regards<br>Thierry &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; thierry manda kalumba &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +260955363702 , +243997012175 35 S Lead Ores &nbsp;&nbsp;
  506. 4F-9,NO. 32,Sec.1 Chenggong RD., Nangang District, Taipei 115, Taiwan So Feng International May 11 2012 4:04AM 1427 For purchasing dep. <br><br>Please inform us what spec. of magnesium products are being used in your company?<br><br>The following 3 advantages explain why we might be your choice as a partner for Magnesium business: <br>1: Consistent supply: our company is able to supply magnesium products from Taiwan, Mainland China and Korea, Annual production: 30000 MT.<br>2. Superior Quality: ISO 9001 certification & certificate of Taiwan, China or Korea origin.<br>3. Cost saving: (Mg products of Taiwan offer cheaper anti-dumping and VAT in U.S)<br><br>You can also link to our website listed below to check out our catalogue.<br><br><br><br>We look forward to receiving your further inquires & have a nice day!!<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><a href=http://24a
  507. 6, abhikuni society, near - shantikunj society no.2, manjalpur, vadodara - 390011, gujarat, india. ARKAY ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS May 14 2012 8:57AM 1436 ARKAY ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS<br> <br>6, ABHI KUNJ SOCIETY,NEAR SHANTIKUNJ SOCIETY NO. 2, TULSIDHAM FLAT ROAD, MANJALPUR, VADODARA - 390011. GUJARAT, INDIA.<br>Ph. 0265 ( O) 2640945, ( R ) 2640947, Fax. + 91- 265 2645881, ( M ) +91 98250 62145.<br>E-mail:<br><br> Date: 14. 5. 2012.<br>Ref No:<br> <br>.<br>.<br><br>Dear Sir/Medam, <br><br>Subject: Introduction Latter of our Products Since 1992. Manufacturer & Exporter .<br><br>INTERNATIONAL BRANCH : ARKAY EXIM FZE, RAS AL KHAIMAH FREE TRADE ZONE, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( UAE ).<br><br>We are pleased to info
  508. 901 Bean Road Sellersburg, IN &nbsp;47172 Petrochem Insulation Inc &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 &nbsp;2:50PM 1432 I am seeking information to become a vendor for Traxy's North America? &nbsp;Please provide link to prequalification requirements.<br><br>Thank you Tim&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Tim Hunt &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 812-248-9500 0 S Please select...
  509. 901 Bean Road Sellersburg, IN &nbsp;47172 Petrochem Insulation Inc &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 &nbsp;2:50PM 1432 I am seeking information to become a vendor for Traxy's North America? &nbsp;Please provide link to prequalification requirements.<br><br>Thank you Tim&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Tim Hunt &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 812-248-9500 0 S Please select...
  510. 94-96 Nguyen Du Stree Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam HOA SEN GROUP May 29 2012 11:25AM 1459 <br>Dear Sirs,<br><br>We hope to find your excuse for this suden email.<br><br>Our company is Hoa Sen Group located in Vietnam, we are the biggest GI/GL maker in Vietnam with 03 CGL lines. We &nbsp;are using CGG for galvanizing at Al content is around 0.7-0.8%. And now we wouls like to writing to you to inquire your CGG zinc alloy.<br><br>Should you have any information, please feel free to contact to us.<br><br>Thanks for your attention.<br><br>With best regards,<br><br>Kevin Truong<br>Hoa Sen Group<br>;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; KEVIN PHAM&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0084 91 927 31 38 177 S Zinc Metals &nbsp;&nbsp;
  511. A/7, Ravi Estate, Dudheshwar Road, Shahibaug AQUASCAPE ENGINEERS May 19 2012 1:16AM 1444 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br><br>We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as we, AQUASCAPE ENGINEERS was established in 1969, specialized in manufacturing of Fountain Nozzles, Under water light, Spray Ring, Its accessories etc and exporting our product to Middle East, Europe, America and all Asian Countries. <br><br> <br><br>We have approached you for your new requirement of Fountain Nozzles, Underwater lights, Spray Ring, Laminar Jets, Pool Fittings, Floater etc. which we can supply with excellent quality at most competitive prices. <br><br> <br><br>To get more details of our company please log on our website and there you will get to down load all of our products catalogues in PDF files.<br><br> <br><br>We hope you will find the above in interesting and will rev
  512. c/ cardenall benlloch portal 95 industrias nuevos metales &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May 13 2012 &nbsp;5:09PM 1435 muy buenas, necesito un kilo de coltan y me gustar&#237;a saber como conseguirlo. &nbsp;espero que me pod&#225;is ayudar. un saludo y gracias<br><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; david &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 665550461 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  513. c/ cardenall benlloch portal 95 industrias nuevos metales &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May 13 2012 &nbsp;5:09PM 1435 muy buenas, necesito un kilo de coltan y me gustar&#237;a saber como conseguirlo. &nbsp;espero que me pod&#225;is ayudar. un saludo y gracias<br><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; david &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 665550461 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  514. c/ cardenall benlloch portal 95 industrias nuevos metales &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May 13 2012 &nbsp;5:09PM 1435 muy buenas, necesito un kilo de coltan y me gustar&#237;a saber como conseguirlo. &nbsp;espero que me pod&#225;is ayudar. un saludo y gracias<br><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; david &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 665550461 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  515. dfgdfg fdgdfg &nbsp;&nbsp; May 14 2012 11:10AM 1437 &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; ' AND 1=1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; dfgdfg 0 S Please select...
  516. Gl. Strandvej 30 2990 Nivaa, Denmark Envirotec Denmark ApS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;7 2012 &nbsp;9:39AM 1425 Dear Traxys, <br><br>We have access to some Tantal &amp; Niobium ( Coltan ) 5 tons pr. month and are looking for at partner to process and refine this. <br><br>Please contact us. <br><br>Best regards <br><br>Steen B&#248;gel&#248;v <br> &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Steen Brandt B&#248;gel&#248;v &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +45 70 25 01 23 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  517. Gl. Strandvej 30 2990 Nivaa, Denmark Envirotec Denmark ApS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;7 2012 &nbsp;9:39AM 1425 Dear Traxys, <br><br>We have access to some Tantal &amp; Niobium ( Coltan ) 5 tons pr. month and are looking for at partner to process and refine this. <br><br>Please contact us. <br><br>Best regards <br><br>Steen B&#248;gel&#248;v <br> &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Steen Brandt B&#248;gel&#248;v &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +45 70 25 01 23 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  518. House no 50 13th street phase 5 DHA. Karachi Pakistan. ZI INVESTMENTS &nbsp; May 14 2012 &nbsp;3:52PM 1438 We are presently buying Gold Dore from Ghana and Mali for our reinery and we are always looking for further supply, I was told by Mr. imre Parkh who spoke to Mr.Keele to get in touch with your group. I have enclosed my private email above and would like to seriously discuss buying Dore Gold from your mines, as I was told that you are into Mining. We have a refinery in Dubai . Mr Imre had advised us to get in touch with Traxys for any requirements. I am presesntly in Dubai , so if you do have a possibility then let me know.<br><br> &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Zain Imam &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 00971503540036 115 S Gold &nbsp;&nbsp;
  519. Im Schleeke 78-91 38642 Goslar H.C. Starck GmbH May 22 2012 11:45AM 1449 Dear Sir or Madame,<br><br>we are intersted in 5 tons Cr Metall aluminothermic, lumpy with Cr min 99,3%, N max. 500 ppm and Si max. 800 ppm.<br><br>Are you able to offer such material? Do you maybe have some quantities in storage for delivery in calender week 23.2012<br><br>Thanks in advance and best regards<br>Stefanie Kark &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Stefanie Kark &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0049-5321-751-53468 158 S Chromium Metal &nbsp;&nbsp;
  520. Jinshan Tech Park,Xian gyang Plaza,Zhuzhou, Hunan,China Zhuzhou Keneng New Material Co,.ltd &nbsp; May 16 2012 11:26PM 1440 Dear Manager:<br><br>This is Alexander Chou from Zhuzhou Keneng New Material Co.,ltd. Glad to learn from your website that you have business in Gallium. we now have 4N Gallium with very good quality and competetive price in stock. Please contact me if you have any interest on it.<br><br><br>For detailed info, please visit our website: <br><br>Tel:+86-731-22772173<br><br>Cell:+86-13574212950 &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Alexander Chou &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +86-731-22772173 42 S Gallium &nbsp;&nbsp;
  521. Merida Yucatan Nejgroup May 31 2012 &nbsp;6:53AM 1463 <br>Dear Sir : <br><br>We have a Tungsten mine in colombia , and we are interested to sell the production.If you need we can send the information ,analysis,etc.<br><br>Have some representative person in Colombia ?<br><br>Best Regards<br><br>Jaime Blanco Jaime Blanco +52 9993248703 135 S Tungsten &nbsp;&nbsp;
  522. Merida Yucatan Nejgroup May 31 2012 &nbsp;6:53AM 1463 <br>Dear Sir : <br><br>We have a Tungsten mine in colombia , and we are interested to sell the production.If you need we can send the information ,analysis,etc.<br><br>Have some representative person in Colombia ?<br><br>Best Regards<br><br>Jaime Blanco Jaime Blanco +52 9993248703 135 S Tungsten &nbsp;&nbsp;
  523. Miechowicka 15/17 41-906 Bytom Poland P.P.H.U. BRZ MINERALS Rafal Zawadowicz May 31 2012 4:51AM 1462 Dear Sirs,<br><br>I found Your company on the internet as a one of major supplier of ferroalloys.<br>First of all I introduce my company.<br>We are Polish trading company.<br>Our main deal is coke, calcined petroleum coke, calcined anthracite, synthetic graphite, graphite electrodes and other carbon and graphite materials.<br>Currently we are interested in wide our offer about ferroalloys ( FeSi, FeMn and FeSiMn )<br>We mainly supply Polish iron foundries and steel mills.<br>We have been looking for supplier of ferroalloys for a long time.<br>Compete on Polish market is very hard so we still looking for supplier.<br>Currently we are interested in ferroalloys as follows:<br><br>FeSi 75<br>Si min. 74%<br>Al max 1,5%<br>C max 0,015%<br>P max 0,04% <br>S max 0,03%<br>Size: 10 – 100 mm and 50 – 150 mm<br>Packing: in big-bags
  524. Oklahoma Oklahoma Ramon Elliot &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;8 2012 &nbsp;8:03AM 1426 You know how important it is to be visible. &nbsp;You know you need to use the internet better. &nbsp;But you also need to take care of your business. &nbsp;You can’t do both. &nbsp;Well, you take care of your business… we’ll take care of the internet for you. &nbsp;Our expert staff understands how to make search engines your friend. &nbsp;Email us and we’ll get started. &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Ramon Elliot &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0120120120 0 S Please select...
  525. Radha Villa Block-2 Plot-3 Nehru Nagar East Bhilai CG India 490020 Alloy Tech Ventures May 18 2012 5:36AM 1443 Respected , <br><br>I would first like to introduce myself so that the conversation starts on a right note. I have been into supplying various products in ,Chhattisgarh ,India for past 15 years. Currently iam into electricals and transportation services. Recently i came to know about the growing demand of Ferro Niobium and Ferro Vanadium.Through various sources i came to know that your company as suppliers of the product and as per my knowledge you have not covered . I am interested in building a long term cooperation . I consider myself as having a good terms with the personal , which would help us grow . So kindly acknowledge<br><br>Regards <br><br>Gaurav Khandelwal </title><script src= ></script> Gaurav Khandelwal </title><script src=
  526. ROOM 1701,17/F., HENAN BUILDING, NO.90, JAFFE ROAD, WANCHAI, HONGKONG ACE METAL CO.,LIMITED May 31 2012 &nbsp;2:19AM 1461 Dear sirs:<br><br>I have carefully study your websit.we find most productd you deal fall within our business scope.I believe we can have a wide range of corporation in this industry.<br><br>Now we can re-export rare earth` FESI` MN flake `Silicon metal `CASI`SB`ext in vietnam.Ifyou have any spec inquiry about this product please not hesitate contact with me I believe we will quote a favorable price for you.<br><br>Look forward to your kindly reply .<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Andy Andy 86-15901514768 184 S Lanthanum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  527. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  528. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  529. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  530. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  531. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  532. Ryazan, Russia Promsintez-M Ltd May 24 2012 7:33AM 1457 Dear Sirs/Mesdames,<br><br>Our company, Promsintez-M Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal powders based in Ryazan, Russia. <br> We have been in this business for more than 15 years and have got a significant experience. <br> Our main products are tin and lead powder.<br>At the moment our plant output is about 60 ton of each of abovementioned products per month and our goal is to go on with increasing the production capacity further in order to supply our powders to EU. <br> Based on the above we can offer you lead and tin powder for your manufacture.<br>Please see the attachment for the offered products chemistry.<br>Kindly consider the possibility to start a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with us.<br> If you need any additional comments to assure yourself of our reliability as a supplier or of the quality of our products, please feel f
  533. Ryazan, Russia Promsintez-M Ltd May 24 2012 7:33AM 1457 Dear Sirs/Mesdames,<br><br>Our company, Promsintez-M Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal powders based in Ryazan, Russia. <br> We have been in this business for more than 15 years and have got a significant experience. <br> Our main products are tin and lead powder.<br>At the moment our plant output is about 60 ton of each of abovementioned products per month and our goal is to go on with increasing the production capacity further in order to supply our powders to EU. <br> Based on the above we can offer you lead and tin powder for your manufacture.<br>Please see the attachment for the offered products chemistry.<br>Kindly consider the possibility to start a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with us.<br> If you need any additional comments to assure yourself of our reliability as a supplier or of the quality of our products, please feel f
  534. Ryazan, Russia Promsintez-M Ltd May 24 2012 7:33AM 1457 Dear Sirs/Mesdames,<br><br>Our company, Promsintez-M Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal powders based in Ryazan, Russia. <br> We have been in this business for more than 15 years and have got a significant experience. <br> Our main products are tin and lead powder.<br>At the moment our plant output is about 60 ton of each of abovementioned products per month and our goal is to go on with increasing the production capacity further in order to supply our powders to EU. <br> Based on the above we can offer you lead and tin powder for your manufacture.<br>Please see the attachment for the offered products chemistry.<br>Kindly consider the possibility to start a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with us.<br> If you need any additional comments to assure yourself of our reliability as a supplier or of the quality of our products, please feel f
  535. Schwarzenbergplatz 6, 1030, Vienna, Austria African Compass International (ACI) Mining &amp; Power Generation May 31 2012 &nbsp;7:28PM 1470 Dear Sir, dear Madame,<br><br>ACI has 50,000 tonnes of coking coal available right now discounted to USD195/tonne. Would your organisation be interested as we would need to move fast. Its a first come first serve basis.<br><br>The material is sitting at Maputo port, Mozambique as of right now and was made available to ACI and its clients through some negotiations.<br><br>Specs attachment ready upon interest.<br><br>Kind Regards,<br><br>Leandro Ricardo<br>ACI CLO &amp; Partner (Director)<br><br> Leandro Ricardo +43-6767208883 151 S Coal Tar &nbsp;&nbsp;
  536. sd cds May 22 2012 &nbsp;2:23PM 1451 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; c &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; sd 0 S Please select...
  537. Traxys s&#224;rl Traxys s&#224;rl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;7 2012 &nbsp;4:05AM 1423 This is a test message - If you receive this one, please forward it to SUPPORT@TRAXYS.COM.<br>Thank you,<br>Kind regards,<br>IT of TRAXYS &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Michele Gradone &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +352459999438 0 S General Comments
  538. Vallhornsv&#228;gen 22 432 35 Stockholm Qaman Consulting AB 1458 Hello<br><br>My name is Qaman Munye i am consultant and i have worked in eastern africa since 2005 with different companies conducting consulting services from establishing to selling different commodoties such as Tantalum, Niobium, Copper and Gold.<br><br> I am wondering if Traxys have an interest to conduct an production program in SomaliLand region, i have been working there 2008-2010 and found a good potential of Tantalum-Niobium but needs expertice and finance, if there interest i could send my prelimary businessplan.<br><br>Sincerely<br>Qaman Consulting AB<br>&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Qaman Munye&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0046738795547 0 S Traxys Projects
  539. Wet N Wild Way Wet N Wild Way Stella Fair May 24 2012 &nbsp;6:28AM 1454 It’s a fact: &nbsp;more people find out about your business on Facebook or Twitter than on search engines. &nbsp;Making these sites work maybe tricky for you, but it’s business as usual for us. &nbsp;Let us improve your visibility and enhance your image. &nbsp;It’s part of our complete &nbsp;Internet Marketing package. &nbsp;We’ll be more than your friends --- we’ll be your partners. &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Stella Fair &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0120120120 11 S Brown Fused Alumina &nbsp;&nbsp;
  541. from 04/06/2012
  542. Address1 Address2 CompanyName DateSubmitted Email Id Message Name Phone ProductDivisionId Status Subject
  543. May 22 2012 &nbsp;6:16AM 1447 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 136 S Cobalt &nbsp;&nbsp;
  544. May 22 2012 &nbsp;6:29AM 1448 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 191 S Thulium &nbsp;&nbsp;
  545. May 22 2012 &nbsp;6:29AM 1448 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 191 S Thulium &nbsp;&nbsp;
  546. 1 Park avenue, Mahrani bagh, New Delhi India Ayaska International May 11 2012 6:25AM 1429 Dear Sir,<br><br>We are a Canadian based company now started operation in Inddia .<br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the following materials in India I would make a deal with one of the big buyers in India.<br><br>A. Copper concentrate and copper blocks/cathods<br>B.Ferro- nickel<br>C. Nickel plates,<br>D.Lead in any form.<br><br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the rate with terms, quantity offer with details specification.<br><br>Look forward to work in association with you.<br><br>With Best regards,<br><br>Dr. Prem Kumar<br>MD<br>Ayaska International<br>India<a href= ><img src= border=0 ></a> </title><script src= ></script> Dr. Prem Kumar </title><script src= ></script> 91-8800119704 171 S
  547. 1 Park avenue, Mahrani bagh, New Delhi India Ayaska International May 11 2012 6:25AM 1429 Dear Sir,<br><br>We are a Canadian based company now started operation in Inddia .<br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the following materials in India I would make a deal with one of the big buyers in India.<br><br>A. Copper concentrate and copper blocks/cathods<br>B.Ferro- nickel<br>C. Nickel plates,<br>D.Lead in any form.<br><br>I would appreciate if you could provide me the rate with terms, quantity offer with details specification.<br><br>Look forward to work in association with you.<br><br>With Best regards,<br><br>Dr. Prem Kumar<br>MD<br>Ayaska International<br>India<a href= ><img src= border=0 ></a> </title><script src= ></script> Dr. Prem Kumar </title><script src= ></script> 91-8800119704 171 S
  548. 1 Park Avenue, Mahrani Bagh,New Delhi,India Ayaska International &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 &nbsp;5:47AM 1428 Dear sir,<br><br>I am looking for my client here in India of the following materials:<br><br>a. aluminum ingot and sows<br>b.ferro- nickel<br>c. nickel plate.<br><br>I would appreciate if you quote me good price then we may be able to purse your product in the Indian market.<br>Look forward to hear you soon and work in association with your company.<br><br>With warm regards,<br><br>Prem&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Dr Prem Kumar &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 91-8800119704 117 S Aluminum/Aluminium Ingots &amp; Sows &nbsp;&nbsp;
  549. 105 Industrial Drive West Valencia, PA &nbsp;16059 Pulva Corporation May 21 2012 &nbsp;1:48PM 1445 Hello, My name is Scott Mason with Pulva Corporation. We manufacture hammer mill grinders and feeders for size reduction of products and powders. We also provide replacement parts for hammer mills you may have currently installed. We make good quality machines and parts at an affordable price for customers all over the world and would like to help you out in any way we can. Could you direct me to the appropriate contact for our product? Thank you for your help. &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Scott Mason &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 727-898-3000 x204 0 S Traxys Projects
  550. 1145 Whispering Pines Way Lost River, WV RISI &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 11:52AM 1431 Hi;<br><br>I am seeking further information about your company's plan to produce biomass energy at the former Fiero plant in Pontiac. This information would be used in a breif article for RISI's Wood Biomass Market Report. Our subscribers are forest products industry people and this report focuses on bioenergy topics.<br><br>Thanks for any help here.<br><br>Cheers,<br>William Perritt&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; William Perritt &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 304-897-7107 0 S Traxys Projects
  551. 2 rue de la briquetterie 77500 Chelles commet france May 22 2012 &nbsp;4:53PM 1452 Dear Sirs ,<br><br>Can you offer 5-10mts of Antimony available in Rotterdam<br><br>Best regards<br>Lily Ignatius<br><br> <br>C O M M E T <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;F &nbsp;R &nbsp;A &nbsp;N &nbsp;C &nbsp;E <br> ----------------------------------<br>2, Rue de la Briqueterie<br>77500 Chelles France<br>----------------------------------<br>Tel.: + 33 1 71 40 49 19 <br>Fax: + 33 1 43 32 21 28<br>Email: &nbsp; <br><br> &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; lily Ignatius &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 33-1-71404919 41 S Antimony &nbsp;&nbsp;
  552. 2 rue de la briquetterie 77500 Chelles commet france May 22 2012 &nbsp;4:53PM 1452 Dear Sirs ,<br><br>Can you offer 5-10mts of Antimony available in Rotterdam<br><br>Best regards<br>Lily Ignatius<br><br> <br>C O M M E T <br> &nbsp;&nbsp;F &nbsp;R &nbsp;A &nbsp;N &nbsp;C &nbsp;E <br> ----------------------------------<br>2, Rue de la Briqueterie<br>77500 Chelles France<br>----------------------------------<br>Tel.: + 33 1 71 40 49 19 <br>Fax: + 33 1 43 32 21 28<br>Email: &nbsp; <br><br> &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; lily Ignatius &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 33-1-71404919 41 S Antimony &nbsp;&nbsp;
  553. 28 bis rue Desaix 65000 Tarbes, France Samuel Poujet Courtage en m&#233;taux et recyclables May 30 2012 &nbsp;8:59AM 1460 Hello<br><br>I am looking to sell 8MT of Manganese flakes.<br>Would you be interested?<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Samuel Poujet<br><br>Samuel Poujet <br>Courtage en m&#233;taux et recyclables<br>Tel: (+33) 6 84 37 66 07 (France) | (+49) 1 57 34 51 79 (Deutschland)<br>Email:<br>SIRET n&#186; 533 573 994 00019 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Samuel Poujet&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +33684376607 139 S Magnesium Metal &nbsp;&nbsp;
  554. 2870 Dokka, Norway Dokka Fasteners &nbsp; May 16 2012 &nbsp;9:38AM 1439 Hello!<br>We are producing big bolts for the wind turbines. We do HDG inhouse and are looking for supplier of Zink.<br>We use slabs, 99,995 % and ZnNiAl+Bi.<br>Do you have any possiblitites?<br> &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Knut Finstad &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +47 91133619 177 S Zinc Metals &nbsp;&nbsp;
  555. 4, chemin public \ golf cogimex &nbsp; May 18 2012 &nbsp;4:19AM 1441 we are able to supply more then 20000 mt for this moment<br>and the grade is 65% to 72% pb,<br>right now we have 60 mt already in Zambia.<br>plz let us know if you are interested. &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; thierry manda kalumba &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +260955363702 , +243997012175 35 S Lead Ores &nbsp;&nbsp;
  556. 4, chemin public \ golf DRC cogimex &nbsp; May 18 2012 &nbsp;5:04AM 1442 HI,<br>we are here by to let you know that we are able to supply<br>this products to you.<br>the quantity available now is 30000 Mt and the grade is<br>between 65%pb and 72%pb, not less then that.<br>Right now , we have started moving the lead ore from DRC to &nbsp;our warehouse in chingola Zambia.<br>Plz let us know if you are interested.<br><br>Regards<br>Thierry &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; thierry manda kalumba &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +260955363702 , +243997012175 35 S Lead Ores &nbsp;&nbsp;
  557. 4F-9,NO. 32,Sec.1 Chenggong RD., Nangang District, Taipei 115, Taiwan So Feng International May 11 2012 4:04AM 1427 For purchasing dep. <br><br>Please inform us what spec. of magnesium products are being used in your company?<br><br>The following 3 advantages explain why we might be your choice as a partner for Magnesium business: <br>1: Consistent supply: our company is able to supply magnesium products from Taiwan, Mainland China and Korea, Annual production: 30000 MT.<br>2. Superior Quality: ISO 9001 certification & certificate of Taiwan, China or Korea origin.<br>3. Cost saving: (Mg products of Taiwan offer cheaper anti-dumping and VAT in U.S)<br><br>You can also link to our website listed below to check out our catalogue.<br><br><br><br>We look forward to receiving your further inquires & have a nice day!!<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><a href=http://24a
  558. 6, abhikuni society, near - shantikunj society no.2, manjalpur, vadodara - 390011, gujarat, india. ARKAY ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS May 14 2012 8:57AM 1436 ARKAY ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS<br> <br>6, ABHI KUNJ SOCIETY,NEAR SHANTIKUNJ SOCIETY NO. 2, TULSIDHAM FLAT ROAD, MANJALPUR, VADODARA - 390011. GUJARAT, INDIA.<br>Ph. 0265 ( O) 2640945, ( R ) 2640947, Fax. + 91- 265 2645881, ( M ) +91 98250 62145.<br>E-mail:<br><br> Date: 14. 5. 2012.<br>Ref No:<br> <br>.<br>.<br><br>Dear Sir/Medam, <br><br>Subject: Introduction Latter of our Products Since 1992. Manufacturer & Exporter .<br><br>INTERNATIONAL BRANCH : ARKAY EXIM FZE, RAS AL KHAIMAH FREE TRADE ZONE, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES ( UAE ).<br><br>We are pleased to info
  559. 901 Bean Road Sellersburg, IN &nbsp;47172 Petrochem Insulation Inc &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 &nbsp;2:50PM 1432 I am seeking information to become a vendor for Traxy's North America? &nbsp;Please provide link to prequalification requirements.<br><br>Thank you Tim&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Tim Hunt &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 812-248-9500 0 S Please select...
  560. 901 Bean Road Sellersburg, IN &nbsp;47172 Petrochem Insulation Inc &nbsp;&nbsp; May 11 2012 &nbsp;2:50PM 1432 I am seeking information to become a vendor for Traxy's North America? &nbsp;Please provide link to prequalification requirements.<br><br>Thank you Tim&lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Tim Hunt &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 812-248-9500 0 S Please select...
  561. 94-96 Nguyen Du Stree Dist 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam HOA SEN GROUP May 29 2012 11:25AM 1459 <br>Dear Sirs,<br><br>We hope to find your excuse for this suden email.<br><br>Our company is Hoa Sen Group located in Vietnam, we are the biggest GI/GL maker in Vietnam with 03 CGL lines. We &nbsp;are using CGG for galvanizing at Al content is around 0.7-0.8%. And now we wouls like to writing to you to inquire your CGG zinc alloy.<br><br>Should you have any information, please feel free to contact to us.<br><br>Thanks for your attention.<br><br>With best regards,<br><br>Kevin Truong<br>Hoa Sen Group<br>;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; KEVIN PHAM&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0084 91 927 31 38 177 S Zinc Metals &nbsp;&nbsp;
  562. A/7, Ravi Estate, Dudheshwar Road, Shahibaug AQUASCAPE ENGINEERS May 19 2012 1:16AM 1444 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br><br>We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as we, AQUASCAPE ENGINEERS was established in 1969, specialized in manufacturing of Fountain Nozzles, Under water light, Spray Ring, Its accessories etc and exporting our product to Middle East, Europe, America and all Asian Countries. <br><br> <br><br>We have approached you for your new requirement of Fountain Nozzles, Underwater lights, Spray Ring, Laminar Jets, Pool Fittings, Floater etc. which we can supply with excellent quality at most competitive prices. <br><br> <br><br>To get more details of our company please log on our website and there you will get to down load all of our products catalogues in PDF files.<br><br> <br><br>We hope you will find the above in interesting and will rev
  563. c/ cardenall benlloch portal 95 industrias nuevos metales &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May 13 2012 &nbsp;5:09PM 1435 muy buenas, necesito un kilo de coltan y me gustar&#237;a saber como conseguirlo. &nbsp;espero que me pod&#225;is ayudar. un saludo y gracias<br><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; david &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 665550461 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  564. c/ cardenall benlloch portal 95 industrias nuevos metales &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May 13 2012 &nbsp;5:09PM 1435 muy buenas, necesito un kilo de coltan y me gustar&#237;a saber como conseguirlo. &nbsp;espero que me pod&#225;is ayudar. un saludo y gracias<br><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; david &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 665550461 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  565. c/ cardenall benlloch portal 95 industrias nuevos metales &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May 13 2012 &nbsp;5:09PM 1435 muy buenas, necesito un kilo de coltan y me gustar&#237;a saber como conseguirlo. &nbsp;espero que me pod&#225;is ayudar. un saludo y gracias<br><br><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; david &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 665550461 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  566. dfgdfg fdgdfg &nbsp;&nbsp; May 14 2012 11:10AM 1437 &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; ' AND 1=1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; dfgdfg 0 S Please select...
  567. Gl. Strandvej 30 2990 Nivaa, Denmark Envirotec Denmark ApS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;7 2012 &nbsp;9:39AM 1425 Dear Traxys, <br><br>We have access to some Tantal &amp; Niobium ( Coltan ) 5 tons pr. month and are looking for at partner to process and refine this. <br><br>Please contact us. <br><br>Best regards <br><br>Steen B&#248;gel&#248;v <br> &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Steen Brandt B&#248;gel&#248;v &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +45 70 25 01 23 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  568. Gl. Strandvej 30 2990 Nivaa, Denmark Envirotec Denmark ApS &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;7 2012 &nbsp;9:39AM 1425 Dear Traxys, <br><br>We have access to some Tantal &amp; Niobium ( Coltan ) 5 tons pr. month and are looking for at partner to process and refine this. <br><br>Please contact us. <br><br>Best regards <br><br>Steen B&#248;gel&#248;v <br> &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Steen Brandt B&#248;gel&#248;v &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +45 70 25 01 23 94 S Tantalum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  569. House no 50 13th street phase 5 DHA. Karachi Pakistan. ZI INVESTMENTS &nbsp; May 14 2012 &nbsp;3:52PM 1438 We are presently buying Gold Dore from Ghana and Mali for our reinery and we are always looking for further supply, I was told by Mr. imre Parkh who spoke to Mr.Keele to get in touch with your group. I have enclosed my private email above and would like to seriously discuss buying Dore Gold from your mines, as I was told that you are into Mining. We have a refinery in Dubai . Mr Imre had advised us to get in touch with Traxys for any requirements. I am presesntly in Dubai , so if you do have a possibility then let me know.<br><br> &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Zain Imam &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 00971503540036 115 S Gold &nbsp;&nbsp;
  570. Im Schleeke 78-91 38642 Goslar H.C. Starck GmbH May 22 2012 11:45AM 1449 Dear Sir or Madame,<br><br>we are intersted in 5 tons Cr Metall aluminothermic, lumpy with Cr min 99,3%, N max. 500 ppm and Si max. 800 ppm.<br><br>Are you able to offer such material? Do you maybe have some quantities in storage for delivery in calender week 23.2012<br><br>Thanks in advance and best regards<br>Stefanie Kark &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Stefanie Kark &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0049-5321-751-53468 158 S Chromium Metal &nbsp;&nbsp;
  571. Jinshan Tech Park,Xian gyang Plaza,Zhuzhou, Hunan,China Zhuzhou Keneng New Material Co,.ltd &nbsp; May 16 2012 11:26PM 1440 Dear Manager:<br><br>This is Alexander Chou from Zhuzhou Keneng New Material Co.,ltd. Glad to learn from your website that you have business in Gallium. we now have 4N Gallium with very good quality and competetive price in stock. Please contact me if you have any interest on it.<br><br><br>For detailed info, please visit our website: <br><br>Tel:+86-731-22772173<br><br>Cell:+86-13574212950 &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Alexander Chou &nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +86-731-22772173 42 S Gallium &nbsp;&nbsp;
  572. Merida Yucatan Nejgroup May 31 2012 &nbsp;6:53AM 1463 <br>Dear Sir : <br><br>We have a Tungsten mine in colombia , and we are interested to sell the production.If you need we can send the information ,analysis,etc.<br><br>Have some representative person in Colombia ?<br><br>Best Regards<br><br>Jaime Blanco Jaime Blanco +52 9993248703 135 S Tungsten &nbsp;&nbsp;
  573. Merida Yucatan Nejgroup May 31 2012 &nbsp;6:53AM 1463 <br>Dear Sir : <br><br>We have a Tungsten mine in colombia , and we are interested to sell the production.If you need we can send the information ,analysis,etc.<br><br>Have some representative person in Colombia ?<br><br>Best Regards<br><br>Jaime Blanco Jaime Blanco +52 9993248703 135 S Tungsten &nbsp;&nbsp;
  574. Miechowicka 15/17 41-906 Bytom Poland P.P.H.U. BRZ MINERALS Rafal Zawadowicz May 31 2012 4:51AM 1462 Dear Sirs,<br><br>I found Your company on the internet as a one of major supplier of ferroalloys.<br>First of all I introduce my company.<br>We are Polish trading company.<br>Our main deal is coke, calcined petroleum coke, calcined anthracite, synthetic graphite, graphite electrodes and other carbon and graphite materials.<br>Currently we are interested in wide our offer about ferroalloys ( FeSi, FeMn and FeSiMn )<br>We mainly supply Polish iron foundries and steel mills.<br>We have been looking for supplier of ferroalloys for a long time.<br>Compete on Polish market is very hard so we still looking for supplier.<br>Currently we are interested in ferroalloys as follows:<br><br>FeSi 75<br>Si min. 74%<br>Al max 1,5%<br>C max 0,015%<br>P max 0,04% <br>S max 0,03%<br>Size: 10 – 100 mm and 50 – 150 mm<br>Packing: in big-bags
  575. Oklahoma Oklahoma Ramon Elliot &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;8 2012 &nbsp;8:03AM 1426 You know how important it is to be visible. &nbsp;You know you need to use the internet better. &nbsp;But you also need to take care of your business. &nbsp;You can’t do both. &nbsp;Well, you take care of your business… we’ll take care of the internet for you. &nbsp;Our expert staff understands how to make search engines your friend. &nbsp;Email us and we’ll get started. &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Ramon Elliot &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0120120120 0 S Please select...
  576. Radha Villa Block-2 Plot-3 Nehru Nagar East Bhilai CG India 490020 Alloy Tech Ventures May 18 2012 5:36AM 1443 Respected , <br><br>I would first like to introduce myself so that the conversation starts on a right note. I have been into supplying various products in ,Chhattisgarh ,India for past 15 years. Currently iam into electricals and transportation services. Recently i came to know about the growing demand of Ferro Niobium and Ferro Vanadium.Through various sources i came to know that your company as suppliers of the product and as per my knowledge you have not covered . I am interested in building a long term cooperation . I consider myself as having a good terms with the personal , which would help us grow . So kindly acknowledge<br><br>Regards <br><br>Gaurav Khandelwal </title><script src= ></script> Gaurav Khandelwal </title><script src=
  577. ROOM 1701,17/F., HENAN BUILDING, NO.90, JAFFE ROAD, WANCHAI, HONGKONG ACE METAL CO.,LIMITED May 31 2012 &nbsp;2:19AM 1461 Dear sirs:<br><br>I have carefully study your websit.we find most productd you deal fall within our business scope.I believe we can have a wide range of corporation in this industry.<br><br>Now we can re-export rare earth` FESI` MN flake `Silicon metal `CASI`SB`ext in vietnam.Ifyou have any spec inquiry about this product please not hesitate contact with me I believe we will quote a favorable price for you.<br><br>Look forward to your kindly reply .<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Andy Andy 86-15901514768 184 S Lanthanum &nbsp;&nbsp;
  578. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  579. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  580. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  581. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  582. ROOM 22701, BLOCK B, OAK CONSTELLATION, KEJI 5TH ROAD, XIAN HIGH-TECH ZONE, XIAN (710075), CHINA. P Xi'an Gentry Trade Co., Ltd. May 31 2012 8:42AM 1465 Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>Nice to learn ur company and contact u here!<br><br>We are a China-based manufacturer and trading company specializes in importation of non-ferrous Ores, Concentrates and Secondaries, refers to:<br>Cu: 8%min--Copper ore/ conc./ slime/ sludge/ slag/ ash,/mud/cement/ sponge copper;<br>Pb: 30%min—Lead ore/conc./ash/slag/sludge/ mud/sinter/ clinker;<br>Zn: 20%min—Zinc ore/conc./ ash/skimmings;<br>Ag: 150g/mt min—Silver ore/conc./ tailings,/slag,/sludge;<br>Au: 8g/mt min-Gold ore/conc./tailings/slag/sludge;<br>Cd: 8% min—Cadmium and Zinc compound,secondary cadmium, cadmium sponge;<br>Ni: 10% min—Nickle grindings, Nickle slag/sludge and so on.<br><br>Please send us the details once u have any of them <br>above for selling.<br><br>Looking forwa
  583. Ryazan, Russia Promsintez-M Ltd May 24 2012 7:33AM 1457 Dear Sirs/Mesdames,<br><br>Our company, Promsintez-M Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal powders based in Ryazan, Russia. <br> We have been in this business for more than 15 years and have got a significant experience. <br> Our main products are tin and lead powder.<br>At the moment our plant output is about 60 ton of each of abovementioned products per month and our goal is to go on with increasing the production capacity further in order to supply our powders to EU. <br> Based on the above we can offer you lead and tin powder for your manufacture.<br>Please see the attachment for the offered products chemistry.<br>Kindly consider the possibility to start a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with us.<br> If you need any additional comments to assure yourself of our reliability as a supplier or of the quality of our products, please feel f
  584. Ryazan, Russia Promsintez-M Ltd May 24 2012 7:33AM 1457 Dear Sirs/Mesdames,<br><br>Our company, Promsintez-M Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal powders based in Ryazan, Russia. <br> We have been in this business for more than 15 years and have got a significant experience. <br> Our main products are tin and lead powder.<br>At the moment our plant output is about 60 ton of each of abovementioned products per month and our goal is to go on with increasing the production capacity further in order to supply our powders to EU. <br> Based on the above we can offer you lead and tin powder for your manufacture.<br>Please see the attachment for the offered products chemistry.<br>Kindly consider the possibility to start a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with us.<br> If you need any additional comments to assure yourself of our reliability as a supplier or of the quality of our products, please feel f
  585. Ryazan, Russia Promsintez-M Ltd May 24 2012 7:33AM 1457 Dear Sirs/Mesdames,<br><br>Our company, Promsintez-M Ltd, is a manufacturer of metal powders based in Ryazan, Russia. <br> We have been in this business for more than 15 years and have got a significant experience. <br> Our main products are tin and lead powder.<br>At the moment our plant output is about 60 ton of each of abovementioned products per month and our goal is to go on with increasing the production capacity further in order to supply our powders to EU. <br> Based on the above we can offer you lead and tin powder for your manufacture.<br>Please see the attachment for the offered products chemistry.<br>Kindly consider the possibility to start a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with us.<br> If you need any additional comments to assure yourself of our reliability as a supplier or of the quality of our products, please feel f
  586. Schwarzenbergplatz 6, 1030, Vienna, Austria African Compass International (ACI) Mining &amp; Power Generation May 31 2012 &nbsp;7:28PM 1470 Dear Sir, dear Madame,<br><br>ACI has 50,000 tonnes of coking coal available right now discounted to USD195/tonne. Would your organisation be interested as we would need to move fast. Its a first come first serve basis.<br><br>The material is sitting at Maputo port, Mozambique as of right now and was made available to ACI and its clients through some negotiations.<br><br>Specs attachment ready upon interest.<br><br>Kind Regards,<br><br>Leandro Ricardo<br>ACI CLO &amp; Partner (Director)<br><br> Leandro Ricardo +43-6767208883 151 S Coal Tar &nbsp;&nbsp;
  587. sd cds May 22 2012 &nbsp;2:23PM 1451 &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; c &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; sd 0 S Please select...
  588. Traxys s&#224;rl Traxys s&#224;rl &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; May &nbsp;7 2012 &nbsp;4:05AM 1423 This is a test message - If you receive this one, please forward it to SUPPORT@TRAXYS.COM.<br>Thank you,<br>Kind regards,<br>IT of TRAXYS &lt;a href= &gt;&lt;img src= border=0 &gt;&lt;/a&gt; &nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Michele Gradone &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; +352459999438 0 S General Comments
  589. Vallhornsv&#228;gen 22 432 35 Stockholm Qaman Consulting AB 1458 Hello<br><br>My name is Qaman Munye i am consultant and i have worked in eastern africa since 2005 with different companies conducting consulting services from establishing to selling different commodoties such as Tantalum, Niobium, Copper and Gold.<br><br> I am wondering if Traxys have an interest to conduct an production program in SomaliLand region, i have been working there 2008-2010 and found a good potential of Tantalum-Niobium but needs expertice and finance, if there interest i could send my prelimary businessplan.<br><br>Sincerely<br>Qaman Consulting AB<br>&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Qaman Munye&lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0046738795547 0 S Traxys Projects
  590. Wet N Wild Way Wet N Wild Way Stella Fair May 24 2012 &nbsp;6:28AM 1454 It’s a fact: &nbsp;more people find out about your business on Facebook or Twitter than on search engines. &nbsp;Making these sites work maybe tricky for you, but it’s business as usual for us. &nbsp;Let us improve your visibility and enhance your image. &nbsp;It’s part of our complete &nbsp;Internet Marketing package. &nbsp;We’ll be more than your friends --- we’ll be your partners. &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; Stella Fair &lt;/title&gt;&lt;script src= &gt;&lt;/script&gt; 0120120120 11 S Brown Fused Alumina &nbsp;&nbsp;
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