Guest User

ALIEN Config for Defrag

a guest
Jun 4th, 2010
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  1. //unbindall
  3. seta server1 ""
  4. seta server2 ""
  5. seta server3 ""
  8. seta model "slash/yuriko"
  9. seta headmodel "slash/yuriko"
  11. seta team_model "slash/yuriko"
  12. seta team_headmodel "slash/yuriko"
  14. seta color "2"
  15. seta color1 "4"
  16. seta color2 "2"
  18. bind 1 "savepos 0"
  19. bind 2 "vstr pos1; set saveposname pos1"
  20. bind 3 "vstr pos2; set saveposname pos2"
  21. bind 4 "vstr pos3; set saveposname pos3"
  22. bind 5 "vstr pos4; set saveposname pos4"
  23. bind 6 "vstr pos5; set saveposname pos5"
  25. bind 7 "team red"
  26. bind 8 "team blue"
  27. bind 9 "team a"
  28. bind 0 "team s"
  30. bind s "+moveleft"
  31. bind f "+moveright"
  32. bind d "+back"
  33. bind e "+forward"
  34. bind space "+moveup"
  35. bind shift "+movedown"
  36. bind alt "+speed"
  38. bind v "weapon 8"
  39. bind g "weapon 4"
  40. bind z "weapon 2"
  42. bind o "seta name ^1e^7S^5-^2AL^7|^2EN"
  43. bind p "seta name ^2AL^7|^2EN"
  44. bind i "seta name Ne^2|^7la
  46. bind w "+button3"
  47. bind q "say ^2:^7-]"
  49. bind r "vstr Death"
  51. //bind n "stoprecord"
  52. //bind b "record a"
  54. bind x "vstr info8_900"
  55. bind [ "say !top"
  56. bind ] "say !oldtop"
  57. bind ; "seta cg_drawFPS 0"
  58. bind ' "god;give all"
  59. bind / "varcommand say ^2Jumps^7 $chsinfo(140)"
  60. bind . "varcommand say ^2Speed^7 $chsinfo(145)"
  61. bind , "varcommand say ^5Time^7: $chsinfo(101)"
  62. bind - "varMath s_volume - .100;play sound/misc/menu3"
  63. bind = "varMath s_volume + .100;play sound/misc/menu3"
  65. bind enter "+button2"
  67. bind ctrl "vstr KeySet4"
  68. bind F1 "vstr ThirdPerson-On"
  69. bind F2 "vstr AAB-Off"
  70. bind F3 "vstr AAH-Off"
  71. bind F4 "vstr APL-Off"
  72. bind F5 "vstr Say1"
  73. bind F6 "vstr ACD-Off"
  74. bind F7 "vstr DrawBestTime-Off"
  75. bind F8 "vstr Hud-DeFRaG"
  76. bind F9 "vstr DemoView-On"
  77. bind F10 "vstr ARSCF-Off"
  78. bind F11 "disconnect"
  79. bind f12 "screenshot"
  81. bind TAB "+scores"
  83. bind DEL "timescale 0.25"
  84. bind END "timescale 0.001"
  85. bind HOME "timescale 1"
  86. bind INS "timescale 0.5"
  87. bind PGDN "timescale 8"
  88. bind PGUP "timescale 2"
  90. bind DOWNARROW "vote no"
  91. bind LEFTARROW "vstr Mode-Lan"
  92. bind RIGHTARROW "vstr Mode-Net"
  93. bind UPARROW "vote Yes"
  95. bind KP_END "df_mode_fastcaps 1;df_mode_tricksmode 1;map_restart 0"
  96. bind KP_DOWNARROW "df_mode_fastcaps 2;df_mode_tricksmode 2;map_restart 0"
  97. bind KP_HOME "df_mode_fastcaps 7;df_mode_tricksmode 7;map_restart 0"
  98. bind KP_LEFTARROW "df_mode_fastcaps 4;df_mode_tricksmode 4;map_restart 0"
  99. bind KP_PGDN "df_mode_fastcaps 3;df_mode_tricksmode 3;map_restart 0"
  101. bind KP_UPARROW "callvote promode 1"
  102. bind KP_5 "callvote gametype 3"
  103. bind KP_PGUP "callvote mode 1"
  105. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  106. bind MOUSE2 "+moveup"
  107. bind MOUSE3 "weapon 5"
  108. bind MWHEELUP "vstr pos1"
  109. bind MWHEELDOWN "savepos"
  110. seta in_mouse "1"
  111. seta m_filter "0"
  112. seta m_pitch "0.022000"
  113. seta m_yaw "0.022000"
  114. seta sensitivity "7"
  115. seta cl_mouseAccel "0.00"
  117. seta cl_maxpackets "125"
  118. seta cl_run "1"
  119. seta cl_running "1"
  121. seta cg_bobpitch "0"
  122. seta cg_bobroll "0"
  123. seta cg_bobup "0"
  124. seta cg_brasstime "0"
  125. seta cg_crosshairhealth "0"
  126. seta cg_crosshairSize "32"
  127. seta cg_crosshairColor "2"
  128. seta cg_drawDamage "0"
  129. seta cg_draw3dicons "1"
  130. seta cg_drawAttacker "0"
  131. seta cg_drawCrosshair "5"
  132. seta cg_drawCrosshairNames "0"
  133. seta cg_drawGun "0"
  134. seta cg_drawFps "1"
  135. seta cg_drawIcons "1"
  136. seta cg_drawRewards "0"
  137. seta cg_drawStatus "1"
  138. seta cg_drawTimer "1"
  139. seta cg_fallKick "0"
  140. seta cg_fov "110"
  141. seta cg_gibs "0"
  142. seta cg_lagometer "0"
  143. seta cg_marks "0"
  144. seta cg_nochatbeep "0"
  145. seta cg_predictItems "1"
  146. seta cg_runpitch "0"
  147. seta cg_runroll "0"
  148. seta cg_shadows "0"
  149. seta cg_simpleitems "1"
  150. seta cg_smoothClients "0"
  151. seta cg_thirdperson "0"
  152. seta cg_thirdpersonRange "100"
  153. seta cg_zoomfov "110"
  155. seta df_accel_Draw "0"
  156. seta df_accel_Output "0"
  158. seta df_ar_StopDelay "3500"
  159. seta df_ar_SpeedCapture_Format "0"
  160. seta df_autorecord "1"
  162. seta df_checkpoints "2"
  164. seta df_chs_UsePredicted "0"
  166. seta df_chs0_DisplayType "1"
  167. seta df_chs0_Draw "2"
  168. seta df_chs0_FontColor "2"
  169. seta df_chs0_FontShadow "1"
  170. seta df_chs0_FontSize "16"
  171. seta df_chs0_LabelColor "2"
  172. seta df_chs0_OffsetX "-25"
  173. seta df_chs0_OffsetY "100"
  175. seta df_chs1_Draw "1"
  176. seta df_chs1_DisplayType "4"
  177. seta df_chs1_Info3 "50"
  178. seta df_chs1_Info4 "1"
  179. seta df_chs1_Info5 "3014"
  180. seta df_chs1_Info7 "51"
  181. seta df_chs1_OffsetX "45"
  182. seta df_chs1_OffsetY "-35"
  184. seta df_chs2_ComboSeparator ""
  185. seta df_chs2_Draw "1"
  186. seta df_chs2_EnableCombos "1"
  187. seta df_chs2_OffsetX "-305"
  188. seta df_chs2_OffsetY "158"
  189. seta df_chs2_LabelColor "2"
  190. seta df_chs2_LabelType "0"
  191. seta df_chs2_Info4 "130"
  192. seta df_chs2_Info5 "124 141"
  193. seta df_chs2_Info6 "120 140"
  194. seta df_chs2_Info7 "51 210"
  196. seta df_competition ""
  198. seta df_country "Poland"
  200. seta df_drawBesttime "1"
  201. seta df_drawCheckpointEvents "1"
  202. seta df_drawCheckpointStats "1"
  203. seta df_drawJumpmeters "0"
  204. seta df_drawSpeed "0"
  206. seta df_demos_CameraMode "0"
  207. seta df_demos_ReplayMode "0"
  209. seta df_ghosts_automode "0"
  210. seta df_ghosts_miniviewdraw "0"
  212. seta df_hud "0"
  213. seta df_hud_3DIcons "0"
  214. seta df_hud_cgaz "1"
  215. seta df_hud_color "0"
  216. seta df_hud_drawStatus "0"
  217. seta df_hud_fontcolor "7"
  218. seta df_hud_forceteamcolors "0"
  220. seta df_mode_fastcaps "1"
  221. seta df_mode_tricksmode "2"
  222. seta df_name "ALIEN"
  223. seta df_ob_Fast "0"
  224. seta df_promode "1"
  225. seta df_script_onRespawn "0"
  226. seta df_unit "0"
  228. seta r_allowExtensions "1"
  229. seta r_colorbits "16"
  230. seta r_depthbits "16"
  231. seta r_dynamiclight "0"
  232. seta r_ext_compressed_textures "1"
  233. seta r_fastsky "1"
  234. seta r_finish "0"
  235. seta r_ignorehwgamma "1"
  236. seta r_intensity "1"
  237. seta r_lodbias "0"
  238. seta r_mapOverBrightBits "4"
  239. seta r_mode "4"
  240. seta r_picmip "0"
  241. seta r_subdivisions "4"
  242. seta r_swapinterval "0"
  243. seta r_texturebits "16"
  244. seta r_vertexlight "1"
  246. seta s_doppler "0"
  247. seta s_khz "22"
  248. seta s_musicvolume "0"
  249. seta s_volume "1"
  251. seta sv_fps "125"
  252. seta sv_hostname "AL|EN D|mens|on"
  253. seta sv_pure "0"
  255. seta cd_nocd "1"
  256. seta com_blood "0"
  257. seta com_introplayed "1"
  258. seta com_hunkMegs "200"
  259. seta com_maxfps "125"
  260. seta g_synchronousclients "1"
  261. seta pmove_fixed "0"
  262. seta rate "25000"
  263. seta scr_conspeed "2222"
  264. seta sex "Yes I like it !"
  265. seta snaps "125"
  266. seta vote_limit "0"
  268. set AAB-CGH "df_accel_Draw 0;df_hud_cgaz 1;bind F2 "vstr AAB-DAM;echo Advenced Camping Gaz Acceleration Bar ^2On"
  269. set AAB-DAM "df_accel_Draw 1;df_hud_cgaz 0;bind F2 "vstr AAB-Off;echo Acceleration Bar ^2On"
  270. set AAB-Off "df_accel_Draw 0;df_hud_cgaz 0;bind F2 "vstr AAB-CGH;echo Acceleration Bar ^1Off"
  272. set AAH-On "vstr chs2_Info4-1;vstr chs2_Info5-1;vstr chs2_Info6-1;vstr chs2_Info7-1;bind F3 vstr AAH-Off;echo Advenced Acceleration History ^2On"
  273. set AAH-Off "vstr chs2_Info4-0;vstr chs2_Info5-0;vstr chs2_Info6-0;vstr chs2_Info7-0;bind F3 vstr AAH-On;echo Advenced Acceleration History ^1Off"
  275. set ACD-ACE "vstr ACE-On;vstr ACS-Off;bind F6 vstr ACD-ACS;echo Checkpoint Display: ^7Events only"
  276. set ACD-ACS "vstr ACE-Off;vstr ACS-On;bind F6 vstr ACD-ALL;echo Checkpoint Display: ^7Stats only"
  277. set ACD-ALL "vstr ACE-On;vstr ACS-On;bind F6 vstr ACD-Off;echo Checkpoint Display: ^2ALL"
  278. set ACD-Off "vstr ACE-Off;vstr ACS-Off;bind F6 vstr ACD-ACE;echo Checkpoint Display: ^1Disabled"
  280. set ACE-On "df_drawCheckpointEvents 1"
  281. set ACE-Off "df_drawCheckpointEvents 0"
  282. set ACS-On "df_drawCheckpointStats 1"
  283. set ACS-Off "df_drawCheckpointStats 0"
  285. set APL-On "df_chs1_Info5 3014;bind F4 vstr APL-Off;echo Advenced Position Label ^2On"
  286. set APL-Off "df_chs1_Info5 0;bind F4 vstr APL-On;echo Advenced Position Label ^1Off"
  288. set ARSCF-On "seta df_ar_SpeedCapture_Format 1;bind F10 vstr ARSCF-Off;echo AutoRecord SpeedCapture Format ^2On"
  289. set ARSCF-Off "seta df_ar_SpeedCapture_Format 0;bind F10 vstr ARSCF-On;echo AutoRecord SpeedCapture Format ^1Off"
  291. set chs2_Info4-0 "set df_chs2_Info4 0"
  292. set chs2_Info4-1 "set df_chs2_Info4 130"
  293. set chs2_Info5-0 "set df_chs2_Info5 0"
  294. set chs2_Info5-1 "set df_chs2_Info5 124 141"
  295. set chs2_Info6-0 "set df_chs2_Info6 0"
  296. set chs2_Info6-1 "set df_chs2_Info6 120 140"
  297. set chs2_Info7-0 "set df_chs2_Info7 0"
  298. set chs2_Info7-1 "set df_chs2_Info7 51 210"
  300. set Death1 "map_restart 0"
  301. set Death2 "kill;wait 25;kill;wait 25;+attack;wait 5;-attack"
  303. set DrawBestTime-Off "vstr DrawBestTime-Off2"
  305. set DemoView-On "cg_thirdperson 1;cg_thirdpersonRange 100;df_demos_CameraMode 3;df_ghosts_automode 5;bind F9 vstr DemoView-Off;echo DemoView ^2On"
  306. set DemoView-Off "cg_thirdperson 0;cg_thirdpersonRange 100;df_demos_CameraMode 0;df_ghosts_automode 0;bind F9 vstr DemoView-On;echo DemoView ^1Off"
  308. set DrawBestTime-On "set Offset3 vstr Offset1;vstr chs2_Offset;set Offset3 df_chs2_OffsetY 205;df_DrawBestTime 1;df_hud_drawStatus 1;bind F7 vstr DrawBestTime-Off;echo DrawBestTime ^2On"
  309. set DrawBestTime-Off1 "set Offset3 df_chs2_OffsetY 205;vstr chs2_Offset;df_DrawBestTime 0;df_hud_drawStatus 0;bind F7 vstr DrawBestTime-On;echo DrawBestTime ^1Off"
  310. set DrawBestTime-Off2 "set Offset3 df_chs2_OffsetY 205;vstr chs2_Offset;df_DrawBestTime 0;df_hud_drawStatus 1;bind F7 vstr DrawBestTime-On;echo DrawBestTime ^1Off"
  312. set Hud-DeFRaG "set DrawBestTime-Off vstr DrawBestTime-Off2;set chs2_Offset vstr Offset1;vstr chs2_Offset;df_hud 1;cg_drawStatus 1;df_hud_drawStatus 1;bind F8 vstr Hud-Clear;echo DrawStatus ^2DeFRaG"
  313. set Hud-Quake3 "set DrawBestTime-Off vstr DrawBestTime-Off1;set chs2_Offset vstr Offset2;vstr chs2_Offset;df_hud 0;cg_drawStatus 1;df_hud_drawStatus 0;bind F8 vstr Hud-DeFRaG;echo DrawStatus ^1Quake3"
  314. set Hud-Clear "set DrawBestTime-Off vstr DrawBestTime-Off1;set chs2_Offset vstr Offset3;vstr chs2_Offset;df_hud 1;cg_drawStatus 0;df_hud_drawStatus 0;bind F8 vstr Hud-Quake3;echo DrawStatus ^7Clear"
  316. set Info8_900 "vstr Info8_900_1"
  317. set Info8_900_1 "df_chs2_Info8 900;set Info8_900 vstr Info8_900_0"
  318. set Info8_900_0 "df_chs2_Info8 0;set Info8_900 vstr Info8_900_1"
  320. set Mode-Lan "set death vstr Death1;set rate 50000;set df_chs_UsePredicted 0;df_ar_SpeedCapture_Format 1;cg_lagometer 0;echo Mode-^7Lan ^2On"
  321. set Mode-Net "set death vstr Death2;set rate 15000;set df_chs_UsePredicted 1;df_ar_SpeedCapture_Format 0;cg_lagometer 1;echo Mode-^1Net ^2On"
  323. set KeySet1 "bind shift weapon 2;bind mouse1 +attack;bind mouse2 +moveup;bind ctrl vstr KeySet2;echo ^3KeySet1: ^7mouse1=attack,mouse2=moveup,shift=weapon 2"
  324. set KeySet2 "bind mouse1 +movedown;bind ctrl vstr KeySet3;bind mouse2 +moveup;echo ^3KeySet2: ^72mouse1=^1movedown^7,mouse2=moveup,shift=weapon 2"
  325. set KeySet3 "bind shift +movedown;bind mouse1 +attack;bind mouse2 +moveup;bind ctrl vstr KeySet4;echo ^3KeySet3: ^7mouse1=attack,mouse2=moveup,shift=^2movedown"
  326. set KeySet4 "bind shift weapon 2;bind mouse1 +attack;bind mouse2 +movedown;bind ctrl vstr KeySet1;echo ^3KeySet4: ^7mouse1=attack,mouse2=^2movedown^7,shift=weapon 2"
  328. set Offset1 "df_chs2_OffsetY 175"
  329. set Offset2 "df_chs2_OffsetY 158"
  330. set Offset3 "df_chs2_OffsetY 184"
  332. set posempty ""
  333. set PosClear "set pos1 vstr posempty; set pos2 vstr posempty; set pos3 vstr posempty; set pos4 vstr posempty; set pos5 vstr posempty; echo Saved Positions Cleared"
  335. set Say1 "bind w vstr Txt1;bind F5 vstr Say2;echo Txt 1 Set"
  336. set Say2 "bind w vstr Txt2;bind F5 vstr Say3;echo Txt 2 Set"
  337. set Say3 "bind w vstr Txt3;bind F5 vstr Say1;echo Txt 3 Set"
  339. set ThirdPerson-On "cg_thirdperson 1;echo ThirdPerson ^2On;bind F1 vstr ThirdPerson-Off"
  340. set ThirdPerson-Off "cg_thirdperson 0;echo ThirdPerson ^1Off;bind F1 vstr ThirdPerson-On"
  342. set Txt1 "say ^7Mef wszystkie napewno nie ,ale ten tak :-))) ...;say ^2:^7-]"
  343. set Txt2 "say ^7Mef postaraj sie jeszcze bardziej.;say ^7Ciesze sie gdy mnie pobijasz ,przynajmniej mam co robic;say ^2:^7-]"
  344. set Txt3 "say ^2:^7-]"
  346. vstr Mode-Lan
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