
Solitary Confinement: Chapter 6(Final)

Mar 28th, 2014
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  1. >Sleep did not come easy last night.
  2. >While you two managed to get to the residential area, most of the buildings were in shambles.
  3. >Seems this area was hit hard, since the camp was near the ponies' arrival point.
  4. >The evidence of lethal force was obvious.
  5. >Dilapidated buildings, crumbled streets and uprooted trees.
  6. >No bodies laid strewn upon the streets, but the dried pools of blood spoke for themselves.
  7. >Soma said they're trying to clean our world up.
  8. >It just takes time.
  9. >The night is darkest just before the dawn, after all.
  10. >You both decided to make a tent among the rubble of what was once a house.
  11. >Nothing a little magic can't achieve, Soma always says.
  12. >Sewn from several bedsheets and propped up by rope was your makeshift residence.
  13. >It only needed to survive the night.
  14. >Unfortunately, the night held many sounds and paranoia began to set in.
  15. >You held your protector close to you the entire night, but you only drifted in and out of consciousness.
  16. >You didn't mind the occasional gurgle her stomach made, but you did mind the wind whistling through the rubble of the home.
  17. >Along with the rustling of paper and groan of the house's wreckage.
  18. >The few minutes of sleep you did get were very disorienting.
  19. >The ruby void aimed to pull you into a deep slumber, but each pulse it made only jolted you awake.
  20. >The darkness of your eyelids and the darkness of your dreams overlapped.
  21. >Your subconscious and reality fought for dominance over you.
  22. >And you were merely a casualty.
  23. >Though your eyelids were heavy, the embrace of your savior was not enough to lull you to sleep.
  24. >For hours you focused on the sounds of Soma's body to help soothe your mind.
  25. >Her soft exterior houses the warm interior containing last night's dinner.
  26. >A meager meal of a few cans of corn.
  27. >The soft whines and bubbly sounds of her innards appeal to your ears.
  28. >Churning away at what little nutrition her food had to offer.
  29. >This musical orchestra of her body hypnotizes you.
  30. >You hyperventilate a bit as your hands push into her soft middle.
  31. >The desire to be encased within her is overwhelming.
  32. >The thin covers that you shared with Soma did little to keep you cozy.
  33. >A cold breeze licks at your neck, reminding you of the cold world.
  34. >And her soft snoring prompts you to the warm sanctuary that is Soma.
  35. >You shake your head a bit, snapping back to reality.
  36. >What's wrong with you?
  37. >She offered you a home and a life, and all you can think of is throwing your life away for a moment of her pleasure.
  38. >The vivid memories of Soma's victims play over and over in your mind.
  39. >Withdrawing your hands, you try to sort out your mind.
  40. >”Anon? What's wrong?”
  41. >You turn your head up to see a concerned Soma.
  42. >”You're shaking, are you sick?”
  43. >Looking down at your body, you are indeed shivering.
  44. >How you did not notice this escapes you.
  45. “N-n-no... I guess I'm just a bit excited for tomorrow, hard to sleep.”
  46. >A smile creeps across her face as you look back to her.
  47. >”I see, well try to get some sleep anyway, I'll wake you up when the sun comes up.”
  48. >She brings you close to her, much like the nights before.
  49. >”Good night my little human.”
  50. ”Good night Soma...”
  51. >A mix of fatigue and the dulcet tones of her voice ease you into sleep.
  52. >Practically passing out, you enter the dream world.
  53. >Unfortunately, your mind was not done with you.
  54. >A sense of claustrophobia came over you.
  55. >Any attempt to move your body is met with elastic resistance.
  56. >The pulsing turned into a rhythmic constricting grip on your body.
  57. >Once warm and comforting, your world is now saturated in a choking heat.
  58. >”...Why...”
  59. >A familiar voice cries out in sorrow, echoing around you.
  60. >Soma?
  61. >”Not Anon... not now...”
  62. >You try to speak out, but you're only met with silence.
  63. >”...happy, but...”
  64. >A crushing feeling forces your knees into your chest.
  65. >”...please rest...”
  66. >It feels as if you're entire body is being torn asunder.
  67. >Rest was the last thing on your mind.
  68. >You attempt to lash out at your invisible confines.
  69. >Nothing gives way, nor does any hope for escape appear.
  70. >”Anon... Anon... my...”
  71. >An incredible force knocks you into the waking world.
  72. >You start awake, taking in your surroundings.
  73. >The tent you fell asleep in still appears to be holding up as sunlight pierces the thin sheets.
  74. >You find yourself cradled in Soma's fore legs as she stands on her hind legs.
  75. >Her expression of concern is replaced by one of relief.
  76. >”Thank Celestia you're awake, you were having a fit in your sleep.”
  77. >She puts you down slowly, taking care that you steady yourself as your feet reach the ground.
  78. >”You really gave me a scare, what were you dreaming about anyway?”
  79. >Soma looks into your eyes for an answer, her light blue irises sparkling with curiosity.
  80. “I'm... not quite sure myself. I've had this dream of darkness the past few days, but only today it sort of became a nightmare. It's... hard to remember what it was exactly.”
  81. >You scratch your head in frustration as Soma puts a hoof on your shoulder.
  82. >”Well, let's get going soon, we'll have plenty of time to rest at camp.”
  83. >The two of you gather your empty bags before exiting the tent.
  84. >You almost miss having a heavy backpack, only because it meant that you had a meal with you.
  85. >Unfortunately, last night's dinner was your last ration.
  86. >You still had your calcium tablets in your pockets, but that was no meal.
  87. >Not to mention, you don't know what would happen if you overdosed on them.
  88. >They were put in the pharmacy area after all.
  89. >During your walk, Soma would try to sample the uprooted trees and lawns of the residential area.
  90. >While she did have a few leaves and some blades of grass, it really meant nothing with her size.
  91. >Aside from the fact that some people had AstroTurf instead of actual grass.
  92. >Soma cursed a bit after biting into the rubbery foliage.
  93. >At least, you think “pony feathers,” and “by Luna's moon,” were curses from her world.
  94. >The nurse exclaims in frustration.
  95. >”Sheesh, its a wonder how you humans are still alive, even your vegetation is fake!”
  96. “Well, that's the reason you're here, right?”
  97. >She sighs grumpily as she lets out an angry snort.
  98. >”At least there was running water in the house before we left, we just need to get to camp.”
  99. “Couldn't agree with you more.”
  100. >As you retake your place by the nurse's side, you notice a bit of aggression in her eyes as she looks to you.
  101. >You shrink a little at this sight as Soma calms down and starts forward.
  102. >”Let's just hurry...”
  103. >A couple of hours pass without incident.
  104. >While there was a bit of tension between you two, you do your best to ignore it.
  105. >Didn't want to provoke her, especially since you've seen what she does while hungry.
  106. >While Soma trots down the path, you quickly search the rubble around the street.
  107. >No food, only running water can be found.
  108. >There came a point where Soma just drank a substantial amount of water just to feel full.
  109. >It didn't satisfy her hunger, but it was something.
  110. >Her belly hung a bit lower than normal.
  111. >The occasional sloshing of water inside her distracted you a bit, but you try not to think of it.
  112. >Soma's horn glows weakly before folding her legs under her to rest.
  113. >”I... need to rest a bit, really tired.”
  114. >She's been expending a bit of magic throughout your travels, making sure the path is safe.
  115. >Seems this is her personal limit.
  116. >Her coat clings to her skin, drenched in sweat from effort.
  117. >It wasn't particularly hot, but all the excess water is finding a way out of her.
  118. >You take off your second shirt to dry off her face and back.
  119. >”Thanks... guess I shouldn't have drank all that water.”
  120. >Sitting in front of her, you offer her your shirt.
  121. “Its fine, we'll have plenty of time to rest at camp.”
  122. >She takes your discarded shirt in a hoof as she dabs her muzzle in it.
  123. >An uncomfortable pause lingers through the air as she sniffs your shirt.
  124. >Shuddering at the odor, her eyes drift over to you.
  125. >It seems that you've made a mistake.
  126. “Uhh... Nurse Soma?”
  127. >She slowly rises, eyes half-lidded and focused on you.
  128. >You try to get up, but you slip on the crushed concrete beneath you.
  129. >Opting to scuttle backwards, you try to keep your distance from the starved mare.
  130. “S-Soma? It's me, Anon.”
  131. >Continuing to back up, her tongue begins to dangle out in anticipation.
  132. >Her gentle look replaced with predatory instinct.
  133. >Once a being of kindness is now a creature possessed by hunger.
  134. >You sob silently as your futile attempt to get away does little to convince Soma.
  135. >Her strides were much longer than your crawl, and you soon found yourself directly under your friend.
  136. >A bit of drool falls from her lower lip, joining the tears falling from your face.
  137. >You stare up at her eyes, still trying to be brave for your savior.
  138. “...I'll miss you...”
  139. >Her head lunges at you, taking in your head and shoulders into her mouth.
  140. >Your entire world becomes a muscular vice, squeezing down on you.
  141. >Her tongue dances across your front, savoring the taste underneath your shirt.
  142. >Absolutely soaked in her saliva, she slowly sucks you in.
  143. >The suction causes your ears to pop, which only adds to the chaos.
  144. >”Mmmmm...”
  145. >Much like her victims before, a loud moan of pleasure reverberates through you.
  146. >Your attempts to breathe is only met with wet flesh.
  147. >She bounced you around her mouth, almost playfully.
  148. >Any hope that this is a joke is met with the entrance of her esophagus.
  149. >Her tongue slowly eases you into the muscular tunnel as Soma begins to swallow you.
  150. >Despite everything, you offer no resistance.
  151. >Even now you don't want to risk hurting her.
  152. >She deserves this.
  153. >Arms pinned to your sides, you slide down her throat.
  154. >The slick surroundings squeeze you down towards her stomach.
  155. >The entrance eagerly accepts your head as your face touches down on the warm lake of Soma's gut.
  156. >Some of the water she drank still stayed inside her, much to your displeasure.
  157. >You feel your entire world turn as gravity assisted in pulling you down into Soma.
  158. >Seems she decided to sit on her hind legs as she rubs her belly.
  159. >The infrequent pets through her cushioned flesh was more for her pleasure than yours.
  160. >Your entire body flops into her flooded stomach.
  161. >While there was enough room to breathe, that was the least of your concerns.
  162. >In the darkness, the powerful organ starts to contract.
  163. >The choking heat makes what little air available to you taste stale.
  164. >Suddenly, a voice.
  165. >”Oh Celestia, what have I done?!”
  166. >Her soothing voice returned.
  167. >”Anon, are you still there? Please respond...”
  168. >Without the will to speak, you press your hand against her stomach, hoping she sees it.
  169. >You feel her hoof against your hand, glad to see that your caretaker has returned one last time.
  170. >”Anon, please save your energy, we can still be happy together, but not like this...”
  171. >You feel her go into a full gallop.
  172. >The world throws you every which way as her belly bounces around wildly with her passenger.
  173. >”I can make it to the camp in time, please rest and save your energy. I can still save you!”
  174. >You curl up in her belly as an overwhelming sense of drowsiness takes over your mind.
  175. >”Just... sleep for now, we'll be there in no time...”
  176. >The beat of her hooves against the ground was the last thing you heard before sleeping one last time.
  177. >”Anon... Anon... my little human...”
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