
Pokemon's Farting Bianca Alola Stinkers

May 30th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Everything in the world of Pokemon can be relative but let's go to elsewhere in the Unova region for there was an alternate version of Pokemon's Farting Bianca relentlessly pooting about on a Steenee on the countryside for it was by the train area of the Anville Town, with there being plenty of visitors from the Alola region including a pair of trial captain girls who were being quite horny over what they were watching.
  3. "How long has she been doing this?" 1 of the NPC girls asked out of curiosity.
  5. "I don't really know," Lana admitted while happily peeing herself for she was getting wet from watching this. "But something about this is making me really giddy in pee!"
  7. "Ha I can see where you're coming from!" Mallow laughed for she was also farting due to being in joy over seeing another fellow flatulent female ripping ass in a giant fashion like her. "I'm getting so much lessons from this!"
  9. "Ooh you better believe it!" Bianca said to the lasses watching her for she was becoming sweaty from rubbing her smelly butt cheeks on the fruit Pokemon she was sitting her fart factory on. "If there's 1 thing you can take away from this it's how fun it is to share your flatulence with someone!"
  11. Steenee was crying for there was no reason for it to be receiving this kind of stinky treatment but what was the extra factor that made this more of a pain was the simple fact that Bianca's cheeks were drenched in sweat; no doubt her flatulence had a play in her being like this but moreso the fact that Bianca actually ran all the way here fueled by her flatulent release. And that was enough to make tears form in Steenee's eyes for she struggled to get out from underneath; even her grass type attacks weren't doing her favors.
  13. "Are you gonna bring up the reason why you brought a wild Steenee all the way from Alola to here?" Lana asked while adjusting her soaked in pee pants.
  15. Mallow playfully stuck out her tongue while casually fanning her own methane. "Oh it's simple; I think it's a good Pokemon to have if you want your farts to be really appreciated!"
  17. "She doesn't look like she's appreciating the work that lass down there is putting in her stink." A young NPC boy admitted with his shorts feeling tight from getting aroused by the scene for which was enfolding before him.
  19. "All in a day's work!" Bianca reassured to the people and Pokemon watching her from the bridge overlooking the train tracks for which herself and the gassed up Steenee were nearby, getting a whiff of the sweat she made in combination with her toots as she gawked. "Eww; I think I might have found the thing to make my tooty booty more smelly!"
  21. Eventually Steenee got enough strength in her to unleash a flurry of Magical Leaves that sent Bianca into the air, with her rushing off while Bianca came crashing back down. Bianca's stomach grumbled for she gasped in shock, with the people watching being curious as to what was happening.
  23. "Uh oh stinky; I gotta take a doodie break!" Bianca whimpered while trembling, seeing the Steenee head into the forest surrounding the trains. "But I can't just let her go!"
  25. 1 leap is all it took for Bianca, using her smelly steam to propel her forward while trying her best to not unleash the mud pie in her that was desperate to come out. The trial captains glanced at each other while the others weren't sure what to do.
  27. "Should we follow her to let her know that there aren't any bathrooms here?" Lana explained that in turn was 1 of the many reasons she was urinating herself.
  29. Mallow thought about it while brushing her green hair and continuing to puff up her smelly overalls with her toots. "It would be good but I think the people reading this want to see what happens!"
  31. Suddenly Bianca felt a huge rumble in her and proceeded to let out a huge poop that was so big it caused the buildings around to collapse, with the countryside feeling much more like the outer country by virtue that the air had a strong stink of shit that would make even your typical sewer depressed in comparison. Bianca wasn't sure if she was going overboard on this pocket monster that she was determined to catch but sometimes farting alone won't make do and she couldn't find a bathroom before encountering this capsule creature so she did what she had to do.
  33. "Phew... I'm sweating like I just got out of a sauna!" Bianca said to herself while wiping her forehead. "Maybe I should get some diapers just in case I have an incident like this, but first... is the Pokemon I took a doodoo on even okay?"
  35. Bianca looked down to see that she completely knocked out the poor Steenee in such a fashion that they couldn't get up. Bianca blinked and returned to farting while pulling out a Pokeball and capturing the Steenee, being surprised that it took her this much to even get it. Getting up and seeing that she left a huge amount of 'baked brownies' from overdoing it, and that in turn her dress was a smeared mess, an incredibly embarrassed Bianca slowly made her way back to the main area of Anville, with Mallow laughing and Lana being speechless for the others had fled, all of them hiding in the trains for several of the train cars were destroyed in the process.
  37. "I've never seen anyone let out something so majestic!" Mallow bellowed in joyful laughter while farting about with every laugh she had.
  39. Bianca smiled while holding her hands together in an adorable fashion. "Sometimes you just gotta learn to all out you know!"
  41. "M-my goodness, you left quite the mess over there!" Lana chimed for her eyes got adorably big in that typical exaggerated anime manner.
  43. Bianca playfully stuck her tongue out while waving her hand about, her stinky cacophony being heard all throughout the countryside. "Oh sometimes you just can't help yourself and you have to relief yourself! I gotta say it's been pretty good to not have to worry about keeping those baked goods in!"
  45. The trio of girls all had a good laugh and just continued on their way, wondering where their stinky adventure would take them next.
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