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  1. Anonymous Mon Apr 30 16:14:51 2018 No.11080075
  2. Quoted by: >>11080082
  3. >>11079987
  5. its for slaves and boring people it lacks all the vitality of epicureanism and all the bravery of platonism or pritivist vitalism, pure life denying crap for petrified decadents
  7. Anonymous Mon Apr 30 16:17:14 2018 No.11080082
  8. Quoted by: >>11080229 >>11080273 >>11080281
  9. >>11080075
  10. You've certainly mastered the Nietzscheian tactic of using superficially fluent language to make apparently damning claims that possess no actual substance whatever
  12. Anonymous Mon Apr 30 16:59:51 2018 No.11080273
  13. Quoted by: >>11080309 >>11080325 >>11080333 >>11080451 >>11080669 >>11080844 >>11080868 >>11081185 >>11081326
  14. >>11080082
  15. >projection the post
  16. everything i said was descriptive and revealing of the physiognomy of the philosophy
  18. Stoicism is life denying, it turns away from the intensities and tragedies of becoming; stoicism was shilled by an emotionally stunted faggot to plebeians suffering in an autocratic decadent culture of absurdist irresponsible, apathetic nihilism; stoicism is adopted by people who persist in a grey milieu of plain meals, tepid humor and unsteady appreciation of one’s fate; stoicism is a curling up and ataxic rejection and even pleading with a system that only exalts total dominance, exertion and willfulness; stoicism found its legs on /pol/ after JBP blew up and on reddit because both of these places consist of milquetoast, white bread, 100 iq office bugs who are balding and perfectly aware how limited their cognitive capacity or sexual prospects are and want to consign themselves to the long haul, end game thought of PERSISTING of merely vegetating until the void swallows them; stoicism is shilled, like mindfulness, and minimalism, by the corporate elites, especially silicon valley and finance parasites, because the only world their oversensitive weakened, exhausted, dysgenic nervouse systems can withstand is one of gentle porridge-like drip feed phenomena, one where every reaction is met with the premptively defeated, eternally apologetic and resigned civility (and its really a religion, not a philosophy, to civilize possibly explosive, deterritorialized psychotic worker ants who might devour their unworthy rulers at any time; angry people light cars on fire and hang their leaders from lampposts, hence flouride, hence fat and sugar everywhere, hence everyone has metabolic syndrome); stoicism and its filthy, unclean, unmastered, underdeveloped, stunted cognitive suite known as ATARAXIA (or embryonic complacency) is the faith, the praxis and mantric panacea of the BUG par excellence.
  20. better go listen to a podcast, you have 6 hours of sleep and a juiced sludge cocktail to slurp down in the morning before CODING for 14 hours and withstanding the narcissistic greed of your bosses and the soul sucking banality of your equally reprehensible coworkers. enjoy, remain stoic, for you are at one’d with the nature of the universe! nature is like you, timid, compromising, balanced, indifferent, of course
  22. Anonymous Mon Apr 30 18:05:01 2018 No.11080577
  23. Quoted by: >>11080593 >>11080608 >>11080654 >>11080859 >>11081185 >>11081336 >>11081386 >>11082027
  24. >>11080355
  25. nothing has any truth value, its all barking in the void, destroying the hideous with psychotic dionysian solar flares is simply more efficacious. no one has ever learned anything from my ranting, its automatic and hateful, not didactic or compassionate. you want me to meet them as equals and in fair-play riposte, disarm and subjugate them with pure apollonian supremacy but this is just a waste of time. why would I waste my time? you can’t smell when something is diseased or sense the unsteadiness of a doctrine from the first? look who is preaching this new faith, look who flocks to Jordan Peterson, to /pol/ and tranny cybernetic utopianism, to Landian gnostic singularism, all decadents, all cystic, malignant types, filled with psycho-somatic vermin, interior hollowed out and writhing with abstract parasites. Seriously, look at how most humans, as a NEET you should be more attuned to the banality of debased consciousness, and tell me they aren’t unworthy of compassion or aid. Our leaders are pedophiles, predators, con artists, reality tv stars and sociopathic neo-religious nutcases like Musk and Gates. World is dead, fuck civility, abandon propriety, be unhinged or nothing at all. Absurdism, ironic flatulence-mongering, occulted hedonism (even the tradfags fall to this), and machinic masochism (our dear programmers and engineers working those heroic 14 hour shifts) are the dominant type of consciousness. Nothing beautiful makes it out of the next century. Gay, boring, ugly, autistic maggots in a perpetually darkening hothouse, going to run out of food and water, rare earth metals and everything else soon
  27. also mods eat shit and jump on a fucking spike you cowardly distended stomach’d, slouching, acne laden nasally bespectacled annelids
  31. Anonymous 05/06/18(Sun)15:37:43 No.11112600▶>>11112660 >>11112965
  32. >>11110829 (OP)
  33. yes obviously herds are fecal hothouses that suffocate the spirit and organixe into locust swarms, plague systems and ritual sacrifice engines. they’re deleterious to philosophical, scientific and religious thought. most good work is done by 1-6 people at maximum, the vast majority of award winning papers are published by that number of people and almost all worthwhile philosophy or literature is produced in isolation. what a fucking stupid question, your friends are just an alimentary supplement to the task of becoming what you are, you can love them for what they are, but you can’t take them with you to the grave nor can they become sapient for you. its just anesthetizing and (often) necessary somatic entanglements that implicate every human in herd consciousness and make obligatory the entanglement, you are not exalted or spiritually enlivened by humming antiquated latin hymns and invocations with your fucking neighbors and family members. Every congregation and “movement” is filled with hollow VESSELS and parrots, you wouldn’t know because socializing is aphasic is memory holing yourself, forgetting to be rigorous or subtle with your conception of consciousness. Its debased, you can tolerate this debasement, you may find purpose within it, but if it devours your inner life you deserve to lose your soul when you die, you deserve to be vacant while you live. Being alone is sanctified, being in love is sanctified, being among i timate friends is sanctified, being in the crowd, among the people is defilement. It must be done with absolute care and caution
  35. Jung has the greatest statement about this, forgot the contents and location but essentially a man forgets his own Self, its histories, tastes, powers, weaknesses and resonances when he is among the people, a crowd of more than 3 triggers this amnesia and dissolution. Some people are addicted to this, treating them like drug addled subhumans is not wrong
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