
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 14

Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. ''Wait, who's Heartstrings? I wanna hear this.''
  2. >She whistles between her teeth with a conflicted look on her face
  3. >''I'm not sure if I should tell you. I mean, there's something of a 'don't ask, don't tell' thing going on.''
  4. ''Come on, who would I tell about this? You can trust me.''
  5. >You give her a reassuring smile and pat her clasped hands
  6. >''Well, Lyra Heartstrings is definitely a character, I'll tell you that. She goes on about talking horses and unicorns all the time, enough for the nurse to recommend her for psych evaluation.''
  7. ''And, let me guess, magic?''
  8. >She smiles briefly, clearly already more at ease than a minute ago
  9. >''You're a good guesser. As far as I know, she's been assigned several different medications and she's refused to take any of them. I can't even count the number of times she's been sent to me for interrupting biology classes.''
  10. ''Biology? Why?''
  11. >''More specifically, the classes on anatomy. To be honest, she's built quite a world in her head. It'd be cute if it wasn't so sad. It's like, well, a little girl's fantasy world.''
  12. ''Wait, you've listened to some ding-dong motherfucker ramble, just because?''
  13. >You punctuate your sentence by waving your finger, as if ringing an invisible clock
  14. >''Well, work gets boring sometimes, so I asked her. Or, well, it got boring. And she's not 'ding-dong'. She's very smart and an amazing musician. She's just, well, trapped in her head sometimes.''
  15. ''Sorry. So, what she say?''
  16. >She shrugs again, this time with a smile on her face
  17. >''All kinds of things. Wonderful, but sad. It's like, she goes to this magical pony land when she sleeps, but when she 'is' there, all she does is think about being human.''
  18. ''Oh, the fucking irony.''
  19. >''I guess you could say that.''
  20. >You both sit in silence for a moment
  21. >This Lyra sounds pretty fascinating
  22. >In the same way a car crash is fascinating
  23. >Across from you, Celestia fidgets with pencils, her hair, and pretty much everything she gets her hands on
  24. >Flipping them around, examining them, the works
  25. ''Hey C?''
  26. >She immediately snaps her attention to you
  27. >''Yeah?''
  28. ''What's up with you? You're acting like a fucking tweaker.''
  29. >''What's that?''
  30. ''Nevermind. Anyway-''
  31. >You snatch the cup from her grasp
  32. ''Please calm down, okay? You're stressing me out.''
  33. >''Sorry.''
  34. >She looks down, almost seeming sad for a moment
  35. ''Any reason for it?''
  36. >''Well, you remember back in the store, when I found out my account's frozen?''
  37. ''Yep.''
  38. >Okay, now you're nervous too
  39. >''Well, it's just, well, I don't know if I can pay the rent when I move in. If I even get the apartment, that is.''
  40. >Fuck
  41. >This is the last thing you need
  42. >Why can't the world just leave your hangover alone for one day?
  43. ''Wait here. I need a cigarette.''
  44. >You stand up, a little too quickly, your tone a bit too aggressive
  45. >She looks crestfallen again and stands up morosely
  46. >''Alright…''
  47. >In doing so, she spills her untouched coffee cup, the black, steamy liquid staining her skirt
  48. >''Ow, damn it! Why does this always happen to me?''
  49. >She is visibly angry, tears forming in her eyes from the pain
  50. ''Hey C, chill. I was about to do laundry anyway, I can lend you some clothes until yours are dry.''
  51. >''Well, I don't know. I don't want to, well, intrude…''
  52. >She trails off, clearly unsure of what to say
  53. >You don't know if it's actually that, or if she doesn't just want to wear your clothes
  54. >To be honest, she could use a change of new clothes, or at least a thorough laundering
  55. >The ones she's wearing are definitely starting to look a little ratty
  56. ''I'm telling you, it's cool. I'll lend you some sweats and a tee or something.''
  57. >''Well, if it's okay with you. I really don't want to-''
  58. ''It's cool, aight? Just, like, take a shower or some shit and I'll pick something out for you.''
  59. >''Well, if you're sure-''
  60. >You grin at her and silence your guest with a 'zip it' gesture
  61. ''Come on, get your ass to the shower. I'll find something fresh.''
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