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Low% All Dungeons (16 Items) Notes

a guest
Nov 6th, 2021
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  1. Low% All Dungeons currently gets 16 items:
  3. Deku Sticks, Bottle, Bombchus, Boomerang, Mirror Shield, Master Sword, Megaton Hammer
  5. Kokiri’s Emerald, Goron’s Ruby, Zora’s Sapphire, Light Medallion, Forest Medallion, Fire Medallion, Water Medallion, Shadow Medallion, Spirit Medallion
  7. The route before this got hookshot, but there is now a method to skip hookshot. Previously, hookshot was only needed to defeat Phantom Ganon.
  9. Some general route notes:
  11. Bombchus are gotten instead of bombs because it is 1 less item. When you get bombs, you get both bombs and the bomb bag items. Bombchus are finite, there are only 45 possible to get in this run, so they are only used when absolutely necessary. In this run I use 1 bombchu to get a chest and do an 8 bombchu hover to get a chest, so technically I only use 36 in the entire run.
  13. A bottle is duped over an empty c-button twice. These contents are fake. In the case of the fairy, it will only revive you if you also have a fairy in your real bottle. This is used during the Volvagia fight and is why the fairy doesn't revive me for previous cs skips/wrong warps.
  15. Explanation of route:
  17. It is slightly faster to only buy 1 stick and backwalk to kak than buy 2 sticks and wess to kak. As mentioned above, 1 bombchu is used in GTG to get a bombchu chest. Later in the run I come to GTG as adult, but the dong of time blocks are not here as adult, so I would have to do a much slower method of getting 2 keys and going through the middle. Both deku and hylian shields are skipped, so mirror shield is gotten. Adult can't get mirror shield without a shield, so child gets it.
  19. As mentioned above, an 8 bombchu hover is used to get to ganon's castle. This can technically be 7 bombchus if needed, but it is a bit slower to do. This bombchu chest also needs to be done early in adult to avoid getting LACS when savewarping away from the castle because there is no lightbridge. Inside, I also dupe a fairy over an empty c button. It is technically faster to get this fairy in the upcoming kak grotto, but it is far easier to get here.
  21. In the kak grotto, I dupe a fish over an empty c button. This is used for many cs skips and wrong warps in the run. The save warp in DC is done to get the correct cs pointer for the wrong warp. Bombchus can be fed to king dodongo if you are high enough, a ground jump allows this. As mentioned previously, the bombchu chest cannot be gotten as adult, so I just leave. The DCWW is a fast way to both skip the cs and save travel time to spirit.
  23. The spirit temple cs is watched to skip requiem of spirit. If a cs was performed, you get sent to the beginning of the temple and if you leave, you get the song. Savewarping and going to lake hylia on foot is a bit slower than the reverse wasteland. Mainly because of the intro to hylia cs.
  25. There is a method to enter jabu using 2 bombchus that is about a minute faster than what I do, but you have to sacrifice 2 chus to do this. You can do a 7 bombchu hover to ganon's castle and you can use the 1 spare bombchu you have for the run. For me, I didn't feel like taking my only spare bombchu to be used for entering jabu, but it is an option.
  27. Inside of jabu, a biri megaflip is done to save a bombchu when you megaflip across. A megaflip might be faster but I haven't timed it. Jabu WW is definitely not worth the amount of chus to do, so this is the only cutscene I watch that can technically be skipped. A save warp can be done because both shadow and spirit are not beaten.
  29. In my run I use my spare bombchu entering shadow. This was the biggest mistake of the run. The hover boots chest was spawned to be used for boat skip. I save in DC for safety in case I mess up entering fire.. it's faster to not enter dc. Because I used my spare bombchu, I couldn't do a faster strat to enter darunia's room using a chu megasidehop.
  31. Fire temple was split up into 3 save warps because of low health and wanting to save my fairies for the volvagia fight. A trick is done to have darunia's text on screen during a long portion where the heat timer normally is. When text is on screen, all timers are paused. QPA is used to hit down flare dancer because of having no hookshot. If QPA wasn't used, bombchus would have to be used and I would rather save them. A trick is done to avoid taking damage after the long fall right after getting hammer.
  33. During the volv fight, I press fish in the air after I sidehop or backflip and the timer pauses until I land. I do this during the entire fight to slightly delay the timer each time. This allows me to survive the fight with only 3 heart and 2 fairies. When you have both a fake fairy and a real fairy, the fake one will be used first if it is equipped left of the real fairy. In this case, the real fairy isn't even equipped, so the fake is used first. This wrong warp is mandatory in order to skip minuet of forest.
  35. QPA is used during the PG fight in order to advance past the first phase of the fight. This is the reason why hookshot can be skipped. In order to hit PG, you need to be high up in the air. You can technically hit PG with only 2 hovers, but you run the risk of getting hit by the energy blast he shoots down. 3 just makes sure you are high enough. The CS is watched in order to skip minuet of forest, similar to skipping requiem.
  37. QPA is used to burn both webs in deku. It's about 40s faster than going up to the compass room to do 231 skip twice. I save out of the gohma fight so that the stone wall is raised up so that I can do the WW. I pause when in gohma's room so that the cs pointer is correct. Deku WW is done to skip having to fight ganondorf which skips bow, quiver, and light arrows.
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