

Aug 21st, 2014
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  1. She remembered being an old man.
  3. It had been months since the change and despite the respite of having a new younger body with which to play, McGrady couldn’t help but miss his old body. He’d spent the best years of his life in it, and man did it know how to hold its booze. Biggest problems with this new body weren’t even the change of genders... he hadn’t made use of the old love machinery in decades, fuck most of the time he didn’t even notice that there wasn’t something hanging between the place where three things used to, the diminishing values of age having off set his care for what had once been his most prized possessions. He’d learned better of course with the passage of age, and the ungrateful fruit which had issued from his loin. Hell most of his problems came from the fuckery inherent in being the one who owned the fuckstick, and having chosen to stick it into a crazy chick that raised his kids into self-centered SOBs, one and all. Fuck his cock and balls.
  5. No he didn’t miss them at all.
  7. Being a woman wasn’t bad. Sure he had to sit down now to pee, and all that but he’d been old enough that little details like that weren’t much of a change.
  9. Mostly though he missed his alcohol tolerance from before his bloody liver had given out... and being tall enough to reach the top shelves... man you never know how you’d miss a little thing like that till every attempt was itself an adventure. Being a three foot tall succubus was its own set of chores. Now with this new body, despite the wonders of a brand new liver and a fit young body to boot, had all the alcohol tolerance of a small child. Well, being sized like a small child was the basic issue here. Not nearly enough body mass to work against the truck loads which he’d preferred to dump into his system just to get a buzz.
  11. He’d been plenty embarrassed when that scrub O’Mally drank him under the table for the first time in fifty years.
  13. Still for all that, the new body was a bit of a breath of fresh air. Even with the small problems like not being able to stand up after just three pints down his craw, he still wouldn’t take back the old body if a solution was offered him. Not even a little bit.
  15. But he had to admit. Having a vag after seventy years was a fucking experience. What’s more, being horny near constantly whenever that little shit Redd was sowing her youthful oats downstairs was annoying as all fifty hells. What’s more asking for... favors... about satisfying the bloody gaping hole between his legs was embarrassing as all fuck. It was barely all he could do to make do with the five finger express when intent on getting off.
  17. Thankfully when he did it in a mirror there was more than enough eye candy to go around, whatever it was that changed him had made him a smoking hot piece of ass.
  19. *DING DING*
  21. Hmm the doorbell. Now who the fuck was it this time of...
  23. “Hey old man.” A familiar voice spoke from above his head, petite hands still gripped around the doorknob. The dumbass kid form downstairs.
  25. “I’m back from my trip... and I bought you something.” For all the Ruby Redd was a bit of ass, and a lot of a bitch, McGrady liked the kid. She was in many ways the very antithesis of his own asshole kids, and in her on dumbass way, pretty dutiful. Curious, he simply tilted his head to the side then stepped back, his short but stacked body almost automatically adopting a ‘sexy’ waiting pose.
  27. It took what seemed to be a moment of dragging and scuffling for her, but shortly she presented an androgynous youth, fully clad in pink with bronze jewelry and fittings. Intensely blue eyes narrowed annoyed at how they’d been handled.
  29. “I go this one for you. He’s a brat though so I got him on the cheap pile, I kinda decided to buy a couple of slaves for myself since it was a bargain and I gotaway with a bit more than I could chew... he got thrown on the top of the pile, so I’d understand totally if you wanted to pick up another... BUUUTTT... I figured you might get a kick out of him.” Redd’s smile was vicious.
  31. “I don’t know what you think, but I refuse to be treated like some common labor horse. I’m thirteenth in line for the crown dammit.” It seemed an old protest being replayed again, something which he knew just as well that her young neighbor seemed to be pushing.
  33. “Oh a noble type eh? I don’t know kid...” McGrady’s surprisingly sultry voice trailed off.
  35. “I bought him here just for you... after a little thinking about I figured he would be best fit in your life.” Ruby grinned that devious grin of hers.
  37. “And just why is that?”
  39. “Because he reminds me of everything you’ve told me about your children.”
  41. “And you brought him here? But I told you I hate the little shits.” McGrady frowned not following the dark haired girl’s logic.
  43. “Exactly... only this little shit’s got to do Absolutely Everything you say...” That vicious, devious widening of teeth simply cemented it.
  45. “Well hot dam, kid. You really came through for me.” He couldn’t help but grin, as wicked though ran across his mind.
  47. “I’m going to have to warn you though... it’s probably going to get pretty hot and heavy to night. You might want to get him to your bed.” Redd was such a sweet girl some times, looking out for an old man like that. “Personally I suggest... Naked Apron... something pink. And a paddle. You’re going to need to keep him in line.”
  49. “Hahah, kid. An old man like me doesn’t need anything like a paddle. Ive got some perfectly fine leather belts in the back...” McGrady looked on with his own smile at the now profusely sweating slave. “I’ll make sure he won’t get to sit down for a long time. Looks like he could use the work.”
  51. They both shared a smile as the pink dressed boy cringed.
  53. He’d need to break out the toy closet now... the night might actually turn out to be a bit of fun.
  55. Tonight, he would forgot for a while, ever having been old or a man.
  57. Tonight she would toy with a boy.
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