
[Queen's Paradise Prologue: Herald of the Dead]

Sep 14th, 2013
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  1. [21:42] <!CYOA-steady> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - Herald of the Dead]
  2. [21:42] <!CYOA-steady> "Are you quite certain of this your majesty?" The young man asks as he stands before the king.
  3. [21:43] <!CYOA-steady> His short blonde bangs hang over his blue eyes and his body is adorned in flowing white robes.
  4. [21:43] <!CYOA-steady> The white staff he carries topped with a large sapphire.
  5. [21:44] <!CYOA-steady> "The undead are a curse, an abomination created by the queen of monsters."
  6. [21:44] <!CYOA-steady> "Why are you so insistant on treating them with the kindness you show the other, LICING monster queens? Their presence here will bring only misfortune."
  7. [21:45] <!CYOA-steady> "I appreciate your concern, Kindrick. You are a good friend and I trust your judgement, but even if you're right I stand by my decision."
  8. [21:45] <!CYOA-steady> "......" Kendrick sighs.
  9. [21:46] <!CYOA-steady> "Al you're gonna get everybody killed." The young man says as his expression grows sullen and his tone of voice changes.
  10. [21:46] <!CYOA-steady> Lucia giggles.
  11. [21:46] <!CYOA-steady> "Don't be silly, it's far more likely we'll all be made into undead." Aldeas says with a sarcastic grin.
  12. [21:46] <!CYOA-steady> "You're wasting your breath boy."
  13. [21:47] <!CYOA-steady> A man the mirror opposite of Kendrick steps foot into the throne room.
  14. [21:47] <!CYOA-steady> He stands tall, his black hair is rugged and unbrushed and he wears form fitting clothing of black leather and chains.
  15. [21:48] <!CYOA-steady> His "robe" hangs open in the front and his eyes are crimson and radiate magical energy.
  16. [21:48] <!CYOA-steady> "You know as well as I do Aldeas won't change his mind."
  17. [21:48] <!CYOA-steady> "Who are you calling 'boy' Zephros, you're only a year older than me."
  18. [21:49] <!CYOA-steady> The deadpan delivery of that statement from Kendrick draws a laugh from Aldeas.
  19. [21:49] <!CYOA-steady> "Shut up." Zephros says as he sweeps Kendrick off his feet with his staff.
  20. [21:49] <!CYOA-steady> "As much as I hate to agree with Kenny, the undead could prove a prblem."
  21. [21:50] <!CYOA-steady> "Unlike Lady Veronica their 'infection' won't be so easily contained as simply having all the women wear silver.
  22. [21:51] <!CYOA-steady> "I understand that but-" Aldeas begins.
  23. [21:52] <!CYOA-steady> "They are every bit as sentient and alive as any other monster." The two magi interrupt finishing Aldeas' argument themselves with harmonized monotone annoyance.
  24. [21:53] <!CYOA-steady> "We know, we aren't suggesting you exclude them form the peace talks... we only request you allow us to take defensive measures. your knights and steel may be enough to keep an ogre in line, but that's not the case for the curse of undeath."
  25. [21:54] <!CYOA-steady> "Actually I wanted him to exclude them..." Kendrick says.
  26. [21:54] <!CYOA-steady> Zephros swiftly smacks him on the head with his staff.
  27. [21:55] <!CYOA-steady> "Fine.... do what you must to feel comfortable but don't do anything that will make the Undead Queen's feel uneasy."
  28. [21:55] <!CYOA-steady> "Your pragmatism is your best quality, milord." Zephros says as he bows.
  29. [21:56] <!CYOA-steady> "Yeah, thanks Al." Kendrick says before his face is swiftly stepped on by Zephros' boot.
  30. [21:56] <!CYOA-steady> The small blonde magus is literally kicked out of the throne room by his senior as the two leave to make their preparations for the upcoming Queens.
  31. [21:57] <!CYOA-steady> As they do so a mist rolls in over the kingdom.... the Reaper comes.
  32. [21:57] <!CYOA-steady> [Intermission]
  35. [20:26] <!CYOA-steady> [Intermission Out]
  36. [20:27] <!CYOA-steady> The mist swirls around the streets of the capital and the people quickly hurry into their homes.
  37. [20:28] <!CYOA-steady> The foot steps of the reaper approach.... rhythmically.
  38. [20:28] <!CYOA-steady> Step, step, shuffle, step.
  39. [20:28] <!CYOA-steady> Her soft humming is far less alarming than most sounds that could come from such an eerie fog.
  40. [20:29] <!CYOA-steady> Aldeas opens the doors to the throne room, allowing the mist to fill it with a chill.
  41. [20:29] <!CYOA-steady> Her foot steps echo as she walks up the stairs.
  42. [20:30] <!CYOA-steady> The mist blows away as she strikes a flamboyant pose at the top of the stairs.
  43. [20:30] <!CYOA-steady> The rumors of ehr having a flair for the theatric seem to be true.
  44. [20:30] <!CYOA-steady> The woman wears a dark purple suit, complete with polished dress shoes and a tie.
  45. [20:31] <!CYOA-steady> Her hat's brim covers her eyes but not her wide grin.
  46. [20:31] <!CYOA-steady> Only her pale complexion hints at her undead origin.
  47. [20:31] <!CYOA-steady> Her ear length hair is as white as the mist that swirls in her presence.
  48. [20:32] <!CYOA-steady> "EVE-ning your majesty." She says with a cocky grin as She bows and tips her hat.
  49. [20:32] <!CYOA-steady> When she removes her hat her head comes with it causing Mesina and Lucia to squeak in fright.
  50. [20:33] <!CYOA-steady> After a quick laugh she places her head back on her shoulders, causing the sparkling purple mist to retract into her neckhole.
  51. [20:34] <!CYOA-steady> "Greeting's milady." Aldeas says with a bow, unphased by her sudden decapitation and immediate.... recapitation.
  52. [20:34] <!CYOA-steady> The reaper pouts adorably.
  53. [20:35] <!CYOA-steady> "What a boring reaction.... you didn't even laugh at my pun."
  54. [20:35] <!CYOA-steady> "Because your name is Eve, yes milady I got the joke. It just wasn't that funny." Aldeas returns with a grin.
  55. [20:36] <!CYOA-steady> She sticks out her tongue as with a twirl materializes a scythe from thin air.
  56. [20:36] <!CYOA-steady> The golden weapon is extravagant, covered in jewels with the phrase "RIP in Peace" written down the haft in rhinestones.
  57. [20:37] <!CYOA-steady> "You're... not what I expected." Aldeas says as he takes the scythe and passes it onto one of the servants to carry to Eve's room.
  58. [20:37] <!CYOA-steady> The dullahan pops her collar and smiles slyly.
  59. [20:38] <!CYOA-steady> "This is a peace mission baby, I'm tryin' to charm you not scare you to death."She says as she runs a finger across Aldeas' cheek.
  60. [20:38] <!CYOA-steady> Lucia coughs loudly.
  61. [20:39] <!CYOA-steady> Eve turns to the young queen and runs her hand down the inside of suit pulling it down low to reveal her modest cleavage as she leans forward.
  62. [20:39] <!CYOA-steady> "Relax, baby. I'm down for a threesome."
  63. [20:40] <!CYOA-steady> Lucia attempts to retort in her immediate rage and embarrassment but the outstretched hand of the the Reaper silences her.
  64. [20:41] <!CYOA-steady> "Shhh! You hear that? It's the sound of your husbands balls shrinking from your approaching bitchfest. Nobody here want's that, baby."
  65. [20:41] <!CYOA-steady> Aldeas looks on silently with a mildly confused grin as the Reaper walks away from the speechless Lucia as she pouts and sits on her throne.
  66. [20:42] <!CYOA-steady> "So which one of you sexy boys wants to show me around?" Eve says as she turns to the guards.
  67. [20:43] <!CYOA-steady> "You don't have anything to discuss with me?" Aldeas asks as Sir Bradly strikes both of his over eager squires on the heads.
  68. [20:43] <!CYOA-steady> "Nah, baby! It's a party... we can't go starting the fun before everyone is here." Eve says with eyes that even Aldeas raises an eyebrow at.
  69. [20:44] <!CYOA-steady> The low soothing seductive voice of the reaper rolls off her tongue like honey when she speaks.
  70. [20:45] <!CYOA-steady> Every move she makes is smooth as silk and she carries herself with a charisma that most of the other full fledged Queens would envy.
  71. [20:45] <!CYOA-steady> This is the herald..... what will the actual queens be like?
  72. [20:45] <!CYOA-steady> Eve is guided around the palace by one of the servant girls as Aldeas thinks this to himself.
  73. [20:46] <!CYOA-steady> She's evidently not picky as the servant girl has already been forced to walk behind Eve to avoid getting her rump pinched.
  74. [20:47] <!CYOA-steady> A thousand years since she's been made into an undead...
  75. [20:47] <!CYOA-steady> How much of that charismatic flamboyant persona has been fabricated to avoid going insane... and how much is genuine?
  76. [20:48] <!CYOA-steady> "What an interesting woman." Aldeas says as he bites his thumb lightly.
  77. [20:48] <!CYOA-steady> Lucia puffs up her cheeks.
  78. [20:48] <!CYOA-steady> "M-mesina have the royal tailor make me a purple dress." She says defiantly.
  79. [20:49] <!CYOA-steady> Aldeas snickers at his wifes immaturity.
  80. [20:49] <!CYOA-steady> [Herald of the Dead - End]
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