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Jun 9th, 2018
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  1. With great alacrity and with such great pride Mr. Hunt gallivanted into the court room, his strides long and powerful, Captain's waist coat billowing in the artificial wind blasting out from the air vents. Yes his handsome square jaw shook the very foundations of all the mortal souls (except that dastardly handsome rouge up on trial, the soulless bastard) at the striking beauty of such a creation. Sculpted truly by Gods hand himself! God of course being a creation of Mr. Hunt, (praise be him!) of course, just as everything in this world was created by none other than our lovely and generous benefactor of Mr. Hunt. Now of course you must understand that for such galumphing court procedures to continue with such spectacle one must truly understand the idea behind and creation of our lovely benefactor Mr. Hunt, and how he has spread his creations all through the universe and beyond! We are him, and he is us. For without his soul and his heart thrumming and throbbing within each individual we are nothing but wasted carbon unfit to even lick the boots of corpses of Mr. Hunt's glorious conquests to spread his love and affection to each grateful being! You see it all has to do with Alaska. Yes that's right Alaska! And especially the founding of the United States, as that was where Mr. Hunt was born! You see, Mr. Hunt was a member of the founding fathers, yet they have neglected to place his name in history! He was a staunch Federalist. Anti-Federalists were very concerned with the distinct lack of provisions protecting the liberties and perceived rights of the peoples of the states. In order to win over their votes, the framers had to compromise and promised the bill of rights. While likely skeptical at first, the amendments that were quickly added to the constitution helped ease concerns over governmental control. The first amendment grants the right to freedom of press, free practice of religion (church is removed from state), freedom of speech, and finally it allowed citizens the right to assemble (peacefully) and address their concerns to the government (via petition). The tenth amendment, the final amendment fit in with the bill of rights eased concerns regarding the power of the national government. Reserving all rights not explicitly stated in the constitution to be reserved to the states, and in part, the people.
  2. While we cannot consider these amendments to be true fact (since they’re only available in xerox copy and the original was burned by the French in 1567) we can rest easy knowing that George, The Big Man Washington’s hand (It should be noted that his hand was severed a month earlier in June, and it was acting on it’s own accord) scrawled the remaining future amendments while defending slavery in Canada. Of course, while his remaining Little Men (Who are clones) continue to ravage the native american state of Colorado, we know that despite their neutral lawful alignment to the church of Saint. Hector Alfonso the 8th, that they too stand for the same amending values. Although the fall of Constantinople (Not the capital of Alaska, it should be noted) deprived the United States of key oil resources in the middle east, the influx of Byzantine philosophers and their knowledge of the worm tunnels dramatically increased most western nation’s strategical advantage in many of the Pseudo-Ottoman wars of 1889 and 2019. Of course, the Yellow-Green Phoenix (Not to be mistaken with the Purple Phoenix) has led to concerns regarding the Tootman (Not the Ottoman) harem committee. Of course, the declaration of exo-communication of the entire federated Alaskan wilderness (Not to be mistaken with Constantinople) has led to discussion of the sanity of the Pope, some consider the action (And it’s relation to Serbyaas and the origin of xerox amendments) to be justified. This obviously has led to an in depth debate between those who believe that the scope of the first amendment in the Serbian constitution of 1348 (Specifically the clause regarding inherited real estate in the now defunct Vassal-State of Bulgaria) applies to all nations previously encompassed by the Serbian empire at the time and those who believe that Serbia itself (not to be confused with the new English colony of Serbyaas established under MI-5’s jurisdiction in 1402) has never and currently does not exist (Most consider it to be an extension of Finnish mind control activities, however later studies regarding the origin of xerox copy amendments has thus proven this idea false). Recent reports in correlation to the xerox debate have revealed that Manhattan (Not to be mistaken with the Hatted Men of the compact-eastern orthodox church of Confucianism Bread Councils) has been attempting to saw itself off of the mainland to float free with the Japanese Navy. The Japanese Navy who at the time were conducting time travel experiments (deceptively explained as American experiments by cyborg author Jeff Smith in his graphic novel ‘Rasl’, based upon exciting theories by a suicidal Nikolai Tesla) based around poorly playing ethnic instruments from other countries and the power of screaming Indonesian traps, were trapped in a time-flux within Jesus’s (The mexican painter responsible for the artistic revolution of 2048, not the Biblical kind) beard, and were not aware of Manhattan’s attempt to join them. During the sack of Constantinople in 1243 (not to be confused with the second attempt at the mercantile invasion of the Orkney Isles Of Her Royal Alaskan Uncommon-wealth in 2013 by Norwegian toothpick monopolies) many latin settlers in the city escaped to the nearby city of Santa Franchiscono (not to be confused with the afro-latin american nation of San Franciscona) where they were able to establish a monastery that developed the first reverse toilet paper mechanism, a device that simultaneously printed latin texts and recycled the old rusted bells of the monastery. Constantinople (not to be confused with the sixth tribe of pseudo-Alaskan neo-imperialist future-islamists) was looted and burned, and not rebuilt until a tribe of Techno-Mongolian birdmen happened upon the grand, non-Alaskan city and decided to re-erect it in their name, which was to be: “BubaBubbaBuBBub”. Of course, it is from the Techno-Mongolians that the first echoes of xerox were born, adapted from the nearby reverse toilet paper mechanism at Santa Franchiscono, allowing Federalists to address Anti-Federalists via faxing amendments to their mobile printers (Which were inspired by devices described in the novel ‘Rasl’). While later Byzantine philosophers (Not to be mistaken with the Alaskan independence deniers) would genocide the Techno-Mongolians to make room for the grand church of the Native American Saint, Hector Alfonso the 8th (And consequently creating the Native American State of Colorado), we cannot forget the importance of the role George Washington’s ‘Little Men’ played in shaping the ideological values of the then birthing Futurist branch of the Saint Hector Alfonso the 8th faith. Santa Frachiscono, still a hub for invention and innovation, observing this hostile takeover of their neighbors the Techno-Mongolians (not to be mistaken with the Alaskan Question Askers, a post-ironic political adventist sexcapade organization), decided to finally follow their dreams and take to the stars, landing upon Jupiter’s newly 3D Printed 11th moon: Constantinople (not to be mistaken with the Russo-Alaskan anarcho-surrealist group “Russian Alaskans for a Surreal Lawless Life”, or RASLL). Thanks to the actions of these brave men and their struggles throughout time and the efforts of the Alaskan-Constantinople Resurrection Revivalists (ACRR) the Federalists were able to appease Anti-Federalists and their concerns about governmental oversight.
  3. d) The due process clause in the Fourteenth amendment deprived the states of a considerable amount of power in their relationship with the federal government.  The due process clause established that all states must recognize the individual rights stated in the bill of rights and that every citizen of the United States cannot be jailed or incriminated without due process of law.  State governments, following the ratification of the 14th amendment, were diminished in their power over their own state constitutions, which had to recognize, if not include all the rights set forth in the constitution. You see, the epic of Mr. Hunt is easily more understood if you understand the history behind his roots as a Federalist!
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