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Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. Log: Log file open, 12/10/18 21:22:01
  2. Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
  3. Log: ... running in INSTALLED mode
  4. DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
  5. Init: Version: 8917
  6. Init: Epic Internal: 0
  7. Init: Compiled (64-bit): Sep 13 2018 03:53:23
  8. Init: Changelist: 1100000
  9. Init: Command line: -review -noRedscreens
  10. Init: Base directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\
  11. Init: FxsChangelist: 374751
  12. Init: SeekfreeLoading: 1
  13. Init: Platform: PCConsole
  14. Init: TitleId: 268500
  15. [0000.17] Init: Computer: DESKTOP-R2OFGOI
  16. [0000.17] Init: User: misne
  17. [0000.17] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=12
  18. [0000.17] Init: High frequency timer resolution =10.000000 MHz
  19. [0000.17] Init: Memory total: Physical=8.0GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=13.0GB Virtual=131072.0GB
  20. [0000.23] Log: STEAMWORKS initialized 1
  21. [0000.23] Log: Initializing Steamworks
  22. [0000.23] Init: Presizing for 130000 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
  23. [0000.23] Init: Object subsystem initialized
  24. [0000.23] DevConfig: (System) 'Default__System' loading configuration from ..\..\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini
  25. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for SeekFreePCPaths from [Core.System]
  26. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for SeekFreePCExtensions from [Core.System]
  27. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for CutdownPaths from [Core.System]
  28. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for LocalizationPaths from [Core.System]
  29. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for TextureFileCacheExtension from [Core.System]
  30. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for Extensions from [Core.System]
  31. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for Suppress from [Core.System]
  32. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for FRScriptPaths from [Core.System]
  33. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for ScriptPaths from [Core.System]
  34. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for Paths from [Core.System]
  35. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for ScreenShotPathOverride from [Core.System]
  36. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for CacheExt from [Core.System]
  37. [0000.23] DevConfig: Loading value for CachePath from [Core.System]
  38. [0000.24] DevConfig: Loading value for SavePath from [Core.System]
  39. [0000.24] DevConfig: Loading value for AsyncIOBandwidthLimit from [Core.System]
  40. [0000.24] DevConfig: Loading value for PackageSizeSoftLimit from [Core.System]
  41. [0000.24] DevConfig: Loading value for MaxOverallCacheSize from [Core.System]
  42. [0000.24] DevConfig: Loading value for MaxStaleCacheSize from [Core.System]
  43. [0000.24] DevConfig: Loading value for StaleCacheDays from [Core.System]
  44. [0000.98] Log: Caching packages from path ..\..\XComGame\CookedPC: 6208 packages
  45. [0001.00] DevDataBase: Connection to "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=production-db;Initial Catalog=EngineTaskPerf;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Connection Timeout=2" or "" failed
  46. [0001.00] Log: resX=1600, resY=900
  47. [0001.12] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
  48. [0001.12] Log: Adapter has 2007MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 4071MB of shared system memory
  49. [0001.13] Log: Found D3D11 adapter 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
  50. [0001.13] Log: Adapter has 0MB of dedicated video memory, 0MB of dedicated system memory, and 4071MB of shared system memory
  51. [0001.17] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM4
  52. [0001.18] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
  53. [0001.19] Log: FaceFX 2015.2 (2152) initialized.
  54. [0001.23] Log: Video Settings
  55. [0001.23] Log: Mode: Borderless Window
  56. [0001.23] Log: Resolution: 1600 x 900
  57. [0001.23] Log: VSync: True
  58. [0001.23] Log: Graphics Settings
  59. [0001.23] Log: Anti-Aliasing: FXAA
  60. [0001.23] Log: AO: Tiled AO
  61. [0001.23] Log: Decals: High
  62. [0001.23] Log: LD Draw Distance: Medium
  63. [0001.23] Log: Shadows: Static Only
  64. [0001.23] Log: Shadow Quality: Medium
  65. [0001.23] Log: Texture Detail: Medium
  66. [0001.23] Log: Texture Filtering: Aniso 16x
  67. [0001.23] Log: High Res Translucency: 0
  68. [0001.23] Log: Depth of Field: 1
  69. [0001.23] Log: Bloom: 1
  70. [0001.23] Log: Dirty Lens: 1
  71. [0001.23] Log: Subsurface Scattering: 0
  72. [0001.23] Log: Screenspace Reflections: 1
  73. [0004.51] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultPlaylist.ini
  74. [0004.51] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComPlaylist.ini
  75. [0006.95] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultWeb.ini
  76. [0006.95] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComWeb.ini
  77. [0010.73] Error: Corrupt texture [Texture2D XComEngineMaterials.borderGradientDashed]! Missing bulk data for MipIndex=0
  78. [0010.76] Log: 212059 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
  79. [0010.76] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
  80. [0010.77] Log: Enum Cache created: 132708 bytes
  81. [0010.77] Log: Initializing Engine...
  82. [0010.77] Warning: Warning, Not a Portcullis build
  83. [0010.77] Warning: Warning, Using TBB Allocator
  84. [0010.77] Log: Redscreens disabled
  85. [0014.55] Log: Logged in as 'Omen267901'
  86. [0014.55] Log: Checking DLC installation for ../../XComGame/DLC/DLC_1 ...
  87. [0014.56] Log: IS INSTALLED : Anarchy's Children, YES
  88. [0014.56] Log: Checking DLC installation for ../../XComGame/DLC/DLC_2 ...
  89. [0014.56] Log: IS INSTALLED : Alien Hunters, YES
  90. [0014.58] Log: Checking DLC installation for ../../XComGame/DLC/DLC_3 ...
  91. [0014.59] Log: IS INSTALLED : Shen's Last Gift, YES
  92. [0014.59] Log: Checking DLC installation for ../../XComGame/DLC/TLE ...
  93. [0014.60] Log: IS INSTALLED : Tactical Legacy Pack, YES
  94. [0014.61] Log: Checking DLC installation for ../../XComGame/DLC/XCom_DLC_Day0 ...
  95. [0014.61] Log: IS INSTALLED : Resistance Warrior Pack, YES
  96. [0014.61] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1092571334 ...
  97. [0014.61] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  98. [0014.62] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1122837889 ...
  99. [0014.62] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  100. [0014.62] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123037187 ...
  101. [0014.62] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  102. [0014.85] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123056484 ...
  103. [0014.85] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  104. [0014.85] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123260291 ...
  105. [0014.85] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  106. [0014.86] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123382166 ...
  107. [0014.86] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  108. [0014.86] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123427895 ...
  109. [0014.86] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  110. [0014.89] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123555539 ...
  111. [0014.89] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  112. [0014.89] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123588800 ...
  113. [0014.90] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  114. [0014.90] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123890279 ...
  115. [0014.90] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  116. [0014.90] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1123896931 ...
  117. [0014.90] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  118. [0014.97] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124064427 ...
  119. [0014.97] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  120. [0014.97] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124288875 ...
  121. [0014.97] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  122. [0014.97] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124469629 ...
  123. [0014.97] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  124. [0014.98] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124507705 ...
  125. [0014.98] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  126. [0014.98] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124609091 ...
  127. [0014.98] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  128. [0014.99] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124713229 ...
  129. [0014.99] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  130. [0014.99] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124794449 ...
  131. [0014.99] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  132. [0015.00] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1124843260 ...
  133. [0015.00] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  134. [0015.00] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1125479503 ...
  135. [0015.00] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  136. [0015.00] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1125671906 ...
  137. [0015.00] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  138. [0015.00] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1125703954 ...
  139. [0015.00] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  140. [0015.01] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1125973633 ...
  141. [0015.01] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  142. [0015.01] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126356484 ...
  143. [0015.01] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  144. [0015.01] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126623381 ...
  145. [0015.01] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  146. [0015.03] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126684731 ...
  147. [0015.03] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  148. [0015.04] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126757582 ...
  149. [0015.04] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  150. [0015.09] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126771111 ...
  151. [0015.09] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  152. [0015.10] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126788564 ...
  153. [0015.10] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  154. [0015.10] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1126799811 ...
  155. [0015.10] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  156. [0015.11] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127014384 ...
  157. [0015.11] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  158. [0015.12] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127174933 ...
  159. [0015.12] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  160. [0015.13] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127409511 ...
  161. [0015.13] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  162. [0015.13] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127491931 ...
  163. [0015.13] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  164. [0015.13] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127564073 ...
  165. [0015.13] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  166. [0015.14] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127578683 ...
  167. [0015.14] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  168. [0015.14] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1127789482 ...
  169. [0015.14] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  170. [0015.15] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1128300381 ...
  171. [0015.15] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  172. [0015.15] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1128903527 ...
  173. [0015.15] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  174. [0015.16] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1129878719 ...
  175. [0015.16] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  176. [0015.16] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1130357884 ...
  177. [0015.16] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  178. [0015.24] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1130400927 ...
  179. [0015.24] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  180. [0015.25] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1130967851 ...
  181. [0015.25] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  182. [0015.29] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1130972839 ...
  183. [0015.29] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  184. [0015.30] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1131463058 ...
  185. [0015.30] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  186. [0015.30] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1131557943 ...
  187. [0015.30] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  188. [0015.31] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1131572938 ...
  189. [0015.31] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  190. [0015.31] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1132904326 ...
  191. [0015.31] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  192. [0015.32] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1133854368 ...
  193. [0015.32] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  194. [0015.32] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1133896546 ...
  195. [0015.32] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  196. [0015.33] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1133948306 ...
  197. [0015.33] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  198. [0015.33] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1134256495 ...
  199. [0015.33] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  200. [0015.34] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1135111760 ...
  201. [0015.34] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  202. [0015.34] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1135248412 ...
  203. [0015.35] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  204. [0015.35] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1135274274 ...
  205. [0015.35] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  206. [0015.35] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1135867452 ...
  207. [0015.35] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  208. [0015.36] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1136550654 ...
  209. [0015.36] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  210. [0015.38] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1136981000 ...
  211. [0015.38] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  212. [0015.39] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1139151743 ...
  213. [0015.39] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  214. [0015.39] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1140305914 ...
  215. [0015.39] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  216. [0015.39] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1140434643 ...
  217. [0015.39] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  218. [0015.40] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1142234205 ...
  219. [0015.40] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  220. [0015.44] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1142377029 ...
  221. [0015.44] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  222. [0015.45] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1150255128 ...
  223. [0015.45] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  224. [0015.46] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1154827808 ...
  225. [0015.46] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  226. [0015.49] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1157010936 ...
  227. [0015.49] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  228. [0015.51] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1167004347 ...
  229. [0015.51] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  230. [0015.52] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1171631441 ...
  231. [0015.52] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  232. [0015.52] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1171964288 ...
  233. [0015.52] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  234. [0015.52] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1172230920 ...
  235. [0015.52] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  236. [0015.53] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1183444470 ...
  237. [0015.53] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  238. [0015.53] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1183583781 ...
  239. [0015.53] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  240. [0015.54] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1184533147 ...
  241. [0015.54] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  242. [0015.55] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1187484593 ...
  243. [0015.55] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  244. [0015.55] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1213763826 ...
  245. [0015.55] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  246. [0015.55] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1218007143 ...
  247. [0015.55] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  248. [0015.56] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1218196718 ...
  249. [0015.56] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  250. [0015.61] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1219412982 ...
  251. [0015.61] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  252. [0015.62] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1221991371 ...
  253. [0015.62] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  254. [0015.63] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1241956143 ...
  255. [0015.63] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  256. [0015.64] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1252610888 ...
  257. [0015.64] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  258. [0015.64] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1254143639 ...
  259. [0015.64] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  260. [0015.65] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1276342555 ...
  261. [0015.65] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  262. [0015.65] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1293714688 ...
  263. [0015.65] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  264. [0015.66] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1293725945 ...
  265. [0015.66] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  266. [0015.67] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1336467124 ...
  267. [0015.67] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  268. [0015.70] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1337050242 ...
  269. [0015.70] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  270. [0015.71] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1347419249 ...
  271. [0015.72] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  272. [0015.72] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1365805339 ...
  273. [0015.72] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  274. [0015.72] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1372437219 ...
  275. [0015.72] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  276. [0015.73] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1379047477 ...
  277. [0015.73] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  278. [0015.75] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1384631824 ...
  279. [0015.75] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  280. [0015.75] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1396894338 ...
  281. [0015.75] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  282. [0015.75] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1416242202 ...
  283. [0015.75] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  284. [0015.76] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1420233940 ...
  285. [0015.76] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  286. [0015.76] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1438787370 ...
  287. [0015.76] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  288. [0015.77] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1449755677 ...
  289. [0015.77] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  290. [0015.77] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1469163357 ...
  291. [0015.77] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  292. [0015.77] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1486607466 ...
  293. [0015.77] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  294. [0015.78] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1489472552 ...
  295. [0015.78] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  296. [0015.78] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1494099360 ...
  297. [0015.78] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  298. [0016.01] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1499767042 ...
  299. [0016.01] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  300. [0016.02] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1505294997 ...
  301. [0016.02] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  302. [0016.02] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1510364832 ...
  303. [0016.02] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  304. [0016.03] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1517938486 ...
  305. [0016.03] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  306. [0016.04] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1531883724 ...
  307. [0016.04] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  308. [0016.04] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1533060800 ...
  309. [0016.04] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  310. [0016.05] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1535154541 ...
  311. [0016.05] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  312. [0016.05] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1536253889 ...
  313. [0016.05] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  314. [0016.06] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1536523625 ...
  315. [0016.06] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  316. [0016.06] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1539496987 ...
  317. [0016.06] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  318. [0016.13] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1539942755 ...
  319. [0016.13] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  320. [0016.14] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1541079127 ...
  321. [0016.14] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  322. [0016.15] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1541141667 ...
  323. [0016.15] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  324. [0016.15] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1546249761 ...
  325. [0016.15] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  326. [0016.17] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1546482849 ...
  327. [0016.17] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  328. [0016.18] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1557951815 ...
  329. [0016.18] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  330. [0016.18] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1574991656 ...
  331. [0016.18] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  332. [0016.19] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1576958692 ...
  333. [0016.19] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  334. [0016.20] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1581142050 ...
  335. [0016.20] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  336. [0016.21] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\1584178205 ...
  337. [0016.21] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  338. [0016.21] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\616359783 ...
  339. [0016.21] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  340. [0016.21] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\619895689 ...
  341. [0016.21] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  342. [0016.22] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\620600092 ...
  343. [0016.22] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  344. [0016.22] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\621524082 ...
  345. [0016.22] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  346. [0016.23] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\623935276 ...
  347. [0016.23] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  348. [0016.23] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\624726628 ...
  349. [0016.23] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  350. [0016.24] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\634951246 ...
  351. [0016.24] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  352. [0016.24] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\648410303 ...
  353. [0016.24] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  354. [0016.24] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\657441902 ...
  355. [0016.24] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  356. [0016.25] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\665435869 ...
  357. [0016.25] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  358. [0016.25] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\667104300 ...
  359. [0016.25] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  360. [0016.26] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\934236622 ...
  361. [0016.26] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  362. [0016.26] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500\957580056 ...
  363. [0016.26] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  364. [0016.27] Log: Checking DLC installation for C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\268500268500 ...
  365. [0016.27] Log: IS INSTALLED : , YES
  366. [0021.84] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  367. [0021.84] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  368. [0021.88] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  369. [0021.88] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  370. [0022.13] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  371. [0022.13] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  372. [0022.16] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  373. [0022.16] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  374. [0024.19] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  375. [0024.19] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  376. [0024.25] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  377. [0024.25] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  378. [0024.40] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  379. [0024.40] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  380. [0024.46] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  381. [0024.46] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  382. [0024.83] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  383. [0024.83] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  384. [0024.89] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  385. [0024.89] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  386. [0025.19] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  387. [0025.19] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  388. [0025.23] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  389. [0025.23] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  390. [0025.44] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  391. [0025.44] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  392. [0025.49] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  393. [0025.49] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  394. [0026.15] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  395. [0026.15] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  396. [0026.21] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  397. [0026.21] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  398. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  399. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  400. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=1.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  401. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=1.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  402. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=2.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  403. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=2.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  404. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=3.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  405. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=3.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  406. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=4.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  407. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldSwordPoses",AnimationOffset=.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  408. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldSwordPoses",AnimationOffset=.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  409. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldRiflePoses",AnimationOffset=.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  410. [0026.45] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldRiflePoses",AnimationOffset=.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  411. [0027.00] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  412. [0027.00] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  413. [0027.05] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  414. [0027.05] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  415. [0027.73] Error: Redscreen: ImportText (arrAllPCPDefs): Missing value for property '\\,'
  416. [0029.08] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultCovertMissions.ini
  417. [0029.08] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComCovertMissions.ini
  418. [0029.33] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultWOTCGotchaAgainSettings.ini
  419. [0029.41] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultLootTimer.ini
  420. [0029.56] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultCinematicRapidFire_WotC.ini
  421. [0029.60] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'Timer Tweaks for WotC': Can't find file 'Timer Tweaks for WotC'
  422. [0030.25] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultAbilityFix.ini
  423. [0032.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Materials.MINST_AdventFloorConcreteB with invalid NetIndex 166 (max: 41)
  424. [0032.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Package RiverGround.Materials with invalid NetIndex 6 (max: 6)
  425. [0032.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Materials.MINST_AdventFloorB with invalid NetIndex 161 (max: 41)
  426. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_A_DIF with invalid NetIndex 464 (max: 75)
  427. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_A_MSK with invalid NetIndex 465 (max: 75)
  428. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_BAlt_DIF with invalid NetIndex 472 (max: 75)
  429. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_BAlt_NRM with invalid NetIndex 473 (max: 75)
  430. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_A_NRM with invalid NetIndex 466 (max: 75)
  431. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Package TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures with invalid NetIndex 210 (max: 41)
  432. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.MetalFloorA_DIF with invalid NetIndex 431 (max: 41)
  433. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.MetalFloorA_MSK with invalid NetIndex 432 (max: 41)
  434. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.MetalFloorA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 433 (max: 41)
  435. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.AdventFloorAltB_DIF with invalid NetIndex 423 (max: 41)
  436. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.AdventFloorB_DIF with invalid NetIndex 425 (max: 41)
  437. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Package RiverGround.Textures with invalid NetIndex 7 (max: 6)
  438. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D RiverGround.Textures.RiverGroundA_MSK with invalid NetIndex 17 (max: 6)
  439. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Rocks.Textures.RocksA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 30 (max: 7)
  440. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Package TextureLibrary_Mud.Textures with invalid NetIndex 13 (max: 7)
  441. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Mud.Textures.MudA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 28 (max: 7)
  442. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Mud.Textures.MudA_DIF with invalid NetIndex 27 (max: 7)
  443. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileA_MSK with invalid NetIndex 454 (max: 75)
  444. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileA_DIF with invalid NetIndex 453 (max: 75)
  445. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 455 (max: 75)
  446. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileDamagedA_DIF with invalid NetIndex 456 (max: 75)
  447. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileDamagedA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 457 (max: 75)
  448. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileGravelA_DIF with invalid NetIndex 459 (max: 75)
  449. [0032.20] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.SidewalkTileGravelA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 460 (max: 75)
  450. [0032.21] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_I_DIF with invalid NetIndex 485 (max: 75)
  451. [0032.22] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.AdventFloorA_Alt_DIF with invalid NetIndex 419 (max: 41)
  452. [0032.22] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_AdventFloors.Textures.AdventFloorA_NRM with invalid NetIndex 422 (max: 41)
  453. [0032.94] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultGrimyLootPCS_WOTC.ini
  454. [0032.95] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComGrimyLootPCS_WOTC.ini
  455. [0032.95] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultGrimyLootWOTC_NullConfig.ini
  456. [0033.05] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultGrimyDynamicConfig.ini
  457. [0033.05] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComGrimyDynamicConfig.ini
  458. [0033.42] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultWOTC_DisplayHitChance.ini
  459. [0033.47] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultWOTC_UIShowEnemies.ini
  460. [0033.84] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultOverwatchLockupFix.ini
  461. [0034.42] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultArmouryCrit.ini
  462. [0034.50] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultGame_CharacterSkills.ini
  463. [0034.50] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComGame_CharacterSkills.ini
  464. [0034.51] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'XPACK': Can't find file 'XPACK'
  465. [0034.78] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'GlassFix': Can't find file 'GlassFix'
  466. [0034.90] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WOTC_ShadowOpsPerkPack': Can't find file 'WOTC_ShadowOpsPerkPack'
  467. [0035.23] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultXCom_WOTC_TLP_Cannon_Anim.ini
  468. [0035.23] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComXCom_WOTC_TLP_Cannon_Anim.ini
  469. [0035.29] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultMSSU_Settings.ini
  470. [0035.41] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultASGX_Settings.ini
  471. [0035.49] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultBlackmarketUsage_Settings.ini
  472. [0035.60] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultModConfigMenuTestHarness.ini
  473. [0035.60] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComModConfigMenuTestHarness.ini
  474. [0035.65] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\DefaultYAF1_NullConfig.ini
  475. [0035.65] Log: LoadAnIniFile was unable to find FilenameToLoad: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XCom2-WarOfTheChosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Config\XComYAF1_NullConfig.ini
  476. [0036.19] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WOTC_ShadowOpsPerkPack': Can't find file 'WOTC_ShadowOpsPerkPack'
  477. [0036.21] Log: FiraxisLive: UX2FiraxisLiveClient::Init - Using SHIPPING_PC_GAME
  478. [0036.21] Log: FiraxisLive: UX2FiraxisLiveClient::Init - Using USING_OZZY_PROJECT
  479. [0037.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Alien_AR_Foley and AkBank SoundX2CharacterFX.WwiseDefaultBank_SoundX2CharacterFX have duplicate NetIndex 0
  480. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Harrier aim bonus= 10
  481. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Harrier crit bonus= 20
  482. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot aim bonus= 30
  483. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot damage multiplier= -0.5000
  484. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot ammo cost= 1
  485. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot action point cost= 1
  486. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot cooldown= 4
  487. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot dodge reduction= -20
  488. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Staggering Shot duration= 2
  489. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Stick And Move damage bonus= 2
  490. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Stick And Move defense bonus= 20
  491. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Stick And Move mobility bonus= 4
  492. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Explosive Action cooldown= 3
  493. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Explosive Action bonus action points= 1
  494. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Explosive Action recovery delay= 2
  495. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Explosive Action recovery action points= 1
  496. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Zone of Control reaction fire radius= 5
  497. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Zone of Control reaction fire shots per turn= 1
  498. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Zone of Control counterattack chance= 75
  499. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Zone of Control counterattacks per turn= 0
  500. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Escape and Evade cooldown= 5
  501. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Escape and Evade duration= 1
  502. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Escape and Evade detection radius modifier= 0.7000
  503. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Deep Reserves wound percent to heal= 0.5000
  504. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Deep Reserves damage percent to heal= 0.5000
  505. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Deep Reserves max heal per turn= 2
  506. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Deep Reserves max total heal amount= 8
  507. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Fire for Effect damage ability point cost= 1
  508. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Fire for Effect damage ammo cost= 3
  509. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Fire for Effect damage cooldown= 3
  510. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Fire for Effect damage radius= 3
  511. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Extra Conditioning health bonus= 2
  512. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Extra Conditioning aim bonus= 4
  513. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Extra Conditioning will bonus= 4
  514. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Flare charges= 2
  515. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Flare radius= 4
  516. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Flare height= 3
  517. [0037.53] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Flare range= 18
  518. [0038.20] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_CombatKnife_ICON.IC_CombatKnife'! Referenced by 'LWCombatKnifeWOTC.Archetypes.WP_CombatKnife_CV' ('XComGame.XComWeapon:UITextures').
  519. [0038.20] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_CombatKnife_ICON': Can't find file for package 'WP_CombatKnife_ICON' while loading NULL
  520. [0038.20] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_CombatKnife_ICON.IC_CombatKnife'! Referenced by 'LWCombatKnifeWOTC.Archetypes.WP_CombatKnife_MG' ('XComGame.XComWeapon:UITextures').
  521. [0038.20] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_CombatKnife_ICON': Can't find file for package 'WP_CombatKnife_ICON' while loading NULL
  522. [0038.37] ScriptLog: davea debug ability-create-templates-enter
  523. [0038.37] ScriptLog: davea debug ability-create-templates-done
  524. [0038.57] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles_Noise_Scattered.T_DustClouds01 with invalid NetIndex 756 (max: 19)
  525. [0041.87] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Shotgun_Eject_Shell and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.PsiOp_Ability_Void_Rift_Activate have duplicate NetIndex 97
  526. [0041.87] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Grapple_Foley and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Grapple_Attach have duplicate NetIndex 37
  527. [0041.87] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.SoldierReload_NonShotgun and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Sniper_Reload have duplicate NetIndex 112
  528. [0041.87] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Skulljack_Insert and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.PsiOp_Ability_Void_Rift_Deactivate have duplicate NetIndex 98
  529. [0041.87] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.PsiOp_Ability_Charge_Up_Cast and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Play_ShieldWall_UP have duplicate NetIndex 65
  530. [0044.70] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_1D_Tiles.T_Ink_Drop_Long_Thick and Texture2D FX_Shared_1D_Tiles.T_Ink_Drop_Long_Thick_Soft have duplicate NetIndex 44
  531. [0044.70] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles_Gaseous.T_Smoke_Billowing_Scrolling and Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles_Gaseous.T_Smoke_Thick_NML have duplicate NetIndex 17
  532. [0044.70] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_MuzzleFlashRifle_Side and Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_Raindrops_NORM_Alpha_01 have duplicate NetIndex 51
  533. [0044.73] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Edge_Masks.T_BulletTracer and Texture2D FX_Shared_Edge_Masks.T_Contrail_Mask have duplicate NetIndex 7
  534. [0044.74] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Dusty_Spike, compiling.
  535. [0044.74] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Dusty_Spike at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  536. [0045.35] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Dirt_Grit, compiling.
  537. [0045.35] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Dirt_Grit at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  538. [0046.42] Log: X2WOTCCommunityHighlander: Creating CHXCOMGameVersionTemplate...
  539. [0046.42] Log: X2WOTCCommunityHighlander: Created CHXCOMGameVersionTemplate with version 1.16.0
  540. [0046.68] ScriptLog: AU -- Adding Mod Species
  541. [0046.69] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Creating Extra Conditioning perk unlock.
  542. [0046.76] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Applied Light 'Em Up to ability template StandardShot .
  543. [0046.76] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Applied Light 'Em Up to ability template HailOfBullets .
  544. [0046.76] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Applied Light 'Em Up to ability template RapidFire .
  545. [0046.76] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Applied Light 'Em Up to ability template DeadEye .
  546. [0046.76] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Applied Light 'Em Up to ability template Lucu_Infantry_StaggeringShot .
  547. [0046.86] StealthOverhaul: Register Event TacticalHUD_RealizeConcealmentStatus
  548. [0046.86] StealthOverhaul: Register Event TacticalHUD_UpdateReaperHUD
  549. [0046.86] StealthOverhaul: Register Event RetainConcealmentOnActivation
  550. [0046.86] StealthOverhaul: Register Event OnTacticalBeginPlay
  551. [0046.86] TacticalSuppressors: Register Event OnProjectileFireSound
  552. [0046.86] ScriptLog: Register Event OverrideHasHeavyWeapon: LW2 Secondaries - Gauntlet
  553. [0046.86] ScriptLog: Register Event OnGetItemRange: LW2 Secondaries - Gauntlet
  554. [0046.86] RPG: Register Event OnOverrideHasHeavyWeapon
  555. [0046.86] RPG: Register Event OnPostMissionUpdateSoldierHealing
  556. [0046.86] Augmentations: Register Event OnArmoryMainMenuUpdate
  557. [0048.36] FreeReloadAnytime: Free reload upgrade patched for ReloadUpgrade_Bsc
  558. [0048.36] FreeReloadAnytime: Free reload upgrade patched for ReloadUpgrade_Adv
  559. [0048.36] FreeReloadAnytime: Free reload upgrade patched for ReloadUpgrade_Sup
  560. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ModularWeapons
  561. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ModularWeapons
  562. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ModularWeapons
  563. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ModularWeapons
  564. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ModularWeapons
  565. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: GaussWeapons
  566. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: GaussWeapons
  567. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: GaussWeapons
  568. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: GaussWeapons
  569. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: GaussWeapons
  570. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: MagnetizedWeapons
  571. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: MagnetizedWeapons
  572. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: MagnetizedWeapons
  573. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: MagnetizedWeapons
  574. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: MagnetizedWeapons
  575. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaRifle
  576. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaRifle
  577. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaRifle
  578. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaRifle
  579. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaRifle
  580. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HeavyPlasma
  581. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HeavyPlasma
  582. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HeavyPlasma
  583. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HeavyPlasma
  584. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HeavyPlasma
  585. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaSniper
  586. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaSniper
  587. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaSniper
  588. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaSniper
  589. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlasmaSniper
  590. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlloyCannon
  591. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlloyCannon
  592. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlloyCannon
  593. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlloyCannon
  594. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlloyCannon
  595. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridMaterials
  596. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridMaterials
  597. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridMaterials
  598. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridMaterials
  599. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridMaterials
  600. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlatedArmor
  601. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlatedArmor
  602. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlatedArmor
  603. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlatedArmor
  604. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PlatedArmor
  605. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PoweredArmor
  606. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PoweredArmor
  607. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PoweredArmor
  608. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PoweredArmor
  609. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PoweredArmor
  610. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_Elerium
  611. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_Elerium
  612. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_Elerium
  613. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_Elerium
  614. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_Elerium
  615. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Psionics
  616. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Psionics
  617. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Psionics
  618. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Psionics
  619. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Psionics
  620. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienFacilityLead
  621. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienFacilityLead
  622. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienFacilityLead
  623. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienFacilityLead
  624. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienFacilityLead
  625. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AdventDatapad
  626. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AdventDatapad
  627. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AdventDatapad
  628. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AdventDatapad
  629. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AdventDatapad
  630. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienDatapad
  631. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienDatapad
  632. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienDatapad
  633. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienDatapad
  634. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_AlienDatapad
  635. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienBiotech
  636. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienBiotech
  637. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienBiotech
  638. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienBiotech
  639. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienBiotech
  640. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectoid
  641. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectoid
  642. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectoid
  643. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectoid
  644. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectoid
  645. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViper
  646. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViper
  647. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViper
  648. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViper
  649. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViper
  650. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyMuton
  651. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyMuton
  652. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyMuton
  653. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyMuton
  654. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyMuton
  655. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserker
  656. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserker
  657. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserker
  658. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserker
  659. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserker
  660. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchon
  661. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchon
  662. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchon
  663. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchon
  664. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchon
  665. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyGatekeeper
  666. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyGatekeeper
  667. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyGatekeeper
  668. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyGatekeeper
  669. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyGatekeeper
  670. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAndromedon
  671. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAndromedon
  672. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAndromedon
  673. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAndromedon
  674. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAndromedon
  675. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyFaceless
  676. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyFaceless
  677. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyFaceless
  678. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyFaceless
  679. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyFaceless
  680. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyChryssalid
  681. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyChryssalid
  682. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyChryssalid
  683. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyChryssalid
  684. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyChryssalid
  685. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTrooper
  686. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTrooper
  687. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTrooper
  688. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTrooper
  689. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTrooper
  690. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventStunLancer
  691. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventStunLancer
  692. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventStunLancer
  693. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventStunLancer
  694. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventStunLancer
  695. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
  696. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
  697. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
  698. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
  699. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventShieldbearer
  700. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventMEC
  701. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventMEC
  702. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventMEC
  703. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventMEC
  704. [0048.36] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventMEC
  705. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTurret
  706. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTurret
  707. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTurret
  708. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTurret
  709. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventTurret
  710. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectopod
  711. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectopod
  712. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectopod
  713. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectopod
  714. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySectopod
  715. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceCommunications
  716. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceCommunications
  717. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceCommunications
  718. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceCommunications
  719. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceCommunications
  720. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceRadio
  721. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceRadio
  722. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceRadio
  723. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceRadio
  724. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ResistanceRadio
  725. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventOfficer
  726. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventOfficer
  727. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventOfficer
  728. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventOfficer
  729. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventOfficer
  730. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienEncryption
  731. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienEncryption
  732. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienEncryption
  733. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienEncryption
  734. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AlienEncryption
  735. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt1
  736. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt1
  737. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt1
  738. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt1
  739. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt1
  740. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt2
  741. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt2
  742. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt2
  743. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt2
  744. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: CodexBrainPt2
  745. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BlacksiteData
  746. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BlacksiteData
  747. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BlacksiteData
  748. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BlacksiteData
  749. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BlacksiteData
  750. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ForgeStasisSuit
  751. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ForgeStasisSuit
  752. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ForgeStasisSuit
  753. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ForgeStasisSuit
  754. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ForgeStasisSuit
  755. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PsiGate
  756. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PsiGate
  757. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PsiGate
  758. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PsiGate
  759. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: PsiGate
  760. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPsiWitch
  761. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPsiWitch
  762. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPsiWitch
  763. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPsiWitch
  764. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPsiWitch
  765. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPurifier
  766. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPurifier
  767. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPurifier
  768. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPurifier
  769. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPurifier
  770. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPriest
  771. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPriest
  772. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPriest
  773. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPriest
  774. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdventPriest
  775. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyTheLost
  776. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyTheLost
  777. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyTheLost
  778. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyTheLost
  779. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyTheLost
  780. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySpectre
  781. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySpectre
  782. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySpectre
  783. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySpectre
  784. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsySpectre
  785. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenAssassinWeapons
  786. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenAssassinWeapons
  787. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenAssassinWeapons
  788. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenAssassinWeapons
  789. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenAssassinWeapons
  790. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenHunterWeapons
  791. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenHunterWeapons
  792. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenHunterWeapons
  793. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenHunterWeapons
  794. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenHunterWeapons
  795. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenWarlockWeapons
  796. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenWarlockWeapons
  797. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenWarlockWeapons
  798. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenWarlockWeapons
  799. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ChosenWarlockWeapons
  800. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughConventionalWeaponDamage
  801. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughConventionalWeaponDamage
  802. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughConventionalWeaponDamage
  803. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughConventionalWeaponDamage
  804. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughConventionalWeaponDamage
  805. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughMagneticWeaponDamage
  806. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughMagneticWeaponDamage
  807. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughMagneticWeaponDamage
  808. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughMagneticWeaponDamage
  809. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughMagneticWeaponDamage
  810. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBeamWeaponDamage
  811. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBeamWeaponDamage
  812. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBeamWeaponDamage
  813. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBeamWeaponDamage
  814. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBeamWeaponDamage
  815. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLightArmorHealth
  816. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLightArmorHealth
  817. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLightArmorHealth
  818. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLightArmorHealth
  819. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLightArmorHealth
  820. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughHeavyArmorHealth
  821. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughHeavyArmorHealth
  822. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughHeavyArmorHealth
  823. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughHeavyArmorHealth
  824. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughHeavyArmorHealth
  825. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleDamage
  826. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleDamage
  827. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleDamage
  828. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleDamage
  829. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleDamage
  830. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleDamage
  831. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleDamage
  832. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleDamage
  833. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleDamage
  834. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleDamage
  835. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunDamage
  836. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunDamage
  837. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunDamage
  838. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunDamage
  839. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunDamage
  840. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonDamage
  841. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonDamage
  842. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonDamage
  843. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonDamage
  844. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonDamage
  845. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleDamage
  846. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleDamage
  847. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleDamage
  848. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleDamage
  849. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleDamage
  850. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupDamage
  851. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupDamage
  852. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupDamage
  853. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupDamage
  854. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupDamage
  855. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPistolDamage
  856. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPistolDamage
  857. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPistolDamage
  858. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPistolDamage
  859. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPistolDamage
  860. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSidearmDamage
  861. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSidearmDamage
  862. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSidearmDamage
  863. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSidearmDamage
  864. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSidearmDamage
  865. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSwordDamage
  866. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSwordDamage
  867. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSwordDamage
  868. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSwordDamage
  869. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSwordDamage
  870. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleWeaponUpgrade
  871. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleWeaponUpgrade
  872. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleWeaponUpgrade
  873. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleWeaponUpgrade
  874. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAssaultRifleWeaponUpgrade
  875. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleWeaponUpgrade
  876. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleWeaponUpgrade
  877. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleWeaponUpgrade
  878. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleWeaponUpgrade
  879. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSniperRifleWeaponUpgrade
  880. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunWeaponUpgrade
  881. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunWeaponUpgrade
  882. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunWeaponUpgrade
  883. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunWeaponUpgrade
  884. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShotgunWeaponUpgrade
  885. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonWeaponUpgrade
  886. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonWeaponUpgrade
  887. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonWeaponUpgrade
  888. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonWeaponUpgrade
  889. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughCannonWeaponUpgrade
  890. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleWeaponUpgrade
  891. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleWeaponUpgrade
  892. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleWeaponUpgrade
  893. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleWeaponUpgrade
  894. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughVektorRifleWeaponUpgrade
  895. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupWeaponUpgrade
  896. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupWeaponUpgrade
  897. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupWeaponUpgrade
  898. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupWeaponUpgrade
  899. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughBullpupWeaponUpgrade
  900. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLaboratoryCostReduction
  901. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLaboratoryCostReduction
  902. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLaboratoryCostReduction
  903. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLaboratoryCostReduction
  904. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughLaboratoryCostReduction
  905. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughWorkshopCostReduction
  906. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughWorkshopCostReduction
  907. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughWorkshopCostReduction
  908. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughWorkshopCostReduction
  909. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughWorkshopCostReduction
  910. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundCostReduction
  911. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundCostReduction
  912. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundCostReduction
  913. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundCostReduction
  914. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundCostReduction
  915. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerRelayCostReduction
  916. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerRelayCostReduction
  917. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerRelayCostReduction
  918. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerRelayCostReduction
  919. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerRelayCostReduction
  920. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAWCCostReduction
  921. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAWCCostReduction
  922. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAWCCostReduction
  923. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAWCCostReduction
  924. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAWCCostReduction
  925. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShadowChamberCostReduction
  926. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShadowChamberCostReduction
  927. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShadowChamberCostReduction
  928. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShadowChamberCostReduction
  929. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughShadowChamberCostReduction
  930. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSCostReduction
  931. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSCostReduction
  932. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSCostReduction
  933. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSCostReduction
  934. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSCostReduction
  935. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughUFODefenseCostReduction
  936. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughUFODefenseCostReduction
  937. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughUFODefenseCostReduction
  938. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughUFODefenseCostReduction
  939. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughUFODefenseCostReduction
  940. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceCommsCostReduction
  941. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceCommsCostReduction
  942. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceCommsCostReduction
  943. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceCommsCostReduction
  944. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceCommsCostReduction
  945. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPsiChamberCostReduction
  946. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPsiChamberCostReduction
  947. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPsiChamberCostReduction
  948. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPsiChamberCostReduction
  949. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPsiChamberCostReduction
  950. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceRingCostReduction
  951. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceRingCostReduction
  952. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceRingCostReduction
  953. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceRingCostReduction
  954. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughResistanceRingCostReduction
  955. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryCenterCostReduction
  956. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryCenterCostReduction
  957. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryCenterCostReduction
  958. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryCenterCostReduction
  959. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryCenterCostReduction
  960. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalWorkbenchCostReduction
  961. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalWorkbenchCostReduction
  962. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalWorkbenchCostReduction
  963. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalWorkbenchCostReduction
  964. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalWorkbenchCostReduction
  965. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalResearchStationCostReduction
  966. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalResearchStationCostReduction
  967. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalResearchStationCostReduction
  968. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalResearchStationCostReduction
  969. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalResearchStationCostReduction
  970. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerConduitCostReduction
  971. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerConduitCostReduction
  972. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerConduitCostReduction
  973. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerConduitCostReduction
  974. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughPowerConduitCostReduction
  975. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughEleriumConduitCostReduction
  976. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughEleriumConduitCostReduction
  977. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughEleriumConduitCostReduction
  978. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughEleriumConduitCostReduction
  979. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughEleriumConduitCostReduction
  980. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalCommStationCostReduction
  981. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalCommStationCostReduction
  982. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalCommStationCostReduction
  983. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalCommStationCostReduction
  984. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughAdditionalCommStationCostReduction
  985. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughQuadTurretsCostReduction
  986. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughQuadTurretsCostReduction
  987. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughQuadTurretsCostReduction
  988. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughQuadTurretsCostReduction
  989. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughQuadTurretsCostReduction
  990. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSecondCellCostReduction
  991. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSecondCellCostReduction
  992. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSecondCellCostReduction
  993. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSecondCellCostReduction
  994. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughSecondCellCostReduction
  995. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeICostReduction
  996. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeICostReduction
  997. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeICostReduction
  998. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeICostReduction
  999. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeICostReduction
  1000. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeIICostReduction
  1001. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeIICostReduction
  1002. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeIICostReduction
  1003. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeIICostReduction
  1004. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRingUpgradeIICostReduction
  1005. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryChamberCostReduction
  1006. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryChamberCostReduction
  1007. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryChamberCostReduction
  1008. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryChamberCostReduction
  1009. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughRecoveryChamberCostReduction
  1010. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReuseWeaponUpgrades
  1011. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReuseWeaponUpgrades
  1012. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReuseWeaponUpgrades
  1013. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReuseWeaponUpgrades
  1014. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReuseWeaponUpgrades
  1015. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReusePCS
  1016. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReusePCS
  1017. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReusePCS
  1018. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReusePCS
  1019. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughReusePCS
  1020. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM1
  1021. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM1
  1022. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM1
  1023. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM1
  1024. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM1
  1025. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM2
  1026. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM2
  1027. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM2
  1028. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM2
  1029. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughProvingGroundProjectCostReductionM2
  1030. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM1
  1031. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM1
  1032. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM1
  1033. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM1
  1034. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM1
  1035. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM2
  1036. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM2
  1037. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM2
  1038. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM2
  1039. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughGTSUnlockCostReductionM2
  1040. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughInstantExcavation
  1041. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughInstantExcavation
  1042. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughInstantExcavation
  1043. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughInstantExcavation
  1044. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: BreakthroughInstantExcavation
  1045. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperKing
  1046. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperKing
  1047. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperKing
  1048. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperKing
  1049. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperKing
  1050. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserkerQueen
  1051. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserkerQueen
  1052. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserkerQueen
  1053. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserkerQueen
  1054. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBerserkerQueen
  1055. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchonKing
  1056. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchonKing
  1057. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchonKing
  1058. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchonKing
  1059. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArchonKing
  1060. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ExperimentalWeapons
  1061. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ExperimentalWeapons
  1062. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ExperimentalWeapons
  1063. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ExperimentalWeapons
  1064. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: ExperimentalWeapons
  1065. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioRocketTrooper
  1066. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioRocketTrooper
  1067. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioRocketTrooper
  1068. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioRocketTrooper
  1069. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioRocketTrooper
  1070. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioAssaultTrooper
  1071. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioAssaultTrooper
  1072. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioAssaultTrooper
  1073. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioAssaultTrooper
  1074. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_AdvBioAssaultTrooper
  1075. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_BioViper
  1076. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_BioViper
  1077. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_BioViper
  1078. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_BioViper
  1079. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Autopsy_BioViper
  1080. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyRareLockbox
  1081. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyRareLockbox
  1082. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyRareLockbox
  1083. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyRareLockbox
  1084. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyRareLockbox
  1085. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockbox
  1086. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockbox
  1087. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockbox
  1088. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockbox
  1089. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockbox
  1090. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockbox
  1091. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockbox
  1092. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockbox
  1093. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockbox
  1094. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockbox
  1095. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockboxInstant
  1096. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockboxInstant
  1097. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockboxInstant
  1098. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockboxInstant
  1099. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyEpicLockboxInstant
  1100. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockboxInstant
  1101. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockboxInstant
  1102. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockboxInstant
  1103. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockboxInstant
  1104. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Tech_IdentifyLegendaryLockboxInstant
  1105. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyCelatid
  1106. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyCelatid
  1107. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyCelatid
  1108. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyCelatid
  1109. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyCelatid
  1110. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienTurret
  1111. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienTurret
  1112. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienTurret
  1113. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienTurret
  1114. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienTurret
  1115. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienSword
  1116. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienSword
  1117. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienSword
  1118. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienSword
  1119. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: HybridAlienSword
  1120. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioZerker
  1121. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioZerker
  1122. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioZerker
  1123. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioZerker
  1124. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioZerker
  1125. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioFaceless
  1126. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioFaceless
  1127. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioFaceless
  1128. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioFaceless
  1129. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyBioFaceless
  1130. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdvBioGeneral
  1131. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdvBioGeneral
  1132. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdvBioGeneral
  1133. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdvBioGeneral
  1134. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyAdvBioGeneral
  1135. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Augmentations
  1136. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Augmentations
  1137. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Augmentations
  1138. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Augmentations
  1139. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: Augmentations
  1140. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceChromedome
  1141. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceChromedome
  1142. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceChromedome
  1143. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceChromedome
  1144. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceChromedome
  1145. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceMohawk
  1146. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceMohawk
  1147. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceMohawk
  1148. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceMohawk
  1149. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceMohawk
  1150. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceBrokenTusk
  1151. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceBrokenTusk
  1152. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceBrokenTusk
  1153. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceBrokenTusk
  1154. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrinceBrokenTusk
  1155. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrincess
  1156. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrincess
  1157. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrincess
  1158. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrincess
  1159. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyViperPrincess
  1160. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredViper
  1161. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredViper
  1162. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredViper
  1163. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredViper
  1164. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredViper
  1165. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredPsiViper
  1166. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredPsiViper
  1167. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredPsiViper
  1168. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredPsiViper
  1169. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: AutopsyArmoredPsiViper
  1170. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: UnderbarrelWeapons
  1171. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: UnderbarrelWeapons
  1172. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: UnderbarrelWeapons
  1173. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: UnderbarrelWeapons
  1174. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Wrapping tech: UnderbarrelWeapons
  1175. [0048.37] InfiltratorClass: Patching Template PistolStandardShot adding QuickDrawPrimary to DoNotConsumeAllSoldierAbilities
  1176. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'InTheZone'
  1177. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'InTheZone'
  1178. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'GrimySerialOne'
  1179. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'GrimySerialOne'
  1180. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'GrimySerialTwo'
  1181. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'GrimySerialTwo'
  1182. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'GrimySerialThree'
  1183. [0048.37] ScriptLog: AbilityName:'GrimySerialThree'
  1184. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Patching suppressable cursor
  1185. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: HunterKillzone
  1186. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: HunterGrapple
  1187. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Grapple
  1188. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrapplePowered
  1189. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ThrowClaymore
  1190. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ThrowShrapnel
  1191. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Pillar
  1192. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: IonicStorm
  1193. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PoisonSpit
  1194. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: WrathCannonStage1
  1195. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: WrathCannonStage2
  1196. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: WrathCannon
  1197. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: KillZone
  1198. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SaturationFire
  1199. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Teleport
  1200. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PsiBombStage1
  1201. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: TeleportMP
  1202. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PlaceEvacZone
  1203. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MicroMissiles
  1204. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: NullLance
  1205. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: VoidRift
  1206. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PsiDimensionalRiftStage1
  1207. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AdvPurifierFlamethrower
  1208. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AcidBlob
  1209. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BlazingPinionsStage1
  1210. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BlazingPinionsStage1MP
  1211. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: HarborWave
  1212. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: TriggerPsiSelfDestruct
  1213. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: CapacitorDischarge
  1214. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ScythingClaws
  1215. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ScythingClawsMP
  1216. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AnimaInversion
  1217. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AnimaInversionMP
  1218. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ThrowGrenade
  1219. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: LaunchGrenade
  1220. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ProximityMineDetonation
  1221. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: RocketLauncher
  1222. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ShredderGun
  1223. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ShredstormCannon
  1224. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Flamethrower
  1225. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: FlamethrowerMk2
  1226. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BlasterLauncher
  1227. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PlasmaBlaster
  1228. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BattleScanner
  1229. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MimicBeaconThrow
  1230. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SkirmisherGrapple
  1231. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ArchonKingBlazingPinionsStage1
  1232. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AlienRulerCallForEscape
  1233. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Quake
  1234. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: IcarusJump
  1235. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Frostbite
  1236. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: CapacitorDischarge_Shen
  1237. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: bombard
  1238. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Sacrifice
  1239. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: TriggerSelfDestruct
  1240. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkRocketLauncher
  1241. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkShredderGun
  1242. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkShredstormCannon
  1243. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkFlamethrower
  1244. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkFlamethrowerMk2
  1245. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkBlasterLauncher
  1246. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkPlasmaBlaster
  1247. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AcidBlobM4
  1248. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Firebreath
  1249. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BomberPsiBombStage1
  1250. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: AcidRain
  1251. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: FlashRain
  1252. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SmokeRain
  1253. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: FireSpit
  1254. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiGunslinger
  1255. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BioBlasterLauncher
  1256. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Ability_BioRocket
  1257. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PoisonBlindSpit
  1258. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Lucu_Infantry_FireForEffect
  1259. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Lucu_Infantry_Flare
  1260. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: LWRocketLauncher
  1261. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: LWBlasterLauncher
  1262. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ConcussionRocket
  1263. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BunkerBuster
  1264. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: LWFlamethrower
  1265. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Roust
  1266. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Firestorm
  1267. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimyChargeTeleportBsc
  1268. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimyChargeTeleportAdv
  1269. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimyChargeTeleportSup
  1270. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimySaturationFireOne
  1271. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimySaturationFireTwo
  1272. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimySaturationFireThree
  1273. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: GrimyKillZoneOne
  1274. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiThrowFlashbang
  1275. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiPlantTacticalC4
  1276. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiPlantTacticalX4
  1277. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiPlantTacticalE4
  1278. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiExplodeTacticalC4
  1279. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiExplodeTacticalX4
  1280. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: MusashiExplodeTacticalE4
  1281. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: DeployableCelatidTurret
  1282. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: DeployableCelatidTurretMk2
  1283. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: DeployableCelatidTurretMk3
  1284. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BioScythingClaws
  1285. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BioScythingClawsM2
  1286. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BioZerker_DeathCloud
  1287. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: PA_PoisonSpit
  1288. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: CallGasStrike
  1289. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: CallAdvancedGasStrike
  1290. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: CallSatStrike
  1291. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ScoutingProtocol
  1292. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ThrowSubSonicGrenade
  1293. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Collateral
  1294. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Neutralize
  1295. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Bombardment
  1296. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Supernova
  1297. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Fire_UBGL_Conv
  1298. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Fire_UBGL_Mag
  1299. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: Fire_UBGL_Beam
  1300. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: F_BlindingFire
  1301. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: F_Ambush
  1302. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: F_KillEmAll
  1303. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: IRI_IcarusJump
  1304. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: IRI_IcarusSlam
  1305. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: IRI_CallReinforcements
  1306. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: X2TargetingMethod_BlasterLauncher
  1307. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: BlasterLauncher
  1308. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: SparkBlasterLauncher
  1309. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: X2TargetingMethod_Claymore
  1310. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ThrowClaymore
  1311. [0048.37] Suppressable abilities: Ability patched: ThrowShrapnel
  1312. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Modify template for mission MissionSource_GuerillaOp
  1313. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Modify template for mission MissionSource_Council
  1314. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Modify template for mission MissionSource_SupplyRaid
  1315. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Modify template for mission MissionSource_LandedUFO
  1316. [0048.37] ScriptLog: Modify template for mission MissionSource_ResistanceOp
  1317. [0048.37] X2WOTCCommunityHighlander: Companion script package loaded
  1318. [0049.30] Error: (AddNetObject) Object PhysicsAsset ConvPistol.Meshes.PHYS_ConvPistol with invalid NetIndex 158 (max: 45)
  1319. [0049.31] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Edge_Masks.T_glowBitSoft and Texture2D FX_Shared_Edge_Masks.T_Headlight_Falloff have duplicate NetIndex 14
  1320. [0049.32] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_1D_Tiles.T_Water_Edge and Texture2D FX_Shared_1D_Tiles.T_Vapor_Serpentine have duplicate NetIndex 112
  1321. [0049.32] Error: (AddNetObject) Object PhysicsAssetInstance ConvPistol.Meshes.PHYS_ConvPistol:PhysicsAssetInstance_15 with invalid NetIndex 159 (max: 45)
  1322. [0049.32] Error: (AddNetObject) Object RB_BodySetup ConvPistol.Meshes.PHYS_ConvPistol:RB_BodySetup_2 with invalid NetIndex 164 (max: 45)
  1323. [0049.32] Error: (AddNetObject) Object RB_BodyInstance ConvPistol.Meshes.PHYS_ConvPistol:PhysicsAssetInstance_15.RB_BodyInstance_27 with invalid NetIndex 160 (max: 45)
  1324. [0049.34] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Holotargeter_Border_Blue, compiling.
  1325. [0049.34] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Border_Blue at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1326. [0050.74] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Holotargeter_Border_Yellow, compiling.
  1327. [0050.74] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Border_Yellow at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1328. [0051.11] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Holotargeter_Crit_Icon, compiling.
  1329. [0051.11] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Crit_Icon at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1330. [0053.52] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Holotargeter_Damage_Icon, compiling.
  1331. [0053.52] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Damage_Icon at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1332. [0055.99] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Holotargeter_Time_Icon, compiling.
  1333. [0056.00] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Time_Icon at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1334. [0058.40] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_TPainter_Border_Offset, compiling.
  1335. [0058.40] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_TPainter_Border_Offset at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1336. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe.M_Globe_HoloPixels'! Referenced by 'PerkLibrary_MW.P_Reboot_Persistent:ParticleModuleRequired_9' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1337. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe': Can't find file for package 'FX_Globe' while loading NULL
  1338. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe.M_Globe_HoloPixels'! Referenced by 'PerkLibrary_MW.P_Reboot_Start:ParticleModuleRequired_9' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1339. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe': Can't find file for package 'FX_Globe' while loading NULL
  1340. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe.Globe_X_Facing_Cheap'! Referenced by 'PerkLibrary_MW.P_Reboot_Persistent:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_3' ('Engine.ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh:Mesh').
  1341. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe': Can't find file for package 'FX_Globe' while loading NULL
  1342. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe.Globe_X_Facing_Cheap'! Referenced by 'PerkLibrary_MW.P_Reboot_Start:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_3' ('Engine.ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh:Mesh').
  1343. [0061.00] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Globe': Can't find file for package 'FX_Globe' while loading NULL
  1344. [0061.06] combatknife: Musashi patching Template : SilentTakedown with Musashi_AbilityCooldown
  1345. [0061.06] combatknife: Musashi patching Template : SilentTakedown with Musashi_AbilityCooldown
  1346. [0061.06] combatknife: Musashi patching Template : SilentTakedown with Musashi_AbilityCooldown
  1347. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for Rend
  1348. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ArcWave
  1349. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for TemplarBladestormAttack
  1350. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BigDamnPunch
  1351. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BigDamnPunchMP
  1352. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for DevastatingPunch
  1353. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for DevastatingPunchMP
  1354. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for PartingSilk
  1355. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for StandardMelee
  1356. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for StandardMovingMelee
  1357. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for SpectralStunLance
  1358. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ChryssalidSlash
  1359. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ChryssalidSlashMP
  1360. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ScythingClaws
  1361. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ScythingClawsMP
  1362. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for AnimaConsume
  1363. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for AnimaConsumeMP
  1364. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for SwordSlice
  1365. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BladestormAttack
  1366. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for Bayonet
  1367. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for CounterattackBayonet
  1368. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for RetributionAttack
  1369. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for SkirmisherMelee
  1370. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for SkirmisherPostAbilityMelee
  1371. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for StunLance
  1372. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for LostAttack
  1373. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for StandardMelee_NoEnd
  1374. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for QueenDevastatingPunch
  1375. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for Strike
  1376. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for StandardMeleeLifeLeech
  1377. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ChryssalidSlashM1
  1378. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ChryssalidSlashM2
  1379. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ChryssalidSlashM3
  1380. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ChryssalidSlashM4
  1381. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for MusashiSwordSlice
  1382. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for MusashiSlash
  1383. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for MusashiCombativesAttack
  1384. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for AssaultStun
  1385. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ToxinSlash
  1386. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for Lucu_Infantry_ZoneOfControlCounterattack
  1387. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BlademasterSlice
  1388. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for KnifeFighter
  1389. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for CombativesAttack
  1390. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyRapidSlashOne
  1391. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyRapidSlashTwo
  1392. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyRapidSlashThree
  1393. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyConviction
  1394. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyLongCrusade_BscSword
  1395. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyLongCrusade_AdvSword
  1396. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for GrimyLongCrusade_SupSword
  1397. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for Ability_CelatidAlien_PoisonCloud
  1398. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BioScythingClaws
  1399. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BioScythingClawsM2
  1400. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BioZerker_DeathCloud
  1401. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ZerkerPuntAttack
  1402. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for HonorGuardLaserSlash
  1403. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for CyberPunch
  1404. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ClawsSlash
  1405. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for FrostAxeSlash
  1406. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ShieldBash
  1407. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for KineticStrike
  1408. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for ConcussiveStrike
  1409. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for BrawlerTrigger
  1410. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for LightningStrikeMW
  1411. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for VorpalSlash
  1412. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for F_Rush
  1413. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for F_ShieldTrauma
  1414. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for IRI_RocketPunch
  1415. [0061.06] Backstab: Overwrite BuildVisualizationFn with Backstab_BuildVisualization for IRI_RocketPunch_MK2
  1416. [0061.06] ScriptLog: XModBase 2.0.1: AddUniversalAbilities
  1417. [0061.06] ScriptLog: XModBase 2.0.1: UpdateAbilities
  1418. [0061.21] ScriptLog: XModBase 2.0.1: ChainAbilityTag
  1419. [0061.21] ScriptLog: XModBase 2.0.1: AddGtsUnlocks
  1420. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added pistol weapon restrictions to PistolStandardShot
  1421. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added pistol weapon restrictions to LightningHands
  1422. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added pistol weapon restrictions to FanFire
  1423. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added pistol weapon restrictions to Faceoff
  1424. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added pistol weapon restrictions to ReturnFire
  1425. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added pistol weapon restrictions to Quickdraw
  1426. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to IntrusionProtocol
  1427. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to AidProtocol
  1428. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to CombatProtocol
  1429. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to MedicalProtocol
  1430. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to RevivalProtocol
  1431. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to RestorativeMist
  1432. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to CapacitorDischarge
  1433. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to ScanningProtocol
  1434. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added gremlin weapon restrictions to HaywireProtocol
  1435. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added melee weapon restrictions to Blademaster
  1436. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added melee weapon restrictions to SwordSlice
  1437. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added melee weapon restrictions to Reaper
  1438. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added melee weapon restrictions to Bladestorm
  1439. [0061.21] ScriptLog: WOTC LW2 Secondary Weapons - Template Edits: Added grenade launcher weapon restrictions to LaunchGrenade
  1440. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi patching Template : PutDownUnit with Musashi_AbilityCost_LeaveNoOneBehind
  1441. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi patching Template : CarryUnit with Musashi_AbilityCost_LeaveNoOneBehind
  1442. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi patching Template : Knockout with Musashi_AbilityCost_LeaveNoOneBehind
  1443. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : HunterRifleShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1444. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : TrackingShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1445. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : OverwatchShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1446. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : overwatch with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1447. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : PistolOverwatch with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1448. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SniperRifleOverwatch with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1449. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SoulReaper with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1450. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SoulReaperContinue with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1451. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Sting with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1452. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Blaster with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1453. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : BlasterDuringCannon with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1454. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : LongWatch with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1455. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : LongWatchShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1456. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : DeadEye with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1457. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : ReturnFire with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1458. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : KillZoneShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1459. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Suppression with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1460. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SuppressionShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1461. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : BulletShred with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1462. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : HailOfBullets with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1463. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : ChainShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1464. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : ChainShot2 with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1465. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : ChosenRevenge with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1466. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : ChosenLowProfile with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1467. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : StandardShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1468. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : StandardShot_NoEnd with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1469. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SniperStandardFire with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1470. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : DarkEventAbility_ReturnFire with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1471. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : DarkEventAbility_Overwatch with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1472. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : AidProtocol with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1473. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : BondmateDualStrike with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1474. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : BondmateDualStrikeFollowup with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1475. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : RapidFire with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1476. [0061.89] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : RapidFire2 with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1477. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SkirmisherReflex with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1478. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Judgment with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1479. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : SkirmisherReturnFire with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1480. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : PanickedReaction_Aggressive with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1481. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Intimidate with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1482. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : HunterProtocolShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1483. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : PounceShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1484. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : AdvDroneShock with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1485. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : AcidShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1486. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : MusashiGunslingerShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1487. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Lucu_Infantry_StaggeringShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1488. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Lucu_Infantry_FireForEffect with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1489. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : ReturnThrow with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1490. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : MusashiAmbushSilencer with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1491. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : MusashiAmbushTargetShotSilencer with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1492. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimyReturnShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1493. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimySentinelOne with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1494. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimySentinelTwo with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1495. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimySentinelThree with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1496. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimyHailOfBulletsOne with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1497. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimyHailOfBulletsTwo with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1498. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimyRapidFireOne with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1499. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimyRapidFireTwo with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1500. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : GrimyRapidFireThree with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1501. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : MusashiMarksmanOverwatch with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1502. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : FirstAidHeal with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1503. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : FrostBiteShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1504. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : Triangulation with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1505. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : TriangulationTrigger with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1506. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_ShootAnyone with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1507. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_ChipAway with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1508. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_Maim with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1509. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_DisablingShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1510. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_Unload with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1511. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_Unload2 with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1512. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_AmbushShot with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1513. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_FireFirst with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1514. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_Flatline with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1515. [0061.90] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: patch template : F_KillEmAll with Musashi_Condition_SquadsightTargetRange
  1516. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch CritUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1517. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch CritUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1518. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch CritUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1519. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch AimUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1520. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch AimUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1521. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch AimUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1522. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch ClipSizeUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1523. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch ClipSizeUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1524. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch ClipSizeUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1525. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch FreeFireUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1526. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch FreeFireUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1527. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch FreeFireUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1528. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch ReloadUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1529. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch ReloadUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1530. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch ReloadUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1531. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch MissDamageUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1532. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch MissDamageUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1533. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch MissDamageUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1534. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch FreeKillUpgrade_Bsc CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1535. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch FreeKillUpgrade_Adv CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1536. [0061.90] ConfigureUpgradeSlots: Patch FreeKillUpgrade_Sup CanApplyUpgradeToWeaponFn
  1537. [0062.06] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Item_Battle_Scanner_Impact and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Item_Medkit_Heal have duplicate NetIndex 45
  1538. [0062.28] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles.T_Smokey_B and Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles.wave_NRM have duplicate NetIndex 80
  1539. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Package ViperRifle.Meshes with invalid NetIndex 135 (max: 52)
  1540. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle with invalid NetIndex 386 (max: 52)
  1541. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_0 with invalid NetIndex 387 (max: 52)
  1542. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_1 with invalid NetIndex 388 (max: 52)
  1543. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_2 with invalid NetIndex 389 (max: 52)
  1544. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_4 with invalid NetIndex 390 (max: 52)
  1545. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Package ViperRifle.Materials with invalid NetIndex 134 (max: 52)
  1546. [0063.99] Error: (AddNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant ViperRifle.Materials.ViperRifle_MATINST with invalid NetIndex 114 (max: 52)
  1547. [0064.01] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_9 and ParticleSystem FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up have duplicate NetIndex 379
  1548. [0064.01] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_0 and ParticleSystem FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress have duplicate NetIndex 380
  1549. [0064.01] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_1 and ParticleSystem FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash have duplicate NetIndex 381
  1550. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6 and ParticleModuleLightFalloff FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLightFalloff_0 have duplicate NetIndex 356
  1551. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_10 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_5 have duplicate NetIndex 351
  1552. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_7 and ParticleModuleLightRadius FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLightRadius_0 have duplicate NetIndex 357
  1553. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_8 have duplicate NetIndex 354
  1554. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_3 have duplicate NetIndex 349
  1555. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_9 have duplicate NetIndex 355
  1556. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_8 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_0 have duplicate NetIndex 358
  1557. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_9 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_1 have duplicate NetIndex 359
  1558. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_6 have duplicate NetIndex 352
  1559. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_4 have duplicate NetIndex 350
  1560. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_7 have duplicate NetIndex 353
  1561. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_16 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_11 have duplicate NetIndex 372
  1562. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_10 have duplicate NetIndex 371
  1563. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_3 have duplicate NetIndex 374
  1564. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_4 have duplicate NetIndex 375
  1565. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_5 have duplicate NetIndex 376
  1566. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_6 have duplicate NetIndex 377
  1567. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_7 have duplicate NetIndex 378
  1568. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_17 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_2 have duplicate NetIndex 373
  1569. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6 and ParticleModuleMeshRotation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleMeshRotation_7 have duplicate NetIndex 367
  1570. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_10 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_4 have duplicate NetIndex 362
  1571. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_7 and ParticleModuleMeshRotationRate FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleMeshRotationRate_5 have duplicate NetIndex 368
  1572. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_7 have duplicate NetIndex 365
  1573. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_2 have duplicate NetIndex 360
  1574. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5 and ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveCylinder_0 have duplicate NetIndex 366
  1575. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_8 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_0 have duplicate NetIndex 369
  1576. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_9 and ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_1 have duplicate NetIndex 370
  1577. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_5 have duplicate NetIndex 363
  1578. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_3 have duplicate NetIndex 361
  1579. [0064.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLocation_6 have duplicate NetIndex 364
  1580. [0064.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Object StaticMesh ViperRifle.Meshes.ViperRifle with invalid NetIndex 393 (max: 52)
  1581. [0064.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_LF_Horizontal_B and Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_LF_Horizontal_H have duplicate NetIndex 37
  1582. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_8 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_35.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 193
  1583. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_6 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_7.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 279
  1584. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_15.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 171
  1585. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_21.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 178
  1586. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_8 and ParticleLightEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleLightEmitter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 299
  1587. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLocation_6 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_48.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 207
  1588. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_7 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_8 have duplicate NetIndex 326
  1589. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_33.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 191
  1590. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_10 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_5.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 277
  1591. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_14.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 170
  1592. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_2.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 176
  1593. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLocation_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_47.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 206
  1594. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_10 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_6 have duplicate NetIndex 324
  1595. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_9 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_36.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 194
  1596. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_7 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_8.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 280
  1597. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_16.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 172
  1598. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_4 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_22.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 179
  1599. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleVelocity_12 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_0 have duplicate NetIndex 343
  1600. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_8 and ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_0 have duplicate NetIndex 327
  1601. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_7 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_34.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 192
  1602. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_4 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_6.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 278
  1603. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColor_8 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_7.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 161
  1604. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_20.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 177
  1605. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_5 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_6 have duplicate NetIndex 339
  1606. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_7 have duplicate NetIndex 325
  1607. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_40.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 199
  1608. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_0 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_16.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 285
  1609. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSourceMovement FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSourceMovement_0 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_5 have duplicate NetIndex 323
  1610. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_0 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3.ParticleLODLevel_3 have duplicate NetIndex 308
  1611. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_2 and ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_0 have duplicate NetIndex 315
  1612. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_15 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5.ParticleLODLevel_4 have duplicate NetIndex 310
  1613. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_0 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_10 have duplicate NetIndex 345
  1614. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_9.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 163
  1615. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_6.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 160
  1616. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLocation_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_7.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 210
  1617. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_27.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 184
  1618. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_2 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_11 have duplicate NetIndex 346
  1619. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLocation_13 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_9.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 212
  1620. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_1 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_8 have duplicate NetIndex 341
  1621. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_1 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_1 have duplicate NetIndex 332
  1622. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_42.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 201
  1623. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_2 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_3.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 287
  1624. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_3 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_12 have duplicate NetIndex 347
  1625. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_1.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 165
  1626. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_1 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_28.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 185
  1627. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_3 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_2 have duplicate NetIndex 320
  1628. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_4 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_3 have duplicate NetIndex 321
  1629. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_4 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_2 have duplicate NetIndex 348
  1630. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLocation_1 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_8.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 211
  1631. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_2 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_9 have duplicate NetIndex 342
  1632. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_2 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_2 have duplicate NetIndex 335
  1633. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_43.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 202
  1634. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_3 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_5.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 288
  1635. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_5 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_4 have duplicate NetIndex 322
  1636. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_5 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_10.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 166
  1637. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_7 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_30.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 188
  1638. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_13 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4.ParticleLODLevel_1 have duplicate NetIndex 309
  1639. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_4 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_3 have duplicate NetIndex 336
  1640. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_4 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_44.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 203
  1641. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_16 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6.ParticleLODLevel_2 have duplicate NetIndex 311
  1642. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_6 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_11.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 167
  1643. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_8 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_31.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 189
  1644. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_17 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_7.ParticleLODLevel_3 have duplicate NetIndex 312
  1645. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_6 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_4 have duplicate NetIndex 337
  1646. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_5 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_45.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 204
  1647. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_18 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_8.ParticleLODLevel_5 have duplicate NetIndex 313
  1648. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_7 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_12.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 168
  1649. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_9 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_32.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 190
  1650. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_19 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_9.ParticleLODLevel_6 have duplicate NetIndex 314
  1651. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_8 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_5 have duplicate NetIndex 338
  1652. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_6 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_46.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 205
  1653. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_20 and ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_1 have duplicate NetIndex 316
  1654. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_8 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_13.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 169
  1655. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_29.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 186
  1656. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_21 and ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_2 have duplicate NetIndex 317
  1657. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_16 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 have duplicate NetIndex 333
  1658. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_18 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_41.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 200
  1659. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_17 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_18.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 286
  1660. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_22 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_0 have duplicate NetIndex 318
  1661. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 164
  1662. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_11 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_3.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 187
  1663. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_23 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColor_1 have duplicate NetIndex 319
  1664. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_17 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_11 have duplicate NetIndex 334
  1665. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_8 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_39.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 197
  1666. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_6 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_10.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 283
  1667. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleRotation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleRotation_2 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 275
  1668. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_18.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 174
  1669. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_25.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 182
  1670. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_1 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_1.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 158
  1671. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_8 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2.ParticleLODLevel_2 have duplicate NetIndex 307
  1672. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLocation_6 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_6.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 209
  1673. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_19 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1.ParticleLODLevel_1 have duplicate NetIndex 302
  1674. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_7 and ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_3 have duplicate NetIndex 330
  1675. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_37.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 195
  1676. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_10 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_9.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 281
  1677. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_17.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 173
  1678. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_23.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 180
  1679. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 157
  1680. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_20 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_10.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 303
  1681. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLocation_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_5.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 208
  1682. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_21 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_11.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 304
  1683. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_10 and ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_1 have duplicate NetIndex 328
  1684. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_9 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_4.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 198
  1685. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_7 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_14.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 284
  1686. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleRotation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleRotation_3 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_1.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 276
  1687. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_19.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 175
  1688. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_4 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_26.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 183
  1689. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_5.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 159
  1690. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_13 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 301
  1691. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleVelocity_12 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleLifetime_1 have duplicate NetIndex 344
  1692. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_8 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0 have duplicate NetIndex 331
  1693. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_7 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_38.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 196
  1694. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_4 and DistributionVectorParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_1.DistributionVectorParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 282
  1695. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColor_8 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_8.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 162
  1696. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_24.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 181
  1697. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_6 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_12.ParticleLODLevel_1 have duplicate NetIndex 305
  1698. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_7 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleSpriteEmitter_13.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 306
  1699. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_12 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleLightEmitter_0.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 300
  1700. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_5 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_7 have duplicate NetIndex 340
  1701. [0064.38] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 and ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_2 have duplicate NetIndex 329
  1702. [0064.59] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1703. [0064.59] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1704. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Deco_Smoke_Sphere_Alpha'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Edited:ParticleModuleMaterialByParameter_0' ('Engine.ParticleModuleMaterialByParameter:DefaultMaterials').
  1705. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1706. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Deco_Smoke_Sphere_Alpha'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Light_Edited:ParticleModuleMaterialByParameter_0' ('Engine.ParticleModuleMaterialByParameter:DefaultMaterials').
  1707. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1708. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Facing_Sprite_A'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Edited:ParticleModuleRequired_0' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1709. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1710. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Facing_Sprite_A'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Edited:ParticleModuleRequired_3' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1711. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1712. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Facing_Sprite_A'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Edited:ParticleModuleRequired_4' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1713. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1714. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Facing_Sprite_A'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Light_Edited:ParticleModuleRequired_0' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1715. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1716. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Facing_Sprite_A'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Light_Edited:ParticleModuleRequired_3' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1717. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1718. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire.M_Fire_Facing_Sprite_A'! Referenced by 'WP_AdvFlamethrower_Edited.P_Status_Burning_Light_Edited:ParticleModuleRequired_4' ('Engine.ParticleModuleRequired:Material').
  1719. [0064.75] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'FX_Fire': Can't find file for package 'FX_Fire' while loading NULL
  1720. [0069.16] Error: (AddNetObject) Object PhysicsAsset ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle with invalid NetIndex 382 (max: 52)
  1721. [0069.16] Error: (AddNetObject) Object RB_BodySetup ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle:RB_BodySetup_0 with invalid NetIndex 385 (max: 52)
  1722. [0069.16] Error: (AddNetObject) Object PhysicsAssetInstance ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle:PhysicsAssetInstance_0 with invalid NetIndex 383 (max: 52)
  1723. [0069.16] Error: (AddNetObject) Object RB_BodyInstance ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle:PhysicsAssetInstance_0.RB_BodyInstance_1 with invalid NetIndex 384 (max: 52)
  1724. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleVelocity_2 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleLifetime_4 have duplicate NetIndex 1576
  1725. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 and ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Zap_A:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_1 have duplicate NetIndex 1457
  1726. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleVelocity_1 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleLifetime_3 have duplicate NetIndex 1575
  1727. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_2 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleLocation_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1616
  1728. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleSpawn_3 and ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Zap_A:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1456
  1729. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_0 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1539
  1730. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_0 and ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveSphere FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Zap_A:ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveSphere_4 have duplicate NetIndex 1628
  1731. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_2 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_5 have duplicate NetIndex 1540
  1732. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleVelocity_7 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Smolder_A:ParticleModuleLocation_1 have duplicate NetIndex 1596
  1733. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_0 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Smolder_A:ParticleModuleLifetime_1 have duplicate NetIndex 1549
  1734. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleSpawn_0 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Smolder_A:ParticleModuleColor_6 have duplicate NetIndex 1482
  1735. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleVelocity_10 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Smolder_A:ParticleModuleLocation_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1595
  1736. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_2 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Smolder_A:ParticleModuleLifetime_2 have duplicate NetIndex 1550
  1737. [0076.52] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleSpawn_2 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Death_Zap_A:ParticleModuleColor_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1483
  1738. [0077.56] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_Bursts_Whole.NRMLConvex512 with invalid NetIndex 550 (max: 102)
  1739. [0077.56] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles.T_Ink_Drop_Long_Tile with invalid NetIndex 542 (max: 96)
  1740. [0077.80] Log: No animation data exists for sequence FF_MeleeA (AnimSet BetterBerserker.Anims.AS_Berserker_F)
  1741. [0080.93] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_DIF with invalid NetIndex 172 (max: 45)
  1742. [0080.93] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_MSK with invalid NetIndex 173 (max: 45)
  1743. [0080.93] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_NRM with invalid NetIndex 174 (max: 45)
  1744. [0080.93] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Arc_Halo_Ball, compiling.
  1745. [0080.93] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Arc_Halo_Ball at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1746. [0081.34] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Arc_Lightning, compiling.
  1747. [0081.34] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Arc_Lightning at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1748. [0082.25] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Arcs_Hit_EnshroudTarget, compiling.
  1749. [0082.25] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Arcs_Hit_EnshroudTarget at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1750. [0082.84] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Ball_Lightning, compiling.
  1751. [0082.84] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Ball_Lightning at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1752. [0083.93] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Distortion_Glow, compiling.
  1753. [0083.93] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Distortion_Glow at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1754. [0085.03] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_EM_FlashBang, compiling.
  1755. [0085.03] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_EM_FlashBang at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1756. [0085.40] Log: Missing cached shader map for material M_Muzzle_Flash_for_AT, compiling.
  1757. [0085.40] Warning: Redscreen: Compiling M_Muzzle_Flash_for_AT at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  1758. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile': Can't find file for package '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile' while loading NULL
  1759. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  1760. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher': Can't find file for package '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher' while loading NULL
  1761. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  1762. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile': Can't find file for package '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile' while loading NULL
  1763. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  1764. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher': Can't find file for package '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher' while loading NULL
  1765. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  1766. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_BunkerBusterProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_BunkerBusterProjectile' ('---').
  1767. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile': Can't find file for package '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile' while loading NULL
  1768. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_ConcussionRocketProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_ConcussionRocketProjectile' ('---').
  1769. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  1770. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireBlasterLauncherProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireBlasterLauncherProjectile' ('---').
  1771. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher': Can't find file for package '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher' while loading NULL
  1772. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireRocketProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireRocketProjectile' ('---').
  1773. [0085.76] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  1774. [0092.12] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Muzzleflash_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Ranged_Light:ParticleModuleLightRadius_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 431
  1775. [0092.12] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Muzzleflash_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Ranged_Light:ParticleModuleLightSourceLength_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 432
  1776. [0092.12] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Muzzleflash_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_4 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Ranged_Light:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 433
  1777. [0095.42] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundFX.SectopodSteamtBurstCue with invalid NetIndex 168 (max: 88)
  1778. [0096.80] Error: (AddNetObject) Object TextureFlipBook FX_Shared.TFB_RExpl_Explo001 with invalid NetIndex 193 (max: 161)
  1779. [0101.75] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent XPACK_SoundCharacterFX.Templar_Focus_Gain and AkEvent XPACK_SoundCharacterFX.Templar_Exchange_Target have duplicate NetIndex 51
  1780. [0101.79] Error: (AddNetObject) Object StaticMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.BeamCannon with invalid NetIndex 627 (max: 100)
  1781. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.SM_BeamCannon_CoreB_Center with invalid NetIndex 601 (max: 100)
  1782. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.SM_BeamCannon_HeatSinkA with invalid NetIndex 602 (max: 100)
  1783. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.SM_BeamCannon_HeatSinkB with invalid NetIndex 603 (max: 100)
  1784. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh MagAttachments.Meshes.SM_MagTriggerB with invalid NetIndex 43 (max: 23)
  1785. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh MagShotgun.Meshes.SM_MagShotgun_ForegripB with invalid NetIndex 172 (max: 65)
  1786. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Gradient_grayuptoyellow with invalid NetIndex 367 (max: 161)
  1787. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared.T_swrill with invalid NetIndex 370 (max: 161)
  1788. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant BeamAttachments.Materials.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_MATINST with invalid NetIndex 199 (max: 30)
  1789. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects MaterialInstanceConstant ConvAttachments.Materials.ConvOpticC_MATINST and Texture2D ConvAttachments.Textures.Laser have duplicate NetIndex 163
  1790. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant MagAttachments.Materials.MagStock_MATINST with invalid NetIndex 24 (max: 23)
  1791. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D BeamAttachments.Textures.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_DIF with invalid NetIndex 635 (max: 30)
  1792. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D BeamAttachments.Textures.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_MSK with invalid NetIndex 636 (max: 30)
  1793. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D BeamAttachments.Textures.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_NRM with invalid NetIndex 637 (max: 30)
  1794. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D MagAttachments.Textures.MagAttachments_Stock_DIF with invalid NetIndex 58 (max: 23)
  1795. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D MagAttachments.Textures.MagAttachments_Stock_MSK with invalid NetIndex 59 (max: 23)
  1796. [0102.91] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D MagAttachments.Textures.MagAttachments_Stock_NRM with invalid NetIndex 60 (max: 23)
  1797. [0115.32] Warning: Redscreen: BehaviorTable index 2938 has a duplicate name (IsInvalidTonguePullTarget) - INVALID
  1798. [0115.32] Warning: Redscreen: BehaviorTable index 3901 has a duplicate name (ScoreMarkTargetOption) - INVALID
  1799. [0115.32] Warning: Redscreen: BehaviorTable index 3994 has a duplicate name (TryFaceoff) - INVALID
  1800. [0116.27] Warning: Warning, The Outer object (Package SulzDevXPACK.Cubes) for 'SulzDevXPACK.Cubes.PlayaSunriseFixed' couldn't be loaded [while loading package SulzDevXPACK]: Invalid linker index [couldn't load Package SulzDevXPACK.Cubes]?
  1801. [0116.31] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'TextureCube SulzDevXPACK.Cubes.PlayaSunriseFixed': Failed to find object 'TextureCube SulzDevXPACK.Cubes.PlayaSunriseFixed'
  1802. [0116.73] Log: Working around XDK XAudio2 regression: TRUE
  1803. [0116.86] Log: Wwise(R) SDK Version 2016.1.6 Build 5926. Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Audiokinetic Inc. / All Rights Reserved.
  1804. [0134.51] Log: Using D3D11 adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950
  1805. [0134.61] Log: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950 aftermath result -> 1
  1806. [0135.52] Log: Detected 1 Nvidia GPU for rendering
  1807. [0135.79] Log: MMDevice Endpoint 0: "Speakers (2- Realtek High Definition Audio)" ({}.{86f100ad-9099-46f0-b4a8-b2881082aacf}) (DEFAULT)
  1808. [0136.13] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
  1809. [0136.13] Log: LoadMap: TLP_Shell_Robots?Name=Player?Team=255
  1810. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleVelocity_2 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleLifetime_4 have duplicate NetIndex 1576
  1811. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1457
  1812. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleVelocity_1 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleLifetime_3 have duplicate NetIndex 1575
  1813. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_2 and ParticleModuleLocation FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleLocation_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1616
  1814. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Distortion_Main:ParticleModuleSpawn_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1456
  1815. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_0 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1539
  1816. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1628
  1817. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_2 and ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Gremlin.P_Probe_Flash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_5 have duplicate NetIndex 1540
  1818. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleVelocity_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1596
  1819. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1549
  1820. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleSpawn_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1482
  1821. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleVelocity_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1595
  1822. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1550
  1823. [0136.68] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Gremlin.P_Gremlin_Levitator_Reversed:ParticleModuleSpawn_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 1483
  1824. [0136.69] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Muzzleflash_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_0 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Ranged_Light:ParticleModuleLightRadius_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 431
  1825. [0136.69] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Muzzleflash_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_3 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Ranged_Light:ParticleModuleLightSourceLength_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 432
  1826. [0136.69] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Muzzleflash_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_4 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Cannon_XCom.P_Beam_Cannon_Ranged_Light:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 433
  1827. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.SM_BeamCannon_CoreB_Center with invalid NetIndex 601 (max: 100)
  1828. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.SM_BeamCannon_HeatSinkA with invalid NetIndex 602 (max: 100)
  1829. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.SM_BeamCannon_HeatSinkB with invalid NetIndex 603 (max: 100)
  1830. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh MagAttachments.Meshes.SM_MagTriggerB with invalid NetIndex 43 (max: 23)
  1831. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh MagShotgun.Meshes.SM_MagShotgun_ForegripB with invalid NetIndex 172 (max: 65)
  1832. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Gradient_grayuptoyellow with invalid NetIndex 367 (max: 161)
  1833. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared.T_swrill with invalid NetIndex 370 (max: 161)
  1834. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant BeamAttachments.Materials.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_MATINST with invalid NetIndex 199 (max: 30)
  1835. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects MaterialInstanceConstant ConvAttachments.Materials.ConvOpticC_MATINST and None have duplicate NetIndex 163
  1836. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant MagAttachments.Materials.MagStock_MATINST with invalid NetIndex 24 (max: 23)
  1837. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D BeamAttachments.Textures.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_DIF with invalid NetIndex 635 (max: 30)
  1838. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D BeamAttachments.Textures.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_MSK with invalid NetIndex 636 (max: 30)
  1839. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D BeamAttachments.Textures.BeamAttachments_HeatSink_NRM with invalid NetIndex 637 (max: 30)
  1840. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D MagAttachments.Textures.MagAttachments_Stock_DIF with invalid NetIndex 58 (max: 23)
  1841. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D MagAttachments.Textures.MagAttachments_Stock_MSK with invalid NetIndex 59 (max: 23)
  1842. [0136.70] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D MagAttachments.Textures.MagAttachments_Stock_NRM with invalid NetIndex 60 (max: 23)
  1843. [0136.86] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles_Noise_Scattered.T_DustClouds01 with invalid NetIndex 756 (max: 19)
  1844. [0136.86] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Grapple_Foley and None have duplicate NetIndex 37
  1845. [0136.86] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.SoldierReload_NonShotgun and None have duplicate NetIndex 112
  1846. [0136.86] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Skulljack_Insert and None have duplicate NetIndex 98
  1847. [0136.86] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.PsiOp_Ability_Charge_Up_Cast and None have duplicate NetIndex 65
  1848. [0136.90] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_1D_Tiles.T_Ink_Drop_Long_Thick and None have duplicate NetIndex 44
  1849. [0136.90] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles_Gaseous.T_Smoke_Billowing_Scrolling and None have duplicate NetIndex 17
  1850. [0136.90] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_MuzzleFlashRifle_Side and Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_Raindrops_NORM_Alpha_01 have duplicate NetIndex 51
  1851. [0136.90] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Edge_Masks.T_BulletTracer and None have duplicate NetIndex 7
  1852. [0136.93] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Item_Battle_Scanner_Impact and AkEvent SoundX2CharacterFX.Item_Medkit_Heal have duplicate NetIndex 45
  1853. [0136.93] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles.T_Smokey_B and None have duplicate NetIndex 80
  1854. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Package ViperRifle.Meshes with invalid NetIndex 135 (max: 52)
  1855. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMesh ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle with invalid NetIndex 386 (max: 52)
  1856. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_0 with invalid NetIndex 387 (max: 52)
  1857. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_1 with invalid NetIndex 388 (max: 52)
  1858. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_2 with invalid NetIndex 389 (max: 52)
  1859. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SkeletalMeshSocket ViperRifle.Meshes.SM_ViperRifle:SkeletalMeshSocket_4 with invalid NetIndex 390 (max: 52)
  1860. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Package ViperRifle.Materials with invalid NetIndex 134 (max: 52)
  1861. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant ViperRifle.Materials.ViperRifle_MATINST with invalid NetIndex 114 (max: 52)
  1862. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_9 and None have duplicate NetIndex 379
  1863. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 380
  1864. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Idle_Viper:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 381
  1865. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 356
  1866. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 351
  1867. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 357
  1868. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 354
  1869. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 349
  1870. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 355
  1871. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 358
  1872. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_9 and None have duplicate NetIndex 359
  1873. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 352
  1874. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 350
  1875. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 353
  1876. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_16 and None have duplicate NetIndex 372
  1877. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 371
  1878. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 374
  1879. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 375
  1880. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 376
  1881. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 377
  1882. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 378
  1883. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleSpriteEmitter_17 and None have duplicate NetIndex 373
  1884. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 367
  1885. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 362
  1886. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 368
  1887. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 365
  1888. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 360
  1889. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 366
  1890. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 369
  1891. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_9 and None have duplicate NetIndex 370
  1892. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 363
  1893. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 361
  1894. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 364
  1895. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object StaticMesh ViperRifle.Meshes.ViperRifle with invalid NetIndex 393 (max: 52)
  1896. [0137.03] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_Textures.T_LF_Horizontal_B and None have duplicate NetIndex 37
  1897. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 193
  1898. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 279
  1899. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 171
  1900. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 178
  1901. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 299
  1902. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLocation_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 207
  1903. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 326
  1904. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 191
  1905. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 277
  1906. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 170
  1907. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 176
  1908. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLocation_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 206
  1909. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 324
  1910. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_9 and None have duplicate NetIndex 194
  1911. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 280
  1912. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 172
  1913. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 179
  1914. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleVelocity_12 and None have duplicate NetIndex 343
  1915. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 327
  1916. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleLifetime_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 192
  1917. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSize_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 278
  1918. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColor_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 161
  1919. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 177
  1920. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 339
  1921. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 325
  1922. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 199
  1923. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 285
  1924. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSourceMovement FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSourceMovement_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 323
  1925. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 308
  1926. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 315
  1927. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_15 and None have duplicate NetIndex 310
  1928. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 345
  1929. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 163
  1930. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 160
  1931. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLocation_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 210
  1932. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 184
  1933. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 346
  1934. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLocation_13 and None have duplicate NetIndex 212
  1935. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 341
  1936. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 332
  1937. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 201
  1938. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 287
  1939. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 347
  1940. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 165
  1941. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 185
  1942. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 320
  1943. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 321
  1944. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleVelocity_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 348
  1945. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLocation_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 211
  1946. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 342
  1947. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 335
  1948. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 202
  1949. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 288
  1950. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 322
  1951. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 166
  1952. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 188
  1953. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_13 and None have duplicate NetIndex 309
  1954. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 336
  1955. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 203
  1956. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_16 and None have duplicate NetIndex 311
  1957. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 167
  1958. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 189
  1959. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_17 and None have duplicate NetIndex 312
  1960. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 337
  1961. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 204
  1962. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_18 and None have duplicate NetIndex 313
  1963. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 168
  1964. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_9 and None have duplicate NetIndex 190
  1965. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_19 and None have duplicate NetIndex 314
  1966. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 338
  1967. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 205
  1968. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_20 and None have duplicate NetIndex 316
  1969. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 169
  1970. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 186
  1971. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_21 and None have duplicate NetIndex 317
  1972. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_16 and None have duplicate NetIndex 333
  1973. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleLifetime_18 and None have duplicate NetIndex 200
  1974. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSize_17 and None have duplicate NetIndex 286
  1975. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_22 and None have duplicate NetIndex 318
  1976. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColor_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 164
  1977. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_11 and None have duplicate NetIndex 187
  1978. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_23 and None have duplicate NetIndex 319
  1979. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Muzzleflash:ParticleModuleSpawn_17 and None have duplicate NetIndex 334
  1980. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 197
  1981. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 283
  1982. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleRotation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleRotation_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 275
  1983. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 174
  1984. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 182
  1985. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_1 and None have duplicate NetIndex 158
  1986. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 307
  1987. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLocation_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 209
  1988. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_19 and None have duplicate NetIndex 302
  1989. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 330
  1990. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 195
  1991. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 281
  1992. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 173
  1993. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 180
  1994. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 157
  1995. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_20 and None have duplicate NetIndex 303
  1996. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLocation_0 and None have duplicate NetIndex 208
  1997. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_21 and None have duplicate NetIndex 304
  1998. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_10 and None have duplicate NetIndex 328
  1999. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_9 and None have duplicate NetIndex 198
  2000. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 284
  2001. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleRotation FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleRotation_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 276
  2002. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_3 and None have duplicate NetIndex 175
  2003. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 183
  2004. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleCameraOffset FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleCameraOffset_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 159
  2005. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_13 and None have duplicate NetIndex 301
  2006. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleVelocity_12 and None have duplicate NetIndex 344
  2007. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 331
  2008. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleLifetime_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 196
  2009. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSize_4 and None have duplicate NetIndex 282
  2010. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColor_8 and None have duplicate NetIndex 162
  2011. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_2 and None have duplicate NetIndex 181
  2012. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_6 and None have duplicate NetIndex 305
  2013. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_7 and None have duplicate NetIndex 306
  2014. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_12 and None have duplicate NetIndex 300
  2015. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 340
  2016. [0137.04] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Rifle_Alien.P_Beam_Charge_Up_Suppress:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 and None have duplicate NetIndex 329
  2017. [0137.07] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object PhysicsAsset ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle with invalid NetIndex 382 (max: 52)
  2018. [0137.07] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object RB_BodySetup ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle:RB_BodySetup_0 with invalid NetIndex 385 (max: 52)
  2019. [0137.07] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object PhysicsAssetInstance ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle:PhysicsAssetInstance_0 with invalid NetIndex 383 (max: 52)
  2020. [0137.07] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object RB_BodyInstance ViperRifle.Meshes.PHYS_ViperRifle:PhysicsAssetInstance_0.RB_BodyInstance_1 with invalid NetIndex 384 (max: 52)
  2021. [0137.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_Bursts_Whole.NRMLConvex512 with invalid NetIndex 550 (max: 102)
  2022. [0137.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles.T_Ink_Drop_Long_Tile with invalid NetIndex 542 (max: 96)
  2023. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_DIF with invalid NetIndex 172 (max: 45)
  2024. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_MSK with invalid NetIndex 173 (max: 45)
  2025. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_NRM with invalid NetIndex 174 (max: 45)
  2026. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundFX.SectopodSteamtBurstCue with invalid NetIndex 168 (max: 88)
  2027. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object TextureFlipBook FX_Shared.TFB_RExpl_Explo001 with invalid NetIndex 193 (max: 161)
  2028. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AkEvent XPACK_SoundCharacterFX.Templar_Focus_Gain and None have duplicate NetIndex 51
  2029. [0137.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object StaticMesh BeamCannon.Meshes.BeamCannon with invalid NetIndex 627 (max: 100)
  2030. [0137.60] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AkEvent SoundEnvironment.RelayTransmitter_Loop and AkEvent SoundEnvironment.ScannerBeam have duplicate NetIndex 155
  2031. [0141.59] Log: Setting Game Info for World (0x96222100) 'TLP_Shell_Robots.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.WorldInfo_0'
  2032. [0141.59] Log: Game class is 'XComShell'
  2033. [0141.59] Log: Set Game Info as (0x96498100) 'TLP_Shell_Robots.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComShell_0'
  2034. [0142.10] Log: Bringing World TLP_Shell_Robots.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2018.12.10-21.24.23
  2035. [0142.23] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.631324
  2036. [0142.27] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2037. [0142.27] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2038. [0142.28] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2039. [0142.28] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2040. [0142.28] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2041. [0142.28] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2042. [0142.29] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2043. [0142.29] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2044. [0142.30] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2045. [0142.30] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2046. [0142.30] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2047. [0142.30] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2048. [0142.30] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2049. [0142.30] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2050. [0142.31] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2051. [0142.31] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2052. [0142.32] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2053. [0142.32] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2054. [0142.32] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2055. [0142.32] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2056. [0142.33] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2057. [0142.33] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2058. [0142.33] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2059. [0142.33] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2060. [0142.60] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2061. [0142.60] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2062. [0142.62] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  2063. [0142.62] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  2064. [0142.71] Warning: Redscreen: ERROR: UXComParcelManager::GetValidPlotsForMission - Excluding Plot Map: 'Plot_Multiplayer_Test', Unable to find associated package.
  2065. [0143.07] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 6.936217 seconds
  2066. [0145.58] Log: Movie Started Event: 1080_X2_2KFXS_Logos
  2067. [0154.55] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
  2068. [0154.55] Log: Movie Finished Event: X2_2KFXS_Logos, 8.971408, 6.366660
  2069. [0174.84] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 174.84s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  2070. [0175.24] Log: Save=0.000000
  2071. [0175.24] Log: Compressing '..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\LocalShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM4_save.tmp' to '..\..\XComGame\CookedPCConsole\LocalShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM4.upk'
  2072. [0176.37] SpecOpsKnifes: DLCAppendSockets XComHumanPawn_0
  2073. [0176.37] SpecOpsKnifes: DLCAppendSockets: Torso= PltLgt_Std_A_F, Female= True
  2074. [0176.37] LegendaryGear: Returning mesh string: CombatKnifeMod.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F
  2075. [0176.37] Warning: Redscreen: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: CombatKnifeMod (CombatKnifeMod.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F)
  2076. [0177.46] Warning: Redscreen: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: LWSoldierSockets (LWSoldierSockets.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F)
  2077. [0177.51] LegendaryGear: DLCAppendSockets XComHumanPawn_0
  2078. [0177.51] LegendaryGear: Returning mesh string: Sockets_Augmentions.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F
  2079. [0177.51] Warning: Redscreen: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: Sockets_Augmentions (Sockets_Augmentions.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F)
  2080. [0177.77] SpecOpsKnifes: DLCAppendSockets XComHumanPawn_0
  2081. [0177.77] SpecOpsKnifes: DLCAppendSockets: Torso= PltLgt_Std_A_F, Female= True
  2082. [0177.77] LegendaryGear: Returning mesh string: CombatKnifeMod.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F
  2083. [0177.77] LegendaryGear: DLCAppendSockets XComHumanPawn_0
  2084. [0177.77] LegendaryGear: Returning mesh string: Sockets_Augmentions.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F
  2085. [0177.77] SpecOpsKnifes: DLCAppendSockets XComHumanPawn_0
  2086. [0177.77] SpecOpsKnifes: DLCAppendSockets: Torso= PltLgt_Std_A_F, Female= True
  2087. [0177.77] LegendaryGear: Returning mesh string: CombatKnifeMod.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F
  2088. [0177.77] LegendaryGear: DLCAppendSockets XComHumanPawn_0
  2089. [0177.77] LegendaryGear: Returning mesh string: Sockets_Augmentions.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F
  2090. [0179.32] PrimarySecondaries: X2DownloadableContentInfo_WotCBallisticShields WeaponInitialized Spawn XGWeapon_0 TLE_SniperRifle_BM 2
  2091. [0179.39] PrimarySecondaries: X2DownloadableContentInfo_WotCBallisticShields WeaponInitialized Spawn XGWeapon_1 TLE_Pistol_BM 2
  2092. [0180.26] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'devnull.Anims.AS_Sword'! Referenced by 'PrimarySecondaries_ANIM.Anims.AS_Sword' ('---').
  2093. [0180.26] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'devnull': Can't find file for package 'devnull' while loading NULL
  2094. [0180.26] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'devnull.Anims.AS_Sword_F'! Referenced by 'PrimarySecondaries_ANIM.Anims.AS_Sword_F' ('---').
  2095. [0180.26] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'devnull': Can't find file for package 'devnull' while loading NULL
  2096. [0180.27] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundConventionalWeapons.SwordFromSheathCue with invalid NetIndex 35 (max: 33)
  2097. [0180.27] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundConventionalWeapons.SwordSwooshCue with invalid NetIndex 37 (max: 33)
  2098. [0180.27] Error: (AddNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundConventionalWeapons.SwordImpactCue with invalid NetIndex 36 (max: 33)
  2099. [0180.28] DualWieldPistols ShellMapMatinee: Package TLP_Shell_Robots XCOMSoldierPreview
  2100. [0180.37] DualWieldMelee ShellMapMatinee: XComGameState_Item_921 XComGameState_Item_832
  2101. [0180.37] DualWieldMelee ShellMapMatinee: Bao Zeng dont has dual melee, skipping patching
  2102. [0180.37] DualWieldPistols ShellMapMatinee: Package TLP_Shell_Robots XCOMSoldier
  2103. [0180.37] DualWieldMelee ShellMapMatinee: XComGameState_Item_921 XComGameState_Item_832
  2104. [0180.37] DualWieldMelee ShellMapMatinee: Bao Zeng dont has dual melee, skipping patching
  2105. [0182.55] ScriptLog: Altering templates to add vision modifier...
  2106. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Soldier
  2107. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TutorialCentral
  2108. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of HostileVIPCivilian
  2109. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM1
  2110. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM2
  2111. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM1
  2112. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM2
  2113. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM3
  2114. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M1
  2115. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M2
  2116. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM2
  2117. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM3
  2118. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM2
  2119. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM3
  2120. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM1
  2121. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM2
  2122. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM3
  2123. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM1
  2124. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM2
  2125. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM3
  2126. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM1
  2127. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM2
  2128. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM3
  2129. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM1
  2130. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM2
  2131. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM3
  2132. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurret
  2133. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Andromedon
  2134. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobot
  2135. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Archon
  2136. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Berserker
  2137. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Chryssalid
  2138. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Cyberus
  2139. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Faceless
  2140. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Gatekeeper
  2141. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Muton
  2142. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectoid
  2143. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod
  2144. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PrototypeSectopod
  2145. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Viper
  2146. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombie
  2147. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHuman
  2148. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLost
  2149. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasher
  2150. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowler
  2151. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM1
  2152. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM2
  2153. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM3
  2154. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM1
  2155. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM2
  2156. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM3
  2157. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM1
  2158. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2
  2159. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3
  2160. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TestDummyPanic
  2161. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ReaperSoldier
  2162. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SkirmisherSoldier
  2163. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TemplarSoldier
  2164. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedElena
  2165. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedMox
  2166. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassin
  2167. [0182.58] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM2
  2168. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM3
  2169. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM4
  2170. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlock
  2171. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM2
  2172. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM3
  2173. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM4
  2174. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniper
  2175. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM2
  2176. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM3
  2177. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM4
  2178. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitia
  2179. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM2
  2180. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM3
  2181. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitia
  2182. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM2
  2183. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM3
  2184. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP2
  2185. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP3
  2186. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP4
  2187. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP5
  2188. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP6
  2189. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP7
  2190. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP8
  2191. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP9
  2192. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP10
  2193. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP11
  2194. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP12
  2195. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP2
  2196. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP3
  2197. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP4
  2198. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP5
  2199. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP6
  2200. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP7
  2201. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP8
  2202. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP9
  2203. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP10
  2204. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP11
  2205. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP12
  2206. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP13
  2207. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP14
  2208. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP15
  2209. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP16
  2210. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP17
  2211. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP18
  2212. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP19
  2213. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP20
  2214. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP21
  2215. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP22
  2216. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP4
  2217. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP5
  2218. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP6
  2219. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP7
  2220. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP8
  2221. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP9
  2222. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP10
  2223. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP11
  2224. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP12
  2225. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP13
  2226. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP14
  2227. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP15
  2228. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP16
  2229. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP17
  2230. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP18
  2231. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP19
  2232. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP20
  2233. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP21
  2234. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP22
  2235. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM1
  2236. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM2
  2237. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnit
  2238. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitM2
  2239. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM1
  2240. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM2
  2241. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM3
  2242. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM1
  2243. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM2
  2244. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM3
  2245. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM1
  2246. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM3
  2247. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM2
  2248. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM4
  2249. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM1
  2250. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM2
  2251. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM3
  2252. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM4
  2253. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperMP
  2254. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainMP
  2255. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerMP
  2256. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerMP
  2257. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_MP
  2258. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierMP
  2259. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestMP
  2260. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMP
  2261. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FacelessMP
  2262. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMP
  2263. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonMP
  2264. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CyberusMP
  2265. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerMP
  2266. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMP
  2267. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMP
  2268. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonMP
  2269. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectopodMP
  2270. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperMP
  2271. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreMP
  2272. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieMP
  2273. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHumanMP
  2274. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotMP
  2275. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitMP
  2276. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerQueen
  2277. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonKing
  2278. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperKing
  2279. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperNeonate
  2280. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NestCentral
  2281. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SparkSoldier
  2282. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersSpark
  2283. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FeralMEC_M1
  2284. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod_Markov
  2285. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersTurretM1
  2286. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersShen
  2287. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieCivilian
  2288. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NeonateChryssalid
  2289. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NarrativeCentral
  2290. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LadderShen
  2291. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of JaneKelly
  2292. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PeterOsei
  2293. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AnaRamirez
  2294. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerSniperM2
  2295. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldbearerSniperM3
  2296. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM1
  2297. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM2
  2298. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM3
  2299. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M1
  2300. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M2
  2301. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of StealthSectopod
  2302. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM1
  2303. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM2
  2304. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM3
  2305. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonM4
  2306. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotM4
  2307. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonM4
  2308. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMelee
  2309. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonSentinel
  2310. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFire
  2311. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFireM4
  2312. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerM4
  2313. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM1
  2314. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM2
  2315. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM4
  2316. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidDaddy
  2317. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMommy
  2318. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CodexM4
  2319. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperM4
  2320. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomer
  2321. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP2
  2322. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP3
  2323. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP4
  2324. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP5
  2325. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP6
  2326. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP7
  2327. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP8
  2328. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP9
  2329. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP10
  2330. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP11
  2331. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP12
  2332. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP13
  2333. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP14
  2334. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP15
  2335. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP16
  2336. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP17
  2337. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP18
  2338. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP19
  2339. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP20
  2340. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP21
  2341. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP22
  2342. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonDragonrounds
  2343. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonVenomrounds
  2344. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonM4
  2345. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooper
  2346. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbender
  2347. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteer
  2348. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooperM4
  2349. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbenderM4
  2350. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteerM4
  2351. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM1
  2352. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM2
  2353. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM3
  2354. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM4
  2355. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM1
  2356. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM2
  2357. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM3
  2358. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM1
  2359. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM2
  2360. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM3
  2361. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM1
  2362. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM2
  2363. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM3
  2364. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM1
  2365. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM2
  2366. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM3
  2367. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShoggothM3
  2368. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Shoggoth
  2369. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM1
  2370. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM2
  2371. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM3
  2372. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM1
  2373. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM2
  2374. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM3
  2375. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM1
  2376. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM2
  2377. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM3
  2378. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperBoa
  2379. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMamba
  2380. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Wyvern
  2381. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperM4
  2382. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM2
  2383. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM3
  2384. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM1
  2385. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM2
  2386. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM3
  2387. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM2
  2388. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM3
  2389. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM1
  2390. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM2
  2391. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM3
  2392. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioMEC
  2393. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioViper
  2394. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidGrub
  2395. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidPupa
  2396. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidAdult
  2397. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurret
  2398. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk2
  2399. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk3
  2400. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFaceless
  2401. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFacelessM2
  2402. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioZerker
  2403. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM1
  2404. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM2
  2405. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM3
  2406. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Sectoid
  2407. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Muton
  2408. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Viper
  2409. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Andromedon
  2410. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1
  2411. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2
  2412. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3
  2413. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1B
  2414. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2B
  2415. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3B
  2416. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2B
  2417. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3B
  2418. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM2
  2419. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM3
  2420. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardLMGM3
  2421. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince1
  2422. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince2
  2423. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince3
  2424. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrincess
  2425. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingS
  2426. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingC
  2427. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingT
  2428. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchling
  2429. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredViper
  2430. [0182.59] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredPsiViper
  2431. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Soldier
  2432. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TutorialCentral
  2433. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of HostileVIPCivilian
  2434. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM1
  2435. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM2
  2436. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM1
  2437. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM2
  2438. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM3
  2439. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M1
  2440. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M2
  2441. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM2
  2442. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM3
  2443. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM2
  2444. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM3
  2445. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM1
  2446. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM2
  2447. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM3
  2448. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM1
  2449. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM2
  2450. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM3
  2451. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM1
  2452. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM2
  2453. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM3
  2454. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM1
  2455. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM2
  2456. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM3
  2457. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurret
  2458. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Andromedon
  2459. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobot
  2460. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Archon
  2461. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Berserker
  2462. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Chryssalid
  2463. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Cyberus
  2464. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Faceless
  2465. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Gatekeeper
  2466. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Muton
  2467. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectoid
  2468. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod
  2469. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PrototypeSectopod
  2470. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Viper
  2471. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombie
  2472. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHuman
  2473. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLost
  2474. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasher
  2475. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowler
  2476. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM1
  2477. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM2
  2478. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM3
  2479. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM1
  2480. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM2
  2481. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM3
  2482. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM1
  2483. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2
  2484. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3
  2485. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TestDummyPanic
  2486. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ReaperSoldier
  2487. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SkirmisherSoldier
  2488. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TemplarSoldier
  2489. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedElena
  2490. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedMox
  2491. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassin
  2492. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM2
  2493. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM3
  2494. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM4
  2495. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlock
  2496. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM2
  2497. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM3
  2498. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM4
  2499. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniper
  2500. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM2
  2501. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM3
  2502. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM4
  2503. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitia
  2504. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM2
  2505. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM3
  2506. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitia
  2507. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM2
  2508. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM3
  2509. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP2
  2510. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP3
  2511. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP4
  2512. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP5
  2513. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP6
  2514. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP7
  2515. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP8
  2516. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP9
  2517. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP10
  2518. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP11
  2519. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP12
  2520. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP2
  2521. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP3
  2522. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP4
  2523. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP5
  2524. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP6
  2525. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP7
  2526. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP8
  2527. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP9
  2528. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP10
  2529. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP11
  2530. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP12
  2531. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP13
  2532. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP14
  2533. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP15
  2534. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP16
  2535. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP17
  2536. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP18
  2537. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP19
  2538. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP20
  2539. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP21
  2540. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP22
  2541. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP4
  2542. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP5
  2543. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP6
  2544. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP7
  2545. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP8
  2546. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP9
  2547. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP10
  2548. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP11
  2549. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP12
  2550. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP13
  2551. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP14
  2552. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP15
  2553. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP16
  2554. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP17
  2555. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP18
  2556. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP19
  2557. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP20
  2558. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP21
  2559. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP22
  2560. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM1
  2561. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM2
  2562. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnit
  2563. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitM2
  2564. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM1
  2565. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM2
  2566. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM3
  2567. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM1
  2568. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM2
  2569. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM3
  2570. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM1
  2571. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM3
  2572. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM2
  2573. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM4
  2574. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM1
  2575. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM2
  2576. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM3
  2577. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM4
  2578. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperMP
  2579. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainMP
  2580. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerMP
  2581. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerMP
  2582. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_MP
  2583. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierMP
  2584. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestMP
  2585. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMP
  2586. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FacelessMP
  2587. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMP
  2588. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonMP
  2589. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CyberusMP
  2590. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerMP
  2591. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMP
  2592. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMP
  2593. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonMP
  2594. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectopodMP
  2595. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperMP
  2596. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreMP
  2597. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieMP
  2598. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHumanMP
  2599. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotMP
  2600. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitMP
  2601. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerQueen
  2602. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonKing
  2603. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperKing
  2604. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperNeonate
  2605. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NestCentral
  2606. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SparkSoldier
  2607. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersSpark
  2608. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FeralMEC_M1
  2609. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod_Markov
  2610. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersTurretM1
  2611. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersShen
  2612. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieCivilian
  2613. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NeonateChryssalid
  2614. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NarrativeCentral
  2615. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LadderShen
  2616. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of JaneKelly
  2617. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PeterOsei
  2618. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AnaRamirez
  2619. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerSniperM2
  2620. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldbearerSniperM3
  2621. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM1
  2622. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM2
  2623. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM3
  2624. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M1
  2625. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M2
  2626. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of StealthSectopod
  2627. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM1
  2628. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM2
  2629. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM3
  2630. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonM4
  2631. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotM4
  2632. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonM4
  2633. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMelee
  2634. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonSentinel
  2635. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFire
  2636. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFireM4
  2637. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerM4
  2638. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM1
  2639. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM2
  2640. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM4
  2641. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidDaddy
  2642. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMommy
  2643. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CodexM4
  2644. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperM4
  2645. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomer
  2646. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP2
  2647. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP3
  2648. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP4
  2649. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP5
  2650. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP6
  2651. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP7
  2652. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP8
  2653. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP9
  2654. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP10
  2655. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP11
  2656. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP12
  2657. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP13
  2658. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP14
  2659. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP15
  2660. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP16
  2661. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP17
  2662. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP18
  2663. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP19
  2664. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP20
  2665. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP21
  2666. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP22
  2667. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonDragonrounds
  2668. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonVenomrounds
  2669. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonM4
  2670. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooper
  2671. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbender
  2672. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteer
  2673. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooperM4
  2674. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbenderM4
  2675. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteerM4
  2676. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM1
  2677. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM2
  2678. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM3
  2679. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM4
  2680. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM1
  2681. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM2
  2682. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM3
  2683. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM1
  2684. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM2
  2685. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM3
  2686. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM1
  2687. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM2
  2688. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM3
  2689. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM1
  2690. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM2
  2691. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM3
  2692. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShoggothM3
  2693. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Shoggoth
  2694. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM1
  2695. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM2
  2696. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM3
  2697. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM1
  2698. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM2
  2699. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM3
  2700. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM1
  2701. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM2
  2702. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM3
  2703. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperBoa
  2704. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMamba
  2705. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Wyvern
  2706. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperM4
  2707. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM2
  2708. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM3
  2709. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM1
  2710. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM2
  2711. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM3
  2712. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM2
  2713. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM3
  2714. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM1
  2715. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM2
  2716. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM3
  2717. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioMEC
  2718. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioViper
  2719. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidGrub
  2720. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidPupa
  2721. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidAdult
  2722. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurret
  2723. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk2
  2724. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk3
  2725. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFaceless
  2726. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFacelessM2
  2727. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioZerker
  2728. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM1
  2729. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM2
  2730. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM3
  2731. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Sectoid
  2732. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Muton
  2733. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Viper
  2734. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Andromedon
  2735. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1
  2736. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2
  2737. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3
  2738. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1B
  2739. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2B
  2740. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3B
  2741. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2B
  2742. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3B
  2743. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM2
  2744. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM3
  2745. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardLMGM3
  2746. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince1
  2747. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince2
  2748. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince3
  2749. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrincess
  2750. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingS
  2751. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingC
  2752. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingT
  2753. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchling
  2754. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredViper
  2755. [0182.61] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredPsiViper
  2756. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Soldier
  2757. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TutorialCentral
  2758. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of HostileVIPCivilian
  2759. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM1
  2760. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM2
  2761. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM1
  2762. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM2
  2763. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM3
  2764. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M1
  2765. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M2
  2766. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM2
  2767. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM3
  2768. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM2
  2769. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM3
  2770. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM1
  2771. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM2
  2772. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM3
  2773. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM1
  2774. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM2
  2775. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM3
  2776. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM1
  2777. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM2
  2778. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM3
  2779. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM1
  2780. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM2
  2781. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM3
  2782. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurret
  2783. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Andromedon
  2784. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobot
  2785. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Archon
  2786. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Berserker
  2787. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Chryssalid
  2788. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Cyberus
  2789. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Faceless
  2790. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Gatekeeper
  2791. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Muton
  2792. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectoid
  2793. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod
  2794. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PrototypeSectopod
  2795. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Viper
  2796. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombie
  2797. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHuman
  2798. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLost
  2799. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasher
  2800. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowler
  2801. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM1
  2802. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM2
  2803. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM3
  2804. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM1
  2805. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM2
  2806. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM3
  2807. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM1
  2808. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2
  2809. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3
  2810. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TestDummyPanic
  2811. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ReaperSoldier
  2812. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SkirmisherSoldier
  2813. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TemplarSoldier
  2814. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedElena
  2815. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedMox
  2816. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassin
  2817. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM2
  2818. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM3
  2819. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM4
  2820. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlock
  2821. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM2
  2822. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM3
  2823. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM4
  2824. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniper
  2825. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM2
  2826. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM3
  2827. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM4
  2828. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitia
  2829. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM2
  2830. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM3
  2831. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitia
  2832. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM2
  2833. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM3
  2834. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP2
  2835. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP3
  2836. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP4
  2837. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP5
  2838. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP6
  2839. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP7
  2840. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP8
  2841. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP9
  2842. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP10
  2843. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP11
  2844. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP12
  2845. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP2
  2846. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP3
  2847. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP4
  2848. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP5
  2849. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP6
  2850. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP7
  2851. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP8
  2852. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP9
  2853. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP10
  2854. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP11
  2855. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP12
  2856. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP13
  2857. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP14
  2858. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP15
  2859. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP16
  2860. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP17
  2861. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP18
  2862. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP19
  2863. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP20
  2864. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP21
  2865. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP22
  2866. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP4
  2867. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP5
  2868. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP6
  2869. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP7
  2870. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP8
  2871. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP9
  2872. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP10
  2873. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP11
  2874. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP12
  2875. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP13
  2876. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP14
  2877. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP15
  2878. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP16
  2879. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP17
  2880. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP18
  2881. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP19
  2882. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP20
  2883. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP21
  2884. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP22
  2885. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM1
  2886. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM2
  2887. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnit
  2888. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitM2
  2889. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM1
  2890. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM2
  2891. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM3
  2892. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM1
  2893. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM2
  2894. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM3
  2895. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM1
  2896. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM3
  2897. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM2
  2898. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM4
  2899. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM1
  2900. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM2
  2901. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM3
  2902. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM4
  2903. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperMP
  2904. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainMP
  2905. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerMP
  2906. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerMP
  2907. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_MP
  2908. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierMP
  2909. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestMP
  2910. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMP
  2911. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FacelessMP
  2912. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMP
  2913. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonMP
  2914. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CyberusMP
  2915. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerMP
  2916. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMP
  2917. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMP
  2918. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonMP
  2919. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectopodMP
  2920. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperMP
  2921. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreMP
  2922. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieMP
  2923. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHumanMP
  2924. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotMP
  2925. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitMP
  2926. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerQueen
  2927. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonKing
  2928. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperKing
  2929. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperNeonate
  2930. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NestCentral
  2931. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SparkSoldier
  2932. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersSpark
  2933. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FeralMEC_M1
  2934. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod_Markov
  2935. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersTurretM1
  2936. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersShen
  2937. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieCivilian
  2938. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NeonateChryssalid
  2939. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NarrativeCentral
  2940. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LadderShen
  2941. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of JaneKelly
  2942. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PeterOsei
  2943. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AnaRamirez
  2944. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerSniperM2
  2945. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldbearerSniperM3
  2946. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM1
  2947. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM2
  2948. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM3
  2949. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M1
  2950. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M2
  2951. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of StealthSectopod
  2952. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM1
  2953. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM2
  2954. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM3
  2955. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonM4
  2956. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotM4
  2957. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonM4
  2958. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMelee
  2959. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonSentinel
  2960. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFire
  2961. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFireM4
  2962. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerM4
  2963. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM1
  2964. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM2
  2965. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM4
  2966. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidDaddy
  2967. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMommy
  2968. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CodexM4
  2969. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperM4
  2970. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomer
  2971. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP2
  2972. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP3
  2973. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP4
  2974. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP5
  2975. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP6
  2976. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP7
  2977. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP8
  2978. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP9
  2979. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP10
  2980. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP11
  2981. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP12
  2982. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP13
  2983. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP14
  2984. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP15
  2985. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP16
  2986. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP17
  2987. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP18
  2988. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP19
  2989. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP20
  2990. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP21
  2991. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP22
  2992. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonDragonrounds
  2993. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonVenomrounds
  2994. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonM4
  2995. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooper
  2996. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbender
  2997. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteer
  2998. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooperM4
  2999. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbenderM4
  3000. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteerM4
  3001. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM1
  3002. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM2
  3003. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM3
  3004. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM4
  3005. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM1
  3006. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM2
  3007. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM3
  3008. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM1
  3009. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM2
  3010. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM3
  3011. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM1
  3012. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM2
  3013. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM3
  3014. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM1
  3015. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM2
  3016. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM3
  3017. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShoggothM3
  3018. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Shoggoth
  3019. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM1
  3020. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM2
  3021. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM3
  3022. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM1
  3023. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM2
  3024. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM3
  3025. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM1
  3026. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM2
  3027. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM3
  3028. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperBoa
  3029. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMamba
  3030. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Wyvern
  3031. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperM4
  3032. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM2
  3033. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM3
  3034. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM1
  3035. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM2
  3036. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM3
  3037. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM2
  3038. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM3
  3039. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM1
  3040. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM2
  3041. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM3
  3042. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioMEC
  3043. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioViper
  3044. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidGrub
  3045. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidPupa
  3046. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidAdult
  3047. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurret
  3048. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk2
  3049. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk3
  3050. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFaceless
  3051. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFacelessM2
  3052. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioZerker
  3053. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM1
  3054. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM2
  3055. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM3
  3056. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Sectoid
  3057. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Muton
  3058. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Viper
  3059. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Andromedon
  3060. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1
  3061. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2
  3062. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3
  3063. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1B
  3064. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2B
  3065. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3B
  3066. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2B
  3067. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3B
  3068. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM2
  3069. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM3
  3070. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardLMGM3
  3071. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince1
  3072. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince2
  3073. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince3
  3074. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrincess
  3075. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingS
  3076. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingC
  3077. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingT
  3078. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchling
  3079. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredViper
  3080. [0182.63] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredPsiViper
  3081. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Soldier
  3082. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TutorialCentral
  3083. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of HostileVIPCivilian
  3084. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM1
  3085. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM2
  3086. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM1
  3087. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM2
  3088. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM3
  3089. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M1
  3090. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M2
  3091. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM2
  3092. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM3
  3093. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM2
  3094. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM3
  3095. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM1
  3096. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM2
  3097. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM3
  3098. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM1
  3099. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM2
  3100. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM3
  3101. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM1
  3102. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM2
  3103. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM3
  3104. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM1
  3105. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM2
  3106. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM3
  3107. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurret
  3108. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Andromedon
  3109. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobot
  3110. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Archon
  3111. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Berserker
  3112. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Chryssalid
  3113. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Cyberus
  3114. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Faceless
  3115. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Gatekeeper
  3116. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Muton
  3117. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectoid
  3118. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod
  3119. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PrototypeSectopod
  3120. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Viper
  3121. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombie
  3122. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHuman
  3123. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLost
  3124. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasher
  3125. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowler
  3126. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM1
  3127. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM2
  3128. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM3
  3129. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM1
  3130. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM2
  3131. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM3
  3132. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM1
  3133. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2
  3134. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3
  3135. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TestDummyPanic
  3136. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ReaperSoldier
  3137. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SkirmisherSoldier
  3138. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TemplarSoldier
  3139. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedElena
  3140. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedMox
  3141. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassin
  3142. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM2
  3143. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM3
  3144. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM4
  3145. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlock
  3146. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM2
  3147. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM3
  3148. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM4
  3149. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniper
  3150. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM2
  3151. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM3
  3152. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM4
  3153. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitia
  3154. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM2
  3155. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM3
  3156. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitia
  3157. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM2
  3158. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM3
  3159. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP2
  3160. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP3
  3161. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP4
  3162. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP5
  3163. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP6
  3164. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP7
  3165. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP8
  3166. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP9
  3167. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP10
  3168. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP11
  3169. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP12
  3170. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP2
  3171. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP3
  3172. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP4
  3173. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP5
  3174. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP6
  3175. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP7
  3176. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP8
  3177. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP9
  3178. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP10
  3179. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP11
  3180. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP12
  3181. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP13
  3182. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP14
  3183. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP15
  3184. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP16
  3185. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP17
  3186. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP18
  3187. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP19
  3188. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP20
  3189. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP21
  3190. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP22
  3191. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP4
  3192. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP5
  3193. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP6
  3194. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP7
  3195. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP8
  3196. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP9
  3197. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP10
  3198. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP11
  3199. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP12
  3200. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP13
  3201. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP14
  3202. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP15
  3203. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP16
  3204. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP17
  3205. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP18
  3206. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP19
  3207. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP20
  3208. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP21
  3209. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP22
  3210. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM1
  3211. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM2
  3212. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnit
  3213. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitM2
  3214. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM1
  3215. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM2
  3216. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM3
  3217. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM1
  3218. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM2
  3219. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM3
  3220. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM1
  3221. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM3
  3222. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM2
  3223. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM4
  3224. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM1
  3225. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM2
  3226. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM3
  3227. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM4
  3228. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperMP
  3229. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainMP
  3230. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerMP
  3231. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerMP
  3232. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_MP
  3233. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierMP
  3234. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestMP
  3235. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMP
  3236. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FacelessMP
  3237. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMP
  3238. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonMP
  3239. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CyberusMP
  3240. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerMP
  3241. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMP
  3242. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMP
  3243. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonMP
  3244. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectopodMP
  3245. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperMP
  3246. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreMP
  3247. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieMP
  3248. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHumanMP
  3249. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotMP
  3250. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitMP
  3251. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerQueen
  3252. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonKing
  3253. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperKing
  3254. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperNeonate
  3255. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NestCentral
  3256. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SparkSoldier
  3257. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersSpark
  3258. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FeralMEC_M1
  3259. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod_Markov
  3260. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersTurretM1
  3261. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersShen
  3262. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieCivilian
  3263. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NeonateChryssalid
  3264. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NarrativeCentral
  3265. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LadderShen
  3266. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of JaneKelly
  3267. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PeterOsei
  3268. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AnaRamirez
  3269. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerSniperM2
  3270. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldbearerSniperM3
  3271. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM1
  3272. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM2
  3273. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM3
  3274. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M1
  3275. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M2
  3276. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of StealthSectopod
  3277. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM1
  3278. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM2
  3279. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM3
  3280. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonM4
  3281. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotM4
  3282. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonM4
  3283. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMelee
  3284. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonSentinel
  3285. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFire
  3286. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFireM4
  3287. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerM4
  3288. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM1
  3289. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM2
  3290. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM4
  3291. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidDaddy
  3292. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMommy
  3293. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CodexM4
  3294. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperM4
  3295. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomer
  3296. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP2
  3297. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP3
  3298. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP4
  3299. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP5
  3300. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP6
  3301. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP7
  3302. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP8
  3303. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP9
  3304. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP10
  3305. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP11
  3306. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP12
  3307. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP13
  3308. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP14
  3309. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP15
  3310. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP16
  3311. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP17
  3312. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP18
  3313. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP19
  3314. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP20
  3315. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP21
  3316. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP22
  3317. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonDragonrounds
  3318. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonVenomrounds
  3319. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonM4
  3320. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooper
  3321. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbender
  3322. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteer
  3323. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooperM4
  3324. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbenderM4
  3325. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteerM4
  3326. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM1
  3327. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM2
  3328. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM3
  3329. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM4
  3330. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM1
  3331. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM2
  3332. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM3
  3333. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM1
  3334. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM2
  3335. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM3
  3336. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM1
  3337. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM2
  3338. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM3
  3339. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM1
  3340. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM2
  3341. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM3
  3342. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShoggothM3
  3343. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Shoggoth
  3344. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM1
  3345. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM2
  3346. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM3
  3347. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM1
  3348. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM2
  3349. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM3
  3350. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM1
  3351. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM2
  3352. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM3
  3353. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperBoa
  3354. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMamba
  3355. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Wyvern
  3356. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperM4
  3357. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM2
  3358. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM3
  3359. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM1
  3360. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM2
  3361. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM3
  3362. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM2
  3363. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM3
  3364. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM1
  3365. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM2
  3366. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM3
  3367. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioMEC
  3368. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioViper
  3369. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidGrub
  3370. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidPupa
  3371. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidAdult
  3372. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurret
  3373. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk2
  3374. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk3
  3375. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFaceless
  3376. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFacelessM2
  3377. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioZerker
  3378. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM1
  3379. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM2
  3380. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM3
  3381. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Sectoid
  3382. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Muton
  3383. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Viper
  3384. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Andromedon
  3385. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1
  3386. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2
  3387. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3
  3388. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1B
  3389. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2B
  3390. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3B
  3391. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2B
  3392. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3B
  3393. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM2
  3394. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM3
  3395. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardLMGM3
  3396. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince1
  3397. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince2
  3398. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince3
  3399. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrincess
  3400. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingS
  3401. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingC
  3402. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingT
  3403. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchling
  3404. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredViper
  3405. [0182.65] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredPsiViper
  3406. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Soldier
  3407. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TutorialCentral
  3408. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of HostileVIPCivilian
  3409. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM1
  3410. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of XComTurretM2
  3411. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM1
  3412. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM2
  3413. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainM3
  3414. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M1
  3415. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_M2
  3416. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM2
  3417. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPsiWitchM3
  3418. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM2
  3419. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerM3
  3420. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM1
  3421. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM2
  3422. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerM3
  3423. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM1
  3424. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM2
  3425. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperM3
  3426. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM1
  3427. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM2
  3428. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTurretM3
  3429. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM1
  3430. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM2
  3431. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurretM3
  3432. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShortTurret
  3433. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Andromedon
  3434. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobot
  3435. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Archon
  3436. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Berserker
  3437. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Chryssalid
  3438. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Cyberus
  3439. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Faceless
  3440. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Gatekeeper
  3441. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Muton
  3442. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectoid
  3443. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod
  3444. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PrototypeSectopod
  3445. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Viper
  3446. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombie
  3447. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHuman
  3448. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLost
  3449. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasher
  3450. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowler
  3451. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM1
  3452. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM2
  3453. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpM3
  3454. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM1
  3455. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM2
  3456. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCounterOpCommanderM3
  3457. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM1
  3458. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2
  3459. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3
  3460. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TestDummyPanic
  3461. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ReaperSoldier
  3462. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SkirmisherSoldier
  3463. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TemplarSoldier
  3464. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedElena
  3465. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostAndAbandonedMox
  3466. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassin
  3467. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM2
  3468. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM3
  3469. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenAssassinM4
  3470. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlock
  3471. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM2
  3472. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM3
  3473. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenWarlockM4
  3474. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniper
  3475. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM2
  3476. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM3
  3477. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChosenSniperM4
  3478. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitia
  3479. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM2
  3480. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CivilianMilitiaM3
  3481. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitia
  3482. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM2
  3483. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of VolunteerArmyMilitiaM3
  3484. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP2
  3485. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP3
  3486. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP4
  3487. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP5
  3488. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP6
  3489. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP7
  3490. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP8
  3491. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP9
  3492. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP10
  3493. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP11
  3494. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHP12
  3495. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP2
  3496. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP3
  3497. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP4
  3498. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP5
  3499. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP6
  3500. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP7
  3501. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP8
  3502. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP9
  3503. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP10
  3504. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP11
  3505. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP12
  3506. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP13
  3507. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP14
  3508. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP15
  3509. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP16
  3510. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP17
  3511. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP18
  3512. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP19
  3513. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP20
  3514. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP21
  3515. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostDasherHP22
  3516. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP4
  3517. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP5
  3518. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP6
  3519. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP7
  3520. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP8
  3521. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP9
  3522. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP10
  3523. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP11
  3524. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP12
  3525. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP13
  3526. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP14
  3527. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP15
  3528. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP16
  3529. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP17
  3530. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP18
  3531. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP19
  3532. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP20
  3533. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP21
  3534. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostHowlerHP22
  3535. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM1
  3536. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM2
  3537. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnit
  3538. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitM2
  3539. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM1
  3540. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM2
  3541. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierM3
  3542. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM1
  3543. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM2
  3544. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestM3
  3545. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM1
  3546. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM3
  3547. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM2
  3548. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralStunLancerM4
  3549. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM1
  3550. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM2
  3551. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM3
  3552. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectralZombieM4
  3553. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperMP
  3554. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvCaptainMP
  3555. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerMP
  3556. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerMP
  3557. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvMEC_MP
  3558. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPurifierMP
  3559. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvPriestMP
  3560. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMP
  3561. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FacelessMP
  3562. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMP
  3563. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonMP
  3564. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CyberusMP
  3565. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerMP
  3566. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMP
  3567. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMP
  3568. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonMP
  3569. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectopodMP
  3570. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperMP
  3571. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreMP
  3572. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieMP
  3573. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieHumanMP
  3574. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotMP
  3575. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ShadowbindUnitMP
  3576. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerQueen
  3577. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonKing
  3578. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperKing
  3579. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperNeonate
  3580. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NestCentral
  3581. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SparkSoldier
  3582. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersSpark
  3583. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of FeralMEC_M1
  3584. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Sectopod_Markov
  3585. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersTurretM1
  3586. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LostTowersShen
  3587. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PsiZombieCivilian
  3588. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NeonateChryssalid
  3589. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of NarrativeCentral
  3590. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of LadderShen
  3591. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of JaneKelly
  3592. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PeterOsei
  3593. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AnaRamirez
  3594. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldBearerSniperM2
  3595. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvShieldbearerSniperM3
  3596. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM1
  3597. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM2
  3598. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvStunLancerShotgunM3
  3599. [0182.66] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M1
  3600. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSupportMEC_M2
  3601. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of StealthSectopod
  3602. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM1
  3603. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM2
  3604. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvDroneM3
  3605. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonM4
  3606. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AndromedonRobotM4
  3607. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonM4
  3608. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonMelee
  3609. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArchonSentinel
  3610. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFire
  3611. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerFireM4
  3612. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BerserkerM4
  3613. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM1
  3614. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM2
  3615. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ABAChryssalidM4
  3616. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidDaddy
  3617. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ChryssalidMommy
  3618. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CodexM4
  3619. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of GatekeeperM4
  3620. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomer
  3621. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP2
  3622. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP3
  3623. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP4
  3624. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP5
  3625. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP6
  3626. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP7
  3627. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP8
  3628. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP9
  3629. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP10
  3630. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP11
  3631. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP12
  3632. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP13
  3633. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP14
  3634. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP15
  3635. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP16
  3636. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP17
  3637. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP18
  3638. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP19
  3639. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP20
  3640. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP21
  3641. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of TheLostBoomerHP22
  3642. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonDragonrounds
  3643. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonVenomrounds
  3644. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of MutonM4
  3645. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooper
  3646. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbender
  3647. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteer
  3648. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidTrooperM4
  3649. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidMindbenderM4
  3650. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SectoidPuppeteerM4
  3651. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM1
  3652. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM2
  3653. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvSkirmisherM3
  3654. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of SpectreM4
  3655. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM1
  3656. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM2
  3657. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperHeavyM3
  3658. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM1
  3659. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM2
  3660. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperPistolM3
  3661. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM1
  3662. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM2
  3663. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperGrenadeM3
  3664. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM1
  3665. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM2
  3666. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperEnviroM3
  3667. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShoggothM3
  3668. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Shoggoth
  3669. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM1
  3670. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM2
  3671. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperShotgunM3
  3672. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM1
  3673. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM2
  3674. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperCannonM3
  3675. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM1
  3676. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM2
  3677. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvTrooperSniperM3
  3678. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperBoa
  3679. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperMamba
  3680. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of Wyvern
  3681. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperM4
  3682. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM2
  3683. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioAssaultTrooperM3
  3684. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM1
  3685. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM2
  3686. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioCaptainM3
  3687. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM2
  3688. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioRocketTrooperM3
  3689. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM1
  3690. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM2
  3691. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperM3
  3692. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioMEC
  3693. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioViper
  3694. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidGrub
  3695. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidPupa
  3696. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidAdult
  3697. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurret
  3698. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk2
  3699. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of CelatidTurretMk3
  3700. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFaceless
  3701. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioFacelessM2
  3702. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of BioZerker
  3703. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM1
  3704. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM2
  3705. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioTrooperFakeM3
  3706. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Sectoid
  3707. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Muton
  3708. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Viper
  3709. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of PA_Andromedon
  3710. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1
  3711. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2
  3712. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3
  3713. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM1B
  3714. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM2B
  3715. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvBioGeneralM3B
  3716. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM2B
  3717. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvGeneralM3B
  3718. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM2
  3719. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardM3
  3720. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of AdvHonorGuardLMGM3
  3721. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince1
  3722. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince2
  3723. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrince3
  3724. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperPrincess
  3725. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingS
  3726. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingC
  3727. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchlingT
  3728. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ViperHatchling
  3729. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredViper
  3730. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Buffing detection range of ArmoredPsiViper
  3731. [0182.67] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3732. [0182.67] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_CV.WP_AssaultRifle_CV
  3733. [0182.67] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressConv
  3734. [0182.67] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG
  3735. [0184.34] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  3736. [0184.34] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_BM.WP_AssaultRifle_BM
  3737. [0184.39] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressBeam
  3738. [0184.39] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG_Advent
  3739. [0184.39] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  3740. [0184.39] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch NewAdventWeapons.WP_Cannon_MG_Advent
  3741. [0184.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_Shotgun.Meshes.PHYS_Shotgun'! Referenced by 'NewAdventWeapons.WP_Shotgun_MG_Advent:GunAttachMeshComponent' ('Engine.SkeletalMeshComponent:PhysicsAsset').
  3742. [0184.88] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_Shotgun': Can't find file for package 'WP_Shotgun' while loading NULL
  3743. [0185.80] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  3744. [0185.80] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3745. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3746. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3747. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3748. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3749. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3750. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3751. [0185.81] X2WOTCCommunityHighlander: Showing version X2WOTCCommunityHighlander v1.16.0 on shell screen...
  3752. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3753. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3754. [0185.81] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3755. [0185.82] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3756. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_CV.WP_AssaultRifle_CV
  3757. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressConv
  3758. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG
  3759. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  3760. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_BM.WP_AssaultRifle_BM
  3761. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressBeam
  3762. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG_Advent
  3763. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  3764. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch NewAdventWeapons.WP_Cannon_MG_Advent
  3765. [0185.82] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  3766. [0185.82] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3767. [0185.82] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3768. [0185.82] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3769. [0185.82] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3770. [0185.93] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3771. [0185.93] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3772. [0185.93] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3773. [0185.93] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3774. [0185.94] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3775. [0185.94] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3776. [0185.94] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3777. [0185.94] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3778. [0185.94] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3779. [0185.94] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3780. [0185.95] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3781. [0185.95] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3782. [0185.95] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3783. [0185.95] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3784. [0185.95] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3785. [0185.95] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3786. [0185.95] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3787. [0185.95] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3788. [0185.95] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3789. [0185.95] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3790. [0185.96] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3791. [0185.96] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3792. [0185.96] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3793. [0185.96] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3794. [0186.06] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3795. [0186.06] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3796. [0186.10] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3797. [0186.10] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3798. [0186.15] Log: UOnlineSubsystem OnlineSubsystemSteamworks_0
  3800. [0186.79] Log: Decal Regeneration: 0 times, 0.017 ms
  3801. [0190.19] Warning: SeqAct_ActivateRemoteEvent TLP_Shell_Robots.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Main_Sequence.SeqAct_ActivateRemoteEvent_1 failed to find target event: FinishedTransitionToShell
  3802. [0191.04] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3803. [0191.05] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3804. [0195.44] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3805. [0197.25] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3806. [0197.25] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3807. [0200.73] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundConventionalWeapons.SwordImpactCue with invalid NetIndex 36 (max: 33)
  3808. [0200.73] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundConventionalWeapons.SwordSwooshCue with invalid NetIndex 37 (max: 33)
  3809. [0200.73] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object SoundCue SoundConventionalWeapons.SwordFromSheathCue with invalid NetIndex 35 (max: 33)
  3810. [0209.68] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3811. [0211.14] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3812. [0211.14] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  3813. [0212.25] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3814. [0212.25] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3815. [0212.25] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3816. [0212.25] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3817. [0212.25] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3818. [0212.25] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3819. [0212.26] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3820. [0212.26] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3821. [0212.26] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3822. [0212.26] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3823. [0212.26] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3824. [0212.26] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3825. [0212.27] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3826. [0212.27] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3827. [0212.27] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3828. [0212.27] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3829. [0212.27] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3830. [0212.27] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3831. [0212.27] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3832. [0212.27] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3833. [0212.28] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3834. [0212.28] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3835. [0212.28] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3836. [0212.28] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3837. [0212.38] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3838. [0212.38] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3839. [0212.40] ScriptLog: HasVestSlot called
  3840. [0212.40] ScriptLog: VestValidateLoadout called
  3841. [0212.92] Log: Movie Started Event: CIN_XP_PreIntro
  3842. [0224.18] Log: Movie Finished Event: CIN_XP_PreIntro, 11.255794, 150.833328
  3843. [0224.18] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  3844. [0225.83] Log: Movie Started Event: CIN_TP_Intro
  3845. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3847. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3849. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3851. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3853. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3855. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3857. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3859. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3861. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3863. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3865. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3867. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3869. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3871. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3873. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3875. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3877. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3879. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3881. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3883. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3885. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3887. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3889. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3891. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3893. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3895. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3897. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3899. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3901. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3903. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3905. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3907. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3909. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3911. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3913. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=1.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3915. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=1.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3917. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=2.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3919. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=2.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3921. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=3.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3923. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=3.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3925. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldPoses",AnimationOffset=4.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3927. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldSwordPoses",AnimationOffset=.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3929. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldSwordPoses",AnimationOffset=.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3931. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldRiflePoses",AnimationOffset=.25,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3933. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (m_arrAnimationPoses): Unknown member bShowTemplarShardBlades in: (AnimationName="Photobooth_ShieldRiflePoses",AnimationOffset=.75,AnimType=ePAFT_None,bShowTemplarShardBlades=false)
  3935. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3937. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3939. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3941. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (SpawnDistributionLists): Missing value for property '\\'
  3943. [0226.03] Warning: ImportText (arrAllPCPDefs): Missing value for property '\\,'
  3945. [0226.03] Warning: Unhandled localization tag: 'Ability:WOTCLW2SW_COLOR_2_OPEN'
  3947. [0226.03] Warning: Unhandled localization tag: 'Ability:ARCTHROWER_STUNGUNNER_AIM_BONUS'
  3949. [0226.03] Warning: Unhandled localization tag: 'Ability:WOTCLW2SW_COLOR_CLOSE'
  3951. [0226.03] Warning: Unhandled localization tag: 'Ability:DEMOLITON_EXPERT_TILE_RADIUS'
  3953. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Dusty_Spike at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3955. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Dirt_Grit at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3957. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Border_Blue at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3959. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Border_Yellow at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3961. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Crit_Icon at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3963. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Damage_Icon at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3965. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Holotargeter_Time_Icon at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3967. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_TPainter_Border_Offset at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3969. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Arc_Halo_Ball at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3971. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Arc_Lightning at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3973. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Arcs_Hit_EnshroudTarget at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3975. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Ball_Lightning at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3977. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Distortion_Glow at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3979. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_EM_FlashBang at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3981. [0226.03] Warning: Compiling M_Muzzle_Flash_for_AT at run-time, please ensure this is part of the cooking process
  3983. [0226.03] Warning: BehaviorTable index 2938 has a duplicate name (IsInvalidTonguePullTarget) - INVALID
  3985. [0226.03] Warning: BehaviorTable index 3901 has a duplicate name (ScoreMarkTargetOption) - INVALID
  3987. [0226.03] Warning: BehaviorTable index 3994 has a duplicate name (TryFaceoff) - INVALID
  3989. [0226.03] Warning: X2AbilityTemplate TraitAbility_Bakarina is invalid: specified AdditionalAbility BakarinaClenase does not exist
  3991. [0226.03] Warning: X2AbilityTemplate TraitAbility_Ferocious is invalid: specified AdditionalAbility FerociousTriggeredAbility does not exist
  3993. [0226.03] Warning: X2AbilityTemplate Fire_UBS_Conv is invalid: no Triggers
  3995. [0226.03] Warning: X2AbilityTemplate Fire_UBS_Mag is invalid: no Triggers
  3997. [0226.03] Warning: X2AbilityTemplate Fire_UBS_Beam is invalid: no Triggers
  3999. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ChosenSword_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4001. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ChosenSword_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4003. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ChosenSword_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4005. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ChosenSword_T4 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4007. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ChosenSword_XCOM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4009. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpectralStunLancerM1_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4011. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpectralStunLancerM2_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4013. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpectralStunLancerM3_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4015. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpectralStunLancerM4_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4017. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Sword_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4019. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Sword_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4021. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Sword_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4023. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvStunLancerM1_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4025. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvStunLancerM2_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4027. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvStunLancerM3_StunLance is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4029. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ArchonStaff is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4031. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Muton_MeleeAttack is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4033. [0226.03] Warning: X2PairedWeaponTemplate AlienHunterAxe_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4035. [0226.03] Warning: X2PairedWeaponTemplate AlienHunterAxe_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4037. [0226.03] Warning: X2PairedWeaponTemplate AlienHunterAxe_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4039. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ArchonKingStaff is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4041. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate TLE_Sword_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4043. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate TLE_Sword_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4045. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate TLE_Sword_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4047. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ArchonStaff_LifeLeech is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4049. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvBioStunLanceM2 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4051. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvBioStunLanceM3 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4053. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate BioBlasterLauncher is invalid: weapon category 'Weapon' is invalid
  4055. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate BioRocket_Launcher is invalid: weapon category 'Weapon' is invalid
  4057. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvBioSaberM2 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4059. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvBioSaberM3 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4061. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpecOpsKnife_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4063. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpecOpsKnife_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4065. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate SpecOpsKnife_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4067. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate CombatKnife_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4069. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate CombatKnife_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4071. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate CombatKnife_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4073. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Scimitar_CV is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4075. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Scimitar_MG is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4077. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate Scimitar_BM is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4079. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate BioZerker_PuntAttack is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4081. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate PA_MutonBayonet is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4083. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvHonorGuardSwordM2 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4085. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AdvHonorGuardSwordM3 is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4087. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AugmentationArms_Base_CV is invalid: weapon category 'None' is invalid
  4089. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AugmentationArms_Grapple_MG is invalid: weapon category 'None' is invalid
  4091. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AugmentationArms_Launcher_BM is invalid: weapon category 'None' is invalid
  4093. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate ViperFrostAxe is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4095. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate XCOMFrostAxe is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4097. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate VorpalBlade is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4099. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate XCOM_VorpalBlade is invalid: references an invalid ability: DualSlashSecondary
  4101. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate UBGL_Ammo_Grenadier is invalid: weapon category 'UBGL_grenadier' is invalid
  4103. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AlienHunterAxe_CV_Primary is invalid: weapon category 'None' is invalid
  4105. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AlienHunterAxe_MG_Primary is invalid: weapon category 'None' is invalid
  4107. [0226.03] Warning: X2WeaponTemplate AlienHunterAxe_BM_Primary is invalid: weapon category 'None' is invalid
  4109. [0226.03] Warning: Warning, Slot eInvSlot_AugmentationHead: AugmentationHead has inconsistent slot category attributes
  4111. [0226.03] Warning: Warning, Slot eInvSlot_AugmentationTorso: AugmentationTorso has inconsistent slot category attributes
  4113. [0226.03] Warning: Warning, Slot eInvSlot_AugmentationArms: AugmentationArms has inconsistent slot category attributes
  4115. [0226.03] Warning: Warning, Slot eInvSlot_AugmentationLegs: AugmentationLegs has inconsistent slot category attributes
  4117. [0226.03] Warning: ERROR: UXComParcelManager::GetValidPlotsForMission - Excluding Plot Map: 'Plot_Multiplayer_Test', Unable to find associated package.
  4119. [0226.03] Warning: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: CombatKnifeMod (CombatKnifeMod.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F)
  4121. [0226.03] Warning: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: LWSoldierSockets (LWSoldierSockets.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F)
  4123. [0226.03] Warning: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: Sockets_Augmentions (Sockets_Augmentions.Meshes.SM_Head_And_Sockets_F)
  4125. [0226.14] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
  4126. [0226.14] Log: LoadMap: Avenger_Root?Name=Player?Team=255?game=XComGame.XComHeadQuartersGame
  4127. [0227.12] Log: Setting Game Info for World (0x95d4f080) 'Avenger_Root.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.WorldInfo_0'
  4128. [0227.12] Log: Game class is 'XComHeadquartersGame'
  4129. [0227.12] Log: Set Game Info as (0x9b0a8800) 'Avenger_Root.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComHeadquartersGame_0'
  4130. [0227.14] Log: Bringing World Avenger_Root.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2018.12.10-21.25.48
  4131. [0227.18] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.057342
  4132. [0227.21] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 1.067930 seconds
  4133. [0227.24] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4134. [0227.24] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_CV.WP_AssaultRifle_CV
  4135. [0228.38] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressConv
  4136. [0228.38] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG
  4137. [0228.39] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  4138. [0228.39] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_BM.WP_AssaultRifle_BM
  4139. [0228.41] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressBeam
  4140. [0228.41] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG_Advent
  4141. [0228.41] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  4142. [0228.41] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch NewAdventWeapons.WP_Cannon_MG_Advent
  4143. [0228.50] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_Shotgun.Meshes.PHYS_Shotgun'! Referenced by 'NewAdventWeapons.WP_Shotgun_MG_Advent:GunAttachMeshComponent' ('Engine.SkeletalMeshComponent:PhysicsAsset').
  4144. [0228.50] Warning: Warning, Failed to load 'WP_Shotgun': Can't find file for package 'WP_Shotgun' while loading NULL
  4145. [0228.64] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AnimTree Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier and AnimNodeSlot Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeSlot_32 have duplicate NetIndex 99
  4146. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_12 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_0 have duplicate NetIndex 42
  4147. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_16 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_12 have duplicate NetIndex 43
  4148. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_3 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_16 have duplicate NetIndex 44
  4149. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_4 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_7 have duplicate NetIndex 45
  4150. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects AnimNodeSequence Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeSequence_14 and AnimNodeMirror Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeMirror_8 have duplicate NetIndex 52
  4151. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControl_TwistBone_0 and AnimNodeSlot Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeSlot_90 have duplicate NetIndex 102
  4152. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControl_TwistBone_4 and AnimTree Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN have duplicate NetIndex 105
  4153. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_0 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_0 have duplicate NetIndex 114
  4154. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_1 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_1 have duplicate NetIndex 115
  4155. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_10 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_3 have duplicate NetIndex 116
  4156. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_11 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_4 have duplicate NetIndex 117
  4157. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_12 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_6 have duplicate NetIndex 118
  4158. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_13 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_7 have duplicate NetIndex 119
  4159. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_5 and SkelControlLimb Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControlLimb_0 have duplicate NetIndex 126
  4160. [0228.65] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_6 and SkelControlLimb Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControlLimb_1 have duplicate NetIndex 127
  4161. [0228.72] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects XComAnimNodeSequenceAdditive Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:XComAnimNodeSequenceAdditive_1 and SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControlLookAt_0 have duplicate NetIndex 145
  4162. [0228.86] Error: (AddNetObject) Object StaticMesh FX_Shared_Meshes.2Plane_VertColored with invalid NetIndex 269 (max: 182)
  4163. [0228.91] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  4164. [0228.91] ScriptLog: Lucubration Infantry Class: Updated OfficerTrainingSchool template with Lucu_Infantry_ExtraConditioningUnlock .
  4165. [0228.91] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: Updated OfficerTrainingSchool template with GTSMusashiRecon .
  4166. [0228.91] WotcSpecOpsClass: Musashi SpecOps: Updated OfficerTrainingSchool template with GTSMusashiBandOfBrothers .
  4167. [0228.91] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4168. [0228.91] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4169. [0228.91] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4170. [0228.93] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4171. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_CV.WP_AssaultRifle_CV
  4172. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressConv
  4173. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG
  4174. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  4175. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_BM.WP_AssaultRifle_BM
  4176. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressBeam
  4177. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch WP_AssaultRifle_MG.WP_AssaultRifle_MG_Advent
  4178. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  4179. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Attempting to patch NewAdventWeapons.WP_Cannon_MG_Advent
  4180. [0228.93] SuppressionPatcher: Patched to FF_FireSuppressMag
  4181. [0228.93] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4182. [0228.93] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4183. [0228.93] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4184. [0228.97] Warning: Redscreen: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: DLC_60_NarrativeMoments (DLC_60_NarrativeMoments.DLC2_S_King_Lives_Escapees_Remain)
  4185. [0228.98] Warning: Redscreen: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: DLC_90_NarrativeMoments (DLC_90_NarrativeMoments.DLC3_S_Julian_Lives)
  4186. [0229.03] Log: Decal Regeneration: 0 times, 0.021 ms
  4187. [0229.04] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4188. [0229.04] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4189. [0229.07] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4190. [0229.07] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4191. [0229.07] ScriptLog: Starting Peek TacticalHUD Listener OnInit: Default__UIScreenListener_TacticalHUD
  4192. [0229.89] Error: (AddNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Materials.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_B with invalid NetIndex 153 (max: 75)
  4193. [0229.89] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_B_MSK with invalid NetIndex 470 (max: 75)
  4194. [0229.89] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_D_DIF with invalid NetIndex 475 (max: 75)
  4195. [0229.89] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_B_NRM with invalid NetIndex 471 (max: 75)
  4196. [0229.89] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_C_DIF with invalid NetIndex 474 (max: 75)
  4197. [0233.68] Log: Movie Finished Event: CIN_TP_Intro, 7.849530, 173.100006
  4198. [0233.68] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE TIME: 9.49 sec ---
  4199. [0233.93] Log: --- LOADING MOVIE START ---
  4200. [0234.03] ScriptLog: Mechatronic Warfare :: Ensuring presence of tactical game state listeners
  4201. [0234.03] ScriptLog: Mechatronic Warfare TacticalCleanup :: TacticalEventListener Loaded
  4202. [0234.03] Warning: Redscreen: ***Game State Created but Never Added to History***
  4204. New Game State: CC SoldierColors - Initiate -- XComGameState_2910
  4206. Pending Game States:
  4207. ==> eGameRule_TacticalGameStart -- XComGameState_2909
  4209. Stack:
  4210. Script call stack:
  4211. (Default__XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer) XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer::CreateChangeState
  4212. (Default__SoldierColors) SoldierColors::Initiate
  4213. (Default__X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions) X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions::Check_SoldierColors
  4214. (Default__X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions) X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions::Check_Listeners
  4215. (Default__X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions) X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions::OnPreMission
  4216. (XGStrategy_0) XGStrategy::LaunchTacticalBattle
  4218. [0234.07] Warning: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: DLC_60_NarrativeMoments (DLC_60_NarrativeMoments.DLC2_S_King_Lives_Escapees_Remain)
  4220. [0234.07] Warning: FullyLoading in DynamicLoadObject: DLC_90_NarrativeMoments (DLC_90_NarrativeMoments.DLC3_S_Julian_Lives)
  4222. [0234.07] Warning: ***Game State Created but Never Added to History***
  4224. New Game State: CC SoldierColors - Initiate -- XComGameState_2910
  4226. Pending Game States:
  4227. ==> eGameRule_TacticalGameStart -- XComGameState_2909
  4229. Stack:
  4230. Script call stack:
  4231. (Default__XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer) XComGameStateContext_ChangeContainer::CreateChangeState
  4232. (Default__SoldierColors) SoldierColors::Initiate
  4233. (Default__X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions) X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions::Check_SoldierColors
  4234. (Default__X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions) X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions::Check_Listeners
  4235. (Default__X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions) X2DownloadableContentInfo_VariousOptions::OnPreMission
  4236. (XGStrategy_0) XGStrategy::LaunchTacticalBattle
  4239. [0234.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_C_DIF with invalid NetIndex 474 (max: 75)
  4240. [0234.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_B_NRM with invalid NetIndex 471 (max: 75)
  4241. [0234.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_D_DIF with invalid NetIndex 475 (max: 75)
  4242. [0234.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object Texture2D TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Textures.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_B_MSK with invalid NetIndex 470 (max: 75)
  4243. [0234.10] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object MaterialInstanceConstant TextureLibrary_Sidewalk.Materials.UrbanSidewalk_Tile_B with invalid NetIndex 153 (max: 75)
  4244. [0234.11] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Object StaticMesh FX_Shared_Meshes.2Plane_VertColored with invalid NetIndex 269 (max: 182)
  4245. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects XComAnimNodeSequenceAdditive Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:XComAnimNodeSequenceAdditive_1 and SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControlLookAt_0 have duplicate NetIndex 145
  4246. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AnimNodeSequence Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeSequence_14 and AnimNodeMirror Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeMirror_8 have duplicate NetIndex 52
  4247. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_12 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_0 have duplicate NetIndex 42
  4248. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_16 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_12 have duplicate NetIndex 43
  4249. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_3 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_16 have duplicate NetIndex 44
  4250. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_4 and AnimNodeBlendPerBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeBlendPerBone_7 have duplicate NetIndex 45
  4251. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_13 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_7 have duplicate NetIndex 119
  4252. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_12 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_6 have duplicate NetIndex 118
  4253. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_11 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_4 have duplicate NetIndex 117
  4254. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_10 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_3 have duplicate NetIndex 116
  4255. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControl_TwistBone_4 and AnimTree Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN have duplicate NetIndex 105
  4256. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_6 and SkelControlLimb Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControlLimb_1 have duplicate NetIndex 127
  4257. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_5 and SkelControlLimb Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControlLimb_0 have duplicate NetIndex 126
  4258. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_1 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_1 have duplicate NetIndex 115
  4259. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControlLookAt Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControlLookAt_0 and SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:SkelControl_TwistBone_0 have duplicate NetIndex 114
  4260. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects SkelControl_TwistBone Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier:SkelControl_TwistBone_0 and AnimNodeSlot Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeSlot_90 have duplicate NetIndex 102
  4261. [0234.12] Error: (RemoveNetObject) Objects AnimTree Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_Soldier and AnimNodeSlot Soldier_ANIMTREE.AT_SoldierCustom_CIN:AnimNodeSlot_32 have duplicate NetIndex 99
  4262. [0234.13] Log: ###### OnlineEventMgr waited 0.00 seconds for saves to complete
  4263. [0234.13] Log: LoadMap: Plot_CTY_MdObj_Mixed_Voz_1C?Name=Player?Team=255?game=XComGame.XComTacticalGame
  4264. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_7.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_13 have duplicate NetIndex 385
  4265. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_10.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_11 have duplicate NetIndex 383
  4266. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_11.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_12 have duplicate NetIndex 384
  4267. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_8.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_15 have duplicate NetIndex 386
  4268. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleColorScaleOverLife_9.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_16 have duplicate NetIndex 387
  4269. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_18 have duplicate NetIndex 388
  4270. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_1.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_22 have duplicate NetIndex 389
  4271. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_10.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_23 have duplicate NetIndex 390
  4272. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_8.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Impact_Pistol_XCom:ParticleModuleSpawn_5 have duplicate NetIndex 407
  4273. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_7.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Impact_Pistol_XCom:ParticleModuleSpawn_4 have duplicate NetIndex 406
  4274. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_6.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSourceMovement FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSourceMovement_0 have duplicate NetIndex 405
  4275. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_11.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_24 have duplicate NetIndex 391
  4276. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_12.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_4 have duplicate NetIndex 392
  4277. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_13.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_5 have duplicate NetIndex 393
  4278. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_15.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_8 have duplicate NetIndex 394
  4279. [0241.09] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_BeamPistol_MuzzleFlash_LensFlare_XCom:ParticleModuleParameterDynamicModulator_16.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_1 and ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Beam_Pistol_XCom.P_Beam_Pistol_Ranged_XCom:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_9 have duplicate NetIndex 395
  4280. [0242.64] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_DIF with invalid NetIndex 172 (max: 45)
  4281. [0242.64] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_MSK with invalid NetIndex 173 (max: 45)
  4282. [0242.64] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D ConvPistol.Textures.ConvPistol_GOLD_NRM with invalid NetIndex 174 (max: 45)
  4283. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_BunkerBusterProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_BunkerBusterProjectile' ('---').
  4284. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile': Can't find file for package '00_PerkContent_BunkerBusterProjectile' while loading NULL
  4285. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_ConcussionRocketProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_ConcussionRocketProjectile' ('---').
  4286. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '01_PerkContent_ConcussionRocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  4287. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireBlasterLauncherProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireBlasterLauncherProjectile' ('---').
  4288. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher': Can't find file for package '02_PerkContent_BlasterLauncher' while loading NULL
  4289. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireRocketProjectile'! Referenced by 'LWGauntletWOTC.Archetypes.Perk_Gauntlet_FireRocketProjectile' ('---').
  4290. [0242.87] Warning: Warning, Failed to load '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile': Can't find file for package '03_PerkContent_RocketProjectile' while loading NULL
  4291. [0246.06] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Material Materials_XPack.Materials.Glass_M and Material Materials_XPack.Materials.FogPlane have duplicate NetIndex 7
  4292. [0252.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Object StaticMesh FX_Shared_Meshes.Psi_Portal with invalid NetIndex 933 (max: 182)
  4293. [0252.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Object StaticMesh FX_Shared_Meshes.Disc_Tilted with invalid NetIndex 931 (max: 182)
  4294. [0252.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_Shapes.Rays_Radial_Askew with invalid NetIndex 965 (max: 54)
  4295. [0252.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_Bursts_Whole.T_Rays_Radial with invalid NetIndex 960 (max: 102)
  4296. [0252.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_2D_Tiles_Noise_Scattered.T_DustClouds01 with invalid NetIndex 956 (max: 19)
  4297. [0252.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Object Texture2D FX_Shared_Shapes.T_Capsule_Gradient_3Channel with invalid NetIndex 966 (max: 54)
  4298. [0252.51] Log: Setting Game Info for World (0x9b388200) 'Plot_CTY_MdObj_Mixed_Voz_1C.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.WorldInfo_12'
  4299. [0252.51] Log: Game class is 'XComTacticalGame'
  4300. [0252.51] Log: Set Game Info as (0x96c4cf00) 'Plot_CTY_MdObj_Mixed_Voz_1C.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.XComTacticalGame_0'
  4301. [0252.54] Log: Bringing World Plot_CTY_MdObj_Mixed_Voz_1C.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2018.12.10-21.26.13
  4302. [0252.55] Log: XComTacticalGame::PendingMatch - Begin State
  4303. [0252.55] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.034764
  4304. [0252.59] Log: ########### Finished loading level: 18.456574 seconds
  4305. [0252.59] Log: XComTacticalGame::PendingMatch - Wait on Async Loading
  4306. [0252.59] Log: XComTacticalGame::PendingMatch - Wait on Async Loading Complete
  4307. [0252.59] Log: XComTacticalGame::StartMatch
  4308. [0252.59] Log: XComTacticalGRI::StartMatch: Dropship=False, AutoTests=False, bTacticalQuickLaunch=False
  4309. [0252.59] Warning: Redscreen: GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass FAILED, no object found with type XComGameState_BattleData
  4310. Script call stack:
  4311. (XGBattle_SPAssault_1) XGBattle::RefreshDesc
  4312. (XGBattle_SPAssault_1) XGBattle::GetDesc
  4313. (XComTacticalGRI_0) XComTacticalGRI::InitBattle
  4314. (XComTacticalGRI_0) XComTacticalGRI::StartMatch
  4315. (XComTacticalGame_0) GameInfo::OnStartOnlineGameComplete
  4317. [0252.59] Warning: Redscreen: GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass FAILED, no object found with type XComGameState_BattleData
  4318. Script call stack:
  4319. (XComTacticalGRI_0) XComTacticalGRI::InitBattle
  4320. (XComTacticalGRI_0) XComTacticalGRI::StartMatch
  4321. (XComTacticalGame_0) GameInfo::OnStartOnlineGameComplete
  4323. [0252.59] Log: TacticalGRI::InitBattle: StartGameState=None, IntendedForReloadLevel=False
  4324. [0252.59] Warning: Redscreen: GetSingleGameStateObjectForClass FAILED, no object found with type XComGameState_BattleData
  4325. Script call stack:
  4326. (X2TacticalGameRuleset_0) X2TacticalGameRuleset::BuildLocalStateObjectCache
  4327. (X2TacticalGameRuleset_0) X2TacticalGameRuleset::LoadGame
  4328. (XComTacticalGRI_0) XComTacticalGRI::InitBattle
  4329. (XComTacticalGRI_0) XComTacticalGRI::StartMatch
  4330. (XComTacticalGame_0) GameInfo::OnStartOnlineGameComplete
  4332. [0252.59] Log: X2TacticalGameRuleset_0 LoadTacticalGame: BeginState
  4333. [0252.61] Log: XComTacticalGame::PendingMatch - End State -> Playing
  4334. [0252.61] Log: XComTacticalGame::Playing - Begin State
  4335. [0252.61] Log: X2TacticalGameRuleset_0 LoadTacticalGame: Start of Begin Block
  4336. [0252.61] Log: XCom3DCursor::ResetPlotValueCache
  4337. [0252.61] Log: Loading Map Phase 1: Stream Parcels
  4338. [0252.66] Log: Crash Detected: Dumping C:\Users\misne\Documents\My Games\XCOM2 War of the Chosen\Binaries\Win64\..\..\XComGame\Logs\XCom-DESKTOP-R2OFGOI-CL374751-2018.12.10-21.26.13-Crash\XCom-DESKTOP-R2OFGOI-CL374751-2018.12.10-21.26.13_Minidump.dmp
  4339. [0252.66] Log: Crash: GettingNameData
  4340. [0252.66] Log: Suspending Threads
  4341. [0252.68] Log: Writing Minidmp
  4342. [0255.33] Log: Crash: Saving Names Array
  4343. [0255.33] Log: Crash: Saving Names Array Data
  4344. [0255.33] Log: Dumping name table: (3697048)
  4345. [0255.33] Log: Dumping name table: 0x6435c000 (3697048)
  4346. [0255.33] Log: Crash: Saving Names Array Blocks
  4347. [0255.33] Log: Crash: Saving Objects Array
  4348. [0255.33] Log: Crash: Saving Objects Array Data
  4349. [0255.33] Log: Crash: Saving Objects
  4350. [0257.98] Log: Waking Threads
  4351. [0274.31] Log: Crash: appSendCrashTelemetry
  4352. [0275.88] Log: CRASH: Copying Log
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