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A Kind Heart By Redpug987

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May 6th, 2012
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  1. A Kind Heart
  3. By Redpug987
  8. My name is Mike.
  10. My life is bad.
  12. If that doesn’t seem like a bad thing, it is. Since the first day of school, to high school, it’s been bad. No one wants to be my friend. Every time I try to make friends with someone they either get up and go away or just look at me with mean faces or laugh at me and leave. I look at the teachers but they just look away, caring nothing for me.
  14. I don't even know why I go there, maybe just to get the education. I don't know...
  15. But what’s even worse than that is... my parents.
  17. Oh how much I could tell you about them, but I don’t want to get into too much detail so I’ll just say that they are mean, cruel, horrible parents. My mother’s name is “Bertha” and my father’s name is “John”. They drink all the time, they never say “Good morning” or “How are you today” They treat me like the house rat, When I see them they just look at me and either laugh at me or yell at me to get back in my room, though, I wouldn’t even call it a room.
  19. But that’s just me.
  21. Every day I get up and do the same schedule. Try and get up, get dressed, then go to school, go home and hope they aren’t there, grab what’s left of the food, then hide in my room and sleep off for the next day. I do this for everyday until the weekends were I hope the next day will be something different.
  23. I hope that one day someone will actually be nice to me, to care for me and to take me away from here forever...
  25. But today was different. Today I met someone special.
  27. Today I met Her.
  33. Chapter 1.
  34. __________________________________________________________________________
  35. Today I awoke to something different, my father pounding on the door, “Get out of bed you lazy sack of crap!” He yelled. I pushed my covers away from me as I rose out of bed. I then walked over to my window and opened the curtains to my window as the sun brightly lit my room. As I looked out to the yard, it was still the same as ever, green grass with patches of yellow covering it. But even though we live far away from town, no one would even care to look at it.
  37. I moved my gaze toward the many flock of trees that leads deep in the woods. Ever since we lived here I have always wondered what could be deep within the woods. When I was little I would walk near the entrance to the woods and I would hear a noise. Not a scary noise or a weird noise, but a calming noise, almost like singing birds. A noise that gives me a feeling of pure bliss, and happiness.
  39. I ask my parents about the woods but they always say that dangerous animals live there, or that if I enter the woods then I will never be seen again. I know that they are probably lying just to scare me. Probably. But I know that there is something in there and I intend to find out soon.
  41. After looking at the view I went over and opened my door to see what he needed. “Took you long enough.”He said sternly. “Now listen here Mike, your mother and I are going to town for the day to spend some time shopping.” I knew that he didn’t go shopping, he just goes with her to drink, smoke and gamble and do other types of stuff. I know this because they always come back drunk and with smelly breath. “Now you better behave yourself while we’re gone, so that means no leaving the house and no going to town.” He said. “And if we find out you’ve been gone by the time we’re back then we’ll make sure that there will be no food for you tonight.” Came my mother’s voice from the kitchen.
  43. “Okay I won’t leave the house.” I replied. He then slowly moved his face close to mine and said very deeply and menace fully,
  45. “You better not.”
  47. He then turned away and went in the kitchen to talk to my mother. I did not care about what they talked about as I slumped back into my room, shut the door and then collapsed into my bed and fell into a deep and peace full sleep...
  49. The dream I had was strange, or at least what would be said as strange. I was lying on a field of yellow dandelions on a what appeared to be a giant green hilltop. Now this may seem nice and peace full but the weird part was that there was something next to me, I couldn’t quite tell what exactly what it was but I could only see that it was a yellow blur. I laid there for what seemed like hours next to the giant yellow blur, completely at peace.
  51. Then suddenly, everything shook, then I looked over to see a giant maw closing around me.
  53. I felt the slimy smooth tongue grab hold of me as it mercilessly swished me around the mouth, completely tasting every bit of me, crushing me against the roof of the mouth completely soaking me in warm saliva. As I could tell the creature was enjoying this meal but soon afterward it stopped and the mouth opened as I saw what could be the last gleam of light I would ever see, I could have sworn I heard a small giggle. Fear hit me like a brick wall as the mouth closed and the dark blackness returned. Then I felt myself moving toward the end of the slimy mouth. I felt myself being swallowed alive. And then...
  56. I woke up.
  59. Chapter 2
  60. __________________________________________________________________________
  61. As I awoke from from my frightening dream I didn’t hear talking nor anyone telling me to get up, just silence. Remembering what my parents had said about not leaving the house I knew it was very wrong and it would get me in very big trouble if I was caught, but what’s the worse that could happen? I rose from bed and got dressed into my normal daily clothes.
  63. After eating breakfast I made sure the truck and that both of them were gone. I made sure to grab the nearest bag and pack some food supplies. “Well they probably will be too drunk to notice by the end of the day” I thought to myself so I went out the door and walked over to the entrance to the woods. Today there was no calming noise or such, just birds chirping. So I took a deep breath and kept telling myself to be brave. And then I moved forward into the woods.
  65. It was very deep to say the least. The trees were very big so they blocked out most of the sun, and there were twigs everywhere so I had to walk slowly so I didn’t trip. After walking for what seemed like hours I stopped to see a opening to a another area. I hurried over to see where it lead, and when I made it there I stopped to catch my breath and then looked up and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
  67. I saw a giant yellow pegasus laying in the grass.
  69. I sat there bewildered. What was a ginormous pegasus doing in the middle of the woods? Why IS there a giant pegasus? As I sat there thinking it through, I couldn’t help but notice the calm pony stir. Wait was it a pony? I mean it does look like a horse with wings but judging from the form it looked like a pony. So this is what the source of the noise was? But how did she make that noise? Wait was it even female?
  71. Before I could jump to more questions, I moved forward a little bit to close to the edge as the dirt ledge crumbled sending me down toward the grassy ground. I was dazed for a few seconds but my conscience returned quickly as I saw the big pegasus look over to where I sat.
  73. I was trapped.
  75. The pegasus got up and slowly walked over to where the crumbling sound came from. I knew that a giant yellow friendly looking pony probably wasn’t that big of danger, but I didn’t want to take my chances. I got up as quick as I could ad ran away from the clumps of dirt and into the grass fields. I hid behind some leaves as I surveyed what she did.
  77. She walked over to the dirt piles and looked around for anything. “Maybe she’ll just think it was nothing and go away” I thought to myself. But then I saw that she lowered her head down and picked up something with her mouth. It was my red bag. Shocked I realized that she now knows that someone was here, and sure enough she dropped the bag and looked around for someone else.
  79. “I need to get out of here!” I thought quickly. Too quickly because I had said it aloud. But before I could realize my mistake, she turned her head toward the patch of grass. Where I was sitting. And then she saw me.
  81. But before I could even move, like a burst of wind, she pounced right in front of me. She kept staring at me with those eyes. Those cute but menacing eyes. Wait what was I thinking? I looked around to see more grass but I couldn’t outrun a giant pegasus, especially a pony.
  83. I then realized that this was it. There was no way out of this. I was doomed to whatever fate that this pony had in store for me. I was looking away for so long that I didn’t realize that the pony moved her face right next to mine. Then she began to slowly open her mouth wider and wider. Until I was looking inside the mouth of the giant pony.
  85. “But pony’s are supposed to be herbivores!” I thought sadly. Apparently this one apparently wasn’t. She moved closer to me slowly taking breath’s through her nose. “So this is it, about to be eaten by a giant pegasus...” I thought depressingly. I knew it was stupid. I knew that there was no way in hell that this would ever work in a million years, or even out of a billion percent. But I took a deep breath and said as loud as I could. “PLEASE JUST MAKE IT QUICK!”... I waited for my fate but then I heard a soft quiet like voice speak.
  87. “W-what?”
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