
For Aaron

Nov 15th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. :[a] a
  2. :[aback] detrás
  3. :[abandon] abandonar
  4. :[abash] avergonzar
  5. :[abate] disminuir
  6. :[abattoir] matadero
  7. :[abattoir] matadero
  8. :[abberance] aberrancia
  9. :[abberant] aberrante
  10. :[abbey] abadía
  11. :[abbot] abad
  12. :[abbreviate] abreviar
  13. :[abdicate] abdicar
  14. :[abdomen] abdomen
  15. :[abduct] secuestrar
  16. :[abduction] secuestro
  17. :[abed] una cama
  18. :[abet] instigar
  19. :[abhor] aborrecer
  20. :[abhorrence] aborrecimiento
  21. :[abhorrent] aborrecible
  22. :[abide] acatar
  23. :[ability] capacidad
  24. :[abject] abyecto
  25. :[abjection] abyección
  26. :[abjure] abjurar de
  27. :[ablative] ablativo
  28. :[ablaze] ardiendo
  29. :[able] capaz
  30. :[able-bodied] capacitado
  31. :[ably] hábilmente
  32. :[abnegate] renunciar
  33. :[abnegation] abnegación
  34. :[abnormal] anormal
  35. :[abnormality] anomalía
  36. :[aboard] a bordo
  37. :[abode] morada
  38. :[abolish] abolir
  39. :[abolishment] abolición
  40. :[aboninable] aboninable
  41. :[abonnement] abandono
  42. :[aboriginal] aborigen
  43. :[aborigines] aborígenes
  44. :[abort] abortar
  45. :[abortion] aborto
  46. :[abortive] abortivo
  47. :[abound] abundar
  48. :[about] sobre
  49. :[above] encima
  50. :[above-average] por encima del promedio
  51. :[aboveboard] abiertamente
  52. :[abrasive] abrasivo
  53. :[abreast] de frente
  54. :[abridge] abreviar
  55. :[abroad] en el extranjero
  56. :[abrupt] abrupto
  57. :[abruptness] pendiente
  58. :[absence] ausencia
  59. :[absent] ausente
  60. :[absently] distraídamente
  61. :[absolute] absoluto
  62. :[absolutely] absolutamente
  63. :[absolution] absolución
  64. :[absolve] absolver
  65. :[absorb] absorber
  66. :[absorbing] absorbente
  67. :[abstain] abstenerse
  68. :[abstinence] abstinencia
  69. :[abstract] abstracto
  70. :[absurd] absurdo
  71. :[abundance] abundancia
  72. :[abundant] abundante
  73. :[abuse] abuso
  74. :[abusive] abusivo
  75. :[abyss] abismo
  76. :[academic] académico
  77. :[academy] academia
  78. :[accede] acceder a
  79. :[accelerate] acelerar
  80. :[acceleration] aceleración
  81. :[accent] acento
  82. :[accept] aceptar
  83. :[acceptable] aceptable
  84. :[acceptance] aceptación
  85. :[access] acceso
  86. :[accessible] accesible
  87. :[accessory] accesorio
  88. :[accident] accidente
  89. :[accidental] accidental
  90. :[accidentally] accidentalmente
  91. :[acclaim] aclamación
  92. :[accolade] espaldarazo
  93. :[accommodate] acomodar
  94. :[accommodating] servicial
  95. :[accommodation] alojamiento
  96. :[accompaniment] acompañamiento
  97. :[accompany] acompañar
  98. :[accomplice] cómplice
  99. :[accomplish] realizar
  100. :[accomplishment] logro
  101. :[accord] acuerdo
  102. :[accordance] conformidad
  103. :[according] según
  104. :[account] cuenta
  105. :[accountant] contador
  106. :[accounting] contabilidad
  107. :[accredited] autorizado
  108. :[accrue] acumularse
  109. :[accumulate] acumular
  110. :[accuracy] precisión
  111. :[accurate] preciso
  112. :[accusation] acusación
  113. :[accuse] acusar
  114. :[accuser] acusador
  115. :[accustom] acostumbrar
  116. :[accustomed] acostumbrado
  117. :[ace] as
  118. :[acerbity] acerbidad
  119. :[ache] dolor
  120. :[acheless] sin doler
  121. :[achieve] lograr
  122. :[achievement] logro
  123. :[aching] dolor
  124. :[achy] dolorido
  125. :[acid] ácido
  126. :[acknowledge] reconocer
  127. :[acne] acné
  128. :[acorn] bellota
  129. :[acquaint] familiarizar
  130. :[acquaintance] conocido
  131. :[acquainted] familiarizado
  132. :[acquire] adquirir
  133. :[acquisition] adquisición
  134. :[acquit] absolver
  135. :[acre] acre
  136. :[acrid] acre
  137. :[across] a través de
  138. :[act] actuar
  139. :[action] acción
  140. :[activate] activar
  141. :[active] activo
  142. :[activity] actividad
  143. :[actor] actor
  144. :[actress] Actriz
  145. :[actual] real
  146. :[actual] real
  147. :[actually] Realmente
  148. :[acute] agudo
  149. :[adamant] firme
  150. :[adapt] adaptar
  151. :[adaptation] adaptación
  152. :[add] agregar
  153. :[addict] adicto
  154. :[addicted] fanático
  155. :[addiction] adiccion
  156. :[adding] agregando
  157. :[addition] adición
  158. :[additional] adicional
  159. :[address] Dirección
  160. :[addressee] destinatario
  161. :[adept] adepto
  162. :[adequate] adecuado
  163. :[adhere] adherirse
  164. :[adherence] adherencia
  165. :[adjacent] adyacente
  166. :[adjective] adjetivo
  167. :[adjoin] colindar
  168. :[adjourn] aplazar
  169. :[adjust] ajustar
  170. :[adjusted] equilibrado
  171. :[adjustment] ajustamiento
  172. :[administer] administrar
  173. :[administration] administración
  174. :[admirable] admirable
  175. :[admiral] almirante
  176. :[admiration] admiración
  177. :[admire] admirar
  178. :[admired] estimado
  179. :[admirer] admirador
  180. :[admissible] admisible
  181. :[admission] admisión
  182. :[admit] admitir
  183. :[admonish] amonestar
  184. :[admonishment] amonestación
  185. :[ado] alharaca
  186. :[adolescent] adolescente
  187. :[adopt] adoptar
  188. :[adoption] adopción
  189. :[adorable] adorable
  190. :[adore] adorar
  191. :[adorn] adornar
  192. :[adornment] adorno
  193. :[adrenaline] adrenalina
  194. :[adroit] hábil
  195. :[ads] anuncios
  196. :[adulate] adular
  197. :[adulatory] adulador
  198. :[adult] adulto
  199. :[adultery] adulterio
  200. :[adulthood] edad adulta
  201. :[advance] avance
  202. :[advanced] avanzado
  203. :[advancement] avance
  204. :[advantage] ventaja
  205. :[adventure] aventuras
  206. :[adventurous] aventurero
  207. :[adverb] adverbio
  208. :[adversary] adversario
  209. :[adverse] adverso
  210. :[adversity] adversidad
  211. :[advertise] anunciar
  212. :[advertisement] anuncio publicitario
  213. :[advertising] publicidad
  214. :[advice] Consejo
  215. :[advise] aconsejar
  216. :[advisedly] deliberadamente
  217. :[advisor] tutor
  218. :[advocacy] Abogacía
  219. :[advocate] defensor
  220. :[aerial] aéreo
  221. :[aesthetic] estético
  222. :[affability] afabilidad
  223. :[affable] afable
  224. :[affair] amorío
  225. :[affect] afectar
  226. :[affection] afecto
  227. :[affinity] afinidad
  228. :[affirm] afirmar
  229. :[affirmative] afirmativo
  230. :[affliction] aflicción
  231. :[affluence] afluencia
  232. :[affluent] afluente
  233. :[afford] poder pagar
  234. :[affront] afrenta
  235. :[afloat] a flote
  236. :[afraid] temeroso
  237. :[after] después
  238. :[afternoon] tarde
  239. :[afterthought] idea tardía
  240. :[afterward] después
  241. :[again] de nuevo
  242. :[against] contra
  243. :[age] la edad
  244. :[agency] agencia
  245. :[agenda] agenda
  246. :[agent] agente
  247. :[aggravate] agravar
  248. :[aggravation] agravación
  249. :[aggregate] agregar
  250. :[aggression] agresión
  251. :[aggressive] agresivo
  252. :[aghast] espantado
  253. :[agile] ágil
  254. :[aging] envejecimiento
  255. :[agitate] agitar
  256. :[ago] atrás
  257. :[agony] agonía
  258. :[agrarian] agrario
  259. :[agree] de acuerdo
  260. :[agreeable] agradable
  261. :[agreeing] estar de acuerdo
  262. :[agreement] convenio
  263. :[agricultural] agrícola
  264. :[agriculture] agricultura
  265. :[ahead] adelante
  266. :[aid] ayuda
  267. :[aids] SIDA
  268. :[ail] afligir
  269. :[ailment] enfermedad
  270. :[aim] apuntar
  271. :[aiming] puntería
  272. :[aimless] sin objetivo
  273. :[air] aire
  274. :[air-condition] aire acondicionado
  275. :[aircraft] aeronave
  276. :[airless] sin aire
  277. :[airline] aerolínea
  278. :[airplane] avión
  279. :[airport] aeropuerto
  280. :[air-tight] hermético
  281. :[airy] aireado
  282. :[aisle] pasillo
  283. :[akin] parecido
  284. :[alacrity] prontitud
  285. :[alarm] alarma
  286. :[albeit] aunque
  287. :[album] álbum
  288. :[alcohol] alcohol
  289. :[alcoholic] alcohólico
  290. :[alcove] hueco
  291. :[ale] cerveza inglesa
  292. :[alert] alerta
  293. :[alertness] vigilancia
  294. :[alias] alias
  295. :[alibi] coartada
  296. :[alien] extraterrestre
  297. :[alienate] enajenar
  298. :[alight] posarse
  299. :[alignment] alineación
  300. :[alike] similar
  301. :[alimony] pensión alimenticia
  302. :[alive] viva
  303. :[all] todos
  304. :[allay] aliviar
  305. :[allegation] alegación
  306. :[allege] alegar
  307. :[allegiance] lealtad
  308. :[allergic] alérgico
  309. :[allergy] alergia
  310. :[alleviate] aliviar
  311. :[alley] callejón
  312. :[alliance] Alianza
  313. :[allocate] asignar
  314. :[allot] asignar
  315. :[allow] permitir
  316. :[allowance] prestación
  317. :[alloy] aleación
  318. :[all-purpose] de uso múltiple
  319. :[allright] está bien
  320. :[allude] aludir
  321. :[allure] seducir
  322. :[allusion] alusión
  323. :[ally] aliado
  324. :[almighty] todopoderoso
  325. :[almost] casi
  326. :[alone] solo
  327. :[along] a lo largo de
  328. :[alongside] junto a
  329. :[aloof] a distancia
  330. :[aloud] en voz alta
  331. :[alphabet] alfabeto
  332. :[already] ya
  333. :[alright] bien
  334. :[also] además
  335. :[altar] altar
  336. :[alter] alterar
  337. :[alteration] modificación
  338. :[alternate] alterno
  339. :[alternative] alternativa
  340. :[although] a pesar de que
  341. :[altitude] altitud
  342. :[altogether] en total
  343. :[aluminium] aluminio
  344. :[always] siempre
  345. :[amass] acumular
  346. :[amateur] aficionado
  347. :[amaze] asombro
  348. :[amazing] increíble
  349. :[amazingly] Asombrosamente
  350. :[ambassador] embajador
  351. :[amber] ámbar
  352. :[ambient] ambiente
  353. :[ambiguity] ambigüedad
  354. :[ambiguous] ambiguo
  355. :[ambition] ambición
  356. :[ambitious] ambicioso
  357. :[ambulance] ambulancia
  358. :[ambush] emboscada
  359. :[amen] amén
  360. :[amend] enmendar
  361. :[amendable] enmendable
  362. :[amendment] enmienda
  363. :[amenity] amenidad
  364. :[amiable] amable
  365. :[amid] en medio de
  366. :[ammunition] munición
  367. :[amnesia] amnesia
  368. :[amnesty] amnistía
  369. :[among] entre
  370. :[amongst] entre
  371. :[amoral] amoral
  372. :[amorous] amoroso
  373. :[amorphous] amorfo
  374. :[amount] Monto
  375. :[ample] amplio
  376. :[amplify] amplificar
  377. :[amplitude] amplitud
  378. :[amulet] amuleto
  379. :[amuse] entretener
  380. :[amusement] diversión
  381. :[amusing] divertido
  382. :[an] un
  383. :[anaemia] anemia
  384. :[analogy] analogía
  385. :[analysis] análisis
  386. :[analyze] analizar
  387. :[anatomy] anatomía
  388. :[ancestor] antepasado
  389. :[anchor] ancla
  390. :[anchovy] anchoa
  391. :[ancient] antiguo
  392. :[and] y
  393. :[anew] de nuevo
  394. :[angel] Ángel
  395. :[anger] enfado
  396. :[angle] ángulo
  397. :[angrily] furiosamente
  398. :[angry] enfadado
  399. :[anguish] angustia
  400. :[angular] angular
  401. :[animal] animal
  402. :[animate] animar
  403. :[animosity] animosidad
  404. :[ankle] tobillo
  405. :[annex] anexo
  406. :[annihilate] aniquilar
  407. :[anniversary] aniversario
  408. :[annotation] anotación
  409. :[announce] anunciar
  410. :[announcement] anuncio
  411. :[announcing] anunciando
  412. :[annoy] molestar
  413. :[annoyance] molestia
  414. :[annoying] molesto
  415. :[annual] anual
  416. :[annulment] anulación
  417. :[anoitment] unción
  418. :[anomalous] anómalo
  419. :[anonymous] anónimo
  420. :[another] otro
  421. :[answer] respuesta
  422. :[ant] hormiga
  423. :[antagonize] enemistarse
  424. :[antarctic] antártico
  425. :[ante] apuesta inicial
  426. :[antecedent] antecedente
  427. :[antenna] antena
  428. :[anteroom] antesala
  429. :[anthem] himno
  430. :[ant-hill] hormiguero
  431. :[anti] anti
  432. :[antibiotic] antibiótico
  433. :[anticipate] prever
  434. :[anticipated] anticipado
  435. :[anticipation] anticipación
  436. :[antidote] antídoto
  437. :[antipathy] antipatía
  438. :[antiquarian] anticuario
  439. :[antique] antiguo
  440. :[antisocial] antisocial
  441. :[antiterrorist] anti terrorista
  442. :[antler] cuerno
  443. :[anxiety] ansiedad
  444. :[anxious] ansioso
  445. :[any] alguna
  446. :[anybody] cualquiera
  447. :[anyhow] de todos modos
  448. :[anymore] ya no
  449. :[anyone] alguien
  450. :[anyplace] cualquier lugar
  451. :[anything] cualquier cosa
  452. :[anytime] cualquier momento
  453. :[anyway] de todas formas
  454. :[anywhere] en cualquier sitio
  455. :[apart] aparte
  456. :[apartment] Departamento
  457. :[apathetic] apático
  458. :[apathy] apatía
  459. :[ape] mono
  460. :[apiece] una pieza
  461. :[aplenty] en abundancia
  462. :[apocalypse] apocalipsis
  463. :[apologise] pedir disculpas
  464. :[apologizing] disculparse
  465. :[apology] disculpa
  466. :[apostle] apóstol
  467. :[apostrophe] apóstrofe
  468. :[appal] espantar
  469. :[appalling] pésimo
  470. :[apparatus] aparato
  471. :[apparent] aparente
  472. :[apparently] aparentemente
  473. :[appeal] apelación
  474. :[appealing] atractivo
  475. :[appear] aparecer
  476. :[appearance] apariencia
  477. :[appease] apaciguar
  478. :[appellation] denominación
  479. :[append] adjuntar
  480. :[appendix] apéndice
  481. :[appetite] apetito
  482. :[appetizing] apetitoso
  483. :[applaud] aplaudir
  484. :[applause] aplausos
  485. :[apple] manzana
  486. :[appliance] aparato
  487. :[applicant] solicitante
  488. :[application] solicitud
  489. :[apply] solicitar
  490. :[appoint] nombrar
  491. :[appointment] cita
  492. :[appraisal] evaluación
  493. :[appraise] evaluar
  494. :[appreciate] agradecer
  495. :[appreciation] apreciación
  496. :[apprehension] detención
  497. :[apprentice] aprendiz
  498. :[approach] Acercarse
  499. :[approaching] que se acerca
  500. :[approbation] aprobación
  501. :[appropriate] apropiado
  502. :[approval] aprobación
  503. :[approve] aprobar
  504. :[approximately] aproximadamente
  505. :[apricot] albaricoque
  506. :[April] abril
  507. :[apron] delantal
  508. :[apt] apto
  509. :[aptitude] aptitud
  510. :[aptly] acertadamente
  511. :[Arab] árabe
  512. :[arable] cultivable
  513. :[arbitrary] arbitrario
  514. :[arc] arco
  515. :[arcade] arcada
  516. :[arch] arco
  517. :[Archaic] Arcaico
  518. :[archaic] arcaico
  519. :[archbishop] arzobispo
  520. :[archer] arquero
  521. :[archery] tiro al arco
  522. :[architect] arquitecto
  523. :[archives] archivo
  524. :[archly] maliciosamente
  525. :[arctic] ártico
  526. :[ardent] ardiente
  527. :[ardently] ardientemente
  528. :[arduous] arduo
  529. :[are] están
  530. :[area] zona
  531. :[arena] arena
  532. :[argon] argón
  533. :[argue] discutir
  534. :[argument] argumento
  535. :[arid] árido
  536. :[arise] aumentar
  537. :[aristocracy] aristocracia
  538. :[ark] arca
  539. :[arm] brazo
  540. :[armament] armamento
  541. :[armature] armadura
  542. :[armchair] Sillón
  543. :[armed] armado
  544. :[armistice] armisticio
  545. :[armless] sin brazos
  546. :[armory] arsenal
  547. :[armour] armadura
  548. :[armpit] axila
  549. :[army] Ejército
  550. :[aroma] aroma
  551. :[around] alrededor
  552. :[arouse] despertar
  553. :[arraignment] acusación
  554. :[arrange] arreglar
  555. :[arrangement] arreglo
  556. :[array] formación
  557. :[arrears] atrasos
  558. :[arrest] arrestar
  559. :[arrival] llegada
  560. :[arrive] llegar
  561. :[arriving] llegando
  562. :[arrogance] arrogancia
  563. :[arrogant] arrogante
  564. :[arrow] flecha
  565. :[arson] incendio provocado
  566. :[arsonist] incendiario
  567. :[art] Arte
  568. :[artery] artería
  569. :[artful] ingenioso
  570. :[article] artículo
  571. :[articulate] articular
  572. :[artificial] artificial
  573. :[artillery] artillería
  574. :[artist] artista
  575. :[artistic] artístico
  576. :[artless] simple
  577. :[artsy] artístico
  578. :[as] como
  579. :[ascend] ascender
  580. :[ascension] ascensión
  581. :[ascertain] cerciorarse
  582. :[ash] ceniza
  583. :[ashame] es una pena
  584. :[ashes] despojos mortales
  585. :[ashore] en tierra
  586. :[ashtray] cenicero
  587. :[ashy] ceniciento
  588. :[aside] aparte
  589. :[ask] pedir
  590. :[askew] torcido
  591. :[asking] pidiendo
  592. :[asleep] dormido
  593. :[asparagus] espárragos
  594. :[aspect] aspecto
  595. :[aspen] álamo temblón
  596. :[asperity] aspereza
  597. :[aspirant] aspirante
  598. :[aspiration] aspiración
  599. :[aspirin] aspirina
  600. :[assail] atacar
  601. :[assassin] asesino
  602. :[assassination] asesinato
  603. :[assault] asalto
  604. :[assembly] montaje
  605. :[assent] asentir
  606. :[assert] afirmar
  607. :[assertive] positivo
  608. :[assessment] evaluación
  609. :[asset] activo
  610. :[assign] asignar
  611. :[assignment] asignación
  612. :[assimilate] asimilar
  613. :[assist] ayudar
  614. :[assistance] asistencia
  615. :[assistant] asistente
  616. :[associate] asociar
  617. :[association] asociación
  618. :[assort] clasificar
  619. :[assortment] surtido
  620. :[assuage] calmar
  621. :[assume] asumir
  622. :[assumption] suposición
  623. :[assumptive] supuesto
  624. :[assurance] garantía
  625. :[assure] asegurar
  626. :[assuredness] seguridad
  627. :[asthma] asma
  628. :[astonishing] asombroso
  629. :[astound] asombrar
  630. :[astray] por mal camino
  631. :[astronaut] astronauta
  632. :[asunder] en pedazos
  633. :[asylum] asilo
  634. :[at] a
  635. :[ate] comió
  636. :[atheism] ateísmo
  637. :[athlete] atleta
  638. :[athletic] atlético
  639. :[atmosphere] atmósfera
  640. :[atomic] atómico
  641. :[atonement] expiación
  642. :[atrocious] atroz
  643. :[atrocity] atrocidad
  644. :[attached] adjunto
  645. :[attachment] adjunto
  646. :[attack] ataque
  647. :[attain] alcanzar
  648. :[attempt] intento
  649. :[attend] asistir
  650. :[attendance] asistencia
  651. :[attendant] asistente
  652. :[attending] asistiendo
  653. :[attention] atención
  654. :[attentive] atento
  655. :[attenuate] atenuar
  656. :[attest] dar fe
  657. :[attestation] atestación
  658. :[attic] ático
  659. :[attire] atuendo
  660. :[attitude] actitud
  661. :[attorney] abogado
  662. :[attract] atraer
  663. :[attraction] atracción
  664. :[attractive] atractivo
  665. :[attribute] atributo
  666. :[attrition] desgaste
  667. :[attune] armonizar
  668. :[aubergine] berenjena
  669. :[auction] subasta
  670. :[audacious] audaz
  671. :[audacity] audacia
  672. :[audible] audible
  673. :[audibly] de modo audible
  674. :[audience] audiencia
  675. :[audio] audio
  676. :[audition] audición
  677. :[auditioning] audicionando
  678. :[auditory] auditivo
  679. :[augment] aumentar
  680. :[August] agosto
  681. :[aunt] tía
  682. :[auntie] tía
  683. :[aura] aura
  684. :[auspice] auspicio
  685. :[austerity] austeridad
  686. :[authentic] auténtico
  687. :[author] autor
  688. :[authorities] autoridades
  689. :[authority] autoridad
  690. :[authorization] autorización
  691. :[authorized] autorizado
  692. :[auto] auto
  693. :[autograph] autógrafo
  694. :[automatic] automático
  695. :[automatically] automáticamente
  696. :[automobile] automóvil
  697. :[autopsy] autopsia
  698. :[autumn] otoño
  699. :[auxiliary] auxiliar
  700. :[avail] aprovechar
  701. :[available] disponible
  702. :[avalanche] avalancha
  703. :[avenge] vengar
  704. :[avenue] avenida
  705. :[average] promedio
  706. :[aversion] aversión
  707. :[avert] evitar
  708. :[aviation] aviación
  709. :[avid] ávido
  710. :[avoid] evitar
  711. :[avouch] afirmar
  712. :[avow] confesar
  713. :[await] esperar
  714. :[awaiting] esperando
  715. :[awake] despierto
  716. :[award] otorgar
  717. :[aware] consciente
  718. :[awareness] conciencia
  719. :[away] lejos
  720. :[awe] temor
  721. :[aweless] imperturbable
  722. :[awesome] increíble
  723. :[awful] horrible
  724. :[awfully] muy
  725. :[awhile] Un rato
  726. :[awkward] incómodo
  727. :[axe] hacha
  728. :[axis] eje
  729. :[babble] balbucear
  730. :[baby] bebé
  731. :[babysitter] niñera
  732. :[babysitting] niñera
  733. :[bachelor] soltero
  734. :[back] espalda
  735. :[backache] dolor de espalda
  736. :[backfire] petardeo
  737. :[background] antecedentes
  738. :[backpack] mochila
  739. :[backseat] asiento trasero
  740. :[backstage] entre bastidores
  741. :[backup] respaldo
  742. :[backwards] hacia atrás
  743. :[backyard] patio interior
  744. :[bacon] tocino
  745. :[bacteria] bacterias
  746. :[bad] malo
  747. :[badge] Insignia
  748. :[badger] tejón
  749. :[badly] gravemente
  750. :[bag] bolso
  751. :[bagel] rosquilla
  752. :[baggage] equipaje
  753. :[baggy] holgado
  754. :[bagpipe] cornamusa
  755. :[bail] fianza
  756. :[bailed] rescatado
  757. :[bailey] muralla exterior
  758. :[bailiff] alguacil
  759. :[bait] carnada
  760. :[bake] hornear
  761. :[baker] panadero
  762. :[bakery] panadería
  763. :[baking] horneando
  764. :[balance] equilibrio
  765. :[balanced] equilibrado
  766. :[balcony] balcón
  767. :[bald] calvo
  768. :[bale] bala
  769. :[balk] obstáculo
  770. :[ball] bola
  771. :[ballet] ballet
  772. :[ballistic] balístico
  773. :[balloon] globo
  774. :[ballot] votación
  775. :[ballroom] salón de baile
  776. :[balm] bálsamo
  777. :[baloney] camelo
  778. :[bamboo] bambú
  779. :[ban] prohibición
  780. :[banal] banal
  781. :[banana] Plátano
  782. :[band] banda
  783. :[bandage] vendaje
  784. :[bane] perdición
  785. :[bang] estallido
  786. :[banging] golpeando
  787. :[banish] desterrar
  788. :[bank] Banco
  789. :[banker] banquero
  790. :[banking] bancario
  791. :[bankrupt] arruinado
  792. :[banned] prohibido
  793. :[banner] bandera
  794. :[banquet] banquete
  795. :[banter] broma
  796. :[baptism] bautismo
  797. :[baptize] bautizar
  798. :[bar] bar
  799. :[barb] lengüeta
  800. :[barbarian] bárbaro
  801. :[barbecue] parilla
  802. :[barber] Barbero
  803. :[bare] desnudo
  804. :[barefoot] descalzo
  805. :[barely] apenas
  806. :[bargain] negociar
  807. :[bargaining] negociación
  808. :[barge] barcaza
  809. :[bark] ladrar
  810. :[barley] cebada
  811. :[barn] granero
  812. :[barracks] cuartel
  813. :[barrel] barril
  814. :[barren] estéril
  815. :[barricade] barricada
  816. :[barrier] barrera
  817. :[barrister] abogado
  818. :[barter] permuta
  819. :[base] base
  820. :[baseball] béisbol
  821. :[baseless] infundado
  822. :[basement] sótano
  823. :[bash] intento
  824. :[bashful] tímido
  825. :[basic] básico
  826. :[basically] básicamente
  827. :[basin] cuenca
  828. :[basis] base
  829. :[bask] disfrutar
  830. :[basket] cesta
  831. :[basketball] baloncesto
  832. :[bass] bajo
  833. :[bat] murciélago
  834. :[batch] lote
  835. :[bate] solución alcalina
  836. :[bath] baño
  837. :[bathe] bañarse
  838. :[bathroom] cuarto de baño
  839. :[bathtub] bañera
  840. :[batter] masa
  841. :[battery] batería
  842. :[battle] batalla
  843. :[bay] Bahía
  844. :[bayonet] bayoneta
  845. :[bazaar] bazar
  846. :[be] ser
  847. :[beach] playa
  848. :[beacon] Faro
  849. :[bead] talón
  850. :[beak] pico
  851. :[beam] Haz
  852. :[bean] frijol
  853. :[bear] soportar
  854. :[beard] barba
  855. :[bearer] portador
  856. :[bearing] soportando
  857. :[beast] bestia
  858. :[beastly] bestial
  859. :[beat] derrotar
  860. :[beaten] vencido
  861. :[beautiful] hermosa
  862. :[beautifully] hermosamente
  863. :[beautify] embellecer
  864. :[beauty] belleza
  865. :[beaver] castor
  866. :[became] se convirtió
  867. :[because] porque
  868. :[beck] arroyo
  869. :[become] volverse
  870. :[becoming] convirtiéndose
  871. :[bed] cama
  872. :[bedding] lecho
  873. :[bedevil] molestar
  874. :[bedridden] postrado en cama
  875. :[bedroom] Cuarto
  876. :[bedside] cabecera
  877. :[bedtime] hora de acostarse
  878. :[bee] abeja
  879. :[beech] haya
  880. :[beef] carne de res
  881. :[beefy] fornido
  882. :[beehive] Colmena
  883. :[been] estado
  884. :[beep] bip
  885. :[beeper] localizador
  886. :[beer] cerveza
  887. :[beetle] escarabajo
  888. :[beetroot] raíz de remolacha
  889. :[before] antes de
  890. :[beforehand] antemano
  891. :[befriend] ofrecer amistad
  892. :[beg] mendigar
  893. :[beggarly] miserable
  894. :[begging] mendicidad
  895. :[begin] empezar
  896. :[beginner] principiante
  897. :[beginning] comienzo
  898. :[begrudge] envidiar
  899. :[behalf] en nombre de
  900. :[behave] comportarse
  901. :[behaviour] comportamiento
  902. :[behead] decapitar
  903. :[behind] detrás
  904. :[behold] Mirad
  905. :[beige] beige
  906. :[being] ser
  907. :[belief] creencia
  908. :[believable] creíble
  909. :[believe] creer
  910. :[believer] creyente
  911. :[bell] campana
  912. :[bellow] bramido
  913. :[belly] barriga
  914. :[belong] pertenecer
  915. :[belonging] pertenencia
  916. :[beloved] amado
  917. :[below] debajo
  918. :[belt] cinturón
  919. :[bench] mesa de trabajo
  920. :[bend] curva
  921. :[bending] doblando
  922. :[beneath] bajo
  923. :[benediction] bendición
  924. :[benefactor] benefactor
  925. :[beneficial] beneficioso
  926. :[benefit] beneficio
  927. :[benevolence] benevolencia
  928. :[benevolent] benevolente
  929. :[benign] benigno
  930. :[benignity] benignidad
  931. :[bent] doblado
  932. :[berch] berch
  933. :[bereave] privar
  934. :[berry] baya
  935. :[berth] atracar
  936. :[berth] atracar
  937. :[beseech] implorar
  938. :[beset] acosar
  939. :[beside] junto a
  940. :[besides] además
  941. :[besiege] sitiar
  942. :[best] mejor
  943. :[bestow] otorgar
  944. :[bet] apuesta
  945. :[betray] traicionar
  946. :[betrayal] traición
  947. :[betraying] traicionando
  948. :[better] mejor
  949. :[betting] apuesta
  950. :[between] Entre
  951. :[beverage] bebida
  952. :[beware] tener cuidado
  953. :[bewitch] hechizar
  954. :[beyond] más allá de
  955. :[biased] tendencioso
  956. :[Bible] Biblia
  957. :[bicycle] bicicleta
  958. :[bid] licitación
  959. :[big] grande
  960. :[bigger] más grande
  961. :[biggest] más grande
  962. :[big-hearted] gran corazón
  963. :[bigot] fanático
  964. :[bike] bicicleta
  965. :[bikini] bikini
  966. :[bilateral] bilateral
  967. :[bile] bilis
  968. :[bilingual] bilingüe
  969. :[bill] factura
  970. :[billboard] cartelera
  971. :[billiards] billar
  972. :[billion] mil millones
  973. :[bin] compartimiento
  974. :[bind] unir
  975. :[binding] vinculante
  976. :[biography] biografía
  977. :[biological] biológico
  978. :[biology] biología
  979. :[biopsy] biopsia
  980. :[birch] abedul
  981. :[bird] pájaro
  982. :[birth] nacimiento
  983. :[birthday] cumpleaños
  984. :[biscuit] galleta
  985. :[bishop] obispo
  986. :[bit] poco
  987. :[bite] morder
  988. :[bite-size] tamaño de bocado
  989. :[bitten] mordido
  990. :[bitter] amargo
  991. :[bitterness] amargura
  992. :[bitty] fragmentario
  993. :[bizarre] extraño
  994. :[black] negro
  995. :[blackboard] pizarra
  996. :[blackcurrant] grosella negra
  997. :[blacked] ennegrecido
  998. :[blackmail] chantaje
  999. :[blackmailing] chantajear
  1000. :[blackness] negrura
  1001. :[blackout] apagón
  1002. :[bladder] vejiga
  1003. :[blade] espada
  1004. :[blame] culpar
  1005. :[blameless] inocente
  1006. :[blank] blanco
  1007. :[blanket] manta
  1008. :[blare] estruendo
  1009. :[blaspheme] blasfemar
  1010. :[blast] explosión
  1011. :[blaze] resplandor
  1012. :[bleach] blanqueador
  1013. :[bleak] desolado
  1014. :[bleat] balido
  1015. :[bleed] sangrar
  1016. :[bleeding] sangrado
  1017. :[blemish] defecto
  1018. :[blend] mezcla
  1019. :[blender] licuadora
  1020. :[bless] bendecir
  1021. :[blessing] bendición
  1022. :[blind] ciego
  1023. :[blindly] a ciegas
  1024. :[blindness] ceguera
  1025. :[blink] parpadear
  1026. :[bliss] felicidad
  1027. :[blissful] feliz
  1028. :[blister] ampolla
  1029. :[blizzard] tormenta de nieve
  1030. :[bloat] inflar
  1031. :[block] cuadra
  1032. :[blocking] bloqueo
  1033. :[bloke] tipo
  1034. :[blonde] Rubio
  1035. :[blood] sangre
  1036. :[bloodless] incruento
  1037. :[bloody] sangriento
  1038. :[bloom] florecer
  1039. :[blossom] florecer
  1040. :[blot] mancha
  1041. :[blotch] mancha
  1042. :[blouse] blusa
  1043. :[blow] soplo
  1044. :[blown] estropeado
  1045. :[blubber] grasa de ballena
  1046. :[blue] azul
  1047. :[blueberry] arándano
  1048. :[bluff] bluff
  1049. :[bluffy] azuloso
  1050. :[bluish] azulado
  1051. :[blunder] torpeza
  1052. :[blunt] desafilado
  1053. :[blur] difuminar
  1054. :[blush] rubor
  1055. :[blushing] rubor
  1056. :[bluster] fanfarronear
  1057. :[boar] Jabali
  1058. :[board] tablero
  1059. :[boast] presumir
  1060. :[boastful] jactancioso
  1061. :[boat] barco
  1062. :[bob] Beto
  1063. :[bodily] corporal
  1064. :[body] cuerpo
  1065. :[bodyguard] guardaespaldas
  1066. :[bog] pantano
  1067. :[bogus] falso
  1068. :[boil] hervir
  1069. :[boiler] caldera
  1070. :[boiling] hirviendo
  1071. :[boisterous] bullicioso
  1072. :[bold] negrita
  1073. :[bolt] tornillo
  1074. :[bond] vínculo
  1075. :[bone] hueso
  1076. :[bonfire] hoguera
  1077. :[bonnet] capó
  1078. :[bonus] prima
  1079. :[book] libro
  1080. :[bookcase] estantería
  1081. :[booking] reserva
  1082. :[bookstore] librería
  1083. :[bookworm] ratón de biblioteca
  1084. :[boom] auge
  1085. :[boost] aumentar
  1086. :[boot] bota
  1087. :[booth] puesto
  1088. :[boots] botas
  1089. :[booty] botín
  1090. :[booze] bebida alcohólica
  1091. :[border] frontera
  1092. :[bore] aburrir
  1093. :[bored] aburrido
  1094. :[boredom] aburrimiento
  1095. :[boring] aburrido
  1096. :[born] Nació
  1097. :[borough] ciudad
  1098. :[borrow] pedir prestado
  1099. :[borrowing] préstamo
  1100. :[boss] patrón
  1101. :[bossy] mandón
  1102. :[botany] botánica
  1103. :[both] ambos
  1104. :[bother] molestar
  1105. :[bottle] botella
  1106. :[bottled] embotellado
  1107. :[bottom] fondo
  1108. :[bough] rama
  1109. :[boulevard] bulevar
  1110. :[bounce] bote
  1111. :[bouncing] rebote
  1112. :[bound] ligado
  1113. :[boundary] Perímetro
  1114. :[bounty] generosidad
  1115. :[bouquet] ramo
  1116. :[bout] combate
  1117. :[boutique] boutique
  1118. :[bow] inclinarse
  1119. :[bowel] intestino
  1120. :[bowl] bol
  1121. :[bowling] bolos
  1122. :[box] caja
  1123. :[boxer] Boxer
  1124. :[boxing] boxeo
  1125. :[box-office] taquilla
  1126. :[boy] chico
  1127. :[boycott] boicotear
  1128. :[boyfriend] novio
  1129. :[boyish] infantil
  1130. :[bra] sostén
  1131. :[brace] abrazadera
  1132. :[bracelet] pulsera
  1133. :[bracket] soporte
  1134. :[brag] jactarse
  1135. :[bragging] fanfarronería
  1136. :[braid] trenza
  1137. :[brain] cerebro
  1138. :[brainless] estúpido
  1139. :[brainpower] capacidad intelectual
  1140. :[brains] sesos
  1141. :[brainwash] lavar el cerebro
  1142. :[brake] freno
  1143. :[branch] rama
  1144. :[brand] marca
  1145. :[brand-new] Para estrenar
  1146. :[brandy] brandy
  1147. :[brash] temerario
  1148. :[brass] latón
  1149. :[brave] Bravo
  1150. :[brazen] descarado
  1151. :[breach] incumplimiento
  1152. :[bread] pan de molde
  1153. :[breadth] amplitud
  1154. :[break] rotura
  1155. :[breakdown] desglose
  1156. :[breaker] interruptor automático
  1157. :[breakfast] desayuno
  1158. :[breaking] rotura
  1159. :[breakthrough] descubrimiento
  1160. :[breakup] ruptura
  1161. :[breast] seno
  1162. :[breastfeeding] amamantamiento
  1163. :[breath] aliento
  1164. :[breathe] respirar
  1165. :[breather] descanso
  1166. :[breathing] respiración
  1167. :[breathtaking] asombroso
  1168. :[breed] raza
  1169. :[breeding] cría
  1170. :[breeze] brisa
  1171. :[brevity] brevedad
  1172. :[brew] elaborar cerveza
  1173. :[bribe] soborno
  1174. :[bribery] soborno
  1175. :[brick] ladrillo
  1176. :[bridal] nupcial
  1177. :[bride] novia
  1178. :[bridesmaid] dama de honor
  1179. :[bridge] puente
  1180. :[brief] breve
  1181. :[briefcase] maletín
  1182. :[briefing] instrucciones
  1183. :[briefly] brevemente
  1184. :[bright] brillante
  1185. :[brighten] aclarar
  1186. :[brightest] mas brillante
  1187. :[brilliance] brillantez
  1188. :[brilliant] brillante
  1189. :[brim] borde
  1190. :[bring] traer
  1191. :[brink] borde
  1192. :[brisk] enérgico
  1193. :[bristle] cerda
  1194. :[British] británico
  1195. :[brittle] frágil
  1196. :[broad] amplio
  1197. :[broadcast] transmisión
  1198. :[broadsheet] sábana
  1199. :[brochure] folleto
  1200. :[broke] rompió
  1201. :[broken] roto
  1202. :[broker] corredor
  1203. :[bronze] bronce
  1204. :[brooch] broche
  1205. :[brood] cría
  1206. :[brook] arroyo
  1207. :[broom] Escoba
  1208. :[broth] caldo
  1209. :[brother] hermano
  1210. :[brotherhood] fraternidad
  1211. :[brother-in-law] cuñado
  1212. :[brow] frente
  1213. :[brown] marrón
  1214. :[browse] navegar
  1215. :[bruise] moretón
  1216. :[bruised] magullado
  1217. :[brunch] desayuno tardío
  1218. :[brunette] morena
  1219. :[brush] cepillar
  1220. :[brutal] brutal
  1221. :[brute] bruto
  1222. :[bubble] burbuja
  1223. :[bubbly] burbujeante
  1224. :[buck] dólar
  1225. :[bucket] Cubeta
  1226. :[buckle] hebilla
  1227. :[buckle] hebilla
  1228. :[bud] brote
  1229. :[buddy] compañero
  1230. :[budge] ceder
  1231. :[budget] presupuesto
  1232. :[buff] fuerte
  1233. :[buffet] bufé
  1234. :[bug] insecto
  1235. :[build] construir
  1236. :[building] edificio
  1237. :[built] construido
  1238. :[built-in] incorporado
  1239. :[bulb] bulbo
  1240. :[bulging] abultado
  1241. :[bulk] a granel
  1242. :[bull] Toro
  1243. :[bulldog] buldog
  1244. :[bullet] bala
  1245. :[bulletin] boletín
  1246. :[bully] matón
  1247. :[bullying] intimidación
  1248. :[bum] culo
  1249. :[bummer] gorrón
  1250. :[bump] protuberancia
  1251. :[bumper] parachoque
  1252. :[bumpy] abultado
  1253. :[bun] bollo
  1254. :[bunch] racimo
  1255. :[bundle] manojo
  1256. :[bunk] litera
  1257. :[bunker] búnker
  1258. :[bunny] conejito
  1259. :[buoyancy] flotabilidad
  1260. :[burden] carga
  1261. :[bureau] oficina
  1262. :[bureaucracy] burocracia
  1263. :[burger] hamburguesa
  1264. :[burglar] ladrón
  1265. :[burglary] robo
  1266. :[burial] entierro
  1267. :[burka] burka
  1268. :[burn] quemar
  1269. :[burns] quemaduras
  1270. :[burnt] quemado
  1271. :[burp] eructar
  1272. :[burst] Estallar
  1273. :[bursting] muy lleno
  1274. :[bury] enterrar
  1275. :[bus] autobús
  1276. :[bush] arbusto
  1277. :[business] negocio
  1278. :[businessman] empresario
  1279. :[bust] busto
  1280. :[bustle] bullicio
  1281. :[busy] ocupado
  1282. :[but] pero
  1283. :[butcher] carnicero
  1284. :[butler] mayordomo
  1285. :[butt] extremo
  1286. :[butter] manteca
  1287. :[butterfly] mariposa
  1288. :[button] botón
  1289. :[buy] comprar
  1290. :[buyer] comprador
  1291. :[buzz] zumbido
  1292. :[buzzing] zumbido
  1293. :[by] por
  1294. :[bye] adiós
  1295. :[bygone] pasado
  1296. :[bypass] derivación
  1297. :[bystander] espectador
  1298. :[cab] taxi
  1299. :[cabbage] repollo
  1300. :[cabin] cabina
  1301. :[cabinet] gabinete
  1302. :[cable] cable
  1303. :[cadet] cadete
  1304. :[café] cafetería
  1305. :[cafeteria] cafetería
  1306. :[caffeine] cafeína
  1307. :[cage] jaula
  1308. :[cake] pastel
  1309. :[calamity] calamidad
  1310. :[calculate] calcular
  1311. :[calculation] cálculo
  1312. :[calculator] calculadora
  1313. :[calendar] calendario
  1314. :[calf] ternero
  1315. :[caliber] calibre
  1316. :[call] llama
  1317. :[caller] llamador
  1318. :[calligraphy] caligrafía
  1319. :[calling] vocación
  1320. :[callous] calloso
  1321. :[calm] calma
  1322. :[calmly] tranquilamente
  1323. :[calmness] calma
  1324. :[calorie] caloría
  1325. :[calory] caloría
  1326. :[calumny] calumnia
  1327. :[came] llegó
  1328. :[camel] camello
  1329. :[camera] cámara
  1330. :[camomile] manzanilla
  1331. :[camouflage] camuflaje
  1332. :[camp] acampar
  1333. :[campaign] Campaña
  1334. :[camping] cámping
  1335. :[campus] instalaciones
  1336. :[can] pueden
  1337. :[Canadian] canadiense
  1338. :[canal] canal
  1339. :[canary] canario
  1340. :[cancel] cancelar
  1341. :[cancelling] cancelado
  1342. :[cancer] cáncer
  1343. :[candid] sincero
  1344. :[candidate] candidato
  1345. :[candied] azucarado
  1346. :[candle] vela
  1347. :[candour] candor
  1348. :[candy] caramelo
  1349. :[cane] caña
  1350. :[canned] Enlatado
  1351. :[cannon] cañón
  1352. :[cannot] no poder
  1353. :[canteen] cantina
  1354. :[canvas] lienzo
  1355. :[canvass] sondeo
  1356. :[canyon] cañón
  1357. :[cap] gorra
  1358. :[capability] capacidad
  1359. :[capable] capaz
  1360. :[capacious] espacioso
  1361. :[capacity] capacidad
  1362. :[cape] capa
  1363. :[capital] capital
  1364. :[cappuccino] capuchino
  1365. :[caprice] Capricho
  1366. :[Capricorn] Capricornio
  1367. :[caprize] capricho
  1368. :[captain] capitán
  1369. :[caption] subtítulo
  1370. :[captivate] cautivar
  1371. :[captive] cautivo
  1372. :[captivity] cautiverio
  1373. :[capture] capturar
  1374. :[captured] capturado
  1375. :[car] coche
  1376. :[caravan] caravana
  1377. :[caraway] alcaravea
  1378. :[carbohydrate] carbohidrato
  1379. :[carbon] carbón
  1380. :[carbon] carbón
  1381. :[card] tarjeta
  1382. :[cardboard] cartulina
  1383. :[cardiac] cardíaco
  1384. :[cardinal] cardenal
  1385. :[care] cuidado
  1386. :[career] carrera profesional
  1387. :[careful] Cuidado
  1388. :[carefully] con cuidado
  1389. :[careless] descuidado
  1390. :[caress] caricia
  1391. :[cargo] carga
  1392. :[carious] cariado
  1393. :[carnival] carnaval
  1394. :[carnivorous] carnívoro
  1395. :[carp] carpa
  1396. :[carpenter] carpintero
  1397. :[carpet] alfombra
  1398. :[carriage] carro
  1399. :[carrier] transportador
  1400. :[carrot] zanahoria
  1401. :[carry] llevar
  1402. :[carry on] seguir adelante
  1403. :[carrying] que lleva
  1404. :[carsick] mareado
  1405. :[cart] carro
  1406. :[carter] carretero
  1407. :[carton] caja de cartón
  1408. :[cartoon] dibujos animados
  1409. :[cartrige] cartucho
  1410. :[carve] esculpir
  1411. :[carved] tallado
  1412. :[carver] tallista
  1413. :[cascade] cascada
  1414. :[case] caso
  1415. :[cash] dinero en efectivo
  1416. :[cashier] cajero
  1417. :[cashmere] cachemira
  1418. :[casino] casino
  1419. :[cask] barril
  1420. :[casket] ataúd
  1421. :[casserole] cazuela
  1422. :[cassette] casete
  1423. :[cast] emitir
  1424. :[cast iron] hierro fundido
  1425. :[casting] fundición
  1426. :[castle] castillo
  1427. :[casual] casual
  1428. :[casualty] víctima
  1429. :[cat] gato
  1430. :[catalogue] Catálogo
  1431. :[cataract] catarata
  1432. :[catastrophe] catástrofe
  1433. :[catch] captura
  1434. :[catching] atrapando
  1435. :[catchy] pegadizo
  1436. :[category] categoría
  1437. :[cater] abastecer
  1438. :[caterer] abastecedor
  1439. :[catering] abastecimiento
  1440. :[caterpillar] oruga
  1441. :[cathedral] catedral
  1442. :[catholic] católico
  1443. :[cattish] malicioso
  1444. :[cattle] vacas
  1445. :[caught] atrapó
  1446. :[cauliflower] coliflor
  1447. :[cause] porque
  1448. :[causless] causless
  1449. :[caution] precaución
  1450. :[cautious] cauteloso
  1451. :[cavalry] caballería
  1452. :[cave] cueva
  1453. :[caviar] caviar
  1454. :[cavity] cavidad
  1455. :[caw] graznar
  1456. :[cease] cesar
  1457. :[ceasless] incesante
  1458. :[cedar] cedro
  1459. :[cede] cede
  1460. :[ceiling] techo
  1461. :[celebrate] celebrar
  1462. :[celebration] celebracion
  1463. :[celebrity] celebridad
  1464. :[celery] apio
  1465. :[cell] celda
  1466. :[cellar] cava
  1467. :[cellular] celular
  1468. :[Celsius] Celsius
  1469. :[cement] cemento
  1470. :[cemetery] cementerio
  1471. :[censor] censurar
  1472. :[census] censo
  1473. :[cent] centavo
  1474. :[center] centrar
  1475. :[centered] centrado
  1476. :[centigrade] centígrado
  1477. :[centimetre] centímetro
  1478. :[central] central
  1479. :[centre] centrar
  1480. :[century] siglo
  1481. :[ceramic] cerámico
  1482. :[cereal] cereal
  1483. :[ceremony] ceremonia
  1484. :[certain] cierto
  1485. :[certainly] ciertamente
  1486. :[certificate] certificado
  1487. :[certified] certificado
  1488. :[cessation] cesación
  1489. :[chafe] rozar
  1490. :[chagrin] disgusto
  1491. :[chain] cadena
  1492. :[chained] encadenado
  1493. :[chair] silla
  1494. :[chairman] presidente
  1495. :[chalk] tiza
  1496. :[challenge] desafío
  1497. :[challenging] desafiante
  1498. :[chamber] cámara
  1499. :[champagne] champán
  1500. :[champion] campeón
  1501. :[championship] campeonato
  1502. :[chance] oportunidad
  1503. :[chancellor] canciller
  1504. :[chancy] arriesgado
  1505. :[chandler] velero
  1506. :[change] cambio
  1507. :[changeable] cambiable
  1508. :[changeless] invariable
  1509. :[changing] cambiando
  1510. :[channel] canal
  1511. :[chaos] caos
  1512. :[chap] Cap
  1513. :[chapel] capilla
  1514. :[chapter] capítulo
  1515. :[character] personaje
  1516. :[characteristic] característica
  1517. :[characterize] caracterizar
  1518. :[charge] cargar
  1519. :[charges] cargos
  1520. :[charging] cargando
  1521. :[charitable] Caritativo
  1522. :[charity] caridad
  1523. :[charm] encanto
  1524. :[charming] encantador
  1525. :[chart] gráfico
  1526. :[charter] carta
  1527. :[chase] perseguir
  1528. :[chaste] casto
  1529. :[chastise] castigar
  1530. :[chastisement] castigo
  1531. :[chat] chat
  1532. :[chateau] castillo
  1533. :[chatter] charla
  1534. :[chatterbox] parlanchín
  1535. :[chauffeur] chofer
  1536. :[cheap] barato
  1537. :[cheapen] abaratar
  1538. :[cheaper] más económico
  1539. :[cheat] hacer trampa
  1540. :[cheater] tramposo
  1541. :[cheating] infiel
  1542. :[check] cheque
  1543. :[checkbook] talonario de cheques
  1544. :[check-up] chequeo
  1545. :[cheek] mejilla
  1546. :[cheer] alegría
  1547. :[cheerful] alegre
  1548. :[cheering] aplausos
  1549. :[cheerleader] animador
  1550. :[cheerless] triste
  1551. :[cheery] alegre
  1552. :[cheese] queso
  1553. :[cheesy] caseoso
  1554. :[chef] cocinero
  1555. :[chemical] químico
  1556. :[chemist] químico
  1557. :[chemistry] química
  1558. :[cheque] cheque
  1559. :[cherish] valorar
  1560. :[cherry] cereza
  1561. :[chess] ajedrez
  1562. :[chest] pecho
  1563. :[chestnut] castaña
  1564. :[chew] masticar
  1565. :[chewing] masticación
  1566. :[chic] elegante
  1567. :[chicken] pollo
  1568. :[chief] jefe
  1569. :[child] niño
  1570. :[childbirth] parto
  1571. :[childhood] infancia
  1572. :[childish] infantil
  1573. :[children] niños
  1574. :[chill] enfriar
  1575. :[chilly] frío
  1576. :[chimera] quimera
  1577. :[chimney] Chimenea
  1578. :[chin] barbilla
  1579. :[china] porcelana
  1580. :[Chinese] chino
  1581. :[chip] chip
  1582. :[chips] papas fritas
  1583. :[chirp] chirrido
  1584. :[chisel] cincel
  1585. :[chivalrous] caballerosidad
  1586. :[chocolate] chocolate
  1587. :[choice] elección
  1588. :[choir] coro
  1589. :[choke] ahogo
  1590. :[choose] escoger
  1591. :[chop] picar
  1592. :[chopped] Cortado
  1593. :[chopper] helicóptero
  1594. :[chord] acorde
  1595. :[chore] faena
  1596. :[chorus] coro
  1597. :[chose] eligió
  1598. :[chosen] elegido
  1599. :[christening] bautizo
  1600. :[Christian] cristiano
  1601. :[Christmas] Navidad
  1602. :[chronic] crónico
  1603. :[chunk] pedazo
  1604. :[church] Iglesia
  1605. :[churchyard] cementerio
  1606. :[cider] sidra
  1607. :[cigar] cigarro
  1608. :[cigarette] cigarrillo
  1609. :[cinema] cine
  1610. :[cinnamon] canela
  1611. :[cipher] cifrar
  1612. :[circle] circulo
  1613. :[circuit] circuito
  1614. :[circular] circular
  1615. :[circulation] circulación
  1616. :[circumscribe] circunscribir
  1617. :[circumstance] circunstancia
  1618. :[circumstantial] circunstancial
  1619. :[circumvent] evitar
  1620. :[circus] circo
  1621. :[citizen] ciudadano
  1622. :[city] ciudad
  1623. :[civic] cívico
  1624. :[civil] civil
  1625. :[civilian] civil
  1626. :[civilization] civilización
  1627. :[civilize] civilizar
  1628. :[clack] charla
  1629. :[clad] revestido
  1630. :[claim] afirmar
  1631. :[clairvoyant] clarividente
  1632. :[clam] almeja
  1633. :[clamp] abrazadera
  1634. :[clan] clan
  1635. :[clang] sonido metálico
  1636. :[clap] aplaudir
  1637. :[clarify] aclarar
  1638. :[clarity] claridad
  1639. :[clash] choque
  1640. :[clasp] corchete
  1641. :[class] clase
  1642. :[classic] clásico
  1643. :[classical] clásico
  1644. :[classics] clasicos
  1645. :[classified] clasificado
  1646. :[classify] clasificar
  1647. :[classmate] compañera de clases
  1648. :[classroom] salón de clases
  1649. :[classy] de buen tono
  1650. :[clatter] estrépito
  1651. :[clause] cláusula
  1652. :[claw] garra
  1653. :[clay] arcilla
  1654. :[clean] limpio
  1655. :[cleaner] limpiador
  1656. :[cleaning] limpieza
  1657. :[clear] claro
  1658. :[clearance] autorización
  1659. :[clearing] claro
  1660. :[clearly] claramente
  1661. :[cleave] adherirse
  1662. :[cleaver] cuchilla de carnicero
  1663. :[cleft] hendido
  1664. :[clemency] clemencia
  1665. :[clement] clemente
  1666. :[clench] apretar
  1667. :[clergy] clero
  1668. :[clergyman] clérigo
  1669. :[clerk] empleado
  1670. :[clever] inteligente
  1671. :[cleverness] astucia
  1672. :[cliché] cliché
  1673. :[click] hacer clic
  1674. :[client] cliente
  1675. :[cliff] acantilado
  1676. :[climate] clima
  1677. :[climax] clímax
  1678. :[climb] trepar
  1679. :[climbing] escalada
  1680. :[clinch] clinch
  1681. :[cling] adherirse
  1682. :[clinging] pegajoso
  1683. :[clinic] clínica
  1684. :[clinical] clínico
  1685. :[clip] acortar
  1686. :[clipper] clíper
  1687. :[cloak] capa
  1688. :[cloakroom] guardarropa
  1689. :[clock] reloj
  1690. :[clockwise] agujas del reloj
  1691. :[clod] terrón
  1692. :[clog] obstruir
  1693. :[cloister] claustro
  1694. :[clone] clon
  1695. :[close] cerrar
  1696. :[closely] cercanamente
  1697. :[closeness] cercanía
  1698. :[closest] más cercano
  1699. :[closet] armario
  1700. :[closure] cierre
  1701. :[clot] coágulo
  1702. :[cloth] tela
  1703. :[clothe] vestir
  1704. :[clothing] ropa
  1705. :[clotted] cuajaron
  1706. :[cloud] nube
  1707. :[cloudless] despejado
  1708. :[cloudy] nublado
  1709. :[clout] influencia
  1710. :[clove] Clavo
  1711. :[clown] payaso
  1712. :[club] club
  1713. :[clubhouse] casa club
  1714. :[clue] pista
  1715. :[clueless] despistado
  1716. :[clumsiness] torpeza
  1717. :[clumsy] torpe
  1718. :[cluster] grupo
  1719. :[clutch] embrague
  1720. :[clutter] desorden
  1721. :[coach] entrenador
  1722. :[coal] carbón
  1723. :[coalition] coalición
  1724. :[coarse] grueso
  1725. :[coast] costa
  1726. :[coastline] línea costera
  1727. :[coat] Saco
  1728. :[coax] engatusar
  1729. :[cobbler] zapatero
  1730. :[cockpit] cabina
  1731. :[cockroach] cucaracha
  1732. :[cocktail] cóctel
  1733. :[cocky] engreído
  1734. :[cocoa] cacao
  1735. :[coconut] Coco
  1736. :[cod] bacalao
  1737. :[code] código
  1738. :[cod-liver] hígado de bacalao
  1739. :[coefficient] coeficiente
  1740. :[coercive] coactivo
  1741. :[coexist] coexistir
  1742. :[coffee] café
  1743. :[coffeehouse] cafetería
  1744. :[coffin] ataúd
  1745. :[cogent] convincente
  1746. :[cogitate] meditar
  1747. :[cognate] cognado
  1748. :[cognition] cognición
  1749. :[cognizance] conocimiento
  1750. :[cognizance] conocimiento
  1751. :[cohabit] cohabitar
  1752. :[cohere] adherirse
  1753. :[coherence] coherencia
  1754. :[coherent] coherente
  1755. :[cohort] grupo
  1756. :[coil] bobina
  1757. :[coin] moneda
  1758. :[coincidence] coincidencia
  1759. :[coincident] coincidente
  1760. :[coke] Coca
  1761. :[cola] reajuste salarial
  1762. :[colander] colador
  1763. :[cold] frío
  1764. :[coldness] frialdad
  1765. :[collaborate] colaborar
  1766. :[collapse] colapso
  1767. :[collar] collar
  1768. :[collateral] colateral
  1769. :[colleague] colega
  1770. :[collect] recoger
  1771. :[collecting] coleccionar
  1772. :[collection] colección
  1773. :[collective] colectivo
  1774. :[collector] coleccionista
  1775. :[college] Universidad
  1776. :[collide] chocar
  1777. :[collision] colisión
  1778. :[colloquial] coloquial
  1779. :[cologne] Colonia
  1780. :[colon] colon
  1781. :[colonel] coronel
  1782. :[colonial] colonial
  1783. :[colonialism] colonialismo
  1784. :[colonist] colono
  1785. :[colony] colonia
  1786. :[colossal] colosal
  1787. :[colour] color
  1788. :[coloured] de colores
  1789. :[colourful] vistoso
  1790. :[colourless] incoloro
  1791. :[colt] potro
  1792. :[column] columna
  1793. :[columnist] columnista
  1794. :[coma] coma
  1795. :[comb] peine
  1796. :[combat] combate
  1797. :[combination] combinación
  1798. :[combine] combinar
  1799. :[combustible] combustible
  1800. :[come] venir
  1801. :[comeback] Vuelve
  1802. :[comedian] cómico
  1803. :[comedy] comedia
  1804. :[comely] gentil
  1805. :[comet] cometa
  1806. :[comfort] comodidad
  1807. :[comfortable] cómodo
  1808. :[comfortless] incómodo
  1809. :[comfy] confortable
  1810. :[comic] cómic
  1811. :[comma] coma
  1812. :[command] mando
  1813. :[commander] comandante
  1814. :[commandment] mandamiento
  1815. :[commemorate] conmemorar
  1816. :[commence] comenzar
  1817. :[comment] comentario
  1818. :[commentary] comentario
  1819. :[commerce] comercio
  1820. :[commercial] comercial
  1821. :[commiserate] compadecer
  1822. :[commission] comisión
  1823. :[commissioner] notario
  1824. :[commit] cometer
  1825. :[commitment] compromiso
  1826. :[committed] comprometido
  1827. :[committee] comité
  1828. :[commodity] mercancía
  1829. :[common] común
  1830. :[commonplace] vulgar
  1831. :[commonwealth] mancomunidad
  1832. :[commotion] conmoción
  1833. :[communicate] comunicar
  1834. :[communication] comunicación
  1835. :[community] comunidad
  1836. :[compact] compacto
  1837. :[companion] compañero
  1838. :[company] empresa
  1839. :[comparable] comparable
  1840. :[compare] comparar
  1841. :[comparison] comparación
  1842. :[compartment] compartimiento
  1843. :[compass] Brújula
  1844. :[compassion] compasión
  1845. :[compassionate] compasivo
  1846. :[compatible] compatible
  1847. :[compatriot] compatriota
  1848. :[compel] obligar
  1849. :[compelling] convincente
  1850. :[compensate] compensar
  1851. :[compensation] compensación
  1852. :[compere] presentador
  1853. :[compete] competir
  1854. :[competence] competencia
  1855. :[competent] competente
  1856. :[competition] competencia
  1857. :[competitive] competitivo
  1858. :[compile] compilar
  1859. :[complain] quejar
  1860. :[complaint] queja
  1861. :[complement] complemento
  1862. :[complete] completo
  1863. :[completely] completamente
  1864. :[completion] terminación
  1865. :[complex] complejo
  1866. :[compliance] cumplimiento
  1867. :[complicate] complicar
  1868. :[complication] complicación
  1869. :[compliment] cumplido
  1870. :[complimentary] Complementario
  1871. :[component] componente
  1872. :[compose] componer
  1873. :[composition] composición
  1874. :[compound] compuesto
  1875. :[comprehend] comprender
  1876. :[comprehension] comprensión
  1877. :[comprehensive] exhaustivo
  1878. :[compress] comprimir
  1879. :[comprise] comprender
  1880. :[compromise] compromiso
  1881. :[compulsion] compulsión
  1882. :[compulsive] compulsivo
  1883. :[compute] calcular
  1884. :[computer] computadora
  1885. :[comrade] camarada
  1886. :[con] estafa
  1887. :[conceal] encubrir
  1888. :[concealment] ocultación
  1889. :[concede] conceder
  1890. :[conceited] engreído
  1891. :[conceivable] concebible
  1892. :[conceive] concebir
  1893. :[concentrate] concentrado
  1894. :[concentration] concentración
  1895. :[concept] concepto
  1896. :[concern] preocupación
  1897. :[concerning] sobre
  1898. :[concert] concierto
  1899. :[conciliate] conciliar
  1900. :[concise] conciso
  1901. :[conclude] concluir
  1902. :[conclusion] conclusión
  1903. :[conclusive] concluyente
  1904. :[concord] concordia
  1905. :[concourse] concurso
  1906. :[concourse] concurso
  1907. :[concrete] hormigón
  1908. :[concur] concurrir
  1909. :[concur] concurrir
  1910. :[concur] concurrir
  1911. :[concurrence] concurrencia
  1912. :[concussion] concusión
  1913. :[condemn] condenar
  1914. :[condensed] condensado
  1915. :[condiment] condimento
  1916. :[condition] condición
  1917. :[conditioner] acondicionador
  1918. :[conditions] condiciones
  1919. :[condo] condominio
  1920. :[condole] condolerse
  1921. :[condolences] condolencias
  1922. :[condom] condón
  1923. :[conduct] conducta
  1924. :[conductive] conductivo
  1925. :[conductor] conductor
  1926. :[cone] cono
  1927. :[confectionery] confitería
  1928. :[confederate] confederado
  1929. :[confer] conferir
  1930. :[conference] conferencia
  1931. :[confess] confesar
  1932. :[confession] confesión
  1933. :[confide] confiar
  1934. :[confidence] confianza
  1935. :[confident] seguro
  1936. :[confidential] confidencial
  1937. :[confidentiality] confidencialidad
  1938. :[confine] confinar
  1939. :[confirm] confirmar
  1940. :[confirmation] confirmación
  1941. :[confiscate] confiscar
  1942. :[conflict] conflicto
  1943. :[conform] ajustarse
  1944. :[conformity] conformidad
  1945. :[confound] confundir
  1946. :[confront] confrontar
  1947. :[confrontation] confrontación
  1948. :[confuse] confundir
  1949. :[confused] confundido
  1950. :[confusion] confusión
  1951. :[congest] congestionar
  1952. :[congestion] congestión
  1953. :[congratulate] felicitar
  1954. :[congratulations] Felicidades
  1955. :[congress] congreso
  1956. :[congruous] congruo
  1957. :[conjecture] conjetura
  1958. :[conjunction] conjunción
  1959. :[conjure] conjurar
  1960. :[connate] congénito
  1961. :[connect] conectar
  1962. :[connected] conectado
  1963. :[connecting] conectando
  1964. :[connection] conexión
  1965. :[connoisseur] conocedor
  1966. :[connote] connotar
  1967. :[conquer] conquistar
  1968. :[conscience] conciencia
  1969. :[conscious] consciente
  1970. :[consciousness] conciencia
  1971. :[consecution] consecución
  1972. :[consensus] consenso
  1973. :[consent] consentimiento
  1974. :[consequence] consecuencia
  1975. :[consequently] como consecuencia
  1976. :[conservation] conservación
  1977. :[conservative] conservador
  1978. :[conserve] conservar
  1979. :[consession] consesión
  1980. :[consider] considerar
  1981. :[considerable] considerable
  1982. :[considerably] importantemente
  1983. :[considerate] considerado
  1984. :[consideration] consideración
  1985. :[consignment] envío
  1986. :[consist] consistir
  1987. :[consistency] consistencia
  1988. :[consistent] consistente
  1989. :[consolation] consuelo
  1990. :[console] consola
  1991. :[consonant] consonante
  1992. :[conspicuous] conspicuo
  1993. :[conspiracy] conspiración
  1994. :[constable] alguacil
  1995. :[constant] constante
  1996. :[constantly] constantemente
  1997. :[constellation] constelación
  1998. :[consternation] consternación
  1999. :[constituent] Constitucion
  2000. :[constitute] constituir
  2001. :[constitution] constitución
  2002. :[constitutional] constitucional
  2003. :[constrain] constreñir
  2004. :[constrict] apretar
  2005. :[construct] construir
  2006. :[construction] construcción
  2007. :[constructive] constructivo
  2008. :[construe] interpretar
  2009. :[consulate] consulado
  2010. :[consult] consultar
  2011. :[consultant] consultor
  2012. :[consultation] consulta
  2013. :[consulting] consultante
  2014. :[consume] consumir
  2015. :[consumer] consumidor
  2016. :[consumption] consumo
  2017. :[contact] contacto
  2018. :[contagion] contagio
  2019. :[contagious] contagioso
  2020. :[contain] Contiene
  2021. :[container] envase
  2022. :[contaminate] contaminar
  2023. :[contemn] despreciar
  2024. :[contemplate] contemplar
  2025. :[contemporary] contemporáneo
  2026. :[contempt] desprecio
  2027. :[contend] contender
  2028. :[content] contenido
  2029. :[contented] contento
  2030. :[contentment] contentamiento
  2031. :[contest] concurso
  2032. :[context] contexto
  2033. :[continent] continente
  2034. :[continental] continental
  2035. :[contingent] contingente
  2036. :[continual] continuo
  2037. :[continue] Seguir
  2038. :[continued] continuado
  2039. :[continuing] continuo
  2040. :[continuous] continuo
  2041. :[contraceptive] anticonceptivo
  2042. :[contract] contrato
  2043. :[contraction] contracción
  2044. :[contractor] contratista
  2045. :[contradict] contradecir
  2046. :[contradiction] contradicción
  2047. :[contrary] contrario
  2048. :[contrast] contraste
  2049. :[contribute] contribuir
  2050. :[contribution] contribución
  2051. :[contrivance] estratagema
  2052. :[control] control
  2053. :[controversial] polémico
  2054. :[controversy] controversia
  2055. :[convene] convocar
  2056. :[convenience] conveniencia
  2057. :[convenient] conveniente
  2058. :[conveniently] convenientemente
  2059. :[convent] convento
  2060. :[convention] convención
  2061. :[conventional] convencional
  2062. :[conversation] conversacion
  2063. :[convert] convertir
  2064. :[convertible] convertible
  2065. :[convey] transmitir
  2066. :[convict] condenar
  2067. :[convicted] convicto
  2068. :[conviction] convicción
  2069. :[convince] convencer
  2070. :[convincing] Convincente
  2071. :[cook] cocinera
  2072. :[cooked] cocido
  2073. :[cookery] cocina
  2074. :[cookie] Galleta
  2075. :[cooking] Cocinando
  2076. :[cool] frio
  2077. :[cooler] enfriador
  2078. :[coolest] mas guay
  2079. :[cooper] cobre
  2080. :[cooperate] cooperar
  2081. :[co-operate] cooperar
  2082. :[cooperation] cooperación
  2083. :[cooperative] cooperativa
  2084. :[coordinate] coordinar
  2085. :[co-ordinate] coordinar
  2086. :[cope] afrontar
  2087. :[copied] copiado
  2088. :[copier] copiador
  2089. :[copper] cobre
  2090. :[copy] Copiar
  2091. :[coral] coral
  2092. :[cord] cable
  2093. :[cordial] cordial
  2094. :[core] centro
  2095. :[cork] corcho
  2096. :[corky] taponado
  2097. :[corn] maíz
  2098. :[corner] esquina
  2099. :[cornered] arrinconado
  2100. :[cornflower] florecimiento de maíz
  2101. :[corny] cursi
  2102. :[coronation] coronación
  2103. :[corporal] corporal
  2104. :[corporate] corporativo
  2105. :[corporation] corporación
  2106. :[corpse] cadáver
  2107. :[corpulent] corpulento
  2108. :[correct] correcto
  2109. :[correction] corrección
  2110. :[correctly] correctamente
  2111. :[correlation] correlación
  2112. :[correspond] corresponder
  2113. :[correspondence] correspondencia
  2114. :[corridor] corredor
  2115. :[corrupt] corrupto
  2116. :[corruption] corrupción
  2117. :[cosign] cosignar
  2118. :[cosmetics] productos cosméticos
  2119. :[cosmic] cósmico
  2120. :[cosmopolitan] cosmopolita
  2121. :[cost] costo
  2122. :[costs] costos
  2123. :[costume] disfraz
  2124. :[cosy] acogedor
  2125. :[cottage] cabaña
  2126. :[cotton] algodón
  2127. :[couch] sofá
  2128. :[cough] tos
  2129. :[could] podría
  2130. :[council] Consejo
  2131. :[counsel] consejo
  2132. :[counselling] asesoramiento
  2133. :[counsellor] consejero
  2134. :[count] contar
  2135. :[countdown] cuenta regresiva
  2136. :[countenance] rostro
  2137. :[counter] encimera
  2138. :[counterfeit] falsificación
  2139. :[countess] condesa
  2140. :[counting] contando
  2141. :[countless] incontable
  2142. :[country] país
  2143. :[countryside] campo
  2144. :[county] condado
  2145. :[coup] golpe
  2146. :[couple] Pareja
  2147. :[coupon] cupón
  2148. :[courage] coraje
  2149. :[courageous] valiente
  2150. :[courier] mensajero
  2151. :[course] curso
  2152. :[court] Corte
  2153. :[courtesy] cortesía
  2154. :[courthouse] palacio de justicia
  2155. :[courtroom] sala de justicia
  2156. :[cousin] primo
  2157. :[cove] ensenada
  2158. :[cover] cubrir
  2159. :[coverage] cobertura
  2160. :[covered] cubierto
  2161. :[covering] cubierta
  2162. :[covert] encubierto
  2163. :[covetous] codicioso
  2164. :[cow] vaca
  2165. :[coward] cobarde
  2166. :[cowboy] vaquero
  2167. :[cower] acobardarse
  2168. :[coy] tímido
  2169. :[cozy] acogedor
  2170. :[crab] cangrejo
  2171. :[crack] grieta
  2172. :[cracker] galleta
  2173. :[cracking] agrietamiento
  2174. :[cradle] cuna
  2175. :[craft] artesanía
  2176. :[crag] risco
  2177. :[cram] atestar
  2178. :[cramp] calambre
  2179. :[cranberry] arándano
  2180. :[crane] grua
  2181. :[cranky] de maniático
  2182. :[crap] tonterías
  2183. :[crappy] de mierda
  2184. :[crash] choque
  2185. :[crash down] estrellarse
  2186. :[crate] caja
  2187. :[crater] cráter
  2188. :[crave] pedir
  2189. :[craving] antojo
  2190. :[crawl] gatear
  2191. :[crawling] arrastrándose
  2192. :[crayfish] cangrejo de río
  2193. :[crayon] lápiz de color
  2194. :[craziness] locura
  2195. :[crazy] loco
  2196. :[cream] crema
  2197. :[crease] pliegue
  2198. :[create] crear
  2199. :[creation] creación
  2200. :[creative] creativo
  2201. :[creature] criatura
  2202. :[creche] guardería
  2203. :[credential] credencial
  2204. :[credibility] credibilidad
  2205. :[credit] crédito
  2206. :[credulity] credulidad
  2207. :[credulous] crédulo
  2208. :[creed] credo
  2209. :[creek] Cala
  2210. :[creep] arrastrarse
  2211. :[creeping] progresivo
  2212. :[creepy] Siniestro
  2213. :[cremate] incinerar
  2214. :[crescent] creciente
  2215. :[crest] cresta
  2216. :[crevice] hendedura
  2217. :[crew] tripulación
  2218. :[crib] cuna
  2219. :[cricket] Grillo
  2220. :[crime] crimen
  2221. :[criminal] delincuente
  2222. :[crimpy] ondulado
  2223. :[crimson] carmesí
  2224. :[cripple] lisiado
  2225. :[crippled] lisiado
  2226. :[crisis] crisis
  2227. :[crisp] crujiente
  2228. :[critic] crítico
  2229. :[critical] crítico
  2230. :[criticism] crítica
  2231. :[criticize] criticar
  2232. :[croak] croar
  2233. :[crochet] tejer
  2234. :[crock] vasija
  2235. :[crockery] vajilla
  2236. :[crocodile] cocodrilo
  2237. :[crook] ladrón
  2238. :[crooked] torcido
  2239. :[crop] cultivo
  2240. :[cross] Cruz
  2241. :[crossing] cruce
  2242. :[crossroad] cruce de caminos
  2243. :[crow] Cuervo
  2244. :[crowd] multitud
  2245. :[crown] corona
  2246. :[crucial] crucial
  2247. :[crude] crudo
  2248. :[cruel] cruel
  2249. :[cruelty] crueldad
  2250. :[cruise] crucero
  2251. :[crumb] miga
  2252. :[crummy] sucio
  2253. :[crumple] arruga
  2254. :[crunch] crujido
  2255. :[crusade] cruzada
  2256. :[crush] Persona especial
  2257. :[crushed] aplastada
  2258. :[crushing] aplastante
  2259. :[crust] corteza
  2260. :[crutch] muleta
  2261. :[cry] llorar
  2262. :[crying] llorando
  2263. :[cryptic] críptico
  2264. :[crystal] cristal
  2265. :[cub] cachorro
  2266. :[cube] cubo
  2267. :[cubicle] cubículo
  2268. :[cuckoo] cuco
  2269. :[cucumber] pepino
  2270. :[cuddle] abrazo
  2271. :[cudgel] porra
  2272. :[cue] señal
  2273. :[cuff] brazalete
  2274. :[cuisine] cocina
  2275. :[culinary] culinario
  2276. :[culprit] culpable
  2277. :[cult] culto
  2278. :[cultural] cultural
  2279. :[culture] cultura
  2280. :[cumbersome] incómodo
  2281. :[cunning] astuto
  2282. :[cup] taza
  2283. :[cupboard] alacena
  2284. :[cupcake] magdalena
  2285. :[cupid] Cupido
  2286. :[curb] bordillo
  2287. :[cure] cura
  2288. :[curiosity] curiosidad
  2289. :[curious] curioso
  2290. :[curl] rizo
  2291. :[curly] rizado
  2292. :[currant] grosella
  2293. :[currency] divisa
  2294. :[current] Actual
  2295. :[currently] en la actualidad
  2296. :[curriculum] plan de estudios
  2297. :[curry] curry
  2298. :[curse] maldición
  2299. :[cursed] maldito
  2300. :[curtain] cortina
  2301. :[curve] curva
  2302. :[cushion] amortiguar
  2303. :[custody] custodia
  2304. :[custom] personalizado
  2305. :[customer] cliente
  2306. :[customs] costumbres
  2307. :[cut] Corte
  2308. :[cute] lindo
  2309. :[cuter] mas lindo
  2310. :[cutlery] cuchillería
  2311. :[cutlet] chuleta
  2312. :[cutter] cortador
  2313. :[cyber] cibernético
  2314. :[cycle] ciclo
  2315. :[cylinder] cilindro
  2316. :[cynical] cínico
  2317. :[cypress] ciprés
  2318. :[dad] padre
  2319. :[daffodil] narciso
  2320. :[daft] loco
  2321. :[dagger] daga
  2322. :[daily] diario
  2323. :[dainty] delicado
  2324. :[dairy] lácteos
  2325. :[daisy] margarita
  2326. :[dale] valle
  2327. :[dam] represa
  2328. :[damage] daño
  2329. :[damaged] dañado
  2330. :[damaging] perjudicial
  2331. :[dame] dama
  2332. :[damn] maldita sea
  2333. :[damp] húmedo
  2334. :[dance] danza
  2335. :[dancer] bailarín
  2336. :[dandelion] diente de león
  2337. :[dandy] dandy
  2338. :[Dane] danés
  2339. :[danger] peligro
  2340. :[dangerous] peligroso
  2341. :[dangerously] peligrosamente
  2342. :[dangle] colgar
  2343. :[dare] atrevimiento
  2344. :[daring] atrevido
  2345. :[dark] oscuro
  2346. :[darkness] oscuridad
  2347. :[darling] querida
  2348. :[darn] maldito
  2349. :[dart] dardo
  2350. :[dash] pizca
  2351. :[dashboard] tablero
  2352. :[dashing] apuesto
  2353. :[data] datos
  2354. :[database] base de datos
  2355. :[date] fecha
  2356. :[dated] con fecha de
  2357. :[daub] embadurnar
  2358. :[daughter] hija
  2359. :[daughter-in-law] hijastra
  2360. :[daunt] acobardar
  2361. :[dauntless] intrépido
  2362. :[dawn] amanecer
  2363. :[day] día
  2364. :[Daydream] Ensueño
  2365. :[daydream] ensueño
  2366. :[daylight] luz
  2367. :[daytime] tiempo de día
  2368. :[daze] aturdimiento
  2369. :[dazzle] deslumbrar
  2370. :[deacon] diácono
  2371. :[dead] muerto
  2372. :[deadline] fecha límite
  2373. :[deadly] mortal
  2374. :[deaf] sordo
  2375. :[deal] trato
  2376. :[dealer] distribuidor
  2377. :[dealing] relación comercial
  2378. :[dealt] repartido
  2379. :[dean] decano
  2380. :[dear] querido
  2381. :[dearest] querida
  2382. :[dearly] caro
  2383. :[death] muerte
  2384. :[debark] desembarcar
  2385. :[debatable] discutible
  2386. :[debate] debate
  2387. :[debauch] corromper
  2388. :[debit] débito
  2389. :[debris] escombros
  2390. :[debt] deuda
  2391. :[debut] debut
  2392. :[decade] década
  2393. :[decadence] decadencia
  2394. :[decay] decaer
  2395. :[deceased] fallecido
  2396. :[deceit] engaño
  2397. :[deceive] engañar
  2398. :[deceiving] engañoso
  2399. :[December] diciembre
  2400. :[decency] decencia
  2401. :[decent] bueno
  2402. :[deception] engaño
  2403. :[decide] decidir
  2404. :[decimal] decimal
  2405. :[decision] decisión
  2406. :[decisive] decisivo
  2407. :[deck] plataforma
  2408. :[declaration] declaración
  2409. :[declare] declarar
  2410. :[decline] disminución
  2411. :[decoction] decocción
  2412. :[decompose] descomponer
  2413. :[decorate] Decorar
  2414. :[decorated] decorado
  2415. :[decoration] decoración
  2416. :[decoy] señuelo
  2417. :[decrease] disminución
  2418. :[decree] decreto
  2419. :[dedicate] dedicar
  2420. :[dedicated] dedicado
  2421. :[dedication] Dedicación
  2422. :[deduce] deducir
  2423. :[deduct] deducir
  2424. :[deed] escritura
  2425. :[deem] considerar
  2426. :[deep] profundo
  2427. :[deeply] profundamente
  2428. :[deep-rooted] arraigado
  2429. :[deer] ciervo
  2430. :[deface] desfigurar
  2431. :[default] defecto
  2432. :[defeat] fracaso
  2433. :[defeated] derrotado
  2434. :[defective] defectuoso
  2435. :[defence] defensa
  2436. :[defenceless] indefenso
  2437. :[defend] defender
  2438. :[defendant] acusado
  2439. :[defender] defensor
  2440. :[defense] defensa
  2441. :[defensive] defensivo
  2442. :[defer] aplazar
  2443. :[deference] deferencia
  2444. :[defiance] desafío
  2445. :[deficiency] deficiencia
  2446. :[deficit] déficit
  2447. :[define] definir
  2448. :[definite] definido
  2449. :[definitely] definitivamente
  2450. :[definition] definición
  2451. :[deform] deformar
  2452. :[defrost] descongelar
  2453. :[defy] desafiar
  2454. :[degenerate] degenerar
  2455. :[degradation] degradación
  2456. :[degree] la licenciatura
  2457. :[dehydrated] deshidratado
  2458. :[deity] deidad
  2459. :[dejection] abatimiento
  2460. :[delay] demora
  2461. :[delayed] demorado
  2462. :[delegate] delegar
  2463. :[deliberate] deliberar
  2464. :[deliberately] deliberadamente
  2465. :[delicacy] delicadeza
  2466. :[delicate] delicado
  2467. :[delicatessen] Tiendas Delicatessen
  2468. :[delicious] delicioso
  2469. :[delight] deleite
  2470. :[delighted] contento
  2471. :[delightful] encantador
  2472. :[delinquent] delincuente
  2473. :[deliquency] delincuencia
  2474. :[delirious] delirante
  2475. :[deliver] entregar
  2476. :[delivering] entregando
  2477. :[delivery] entrega
  2478. :[delude] engañar
  2479. :[deluge] diluvio
  2480. :[delusion] engaño
  2481. :[delusional] delirante
  2482. :[demand] demanda
  2483. :[demeanour] comportamiento
  2484. :[demented] demente
  2485. :[demise] fallecimiento
  2486. :[democracy] democracia
  2487. :[democrat] demócrata
  2488. :[democratic] democrático
  2489. :[demolish] demoler
  2490. :[demolition] demolición
  2491. :[demon] demonio
  2492. :[demonic] demoníaco
  2493. :[demonstrate] demostrar
  2494. :[demonstration] demostración
  2495. :[demote] degradar
  2496. :[demure] recatado
  2497. :[den] guarida
  2498. :[denial] negación
  2499. :[denote] denotar
  2500. :[denounce] denunciar
  2501. :[dense] denso
  2502. :[density] densidad
  2503. :[dent] mella
  2504. :[dental] dental
  2505. :[dentist] dentista
  2506. :[denunciation] denuncia
  2507. :[deny] negar
  2508. :[denying] negando
  2509. :[depart] salir
  2510. :[department] Departamento
  2511. :[departure] salida
  2512. :[depend] depender
  2513. :[dependable] confiable
  2514. :[dependent] dependiente
  2515. :[depict] representar
  2516. :[deplete] agotar
  2517. :[deplorable] deplorable
  2518. :[deport] deportar
  2519. :[deposit] depositar
  2520. :[deposition] declaración
  2521. :[depot] deposito
  2522. :[deprave] depravar
  2523. :[depreciate] depreciar
  2524. :[depressed] Deprimido
  2525. :[depressing] deprimente
  2526. :[depression] depresión
  2527. :[deprivation] privación
  2528. :[deprive] privar
  2529. :[depth] profundidad
  2530. :[deputy] diputado
  2531. :[derange] trastornar
  2532. :[derelict] abandonado
  2533. :[deride] ridiculizar
  2534. :[derivative] derivado
  2535. :[derive] derivar
  2536. :[descend] descender
  2537. :[descendent] descendiente
  2538. :[describe] describir
  2539. :[description] descripción
  2540. :[descriptive] descriptivo
  2541. :[desert] Desierto
  2542. :[deserted] abandonado
  2543. :[deserve] merecer
  2544. :[design] diseño
  2545. :[designate] designado
  2546. :[designer] diseñador
  2547. :[designing] diseño
  2548. :[desirable] deseable
  2549. :[desire] deseo
  2550. :[desist] abstenerse
  2551. :[desk] escritorio
  2552. :[desolate] solitario
  2553. :[despair] desesperación
  2554. :[desperate] desesperado
  2555. :[desperately] desesperadamente
  2556. :[desperation] desesperación
  2557. :[despicable] despreciable
  2558. :[despise] despreciar
  2559. :[despite] A pesar de
  2560. :[despot] déspota
  2561. :[dessert] postre
  2562. :[destination] destino
  2563. :[destined] destinado
  2564. :[destiny] destino
  2565. :[destitute] indigente
  2566. :[destroy] destruir
  2567. :[destruct] destruir
  2568. :[destruction] destrucción
  2569. :[destructive] destructivo
  2570. :[detached] separado
  2571. :[detail] detalle
  2572. :[detailed] detallado
  2573. :[detain] detener
  2574. :[detect] detectar
  2575. :[detective] detective
  2576. :[detector] detector
  2577. :[detention] detención
  2578. :[deter] desalentar
  2579. :[detergent] detergente
  2580. :[deteriorate] deteriorarse
  2581. :[determination] determinación
  2582. :[determine] determinar
  2583. :[determined] determinado
  2584. :[deterrent] disuasorio
  2585. :[detest] detestar
  2586. :[detestable] detestable
  2587. :[detour] desvío
  2588. :[detriment] detrimento
  2589. :[devaluation] devaluación
  2590. :[devastated] devastado
  2591. :[devastating] devastador
  2592. :[develop] desarrollar
  2593. :[developed] desarrollado
  2594. :[developing] desarrollando
  2595. :[development] desarrollo
  2596. :[deviate] desviarse
  2597. :[device] dispositivo
  2598. :[devil] demonio
  2599. :[devious] tortuoso
  2600. :[devise] idear
  2601. :[devoid] vacío
  2602. :[devolution] devolución
  2603. :[devoted] devoto
  2604. :[devotion] devoción
  2605. :[devour] devorar
  2606. :[devout] devoto
  2607. :[dew] Rocío
  2608. :[dexterity] destreza
  2609. :[diabete] diabético
  2610. :[diagnose] diagnosticar
  2611. :[diagnosis] diagnóstico
  2612. :[diagram] diagrama
  2613. :[dial] marcar
  2614. :[dialect] dialecto
  2615. :[dialogue] diálogo
  2616. :[diameter] diámetro
  2617. :[diamond] diamante
  2618. :[diaper] pañal
  2619. :[diarrhoea] Diarrea
  2620. :[diary] diario
  2621. :[dice] dado
  2622. :[dictate] dictar
  2623. :[dictation] dictado
  2624. :[dictator] dictador
  2625. :[dictionary] diccionario
  2626. :[die] morir
  2627. :[diet] dieta
  2628. :[dietary] dietético
  2629. :[differ] diferir de
  2630. :[difference] diferencia
  2631. :[different] diferente
  2632. :[differently] diferentemente
  2633. :[difficult] difícil
  2634. :[difficulty] dificultad
  2635. :[diffident] tímido
  2636. :[diffuse] difuso
  2637. :[dig] cavar
  2638. :[digest] digerir
  2639. :[digestion] digestión
  2640. :[digestive] digestivo
  2641. :[digging] excavación
  2642. :[digital] digital
  2643. :[dignify] dignificar
  2644. :[dignity] dignidad
  2645. :[digress] divagar
  2646. :[dilapidation] dilapidación
  2647. :[dilate] dilatar
  2648. :[dilemma] dilema
  2649. :[diligence] diligencia
  2650. :[dill] eneldo
  2651. :[dilute] diluido
  2652. :[dilution] dilución
  2653. :[dim] oscuro
  2654. :[dimension] dimensión
  2655. :[diminish] disminuir
  2656. :[diminution] disminución
  2657. :[dimness] oscuridad
  2658. :[dimple] hoyuelo
  2659. :[din] estruendo
  2660. :[dine] cenar
  2661. :[diner] cena
  2662. :[ding] timbre
  2663. :[dingy] sucio
  2664. :[dining] comida
  2665. :[dining-room] comedor
  2666. :[dinner] cena
  2667. :[dinosaur] dinosaurio
  2668. :[dip] aderezo
  2669. :[diploma] diploma
  2670. :[diplomatic] diplomático
  2671. :[dipping] inmersión
  2672. :[dipping] inmersión
  2673. :[dire] terrible
  2674. :[direct] directo
  2675. :[directed] dirigido
  2676. :[direction] dirección
  2677. :[directly] directamente
  2678. :[directness] franqueza
  2679. :[director] director
  2680. :[dirt] tierra
  2681. :[dirtiness] suciedad
  2682. :[dirty] sucio
  2683. :[disability] discapacidad
  2684. :[disable] desactivar
  2685. :[disadvantage] desventaja
  2686. :[disagree] discrepar
  2687. :[disagreement] desacuerdo
  2688. :[disappear] desaparecer
  2689. :[disappearance] desaparición
  2690. :[disappoint] decepcionar
  2691. :[disappointed] decepcionado
  2692. :[disappointment] decepción
  2693. :[disapproval] desaprobación
  2694. :[disarm] desarmar
  2695. :[disarray] desorden
  2696. :[disaster] desastre
  2697. :[disastrous] desastroso
  2698. :[disavow] repudiar
  2699. :[disbelief] incredulidad
  2700. :[disc] desct
  2701. :[discard] descarte
  2702. :[discern] discernir
  2703. :[discernible] discernible
  2704. :[discharge] descarga
  2705. :[discharged] descargado
  2706. :[disciple] discípulo
  2707. :[disciplinary] disciplinario
  2708. :[discipline] disciplina
  2709. :[disclose] revelar
  2710. :[disco] disco
  2711. :[discomfort] incomodidad
  2712. :[disconnect] desconectar
  2713. :[discontent] descontento
  2714. :[discord] discordia
  2715. :[discount] descuento
  2716. :[discourage] desalentar
  2717. :[discourse] discurso
  2718. :[discourteous] descortés
  2719. :[discover] descubrir
  2720. :[discovering] descubriendo
  2721. :[discovery] descubrimiento
  2722. :[discredit] descrédito
  2723. :[discreet] discreto
  2724. :[discrepancy] discrepancia
  2725. :[discretion] discreción
  2726. :[discrimination] discriminación
  2727. :[discuss] discutir
  2728. :[discussion] discusión
  2729. :[disdain] desdén
  2730. :[disease] enfermedad
  2731. :[disembark] desembarcar
  2732. :[disembody] incorporar
  2733. :[disembroil] desembrollar
  2734. :[disfigure] desfigurar
  2735. :[disgrace] desgracia
  2736. :[disgraceful] vergonzoso
  2737. :[disguise] ocultar
  2738. :[disgust] asco
  2739. :[disgusted] disgustado
  2740. :[disgusting] repugnante
  2741. :[dish] plato
  2742. :[dishearten] desalentar
  2743. :[dishonest] deshonesto
  2744. :[dishonour] deshonra
  2745. :[dishwasher] lavavajillas
  2746. :[dish-water] lavazas
  2747. :[disillusion] desilusión
  2748. :[disingenuous] falso
  2749. :[disinherit] desheredar
  2750. :[disintegrate] desintegrarse
  2751. :[disinterested] desinteresado
  2752. :[disk] disco
  2753. :[dislike] disgusto
  2754. :[disloyal] desleal
  2755. :[dismal] triste
  2756. :[dismantle] desmantelar
  2757. :[dismay] consternación
  2758. :[dismiss] despedir
  2759. :[dismount] desmontar
  2760. :[disobedience] desobediencia
  2761. :[disobey] desobedecer
  2762. :[disorder] trastorno
  2763. :[disorganized] desestructurado
  2764. :[disoriented] desorientado
  2765. :[disparage] menospreciar
  2766. :[disparity] disparidad
  2767. :[dispatch] envío
  2768. :[dispel] disipar
  2769. :[dispense] dispensar
  2770. :[disperse] dispersar
  2771. :[displace] desplazar
  2772. :[display] monitor
  2773. :[displease] desagradar
  2774. :[disposable] desechable
  2775. :[disposal] disposición
  2776. :[dispose] disponer
  2777. :[disprove] refutar
  2778. :[dispute] disputa
  2779. :[disqualify] descalificar
  2780. :[disquiet] desasosiego
  2781. :[disregard] indiferencia
  2782. :[disreputable] de mala fama
  2783. :[disrespect] falta de respeto
  2784. :[disrupt] interrumpir
  2785. :[dissatisfaction] insatisfacción
  2786. :[dissemble] disimular
  2787. :[dissimilar] disímil
  2788. :[dissipate] disipar
  2789. :[dissolve] disolver
  2790. :[distance] distancia
  2791. :[distant] distante
  2792. :[distasteful] desagradable
  2793. :[distil] destilar
  2794. :[distinct] distinto
  2795. :[distinction] distinción
  2796. :[distinguish] distinguir
  2797. :[distinguished] distinguido
  2798. :[distort] distorsionar
  2799. :[distract] distraer
  2800. :[distracted] distraído
  2801. :[distracting] distraer
  2802. :[distraction] distracción
  2803. :[distraction] distracción
  2804. :[distraught] loco
  2805. :[distress] angustia
  2806. :[distribution] distribución
  2807. :[district] distrito
  2808. :[distrust] desconfianza
  2809. :[distrustul] desconfiado
  2810. :[disturb] molestar
  2811. :[disturbance] disturbio
  2812. :[disturbing] perturbador
  2813. :[ditch] zanja
  2814. :[ditto] ídem
  2815. :[dive] bucear
  2816. :[diver] buzo
  2817. :[diverge] divergir
  2818. :[diverse] diverso
  2819. :[diverse] diverso
  2820. :[diversion] desviación
  2821. :[diversity] diversidad
  2822. :[divert] desviar
  2823. :[divide] dividir
  2824. :[divided] dividido
  2825. :[divine] adivinar
  2826. :[diving] buceo
  2827. :[divinity] divinidad
  2828. :[division] división
  2829. :[divorce] divorcio
  2830. :[divorced] divorciado
  2831. :[dizzy] mareado
  2832. :[do] hacer
  2833. :[doable] realizable
  2834. :[dock] muelle
  2835. :[doctor] doctor
  2836. :[doctrine] doctrina
  2837. :[document] documento
  2838. :[documentary] documental
  2839. :[dodge] esquivar
  2840. :[dodgy] astuto
  2841. :[doer] hacedor
  2842. :[does] lo hace
  2843. :[dog] perro
  2844. :[dog-collar] collar de perro
  2845. :[doggie] perrito
  2846. :[doggy] perrito
  2847. :[dole] limosna
  2848. :[doleful] triste
  2849. :[doll] muñeca
  2850. :[dollar] dólar
  2851. :[dolly] muñequita
  2852. :[dolphin] delfín
  2853. :[domain] dominio
  2854. :[dome] Hazme
  2855. :[domestic] Doméstico
  2856. :[domicile] domicilio
  2857. :[dominant] dominante
  2858. :[dominate] dominar
  2859. :[donate] donar
  2860. :[donation] donación
  2861. :[donkey] Burro
  2862. :[donor] donante
  2863. :[donut] rosquilla
  2864. :[doodle] garabatear
  2865. :[doom] condenar
  2866. :[doomed] condenado
  2867. :[door] puerta
  2868. :[doorbell] timbre de la puerta
  2869. :[doorman] portero
  2870. :[doormant] portero
  2871. :[doorstep] peldaño
  2872. :[doorway] puerta
  2873. :[dope] droga
  2874. :[dormitory] dormitorio
  2875. :[dosage] Dosis
  2876. :[dose] dosis
  2877. :[dot] punto
  2878. :[double] doble
  2879. :[doubly] doblemente
  2880. :[doubt] duda
  2881. :[doubtful] dudoso
  2882. :[dough] masa
  2883. :[doughnut] rosquilla
  2884. :[dove] paloma
  2885. :[down] abajo
  2886. :[download] descargar
  2887. :[downright] completamente
  2888. :[downstairs] abajo
  2889. :[downtown] centro
  2890. :[downward] hacia abajo
  2891. :[dowry] dote
  2892. :[doze] dormitar
  2893. :[dozen] docena
  2894. :[draft] borrador
  2895. :[drag] arrastrar
  2896. :[dragon] continuar
  2897. :[drain] drenar
  2898. :[drake] pato
  2899. :[drama] drama
  2900. :[dramatic] dramático
  2901. :[drank] bebió
  2902. :[drape] cubrir
  2903. :[drastic] drástico
  2904. :[draught] Barril
  2905. :[draw] dibujar
  2906. :[drawback] retirarse
  2907. :[drawer] cajón
  2908. :[drawing] dibujo
  2909. :[drawn] dibujado
  2910. :[dreadful] terrible
  2911. :[dream] sueño
  2912. :[dreamt] soñado
  2913. :[drench] empapar
  2914. :[dress] vestido
  2915. :[dressed] vestido
  2916. :[dresser] vestidor
  2917. :[dressing] vendaje
  2918. :[dried] seco
  2919. :[drift] deriva
  2920. :[drill] taladro
  2921. :[drink] bebida
  2922. :[drip] goteo
  2923. :[dripping] goteo
  2924. :[drive] conducir
  2925. :[driven] impulsado
  2926. :[driver] conductor
  2927. :[driveway] entrada de coches
  2928. :[driving] conduciendo
  2929. :[drizzle] llovizna
  2930. :[drone] zumbido
  2931. :[droop] inclinarse
  2932. :[drop] soltar
  2933. :[dropper] cuentagotas
  2934. :[drops] gotas
  2935. :[drought] sequía
  2936. :[drove] condujo
  2937. :[drown] ahogar
  2938. :[drowsy] soñoliento
  2939. :[drudgery] trabajo penoso
  2940. :[drug] droga
  2941. :[drugged] drogado
  2942. :[drum] tambor
  2943. :[drummer] batería
  2944. :[drunk] borracho
  2945. :[drunkard] borracho
  2946. :[drunken] borracho
  2947. :[dry] seco
  2948. :[dryer] secadora
  2949. :[dual] doble
  2950. :[dub] doblar
  2951. :[dubious] dudoso
  2952. :[duchess] duquesa
  2953. :[duck] Pato
  2954. :[duct] conducto
  2955. :[due] vencer
  2956. :[dug] excavado
  2957. :[duke] duque
  2958. :[dull] tedioso
  2959. :[duly] debidamente
  2960. :[dumb] tonta
  2961. :[dumbest] más tonto
  2962. :[dummy] ficticio
  2963. :[dump] vertedero
  2964. :[dumpling] bola de masa hervida
  2965. :[dune] duna
  2966. :[dung] estiércol
  2967. :[dungeon] calabozo
  2968. :[dunk] remojar
  2969. :[duplicate] duplicar
  2970. :[durable] durable
  2971. :[during] durante
  2972. :[dusk] oscuridad
  2973. :[dust] polvo
  2974. :[dusty] polvoriento
  2975. :[Dutch] holandés
  2976. :[duty] deber
  2977. :[dwarf] enano
  2978. :[dwell] residir
  2979. :[dwelling] vivienda
  2980. :[dye] teñir
  2981. :[dying] muriendo
  2982. :[dynamic] dinámica
  2983. :[dynamite] dinamita
  2984. :[dynasty] dinastía
  2985. :[dysentery] disentería
  2986. :[dysfunctional] disfuncional
  2987. :[each] cada
  2988. :[eager] entusiasta
  2989. :[eagle] Águila
  2990. :[ear] oreja
  2991. :[earl] conde
  2992. :[earlap] orejera
  2993. :[earlobe] lóbulo de oreja
  2994. :[early] temprano
  2995. :[earn] ganar
  2996. :[earnest] serio
  2997. :[earnings] ganancias
  2998. :[earphones] auriculares
  2999. :[earring] arete
  3000. :[earth] tierra
  3001. :[earthquake] terremoto
  3002. :[earthy] terroso
  3003. :[ease] facilidad
  3004. :[easel] caballete
  3005. :[easier] más fácil
  3006. :[easiest] mas facil
  3007. :[easily] fácilmente
  3008. :[east] este
  3009. :[Easter] Pascua de Resurrección
  3010. :[eastern] oriental
  3011. :[easy] fácil
  3012. :[easygoing] de trato fácil
  3013. :[eat] come
  3014. :[eatable] comestible
  3015. :[eaten] comido
  3016. :[eater] comensal
  3017. :[eavesdrop] escuchar a escondidas
  3018. :[eavesdropping] escuchando a escondidas
  3019. :[ebony] ébano
  3020. :[e-book] libro electronico
  3021. :[eccentric] excéntrico
  3022. :[echo] eco
  3023. :[eclipse] eclipse
  3024. :[ecology] ecología
  3025. :[economic] económico
  3026. :[economical] económico
  3027. :[economics] ciencias económicas
  3028. :[economy] economía
  3029. :[ecstasy] éxtasis
  3030. :[ecstatic] extático
  3031. :[edacious] voraz
  3032. :[edacity] edacidad
  3033. :[edge] borde
  3034. :[edgy] tenso
  3035. :[edible] comestible
  3036. :[edifice] edificio
  3037. :[edit] editar
  3038. :[edition] edición
  3039. :[editor] editor
  3040. :[editorial] editorial
  3041. :[educate] educar
  3042. :[educated] educado
  3043. :[education] educación
  3044. :[educational] educativo
  3045. :[eel] Anguila
  3046. :[efface] borrar
  3047. :[effect] efecto
  3048. :[effective] eficaz
  3049. :[effeminate] afeminado
  3050. :[efficacious] eficaz
  3051. :[efficiency] eficiencia
  3052. :[efficient] eficiente
  3053. :[efforless] sin esfuerzo
  3054. :[effort] esfuerzo
  3055. :[egg] huevo
  3056. :[ego] ego
  3057. :[egoism] egoísmo
  3058. :[egotistical] ególatra
  3059. :[Egyptian] egipcio
  3060. :[eight] ocho
  3061. :[eighteen] Dieciocho
  3062. :[eighth] octavo
  3063. :[eighty] ochenta
  3064. :[eighty] ochenta
  3065. :[either] cualquiera
  3066. :[eject] expulsar
  3067. :[ejection] expulsión
  3068. :[elaborate] elaborar
  3069. :[elapse] transcurrir
  3070. :[elastic] elástico
  3071. :[elated] exaltado
  3072. :[elbow] codo
  3073. :[elder] mayor
  3074. :[elderly] anciano
  3075. :[elect] electo
  3076. :[election] elección
  3077. :[electric] eléctrico
  3078. :[electrical] eléctrico
  3079. :[electricity] electricidad
  3080. :[electronic] electrónico
  3081. :[electronics] electrónica
  3082. :[elegance] elegancia
  3083. :[elegant] elegante
  3084. :[element] elemento
  3085. :[elemental] elemental
  3086. :[elementary] elemental
  3087. :[elephant] elefante
  3088. :[elevate] elevar
  3089. :[elevator] ascensor
  3090. :[eleven] once
  3091. :[elf] duende
  3092. :[eligible] elegible
  3093. :[eliminate] eliminar
  3094. :[eliminated] eliminado
  3095. :[elite] élite
  3096. :[elitist] elitista
  3097. :[elk] alce
  3098. :[eloquent] elocuente
  3099. :[else] demás
  3100. :[elsewhere] en otra parte
  3101. :[elusive] elusivo
  3102. :[email] Email
  3103. :[emasculate] castrar
  3104. :[embankment] terraplén
  3105. :[embargo] embargo
  3106. :[embark] embarcar
  3107. :[embarrass] avergonzar
  3108. :[embarrassment] vergüenza
  3109. :[embassy] embajada
  3110. :[embezzlement] malversación
  3111. :[embitter] amargar
  3112. :[emblem] emblema
  3113. :[embodiment] encarnación
  3114. :[embody] encarnar
  3115. :[embrace] abarcar
  3116. :[embroider] bordar
  3117. :[embryo] embrión
  3118. :[emerald] Esmeralda
  3119. :[emerge] surgir
  3120. :[emergency] emergencia
  3121. :[emigrant] emigrante
  3122. :[eminence] eminencia
  3123. :[eminent] eminente
  3124. :[emit] emitir
  3125. :[emotion] emoción
  3126. :[emotional] emocional
  3127. :[emotionally] emocionalmente
  3128. :[emperor] emperador
  3129. :[emphasis] énfasis
  3130. :[emphasize] enfatizar
  3131. :[empire] imperio
  3132. :[employ] emplear
  3133. :[employed] empleado
  3134. :[employee] empleado
  3135. :[employer] empleador
  3136. :[employment] empleo
  3137. :[empower] autorizar
  3138. :[emptiness] vacío
  3139. :[empty] vacío
  3140. :[emulate] emular
  3141. :[enable] habilitar
  3142. :[enact] promulgar
  3143. :[enamel] esmalte
  3144. :[encase] encerrar
  3145. :[enchant] encantar
  3146. :[enchantment] encantamiento
  3147. :[encircle] rodear
  3148. :[enclose] encerrar
  3149. :[encode] codificar
  3150. :[encounter] encuentro
  3151. :[encourage] alentar
  3152. :[encouragement] ánimo
  3153. :[encouraging] alentador
  3154. :[encroach] invadir
  3155. :[encumber] cargar
  3156. :[encumbrance] gravamen
  3157. :[encyclopaedia] enciclopedia
  3158. :[end] fin
  3159. :[endangered] en peligro de extinción
  3160. :[endeavour] esfuerzo
  3161. :[ending] finalizando
  3162. :[endless] interminable
  3163. :[endorse] endosar
  3164. :[endorsement] aprobación
  3165. :[endurance] aguante
  3166. :[endure] soportar
  3167. :[enemy] enemigo
  3168. :[energetic] enérgico
  3169. :[energy] energía
  3170. :[enfold] envolver
  3171. :[enforce] hacer cumplir
  3172. :[enforcement] aplicación
  3173. :[engage] comprometerse
  3174. :[engagement] compromiso
  3175. :[engine] motor
  3176. :[engineer] ingeniero
  3177. :[engineering] Ingenieria
  3178. :[England] Inglaterra
  3179. :[English] inglés
  3180. :[engrave] grabar
  3181. :[enhance] mejorar
  3182. :[enigma] enigma
  3183. :[enjoy] disfrutar
  3184. :[enjoyable] agradable
  3185. :[enjoying] disfrutando
  3186. :[enjoyment] disfrute
  3187. :[enlarge] agrandar
  3188. :[enlighten] iluminar
  3189. :[enlist] conseguir
  3190. :[enliven] animar
  3191. :[enmity] enemistad
  3192. :[enormous] enorme
  3193. :[enough] suficiente
  3194. :[enquiry] consulta
  3195. :[enrage] enfurecer
  3196. :[enrapture] extasiar
  3197. :[enrich] enriquecer
  3198. :[ensign] bandera
  3199. :[ensue] sobrevenir
  3200. :[ensure] garantizar
  3201. :[entail] implicar
  3202. :[entangle] enredar
  3203. :[enter] ingresar
  3204. :[entering] entrando
  3205. :[enterprise] empresa
  3206. :[entertain] entretener
  3207. :[entertaining] entretenido
  3208. :[entertainment] entretenimiento
  3209. :[enthrone] entronizar
  3210. :[enthusiasm] entusiasmo
  3211. :[enthusiastic] entusiasta
  3212. :[entice] atraer
  3213. :[entire] completo
  3214. :[entirely] enteramente
  3215. :[entitled] intitulado
  3216. :[entrails] entrañas
  3217. :[entrance] Entrada
  3218. :[entreat] rogar a
  3219. :[entrepreneur] empresario
  3220. :[entrust] confiar
  3221. :[entry] entrada
  3222. :[enumerate] enumerar
  3223. :[envelope] sobre
  3224. :[enviable] envidiable
  3225. :[envious] envidioso
  3226. :[environment] medio ambiente
  3227. :[environmental] ambiental
  3228. :[envisage] prever
  3229. :[envoy] enviado
  3230. :[envy] envidia
  3231. :[epic] épico
  3232. :[epidemic] epidemia
  3233. :[episode] episodio
  3234. :[epoch] época
  3235. :[equability] ecuanimidad
  3236. :[equal] igual
  3237. :[equality] igualdad
  3238. :[equally] Igualmente
  3239. :[equanimity] ecuanimidad
  3240. :[equation] ecuación
  3241. :[equator] ecuador
  3242. :[equilibrium] equilibrio
  3243. :[equipment] equipo
  3244. :[equipped] equipado
  3245. :[equity] capital
  3246. :[equivalent] equivalente
  3247. :[era] era
  3248. :[eradicate] erradicar
  3249. :[erase] borrar
  3250. :[eraser] borrador
  3251. :[erect] erguido
  3252. :[erosion] erosión
  3253. :[err] errar
  3254. :[errand] recado
  3255. :[erratic] errático
  3256. :[error] error
  3257. :[erupt] estallar
  3258. :[eruption] erupción
  3259. :[escalator] escalera mecánica
  3260. :[escape] escapar
  3261. :[escort] escolta
  3262. :[especially] especialmente
  3263. :[espionage] espionaje
  3264. :[essay] ensayo
  3265. :[essence] esencia
  3266. :[essential] esencial
  3267. :[essentially] esencialmente
  3268. :[establish] establecer
  3269. :[establishment] establecimiento
  3270. :[estate] inmuebles
  3271. :[esteem] estima
  3272. :[estimate] estimar
  3273. :[estrange] alejarse
  3274. :[etc.] etc.
  3275. :[eternal] eterno
  3276. :[eternity] eternidad
  3277. :[ethic] principio moral
  3278. :[ethical] ético
  3279. :[ethnic] étnico
  3280. :[etiquette] etiqueta
  3281. :[Europe] Europa
  3282. :[evacuate] evacuar
  3283. :[evade] evadir
  3284. :[evaluate] evaluar
  3285. :[evaluation] evaluación
  3286. :[evaporate] evaporar
  3287. :[evasion] evasión
  3288. :[eve] víspera
  3289. :[even] incluso
  3290. :[evening] noche
  3291. :[event] evento
  3292. :[eventful] memorable
  3293. :[eventually] finalmente
  3294. :[ever] siempre
  3295. :[evergreen] hojas perennes
  3296. :[every] cada
  3297. :[everybody] todos
  3298. :[everyday] todos los días
  3299. :[everyone] todo el mundo
  3300. :[everything] todo
  3301. :[everywhere] En todas partes
  3302. :[evict] desalojar
  3303. :[evidence] evidencia
  3304. :[evidently] evidentemente
  3305. :[evil] maldad
  3306. :[evoke] evocar
  3307. :[evolution] evolución
  3308. :[evolve] evolucionar
  3309. :[ewe] oveja
  3310. :[exact] exacto
  3311. :[exactly] exactamente
  3312. :[exaggerate] exagerar
  3313. :[exalt] exaltar
  3314. :[exaltation] exaltación
  3315. :[exam] examen
  3316. :[examination] examen
  3317. :[examine] examinar
  3318. :[examiner] examinador
  3319. :[example] ejemplo
  3320. :[exasperate] exasperar
  3321. :[excavate] excavar
  3322. :[exceed] exceder
  3323. :[excel] sobresalir
  3324. :[excellent] excelente
  3325. :[except] excepto
  3326. :[exception] excepción
  3327. :[exceptional] excepcional
  3328. :[excess] exceso
  3329. :[excessive] excesivo
  3330. :[exchange] intercambio
  3331. :[excite] excitar
  3332. :[excited] emocionado
  3333. :[excitement] emoción
  3334. :[exciting] excitante
  3335. :[exclaim] exclamar
  3336. :[exclude] excluir
  3337. :[exclusion] exclusión
  3338. :[exclusive] exclusivo
  3339. :[excrete] excretar
  3340. :[excruciation] tortura
  3341. :[excursion] excursión
  3342. :[excuse] excusa
  3343. :[execute] ejecutar
  3344. :[executed] ejecutado
  3345. :[execution] ejecución
  3346. :[executive] ejecutivo
  3347. :[exemplar] ejemplar
  3348. :[exemplify] ejemplificar
  3349. :[exempt] eximir
  3350. :[exercise] ejercicio
  3351. :[exhale] exhalar
  3352. :[exhaust] cansada
  3353. :[exhausting] agotador
  3354. :[exhibit] exposición
  3355. :[exhibition] exposición
  3356. :[exile] exilio
  3357. :[exist] existe
  3358. :[existence] existencia
  3359. :[existing] existente
  3360. :[exit] Salida
  3361. :[exotic] exótico
  3362. :[expand] expandir
  3363. :[expanding] en expansión
  3364. :[expansion] expansión
  3365. :[expect] suponer
  3366. :[expectation] expectativa
  3367. :[expedient] conveniente
  3368. :[expedition] expedición
  3369. :[expel] expulsar
  3370. :[expelled] expulsado
  3371. :[expend] gastar
  3372. :[expenditure] gasto
  3373. :[expense] gastos
  3374. :[expensive] costoso
  3375. :[experience] experiencia
  3376. :[experiment] experimentar
  3377. :[experimental] experimental
  3378. :[expert] experto
  3379. :[expertise] pericia
  3380. :[expire] expirar
  3381. :[explain] explicar
  3382. :[explanation] explicación
  3383. :[explicit] explícito
  3384. :[explode] explotar
  3385. :[exploded] explotó
  3386. :[exploit] explotar
  3387. :[exploration] exploración
  3388. :[explore] explorar
  3389. :[explorer] explorador
  3390. :[explosion] explosión
  3391. :[explosive] explosivo
  3392. :[export] exportar
  3393. :[expose] exponer
  3394. :[exposure] exposición
  3395. :[express] Rápido
  3396. :[expression] expresión
  3397. :[expulsion] expulsión
  3398. :[exquisite] Exquisito
  3399. :[extend] ampliar
  3400. :[extension] extensión
  3401. :[extensive] extenso
  3402. :[extent] grado
  3403. :[exterior] exterior
  3404. :[exterminate] exterminar
  3405. :[exterminator] exterminador
  3406. :[external] externo
  3407. :[extinct] extinto
  3408. :[extinguish] extinguir
  3409. :[extortion] extorsión
  3410. :[extra] extra
  3411. :[extract] extraer
  3412. :[extraction] extracción
  3413. :[extraordinary] extraordinario
  3414. :[extreme] extremo
  3415. :[extremely] extremadamente
  3416. :[eye] ojo
  3417. :[eyeball] globo ocular
  3418. :[eyebrow] ceja
  3419. :[eyelash] pestaña
  3420. :[eyelid] párpado
  3421. :[eyeshadow] sombra
  3422. :[eyesight] vista
  3423. :[eyewitness] testigo ocular
  3424. :[fable] fábula
  3425. :[fabric] tela
  3426. :[fabulous] fabuloso
  3427. :[face] cara
  3428. :[facet] faceta
  3429. :[facial] facial
  3430. :[facile] fácil
  3431. :[faciliate] facilitar
  3432. :[facility] instalaciones
  3433. :[facing] frente a
  3434. :[fact] hecho
  3435. :[factor] factor
  3436. :[factory] fábrica
  3437. :[facultative] facultativo
  3438. :[faculty] facultad
  3439. :[fad] moda
  3440. :[fade] desvanecerse
  3441. :[fading] desvanecimiento
  3442. :[Fahrenheit] Fahrenheit
  3443. :[fail] fallar
  3444. :[failing] defecto
  3445. :[failure] falla
  3446. :[faint] desmayarse
  3447. :[fainted] desmayado
  3448. :[fair] justa
  3449. :[fairly] equitativamente
  3450. :[fairness] justicia
  3451. :[fairy] hada
  3452. :[fairytale] cuento de hadas
  3453. :[faith] fe
  3454. :[faithful] fiel
  3455. :[faithless] desleal
  3456. :[fake] falso
  3457. :[falcon] halcón
  3458. :[fall] otoño
  3459. :[fallout] caer
  3460. :[falsify] falsificar
  3461. :[falter] desfallecer
  3462. :[fame] fama
  3463. :[familiar] familiar
  3464. :[family] familia
  3465. :[famine] hambruna
  3466. :[famous] famoso
  3467. :[fan] admirador
  3468. :[fancy] elegante
  3469. :[fang] colmillo
  3470. :[fantastic] fantástico
  3471. :[fantasy] fantasía
  3472. :[far] lejos
  3473. :[faraway] lejos
  3474. :[fare] tarifa
  3475. :[farewell] despedida
  3476. :[far-fetched] inverosímil
  3477. :[farm] granja
  3478. :[farmer] granjero
  3479. :[farsighted] hipermétrope
  3480. :[farther] más lejos
  3481. :[fascinating] fascinante
  3482. :[fashion] Moda
  3483. :[fast] rápido
  3484. :[fasten] sujetar
  3485. :[faster] más rápido
  3486. :[fastest] lo más rápido
  3487. :[fastidious] fastidioso
  3488. :[fat] grasa
  3489. :[fatal] fatal
  3490. :[fatality] fatalidad
  3491. :[fate] destino
  3492. :[father] padre
  3493. :[father-in-law] suegro
  3494. :[fathom] braza
  3495. :[fatigue] fatiga
  3496. :[fault] culpa
  3497. :[faultless] impecable
  3498. :[favour] favor
  3499. :[favourable] favorable
  3500. :[favourite] favorito
  3501. :[fax] fax
  3502. :[fearful] temeroso
  3503. :[fearless] audaz
  3504. :[fearsome] temible
  3505. :[feasible] factible
  3506. :[feast] banquete
  3507. :[feat] Con
  3508. :[feather] pluma
  3509. :[feature] característica
  3510. :[February] febrero
  3511. :[fed] alimentado
  3512. :[federal] federal
  3513. :[fee] tarifa
  3514. :[feeble] débil
  3515. :[feed] alimentación
  3516. :[feedback] realimentación
  3517. :[feeding] alimentación
  3518. :[feel] sentir
  3519. :[feeling] sentimiento
  3520. :[feet] pies
  3521. :[feign] fingir
  3522. :[feint] finta
  3523. :[feisty] luchador
  3524. :[felicity] felicidad
  3525. :[fell] cayó
  3526. :[fellow] compañero
  3527. :[fellowship] compañerismo
  3528. :[felon] felón
  3529. :[felony] delito
  3530. :[female] mujer
  3531. :[feminine] femenino
  3532. :[feminist] feminista
  3533. :[fen] pantano
  3534. :[fence] valla
  3535. :[fend] defenderse
  3536. :[ferment] fermentar
  3537. :[fern] helecho
  3538. :[ferocious] feroz
  3539. :[ferry] transportar
  3540. :[fertile] fértil
  3541. :[fertility] Fertilidad
  3542. :[fervent] ferviente
  3543. :[fervid] fervoroso
  3544. :[festival] festival
  3545. :[festive] festivo
  3546. :[festivity] festividad
  3547. :[fetch] ir a buscar
  3548. :[fetid] fétido
  3549. :[feud] feudo
  3550. :[feudal] feudal
  3551. :[fever] fiebre
  3552. :[few] pocos
  3553. :[fewer] menos
  3554. :[fiancé] prometido
  3555. :[fiancée] novia
  3556. :[fiasco] fiasco
  3557. :[fib] mentira
  3558. :[fibber] mentiroso
  3559. :[fibre] fibra
  3560. :[fickle] voluble
  3561. :[fiction] ficción
  3562. :[fiddle] violín
  3563. :[fidelity] fidelidad
  3564. :[fidget] agitarse
  3565. :[field] campo
  3566. :[fiend] demonio
  3567. :[fierce] intenso
  3568. :[fiery] ardiente
  3569. :[fifteen] quince
  3570. :[fifth] quinto
  3571. :[fifty] cincuenta
  3572. :[fig] higo
  3573. :[fight] pelear
  3574. :[fighter] combatiente
  3575. :[figure] figura
  3576. :[file] expediente
  3577. :[filing] presentación
  3578. :[fill] llenar
  3579. :[fillet] filete
  3580. :[filling] relleno
  3581. :[film] película
  3582. :[filming] rodaje
  3583. :[filter] filtrar
  3584. :[filth] inmundicia
  3585. :[filthy] asqueroso
  3586. :[final] final
  3587. :[finally] finalmente
  3588. :[finance] Finanzas
  3589. :[financial] financiero
  3590. :[financially] financialmente
  3591. :[finch] pinzón
  3592. :[find] encontrar
  3593. :[finding] hallazgo
  3594. :[fine] multa
  3595. :[finesse] finura
  3596. :[finest] mejor
  3597. :[finger] dedo
  3598. :[fingernail] uña
  3599. :[fingerprint] huella dactilar
  3600. :[fingertip] punta del dedo
  3601. :[finish] terminar
  3602. :[finishing] refinamiento
  3603. :[Finnish] finlandés
  3604. :[fir] abeto
  3605. :[fire] fuego
  3606. :[firearm] arma de fuego
  3607. :[fireball] bola de fuego
  3608. :[fire-extinguisher] extintor de incendios
  3609. :[fireman] bombero
  3610. :[fireplace] hogar
  3611. :[firework] Fuegos artificiales
  3612. :[firing] disparo
  3613. :[firm] firma
  3614. :[firmly] firmemente
  3615. :[first] primero
  3616. :[firsthand] de primera mano
  3617. :[firstly] primeramente
  3618. :[fiscal] fiscal
  3619. :[fish] pez
  3620. :[fisher] pescador
  3621. :[fisherman] pescador
  3622. :[fishing] pesca
  3623. :[fishy] sospechoso
  3624. :[fist] puño
  3625. :[fit] encajar
  3626. :[fitful] irregular
  3627. :[fitness] aptitud física
  3628. :[fitting] adecuado
  3629. :[five] cinco
  3630. :[fix] reparar
  3631. :[fixedly] fijamente
  3632. :[fixing] fijación
  3633. :[fixture] accesorio
  3634. :[fizzy] gaseoso
  3635. :[flabby] flácido
  3636. :[flag] bandera
  3637. :[flake] escama
  3638. :[flamboyant] extravagante
  3639. :[flame] fuego
  3640. :[flames] llamas
  3641. :[flank] flanco
  3642. :[flannel] franela
  3643. :[flap] solapa
  3644. :[flare] llamarada
  3645. :[flash] destello
  3646. :[flashing] brillante
  3647. :[flashlight] Linterna
  3648. :[flashy] ostentoso
  3649. :[flask] matraz
  3650. :[flat] plano
  3651. :[flatly] categóricamente
  3652. :[flatten] aplanar
  3653. :[flatter] halagar
  3654. :[flattery] adulación
  3655. :[flavour] sabor
  3656. :[flaw] falla
  3657. :[flax] linaza
  3658. :[flea] pulga
  3659. :[fleck] mancha
  3660. :[flee] huir
  3661. :[fleet] flota
  3662. :[fleeting] fugaz
  3663. :[flesh] carne
  3664. :[flew] voló
  3665. :[flex] flexionar
  3666. :[flexible] flexible
  3667. :[flick] película
  3668. :[flicker] parpadeo
  3669. :[flight] vuelo
  3670. :[flimsy] endeble
  3671. :[flinch] retroceder
  3672. :[fling] arrojar
  3673. :[flint] pedernal
  3674. :[flip] voltear
  3675. :[flippant] ligero
  3676. :[flippers] aletas
  3677. :[flirt] flirtear
  3678. :[flirtatious] coqueto
  3679. :[flirting] flirteador
  3680. :[float] flotador
  3681. :[floating] flotante
  3682. :[flock] rebaño
  3683. :[flog] azotar
  3684. :[flood] inundación
  3685. :[flooding] inundación
  3686. :[floor] suelo
  3687. :[flop] fracaso
  3688. :[floral] floral
  3689. :[florist] florista
  3690. :[floss] seda floja
  3691. :[flounder] platija
  3692. :[flour] harina
  3693. :[flourish] florecer
  3694. :[flow] fluir
  3695. :[flower] flor
  3696. :[flowing] fluido
  3697. :[flown] volado
  3698. :[flu] gripe
  3699. :[fluctuate] fluctuar
  3700. :[fluency] fluidez
  3701. :[fluent] fluido
  3702. :[fluffy] esponjoso
  3703. :[fluid] líquido
  3704. :[fluke] casualidad
  3705. :[flurry] ráfaga
  3706. :[flush] enjuagar
  3707. :[flushed] enrojecido
  3708. :[flute] flauta
  3709. :[flutter] aleteo
  3710. :[fly] mosca
  3711. :[flyer] volantes
  3712. :[flying] volador
  3713. :[foam] espuma
  3714. :[focus] atención
  3715. :[focused] enfocado
  3716. :[fodder] forraje
  3717. :[foe] enemigo
  3718. :[foetus] feto
  3719. :[fog] niebla
  3720. :[foggy] neblinoso
  3721. :[foil] frustrar
  3722. :[fold] pliegue
  3723. :[folder] carpeta
  3724. :[folding] plegable
  3725. :[foliage] follaje
  3726. :[folk] gente
  3727. :[folks] muchachos
  3728. :[follow] seguir
  3729. :[follower] seguidor
  3730. :[following] siguiente
  3731. :[folly] locura
  3732. :[fond] aficionado
  3733. :[fondness] cariño
  3734. :[font] fuente
  3735. :[food] comida
  3736. :[fool] tonto
  3737. :[foolish] tonto
  3738. :[foolproof] infalible
  3739. :[foot] pie
  3740. :[footage] imágenes
  3741. :[football] fútbol americano
  3742. :[footing] pie
  3743. :[footprint] huella
  3744. :[footstep] paso
  3745. :[footwear] calzado
  3746. :[for] por
  3747. :[forbear] abstenerse
  3748. :[forbid] prohibir
  3749. :[forbidden] prohibido
  3750. :[force] fuerza
  3751. :[forceful] potente
  3752. :[forceless] sin energía
  3753. :[forcing] forzando
  3754. :[fore] delantero
  3755. :[forearm] antebrazo
  3756. :[forecast] pronóstico
  3757. :[forefather] antepasado
  3758. :[forehead] frente
  3759. :[foreign] extranjero
  3760. :[foreigner] extranjero
  3761. :[foreman] capataz
  3762. :[foremost] principal
  3763. :[forensic] forense
  3764. :[forensics] forense
  3765. :[foresee] prever
  3766. :[foresight] previsión
  3767. :[forest] bosque
  3768. :[forestall] prevenir
  3769. :[foretaste] adelantarse a
  3770. :[forever] para siempre
  3771. :[forfeit] perder
  3772. :[forgave] perdonó
  3773. :[forge] fragua
  3774. :[forgery] falsificación
  3775. :[forget] olvidar
  3776. :[forgetful] olvidadizo
  3777. :[forgive] perdonar
  3778. :[forgiven] perdonado
  3779. :[forgiveness] perdón
  3780. :[forgiving] indulgente
  3781. :[forgotten] olvidado
  3782. :[fork] tenedor
  3783. :[form] formulario
  3784. :[formal] formal
  3785. :[formality] formalidad
  3786. :[formally] formalmente
  3787. :[format] formato
  3788. :[formation] formación
  3789. :[former] anterior
  3790. :[formerly] antes
  3791. :[formidable] formidable
  3792. :[formula] fórmula
  3793. :[forsake] abandonar
  3794. :[fort] fuerte
  3795. :[forth] adelante
  3796. :[forthcoming] próximo
  3797. :[fortnight] quincena
  3798. :[fortress] fortaleza
  3799. :[fortunate] afortunado
  3800. :[fortunately] Afortunadamente
  3801. :[fortune] fortuna
  3802. :[forty] cuarenta
  3803. :[forum] foro
  3804. :[forward] hacia adelante
  3805. :[fossil] fósil
  3806. :[foster] fomentar
  3807. :[foster-child] hijo adoptivo
  3808. :[fought] luchado
  3809. :[foul] falta
  3810. :[found] fundar
  3811. :[foundation] Fundación
  3812. :[founded] fundado
  3813. :[fountain] fuente
  3814. :[four] cuatro
  3815. :[fourteen] catorce
  3816. :[fourth] cuatro
  3817. :[fowl] ave
  3818. :[fox] zorro
  3819. :[fraction] fracción
  3820. :[fracture] fractura
  3821. :[fragile] frágil
  3822. :[fragment] fragmento
  3823. :[fragrance] fragancia
  3824. :[frail] frágil
  3825. :[frame] cuadro
  3826. :[framework] estructura
  3827. :[framing] enmarcado
  3828. :[franchise] franquicia
  3829. :[frank] franco
  3830. :[frankly] francamente
  3831. :[frantic] frenético
  3832. :[fraternity] fraternidad
  3833. :[fraud] fraude
  3834. :[fraudulent] fraudulento
  3835. :[freak] fenómeno
  3836. :[freaky] raro
  3837. :[freckless] pecoso
  3838. :[free] gratis
  3839. :[freed] liberado
  3840. :[freedom] libertad
  3841. :[freelance] Lanza libre
  3842. :[freely] libremente
  3843. :[freeway] autopista
  3844. :[freeze] congelar
  3845. :[freezer] congelador
  3846. :[freezing] congelación
  3847. :[freight] transporte
  3848. :[French] francés
  3849. :[frenzy] frenesí
  3850. :[frequency] frecuencia
  3851. :[frequent] frecuente
  3852. :[frequently] frecuentemente
  3853. :[fresh] Fresco
  3854. :[freshen] refrescar
  3855. :[freshman] estudiante de primer año
  3856. :[friction] fricción
  3857. :[Friday] viernes
  3858. :[fridge] nevera
  3859. :[fried] frito
  3860. :[friend] amigo
  3861. :[friendly] simpático
  3862. :[friendship] amistad
  3863. :[fries] papas fritas
  3864. :[fright] susto
  3865. :[frighten] asustar
  3866. :[frigility] frigilidad
  3867. :[fringe] franja
  3868. :[frisk] cacheo
  3869. :[frivolous] frívolo
  3870. :[frizz] rizos
  3871. :[frock] vestido
  3872. :[frog] rana
  3873. :[from] de
  3874. :[front] parte delantera
  3875. :[frontage] fachada
  3876. :[frontier] frontera
  3877. :[frost] escarcha
  3878. :[frosty] escarchado
  3879. :[froth] espuma
  3880. :[frown] fruncir el ceño
  3881. :[froze] congeló
  3882. :[frozen] congelado
  3883. :[frugal] frugal
  3884. :[frugality] frugalidad
  3885. :[fruit] Fruta
  3886. :[fruitful] fructífero
  3887. :[fruitless] infructuoso
  3888. :[frustrating] frustrante
  3889. :[frustration] frustración
  3890. :[fry] freír
  3891. :[fudge] Dulce de azúcar
  3892. :[fuel] combustible
  3893. :[fugitive] fugitivo
  3894. :[fulfil] realizar
  3895. :[fulfilled] cumplido
  3896. :[full] lleno
  3897. :[fully] completamente
  3898. :[fume] humo
  3899. :[fun] divertida
  3900. :[function] función
  3901. :[fund] fondo
  3902. :[fundamental] fundamental
  3903. :[funding] fondos
  3904. :[fundraiser] recaudador de fondos
  3905. :[funds] fondos
  3906. :[funeral] funeral
  3907. :[fungus] hongo
  3908. :[funk] canguelo
  3909. :[funky] miedoso
  3910. :[funnel] embudo
  3911. :[funny] gracioso
  3912. :[fur] piel
  3913. :[furious] furioso
  3914. :[furnace] horno
  3915. :[furnish] amoblar
  3916. :[furniture] muebles
  3917. :[furrow] surco
  3918. :[furry] peludo
  3919. :[further] más lejos
  3920. :[furthermore] es más
  3921. :[furtively] furtivamente
  3922. :[fury] furia
  3923. :[fuse] fusible
  3924. :[fusion] fusión
  3925. :[fuss] escándalo
  3926. :[futile] fútil
  3927. :[future] futuro
  3928. :[fuzzy] difuso
  3929. :[gabble] algarabía
  3930. :[gadget] artilugio
  3931. :[gag] mordaza
  3932. :[gage] calibrar
  3933. :[gaiety] alegría
  3934. :[gaily] alegremente
  3935. :[gain] ganar
  3936. :[gainful] retribuido
  3937. :[gait] paso
  3938. :[galaxy] galaxia
  3939. :[gale] vendaval
  3940. :[gall] hiel
  3941. :[gallant] galante
  3942. :[gallery] galería
  3943. :[gallon] galón
  3944. :[gallop] galope
  3945. :[gamble] jugar
  3946. :[gambling] juego
  3947. :[game] juego
  3948. :[gang] pandilla
  3949. :[gangster] gángster
  3950. :[gap] brecha
  3951. :[garage] garaje
  3952. :[garbage] basura
  3953. :[garden] jardín
  3954. :[gardener] jardinero
  3955. :[gargle] gárgaras
  3956. :[garland] guirnalda
  3957. :[garlic] ajo
  3958. :[garment] prenda
  3959. :[garnish] adornar
  3960. :[garrison] guarnición
  3961. :[gas] gas
  3962. :[gasp] jadear
  3963. :[gate] portón
  3964. :[gateway] puerta
  3965. :[gather] recolectar
  3966. :[gathering] reunión
  3967. :[gaudy] llamativo
  3968. :[gauge] indicador
  3969. :[gaunt] demacrado
  3970. :[gauntlet] guantelete
  3971. :[gauze] gasa
  3972. :[gave] dio
  3973. :[gay] gay
  3974. :[gaze] mirada
  3975. :[gear] engranaje
  3976. :[gel] gel
  3977. :[gelatine] gelatina
  3978. :[gem] joya
  3979. :[Gemini] Geminis
  3980. :[gender] género
  3981. :[gene] gene
  3982. :[general] general
  3983. :[generalization] generalización
  3984. :[generalize] generalizar
  3985. :[generally] generalmente
  3986. :[generation] Generacion
  3987. :[generator] generador
  3988. :[generic] genérico
  3989. :[generosity] generosidad
  3990. :[generous] generoso
  3991. :[genetic] genético
  3992. :[genetically] genéticamente
  3993. :[genial] genial
  3994. :[genius] genio
  3995. :[gentle] amable
  3996. :[gentleman] Caballero
  3997. :[gently] suavemente
  3998. :[genuine] auténtico
  3999. :[genuinely] verdaderamente
  4000. :[geography] geografía
  4001. :[geometry] geometría
  4002. :[germ] germen
  4003. :[German] alemán
  4004. :[germinate] germinar
  4005. :[gesture] gesto
  4006. :[get] obtener
  4007. :[getaway] Aléjate
  4008. :[ghastly] horrible
  4009. :[ghetto] ghetto
  4010. :[ghost] fantasma
  4011. :[giant] gigante
  4012. :[giddiness] mareo
  4013. :[giddy] mareado
  4014. :[gift] regalo
  4015. :[gifted] dotado
  4016. :[gig] Curro
  4017. :[gigantic] gigantesco
  4018. :[giggle] risilla
  4019. :[gild] dorar
  4020. :[gills] branquias
  4021. :[gin] Ginebra
  4022. :[ginger] jengibre
  4023. :[giraffe] jirafa
  4024. :[girdle] faja
  4025. :[girl] muchacha
  4026. :[girlfriend] Novia
  4027. :[girlie] nena
  4028. :[gist] esencia
  4029. :[give] dar
  4030. :[given] dado
  4031. :[glacier] glaciar
  4032. :[glad] contento
  4033. :[gladly] con alegría
  4034. :[glamorous] atractivo
  4035. :[glamour] glamour
  4036. :[glance] mirada
  4037. :[gland] glándula
  4038. :[glare] destello
  4039. :[glass] vidrio
  4040. :[glasses] lentes
  4041. :[glaze] vidriar
  4042. :[gleam] destello
  4043. :[gleeful] jubiloso
  4044. :[glen] cañada
  4045. :[glide] planeo
  4046. :[glimmer] luz tenue
  4047. :[glimpse] vistazo
  4048. :[glisten] relucir
  4049. :[glitch] falla
  4050. :[glitter] Brillantina
  4051. :[gloat] relamerse
  4052. :[global] global
  4053. :[globe] globo
  4054. :[gloomy] sombrío
  4055. :[glorify] glorificar
  4056. :[glorious] glorioso
  4057. :[glory] gloria
  4058. :[gloss] brillo
  4059. :[glossary] glosario
  4060. :[glove] guante
  4061. :[gloves] guantes
  4062. :[glow] brillo
  4063. :[glowing] brillante
  4064. :[glue] pegamento
  4065. :[glued] pegado
  4066. :[glum] sombrío
  4067. :[glutton] glotón
  4068. :[gluttony] glotonería
  4069. :[gnat] mosquito
  4070. :[gnaw] roer
  4071. :[go] ir
  4072. :[goal] objetivo
  4073. :[goat] cabra
  4074. :[go-between] intermediario
  4075. :[goblet] copa
  4076. :[God] Dios
  4077. :[goddess] diosa
  4078. :[godfather] padrino
  4079. :[godforsaken] dejado de la mano de dios
  4080. :[godless] impío
  4081. :[godmother] madrina
  4082. :[goggle] mirada sorprendida
  4083. :[going] yendo
  4084. :[gold] oro
  4085. :[golden] dorado
  4086. :[goldfish] pez de colores
  4087. :[golf] golf
  4088. :[good] bien
  4089. :[goodbye] adiós
  4090. :[goodness] bondad
  4091. :[goodnight] buenas noches
  4092. :[goods] bienes
  4093. :[goody] bueno
  4094. :[goose] ganso
  4095. :[gorge] garganta
  4096. :[gorgeous] precioso
  4097. :[gorilla] gorila
  4098. :[gospel] evangelio
  4099. :[gossip] chisme
  4100. :[gossipy] cotilleado
  4101. :[gourmet] gastrónomo
  4102. :[govern] regir
  4103. :[governess] institutriz
  4104. :[government] Gobierno
  4105. :[governor] gobernador
  4106. :[gown] vestido
  4107. :[grab] tomar
  4108. :[grace] gracia
  4109. :[graceful] agraciado
  4110. :[graceless] sin gracia
  4111. :[gracious] Cortés
  4112. :[grade] calificación
  4113. :[gradual] gradual
  4114. :[gradually] gradualmente
  4115. :[graduate] graduado
  4116. :[graduated] graduado
  4117. :[graduation] graduación
  4118. :[grain] grano
  4119. :[gram] gramo
  4120. :[grammar] gramática
  4121. :[granary] granero
  4122. :[grand] grandioso
  4123. :[grandchild] nieto
  4124. :[grandchildren] nietos
  4125. :[granddad] abuelo
  4126. :[granddaughter] nieta
  4127. :[grandfather] abuelo
  4128. :[grandma] abuela
  4129. :[grandmother] abuela
  4130. :[grandpa] abuelo
  4131. :[grandparents] abuelos
  4132. :[grandson] nieto
  4133. :[granite] granito
  4134. :[granny] abuelita
  4135. :[grant] conceder
  4136. :[granted] otorgado
  4137. :[granulated] granulado
  4138. :[grape] uva
  4139. :[grapefruit] pomelo
  4140. :[graph] grafico
  4141. :[graphics] gráficos
  4142. :[grasp] sujetar
  4143. :[grass] césped
  4144. :[grate] rallar
  4145. :[grateful] agradecido
  4146. :[gratification] gratificación
  4147. :[grating] rejilla
  4148. :[gratitude] gratitud
  4149. :[grave] tumba
  4150. :[graveyard] cementerio
  4151. :[gravitation] gravitación
  4152. :[gravity] gravedad
  4153. :[gravy] salsa
  4154. :[gray] gris
  4155. :[graze] pacer
  4156. :[grease] grasa
  4157. :[greasy] grasiento
  4158. :[great] estupendo
  4159. :[greater] mayor que
  4160. :[greatest] mayor
  4161. :[greatly] muy
  4162. :[greatness] grandeza
  4163. :[Greece] Grecia
  4164. :[greed] codicia
  4165. :[greedy] avaro
  4166. :[Greek] griego
  4167. :[green] verde
  4168. :[greens] verduras
  4169. :[greet] saludar
  4170. :[greeting] saludo
  4171. :[grew] creció
  4172. :[grid] red
  4173. :[grief] dolor
  4174. :[grieve] afligirse
  4175. :[grill] parrilla
  4176. :[grilled] A la parrilla
  4177. :[grim] severo
  4178. :[grimace] mueca
  4179. :[grin] sonrisa
  4180. :[grind] triturar
  4181. :[grip] sujeción
  4182. :[grit] arena
  4183. :[groan] gemido
  4184. :[grocer] tendero
  4185. :[grocery] tienda de comestibles
  4186. :[groin] ingle
  4187. :[groom] novio
  4188. :[groove] ranura
  4189. :[grope] ir a tientas
  4190. :[gross] bruto
  4191. :[ground] suelo
  4192. :[groundless] infundado
  4193. :[group] grupo
  4194. :[grove] arboleda
  4195. :[grow] crecer
  4196. :[growing] creciente
  4197. :[growl] gruñido
  4198. :[grown up] creciendo
  4199. :[grownup] creciendo
  4200. :[growth] crecimiento
  4201. :[grub] comida
  4202. :[grudge] resentimiento
  4203. :[gruel] engrudo
  4204. :[gruff] brusco
  4205. :[grumble] queja
  4206. :[grumpy] gruñón
  4207. :[grunt] gruñido
  4208. :[guarantee] garantía
  4209. :[guard] Guardia
  4210. :[guardian] guardián
  4211. :[guess] adivinar
  4212. :[guest] huésped
  4213. :[guidance] Guia
  4214. :[guide] guía
  4215. :[guile] engaño
  4216. :[guilt] culpa
  4217. :[guilty] culpable
  4218. :[guitar] guitarra
  4219. :[gulf] Golfo
  4220. :[gullible] crédulo
  4221. :[gulp] trago
  4222. :[gum] chicle
  4223. :[gun] pistola
  4224. :[gunfire] tiroteo
  4225. :[gurgle] gorgoteo
  4226. :[gush] chorro
  4227. :[gust] ráfaga
  4228. :[gut] intestino
  4229. :[guts] vísceras
  4230. :[gutter] canal
  4231. :[guy] chico
  4232. :[gym] Gimnasio
  4233. :[gymnasium] gimnasio
  4234. :[gypsy] gitano
  4235. :[haberdashery] mercería
  4236. :[habit] hábito
  4237. :[habitat] habitat
  4238. :[habitual] habitual
  4239. :[hack] cortar a tajos
  4240. :[had] tenía
  4241. :[haemorrhage] hemorragia
  4242. :[hag] bruja
  4243. :[haggard] demacrado
  4244. :[hail] Viva
  4245. :[hailstone] granizo
  4246. :[hair] cabello
  4247. :[haircut] Corte de pelo
  4248. :[hairdresser] peluquero
  4249. :[hairy] peludo
  4250. :[half] mitad
  4251. :[half-baked] a medio cocer
  4252. :[half-brother] medio hermano
  4253. :[half-moon] media Luna
  4254. :[half-time] medio tiempo
  4255. :[halfway] Medio camino
  4256. :[half-year] Medio año
  4257. :[hall] sala
  4258. :[hallucinate] alucinar
  4259. :[hallway] Vestíbulo
  4260. :[halt] detener
  4261. :[halve] reducir en la mitad
  4262. :[ham] jamón
  4263. :[hamburger] hamburguesa
  4264. :[hamlet] aldea
  4265. :[hammer] martillo
  4266. :[hammock] hamaca
  4267. :[hamper] cesto
  4268. :[hamster] hámster
  4269. :[hand] mano
  4270. :[handbag] bolso
  4271. :[handcuff] esposar
  4272. :[handful] puñado
  4273. :[handgrip] empuñadura
  4274. :[handicap] Desventaja
  4275. :[handicapped] minusválido
  4276. :[handicraft] artesanía
  4277. :[handkerchief] pañuelo
  4278. :[handle] resolver
  4279. :[handling] manejo
  4280. :[handshake] apretón de manos
  4281. :[handsome] guapo
  4282. :[handwriting] escritura
  4283. :[handy] práctico
  4284. :[handyman] personal de mantenimiento
  4285. :[hang] colgar
  4286. :[hanging] colgando
  4287. :[hangnail] padrastro
  4288. :[hangover] resaca
  4289. :[hank] madeja
  4290. :[haphazard] al azar
  4291. :[happen] ocurrir
  4292. :[happily] felizmente
  4293. :[happiness] felicidad
  4294. :[happy] contento
  4295. :[harass] acosar
  4296. :[harassing] acosando
  4297. :[harassment] acoso
  4298. :[harbour] puerto
  4299. :[hard] duro
  4300. :[hard-boiled] hervido
  4301. :[harden] endurecer
  4302. :[hardily] duramente
  4303. :[hardly] difícilmente
  4304. :[hardness] dureza
  4305. :[hardship] privación
  4306. :[hardware] hardware
  4307. :[hardy] resistente
  4308. :[hare] liebre
  4309. :[harm] dañar
  4310. :[harmful] dañino
  4311. :[harmless] inofensivo
  4312. :[harmonious] armonioso
  4313. :[harmony] armonía
  4314. :[harness] aprovechar
  4315. :[harp] arpa
  4316. :[harrow] grada
  4317. :[harry] Harry
  4318. :[harsh] duro
  4319. :[harvest] cosecha
  4320. :[has] tiene
  4321. :[hash] picadillo
  4322. :[hassle] molestia
  4323. :[haste] prisa
  4324. :[hasty] apresurado
  4325. :[hat] sombrero
  4326. :[hatch] escotilla
  4327. :[hatchet] hacha
  4328. :[hate] odio
  4329. :[hateful] odioso
  4330. :[hatred] odio
  4331. :[haughty] arrogante
  4332. :[haul] transportar
  4333. :[haunch] anca
  4334. :[haunt] guarida
  4335. :[haunted] obsesionado
  4336. :[haunting] obsesionante
  4337. :[have] tengo
  4338. :[haven] refugio
  4339. :[having] teniendo
  4340. :[havoc] estragos
  4341. :[haw] baya de espino
  4342. :[hawk] halcón
  4343. :[hay] heno
  4344. :[hazard] peligro
  4345. :[hazardous] peligroso
  4346. :[haze] calina
  4347. :[hazel] color avellana
  4348. :[hazy] brumoso
  4349. :[he] él
  4350. :[head] cabeza
  4351. :[headache] dolor de cabeza
  4352. :[heading] Bóveda
  4353. :[headlight] faro
  4354. :[headline] titular
  4355. :[headphone] auricular
  4356. :[headquarter] sede
  4357. :[heady] embriagador
  4358. :[heal] sanar
  4359. :[healing] curación
  4360. :[health] salud
  4361. :[healthy] saludable
  4362. :[heap] montón
  4363. :[hear] escuchar
  4364. :[hearing] audiencia
  4365. :[heart] corazón
  4366. :[heartache] angustia
  4367. :[heartbeat] latido del corazón
  4368. :[heartbreak] desamor
  4369. :[heartbroken] desconsolado
  4370. :[heartburn] acidez
  4371. :[hearted] corazón
  4372. :[hearth] hogar
  4373. :[heartily] sinceramente
  4374. :[heartless] cruel
  4375. :[hearty] abundante
  4376. :[heat] calor
  4377. :[heater] calentador
  4378. :[heathen] pagano
  4379. :[heather] brezo
  4380. :[heating] calefacción
  4381. :[heave] tirón
  4382. :[heaven] cielo
  4383. :[heavenly] celestial
  4384. :[heavily] fuertemente
  4385. :[heaviness] pesadez
  4386. :[heavy] pesado
  4387. :[hectic] frenético
  4388. :[hector] Héctor
  4389. :[hedge] cobertura
  4390. :[heed] atención
  4391. :[heedless] desatento
  4392. :[heel] tacón
  4393. :[height] altura
  4394. :[heir] heredero
  4395. :[heiress] heredera
  4396. :[heirloom] reliquia de familia
  4397. :[held] retenida
  4398. :[helicopter] helicóptero
  4399. :[hell] infierno
  4400. :[hello] Hola
  4401. :[helm] timón
  4402. :[helmet] casco
  4403. :[help] ayuda
  4404. :[helper] ayudante
  4405. :[helpful] servicial
  4406. :[helpless] indefenso
  4407. :[hem] dobladillo
  4408. :[hemisphere] hemisferio
  4409. :[hen] gallina
  4410. :[hence] por eso
  4411. :[hepatitis] hepatitis
  4412. :[her] ella
  4413. :[herald] heraldo
  4414. :[herb] hierba
  4415. :[herbal] herbario
  4416. :[herd] rebaño
  4417. :[here] aquí
  4418. :[hereby] por la presente
  4419. :[hereditary] hereditario
  4420. :[heritage] herencia
  4421. :[hermic] hermico
  4422. :[hero] héroe
  4423. :[heroic] heroico
  4424. :[heroin] heroína
  4425. :[heron] garza
  4426. :[herring] arenque
  4427. :[hers] suyo
  4428. :[herself] sí misma
  4429. :[hesitate] dudar
  4430. :[hesitation] vacilación
  4431. :[hew] Él w
  4432. :[hibernate] hibernar
  4433. :[hiccup] hipo
  4434. :[hid] escondido
  4435. :[hidden] oculto
  4436. :[hide] esconder
  4437. :[hideous] horrible
  4438. :[hierarchy] jerarquía
  4439. :[high] elevado
  4440. :[highest] mas alto
  4441. :[highjack] highjack
  4442. :[highlight] destacar
  4443. :[highly] muy
  4444. :[highness] Alteza
  4445. :[highway] autopista
  4446. :[hike] caminata
  4447. :[hiking] senderismo
  4448. :[hilarious] gracioso
  4449. :[hill] Cerro
  4450. :[him] él
  4451. :[himself] él mismo
  4452. :[hind] posterior
  4453. :[hinder] impedir
  4454. :[hindrance] obstáculo
  4455. :[hindsight] comprensión retrospectiva
  4456. :[hinge] bisagra
  4457. :[hint] insinuación
  4458. :[hip] cadera
  4459. :[hire] contratar
  4460. :[hireling] mercenario
  4461. :[hiring] contratación
  4462. :[his] su
  4463. :[hiss] silbido
  4464. :[historian] historiador
  4465. :[historic] histórico
  4466. :[historical] histórico
  4467. :[history] historia
  4468. :[hit] pegar
  4469. :[hitch] enganche
  4470. :[hive] colmena
  4471. :[hoard] acumular
  4472. :[hoarfrost] escarcha
  4473. :[hoarse] ronco
  4474. :[hoax] broma
  4475. :[hobble] cojear
  4476. :[hobby] Hobby
  4477. :[hockey] hockey
  4478. :[hog] cerdo
  4479. :[hold] sostener
  4480. :[holder] poseedor
  4481. :[holding] tenencia
  4482. :[hole] agujero
  4483. :[holiday] fiesta
  4484. :[holler] gritar
  4485. :[hollow] hueco
  4486. :[holy] santo
  4487. :[home] hogar
  4488. :[homecoming] regreso a casa
  4489. :[homeless] Vagabundo
  4490. :[homemade] hecho en casa
  4491. :[homesick] nostálgico
  4492. :[hometown] pueblo natal
  4493. :[homework] tarea
  4494. :[homicidal] homicida
  4495. :[homicide] homicidio
  4496. :[homosexual] homosexual
  4497. :[honest] honesto
  4498. :[honestly] honestamente
  4499. :[honesty] honestidad
  4500. :[honey] miel
  4501. :[honeymoon] Luna de miel
  4502. :[honorary] honorario
  4503. :[honour] honor
  4504. :[honourable] honorable
  4505. :[honoured] honrado
  4506. :[honours] honores
  4507. :[hood] capucha
  4508. :[hoof] casco
  4509. :[hook] gancho
  4510. :[hooligan] gamberro
  4511. :[hoop] aro
  4512. :[hooray] hurra
  4513. :[hoot] ulular
  4514. :[hop] brincar
  4515. :[hope] esperar
  4516. :[hopeful] esperanzado
  4517. :[hopefully] Ojalá
  4518. :[hopeless] sin esperanza
  4519. :[horizon] horizonte
  4520. :[horizontal] horizontal
  4521. :[hormone] hormona
  4522. :[horn] bocina
  4523. :[horoscope] horóscopo
  4524. :[horrible] horrible
  4525. :[horribly] terriblemente
  4526. :[horrified] horrorizado
  4527. :[horror] horror
  4528. :[horse] caballo
  4529. :[horseback] lado de caballo
  4530. :[hose] manguera
  4531. :[hosiery] calcetería
  4532. :[hospitable] hospitalario
  4533. :[hospital] hospital
  4534. :[hospitality] hospitalidad
  4535. :[host] anfitrión
  4536. :[hostage] rehén
  4537. :[hostess] anfitriona
  4538. :[hostile] hostil
  4539. :[hostility] hostilidad
  4540. :[hot] caliente
  4541. :[hotel] hotel
  4542. :[hotline] línea directa
  4543. :[hound] sabueso
  4544. :[hour] hora
  4545. :[hourglass] reloj de arena
  4546. :[house] casa
  4547. :[household] familiar
  4548. :[housekeeper] ama de casa
  4549. :[housemaid] criada
  4550. :[housewife] ama de casa
  4551. :[housing] alojamiento
  4552. :[hover] flotar
  4553. :[how] cómo
  4554. :[however] sin embargo
  4555. :[howl] aullido
  4556. :[hubby] marido
  4557. :[hue] matiz
  4558. :[hug] abrazo
  4559. :[huge] enorme
  4560. :[hugely] enormemente
  4561. :[hum] tararear
  4562. :[human] humano
  4563. :[humanity] humanidad
  4564. :[humankind] humanidad
  4565. :[humble] humilde
  4566. :[humid] húmedo
  4567. :[humidity] humedad
  4568. :[humiliate] humillar
  4569. :[humiliated] humillado
  4570. :[humiliation] humillación
  4571. :[humility] humildad
  4572. :[humorous] humorístico
  4573. :[humour] humor
  4574. :[hump] joroba
  4575. :[hunch] corazonada
  4576. :[hundred] centenar
  4577. :[hung] colgado
  4578. :[hunger] hambre
  4579. :[hungry] hambriento
  4580. :[hunk] pedazo
  4581. :[hunt] cazar
  4582. :[hunter] cazador
  4583. :[hurdle] obstáculo
  4584. :[hurl] lanzar
  4585. :[hurricane] huracán
  4586. :[hurry] apurarse
  4587. :[hurt] herir
  4588. :[hurtful] hiriente
  4589. :[husband] marido
  4590. :[hush] Cállate
  4591. :[husk] cáscara
  4592. :[husky] fornido
  4593. :[hustle] ajetreo
  4594. :[hut] cabaña
  4595. :[hybrid] híbrido
  4596. :[hydrogen] hidrógeno
  4597. :[hygiene] higiene
  4598. :[hyphen] guión
  4599. :[hypnotize] hipnotizar
  4600. :[hypocrisy] hipocresía
  4601. :[hypocrite] hipócrita
  4602. :[hypothesis] hipótesis
  4603. :[hypothetically] hipotéticamente
  4604. :[hysteria] histeria
  4605. :[hysterical] histérico
  4606. :[I] I
  4607. :[ice] hielo
  4608. :[ice cream] helado
  4609. :[iceberg] iceberg
  4610. :[icicle] carámbano
  4611. :[icily] glacialmente
  4612. :[icky] asqueroso
  4613. :[icon] icono
  4614. :[icy] glacial
  4615. :[idea] idea
  4616. :[ideal] ideal
  4617. :[identical] idéntico
  4618. :[identification] identificación
  4619. :[identify] identificar
  4620. :[identity] identidad
  4621. :[idiom] idioma
  4622. :[idiot] idiota
  4623. :[idiotic] idiota
  4624. :[idle] inactivo
  4625. :[idol] ídolo
  4626. :[if] si
  4627. :[ignate] ignate
  4628. :[ignition] encendido
  4629. :[ignoble] innoble
  4630. :[ignorance] ignorancia
  4631. :[ignorant] ignorante
  4632. :[ignore] ignorar
  4633. :[ignoring] postergación
  4634. :[ill] enfermo
  4635. :[illegal] ilegal
  4636. :[illegally] ilegalmente
  4637. :[illegible] ilegible
  4638. :[illegimate] ilegítimo
  4639. :[illicit] ilícito
  4640. :[illiterate] analfabeto
  4641. :[illness] enfermedad
  4642. :[illogical] ilógico
  4643. :[illuminate] iluminar
  4644. :[illusion] espejismo
  4645. :[illusive] ilusorio
  4646. :[illustrate] ilustrar
  4647. :[illustration] ilustración
  4648. :[image] imagen
  4649. :[imaginable] imaginable
  4650. :[imaginary] imaginario
  4651. :[imagination] imaginación
  4652. :[imagine] imagina
  4653. :[imbue] imbuir
  4654. :[imitate] imitar
  4655. :[immaculate] inmaculado
  4656. :[immature] inmaduro
  4657. :[immediate] inmediato
  4658. :[immediately] inmediatamente
  4659. :[immense] inmenso
  4660. :[immensely] inmensamente
  4661. :[immerse] sumergirse
  4662. :[immigrant] inmigrante
  4663. :[immigrate] inmigrar
  4664. :[immigration] inmigración
  4665. :[imminent] inminente
  4666. :[immobile] inmóvil
  4667. :[immoderate] inmoderado
  4668. :[immoral] inmoral
  4669. :[immortal] inmortal
  4670. :[immortality] inmortalidad
  4671. :[immovable] inamovible
  4672. :[immune] inmune
  4673. :[immunity] inmunidad
  4674. :[impact] impacto
  4675. :[impartial] imparcial
  4676. :[impassable] infranqueable
  4677. :[impatience] impaciencia
  4678. :[impatient] impaciente
  4679. :[impeccable] impecable
  4680. :[impediment] impedimento
  4681. :[impel] impulsar
  4682. :[impending] inminente
  4683. :[imperative] imperativo
  4684. :[imperfect] imperfecto
  4685. :[imperial] imperial
  4686. :[impersonal] impersonal
  4687. :[impertinent] impertinente
  4688. :[imperturbable] imperturbable
  4689. :[impetuous] impetuoso
  4690. :[impetus] ímpetu
  4691. :[impish] travieso
  4692. :[implacable] implacable
  4693. :[implant] implante
  4694. :[implement] implementar
  4695. :[implication] implicación
  4696. :[implore] implorar
  4697. :[imply] implicar
  4698. :[impolite] descortés
  4699. :[import] importar
  4700. :[importance] importancia
  4701. :[important] importante
  4702. :[importantly] en tono rimbombante
  4703. :[impose] imponer
  4704. :[impossibility] imposibilidad
  4705. :[impossible] imposible
  4706. :[imposter] impostor
  4707. :[impregnable] inexpugnable
  4708. :[impress] impresionar
  4709. :[impression] impresión
  4710. :[impressive] impresionante
  4711. :[imprint] imprimir
  4712. :[imprison] encarcelar
  4713. :[improbable] improbable
  4714. :[improper] incorrecto
  4715. :[improve] mejorar
  4716. :[improved] mejorado
  4717. :[improvement] mejora
  4718. :[improvise] improvisar
  4719. :[imprudence] imprudencia
  4720. :[impulse] impulso
  4721. :[impulsive] impulsivo
  4722. :[impunity] impunidad
  4723. :[impure] impuro
  4724. :[in] en
  4725. :[inability] incapacidad
  4726. :[inaccessible] inaccesible
  4727. :[inaccurate] incorrecto
  4728. :[inaction] en acción
  4729. :[inadequacy] insuficiencia
  4730. :[inadequate] inadecuado
  4731. :[inadmissible] inadmisible
  4732. :[inane] inane
  4733. :[inappropriate] inapropiado
  4734. :[inapptitude] inaptitud
  4735. :[inattentive] inatento
  4736. :[inaudible] inaudible
  4737. :[inaugurate] inaugurar
  4738. :[inborn] innato
  4739. :[incapable] incapaz
  4740. :[incarnate] encarnar
  4741. :[incentive] incentivo
  4742. :[inch] pulgada
  4743. :[incident] incidente
  4744. :[incite] incitar
  4745. :[inclination] inclinación
  4746. :[incline] inclinación
  4747. :[inclose] cercar
  4748. :[include] incluir
  4749. :[income] ingreso
  4750. :[income tax] impuesto sobre la renta
  4751. :[incoming] entrante
  4752. :[incomparable] incomparable
  4753. :[incompatible] incompatible
  4754. :[incompetence] incompetencia
  4755. :[incompetent] incompetente
  4756. :[incomplete] incompleto
  4757. :[incomprehensible] incomprensible
  4758. :[inconceivable] inconcebible
  4759. :[inconsistency] inconsecuencia
  4760. :[inconvenience] inconveniencia
  4761. :[inconvenient] inconveniente
  4762. :[incorporate] incorporar
  4763. :[incorrect] incorrecto
  4764. :[increase] incrementar
  4765. :[increasingly] cada vez más
  4766. :[incredible] increíble
  4767. :[incredibly] increíblemente
  4768. :[incriminate] incriminar
  4769. :[incurable] incurable
  4770. :[indebted] endeudado
  4771. :[indecent] indecente
  4772. :[indecision] indecisión
  4773. :[indeed] Por supuesto
  4774. :[indefinite] indefinido
  4775. :[indefinitely] indefinidamente
  4776. :[indelicate] poco delicado
  4777. :[independence] independencia
  4778. :[independent] independiente
  4779. :[index] índice
  4780. :[indicate] indicar
  4781. :[indication] indicación
  4782. :[indicator] indicador
  4783. :[indictment] acusación
  4784. :[indifference] indiferencia
  4785. :[indigenous] indígena
  4786. :[indigestion] indigestión
  4787. :[indignant] indignado
  4788. :[indirect] indirecto
  4789. :[indiscreet] indiscreto
  4790. :[indispensable] indispensable
  4791. :[indisputable] indiscutible
  4792. :[indistinct] indistinto
  4793. :[individual] individual
  4794. :[indoor] interior
  4795. :[induce] inducir
  4796. :[indulge] complacer
  4797. :[indulgence] indulgencia
  4798. :[industrial] industrial
  4799. :[industry] industria
  4800. :[inedible] incomible
  4801. :[ineffective] ineficaz
  4802. :[inefficient] ineficiente
  4803. :[inept] inepto
  4804. :[inert] inerte
  4805. :[inestimable] inestimable
  4806. :[inevitable] inevitable
  4807. :[inevitably] inevitablemente
  4808. :[inexhaustible] inagotable
  4809. :[inexorable] inexorable
  4810. :[inexpedient] inconveniente
  4811. :[inexperienced] inexperto
  4812. :[inexplicable] inexplicable
  4813. :[inextricable] inextricable
  4814. :[infallible] infalible
  4815. :[infamous] infame
  4816. :[infant] infantil
  4817. :[infantry] infantería
  4818. :[infatuated] chiflado por
  4819. :[infected] infectado
  4820. :[infection] infección
  4821. :[infer] inferir
  4822. :[inferior] inferior
  4823. :[infertile] estéril
  4824. :[infest] infestar
  4825. :[infinite] infinito
  4826. :[infirmary] enfermería
  4827. :[inflame] inflamar
  4828. :[inflammable] inflamable
  4829. :[inflate] inflar
  4830. :[inflation] inflación
  4831. :[inflict] infligir
  4832. :[influence] influencia
  4833. :[influenza] influenza
  4834. :[influx] afluencia
  4835. :[info] info
  4836. :[inform] informar
  4837. :[informal] informal
  4838. :[informant] informante
  4839. :[information] información
  4840. :[infractructure] infraestructura
  4841. :[infringement] infracción
  4842. :[infuriate] enfurecer
  4843. :[ingenious] ingenioso
  4844. :[ingoing] entrante
  4845. :[ingratitude] ingratitud
  4846. :[ingredient] ingrediente
  4847. :[inhabit] habitar
  4848. :[inhabitant] habitante
  4849. :[inhale] inhalar
  4850. :[inherit] heredar
  4851. :[inheritance] herencia
  4852. :[inhibit] inhibir
  4853. :[inhospitable] inhóspito
  4854. :[inhuman] inhumano
  4855. :[initial] inicial
  4856. :[initially] inicialmente
  4857. :[initiative] iniciativa
  4858. :[inject] inyectar
  4859. :[injection] inyección
  4860. :[injunction] mandato
  4861. :[injured] herido
  4862. :[injury] lesión
  4863. :[injustice] injusticia
  4864. :[ink] tinta
  4865. :[inland] interior
  4866. :[inmate] preso
  4867. :[inn] Posada
  4868. :[inner] interno
  4869. :[innocence] inocencia
  4870. :[innocent] inocente
  4871. :[innovation] innovación
  4872. :[innumerable] innumerable
  4873. :[inoculate] inocular
  4874. :[inoffensive] inofensivo
  4875. :[inopportune] inoportuno
  4876. :[in-patient] paciente interno
  4877. :[input] aporte
  4878. :[inquire] preguntar
  4879. :[inquiry] consulta
  4880. :[insane] loco
  4881. :[insanity] locura
  4882. :[inscribe] inscribir
  4883. :[insect] insecto
  4884. :[insecure] inseguro
  4885. :[insecurity] inseguridad
  4886. :[insensible] insensible
  4887. :[insensitive] insensible
  4888. :[inseparable] inseparable
  4889. :[insert] insertar
  4890. :[inset] recuadro
  4891. :[inside] dentro
  4892. :[insight] conocimiento
  4893. :[insignificant] insignificante
  4894. :[insinuate] insinuar
  4895. :[insist] insistir
  4896. :[insolence] insolencia
  4897. :[insoluble] insoluble
  4898. :[insomnia] insomnio
  4899. :[inspection] inspección
  4900. :[inspector] inspector
  4901. :[inspiration] inspiración
  4902. :[inspire] inspirar
  4903. :[inspiring] inspirador
  4904. :[install] Instalar en pc
  4905. :[installation] instalación
  4906. :[installed] instalado
  4907. :[instalment] entrega
  4908. :[instance] ejemplo
  4909. :[instant] instante
  4910. :[instead] en lugar de
  4911. :[instinct] instinto
  4912. :[institute] instituto
  4913. :[institution] institución
  4914. :[instruct] instruir
  4915. :[instruction] instrucción
  4916. :[instructor] instructor
  4917. :[instrument] instrumento
  4918. :[insufficient] insuficiente
  4919. :[insular] insular
  4920. :[insulation] aislamiento
  4921. :[insult] insulto
  4922. :[insulting] insultante
  4923. :[intact] intacto
  4924. :[integral] integral
  4925. :[integration] integración
  4926. :[integrity] integridad
  4927. :[intellect] intelecto
  4928. :[intellectual] intelectual
  4929. :[intelligence] inteligencia
  4930. :[intelligent] inteligente
  4931. :[intend] intentar
  4932. :[intense] intenso
  4933. :[intensive] intensivo
  4934. :[intent] intención
  4935. :[intention] intención
  4936. :[intentionally] intencionalmente
  4937. :[interact] interactuar
  4938. :[intercept] interceptar
  4939. :[intercourse] coito
  4940. :[interest] interesar
  4941. :[interested] interesado
  4942. :[interesting] interesante
  4943. :[interfere] interferir
  4944. :[interference] interferencia
  4945. :[interim] provisional
  4946. :[interior] interior
  4947. :[intermediary] intermediario
  4948. :[intermediate] intermedio
  4949. :[intern] interno
  4950. :[internal] interno
  4951. :[international] internacional
  4952. :[internet] Internet
  4953. :[interpret] interpretar
  4954. :[interpretation] interpretación
  4955. :[interrogate] interrogar
  4956. :[interrogation] interrogatorio
  4957. :[interrupt] interrumpir
  4958. :[interruption] interrupción
  4959. :[intersection] intersección
  4960. :[interstate] interestatal
  4961. :[interval] intervalo
  4962. :[intervention] intervención
  4963. :[interview] entrevista
  4964. :[intestine] intestino
  4965. :[intimacy] intimidad
  4966. :[intimate] íntimo
  4967. :[intimidate] intimidar
  4968. :[intimidating] intimidante
  4969. :[into] dentro
  4970. :[intolerable] intolerable
  4971. :[intoxicate] intoxicar
  4972. :[intrepid] intrépido
  4973. :[intricate] intrincado
  4974. :[intrigue] intriga
  4975. :[intriguing] intrigante
  4976. :[introduce] introducir
  4977. :[introducing] presentando
  4978. :[introduction] Introducción
  4979. :[intrude] entrometerse
  4980. :[intruder] intruso
  4981. :[intrusive] intruso
  4982. :[intuition] intuición
  4983. :[invade] invadir
  4984. :[invaded] invadido
  4985. :[invalid] inválido
  4986. :[invaluable] inestimable
  4987. :[invariable] invariable
  4988. :[invasion] invasión
  4989. :[invent] inventar
  4990. :[invention] invención
  4991. :[inventory] inventario
  4992. :[invest] invertir
  4993. :[investigate] investigar
  4994. :[investigation] investigación
  4995. :[investigator] investigador
  4996. :[investment] inversión
  4997. :[investor] inversor
  4998. :[invincible] invencible
  4999. :[invisible] invisible
  5000. :[invitation] invitación
  5001. :[invite] invitación
  5002. :[inviting] atractivo
  5003. :[invoice] factura
  5004. :[invoke] invocar
  5005. :[involuntary] involuntario
  5006. :[involve] involucrar
  5007. :[involvement] intervención
  5008. :[involving] involucrando
  5009. :[invulnerable] invulnerable
  5010. :[inward] interior
  5011. :[iodine] yodo
  5012. :[iris] iris
  5013. :[irksome] molesto
  5014. :[iron] planchar
  5015. :[ironic] irónico
  5016. :[irony] ironía
  5017. :[irradiate] irradiar
  5018. :[irrational] irracional
  5019. :[irregular] irregular
  5020. :[irrelevant] irrelevante
  5021. :[irreparable] irreparable
  5022. :[irreproachable] irreprochable
  5023. :[irresistible] irresistible
  5024. :[irresponsible] irresponsable
  5025. :[irrigate] irrigar
  5026. :[irriplaceable] irritable
  5027. :[irritable] irritable
  5028. :[irritate] irritar
  5029. :[irritating] irritante
  5030. :[is] es
  5031. :[island] isla
  5032. :[isolate] aislar
  5033. :[isolated] aislado
  5034. :[isolation] aislamiento
  5035. :[issue] asunto
  5036. :[It] Eso
  5037. :[Italian] italiano
  5038. :[Italy] Italia
  5039. :[itch] picar
  5040. :[itching] Comezón
  5041. :[itchy] que produce picor
  5042. :[item] artículo
  5043. :[itinerary] itinerario
  5044. :[its] su
  5045. :[itself] sí mismo
  5046. :[ivory] Marfil
  5047. :[ivy] hiedra
  5048. :[jab] pinchazo
  5049. :[jackal] chacal
  5050. :[jacket] chaqueta
  5051. :[jack-knife] navaja
  5052. :[jackpot] bote
  5053. :[jade] jade
  5054. :[jagged] dentado
  5055. :[jaguar] jaguar
  5056. :[jail] celda
  5057. :[jam] mermelada
  5058. :[jangle] sonar
  5059. :[janitor] conserje
  5060. :[January] enero
  5061. :[Japanese] japonés
  5062. :[jar] frasco
  5063. :[jargon] jerga
  5064. :[jaunty] alegre
  5065. :[javelin] jabalina
  5066. :[jaw] mandíbula
  5067. :[jay] arrendajo
  5068. :[jazz] jazz
  5069. :[jealous] celoso
  5070. :[jealousy] celos
  5071. :[jean] vaquero
  5072. :[jeans] pantalones
  5073. :[jeep] todoterreno
  5074. :[jeer] burla
  5075. :[jell] cuajar
  5076. :[jelly] gelatina
  5077. :[jeopardize] poner en peligro
  5078. :[jeopardy] peligro
  5079. :[jerk] imbécil
  5080. :[jersey] jersey
  5081. :[jest] broma
  5082. :[Jesus] Jesús
  5083. :[jet] chorro
  5084. :[Jew] judío
  5085. :[jewel] joya
  5086. :[jewellery] joyería
  5087. :[Jewish] judío
  5088. :[Jews] Judíos
  5089. :[jigsaw] rompecabezas
  5090. :[jingle] tintineo
  5091. :[jinx] gafe
  5092. :[jitter] estar nervioso
  5093. :[job] trabajo
  5094. :[jobless] desempleado
  5095. :[jockey] jockey
  5096. :[jog] empujoncito
  5097. :[jogging] trotar
  5098. :[joggle] traqueo
  5099. :[join] entrar
  5100. :[joining] unión
  5101. :[joint] articulación
  5102. :[joke] broma
  5103. :[joker] bufón
  5104. :[jolly] alegre
  5105. :[jolt] sacudida
  5106. :[journal] diario
  5107. :[journalism] periodismo
  5108. :[journalist] el periodista
  5109. :[journey] viaje
  5110. :[jovial] jovial
  5111. :[joy] alegría
  5112. :[joyful] alegre
  5113. :[joyous] jubiloso
  5114. :[jubilee] aniversario
  5115. :[judge] juez
  5116. :[judgement] juicio
  5117. :[judicial] judicial
  5118. :[judicial] judicial
  5119. :[judicious] juicioso
  5120. :[jug] jarra
  5121. :[juggle] hacer juegos malabares
  5122. :[juice] jugo
  5123. :[juicy] jugoso
  5124. :[July] julio
  5125. :[jumbo] jumbo
  5126. :[jump] salto
  5127. :[jumper] saltador
  5128. :[jumpy] asustadizo
  5129. :[junction] unión
  5130. :[junction] unión
  5131. :[June] junio
  5132. :[jungle] selva
  5133. :[junior] júnior
  5134. :[junk] basura
  5135. :[junk food] comida chatarra
  5136. :[jurisdiction] jurisdicción
  5137. :[jury] jurado
  5138. :[just] solo
  5139. :[justice] justicia
  5140. :[justification] justificación
  5141. :[justified] justificado
  5142. :[justify] justificar
  5143. :[jut] sobresalir
  5144. :[juvenile] juvenil
  5145. :[juxtapose] yuxtaponer
  5146. :[juxtaposition] yuxtaposición
  5147. :[kaleidoscope] caleidoscopio
  5148. :[kangaroo] canguro
  5149. :[karate] kárate
  5150. :[keel] quilla
  5151. :[keen] entusiasta
  5152. :[keep] guardar
  5153. :[keeper] guardián
  5154. :[keg] barrilete
  5155. :[ken] conocido
  5156. :[kerb] bordillo
  5157. :[kernel] núcleo
  5158. :[ketchup] salsa de tomate
  5159. :[kettle] Pava
  5160. :[key] llave
  5161. :[keyboard] teclado
  5162. :[keyhole] ojo de cerradura
  5163. :[keynote] fundamental
  5164. :[kick] patear
  5165. :[kid] niño
  5166. :[kidding] es una broma
  5167. :[kidnap] secuestrar
  5168. :[kidnapping] secuestro
  5169. :[kidney] riñón
  5170. :[kill] matar
  5171. :[killer] asesino
  5172. :[kilometre] kilómetro
  5173. :[kin] familiares
  5174. :[kind] amable
  5175. :[kindergarten] jardín de infancia
  5176. :[kindle] encender
  5177. :[kindly] amable
  5178. :[kindness] amabilidad
  5179. :[king] Rey
  5180. :[kingdom] Reino
  5181. :[kiss] Beso
  5182. :[kit] equipo
  5183. :[kitchen] cocina
  5184. :[kitten] gatito
  5185. :[kitty] gatito
  5186. :[knack] maña
  5187. :[knead] amasar
  5188. :[knee] rodilla
  5189. :[kneel] arrodillarse
  5190. :[knew] supo
  5191. :[knife] cuchillo
  5192. :[knight] Caballero
  5193. :[knit] tejer
  5194. :[knitting] tejido de punto
  5195. :[knives] cuchillos
  5196. :[knob] mando
  5197. :[knock] golpear
  5198. :[knockout] knockear
  5199. :[knot] nudo
  5200. :[know] saber
  5201. :[know-how] saber como
  5202. :[knowledge] conocimiento
  5203. :[known] conocido
  5204. :[knuckle] nudillo
  5205. :[lab] laboratorio
  5206. :[label] etiqueta
  5207. :[laboratory] laboratorio
  5208. :[labour] labor
  5209. :[lace] cordón
  5210. :[lacerate] lacerar
  5211. :[lack] ausencia
  5212. :[lacking] carente
  5213. :[lackless] inútil
  5214. :[lacquer] barniz
  5215. :[lacy] de encaje
  5216. :[lad] muchacho
  5217. :[ladder] escalera
  5218. :[laden] cargado
  5219. :[ladle] cucharón
  5220. :[lady] señora
  5221. :[lag] retraso
  5222. :[lagoon] laguna
  5223. :[laid] establecido
  5224. :[lair] guarida
  5225. :[lake] lago
  5226. :[lamb] Cordero
  5227. :[lame] aburrido
  5228. :[lament] lamento
  5229. :[lamp] lámpara
  5230. :[lamppost] Poste de luz
  5231. :[lamp-shade] pantalla de lámpara
  5232. :[lance] lanza
  5233. :[land] tierra
  5234. :[landfall] recalada
  5235. :[landing] aterrizaje
  5236. :[landlady] dueña
  5237. :[landlord] propietario
  5238. :[landmark] punto de referencia
  5239. :[landscape] paisaje
  5240. :[lane] carril
  5241. :[lanentable] carril
  5242. :[language] idioma
  5243. :[languid] lánguido
  5244. :[languish] languidecer
  5245. :[lank] alto y delgado
  5246. :[lantern] linterna
  5247. :[lap] regazo
  5248. :[lapse] lapso
  5249. :[laptop] ordenador portátil
  5250. :[lard] manteca de cerdo
  5251. :[lardy] mantecoso
  5252. :[large] grande
  5253. :[largely] en gran parte
  5254. :[larger] mas grande
  5255. :[largest] mas grande
  5256. :[lark] alondra
  5257. :[lascivious] lascivo
  5258. :[laser] láser
  5259. :[lash] latigazo
  5260. :[lassitude] lasitud
  5261. :[last] último
  5262. :[lasting] perdurable
  5263. :[latch] pestillo
  5264. :[late] tarde
  5265. :[lately] últimamente
  5266. :[latent] latente
  5267. :[later] más tarde
  5268. :[lateral] lateral
  5269. :[latest] más reciente
  5270. :[lathe] torno
  5271. :[lather] espuma
  5272. :[latitude] latitud
  5273. :[latter] último
  5274. :[lattice] enrejado
  5275. :[laugh] reír
  5276. :[laughter] la risa
  5277. :[launch] lanzamiento
  5278. :[laundry] lavandería
  5279. :[laurel] laurel
  5280. :[lavatory] lavabo
  5281. :[lavender] lavanda
  5282. :[lavish] prodigar
  5283. :[lavishness] prodigalidad
  5284. :[law] ley
  5285. :[lawfully] legalmente
  5286. :[lawn] césped
  5287. :[lawsuit] demanda judicial
  5288. :[lawyer] abogado
  5289. :[lax] flojo
  5290. :[laxative] laxante
  5291. :[lay] poner
  5292. :[layer] capa
  5293. :[laying] tendido
  5294. :[layout] diseño
  5295. :[laziness] pereza
  5296. :[lazy] perezoso
  5297. :[lead] dirigir
  5298. :[leaden] de plomo
  5299. :[leader] líder
  5300. :[leadership] liderazgo
  5301. :[leading] principal
  5302. :[leaf] hoja
  5303. :[league] liga
  5304. :[leak] fuga
  5305. :[lean] inclinarse
  5306. :[leap] salto
  5307. :[leap year] año bisiesto
  5308. :[learn] aprender
  5309. :[lease] alquiler
  5310. :[leaseholder] arrendatario
  5311. :[leash] Correa
  5312. :[least] menos
  5313. :[leather] cuero
  5314. :[leave] dejar
  5315. :[lecture] conferencia
  5316. :[ledge] repisa
  5317. :[leech] sanguijuela
  5318. :[leery] sospechoso
  5319. :[left] izquierda
  5320. :[leftover] sobrante
  5321. :[leg] pierna
  5322. :[legacy] legado
  5323. :[legal] legal
  5324. :[legalize] legalizar
  5325. :[legally] legalmente
  5326. :[legend] leyenda
  5327. :[legendary] legendario
  5328. :[leggy] zanquilargo
  5329. :[legislation] legislación
  5330. :[legitimate] legítimo
  5331. :[leisure] ocio
  5332. :[lemon] limón
  5333. :[lemonade] limonada
  5334. :[lend] prestar
  5335. :[length] largo
  5336. :[lengthen] alargar
  5337. :[lenient] indulgente
  5338. :[lens] lente
  5339. :[lent] prestado
  5340. :[leopard] leopardo
  5341. :[lesbian] lesbianas
  5342. :[less] menos
  5343. :[lesser] menor
  5344. :[lesson] lección
  5345. :[let] dejar
  5346. :[lethal] letal
  5347. :[letter] carta
  5348. :[letting] dejando
  5349. :[lettuce] lechuga
  5350. :[leukemia] leucemia
  5351. :[level] nivel
  5352. :[lever] palanca
  5353. :[leverage] aprovechar
  5354. :[levity] ligereza
  5355. :[levy] exacción
  5356. :[liability] responsabilidad
  5357. :[liable] responsable
  5358. :[liaison] enlace
  5359. :[liar] mentiroso
  5360. :[libel] difamación
  5361. :[libellous] difamatorio
  5362. :[liberal] liberal
  5363. :[liberty] libertad
  5364. :[librarian] bibliotecario
  5365. :[library] Biblioteca
  5366. :[licence] licencia
  5367. :[license] licencia
  5368. :[lick] lamer
  5369. :[licking] paliza
  5370. :[lid] tapa
  5371. :[lie] mentir
  5372. :[lieutenant] teniente
  5373. :[life] vida
  5374. :[lifestyle] estilo de vida
  5375. :[lifetime] toda la vida
  5376. :[lift] elevar
  5377. :[lifting] levantamiento
  5378. :[light] luz
  5379. :[lighten] aligerar
  5380. :[lighter] encendedor
  5381. :[lighthouse] faro
  5382. :[lighting] Encendiendo
  5383. :[lightly] ligeramente
  5384. :[lightning] relámpago
  5385. :[like] igual que
  5386. :[likeable] simpático
  5387. :[likelihood] probabilidad
  5388. :[likely] probable
  5389. :[likewise] igualmente
  5390. :[liking] gusto
  5391. :[lilac] lila
  5392. :[lily] lirio
  5393. :[limb] miembro
  5394. :[limbo] limbo
  5395. :[lime] Lima
  5396. :[limelight] luz de calcio
  5397. :[limelight] luz de calcio
  5398. :[lime-tree] limero
  5399. :[limit] límite
  5400. :[limitation] limitación
  5401. :[limited] limitado
  5402. :[limitless] sin límites
  5403. :[limp] cojear
  5404. :[line] línea
  5405. :[lineal] lineal
  5406. :[linear] lineal
  5407. :[linen] lino
  5408. :[linger] persistir
  5409. :[lingerie] lencería
  5410. :[lining] recubrimiento
  5411. :[link] Enlace
  5412. :[linked] vinculado
  5413. :[lint] hilas
  5414. :[lion] león
  5415. :[lioness] leona
  5416. :[lip] labio
  5417. :[lips] labios
  5418. :[lipstick] lápiz labial
  5419. :[liquid] líquido
  5420. :[liquidate] liquidar
  5421. :[liquor] espíritu
  5422. :[lisp] ceceo
  5423. :[list] lista
  5424. :[listed] enumerado
  5425. :[listen] escucha
  5426. :[listener] oyente
  5427. :[listless] apático
  5428. :[lit] iluminado
  5429. :[literacy] literatura
  5430. :[literally] literalmente
  5431. :[literary] literario
  5432. :[literature] literatura
  5433. :[lithe] ágil
  5434. :[litre] litro
  5435. :[litter] basura
  5436. :[little] poco
  5437. :[live] En Vivo
  5438. :[livelihood] sustento
  5439. :[liveliness] vivacidad
  5440. :[lively] dinámico
  5441. :[liver] hígado
  5442. :[livestock] ganado
  5443. :[living] viviendo
  5444. :[lizard] lagarto
  5445. :[load] carga
  5446. :[loaf] pan
  5447. :[loan] préstamo
  5448. :[loathe] detestar
  5449. :[lobby] vestíbulo
  5450. :[lobster] langosta
  5451. :[local] local
  5452. :[locally] en la zona
  5453. :[locate] localizar
  5454. :[located] situado
  5455. :[location] localización
  5456. :[lock] cerrar con llave
  5457. :[lockdown] cierre de emergencia
  5458. :[locker] armario
  5459. :[locket] medallón
  5460. :[locking] cierre
  5461. :[lockup] cárcel
  5462. :[locomotive] locomotora
  5463. :[locum] sustituto
  5464. :[locus] lugar
  5465. :[locust] langosta
  5466. :[lodge] presentar
  5467. :[loft] desván
  5468. :[log] Iniciar sesión
  5469. :[logic] lógica
  5470. :[logical] lógico
  5471. :[loin] lomo
  5472. :[loitering] holgazaneando
  5473. :[lollipop] chupete
  5474. :[lone] solitario
  5475. :[loneliness] soledad
  5476. :[lonely] solitario
  5477. :[loner] Solitario
  5478. :[lonesome] solitario
  5479. :[long] largo
  5480. :[longest] mas largo
  5481. :[longing] anhelo
  5482. :[longitude] longitud
  5483. :[loo] lavabo
  5484. :[look] Mira
  5485. :[lookout] Estar atento
  5486. :[loom] telar
  5487. :[loop] círculo
  5488. :[loose] suelto
  5489. :[loosen] aflojar
  5490. :[loot] botín
  5491. :[lord] señor
  5492. :[lorry] camión
  5493. :[lose] perder
  5494. :[loser] perdedor
  5495. :[loss] pérdida
  5496. :[lost] perdió
  5497. :[lot] lote
  5498. :[lotion] loción
  5499. :[lots] un montón
  5500. :[lottery] lotería
  5501. :[loud] fuerte
  5502. :[louder] mas fuerte
  5503. :[lounge] salón
  5504. :[louse] piojo
  5505. :[lousy] malísimo
  5506. :[love] amor
  5507. :[lovely] encantador
  5508. :[lover] amante
  5509. :[loving] cariñoso
  5510. :[low] bajo
  5511. :[lower] más bajo
  5512. :[lowest] más bajo
  5513. :[lowlife] mala vida
  5514. :[loyal] leal
  5515. :[loyalty] lealtad
  5516. :[lozenge] pastilla
  5517. :[lubricant] lubricante
  5518. :[lucent] lucent
  5519. :[lucidity] lucidez
  5520. :[luck] suerte
  5521. :[luckily] Afortunadamente
  5522. :[lucky] afortunado
  5523. :[lucrative] lucrativo
  5524. :[ludicrous] ridículo
  5525. :[luggage] equipaje
  5526. :[lukewarm] tibio
  5527. :[lull] calma
  5528. :[lullaby] canción de cuna
  5529. :[lumber] Tablas de madera
  5530. :[luminous] luminoso
  5531. :[lump] bulto
  5532. :[lumpy] aterronado
  5533. :[lunatic] lunático
  5534. :[lunch] comida
  5535. :[lunchtime] hora de comer
  5536. :[lung] pulmón
  5537. :[lure] señuelo
  5538. :[lurk] Acechar
  5539. :[luscious] delicioso
  5540. :[lust] lujuria
  5541. :[lustre] lustre
  5542. :[luxuriant] exuberante
  5543. :[luxury] lujo
  5544. :[lying] mintiendo
  5545. :[lyrical] lírico
  5546. :[lyrics] letra
  5547. :[macaroni] macarrones
  5548. :[machine] máquina
  5549. :[machinery] maquinaria
  5550. :[mad] enojado
  5551. :[madam] señora
  5552. :[madden] enloquecer
  5553. :[made] hecha
  5554. :[made-up] arreglado
  5555. :[madly] locamente
  5556. :[madman] loco
  5557. :[madness] Locura
  5558. :[maestro] maestro
  5559. :[mafia] mafia
  5560. :[magazine] revista
  5561. :[maggot] gusano
  5562. :[magic] magia
  5563. :[magical] mágico
  5564. :[magically] por arte de magia
  5565. :[magician] mago
  5566. :[magistrate] magistrado
  5567. :[magnanimity] magnanimidad
  5568. :[magnet] imán
  5569. :[magnetic] magnético
  5570. :[magnificent] magnífico
  5571. :[magnify] aumentar
  5572. :[magnitude] magnitud
  5573. :[magpie] urraca
  5574. :[maid] mucama
  5575. :[maiden] doncella
  5576. :[mail] correo
  5577. :[mailbox] buzón
  5578. :[mailman] cartero
  5579. :[maim] mutilar
  5580. :[main] principal
  5581. :[mainland] continente
  5582. :[mainly] principalmente
  5583. :[maintain] mantener
  5584. :[maintenance] mantenimiento
  5585. :[majestic] majestuoso
  5586. :[majesty] majestad
  5587. :[major] importante
  5588. :[majority] mayoria
  5589. :[make] hacer
  5590. :[makeover] cambio de imagen
  5591. :[maker] fabricante
  5592. :[makeup] maquillaje
  5593. :[male] masculino
  5594. :[malice] malicia
  5595. :[malicious] malicioso
  5596. :[malignant] maligno
  5597. :[mall] centro comercial
  5598. :[malnutrition] desnutrición
  5599. :[malt] malta
  5600. :[mammal] mamífero
  5601. :[mammoth] mamut
  5602. :[man] hombre
  5603. :[manage] administrar
  5604. :[management] administración
  5605. :[manager] gerente
  5606. :[mandate] mandato
  5607. :[mandatory] obligatorio
  5608. :[mane] melena
  5609. :[manhood] virilidad
  5610. :[mania] manía
  5611. :[maniac] maníaco
  5612. :[manicure] manicura
  5613. :[manifest] manifiesto
  5614. :[manipulate] manipular
  5615. :[manipulation] manipulación
  5616. :[manipulative] manipulativo
  5617. :[mankind] humanidad
  5618. :[manly] varonil
  5619. :[manner] conducta
  5620. :[manoeuvre] maniobra
  5621. :[manor] señorío
  5622. :[manpower] mano de obra
  5623. :[mansion] mansión
  5624. :[manslaughter] homicidio involuntario
  5625. :[manual] manual
  5626. :[manufacture] fabricar
  5627. :[manufacturer] fabricante
  5628. :[manure] estiércol
  5629. :[manuscript] manuscrito
  5630. :[many] muchos
  5631. :[map] mapa
  5632. :[maple] arce
  5633. :[mar] mar
  5634. :[marathon] maratón
  5635. :[marble] mármol
  5636. :[march] marcha
  5637. :[March] marcha
  5638. :[marching] de marcha
  5639. :[mare] yegua
  5640. :[margarine] margarina
  5641. :[margin] margen
  5642. :[marijuana] marijuana
  5643. :[marinade] escabeche
  5644. :[marine] marina
  5645. :[marital] marital
  5646. :[mark] Marcos
  5647. :[marker] marcador
  5648. :[market] mercado
  5649. :[marketing] márketing
  5650. :[marmalade] mermelada
  5651. :[marriage] matrimonio
  5652. :[married] casado
  5653. :[marrow] médula
  5654. :[marry] casar
  5655. :[marsh] pantano
  5656. :[marshal] mariscal
  5657. :[marshy] pantanoso
  5658. :[mart] mercado
  5659. :[marten] marta
  5660. :[martial] marcial
  5661. :[martyr] mártir
  5662. :[marvel] maravilla
  5663. :[marvellous] maravilloso
  5664. :[mascara] máscara
  5665. :[masculine] masculino
  5666. :[mash] mezcla
  5667. :[mask] máscara
  5668. :[mass] masa
  5669. :[massacre] masacre
  5670. :[massage] masaje
  5671. :[massive] masivo
  5672. :[mast] mástil
  5673. :[master] Maestro
  5674. :[masterpiece] obra maestra
  5675. :[mat] estera
  5676. :[match] fósforo
  5677. :[matching] pareo
  5678. :[mate] compañero
  5679. :[material] material
  5680. :[materialistic] materialista
  5681. :[maternal] materno
  5682. :[maternity] maternidad
  5683. :[math] Matemáticas
  5684. :[mathematics] matemáticas
  5685. :[matrimony] matrimonio
  5686. :[matrix] matriz
  5687. :[matt] mate
  5688. :[matter] importar
  5689. :[mattress] colchón
  5690. :[mature] maduro
  5691. :[maturity] madurez
  5692. :[mausoleum] mausoleo
  5693. :[maximum] máximo
  5694. :[may] mayo
  5695. :[May] Mayo
  5696. :[maybe] quizás
  5697. :[mayhem] violencia
  5698. :[mayonnaise] mayonesa
  5699. :[mayor] alcalde
  5700. :[maze] laberinto
  5701. :[me] me
  5702. :[meadow] prado
  5703. :[meal] comida
  5704. :[mean] significar
  5705. :[meaning] sentido
  5706. :[meaningful] significativo
  5707. :[meaningless] sin sentido
  5708. :[means] medio
  5709. :[meantime] mientras tanto
  5710. :[meanwhile] mientras tanto
  5711. :[measles] sarampión
  5712. :[measure] la medida
  5713. :[measurement] medición
  5714. :[meat] carne
  5715. :[meatloaf] pastel de carne
  5716. :[mechanic] mecánico
  5717. :[mechanical] mecánico
  5718. :[mechanism] mecanismo
  5719. :[medal] medalla
  5720. :[meddling] intromisión
  5721. :[media] medios de comunicación
  5722. :[mediate] mediar
  5723. :[medic] médico
  5724. :[medical] médico
  5725. :[medication] medicamento
  5726. :[medicine] medicamento
  5727. :[medieval] medieval
  5728. :[mediocre] mediocre
  5729. :[medium] medio
  5730. :[meek] manso
  5731. :[meet] encontrarse
  5732. :[meeting] cita
  5733. :[melancholy] melancolía
  5734. :[mellow] meloso
  5735. :[melodramatic] melodramático
  5736. :[melody] melodía
  5737. :[melon] melón
  5738. :[melt] derretir
  5739. :[meltdown] fusión de un reactor
  5740. :[melting] derritiendo
  5741. :[membership] afiliación
  5742. :[memorable] memorable
  5743. :[memorial] monumento
  5744. :[memorize] memorizar
  5745. :[memory] memoria
  5746. :[men] hombres
  5747. :[menace] amenaza
  5748. :[mend] arreglar
  5749. :[mental] mental
  5750. :[mentally] mentalmente
  5751. :[mention] mencionar
  5752. :[mentor] mentor
  5753. :[menu] menú
  5754. :[meow] maullar
  5755. :[mercenary] mercenario
  5756. :[merchandise] mercancías
  5757. :[merchant] comerciante
  5758. :[merciful] misericordioso
  5759. :[mercury] mercurio
  5760. :[mercy] misericordia
  5761. :[mere] mero
  5762. :[merely] simplemente
  5763. :[merge] unir
  5764. :[merger] fusión
  5765. :[merit] mérito
  5766. :[mermaid] sirena
  5767. :[merriment] alegría
  5768. :[merry] alegre
  5769. :[mesh] malla
  5770. :[mesmerize] hipnotizar
  5771. :[mess] desorden
  5772. :[message] mensaje
  5773. :[messenger] Mensajero
  5774. :[messy] desordenado
  5775. :[metal] metal
  5776. :[metaphor] metáfora
  5777. :[meteor] meteorito
  5778. :[meter] metro
  5779. :[method] método
  5780. :[metre] metro
  5781. :[metric] métrico
  5782. :[metropolitan] metropolitano
  5783. :[mice] ratones
  5784. :[microphone] micrófono
  5785. :[microscope] microscopio
  5786. :[microwave] microonda
  5787. :[mid] medio
  5788. :[midday] mediodía
  5789. :[middle] medio
  5790. :[middle-aged] de edad mediana
  5791. :[midge] mosquito
  5792. :[midget] enano
  5793. :[midland] del interior
  5794. :[midnight] medianoche
  5795. :[midst] medio
  5796. :[midsummer] pleno verano
  5797. :[midterm] Mediano plazo
  5798. :[midwife] Partera
  5799. :[might] podría
  5800. :[mighty] poderoso
  5801. :[migraine] migraña
  5802. :[migrant] inmigrante
  5803. :[migration] migración
  5804. :[mild] leve
  5805. :[mildly] levemente
  5806. :[mildness] suavidad
  5807. :[mile] milla
  5808. :[mileage] kilometraje
  5809. :[milestone] hito
  5810. :[militant] militante
  5811. :[military] militar
  5812. :[milk] Leche
  5813. :[mill] molino
  5814. :[millennium] milenio
  5815. :[miller] molinero
  5816. :[milligram] miligramo
  5817. :[million] millón
  5818. :[millionaire] millonario
  5819. :[mimic] imitar
  5820. :[mince] desmenuzar
  5821. :[mind] mente
  5822. :[minder] guardaespaldas
  5823. :[mindless] imbécil
  5824. :[mindless] imbécil
  5825. :[mine] mía
  5826. :[minefield] campo de minas
  5827. :[mineral] mineral
  5828. :[mingle] mezclarse
  5829. :[mini] mini
  5830. :[miniature] miniatura
  5831. :[minimal] mínimo
  5832. :[minimize] minimizar
  5833. :[minimum] mínimo
  5834. :[minister] ministro
  5835. :[ministry] ministerio
  5836. :[mink] visón
  5837. :[minor] menor
  5838. :[minority] minoría
  5839. :[mint] menta
  5840. :[minus] menos
  5841. :[minute] minuto
  5842. :[miracle] milagro
  5843. :[miraculous] milagroso
  5844. :[mirror] espejo
  5845. :[mirth] alegría
  5846. :[miscalculate] calcular mal
  5847. :[miscarriage] aborto espontáneo
  5848. :[miscellaneous] diverso
  5849. :[mischief] Travesura
  5850. :[miser] avaro
  5851. :[miserable] miserable
  5852. :[misery] miseria
  5853. :[misfire] fallar
  5854. :[misfortune] desgracia
  5855. :[misguided] equivocado
  5856. :[mishandle] manejar mal
  5857. :[misjudge] juzgar mal
  5858. :[mislead] engañar
  5859. :[misplace] perder
  5860. :[miss] pierda
  5861. :[missile] misil
  5862. :[missing] desaparecido
  5863. :[mission] misión
  5864. :[misspell] escribir mal
  5865. :[mist] neblina
  5866. :[mistake] error
  5867. :[mistaken] equivocado
  5868. :[mister] señor
  5869. :[mistletoe] muérdago
  5870. :[mistress] amante
  5871. :[mistrust] desconfianza
  5872. :[misty] brumoso
  5873. :[misunderstand] entender mal
  5874. :[misuse] mal uso
  5875. :[mitten] mitón
  5876. :[mix] mezcla
  5877. :[mixed] mezclado
  5878. :[mixture] mezcla
  5879. :[moan] gemir
  5880. :[mob] multitud
  5881. :[mobile] móvil
  5882. :[mobile phone] teléfono móvil
  5883. :[mock] burlarse de
  5884. :[mocking] burlón
  5885. :[mode] modo
  5886. :[model] modelo
  5887. :[modeling] modelado
  5888. :[moderate] moderar
  5889. :[modern] moderno
  5890. :[modest] modesto
  5891. :[modify] modificar
  5892. :[module] módulo
  5893. :[moist] húmedo
  5894. :[moisture] humedad
  5895. :[mole] Topo
  5896. :[molecular] molecular
  5897. :[molecule] molécula
  5898. :[mom] mamá
  5899. :[moment] momento
  5900. :[momentarily] momentáneamente
  5901. :[momentary] momentáneo
  5902. :[mommy] mami
  5903. :[monarchy] monarquía
  5904. :[monastery] monasterio
  5905. :[Monday] lunes
  5906. :[money] dinero
  5907. :[monitor] monitor
  5908. :[monk] monje
  5909. :[monkey] mono
  5910. :[monopoly] monopolio
  5911. :[monster] monstruo
  5912. :[month] mes
  5913. :[monthly] mensual
  5914. :[montley] Montley
  5915. :[monument] Monumento
  5916. :[mood] estado animico
  5917. :[moody] temperamental
  5918. :[moon] Luna
  5919. :[moonlight] luz de la luna
  5920. :[moor] Páramo
  5921. :[moot] discutible
  5922. :[mop] fregar
  5923. :[mope] melancólico
  5924. :[moral] moral
  5925. :[morality] moralidad
  5926. :[morally] moralmente
  5927. :[morbid] mórbido
  5928. :[more] más
  5929. :[moreover] es más
  5930. :[morgue] morgue
  5931. :[morning] Mañana
  5932. :[moron] imbécil
  5933. :[morsel] bocado
  5934. :[mortal] mortal
  5935. :[mortgage] hipoteca
  5936. :[mortify] mortificar
  5937. :[mosque] mezquita
  5938. :[mosquito] mosquito
  5939. :[moss] musgo
  5940. :[most] la mayoría
  5941. :[mostly] principalmente
  5942. :[motel] motel
  5943. :[moth] polilla
  5944. :[mother] madre
  5945. :[motherhood] maternidad
  5946. :[motion] movimiento
  5947. :[motivate] motivar
  5948. :[motivation] motivación
  5949. :[motive] motivo
  5950. :[motor] motor
  5951. :[motorcycle] motocicleta
  5952. :[motorway] autopista
  5953. :[motto] lema
  5954. :[mould] molde
  5955. :[mount] montar
  5956. :[mountain] montaña
  5957. :[mounted] montado
  5958. :[mourn] llorar
  5959. :[mourning] luto
  5960. :[mouse] ratón
  5961. :[moustache] bigote
  5962. :[mouth] boca
  5963. :[move] moverse
  5964. :[movement] movimiento
  5965. :[mover] agente de mudanzas
  5966. :[movie] película
  5967. :[moving] Moviente
  5968. :[mow] cortar
  5969. :[much] mucho
  5970. :[mud] lodo
  5971. :[muddy] lodoso
  5972. :[muffin] mollete
  5973. :[muffle] amortiguar
  5974. :[mug] taza
  5975. :[mugged] asaltado
  5976. :[mulberry] mora
  5977. :[mule] mula
  5978. :[multi] multi
  5979. :[multicultural] multicultural
  5980. :[multiple] múltiple
  5981. :[multiply] multiplicar
  5982. :[mum] mamá
  5983. :[mumble] mascullar
  5984. :[mummy] momia
  5985. :[mural] mural
  5986. :[murder] asesinato
  5987. :[murderer] asesino
  5988. :[murmur] murmullo
  5989. :[muscle] músculo
  5990. :[muse] musa
  5991. :[museum] museo
  5992. :[mush] gachas
  5993. :[mushroom] champiñón
  5994. :[mushy] pulposo
  5995. :[music] música
  5996. :[musical] musical
  5997. :[musician] músico
  5998. :[mussel] mejillón
  5999. :[must] debe
  6000. :[mustard] mostaza
  6001. :[musty] rancio
  6002. :[mute] silencio
  6003. :[muteness] mudez
  6004. :[mutilate] mutilar
  6005. :[mutinous] rebelde
  6006. :[mutter] murmurar
  6007. :[mutton] Carne de cordero
  6008. :[mutual] mutuo
  6009. :[muzzle] bozal
  6010. :[my] mi
  6011. :[myself] yo mismo
  6012. :[mysterious] misterioso
  6013. :[mystery] misterio
  6014. :[mystic] místico
  6015. :[mystical] místico
  6016. :[myth] mito
  6017. :[nag] rocín
  6018. :[nagging] persistente
  6019. :[nail] clavo
  6020. :[naive] ingenuo
  6021. :[naked] desnudo
  6022. :[name] nombre
  6023. :[nameless] sin nombre
  6024. :[namely] a saber
  6025. :[namesake] homónimo
  6026. :[nanny] niñera
  6027. :[nap] siesta
  6028. :[napkin] servilleta
  6029. :[narcotic] narcótico
  6030. :[narrative] narrativa
  6031. :[narrow] estrecho
  6032. :[nasal] nasal
  6033. :[nasty] desagradable
  6034. :[nation] nación
  6035. :[national] nacional
  6036. :[nationality] nacionalidad
  6037. :[native] nativo
  6038. :[natural] natural
  6039. :[naturally] naturalmente
  6040. :[nature] naturaleza
  6041. :[naughty] travieso
  6042. :[nausea] náusea
  6043. :[nauseous] nauseabundo
  6044. :[nautical] náutico
  6045. :[naval] naval
  6046. :[navel] ombligo
  6047. :[navigable] navegable
  6048. :[navigate] navegar
  6049. :[navy] Armada
  6050. :[near] cerca
  6051. :[nearby] cercano
  6052. :[nearest] más cercano
  6053. :[nearly] por poco
  6054. :[neat] ordenado
  6055. :[nebulous] nebuloso
  6056. :[necessarily] necesariamente
  6057. :[necessary] necesario
  6058. :[necessity] necesidad
  6059. :[neck] cuello
  6060. :[necklace] collar
  6061. :[need] necesitar
  6062. :[needful] necesario
  6063. :[needle] aguja
  6064. :[needless] innecesario
  6065. :[needy] necesitado
  6066. :[negate] negar
  6067. :[negation] negación
  6068. :[negative] negativo
  6069. :[neglect] negligencia
  6070. :[negligence] negligencia
  6071. :[negligent] negligente
  6072. :[negotiate] negociar
  6073. :[negotiation] negociación
  6074. :[neigh] relinchar
  6075. :[neighbour] vecino
  6076. :[neighbourhood] vecindario
  6077. :[neighbourly] amistoso
  6078. :[neither] ninguno
  6079. :[nephew] sobrino
  6080. :[nerve] nervio
  6081. :[nervous] nervioso
  6082. :[nest] nido
  6083. :[nestle] hacerse un nido
  6084. :[net] neto
  6085. :[nettle] ortiga
  6086. :[network] la red
  6087. :[neurotic] neurótico
  6088. :[neutral] neutral
  6089. :[neutrality] neutralidad
  6090. :[never] Nunca
  6091. :[nevertheless] sin embargo
  6092. :[new] nuevo
  6093. :[newborn] recién nacido
  6094. :[newest] el más nuevo
  6095. :[newly] recién
  6096. :[newlywed] recién casado
  6097. :[news] Noticias
  6098. :[newspaper] periódico
  6099. :[next] Siguiente
  6100. :[nice] bonito
  6101. :[nicely] bien
  6102. :[nicer] mejor
  6103. :[nicest] mejor
  6104. :[niche] nicho
  6105. :[nick] mella
  6106. :[nickel] níquel
  6107. :[nickname] apodo
  6108. :[niece] sobrina
  6109. :[night] noche
  6110. :[nightclub] Club nocturno
  6111. :[nightfall] anochecer
  6112. :[nightingale] ruiseñor
  6113. :[nightmare] pesadilla
  6114. :[nimble] ágil
  6115. :[nine] nueve
  6116. :[nineteen] diecinueve
  6117. :[ninety] noventa
  6118. :[ninth] noveno
  6119. :[nip] cortar
  6120. :[nipple] pezón
  6121. :[nitrogen] nitrógeno
  6122. :[no] no
  6123. :[no way] de ninguna manera
  6124. :[nobility] nobleza
  6125. :[noble] noble
  6126. :[nobody] nadie
  6127. :[nod] asentir
  6128. :[noise] ruido
  6129. :[noiseless] silencioso
  6130. :[noisy] ruidoso
  6131. :[nomad] nómada
  6132. :[nomad] nómada
  6133. :[nominal] nominal
  6134. :[nominate] nombrar
  6135. :[nonchalance] indiferencia
  6136. :[noncommittal] evasivo
  6137. :[nondescript] mediocre
  6138. :[none] ninguno
  6139. :[nonetheless] sin embargo
  6140. :[nonfiction] no ficción
  6141. :[nonpareil] sin par
  6142. :[nonsense] disparates
  6143. :[non-stop] sin escalas
  6144. :[noodle] fideos
  6145. :[nook] rincón
  6146. :[noon] mediodía
  6147. :[noose] nudo corredizo
  6148. :[nope] no
  6149. :[nor] ni
  6150. :[norm] norma
  6151. :[normal] normal
  6152. :[normally] normalmente
  6153. :[north] norte
  6154. :[northern] del Norte
  6155. :[northwest] noroeste
  6156. :[nose] nariz
  6157. :[nosebleed] hemorragia nasal
  6158. :[nostril] fosa nasal
  6159. :[nosy] curioso
  6160. :[not] no
  6161. :[notability] notabilidad
  6162. :[notably] notablemente
  6163. :[notary] notario
  6164. :[notch] muesca
  6165. :[note] Nota
  6166. :[notebook] computadora portátil
  6167. :[nothing] nada
  6168. :[notice] aviso
  6169. :[notify] notificar
  6170. :[notion] noción
  6171. :[notoriety] notoriedad
  6172. :[notorious] notorio
  6173. :[notwithstanding] a pesar de
  6174. :[nought] nada
  6175. :[noun] sustantivo
  6176. :[nourish] nutrir
  6177. :[novel] novela
  6178. :[November] noviembre
  6179. :[novice] principiante
  6180. :[now] ahora
  6181. :[nowadays] hoy en día
  6182. :[nowhere] en ningún lugar
  6183. :[noxious] nocivo
  6184. :[nuclear] nuclear
  6185. :[nude] desnudo
  6186. :[nudge] empujar
  6187. :[nuisance] molestia
  6188. :[null] nulo
  6189. :[numb] entumecido
  6190. :[number] número
  6191. :[numeral] número
  6192. :[numerous] numeroso
  6193. :[nun] monja
  6194. :[nurse] enfermera
  6195. :[nursery] guardería
  6196. :[nurture] nutrir
  6197. :[nut] nuez
  6198. :[nutmeg] nuez moscada
  6199. :[nutrient] nutritivo
  6200. :[nutrition] nutrición
  6201. :[nutshell] cáscara de nuez
  6202. :[nutty] de nuez
  6203. :[nylon] nylon
  6204. :[o’clock] en punto
  6205. :[oak] roble
  6206. :[oar] remo
  6207. :[oasis] oasis
  6208. :[oath] juramento
  6209. :[oatmeal] avena
  6210. :[oats] avena
  6211. :[obdurate] obstinado
  6212. :[obedience] obediencia
  6213. :[obedient] obediente
  6214. :[obese] obeso
  6215. :[obey] cumplir
  6216. :[obituary] obituario
  6217. :[object] objeto
  6218. :[objection] objeción
  6219. :[objective] objetivo
  6220. :[objectless] sin objetivo
  6221. :[obligation] obligación
  6222. :[oblige] obligar
  6223. :[oblique] oblicuo
  6224. :[obliterate] obliterar
  6225. :[oblivion] olvido
  6226. :[oblong] oblongo
  6227. :[obnoxious] desagradable
  6228. :[obscene] obsceno
  6229. :[obscenity] obscenidad
  6230. :[obscure] oscuro
  6231. :[observance] observancia
  6232. :[observation] observación
  6233. :[observe] observar
  6234. :[observer] observador
  6235. :[obsess] obsesionar
  6236. :[obsession] obsesión
  6237. :[obsessive] obsesionante
  6238. :[obsolete] obsoleto
  6239. :[obstacle] obstáculo
  6240. :[obstinacy] obstinación
  6241. :[obstinate] obstinado
  6242. :[obstruct] obstruir
  6243. :[obstruction] obstrucción
  6244. :[obtain] obtener
  6245. :[obtrusive] entrometido
  6246. :[obvious] obvio
  6247. :[obviously] obviamente
  6248. :[occasion] ocasión
  6249. :[occasional] ocasional
  6250. :[occasionally] de vez en cuando
  6251. :[occult] oculto
  6252. :[occupant] ocupante
  6253. :[occupation] ocupación
  6254. :[occupied] ocupado
  6255. :[occupy] ocupar
  6256. :[occur] ocurrir
  6257. :[occurrence] ocurrencia
  6258. :[ocean] Oceano
  6259. :[October] octubre
  6260. :[octopus] pulpo
  6261. :[odd] impar
  6262. :[oddly] extrañamente
  6263. :[odds] impares
  6264. :[odious] odioso
  6265. :[odour] olor
  6266. :[of] de
  6267. :[of course] por supuesto
  6268. :[off] apagado
  6269. :[offence] ofensa
  6270. :[offend] ofender
  6271. :[offender] delincuente
  6272. :[offense] ofensa
  6273. :[offensive] ofensiva
  6274. :[offer] oferta
  6275. :[offhand] de improviso
  6276. :[office] oficina
  6277. :[officer] oficial
  6278. :[official] oficial
  6279. :[officially] oficialmente
  6280. :[offset] compensar
  6281. :[offshore] costa afuera
  6282. :[offspring] descendencia
  6283. :[often] a menudo
  6284. :[oil] petróleo
  6285. :[oily] aceitoso
  6286. :[ointment] ungüento
  6287. :[okay] okey
  6288. :[old] viejo
  6289. :[older] más viejo
  6290. :[oldest] más antiguo
  6291. :[old-fashioned] Anticuado
  6292. :[old-fashioned] Anticuado
  6293. :[olive] aceituna
  6294. :[Olympics] Juegos Olímpicos
  6295. :[omelette] tortilla
  6296. :[omen] presagio
  6297. :[ominous] ominoso
  6298. :[omission] omisión
  6299. :[omit] omitir
  6300. :[omnipotent] omnipotente
  6301. :[omnipresent] omnipresente
  6302. :[on] sobre
  6303. :[onboard] a bordo
  6304. :[once] una vez
  6305. :[oncoming] venidero
  6306. :[one] uno
  6307. :[onefold] sencillo
  6308. :[onerous] oneroso
  6309. :[oneself] uno mismo
  6310. :[ongoing] en marcha
  6311. :[onion] cebolla
  6312. :[online] en línea
  6313. :[only] solamente
  6314. :[onset] comienzo
  6315. :[onto] sobre
  6316. :[onward] adelante
  6317. :[opaque] opaco
  6318. :[open] abierto
  6319. :[open-air] aire libre
  6320. :[opener] abrelatas
  6321. :[opening] apertura
  6322. :[openly] abiertamente
  6323. :[open-minded] mente abierta
  6324. :[opera] ópera
  6325. :[operate] funcionar
  6326. :[operation] operación
  6327. :[operational] Operacional
  6328. :[operative] operatorio
  6329. :[operator] operador
  6330. :[opinion] opinión
  6331. :[opinionated] dogmático
  6332. :[opinionated] dogmático
  6333. :[opponent] adversario
  6334. :[opportunity] oportunidad
  6335. :[oppose] oponerse a
  6336. :[opposite] opuesto
  6337. :[opposition] oposición
  6338. :[oppress] oprimir
  6339. :[oppression] opresión
  6340. :[opt] optar
  6341. :[optical] óptico
  6342. :[optimistic] optimista
  6343. :[option] opción
  6344. :[optional] Opcional
  6345. :[or] o
  6346. :[oral] oral
  6347. :[orange] naranja
  6348. :[orator] orador
  6349. :[orb] orbe
  6350. :[orbit] orbita
  6351. :[orchard] huerta
  6352. :[orchestra] orquesta
  6353. :[orchid] orquídea
  6354. :[ordeal] prueba
  6355. :[order] pedido
  6356. :[orderly] ordenado
  6357. :[ordinarily] ordinariamente
  6358. :[ordinary] ordinario
  6359. :[ore] mineral
  6360. :[organ] Organo
  6361. :[organic] orgánico
  6362. :[organism] organismo
  6363. :[organization] organización
  6364. :[organize] organizar
  6365. :[orient] orientar
  6366. :[orientation] orientación
  6367. :[origin] origen
  6368. :[original] original
  6369. :[originally] originalmente
  6370. :[ornament] ornamento
  6371. :[orphan] huérfano
  6372. :[orphanage] orfanato
  6373. :[orthodox] ortodoxo
  6374. :[ostensible] aparente
  6375. :[ostentatious] ostentoso
  6376. :[ostrich] avestruz
  6377. :[other] otro
  6378. :[otherwise] de lo contrario
  6379. :[otter] nutria
  6380. :[ought] debería
  6381. :[ounce] onza
  6382. :[our] nuestro
  6383. :[ours] nuestro
  6384. :[ourselves] Nosotros mismos
  6385. :[out] fuera
  6386. :[outbalance] superar
  6387. :[outbid] sobrepujar
  6388. :[outbreak] brote
  6389. :[outburst] explosión
  6390. :[outcome] Salir
  6391. :[outdoor] exterior
  6392. :[outdoors] al aire libre
  6393. :[outer] exterior
  6394. :[outfit] atuendo
  6395. :[outgoing] extrovertido
  6396. :[outlay] desembolso
  6397. :[outlet] toma de corriente
  6398. :[outline] contorno
  6399. :[outlook] panorama
  6400. :[outmatch] aventajar
  6401. :[outnumber] superar numéricamente
  6402. :[output] producción
  6403. :[outrage] Indignacion
  6404. :[outrageous] indignante
  6405. :[outright] total
  6406. :[outset] comienzo
  6407. :[outside] fuera de
  6408. :[outsider] forastero
  6409. :[outskirts] afueras
  6410. :[outspoken] abierto
  6411. :[outstanding] sobresaliente
  6412. :[outward] exterior
  6413. :[oval] oval
  6414. :[oven] horno
  6415. :[over] sobre
  6416. :[overall] en general
  6417. :[overboard] al agua
  6418. :[overcome] superar
  6419. :[overdo] exagerar
  6420. :[overdone] exagerado
  6421. :[overdose] sobredosis
  6422. :[overdue] atrasado
  6423. :[overestimate] sobreestimar
  6424. :[overflow] Desbordamiento
  6425. :[overhead] gastos generales
  6426. :[overhear] oír
  6427. :[overjoyed] lleno de alegría
  6428. :[overlap] superposición
  6429. :[overlive] sobrevivir
  6430. :[overload] sobrecarga
  6431. :[overlook] pasar por alto
  6432. :[overly] demasiado
  6433. :[overnight] durante la noche
  6434. :[overprotective] sobreprotector
  6435. :[overrated] sobrevalorado
  6436. :[overreact] sobrereaccionar
  6437. :[override] anular
  6438. :[overseas] exterior
  6439. :[oversight] vigilancia
  6440. :[oversleep] dormir demasiado
  6441. :[overtake] adelantar
  6442. :[overtime] tiempo extraordinario
  6443. :[overturn] anular
  6444. :[overweight] exceso de peso
  6445. :[overwhelm] abrumar
  6446. :[overwork] trabajo excesivo
  6447. :[owe] deber
  6448. :[owing] debido
  6449. :[owl] búho
  6450. :[own] propio
  6451. :[owner] dueño
  6452. :[ownership] propiedad
  6453. :[ox] buey
  6454. :[oxen] bueyes
  6455. :[oxide] óxido
  6456. :[oxygen] oxígeno
  6457. :[oyster] ostra
  6458. :[pace] ritmo
  6459. :[pacific] Pacífico
  6460. :[pacify] pacificar
  6461. :[pack] paquete
  6462. :[package] paquete
  6463. :[pact] pacto
  6464. :[pad] almohadilla
  6465. :[paddle] paleta
  6466. :[padlock] candado
  6467. :[pagan] pagano
  6468. :[page] página
  6469. :[pageant] pompa
  6470. :[paid] pagado
  6471. :[pail] cubo
  6472. :[pain] dolor
  6473. :[painful] doloroso
  6474. :[painfully] penosamente
  6475. :[painkiller] analgésico
  6476. :[painless] sin dolor
  6477. :[paint] pintura
  6478. :[painter] pintor
  6479. :[painting] cuadro
  6480. :[pair] par
  6481. :[pajamas] pijama
  6482. :[pal] camarada
  6483. :[palace] palacio
  6484. :[palate] paladar
  6485. :[pale] pálido
  6486. :[palette] paleta
  6487. :[pallor] palidez
  6488. :[palm] palma
  6489. :[palmful] palmada
  6490. :[palpable] palpable
  6491. :[palpate] palpar
  6492. :[palsy] parálisis
  6493. :[paltry] miserable
  6494. :[pamper] mimar
  6495. :[pan] sartén
  6496. :[pancake] tortita
  6497. :[pancreas] páncreas
  6498. :[panel] panel
  6499. :[pang] angustia
  6500. :[panic] pánico
  6501. :[pansy] pensamiento
  6502. :[pant] pantalón
  6503. :[panther] pantera
  6504. :[panties] bragas
  6505. :[pants] pantalones
  6506. :[paper] papel
  6507. :[paperwork] papeleo
  6508. :[par] par
  6509. :[parable] parábola
  6510. :[parachute] paracaídas
  6511. :[parade] desfile
  6512. :[paradise] paraíso
  6513. :[paragraph] párrafo
  6514. :[parallel] paralelo
  6515. :[paralysis] parálisis
  6516. :[paralyzed] paralizado
  6517. :[paramedic] paramédico
  6518. :[paranoia] paranoia
  6519. :[parasite] parásito
  6520. :[parasol] sombrilla
  6521. :[parcel] paquete o empaquetar
  6522. :[parch] tostar
  6523. :[pardon] perdón
  6524. :[pare] cortar
  6525. :[parent] padre
  6526. :[parental] de los padres
  6527. :[parenting] crianza
  6528. :[parish] parroquia
  6529. :[parity] paridad
  6530. :[park] parque
  6531. :[parking] estacionamiento
  6532. :[parliament] parlamento
  6533. :[parliamentary] parlamentario
  6534. :[parlour] salón
  6535. :[parole] libertad condicional
  6536. :[parquet] parquet
  6537. :[parrot] loro
  6538. :[parsley] perejil
  6539. :[parson] párroco
  6540. :[part] parte
  6541. :[partial] parcial
  6542. :[partially] parcialmente
  6543. :[participant] partícipe
  6544. :[participate] participar
  6545. :[participation] participación
  6546. :[particle] partícula
  6547. :[particular] especial
  6548. :[particularly] particularmente
  6549. :[parting] de despedida
  6550. :[partition] dividir
  6551. :[partly] parcialmente
  6552. :[partner] pareja
  6553. :[partnership] camaradería
  6554. :[partridge] perdiz
  6555. :[part-time] tiempo parcial
  6556. :[party] partido
  6557. :[partying] ir de fiesta
  6558. :[pass] aprobar
  6559. :[passable] pasable
  6560. :[passage] paso
  6561. :[passenger] pasajero
  6562. :[passion] pasión
  6563. :[passionate] apasionado
  6564. :[passive] pasivo
  6565. :[passport] pasaporte
  6566. :[password] contraseña
  6567. :[past] pasado
  6568. :[pasta] pasta
  6569. :[paste] pegar
  6570. :[pastel] pastel
  6571. :[pastime] pasatiempo
  6572. :[pastry] Pastelería
  6573. :[pasture] pastar
  6574. :[pat] palmadita
  6575. :[patch] parche
  6576. :[patent] patentar
  6577. :[paternal] paternal
  6578. :[paternity] paternidad
  6579. :[path] sendero
  6580. :[pathetic] patético
  6581. :[patience] paciencia
  6582. :[patient] paciente
  6583. :[patio] patio
  6584. :[patriot] patriota
  6585. :[patrol] patrulla
  6586. :[patron] patrón
  6587. :[patronage] mecenazgo
  6588. :[patronize] patrocinar
  6589. :[patter] tamborileo
  6590. :[pattern] patrón
  6591. :[patty] empanada
  6592. :[pause] pausa
  6593. :[pavement] pavimento
  6594. :[pavilion] pabellón
  6595. :[paw] pata
  6596. :[pawn] empeñar
  6597. :[pay] pagar
  6598. :[payback] venganza
  6599. :[payment] pago
  6600. :[payoff] saldar
  6601. :[payroll] nómina de sueldos
  6602. :[payslips] nóminas
  6603. :[pea] guisante
  6604. :[peace] paz
  6605. :[peaceful] tranquilo
  6606. :[peach] Durazno
  6607. :[peachy] aterciopelado
  6608. :[peacock] pavo real
  6609. :[peak] cima
  6610. :[peal] repique
  6611. :[peanut] maní
  6612. :[pear] pera
  6613. :[pearl] perla
  6614. :[peasant] campesino
  6615. :[peat] turba
  6616. :[pebble] Guijarro
  6617. :[peck] picotear
  6618. :[pectoral] pectoral
  6619. :[peculiar] peculiar
  6620. :[peculiarity] peculiaridad
  6621. :[pedal] pedal
  6622. :[pedestal] pedestal
  6623. :[pedestrian] peatonal
  6624. :[pedigree] árbol genealógico
  6625. :[pee] pipí
  6626. :[peek] ojeada
  6627. :[peel] cáscara
  6628. :[peep] mirar furtivamente
  6629. :[peephole] mirilla
  6630. :[peer] mirar
  6631. :[peerless] sin par
  6632. :[peevish] malhumorado
  6633. :[peg] clavija
  6634. :[pelt] piel
  6635. :[pen] lápiz
  6636. :[penal] penal
  6637. :[penalty] multa
  6638. :[pencil] lápiz
  6639. :[pending] pendiente
  6640. :[pendulous] colgante
  6641. :[pendulum] péndulo
  6642. :[penetrate] penetrar
  6643. :[penguin] pingüino
  6644. :[peninsula] península
  6645. :[penitence] penitencia
  6646. :[penitent] penitente
  6647. :[penitentiary] penitenciario
  6648. :[penniless] sin dinero
  6649. :[penny] centavo
  6650. :[pension] pensión
  6651. :[pensioner] pensionista
  6652. :[pensive] pensativo
  6653. :[penthouse] ático
  6654. :[people] gente
  6655. :[pep] energía
  6656. :[pepper] pimienta
  6657. :[peppermint] menta
  6658. :[peppery] picante
  6659. :[per] por
  6660. :[perceive] percibir
  6661. :[percent] por ciento
  6662. :[percentage] porcentaje
  6663. :[perception] percepción
  6664. :[perceptive] perceptivo
  6665. :[perch] perca
  6666. :[percussive] de percusión
  6667. :[peremptory] perentorio
  6668. :[perennial] perenne
  6669. :[perfect] Perfecto
  6670. :[perfection] perfección
  6671. :[perfectly] perfectamente
  6672. :[perform] llevar a cabo
  6673. :[performance] rendimiento
  6674. :[performing] ejecutando
  6675. :[perfume] perfume
  6676. :[perfunctory] superficial
  6677. :[perhaps] quizás
  6678. :[peril] peligro
  6679. :[perimeter] perímetro
  6680. :[period] período
  6681. :[periodic] periódico
  6682. :[perish] perecer
  6683. :[perjury] perjurio
  6684. :[perk] gaje
  6685. :[perky] alegre
  6686. :[permanent] permanente
  6687. :[permanently] permanentemente
  6688. :[permission] permiso
  6689. :[permissive] permisivo
  6690. :[permit] permiso
  6691. :[permitted] permitido
  6692. :[perpendicular] perpendicular
  6693. :[perpetrate] perpetrar
  6694. :[perpetrator] autor
  6695. :[perpetual] perpetuo
  6696. :[perplex] dejar perplejo
  6697. :[persecute] perseguir
  6698. :[perseverance] perseverancia
  6699. :[persevere] perseverar
  6700. :[persist] persistir
  6701. :[persistent] persistente
  6702. :[person] persona
  6703. :[personal] personal
  6704. :[personality] personalidad
  6705. :[personally] personalmente
  6706. :[personify] personificar
  6707. :[personnel] personal
  6708. :[perspective] perspectiva
  6709. :[perspiration] transpiración
  6710. :[perspire] transpirar
  6711. :[persuade] persuadir
  6712. :[persuasive] persuasivo
  6713. :[pert] impertinente
  6714. :[pertinent] pertinente
  6715. :[peruse] examinar detenidamente
  6716. :[pervasive] penetrante
  6717. :[perverse] perverso
  6718. :[pervert] pervertido
  6719. :[pesky] maldito
  6720. :[pessimistic] pesimista
  6721. :[pest] parásito
  6722. :[pester] molestar
  6723. :[pestilent] pestífero
  6724. :[pet] mascota
  6725. :[petition] petición
  6726. :[petrol] gasolina
  6727. :[petty] pequeño
  6728. :[petulant] malhumorado
  6729. :[phantom] fantasma
  6730. :[pharmacy] farmacia
  6731. :[phase] fase
  6732. :[pheasant] Faisán
  6733. :[phenomenon] fenómeno
  6734. :[philosophy] filosofía
  6735. :[phone] teléfono
  6736. :[phonebooth] cabina telefónica
  6737. :[phony] falso
  6738. :[photo] Foto
  6739. :[photocopy] fotocopia
  6740. :[photograph] fotografía
  6741. :[photographer] fotógrafo
  6742. :[photography] fotografía
  6743. :[phrase] frase
  6744. :[physical] físico
  6745. :[physically] físicamente
  6746. :[physician] médico
  6747. :[physics] física
  6748. :[physique] físico
  6749. :[pianist] pianista
  6750. :[piano] piano
  6751. :[pick] elegir
  6752. :[picket] piquete
  6753. :[pickle] pepinillo
  6754. :[pickpocket] carterista
  6755. :[pickup] recoger
  6756. :[picky] quisquilloso
  6757. :[picnic] picnic
  6758. :[pictorial] pictórico
  6759. :[picture] fotografía
  6760. :[picturesque] pintoresco
  6761. :[pie] tarta
  6762. :[piece] pieza
  6763. :[pier] muelle
  6764. :[pierce] atravesar
  6765. :[piercing] perforación
  6766. :[piety] piedad
  6767. :[pig] cerdo
  6768. :[pigeon] Paloma
  6769. :[piggy] cerdito
  6770. :[pike] lucio
  6771. :[pile] pila
  6772. :[pilgrim] peregrino
  6773. :[pill] píldora
  6774. :[pillar] pilar
  6775. :[pillow] almohada
  6776. :[pillowcase] funda de almohada
  6777. :[pilot] piloto
  6778. :[pilotage] pilotaje
  6779. :[pimple] espinilla
  6780. :[pin] alfiler
  6781. :[pinch] pellizco
  6782. :[pine] pino
  6783. :[pine cone] cono de pino
  6784. :[pineapple] piña
  6785. :[ping] silbido
  6786. :[pink] rosado
  6787. :[pinprick] alfilerazo
  6788. :[pint] medio litro
  6789. :[pioneer] pionero
  6790. :[pipe] tubo
  6791. :[piper] gaitero
  6792. :[pirate] pirata
  6793. :[pistol] pistola
  6794. :[pit] fosa
  6795. :[pitch] terreno de juego
  6796. :[pitcher] lanzador
  6797. :[pitfall] trampa
  6798. :[pitiful] lamentable
  6799. :[pity] pena
  6800. :[pizza] Pizza
  6801. :[placard] cartel
  6802. :[place] lugar
  6803. :[placid] plácido
  6804. :[placidity] placidez
  6805. :[placing] colocación
  6806. :[plague] Plaga
  6807. :[plaice] platija
  6808. :[plaid] tartán
  6809. :[plain] sencillo
  6810. :[plaintiff] demandante
  6811. :[plait] trenza
  6812. :[plan] plan
  6813. :[plane] plano
  6814. :[planet] planeta
  6815. :[plank] tablón
  6816. :[planner] planificador
  6817. :[planning] planificación
  6818. :[plant] planta
  6819. :[plantation] plantación
  6820. :[plash] chapoteo
  6821. :[plaster] yeso
  6822. :[plastic] el plastico
  6823. :[plate] plato
  6824. :[platform] plataforma
  6825. :[platinum] platino
  6826. :[platitude] tópico
  6827. :[platoon] pelotón
  6828. :[plausible] plausible
  6829. :[play] juego
  6830. :[playboy] playboy
  6831. :[player] jugador
  6832. :[playful] juguetón
  6833. :[playground] patio de recreo
  6834. :[plea] petición
  6835. :[plead] alegar
  6836. :[pleasant] agradable
  6837. :[please] por favor
  6838. :[pleased] satisfecho
  6839. :[pleasure] Placer
  6840. :[pleat] pliegue
  6841. :[pledge] promesa
  6842. :[plenitude] plenitud
  6843. :[plentiful] abundante
  6844. :[plenty] mucho
  6845. :[pliable] flexible
  6846. :[pliant] flexible
  6847. :[plight] situación
  6848. :[plod] paso pesado
  6849. :[plot] trama
  6850. :[plough] arado
  6851. :[ploy] táctica
  6852. :[pluck] arrancar
  6853. :[plug] enchufar
  6854. :[plum] ciruela
  6855. :[plumb] sondear
  6856. :[plumber] plomero
  6857. :[plumbing] plomería
  6858. :[plume] penacho
  6859. :[plump] rechoncho
  6860. :[plunder] saquear
  6861. :[plunge] inmersión
  6862. :[plural] plural
  6863. :[plus] más
  6864. :[plywood] madera contrachapada
  6865. :[pneumonia] neumonía
  6866. :[poach] escalfar
  6867. :[pocket] bolsillo
  6868. :[pod] vaina
  6869. :[poem] poema
  6870. :[poet] poeta
  6871. :[poetic] poético
  6872. :[poetry] poesía
  6873. :[poignant] conmovedor
  6874. :[point] punto
  6875. :[pointless] inútil
  6876. :[pointy] puntiagudo
  6877. :[poise] equilibrio
  6878. :[poison] veneno
  6879. :[poisonous] venenoso
  6880. :[poke] dar un toque
  6881. :[poker] póker
  6882. :[polar] polar
  6883. :[polarity] polaridad
  6884. :[pole] polo
  6885. :[police] policía
  6886. :[policeman] policía
  6887. :[policy] política
  6888. :[polish] polaco
  6889. :[polite] Cortés
  6890. :[political] político
  6891. :[politically] políticamente
  6892. :[politician] político
  6893. :[politics] política
  6894. :[polity] gobierno
  6895. :[poll] encuesta
  6896. :[pollen] polen
  6897. :[polling] votación
  6898. :[pollute] contaminar
  6899. :[pollution] polución
  6900. :[polygraph] polígrafo
  6901. :[pomegranate] granada
  6902. :[pomp] pompa
  6903. :[pomposity] pomposidad
  6904. :[pompous] pomposo
  6905. :[pond] estanque
  6906. :[ponder] reflexionar
  6907. :[ponderous] pesado
  6908. :[pony] poni
  6909. :[poodle] caniche
  6910. :[pool] piscina
  6911. :[poor] pobre
  6912. :[poorly] mal
  6913. :[pop] música pop
  6914. :[popcorn] Palomitas
  6915. :[poplar] álamo
  6916. :[poppy] amapola
  6917. :[pops] estallidos
  6918. :[popular] popular
  6919. :[popularity] popularidad
  6920. :[populate] poblar
  6921. :[population] población
  6922. :[porcelain] porcelana
  6923. :[porch] porche
  6924. :[pore] poro
  6925. :[pork] Cerdo
  6926. :[porous] poroso
  6927. :[porridge] gachas de avena
  6928. :[port] Puerto
  6929. :[portable] portátil
  6930. :[portal] portal
  6931. :[portent] presagio
  6932. :[porter] portero
  6933. :[portfolio] portafolio
  6934. :[portion] parte
  6935. :[portly] corpulento
  6936. :[portrait] retrato
  6937. :[portray] retratar
  6938. :[Portuguese] portugués
  6939. :[pose] pose
  6940. :[posh] elegante
  6941. :[position] posición
  6942. :[positive] positivo
  6943. :[positively] afirmativamente
  6944. :[possess] poseer
  6945. :[possession] posesión
  6946. :[possibility] posibilidad
  6947. :[possible] posible
  6948. :[possibly] posiblemente
  6949. :[post] correo
  6950. :[post office] oficina de correos
  6951. :[postage] gastos de envío
  6952. :[postal] postal
  6953. :[postcard] tarjeta postal
  6954. :[poster] póster
  6955. :[posterity] posteridad
  6956. :[postman] cartero
  6957. :[postpone] posponer
  6958. :[posture] postura
  6959. :[pot] maceta
  6960. :[potato] patata
  6961. :[potatoes] patatas
  6962. :[potency] potencia
  6963. :[potent] potente
  6964. :[potential] potencial
  6965. :[potentially] potencialmente
  6966. :[potion] poción
  6967. :[potter] alfarero
  6968. :[pottery] cerámica
  6969. :[pouch] bolsa
  6970. :[poultry] aves de corral
  6971. :[pounce] saltar
  6972. :[pound] libra
  6973. :[pour] verter
  6974. :[pout] abadejo
  6975. :[poverty] pobreza
  6976. :[powder] polvo
  6977. :[power] poder
  6978. :[powerful] poderoso
  6979. :[powerless] impotente
  6980. :[practical] práctico
  6981. :[practically] prácticamente
  6982. :[practice] práctica
  6983. :[practise] práctica
  6984. :[practitioner] facultativo
  6985. :[praise] felicitar
  6986. :[pram] cochecito
  6987. :[prank] broma
  6988. :[prawn] gamba
  6989. :[pray] rezar
  6990. :[prayer] oración
  6991. :[preach] predicar
  6992. :[preacher] predicador
  6993. :[precarious] precario
  6994. :[precaution] precaución
  6995. :[precede] preceder
  6996. :[precedent] precedente
  6997. :[precious] precioso
  6998. :[precipitation] precipitación
  6999. :[precise] preciso
  7000. :[precisely] precisamente
  7001. :[precision] precisión
  7002. :[precursor] precursor
  7003. :[predatory] depredador
  7004. :[predestination] predestinación
  7005. :[predestine] predestinar
  7006. :[predicament] Predicamento
  7007. :[predicate] predicado
  7008. :[predict] predecir
  7009. :[predictable] previsible
  7010. :[prediction] predicción
  7011. :[predominant] predominante
  7012. :[preface] prefacio
  7013. :[prefecture] prefectura
  7014. :[prefer] preferir
  7015. :[preferably] preferiblemente
  7016. :[preference] preferencia
  7017. :[prefix] prefijo
  7018. :[pregnancy] el embarazo
  7019. :[pregnant] embarazada
  7020. :[prehistoric] prehistórico
  7021. :[prejudice] perjudicar
  7022. :[preliminary] preliminar
  7023. :[prelude] preludio
  7024. :[premature] prematuro
  7025. :[premiere] estreno
  7026. :[premise] premisa
  7027. :[premium] prima
  7028. :[premonition] premonición
  7029. :[preoccupation] preocupación
  7030. :[preoccupy] preocupar
  7031. :[preparation] preparación
  7032. :[preparation] preparación
  7033. :[prepare] preparar
  7034. :[prepay] pagar por adelantado
  7035. :[prepense] premeditado
  7036. :[preposition] preposición
  7037. :[preposterous] absurdo
  7038. :[prerogative] prerrogativa
  7039. :[prescribe] prescribir
  7040. :[prescription] prescripción
  7041. :[presence] presencia
  7042. :[present] regalo
  7043. :[presentation] presentación
  7044. :[preservation] preservación
  7045. :[preserve] preservar
  7046. :[preside] presidir
  7047. :[president] presidente
  7048. :[presidential] presidencial
  7049. :[press] prensa
  7050. :[pressure] presión
  7051. :[prestige] prestigio
  7052. :[prestigious] prestigioso
  7053. :[presumably] presumiblemente
  7054. :[presume] presumir
  7055. :[presumptuous] presuntuoso
  7056. :[pretence] pretensión
  7057. :[pretend] pretender
  7058. :[pretentious] pretencioso
  7059. :[pretext] pretexto
  7060. :[pretty] lindo
  7061. :[prevail] prevalecer
  7062. :[prevalent] predominante
  7063. :[prevent] evitar
  7064. :[prevention] prevención
  7065. :[preview] avance
  7066. :[previous] anterior
  7067. :[previously] previamente
  7068. :[prey] presa
  7069. :[price] precio
  7070. :[priceless] no tiene precio
  7071. :[prickly] espinoso
  7072. :[pride] orgullo
  7073. :[priest] sacerdote
  7074. :[primarily] ante todo
  7075. :[primary] primario
  7076. :[prime] principal
  7077. :[primeval] primitivo
  7078. :[primitive] primitivo
  7079. :[primrose] primavera
  7080. :[prince] Príncipe
  7081. :[princess] princesa
  7082. :[principal] principal
  7083. :[principle] principio
  7084. :[print] impresión
  7085. :[printer] impresora
  7086. :[prior] previo
  7087. :[priority] prioridad
  7088. :[prise] premio
  7089. :[prism] prisma
  7090. :[prison] prisión
  7091. :[prisoner] prisionero
  7092. :[privacy] intimidad
  7093. :[private] privado
  7094. :[privately] en privado
  7095. :[privilege] privilegio
  7096. :[prize] premio
  7097. :[pro] Pro
  7098. :[probability] probabilidad
  7099. :[probable] probable
  7100. :[probably] probablemente
  7101. :[probation] libertad condicional
  7102. :[probe] Investigacion
  7103. :[problem] problema
  7104. :[procedure] procedimiento
  7105. :[proceed] Continuar
  7106. :[process] proceso
  7107. :[processed] procesado
  7108. :[processing] Procesando
  7109. :[procession] procesión
  7110. :[proclaim] proclamar
  7111. :[proclamation] proclamación
  7112. :[procure] obtener
  7113. :[prod] pinchar
  7114. :[prodigal] pródigo
  7115. :[prodigious] prodigioso
  7116. :[prodigy] prodigio
  7117. :[produce] Produce
  7118. :[producer] productor
  7119. :[product] producto
  7120. :[production] producción
  7121. :[productive] productivo
  7122. :[profane] profano
  7123. :[profanity] blasfemia
  7124. :[profess] profesar
  7125. :[profession] profesión
  7126. :[professional] profesional
  7127. :[professionally] profesionalmente
  7128. :[professor] profesor
  7129. :[proficient] competente
  7130. :[profile] perfil
  7131. :[profit] lucro
  7132. :[profitable] rentable
  7133. :[profound] profundo
  7134. :[progeny] progenie
  7135. :[prognosis] pronóstico
  7136. :[program] programa
  7137. :[programme] programa
  7138. :[programming] programación
  7139. :[progress] Progreso
  7140. :[prohibit] prohibir
  7141. :[prohibition] prohibición
  7142. :[project] proyecto
  7143. :[projection] proyección
  7144. :[prolific] prolífico
  7145. :[prologue] prólogo
  7146. :[prolong] prolongar
  7147. :[prom] paseo
  7148. :[prominent] prominente
  7149. :[promise] promesa
  7150. :[promising] prometedor
  7151. :[promote] promover
  7152. :[promotion] promoción
  7153. :[prompt] inmediato
  7154. :[prone] propenso
  7155. :[pronoun] pronombre
  7156. :[pronounce] pronunciar
  7157. :[pronunciation] pronunciación
  7158. :[proof] prueba
  7159. :[prop] apuntalar
  7160. :[propaganda] propaganda
  7161. :[propel] impulsar
  7162. :[propel] impulsar
  7163. :[proper] adecuado
  7164. :[properly] adecuadamente
  7165. :[property] propiedad
  7166. :[prophecy] profecía
  7167. :[prophet] profeta
  7168. :[proportion] proporción
  7169. :[proposal] propuesta
  7170. :[propose] proponer
  7171. :[proposition] proposición
  7172. :[proprietary] propiedad
  7173. :[proprietor] propietario
  7174. :[propulsion] propulsión
  7175. :[pros] pros
  7176. :[prose] prosa
  7177. :[prosecute] enjuiciar
  7178. :[prosecution] enjuiciamiento
  7179. :[prosecutor] fiscal
  7180. :[prospect] perspectiva
  7181. :[prosperity] prosperidad
  7182. :[prosperity] prosperidad
  7183. :[protect] proteger
  7184. :[protection] proteccion
  7185. :[protective] protector
  7186. :[protector] protector
  7187. :[protein] proteína
  7188. :[protest] protesta
  7189. :[Protestant] protestante
  7190. :[protocol] protocolo
  7191. :[prototype] prototipo
  7192. :[protrude] sobresalir
  7193. :[proud] orgulloso
  7194. :[prove] probar
  7195. :[proven] probado
  7196. :[provenance] procedencia
  7197. :[proverb] proverbio
  7198. :[provide] proveer
  7199. :[providing] Proporcionar
  7200. :[province] provincia
  7201. :[provision] provisión
  7202. :[provisional] provisional
  7203. :[provocation] provocación
  7204. :[provoke] provocar
  7205. :[prowess] valor
  7206. :[prowl] merodear
  7207. :[proximity] proximidad
  7208. :[proxy] apoderado
  7209. :[prudence] prudencia
  7210. :[prudent] prudente
  7211. :[prunes] ciruelas pasas
  7212. :[pry] palanca
  7213. :[psalm] salmo
  7214. :[psychiatric] psiquiátrico
  7215. :[psychic] psíquico
  7216. :[psychological] psicológico
  7217. :[psychology] psicología
  7218. :[psychopath] psicópata
  7219. :[pub] pub
  7220. :[puberty] pubertad
  7221. :[public] público
  7222. :[publication] publicación
  7223. :[publicity] publicidad
  7224. :[publicly] en público
  7225. :[publish] publicar
  7226. :[publisher] editor
  7227. :[pudding] pudín
  7228. :[puddle] charco
  7229. :[puff] soplo
  7230. :[puffy] hinchado
  7231. :[pull] jalar
  7232. :[pullover] pull-over
  7233. :[pulp] pulpa
  7234. :[pulse] legumbres
  7235. :[pulverize] pulverizar
  7236. :[pump] bomba
  7237. :[pumpkin] calabaza
  7238. :[pun] retruécano
  7239. :[punch] puñetazo
  7240. :[punctual] puntual
  7241. :[punctuation] puntuación
  7242. :[puncture] punción
  7243. :[pungent] acre
  7244. :[punish] castigar
  7245. :[punishment] castigo
  7246. :[punk] punk
  7247. :[pupil] alumno
  7248. :[puppet] marioneta
  7249. :[puppy] cachorro
  7250. :[purchase] compra
  7251. :[pure] puro
  7252. :[purely] puramente
  7253. :[purge] purga
  7254. :[purify] purificar
  7255. :[purity] pureza
  7256. :[purple] púrpura
  7257. :[purpose] objetivo
  7258. :[purposely] a propósito
  7259. :[purr] ronroneo
  7260. :[purse] bolso
  7261. :[pursue] perseguir
  7262. :[pursuit] búsqueda
  7263. :[push] empujar
  7264. :[pushful] pujante
  7265. :[pushy] molesto
  7266. :[put] poner
  7267. :[putrefy] pudrirse
  7268. :[putrescent] putrescente
  7269. :[puzzle] rompecabezas
  7270. :[puzzlement] perplejidad
  7271. :[pyramid] pirámide
  7272. :[quack] curandero
  7273. :[quail] codorniz
  7274. :[quaint] pintoresco
  7275. :[quake] terremoto
  7276. :[quaking] temblante
  7277. :[qualification] calificación
  7278. :[qualified] calificado
  7279. :[qualify] calificar
  7280. :[quality] calidad
  7281. :[quandary] dilema
  7282. :[quantity] cantidad
  7283. :[quarantine] cuarentena
  7284. :[quarrel] pelea
  7285. :[quarrelsome] peleón
  7286. :[quarry] cantera
  7287. :[quarter] cuarto
  7288. :[quarterback] jugador de ataque
  7289. :[quasi] cuasi
  7290. :[quaver] temblor
  7291. :[quay] muelle
  7292. :[queen] reina
  7293. :[quell] calmar
  7294. :[quench] aplacar
  7295. :[quest] búsqueda
  7296. :[question] pregunta
  7297. :[questionable] cuestionable
  7298. :[questioning] interrogatorio
  7299. :[queue] cola
  7300. :[quick] rápido
  7301. :[quicker] mas rapido
  7302. :[quickie] cosa hecha rápidamente
  7303. :[quickly] rápidamente
  7304. :[quid] libra
  7305. :[quiet] tranquilo
  7306. :[quietly] en silencio
  7307. :[quilt] edredón
  7308. :[quit] dejar
  7309. :[quite] bastante
  7310. :[quiver] carcaj
  7311. :[quiz] examen
  7312. :[quizmaster] presentador de un concurso
  7313. :[quotation] cotización
  7314. :[quote] cita
  7315. :[rabbit] Conejo
  7316. :[rabble] chusma
  7317. :[rabid] rabioso
  7318. :[race] raza
  7319. :[racial] racial
  7320. :[racing] carreras
  7321. :[racism] racismo
  7322. :[racist] racista
  7323. :[rack] estante
  7324. :[racket] raqueta
  7325. :[radar] Radar
  7326. :[radiance] resplandor
  7327. :[radiant] radiante
  7328. :[radiation] radiación
  7329. :[radical] radical
  7330. :[radio] radio
  7331. :[radioactive] radioactivo
  7332. :[radish] rábano
  7333. :[radius] radio
  7334. :[raffle] rifa
  7335. :[raft] balsa
  7336. :[rag] trapo
  7337. :[rage] rabia
  7338. :[ragged] harapiento
  7339. :[raid] Redada
  7340. :[rail] carril
  7341. :[railing] barandilla
  7342. :[railroad] ferrocarril
  7343. :[railway] ferrocarril
  7344. :[rain] lluvia
  7345. :[rainbow] arcoíris
  7346. :[raincoat] impermeable
  7347. :[raining] lloviendo
  7348. :[rainy] lluvioso
  7349. :[raise] aumentar
  7350. :[raisin] pasa
  7351. :[rake] rastrillo
  7352. :[rally] reunión
  7353. :[ram] RAM
  7354. :[ramble] divagar
  7355. :[ramp] rampa
  7356. :[ran] corrió
  7357. :[rancid] rancio
  7358. :[rancorous] rencoroso
  7359. :[random] aleatorio
  7360. :[rang] sonó
  7361. :[range] distancia
  7362. :[ranger] guardabosque
  7363. :[rank] rango
  7364. :[ransom] rescate
  7365. :[rant] despotricar
  7366. :[rap] rap
  7367. :[rapacity] rapacidad
  7368. :[rape] violación
  7369. :[rapid] rápido
  7370. :[rapidly] rápidamente
  7371. :[rapt] arrebatado
  7372. :[rapture] rapto
  7373. :[rare] raro
  7374. :[rarely] casi nunca
  7375. :[rarity] rareza
  7376. :[rascal] bribón
  7377. :[rash] sarpullido
  7378. :[rasp] raspar
  7379. :[raspberry] frambuesa
  7380. :[rat] rata
  7381. :[rate] índice
  7382. :[rather] bastante
  7383. :[ratification] ratificación
  7384. :[rating] clasificación
  7385. :[ratio] proporción
  7386. :[rational] racional
  7387. :[rationalize] racionalizar
  7388. :[rationally] racionalmente
  7389. :[rattle] traqueteo
  7390. :[ravage] estrago
  7391. :[rave] delirio
  7392. :[raven] cuervo
  7393. :[ravenous] voraz
  7394. :[ravine] barranco
  7395. :[raw] crudo
  7396. :[ray] rayo
  7397. :[razor] maquinilla de afeitar
  7398. :[reach] alcanzar
  7399. :[react] reaccionar
  7400. :[reaction] reacción
  7401. :[read] leer
  7402. :[reader] lector
  7403. :[readily] fácilmente
  7404. :[readiness] preparación
  7405. :[reading] leyendo
  7406. :[ready] Listo
  7407. :[real] verdadero
  7408. :[realise] darse cuenta
  7409. :[realistic] realista
  7410. :[reality] realidad
  7411. :[realization] realización
  7412. :[really] De Verdad
  7413. :[realm] reino
  7414. :[reap] recoger
  7415. :[rear] trasero
  7416. :[rearrange] reorganizar
  7417. :[reason] razón
  7418. :[reasonable] razonable
  7419. :[reasonably] razonablemente
  7420. :[reassure] tranquilizar
  7421. :[rebel] rebelde
  7422. :[rebellion] rebelión
  7423. :[rebound] rebote
  7424. :[rebuff] rechazo
  7425. :[rebuff] rechazo
  7426. :[rebuild] reconstruir
  7427. :[rebuke] reprensión
  7428. :[recall] recordar
  7429. :[recant] renunciar
  7430. :[recast] refundir a
  7431. :[recede] alejarse
  7432. :[receipt] recibo
  7433. :[receive] recibir
  7434. :[receiver] receptor
  7435. :[recent] reciente
  7436. :[recently] recientemente
  7437. :[reception] recepción
  7438. :[recess] receso
  7439. :[recession] recesión
  7440. :[recipe] receta
  7441. :[recipient] recipiente
  7442. :[reciprocal] recíproco
  7443. :[recital] recital
  7444. :[recite] recitar
  7445. :[reckless] imprudente
  7446. :[reckon] contar
  7447. :[reckon] contar
  7448. :[reclaim] reclamar
  7449. :[recline] reclinar
  7450. :[recognise] reconocer
  7451. :[recognition] reconocimiento
  7452. :[recognition] reconocimiento
  7453. :[recognize] reconocer
  7454. :[recoil] retroceso
  7455. :[recollect] recordar
  7456. :[recommend] recomendar
  7457. :[recommendation] recomendación
  7458. :[recompense] recompensa
  7459. :[reconcile] conciliar
  7460. :[reconciliation] reconciliación
  7461. :[reconnaissance] reconocimiento
  7462. :[reconnect] reconectarse
  7463. :[reconsider] reconsiderar
  7464. :[reconstruct] reconstruir
  7465. :[record] registro
  7466. :[recorder] grabadora
  7467. :[recover] recuperar
  7468. :[recovery] recuperación
  7469. :[recreation] recreación
  7470. :[recruit] recluta
  7471. :[recruiting] reclutamiento
  7472. :[rectangle] rectángulo
  7473. :[rectangle] rectángulo
  7474. :[rectification] rectificación
  7475. :[rectify] rectificar
  7476. :[recuperate] recuperar
  7477. :[recurrent] recurrente
  7478. :[recycle] reciclar
  7479. :[recycling] reciclaje
  7480. :[red] rojo
  7481. :[redden] enrojecer
  7482. :[redeem] canjear
  7483. :[redeem] canjear
  7484. :[redhead] pelirrojo
  7485. :[redress] compensación
  7486. :[reduce] reducir
  7487. :[reduction] reducción
  7488. :[redundancy] redundancia
  7489. :[reed] Junco
  7490. :[reed] Junco
  7491. :[reef] arrecife
  7492. :[reek] hedor
  7493. :[reel] carrete
  7494. :[refer] referir
  7495. :[referee] árbitro
  7496. :[reference] referencia
  7497. :[refill] rellenar
  7498. :[refine] refinar
  7499. :[reflect] reflejar
  7500. :[reflection] reflexión
  7501. :[reflex] reflejo
  7502. :[reform] reforma
  7503. :[reform] reforma
  7504. :[refrain] estribillo
  7505. :[refresh] actualizar
  7506. :[refreshing] refrescante
  7507. :[refreshment] refresco
  7508. :[refrigerate] refrigerar
  7509. :[refrigerator] refrigerador
  7510. :[refuel] repostar
  7511. :[refuge] refugio
  7512. :[refund] reembolso
  7513. :[refusal] rechazo
  7514. :[refuse] rehusar
  7515. :[refuse] rehusar
  7516. :[refutation] refutación
  7517. :[regain] recuperar
  7518. :[regard] respecto
  7519. :[regardless] a pesar de todo
  7520. :[regent] regente
  7521. :[regime] régimen
  7522. :[region] región
  7523. :[regional] regional
  7524. :[register] Registrarse
  7525. :[registered] registrado
  7526. :[registration] registro
  7527. :[regret] arrepentirse
  7528. :[regretful] arrepentido
  7529. :[regrettable] lamentable
  7530. :[regular] regular
  7531. :[regularly] regularmente
  7532. :[regulation] regulación
  7533. :[rehabilitation] rehabilitación
  7534. :[rehearsal] ensayo
  7535. :[rehearse] ensayar
  7536. :[reign] reinado
  7537. :[rein] rienda
  7538. :[reinforce] reforzarse
  7539. :[reject] rechazar
  7540. :[rejection] rechazo
  7541. :[rejoice] alegrarse
  7542. :[relapse] recaída
  7543. :[relapse] recaída
  7544. :[relate] relacionar
  7545. :[relation] relación
  7546. :[relationship] relación
  7547. :[relative] relativo
  7548. :[relatively] relativamente
  7549. :[relax] relajarse
  7550. :[relaxing] relajante
  7551. :[relay] relé
  7552. :[release] liberación
  7553. :[relent] ceder
  7554. :[relentless] implacable.despiadado
  7555. :[relevant] pertinente
  7556. :[reliable] de confianza
  7557. :[reliance] dependencia
  7558. :[reliant] confiado
  7559. :[relief] alivio
  7560. :[relieve] aliviar
  7561. :[religion] religión
  7562. :[religious] religioso
  7563. :[relinquish] renunciar
  7564. :[relish] saborear
  7565. :[relive] volver a vivir
  7566. :[reluctance] reluctancia
  7567. :[reluctance] reluctancia
  7568. :[reluctant] reacio
  7569. :[rely] confiar
  7570. :[remain] permanecer
  7571. :[remaining] restante
  7572. :[remark] observación
  7573. :[remarkable] Notable
  7574. :[remarkably] notablemente
  7575. :[remarried] vuelto a casar
  7576. :[remedy] remedio
  7577. :[remember] recordar
  7578. :[remembrance] remembranza
  7579. :[remind] recordar
  7580. :[reminder] recordatorio
  7581. :[remiss] descuidado
  7582. :[remittance] remesa
  7583. :[remnant] retazo o restos
  7584. :[remorse] remordimiento
  7585. :[remote] remoto
  7586. :[remotely] remotamente
  7587. :[removal] eliminación
  7588. :[remove] retirar
  7589. :[renaissance] Renacimiento
  7590. :[rend] desgarrar
  7591. :[render] hacer
  7592. :[renew] renovar
  7593. :[renewal] renovación
  7594. :[renovate] renovar
  7595. :[renown] renombre
  7596. :[rent] alquilar
  7597. :[rental] alquiler
  7598. :[renting] alquiler
  7599. :[reorganize] reorganizar
  7600. :[repair] reparar
  7601. :[repay] pagar
  7602. :[repeat] repetir
  7603. :[repeatedly] repetidamente
  7604. :[repel] repeler
  7605. :[repellent] repelente
  7606. :[repent] arrepentirse
  7607. :[repercussion] repercusión
  7608. :[repetition] repetición
  7609. :[repetitious] monótono
  7610. :[replace] reemplazar
  7611. :[replacement] reemplazo
  7612. :[replica] réplica
  7613. :[reply] respuesta
  7614. :[report] reporte
  7615. :[reporter] reportero
  7616. :[repose] reposo
  7617. :[reprehensible] reprensible
  7618. :[represent] representar
  7619. :[representation] representación
  7620. :[representative] representante
  7621. :[repress] reprimir
  7622. :[reprimand] reprimenda
  7623. :[reprint] reimprimir
  7624. :[reproach] reproche
  7625. :[reproduction] reproducción
  7626. :[reproof] reprensión
  7627. :[reprove] reprender
  7628. :[reptile] reptil
  7629. :[republic] república
  7630. :[republican] republicano
  7631. :[repulse] rechazar
  7632. :[repulsive] repulsivo
  7633. :[reputation] reputación
  7634. :[repute] reputación
  7635. :[request] solicitud
  7636. :[require] exigir
  7637. :[requirement] requisito
  7638. :[requisite] requisito
  7639. :[reschedule] reprogramar
  7640. :[rescue] rescate
  7641. :[research] investigar
  7642. :[researching] investigando
  7643. :[resedue] reseditar
  7644. :[resemblance] semejanza
  7645. :[resemble] asemejarse a
  7646. :[resent] resentirse de
  7647. :[resentful] resentido
  7648. :[resentment] resentimiento
  7649. :[reseptive] resentido
  7650. :[reservation] reserva
  7651. :[reserve] reserva
  7652. :[reserved] reservado
  7653. :[reset] Reiniciar
  7654. :[reside] residir
  7655. :[residence] residencia
  7656. :[resident] residente
  7657. :[residential] Residencial
  7658. :[resign] Renunciar
  7659. :[resignation] resignación
  7660. :[resist] resistir
  7661. :[resistance] resistencia
  7662. :[resolute] resuelto
  7663. :[resolution] resolución
  7664. :[resolve] resolver
  7665. :[resort] recurso
  7666. :[resound] resonar
  7667. :[resource] recurso
  7668. :[resourceful] ingenioso
  7669. :[respect] el respeto
  7670. :[respectable] respetable
  7671. :[respectful] respetuoso
  7672. :[respectfully] respetuosamente
  7673. :[respectively] respectivamente
  7674. :[respiration] respiración
  7675. :[respirator] respirador
  7676. :[respite] respiro
  7677. :[respond] responder
  7678. :[response] respuesta
  7679. :[responsibility] responsabilidad
  7680. :[responsible] responsable
  7681. :[rest] descansar
  7682. :[restaurant] restaurante
  7683. :[restless] inquieto
  7684. :[restoration] restauracion
  7685. :[restore] restaurar
  7686. :[restrain] contener
  7687. :[restrict] restringir
  7688. :[restricted] restringido
  7689. :[restriction] restricción
  7690. :[restroom] baño
  7691. :[result] resultado
  7692. :[resume] reanudar
  7693. :[resurrection] Resurrección
  7694. :[retail] venta minorista
  7695. :[retain] conservar
  7696. :[retainer] anticipo
  7697. :[retaliate] tomar represalias
  7698. :[rethink] repensar
  7699. :[reticence] reticencia
  7700. :[retinue] séquito
  7701. :[retire] jubilarse
  7702. :[retired] retirado
  7703. :[retirement] Jubilación
  7704. :[retort] retorta
  7705. :[retreat] retirada
  7706. :[retrieval] recuperación
  7707. :[retrieve] recuperar
  7708. :[retro] retro
  7709. :[return] regreso
  7710. :[reunion] reunión
  7711. :[reunited] reunidos
  7712. :[reveal] revelar
  7713. :[revealing] revelador
  7714. :[revelation] revelación
  7715. :[revenge] venganza
  7716. :[revenue] ingresos
  7717. :[reverence] reverencia
  7718. :[reverend] reverendo
  7719. :[reverse] marcha atrás
  7720. :[revert] revertir
  7721. :[review] revisión
  7722. :[revision] revisión
  7723. :[revive] reanimar
  7724. :[revoke] revocar
  7725. :[revolt] revuelta
  7726. :[revolution] revolución
  7727. :[revolutionary] revolucionario
  7728. :[revolve] girar
  7729. :[revulsion] repugnancia
  7730. :[reward] recompensa
  7731. :[rewind] rebobinar
  7732. :[rewrite] volver a escribir
  7733. :[rhinoceros] rinoceronte
  7734. :[rhubarb] ruibarbo
  7735. :[rhyme] rima
  7736. :[rhythm] ritmo
  7737. :[rib] costilla
  7738. :[ribbon] cinta
  7739. :[rice] arroz
  7740. :[rich] Rico
  7741. :[richest] mas rico
  7742. :[rid] deshacerse
  7743. :[riddance] libramiento
  7744. :[riddle] enigma
  7745. :[ride] paseo
  7746. :[ridge] cresta
  7747. :[ridicule] ridículo
  7748. :[ridiculous] ridículo
  7749. :[riding] montando
  7750. :[rifle] rifle
  7751. :[rift] grieta
  7752. :[rig] plataforma
  7753. :[right] Derecha
  7754. :[righteous] justo
  7755. :[rightful] legítimo
  7756. :[rightfully] legítimamente
  7757. :[righty] derecho
  7758. :[rigid] rígido
  7759. :[rigorous] riguroso
  7760. :[rigour] rigor
  7761. :[rile] sacar de quicio
  7762. :[rim] borde
  7763. :[rind] corteza
  7764. :[ring] anillo
  7765. :[ringer] campanero
  7766. :[rinse] enjuagar
  7767. :[riot] disturbio
  7768. :[riotous] desenfrenado
  7769. :[rip] rotura
  7770. :[ripe] maduro
  7771. :[ripple] onda
  7772. :[rise] subir
  7773. :[rising] creciente
  7774. :[risk] riesgo
  7775. :[risky] arriesgado
  7776. :[rite] rito
  7777. :[ritual] ritual
  7778. :[rival] rival
  7779. :[river] río
  7780. :[rivet] remache
  7781. :[road] la carretera
  7782. :[roadmap] mapa vial
  7783. :[roadside] borde del camino
  7784. :[roam] vagar
  7785. :[roar] rugido
  7786. :[roast] asar
  7787. :[rob] robar
  7788. :[robber] ladrón
  7789. :[robbery] robo
  7790. :[robe] túnica
  7791. :[robot] robot
  7792. :[robust] robusto
  7793. :[rock] Roca
  7794. :[rocket] cohete
  7795. :[rocky] rocoso
  7796. :[rod] varilla
  7797. :[roe] hueva
  7798. :[rogue] pícaro
  7799. :[role] papel
  7800. :[roll] rollo
  7801. :[roller] rodillo
  7802. :[rolling] laminación
  7803. :[romance] romance
  7804. :[romantic] romántico
  7805. :[romp] retozar
  7806. :[roof] techo
  7807. :[rook] torre
  7808. :[rookie] novato
  7809. :[room] habitación
  7810. :[roommate] compañera de cuarto
  7811. :[root] raíz
  7812. :[rope] soga
  7813. :[rose] Rosa
  7814. :[rosebud] capullo de rosa
  7815. :[rosy] rosado
  7816. :[rot] putrefacción
  7817. :[rotate] girar
  7818. :[rotten] podrido
  7819. :[rotund] rotundo
  7820. :[rouge] colorete
  7821. :[rough] áspero
  7822. :[roughly] aproximadamente
  7823. :[round] ronda
  7824. :[roundabout] rotonda
  7825. :[rouse] despertar
  7826. :[route] ruta
  7827. :[routine] rutina
  7828. :[rove] recorrer
  7829. :[row] hilera
  7830. :[rowan] serbal
  7831. :[royal] real
  7832. :[royalty] realeza
  7833. :[rub] frotar
  7834. :[rubber] caucho
  7835. :[rubbish] basura
  7836. :[ruby] rubí
  7837. :[rucksack] mochila
  7838. :[rudder] timón
  7839. :[rude] maleducado
  7840. :[rudimentary] rudimentario
  7841. :[ruffian] rufián
  7842. :[rug] alfombra
  7843. :[rugby] rugby
  7844. :[ruin] ruina
  7845. :[ruined] arruinado
  7846. :[ruinous] ruinoso
  7847. :[rule] regla
  7848. :[ruler] regla
  7849. :[ruling] decisión
  7850. :[rum] Ron
  7851. :[rumble] retumbar
  7852. :[rummage] hurgar
  7853. :[rumour] rumor
  7854. :[run] correr
  7855. :[runaway] huir
  7856. :[runner] corredor
  7857. :[running] corriendo
  7858. :[runway] pista
  7859. :[rural] rural
  7860. :[ruse] ardid
  7861. :[rush] prisa
  7862. :[Russian] ruso
  7863. :[rust] oxido
  7864. :[rustic] rústico
  7865. :[rustle] crujido
  7866. :[rusty] oxidado
  7867. :[rut] rodera
  7868. :[ruthless] implacable
  7869. :[rye] centeno
  7870. :[sable] sable
  7871. :[sabotage] sabotaje
  7872. :[sack] saco
  7873. :[sacrament] sacramento
  7874. :[sacred] sagrado
  7875. :[sacrifice] sacrificio
  7876. :[sad] triste
  7877. :[saddle] sillín
  7878. :[sadly] Desafortunadamente
  7879. :[sadness] tristeza
  7880. :[safe] a salvo
  7881. :[safeguard] salvaguardia
  7882. :[safely] sin peligro
  7883. :[safest] mas seguro
  7884. :[safety] la seguridad
  7885. :[sag] hundimiento
  7886. :[sagacious] sagaz
  7887. :[sage] sabio
  7888. :[said] dijo
  7889. :[sail] navegar
  7890. :[sailing] navegación
  7891. :[sailor] marinero
  7892. :[saint] Smo
  7893. :[sake] motivo
  7894. :[salad] ensalada
  7895. :[salary] salario
  7896. :[sale] venta
  7897. :[salesman] vendedor
  7898. :[saliva] saliva
  7899. :[sally] salida
  7900. :[salmon] salmón
  7901. :[salon] salón
  7902. :[salt] sal
  7903. :[salty] salado
  7904. :[salutation] saludo
  7905. :[salute] saludo
  7906. :[salvage] salvar
  7907. :[salvation] salvación
  7908. :[same] mismo
  7909. :[sample] muestra
  7910. :[sanctify] santificar
  7911. :[sanctuary] santuario
  7912. :[sand] arena
  7913. :[sandwich] emparedado
  7914. :[sandy] arenoso
  7915. :[sane] cuerdo
  7916. :[sang] cantó
  7917. :[sanitary] sanitario
  7918. :[sanity] cordura
  7919. :[sank] hundido
  7920. :[sap] savia
  7921. :[sarcasm] sarcasmo
  7922. :[sarcastic] sarcástico
  7923. :[sardine] sardina
  7924. :[sat] senté
  7925. :[satellite] satélite
  7926. :[satin] satín
  7927. :[satire] sátira
  7928. :[satisfaction] satisfacción
  7929. :[satisfactory] satisfactorio
  7930. :[satisfy] satisfacer
  7931. :[saturate] saturar
  7932. :[Saturday] sábado
  7933. :[sauce] salsa
  7934. :[saucer] platillo
  7935. :[sauna] sauna
  7936. :[sausage] embutido
  7937. :[savage] salvaje
  7938. :[save] ahorrar
  7939. :[saving] ahorro
  7940. :[savour] saborear
  7941. :[savvy] comprensión
  7942. :[saw] vio
  7943. :[saxophone] saxofón
  7944. :[say] decir
  7945. :[saying] diciendo
  7946. :[scaffolding] andamio
  7947. :[scald] escaldadura
  7948. :[scale] escala
  7949. :[scales] escamas
  7950. :[scallion] cebollino
  7951. :[scallop] Vieira
  7952. :[scalp] cuero cabelludo
  7953. :[scalpel] bisturí
  7954. :[scam] estafa
  7955. :[scammer] estafador
  7956. :[scan] escanear
  7957. :[scandal] escándalo
  7958. :[scanner] escáner
  7959. :[scanty] escaso
  7960. :[scar] cicatriz
  7961. :[scarce] escaso
  7962. :[scare] susto
  7963. :[scarecrow] espantapájaros
  7964. :[scarf] bufanda
  7965. :[scaring] amedrentador
  7966. :[scarlet] escarlata
  7967. :[scary] de miedo
  7968. :[scatter] dispersión
  7969. :[scenario] guión
  7970. :[scene] escena
  7971. :[scenery] paisaje
  7972. :[scent] olor
  7973. :[sceptical] escéptico
  7974. :[schedule] calendario
  7975. :[scheme] esquema
  7976. :[scholar] erudito
  7977. :[scholarship] beca
  7978. :[school] colegio
  7979. :[science] Ciencias
  7980. :[scientific] científico
  7981. :[scientist] científico
  7982. :[scissor] cortar con tijeras
  7983. :[scissors] tijeras
  7984. :[scold] regaño
  7985. :[scoop] cucharón
  7986. :[scoot] largarse
  7987. :[scooter] scooter
  7988. :[scope] alcance
  7989. :[scorch] quemar
  7990. :[score] puntaje
  7991. :[scotch] escocés
  7992. :[scoundrel] sinvergüenza
  7993. :[scout] explorar
  7994. :[scowl] ceño
  7995. :[scramble] lucha
  7996. :[scrambled] revuelto
  7997. :[scrap] chatarra
  7998. :[scrape] raspar
  7999. :[scratch] rasguño
  8000. :[scream] grito
  8001. :[screech] chillido
  8002. :[screen] pantalla
  8003. :[screw] tornillo
  8004. :[screwdriver] destornillador
  8005. :[scribble] Escribiendo
  8006. :[script] texto
  8007. :[scroll] Desplazarse
  8008. :[scrub] maleza
  8009. :[scrupulous] escrupuloso
  8010. :[sculptor] escultor
  8011. :[sculpture] escultura
  8012. :[scythe] guadaña
  8013. :[sea] mar
  8014. :[seafood] mariscos
  8015. :[seal] sello
  8016. :[sealed] sellado
  8017. :[seam] costura
  8018. :[search] buscar
  8019. :[searching] buscando
  8020. :[seashore] costa
  8021. :[seaside] playa
  8022. :[season] temporada
  8023. :[seat] asiento
  8024. :[seaweed] algas marinas
  8025. :[seclude] aislar
  8026. :[second] segundo
  8027. :[secondary] secundario
  8028. :[secondly] en segundo lugar
  8029. :[secrecy] secreto
  8030. :[secret] secreto
  8031. :[secretary] secretario
  8032. :[secretive] reservado
  8033. :[secretly] secretamente
  8034. :[sect] secta
  8035. :[section] sección
  8036. :[sector] sector
  8037. :[secure] seguro
  8038. :[security] seguridad
  8039. :[sedate] sosegado
  8040. :[sedative] sedante
  8041. :[seducing] seducir
  8042. :[see] ver
  8043. :[seed] semilla
  8044. :[seek] buscar
  8045. :[seem] parecer
  8046. :[seethe] hervir
  8047. :[segment] segmento
  8048. :[seize] aprovechar
  8049. :[seizure] embargo
  8050. :[select] Seleccione
  8051. :[selection] selección
  8052. :[selective] selectivo
  8053. :[self] uno mismo
  8054. :[selfconfidence] auto confianza
  8055. :[selfcontrol] autocontrol
  8056. :[selfemployed] Trabajadores por cuenta propia
  8057. :[selfevident] autoevidente
  8058. :[selfish] egoísta
  8059. :[selfless] desinteresado
  8060. :[selfportrait] Auto retrato
  8061. :[selfservice] autoservicio
  8062. :[sell] vender
  8063. :[seller] vendedor
  8064. :[semblance] apariencia
  8065. :[semester] semestre
  8066. :[semi] semi
  8067. :[semicircle] semicírculo
  8068. :[semicolon] punto y coma
  8069. :[seminar] seminario
  8070. :[senate] senado
  8071. :[send] enviar
  8072. :[senior] mayor
  8073. :[sensation] sensación
  8074. :[sensational] sensacional
  8075. :[sense] sentido
  8076. :[senseless] sin sentido
  8077. :[sensible] sensato
  8078. :[sensitive] sensible
  8079. :[sensitivity] sensibilidad
  8080. :[sensor] sensor
  8081. :[sensual] sensual
  8082. :[sent] enviado
  8083. :[sentence] frase
  8084. :[sentiment] sentimiento
  8085. :[sentimental] sentimental
  8086. :[sentinel] centinela
  8087. :[separate] separar
  8088. :[separated] apartado
  8089. :[separately] por separado
  8090. :[separation] separación
  8091. :[September] septiembre
  8092. :[sequel] continuación
  8093. :[sequence] secuencia
  8094. :[serenity] serenidad
  8095. :[sergeant] sargento
  8096. :[serial] de serie
  8097. :[series] serie
  8098. :[serious] grave
  8099. :[seriously] seriamente
  8100. :[sermon] sermón
  8101. :[serpent] serpiente
  8102. :[serum] suero
  8103. :[servant] servidor
  8104. :[serve] atender
  8105. :[server] servidor
  8106. :[service] Servicio
  8107. :[serving] servicio
  8108. :[sesame] sésamo
  8109. :[session] sesión
  8110. :[set] colocar
  8111. :[setback] retrasar
  8112. :[settle] resolver
  8113. :[settled] establecido
  8114. :[settlement] asentamiento
  8115. :[settling] asentamiento
  8116. :[setup] configuración
  8117. :[seven] Siete
  8118. :[seventeen] diecisiete
  8119. :[seventh] séptimo
  8120. :[seventy] setenta
  8121. :[sever] cortar
  8122. :[several] varios
  8123. :[severe] grave
  8124. :[severely] severamente
  8125. :[sew] coser
  8126. :[sewer] alcantarilla
  8127. :[sewing] de coser
  8128. :[shabby] desgastado
  8129. :[shack] choza
  8130. :[shade] sombra
  8131. :[shadow] sombra
  8132. :[shady] sombreado
  8133. :[shaft] eje
  8134. :[shaggy] lanudo
  8135. :[shake] sacudir
  8136. :[shaken] agitado
  8137. :[shaky] tembloroso
  8138. :[shall] deberá
  8139. :[shallow] poco profundo
  8140. :[sham] impostor
  8141. :[shame] vergüenza
  8142. :[shameless] desvergonzado
  8143. :[shampoo] champú
  8144. :[shape] forma
  8145. :[share] Cuota
  8146. :[shared] compartido
  8147. :[shark] tiburón
  8148. :[sharp] afilado
  8149. :[sharply] bruscamente
  8150. :[shatter] romper
  8151. :[shave] afeitar
  8152. :[shawl] chal
  8153. :[she] ella
  8154. :[shear] cortar
  8155. :[shed] cobertizo
  8156. :[sheep] oveja
  8157. :[sheer] escarpado
  8158. :[sheet] hoja
  8159. :[shelf] estante
  8160. :[shell] cascarón
  8161. :[shelter] abrigo
  8162. :[shepherd] pastor
  8163. :[sheriff] alguacil
  8164. :[sherry] Jerez
  8165. :[shield] blindaje
  8166. :[shift] cambio
  8167. :[shilling] chelín
  8168. :[shindig] fiesta
  8169. :[shine] brillar
  8170. :[shingle] guijarros
  8171. :[shiny] brillante
  8172. :[ship] Embarcacion
  8173. :[shipment] envío
  8174. :[shipping] Envío
  8175. :[shirt] camisa
  8176. :[shit] mierda
  8177. :[shiver] temblar
  8178. :[shock] choque
  8179. :[shoe] zapato
  8180. :[shoes] Zapatos
  8181. :[shoot] disparo
  8182. :[shooter] tirador
  8183. :[shop] tienda
  8184. :[shoplifting] hurto
  8185. :[shopping] compras
  8186. :[shore] orilla
  8187. :[short] pequeño
  8188. :[shortage] escasez
  8189. :[shortcut] atajo
  8190. :[shorter] más corta
  8191. :[shortly] dentro de poco
  8192. :[shorts] Bermudas
  8193. :[shot] Disparo
  8194. :[shotgun] escopeta
  8195. :[should] deberían
  8196. :[shoulder] hombro
  8197. :[shout] gritar
  8198. :[shove] empujón
  8199. :[shovel] pala
  8200. :[show] show
  8201. :[shower] ducha
  8202. :[shown] mostrado
  8203. :[shred] desgarrar
  8204. :[shrill] estridente
  8205. :[shrimp] camarón
  8206. :[shrine] santuario
  8207. :[shrink] encogerse
  8208. :[shrivel] marchitar
  8209. :[shrub] arbusto
  8210. :[shrug] encogimiento de hombros
  8211. :[shudder] estremecimiento
  8212. :[shuffle] barajar
  8213. :[shun] rehuir
  8214. :[shut] cerrar
  8215. :[shuttle] lanzadera
  8216. :[shy] tímido
  8217. :[sibling] hermano
  8218. :[sick] enfermo
  8219. :[sickle] hoz
  8220. :[sickly] enfermizo
  8221. :[sickness] enfermedad
  8222. :[side] lado
  8223. :[sideline] línea de banda
  8224. :[sidewalk] acera
  8225. :[sideway] lateral
  8226. :[sideways] oblicuo
  8227. :[siege] cerco
  8228. :[sieve] tamiz
  8229. :[sift] tamizar
  8230. :[sigh] suspiro
  8231. :[sight] visión
  8232. :[sign] firmar
  8233. :[signal] señal
  8234. :[signature] firma
  8235. :[significance] significado
  8236. :[significant] significativo
  8237. :[significantly] significativamente
  8238. :[signing] firma
  8239. :[silence] silencio
  8240. :[silent] silencio
  8241. :[silk] seda
  8242. :[sill] umbral
  8243. :[silliness] tontería
  8244. :[silly] tonto
  8245. :[silver] plata
  8246. :[similar] similar
  8247. :[similarly] similar
  8248. :[simple] sencillo
  8249. :[simply] simplemente
  8250. :[simultaneous] simultáneo
  8251. :[sin] pecado
  8252. :[since] ya que
  8253. :[sincere] sincero
  8254. :[sinew] tendón
  8255. :[sing] cantar
  8256. :[singe] chamuscar
  8257. :[singer] cantante
  8258. :[single] soltero
  8259. :[singular] singular
  8260. :[sinister] siniestro
  8261. :[sink] lavabo
  8262. :[sinner] pecador
  8263. :[sip] sorbo
  8264. :[sir] señor
  8265. :[sister] hermana
  8266. :[sit] sentarse
  8267. :[site] sitio
  8268. :[sitting] sentado
  8269. :[situated] situado
  8270. :[situation] situación
  8271. :[six] seis
  8272. :[sixteen] dieciséis
  8273. :[sixth] sexto
  8274. :[sixty] sesenta
  8275. :[size] Talla
  8276. :[skate] patinar
  8277. :[skating] Patinaje
  8278. :[skeleton] esqueleto
  8279. :[sketch] bosquejo
  8280. :[sketchy] incompleto
  8281. :[ski] esquí
  8282. :[skid] patinar
  8283. :[skier] esquiador
  8284. :[skiing] esquí
  8285. :[skilful] hábil
  8286. :[skill] habilidad
  8287. :[skilled] experto
  8288. :[skim] desnatar
  8289. :[skin] piel
  8290. :[skinny] muy delgado
  8291. :[skip] saltar
  8292. :[skipper] patrón
  8293. :[skirmish] escaramuza
  8294. :[skirt] falda
  8295. :[skull] cráneo
  8296. :[sky] cielo
  8297. :[skyscraper] rascacielos
  8298. :[slack] flojo
  8299. :[slam] golpe
  8300. :[slander] calumnia
  8301. :[slang] Jerga
  8302. :[slap] bofetada
  8303. :[slash] barra oblicua
  8304. :[slate] pizarra
  8305. :[slaughter] sacrificio
  8306. :[slave] esclavo
  8307. :[slavery] esclavitud
  8308. :[slay] matar
  8309. :[slayer] asesino
  8310. :[sleazy] sórdido
  8311. :[sled] trineo
  8312. :[sledge] trineo
  8313. :[sleek] pulcro
  8314. :[sleep] dormir
  8315. :[sleepover] fiesta de pijamas
  8316. :[sleepy] somnoliento
  8317. :[sleeve] manga
  8318. :[sleigh] trineo
  8319. :[slender] esbelto
  8320. :[slice] rodaja
  8321. :[slick] resbaloso
  8322. :[slide] diapositiva
  8323. :[slight] leve
  8324. :[slightest] menor
  8325. :[slightly] levemente
  8326. :[slim] Delgado
  8327. :[slime] limo
  8328. :[slimy] baboso
  8329. :[sling] honda
  8330. :[slip] deslizar
  8331. :[slippers] zapatillas
  8332. :[slippery] resbaladizo
  8333. :[slit] abertura
  8334. :[slob] haragán
  8335. :[slogan] eslogan
  8336. :[slope] Pendiente
  8337. :[sloppy] descuidado
  8338. :[slot] espacio
  8339. :[slow] lento
  8340. :[slower] Más lento
  8341. :[slowing] desacelerando
  8342. :[slowly] despacio
  8343. :[sluice] compuerta
  8344. :[slum] barrio bajo
  8345. :[slumber] sueño
  8346. :[slush] fango
  8347. :[sly] astuto
  8348. :[smack] tortazo
  8349. :[small] pequeña
  8350. :[smaller] menor
  8351. :[smallest] pequeñísimo
  8352. :[smart] inteligente
  8353. :[smash] aplastar
  8354. :[smear] frotis
  8355. :[smell] oler
  8356. :[smelly] maloliente
  8357. :[smile] sonrisa
  8358. :[smiling] sonriente
  8359. :[smite] herir
  8360. :[smith] Herrero
  8361. :[smoke] fumar
  8362. :[smoking] de fumar
  8363. :[smooth] liso
  8364. :[smoothly] suavemente
  8365. :[smother] ahogar
  8366. :[smoulder] arder sin llama
  8367. :[smug] presumido
  8368. :[smuggle] hacer contrabando
  8369. :[snack] bocadillo
  8370. :[snag] engancharse
  8371. :[snail] Caracol
  8372. :[snake] serpiente
  8373. :[snap] quebrar
  8374. :[snappy] rápido
  8375. :[snarl] gruñido
  8376. :[sneak] furtivo
  8377. :[sneaking] furtivo
  8378. :[sneaky] furtivo
  8379. :[sneer] burla
  8380. :[sneeze] estornudo
  8381. :[snick] corte
  8382. :[sniff] oler
  8383. :[snitch] soplón
  8384. :[snob] snob
  8385. :[snoop] fisgonear
  8386. :[snore] ronquido
  8387. :[snort] bufido
  8388. :[snout] hocico
  8389. :[snow] nieve
  8390. :[snowman] monigote de nieve
  8391. :[snug] ajustado
  8392. :[so] asi que
  8393. :[soak] Sumergir
  8394. :[soap] jabón
  8395. :[sob] sollozo
  8396. :[sober] sobrio
  8397. :[so-called] así llamado
  8398. :[soccer] fútbol
  8399. :[sociable] sociable
  8400. :[social] social
  8401. :[socially] socialmente
  8402. :[society] sociedad
  8403. :[sock] calcetín
  8404. :[socket] enchufe
  8405. :[sod] césped
  8406. :[soda] soda
  8407. :[sodium] sodio
  8408. :[sofa] sofá
  8409. :[soft] suave
  8410. :[softball] sofbol
  8411. :[soften] ablandar
  8412. :[softly] suavemente
  8413. :[software] software
  8414. :[soil] tierra
  8415. :[solar] solar
  8416. :[sold] vendido
  8417. :[solder] soldar
  8418. :[soldier] soldado
  8419. :[sole] único
  8420. :[solemn] solemne
  8421. :[solicitor] abogado
  8422. :[solid] sólido
  8423. :[solitary] solitario
  8424. :[solo] solo
  8425. :[soloist] solista
  8426. :[soluble] soluble
  8427. :[solution] solución
  8428. :[solve] resolver
  8429. :[solving] resolviendo
  8430. :[some] algunos
  8431. :[somebody] alguien
  8432. :[someday] algún día
  8433. :[somehow] de alguna manera
  8434. :[someone] alguien
  8435. :[someplace] en algún lugar
  8436. :[something] alguna cosa
  8437. :[sometime] algún tiempo
  8438. :[sometimes] algunas veces
  8439. :[somewhat] algo
  8440. :[son] hijo
  8441. :[song] canción
  8442. :[son-in-law] yerno
  8443. :[sonny] hijo
  8444. :[soon] pronto
  8445. :[sooner] cuanto antes
  8446. :[soot] Hollín
  8447. :[soothe] calmar
  8448. :[soothing] calmante
  8449. :[sophisticated] sofisticado
  8450. :[sophomore] estudiante de segundo año
  8451. :[sordid] sórdido
  8452. :[sore] doloroso
  8453. :[sorrow] tristeza
  8454. :[sorry] perdón
  8455. :[sort] clasificar
  8456. :[sought] buscado
  8457. :[soul] alma
  8458. :[sound] sonido
  8459. :[soup] sopa
  8460. :[sour] agrio
  8461. :[source] fuente
  8462. :[south] Sur
  8463. :[southern] del Sur
  8464. :[souvenir] recuerdo
  8465. :[sovereign] soberano
  8466. :[sow] sembrar
  8467. :[soy] soja
  8468. :[spa] spa
  8469. :[space] espacio
  8470. :[spacecraft] astronave
  8471. :[spaceship] astronave
  8472. :[spade] pala
  8473. :[spaghetti] espaguetis
  8474. :[spam] correo no deseado
  8475. :[span] lapso
  8476. :[Spaniard] español
  8477. :[Spanish] Español
  8478. :[spank] azotar
  8479. :[spanner] llave
  8480. :[spare] repuesto
  8481. :[spark] Chispa - chispear
  8482. :[sparkling] espumoso
  8483. :[sparrow] gorrión
  8484. :[spatter] salpicar
  8485. :[spawn] Aparecer
  8486. :[speak] hablar
  8487. :[speaker] vocero
  8488. :[spear] lanza
  8489. :[special] especial
  8490. :[specialist] especialista
  8491. :[specialize] especializarse
  8492. :[specialty] especialidad
  8493. :[species] especies
  8494. :[specific] específico
  8495. :[specifically] específicamente
  8496. :[specify] especificar
  8497. :[specimen] muestra
  8498. :[speck] Partícula
  8499. :[spectacle] espectáculo
  8500. :[spectacular] espectacular
  8501. :[spectrum] espectro
  8502. :[speculation] especulación
  8503. :[speech] habla
  8504. :[speechless] Sin palabras
  8505. :[speed] velocidad
  8506. :[speeding] exceso de velocidad
  8507. :[spell] deletrear
  8508. :[spelling] ortografía
  8509. :[spend] gastar
  8510. :[spent] gastado
  8511. :[sperm] esperma
  8512. :[sphere] esfera
  8513. :[spice] especia
  8514. :[spicy] picante
  8515. :[spider] araña
  8516. :[spike] pico
  8517. :[spill] derramar
  8518. :[spin] girar
  8519. :[spinach] Espinacas
  8520. :[spinal] espinal
  8521. :[spine] columna vertebral
  8522. :[spinster] solterona
  8523. :[spiral] espiral
  8524. :[spire] aguja
  8525. :[spirit] espíritu
  8526. :[spirits] espíritu
  8527. :[spiritual] espiritual
  8528. :[spit] escupir
  8529. :[spite] despecho
  8530. :[spittle] saliva
  8531. :[splash] chapoteo
  8532. :[spleen] bazo
  8533. :[splendid] espléndido
  8534. :[splinter] astilla
  8535. :[split] separar
  8536. :[splitting] terrible
  8537. :[spoil] arruinar
  8538. :[spoiled] consentido
  8539. :[spoke] habló
  8540. :[spoken] hablado
  8541. :[spokesman] portavoz
  8542. :[sponge] esponja
  8543. :[sponsor] patrocinador
  8544. :[spontaneous] espontáneo
  8545. :[spook] espectro
  8546. :[spooky] escalofriante
  8547. :[spoon] cuchara
  8548. :[sport] deporte
  8549. :[sporting] deportivo
  8550. :[sportsman somewhere] deportista en alguna parte
  8551. :[spot] lugar
  8552. :[spotlight] destacar
  8553. :[spray] rociar
  8554. :[spread] propagar
  8555. :[spreading] extensión
  8556. :[spree] juerga
  8557. :[spring] primavera
  8558. :[sprinkle] espolvorear
  8559. :[sprinter] velocista
  8560. :[sprung] de muelles
  8561. :[spun] hilado
  8562. :[spur] estimular
  8563. :[spy] espiar
  8564. :[squad] equipo
  8565. :[square] cuadrado
  8566. :[squash] calabaza
  8567. :[squat] ponerse en cuclillas
  8568. :[squeak] chirrido
  8569. :[squeeze] estrujar
  8570. :[squid] calamar
  8571. :[squint] estrabismo
  8572. :[squirrel] ardilla
  8573. :[squirt] chorro
  8574. :[stab] puñalada
  8575. :[stability] estabilidad
  8576. :[stable] estable
  8577. :[stack] apilar
  8578. :[stadium] estadio
  8579. :[staff] personal
  8580. :[stage] escenario
  8581. :[stagger] tambalear
  8582. :[stain] Mancha
  8583. :[stair] escalera
  8584. :[staircase] escalera
  8585. :[stairwell] hueco de escalera
  8586. :[stake] apostar
  8587. :[stale] duro
  8588. :[stalk] tallo
  8589. :[stall] puesto
  8590. :[stallion] semental
  8591. :[stammer] balbucear
  8592. :[stamp] sello
  8593. :[stand] pararse
  8594. :[standard] estándar
  8595. :[standpoint] punto de vista
  8596. :[staple] grapa
  8597. :[star] estrella
  8598. :[starch] almidón
  8599. :[stare] mirar fijamente
  8600. :[stark] rígido
  8601. :[starling] estornino
  8602. :[starring] protagonizando
  8603. :[start] comienzo
  8604. :[startle] asustar
  8605. :[starvation] inanición
  8606. :[starve] morir de hambre
  8607. :[state] estado
  8608. :[statement] declaración
  8609. :[static] estático
  8610. :[station] estación
  8611. :[stationery] papelería
  8612. :[statistics] Estadísticas
  8613. :[statue] estatua
  8614. :[status] estado
  8615. :[statute] estatuto
  8616. :[staunch] firme
  8617. :[stay] Quédate
  8618. :[steady] firme
  8619. :[steak] filete
  8620. :[steal] robar
  8621. :[steam] vapor
  8622. :[steed] corcel
  8623. :[steel] acero
  8624. :[steep] empinado
  8625. :[steeple] campanario
  8626. :[steer] dirigir
  8627. :[steering] direccion
  8628. :[stem] madre
  8629. :[stench] hedor
  8630. :[step] paso
  8631. :[stepfather] padrastro
  8632. :[stepmother] madrastra
  8633. :[steppe] estepa
  8634. :[stereo] estéreo
  8635. :[stereotype] estereotipo
  8636. :[sterile] estéril
  8637. :[stern] popa
  8638. :[steroid] esteroide
  8639. :[stew] guiso
  8640. :[steward] mayordomo
  8641. :[stick] palo
  8642. :[sticker] pegatina
  8643. :[sticky] pegajoso
  8644. :[stiff] rígido
  8645. :[stifle] sofocar
  8646. :[still] todavía
  8647. :[stimulate] estimular
  8648. :[sting] picadura
  8649. :[stingy] tacaño
  8650. :[stink] hedor
  8651. :[stinky] apestoso
  8652. :[stipulate] estipular
  8653. :[stir] revolver
  8654. :[stirring] emocionante
  8655. :[stitch] puntada
  8656. :[stock] existencias
  8657. :[stocking] media
  8658. :[stoker] fogonero
  8659. :[stole] robó
  8660. :[stomach] estómago
  8661. :[stone] piedra
  8662. :[stool] heces
  8663. :[stoop] agacharse
  8664. :[stop] parada
  8665. :[storage] almacenamiento
  8666. :[store] Tienda
  8667. :[stork] cigüeña
  8668. :[storm] tormenta
  8669. :[story] historia
  8670. :[stout] cerveza negra
  8671. :[stove] cocina
  8672. :[stow] estibar
  8673. :[straight] derecho
  8674. :[straighten] enderezar
  8675. :[straightforward] simple
  8676. :[strain] cepa
  8677. :[straits] estrecheces
  8678. :[strand] hebra
  8679. :[stranded] varado
  8680. :[strange] extraño
  8681. :[strangely] extrañamente
  8682. :[stranger] extraño
  8683. :[strangle] estrangular
  8684. :[strap] Correa
  8685. :[strategic] estratégico
  8686. :[strategic] estratégico
  8687. :[strategy] estrategia
  8688. :[straw] Paja
  8689. :[strawberry] fresa
  8690. :[stray] extraviado
  8691. :[streak] racha
  8692. :[stream] Arroyo
  8693. :[street] calle
  8694. :[strength] fuerza
  8695. :[strengthen] fortalecer
  8696. :[strenuous] agotador
  8697. :[stress] estrés
  8698. :[stressful] Estresante
  8699. :[stretch] estirarse
  8700. :[strew] esparcir
  8701. :[stricken] afligido
  8702. :[strict] estricto
  8703. :[strictly] estrictamente
  8704. :[stride] paso
  8705. :[strike] Huelga
  8706. :[striking] sorprendentes
  8707. :[string] cuerda
  8708. :[strip] banda
  8709. :[stripe] raya
  8710. :[strive] esforzarse
  8711. :[stroke] carrera
  8712. :[stroll] paseo
  8713. :[strong] fuerte
  8714. :[stronger] más fuerte
  8715. :[strongest] mas fuerte
  8716. :[strongly] fuertemente
  8717. :[struck] golpeado
  8718. :[structure] estructura
  8719. :[struggle] dificil
  8720. :[strung] encadenado
  8721. :[stub] talón
  8722. :[stubble] rastrojo
  8723. :[stubborn] testarudo
  8724. :[stuck] pegado
  8725. :[stud] semental
  8726. :[student] estudiante
  8727. :[studio] estudio
  8728. :[study] estudio
  8729. :[stuff] cosas
  8730. :[stuffed] relleno
  8731. :[stuffing] Relleno
  8732. :[stuffy] cargado
  8733. :[stumble] tropezón
  8734. :[stump] tocón
  8735. :[stun] aturdir
  8736. :[stunning] impresionante
  8737. :[stunt] truco
  8738. :[stupendous] estupendo
  8739. :[stupid] estúpido
  8740. :[stupidity] estupidez
  8741. :[sturdy] robusto
  8742. :[sturgeon] esturión
  8743. :[stutter] tartamudear
  8744. :[style] estilo
  8745. :[subconscious] subconsciente
  8746. :[subdivide] subdividir
  8747. :[subdue] dominar
  8748. :[subject] tema
  8749. :[subjective] subjetivo
  8750. :[submarine] submarino
  8751. :[submerge] sumergir
  8752. :[submission] sumisión
  8753. :[submit] enviar
  8754. :[subordinate] subordinar
  8755. :[subscribe] suscribir
  8756. :[subscription] suscripción
  8757. :[subsequent] subsecuente
  8758. :[subsequently] después
  8759. :[subside] disminuir
  8760. :[subsist] subsistir
  8761. :[substance] sustancia
  8762. :[substance] sustancia
  8763. :[substantial] sustancial
  8764. :[substitute] sustituir
  8765. :[subtle] sutil
  8766. :[subtract] sustraer
  8767. :[suburb] suburbio
  8768. :[suburban] suburbano
  8769. :[subway] subterraneo
  8770. :[succeed] triunfar
  8771. :[success] éxito
  8772. :[successful] exitoso
  8773. :[successfully] exitosamente
  8774. :[such] tal
  8775. :[suck] chupar
  8776. :[suction] succión
  8777. :[sudden] repentino
  8778. :[suddenly] repentinamente
  8779. :[sue] demandar
  8780. :[suede] ante
  8781. :[suffer] sufrir
  8782. :[suffering] sufrimiento
  8783. :[suffice] satisfacer
  8784. :[sufficient] suficiente
  8785. :[suffocate] sofocar
  8786. :[sugar] azúcar
  8787. :[suggest] sugerir
  8788. :[suggestion] sugerencia
  8789. :[suicidal] suicida
  8790. :[suicide] suicidio
  8791. :[suit] traje
  8792. :[suitable] apropiado
  8793. :[suitcase] maleta
  8794. :[suite] suite
  8795. :[sulk] estar mohíno
  8796. :[sullen] hosco
  8797. :[sulphur] azufre
  8798. :[sultry] bochornoso
  8799. :[sum] suma
  8800. :[summer] verano
  8801. :[summit] cumbre
  8802. :[summon] convocar
  8803. :[sumptuous] suntuoso
  8804. :[sun] sol
  8805. :[Sunday] domingo
  8806. :[sunglasses] Gafas de sol
  8807. :[sunk] hundido
  8808. :[sunken] hundido
  8809. :[sunlight] luz del sol
  8810. :[sunny] soleado
  8811. :[sunrise] amanecer
  8812. :[sunset] puesta de sol
  8813. :[sunshine] Brillo Solar
  8814. :[super] súper
  8815. :[superb] magnífico
  8816. :[superficial] superficial
  8817. :[superfluous] superfluo
  8818. :[superhero] superhéroe
  8819. :[superintend] supervisar
  8820. :[superintendent] superintendente
  8821. :[superior] superior
  8822. :[superman] superhombre
  8823. :[supermarket] supermercado
  8824. :[supernatural] sobrenatural
  8825. :[supersede] reemplazar
  8826. :[superstition] superstición
  8827. :[superstitious] supersticioso
  8828. :[supervise] supervisar
  8829. :[supervision] supervisión
  8830. :[supervisor] supervisor
  8831. :[supper] cena
  8832. :[supplant] suplantar
  8833. :[supple] flexible
  8834. :[supplement] suplemento
  8835. :[supply] suministro
  8836. :[support] apoyo
  8837. :[supporter] seguidor
  8838. :[supporting] secundario
  8839. :[supportive] apoyo
  8840. :[suppose] suponer
  8841. :[supposedly] según cabe suponer
  8842. :[suppress] reprimir
  8843. :[supreme] supremo
  8844. :[sure] seguro
  8845. :[surely] seguramente
  8846. :[surf] navegar
  8847. :[surface] superficie
  8848. :[surfing] surf
  8849. :[surgeon] cirujano
  8850. :[surgery] cirugía
  8851. :[surgical] quirúrgico
  8852. :[surmise] conjetura
  8853. :[surmount] superar a
  8854. :[surname] apellido
  8855. :[surpass] superar
  8856. :[surprise] sorpresa
  8857. :[surprising] sorprendente
  8858. :[surprisingly] asombrosamente
  8859. :[surrender] Rendición
  8860. :[surrogate] sustituto
  8861. :[surround] rodear
  8862. :[surveillance] vigilancia
  8863. :[survey] encuesta
  8864. :[survival] supervivencia
  8865. :[survive] sobrevivir
  8866. :[survivor] sobreviviente
  8867. :[susceptible] susceptible
  8868. :[suspect] sospechar
  8869. :[suspend] suspender
  8870. :[suspense] suspenso
  8871. :[suspension] suspensión
  8872. :[suspicion] sospecha
  8873. :[suspicious] suspicaz
  8874. :[sustain] sostener
  8875. :[swallow] tragar
  8876. :[swamp] pantano
  8877. :[swan] cisne
  8878. :[swap] intercambio
  8879. :[swarm] enjambre
  8880. :[swarthy] moreno
  8881. :[swat] aplastar
  8882. :[sway] influencia
  8883. :[swear] jurar
  8884. :[sweat] sudor
  8885. :[sweater] suéter
  8886. :[sweaty] sudoroso
  8887. :[Swede] sueco
  8888. :[sweep] barrer
  8889. :[sweet] dulce
  8890. :[sweetheart] cariño
  8891. :[sweetness] dulzura
  8892. :[swell] hinchar
  8893. :[swelling] hinchazón
  8894. :[swerve] viraje
  8895. :[swift] rápido
  8896. :[swim] nadar
  8897. :[swimming] nadando
  8898. :[swimsuit] traje de baño
  8899. :[swindle] estafa
  8900. :[swine] cerdo
  8901. :[swing] columpio
  8902. :[Swiss] suizo
  8903. :[switch] cambiar
  8904. :[swollen] hinchado
  8905. :[swoop] redada
  8906. :[sword] espada
  8907. :[sworn] jurado
  8908. :[syllable] sílaba
  8909. :[syllabus] silaba
  8910. :[symbol] símbolo
  8911. :[sympathetic] simpático
  8912. :[sympathize] compadecerse
  8913. :[sympathy] simpatía
  8914. :[symphony] sinfonía
  8915. :[symptom] síntoma
  8916. :[synchronize] sincronizar
  8917. :[syndrome] síndrome
  8918. :[synonym] sinónimo
  8919. :[synthesis] síntesis
  8920. :[syringe] jeringuilla
  8921. :[syrup] jarabe
  8922. :[system] sistema
  8923. :[table] mesa
  8924. :[tablet] tableta
  8925. :[tabloid] tabloide
  8926. :[tack] virar
  8927. :[tackle] entrada
  8928. :[tacky] pegajoso
  8929. :[tactic] táctica
  8930. :[tactical] táctico
  8931. :[tag] etiqueta
  8932. :[tail] cola
  8933. :[tailor] Sastre
  8934. :[taint] mancha
  8935. :[take] llevar
  8936. :[takeout] sacar
  8937. :[takeover] tomar el control
  8938. :[tale] cuento
  8939. :[talent] talento
  8940. :[talented] talentoso
  8941. :[talk] hablar
  8942. :[tall] alto
  8943. :[tame] domar
  8944. :[tamper] manosear
  8945. :[tan] broncearse
  8946. :[tangible] tangible
  8947. :[tangle] enredo
  8948. :[tank] tanque
  8949. :[tap] grifo
  8950. :[tape] cinta
  8951. :[tapestry] tapiz
  8952. :[taping] grabando
  8953. :[tar] alquitrán
  8954. :[tardy] tardío
  8955. :[target] objetivo
  8956. :[tariff] arancel
  8957. :[tart] tarta
  8958. :[task] tarea
  8959. :[taste] gusto
  8960. :[tasting] saboreo
  8961. :[tasty] sabroso
  8962. :[tattoo] tatuaje
  8963. :[taught] enseñado
  8964. :[taunt] pulla
  8965. :[tax] impuesto
  8966. :[taxi] taxi
  8967. :[taxpayer] contribuyente
  8968. :[tea] té
  8969. :[teach] enseñar
  8970. :[teacher] profesor
  8971. :[team] equipo
  8972. :[tea-pot] tetera
  8973. :[tear] lágrima
  8974. :[tears] lágrimas
  8975. :[tease] fastidiar
  8976. :[teaspoon] cucharilla
  8977. :[technical] técnico
  8978. :[technicality] tecnicismo
  8979. :[technically] técnicamente
  8980. :[technique] técnica
  8981. :[technology] tecnología
  8982. :[tedious] tedioso
  8983. :[tee] tee
  8984. :[teem] abundar
  8985. :[teen] adolescente
  8986. :[teenage] Adolescente
  8987. :[teenager] adolescente
  8988. :[teeny] chiquitín
  8989. :[teeth] dientes
  8990. :[telegram] telegrama
  8991. :[telegraph] telégrafo
  8992. :[telephone] teléfono
  8993. :[telescope] telescopio
  8994. :[television] televisión
  8995. :[tell] contar
  8996. :[telly] tele
  8997. :[temp] temperatura
  8998. :[temper] templar
  8999. :[temperature] temperatura
  9000. :[temple] templo
  9001. :[temporal] temporal
  9002. :[temporarily] temporalmente
  9003. :[temporary] temporal
  9004. :[tempt] tentar
  9005. :[temptation] tentación
  9006. :[ten] diez
  9007. :[tenant] inquilino
  9008. :[tend] tender
  9009. :[tendency] tendencia
  9010. :[tender] tierno
  9011. :[tendon] tendón
  9012. :[tennis] tenis
  9013. :[tense] tiempo
  9014. :[tension] tensión
  9015. :[tent] carpa
  9016. :[tentative] tentativo
  9017. :[tenth] décimo
  9018. :[term] término
  9019. :[terminal] Terminal
  9020. :[terminate] Terminar
  9021. :[terms] condiciones
  9022. :[terrace] terraza
  9023. :[terrible] terrible
  9024. :[terribly] terriblemente
  9025. :[terrific] fantástico
  9026. :[terrifying] espantoso
  9027. :[territory] territorio
  9028. :[terror] terror
  9029. :[terrorism] terrorismo
  9030. :[terrorist] terrorista
  9031. :[test] prueba
  9032. :[testament] testamento
  9033. :[testify] testificar
  9034. :[testimony] testimonio
  9035. :[test-tube] tubo de ensayo
  9036. :[text] texto
  9037. :[textbook] libro de texto
  9038. :[textile] textil
  9039. :[text-message] mensaje de texto
  9040. :[texture] textura
  9041. :[than] que
  9042. :[thank] gracias
  9043. :[thankful] agradecido
  9044. :[thanksgiving] acción de gracias
  9045. :[that] ese
  9046. :[thaw] deshielo
  9047. :[the] los
  9048. :[theatre] teatro
  9049. :[thee] El e
  9050. :[theft] hurto
  9051. :[their] su
  9052. :[theirs] suyo
  9053. :[them] ellos
  9054. :[theme] tema
  9055. :[themselves] ellos mismos
  9056. :[then] luego
  9057. :[theological] teológico
  9058. :[theoretical] teórico
  9059. :[theory] teoría
  9060. :[therapist] terapeuta
  9061. :[therapy] terapia
  9062. :[there] allí
  9063. :[therefore] por lo tanto
  9064. :[thermometer] termómetro
  9065. :[thesaurus] Tesauro
  9066. :[these] estas
  9067. :[thesis] tesis
  9068. :[they] ellos
  9069. :[thick] grueso
  9070. :[thief] ladrón
  9071. :[thieve] robar
  9072. :[thigh] muslo
  9073. :[thimble] dedal
  9074. :[thin] delgada
  9075. :[thing] cosa
  9076. :[thingy] cosita
  9077. :[think] pensar
  9078. :[thinking] pensando
  9079. :[thinner] más delgada
  9080. :[third] tercera
  9081. :[thirst] sed
  9082. :[thirsty] sediento
  9083. :[thirteen] trece
  9084. :[thirty] treinta
  9085. :[this] esta
  9086. :[thorn] espina
  9087. :[thorough] exhaustivo
  9088. :[thoroughly] minuciosamente
  9089. :[those] aquellos
  9090. :[though] aunque
  9091. :[thought] pensamiento
  9092. :[thoughtful] considerado
  9093. :[thoughtless] desconsiderado
  9094. :[thousand] mil
  9095. :[thread] hilo
  9096. :[threat] amenaza
  9097. :[threaten] amenazar
  9098. :[three] Tres
  9099. :[threshold] umbral
  9100. :[threw] arrojó
  9101. :[thrift] ahorro
  9102. :[thrill] emoción
  9103. :[thrilling] emocionante
  9104. :[throat] garganta
  9105. :[throne] trono
  9106. :[throng] multitud
  9107. :[through] mediante
  9108. :[throughout] a lo largo de
  9109. :[thrust] empuje
  9110. :[thug] matón
  9111. :[thumb] pulgar
  9112. :[thump] golpear
  9113. :[thunder] trueno
  9114. :[Thursday] jueves
  9115. :[thus] por lo tanto
  9116. :[thwart] frustrar
  9117. :[tick] garrapata
  9118. :[ticket] billete
  9119. :[tickle] cosquillas
  9120. :[tide] marea
  9121. :[tidy] ordenado
  9122. :[tie] Corbata
  9123. :[tiger] Tigre
  9124. :[tight] ajustado
  9125. :[tighter] mas apretado
  9126. :[tights] medias
  9127. :[tile] loseta
  9128. :[till] hasta
  9129. :[tilt] inclinación
  9130. :[timber] madera
  9131. :[time] tiempo
  9132. :[timer] Temporizador
  9133. :[timetable] calendario
  9134. :[timid] tímido
  9135. :[timing] momento
  9136. :[tin] estaño
  9137. :[tinge] tinte
  9138. :[tinsel] oropel
  9139. :[tint] tinte
  9140. :[tiny] diminuto
  9141. :[tip] propina
  9142. :[tips] consejos
  9143. :[tire] neumático
  9144. :[tired] cansado
  9145. :[tissue] tejido
  9146. :[titanic] titánico
  9147. :[title] título
  9148. :[to] para
  9149. :[toad] sapo
  9150. :[toast] brindis
  9151. :[toaster] tostadora
  9152. :[tobacco] tabaco
  9153. :[today] hoy dia
  9154. :[toe] dedo del pie
  9155. :[toenail] uña del dedo del pie
  9156. :[together] juntos
  9157. :[toil] esfuerzo
  9158. :[toilet] inodoro
  9159. :[token] simbólico
  9160. :[told] dicho
  9161. :[tolerance] tolerancia
  9162. :[tolerate] tolerar
  9163. :[toll] peaje
  9164. :[tomato] tomate
  9165. :[tomb] tumba
  9166. :[tomorrow] mañana
  9167. :[ton] tonelada
  9168. :[tone] tono
  9169. :[tongs] tenazas
  9170. :[tongue] lengua
  9171. :[tonic] tónico
  9172. :[tonight] esta noche
  9173. :[tonsil] amígdala
  9174. :[too] también
  9175. :[took] tomó
  9176. :[tool] herramienta
  9177. :[tooth] diente
  9178. :[toothbrush] cepillo de dientes
  9179. :[toothpaste] pasta dental
  9180. :[top] cima
  9181. :[topic] tema
  9182. :[topless] top-less
  9183. :[topple] derrocar
  9184. :[torch] antorcha
  9185. :[tore] desgarrado
  9186. :[torment] tormento
  9187. :[torn] Rasgado
  9188. :[torrent] torrente
  9189. :[tortoise] tortuga
  9190. :[torture] tortura
  9191. :[toss] sacudida
  9192. :[total] total
  9193. :[totally] totalmente
  9194. :[touch] tocar
  9195. :[touchdown] aterrizaje
  9196. :[touching] conmovedor
  9197. :[touchy] quisquilloso
  9198. :[tough] difícil
  9199. :[tour] excursión
  9200. :[tourist] turista
  9201. :[tournament] torneo
  9202. :[tow] remolcar
  9203. :[toward] hacia
  9204. :[towards] hacia
  9205. :[towel] toalla
  9206. :[tower] torre
  9207. :[town] ciudad
  9208. :[toxic] tóxico
  9209. :[toy] juguete
  9210. :[trace] rastro
  9211. :[track] pista
  9212. :[tractor] tractor
  9213. :[trade] comercio
  9214. :[tradition] tradicion
  9215. :[traditional] tradicional
  9216. :[traffic] tráfico
  9217. :[tragedy] tragedia
  9218. :[tragic] trágico
  9219. :[trail] sendero
  9220. :[trailer] remolque
  9221. :[train] tren
  9222. :[trainer] entrenador
  9223. :[training] capacitación
  9224. :[trait] rasgo
  9225. :[traitor] traidor
  9226. :[tram] tranvía
  9227. :[tramp] vagabundo
  9228. :[transaction] transacción
  9229. :[transcript] transcripción
  9230. :[transfer] transferir
  9231. :[transform] transformar
  9232. :[transformation] transformación
  9233. :[transgress] transgredir
  9234. :[transient] transitorio
  9235. :[transition] transición
  9236. :[translate] traducir
  9237. :[translation] traducción
  9238. :[transmission] transmisión
  9239. :[transmitter] transmisor
  9240. :[transparent] transparente
  9241. :[transplant] trasplante
  9242. :[transport] transporte
  9243. :[transportation] transporte
  9244. :[trap] trampa
  9245. :[trapped] atrapado
  9246. :[trash] basura
  9247. :[trashy] baja calidad
  9248. :[trauma] trauma
  9249. :[traumatic] traumático
  9250. :[traumatize] traumatizar
  9251. :[travel] viaje
  9252. :[traveling] de viaje
  9253. :[tray] bandeja
  9254. :[tread] huella
  9255. :[treason] traición
  9256. :[treasure] Tesoro
  9257. :[treasury] tesorería
  9258. :[treat] tratar
  9259. :[treatment] tratamiento
  9260. :[treaty] tratado
  9261. :[treble] triplicar
  9262. :[tree] árbol
  9263. :[tremble] temblar
  9264. :[trembling] temblor
  9265. :[tremendous] tremendo
  9266. :[trench] zanja
  9267. :[trend] tendencia
  9268. :[trespass] pecado
  9269. :[trey] Trey
  9270. :[triad] tríada
  9271. :[trial] prueba
  9272. :[triangle] triángulo
  9273. :[tribe] tribu
  9274. :[tribute] tributo
  9275. :[trick] truco
  9276. :[trickle] chorrito
  9277. :[tricky] difícil
  9278. :[trifle] nimiedad
  9279. :[trigger] desencadenar
  9280. :[trim] podar
  9281. :[Trinity] Trinidad
  9282. :[trip] viaje
  9283. :[triple] triple
  9284. :[triumph] triunfo
  9285. :[trivial] trivial
  9286. :[troll] Troll
  9287. :[trolley] carretilla
  9288. :[troop] tropa
  9289. :[troops] tropas
  9290. :[trophy] trofeo
  9291. :[tropical] tropical
  9292. :[trouble] problema
  9293. :[troubles] nubes
  9294. :[trousers] pantalones
  9295. :[trout] trucha
  9296. :[truant] ausente
  9297. :[truce] tregua
  9298. :[truck] camión
  9299. :[truly] verdaderamente
  9300. :[trump] triunfo
  9301. :[trunk] maletero
  9302. :[trust] confianza
  9303. :[trustworthy] digno de confianza
  9304. :[truth] verdad
  9305. :[truthful] veraz
  9306. :[truthfully] sinceramente
  9307. :[try] tratar
  9308. :[tsar] zar
  9309. :[T-shirt] Camiseta de manga corta
  9310. :[tub] tina
  9311. :[tube] tubo
  9312. :[tuck] pliegue
  9313. :[tucker] fatigar
  9314. :[Tuesday] martes
  9315. :[tug] tirón
  9316. :[tuition] matrícula
  9317. :[tulip] tulipán
  9318. :[tummy] barriguita
  9319. :[tumor] tumor
  9320. :[tumult] tumulto
  9321. :[tuna] atún
  9322. :[tune] melodía
  9323. :[tunnel] túnel
  9324. :[turban] turbante
  9325. :[turbulent] turbulento
  9326. :[turf] césped
  9327. :[turk] turco
  9328. :[turkey] pavo
  9329. :[turmoil] confusión
  9330. :[turn] girar
  9331. :[turner] tornero
  9332. :[turnip] nabo
  9333. :[turtle] Tortuga
  9334. :[tusk] colmillo
  9335. :[tutor] tutor
  9336. :[tuxedo] smoking
  9337. :[tweak] retocar
  9338. :[twelve] doce
  9339. :[twenties] veinte
  9340. :[twenty] 20
  9341. :[twice] dos veces
  9342. :[twig] ramita
  9343. :[twilight] crepúsculo
  9344. :[twin] mellizo
  9345. :[twine] enroscarse
  9346. :[twinkle] centelleo
  9347. :[twins] mellizos
  9348. :[twirl] giro
  9349. :[twist] giro
  9350. :[twisted] retorcido
  9351. :[twit] estafermo
  9352. :[twitch] contracción nerviosa
  9353. :[twitter] gorjeo
  9354. :[two] dos
  9355. :[tying] atadura
  9356. :[type] escribe
  9357. :[typical] típico
  9358. :[typically] típicamente
  9359. :[typist] mecanógrafo
  9360. :[tyran] tirano
  9361. :[tyre] neumático
  9362. :[udder] ubre
  9363. :[ugly] feo
  9364. :[ulcer] úlcera
  9365. :[ulterior] ulterior
  9366. :[ultimate] último
  9367. :[ultimately] por último
  9368. :[ultimatum] ultimátum
  9369. :[ultra] ultra
  9370. :[ultrasound] ultrasonido
  9371. :[umbrella] paraguas
  9372. :[unable] incapaz
  9373. :[unacceptable] inaceptable
  9374. :[unaccustomed] no acostumbrado
  9375. :[unarmed] desarmado
  9376. :[unattractive] no atractivo
  9377. :[unauthorized] no autorizado
  9378. :[unavailable] indisponible
  9379. :[unavoidable] inevitable
  9380. :[unaware] inconsciente
  9381. :[unbearable] inaguantable
  9382. :[unbelievable] increíble
  9383. :[unbelievably] increíblemente
  9384. :[unborn] no nacido
  9385. :[unbutton] desabotonar
  9386. :[uncanny] misterioso
  9387. :[uncertain] incierto
  9388. :[unchanged] sin alterar
  9389. :[uncle] tío
  9390. :[uncomfortable] incómodo
  9391. :[uncommon] poco común
  9392. :[unconscious] inconsciente
  9393. :[uncover] descubrir
  9394. :[undeniable] innegable
  9395. :[under] debajo
  9396. :[underage] menor de edad
  9397. :[undercover] clandestino
  9398. :[underestimate] subestimar
  9399. :[underground] subterráneo
  9400. :[underline] subrayar
  9401. :[undermine] socavar
  9402. :[underneath] debajo
  9403. :[underpants] calzoncillos
  9404. :[understand] comprender
  9405. :[understandable] comprensible
  9406. :[understanding] comprensión
  9407. :[understatement] atenuación
  9408. :[undertake] emprender
  9409. :[underwater] submarino
  9410. :[underwear] ropa interior
  9411. :[underworld] inframundo
  9412. :[undo] deshacer
  9413. :[undone] deshecho
  9414. :[undoubtedly] indudablemente
  9415. :[uneasy] difícil
  9416. :[unemployed] desempleados
  9417. :[unemployment] desempleo
  9418. :[unequal] desigual
  9419. :[unethical] poco ético
  9420. :[uneven] desigual
  9421. :[unexpected] inesperado
  9422. :[unfair] injusto
  9423. :[unfaithful] infiel
  9424. :[unfamiliar] desconocido
  9425. :[unfinished] inconcluso
  9426. :[unfit] impropio
  9427. :[unforgivable] imperdonable
  9428. :[unfortunate] desgraciado
  9429. :[unfortunately] Desafortunadamente
  9430. :[unfriendly] hostil
  9431. :[ungrateful] desagradecido
  9432. :[unhappy] infeliz
  9433. :[unhealthy] insalubre
  9434. :[unicorn] unicornio
  9435. :[unidentified] no identificado
  9436. :[uniform] uniforme
  9437. :[uninvited] no invitado
  9438. :[union] Unión
  9439. :[unique] único
  9440. :[unit] unidad
  9441. :[unite] unir
  9442. :[united] Unido
  9443. :[unity] unidad
  9444. :[universal] universal
  9445. :[universe] universo
  9446. :[university] Universidad
  9447. :[unjust] injusto
  9448. :[unkind] cruel
  9449. :[unknown] desconocido
  9450. :[unless] a no ser que
  9451. :[unlike] diferente a
  9452. :[unlikely] improbable
  9453. :[unlimited] ilimitado
  9454. :[unload] descargar
  9455. :[unlock] desbloquear
  9456. :[unlucky] desafortunado
  9457. :[unnatural] antinatural
  9458. :[unnecessary] innecesario
  9459. :[unpack] deshacer
  9460. :[unpleasant] desagradable
  9461. :[unpredictable] impredecible
  9462. :[unprofessional] no profesional
  9463. :[unreal] irreal
  9464. :[unreasonable] irrazonable
  9465. :[unrest] agitación
  9466. :[unruly] revoltoso
  9467. :[unsettled] inestable
  9468. :[unskilful] inexperto
  9469. :[unspeakable] indecible
  9470. :[unstable] inestable
  9471. :[untidy] desordenado
  9472. :[untie] desatar
  9473. :[until] Hasta que
  9474. :[untrue] falso
  9475. :[unusual] raro
  9476. :[unwanted] no deseado
  9477. :[unwind] relajarse
  9478. :[unworthy] indigno de
  9479. :[up] hasta
  9480. :[upbrining] crianza
  9481. :[upcoming] próximo
  9482. :[update] actualizar
  9483. :[upgrade] potenciar
  9484. :[uphill] cuesta arriba
  9485. :[uphold] defender
  9486. :[upon] sobre
  9487. :[upper] superior
  9488. :[upright] vertical
  9489. :[uprising] levantamiento
  9490. :[upset] disgustado
  9491. :[upsetting] molesto
  9492. :[upside] al revés
  9493. :[upstairs] piso de arriba
  9494. :[upstanding] recto
  9495. :[uptight] tenso
  9496. :[up-to-date] A hoy
  9497. :[uptown] zona residencial
  9498. :[upward] hacia arriba
  9499. :[urban] urbano
  9500. :[urge] impulso
  9501. :[urgent] urgente
  9502. :[urine] orina
  9503. :[urn] urna
  9504. :[us] nosotros
  9505. :[usage] uso
  9506. :[use] usar
  9507. :[used] usó
  9508. :[useful] útil
  9509. :[useless] inútil
  9510. :[user] usuario
  9511. :[usher] ujier
  9512. :[usual] usual
  9513. :[usually] generalmente
  9514. :[utility] utilidad
  9515. :[utmost] mayor
  9516. :[utter] pronunciar
  9517. :[utterly] absolutamente
  9518. :[vacancy] vacante
  9519. :[vacant] vacante
  9520. :[vacation] vacaciones
  9521. :[vaccination] vacunación
  9522. :[vaccine] vacuna
  9523. :[vacuum] aspiradora
  9524. :[vague] vago
  9525. :[vaguely] vagamente
  9526. :[vain] vano
  9527. :[valet] ayudante de cámara
  9528. :[valiant] valiente
  9529. :[valid] válido
  9530. :[valley] Valle
  9531. :[valuable] valioso
  9532. :[value] valor
  9533. :[valve] válvula
  9534. :[vampire] vampiro
  9535. :[van] camioneta
  9536. :[vandalism] vandalismo
  9537. :[vane] veleta
  9538. :[vanilla] vainilla
  9539. :[vanish] desaparecer
  9540. :[vanity] vanidad
  9541. :[vanquish] vencer a
  9542. :[vapour] vapor
  9543. :[variable] variable
  9544. :[variation] variación
  9545. :[variety] variedad
  9546. :[various] varios
  9547. :[varnish] barniz
  9548. :[vary] variar
  9549. :[vase] jarrón
  9550. :[vast] vasto
  9551. :[vat] IVA
  9552. :[vault] bóveda
  9553. :[veal] ternera
  9554. :[vegetable] vegetal
  9555. :[vegetarian] vegetariano
  9556. :[vehemence] vehemencia
  9557. :[vehicle] vehículo
  9558. :[veil] velo
  9559. :[vein] vena
  9560. :[velocity] velocidad
  9561. :[velvet] terciopelo
  9562. :[vending] venta
  9563. :[vengeance] venganza
  9564. :[venison] Venado
  9565. :[venomous] venenoso
  9566. :[vent] respiradero
  9567. :[ventilator] ventilador
  9568. :[venture] riesgo
  9569. :[venue] sede
  9570. :[verb] verbo
  9571. :[verbal] verbal
  9572. :[verdict] veredicto
  9573. :[verge] borde
  9574. :[verification] verificación
  9575. :[verify] verificar
  9576. :[versatile] versátil
  9577. :[verse] verso
  9578. :[version] versión
  9579. :[versus] versus
  9580. :[vertical] vertical
  9581. :[very] muy
  9582. :[vessel] embarcación
  9583. :[vest] chaleco
  9584. :[vestige] vestigio
  9585. :[veteran] veterano
  9586. :[veto] veto
  9587. :[vexation] vejación
  9588. :[via] vía
  9589. :[viable] viable
  9590. :[vibrate] vibrar
  9591. :[vice] vicio
  9592. :[vicinity] vecindad
  9593. :[vicious] vicioso
  9594. :[victim] víctima
  9595. :[victory] victoria
  9596. :[video] video
  9597. :[videotape] filmar con una videocámara
  9598. :[view] vista
  9599. :[viewer] espectador
  9600. :[viewpoint] punto de vista
  9601. :[vigilance] vigilancia
  9602. :[vigorous] vigoroso
  9603. :[vile] vil
  9604. :[villa] villa
  9605. :[village] pueblo
  9606. :[villain] villano
  9607. :[vindictive] vengativo
  9608. :[vine] vino
  9609. :[vinegar] vinagre
  9610. :[vintage] vintage
  9611. :[violate] violar
  9612. :[violation] violación
  9613. :[violence] violencia
  9614. :[violent] violento
  9615. :[violet] Violeta
  9616. :[violin] violín
  9617. :[viper] víbora
  9618. :[virgin] Virgen
  9619. :[virginity] virginidad
  9620. :[virtual] virtual
  9621. :[virtually] virtualmente
  9622. :[virtue] virtud
  9623. :[virus] virus
  9624. :[visa] visa
  9625. :[visibility] visibilidad
  9626. :[visible] visible
  9627. :[vision] visión
  9628. :[visit] visitar
  9629. :[visitation] visitación
  9630. :[visiting] visitando
  9631. :[visitor] visitante
  9632. :[vista] vista
  9633. :[visual] visual
  9634. :[vital] vital
  9635. :[vitamin] vitamina
  9636. :[vivacious] vivaz
  9637. :[vivid] vívido
  9638. :[vocabulary] vocabulario
  9639. :[vocal] vocal
  9640. :[vocational] profesional
  9641. :[vogue] moda
  9642. :[voice] voz
  9643. :[void] vacío
  9644. :[volatile] volátil
  9645. :[volcano] volcán
  9646. :[volleyball] vóleibol
  9647. :[volume] volumen
  9648. :[voluntarily] voluntariamente
  9649. :[voluntary] voluntario
  9650. :[volunteer] voluntario
  9651. :[vomit] vómito
  9652. :[voracious] voraz
  9653. :[vote] votar
  9654. :[voting] votación
  9655. :[vouch] atestiguar
  9656. :[vow] voto
  9657. :[vowel] vocal
  9658. :[voyage] viaje
  9659. :[vulgar] vulgar
  9660. :[vulnerable] vulnerable
  9661. :[vulture] buitre
  9662. :[wad] taco
  9663. :[wade] vadear
  9664. :[waffles] gofres
  9665. :[wage] sueldo
  9666. :[wagon] vagón
  9667. :[wail] gemido
  9668. :[waist] cintura
  9669. :[wait] Espere
  9670. :[waiter] mesero
  9671. :[waiting] esperando
  9672. :[waitress] camarera
  9673. :[wake] despertarse
  9674. :[walk] andar
  9675. :[walker] caminante
  9676. :[wall] pared
  9677. :[wallet] billetera
  9678. :[wallow] revolcarse por
  9679. :[wallpaper] fondo de pantalla
  9680. :[walnut] nuez
  9681. :[waltz] vals
  9682. :[wan] pálido
  9683. :[wand] varita mágica
  9684. :[wander] deambular
  9685. :[wandering] errante
  9686. :[want] querer
  9687. :[war] guerra
  9688. :[ward] pabellón
  9689. :[warden] guardián
  9690. :[wardrobe] guardarropa
  9691. :[warehouse] depósito
  9692. :[warfare] guerra
  9693. :[warlock] brujo
  9694. :[warm] cálido
  9695. :[warmer] más cálido
  9696. :[warming] calentamiento
  9697. :[warmth] calor
  9698. :[warn] advertir
  9699. :[warning] advertencia
  9700. :[warp] deformación
  9701. :[warrant] orden
  9702. :[warrior] guerrero
  9703. :[wary] cauteloso
  9704. :[was] era
  9705. :[wash] lavar
  9706. :[washing] Lavado
  9707. :[waste] desperdicio
  9708. :[watch] mirar
  9709. :[watcher] vigilante
  9710. :[water] agua
  9711. :[waterfall] cascada
  9712. :[waterfront] frente al mar
  9713. :[watery] acuoso
  9714. :[wave] ola
  9715. :[wax] cera
  9716. :[way] camino
  9717. :[we] nosotros
  9718. :[weak] débil
  9719. :[weaker] más débiles
  9720. :[weakness] debilidad
  9721. :[wealth] poder
  9722. :[wealthy] adinerado
  9723. :[weapon] arma
  9724. :[wear] vestir
  9725. :[weary] cansado
  9726. :[weasel] comadreja
  9727. :[weather] clima
  9728. :[weave] tejido
  9729. :[weaver] tejedor
  9730. :[web] web
  9731. :[website] sitio web
  9732. :[wed] casarse
  9733. :[wedding] boda
  9734. :[wedge] cuña
  9735. :[Wednesday] miércoles
  9736. :[wee] pequeñito
  9737. :[week] semana
  9738. :[weekend] fin de semana
  9739. :[weekly] semanalmente
  9740. :[weep] llorar
  9741. :[weigh] pesar
  9742. :[weight] peso
  9743. :[weird] extraño
  9744. :[welcome] Bienvenido
  9745. :[welcoming] acogedor
  9746. :[welfare] bienestar
  9747. :[well] bien
  9748. :[went] fue
  9749. :[were] fueron
  9750. :[west] Oeste
  9751. :[western] occidental
  9752. :[wet] mojado
  9753. :[whack] golpear
  9754. :[whale] ballena
  9755. :[wharf] muelle
  9756. :[what] qué
  9757. :[whatever] lo que
  9758. :[whatsoever] lo que
  9759. :[wheat] trigo
  9760. :[wheel] rueda
  9761. :[wheelchair] silla de ruedas
  9762. :[when] cuando
  9763. :[whenever] cuando sea
  9764. :[where] dónde
  9765. :[whereabouts] paradero
  9766. :[whereas] mientras que
  9767. :[whereby] por lo cual
  9768. :[wherever] donde quiera
  9769. :[whet] afilar
  9770. :[whether] ya sea
  9771. :[which] cuales
  9772. :[whichever] cualquiera
  9773. :[while] tiempo
  9774. :[whim] capricho
  9775. :[whimper] gemido
  9776. :[whine] gimoteo
  9777. :[whining] gimoteo
  9778. :[whip] látigo
  9779. :[whipped] azotado
  9780. :[whirl] giro
  9781. :[whirlpool] torbellino
  9782. :[whiskey] whisky
  9783. :[whisper] susurro
  9784. :[whistle] silbar
  9785. :[white] blanco
  9786. :[who] OMS
  9787. :[whoever] quien
  9788. :[whole] entero
  9789. :[wholly] totalmente
  9790. :[whom] quién
  9791. :[whoop] alarido
  9792. :[whose] cuyo
  9793. :[why] por qué
  9794. :[wicked] malvado
  9795. :[wide] amplio
  9796. :[widely] ampliamente
  9797. :[widen] ensanchar
  9798. :[wider] más amplio
  9799. :[widespread] generalizado
  9800. :[widow] Vdo
  9801. :[width] ancho
  9802. :[wife] esposa
  9803. :[wig] peluca
  9804. :[wiggle] menear
  9805. :[wild] salvaje
  9806. :[wilderness] desierto
  9807. :[wildest] más salvaje
  9808. :[wildlife] fauna silvestre
  9809. :[wilful] deliberado
  9810. :[will] voluntad
  9811. :[willingly] de buena gana
  9812. :[willingness] disponibilidad
  9813. :[willow] sauce
  9814. :[wily] astuto
  9815. :[wimp] endeble
  9816. :[win] ganar
  9817. :[wind] viento
  9818. :[window] ventana
  9819. :[windscreen] parabrisas
  9820. :[windy] Ventoso
  9821. :[wine] vino
  9822. :[wing] ala
  9823. :[wink] guiño
  9824. :[winner] ganador
  9825. :[winter] invierno
  9826. :[wipe] limpiar
  9827. :[wire] cable
  9828. :[wireless] inalámbrico
  9829. :[wiring] alambrado
  9830. :[wisdom] sabiduría
  9831. :[wise] sabio
  9832. :[wisely] sabiamente
  9833. :[wiser] más sabio
  9834. :[wish] deseo
  9835. :[wishes] deseos
  9836. :[wishful] deseoso
  9837. :[wistful] anhelante
  9838. :[wistful] anhelante
  9839. :[wit] ingenio
  9840. :[witch] bruja
  9841. :[witchcraft] brujería
  9842. :[with] con
  9843. :[withdraw] retirar
  9844. :[withdrawal] retiro
  9845. :[withhold] retener
  9846. :[within] dentro de
  9847. :[without] sin
  9848. :[witness] testigo
  9849. :[wits] ingenio
  9850. :[witty] ingenioso
  9851. :[wives] esposas
  9852. :[wizard] mago
  9853. :[woe] aflicción
  9854. :[woke] despertó
  9855. :[wolf] Lobo
  9856. :[woman] mujer
  9857. :[womb] matriz
  9858. :[women] mujeres
  9859. :[won] ganado
  9860. :[wonder] preguntarse
  9861. :[wonderful] maravilloso
  9862. :[wonderfully] maravillosamente
  9863. :[woo] cortejar
  9864. :[wood] madera
  9865. :[wooden] de madera
  9866. :[wool] lana
  9867. :[word] palabra
  9868. :[wore] vistió
  9869. :[work] trabaja
  9870. :[worker] trabajador
  9871. :[workplace] lugar de trabajo
  9872. :[workshop] taller
  9873. :[world] mundo
  9874. :[worldwide] en todo el mundo
  9875. :[worm] gusano
  9876. :[worn] desgastado
  9877. :[worries] preocupaciones
  9878. :[worry] preocuparse
  9879. :[worrying] preocupante
  9880. :[worse] peor
  9881. :[worship] Adoración
  9882. :[worst] peor
  9883. :[worth] valer
  9884. :[worthless] sin valor
  9885. :[worthwhile] vale la pena
  9886. :[worthy] valioso
  9887. :[would] haría
  9888. :[wound] herida
  9889. :[wounded] herido
  9890. :[wrangle] reñir a
  9891. :[wrap] envoltura
  9892. :[wrapped] envuelto
  9893. :[wrath] ira
  9894. :[wreath] guirnalda
  9895. :[wreck] naufragio
  9896. :[wrecking] demolición
  9897. :[wrench] llave inglesa
  9898. :[wrest] arrancar arrebatar
  9899. :[wrestle] luchar
  9900. :[wrestling] lucha
  9901. :[wretched] miserable
  9902. :[wriggle] meneo
  9903. :[wring] exprimir
  9904. :[wrinkle] arruga
  9905. :[wrist] muñeca
  9906. :[write] escribir
  9907. :[writer] escritor
  9908. :[writing] escribiendo
  9909. :[wrong] incorrecto
  9910. :[wrote] escribió
  9911. :[wry] torcido
  9912. :[yacht] yate
  9913. :[yank] tirón
  9914. :[yap] ladrar
  9915. :[yard] yarda
  9916. :[yawn] bostezo
  9917. :[year] año
  9918. :[yearbook] anuario
  9919. :[yearly] anual
  9920. :[yearn] añorar
  9921. :[yeast] levadura
  9922. :[yell] gritar
  9923. :[yellow] amarillo
  9924. :[yelp] gañido
  9925. :[yes] sí
  9926. :[yesterday] el dia de ayer
  9927. :[yet] todavía
  9928. :[yield] producir
  9929. :[yoga] yoga
  9930. :[yogurt] yogur
  9931. :[yoke] yugo
  9932. :[yolk] yema de huevo
  9933. :[you] usted
  9934. :[young] joven
  9935. :[younger] mas joven
  9936. :[youngest] el más joven
  9937. :[youngster] joven
  9938. :[your] tu
  9939. :[yours] tuyo
  9940. :[yourself] tú mismo
  9941. :[yourselves] ustedes mismos
  9942. :[youth] juventud
  9943. :[yowl] aullido
  9944. :[yummy] delicioso
  9945. :[zap] borrar
  9946. :[zeal] celo
  9947. :[zealot] fanático
  9948. :[zealous] celoso
  9949. :[zenith] cenit
  9950. :[zero] cero
  9951. :[zigzag] zigzag
  9952. :[zillion] trillón
  9953. :[zip] Código Postal
  9954. :[zipper] cremallera
  9955. :[zodiac] zodíaco
  9956. :[zomby] zomby
  9957. :[zone] zona
  9958. :[zoo] zoo
  9959. :[zoology] zoología
  9960. :[zoom] zoom
  9969. :[a] a
  9970. :[detras] aback
  9971. :[abandonar] abandon
  9972. :[avergonzar] abash
  9973. :[disminuir] abate
  9974. :[matadero] abattoir
  9975. :[matadero] abattoir
  9976. :[aberrancia] abberance
  9977. :[aberrante] abberant
  9978. :[abadia] abbey
  9979. :[abad] abbot
  9980. :[abreviar] abbreviate
  9981. :[abdicar] abdicate
  9982. :[abdomen] abdomen
  9983. :[secuestrar] abduct
  9984. :[secuestro] abduction
  9985. :[una cama] abed
  9986. :[instigar] abet
  9987. :[aborrecer] abhor
  9988. :[aborrecimiento] abhorrence
  9989. :[aborrecible] abhorrent
  9990. :[acatar] abide
  9991. :[capacidad] ability
  9992. :[abyecto] abject
  9993. :[abyeccion] abjection
  9994. :[abjurar de] abjure
  9995. :[ablativo] ablative
  9996. :[ardiendo] ablaze
  9997. :[capaz] able
  9998. :[capacitado] able-bodied
  9999. :[habilmente] ably
  10000. :[renunciar] abnegate
  10001. :[abnegacion] abnegation
  10002. :[anormal] abnormal
  10003. :[anomalia] abnormality
  10004. :[a bordo] aboard
  10005. :[morada] abode
  10006. :[abolir] abolish
  10007. :[abolicion] abolishment
  10008. :[aboninable] aboninable
  10009. :[abandono] abonnement
  10010. :[aborigen] aboriginal
  10011. :[aborigenes] aborigines
  10012. :[abortar] abort
  10013. :[aborto] abortion
  10014. :[abortivo] abortive
  10015. :[abundar] abound
  10016. :[sobre] about
  10017. :[encima] above
  10018. :[por encima del promedio] above-average
  10019. :[abiertamente] aboveboard
  10020. :[abrasivo] abrasive
  10021. :[de frente] abreast
  10022. :[abreviar] abridge
  10023. :[en el extranjero] abroad
  10024. :[abrupto] abrupt
  10025. :[pendiente] abruptness
  10026. :[ausencia] absence
  10027. :[ausente] absent
  10028. :[distraidamente] absently
  10029. :[absoluto] absolute
  10030. :[absolutamente] absolutely
  10031. :[absolucion] absolution
  10032. :[absolver] absolve
  10033. :[absorber] absorb
  10034. :[absorbente] absorbing
  10035. :[abstenerse] abstain
  10036. :[abstinencia] abstinence
  10037. :[abstracto] abstract
  10038. :[absurdo] absurd
  10039. :[abundancia] abundance
  10040. :[abundante] abundant
  10041. :[abuso] abuse
  10042. :[abusivo] abusive
  10043. :[abismo] abyss
  10044. :[academico] academic
  10045. :[academia] academy
  10046. :[acceder a] accede
  10047. :[acelerar] accelerate
  10048. :[aceleracion] acceleration
  10049. :[acento] accent
  10050. :[aceptar] accept
  10051. :[aceptable] acceptable
  10052. :[aceptacion] acceptance
  10053. :[acceso] access
  10054. :[accesible] accessible
  10055. :[accesorio] accessory
  10056. :[accidente] accident
  10057. :[accidental] accidental
  10058. :[accidentalmente] accidentally
  10059. :[aclamacion] acclaim
  10060. :[espaldarazo] accolade
  10061. :[acomodar] accommodate
  10062. :[servicial] accommodating
  10063. :[alojamiento] accommodation
  10064. :[acompaiamiento] accompaniment
  10065. :[acompaiar] accompany
  10066. :[complice] accomplice
  10067. :[realizar] accomplish
  10068. :[logro] accomplishment
  10069. :[acuerdo] accord
  10070. :[conformidad] accordance
  10071. :[segun] according
  10072. :[cuenta] account
  10073. :[contador] accountant
  10074. :[contabilidad] accounting
  10075. :[autorizado] accredited
  10076. :[acumularse] accrue
  10077. :[acumular] accumulate
  10078. :[precision] accuracy
  10079. :[preciso] accurate
  10080. :[acusacion] accusation
  10081. :[acusar] accuse
  10082. :[acusador] accuser
  10083. :[acostumbrar] accustom
  10084. :[acostumbrado] accustomed
  10085. :[as] ace
  10086. :[acerbidad] acerbity
  10087. :[dolor] ache
  10088. :[sin doler] acheless
  10089. :[lograr] achieve
  10090. :[logro] achievement
  10091. :[dolor] aching
  10092. :[dolorido] achy
  10093. :[acido] acid
  10094. :[reconocer] acknowledge
  10095. :[acne] acne
  10096. :[bellota] acorn
  10097. :[familiarizar] acquaint
  10098. :[conocido] acquaintance
  10099. :[familiarizado] acquainted
  10100. :[adquirir] acquire
  10101. :[adquisicion] acquisition
  10102. :[absolver] acquit
  10103. :[acre] acre
  10104. :[acre] acrid
  10105. :[a traves de] across
  10106. :[actuar] act
  10107. :[accion] action
  10108. :[activar] activate
  10109. :[activo] active
  10110. :[actividad] activity
  10111. :[actor] actor
  10112. :[Actriz] actress
  10113. :[real] actual
  10114. :[real] actual
  10115. :[Realmente] actually
  10116. :[agudo] acute
  10117. :[firme] adamant
  10118. :[adaptar] adapt
  10119. :[adaptacion] adaptation
  10120. :[agregar] add
  10121. :[adicto] addict
  10122. :[fanatico] addicted
  10123. :[adiccion] addiction
  10124. :[agregando] adding
  10125. :[adicion] addition
  10126. :[adicional] additional
  10127. :[Direccion] address
  10128. :[destinatario] addressee
  10129. :[adepto] adept
  10130. :[adecuado] adequate
  10131. :[adherirse] adhere
  10132. :[adherencia] adherence
  10133. :[adyacente] adjacent
  10134. :[adjetivo] adjective
  10135. :[colindar] adjoin
  10136. :[aplazar] adjourn
  10137. :[ajustar] adjust
  10138. :[equilibrado] adjusted
  10139. :[ajustamiento] adjustment
  10140. :[administrar] administer
  10141. :[administracion] administration
  10142. :[admirable] admirable
  10143. :[almirante] admiral
  10144. :[admiracion] admiration
  10145. :[admirar] admire
  10146. :[estimado] admired
  10147. :[admirador] admirer
  10148. :[admisible] admissible
  10149. :[admision] admission
  10150. :[admitir] admit
  10151. :[amonestar] admonish
  10152. :[amonestacion] admonishment
  10153. :[alharaca] ado
  10154. :[adolescente] adolescent
  10155. :[adoptar] adopt
  10156. :[adopcion] adoption
  10157. :[adorable] adorable
  10158. :[adorar] adore
  10159. :[adornar] adorn
  10160. :[adorno] adornment
  10161. :[adrenalina] adrenaline
  10162. :[habil] adroit
  10163. :[anuncios] ads
  10164. :[adular] adulate
  10165. :[adulador] adulatory
  10166. :[adulto] adult
  10167. :[adulterio] adultery
  10168. :[edad adulta] adulthood
  10169. :[avance] advance
  10170. :[avanzado] advanced
  10171. :[avance] advancement
  10172. :[ventaja] advantage
  10173. :[aventuras] adventure
  10174. :[aventurero] adventurous
  10175. :[adverbio] adverb
  10176. :[adversario] adversary
  10177. :[adverso] adverse
  10178. :[adversidad] adversity
  10179. :[anunciar] advertise
  10180. :[anuncio publicitario] advertisement
  10181. :[publicidad] advertising
  10182. :[Consejo] advice
  10183. :[aconsejar] advise
  10184. :[deliberadamente] advisedly
  10185. :[tutor] advisor
  10186. :[Abogacia] advocacy
  10187. :[defensor] advocate
  10188. :[aereo] aerial
  10189. :[estetico] aesthetic
  10190. :[afabilidad] affability
  10191. :[afable] affable
  10192. :[amorio] affair
  10193. :[afectar] affect
  10194. :[afecto] affection
  10195. :[afinidad] affinity
  10196. :[afirmar] affirm
  10197. :[afirmativo] affirmative
  10198. :[afliccion] affliction
  10199. :[afluencia] affluence
  10200. :[afluente] affluent
  10201. :[poder pagar] afford
  10202. :[afrenta] affront
  10203. :[a flote] afloat
  10204. :[temeroso] afraid
  10205. :[despues] after
  10206. :[tarde] afternoon
  10207. :[idea tardia] afterthought
  10208. :[despues] afterward
  10209. :[de nuevo] again
  10210. :[contra] against
  10211. :[la edad] age
  10212. :[agencia] agency
  10213. :[agenda] agenda
  10214. :[agente] agent
  10215. :[agravar] aggravate
  10216. :[agravacion] aggravation
  10217. :[agregar] aggregate
  10218. :[agresion] aggression
  10219. :[agresivo] aggressive
  10220. :[espantado] aghast
  10221. :[agil] agile
  10222. :[envejecimiento] aging
  10223. :[agitar] agitate
  10224. :[atras] ago
  10225. :[agonia] agony
  10226. :[agrario] agrarian
  10227. :[de acuerdo] agree
  10228. :[agradable] agreeable
  10229. :[estar de acuerdo] agreeing
  10230. :[convenio] agreement
  10231. :[agricola] agricultural
  10232. :[agricultura] agriculture
  10233. :[adelante] ahead
  10234. :[ayuda] aid
  10235. :[SIDA] aids
  10236. :[afligir] ail
  10237. :[enfermedad] ailment
  10238. :[apuntar] aim
  10239. :[punteria] aiming
  10240. :[sin objetivo] aimless
  10241. :[aire] air
  10242. :[aire acondicionado] air-condition
  10243. :[aeronave] aircraft
  10244. :[sin aire] airless
  10245. :[aerolinea] airline
  10246. :[avion] airplane
  10247. :[aeropuerto] airport
  10248. :[hermetico] air-tight
  10249. :[aireado] airy
  10250. :[pasillo] aisle
  10251. :[parecido] akin
  10252. :[prontitud] alacrity
  10253. :[alarma] alarm
  10254. :[aunque] albeit
  10255. :[album] album
  10256. :[alcohol] alcohol
  10257. :[alcoholico] alcoholic
  10258. :[hueco] alcove
  10259. :[cerveza inglesa] ale
  10260. :[alerta] alert
  10261. :[vigilancia] alertness
  10262. :[alias] alias
  10263. :[coartada] alibi
  10264. :[extraterrestre] alien
  10265. :[enajenar] alienate
  10266. :[posarse] alight
  10267. :[alineacion] alignment
  10268. :[similar] alike
  10269. :[pension alimenticia] alimony
  10270. :[viva] alive
  10271. :[todos] all
  10272. :[aliviar] allay
  10273. :[alegacion] allegation
  10274. :[alegar] allege
  10275. :[lealtad] allegiance
  10276. :[alergico] allergic
  10277. :[alergia] allergy
  10278. :[aliviar] alleviate
  10279. :[callejon] alley
  10280. :[Alianza] alliance
  10281. :[asignar] allocate
  10282. :[asignar] allot
  10283. :[permitir] allow
  10284. :[prestacion] allowance
  10285. :[aleacion] alloy
  10286. :[de uso multiple] all-purpose
  10287. :[esta bien] allright
  10288. :[aludir] allude
  10289. :[seducir] allure
  10290. :[alusion] allusion
  10291. :[aliado] ally
  10292. :[todopoderoso] almighty
  10293. :[casi] almost
  10294. :[solo] alone
  10295. :[a lo largo de] along
  10296. :[junto a] alongside
  10297. :[a distancia] aloof
  10298. :[en voz alta] aloud
  10299. :[alfabeto] alphabet
  10300. :[ya] already
  10301. :[bien] alright
  10302. :[ademas] also
  10303. :[altar] altar
  10304. :[alterar] alter
  10305. :[modificacion] alteration
  10306. :[alterno] alternate
  10307. :[alternativa] alternative
  10308. :[a pesar de que] although
  10309. :[altitud] altitude
  10310. :[en total] altogether
  10311. :[aluminio] aluminium
  10312. :[siempre] always
  10313. :[acumular] amass
  10314. :[aficionado] amateur
  10315. :[asombro] amaze
  10316. :[increible] amazing
  10317. :[Asombrosamente] amazingly
  10318. :[embajador] ambassador
  10319. :[ambar] amber
  10320. :[ambiente] ambient
  10321. :[ambigiedad] ambiguity
  10322. :[ambiguo] ambiguous
  10323. :[ambicion] ambition
  10324. :[ambicioso] ambitious
  10325. :[ambulancia] ambulance
  10326. :[emboscada] ambush
  10327. :[amen] amen
  10328. :[enmendar] amend
  10329. :[enmendable] amendable
  10330. :[enmienda] amendment
  10331. :[amenidad] amenity
  10332. :[amable] amiable
  10333. :[en medio de] amid
  10334. :[municion] ammunition
  10335. :[amnesia] amnesia
  10336. :[amnistia] amnesty
  10337. :[entre] among
  10338. :[entre] amongst
  10339. :[amoral] amoral
  10340. :[amoroso] amorous
  10341. :[amorfo] amorphous
  10342. :[Monto] amount
  10343. :[amplio] ample
  10344. :[amplificar] amplify
  10345. :[amplitud] amplitude
  10346. :[amuleto] amulet
  10347. :[entretener] amuse
  10348. :[diversion] amusement
  10349. :[divertido] amusing
  10350. :[un] an
  10351. :[anemia] anaemia
  10352. :[analogia] analogy
  10353. :[analisis] analysis
  10354. :[analizar] analyze
  10355. :[anatomia] anatomy
  10356. :[antepasado] ancestor
  10357. :[ancla] anchor
  10358. :[anchoa] anchovy
  10359. :[antiguo] ancient
  10360. :[y] and
  10361. :[de nuevo] anew
  10362. :[angel] angel
  10363. :[enfado] anger
  10364. :[angulo] angle
  10365. :[furiosamente] angrily
  10366. :[enfadado] angry
  10367. :[angustia] anguish
  10368. :[angular] angular
  10369. :[animal] animal
  10370. :[animar] animate
  10371. :[animosidad] animosity
  10372. :[tobillo] ankle
  10373. :[anexo] annex
  10374. :[aniquilar] annihilate
  10375. :[aniversario] anniversary
  10376. :[anotacion] annotation
  10377. :[anunciar] announce
  10378. :[anuncio] announcement
  10379. :[anunciando] announcing
  10380. :[molestar] annoy
  10381. :[molestia] annoyance
  10382. :[molesto] annoying
  10383. :[anual] annual
  10384. :[anulacion] annulment
  10385. :[uncion] anoitment
  10386. :[anomalo] anomalous
  10387. :[anonimo] anonymous
  10388. :[otro] another
  10389. :[respuesta] answer
  10390. :[hormiga] ant
  10391. :[enemistarse] antagonize
  10392. :[antartico] antarctic
  10393. :[apuesta inicial] ante
  10394. :[antecedente] antecedent
  10395. :[antena] antenna
  10396. :[antesala] anteroom
  10397. :[himno] anthem
  10398. :[hormiguero] ant-hill
  10399. :[anti] anti
  10400. :[antibiotico] antibiotic
  10401. :[prever] anticipate
  10402. :[anticipado] anticipated
  10403. :[anticipacion] anticipation
  10404. :[antidoto] antidote
  10405. :[antipatia] antipathy
  10406. :[anticuario] antiquarian
  10407. :[antiguo] antique
  10408. :[antisocial] antisocial
  10409. :[anti terrorista] antiterrorist
  10410. :[cuerno] antler
  10411. :[ansiedad] anxiety
  10412. :[ansioso] anxious
  10413. :[alguna] any
  10414. :[cualquiera] anybody
  10415. :[de todos modos] anyhow
  10416. :[ya no] anymore
  10417. :[alguien] anyone
  10418. :[cualquier lugar] anyplace
  10419. :[cualquier cosa] anything
  10420. :[cualquier momento] anytime
  10421. :[de todas formas] anyway
  10422. :[en cualquier sitio] anywhere
  10423. :[aparte] apart
  10424. :[Departamento] apartment
  10425. :[apatico] apathetic
  10426. :[apatia] apathy
  10427. :[mono] ape
  10428. :[una pieza] apiece
  10429. :[en abundancia] aplenty
  10430. :[apocalipsis] apocalypse
  10431. :[pedir disculpas] apologise
  10432. :[disculparse] apologizing
  10433. :[disculpa] apology
  10434. :[apostol] apostle
  10435. :[apostrofe] apostrophe
  10436. :[espantar] appal
  10437. :[pesimo] appalling
  10438. :[aparato] apparatus
  10439. :[aparente] apparent
  10440. :[aparentemente] apparently
  10441. :[apelacion] appeal
  10442. :[atractivo] appealing
  10443. :[aparecer] appear
  10444. :[apariencia] appearance
  10445. :[apaciguar] appease
  10446. :[denominacion] appellation
  10447. :[adjuntar] append
  10448. :[apendice] appendix
  10449. :[apetito] appetite
  10450. :[apetitoso] appetizing
  10451. :[aplaudir] applaud
  10452. :[aplausos] applause
  10453. :[manzana] apple
  10454. :[aparato] appliance
  10455. :[solicitante] applicant
  10456. :[solicitud] application
  10457. :[solicitar] apply
  10458. :[nombrar] appoint
  10459. :[cita] appointment
  10460. :[evaluacion] appraisal
  10461. :[evaluar] appraise
  10462. :[agradecer] appreciate
  10463. :[apreciacion] appreciation
  10464. :[detencion] apprehension
  10465. :[aprendiz] apprentice
  10466. :[Acercarse] approach
  10467. :[que se acerca] approaching
  10468. :[aprobacion] approbation
  10469. :[apropiado] appropriate
  10470. :[aprobacion] approval
  10471. :[aprobar] approve
  10472. :[aproximadamente] approximately
  10473. :[albaricoque] apricot
  10474. :[abril] April
  10475. :[delantal] apron
  10476. :[apto] apt
  10477. :[aptitud] aptitude
  10478. :[acertadamente] aptly
  10479. :[arabe] Arab
  10480. :[cultivable] arable
  10481. :[arbitrario] arbitrary
  10482. :[arco] arc
  10483. :[arcada] arcade
  10484. :[arco] arch
  10485. :[Arcaico] Archaic
  10486. :[arcaico] archaic
  10487. :[arzobispo] archbishop
  10488. :[arquero] archer
  10489. :[tiro al arco] archery
  10490. :[arquitecto] architect
  10491. :[archivo] archives
  10492. :[maliciosamente] archly
  10493. :[artico] arctic
  10494. :[ardiente] ardent
  10495. :[ardientemente] ardently
  10496. :[arduo] arduous
  10497. :[estan] are
  10498. :[zona] area
  10499. :[arena] arena
  10500. :[argon] argon
  10501. :[discutir] argue
  10502. :[argumento] argument
  10503. :[arido] arid
  10504. :[aumentar] arise
  10505. :[aristocracia] aristocracy
  10506. :[arca] ark
  10507. :[brazo] arm
  10508. :[armamento] armament
  10509. :[armadura] armature
  10510. :[Sillon] armchair
  10511. :[armado] armed
  10512. :[armisticio] armistice
  10513. :[sin brazos] armless
  10514. :[arsenal] armory
  10515. :[armadura] armour
  10516. :[axila] armpit
  10517. :[Ejercito] army
  10518. :[aroma] aroma
  10519. :[alrededor] around
  10520. :[despertar] arouse
  10521. :[acusacion] arraignment
  10522. :[arreglar] arrange
  10523. :[arreglo] arrangement
  10524. :[formacion] array
  10525. :[atrasos] arrears
  10526. :[arrestar] arrest
  10527. :[llegada] arrival
  10528. :[llegar] arrive
  10529. :[llegando] arriving
  10530. :[arrogancia] arrogance
  10531. :[arrogante] arrogant
  10532. :[flecha] arrow
  10533. :[incendio provocado] arson
  10534. :[incendiario] arsonist
  10535. :[Arte] art
  10536. :[arteria] artery
  10537. :[ingenioso] artful
  10538. :[articulo] article
  10539. :[articular] articulate
  10540. :[artificial] artificial
  10541. :[artilleria] artillery
  10542. :[artista] artist
  10543. :[artistico] artistic
  10544. :[simple] artless
  10545. :[artistico] artsy
  10546. :[como] as
  10547. :[ascender] ascend
  10548. :[ascension] ascension
  10549. :[cerciorarse] ascertain
  10550. :[ceniza] ash
  10551. :[es una pena] ashame
  10552. :[despojos mortales] ashes
  10553. :[en tierra] ashore
  10554. :[cenicero] ashtray
  10555. :[ceniciento] ashy
  10556. :[aparte] aside
  10557. :[pedir] ask
  10558. :[torcido] askew
  10559. :[pidiendo] asking
  10560. :[dormido] asleep
  10561. :[esparragos] asparagus
  10562. :[aspecto] aspect
  10563. :[alamo temblon] aspen
  10564. :[aspereza] asperity
  10565. :[aspirante] aspirant
  10566. :[aspiracion] aspiration
  10567. :[aspirina] aspirin
  10568. :[atacar] assail
  10569. :[asesino] assassin
  10570. :[asesinato] assassination
  10571. :[asalto] assault
  10572. :[montaje] assembly
  10573. :[asentir] assent
  10574. :[afirmar] assert
  10575. :[positivo] assertive
  10576. :[evaluacion] assessment
  10577. :[activo] asset
  10578. :[asignar] assign
  10579. :[asignacion] assignment
  10580. :[asimilar] assimilate
  10581. :[ayudar] assist
  10582. :[asistencia] assistance
  10583. :[asistente] assistant
  10584. :[asociar] associate
  10585. :[asociacion] association
  10586. :[clasificar] assort
  10587. :[surtido] assortment
  10588. :[calmar] assuage
  10589. :[asumir] assume
  10590. :[suposicion] assumption
  10591. :[supuesto] assumptive
  10592. :[garantia] assurance
  10593. :[asegurar] assure
  10594. :[seguridad] assuredness
  10595. :[asma] asthma
  10596. :[asombroso] astonishing
  10597. :[asombrar] astound
  10598. :[por mal camino] astray
  10599. :[astronauta] astronaut
  10600. :[en pedazos] asunder
  10601. :[asilo] asylum
  10602. :[a] at
  10603. :[comio] ate
  10604. :[ateismo] atheism
  10605. :[atleta] athlete
  10606. :[atletico] athletic
  10607. :[atmosfera] atmosphere
  10608. :[atomico] atomic
  10609. :[expiacion] atonement
  10610. :[atroz] atrocious
  10611. :[atrocidad] atrocity
  10612. :[adjunto] attached
  10613. :[adjunto] attachment
  10614. :[ataque] attack
  10615. :[alcanzar] attain
  10616. :[intento] attempt
  10617. :[asistir] attend
  10618. :[asistencia] attendance
  10619. :[asistente] attendant
  10620. :[asistiendo] attending
  10621. :[atencion] attention
  10622. :[atento] attentive
  10623. :[atenuar] attenuate
  10624. :[dar fe] attest
  10625. :[atestacion] attestation
  10626. :[atico] attic
  10627. :[atuendo] attire
  10628. :[actitud] attitude
  10629. :[abogado] attorney
  10630. :[atraer] attract
  10631. :[atraccion] attraction
  10632. :[atractivo] attractive
  10633. :[atributo] attribute
  10634. :[desgaste] attrition
  10635. :[armonizar] attune
  10636. :[berenjena] aubergine
  10637. :[subasta] auction
  10638. :[audaz] audacious
  10639. :[audacia] audacity
  10640. :[audible] audible
  10641. :[de modo audible] audibly
  10642. :[audiencia] audience
  10643. :[audio] audio
  10644. :[audicion] audition
  10645. :[audicionando] auditioning
  10646. :[auditivo] auditory
  10647. :[aumentar] augment
  10648. :[agosto] August
  10649. :[tia] aunt
  10650. :[tia] auntie
  10651. :[aura] aura
  10652. :[auspicio] auspice
  10653. :[austeridad] austerity
  10654. :[autentico] authentic
  10655. :[autor] author
  10656. :[autoridades] authorities
  10657. :[autoridad] authority
  10658. :[autorizacion] authorization
  10659. :[autorizado] authorized
  10660. :[auto] auto
  10661. :[autografo] autograph
  10662. :[automatico] automatic
  10663. :[automaticamente] automatically
  10664. :[automovil] automobile
  10665. :[autopsia] autopsy
  10666. :[otoio] autumn
  10667. :[auxiliar] auxiliary
  10668. :[aprovechar] avail
  10669. :[disponible] available
  10670. :[avalancha] avalanche
  10671. :[vengar] avenge
  10672. :[avenida] avenue
  10673. :[promedio] average
  10674. :[aversion] aversion
  10675. :[evitar] avert
  10676. :[aviacion] aviation
  10677. :[avido] avid
  10678. :[evitar] avoid
  10679. :[afirmar] avouch
  10680. :[confesar] avow
  10681. :[esperar] await
  10682. :[esperando] awaiting
  10683. :[despierto] awake
  10684. :[otorgar] award
  10685. :[consciente] aware
  10686. :[conciencia] awareness
  10687. :[lejos] away
  10688. :[temor] awe
  10689. :[imperturbable] aweless
  10690. :[increible] awesome
  10691. :[horrible] awful
  10692. :[muy] awfully
  10693. :[Un rato] awhile
  10694. :[incomodo] awkward
  10695. :[hacha] axe
  10696. :[eje] axis
  10697. :[balbucear] babble
  10698. :[bebe] baby
  10699. :[niiera] babysitter
  10700. :[niiera] babysitting
  10701. :[soltero] bachelor
  10702. :[espalda] back
  10703. :[dolor de espalda] backache
  10704. :[petardeo] backfire
  10705. :[antecedentes] background
  10706. :[mochila] backpack
  10707. :[asiento trasero] backseat
  10708. :[entre bastidores] backstage
  10709. :[respaldo] backup
  10710. :[hacia atras] backwards
  10711. :[patio interior] backyard
  10712. :[tocino] bacon
  10713. :[bacterias] bacteria
  10714. :[malo] bad
  10715. :[Insignia] badge
  10716. :[tejon] badger
  10717. :[gravemente] badly
  10718. :[bolso] bag
  10719. :[rosquilla] bagel
  10720. :[equipaje] baggage
  10721. :[holgado] baggy
  10722. :[cornamusa] bagpipe
  10723. :[fianza] bail
  10724. :[rescatado] bailed
  10725. :[muralla exterior] bailey
  10726. :[alguacil] bailiff
  10727. :[carnada] bait
  10728. :[hornear] bake
  10729. :[panadero] baker
  10730. :[panaderia] bakery
  10731. :[horneando] baking
  10732. :[equilibrio] balance
  10733. :[equilibrado] balanced
  10734. :[balcon] balcony
  10735. :[calvo] bald
  10736. :[bala] bale
  10737. :[obstaculo] balk
  10738. :[bola] ball
  10739. :[ballet] ballet
  10740. :[balistico] ballistic
  10741. :[globo] balloon
  10742. :[votacion] ballot
  10743. :[salon de baile] ballroom
  10744. :[balsamo] balm
  10745. :[camelo] baloney
  10746. :[bambu] bamboo
  10747. :[prohibicion] ban
  10748. :[banal] banal
  10749. :[Platano] banana
  10750. :[banda] band
  10751. :[vendaje] bandage
  10752. :[perdicion] bane
  10753. :[estallido] bang
  10754. :[golpeando] banging
  10755. :[desterrar] banish
  10756. :[Banco] bank
  10757. :[banquero] banker
  10758. :[bancario] banking
  10759. :[arruinado] bankrupt
  10760. :[prohibido] banned
  10761. :[bandera] banner
  10762. :[banquete] banquet
  10763. :[broma] banter
  10764. :[bautismo] baptism
  10765. :[bautizar] baptize
  10766. :[bar] bar
  10767. :[lengieta] barb
  10768. :[barbaro] barbarian
  10769. :[parilla] barbecue
  10770. :[Barbero] barber
  10771. :[desnudo] bare
  10772. :[descalzo] barefoot
  10773. :[apenas] barely
  10774. :[negociar] bargain
  10775. :[negociacion] bargaining
  10776. :[barcaza] barge
  10777. :[ladrar] bark
  10778. :[cebada] barley
  10779. :[granero] barn
  10780. :[cuartel] barracks
  10781. :[barril] barrel
  10782. :[esteril] barren
  10783. :[barricada] barricade
  10784. :[barrera] barrier
  10785. :[abogado] barrister
  10786. :[permuta] barter
  10787. :[base] base
  10788. :[beisbol] baseball
  10789. :[infundado] baseless
  10790. :[sotano] basement
  10791. :[intento] bash
  10792. :[timido] bashful
  10793. :[basico] basic
  10794. :[basicamente] basically
  10795. :[cuenca] basin
  10796. :[base] basis
  10797. :[disfrutar] bask
  10798. :[cesta] basket
  10799. :[baloncesto] basketball
  10800. :[bajo] bass
  10801. :[murcielago] bat
  10802. :[lote] batch
  10803. :[solucion alcalina] bate
  10804. :[baio] bath
  10805. :[baiarse] bathe
  10806. :[cuarto de baio] bathroom
  10807. :[baiera] bathtub
  10808. :[masa] batter
  10809. :[bateria] battery
  10810. :[batalla] battle
  10811. :[Bahia] bay
  10812. :[bayoneta] bayonet
  10813. :[bazar] bazaar
  10814. :[ser] be
  10815. :[playa] beach
  10816. :[Faro] beacon
  10817. :[talon] bead
  10818. :[pico] beak
  10819. :[Haz] beam
  10820. :[frijol] bean
  10821. :[soportar] bear
  10822. :[barba] beard
  10823. :[portador] bearer
  10824. :[soportando] bearing
  10825. :[bestia] beast
  10826. :[bestial] beastly
  10827. :[derrotar] beat
  10828. :[vencido] beaten
  10829. :[hermosa] beautiful
  10830. :[hermosamente] beautifully
  10831. :[embellecer] beautify
  10832. :[belleza] beauty
  10833. :[castor] beaver
  10834. :[se convirtio] became
  10835. :[porque] because
  10836. :[arroyo] beck
  10837. :[volverse] become
  10838. :[convirtiendose] becoming
  10839. :[cama] bed
  10840. :[lecho] bedding
  10841. :[molestar] bedevil
  10842. :[postrado en cama] bedridden
  10843. :[Cuarto] bedroom
  10844. :[cabecera] bedside
  10845. :[hora de acostarse] bedtime
  10846. :[abeja] bee
  10847. :[haya] beech
  10848. :[carne de res] beef
  10849. :[fornido] beefy
  10850. :[Colmena] beehive
  10851. :[estado] been
  10852. :[bip] beep
  10853. :[localizador] beeper
  10854. :[cerveza] beer
  10855. :[escarabajo] beetle
  10856. :[raiz de remolacha] beetroot
  10857. :[antes de] before
  10858. :[antemano] beforehand
  10859. :[ofrecer amistad] befriend
  10860. :[mendigar] beg
  10861. :[miserable] beggarly
  10862. :[mendicidad] begging
  10863. :[empezar] begin
  10864. :[principiante] beginner
  10865. :[comienzo] beginning
  10866. :[envidiar] begrudge
  10867. :[en nombre de] behalf
  10868. :[comportarse] behave
  10869. :[comportamiento] behaviour
  10870. :[decapitar] behead
  10871. :[detras] behind
  10872. :[Mirad] behold
  10873. :[beige] beige
  10874. :[ser] being
  10875. :[creencia] belief
  10876. :[creible] believable
  10877. :[creer] believe
  10878. :[creyente] believer
  10879. :[campana] bell
  10880. :[bramido] bellow
  10881. :[barriga] belly
  10882. :[pertenecer] belong
  10883. :[pertenencia] belonging
  10884. :[amado] beloved
  10885. :[debajo] below
  10886. :[cinturon] belt
  10887. :[mesa de trabajo] bench
  10888. :[curva] bend
  10889. :[doblando] bending
  10890. :[bajo] beneath
  10891. :[bendicion] benediction
  10892. :[benefactor] benefactor
  10893. :[beneficioso] beneficial
  10894. :[beneficio] benefit
  10895. :[benevolencia] benevolence
  10896. :[benevolente] benevolent
  10897. :[benigno] benign
  10898. :[benignidad] benignity
  10899. :[doblado] bent
  10900. :[berch] berch
  10901. :[privar] bereave
  10902. :[baya] berry
  10903. :[atracar] berth
  10904. :[atracar] berth
  10905. :[implorar] beseech
  10906. :[acosar] beset
  10907. :[junto a] beside
  10908. :[ademas] besides
  10909. :[sitiar] besiege
  10910. :[mejor] best
  10911. :[otorgar] bestow
  10912. :[apuesta] bet
  10913. :[traicionar] betray
  10914. :[traicion] betrayal
  10915. :[traicionando] betraying
  10916. :[mejor] better
  10917. :[apuesta] betting
  10918. :[Entre] between
  10919. :[bebida] beverage
  10920. :[tener cuidado] beware
  10921. :[hechizar] bewitch
  10922. :[mas alla de] beyond
  10923. :[tendencioso] biased
  10924. :[Biblia] Bible
  10925. :[bicicleta] bicycle
  10926. :[licitacion] bid
  10927. :[grande] big
  10928. :[mas grande] bigger
  10929. :[mas grande] biggest
  10930. :[gran corazon] big-hearted
  10931. :[fanatico] bigot
  10932. :[bicicleta] bike
  10933. :[bikini] bikini
  10934. :[bilateral] bilateral
  10935. :[bilis] bile
  10936. :[bilingie] bilingual
  10937. :[factura] bill
  10938. :[cartelera] billboard
  10939. :[billar] billiards
  10940. :[mil millones] billion
  10941. :[compartimiento] bin
  10942. :[unir] bind
  10943. :[vinculante] binding
  10944. :[biografia] biography
  10945. :[biologico] biological
  10946. :[biologia] biology
  10947. :[biopsia] biopsy
  10948. :[abedul] birch
  10949. :[pajaro] bird
  10950. :[nacimiento] birth
  10951. :[cumpleaios] birthday
  10952. :[galleta] biscuit
  10953. :[obispo] bishop
  10954. :[poco] bit
  10955. :[morder] bite
  10956. :[tamaio de bocado] bite-size
  10957. :[mordido] bitten
  10958. :[amargo] bitter
  10959. :[amargura] bitterness
  10960. :[fragmentario] bitty
  10961. :[extraio] bizarre
  10962. :[negro] black
  10963. :[pizarra] blackboard
  10964. :[grosella negra] blackcurrant
  10965. :[ennegrecido] blacked
  10966. :[chantaje] blackmail
  10967. :[chantajear] blackmailing
  10968. :[negrura] blackness
  10969. :[apagon] blackout
  10970. :[vejiga] bladder
  10971. :[espada] blade
  10972. :[culpar] blame
  10973. :[inocente] blameless
  10974. :[blanco] blank
  10975. :[manta] blanket
  10976. :[estruendo] blare
  10977. :[blasfemar] blaspheme
  10978. :[explosion] blast
  10979. :[resplandor] blaze
  10980. :[blanqueador] bleach
  10981. :[desolado] bleak
  10982. :[balido] bleat
  10983. :[sangrar] bleed
  10984. :[sangrado] bleeding
  10985. :[defecto] blemish
  10986. :[mezcla] blend
  10987. :[licuadora] blender
  10988. :[bendecir] bless
  10989. :[bendicion] blessing
  10990. :[ciego] blind
  10991. :[a ciegas] blindly
  10992. :[ceguera] blindness
  10993. :[parpadear] blink
  10994. :[felicidad] bliss
  10995. :[feliz] blissful
  10996. :[ampolla] blister
  10997. :[tormenta de nieve] blizzard
  10998. :[inflar] bloat
  10999. :[cuadra] block
  11000. :[bloqueo] blocking
  11001. :[tipo] bloke
  11002. :[Rubio] blonde
  11003. :[sangre] blood
  11004. :[incruento] bloodless
  11005. :[sangriento] bloody
  11006. :[florecer] bloom
  11007. :[florecer] blossom
  11008. :[mancha] blot
  11009. :[mancha] blotch
  11010. :[blusa] blouse
  11011. :[soplo] blow
  11012. :[estropeado] blown
  11013. :[grasa de ballena] blubber
  11014. :[azul] blue
  11015. :[arandano] blueberry
  11016. :[bluff] bluff
  11017. :[azuloso] bluffy
  11018. :[azulado] bluish
  11019. :[torpeza] blunder
  11020. :[desafilado] blunt
  11021. :[difuminar] blur
  11022. :[rubor] blush
  11023. :[rubor] blushing
  11024. :[fanfarronear] bluster
  11025. :[Jabali] boar
  11026. :[tablero] board
  11027. :[presumir] boast
  11028. :[jactancioso] boastful
  11029. :[barco] boat
  11030. :[Beto] bob
  11031. :[corporal] bodily
  11032. :[cuerpo] body
  11033. :[guardaespaldas] bodyguard
  11034. :[pantano] bog
  11035. :[falso] bogus
  11036. :[hervir] boil
  11037. :[caldera] boiler
  11038. :[hirviendo] boiling
  11039. :[bullicioso] boisterous
  11040. :[negrita] bold
  11041. :[tornillo] bolt
  11042. :[vinculo] bond
  11043. :[hueso] bone
  11044. :[hoguera] bonfire
  11045. :[capo] bonnet
  11046. :[prima] bonus
  11047. :[libro] book
  11048. :[estanteria] bookcase
  11049. :[reserva] booking
  11050. :[libreria] bookstore
  11051. :[raton de biblioteca] bookworm
  11052. :[auge] boom
  11053. :[aumentar] boost
  11054. :[bota] boot
  11055. :[puesto] booth
  11056. :[botas] boots
  11057. :[botin] booty
  11058. :[bebida alcoholica] booze
  11059. :[frontera] border
  11060. :[aburrir] bore
  11061. :[aburrido] bored
  11062. :[aburrimiento] boredom
  11063. :[aburrido] boring
  11064. :[Nacio] born
  11065. :[ciudad] borough
  11066. :[pedir prestado] borrow
  11067. :[prestamo] borrowing
  11068. :[patron] boss
  11069. :[mandon] bossy
  11070. :[botanica] botany
  11071. :[ambos] both
  11072. :[molestar] bother
  11073. :[botella] bottle
  11074. :[embotellado] bottled
  11075. :[fondo] bottom
  11076. :[rama] bough
  11077. :[bulevar] boulevard
  11078. :[bote] bounce
  11079. :[rebote] bouncing
  11080. :[ligado] bound
  11081. :[Perimetro] boundary
  11082. :[generosidad] bounty
  11083. :[ramo] bouquet
  11084. :[combate] bout
  11085. :[boutique] boutique
  11086. :[inclinarse] bow
  11087. :[intestino] bowel
  11088. :[bol] bowl
  11089. :[bolos] bowling
  11090. :[caja] box
  11091. :[Boxer] boxer
  11092. :[boxeo] boxing
  11093. :[taquilla] box-office
  11094. :[chico] boy
  11095. :[boicotear] boycott
  11096. :[novio] boyfriend
  11097. :[infantil] boyish
  11098. :[sosten] bra
  11099. :[abrazadera] brace
  11100. :[pulsera] bracelet
  11101. :[soporte] bracket
  11102. :[jactarse] brag
  11103. :[fanfarroneria] bragging
  11104. :[trenza] braid
  11105. :[cerebro] brain
  11106. :[estupido] brainless
  11107. :[capacidad intelectual] brainpower
  11108. :[sesos] brains
  11109. :[lavar el cerebro] brainwash
  11110. :[freno] brake
  11111. :[rama] branch
  11112. :[marca] brand
  11113. :[Para estrenar] brand-new
  11114. :[brandy] brandy
  11115. :[temerario] brash
  11116. :[laton] brass
  11117. :[Bravo] brave
  11118. :[descarado] brazen
  11119. :[incumplimiento] breach
  11120. :[pan de molde] bread
  11121. :[amplitud] breadth
  11122. :[rotura] break
  11123. :[desglose] breakdown
  11124. :[interruptor automatico] breaker
  11125. :[desayuno] breakfast
  11126. :[rotura] breaking
  11127. :[descubrimiento] breakthrough
  11128. :[ruptura] breakup
  11129. :[seno] breast
  11130. :[amamantamiento] breastfeeding
  11131. :[aliento] breath
  11132. :[respirar] breathe
  11133. :[descanso] breather
  11134. :[respiracion] breathing
  11135. :[asombroso] breathtaking
  11136. :[raza] breed
  11137. :[cria] breeding
  11138. :[brisa] breeze
  11139. :[brevedad] brevity
  11140. :[elaborar cerveza] brew
  11141. :[soborno] bribe
  11142. :[soborno] bribery
  11143. :[ladrillo] brick
  11144. :[nupcial] bridal
  11145. :[novia] bride
  11146. :[dama de honor] bridesmaid
  11147. :[puente] bridge
  11148. :[breve] brief
  11149. :[maletin] briefcase
  11150. :[instrucciones] briefing
  11151. :[brevemente] briefly
  11152. :[brillante] bright
  11153. :[aclarar] brighten
  11154. :[mas brillante] brightest
  11155. :[brillantez] brilliance
  11156. :[brillante] brilliant
  11157. :[borde] brim
  11158. :[traer] bring
  11159. :[borde] brink
  11160. :[energico] brisk
  11161. :[cerda] bristle
  11162. :[britanico] British
  11163. :[fragil] brittle
  11164. :[amplio] broad
  11165. :[transmision] broadcast
  11166. :[sabana] broadsheet
  11167. :[folleto] brochure
  11168. :[rompio] broke
  11169. :[roto] broken
  11170. :[corredor] broker
  11171. :[bronce] bronze
  11172. :[broche] brooch
  11173. :[cria] brood
  11174. :[arroyo] brook
  11175. :[Escoba] broom
  11176. :[caldo] broth
  11177. :[hermano] brother
  11178. :[fraternidad] brotherhood
  11179. :[cuiado] brother-in-law
  11180. :[frente] brow
  11181. :[marron] brown
  11182. :[navegar] browse
  11183. :[moreton] bruise
  11184. :[magullado] bruised
  11185. :[desayuno tardio] brunch
  11186. :[morena] brunette
  11187. :[cepillar] brush
  11188. :[brutal] brutal
  11189. :[bruto] brute
  11190. :[burbuja] bubble
  11191. :[burbujeante] bubbly
  11192. :[dolar] buck
  11193. :[Cubeta] bucket
  11194. :[hebilla] buckle
  11195. :[hebilla] buckle
  11196. :[brote] bud
  11197. :[compaiero] buddy
  11198. :[ceder] budge
  11199. :[presupuesto] budget
  11200. :[fuerte] buff
  11201. :[bufe] buffet
  11202. :[insecto] bug
  11203. :[construir] build
  11204. :[edificio] building
  11205. :[construido] built
  11206. :[incorporado] built-in
  11207. :[bulbo] bulb
  11208. :[abultado] bulging
  11209. :[a granel] bulk
  11210. :[Toro] bull
  11211. :[buldog] bulldog
  11212. :[bala] bullet
  11213. :[boletin] bulletin
  11214. :[maton] bully
  11215. :[intimidacion] bullying
  11216. :[culo] bum
  11217. :[gorron] bummer
  11218. :[protuberancia] bump
  11219. :[parachoque] bumper
  11220. :[abultado] bumpy
  11221. :[bollo] bun
  11222. :[racimo] bunch
  11223. :[manojo] bundle
  11224. :[litera] bunk
  11225. :[bunker] bunker
  11226. :[conejito] bunny
  11227. :[flotabilidad] buoyancy
  11228. :[carga] burden
  11229. :[oficina] bureau
  11230. :[burocracia] bureaucracy
  11231. :[hamburguesa] burger
  11232. :[ladron] burglar
  11233. :[robo] burglary
  11234. :[entierro] burial
  11235. :[burka] burka
  11236. :[quemar] burn
  11237. :[quemaduras] burns
  11238. :[quemado] burnt
  11239. :[eructar] burp
  11240. :[Estallar] burst
  11241. :[muy lleno] bursting
  11242. :[enterrar] bury
  11243. :[autobus] bus
  11244. :[arbusto] bush
  11245. :[negocio] business
  11246. :[empresario] businessman
  11247. :[busto] bust
  11248. :[bullicio] bustle
  11249. :[ocupado] busy
  11250. :[pero] but
  11251. :[carnicero] butcher
  11252. :[mayordomo] butler
  11253. :[extremo] butt
  11254. :[manteca] butter
  11255. :[mariposa] butterfly
  11256. :[boton] button
  11257. :[comprar] buy
  11258. :[comprador] buyer
  11259. :[zumbido] buzz
  11260. :[zumbido] buzzing
  11261. :[por] by
  11262. :[adios] bye
  11263. :[pasado] bygone
  11264. :[derivacion] bypass
  11265. :[espectador] bystander
  11266. :[taxi] cab
  11267. :[repollo] cabbage
  11268. :[cabina] cabin
  11269. :[gabinete] cabinet
  11270. :[cable] cable
  11271. :[cadete] cadet
  11272. :[cafeteria] cafe
  11273. :[cafeteria] cafeteria
  11274. :[cafeina] caffeine
  11275. :[jaula] cage
  11276. :[pastel] cake
  11277. :[calamidad] calamity
  11278. :[calcular] calculate
  11279. :[calculo] calculation
  11280. :[calculadora] calculator
  11281. :[calendario] calendar
  11282. :[ternero] calf
  11283. :[calibre] caliber
  11284. :[llama] call
  11285. :[llamador] caller
  11286. :[caligrafia] calligraphy
  11287. :[vocacion] calling
  11288. :[calloso] callous
  11289. :[calma] calm
  11290. :[tranquilamente] calmly
  11291. :[calma] calmness
  11292. :[caloria] calorie
  11293. :[caloria] calory
  11294. :[calumnia] calumny
  11295. :[llego] came
  11296. :[camello] camel
  11297. :[camara] camera
  11298. :[manzanilla] camomile
  11299. :[camuflaje] camouflage
  11300. :[acampar] camp
  11301. :[Campaia] campaign
  11302. :[camping] camping
  11303. :[instalaciones] campus
  11304. :[pueden] can
  11305. :[canadiense] Canadian
  11306. :[canal] canal
  11307. :[canario] canary
  11308. :[cancelar] cancel
  11309. :[cancelado] cancelling
  11310. :[cancer] cancer
  11311. :[sincero] candid
  11312. :[candidato] candidate
  11313. :[azucarado] candied
  11314. :[vela] candle
  11315. :[candor] candour
  11316. :[caramelo] candy
  11317. :[caia] cane
  11318. :[Enlatado] canned
  11319. :[caion] cannon
  11320. :[no poder] cannot
  11321. :[cantina] canteen
  11322. :[lienzo] canvas
  11323. :[sondeo] canvass
  11324. :[caion] canyon
  11325. :[gorra] cap
  11326. :[capacidad] capability
  11327. :[capaz] capable
  11328. :[espacioso] capacious
  11329. :[capacidad] capacity
  11330. :[capa] cape
  11331. :[capital] capital
  11332. :[capuchino] cappuccino
  11333. :[Capricho] caprice
  11334. :[Capricornio] Capricorn
  11335. :[capricho] caprize
  11336. :[capitan] captain
  11337. :[subtitulo] caption
  11338. :[cautivar] captivate
  11339. :[cautivo] captive
  11340. :[cautiverio] captivity
  11341. :[capturar] capture
  11342. :[capturado] captured
  11343. :[coche] car
  11344. :[caravana] caravan
  11345. :[alcaravea] caraway
  11346. :[carbohidrato] carbohydrate
  11347. :[carbon] carbon
  11348. :[carbon] carbon
  11349. :[tarjeta] card
  11350. :[cartulina] cardboard
  11351. :[cardiaco] cardiac
  11352. :[cardenal] cardinal
  11353. :[cuidado] care
  11354. :[carrera profesional] career
  11355. :[Cuidado] careful
  11356. :[con cuidado] carefully
  11357. :[descuidado] careless
  11358. :[caricia] caress
  11359. :[carga] cargo
  11360. :[cariado] carious
  11361. :[carnaval] carnival
  11362. :[carnivoro] carnivorous
  11363. :[carpa] carp
  11364. :[carpintero] carpenter
  11365. :[alfombra] carpet
  11366. :[carro] carriage
  11367. :[transportador] carrier
  11368. :[zanahoria] carrot
  11369. :[llevar] carry
  11370. :[seguir adelante] carry on
  11371. :[que lleva] carrying
  11372. :[mareado] carsick
  11373. :[carro] cart
  11374. :[carretero] carter
  11375. :[caja de carton] carton
  11376. :[dibujos animados] cartoon
  11377. :[cartucho] cartrige
  11378. :[esculpir] carve
  11379. :[tallado] carved
  11380. :[tallista] carver
  11381. :[cascada] cascade
  11382. :[caso] case
  11383. :[dinero en efectivo] cash
  11384. :[cajero] cashier
  11385. :[cachemira] cashmere
  11386. :[casino] casino
  11387. :[barril] cask
  11388. :[ataud] casket
  11389. :[cazuela] casserole
  11390. :[casete] cassette
  11391. :[emitir] cast
  11392. :[hierro fundido] cast iron
  11393. :[fundicion] casting
  11394. :[castillo] castle
  11395. :[casual] casual
  11396. :[victima] casualty
  11397. :[gato] cat
  11398. :[Catalogo] catalogue
  11399. :[catarata] cataract
  11400. :[catastrofe] catastrophe
  11401. :[captura] catch
  11402. :[atrapando] catching
  11403. :[pegadizo] catchy
  11404. :[categoria] category
  11405. :[abastecer] cater
  11406. :[abastecedor] caterer
  11407. :[abastecimiento] catering
  11408. :[oruga] caterpillar
  11409. :[catedral] cathedral
  11410. :[catolico] catholic
  11411. :[malicioso] cattish
  11412. :[vacas] cattle
  11413. :[atrapo] caught
  11414. :[coliflor] cauliflower
  11415. :[porque] cause
  11416. :[causless] causless
  11417. :[precaucion] caution
  11418. :[cauteloso] cautious
  11419. :[caballeria] cavalry
  11420. :[cueva] cave
  11421. :[caviar] caviar
  11422. :[cavidad] cavity
  11423. :[graznar] caw
  11424. :[cesar] cease
  11425. :[incesante] ceasless
  11426. :[cedro] cedar
  11427. :[cede] cede
  11428. :[techo] ceiling
  11429. :[celebrar] celebrate
  11430. :[celebracion] celebration
  11431. :[celebridad] celebrity
  11432. :[apio] celery
  11433. :[celda] cell
  11434. :[cava] cellar
  11435. :[celular] cellular
  11436. :[Celsius] Celsius
  11437. :[cemento] cement
  11438. :[cementerio] cemetery
  11439. :[censurar] censor
  11440. :[censo] census
  11441. :[centavo] cent
  11442. :[centrar] center
  11443. :[centrado] centered
  11444. :[centigrado] centigrade
  11445. :[centimetro] centimetre
  11446. :[central] central
  11447. :[centrar] centre
  11448. :[siglo] century
  11449. :[ceramico] ceramic
  11450. :[cereal] cereal
  11451. :[ceremonia] ceremony
  11452. :[cierto] certain
  11453. :[ciertamente] certainly
  11454. :[certificado] certificate
  11455. :[certificado] certified
  11456. :[cesacion] cessation
  11457. :[rozar] chafe
  11458. :[disgusto] chagrin
  11459. :[cadena] chain
  11460. :[encadenado] chained
  11461. :[silla] chair
  11462. :[presidente] chairman
  11463. :[tiza] chalk
  11464. :[desafio] challenge
  11465. :[desafiante] challenging
  11466. :[camara] chamber
  11467. :[champan] champagne
  11468. :[campeon] champion
  11469. :[campeonato] championship
  11470. :[oportunidad] chance
  11471. :[canciller] chancellor
  11472. :[arriesgado] chancy
  11473. :[velero] chandler
  11474. :[cambio] change
  11475. :[cambiable] changeable
  11476. :[invariable] changeless
  11477. :[cambiando] changing
  11478. :[canal] channel
  11479. :[caos] chaos
  11480. :[Cap] chap
  11481. :[capilla] chapel
  11482. :[capitulo] chapter
  11483. :[personaje] character
  11484. :[caracteristica] characteristic
  11485. :[caracterizar] characterize
  11486. :[cargar] charge
  11487. :[cargos] charges
  11488. :[cargando] charging
  11489. :[Caritativo] charitable
  11490. :[caridad] charity
  11491. :[encanto] charm
  11492. :[encantador] charming
  11493. :[grafico] chart
  11494. :[carta] charter
  11495. :[perseguir] chase
  11496. :[casto] chaste
  11497. :[castigar] chastise
  11498. :[castigo] chastisement
  11499. :[chat] chat
  11500. :[castillo] chateau
  11501. :[charla] chatter
  11502. :[parlanchin] chatterbox
  11503. :[chofer] chauffeur
  11504. :[barato] cheap
  11505. :[abaratar] cheapen
  11506. :[mas economico] cheaper
  11507. :[hacer trampa] cheat
  11508. :[tramposo] cheater
  11509. :[infiel] cheating
  11510. :[cheque] check
  11511. :[talonario de cheques] checkbook
  11512. :[chequeo] check-up
  11513. :[mejilla] cheek
  11514. :[alegria] cheer
  11515. :[alegre] cheerful
  11516. :[aplausos] cheering
  11517. :[animador] cheerleader
  11518. :[triste] cheerless
  11519. :[alegre] cheery
  11520. :[queso] cheese
  11521. :[caseoso] cheesy
  11522. :[cocinero] chef
  11523. :[quimico] chemical
  11524. :[quimico] chemist
  11525. :[quimica] chemistry
  11526. :[cheque] cheque
  11527. :[valorar] cherish
  11528. :[cereza] cherry
  11529. :[ajedrez] chess
  11530. :[pecho] chest
  11531. :[castaia] chestnut
  11532. :[masticar] chew
  11533. :[masticacion] chewing
  11534. :[elegante] chic
  11535. :[pollo] chicken
  11536. :[jefe] chief
  11537. :[niio] child
  11538. :[parto] childbirth
  11539. :[infancia] childhood
  11540. :[infantil] childish
  11541. :[niios] children
  11542. :[enfriar] chill
  11543. :[frio] chilly
  11544. :[quimera] chimera
  11545. :[Chimenea] chimney
  11546. :[barbilla] chin
  11547. :[porcelana] china
  11548. :[chino] Chinese
  11549. :[chip] chip
  11550. :[papas fritas] chips
  11551. :[chirrido] chirp
  11552. :[cincel] chisel
  11553. :[caballerosidad] chivalrous
  11554. :[chocolate] chocolate
  11555. :[eleccion] choice
  11556. :[coro] choir
  11557. :[ahogo] choke
  11558. :[escoger] choose
  11559. :[picar] chop
  11560. :[Cortado] chopped
  11561. :[helicoptero] chopper
  11562. :[acorde] chord
  11563. :[faena] chore
  11564. :[coro] chorus
  11565. :[eligio] chose
  11566. :[elegido] chosen
  11567. :[bautizo] christening
  11568. :[cristiano] Christian
  11569. :[Navidad] Christmas
  11570. :[cronico] chronic
  11571. :[pedazo] chunk
  11572. :[Iglesia] church
  11573. :[cementerio] churchyard
  11574. :[sidra] cider
  11575. :[cigarro] cigar
  11576. :[cigarrillo] cigarette
  11577. :[cine] cinema
  11578. :[canela] cinnamon
  11579. :[cifrar] cipher
  11580. :[circulo] circle
  11581. :[circuito] circuit
  11582. :[circular] circular
  11583. :[circulacion] circulation
  11584. :[circunscribir] circumscribe
  11585. :[circunstancia] circumstance
  11586. :[circunstancial] circumstantial
  11587. :[evitar] circumvent
  11588. :[circo] circus
  11589. :[ciudadano] citizen
  11590. :[ciudad] city
  11591. :[civico] civic
  11592. :[civil] civil
  11593. :[civil] civilian
  11594. :[civilizacion] civilization
  11595. :[civilizar] civilize
  11596. :[charla] clack
  11597. :[revestido] clad
  11598. :[afirmar] claim
  11599. :[clarividente] clairvoyant
  11600. :[almeja] clam
  11601. :[abrazadera] clamp
  11602. :[clan] clan
  11603. :[sonido metalico] clang
  11604. :[aplaudir] clap
  11605. :[aclarar] clarify
  11606. :[claridad] clarity
  11607. :[choque] clash
  11608. :[corchete] clasp
  11609. :[clase] class
  11610. :[clasico] classic
  11611. :[clasico] classical
  11612. :[clasicos] classics
  11613. :[clasificado] classified
  11614. :[clasificar] classify
  11615. :[compaiera de clases] classmate
  11616. :[salon de clases] classroom
  11617. :[de buen tono] classy
  11618. :[estrepito] clatter
  11619. :[clausula] clause
  11620. :[garra] claw
  11621. :[arcilla] clay
  11622. :[limpio] clean
  11623. :[limpiador] cleaner
  11624. :[limpieza] cleaning
  11625. :[claro] clear
  11626. :[autorizacion] clearance
  11627. :[claro] clearing
  11628. :[claramente] clearly
  11629. :[adherirse] cleave
  11630. :[cuchilla de carnicero] cleaver
  11631. :[hendido] cleft
  11632. :[clemencia] clemency
  11633. :[clemente] clement
  11634. :[apretar] clench
  11635. :[clero] clergy
  11636. :[clerigo] clergyman
  11637. :[empleado] clerk
  11638. :[inteligente] clever
  11639. :[astucia] cleverness
  11640. :[cliche] cliche
  11641. :[hacer clic] click
  11642. :[cliente] client
  11643. :[acantilado] cliff
  11644. :[clima] climate
  11645. :[climax] climax
  11646. :[trepar] climb
  11647. :[escalada] climbing
  11648. :[clinch] clinch
  11649. :[adherirse] cling
  11650. :[pegajoso] clinging
  11651. :[clinica] clinic
  11652. :[clinico] clinical
  11653. :[acortar] clip
  11654. :[cliper] clipper
  11655. :[capa] cloak
  11656. :[guardarropa] cloakroom
  11657. :[reloj] clock
  11658. :[agujas del reloj] clockwise
  11659. :[terron] clod
  11660. :[obstruir] clog
  11661. :[claustro] cloister
  11662. :[clon] clone
  11663. :[cerrar] close
  11664. :[cercanamente] closely
  11665. :[cercania] closeness
  11666. :[mas cercano] closest
  11667. :[armario] closet
  11668. :[cierre] closure
  11669. :[coagulo] clot
  11670. :[tela] cloth
  11671. :[vestir] clothe
  11672. :[ropa] clothing
  11673. :[cuajaron] clotted
  11674. :[nube] cloud
  11675. :[despejado] cloudless
  11676. :[nublado] cloudy
  11677. :[influencia] clout
  11678. :[Clavo] clove
  11679. :[payaso] clown
  11680. :[club] club
  11681. :[casa club] clubhouse
  11682. :[pista] clue
  11683. :[despistado] clueless
  11684. :[torpeza] clumsiness
  11685. :[torpe] clumsy
  11686. :[grupo] cluster
  11687. :[embrague] clutch
  11688. :[desorden] clutter
  11689. :[entrenador] coach
  11690. :[carbon] coal
  11691. :[coalicion] coalition
  11692. :[grueso] coarse
  11693. :[costa] coast
  11694. :[linea costera] coastline
  11695. :[Saco] coat
  11696. :[engatusar] coax
  11697. :[zapatero] cobbler
  11698. :[cabina] cockpit
  11699. :[cucaracha] cockroach
  11700. :[coctel] cocktail
  11701. :[engreido] cocky
  11702. :[cacao] cocoa
  11703. :[Coco] coconut
  11704. :[bacalao] cod
  11705. :[codigo] code
  11706. :[higado de bacalao] cod-liver
  11707. :[coeficiente] coefficient
  11708. :[coactivo] coercive
  11709. :[coexistir] coexist
  11710. :[cafe] coffee
  11711. :[cafeteria] coffeehouse
  11712. :[ataud] coffin
  11713. :[convincente] cogent
  11714. :[meditar] cogitate
  11715. :[cognado] cognate
  11716. :[cognicion] cognition
  11717. :[conocimiento] cognizance
  11718. :[conocimiento] cognizance
  11719. :[cohabitar] cohabit
  11720. :[adherirse] cohere
  11721. :[coherencia] coherence
  11722. :[coherente] coherent
  11723. :[grupo] cohort
  11724. :[bobina] coil
  11725. :[moneda] coin
  11726. :[coincidencia] coincidence
  11727. :[coincidente] coincident
  11728. :[Coca] coke
  11729. :[reajuste salarial] cola
  11730. :[colador] colander
  11731. :[frio] cold
  11732. :[frialdad] coldness
  11733. :[colaborar] collaborate
  11734. :[colapso] collapse
  11735. :[collar] collar
  11736. :[colateral] collateral
  11737. :[colega] colleague
  11738. :[recoger] collect
  11739. :[coleccionar] collecting
  11740. :[coleccion] collection
  11741. :[colectivo] collective
  11742. :[coleccionista] collector
  11743. :[Universidad] college
  11744. :[chocar] collide
  11745. :[colision] collision
  11746. :[coloquial] colloquial
  11747. :[Colonia] cologne
  11748. :[colon] colon
  11749. :[coronel] colonel
  11750. :[colonial] colonial
  11751. :[colonialismo] colonialism
  11752. :[colono] colonist
  11753. :[colonia] colony
  11754. :[colosal] colossal
  11755. :[color] colour
  11756. :[de colores] coloured
  11757. :[vistoso] colourful
  11758. :[incoloro] colourless
  11759. :[potro] colt
  11760. :[columna] column
  11761. :[columnista] columnist
  11762. :[coma] coma
  11763. :[peine] comb
  11764. :[combate] combat
  11765. :[combinacion] combination
  11766. :[combinar] combine
  11767. :[combustible] combustible
  11768. :[venir] come
  11769. :[Vuelve] comeback
  11770. :[comico] comedian
  11771. :[comedia] comedy
  11772. :[gentil] comely
  11773. :[cometa] comet
  11774. :[comodidad] comfort
  11775. :[comodo] comfortable
  11776. :[incomodo] comfortless
  11777. :[confortable] comfy
  11778. :[comic] comic
  11779. :[coma] comma
  11780. :[mando] command
  11781. :[comandante] commander
  11782. :[mandamiento] commandment
  11783. :[conmemorar] commemorate
  11784. :[comenzar] commence
  11785. :[comentario] comment
  11786. :[comentario] commentary
  11787. :[comercio] commerce
  11788. :[comercial] commercial
  11789. :[compadecer] commiserate
  11790. :[comision] commission
  11791. :[notario] commissioner
  11792. :[cometer] commit
  11793. :[compromiso] commitment
  11794. :[comprometido] committed
  11795. :[comite] committee
  11796. :[mercancia] commodity
  11797. :[comun] common
  11798. :[vulgar] commonplace
  11799. :[mancomunidad] commonwealth
  11800. :[conmocion] commotion
  11801. :[comunicar] communicate
  11802. :[comunicacion] communication
  11803. :[comunidad] community
  11804. :[compacto] compact
  11805. :[compaiero] companion
  11806. :[empresa] company
  11807. :[comparable] comparable
  11808. :[comparar] compare
  11809. :[comparacion] comparison
  11810. :[compartimiento] compartment
  11811. :[Brujula] compass
  11812. :[compasion] compassion
  11813. :[compasivo] compassionate
  11814. :[compatible] compatible
  11815. :[compatriota] compatriot
  11816. :[obligar] compel
  11817. :[convincente] compelling
  11818. :[compensar] compensate
  11819. :[compensacion] compensation
  11820. :[presentador] compere
  11821. :[competir] compete
  11822. :[competencia] competence
  11823. :[competente] competent
  11824. :[competencia] competition
  11825. :[competitivo] competitive
  11826. :[compilar] compile
  11827. :[quejar] complain
  11828. :[queja] complaint
  11829. :[complemento] complement
  11830. :[completo] complete
  11831. :[completamente] completely
  11832. :[terminacion] completion
  11833. :[complejo] complex
  11834. :[cumplimiento] compliance
  11835. :[complicar] complicate
  11836. :[complicacion] complication
  11837. :[cumplido] compliment
  11838. :[Complementario] complimentary
  11839. :[componente] component
  11840. :[componer] compose
  11841. :[composicion] composition
  11842. :[compuesto] compound
  11843. :[comprender] comprehend
  11844. :[comprension] comprehension
  11845. :[exhaustivo] comprehensive
  11846. :[comprimir] compress
  11847. :[comprender] comprise
  11848. :[compromiso] compromise
  11849. :[compulsion] compulsion
  11850. :[compulsivo] compulsive
  11851. :[calcular] compute
  11852. :[computadora] computer
  11853. :[camarada] comrade
  11854. :[estafa] con
  11855. :[encubrir] conceal
  11856. :[ocultacion] concealment
  11857. :[conceder] concede
  11858. :[engreido] conceited
  11859. :[concebible] conceivable
  11860. :[concebir] conceive
  11861. :[concentrado] concentrate
  11862. :[concentracion] concentration
  11863. :[concepto] concept
  11864. :[preocupacion] concern
  11865. :[sobre] concerning
  11866. :[concierto] concert
  11867. :[conciliar] conciliate
  11868. :[conciso] concise
  11869. :[concluir] conclude
  11870. :[conclusion] conclusion
  11871. :[concluyente] conclusive
  11872. :[concordia] concord
  11873. :[concurso] concourse
  11874. :[concurso] concourse
  11875. :[hormigon] concrete
  11876. :[concurrir] concur
  11877. :[concurrir] concur
  11878. :[concurrir] concur
  11879. :[concurrencia] concurrence
  11880. :[concusion] concussion
  11881. :[condenar] condemn
  11882. :[condensado] condensed
  11883. :[condimento] condiment
  11884. :[condicion] condition
  11885. :[acondicionador] conditioner
  11886. :[condiciones] conditions
  11887. :[condominio] condo
  11888. :[condolerse] condole
  11889. :[condolencias] condolences
  11890. :[condon] condom
  11891. :[conducta] conduct
  11892. :[conductivo] conductive
  11893. :[conductor] conductor
  11894. :[cono] cone
  11895. :[confiteria] confectionery
  11896. :[confederado] confederate
  11897. :[conferir] confer
  11898. :[conferencia] conference
  11899. :[confesar] confess
  11900. :[confesion] confession
  11901. :[confiar] confide
  11902. :[confianza] confidence
  11903. :[seguro] confident
  11904. :[confidencial] confidential
  11905. :[confidencialidad] confidentiality
  11906. :[confinar] confine
  11907. :[confirmar] confirm
  11908. :[confirmacion] confirmation
  11909. :[confiscar] confiscate
  11910. :[conflicto] conflict
  11911. :[ajustarse] conform
  11912. :[conformidad] conformity
  11913. :[confundir] confound
  11914. :[confrontar] confront
  11915. :[confrontacion] confrontation
  11916. :[confundir] confuse
  11917. :[confundido] confused
  11918. :[confusion] confusion
  11919. :[congestionar] congest
  11920. :[congestion] congestion
  11921. :[felicitar] congratulate
  11922. :[Felicidades] congratulations
  11923. :[congreso] congress
  11924. :[congruo] congruous
  11925. :[conjetura] conjecture
  11926. :[conjuncion] conjunction
  11927. :[conjurar] conjure
  11928. :[congenito] connate
  11929. :[conectar] connect
  11930. :[conectado] connected
  11931. :[conectando] connecting
  11932. :[conexion] connection
  11933. :[conocedor] connoisseur
  11934. :[connotar] connote
  11935. :[conquistar] conquer
  11936. :[conciencia] conscience
  11937. :[consciente] conscious
  11938. :[conciencia] consciousness
  11939. :[consecucion] consecution
  11940. :[consenso] consensus
  11941. :[consentimiento] consent
  11942. :[consecuencia] consequence
  11943. :[como consecuencia] consequently
  11944. :[conservacion] conservation
  11945. :[conservador] conservative
  11946. :[conservar] conserve
  11947. :[consesion] consession
  11948. :[considerar] consider
  11949. :[considerable] considerable
  11950. :[importantemente] considerably
  11951. :[considerado] considerate
  11952. :[consideracion] consideration
  11953. :[envio] consignment
  11954. :[consistir] consist
  11955. :[consistencia] consistency
  11956. :[consistente] consistent
  11957. :[consuelo] consolation
  11958. :[consola] console
  11959. :[consonante] consonant
  11960. :[conspicuo] conspicuous
  11961. :[conspiracion] conspiracy
  11962. :[alguacil] constable
  11963. :[constante] constant
  11964. :[constantemente] constantly
  11965. :[constelacion] constellation
  11966. :[consternacion] consternation
  11967. :[Constitucion] constituent
  11968. :[constituir] constitute
  11969. :[constitucion] constitution
  11970. :[constitucional] constitutional
  11971. :[constreiir] constrain
  11972. :[apretar] constrict
  11973. :[construir] construct
  11974. :[construccion] construction
  11975. :[constructivo] constructive
  11976. :[interpretar] construe
  11977. :[consulado] consulate
  11978. :[consultar] consult
  11979. :[consultor] consultant
  11980. :[consulta] consultation
  11981. :[consultante] consulting
  11982. :[consumir] consume
  11983. :[consumidor] consumer
  11984. :[consumo] consumption
  11985. :[contacto] contact
  11986. :[contagio] contagion
  11987. :[contagioso] contagious
  11988. :[Contiene] contain
  11989. :[envase] container
  11990. :[contaminar] contaminate
  11991. :[despreciar] contemn
  11992. :[contemplar] contemplate
  11993. :[contemporaneo] contemporary
  11994. :[desprecio] contempt
  11995. :[contender] contend
  11996. :[contenido] content
  11997. :[contento] contented
  11998. :[contentamiento] contentment
  11999. :[concurso] contest
  12000. :[contexto] context
  12001. :[continente] continent
  12002. :[continental] continental
  12003. :[contingente] contingent
  12004. :[continuo] continual
  12005. :[Seguir] continue
  12006. :[continuado] continued
  12007. :[continuo] continuing
  12008. :[continuo] continuous
  12009. :[anticonceptivo] contraceptive
  12010. :[contrato] contract
  12011. :[contraccion] contraction
  12012. :[contratista] contractor
  12013. :[contradecir] contradict
  12014. :[contradiccion] contradiction
  12015. :[contrario] contrary
  12016. :[contraste] contrast
  12017. :[contribuir] contribute
  12018. :[contribucion] contribution
  12019. :[estratagema] contrivance
  12020. :[control] control
  12021. :[polemico] controversial
  12022. :[controversia] controversy
  12023. :[convocar] convene
  12024. :[conveniencia] convenience
  12025. :[conveniente] convenient
  12026. :[convenientemente] conveniently
  12027. :[convento] convent
  12028. :[convencion] convention
  12029. :[convencional] conventional
  12030. :[conversacion] conversation
  12031. :[convertir] convert
  12032. :[convertible] convertible
  12033. :[transmitir] convey
  12034. :[condenar] convict
  12035. :[convicto] convicted
  12036. :[conviccion] conviction
  12037. :[convencer] convince
  12038. :[Convincente] convincing
  12039. :[cocinera] cook
  12040. :[cocido] cooked
  12041. :[cocina] cookery
  12042. :[Galleta] cookie
  12043. :[Cocinando] cooking
  12044. :[frio] cool
  12045. :[enfriador] cooler
  12046. :[mas guay] coolest
  12047. :[cobre] cooper
  12048. :[cooperar] cooperate
  12049. :[cooperar] co-operate
  12050. :[cooperacion] cooperation
  12051. :[cooperativa] cooperative
  12052. :[coordinar] coordinate
  12053. :[coordinar] co-ordinate
  12054. :[afrontar] cope
  12055. :[copiado] copied
  12056. :[copiador] copier
  12057. :[cobre] copper
  12058. :[Copiar] copy
  12059. :[coral] coral
  12060. :[cable] cord
  12061. :[cordial] cordial
  12062. :[centro] core
  12063. :[corcho] cork
  12064. :[taponado] corky
  12065. :[maiz] corn
  12066. :[esquina] corner
  12067. :[arrinconado] cornered
  12068. :[florecimiento de maiz] cornflower
  12069. :[cursi] corny
  12070. :[coronacion] coronation
  12071. :[corporal] corporal
  12072. :[corporativo] corporate
  12073. :[corporacion] corporation
  12074. :[cadaver] corpse
  12075. :[corpulento] corpulent
  12076. :[correcto] correct
  12077. :[correccion] correction
  12078. :[correctamente] correctly
  12079. :[correlacion] correlation
  12080. :[corresponder] correspond
  12081. :[correspondencia] correspondence
  12082. :[corredor] corridor
  12083. :[corrupto] corrupt
  12084. :[corrupcion] corruption
  12085. :[cosignar] cosign
  12086. :[productos cosmeticos] cosmetics
  12087. :[cosmico] cosmic
  12088. :[cosmopolita] cosmopolitan
  12089. :[costo] cost
  12090. :[costos] costs
  12091. :[disfraz] costume
  12092. :[acogedor] cosy
  12093. :[cabaia] cottage
  12094. :[algodon] cotton
  12095. :[sofa] couch
  12096. :[tos] cough
  12097. :[podria] could
  12098. :[Consejo] council
  12099. :[consejo] counsel
  12100. :[asesoramiento] counselling
  12101. :[consejero] counsellor
  12102. :[contar] count
  12103. :[cuenta regresiva] countdown
  12104. :[rostro] countenance
  12105. :[encimera] counter
  12106. :[falsificacion] counterfeit
  12107. :[condesa] countess
  12108. :[contando] counting
  12109. :[incontable] countless
  12110. :[pais] country
  12111. :[campo] countryside
  12112. :[condado] county
  12113. :[golpe] coup
  12114. :[Pareja] couple
  12115. :[cupon] coupon
  12116. :[coraje] courage
  12117. :[valiente] courageous
  12118. :[mensajero] courier
  12119. :[curso] course
  12120. :[Corte] court
  12121. :[cortesia] courtesy
  12122. :[palacio de justicia] courthouse
  12123. :[sala de justicia] courtroom
  12124. :[primo] cousin
  12125. :[ensenada] cove
  12126. :[cubrir] cover
  12127. :[cobertura] coverage
  12128. :[cubierto] covered
  12129. :[cubierta] covering
  12130. :[encubierto] covert
  12131. :[codicioso] covetous
  12132. :[vaca] cow
  12133. :[cobarde] coward
  12134. :[vaquero] cowboy
  12135. :[acobardarse] cower
  12136. :[timido] coy
  12137. :[acogedor] cozy
  12138. :[cangrejo] crab
  12139. :[grieta] crack
  12140. :[galleta] cracker
  12141. :[agrietamiento] cracking
  12142. :[cuna] cradle
  12143. :[artesania] craft
  12144. :[risco] crag
  12145. :[atestar] cram
  12146. :[calambre] cramp
  12147. :[arandano] cranberry
  12148. :[grua] crane
  12149. :[de maniatico] cranky
  12150. :[tonterias] crap
  12151. :[de mierda] crappy
  12152. :[choque] crash
  12153. :[estrellarse] crash down
  12154. :[caja] crate
  12155. :[crater] crater
  12156. :[pedir] crave
  12157. :[antojo] craving
  12158. :[gatear] crawl
  12159. :[arrastrandose] crawling
  12160. :[cangrejo de rio] crayfish
  12161. :[lapiz de color] crayon
  12162. :[locura] craziness
  12163. :[loco] crazy
  12164. :[crema] cream
  12165. :[pliegue] crease
  12166. :[crear] create
  12167. :[creacion] creation
  12168. :[creativo] creative
  12169. :[criatura] creature
  12170. :[guarderia] creche
  12171. :[credencial] credential
  12172. :[credibilidad] credibility
  12173. :[credito] credit
  12174. :[credulidad] credulity
  12175. :[credulo] credulous
  12176. :[credo] creed
  12177. :[Cala] creek
  12178. :[arrastrarse] creep
  12179. :[progresivo] creeping
  12180. :[Siniestro] creepy
  12181. :[incinerar] cremate
  12182. :[creciente] crescent
  12183. :[cresta] crest
  12184. :[hendedura] crevice
  12185. :[tripulacion] crew
  12186. :[cuna] crib
  12187. :[Grillo] cricket
  12188. :[crimen] crime
  12189. :[delincuente] criminal
  12190. :[ondulado] crimpy
  12191. :[carmesi] crimson
  12192. :[lisiado] cripple
  12193. :[lisiado] crippled
  12194. :[crisis] crisis
  12195. :[crujiente] crisp
  12196. :[critico] critic
  12197. :[critico] critical
  12198. :[critica] criticism
  12199. :[criticar] criticize
  12200. :[croar] croak
  12201. :[tejer] crochet
  12202. :[vasija] crock
  12203. :[vajilla] crockery
  12204. :[cocodrilo] crocodile
  12205. :[ladron] crook
  12206. :[torcido] crooked
  12207. :[cultivo] crop
  12208. :[Cruz] cross
  12209. :[cruce] crossing
  12210. :[cruce de caminos] crossroad
  12211. :[Cuervo] crow
  12212. :[multitud] crowd
  12213. :[corona] crown
  12214. :[crucial] crucial
  12215. :[crudo] crude
  12216. :[cruel] cruel
  12217. :[crueldad] cruelty
  12218. :[crucero] cruise
  12219. :[miga] crumb
  12220. :[sucio] crummy
  12221. :[arruga] crumple
  12222. :[crujido] crunch
  12223. :[cruzada] crusade
  12224. :[Persona especial] crush
  12225. :[aplastada] crushed
  12226. :[aplastante] crushing
  12227. :[corteza] crust
  12228. :[muleta] crutch
  12229. :[llorar] cry
  12230. :[llorando] crying
  12231. :[criptico] cryptic
  12232. :[cristal] crystal
  12233. :[cachorro] cub
  12234. :[cubo] cube
  12235. :[cubiculo] cubicle
  12236. :[cuco] cuckoo
  12237. :[pepino] cucumber
  12238. :[abrazo] cuddle
  12239. :[porra] cudgel
  12240. :[seial] cue
  12241. :[brazalete] cuff
  12242. :[cocina] cuisine
  12243. :[culinario] culinary
  12244. :[culpable] culprit
  12245. :[culto] cult
  12246. :[cultural] cultural
  12247. :[cultura] culture
  12248. :[incomodo] cumbersome
  12249. :[astuto] cunning
  12250. :[taza] cup
  12251. :[alacena] cupboard
  12252. :[magdalena] cupcake
  12253. :[Cupido] cupid
  12254. :[bordillo] curb
  12255. :[cura] cure
  12256. :[curiosidad] curiosity
  12257. :[curioso] curious
  12258. :[rizo] curl
  12259. :[rizado] curly
  12260. :[grosella] currant
  12261. :[divisa] currency
  12262. :[Actual] current
  12263. :[en la actualidad] currently
  12264. :[plan de estudios] curriculum
  12265. :[curry] curry
  12266. :[maldicion] curse
  12267. :[maldito] cursed
  12268. :[cortina] curtain
  12269. :[curva] curve
  12270. :[amortiguar] cushion
  12271. :[custodia] custody
  12272. :[personalizado] custom
  12273. :[cliente] customer
  12274. :[costumbres] customs
  12275. :[Corte] cut
  12276. :[lindo] cute
  12277. :[mas lindo] cuter
  12278. :[cuchilleria] cutlery
  12279. :[chuleta] cutlet
  12280. :[cortador] cutter
  12281. :[cibernetico] cyber
  12282. :[ciclo] cycle
  12283. :[cilindro] cylinder
  12284. :[cinico] cynical
  12285. :[cipres] cypress
  12286. :[padre] dad
  12287. :[narciso] daffodil
  12288. :[loco] daft
  12289. :[daga] dagger
  12290. :[diario] daily
  12291. :[delicado] dainty
  12292. :[lacteos] dairy
  12293. :[margarita] daisy
  12294. :[valle] dale
  12295. :[represa] dam
  12296. :[daio] damage
  12297. :[daiado] damaged
  12298. :[perjudicial] damaging
  12299. :[dama] dame
  12300. :[maldita sea] damn
  12301. :[humedo] damp
  12302. :[danza] dance
  12303. :[bailarin] dancer
  12304. :[diente de leon] dandelion
  12305. :[dandy] dandy
  12306. :[danes] Dane
  12307. :[peligro] danger
  12308. :[peligroso] dangerous
  12309. :[peligrosamente] dangerously
  12310. :[colgar] dangle
  12311. :[atrevimiento] dare
  12312. :[atrevido] daring
  12313. :[oscuro] dark
  12314. :[oscuridad] darkness
  12315. :[querida] darling
  12316. :[maldito] darn
  12317. :[dardo] dart
  12318. :[pizca] dash
  12319. :[tablero] dashboard
  12320. :[apuesto] dashing
  12321. :[datos] data
  12322. :[base de datos] database
  12323. :[fecha] date
  12324. :[con fecha de] dated
  12325. :[embadurnar] daub
  12326. :[hija] daughter
  12327. :[hijastra] daughter-in-law
  12328. :[acobardar] daunt
  12329. :[intrepido] dauntless
  12330. :[amanecer] dawn
  12331. :[dia] day
  12332. :[Ensueio] Daydream
  12333. :[ensueio] daydream
  12334. :[luz] daylight
  12335. :[tiempo de dia] daytime
  12336. :[aturdimiento] daze
  12337. :[deslumbrar] dazzle
  12338. :[diacono] deacon
  12339. :[muerto] dead
  12340. :[fecha limite] deadline
  12341. :[mortal] deadly
  12342. :[sordo] deaf
  12343. :[trato] deal
  12344. :[distribuidor] dealer
  12345. :[relacion comercial] dealing
  12346. :[repartido] dealt
  12347. :[decano] dean
  12348. :[querido] dear
  12349. :[querida] dearest
  12350. :[caro] dearly
  12351. :[muerte] death
  12352. :[desembarcar] debark
  12353. :[discutible] debatable
  12354. :[debate] debate
  12355. :[corromper] debauch
  12356. :[debito] debit
  12357. :[escombros] debris
  12358. :[deuda] debt
  12359. :[debut] debut
  12360. :[decada] decade
  12361. :[decadencia] decadence
  12362. :[decaer] decay
  12363. :[fallecido] deceased
  12364. :[engaio] deceit
  12365. :[engaiar] deceive
  12366. :[engaioso] deceiving
  12367. :[diciembre] December
  12368. :[decencia] decency
  12369. :[bueno] decent
  12370. :[engaio] deception
  12371. :[decidir] decide
  12372. :[decimal] decimal
  12373. :[decision] decision
  12374. :[decisivo] decisive
  12375. :[plataforma] deck
  12376. :[declaracion] declaration
  12377. :[declarar] declare
  12378. :[disminucion] decline
  12379. :[decoccion] decoction
  12380. :[descomponer] decompose
  12381. :[Decorar] decorate
  12382. :[decorado] decorated
  12383. :[decoracion] decoration
  12384. :[seiuelo] decoy
  12385. :[disminucion] decrease
  12386. :[decreto] decree
  12387. :[dedicar] dedicate
  12388. :[dedicado] dedicated
  12389. :[Dedicacion] dedication
  12390. :[deducir] deduce
  12391. :[deducir] deduct
  12392. :[escritura] deed
  12393. :[considerar] deem
  12394. :[profundo] deep
  12395. :[profundamente] deeply
  12396. :[arraigado] deep-rooted
  12397. :[ciervo] deer
  12398. :[desfigurar] deface
  12399. :[defecto] default
  12400. :[fracaso] defeat
  12401. :[derrotado] defeated
  12402. :[defectuoso] defective
  12403. :[defensa] defence
  12404. :[indefenso] defenceless
  12405. :[defender] defend
  12406. :[acusado] defendant
  12407. :[defensor] defender
  12408. :[defensa] defense
  12409. :[defensivo] defensive
  12410. :[aplazar] defer
  12411. :[deferencia] deference
  12412. :[desafio] defiance
  12413. :[deficiencia] deficiency
  12414. :[deficit] deficit
  12415. :[definir] define
  12416. :[definido] definite
  12417. :[definitivamente] definitely
  12418. :[definicion] definition
  12419. :[deformar] deform
  12420. :[descongelar] defrost
  12421. :[desafiar] defy
  12422. :[degenerar] degenerate
  12423. :[degradacion] degradation
  12424. :[la licenciatura] degree
  12425. :[deshidratado] dehydrated
  12426. :[deidad] deity
  12427. :[abatimiento] dejection
  12428. :[demora] delay
  12429. :[demorado] delayed
  12430. :[delegar] delegate
  12431. :[deliberar] deliberate
  12432. :[deliberadamente] deliberately
  12433. :[delicadeza] delicacy
  12434. :[delicado] delicate
  12435. :[Tiendas Delicatessen] delicatessen
  12436. :[delicioso] delicious
  12437. :[deleite] delight
  12438. :[contento] delighted
  12439. :[encantador] delightful
  12440. :[delincuente] delinquent
  12441. :[delincuencia] deliquency
  12442. :[delirante] delirious
  12443. :[entregar] deliver
  12444. :[entregando] delivering
  12445. :[entrega] delivery
  12446. :[engaiar] delude
  12447. :[diluvio] deluge
  12448. :[engaio] delusion
  12449. :[delirante] delusional
  12450. :[demanda] demand
  12451. :[comportamiento] demeanour
  12452. :[demente] demented
  12453. :[fallecimiento] demise
  12454. :[democracia] democracy
  12455. :[democrata] democrat
  12456. :[democratico] democratic
  12457. :[demoler] demolish
  12458. :[demolicion] demolition
  12459. :[demonio] demon
  12460. :[demoniaco] demonic
  12461. :[demostrar] demonstrate
  12462. :[demostracion] demonstration
  12463. :[degradar] demote
  12464. :[recatado] demure
  12465. :[guarida] den
  12466. :[negacion] denial
  12467. :[denotar] denote
  12468. :[denunciar] denounce
  12469. :[denso] dense
  12470. :[densidad] density
  12471. :[mella] dent
  12472. :[dental] dental
  12473. :[dentista] dentist
  12474. :[denuncia] denunciation
  12475. :[negar] deny
  12476. :[negando] denying
  12477. :[salir] depart
  12478. :[Departamento] department
  12479. :[salida] departure
  12480. :[depender] depend
  12481. :[confiable] dependable
  12482. :[dependiente] dependent
  12483. :[representar] depict
  12484. :[agotar] deplete
  12485. :[deplorable] deplorable
  12486. :[deportar] deport
  12487. :[depositar] deposit
  12488. :[declaracion] deposition
  12489. :[deposito] depot
  12490. :[depravar] deprave
  12491. :[depreciar] depreciate
  12492. :[Deprimido] depressed
  12493. :[deprimente] depressing
  12494. :[depresion] depression
  12495. :[privacion] deprivation
  12496. :[privar] deprive
  12497. :[profundidad] depth
  12498. :[diputado] deputy
  12499. :[trastornar] derange
  12500. :[abandonado] derelict
  12501. :[ridiculizar] deride
  12502. :[derivado] derivative
  12503. :[derivar] derive
  12504. :[descender] descend
  12505. :[descendiente] descendent
  12506. :[describir] describe
  12507. :[descripcion] description
  12508. :[descriptivo] descriptive
  12509. :[Desierto] desert
  12510. :[abandonado] deserted
  12511. :[merecer] deserve
  12512. :[diseio] design
  12513. :[designado] designate
  12514. :[diseiador] designer
  12515. :[diseio] designing
  12516. :[deseable] desirable
  12517. :[deseo] desire
  12518. :[abstenerse] desist
  12519. :[escritorio] desk
  12520. :[solitario] desolate
  12521. :[desesperacion] despair
  12522. :[desesperado] desperate
  12523. :[desesperadamente] desperately
  12524. :[desesperacion] desperation
  12525. :[despreciable] despicable
  12526. :[despreciar] despise
  12527. :[A pesar de] despite
  12528. :[despota] despot
  12529. :[postre] dessert
  12530. :[destino] destination
  12531. :[destinado] destined
  12532. :[destino] destiny
  12533. :[indigente] destitute
  12534. :[destruir] destroy
  12535. :[destruir] destruct
  12536. :[destruccion] destruction
  12537. :[destructivo] destructive
  12538. :[separado] detached
  12539. :[detalle] detail
  12540. :[detallado] detailed
  12541. :[detener] detain
  12542. :[detectar] detect
  12543. :[detective] detective
  12544. :[detector] detector
  12545. :[detencion] detention
  12546. :[desalentar] deter
  12547. :[detergente] detergent
  12548. :[deteriorarse] deteriorate
  12549. :[determinacion] determination
  12550. :[determinar] determine
  12551. :[determinado] determined
  12552. :[disuasorio] deterrent
  12553. :[detestar] detest
  12554. :[detestable] detestable
  12555. :[desvio] detour
  12556. :[detrimento] detriment
  12557. :[devaluacion] devaluation
  12558. :[devastado] devastated
  12559. :[devastador] devastating
  12560. :[desarrollar] develop
  12561. :[desarrollado] developed
  12562. :[desarrollando] developing
  12563. :[desarrollo] development
  12564. :[desviarse] deviate
  12565. :[dispositivo] device
  12566. :[demonio] devil
  12567. :[tortuoso] devious
  12568. :[idear] devise
  12569. :[vacio] devoid
  12570. :[devolucion] devolution
  12571. :[devoto] devoted
  12572. :[devocion] devotion
  12573. :[devorar] devour
  12574. :[devoto] devout
  12575. :[Rocio] dew
  12576. :[destreza] dexterity
  12577. :[diabetico] diabete
  12578. :[diagnosticar] diagnose
  12579. :[diagnostico] diagnosis
  12580. :[diagrama] diagram
  12581. :[marcar] dial
  12582. :[dialecto] dialect
  12583. :[dialogo] dialogue
  12584. :[diametro] diameter
  12585. :[diamante] diamond
  12586. :[paial] diaper
  12587. :[Diarrea] diarrhoea
  12588. :[diario] diary
  12589. :[dado] dice
  12590. :[dictar] dictate
  12591. :[dictado] dictation
  12592. :[dictador] dictator
  12593. :[diccionario] dictionary
  12594. :[morir] die
  12595. :[dieta] diet
  12596. :[dietetico] dietary
  12597. :[diferir de] differ
  12598. :[diferencia] difference
  12599. :[diferente] different
  12600. :[diferentemente] differently
  12601. :[dificil] difficult
  12602. :[dificultad] difficulty
  12603. :[timido] diffident
  12604. :[difuso] diffuse
  12605. :[cavar] dig
  12606. :[digerir] digest
  12607. :[digestion] digestion
  12608. :[digestivo] digestive
  12609. :[excavacion] digging
  12610. :[digital] digital
  12611. :[dignificar] dignify
  12612. :[dignidad] dignity
  12613. :[divagar] digress
  12614. :[dilapidacion] dilapidation
  12615. :[dilatar] dilate
  12616. :[dilema] dilemma
  12617. :[diligencia] diligence
  12618. :[eneldo] dill
  12619. :[diluido] dilute
  12620. :[dilucion] dilution
  12621. :[oscuro] dim
  12622. :[dimension] dimension
  12623. :[disminuir] diminish
  12624. :[disminucion] diminution
  12625. :[oscuridad] dimness
  12626. :[hoyuelo] dimple
  12627. :[estruendo] din
  12628. :[cenar] dine
  12629. :[cena] diner
  12630. :[timbre] ding
  12631. :[sucio] dingy
  12632. :[comida] dining
  12633. :[comedor] dining-room
  12634. :[cena] dinner
  12635. :[dinosaurio] dinosaur
  12636. :[aderezo] dip
  12637. :[diploma] diploma
  12638. :[diplomatico] diplomatic
  12639. :[inmersion] dipping
  12640. :[inmersion] dipping
  12641. :[terrible] dire
  12642. :[directo] direct
  12643. :[dirigido] directed
  12644. :[direccion] direction
  12645. :[directamente] directly
  12646. :[franqueza] directness
  12647. :[director] director
  12648. :[tierra] dirt
  12649. :[suciedad] dirtiness
  12650. :[sucio] dirty
  12651. :[discapacidad] disability
  12652. :[desactivar] disable
  12653. :[desventaja] disadvantage
  12654. :[discrepar] disagree
  12655. :[desacuerdo] disagreement
  12656. :[desaparecer] disappear
  12657. :[desaparicion] disappearance
  12658. :[decepcionar] disappoint
  12659. :[decepcionado] disappointed
  12660. :[decepcion] disappointment
  12661. :[desaprobacion] disapproval
  12662. :[desarmar] disarm
  12663. :[desorden] disarray
  12664. :[desastre] disaster
  12665. :[desastroso] disastrous
  12666. :[repudiar] disavow
  12667. :[incredulidad] disbelief
  12668. :[desct] disc
  12669. :[descarte] discard
  12670. :[discernir] discern
  12671. :[discernible] discernible
  12672. :[descarga] discharge
  12673. :[descargado] discharged
  12674. :[discipulo] disciple
  12675. :[disciplinario] disciplinary
  12676. :[disciplina] discipline
  12677. :[revelar] disclose
  12678. :[disco] disco
  12679. :[incomodidad] discomfort
  12680. :[desconectar] disconnect
  12681. :[descontento] discontent
  12682. :[discordia] discord
  12683. :[descuento] discount
  12684. :[desalentar] discourage
  12685. :[discurso] discourse
  12686. :[descortes] discourteous
  12687. :[descubrir] discover
  12688. :[descubriendo] discovering
  12689. :[descubrimiento] discovery
  12690. :[descredito] discredit
  12691. :[discreto] discreet
  12692. :[discrepancia] discrepancy
  12693. :[discrecion] discretion
  12694. :[discriminacion] discrimination
  12695. :[discutir] discuss
  12696. :[discusion] discussion
  12697. :[desden] disdain
  12698. :[enfermedad] disease
  12699. :[desembarcar] disembark
  12700. :[incorporar] disembody
  12701. :[desembrollar] disembroil
  12702. :[desfigurar] disfigure
  12703. :[desgracia] disgrace
  12704. :[vergonzoso] disgraceful
  12705. :[ocultar] disguise
  12706. :[asco] disgust
  12707. :[disgustado] disgusted
  12708. :[repugnante] disgusting
  12709. :[plato] dish
  12710. :[desalentar] dishearten
  12711. :[deshonesto] dishonest
  12712. :[deshonra] dishonour
  12713. :[lavavajillas] dishwasher
  12714. :[lavazas] dish-water
  12715. :[desilusion] disillusion
  12716. :[falso] disingenuous
  12717. :[desheredar] disinherit
  12718. :[desintegrarse] disintegrate
  12719. :[desinteresado] disinterested
  12720. :[disco] disk
  12721. :[disgusto] dislike
  12722. :[desleal] disloyal
  12723. :[triste] dismal
  12724. :[desmantelar] dismantle
  12725. :[consternacion] dismay
  12726. :[despedir] dismiss
  12727. :[desmontar] dismount
  12728. :[desobediencia] disobedience
  12729. :[desobedecer] disobey
  12730. :[trastorno] disorder
  12731. :[desestructurado] disorganized
  12732. :[desorientado] disoriented
  12733. :[menospreciar] disparage
  12734. :[disparidad] disparity
  12735. :[envio] dispatch
  12736. :[disipar] dispel
  12737. :[dispensar] dispense
  12738. :[dispersar] disperse
  12739. :[desplazar] displace
  12740. :[monitor] display
  12741. :[desagradar] displease
  12742. :[desechable] disposable
  12743. :[disposicion] disposal
  12744. :[disponer] dispose
  12745. :[refutar] disprove
  12746. :[disputa] dispute
  12747. :[descalificar] disqualify
  12748. :[desasosiego] disquiet
  12749. :[indiferencia] disregard
  12750. :[de mala fama] disreputable
  12751. :[falta de respeto] disrespect
  12752. :[interrumpir] disrupt
  12753. :[insatisfaccion] dissatisfaction
  12754. :[disimular] dissemble
  12755. :[disimil] dissimilar
  12756. :[disipar] dissipate
  12757. :[disolver] dissolve
  12758. :[distancia] distance
  12759. :[distante] distant
  12760. :[desagradable] distasteful
  12761. :[destilar] distil
  12762. :[distinto] distinct
  12763. :[distincion] distinction
  12764. :[distinguir] distinguish
  12765. :[distinguido] distinguished
  12766. :[distorsionar] distort
  12767. :[distraer] distract
  12768. :[distraido] distracted
  12769. :[distraer] distracting
  12770. :[distraccion] distraction
  12771. :[distraccion] distraction
  12772. :[loco] distraught
  12773. :[angustia] distress
  12774. :[distribucion] distribution
  12775. :[distrito] district
  12776. :[desconfianza] distrust
  12777. :[desconfiado] distrustul
  12778. :[molestar] disturb
  12779. :[disturbio] disturbance
  12780. :[perturbador] disturbing
  12781. :[zanja] ditch
  12782. :[idem] ditto
  12783. :[bucear] dive
  12784. :[buzo] diver
  12785. :[divergir] diverge
  12786. :[diverso] diverse
  12787. :[diverso] diverse
  12788. :[desviacion] diversion
  12789. :[diversidad] diversity
  12790. :[desviar] divert
  12791. :[dividir] divide
  12792. :[dividido] divided
  12793. :[adivinar] divine
  12794. :[buceo] diving
  12795. :[divinidad] divinity
  12796. :[division] division
  12797. :[divorcio] divorce
  12798. :[divorciado] divorced
  12799. :[mareado] dizzy
  12800. :[hacer] do
  12801. :[realizable] doable
  12802. :[muelle] dock
  12803. :[doctor] doctor
  12804. :[doctrina] doctrine
  12805. :[documento] document
  12806. :[documental] documentary
  12807. :[esquivar] dodge
  12808. :[astuto] dodgy
  12809. :[hacedor] doer
  12810. :[lo hace] does
  12811. :[perro] dog
  12812. :[collar de perro] dog-collar
  12813. :[perrito] doggie
  12814. :[perrito] doggy
  12815. :[limosna] dole
  12816. :[triste] doleful
  12817. :[muieca] doll
  12818. :[dolar] dollar
  12819. :[muiequita] dolly
  12820. :[delfin] dolphin
  12821. :[dominio] domain
  12822. :[Hazme] dome
  12823. :[Domestico] domestic
  12824. :[domicilio] domicile
  12825. :[dominante] dominant
  12826. :[dominar] dominate
  12827. :[donar] donate
  12828. :[donacion] donation
  12829. :[Burro] donkey
  12830. :[donante] donor
  12831. :[rosquilla] donut
  12832. :[garabatear] doodle
  12833. :[condenar] doom
  12834. :[condenado] doomed
  12835. :[puerta] door
  12836. :[timbre de la puerta] doorbell
  12837. :[portero] doorman
  12838. :[portero] doormant
  12839. :[peldaio] doorstep
  12840. :[puerta] doorway
  12841. :[droga] dope
  12842. :[dormitorio] dormitory
  12843. :[Dosis] dosage
  12844. :[dosis] dose
  12845. :[punto] dot
  12846. :[doble] double
  12847. :[doblemente] doubly
  12848. :[duda] doubt
  12849. :[dudoso] doubtful
  12850. :[masa] dough
  12851. :[rosquilla] doughnut
  12852. :[paloma] dove
  12853. :[abajo] down
  12854. :[descargar] download
  12855. :[completamente] downright
  12856. :[abajo] downstairs
  12857. :[centro] downtown
  12858. :[hacia abajo] downward
  12859. :[dote] dowry
  12860. :[dormitar] doze
  12861. :[docena] dozen
  12862. :[borrador] draft
  12863. :[arrastrar] drag
  12864. :[continuar] dragon
  12865. :[drenar] drain
  12866. :[pato] drake
  12867. :[drama] drama
  12868. :[dramatico] dramatic
  12869. :[bebio] drank
  12870. :[cubrir] drape
  12871. :[drastico] drastic
  12872. :[Barril] draught
  12873. :[dibujar] draw
  12874. :[retirarse] drawback
  12875. :[cajon] drawer
  12876. :[dibujo] drawing
  12877. :[dibujado] drawn
  12878. :[terrible] dreadful
  12879. :[sueio] dream
  12880. :[soiado] dreamt
  12881. :[empapar] drench
  12882. :[vestido] dress
  12883. :[vestido] dressed
  12884. :[vestidor] dresser
  12885. :[vendaje] dressing
  12886. :[seco] dried
  12887. :[deriva] drift
  12888. :[taladro] drill
  12889. :[bebida] drink
  12890. :[goteo] drip
  12891. :[goteo] dripping
  12892. :[conducir] drive
  12893. :[impulsado] driven
  12894. :[conductor] driver
  12895. :[entrada de coches] driveway
  12896. :[conduciendo] driving
  12897. :[llovizna] drizzle
  12898. :[zumbido] drone
  12899. :[inclinarse] droop
  12900. :[soltar] drop
  12901. :[cuentagotas] dropper
  12902. :[gotas] drops
  12903. :[sequia] drought
  12904. :[condujo] drove
  12905. :[ahogar] drown
  12906. :[soioliento] drowsy
  12907. :[trabajo penoso] drudgery
  12908. :[droga] drug
  12909. :[drogado] drugged
  12910. :[tambor] drum
  12911. :[bateria] drummer
  12912. :[borracho] drunk
  12913. :[borracho] drunkard
  12914. :[borracho] drunken
  12915. :[seco] dry
  12916. :[secadora] dryer
  12917. :[doble] dual
  12918. :[doblar] dub
  12919. :[dudoso] dubious
  12920. :[duquesa] duchess
  12921. :[Pato] duck
  12922. :[conducto] duct
  12923. :[vencer] due
  12924. :[excavado] dug
  12925. :[duque] duke
  12926. :[tedioso] dull
  12927. :[debidamente] duly
  12928. :[tonta] dumb
  12929. :[mas tonto] dumbest
  12930. :[ficticio] dummy
  12931. :[vertedero] dump
  12932. :[bola de masa hervida] dumpling
  12933. :[duna] dune
  12934. :[estiercol] dung
  12935. :[calabozo] dungeon
  12936. :[remojar] dunk
  12937. :[duplicar] duplicate
  12938. :[durable] durable
  12939. :[durante] during
  12940. :[oscuridad] dusk
  12941. :[polvo] dust
  12942. :[polvoriento] dusty
  12943. :[holandes] Dutch
  12944. :[deber] duty
  12945. :[enano] dwarf
  12946. :[residir] dwell
  12947. :[vivienda] dwelling
  12948. :[teiir] dye
  12949. :[muriendo] dying
  12950. :[dinamica] dynamic
  12951. :[dinamita] dynamite
  12952. :[dinastia] dynasty
  12953. :[disenteria] dysentery
  12954. :[disfuncional] dysfunctional
  12955. :[cada] each
  12956. :[entusiasta] eager
  12957. :[aguila] eagle
  12958. :[oreja] ear
  12959. :[conde] earl
  12960. :[orejera] earlap
  12961. :[lobulo de oreja] earlobe
  12962. :[temprano] early
  12963. :[ganar] earn
  12964. :[serio] earnest
  12965. :[ganancias] earnings
  12966. :[auriculares] earphones
  12967. :[arete] earring
  12968. :[tierra] earth
  12969. :[terremoto] earthquake
  12970. :[terroso] earthy
  12971. :[facilidad] ease
  12972. :[caballete] easel
  12973. :[mas facil] easier
  12974. :[mas facil] easiest
  12975. :[facilmente] easily
  12976. :[este] east
  12977. :[Pascua de Resurreccion] Easter
  12978. :[oriental] eastern
  12979. :[facil] easy
  12980. :[de trato facil] easygoing
  12981. :[come] eat
  12982. :[comestible] eatable
  12983. :[comido] eaten
  12984. :[comensal] eater
  12985. :[escuchar a escondidas] eavesdrop
  12986. :[escuchando a escondidas] eavesdropping
  12987. :[ebano] ebony
  12988. :[libro electronico] e-book
  12989. :[excentrico] eccentric
  12990. :[eco] echo
  12991. :[eclipse] eclipse
  12992. :[ecologia] ecology
  12993. :[economico] economic
  12994. :[economico] economical
  12995. :[ciencias economicas] economics
  12996. :[economia] economy
  12997. :[extasis] ecstasy
  12998. :[extatico] ecstatic
  12999. :[voraz] edacious
  13000. :[edacidad] edacity
  13001. :[borde] edge
  13002. :[tenso] edgy
  13003. :[comestible] edible
  13004. :[edificio] edifice
  13005. :[editar] edit
  13006. :[edicion] edition
  13007. :[editor] editor
  13008. :[editorial] editorial
  13009. :[educar] educate
  13010. :[educado] educated
  13011. :[educacion] education
  13012. :[educativo] educational
  13013. :[Anguila] eel
  13014. :[borrar] efface
  13015. :[efecto] effect
  13016. :[eficaz] effective
  13017. :[afeminado] effeminate
  13018. :[eficaz] efficacious
  13019. :[eficiencia] efficiency
  13020. :[eficiente] efficient
  13021. :[sin esfuerzo] efforless
  13022. :[esfuerzo] effort
  13023. :[huevo] egg
  13024. :[ego] ego
  13025. :[egoismo] egoism
  13026. :[egolatra] egotistical
  13027. :[egipcio] Egyptian
  13028. :[ocho] eight
  13029. :[Dieciocho] eighteen
  13030. :[octavo] eighth
  13031. :[ochenta] eighty
  13032. :[ochenta] eighty
  13033. :[cualquiera] either
  13034. :[expulsar] eject
  13035. :[expulsion] ejection
  13036. :[elaborar] elaborate
  13037. :[transcurrir] elapse
  13038. :[elastico] elastic
  13039. :[exaltado] elated
  13040. :[codo] elbow
  13041. :[mayor] elder
  13042. :[anciano] elderly
  13043. :[electo] elect
  13044. :[eleccion] election
  13045. :[electrico] electric
  13046. :[electrico] electrical
  13047. :[electricidad] electricity
  13048. :[electronico] electronic
  13049. :[electronica] electronics
  13050. :[elegancia] elegance
  13051. :[elegante] elegant
  13052. :[elemento] element
  13053. :[elemental] elemental
  13054. :[elemental] elementary
  13055. :[elefante] elephant
  13056. :[elevar] elevate
  13057. :[ascensor] elevator
  13058. :[once] eleven
  13059. :[duende] elf
  13060. :[elegible] eligible
  13061. :[eliminar] eliminate
  13062. :[eliminado] eliminated
  13063. :[elite] elite
  13064. :[elitista] elitist
  13065. :[alce] elk
  13066. :[elocuente] eloquent
  13067. :[demas] else
  13068. :[en otra parte] elsewhere
  13069. :[elusivo] elusive
  13070. :[Email] email
  13071. :[castrar] emasculate
  13072. :[terraplen] embankment
  13073. :[embargo] embargo
  13074. :[embarcar] embark
  13075. :[avergonzar] embarrass
  13076. :[vergienza] embarrassment
  13077. :[embajada] embassy
  13078. :[malversacion] embezzlement
  13079. :[amargar] embitter
  13080. :[emblema] emblem
  13081. :[encarnacion] embodiment
  13082. :[encarnar] embody
  13083. :[abarcar] embrace
  13084. :[bordar] embroider
  13085. :[embrion] embryo
  13086. :[Esmeralda] emerald
  13087. :[surgir] emerge
  13088. :[emergencia] emergency
  13089. :[emigrante] emigrant
  13090. :[eminencia] eminence
  13091. :[eminente] eminent
  13092. :[emitir] emit
  13093. :[emocion] emotion
  13094. :[emocional] emotional
  13095. :[emocionalmente] emotionally
  13096. :[emperador] emperor
  13097. :[enfasis] emphasis
  13098. :[enfatizar] emphasize
  13099. :[imperio] empire
  13100. :[emplear] employ
  13101. :[empleado] employed
  13102. :[empleado] employee
  13103. :[empleador] employer
  13104. :[empleo] employment
  13105. :[autorizar] empower
  13106. :[vacio] emptiness
  13107. :[vacio] empty
  13108. :[emular] emulate
  13109. :[habilitar] enable
  13110. :[promulgar] enact
  13111. :[esmalte] enamel
  13112. :[encerrar] encase
  13113. :[encantar] enchant
  13114. :[encantamiento] enchantment
  13115. :[rodear] encircle
  13116. :[encerrar] enclose
  13117. :[codificar] encode
  13118. :[encuentro] encounter
  13119. :[alentar] encourage
  13120. :[animo] encouragement
  13121. :[alentador] encouraging
  13122. :[invadir] encroach
  13123. :[cargar] encumber
  13124. :[gravamen] encumbrance
  13125. :[enciclopedia] encyclopaedia
  13126. :[fin] end
  13127. :[en peligro de extincion] endangered
  13128. :[esfuerzo] endeavour
  13129. :[finalizando] ending
  13130. :[interminable] endless
  13131. :[endosar] endorse
  13132. :[aprobacion] endorsement
  13133. :[aguante] endurance
  13134. :[soportar] endure
  13135. :[enemigo] enemy
  13136. :[energico] energetic
  13137. :[energia] energy
  13138. :[envolver] enfold
  13139. :[hacer cumplir] enforce
  13140. :[aplicacion] enforcement
  13141. :[comprometerse] engage
  13142. :[compromiso] engagement
  13143. :[motor] engine
  13144. :[ingeniero] engineer
  13145. :[Ingenieria] engineering
  13146. :[Inglaterra] England
  13147. :[ingles] English
  13148. :[grabar] engrave
  13149. :[mejorar] enhance
  13150. :[enigma] enigma
  13151. :[disfrutar] enjoy
  13152. :[agradable] enjoyable
  13153. :[disfrutando] enjoying
  13154. :[disfrute] enjoyment
  13155. :[agrandar] enlarge
  13156. :[iluminar] enlighten
  13157. :[conseguir] enlist
  13158. :[animar] enliven
  13159. :[enemistad] enmity
  13160. :[enorme] enormous
  13161. :[suficiente] enough
  13162. :[consulta] enquiry
  13163. :[enfurecer] enrage
  13164. :[extasiar] enrapture
  13165. :[enriquecer] enrich
  13166. :[bandera] ensign
  13167. :[sobrevenir] ensue
  13168. :[garantizar] ensure
  13169. :[implicar] entail
  13170. :[enredar] entangle
  13171. :[ingresar] enter
  13172. :[entrando] entering
  13173. :[empresa] enterprise
  13174. :[entretener] entertain
  13175. :[entretenido] entertaining
  13176. :[entretenimiento] entertainment
  13177. :[entronizar] enthrone
  13178. :[entusiasmo] enthusiasm
  13179. :[entusiasta] enthusiastic
  13180. :[atraer] entice
  13181. :[completo] entire
  13182. :[enteramente] entirely
  13183. :[intitulado] entitled
  13184. :[entraias] entrails
  13185. :[Entrada] entrance
  13186. :[rogar a] entreat
  13187. :[empresario] entrepreneur
  13188. :[confiar] entrust
  13189. :[entrada] entry
  13190. :[enumerar] enumerate
  13191. :[sobre] envelope
  13192. :[envidiable] enviable
  13193. :[envidioso] envious
  13194. :[medio ambiente] environment
  13195. :[ambiental] environmental
  13196. :[prever] envisage
  13197. :[enviado] envoy
  13198. :[envidia] envy
  13199. :[epico] epic
  13200. :[epidemia] epidemic
  13201. :[episodio] episode
  13202. :[epoca] epoch
  13203. :[ecuanimidad] equability
  13204. :[igual] equal
  13205. :[igualdad] equality
  13206. :[Igualmente] equally
  13207. :[ecuanimidad] equanimity
  13208. :[ecuacion] equation
  13209. :[ecuador] equator
  13210. :[equilibrio] equilibrium
  13211. :[equipo] equipment
  13212. :[equipado] equipped
  13213. :[capital] equity
  13214. :[equivalente] equivalent
  13215. :[era] era
  13216. :[erradicar] eradicate
  13217. :[borrar] erase
  13218. :[borrador] eraser
  13219. :[erguido] erect
  13220. :[erosion] erosion
  13221. :[errar] err
  13222. :[recado] errand
  13223. :[erratico] erratic
  13224. :[error] error
  13225. :[estallar] erupt
  13226. :[erupcion] eruption
  13227. :[escalera mecanica] escalator
  13228. :[escapar] escape
  13229. :[escolta] escort
  13230. :[especialmente] especially
  13231. :[espionaje] espionage
  13232. :[ensayo] essay
  13233. :[esencia] essence
  13234. :[esencial] essential
  13235. :[esencialmente] essentially
  13236. :[establecer] establish
  13237. :[establecimiento] establishment
  13238. :[inmuebles] estate
  13239. :[estima] esteem
  13240. :[estimar] estimate
  13241. :[alejarse] estrange
  13242. :[etc.] etc.
  13243. :[eterno] eternal
  13244. :[eternidad] eternity
  13245. :[principio moral] ethic
  13246. :[etico] ethical
  13247. :[etnico] ethnic
  13248. :[etiqueta] etiquette
  13249. :[Europa] Europe
  13250. :[evacuar] evacuate
  13251. :[evadir] evade
  13252. :[evaluar] evaluate
  13253. :[evaluacion] evaluation
  13254. :[evaporar] evaporate
  13255. :[evasion] evasion
  13256. :[vispera] eve
  13257. :[incluso] even
  13258. :[noche] evening
  13259. :[evento] event
  13260. :[memorable] eventful
  13261. :[finalmente] eventually
  13262. :[siempre] ever
  13263. :[hojas perennes] evergreen
  13264. :[cada] every
  13265. :[todos] everybody
  13266. :[todos los dias] everyday
  13267. :[todo el mundo] everyone
  13268. :[todo] everything
  13269. :[En todas partes] everywhere
  13270. :[desalojar] evict
  13271. :[evidencia] evidence
  13272. :[evidentemente] evidently
  13273. :[maldad] evil
  13274. :[evocar] evoke
  13275. :[evolucion] evolution
  13276. :[evolucionar] evolve
  13277. :[oveja] ewe
  13278. :[exacto] exact
  13279. :[exactamente] exactly
  13280. :[exagerar] exaggerate
  13281. :[exaltar] exalt
  13282. :[exaltacion] exaltation
  13283. :[examen] exam
  13284. :[examen] examination
  13285. :[examinar] examine
  13286. :[examinador] examiner
  13287. :[ejemplo] example
  13288. :[exasperar] exasperate
  13289. :[excavar] excavate
  13290. :[exceder] exceed
  13291. :[sobresalir] excel
  13292. :[excelente] excellent
  13293. :[excepto] except
  13294. :[excepcion] exception
  13295. :[excepcional] exceptional
  13296. :[exceso] excess
  13297. :[excesivo] excessive
  13298. :[intercambio] exchange
  13299. :[excitar] excite
  13300. :[emocionado] excited
  13301. :[emocion] excitement
  13302. :[excitante] exciting
  13303. :[exclamar] exclaim
  13304. :[excluir] exclude
  13305. :[exclusion] exclusion
  13306. :[exclusivo] exclusive
  13307. :[excretar] excrete
  13308. :[tortura] excruciation
  13309. :[excursion] excursion
  13310. :[excusa] excuse
  13311. :[ejecutar] execute
  13312. :[ejecutado] executed
  13313. :[ejecucion] execution
  13314. :[ejecutivo] executive
  13315. :[ejemplar] exemplar
  13316. :[ejemplificar] exemplify
  13317. :[eximir] exempt
  13318. :[ejercicio] exercise
  13319. :[exhalar] exhale
  13320. :[cansada] exhaust
  13321. :[agotador] exhausting
  13322. :[exposicion] exhibit
  13323. :[exposicion] exhibition
  13324. :[exilio] exile
  13325. :[existe] exist
  13326. :[existencia] existence
  13327. :[existente] existing
  13328. :[Salida] exit
  13329. :[exotico] exotic
  13330. :[expandir] expand
  13331. :[en expansion] expanding
  13332. :[expansion] expansion
  13333. :[suponer] expect
  13334. :[expectativa] expectation
  13335. :[conveniente] expedient
  13336. :[expedicion] expedition
  13337. :[expulsar] expel
  13338. :[expulsado] expelled
  13339. :[gastar] expend
  13340. :[gasto] expenditure
  13341. :[gastos] expense
  13342. :[costoso] expensive
  13343. :[experiencia] experience
  13344. :[experimentar] experiment
  13345. :[experimental] experimental
  13346. :[experto] expert
  13347. :[pericia] expertise
  13348. :[expirar] expire
  13349. :[explicar] explain
  13350. :[explicacion] explanation
  13351. :[explicito] explicit
  13352. :[explotar] explode
  13353. :[exploto] exploded
  13354. :[explotar] exploit
  13355. :[exploracion] exploration
  13356. :[explorar] explore
  13357. :[explorador] explorer
  13358. :[explosion] explosion
  13359. :[explosivo] explosive
  13360. :[exportar] export
  13361. :[exponer] expose
  13362. :[exposicion] exposure
  13363. :[Rapido] express
  13364. :[expresion] expression
  13365. :[expulsion] expulsion
  13366. :[Exquisito] exquisite
  13367. :[ampliar] extend
  13368. :[extension] extension
  13369. :[extenso] extensive
  13370. :[grado] extent
  13371. :[exterior] exterior
  13372. :[exterminar] exterminate
  13373. :[exterminador] exterminator
  13374. :[externo] external
  13375. :[extinto] extinct
  13376. :[extinguir] extinguish
  13377. :[extorsion] extortion
  13378. :[extra] extra
  13379. :[extraer] extract
  13380. :[extraccion] extraction
  13381. :[extraordinario] extraordinary
  13382. :[extremo] extreme
  13383. :[extremadamente] extremely
  13384. :[ojo] eye
  13385. :[globo ocular] eyeball
  13386. :[ceja] eyebrow
  13387. :[pestaia] eyelash
  13388. :[parpado] eyelid
  13389. :[sombra] eyeshadow
  13390. :[vista] eyesight
  13391. :[testigo ocular] eyewitness
  13392. :[fabula] fable
  13393. :[tela] fabric
  13394. :[fabuloso] fabulous
  13395. :[cara] face
  13396. :[faceta] facet
  13397. :[facial] facial
  13398. :[facil] facile
  13399. :[facilitar] faciliate
  13400. :[instalaciones] facility
  13401. :[frente a] facing
  13402. :[hecho] fact
  13403. :[factor] factor
  13404. :[fabrica] factory
  13405. :[facultativo] facultative
  13406. :[facultad] faculty
  13407. :[moda] fad
  13408. :[desvanecerse] fade
  13409. :[desvanecimiento] fading
  13410. :[Fahrenheit] Fahrenheit
  13411. :[fallar] fail
  13412. :[defecto] failing
  13413. :[falla] failure
  13414. :[desmayarse] faint
  13415. :[desmayado] fainted
  13416. :[justa] fair
  13417. :[equitativamente] fairly
  13418. :[justicia] fairness
  13419. :[hada] fairy
  13420. :[cuento de hadas] fairytale
  13421. :[fe] faith
  13422. :[fiel] faithful
  13423. :[desleal] faithless
  13424. :[falso] fake
  13425. :[halcon] falcon
  13426. :[otoio] fall
  13427. :[caer] fallout
  13428. :[falsificar] falsify
  13429. :[desfallecer] falter
  13430. :[fama] fame
  13431. :[familiar] familiar
  13432. :[familia] family
  13433. :[hambruna] famine
  13434. :[famoso] famous
  13435. :[admirador] fan
  13436. :[elegante] fancy
  13437. :[colmillo] fang
  13438. :[fantastico] fantastic
  13439. :[fantasia] fantasy
  13440. :[lejos] far
  13441. :[lejos] faraway
  13442. :[tarifa] fare
  13443. :[despedida] farewell
  13444. :[inverosimil] far-fetched
  13445. :[granja] farm
  13446. :[granjero] farmer
  13447. :[hipermetrope] farsighted
  13448. :[mas lejos] farther
  13449. :[fascinante] fascinating
  13450. :[Moda] fashion
  13451. :[rapido] fast
  13452. :[sujetar] fasten
  13453. :[mas rapido] faster
  13454. :[lo mas rapido] fastest
  13455. :[fastidioso] fastidious
  13456. :[grasa] fat
  13457. :[fatal] fatal
  13458. :[fatalidad] fatality
  13459. :[destino] fate
  13460. :[padre] father
  13461. :[suegro] father-in-law
  13462. :[braza] fathom
  13463. :[fatiga] fatigue
  13464. :[culpa] fault
  13465. :[impecable] faultless
  13466. :[favor] favour
  13467. :[favorable] favourable
  13468. :[favorito] favourite
  13469. :[fax] fax
  13470. :[temeroso] fearful
  13471. :[audaz] fearless
  13472. :[temible] fearsome
  13473. :[factible] feasible
  13474. :[banquete] feast
  13475. :[Con] feat
  13476. :[pluma] feather
  13477. :[caracteristica] feature
  13478. :[febrero] February
  13479. :[alimentado] fed
  13480. :[federal] federal
  13481. :[tarifa] fee
  13482. :[debil] feeble
  13483. :[alimentacion] feed
  13484. :[realimentacion] feedback
  13485. :[alimentacion] feeding
  13486. :[sentir] feel
  13487. :[sentimiento] feeling
  13488. :[pies] feet
  13489. :[fingir] feign
  13490. :[finta] feint
  13491. :[luchador] feisty
  13492. :[felicidad] felicity
  13493. :[cayo] fell
  13494. :[compaiero] fellow
  13495. :[compaierismo] fellowship
  13496. :[felon] felon
  13497. :[delito] felony
  13498. :[mujer] female
  13499. :[femenino] feminine
  13500. :[feminista] feminist
  13501. :[pantano] fen
  13502. :[valla] fence
  13503. :[defenderse] fend
  13504. :[fermentar] ferment
  13505. :[helecho] fern
  13506. :[feroz] ferocious
  13507. :[transportar] ferry
  13508. :[fertil] fertile
  13509. :[Fertilidad] fertility
  13510. :[ferviente] fervent
  13511. :[fervoroso] fervid
  13512. :[festival] festival
  13513. :[festivo] festive
  13514. :[festividad] festivity
  13515. :[ir a buscar] fetch
  13516. :[fetido] fetid
  13517. :[feudo] feud
  13518. :[feudal] feudal
  13519. :[fiebre] fever
  13520. :[pocos] few
  13521. :[menos] fewer
  13522. :[prometido] fiance
  13523. :[novia] fiancee
  13524. :[fiasco] fiasco
  13525. :[mentira] fib
  13526. :[mentiroso] fibber
  13527. :[fibra] fibre
  13528. :[voluble] fickle
  13529. :[ficcion] fiction
  13530. :[violin] fiddle
  13531. :[fidelidad] fidelity
  13532. :[agitarse] fidget
  13533. :[campo] field
  13534. :[demonio] fiend
  13535. :[intenso] fierce
  13536. :[ardiente] fiery
  13537. :[quince] fifteen
  13538. :[quinto] fifth
  13539. :[cincuenta] fifty
  13540. :[higo] fig
  13541. :[pelear] fight
  13542. :[combatiente] fighter
  13543. :[figura] figure
  13544. :[expediente] file
  13545. :[presentacion] filing
  13546. :[llenar] fill
  13547. :[filete] fillet
  13548. :[relleno] filling
  13549. :[pelicula] film
  13550. :[rodaje] filming
  13551. :[filtrar] filter
  13552. :[inmundicia] filth
  13553. :[asqueroso] filthy
  13554. :[final] final
  13555. :[finalmente] finally
  13556. :[Finanzas] finance
  13557. :[financiero] financial
  13558. :[financialmente] financially
  13559. :[pinzon] finch
  13560. :[encontrar] find
  13561. :[hallazgo] finding
  13562. :[multa] fine
  13563. :[finura] finesse
  13564. :[mejor] finest
  13565. :[dedo] finger
  13566. :[uia] fingernail
  13567. :[huella dactilar] fingerprint
  13568. :[punta del dedo] fingertip
  13569. :[terminar] finish
  13570. :[refinamiento] finishing
  13571. :[finlandes] Finnish
  13572. :[abeto] fir
  13573. :[fuego] fire
  13574. :[arma de fuego] firearm
  13575. :[bola de fuego] fireball
  13576. :[extintor de incendios] fire-extinguisher
  13577. :[bombero] fireman
  13578. :[hogar] fireplace
  13579. :[Fuegos artificiales] firework
  13580. :[disparo] firing
  13581. :[firma] firm
  13582. :[firmemente] firmly
  13583. :[primero] first
  13584. :[de primera mano] firsthand
  13585. :[primeramente] firstly
  13586. :[fiscal] fiscal
  13587. :[pez] fish
  13588. :[pescador] fisher
  13589. :[pescador] fisherman
  13590. :[pesca] fishing
  13591. :[sospechoso] fishy
  13592. :[puio] fist
  13593. :[encajar] fit
  13594. :[irregular] fitful
  13595. :[aptitud fisica] fitness
  13596. :[adecuado] fitting
  13597. :[cinco] five
  13598. :[reparar] fix
  13599. :[fijamente] fixedly
  13600. :[fijacion] fixing
  13601. :[accesorio] fixture
  13602. :[gaseoso] fizzy
  13603. :[flacido] flabby
  13604. :[bandera] flag
  13605. :[escama] flake
  13606. :[extravagante] flamboyant
  13607. :[fuego] flame
  13608. :[llamas] flames
  13609. :[flanco] flank
  13610. :[franela] flannel
  13611. :[solapa] flap
  13612. :[llamarada] flare
  13613. :[destello] flash
  13614. :[brillante] flashing
  13615. :[Linterna] flashlight
  13616. :[ostentoso] flashy
  13617. :[matraz] flask
  13618. :[plano] flat
  13619. :[categoricamente] flatly
  13620. :[aplanar] flatten
  13621. :[halagar] flatter
  13622. :[adulacion] flattery
  13623. :[sabor] flavour
  13624. :[falla] flaw
  13625. :[linaza] flax
  13626. :[pulga] flea
  13627. :[mancha] fleck
  13628. :[huir] flee
  13629. :[flota] fleet
  13630. :[fugaz] fleeting
  13631. :[carne] flesh
  13632. :[volo] flew
  13633. :[flexionar] flex
  13634. :[flexible] flexible
  13635. :[pelicula] flick
  13636. :[parpadeo] flicker
  13637. :[vuelo] flight
  13638. :[endeble] flimsy
  13639. :[retroceder] flinch
  13640. :[arrojar] fling
  13641. :[pedernal] flint
  13642. :[voltear] flip
  13643. :[ligero] flippant
  13644. :[aletas] flippers
  13645. :[flirtear] flirt
  13646. :[coqueto] flirtatious
  13647. :[flirteador] flirting
  13648. :[flotador] float
  13649. :[flotante] floating
  13650. :[rebaio] flock
  13651. :[azotar] flog
  13652. :[inundacion] flood
  13653. :[inundacion] flooding
  13654. :[suelo] floor
  13655. :[fracaso] flop
  13656. :[floral] floral
  13657. :[florista] florist
  13658. :[seda floja] floss
  13659. :[platija] flounder
  13660. :[harina] flour
  13661. :[florecer] flourish
  13662. :[fluir] flow
  13663. :[flor] flower
  13664. :[fluido] flowing
  13665. :[volado] flown
  13666. :[gripe] flu
  13667. :[fluctuar] fluctuate
  13668. :[fluidez] fluency
  13669. :[fluido] fluent
  13670. :[esponjoso] fluffy
  13671. :[liquido] fluid
  13672. :[casualidad] fluke
  13673. :[rafaga] flurry
  13674. :[enjuagar] flush
  13675. :[enrojecido] flushed
  13676. :[flauta] flute
  13677. :[aleteo] flutter
  13678. :[mosca] fly
  13679. :[volantes] flyer
  13680. :[volador] flying
  13681. :[espuma] foam
  13682. :[atencion] focus
  13683. :[enfocado] focused
  13684. :[forraje] fodder
  13685. :[enemigo] foe
  13686. :[feto] foetus
  13687. :[niebla] fog
  13688. :[neblinoso] foggy
  13689. :[frustrar] foil
  13690. :[pliegue] fold
  13691. :[carpeta] folder
  13692. :[plegable] folding
  13693. :[follaje] foliage
  13694. :[gente] folk
  13695. :[muchachos] folks
  13696. :[seguir] follow
  13697. :[seguidor] follower
  13698. :[siguiente] following
  13699. :[locura] folly
  13700. :[aficionado] fond
  13701. :[cariio] fondness
  13702. :[fuente] font
  13703. :[comida] food
  13704. :[tonto] fool
  13705. :[tonto] foolish
  13706. :[infalible] foolproof
  13707. :[pie] foot
  13708. :[imagenes] footage
  13709. :[futbol americano] football
  13710. :[pie] footing
  13711. :[huella] footprint
  13712. :[paso] footstep
  13713. :[calzado] footwear
  13714. :[por] for
  13715. :[abstenerse] forbear
  13716. :[prohibir] forbid
  13717. :[prohibido] forbidden
  13718. :[fuerza] force
  13719. :[potente] forceful
  13720. :[sin energia] forceless
  13721. :[forzando] forcing
  13722. :[delantero] fore
  13723. :[antebrazo] forearm
  13724. :[pronostico] forecast
  13725. :[antepasado] forefather
  13726. :[frente] forehead
  13727. :[extranjero] foreign
  13728. :[extranjero] foreigner
  13729. :[capataz] foreman
  13730. :[principal] foremost
  13731. :[forense] forensic
  13732. :[forense] forensics
  13733. :[prever] foresee
  13734. :[prevision] foresight
  13735. :[bosque] forest
  13736. :[prevenir] forestall
  13737. :[adelantarse a] foretaste
  13738. :[para siempre] forever
  13739. :[perder] forfeit
  13740. :[perdono] forgave
  13741. :[fragua] forge
  13742. :[falsificacion] forgery
  13743. :[olvidar] forget
  13744. :[olvidadizo] forgetful
  13745. :[perdonar] forgive
  13746. :[perdonado] forgiven
  13747. :[perdon] forgiveness
  13748. :[indulgente] forgiving
  13749. :[olvidado] forgotten
  13750. :[tenedor] fork
  13751. :[formulario] form
  13752. :[formal] formal
  13753. :[formalidad] formality
  13754. :[formalmente] formally
  13755. :[formato] format
  13756. :[formacion] formation
  13757. :[anterior] former
  13758. :[antes] formerly
  13759. :[formidable] formidable
  13760. :[formula] formula
  13761. :[abandonar] forsake
  13762. :[fuerte] fort
  13763. :[adelante] forth
  13764. :[proximo] forthcoming
  13765. :[quincena] fortnight
  13766. :[fortaleza] fortress
  13767. :[afortunado] fortunate
  13768. :[Afortunadamente] fortunately
  13769. :[fortuna] fortune
  13770. :[cuarenta] forty
  13771. :[foro] forum
  13772. :[hacia adelante] forward
  13773. :[fosil] fossil
  13774. :[fomentar] foster
  13775. :[hijo adoptivo] foster-child
  13776. :[luchado] fought
  13777. :[falta] foul
  13778. :[fundar] found
  13779. :[Fundacion] foundation
  13780. :[fundado] founded
  13781. :[fuente] fountain
  13782. :[cuatro] four
  13783. :[catorce] fourteen
  13784. :[cuatro] fourth
  13785. :[ave] fowl
  13786. :[zorro] fox
  13787. :[fraccion] fraction
  13788. :[fractura] fracture
  13789. :[fragil] fragile
  13790. :[fragmento] fragment
  13791. :[fragancia] fragrance
  13792. :[fragil] frail
  13793. :[cuadro] frame
  13794. :[estructura] framework
  13795. :[enmarcado] framing
  13796. :[franquicia] franchise
  13797. :[franco] frank
  13798. :[francamente] frankly
  13799. :[frenetico] frantic
  13800. :[fraternidad] fraternity
  13801. :[fraude] fraud
  13802. :[fraudulento] fraudulent
  13803. :[fenomeno] freak
  13804. :[raro] freaky
  13805. :[pecoso] freckless
  13806. :[gratis] free
  13807. :[liberado] freed
  13808. :[libertad] freedom
  13809. :[Lanza libre] freelance
  13810. :[libremente] freely
  13811. :[autopista] freeway
  13812. :[congelar] freeze
  13813. :[congelador] freezer
  13814. :[congelacion] freezing
  13815. :[transporte] freight
  13816. :[frances] French
  13817. :[frenesi] frenzy
  13818. :[frecuencia] frequency
  13819. :[frecuente] frequent
  13820. :[frecuentemente] frequently
  13821. :[Fresco] fresh
  13822. :[refrescar] freshen
  13823. :[estudiante de primer aio] freshman
  13824. :[friccion] friction
  13825. :[viernes] Friday
  13826. :[nevera] fridge
  13827. :[frito] fried
  13828. :[amigo] friend
  13829. :[simpatico] friendly
  13830. :[amistad] friendship
  13831. :[papas fritas] fries
  13832. :[susto] fright
  13833. :[asustar] frighten
  13834. :[frigilidad] frigility
  13835. :[franja] fringe
  13836. :[cacheo] frisk
  13837. :[frivolo] frivolous
  13838. :[rizos] frizz
  13839. :[vestido] frock
  13840. :[rana] frog
  13841. :[de] from
  13842. :[parte delantera] front
  13843. :[fachada] frontage
  13844. :[frontera] frontier
  13845. :[escarcha] frost
  13846. :[escarchado] frosty
  13847. :[espuma] froth
  13848. :[fruncir el ceio] frown
  13849. :[congelo] froze
  13850. :[congelado] frozen
  13851. :[frugal] frugal
  13852. :[frugalidad] frugality
  13853. :[Fruta] fruit
  13854. :[fructifero] fruitful
  13855. :[infructuoso] fruitless
  13856. :[frustrante] frustrating
  13857. :[frustracion] frustration
  13858. :[freir] fry
  13859. :[Dulce de azucar] fudge
  13860. :[combustible] fuel
  13861. :[fugitivo] fugitive
  13862. :[realizar] fulfil
  13863. :[cumplido] fulfilled
  13864. :[lleno] full
  13865. :[completamente] fully
  13866. :[humo] fume
  13867. :[divertida] fun
  13868. :[funcion] function
  13869. :[fondo] fund
  13870. :[fundamental] fundamental
  13871. :[fondos] funding
  13872. :[recaudador de fondos] fundraiser
  13873. :[fondos] funds
  13874. :[funeral] funeral
  13875. :[hongo] fungus
  13876. :[canguelo] funk
  13877. :[miedoso] funky
  13878. :[embudo] funnel
  13879. :[gracioso] funny
  13880. :[piel] fur
  13881. :[furioso] furious
  13882. :[horno] furnace
  13883. :[amoblar] furnish
  13884. :[muebles] furniture
  13885. :[surco] furrow
  13886. :[peludo] furry
  13887. :[mas lejos] further
  13888. :[es mas] furthermore
  13889. :[furtivamente] furtively
  13890. :[furia] fury
  13891. :[fusible] fuse
  13892. :[fusion] fusion
  13893. :[escandalo] fuss
  13894. :[futil] futile
  13895. :[futuro] future
  13896. :[difuso] fuzzy
  13897. :[algarabia] gabble
  13898. :[artilugio] gadget
  13899. :[mordaza] gag
  13900. :[calibrar] gage
  13901. :[alegria] gaiety
  13902. :[alegremente] gaily
  13903. :[ganar] gain
  13904. :[retribuido] gainful
  13905. :[paso] gait
  13906. :[galaxia] galaxy
  13907. :[vendaval] gale
  13908. :[hiel] gall
  13909. :[galante] gallant
  13910. :[galeria] gallery
  13911. :[galon] gallon
  13912. :[galope] gallop
  13913. :[jugar] gamble
  13914. :[juego] gambling
  13915. :[juego] game
  13916. :[pandilla] gang
  13917. :[gangster] gangster
  13918. :[brecha] gap
  13919. :[garaje] garage
  13920. :[basura] garbage
  13921. :[jardin] garden
  13922. :[jardinero] gardener
  13923. :[gargaras] gargle
  13924. :[guirnalda] garland
  13925. :[ajo] garlic
  13926. :[prenda] garment
  13927. :[adornar] garnish
  13928. :[guarnicion] garrison
  13929. :[gas] gas
  13930. :[jadear] gasp
  13931. :[porton] gate
  13932. :[puerta] gateway
  13933. :[recolectar] gather
  13934. :[reunion] gathering
  13935. :[llamativo] gaudy
  13936. :[indicador] gauge
  13937. :[demacrado] gaunt
  13938. :[guantelete] gauntlet
  13939. :[gasa] gauze
  13940. :[dio] gave
  13941. :[gay] gay
  13942. :[mirada] gaze
  13943. :[engranaje] gear
  13944. :[gel] gel
  13945. :[gelatina] gelatine
  13946. :[joya] gem
  13947. :[Geminis] Gemini
  13948. :[genero] gender
  13949. :[gene] gene
  13950. :[general] general
  13951. :[generalizacion] generalization
  13952. :[generalizar] generalize
  13953. :[generalmente] generally
  13954. :[Generacion] generation
  13955. :[generador] generator
  13956. :[generico] generic
  13957. :[generosidad] generosity
  13958. :[generoso] generous
  13959. :[genetico] genetic
  13960. :[geneticamente] genetically
  13961. :[genial] genial
  13962. :[genio] genius
  13963. :[amable] gentle
  13964. :[Caballero] gentleman
  13965. :[suavemente] gently
  13966. :[autentico] genuine
  13967. :[verdaderamente] genuinely
  13968. :[geografia] geography
  13969. :[geometria] geometry
  13970. :[germen] germ
  13971. :[aleman] German
  13972. :[germinar] germinate
  13973. :[gesto] gesture
  13974. :[obtener] get
  13975. :[Alejate] getaway
  13976. :[horrible] ghastly
  13977. :[ghetto] ghetto
  13978. :[fantasma] ghost
  13979. :[gigante] giant
  13980. :[mareo] giddiness
  13981. :[mareado] giddy
  13982. :[regalo] gift
  13983. :[dotado] gifted
  13984. :[Curro] gig
  13985. :[gigantesco] gigantic
  13986. :[risilla] giggle
  13987. :[dorar] gild
  13988. :[branquias] gills
  13989. :[Ginebra] gin
  13990. :[jengibre] ginger
  13991. :[jirafa] giraffe
  13992. :[faja] girdle
  13993. :[muchacha] girl
  13994. :[Novia] girlfriend
  13995. :[nena] girlie
  13996. :[esencia] gist
  13997. :[dar] give
  13998. :[dado] given
  13999. :[glaciar] glacier
  14000. :[contento] glad
  14001. :[con alegria] gladly
  14002. :[atractivo] glamorous
  14003. :[glamour] glamour
  14004. :[mirada] glance
  14005. :[glandula] gland
  14006. :[destello] glare
  14007. :[vidrio] glass
  14008. :[lentes] glasses
  14009. :[vidriar] glaze
  14010. :[destello] gleam
  14011. :[jubiloso] gleeful
  14012. :[caiada] glen
  14013. :[planeo] glide
  14014. :[luz tenue] glimmer
  14015. :[vistazo] glimpse
  14016. :[relucir] glisten
  14017. :[falla] glitch
  14018. :[Brillantina] glitter
  14019. :[relamerse] gloat
  14020. :[global] global
  14021. :[globo] globe
  14022. :[sombrio] gloomy
  14023. :[glorificar] glorify
  14024. :[glorioso] glorious
  14025. :[gloria] glory
  14026. :[brillo] gloss
  14027. :[glosario] glossary
  14028. :[guante] glove
  14029. :[guantes] gloves
  14030. :[brillo] glow
  14031. :[brillante] glowing
  14032. :[pegamento] glue
  14033. :[pegado] glued
  14034. :[sombrio] glum
  14035. :[gloton] glutton
  14036. :[glotoneria] gluttony
  14037. :[mosquito] gnat
  14038. :[roer] gnaw
  14039. :[ir] go
  14040. :[objetivo] goal
  14041. :[cabra] goat
  14042. :[intermediario] go-between
  14043. :[copa] goblet
  14044. :[Dios] God
  14045. :[diosa] goddess
  14046. :[padrino] godfather
  14047. :[dejado de la mano de dios] godforsaken
  14048. :[impio] godless
  14049. :[madrina] godmother
  14050. :[mirada sorprendida] goggle
  14051. :[yendo] going
  14052. :[oro] gold
  14053. :[dorado] golden
  14054. :[pez de colores] goldfish
  14055. :[golf] golf
  14056. :[bien] good
  14057. :[adios] goodbye
  14058. :[bondad] goodness
  14059. :[buenas noches] goodnight
  14060. :[bienes] goods
  14061. :[bueno] goody
  14062. :[ganso] goose
  14063. :[garganta] gorge
  14064. :[precioso] gorgeous
  14065. :[gorila] gorilla
  14066. :[evangelio] gospel
  14067. :[chisme] gossip
  14068. :[cotilleado] gossipy
  14069. :[gastronomo] gourmet
  14070. :[regir] govern
  14071. :[institutriz] governess
  14072. :[Gobierno] government
  14073. :[gobernador] governor
  14074. :[vestido] gown
  14075. :[tomar] grab
  14076. :[gracia] grace
  14077. :[agraciado] graceful
  14078. :[sin gracia] graceless
  14079. :[Cortes] gracious
  14080. :[calificacion] grade
  14081. :[gradual] gradual
  14082. :[gradualmente] gradually
  14083. :[graduado] graduate
  14084. :[graduado] graduated
  14085. :[graduacion] graduation
  14086. :[grano] grain
  14087. :[gramo] gram
  14088. :[gramatica] grammar
  14089. :[granero] granary
  14090. :[grandioso] grand
  14091. :[nieto] grandchild
  14092. :[nietos] grandchildren
  14093. :[abuelo] granddad
  14094. :[nieta] granddaughter
  14095. :[abuelo] grandfather
  14096. :[abuela] grandma
  14097. :[abuela] grandmother
  14098. :[abuelo] grandpa
  14099. :[abuelos] grandparents
  14100. :[nieto] grandson
  14101. :[granito] granite
  14102. :[abuelita] granny
  14103. :[conceder] grant
  14104. :[otorgado] granted
  14105. :[granulado] granulated
  14106. :[uva] grape
  14107. :[pomelo] grapefruit
  14108. :[grafico] graph
  14109. :[graficos] graphics
  14110. :[sujetar] grasp
  14111. :[cesped] grass
  14112. :[rallar] grate
  14113. :[agradecido] grateful
  14114. :[gratificacion] gratification
  14115. :[rejilla] grating
  14116. :[gratitud] gratitude
  14117. :[tumba] grave
  14118. :[cementerio] graveyard
  14119. :[gravitacion] gravitation
  14120. :[gravedad] gravity
  14121. :[salsa] gravy
  14122. :[gris] gray
  14123. :[pacer] graze
  14124. :[grasa] grease
  14125. :[grasiento] greasy
  14126. :[estupendo] great
  14127. :[mayor que] greater
  14128. :[mayor] greatest
  14129. :[muy] greatly
  14130. :[grandeza] greatness
  14131. :[Grecia] Greece
  14132. :[codicia] greed
  14133. :[avaro] greedy
  14134. :[griego] Greek
  14135. :[verde] green
  14136. :[verduras] greens
  14137. :[saludar] greet
  14138. :[saludo] greeting
  14139. :[crecio] grew
  14140. :[red] grid
  14141. :[dolor] grief
  14142. :[afligirse] grieve
  14143. :[parrilla] grill
  14144. :[A la parrilla] grilled
  14145. :[severo] grim
  14146. :[mueca] grimace
  14147. :[sonrisa] grin
  14148. :[triturar] grind
  14149. :[sujecion] grip
  14150. :[arena] grit
  14151. :[gemido] groan
  14152. :[tendero] grocer
  14153. :[tienda de comestibles] grocery
  14154. :[ingle] groin
  14155. :[novio] groom
  14156. :[ranura] groove
  14157. :[ir a tientas] grope
  14158. :[bruto] gross
  14159. :[suelo] ground
  14160. :[infundado] groundless
  14161. :[grupo] group
  14162. :[arboleda] grove
  14163. :[crecer] grow
  14164. :[creciente] growing
  14165. :[gruiido] growl
  14166. :[creciendo] grown up
  14167. :[creciendo] grownup
  14168. :[crecimiento] growth
  14169. :[comida] grub
  14170. :[resentimiento] grudge
  14171. :[engrudo] gruel
  14172. :[brusco] gruff
  14173. :[queja] grumble
  14174. :[gruion] grumpy
  14175. :[gruiido] grunt
  14176. :[garantia] guarantee
  14177. :[Guardia] guard
  14178. :[guardian] guardian
  14179. :[adivinar] guess
  14180. :[huesped] guest
  14181. :[Guia] guidance
  14182. :[guia] guide
  14183. :[engaio] guile
  14184. :[culpa] guilt
  14185. :[culpable] guilty
  14186. :[guitarra] guitar
  14187. :[Golfo] gulf
  14188. :[credulo] gullible
  14189. :[trago] gulp
  14190. :[chicle] gum
  14191. :[pistola] gun
  14192. :[tiroteo] gunfire
  14193. :[gorgoteo] gurgle
  14194. :[chorro] gush
  14195. :[rafaga] gust
  14196. :[intestino] gut
  14197. :[visceras] guts
  14198. :[canal] gutter
  14199. :[chico] guy
  14200. :[Gimnasio] gym
  14201. :[gimnasio] gymnasium
  14202. :[gitano] gypsy
  14203. :[merceria] haberdashery
  14204. :[habito] habit
  14205. :[habitat] habitat
  14206. :[habitual] habitual
  14207. :[cortar a tajos] hack
  14208. :[tenia] had
  14209. :[hemorragia] haemorrhage
  14210. :[bruja] hag
  14211. :[demacrado] haggard
  14212. :[Viva] hail
  14213. :[granizo] hailstone
  14214. :[cabello] hair
  14215. :[Corte de pelo] haircut
  14216. :[peluquero] hairdresser
  14217. :[peludo] hairy
  14218. :[mitad] half
  14219. :[a medio cocer] half-baked
  14220. :[medio hermano] half-brother
  14221. :[media Luna] half-moon
  14222. :[medio tiempo] half-time
  14223. :[Medio camino] halfway
  14224. :[Medio aio] half-year
  14225. :[sala] hall
  14226. :[alucinar] hallucinate
  14227. :[Vestibulo] hallway
  14228. :[detener] halt
  14229. :[reducir en la mitad] halve
  14230. :[jamon] ham
  14231. :[hamburguesa] hamburger
  14232. :[aldea] hamlet
  14233. :[martillo] hammer
  14234. :[hamaca] hammock
  14235. :[cesto] hamper
  14236. :[hamster] hamster
  14237. :[mano] hand
  14238. :[bolso] handbag
  14239. :[esposar] handcuff
  14240. :[puiado] handful
  14241. :[empuiadura] handgrip
  14242. :[Desventaja] handicap
  14243. :[minusvalido] handicapped
  14244. :[artesania] handicraft
  14245. :[paiuelo] handkerchief
  14246. :[resolver] handle
  14247. :[manejo] handling
  14248. :[apreton de manos] handshake
  14249. :[guapo] handsome
  14250. :[escritura] handwriting
  14251. :[practico] handy
  14252. :[personal de mantenimiento] handyman
  14253. :[colgar] hang
  14254. :[colgando] hanging
  14255. :[padrastro] hangnail
  14256. :[resaca] hangover
  14257. :[madeja] hank
  14258. :[al azar] haphazard
  14259. :[ocurrir] happen
  14260. :[felizmente] happily
  14261. :[felicidad] happiness
  14262. :[contento] happy
  14263. :[acosar] harass
  14264. :[acosando] harassing
  14265. :[acoso] harassment
  14266. :[puerto] harbour
  14267. :[duro] hard
  14268. :[hervido] hard-boiled
  14269. :[endurecer] harden
  14270. :[duramente] hardily
  14271. :[dificilmente] hardly
  14272. :[dureza] hardness
  14273. :[privacion] hardship
  14274. :[hardware] hardware
  14275. :[resistente] hardy
  14276. :[liebre] hare
  14277. :[daiar] harm
  14278. :[daiino] harmful
  14279. :[inofensivo] harmless
  14280. :[armonioso] harmonious
  14281. :[armonia] harmony
  14282. :[aprovechar] harness
  14283. :[arpa] harp
  14284. :[grada] harrow
  14285. :[Harry] harry
  14286. :[duro] harsh
  14287. :[cosecha] harvest
  14288. :[tiene] has
  14289. :[picadillo] hash
  14290. :[molestia] hassle
  14291. :[prisa] haste
  14292. :[apresurado] hasty
  14293. :[sombrero] hat
  14294. :[escotilla] hatch
  14295. :[hacha] hatchet
  14296. :[odio] hate
  14297. :[odioso] hateful
  14298. :[odio] hatred
  14299. :[arrogante] haughty
  14300. :[transportar] haul
  14301. :[anca] haunch
  14302. :[guarida] haunt
  14303. :[obsesionado] haunted
  14304. :[obsesionante] haunting
  14305. :[tengo] have
  14306. :[refugio] haven
  14307. :[teniendo] having
  14308. :[estragos] havoc
  14309. :[baya de espino] haw
  14310. :[halcon] hawk
  14311. :[heno] hay
  14312. :[peligro] hazard
  14313. :[peligroso] hazardous
  14314. :[calina] haze
  14315. :[color avellana] hazel
  14316. :[brumoso] hazy
  14317. :[el] he
  14318. :[cabeza] head
  14319. :[dolor de cabeza] headache
  14320. :[Boveda] heading
  14321. :[faro] headlight
  14322. :[titular] headline
  14323. :[auricular] headphone
  14324. :[sede] headquarter
  14325. :[embriagador] heady
  14326. :[sanar] heal
  14327. :[curacion] healing
  14328. :[salud] health
  14329. :[saludable] healthy
  14330. :[monton] heap
  14331. :[escuchar] hear
  14332. :[audiencia] hearing
  14333. :[corazon] heart
  14334. :[angustia] heartache
  14335. :[latido del corazon] heartbeat
  14336. :[desamor] heartbreak
  14337. :[desconsolado] heartbroken
  14338. :[acidez] heartburn
  14339. :[corazon] hearted
  14340. :[hogar] hearth
  14341. :[sinceramente] heartily
  14342. :[cruel] heartless
  14343. :[abundante] hearty
  14344. :[calor] heat
  14345. :[calentador] heater
  14346. :[pagano] heathen
  14347. :[brezo] heather
  14348. :[calefaccion] heating
  14349. :[tiron] heave
  14350. :[cielo] heaven
  14351. :[celestial] heavenly
  14352. :[fuertemente] heavily
  14353. :[pesadez] heaviness
  14354. :[pesado] heavy
  14355. :[frenetico] hectic
  14356. :[Hector] hector
  14357. :[cobertura] hedge
  14358. :[atencion] heed
  14359. :[desatento] heedless
  14360. :[tacon] heel
  14361. :[altura] height
  14362. :[heredero] heir
  14363. :[heredera] heiress
  14364. :[reliquia de familia] heirloom
  14365. :[retenida] held
  14366. :[helicoptero] helicopter
  14367. :[infierno] hell
  14368. :[Hola] hello
  14369. :[timon] helm
  14370. :[casco] helmet
  14371. :[ayuda] help
  14372. :[ayudante] helper
  14373. :[servicial] helpful
  14374. :[indefenso] helpless
  14375. :[dobladillo] hem
  14376. :[hemisferio] hemisphere
  14377. :[gallina] hen
  14378. :[por eso] hence
  14379. :[hepatitis] hepatitis
  14380. :[ella] her
  14381. :[heraldo] herald
  14382. :[hierba] herb
  14383. :[herbario] herbal
  14384. :[rebaio] herd
  14385. :[aqui] here
  14386. :[por la presente] hereby
  14387. :[hereditario] hereditary
  14388. :[herencia] heritage
  14389. :[hermico] hermic
  14390. :[heroe] hero
  14391. :[heroico] heroic
  14392. :[heroina] heroin
  14393. :[garza] heron
  14394. :[arenque] herring
  14395. :[suyo] hers
  14396. :[si misma] herself
  14397. :[dudar] hesitate
  14398. :[vacilacion] hesitation
  14399. :[el w] hew
  14400. :[hibernar] hibernate
  14401. :[hipo] hiccup
  14402. :[escondido] hid
  14403. :[oculto] hidden
  14404. :[esconder] hide
  14405. :[horrible] hideous
  14406. :[jerarquia] hierarchy
  14407. :[elevado] high
  14408. :[mas alto] highest
  14409. :[highjack] highjack
  14410. :[destacar] highlight
  14411. :[muy] highly
  14412. :[Alteza] highness
  14413. :[autopista] highway
  14414. :[caminata] hike
  14415. :[senderismo] hiking
  14416. :[gracioso] hilarious
  14417. :[Cerro] hill
  14418. :[el] him
  14419. :[el mismo] himself
  14420. :[posterior] hind
  14421. :[impedir] hinder
  14422. :[obstaculo] hindrance
  14423. :[comprension retrospectiva] hindsight
  14424. :[bisagra] hinge
  14425. :[insinuacion] hint
  14426. :[cadera] hip
  14427. :[contratar] hire
  14428. :[mercenario] hireling
  14429. :[contratacion] hiring
  14430. :[su] his
  14431. :[silbido] hiss
  14432. :[historiador] historian
  14433. :[historico] historic
  14434. :[historico] historical
  14435. :[historia] history
  14436. :[pegar] hit
  14437. :[enganche] hitch
  14438. :[colmena] hive
  14439. :[acumular] hoard
  14440. :[escarcha] hoarfrost
  14441. :[ronco] hoarse
  14442. :[broma] hoax
  14443. :[cojear] hobble
  14444. :[Hobby] hobby
  14445. :[hockey] hockey
  14446. :[cerdo] hog
  14447. :[sostener] hold
  14448. :[poseedor] holder
  14449. :[tenencia] holding
  14450. :[agujero] hole
  14451. :[fiesta] holiday
  14452. :[gritar] holler
  14453. :[hueco] hollow
  14454. :[santo] holy
  14455. :[hogar] home
  14456. :[regreso a casa] homecoming
  14457. :[Vagabundo] homeless
  14458. :[hecho en casa] homemade
  14459. :[nostalgico] homesick
  14460. :[pueblo natal] hometown
  14461. :[tarea] homework
  14462. :[homicida] homicidal
  14463. :[homicidio] homicide
  14464. :[homosexual] homosexual
  14465. :[honesto] honest
  14466. :[honestamente] honestly
  14467. :[honestidad] honesty
  14468. :[miel] honey
  14469. :[Luna de miel] honeymoon
  14470. :[honorario] honorary
  14471. :[honor] honour
  14472. :[honorable] honourable
  14473. :[honrado] honoured
  14474. :[honores] honours
  14475. :[capucha] hood
  14476. :[casco] hoof
  14477. :[gancho] hook
  14478. :[gamberro] hooligan
  14479. :[aro] hoop
  14480. :[hurra] hooray
  14481. :[ulular] hoot
  14482. :[brincar] hop
  14483. :[esperar] hope
  14484. :[esperanzado] hopeful
  14485. :[Ojala] hopefully
  14486. :[sin esperanza] hopeless
  14487. :[horizonte] horizon
  14488. :[horizontal] horizontal
  14489. :[hormona] hormone
  14490. :[bocina] horn
  14491. :[horoscopo] horoscope
  14492. :[horrible] horrible
  14493. :[terriblemente] horribly
  14494. :[horrorizado] horrified
  14495. :[horror] horror
  14496. :[caballo] horse
  14497. :[lado de caballo] horseback
  14498. :[manguera] hose
  14499. :[calceteria] hosiery
  14500. :[hospitalario] hospitable
  14501. :[hospital] hospital
  14502. :[hospitalidad] hospitality
  14503. :[anfitrion] host
  14504. :[rehen] hostage
  14505. :[anfitriona] hostess
  14506. :[hostil] hostile
  14507. :[hostilidad] hostility
  14508. :[caliente] hot
  14509. :[hotel] hotel
  14510. :[linea directa] hotline
  14511. :[sabueso] hound
  14512. :[hora] hour
  14513. :[reloj de arena] hourglass
  14514. :[casa] house
  14515. :[familiar] household
  14516. :[ama de casa] housekeeper
  14517. :[criada] housemaid
  14518. :[ama de casa] housewife
  14519. :[alojamiento] housing
  14520. :[flotar] hover
  14521. :[como] how
  14522. :[sin embargo] however
  14523. :[aullido] howl
  14524. :[marido] hubby
  14525. :[matiz] hue
  14526. :[abrazo] hug
  14527. :[enorme] huge
  14528. :[enormemente] hugely
  14529. :[tararear] hum
  14530. :[humano] human
  14531. :[humanidad] humanity
  14532. :[humanidad] humankind
  14533. :[humilde] humble
  14534. :[humedo] humid
  14535. :[humedad] humidity
  14536. :[humillar] humiliate
  14537. :[humillado] humiliated
  14538. :[humillacion] humiliation
  14539. :[humildad] humility
  14540. :[humoristico] humorous
  14541. :[humor] humour
  14542. :[joroba] hump
  14543. :[corazonada] hunch
  14544. :[centenar] hundred
  14545. :[colgado] hung
  14546. :[hambre] hunger
  14547. :[hambriento] hungry
  14548. :[pedazo] hunk
  14549. :[cazar] hunt
  14550. :[cazador] hunter
  14551. :[obstaculo] hurdle
  14552. :[lanzar] hurl
  14553. :[huracan] hurricane
  14554. :[apurarse] hurry
  14555. :[herir] hurt
  14556. :[hiriente] hurtful
  14557. :[marido] husband
  14558. :[Callate] hush
  14559. :[cascara] husk
  14560. :[fornido] husky
  14561. :[ajetreo] hustle
  14562. :[cabaia] hut
  14563. :[hibrido] hybrid
  14564. :[hidrogeno] hydrogen
  14565. :[higiene] hygiene
  14566. :[guion] hyphen
  14567. :[hipnotizar] hypnotize
  14568. :[hipocresia] hypocrisy
  14569. :[hipocrita] hypocrite
  14570. :[hipotesis] hypothesis
  14571. :[hipoteticamente] hypothetically
  14572. :[histeria] hysteria
  14573. :[histerico] hysterical
  14574. :[I] I
  14575. :[hielo] ice
  14576. :[helado] ice cream
  14577. :[iceberg] iceberg
  14578. :[carambano] icicle
  14579. :[glacialmente] icily
  14580. :[asqueroso] icky
  14581. :[icono] icon
  14582. :[glacial] icy
  14583. :[idea] idea
  14584. :[ideal] ideal
  14585. :[identico] identical
  14586. :[identificacion] identification
  14587. :[identificar] identify
  14588. :[identidad] identity
  14589. :[idioma] idiom
  14590. :[idiota] idiot
  14591. :[idiota] idiotic
  14592. :[inactivo] idle
  14593. :[idolo] idol
  14594. :[si] if
  14595. :[ignate] ignate
  14596. :[encendido] ignition
  14597. :[innoble] ignoble
  14598. :[ignorancia] ignorance
  14599. :[ignorante] ignorant
  14600. :[ignorar] ignore
  14601. :[postergacion] ignoring
  14602. :[enfermo] ill
  14603. :[ilegal] illegal
  14604. :[ilegalmente] illegally
  14605. :[ilegible] illegible
  14606. :[ilegitimo] illegimate
  14607. :[ilicito] illicit
  14608. :[analfabeto] illiterate
  14609. :[enfermedad] illness
  14610. :[ilogico] illogical
  14611. :[iluminar] illuminate
  14612. :[espejismo] illusion
  14613. :[ilusorio] illusive
  14614. :[ilustrar] illustrate
  14615. :[ilustracion] illustration
  14616. :[imagen] image
  14617. :[imaginable] imaginable
  14618. :[imaginario] imaginary
  14619. :[imaginacion] imagination
  14620. :[imagina] imagine
  14621. :[imbuir] imbue
  14622. :[imitar] imitate
  14623. :[inmaculado] immaculate
  14624. :[inmaduro] immature
  14625. :[inmediato] immediate
  14626. :[inmediatamente] immediately
  14627. :[inmenso] immense
  14628. :[inmensamente] immensely
  14629. :[sumergirse] immerse
  14630. :[inmigrante] immigrant
  14631. :[inmigrar] immigrate
  14632. :[inmigracion] immigration
  14633. :[inminente] imminent
  14634. :[inmovil] immobile
  14635. :[inmoderado] immoderate
  14636. :[inmoral] immoral
  14637. :[inmortal] immortal
  14638. :[inmortalidad] immortality
  14639. :[inamovible] immovable
  14640. :[inmune] immune
  14641. :[inmunidad] immunity
  14642. :[impacto] impact
  14643. :[imparcial] impartial
  14644. :[infranqueable] impassable
  14645. :[impaciencia] impatience
  14646. :[impaciente] impatient
  14647. :[impecable] impeccable
  14648. :[impedimento] impediment
  14649. :[impulsar] impel
  14650. :[inminente] impending
  14651. :[imperativo] imperative
  14652. :[imperfecto] imperfect
  14653. :[imperial] imperial
  14654. :[impersonal] impersonal
  14655. :[impertinente] impertinent
  14656. :[imperturbable] imperturbable
  14657. :[impetuoso] impetuous
  14658. :[impetu] impetus
  14659. :[travieso] impish
  14660. :[implacable] implacable
  14661. :[implante] implant
  14662. :[implementar] implement
  14663. :[implicacion] implication
  14664. :[implorar] implore
  14665. :[implicar] imply
  14666. :[descortes] impolite
  14667. :[importar] import
  14668. :[importancia] importance
  14669. :[importante] important
  14670. :[en tono rimbombante] importantly
  14671. :[imponer] impose
  14672. :[imposibilidad] impossibility
  14673. :[imposible] impossible
  14674. :[impostor] imposter
  14675. :[inexpugnable] impregnable
  14676. :[impresionar] impress
  14677. :[impresion] impression
  14678. :[impresionante] impressive
  14679. :[imprimir] imprint
  14680. :[encarcelar] imprison
  14681. :[improbable] improbable
  14682. :[incorrecto] improper
  14683. :[mejorar] improve
  14684. :[mejorado] improved
  14685. :[mejora] improvement
  14686. :[improvisar] improvise
  14687. :[imprudencia] imprudence
  14688. :[impulso] impulse
  14689. :[impulsivo] impulsive
  14690. :[impunidad] impunity
  14691. :[impuro] impure
  14692. :[en] in
  14693. :[incapacidad] inability
  14694. :[inaccesible] inaccessible
  14695. :[incorrecto] inaccurate
  14696. :[en accion] inaction
  14697. :[insuficiencia] inadequacy
  14698. :[inadecuado] inadequate
  14699. :[inadmisible] inadmissible
  14700. :[inane] inane
  14701. :[inapropiado] inappropriate
  14702. :[inaptitud] inapptitude
  14703. :[inatento] inattentive
  14704. :[inaudible] inaudible
  14705. :[inaugurar] inaugurate
  14706. :[innato] inborn
  14707. :[incapaz] incapable
  14708. :[encarnar] incarnate
  14709. :[incentivo] incentive
  14710. :[pulgada] inch
  14711. :[incidente] incident
  14712. :[incitar] incite
  14713. :[inclinacion] inclination
  14714. :[inclinacion] incline
  14715. :[cercar] inclose
  14716. :[incluir] include
  14717. :[ingreso] income
  14718. :[impuesto sobre la renta] income tax
  14719. :[entrante] incoming
  14720. :[incomparable] incomparable
  14721. :[incompatible] incompatible
  14722. :[incompetencia] incompetence
  14723. :[incompetente] incompetent
  14724. :[incompleto] incomplete
  14725. :[incomprensible] incomprehensible
  14726. :[inconcebible] inconceivable
  14727. :[inconsecuencia] inconsistency
  14728. :[inconveniencia] inconvenience
  14729. :[inconveniente] inconvenient
  14730. :[incorporar] incorporate
  14731. :[incorrecto] incorrect
  14732. :[incrementar] increase
  14733. :[cada vez mas] increasingly
  14734. :[increible] incredible
  14735. :[increiblemente] incredibly
  14736. :[incriminar] incriminate
  14737. :[incurable] incurable
  14738. :[endeudado] indebted
  14739. :[indecente] indecent
  14740. :[indecision] indecision
  14741. :[Por supuesto] indeed
  14742. :[indefinido] indefinite
  14743. :[indefinidamente] indefinitely
  14744. :[poco delicado] indelicate
  14745. :[independencia] independence
  14746. :[independiente] independent
  14747. :[indice] index
  14748. :[indicar] indicate
  14749. :[indicacion] indication
  14750. :[indicador] indicator
  14751. :[acusacion] indictment
  14752. :[indiferencia] indifference
  14753. :[indigena] indigenous
  14754. :[indigestion] indigestion
  14755. :[indignado] indignant
  14756. :[indirecto] indirect
  14757. :[indiscreto] indiscreet
  14758. :[indispensable] indispensable
  14759. :[indiscutible] indisputable
  14760. :[indistinto] indistinct
  14761. :[individual] individual
  14762. :[interior] indoor
  14763. :[inducir] induce
  14764. :[complacer] indulge
  14765. :[indulgencia] indulgence
  14766. :[industrial] industrial
  14767. :[industria] industry
  14768. :[incomible] inedible
  14769. :[ineficaz] ineffective
  14770. :[ineficiente] inefficient
  14771. :[inepto] inept
  14772. :[inerte] inert
  14773. :[inestimable] inestimable
  14774. :[inevitable] inevitable
  14775. :[inevitablemente] inevitably
  14776. :[inagotable] inexhaustible
  14777. :[inexorable] inexorable
  14778. :[inconveniente] inexpedient
  14779. :[inexperto] inexperienced
  14780. :[inexplicable] inexplicable
  14781. :[inextricable] inextricable
  14782. :[infalible] infallible
  14783. :[infame] infamous
  14784. :[infantil] infant
  14785. :[infanteria] infantry
  14786. :[chiflado por] infatuated
  14787. :[infectado] infected
  14788. :[infeccion] infection
  14789. :[inferir] infer
  14790. :[inferior] inferior
  14791. :[esteril] infertile
  14792. :[infestar] infest
  14793. :[infinito] infinite
  14794. :[enfermeria] infirmary
  14795. :[inflamar] inflame
  14796. :[inflamable] inflammable
  14797. :[inflar] inflate
  14798. :[inflacion] inflation
  14799. :[infligir] inflict
  14800. :[influencia] influence
  14801. :[influenza] influenza
  14802. :[afluencia] influx
  14803. :[info] info
  14804. :[informar] inform
  14805. :[informal] informal
  14806. :[informante] informant
  14807. :[informacion] information
  14808. :[infraestructura] infractructure
  14809. :[infraccion] infringement
  14810. :[enfurecer] infuriate
  14811. :[ingenioso] ingenious
  14812. :[entrante] ingoing
  14813. :[ingratitud] ingratitude
  14814. :[ingrediente] ingredient
  14815. :[habitar] inhabit
  14816. :[habitante] inhabitant
  14817. :[inhalar] inhale
  14818. :[heredar] inherit
  14819. :[herencia] inheritance
  14820. :[inhibir] inhibit
  14821. :[inhospito] inhospitable
  14822. :[inhumano] inhuman
  14823. :[inicial] initial
  14824. :[inicialmente] initially
  14825. :[iniciativa] initiative
  14826. :[inyectar] inject
  14827. :[inyeccion] injection
  14828. :[mandato] injunction
  14829. :[herido] injured
  14830. :[lesion] injury
  14831. :[injusticia] injustice
  14832. :[tinta] ink
  14833. :[interior] inland
  14834. :[preso] inmate
  14835. :[Posada] inn
  14836. :[interno] inner
  14837. :[inocencia] innocence
  14838. :[inocente] innocent
  14839. :[innovacion] innovation
  14840. :[innumerable] innumerable
  14841. :[inocular] inoculate
  14842. :[inofensivo] inoffensive
  14843. :[inoportuno] inopportune
  14844. :[paciente interno] in-patient
  14845. :[aporte] input
  14846. :[preguntar] inquire
  14847. :[consulta] inquiry
  14848. :[loco] insane
  14849. :[locura] insanity
  14850. :[inscribir] inscribe
  14851. :[insecto] insect
  14852. :[inseguro] insecure
  14853. :[inseguridad] insecurity
  14854. :[insensible] insensible
  14855. :[insensible] insensitive
  14856. :[inseparable] inseparable
  14857. :[insertar] insert
  14858. :[recuadro] inset
  14859. :[dentro] inside
  14860. :[conocimiento] insight
  14861. :[insignificante] insignificant
  14862. :[insinuar] insinuate
  14863. :[insistir] insist
  14864. :[insolencia] insolence
  14865. :[insoluble] insoluble
  14866. :[insomnio] insomnia
  14867. :[inspeccion] inspection
  14868. :[inspector] inspector
  14869. :[inspiracion] inspiration
  14870. :[inspirar] inspire
  14871. :[inspirador] inspiring
  14872. :[Instalar en pc] install
  14873. :[instalacion] installation
  14874. :[instalado] installed
  14875. :[entrega] instalment
  14876. :[ejemplo] instance
  14877. :[instante] instant
  14878. :[en lugar de] instead
  14879. :[instinto] instinct
  14880. :[instituto] institute
  14881. :[institucion] institution
  14882. :[instruir] instruct
  14883. :[instruccion] instruction
  14884. :[instructor] instructor
  14885. :[instrumento] instrument
  14886. :[insuficiente] insufficient
  14887. :[insular] insular
  14888. :[aislamiento] insulation
  14889. :[insulto] insult
  14890. :[insultante] insulting
  14891. :[intacto] intact
  14892. :[integral] integral
  14893. :[integracion] integration
  14894. :[integridad] integrity
  14895. :[intelecto] intellect
  14896. :[intelectual] intellectual
  14897. :[inteligencia] intelligence
  14898. :[inteligente] intelligent
  14899. :[intentar] intend
  14900. :[intenso] intense
  14901. :[intensivo] intensive
  14902. :[intencion] intent
  14903. :[intencion] intention
  14904. :[intencionalmente] intentionally
  14905. :[interactuar] interact
  14906. :[interceptar] intercept
  14907. :[coito] intercourse
  14908. :[interesar] interest
  14909. :[interesado] interested
  14910. :[interesante] interesting
  14911. :[interferir] interfere
  14912. :[interferencia] interference
  14913. :[provisional] interim
  14914. :[interior] interior
  14915. :[intermediario] intermediary
  14916. :[intermedio] intermediate
  14917. :[interno] intern
  14918. :[interno] internal
  14919. :[internacional] international
  14920. :[Internet] internet
  14921. :[interpretar] interpret
  14922. :[interpretacion] interpretation
  14923. :[interrogar] interrogate
  14924. :[interrogatorio] interrogation
  14925. :[interrumpir] interrupt
  14926. :[interrupcion] interruption
  14927. :[interseccion] intersection
  14928. :[interestatal] interstate
  14929. :[intervalo] interval
  14930. :[intervencion] intervention
  14931. :[entrevista] interview
  14932. :[intestino] intestine
  14933. :[intimidad] intimacy
  14934. :[intimo] intimate
  14935. :[intimidar] intimidate
  14936. :[intimidante] intimidating
  14937. :[dentro] into
  14938. :[intolerable] intolerable
  14939. :[intoxicar] intoxicate
  14940. :[intrepido] intrepid
  14941. :[intrincado] intricate
  14942. :[intriga] intrigue
  14943. :[intrigante] intriguing
  14944. :[introducir] introduce
  14945. :[presentando] introducing
  14946. :[Introduccion] introduction
  14947. :[entrometerse] intrude
  14948. :[intruso] intruder
  14949. :[intruso] intrusive
  14950. :[intuicion] intuition
  14951. :[invadir] invade
  14952. :[invadido] invaded
  14953. :[invalido] invalid
  14954. :[inestimable] invaluable
  14955. :[invariable] invariable
  14956. :[invasion] invasion
  14957. :[inventar] invent
  14958. :[invencion] invention
  14959. :[inventario] inventory
  14960. :[invertir] invest
  14961. :[investigar] investigate
  14962. :[investigacion] investigation
  14963. :[investigador] investigator
  14964. :[inversion] investment
  14965. :[inversor] investor
  14966. :[invencible] invincible
  14967. :[invisible] invisible
  14968. :[invitacion] invitation
  14969. :[invitacion] invite
  14970. :[atractivo] inviting
  14971. :[factura] invoice
  14972. :[invocar] invoke
  14973. :[involuntario] involuntary
  14974. :[involucrar] involve
  14975. :[intervencion] involvement
  14976. :[involucrando] involving
  14977. :[invulnerable] invulnerable
  14978. :[interior] inward
  14979. :[yodo] iodine
  14980. :[iris] iris
  14981. :[molesto] irksome
  14982. :[planchar] iron
  14983. :[ironico] ironic
  14984. :[ironia] irony
  14985. :[irradiar] irradiate
  14986. :[irracional] irrational
  14987. :[irregular] irregular
  14988. :[irrelevante] irrelevant
  14989. :[irreparable] irreparable
  14990. :[irreprochable] irreproachable
  14991. :[irresistible] irresistible
  14992. :[irresponsable] irresponsible
  14993. :[irrigar] irrigate
  14994. :[irritable] irriplaceable
  14995. :[irritable] irritable
  14996. :[irritar] irritate
  14997. :[irritante] irritating
  14998. :[es] is
  14999. :[isla] island
  15000. :[aislar] isolate
  15001. :[aislado] isolated
  15002. :[aislamiento] isolation
  15003. :[asunto] issue
  15004. :[Eso] It
  15005. :[italiano] Italian
  15006. :[Italia] Italy
  15007. :[picar] itch
  15008. :[Comezon] itching
  15009. :[que produce picor] itchy
  15010. :[articulo] item
  15011. :[itinerario] itinerary
  15012. :[su] its
  15013. :[si mismo] itself
  15014. :[Marfil] ivory
  15015. :[hiedra] ivy
  15016. :[pinchazo] jab
  15017. :[chacal] jackal
  15018. :[chaqueta] jacket
  15019. :[navaja] jack-knife
  15020. :[bote] jackpot
  15021. :[jade] jade
  15022. :[dentado] jagged
  15023. :[jaguar] jaguar
  15024. :[celda] jail
  15025. :[mermelada] jam
  15026. :[sonar] jangle
  15027. :[conserje] janitor
  15028. :[enero] January
  15029. :[japones] Japanese
  15030. :[frasco] jar
  15031. :[jerga] jargon
  15032. :[alegre] jaunty
  15033. :[jabalina] javelin
  15034. :[mandibula] jaw
  15035. :[arrendajo] jay
  15036. :[jazz] jazz
  15037. :[celoso] jealous
  15038. :[celos] jealousy
  15039. :[vaquero] jean
  15040. :[pantalones] jeans
  15041. :[todoterreno] jeep
  15042. :[burla] jeer
  15043. :[cuajar] jell
  15044. :[gelatina] jelly
  15045. :[poner en peligro] jeopardize
  15046. :[peligro] jeopardy
  15047. :[imbecil] jerk
  15048. :[jersey] jersey
  15049. :[broma] jest
  15050. :[Jesus] Jesus
  15051. :[chorro] jet
  15052. :[judio] Jew
  15053. :[joya] jewel
  15054. :[joyeria] jewellery
  15055. :[judio] Jewish
  15056. :[Judios] Jews
  15057. :[rompecabezas] jigsaw
  15058. :[tintineo] jingle
  15059. :[gafe] jinx
  15060. :[estar nervioso] jitter
  15061. :[trabajo] job
  15062. :[desempleado] jobless
  15063. :[jockey] jockey
  15064. :[empujoncito] jog
  15065. :[trotar] jogging
  15066. :[traqueo] joggle
  15067. :[entrar] join
  15068. :[union] joining
  15069. :[articulacion] joint
  15070. :[broma] joke
  15071. :[bufon] joker
  15072. :[alegre] jolly
  15073. :[sacudida] jolt
  15074. :[diario] journal
  15075. :[periodismo] journalism
  15076. :[el periodista] journalist
  15077. :[viaje] journey
  15078. :[jovial] jovial
  15079. :[alegria] joy
  15080. :[alegre] joyful
  15081. :[jubiloso] joyous
  15082. :[aniversario] jubilee
  15083. :[juez] judge
  15084. :[juicio] judgement
  15085. :[judicial] judicial
  15086. :[judicial] judicial
  15087. :[juicioso] judicious
  15088. :[jarra] jug
  15089. :[hacer juegos malabares] juggle
  15090. :[jugo] juice
  15091. :[jugoso] juicy
  15092. :[julio] July
  15093. :[jumbo] jumbo
  15094. :[salto] jump
  15095. :[saltador] jumper
  15096. :[asustadizo] jumpy
  15097. :[union] junction
  15098. :[union] junction
  15099. :[junio] June
  15100. :[selva] jungle
  15101. :[junior] junior
  15102. :[basura] junk
  15103. :[comida chatarra] junk food
  15104. :[jurisdiccion] jurisdiction
  15105. :[jurado] jury
  15106. :[solo] just
  15107. :[justicia] justice
  15108. :[justificacion] justification
  15109. :[justificado] justified
  15110. :[justificar] justify
  15111. :[sobresalir] jut
  15112. :[juvenil] juvenile
  15113. :[yuxtaponer] juxtapose
  15114. :[yuxtaposicion] juxtaposition
  15115. :[caleidoscopio] kaleidoscope
  15116. :[canguro] kangaroo
  15117. :[karate] karate
  15118. :[quilla] keel
  15119. :[entusiasta] keen
  15120. :[guardar] keep
  15121. :[guardian] keeper
  15122. :[barrilete] keg
  15123. :[conocido] ken
  15124. :[bordillo] kerb
  15125. :[nucleo] kernel
  15126. :[salsa de tomate] ketchup
  15127. :[Pava] kettle
  15128. :[llave] key
  15129. :[teclado] keyboard
  15130. :[ojo de cerradura] keyhole
  15131. :[fundamental] keynote
  15132. :[patear] kick
  15133. :[niio] kid
  15134. :[es una broma] kidding
  15135. :[secuestrar] kidnap
  15136. :[secuestro] kidnapping
  15137. :[riion] kidney
  15138. :[matar] kill
  15139. :[asesino] killer
  15140. :[kilometro] kilometre
  15141. :[familiares] kin
  15142. :[amable] kind
  15143. :[jardin de infancia] kindergarten
  15144. :[encender] kindle
  15145. :[amable] kindly
  15146. :[amabilidad] kindness
  15147. :[Rey] king
  15148. :[Reino] kingdom
  15149. :[Beso] kiss
  15150. :[equipo] kit
  15151. :[cocina] kitchen
  15152. :[gatito] kitten
  15153. :[gatito] kitty
  15154. :[maia] knack
  15155. :[amasar] knead
  15156. :[rodilla] knee
  15157. :[arrodillarse] kneel
  15158. :[supo] knew
  15159. :[cuchillo] knife
  15160. :[Caballero] knight
  15161. :[tejer] knit
  15162. :[tejido de punto] knitting
  15163. :[cuchillos] knives
  15164. :[mando] knob
  15165. :[golpear] knock
  15166. :[knockear] knockout
  15167. :[nudo] knot
  15168. :[saber] know
  15169. :[saber como] know-how
  15170. :[conocimiento] knowledge
  15171. :[conocido] known
  15172. :[nudillo] knuckle
  15173. :[laboratorio] lab
  15174. :[etiqueta] label
  15175. :[laboratorio] laboratory
  15176. :[labor] labour
  15177. :[cordon] lace
  15178. :[lacerar] lacerate
  15179. :[ausencia] lack
  15180. :[carente] lacking
  15181. :[inutil] lackless
  15182. :[barniz] lacquer
  15183. :[de encaje] lacy
  15184. :[muchacho] lad
  15185. :[escalera] ladder
  15186. :[cargado] laden
  15187. :[cucharon] ladle
  15188. :[seiora] lady
  15189. :[retraso] lag
  15190. :[laguna] lagoon
  15191. :[establecido] laid
  15192. :[guarida] lair
  15193. :[lago] lake
  15194. :[Cordero] lamb
  15195. :[aburrido] lame
  15196. :[lamento] lament
  15197. :[lampara] lamp
  15198. :[Poste de luz] lamppost
  15199. :[pantalla de lampara] lamp-shade
  15200. :[lanza] lance
  15201. :[tierra] land
  15202. :[recalada] landfall
  15203. :[aterrizaje] landing
  15204. :[dueia] landlady
  15205. :[propietario] landlord
  15206. :[punto de referencia] landmark
  15207. :[paisaje] landscape
  15208. :[carril] lane
  15209. :[carril] lanentable
  15210. :[idioma] language
  15211. :[languido] languid
  15212. :[languidecer] languish
  15213. :[alto y delgado] lank
  15214. :[linterna] lantern
  15215. :[regazo] lap
  15216. :[lapso] lapse
  15217. :[ordenador portatil] laptop
  15218. :[manteca de cerdo] lard
  15219. :[mantecoso] lardy
  15220. :[grande] large
  15221. :[en gran parte] largely
  15222. :[mas grande] larger
  15223. :[mas grande] largest
  15224. :[alondra] lark
  15225. :[lascivo] lascivious
  15226. :[laser] laser
  15227. :[latigazo] lash
  15228. :[lasitud] lassitude
  15229. :[ultimo] last
  15230. :[perdurable] lasting
  15231. :[pestillo] latch
  15232. :[tarde] late
  15233. :[ultimamente] lately
  15234. :[latente] latent
  15235. :[mas tarde] later
  15236. :[lateral] lateral
  15237. :[mas reciente] latest
  15238. :[torno] lathe
  15239. :[espuma] lather
  15240. :[latitud] latitude
  15241. :[ultimo] latter
  15242. :[enrejado] lattice
  15243. :[reir] laugh
  15244. :[la risa] laughter
  15245. :[lanzamiento] launch
  15246. :[lavanderia] laundry
  15247. :[laurel] laurel
  15248. :[lavabo] lavatory
  15249. :[lavanda] lavender
  15250. :[prodigar] lavish
  15251. :[prodigalidad] lavishness
  15252. :[ley] law
  15253. :[legalmente] lawfully
  15254. :[cesped] lawn
  15255. :[demanda judicial] lawsuit
  15256. :[abogado] lawyer
  15257. :[flojo] lax
  15258. :[laxante] laxative
  15259. :[poner] lay
  15260. :[capa] layer
  15261. :[tendido] laying
  15262. :[diseio] layout
  15263. :[pereza] laziness
  15264. :[perezoso] lazy
  15265. :[dirigir] lead
  15266. :[de plomo] leaden
  15267. :[lider] leader
  15268. :[liderazgo] leadership
  15269. :[principal] leading
  15270. :[hoja] leaf
  15271. :[liga] league
  15272. :[fuga] leak
  15273. :[inclinarse] lean
  15274. :[salto] leap
  15275. :[aio bisiesto] leap year
  15276. :[aprender] learn
  15277. :[alquiler] lease
  15278. :[arrendatario] leaseholder
  15279. :[Correa] leash
  15280. :[menos] least
  15281. :[cuero] leather
  15282. :[dejar] leave
  15283. :[conferencia] lecture
  15284. :[repisa] ledge
  15285. :[sanguijuela] leech
  15286. :[sospechoso] leery
  15287. :[izquierda] left
  15288. :[sobrante] leftover
  15289. :[pierna] leg
  15290. :[legado] legacy
  15291. :[legal] legal
  15292. :[legalizar] legalize
  15293. :[legalmente] legally
  15294. :[leyenda] legend
  15295. :[legendario] legendary
  15296. :[zanquilargo] leggy
  15297. :[legislacion] legislation
  15298. :[legitimo] legitimate
  15299. :[ocio] leisure
  15300. :[limon] lemon
  15301. :[limonada] lemonade
  15302. :[prestar] lend
  15303. :[largo] length
  15304. :[alargar] lengthen
  15305. :[indulgente] lenient
  15306. :[lente] lens
  15307. :[prestado] lent
  15308. :[leopardo] leopard
  15309. :[lesbianas] lesbian
  15310. :[menos] less
  15311. :[menor] lesser
  15312. :[leccion] lesson
  15313. :[dejar] let
  15314. :[letal] lethal
  15315. :[carta] letter
  15316. :[dejando] letting
  15317. :[lechuga] lettuce
  15318. :[leucemia] leukemia
  15319. :[nivel] level
  15320. :[palanca] lever
  15321. :[aprovechar] leverage
  15322. :[ligereza] levity
  15323. :[exaccion] levy
  15324. :[responsabilidad] liability
  15325. :[responsable] liable
  15326. :[enlace] liaison
  15327. :[mentiroso] liar
  15328. :[difamacion] libel
  15329. :[difamatorio] libellous
  15330. :[liberal] liberal
  15331. :[libertad] liberty
  15332. :[bibliotecario] librarian
  15333. :[Biblioteca] library
  15334. :[licencia] licence
  15335. :[licencia] license
  15336. :[lamer] lick
  15337. :[paliza] licking
  15338. :[tapa] lid
  15339. :[mentir] lie
  15340. :[teniente] lieutenant
  15341. :[vida] life
  15342. :[estilo de vida] lifestyle
  15343. :[toda la vida] lifetime
  15344. :[elevar] lift
  15345. :[levantamiento] lifting
  15346. :[luz] light
  15347. :[aligerar] lighten
  15348. :[encendedor] lighter
  15349. :[faro] lighthouse
  15350. :[Encendiendo] lighting
  15351. :[ligeramente] lightly
  15352. :[relampago] lightning
  15353. :[igual que] like
  15354. :[simpatico] likeable
  15355. :[probabilidad] likelihood
  15356. :[probable] likely
  15357. :[igualmente] likewise
  15358. :[gusto] liking
  15359. :[lila] lilac
  15360. :[lirio] lily
  15361. :[miembro] limb
  15362. :[limbo] limbo
  15363. :[Lima] lime
  15364. :[luz de calcio] limelight
  15365. :[luz de calcio] limelight
  15366. :[limero] lime-tree
  15367. :[limite] limit
  15368. :[limitacion] limitation
  15369. :[limitado] limited
  15370. :[sin limites] limitless
  15371. :[cojear] limp
  15372. :[linea] line
  15373. :[lineal] lineal
  15374. :[lineal] linear
  15375. :[lino] linen
  15376. :[persistir] linger
  15377. :[lenceria] lingerie
  15378. :[recubrimiento] lining
  15379. :[Enlace] link
  15380. :[vinculado] linked
  15381. :[hilas] lint
  15382. :[leon] lion
  15383. :[leona] lioness
  15384. :[labio] lip
  15385. :[labios] lips
  15386. :[lapiz labial] lipstick
  15387. :[liquido] liquid
  15388. :[liquidar] liquidate
  15389. :[espiritu] liquor
  15390. :[ceceo] lisp
  15391. :[lista] list
  15392. :[enumerado] listed
  15393. :[escucha] listen
  15394. :[oyente] listener
  15395. :[apatico] listless
  15396. :[iluminado] lit
  15397. :[literatura] literacy
  15398. :[literalmente] literally
  15399. :[literario] literary
  15400. :[literatura] literature
  15401. :[agil] lithe
  15402. :[litro] litre
  15403. :[basura] litter
  15404. :[poco] little
  15405. :[En Vivo] live
  15406. :[sustento] livelihood
  15407. :[vivacidad] liveliness
  15408. :[dinamico] lively
  15409. :[higado] liver
  15410. :[ganado] livestock
  15411. :[viviendo] living
  15412. :[lagarto] lizard
  15413. :[carga] load
  15414. :[pan] loaf
  15415. :[prestamo] loan
  15416. :[detestar] loathe
  15417. :[vestibulo] lobby
  15418. :[langosta] lobster
  15419. :[local] local
  15420. :[en la zona] locally
  15421. :[localizar] locate
  15422. :[situado] located
  15423. :[localizacion] location
  15424. :[cerrar con llave] lock
  15425. :[cierre de emergencia] lockdown
  15426. :[armario] locker
  15427. :[medallon] locket
  15428. :[cierre] locking
  15429. :[carcel] lockup
  15430. :[locomotora] locomotive
  15431. :[sustituto] locum
  15432. :[lugar] locus
  15433. :[langosta] locust
  15434. :[presentar] lodge
  15435. :[desvan] loft
  15436. :[Iniciar sesion] log
  15437. :[logica] logic
  15438. :[logico] logical
  15439. :[lomo] loin
  15440. :[holgazaneando] loitering
  15441. :[chupete] lollipop
  15442. :[solitario] lone
  15443. :[soledad] loneliness
  15444. :[solitario] lonely
  15445. :[Solitario] loner
  15446. :[solitario] lonesome
  15447. :[largo] long
  15448. :[mas largo] longest
  15449. :[anhelo] longing
  15450. :[longitud] longitude
  15451. :[lavabo] loo
  15452. :[Mira] look
  15453. :[Estar atento] lookout
  15454. :[telar] loom
  15455. :[circulo] loop
  15456. :[suelto] loose
  15457. :[aflojar] loosen
  15458. :[botin] loot
  15459. :[seior] lord
  15460. :[camion] lorry
  15461. :[perder] lose
  15462. :[perdedor] loser
  15463. :[perdida] loss
  15464. :[perdio] lost
  15465. :[lote] lot
  15466. :[locion] lotion
  15467. :[un monton] lots
  15468. :[loteria] lottery
  15469. :[fuerte] loud
  15470. :[mas fuerte] louder
  15471. :[salon] lounge
  15472. :[piojo] louse
  15473. :[malisimo] lousy
  15474. :[amor] love
  15475. :[encantador] lovely
  15476. :[amante] lover
  15477. :[cariioso] loving
  15478. :[bajo] low
  15479. :[mas bajo] lower
  15480. :[mas bajo] lowest
  15481. :[mala vida] lowlife
  15482. :[leal] loyal
  15483. :[lealtad] loyalty
  15484. :[pastilla] lozenge
  15485. :[lubricante] lubricant
  15486. :[lucent] lucent
  15487. :[lucidez] lucidity
  15488. :[suerte] luck
  15489. :[Afortunadamente] luckily
  15490. :[afortunado] lucky
  15491. :[lucrativo] lucrative
  15492. :[ridiculo] ludicrous
  15493. :[equipaje] luggage
  15494. :[tibio] lukewarm
  15495. :[calma] lull
  15496. :[cancion de cuna] lullaby
  15497. :[Tablas de madera] lumber
  15498. :[luminoso] luminous
  15499. :[bulto] lump
  15500. :[aterronado] lumpy
  15501. :[lunatico] lunatic
  15502. :[comida] lunch
  15503. :[hora de comer] lunchtime
  15504. :[pulmon] lung
  15505. :[seiuelo] lure
  15506. :[Acechar] lurk
  15507. :[delicioso] luscious
  15508. :[lujuria] lust
  15509. :[lustre] lustre
  15510. :[exuberante] luxuriant
  15511. :[lujo] luxury
  15512. :[mintiendo] lying
  15513. :[lirico] lyrical
  15514. :[letra] lyrics
  15515. :[macarrones] macaroni
  15516. :[maquina] machine
  15517. :[maquinaria] machinery
  15518. :[enojado] mad
  15519. :[seiora] madam
  15520. :[enloquecer] madden
  15521. :[hecha] made
  15522. :[arreglado] made-up
  15523. :[locamente] madly
  15524. :[loco] madman
  15525. :[Locura] madness
  15526. :[maestro] maestro
  15527. :[mafia] mafia
  15528. :[revista] magazine
  15529. :[gusano] maggot
  15530. :[magia] magic
  15531. :[magico] magical
  15532. :[por arte de magia] magically
  15533. :[mago] magician
  15534. :[magistrado] magistrate
  15535. :[magnanimidad] magnanimity
  15536. :[iman] magnet
  15537. :[magnetico] magnetic
  15538. :[magnifico] magnificent
  15539. :[aumentar] magnify
  15540. :[magnitud] magnitude
  15541. :[urraca] magpie
  15542. :[mucama] maid
  15543. :[doncella] maiden
  15544. :[correo] mail
  15545. :[buzon] mailbox
  15546. :[cartero] mailman
  15547. :[mutilar] maim
  15548. :[principal] main
  15549. :[continente] mainland
  15550. :[principalmente] mainly
  15551. :[mantener] maintain
  15552. :[mantenimiento] maintenance
  15553. :[majestuoso] majestic
  15554. :[majestad] majesty
  15555. :[importante] major
  15556. :[mayoria] majority
  15557. :[hacer] make
  15558. :[cambio de imagen] makeover
  15559. :[fabricante] maker
  15560. :[maquillaje] makeup
  15561. :[masculino] male
  15562. :[malicia] malice
  15563. :[malicioso] malicious
  15564. :[maligno] malignant
  15565. :[centro comercial] mall
  15566. :[desnutricion] malnutrition
  15567. :[malta] malt
  15568. :[mamifero] mammal
  15569. :[mamut] mammoth
  15570. :[hombre] man
  15571. :[administrar] manage
  15572. :[administracion] management
  15573. :[gerente] manager
  15574. :[mandato] mandate
  15575. :[obligatorio] mandatory
  15576. :[melena] mane
  15577. :[virilidad] manhood
  15578. :[mania] mania
  15579. :[maniaco] maniac
  15580. :[manicura] manicure
  15581. :[manifiesto] manifest
  15582. :[manipular] manipulate
  15583. :[manipulacion] manipulation
  15584. :[manipulativo] manipulative
  15585. :[humanidad] mankind
  15586. :[varonil] manly
  15587. :[conducta] manner
  15588. :[maniobra] manoeuvre
  15589. :[seiorio] manor
  15590. :[mano de obra] manpower
  15591. :[mansion] mansion
  15592. :[homicidio involuntario] manslaughter
  15593. :[manual] manual
  15594. :[fabricar] manufacture
  15595. :[fabricante] manufacturer
  15596. :[estiercol] manure
  15597. :[manuscrito] manuscript
  15598. :[muchos] many
  15599. :[mapa] map
  15600. :[arce] maple
  15601. :[mar] mar
  15602. :[maraton] marathon
  15603. :[marmol] marble
  15604. :[marcha] march
  15605. :[marcha] March
  15606. :[de marcha] marching
  15607. :[yegua] mare
  15608. :[margarina] margarine
  15609. :[margen] margin
  15610. :[marijuana] marijuana
  15611. :[escabeche] marinade
  15612. :[marina] marine
  15613. :[marital] marital
  15614. :[Marcos] mark
  15615. :[marcador] marker
  15616. :[mercado] market
  15617. :[marketing] marketing
  15618. :[mermelada] marmalade
  15619. :[matrimonio] marriage
  15620. :[casado] married
  15621. :[medula] marrow
  15622. :[casar] marry
  15623. :[pantano] marsh
  15624. :[mariscal] marshal
  15625. :[pantanoso] marshy
  15626. :[mercado] mart
  15627. :[marta] marten
  15628. :[marcial] martial
  15629. :[martir] martyr
  15630. :[maravilla] marvel
  15631. :[maravilloso] marvellous
  15632. :[mascara] mascara
  15633. :[masculino] masculine
  15634. :[mezcla] mash
  15635. :[mascara] mask
  15636. :[masa] mass
  15637. :[masacre] massacre
  15638. :[masaje] massage
  15639. :[masivo] massive
  15640. :[mastil] mast
  15641. :[Maestro] master
  15642. :[obra maestra] masterpiece
  15643. :[estera] mat
  15644. :[fosforo] match
  15645. :[pareo] matching
  15646. :[compaiero] mate
  15647. :[material] material
  15648. :[materialista] materialistic
  15649. :[materno] maternal
  15650. :[maternidad] maternity
  15651. :[Matematicas] math
  15652. :[matematicas] mathematics
  15653. :[matrimonio] matrimony
  15654. :[matriz] matrix
  15655. :[mate] matt
  15656. :[importar] matter
  15657. :[colchon] mattress
  15658. :[maduro] mature
  15659. :[madurez] maturity
  15660. :[mausoleo] mausoleum
  15661. :[maximo] maximum
  15662. :[mayo] may
  15663. :[Mayo] May
  15664. :[quizas] maybe
  15665. :[violencia] mayhem
  15666. :[mayonesa] mayonnaise
  15667. :[alcalde] mayor
  15668. :[laberinto] maze
  15669. :[me] me
  15670. :[prado] meadow
  15671. :[comida] meal
  15672. :[significar] mean
  15673. :[sentido] meaning
  15674. :[significativo] meaningful
  15675. :[sin sentido] meaningless
  15676. :[medio] means
  15677. :[mientras tanto] meantime
  15678. :[mientras tanto] meanwhile
  15679. :[sarampion] measles
  15680. :[la medida] measure
  15681. :[medicion] measurement
  15682. :[carne] meat
  15683. :[pastel de carne] meatloaf
  15684. :[mecanico] mechanic
  15685. :[mecanico] mechanical
  15686. :[mecanismo] mechanism
  15687. :[medalla] medal
  15688. :[intromision] meddling
  15689. :[medios de comunicacion] media
  15690. :[mediar] mediate
  15691. :[medico] medic
  15692. :[medico] medical
  15693. :[medicamento] medication
  15694. :[medicamento] medicine
  15695. :[medieval] medieval
  15696. :[mediocre] mediocre
  15697. :[medio] medium
  15698. :[manso] meek
  15699. :[encontrarse] meet
  15700. :[cita] meeting
  15701. :[melancolia] melancholy
  15702. :[meloso] mellow
  15703. :[melodramatico] melodramatic
  15704. :[melodia] melody
  15705. :[melon] melon
  15706. :[derretir] melt
  15707. :[fusion de un reactor] meltdown
  15708. :[derritiendo] melting
  15709. :[afiliacion] membership
  15710. :[memorable] memorable
  15711. :[monumento] memorial
  15712. :[memorizar] memorize
  15713. :[memoria] memory
  15714. :[hombres] men
  15715. :[amenaza] menace
  15716. :[arreglar] mend
  15717. :[mental] mental
  15718. :[mentalmente] mentally
  15719. :[mencionar] mention
  15720. :[mentor] mentor
  15721. :[menu] menu
  15722. :[maullar] meow
  15723. :[mercenario] mercenary
  15724. :[mercancias] merchandise
  15725. :[comerciante] merchant
  15726. :[misericordioso] merciful
  15727. :[mercurio] mercury
  15728. :[misericordia] mercy
  15729. :[mero] mere
  15730. :[simplemente] merely
  15731. :[unir] merge
  15732. :[fusion] merger
  15733. :[merito] merit
  15734. :[sirena] mermaid
  15735. :[alegria] merriment
  15736. :[alegre] merry
  15737. :[malla] mesh
  15738. :[hipnotizar] mesmerize
  15739. :[desorden] mess
  15740. :[mensaje] message
  15741. :[Mensajero] messenger
  15742. :[desordenado] messy
  15743. :[metal] metal
  15744. :[metafora] metaphor
  15745. :[meteorito] meteor
  15746. :[metro] meter
  15747. :[metodo] method
  15748. :[metro] metre
  15749. :[metrico] metric
  15750. :[metropolitano] metropolitan
  15751. :[ratones] mice
  15752. :[microfono] microphone
  15753. :[microscopio] microscope
  15754. :[microonda] microwave
  15755. :[medio] mid
  15756. :[mediodia] midday
  15757. :[medio] middle
  15758. :[de edad mediana] middle-aged
  15759. :[mosquito] midge
  15760. :[enano] midget
  15761. :[del interior] midland
  15762. :[medianoche] midnight
  15763. :[medio] midst
  15764. :[pleno verano] midsummer
  15765. :[Mediano plazo] midterm
  15766. :[Partera] midwife
  15767. :[podria] might
  15768. :[poderoso] mighty
  15769. :[migraia] migraine
  15770. :[inmigrante] migrant
  15771. :[migracion] migration
  15772. :[leve] mild
  15773. :[levemente] mildly
  15774. :[suavidad] mildness
  15775. :[milla] mile
  15776. :[kilometraje] mileage
  15777. :[hito] milestone
  15778. :[militante] militant
  15779. :[militar] military
  15780. :[Leche] milk
  15781. :[molino] mill
  15782. :[milenio] millennium
  15783. :[molinero] miller
  15784. :[miligramo] milligram
  15785. :[millon] million
  15786. :[millonario] millionaire
  15787. :[imitar] mimic
  15788. :[desmenuzar] mince
  15789. :[mente] mind
  15790. :[guardaespaldas] minder
  15791. :[imbecil] mindless
  15792. :[imbecil] mindless
  15793. :[mia] mine
  15794. :[campo de minas] minefield
  15795. :[mineral] mineral
  15796. :[mezclarse] mingle
  15797. :[mini] mini
  15798. :[miniatura] miniature
  15799. :[minimo] minimal
  15800. :[minimizar] minimize
  15801. :[minimo] minimum
  15802. :[ministro] minister
  15803. :[ministerio] ministry
  15804. :[vison] mink
  15805. :[menor] minor
  15806. :[minoria] minority
  15807. :[menta] mint
  15808. :[menos] minus
  15809. :[minuto] minute
  15810. :[milagro] miracle
  15811. :[milagroso] miraculous
  15812. :[espejo] mirror
  15813. :[alegria] mirth
  15814. :[calcular mal] miscalculate
  15815. :[aborto espontaneo] miscarriage
  15816. :[diverso] miscellaneous
  15817. :[Travesura] mischief
  15818. :[avaro] miser
  15819. :[miserable] miserable
  15820. :[miseria] misery
  15821. :[fallar] misfire
  15822. :[desgracia] misfortune
  15823. :[equivocado] misguided
  15824. :[manejar mal] mishandle
  15825. :[juzgar mal] misjudge
  15826. :[engaiar] mislead
  15827. :[perder] misplace
  15828. :[pierda] miss
  15829. :[misil] missile
  15830. :[desaparecido] missing
  15831. :[mision] mission
  15832. :[escribir mal] misspell
  15833. :[neblina] mist
  15834. :[error] mistake
  15835. :[equivocado] mistaken
  15836. :[seior] mister
  15837. :[muerdago] mistletoe
  15838. :[amante] mistress
  15839. :[desconfianza] mistrust
  15840. :[brumoso] misty
  15841. :[entender mal] misunderstand
  15842. :[mal uso] misuse
  15843. :[miton] mitten
  15844. :[mezcla] mix
  15845. :[mezclado] mixed
  15846. :[mezcla] mixture
  15847. :[gemir] moan
  15848. :[multitud] mob
  15849. :[movil] mobile
  15850. :[telefono movil] mobile phone
  15851. :[burlarse de] mock
  15852. :[burlon] mocking
  15853. :[modo] mode
  15854. :[modelo] model
  15855. :[modelado] modeling
  15856. :[moderar] moderate
  15857. :[moderno] modern
  15858. :[modesto] modest
  15859. :[modificar] modify
  15860. :[modulo] module
  15861. :[humedo] moist
  15862. :[humedad] moisture
  15863. :[Topo] mole
  15864. :[molecular] molecular
  15865. :[molecula] molecule
  15866. :[mama] mom
  15867. :[momento] moment
  15868. :[momentaneamente] momentarily
  15869. :[momentaneo] momentary
  15870. :[mami] mommy
  15871. :[monarquia] monarchy
  15872. :[monasterio] monastery
  15873. :[lunes] Monday
  15874. :[dinero] money
  15875. :[monitor] monitor
  15876. :[monje] monk
  15877. :[mono] monkey
  15878. :[monopolio] monopoly
  15879. :[monstruo] monster
  15880. :[mes] month
  15881. :[mensual] monthly
  15882. :[Montley] montley
  15883. :[Monumento] monument
  15884. :[estado animico] mood
  15885. :[temperamental] moody
  15886. :[Luna] moon
  15887. :[luz de la luna] moonlight
  15888. :[Paramo] moor
  15889. :[discutible] moot
  15890. :[fregar] mop
  15891. :[melancolico] mope
  15892. :[moral] moral
  15893. :[moralidad] morality
  15894. :[moralmente] morally
  15895. :[morbido] morbid
  15896. :[mas] more
  15897. :[es mas] moreover
  15898. :[morgue] morgue
  15899. :[Maiana] morning
  15900. :[imbecil] moron
  15901. :[bocado] morsel
  15902. :[mortal] mortal
  15903. :[hipoteca] mortgage
  15904. :[mortificar] mortify
  15905. :[mezquita] mosque
  15906. :[mosquito] mosquito
  15907. :[musgo] moss
  15908. :[la mayoria] most
  15909. :[principalmente] mostly
  15910. :[motel] motel
  15911. :[polilla] moth
  15912. :[madre] mother
  15913. :[maternidad] motherhood
  15914. :[movimiento] motion
  15915. :[motivar] motivate
  15916. :[motivacion] motivation
  15917. :[motivo] motive
  15918. :[motor] motor
  15919. :[motocicleta] motorcycle
  15920. :[autopista] motorway
  15921. :[lema] motto
  15922. :[molde] mould
  15923. :[montar] mount
  15924. :[montaia] mountain
  15925. :[montado] mounted
  15926. :[llorar] mourn
  15927. :[luto] mourning
  15928. :[raton] mouse
  15929. :[bigote] moustache
  15930. :[boca] mouth
  15931. :[moverse] move
  15932. :[movimiento] movement
  15933. :[agente de mudanzas] mover
  15934. :[pelicula] movie
  15935. :[Moviente] moving
  15936. :[cortar] mow
  15937. :[mucho] much
  15938. :[lodo] mud
  15939. :[lodoso] muddy
  15940. :[mollete] muffin
  15941. :[amortiguar] muffle
  15942. :[taza] mug
  15943. :[asaltado] mugged
  15944. :[mora] mulberry
  15945. :[mula] mule
  15946. :[multi] multi
  15947. :[multicultural] multicultural
  15948. :[multiple] multiple
  15949. :[multiplicar] multiply
  15950. :[mama] mum
  15951. :[mascullar] mumble
  15952. :[momia] mummy
  15953. :[mural] mural
  15954. :[asesinato] murder
  15955. :[asesino] murderer
  15956. :[murmullo] murmur
  15957. :[musculo] muscle
  15958. :[musa] muse
  15959. :[museo] museum
  15960. :[gachas] mush
  15961. :[champiion] mushroom
  15962. :[pulposo] mushy
  15963. :[musica] music
  15964. :[musical] musical
  15965. :[musico] musician
  15966. :[mejillon] mussel
  15967. :[debe] must
  15968. :[mostaza] mustard
  15969. :[rancio] musty
  15970. :[silencio] mute
  15971. :[mudez] muteness
  15972. :[mutilar] mutilate
  15973. :[rebelde] mutinous
  15974. :[murmurar] mutter
  15975. :[Carne de cordero] mutton
  15976. :[mutuo] mutual
  15977. :[bozal] muzzle
  15978. :[mi] my
  15979. :[yo mismo] myself
  15980. :[misterioso] mysterious
  15981. :[misterio] mystery
  15982. :[mistico] mystic
  15983. :[mistico] mystical
  15984. :[mito] myth
  15985. :[rocin] nag
  15986. :[persistente] nagging
  15987. :[clavo] nail
  15988. :[ingenuo] naive
  15989. :[desnudo] naked
  15990. :[nombre] name
  15991. :[sin nombre] nameless
  15992. :[a saber] namely
  15993. :[homonimo] namesake
  15994. :[niiera] nanny
  15995. :[siesta] nap
  15996. :[servilleta] napkin
  15997. :[narcotico] narcotic
  15998. :[narrativa] narrative
  15999. :[estrecho] narrow
  16000. :[nasal] nasal
  16001. :[desagradable] nasty
  16002. :[nacion] nation
  16003. :[nacional] national
  16004. :[nacionalidad] nationality
  16005. :[nativo] native
  16006. :[natural] natural
  16007. :[naturalmente] naturally
  16008. :[naturaleza] nature
  16009. :[travieso] naughty
  16010. :[nausea] nausea
  16011. :[nauseabundo] nauseous
  16012. :[nautico] nautical
  16013. :[naval] naval
  16014. :[ombligo] navel
  16015. :[navegable] navigable
  16016. :[navegar] navigate
  16017. :[Armada] navy
  16018. :[cerca] near
  16019. :[cercano] nearby
  16020. :[mas cercano] nearest
  16021. :[por poco] nearly
  16022. :[ordenado] neat
  16023. :[nebuloso] nebulous
  16024. :[necesariamente] necessarily
  16025. :[necesario] necessary
  16026. :[necesidad] necessity
  16027. :[cuello] neck
  16028. :[collar] necklace
  16029. :[necesitar] need
  16030. :[necesario] needful
  16031. :[aguja] needle
  16032. :[innecesario] needless
  16033. :[necesitado] needy
  16034. :[negar] negate
  16035. :[negacion] negation
  16036. :[negativo] negative
  16037. :[negligencia] neglect
  16038. :[negligencia] negligence
  16039. :[negligente] negligent
  16040. :[negociar] negotiate
  16041. :[negociacion] negotiation
  16042. :[relinchar] neigh
  16043. :[vecino] neighbour
  16044. :[vecindario] neighbourhood
  16045. :[amistoso] neighbourly
  16046. :[ninguno] neither
  16047. :[sobrino] nephew
  16048. :[nervio] nerve
  16049. :[nervioso] nervous
  16050. :[nido] nest
  16051. :[hacerse un nido] nestle
  16052. :[neto] net
  16053. :[ortiga] nettle
  16054. :[la red] network
  16055. :[neurotico] neurotic
  16056. :[neutral] neutral
  16057. :[neutralidad] neutrality
  16058. :[Nunca] never
  16059. :[sin embargo] nevertheless
  16060. :[nuevo] new
  16061. :[recien nacido] newborn
  16062. :[el mas nuevo] newest
  16063. :[recien] newly
  16064. :[recien casado] newlywed
  16065. :[Noticias] news
  16066. :[periodico] newspaper
  16067. :[Siguiente] next
  16068. :[bonito] nice
  16069. :[bien] nicely
  16070. :[mejor] nicer
  16071. :[mejor] nicest
  16072. :[nicho] niche
  16073. :[mella] nick
  16074. :[niquel] nickel
  16075. :[apodo] nickname
  16076. :[sobrina] niece
  16077. :[noche] night
  16078. :[Club nocturno] nightclub
  16079. :[anochecer] nightfall
  16080. :[ruiseior] nightingale
  16081. :[pesadilla] nightmare
  16082. :[agil] nimble
  16083. :[nueve] nine
  16084. :[diecinueve] nineteen
  16085. :[noventa] ninety
  16086. :[noveno] ninth
  16087. :[cortar] nip
  16088. :[pezon] nipple
  16089. :[nitrogeno] nitrogen
  16090. :[no] no
  16091. :[de ninguna manera] no way
  16092. :[nobleza] nobility
  16093. :[noble] noble
  16094. :[nadie] nobody
  16095. :[asentir] nod
  16096. :[ruido] noise
  16097. :[silencioso] noiseless
  16098. :[ruidoso] noisy
  16099. :[nomada] nomad
  16100. :[nomada] nomad
  16101. :[nominal] nominal
  16102. :[nombrar] nominate
  16103. :[indiferencia] nonchalance
  16104. :[evasivo] noncommittal
  16105. :[mediocre] nondescript
  16106. :[ninguno] none
  16107. :[sin embargo] nonetheless
  16108. :[no ficcion] nonfiction
  16109. :[sin par] nonpareil
  16110. :[disparates] nonsense
  16111. :[sin escalas] non-stop
  16112. :[fideos] noodle
  16113. :[rincon] nook
  16114. :[mediodia] noon
  16115. :[nudo corredizo] noose
  16116. :[no] nope
  16117. :[ni] nor
  16118. :[norma] norm
  16119. :[normal] normal
  16120. :[normalmente] normally
  16121. :[norte] north
  16122. :[del Norte] northern
  16123. :[noroeste] northwest
  16124. :[nariz] nose
  16125. :[hemorragia nasal] nosebleed
  16126. :[fosa nasal] nostril
  16127. :[curioso] nosy
  16128. :[no] not
  16129. :[notabilidad] notability
  16130. :[notablemente] notably
  16131. :[notario] notary
  16132. :[muesca] notch
  16133. :[Nota] note
  16134. :[computadora portatil] notebook
  16135. :[nada] nothing
  16136. :[aviso] notice
  16137. :[notificar] notify
  16138. :[nocion] notion
  16139. :[notoriedad] notoriety
  16140. :[notorio] notorious
  16141. :[a pesar de] notwithstanding
  16142. :[nada] nought
  16143. :[sustantivo] noun
  16144. :[nutrir] nourish
  16145. :[novela] novel
  16146. :[noviembre] November
  16147. :[principiante] novice
  16148. :[ahora] now
  16149. :[hoy en dia] nowadays
  16150. :[en ningun lugar] nowhere
  16151. :[nocivo] noxious
  16152. :[nuclear] nuclear
  16153. :[desnudo] nude
  16154. :[empujar] nudge
  16155. :[molestia] nuisance
  16156. :[nulo] null
  16157. :[entumecido] numb
  16158. :[numero] number
  16159. :[numero] numeral
  16160. :[numeroso] numerous
  16161. :[monja] nun
  16162. :[enfermera] nurse
  16163. :[guarderia] nursery
  16164. :[nutrir] nurture
  16165. :[nuez] nut
  16166. :[nuez moscada] nutmeg
  16167. :[nutritivo] nutrient
  16168. :[nutricion] nutrition
  16169. :[cascara de nuez] nutshell
  16170. :[de nuez] nutty
  16171. :[nylon] nylon
  16172. :[en punto] o’clock
  16173. :[roble] oak
  16174. :[remo] oar
  16175. :[oasis] oasis
  16176. :[juramento] oath
  16177. :[avena] oatmeal
  16178. :[avena] oats
  16179. :[obstinado] obdurate
  16180. :[obediencia] obedience
  16181. :[obediente] obedient
  16182. :[obeso] obese
  16183. :[cumplir] obey
  16184. :[obituario] obituary
  16185. :[objeto] object
  16186. :[objecion] objection
  16187. :[objetivo] objective
  16188. :[sin objetivo] objectless
  16189. :[obligacion] obligation
  16190. :[obligar] oblige
  16191. :[oblicuo] oblique
  16192. :[obliterar] obliterate
  16193. :[olvido] oblivion
  16194. :[oblongo] oblong
  16195. :[desagradable] obnoxious
  16196. :[obsceno] obscene
  16197. :[obscenidad] obscenity
  16198. :[oscuro] obscure
  16199. :[observancia] observance
  16200. :[observacion] observation
  16201. :[observar] observe
  16202. :[observador] observer
  16203. :[obsesionar] obsess
  16204. :[obsesion] obsession
  16205. :[obsesionante] obsessive
  16206. :[obsoleto] obsolete
  16207. :[obstaculo] obstacle
  16208. :[obstinacion] obstinacy
  16209. :[obstinado] obstinate
  16210. :[obstruir] obstruct
  16211. :[obstruccion] obstruction
  16212. :[obtener] obtain
  16213. :[entrometido] obtrusive
  16214. :[obvio] obvious
  16215. :[obviamente] obviously
  16216. :[ocasion] occasion
  16217. :[ocasional] occasional
  16218. :[de vez en cuando] occasionally
  16219. :[oculto] occult
  16220. :[ocupante] occupant
  16221. :[ocupacion] occupation
  16222. :[ocupado] occupied
  16223. :[ocupar] occupy
  16224. :[ocurrir] occur
  16225. :[ocurrencia] occurrence
  16226. :[Oceano] ocean
  16227. :[octubre] October
  16228. :[pulpo] octopus
  16229. :[impar] odd
  16230. :[extraiamente] oddly
  16231. :[impares] odds
  16232. :[odioso] odious
  16233. :[olor] odour
  16234. :[de] of
  16235. :[por supuesto] of course
  16236. :[apagado] off
  16237. :[ofensa] offence
  16238. :[ofender] offend
  16239. :[delincuente] offender
  16240. :[ofensa] offense
  16241. :[ofensiva] offensive
  16242. :[oferta] offer
  16243. :[de improviso] offhand
  16244. :[oficina] office
  16245. :[oficial] officer
  16246. :[oficial] official
  16247. :[oficialmente] officially
  16248. :[compensar] offset
  16249. :[costa afuera] offshore
  16250. :[descendencia] offspring
  16251. :[a menudo] often
  16252. :[petroleo] oil
  16253. :[aceitoso] oily
  16254. :[ungiento] ointment
  16255. :[okey] okay
  16256. :[viejo] old
  16257. :[mas viejo] older
  16258. :[mas antiguo] oldest
  16259. :[Anticuado] old-fashioned
  16260. :[Anticuado] old-fashioned
  16261. :[aceituna] olive
  16262. :[Juegos Olimpicos] Olympics
  16263. :[tortilla] omelette
  16264. :[presagio] omen
  16265. :[ominoso] ominous
  16266. :[omision] omission
  16267. :[omitir] omit
  16268. :[omnipotente] omnipotent
  16269. :[omnipresente] omnipresent
  16270. :[sobre] on
  16271. :[a bordo] onboard
  16272. :[una vez] once
  16273. :[venidero] oncoming
  16274. :[uno] one
  16275. :[sencillo] onefold
  16276. :[oneroso] onerous
  16277. :[uno mismo] oneself
  16278. :[en marcha] ongoing
  16279. :[cebolla] onion
  16280. :[en linea] online
  16281. :[solamente] only
  16282. :[comienzo] onset
  16283. :[sobre] onto
  16284. :[adelante] onward
  16285. :[opaco] opaque
  16286. :[abierto] open
  16287. :[aire libre] open-air
  16288. :[abrelatas] opener
  16289. :[apertura] opening
  16290. :[abiertamente] openly
  16291. :[mente abierta] open-minded
  16292. :[opera] opera
  16293. :[funcionar] operate
  16294. :[operacion] operation
  16295. :[Operacional] operational
  16296. :[operatorio] operative
  16297. :[operador] operator
  16298. :[opinion] opinion
  16299. :[dogmatico] opinionated
  16300. :[dogmatico] opinionated
  16301. :[adversario] opponent
  16302. :[oportunidad] opportunity
  16303. :[oponerse a] oppose
  16304. :[opuesto] opposite
  16305. :[oposicion] opposition
  16306. :[oprimir] oppress
  16307. :[opresion] oppression
  16308. :[optar] opt
  16309. :[optico] optical
  16310. :[optimista] optimistic
  16311. :[opcion] option
  16312. :[Opcional] optional
  16313. :[o] or
  16314. :[oral] oral
  16315. :[naranja] orange
  16316. :[orador] orator
  16317. :[orbe] orb
  16318. :[orbita] orbit
  16319. :[huerta] orchard
  16320. :[orquesta] orchestra
  16321. :[orquidea] orchid
  16322. :[prueba] ordeal
  16323. :[pedido] order
  16324. :[ordenado] orderly
  16325. :[ordinariamente] ordinarily
  16326. :[ordinario] ordinary
  16327. :[mineral] ore
  16328. :[Organo] organ
  16329. :[organico] organic
  16330. :[organismo] organism
  16331. :[organizacion] organization
  16332. :[organizar] organize
  16333. :[orientar] orient
  16334. :[orientacion] orientation
  16335. :[origen] origin
  16336. :[original] original
  16337. :[originalmente] originally
  16338. :[ornamento] ornament
  16339. :[huerfano] orphan
  16340. :[orfanato] orphanage
  16341. :[ortodoxo] orthodox
  16342. :[aparente] ostensible
  16343. :[ostentoso] ostentatious
  16344. :[avestruz] ostrich
  16345. :[otro] other
  16346. :[de lo contrario] otherwise
  16347. :[nutria] otter
  16348. :[deberia] ought
  16349. :[onza] ounce
  16350. :[nuestro] our
  16351. :[nuestro] ours
  16352. :[Nosotros mismos] ourselves
  16353. :[fuera] out
  16354. :[superar] outbalance
  16355. :[sobrepujar] outbid
  16356. :[brote] outbreak
  16357. :[explosion] outburst
  16358. :[Salir] outcome
  16359. :[exterior] outdoor
  16360. :[al aire libre] outdoors
  16361. :[exterior] outer
  16362. :[atuendo] outfit
  16363. :[extrovertido] outgoing
  16364. :[desembolso] outlay
  16365. :[toma de corriente] outlet
  16366. :[contorno] outline
  16367. :[panorama] outlook
  16368. :[aventajar] outmatch
  16369. :[superar numericamente] outnumber
  16370. :[produccion] output
  16371. :[Indignacion] outrage
  16372. :[indignante] outrageous
  16373. :[total] outright
  16374. :[comienzo] outset
  16375. :[fuera de] outside
  16376. :[forastero] outsider
  16377. :[afueras] outskirts
  16378. :[abierto] outspoken
  16379. :[sobresaliente] outstanding
  16380. :[exterior] outward
  16381. :[oval] oval
  16382. :[horno] oven
  16383. :[sobre] over
  16384. :[en general] overall
  16385. :[al agua] overboard
  16386. :[superar] overcome
  16387. :[exagerar] overdo
  16388. :[exagerado] overdone
  16389. :[sobredosis] overdose
  16390. :[atrasado] overdue
  16391. :[sobreestimar] overestimate
  16392. :[Desbordamiento] overflow
  16393. :[gastos generales] overhead
  16394. :[oir] overhear
  16395. :[lleno de alegria] overjoyed
  16396. :[superposicion] overlap
  16397. :[sobrevivir] overlive
  16398. :[sobrecarga] overload
  16399. :[pasar por alto] overlook
  16400. :[demasiado] overly
  16401. :[durante la noche] overnight
  16402. :[sobreprotector] overprotective
  16403. :[sobrevalorado] overrated
  16404. :[sobrereaccionar] overreact
  16405. :[anular] override
  16406. :[exterior] overseas
  16407. :[vigilancia] oversight
  16408. :[dormir demasiado] oversleep
  16409. :[adelantar] overtake
  16410. :[tiempo extraordinario] overtime
  16411. :[anular] overturn
  16412. :[exceso de peso] overweight
  16413. :[abrumar] overwhelm
  16414. :[trabajo excesivo] overwork
  16415. :[deber] owe
  16416. :[debido] owing
  16417. :[buho] owl
  16418. :[propio] own
  16419. :[dueio] owner
  16420. :[propiedad] ownership
  16421. :[buey] ox
  16422. :[bueyes] oxen
  16423. :[oxido] oxide
  16424. :[oxigeno] oxygen
  16425. :[ostra] oyster
  16426. :[ritmo] pace
  16427. :[Pacifico] pacific
  16428. :[pacificar] pacify
  16429. :[paquete] pack
  16430. :[paquete] package
  16431. :[pacto] pact
  16432. :[almohadilla] pad
  16433. :[paleta] paddle
  16434. :[candado] padlock
  16435. :[pagano] pagan
  16436. :[pagina] page
  16437. :[pompa] pageant
  16438. :[pagado] paid
  16439. :[cubo] pail
  16440. :[dolor] pain
  16441. :[doloroso] painful
  16442. :[penosamente] painfully
  16443. :[analgesico] painkiller
  16444. :[sin dolor] painless
  16445. :[pintura] paint
  16446. :[pintor] painter
  16447. :[cuadro] painting
  16448. :[par] pair
  16449. :[pijama] pajamas
  16450. :[camarada] pal
  16451. :[palacio] palace
  16452. :[paladar] palate
  16453. :[palido] pale
  16454. :[paleta] palette
  16455. :[palidez] pallor
  16456. :[palma] palm
  16457. :[palmada] palmful
  16458. :[palpable] palpable
  16459. :[palpar] palpate
  16460. :[paralisis] palsy
  16461. :[miserable] paltry
  16462. :[mimar] pamper
  16463. :[sarten] pan
  16464. :[tortita] pancake
  16465. :[pancreas] pancreas
  16466. :[panel] panel
  16467. :[angustia] pang
  16468. :[panico] panic
  16469. :[pensamiento] pansy
  16470. :[pantalon] pant
  16471. :[pantera] panther
  16472. :[bragas] panties
  16473. :[pantalones] pants
  16474. :[papel] paper
  16475. :[papeleo] paperwork
  16476. :[par] par
  16477. :[parabola] parable
  16478. :[paracaidas] parachute
  16479. :[desfile] parade
  16480. :[paraiso] paradise
  16481. :[parrafo] paragraph
  16482. :[paralelo] parallel
  16483. :[paralisis] paralysis
  16484. :[paralizado] paralyzed
  16485. :[paramedico] paramedic
  16486. :[paranoia] paranoia
  16487. :[parasito] parasite
  16488. :[sombrilla] parasol
  16489. :[paquete o empaquetar] parcel
  16490. :[tostar] parch
  16491. :[perdon] pardon
  16492. :[cortar] pare
  16493. :[padre] parent
  16494. :[de los padres] parental
  16495. :[crianza] parenting
  16496. :[parroquia] parish
  16497. :[paridad] parity
  16498. :[parque] park
  16499. :[estacionamiento] parking
  16500. :[parlamento] parliament
  16501. :[parlamentario] parliamentary
  16502. :[salon] parlour
  16503. :[libertad condicional] parole
  16504. :[parquet] parquet
  16505. :[loro] parrot
  16506. :[perejil] parsley
  16507. :[parroco] parson
  16508. :[parte] part
  16509. :[parcial] partial
  16510. :[parcialmente] partially
  16511. :[participe] participant
  16512. :[participar] participate
  16513. :[participacion] participation
  16514. :[particula] particle
  16515. :[especial] particular
  16516. :[particularmente] particularly
  16517. :[de despedida] parting
  16518. :[dividir] partition
  16519. :[parcialmente] partly
  16520. :[pareja] partner
  16521. :[camaraderia] partnership
  16522. :[perdiz] partridge
  16523. :[tiempo parcial] part-time
  16524. :[partido] party
  16525. :[ir de fiesta] partying
  16526. :[aprobar] pass
  16527. :[pasable] passable
  16528. :[paso] passage
  16529. :[pasajero] passenger
  16530. :[pasion] passion
  16531. :[apasionado] passionate
  16532. :[pasivo] passive
  16533. :[pasaporte] passport
  16534. :[contraseia] password
  16535. :[pasado] past
  16536. :[pasta] pasta
  16537. :[pegar] paste
  16538. :[pastel] pastel
  16539. :[pasatiempo] pastime
  16540. :[Pasteleria] pastry
  16541. :[pastar] pasture
  16542. :[palmadita] pat
  16543. :[parche] patch
  16544. :[patentar] patent
  16545. :[paternal] paternal
  16546. :[paternidad] paternity
  16547. :[sendero] path
  16548. :[patetico] pathetic
  16549. :[paciencia] patience
  16550. :[paciente] patient
  16551. :[patio] patio
  16552. :[patriota] patriot
  16553. :[patrulla] patrol
  16554. :[patron] patron
  16555. :[mecenazgo] patronage
  16556. :[patrocinar] patronize
  16557. :[tamborileo] patter
  16558. :[patron] pattern
  16559. :[empanada] patty
  16560. :[pausa] pause
  16561. :[pavimento] pavement
  16562. :[pabellon] pavilion
  16563. :[pata] paw
  16564. :[empeiar] pawn
  16565. :[pagar] pay
  16566. :[venganza] payback
  16567. :[pago] payment
  16568. :[saldar] payoff
  16569. :[nomina de sueldos] payroll
  16570. :[nominas] payslips
  16571. :[guisante] pea
  16572. :[paz] peace
  16573. :[tranquilo] peaceful
  16574. :[Durazno] peach
  16575. :[aterciopelado] peachy
  16576. :[pavo real] peacock
  16577. :[cima] peak
  16578. :[repique] peal
  16579. :[mani] peanut
  16580. :[pera] pear
  16581. :[perla] pearl
  16582. :[campesino] peasant
  16583. :[turba] peat
  16584. :[Guijarro] pebble
  16585. :[picotear] peck
  16586. :[pectoral] pectoral
  16587. :[peculiar] peculiar
  16588. :[peculiaridad] peculiarity
  16589. :[pedal] pedal
  16590. :[pedestal] pedestal
  16591. :[peatonal] pedestrian
  16592. :[arbol genealogico] pedigree
  16593. :[pipi] pee
  16594. :[ojeada] peek
  16595. :[cascara] peel
  16596. :[mirar furtivamente] peep
  16597. :[mirilla] peephole
  16598. :[mirar] peer
  16599. :[sin par] peerless
  16600. :[malhumorado] peevish
  16601. :[clavija] peg
  16602. :[piel] pelt
  16603. :[lapiz] pen
  16604. :[penal] penal
  16605. :[multa] penalty
  16606. :[lapiz] pencil
  16607. :[pendiente] pending
  16608. :[colgante] pendulous
  16609. :[pendulo] pendulum
  16610. :[penetrar] penetrate
  16611. :[pingiino] penguin
  16612. :[peninsula] peninsula
  16613. :[penitencia] penitence
  16614. :[penitente] penitent
  16615. :[penitenciario] penitentiary
  16616. :[sin dinero] penniless
  16617. :[centavo] penny
  16618. :[pension] pension
  16619. :[pensionista] pensioner
  16620. :[pensativo] pensive
  16621. :[atico] penthouse
  16622. :[gente] people
  16623. :[energia] pep
  16624. :[pimienta] pepper
  16625. :[menta] peppermint
  16626. :[picante] peppery
  16627. :[por] per
  16628. :[percibir] perceive
  16629. :[por ciento] percent
  16630. :[porcentaje] percentage
  16631. :[percepcion] perception
  16632. :[perceptivo] perceptive
  16633. :[perca] perch
  16634. :[de percusion] percussive
  16635. :[perentorio] peremptory
  16636. :[perenne] perennial
  16637. :[Perfecto] perfect
  16638. :[perfeccion] perfection
  16639. :[perfectamente] perfectly
  16640. :[llevar a cabo] perform
  16641. :[rendimiento] performance
  16642. :[ejecutando] performing
  16643. :[perfume] perfume
  16644. :[superficial] perfunctory
  16645. :[quizas] perhaps
  16646. :[peligro] peril
  16647. :[perimetro] perimeter
  16648. :[periodo] period
  16649. :[periodico] periodic
  16650. :[perecer] perish
  16651. :[perjurio] perjury
  16652. :[gaje] perk
  16653. :[alegre] perky
  16654. :[permanente] permanent
  16655. :[permanentemente] permanently
  16656. :[permiso] permission
  16657. :[permisivo] permissive
  16658. :[permiso] permit
  16659. :[permitido] permitted
  16660. :[perpendicular] perpendicular
  16661. :[perpetrar] perpetrate
  16662. :[autor] perpetrator
  16663. :[perpetuo] perpetual
  16664. :[dejar perplejo] perplex
  16665. :[perseguir] persecute
  16666. :[perseverancia] perseverance
  16667. :[perseverar] persevere
  16668. :[persistir] persist
  16669. :[persistente] persistent
  16670. :[persona] person
  16671. :[personal] personal
  16672. :[personalidad] personality
  16673. :[personalmente] personally
  16674. :[personificar] personify
  16675. :[personal] personnel
  16676. :[perspectiva] perspective
  16677. :[transpiracion] perspiration
  16678. :[transpirar] perspire
  16679. :[persuadir] persuade
  16680. :[persuasivo] persuasive
  16681. :[impertinente] pert
  16682. :[pertinente] pertinent
  16683. :[examinar detenidamente] peruse
  16684. :[penetrante] pervasive
  16685. :[perverso] perverse
  16686. :[pervertido] pervert
  16687. :[maldito] pesky
  16688. :[pesimista] pessimistic
  16689. :[parasito] pest
  16690. :[molestar] pester
  16691. :[pestifero] pestilent
  16692. :[mascota] pet
  16693. :[peticion] petition
  16694. :[gasolina] petrol
  16695. :[pequeio] petty
  16696. :[malhumorado] petulant
  16697. :[fantasma] phantom
  16698. :[farmacia] pharmacy
  16699. :[fase] phase
  16700. :[Faisan] pheasant
  16701. :[fenomeno] phenomenon
  16702. :[filosofia] philosophy
  16703. :[telefono] phone
  16704. :[cabina telefonica] phonebooth
  16705. :[falso] phony
  16706. :[Foto] photo
  16707. :[fotocopia] photocopy
  16708. :[fotografia] photograph
  16709. :[fotografo] photographer
  16710. :[fotografia] photography
  16711. :[frase] phrase
  16712. :[fisico] physical
  16713. :[fisicamente] physically
  16714. :[medico] physician
  16715. :[fisica] physics
  16716. :[fisico] physique
  16717. :[pianista] pianist
  16718. :[piano] piano
  16719. :[elegir] pick
  16720. :[piquete] picket
  16721. :[pepinillo] pickle
  16722. :[carterista] pickpocket
  16723. :[recoger] pickup
  16724. :[quisquilloso] picky
  16725. :[picnic] picnic
  16726. :[pictorico] pictorial
  16727. :[fotografia] picture
  16728. :[pintoresco] picturesque
  16729. :[tarta] pie
  16730. :[pieza] piece
  16731. :[muelle] pier
  16732. :[atravesar] pierce
  16733. :[perforacion] piercing
  16734. :[piedad] piety
  16735. :[cerdo] pig
  16736. :[Paloma] pigeon
  16737. :[cerdito] piggy
  16738. :[lucio] pike
  16739. :[pila] pile
  16740. :[peregrino] pilgrim
  16741. :[pildora] pill
  16742. :[pilar] pillar
  16743. :[almohada] pillow
  16744. :[funda de almohada] pillowcase
  16745. :[piloto] pilot
  16746. :[pilotaje] pilotage
  16747. :[espinilla] pimple
  16748. :[alfiler] pin
  16749. :[pellizco] pinch
  16750. :[pino] pine
  16751. :[cono de pino] pine cone
  16752. :[piia] pineapple
  16753. :[silbido] ping
  16754. :[rosado] pink
  16755. :[alfilerazo] pinprick
  16756. :[medio litro] pint
  16757. :[pionero] pioneer
  16758. :[tubo] pipe
  16759. :[gaitero] piper
  16760. :[pirata] pirate
  16761. :[pistola] pistol
  16762. :[fosa] pit
  16763. :[terreno de juego] pitch
  16764. :[lanzador] pitcher
  16765. :[trampa] pitfall
  16766. :[lamentable] pitiful
  16767. :[pena] pity
  16768. :[Pizza] pizza
  16769. :[cartel] placard
  16770. :[lugar] place
  16771. :[placido] placid
  16772. :[placidez] placidity
  16773. :[colocacion] placing
  16774. :[Plaga] plague
  16775. :[platija] plaice
  16776. :[tartan] plaid
  16777. :[sencillo] plain
  16778. :[demandante] plaintiff
  16779. :[trenza] plait
  16780. :[plan] plan
  16781. :[plano] plane
  16782. :[planeta] planet
  16783. :[tablon] plank
  16784. :[planificador] planner
  16785. :[planificacion] planning
  16786. :[planta] plant
  16787. :[plantacion] plantation
  16788. :[chapoteo] plash
  16789. :[yeso] plaster
  16790. :[el plastico] plastic
  16791. :[plato] plate
  16792. :[plataforma] platform
  16793. :[platino] platinum
  16794. :[topico] platitude
  16795. :[peloton] platoon
  16796. :[plausible] plausible
  16797. :[juego] play
  16798. :[playboy] playboy
  16799. :[jugador] player
  16800. :[jugueton] playful
  16801. :[patio de recreo] playground
  16802. :[peticion] plea
  16803. :[alegar] plead
  16804. :[agradable] pleasant
  16805. :[por favor] please
  16806. :[satisfecho] pleased
  16807. :[Placer] pleasure
  16808. :[pliegue] pleat
  16809. :[promesa] pledge
  16810. :[plenitud] plenitude
  16811. :[abundante] plentiful
  16812. :[mucho] plenty
  16813. :[flexible] pliable
  16814. :[flexible] pliant
  16815. :[situacion] plight
  16816. :[paso pesado] plod
  16817. :[trama] plot
  16818. :[arado] plough
  16819. :[tactica] ploy
  16820. :[arrancar] pluck
  16821. :[enchufar] plug
  16822. :[ciruela] plum
  16823. :[sondear] plumb
  16824. :[plomero] plumber
  16825. :[plomeria] plumbing
  16826. :[penacho] plume
  16827. :[rechoncho] plump
  16828. :[saquear] plunder
  16829. :[inmersion] plunge
  16830. :[plural] plural
  16831. :[mas] plus
  16832. :[madera contrachapada] plywood
  16833. :[neumonia] pneumonia
  16834. :[escalfar] poach
  16835. :[bolsillo] pocket
  16836. :[vaina] pod
  16837. :[poema] poem
  16838. :[poeta] poet
  16839. :[poetico] poetic
  16840. :[poesia] poetry
  16841. :[conmovedor] poignant
  16842. :[punto] point
  16843. :[inutil] pointless
  16844. :[puntiagudo] pointy
  16845. :[equilibrio] poise
  16846. :[veneno] poison
  16847. :[venenoso] poisonous
  16848. :[dar un toque] poke
  16849. :[poker] poker
  16850. :[polar] polar
  16851. :[polaridad] polarity
  16852. :[polo] pole
  16853. :[policia] police
  16854. :[policia] policeman
  16855. :[politica] policy
  16856. :[polaco] polish
  16857. :[Cortes] polite
  16858. :[politico] political
  16859. :[politicamente] politically
  16860. :[politico] politician
  16861. :[politica] politics
  16862. :[gobierno] polity
  16863. :[encuesta] poll
  16864. :[polen] pollen
  16865. :[votacion] polling
  16866. :[contaminar] pollute
  16867. :[polucion] pollution
  16868. :[poligrafo] polygraph
  16869. :[granada] pomegranate
  16870. :[pompa] pomp
  16871. :[pomposidad] pomposity
  16872. :[pomposo] pompous
  16873. :[estanque] pond
  16874. :[reflexionar] ponder
  16875. :[pesado] ponderous
  16876. :[poni] pony
  16877. :[caniche] poodle
  16878. :[piscina] pool
  16879. :[pobre] poor
  16880. :[mal] poorly
  16881. :[musica pop] pop
  16882. :[Palomitas] popcorn
  16883. :[alamo] poplar
  16884. :[amapola] poppy
  16885. :[estallidos] pops
  16886. :[popular] popular
  16887. :[popularidad] popularity
  16888. :[poblar] populate
  16889. :[poblacion] population
  16890. :[porcelana] porcelain
  16891. :[porche] porch
  16892. :[poro] pore
  16893. :[Cerdo] pork
  16894. :[poroso] porous
  16895. :[gachas de avena] porridge
  16896. :[Puerto] port
  16897. :[portatil] portable
  16898. :[portal] portal
  16899. :[presagio] portent
  16900. :[portero] porter
  16901. :[portafolio] portfolio
  16902. :[parte] portion
  16903. :[corpulento] portly
  16904. :[retrato] portrait
  16905. :[retratar] portray
  16906. :[portugues] Portuguese
  16907. :[pose] pose
  16908. :[elegante] posh
  16909. :[posicion] position
  16910. :[positivo] positive
  16911. :[afirmativamente] positively
  16912. :[poseer] possess
  16913. :[posesion] possession
  16914. :[posibilidad] possibility
  16915. :[posible] possible
  16916. :[posiblemente] possibly
  16917. :[correo] post
  16918. :[oficina de correos] post office
  16919. :[gastos de envio] postage
  16920. :[postal] postal
  16921. :[tarjeta postal] postcard
  16922. :[poster] poster
  16923. :[posteridad] posterity
  16924. :[cartero] postman
  16925. :[posponer] postpone
  16926. :[postura] posture
  16927. :[maceta] pot
  16928. :[patata] potato
  16929. :[patatas] potatoes
  16930. :[potencia] potency
  16931. :[potente] potent
  16932. :[potencial] potential
  16933. :[potencialmente] potentially
  16934. :[pocion] potion
  16935. :[alfarero] potter
  16936. :[ceramica] pottery
  16937. :[bolsa] pouch
  16938. :[aves de corral] poultry
  16939. :[saltar] pounce
  16940. :[libra] pound
  16941. :[verter] pour
  16942. :[abadejo] pout
  16943. :[pobreza] poverty
  16944. :[polvo] powder
  16945. :[poder] power
  16946. :[poderoso] powerful
  16947. :[impotente] powerless
  16948. :[practico] practical
  16949. :[practicamente] practically
  16950. :[practica] practice
  16951. :[practica] practise
  16952. :[facultativo] practitioner
  16953. :[felicitar] praise
  16954. :[cochecito] pram
  16955. :[broma] prank
  16956. :[gamba] prawn
  16957. :[rezar] pray
  16958. :[oracion] prayer
  16959. :[predicar] preach
  16960. :[predicador] preacher
  16961. :[precario] precarious
  16962. :[precaucion] precaution
  16963. :[preceder] precede
  16964. :[precedente] precedent
  16965. :[precioso] precious
  16966. :[precipitacion] precipitation
  16967. :[preciso] precise
  16968. :[precisamente] precisely
  16969. :[precision] precision
  16970. :[precursor] precursor
  16971. :[depredador] predatory
  16972. :[predestinacion] predestination
  16973. :[predestinar] predestine
  16974. :[Predicamento] predicament
  16975. :[predicado] predicate
  16976. :[predecir] predict
  16977. :[previsible] predictable
  16978. :[prediccion] prediction
  16979. :[predominante] predominant
  16980. :[prefacio] preface
  16981. :[prefectura] prefecture
  16982. :[preferir] prefer
  16983. :[preferiblemente] preferably
  16984. :[preferencia] preference
  16985. :[prefijo] prefix
  16986. :[el embarazo] pregnancy
  16987. :[embarazada] pregnant
  16988. :[prehistorico] prehistoric
  16989. :[perjudicar] prejudice
  16990. :[preliminar] preliminary
  16991. :[preludio] prelude
  16992. :[prematuro] premature
  16993. :[estreno] premiere
  16994. :[premisa] premise
  16995. :[prima] premium
  16996. :[premonicion] premonition
  16997. :[preocupacion] preoccupation
  16998. :[preocupar] preoccupy
  16999. :[preparacion] preparation
  17000. :[preparacion] preparation
  17001. :[preparar] prepare
  17002. :[pagar por adelantado] prepay
  17003. :[premeditado] prepense
  17004. :[preposicion] preposition
  17005. :[absurdo] preposterous
  17006. :[prerrogativa] prerogative
  17007. :[prescribir] prescribe
  17008. :[prescripcion] prescription
  17009. :[presencia] presence
  17010. :[regalo] present
  17011. :[presentacion] presentation
  17012. :[preservacion] preservation
  17013. :[preservar] preserve
  17014. :[presidir] preside
  17015. :[presidente] president
  17016. :[presidencial] presidential
  17017. :[prensa] press
  17018. :[presion] pressure
  17019. :[prestigio] prestige
  17020. :[prestigioso] prestigious
  17021. :[presumiblemente] presumably
  17022. :[presumir] presume
  17023. :[presuntuoso] presumptuous
  17024. :[pretension] pretence
  17025. :[pretender] pretend
  17026. :[pretencioso] pretentious
  17027. :[pretexto] pretext
  17028. :[lindo] pretty
  17029. :[prevalecer] prevail
  17030. :[predominante] prevalent
  17031. :[evitar] prevent
  17032. :[prevencion] prevention
  17033. :[avance] preview
  17034. :[anterior] previous
  17035. :[previamente] previously
  17036. :[presa] prey
  17037. :[precio] price
  17038. :[no tiene precio] priceless
  17039. :[espinoso] prickly
  17040. :[orgullo] pride
  17041. :[sacerdote] priest
  17042. :[ante todo] primarily
  17043. :[primario] primary
  17044. :[principal] prime
  17045. :[primitivo] primeval
  17046. :[primitivo] primitive
  17047. :[primavera] primrose
  17048. :[Principe] prince
  17049. :[princesa] princess
  17050. :[principal] principal
  17051. :[principio] principle
  17052. :[impresion] print
  17053. :[impresora] printer
  17054. :[previo] prior
  17055. :[prioridad] priority
  17056. :[premio] prise
  17057. :[prisma] prism
  17058. :[prision] prison
  17059. :[prisionero] prisoner
  17060. :[intimidad] privacy
  17061. :[privado] private
  17062. :[en privado] privately
  17063. :[privilegio] privilege
  17064. :[premio] prize
  17065. :[Pro] pro
  17066. :[probabilidad] probability
  17067. :[probable] probable
  17068. :[probablemente] probably
  17069. :[libertad condicional] probation
  17070. :[Investigacion] probe
  17071. :[problema] problem
  17072. :[procedimiento] procedure
  17073. :[Continuar] proceed
  17074. :[proceso] process
  17075. :[procesado] processed
  17076. :[Procesando] processing
  17077. :[procesion] procession
  17078. :[proclamar] proclaim
  17079. :[proclamacion] proclamation
  17080. :[obtener] procure
  17081. :[pinchar] prod
  17082. :[prodigo] prodigal
  17083. :[prodigioso] prodigious
  17084. :[prodigio] prodigy
  17085. :[Produce] produce
  17086. :[productor] producer
  17087. :[producto] product
  17088. :[produccion] production
  17089. :[productivo] productive
  17090. :[profano] profane
  17091. :[blasfemia] profanity
  17092. :[profesar] profess
  17093. :[profesion] profession
  17094. :[profesional] professional
  17095. :[profesionalmente] professionally
  17096. :[profesor] professor
  17097. :[competente] proficient
  17098. :[perfil] profile
  17099. :[lucro] profit
  17100. :[rentable] profitable
  17101. :[profundo] profound
  17102. :[progenie] progeny
  17103. :[pronostico] prognosis
  17104. :[programa] program
  17105. :[programa] programme
  17106. :[programacion] programming
  17107. :[Progreso] progress
  17108. :[prohibir] prohibit
  17109. :[prohibicion] prohibition
  17110. :[proyecto] project
  17111. :[proyeccion] projection
  17112. :[prolifico] prolific
  17113. :[prologo] prologue
  17114. :[prolongar] prolong
  17115. :[paseo] prom
  17116. :[prominente] prominent
  17117. :[promesa] promise
  17118. :[prometedor] promising
  17119. :[promover] promote
  17120. :[promocion] promotion
  17121. :[inmediato] prompt
  17122. :[propenso] prone
  17123. :[pronombre] pronoun
  17124. :[pronunciar] pronounce
  17125. :[pronunciacion] pronunciation
  17126. :[prueba] proof
  17127. :[apuntalar] prop
  17128. :[propaganda] propaganda
  17129. :[impulsar] propel
  17130. :[impulsar] propel
  17131. :[adecuado] proper
  17132. :[adecuadamente] properly
  17133. :[propiedad] property
  17134. :[profecia] prophecy
  17135. :[profeta] prophet
  17136. :[proporcion] proportion
  17137. :[propuesta] proposal
  17138. :[proponer] propose
  17139. :[proposicion] proposition
  17140. :[propiedad] proprietary
  17141. :[propietario] proprietor
  17142. :[propulsion] propulsion
  17143. :[pros] pros
  17144. :[prosa] prose
  17145. :[enjuiciar] prosecute
  17146. :[enjuiciamiento] prosecution
  17147. :[fiscal] prosecutor
  17148. :[perspectiva] prospect
  17149. :[prosperidad] prosperity
  17150. :[prosperidad] prosperity
  17151. :[proteger] protect
  17152. :[proteccion] protection
  17153. :[protector] protective
  17154. :[protector] protector
  17155. :[proteina] protein
  17156. :[protesta] protest
  17157. :[protestante] Protestant
  17158. :[protocolo] protocol
  17159. :[prototipo] prototype
  17160. :[sobresalir] protrude
  17161. :[orgulloso] proud
  17162. :[probar] prove
  17163. :[probado] proven
  17164. :[procedencia] provenance
  17165. :[proverbio] proverb
  17166. :[proveer] provide
  17167. :[Proporcionar] providing
  17168. :[provincia] province
  17169. :[provision] provision
  17170. :[provisional] provisional
  17171. :[provocacion] provocation
  17172. :[provocar] provoke
  17173. :[valor] prowess
  17174. :[merodear] prowl
  17175. :[proximidad] proximity
  17176. :[apoderado] proxy
  17177. :[prudencia] prudence
  17178. :[prudente] prudent
  17179. :[ciruelas pasas] prunes
  17180. :[palanca] pry
  17181. :[salmo] psalm
  17182. :[psiquiatrico] psychiatric
  17183. :[psiquico] psychic
  17184. :[psicologico] psychological
  17185. :[psicologia] psychology
  17186. :[psicopata] psychopath
  17187. :[pub] pub
  17188. :[pubertad] puberty
  17189. :[publico] public
  17190. :[publicacion] publication
  17191. :[publicidad] publicity
  17192. :[en publico] publicly
  17193. :[publicar] publish
  17194. :[editor] publisher
  17195. :[pudin] pudding
  17196. :[charco] puddle
  17197. :[soplo] puff
  17198. :[hinchado] puffy
  17199. :[jalar] pull
  17200. :[pull-over] pullover
  17201. :[pulpa] pulp
  17202. :[legumbres] pulse
  17203. :[pulverizar] pulverize
  17204. :[bomba] pump
  17205. :[calabaza] pumpkin
  17206. :[retruecano] pun
  17207. :[puietazo] punch
  17208. :[puntual] punctual
  17209. :[puntuacion] punctuation
  17210. :[puncion] puncture
  17211. :[acre] pungent
  17212. :[castigar] punish
  17213. :[castigo] punishment
  17214. :[punk] punk
  17215. :[alumno] pupil
  17216. :[marioneta] puppet
  17217. :[cachorro] puppy
  17218. :[compra] purchase
  17219. :[puro] pure
  17220. :[puramente] purely
  17221. :[purga] purge
  17222. :[purificar] purify
  17223. :[pureza] purity
  17224. :[purpura] purple
  17225. :[objetivo] purpose
  17226. :[a proposito] purposely
  17227. :[ronroneo] purr
  17228. :[bolso] purse
  17229. :[perseguir] pursue
  17230. :[busqueda] pursuit
  17231. :[empujar] push
  17232. :[pujante] pushful
  17233. :[molesto] pushy
  17234. :[poner] put
  17235. :[pudrirse] putrefy
  17236. :[putrescente] putrescent
  17237. :[rompecabezas] puzzle
  17238. :[perplejidad] puzzlement
  17239. :[piramide] pyramid
  17240. :[curandero] quack
  17241. :[codorniz] quail
  17242. :[pintoresco] quaint
  17243. :[terremoto] quake
  17244. :[temblante] quaking
  17245. :[calificacion] qualification
  17246. :[calificado] qualified
  17247. :[calificar] qualify
  17248. :[calidad] quality
  17249. :[dilema] quandary
  17250. :[cantidad] quantity
  17251. :[cuarentena] quarantine
  17252. :[pelea] quarrel
  17253. :[peleon] quarrelsome
  17254. :[cantera] quarry
  17255. :[cuarto] quarter
  17256. :[jugador de ataque] quarterback
  17257. :[cuasi] quasi
  17258. :[temblor] quaver
  17259. :[muelle] quay
  17260. :[reina] queen
  17261. :[calmar] quell
  17262. :[aplacar] quench
  17263. :[busqueda] quest
  17264. :[pregunta] question
  17265. :[cuestionable] questionable
  17266. :[interrogatorio] questioning
  17267. :[cola] queue
  17268. :[rapido] quick
  17269. :[mas rapido] quicker
  17270. :[cosa hecha rapidamente] quickie
  17271. :[rapidamente] quickly
  17272. :[libra] quid
  17273. :[tranquilo] quiet
  17274. :[en silencio] quietly
  17275. :[edredon] quilt
  17276. :[dejar] quit
  17277. :[bastante] quite
  17278. :[carcaj] quiver
  17279. :[examen] quiz
  17280. :[presentador de un concurso] quizmaster
  17281. :[cotizacion] quotation
  17282. :[cita] quote
  17283. :[Conejo] rabbit
  17284. :[chusma] rabble
  17285. :[rabioso] rabid
  17286. :[raza] race
  17287. :[racial] racial
  17288. :[carreras] racing
  17289. :[racismo] racism
  17290. :[racista] racist
  17291. :[estante] rack
  17292. :[raqueta] racket
  17293. :[Radar] radar
  17294. :[resplandor] radiance
  17295. :[radiante] radiant
  17296. :[radiacion] radiation
  17297. :[radical] radical
  17298. :[radio] radio
  17299. :[radioactivo] radioactive
  17300. :[rabano] radish
  17301. :[radio] radius
  17302. :[rifa] raffle
  17303. :[balsa] raft
  17304. :[trapo] rag
  17305. :[rabia] rage
  17306. :[harapiento] ragged
  17307. :[Redada] raid
  17308. :[carril] rail
  17309. :[barandilla] railing
  17310. :[ferrocarril] railroad
  17311. :[ferrocarril] railway
  17312. :[lluvia] rain
  17313. :[arcoiris] rainbow
  17314. :[impermeable] raincoat
  17315. :[lloviendo] raining
  17316. :[lluvioso] rainy
  17317. :[aumentar] raise
  17318. :[pasa] raisin
  17319. :[rastrillo] rake
  17320. :[reunion] rally
  17321. :[RAM] ram
  17322. :[divagar] ramble
  17323. :[rampa] ramp
  17324. :[corrio] ran
  17325. :[rancio] rancid
  17326. :[rencoroso] rancorous
  17327. :[aleatorio] random
  17328. :[sono] rang
  17329. :[distancia] range
  17330. :[guardabosque] ranger
  17331. :[rango] rank
  17332. :[rescate] ransom
  17333. :[despotricar] rant
  17334. :[rap] rap
  17335. :[rapacidad] rapacity
  17336. :[violacion] rape
  17337. :[rapido] rapid
  17338. :[rapidamente] rapidly
  17339. :[arrebatado] rapt
  17340. :[rapto] rapture
  17341. :[raro] rare
  17342. :[casi nunca] rarely
  17343. :[rareza] rarity
  17344. :[bribon] rascal
  17345. :[sarpullido] rash
  17346. :[raspar] rasp
  17347. :[frambuesa] raspberry
  17348. :[rata] rat
  17349. :[indice] rate
  17350. :[bastante] rather
  17351. :[ratificacion] ratification
  17352. :[clasificacion] rating
  17353. :[proporcion] ratio
  17354. :[racional] rational
  17355. :[racionalizar] rationalize
  17356. :[racionalmente] rationally
  17357. :[traqueteo] rattle
  17358. :[estrago] ravage
  17359. :[delirio] rave
  17360. :[cuervo] raven
  17361. :[voraz] ravenous
  17362. :[barranco] ravine
  17363. :[crudo] raw
  17364. :[rayo] ray
  17365. :[maquinilla de afeitar] razor
  17366. :[alcanzar] reach
  17367. :[reaccionar] react
  17368. :[reaccion] reaction
  17369. :[leer] read
  17370. :[lector] reader
  17371. :[facilmente] readily
  17372. :[preparacion] readiness
  17373. :[leyendo] reading
  17374. :[Listo] ready
  17375. :[verdadero] real
  17376. :[darse cuenta] realise
  17377. :[realista] realistic
  17378. :[realidad] reality
  17379. :[realizacion] realization
  17380. :[De Verdad] really
  17381. :[reino] realm
  17382. :[recoger] reap
  17383. :[trasero] rear
  17384. :[reorganizar] rearrange
  17385. :[razon] reason
  17386. :[razonable] reasonable
  17387. :[razonablemente] reasonably
  17388. :[tranquilizar] reassure
  17389. :[rebelde] rebel
  17390. :[rebelion] rebellion
  17391. :[rebote] rebound
  17392. :[rechazo] rebuff
  17393. :[rechazo] rebuff
  17394. :[reconstruir] rebuild
  17395. :[reprension] rebuke
  17396. :[recordar] recall
  17397. :[renunciar] recant
  17398. :[refundir a] recast
  17399. :[alejarse] recede
  17400. :[recibo] receipt
  17401. :[recibir] receive
  17402. :[receptor] receiver
  17403. :[reciente] recent
  17404. :[recientemente] recently
  17405. :[recepcion] reception
  17406. :[receso] recess
  17407. :[recesion] recession
  17408. :[receta] recipe
  17409. :[recipiente] recipient
  17410. :[reciproco] reciprocal
  17411. :[recital] recital
  17412. :[recitar] recite
  17413. :[imprudente] reckless
  17414. :[contar] reckon
  17415. :[contar] reckon
  17416. :[reclamar] reclaim
  17417. :[reclinar] recline
  17418. :[reconocer] recognise
  17419. :[reconocimiento] recognition
  17420. :[reconocimiento] recognition
  17421. :[reconocer] recognize
  17422. :[retroceso] recoil
  17423. :[recordar] recollect
  17424. :[recomendar] recommend
  17425. :[recomendacion] recommendation
  17426. :[recompensa] recompense
  17427. :[conciliar] reconcile
  17428. :[reconciliacion] reconciliation
  17429. :[reconocimiento] reconnaissance
  17430. :[reconectarse] reconnect
  17431. :[reconsiderar] reconsider
  17432. :[reconstruir] reconstruct
  17433. :[registro] record
  17434. :[grabadora] recorder
  17435. :[recuperar] recover
  17436. :[recuperacion] recovery
  17437. :[recreacion] recreation
  17438. :[recluta] recruit
  17439. :[reclutamiento] recruiting
  17440. :[rectangulo] rectangle
  17441. :[rectangulo] rectangle
  17442. :[rectificacion] rectification
  17443. :[rectificar] rectify
  17444. :[recuperar] recuperate
  17445. :[recurrente] recurrent
  17446. :[reciclar] recycle
  17447. :[reciclaje] recycling
  17448. :[rojo] red
  17449. :[enrojecer] redden
  17450. :[canjear] redeem
  17451. :[canjear] redeem
  17452. :[pelirrojo] redhead
  17453. :[compensacion] redress
  17454. :[reducir] reduce
  17455. :[reduccion] reduction
  17456. :[redundancia] redundancy
  17457. :[Junco] reed
  17458. :[Junco] reed
  17459. :[arrecife] reef
  17460. :[hedor] reek
  17461. :[carrete] reel
  17462. :[referir] refer
  17463. :[arbitro] referee
  17464. :[referencia] reference
  17465. :[rellenar] refill
  17466. :[refinar] refine
  17467. :[reflejar] reflect
  17468. :[reflexion] reflection
  17469. :[reflejo] reflex
  17470. :[reforma] reform
  17471. :[reforma] reform
  17472. :[estribillo] refrain
  17473. :[actualizar] refresh
  17474. :[refrescante] refreshing
  17475. :[refresco] refreshment
  17476. :[refrigerar] refrigerate
  17477. :[refrigerador] refrigerator
  17478. :[repostar] refuel
  17479. :[refugio] refuge
  17480. :[reembolso] refund
  17481. :[rechazo] refusal
  17482. :[rehusar] refuse
  17483. :[rehusar] refuse
  17484. :[refutacion] refutation
  17485. :[recuperar] regain
  17486. :[respecto] regard
  17487. :[a pesar de todo] regardless
  17488. :[regente] regent
  17489. :[regimen] regime
  17490. :[region] region
  17491. :[regional] regional
  17492. :[Registrarse] register
  17493. :[registrado] registered
  17494. :[registro] registration
  17495. :[arrepentirse] regret
  17496. :[arrepentido] regretful
  17497. :[lamentable] regrettable
  17498. :[regular] regular
  17499. :[regularmente] regularly
  17500. :[regulacion] regulation
  17501. :[rehabilitacion] rehabilitation
  17502. :[ensayo] rehearsal
  17503. :[ensayar] rehearse
  17504. :[reinado] reign
  17505. :[rienda] rein
  17506. :[reforzarse] reinforce
  17507. :[rechazar] reject
  17508. :[rechazo] rejection
  17509. :[alegrarse] rejoice
  17510. :[recaida] relapse
  17511. :[recaida] relapse
  17512. :[relacionar] relate
  17513. :[relacion] relation
  17514. :[relacion] relationship
  17515. :[relativo] relative
  17516. :[relativamente] relatively
  17517. :[relajarse] relax
  17518. :[relajante] relaxing
  17519. :[rele] relay
  17520. :[liberacion] release
  17521. :[ceder] relent
  17522. :[implacable.despiadado] relentless
  17523. :[pertinente] relevant
  17524. :[de confianza] reliable
  17525. :[dependencia] reliance
  17526. :[confiado] reliant
  17527. :[alivio] relief
  17528. :[aliviar] relieve
  17529. :[religion] religion
  17530. :[religioso] religious
  17531. :[renunciar] relinquish
  17532. :[saborear] relish
  17533. :[volver a vivir] relive
  17534. :[reluctancia] reluctance
  17535. :[reluctancia] reluctance
  17536. :[reacio] reluctant
  17537. :[confiar] rely
  17538. :[permanecer] remain
  17539. :[restante] remaining
  17540. :[observacion] remark
  17541. :[Notable] remarkable
  17542. :[notablemente] remarkably
  17543. :[vuelto a casar] remarried
  17544. :[remedio] remedy
  17545. :[recordar] remember
  17546. :[remembranza] remembrance
  17547. :[recordar] remind
  17548. :[recordatorio] reminder
  17549. :[descuidado] remiss
  17550. :[remesa] remittance
  17551. :[retazo o restos] remnant
  17552. :[remordimiento] remorse
  17553. :[remoto] remote
  17554. :[remotamente] remotely
  17555. :[eliminacion] removal
  17556. :[retirar] remove
  17557. :[Renacimiento] renaissance
  17558. :[desgarrar] rend
  17559. :[hacer] render
  17560. :[renovar] renew
  17561. :[renovacion] renewal
  17562. :[renovar] renovate
  17563. :[renombre] renown
  17564. :[alquilar] rent
  17565. :[alquiler] rental
  17566. :[alquiler] renting
  17567. :[reorganizar] reorganize
  17568. :[reparar] repair
  17569. :[pagar] repay
  17570. :[repetir] repeat
  17571. :[repetidamente] repeatedly
  17572. :[repeler] repel
  17573. :[repelente] repellent
  17574. :[arrepentirse] repent
  17575. :[repercusion] repercussion
  17576. :[repeticion] repetition
  17577. :[monotono] repetitious
  17578. :[reemplazar] replace
  17579. :[reemplazo] replacement
  17580. :[replica] replica
  17581. :[respuesta] reply
  17582. :[reporte] report
  17583. :[reportero] reporter
  17584. :[reposo] repose
  17585. :[reprensible] reprehensible
  17586. :[representar] represent
  17587. :[representacion] representation
  17588. :[representante] representative
  17589. :[reprimir] repress
  17590. :[reprimenda] reprimand
  17591. :[reimprimir] reprint
  17592. :[reproche] reproach
  17593. :[reproduccion] reproduction
  17594. :[reprension] reproof
  17595. :[reprender] reprove
  17596. :[reptil] reptile
  17597. :[republica] republic
  17598. :[republicano] republican
  17599. :[rechazar] repulse
  17600. :[repulsivo] repulsive
  17601. :[reputacion] reputation
  17602. :[reputacion] repute
  17603. :[solicitud] request
  17604. :[exigir] require
  17605. :[requisito] requirement
  17606. :[requisito] requisite
  17607. :[reprogramar] reschedule
  17608. :[rescate] rescue
  17609. :[investigar] research
  17610. :[investigando] researching
  17611. :[reseditar] resedue
  17612. :[semejanza] resemblance
  17613. :[asemejarse a] resemble
  17614. :[resentirse de] resent
  17615. :[resentido] resentful
  17616. :[resentimiento] resentment
  17617. :[resentido] reseptive
  17618. :[reserva] reservation
  17619. :[reserva] reserve
  17620. :[reservado] reserved
  17621. :[Reiniciar] reset
  17622. :[residir] reside
  17623. :[residencia] residence
  17624. :[residente] resident
  17625. :[Residencial] residential
  17626. :[Renunciar] resign
  17627. :[resignacion] resignation
  17628. :[resistir] resist
  17629. :[resistencia] resistance
  17630. :[resuelto] resolute
  17631. :[resolucion] resolution
  17632. :[resolver] resolve
  17633. :[recurso] resort
  17634. :[resonar] resound
  17635. :[recurso] resource
  17636. :[ingenioso] resourceful
  17637. :[el respeto] respect
  17638. :[respetable] respectable
  17639. :[respetuoso] respectful
  17640. :[respetuosamente] respectfully
  17641. :[respectivamente] respectively
  17642. :[respiracion] respiration
  17643. :[respirador] respirator
  17644. :[respiro] respite
  17645. :[responder] respond
  17646. :[respuesta] response
  17647. :[responsabilidad] responsibility
  17648. :[responsable] responsible
  17649. :[descansar] rest
  17650. :[restaurante] restaurant
  17651. :[inquieto] restless
  17652. :[restauracion] restoration
  17653. :[restaurar] restore
  17654. :[contener] restrain
  17655. :[restringir] restrict
  17656. :[restringido] restricted
  17657. :[restriccion] restriction
  17658. :[baio] restroom
  17659. :[resultado] result
  17660. :[reanudar] resume
  17661. :[Resurreccion] resurrection
  17662. :[venta minorista] retail
  17663. :[conservar] retain
  17664. :[anticipo] retainer
  17665. :[tomar represalias] retaliate
  17666. :[repensar] rethink
  17667. :[reticencia] reticence
  17668. :[sequito] retinue
  17669. :[jubilarse] retire
  17670. :[retirado] retired
  17671. :[Jubilacion] retirement
  17672. :[retorta] retort
  17673. :[retirada] retreat
  17674. :[recuperacion] retrieval
  17675. :[recuperar] retrieve
  17676. :[retro] retro
  17677. :[regreso] return
  17678. :[reunion] reunion
  17679. :[reunidos] reunited
  17680. :[revelar] reveal
  17681. :[revelador] revealing
  17682. :[revelacion] revelation
  17683. :[venganza] revenge
  17684. :[ingresos] revenue
  17685. :[reverencia] reverence
  17686. :[reverendo] reverend
  17687. :[marcha atras] reverse
  17688. :[revertir] revert
  17689. :[revision] review
  17690. :[revision] revision
  17691. :[reanimar] revive
  17692. :[revocar] revoke
  17693. :[revuelta] revolt
  17694. :[revolucion] revolution
  17695. :[revolucionario] revolutionary
  17696. :[girar] revolve
  17697. :[repugnancia] revulsion
  17698. :[recompensa] reward
  17699. :[rebobinar] rewind
  17700. :[volver a escribir] rewrite
  17701. :[rinoceronte] rhinoceros
  17702. :[ruibarbo] rhubarb
  17703. :[rima] rhyme
  17704. :[ritmo] rhythm
  17705. :[costilla] rib
  17706. :[cinta] ribbon
  17707. :[arroz] rice
  17708. :[Rico] rich
  17709. :[mas rico] richest
  17710. :[deshacerse] rid
  17711. :[libramiento] riddance
  17712. :[enigma] riddle
  17713. :[paseo] ride
  17714. :[cresta] ridge
  17715. :[ridiculo] ridicule
  17716. :[ridiculo] ridiculous
  17717. :[montando] riding
  17718. :[rifle] rifle
  17719. :[grieta] rift
  17720. :[plataforma] rig
  17721. :[Derecha] right
  17722. :[justo] righteous
  17723. :[legitimo] rightful
  17724. :[legitimamente] rightfully
  17725. :[derecho] righty
  17726. :[rigido] rigid
  17727. :[riguroso] rigorous
  17728. :[rigor] rigour
  17729. :[sacar de quicio] rile
  17730. :[borde] rim
  17731. :[corteza] rind
  17732. :[anillo] ring
  17733. :[campanero] ringer
  17734. :[enjuagar] rinse
  17735. :[disturbio] riot
  17736. :[desenfrenado] riotous
  17737. :[rotura] rip
  17738. :[maduro] ripe
  17739. :[onda] ripple
  17740. :[subir] rise
  17741. :[creciente] rising
  17742. :[riesgo] risk
  17743. :[arriesgado] risky
  17744. :[rito] rite
  17745. :[ritual] ritual
  17746. :[rival] rival
  17747. :[rio] river
  17748. :[remache] rivet
  17749. :[la carretera] road
  17750. :[mapa vial] roadmap
  17751. :[borde del camino] roadside
  17752. :[vagar] roam
  17753. :[rugido] roar
  17754. :[asar] roast
  17755. :[robar] rob
  17756. :[ladron] robber
  17757. :[robo] robbery
  17758. :[tunica] robe
  17759. :[robot] robot
  17760. :[robusto] robust
  17761. :[Roca] rock
  17762. :[cohete] rocket
  17763. :[rocoso] rocky
  17764. :[varilla] rod
  17765. :[hueva] roe
  17766. :[picaro] rogue
  17767. :[papel] role
  17768. :[rollo] roll
  17769. :[rodillo] roller
  17770. :[laminacion] rolling
  17771. :[romance] romance
  17772. :[romantico] romantic
  17773. :[retozar] romp
  17774. :[techo] roof
  17775. :[torre] rook
  17776. :[novato] rookie
  17777. :[habitacion] room
  17778. :[compaiera de cuarto] roommate
  17779. :[raiz] root
  17780. :[soga] rope
  17781. :[Rosa] rose
  17782. :[capullo de rosa] rosebud
  17783. :[rosado] rosy
  17784. :[putrefaccion] rot
  17785. :[girar] rotate
  17786. :[podrido] rotten
  17787. :[rotundo] rotund
  17788. :[colorete] rouge
  17789. :[aspero] rough
  17790. :[aproximadamente] roughly
  17791. :[ronda] round
  17792. :[rotonda] roundabout
  17793. :[despertar] rouse
  17794. :[ruta] route
  17795. :[rutina] routine
  17796. :[recorrer] rove
  17797. :[hilera] row
  17798. :[serbal] rowan
  17799. :[real] royal
  17800. :[realeza] royalty
  17801. :[frotar] rub
  17802. :[caucho] rubber
  17803. :[basura] rubbish
  17804. :[rubi] ruby
  17805. :[mochila] rucksack
  17806. :[timon] rudder
  17807. :[maleducado] rude
  17808. :[rudimentario] rudimentary
  17809. :[rufian] ruffian
  17810. :[alfombra] rug
  17811. :[rugby] rugby
  17812. :[ruina] ruin
  17813. :[arruinado] ruined
  17814. :[ruinoso] ruinous
  17815. :[regla] rule
  17816. :[regla] ruler
  17817. :[decision] ruling
  17818. :[Ron] rum
  17819. :[retumbar] rumble
  17820. :[hurgar] rummage
  17821. :[rumor] rumour
  17822. :[correr] run
  17823. :[huir] runaway
  17824. :[corredor] runner
  17825. :[corriendo] running
  17826. :[pista] runway
  17827. :[rural] rural
  17828. :[ardid] ruse
  17829. :[prisa] rush
  17830. :[ruso] Russian
  17831. :[oxido] rust
  17832. :[rustico] rustic
  17833. :[crujido] rustle
  17834. :[oxidado] rusty
  17835. :[rodera] rut
  17836. :[implacable] ruthless
  17837. :[centeno] rye
  17838. :[sable] sable
  17839. :[sabotaje] sabotage
  17840. :[saco] sack
  17841. :[sacramento] sacrament
  17842. :[sagrado] sacred
  17843. :[sacrificio] sacrifice
  17844. :[triste] sad
  17845. :[sillin] saddle
  17846. :[Desafortunadamente] sadly
  17847. :[tristeza] sadness
  17848. :[a salvo] safe
  17849. :[salvaguardia] safeguard
  17850. :[sin peligro] safely
  17851. :[mas seguro] safest
  17852. :[la seguridad] safety
  17853. :[hundimiento] sag
  17854. :[sagaz] sagacious
  17855. :[sabio] sage
  17856. :[dijo] said
  17857. :[navegar] sail
  17858. :[navegacion] sailing
  17859. :[marinero] sailor
  17860. :[Smo] saint
  17861. :[motivo] sake
  17862. :[ensalada] salad
  17863. :[salario] salary
  17864. :[venta] sale
  17865. :[vendedor] salesman
  17866. :[saliva] saliva
  17867. :[salida] sally
  17868. :[salmon] salmon
  17869. :[salon] salon
  17870. :[sal] salt
  17871. :[salado] salty
  17872. :[saludo] salutation
  17873. :[saludo] salute
  17874. :[salvar] salvage
  17875. :[salvacion] salvation
  17876. :[mismo] same
  17877. :[muestra] sample
  17878. :[santificar] sanctify
  17879. :[santuario] sanctuary
  17880. :[arena] sand
  17881. :[emparedado] sandwich
  17882. :[arenoso] sandy
  17883. :[cuerdo] sane
  17884. :[canto] sang
  17885. :[sanitario] sanitary
  17886. :[cordura] sanity
  17887. :[hundido] sank
  17888. :[savia] sap
  17889. :[sarcasmo] sarcasm
  17890. :[sarcastico] sarcastic
  17891. :[sardina] sardine
  17892. :[sente] sat
  17893. :[satelite] satellite
  17894. :[satin] satin
  17895. :[satira] satire
  17896. :[satisfaccion] satisfaction
  17897. :[satisfactorio] satisfactory
  17898. :[satisfacer] satisfy
  17899. :[saturar] saturate
  17900. :[sabado] Saturday
  17901. :[salsa] sauce
  17902. :[platillo] saucer
  17903. :[sauna] sauna
  17904. :[embutido] sausage
  17905. :[salvaje] savage
  17906. :[ahorrar] save
  17907. :[ahorro] saving
  17908. :[saborear] savour
  17909. :[comprension] savvy
  17910. :[vio] saw
  17911. :[saxofon] saxophone
  17912. :[decir] say
  17913. :[diciendo] saying
  17914. :[andamio] scaffolding
  17915. :[escaldadura] scald
  17916. :[escala] scale
  17917. :[escamas] scales
  17918. :[cebollino] scallion
  17919. :[Vieira] scallop
  17920. :[cuero cabelludo] scalp
  17921. :[bisturi] scalpel
  17922. :[estafa] scam
  17923. :[estafador] scammer
  17924. :[escanear] scan
  17925. :[escandalo] scandal
  17926. :[escaner] scanner
  17927. :[escaso] scanty
  17928. :[cicatriz] scar
  17929. :[escaso] scarce
  17930. :[susto] scare
  17931. :[espantapajaros] scarecrow
  17932. :[bufanda] scarf
  17933. :[amedrentador] scaring
  17934. :[escarlata] scarlet
  17935. :[de miedo] scary
  17936. :[dispersion] scatter
  17937. :[guion] scenario
  17938. :[escena] scene
  17939. :[paisaje] scenery
  17940. :[olor] scent
  17941. :[esceptico] sceptical
  17942. :[calendario] schedule
  17943. :[esquema] scheme
  17944. :[erudito] scholar
  17945. :[beca] scholarship
  17946. :[colegio] school
  17947. :[Ciencias] science
  17948. :[cientifico] scientific
  17949. :[cientifico] scientist
  17950. :[cortar con tijeras] scissor
  17951. :[tijeras] scissors
  17952. :[regaio] scold
  17953. :[cucharon] scoop
  17954. :[largarse] scoot
  17955. :[scooter] scooter
  17956. :[alcance] scope
  17957. :[quemar] scorch
  17958. :[puntaje] score
  17959. :[escoces] scotch
  17960. :[sinvergienza] scoundrel
  17961. :[explorar] scout
  17962. :[ceio] scowl
  17963. :[lucha] scramble
  17964. :[revuelto] scrambled
  17965. :[chatarra] scrap
  17966. :[raspar] scrape
  17967. :[rasguio] scratch
  17968. :[grito] scream
  17969. :[chillido] screech
  17970. :[pantalla] screen
  17971. :[tornillo] screw
  17972. :[destornillador] screwdriver
  17973. :[Escribiendo] scribble
  17974. :[texto] script
  17975. :[Desplazarse] scroll
  17976. :[maleza] scrub
  17977. :[escrupuloso] scrupulous
  17978. :[escultor] sculptor
  17979. :[escultura] sculpture
  17980. :[guadaia] scythe
  17981. :[mar] sea
  17982. :[mariscos] seafood
  17983. :[sello] seal
  17984. :[sellado] sealed
  17985. :[costura] seam
  17986. :[buscar] search
  17987. :[buscando] searching
  17988. :[costa] seashore
  17989. :[playa] seaside
  17990. :[temporada] season
  17991. :[asiento] seat
  17992. :[algas marinas] seaweed
  17993. :[aislar] seclude
  17994. :[segundo] second
  17995. :[secundario] secondary
  17996. :[en segundo lugar] secondly
  17997. :[secreto] secrecy
  17998. :[secreto] secret
  17999. :[secretario] secretary
  18000. :[reservado] secretive
  18001. :[secretamente] secretly
  18002. :[secta] sect
  18003. :[seccion] section
  18004. :[sector] sector
  18005. :[seguro] secure
  18006. :[seguridad] security
  18007. :[sosegado] sedate
  18008. :[sedante] sedative
  18009. :[seducir] seducing
  18010. :[ver] see
  18011. :[semilla] seed
  18012. :[buscar] seek
  18013. :[parecer] seem
  18014. :[hervir] seethe
  18015. :[segmento] segment
  18016. :[aprovechar] seize
  18017. :[embargo] seizure
  18018. :[Seleccione] select
  18019. :[seleccion] selection
  18020. :[selectivo] selective
  18021. :[uno mismo] self
  18022. :[auto confianza] selfconfidence
  18023. :[autocontrol] selfcontrol
  18024. :[Trabajadores por cuenta propia] selfemployed
  18025. :[autoevidente] selfevident
  18026. :[egoista] selfish
  18027. :[desinteresado] selfless
  18028. :[Auto retrato] selfportrait
  18029. :[autoservicio] selfservice
  18030. :[vender] sell
  18031. :[vendedor] seller
  18032. :[apariencia] semblance
  18033. :[semestre] semester
  18034. :[semi] semi
  18035. :[semicirculo] semicircle
  18036. :[punto y coma] semicolon
  18037. :[seminario] seminar
  18038. :[senado] senate
  18039. :[enviar] send
  18040. :[mayor] senior
  18041. :[sensacion] sensation
  18042. :[sensacional] sensational
  18043. :[sentido] sense
  18044. :[sin sentido] senseless
  18045. :[sensato] sensible
  18046. :[sensible] sensitive
  18047. :[sensibilidad] sensitivity
  18048. :[sensor] sensor
  18049. :[sensual] sensual
  18050. :[enviado] sent
  18051. :[frase] sentence
  18052. :[sentimiento] sentiment
  18053. :[sentimental] sentimental
  18054. :[centinela] sentinel
  18055. :[separar] separate
  18056. :[apartado] separated
  18057. :[por separado] separately
  18058. :[separacion] separation
  18059. :[septiembre] September
  18060. :[continuacion] sequel
  18061. :[secuencia] sequence
  18062. :[serenidad] serenity
  18063. :[sargento] sergeant
  18064. :[de serie] serial
  18065. :[serie] series
  18066. :[grave] serious
  18067. :[seriamente] seriously
  18068. :[sermon] sermon
  18069. :[serpiente] serpent
  18070. :[suero] serum
  18071. :[servidor] servant
  18072. :[atender] serve
  18073. :[servidor] server
  18074. :[Servicio] service
  18075. :[servicio] serving
  18076. :[sesamo] sesame
  18077. :[sesion] session
  18078. :[colocar] set
  18079. :[retrasar] setback
  18080. :[resolver] settle
  18081. :[establecido] settled
  18082. :[asentamiento] settlement
  18083. :[asentamiento] settling
  18084. :[configuracion] setup
  18085. :[Siete] seven
  18086. :[diecisiete] seventeen
  18087. :[septimo] seventh
  18088. :[setenta] seventy
  18089. :[cortar] sever
  18090. :[varios] several
  18091. :[grave] severe
  18092. :[severamente] severely
  18093. :[coser] sew
  18094. :[alcantarilla] sewer
  18095. :[de coser] sewing
  18096. :[desgastado] shabby
  18097. :[choza] shack
  18098. :[sombra] shade
  18099. :[sombra] shadow
  18100. :[sombreado] shady
  18101. :[eje] shaft
  18102. :[lanudo] shaggy
  18103. :[sacudir] shake
  18104. :[agitado] shaken
  18105. :[tembloroso] shaky
  18106. :[debera] shall
  18107. :[poco profundo] shallow
  18108. :[impostor] sham
  18109. :[vergienza] shame
  18110. :[desvergonzado] shameless
  18111. :[champu] shampoo
  18112. :[forma] shape
  18113. :[Cuota] share
  18114. :[compartido] shared
  18115. :[tiburon] shark
  18116. :[afilado] sharp
  18117. :[bruscamente] sharply
  18118. :[romper] shatter
  18119. :[afeitar] shave
  18120. :[chal] shawl
  18121. :[ella] she
  18122. :[cortar] shear
  18123. :[cobertizo] shed
  18124. :[oveja] sheep
  18125. :[escarpado] sheer
  18126. :[hoja] sheet
  18127. :[estante] shelf
  18128. :[cascaron] shell
  18129. :[abrigo] shelter
  18130. :[pastor] shepherd
  18131. :[alguacil] sheriff
  18132. :[Jerez] sherry
  18133. :[blindaje] shield
  18134. :[cambio] shift
  18135. :[chelin] shilling
  18136. :[fiesta] shindig
  18137. :[brillar] shine
  18138. :[guijarros] shingle
  18139. :[brillante] shiny
  18140. :[Embarcacion] ship
  18141. :[envio] shipment
  18142. :[Envio] shipping
  18143. :[camisa] shirt
  18144. :[mierda] shit
  18145. :[temblar] shiver
  18146. :[choque] shock
  18147. :[zapato] shoe
  18148. :[Zapatos] shoes
  18149. :[disparo] shoot
  18150. :[tirador] shooter
  18151. :[tienda] shop
  18152. :[hurto] shoplifting
  18153. :[compras] shopping
  18154. :[orilla] shore
  18155. :[pequeio] short
  18156. :[escasez] shortage
  18157. :[atajo] shortcut
  18158. :[mas corta] shorter
  18159. :[dentro de poco] shortly
  18160. :[Bermudas] shorts
  18161. :[Disparo] shot
  18162. :[escopeta] shotgun
  18163. :[deberian] should
  18164. :[hombro] shoulder
  18165. :[gritar] shout
  18166. :[empujon] shove
  18167. :[pala] shovel
  18168. :[show] show
  18169. :[ducha] shower
  18170. :[mostrado] shown
  18171. :[desgarrar] shred
  18172. :[estridente] shrill
  18173. :[camaron] shrimp
  18174. :[santuario] shrine
  18175. :[encogerse] shrink
  18176. :[marchitar] shrivel
  18177. :[arbusto] shrub
  18178. :[encogimiento de hombros] shrug
  18179. :[estremecimiento] shudder
  18180. :[barajar] shuffle
  18181. :[rehuir] shun
  18182. :[cerrar] shut
  18183. :[lanzadera] shuttle
  18184. :[timido] shy
  18185. :[hermano] sibling
  18186. :[enfermo] sick
  18187. :[hoz] sickle
  18188. :[enfermizo] sickly
  18189. :[enfermedad] sickness
  18190. :[lado] side
  18191. :[linea de banda] sideline
  18192. :[acera] sidewalk
  18193. :[lateral] sideway
  18194. :[oblicuo] sideways
  18195. :[cerco] siege
  18196. :[tamiz] sieve
  18197. :[tamizar] sift
  18198. :[suspiro] sigh
  18199. :[vision] sight
  18200. :[firmar] sign
  18201. :[seial] signal
  18202. :[firma] signature
  18203. :[significado] significance
  18204. :[significativo] significant
  18205. :[significativamente] significantly
  18206. :[firma] signing
  18207. :[silencio] silence
  18208. :[silencio] silent
  18209. :[seda] silk
  18210. :[umbral] sill
  18211. :[tonteria] silliness
  18212. :[tonto] silly
  18213. :[plata] silver
  18214. :[similar] similar
  18215. :[similar] similarly
  18216. :[sencillo] simple
  18217. :[simplemente] simply
  18218. :[simultaneo] simultaneous
  18219. :[pecado] sin
  18220. :[ya que] since
  18221. :[sincero] sincere
  18222. :[tendon] sinew
  18223. :[cantar] sing
  18224. :[chamuscar] singe
  18225. :[cantante] singer
  18226. :[soltero] single
  18227. :[singular] singular
  18228. :[siniestro] sinister
  18229. :[lavabo] sink
  18230. :[pecador] sinner
  18231. :[sorbo] sip
  18232. :[seior] sir
  18233. :[hermana] sister
  18234. :[sentarse] sit
  18235. :[sitio] site
  18236. :[sentado] sitting
  18237. :[situado] situated
  18238. :[situacion] situation
  18239. :[seis] six
  18240. :[dieciseis] sixteen
  18241. :[sexto] sixth
  18242. :[sesenta] sixty
  18243. :[Talla] size
  18244. :[patinar] skate
  18245. :[Patinaje] skating
  18246. :[esqueleto] skeleton
  18247. :[bosquejo] sketch
  18248. :[incompleto] sketchy
  18249. :[esqui] ski
  18250. :[patinar] skid
  18251. :[esquiador] skier
  18252. :[esqui] skiing
  18253. :[habil] skilful
  18254. :[habilidad] skill
  18255. :[experto] skilled
  18256. :[desnatar] skim
  18257. :[piel] skin
  18258. :[muy delgado] skinny
  18259. :[saltar] skip
  18260. :[patron] skipper
  18261. :[escaramuza] skirmish
  18262. :[falda] skirt
  18263. :[craneo] skull
  18264. :[cielo] sky
  18265. :[rascacielos] skyscraper
  18266. :[flojo] slack
  18267. :[golpe] slam
  18268. :[calumnia] slander
  18269. :[Jerga] slang
  18270. :[bofetada] slap
  18271. :[barra oblicua] slash
  18272. :[pizarra] slate
  18273. :[sacrificio] slaughter
  18274. :[esclavo] slave
  18275. :[esclavitud] slavery
  18276. :[matar] slay
  18277. :[asesino] slayer
  18278. :[sordido] sleazy
  18279. :[trineo] sled
  18280. :[trineo] sledge
  18281. :[pulcro] sleek
  18282. :[dormir] sleep
  18283. :[fiesta de pijamas] sleepover
  18284. :[somnoliento] sleepy
  18285. :[manga] sleeve
  18286. :[trineo] sleigh
  18287. :[esbelto] slender
  18288. :[rodaja] slice
  18289. :[resbaloso] slick
  18290. :[diapositiva] slide
  18291. :[leve] slight
  18292. :[menor] slightest
  18293. :[levemente] slightly
  18294. :[Delgado] slim
  18295. :[limo] slime
  18296. :[baboso] slimy
  18297. :[honda] sling
  18298. :[deslizar] slip
  18299. :[zapatillas] slippers
  18300. :[resbaladizo] slippery
  18301. :[abertura] slit
  18302. :[haragan] slob
  18303. :[eslogan] slogan
  18304. :[Pendiente] slope
  18305. :[descuidado] sloppy
  18306. :[espacio] slot
  18307. :[lento] slow
  18308. :[Mas lento] slower
  18309. :[desacelerando] slowing
  18310. :[despacio] slowly
  18311. :[compuerta] sluice
  18312. :[barrio bajo] slum
  18313. :[sueio] slumber
  18314. :[fango] slush
  18315. :[astuto] sly
  18316. :[tortazo] smack
  18317. :[pequeia] small
  18318. :[menor] smaller
  18319. :[pequeiisimo] smallest
  18320. :[inteligente] smart
  18321. :[aplastar] smash
  18322. :[frotis] smear
  18323. :[oler] smell
  18324. :[maloliente] smelly
  18325. :[sonrisa] smile
  18326. :[sonriente] smiling
  18327. :[herir] smite
  18328. :[Herrero] smith
  18329. :[fumar] smoke
  18330. :[de fumar] smoking
  18331. :[liso] smooth
  18332. :[suavemente] smoothly
  18333. :[ahogar] smother
  18334. :[arder sin llama] smoulder
  18335. :[presumido] smug
  18336. :[hacer contrabando] smuggle
  18337. :[bocadillo] snack
  18338. :[engancharse] snag
  18339. :[Caracol] snail
  18340. :[serpiente] snake
  18341. :[quebrar] snap
  18342. :[rapido] snappy
  18343. :[gruiido] snarl
  18344. :[furtivo] sneak
  18345. :[furtivo] sneaking
  18346. :[furtivo] sneaky
  18347. :[burla] sneer
  18348. :[estornudo] sneeze
  18349. :[corte] snick
  18350. :[oler] sniff
  18351. :[soplon] snitch
  18352. :[snob] snob
  18353. :[fisgonear] snoop
  18354. :[ronquido] snore
  18355. :[bufido] snort
  18356. :[hocico] snout
  18357. :[nieve] snow
  18358. :[monigote de nieve] snowman
  18359. :[ajustado] snug
  18360. :[asi que] so
  18361. :[Sumergir] soak
  18362. :[jabon] soap
  18363. :[sollozo] sob
  18364. :[sobrio] sober
  18365. :[asi llamado] so-called
  18366. :[futbol] soccer
  18367. :[sociable] sociable
  18368. :[social] social
  18369. :[socialmente] socially
  18370. :[sociedad] society
  18371. :[calcetin] sock
  18372. :[enchufe] socket
  18373. :[cesped] sod
  18374. :[soda] soda
  18375. :[sodio] sodium
  18376. :[sofa] sofa
  18377. :[suave] soft
  18378. :[sofbol] softball
  18379. :[ablandar] soften
  18380. :[suavemente] softly
  18381. :[software] software
  18382. :[tierra] soil
  18383. :[solar] solar
  18384. :[vendido] sold
  18385. :[soldar] solder
  18386. :[soldado] soldier
  18387. :[unico] sole
  18388. :[solemne] solemn
  18389. :[abogado] solicitor
  18390. :[solido] solid
  18391. :[solitario] solitary
  18392. :[solo] solo
  18393. :[solista] soloist
  18394. :[soluble] soluble
  18395. :[solucion] solution
  18396. :[resolver] solve
  18397. :[resolviendo] solving
  18398. :[algunos] some
  18399. :[alguien] somebody
  18400. :[algun dia] someday
  18401. :[de alguna manera] somehow
  18402. :[alguien] someone
  18403. :[en algun lugar] someplace
  18404. :[alguna cosa] something
  18405. :[algun tiempo] sometime
  18406. :[algunas veces] sometimes
  18407. :[algo] somewhat
  18408. :[hijo] son
  18409. :[cancion] song
  18410. :[yerno] son-in-law
  18411. :[hijo] sonny
  18412. :[pronto] soon
  18413. :[cuanto antes] sooner
  18414. :[Hollin] soot
  18415. :[calmar] soothe
  18416. :[calmante] soothing
  18417. :[sofisticado] sophisticated
  18418. :[estudiante de segundo aio] sophomore
  18419. :[sordido] sordid
  18420. :[doloroso] sore
  18421. :[tristeza] sorrow
  18422. :[perdon] sorry
  18423. :[clasificar] sort
  18424. :[buscado] sought
  18425. :[alma] soul
  18426. :[sonido] sound
  18427. :[sopa] soup
  18428. :[agrio] sour
  18429. :[fuente] source
  18430. :[Sur] south
  18431. :[del Sur] southern
  18432. :[recuerdo] souvenir
  18433. :[soberano] sovereign
  18434. :[sembrar] sow
  18435. :[soja] soy
  18436. :[spa] spa
  18437. :[espacio] space
  18438. :[astronave] spacecraft
  18439. :[astronave] spaceship
  18440. :[pala] spade
  18441. :[espaguetis] spaghetti
  18442. :[correo no deseado] spam
  18443. :[lapso] span
  18444. :[espaiol] Spaniard
  18445. :[Espaiol] Spanish
  18446. :[azotar] spank
  18447. :[llave] spanner
  18448. :[repuesto] spare
  18449. :[Chispa - chispear] spark
  18450. :[espumoso] sparkling
  18451. :[gorrion] sparrow
  18452. :[salpicar] spatter
  18453. :[Aparecer] spawn
  18454. :[hablar] speak
  18455. :[vocero] speaker
  18456. :[lanza] spear
  18457. :[especial] special
  18458. :[especialista] specialist
  18459. :[especializarse] specialize
  18460. :[especialidad] specialty
  18461. :[especies] species
  18462. :[especifico] specific
  18463. :[especificamente] specifically
  18464. :[especificar] specify
  18465. :[muestra] specimen
  18466. :[Particula] speck
  18467. :[espectaculo] spectacle
  18468. :[espectacular] spectacular
  18469. :[espectro] spectrum
  18470. :[especulacion] speculation
  18471. :[habla] speech
  18472. :[Sin palabras] speechless
  18473. :[velocidad] speed
  18474. :[exceso de velocidad] speeding
  18475. :[deletrear] spell
  18476. :[ortografia] spelling
  18477. :[gastar] spend
  18478. :[gastado] spent
  18479. :[esperma] sperm
  18480. :[esfera] sphere
  18481. :[especia] spice
  18482. :[picante] spicy
  18483. :[araia] spider
  18484. :[pico] spike
  18485. :[derramar] spill
  18486. :[girar] spin
  18487. :[Espinacas] spinach
  18488. :[espinal] spinal
  18489. :[columna vertebral] spine
  18490. :[solterona] spinster
  18491. :[espiral] spiral
  18492. :[aguja] spire
  18493. :[espiritu] spirit
  18494. :[espiritu] spirits
  18495. :[espiritual] spiritual
  18496. :[escupir] spit
  18497. :[despecho] spite
  18498. :[saliva] spittle
  18499. :[chapoteo] splash
  18500. :[bazo] spleen
  18501. :[esplendido] splendid
  18502. :[astilla] splinter
  18503. :[separar] split
  18504. :[terrible] splitting
  18505. :[arruinar] spoil
  18506. :[consentido] spoiled
  18507. :[hablo] spoke
  18508. :[hablado] spoken
  18509. :[portavoz] spokesman
  18510. :[esponja] sponge
  18511. :[patrocinador] sponsor
  18512. :[espontaneo] spontaneous
  18513. :[espectro] spook
  18514. :[escalofriante] spooky
  18515. :[cuchara] spoon
  18516. :[deporte] sport
  18517. :[deportivo] sporting
  18518. :[deportista en alguna parte] sportsman somewhere
  18519. :[lugar] spot
  18520. :[destacar] spotlight
  18521. :[rociar] spray
  18522. :[propagar] spread
  18523. :[extension] spreading
  18524. :[juerga] spree
  18525. :[primavera] spring
  18526. :[espolvorear] sprinkle
  18527. :[velocista] sprinter
  18528. :[de muelles] sprung
  18529. :[hilado] spun
  18530. :[estimular] spur
  18531. :[espiar] spy
  18532. :[equipo] squad
  18533. :[cuadrado] square
  18534. :[calabaza] squash
  18535. :[ponerse en cuclillas] squat
  18536. :[chirrido] squeak
  18537. :[estrujar] squeeze
  18538. :[calamar] squid
  18539. :[estrabismo] squint
  18540. :[ardilla] squirrel
  18541. :[chorro] squirt
  18542. :[puialada] stab
  18543. :[estabilidad] stability
  18544. :[estable] stable
  18545. :[apilar] stack
  18546. :[estadio] stadium
  18547. :[personal] staff
  18548. :[escenario] stage
  18549. :[tambalear] stagger
  18550. :[Mancha] stain
  18551. :[escalera] stair
  18552. :[escalera] staircase
  18553. :[hueco de escalera] stairwell
  18554. :[apostar] stake
  18555. :[duro] stale
  18556. :[tallo] stalk
  18557. :[puesto] stall
  18558. :[semental] stallion
  18559. :[balbucear] stammer
  18560. :[sello] stamp
  18561. :[pararse] stand
  18562. :[estandar] standard
  18563. :[punto de vista] standpoint
  18564. :[grapa] staple
  18565. :[estrella] star
  18566. :[almidon] starch
  18567. :[mirar fijamente] stare
  18568. :[rigido] stark
  18569. :[estornino] starling
  18570. :[protagonizando] starring
  18571. :[comienzo] start
  18572. :[asustar] startle
  18573. :[inanicion] starvation
  18574. :[morir de hambre] starve
  18575. :[estado] state
  18576. :[declaracion] statement
  18577. :[estatico] static
  18578. :[estacion] station
  18579. :[papeleria] stationery
  18580. :[Estadisticas] statistics
  18581. :[estatua] statue
  18582. :[estado] status
  18583. :[estatuto] statute
  18584. :[firme] staunch
  18585. :[Quedate] stay
  18586. :[firme] steady
  18587. :[filete] steak
  18588. :[robar] steal
  18589. :[vapor] steam
  18590. :[corcel] steed
  18591. :[acero] steel
  18592. :[empinado] steep
  18593. :[campanario] steeple
  18594. :[dirigir] steer
  18595. :[direccion] steering
  18596. :[madre] stem
  18597. :[hedor] stench
  18598. :[paso] step
  18599. :[padrastro] stepfather
  18600. :[madrastra] stepmother
  18601. :[estepa] steppe
  18602. :[estereo] stereo
  18603. :[estereotipo] stereotype
  18604. :[esteril] sterile
  18605. :[popa] stern
  18606. :[esteroide] steroid
  18607. :[guiso] stew
  18608. :[mayordomo] steward
  18609. :[palo] stick
  18610. :[pegatina] sticker
  18611. :[pegajoso] sticky
  18612. :[rigido] stiff
  18613. :[sofocar] stifle
  18614. :[todavia] still
  18615. :[estimular] stimulate
  18616. :[picadura] sting
  18617. :[tacaio] stingy
  18618. :[hedor] stink
  18619. :[apestoso] stinky
  18620. :[estipular] stipulate
  18621. :[revolver] stir
  18622. :[emocionante] stirring
  18623. :[puntada] stitch
  18624. :[existencias] stock
  18625. :[media] stocking
  18626. :[fogonero] stoker
  18627. :[robo] stole
  18628. :[estomago] stomach
  18629. :[piedra] stone
  18630. :[heces] stool
  18631. :[agacharse] stoop
  18632. :[parada] stop
  18633. :[almacenamiento] storage
  18634. :[Tienda] store
  18635. :[cigieia] stork
  18636. :[tormenta] storm
  18637. :[historia] story
  18638. :[cerveza negra] stout
  18639. :[cocina] stove
  18640. :[estibar] stow
  18641. :[derecho] straight
  18642. :[enderezar] straighten
  18643. :[simple] straightforward
  18644. :[cepa] strain
  18645. :[estrecheces] straits
  18646. :[hebra] strand
  18647. :[varado] stranded
  18648. :[extraio] strange
  18649. :[extraiamente] strangely
  18650. :[extraio] stranger
  18651. :[estrangular] strangle
  18652. :[Correa] strap
  18653. :[estrategico] strategic
  18654. :[estrategico] strategic
  18655. :[estrategia] strategy
  18656. :[Paja] straw
  18657. :[fresa] strawberry
  18658. :[extraviado] stray
  18659. :[racha] streak
  18660. :[Arroyo] stream
  18661. :[calle] street
  18662. :[fuerza] strength
  18663. :[fortalecer] strengthen
  18664. :[agotador] strenuous
  18665. :[estres] stress
  18666. :[Estresante] stressful
  18667. :[estirarse] stretch
  18668. :[esparcir] strew
  18669. :[afligido] stricken
  18670. :[estricto] strict
  18671. :[estrictamente] strictly
  18672. :[paso] stride
  18673. :[Huelga] strike
  18674. :[sorprendentes] striking
  18675. :[cuerda] string
  18676. :[banda] strip
  18677. :[raya] stripe
  18678. :[esforzarse] strive
  18679. :[carrera] stroke
  18680. :[paseo] stroll
  18681. :[fuerte] strong
  18682. :[mas fuerte] stronger
  18683. :[mas fuerte] strongest
  18684. :[fuertemente] strongly
  18685. :[golpeado] struck
  18686. :[estructura] structure
  18687. :[dificil] struggle
  18688. :[encadenado] strung
  18689. :[talon] stub
  18690. :[rastrojo] stubble
  18691. :[testarudo] stubborn
  18692. :[pegado] stuck
  18693. :[semental] stud
  18694. :[estudiante] student
  18695. :[estudio] studio
  18696. :[estudio] study
  18697. :[cosas] stuff
  18698. :[relleno] stuffed
  18699. :[Relleno] stuffing
  18700. :[cargado] stuffy
  18701. :[tropezon] stumble
  18702. :[tocon] stump
  18703. :[aturdir] stun
  18704. :[impresionante] stunning
  18705. :[truco] stunt
  18706. :[estupendo] stupendous
  18707. :[estupido] stupid
  18708. :[estupidez] stupidity
  18709. :[robusto] sturdy
  18710. :[esturion] sturgeon
  18711. :[tartamudear] stutter
  18712. :[estilo] style
  18713. :[subconsciente] subconscious
  18714. :[subdividir] subdivide
  18715. :[dominar] subdue
  18716. :[tema] subject
  18717. :[subjetivo] subjective
  18718. :[submarino] submarine
  18719. :[sumergir] submerge
  18720. :[sumision] submission
  18721. :[enviar] submit
  18722. :[subordinar] subordinate
  18723. :[suscribir] subscribe
  18724. :[suscripcion] subscription
  18725. :[subsecuente] subsequent
  18726. :[despues] subsequently
  18727. :[disminuir] subside
  18728. :[subsistir] subsist
  18729. :[sustancia] substance
  18730. :[sustancia] substance
  18731. :[sustancial] substantial
  18732. :[sustituir] substitute
  18733. :[sutil] subtle
  18734. :[sustraer] subtract
  18735. :[suburbio] suburb
  18736. :[suburbano] suburban
  18737. :[subterraneo] subway
  18738. :[triunfar] succeed
  18739. :[exito] success
  18740. :[exitoso] successful
  18741. :[exitosamente] successfully
  18742. :[tal] such
  18743. :[chupar] suck
  18744. :[succion] suction
  18745. :[repentino] sudden
  18746. :[repentinamente] suddenly
  18747. :[demandar] sue
  18748. :[ante] suede
  18749. :[sufrir] suffer
  18750. :[sufrimiento] suffering
  18751. :[satisfacer] suffice
  18752. :[suficiente] sufficient
  18753. :[sofocar] suffocate
  18754. :[azucar] sugar
  18755. :[sugerir] suggest
  18756. :[sugerencia] suggestion
  18757. :[suicida] suicidal
  18758. :[suicidio] suicide
  18759. :[traje] suit
  18760. :[apropiado] suitable
  18761. :[maleta] suitcase
  18762. :[suite] suite
  18763. :[estar mohino] sulk
  18764. :[hosco] sullen
  18765. :[azufre] sulphur
  18766. :[bochornoso] sultry
  18767. :[suma] sum
  18768. :[verano] summer
  18769. :[cumbre] summit
  18770. :[convocar] summon
  18771. :[suntuoso] sumptuous
  18772. :[sol] sun
  18773. :[domingo] Sunday
  18774. :[Gafas de sol] sunglasses
  18775. :[hundido] sunk
  18776. :[hundido] sunken
  18777. :[luz del sol] sunlight
  18778. :[soleado] sunny
  18779. :[amanecer] sunrise
  18780. :[puesta de sol] sunset
  18781. :[Brillo Solar] sunshine
  18782. :[super] super
  18783. :[magnifico] superb
  18784. :[superficial] superficial
  18785. :[superfluo] superfluous
  18786. :[superheroe] superhero
  18787. :[supervisar] superintend
  18788. :[superintendente] superintendent
  18789. :[superior] superior
  18790. :[superhombre] superman
  18791. :[supermercado] supermarket
  18792. :[sobrenatural] supernatural
  18793. :[reemplazar] supersede
  18794. :[supersticion] superstition
  18795. :[supersticioso] superstitious
  18796. :[supervisar] supervise
  18797. :[supervision] supervision
  18798. :[supervisor] supervisor
  18799. :[cena] supper
  18800. :[suplantar] supplant
  18801. :[flexible] supple
  18802. :[suplemento] supplement
  18803. :[suministro] supply
  18804. :[apoyo] support
  18805. :[seguidor] supporter
  18806. :[secundario] supporting
  18807. :[apoyo] supportive
  18808. :[suponer] suppose
  18809. :[segun cabe suponer] supposedly
  18810. :[reprimir] suppress
  18811. :[supremo] supreme
  18812. :[seguro] sure
  18813. :[seguramente] surely
  18814. :[navegar] surf
  18815. :[superficie] surface
  18816. :[surf] surfing
  18817. :[cirujano] surgeon
  18818. :[cirugia] surgery
  18819. :[quirurgico] surgical
  18820. :[conjetura] surmise
  18821. :[superar a] surmount
  18822. :[apellido] surname
  18823. :[superar] surpass
  18824. :[sorpresa] surprise
  18825. :[sorprendente] surprising
  18826. :[asombrosamente] surprisingly
  18827. :[Rendicion] surrender
  18828. :[sustituto] surrogate
  18829. :[rodear] surround
  18830. :[vigilancia] surveillance
  18831. :[encuesta] survey
  18832. :[supervivencia] survival
  18833. :[sobrevivir] survive
  18834. :[sobreviviente] survivor
  18835. :[susceptible] susceptible
  18836. :[sospechar] suspect
  18837. :[suspender] suspend
  18838. :[suspenso] suspense
  18839. :[suspension] suspension
  18840. :[sospecha] suspicion
  18841. :[suspicaz] suspicious
  18842. :[sostener] sustain
  18843. :[tragar] swallow
  18844. :[pantano] swamp
  18845. :[cisne] swan
  18846. :[intercambio] swap
  18847. :[enjambre] swarm
  18848. :[moreno] swarthy
  18849. :[aplastar] swat
  18850. :[influencia] sway
  18851. :[jurar] swear
  18852. :[sudor] sweat
  18853. :[sueter] sweater
  18854. :[sudoroso] sweaty
  18855. :[sueco] Swede
  18856. :[barrer] sweep
  18857. :[dulce] sweet
  18858. :[cariio] sweetheart
  18859. :[dulzura] sweetness
  18860. :[hinchar] swell
  18861. :[hinchazon] swelling
  18862. :[viraje] swerve
  18863. :[rapido] swift
  18864. :[nadar] swim
  18865. :[nadando] swimming
  18866. :[traje de baio] swimsuit
  18867. :[estafa] swindle
  18868. :[cerdo] swine
  18869. :[columpio] swing
  18870. :[suizo] Swiss
  18871. :[cambiar] switch
  18872. :[hinchado] swollen
  18873. :[redada] swoop
  18874. :[espada] sword
  18875. :[jurado] sworn
  18876. :[silaba] syllable
  18877. :[silaba] syllabus
  18878. :[simbolo] symbol
  18879. :[simpatico] sympathetic
  18880. :[compadecerse] sympathize
  18881. :[simpatia] sympathy
  18882. :[sinfonia] symphony
  18883. :[sintoma] symptom
  18884. :[sincronizar] synchronize
  18885. :[sindrome] syndrome
  18886. :[sinonimo] synonym
  18887. :[sintesis] synthesis
  18888. :[jeringuilla] syringe
  18889. :[jarabe] syrup
  18890. :[sistema] system
  18891. :[mesa] table
  18892. :[tableta] tablet
  18893. :[tabloide] tabloid
  18894. :[virar] tack
  18895. :[entrada] tackle
  18896. :[pegajoso] tacky
  18897. :[tactica] tactic
  18898. :[tactico] tactical
  18899. :[etiqueta] tag
  18900. :[cola] tail
  18901. :[Sastre] tailor
  18902. :[mancha] taint
  18903. :[llevar] take
  18904. :[sacar] takeout
  18905. :[tomar el control] takeover
  18906. :[cuento] tale
  18907. :[talento] talent
  18908. :[talentoso] talented
  18909. :[hablar] talk
  18910. :[alto] tall
  18911. :[domar] tame
  18912. :[manosear] tamper
  18913. :[broncearse] tan
  18914. :[tangible] tangible
  18915. :[enredo] tangle
  18916. :[tanque] tank
  18917. :[grifo] tap
  18918. :[cinta] tape
  18919. :[tapiz] tapestry
  18920. :[grabando] taping
  18921. :[alquitran] tar
  18922. :[tardio] tardy
  18923. :[objetivo] target
  18924. :[arancel] tariff
  18925. :[tarta] tart
  18926. :[tarea] task
  18927. :[gusto] taste
  18928. :[saboreo] tasting
  18929. :[sabroso] tasty
  18930. :[tatuaje] tattoo
  18931. :[enseiado] taught
  18932. :[pulla] taunt
  18933. :[impuesto] tax
  18934. :[taxi] taxi
  18935. :[contribuyente] taxpayer
  18936. :[te] tea
  18937. :[enseiar] teach
  18938. :[profesor] teacher
  18939. :[equipo] team
  18940. :[tetera] tea-pot
  18941. :[lagrima] tear
  18942. :[lagrimas] tears
  18943. :[fastidiar] tease
  18944. :[cucharilla] teaspoon
  18945. :[tecnico] technical
  18946. :[tecnicismo] technicality
  18947. :[tecnicamente] technically
  18948. :[tecnica] technique
  18949. :[tecnologia] technology
  18950. :[tedioso] tedious
  18951. :[tee] tee
  18952. :[abundar] teem
  18953. :[adolescente] teen
  18954. :[Adolescente] teenage
  18955. :[adolescente] teenager
  18956. :[chiquitin] teeny
  18957. :[dientes] teeth
  18958. :[telegrama] telegram
  18959. :[telegrafo] telegraph
  18960. :[telefono] telephone
  18961. :[telescopio] telescope
  18962. :[television] television
  18963. :[contar] tell
  18964. :[tele] telly
  18965. :[temperatura] temp
  18966. :[templar] temper
  18967. :[temperatura] temperature
  18968. :[templo] temple
  18969. :[temporal] temporal
  18970. :[temporalmente] temporarily
  18971. :[temporal] temporary
  18972. :[tentar] tempt
  18973. :[tentacion] temptation
  18974. :[diez] ten
  18975. :[inquilino] tenant
  18976. :[tender] tend
  18977. :[tendencia] tendency
  18978. :[tierno] tender
  18979. :[tendon] tendon
  18980. :[tenis] tennis
  18981. :[tiempo] tense
  18982. :[tension] tension
  18983. :[carpa] tent
  18984. :[tentativo] tentative
  18985. :[decimo] tenth
  18986. :[termino] term
  18987. :[Terminal] terminal
  18988. :[Terminar] terminate
  18989. :[condiciones] terms
  18990. :[terraza] terrace
  18991. :[terrible] terrible
  18992. :[terriblemente] terribly
  18993. :[fantastico] terrific
  18994. :[espantoso] terrifying
  18995. :[territorio] territory
  18996. :[terror] terror
  18997. :[terrorismo] terrorism
  18998. :[terrorista] terrorist
  18999. :[prueba] test
  19000. :[testamento] testament
  19001. :[testificar] testify
  19002. :[testimonio] testimony
  19003. :[tubo de ensayo] test-tube
  19004. :[texto] text
  19005. :[libro de texto] textbook
  19006. :[textil] textile
  19007. :[mensaje de texto] text-message
  19008. :[textura] texture
  19009. :[que] than
  19010. :[gracias] thank
  19011. :[agradecido] thankful
  19012. :[accion de gracias] thanksgiving
  19013. :[ese] that
  19014. :[deshielo] thaw
  19015. :[los] the
  19016. :[teatro] theatre
  19017. :[El e] thee
  19018. :[hurto] theft
  19019. :[su] their
  19020. :[suyo] theirs
  19021. :[ellos] them
  19022. :[tema] theme
  19023. :[ellos mismos] themselves
  19024. :[luego] then
  19025. :[teologico] theological
  19026. :[teorico] theoretical
  19027. :[teoria] theory
  19028. :[terapeuta] therapist
  19029. :[terapia] therapy
  19030. :[alli] there
  19031. :[por lo tanto] therefore
  19032. :[termometro] thermometer
  19033. :[Tesauro] thesaurus
  19034. :[estas] these
  19035. :[tesis] thesis
  19036. :[ellos] they
  19037. :[grueso] thick
  19038. :[ladron] thief
  19039. :[robar] thieve
  19040. :[muslo] thigh
  19041. :[dedal] thimble
  19042. :[delgada] thin
  19043. :[cosa] thing
  19044. :[cosita] thingy
  19045. :[pensar] think
  19046. :[pensando] thinking
  19047. :[mas delgada] thinner
  19048. :[tercera] third
  19049. :[sed] thirst
  19050. :[sediento] thirsty
  19051. :[trece] thirteen
  19052. :[treinta] thirty
  19053. :[esta] this
  19054. :[espina] thorn
  19055. :[exhaustivo] thorough
  19056. :[minuciosamente] thoroughly
  19057. :[aquellos] those
  19058. :[aunque] though
  19059. :[pensamiento] thought
  19060. :[considerado] thoughtful
  19061. :[desconsiderado] thoughtless
  19062. :[mil] thousand
  19063. :[hilo] thread
  19064. :[amenaza] threat
  19065. :[amenazar] threaten
  19066. :[Tres] three
  19067. :[umbral] threshold
  19068. :[arrojo] threw
  19069. :[ahorro] thrift
  19070. :[emocion] thrill
  19071. :[emocionante] thrilling
  19072. :[garganta] throat
  19073. :[trono] throne
  19074. :[multitud] throng
  19075. :[mediante] through
  19076. :[a lo largo de] throughout
  19077. :[empuje] thrust
  19078. :[maton] thug
  19079. :[pulgar] thumb
  19080. :[golpear] thump
  19081. :[trueno] thunder
  19082. :[jueves] Thursday
  19083. :[por lo tanto] thus
  19084. :[frustrar] thwart
  19085. :[garrapata] tick
  19086. :[billete] ticket
  19087. :[cosquillas] tickle
  19088. :[marea] tide
  19089. :[ordenado] tidy
  19090. :[Corbata] tie
  19091. :[Tigre] tiger
  19092. :[ajustado] tight
  19093. :[mas apretado] tighter
  19094. :[medias] tights
  19095. :[loseta] tile
  19096. :[hasta] till
  19097. :[inclinacion] tilt
  19098. :[madera] timber
  19099. :[tiempo] time
  19100. :[Temporizador] timer
  19101. :[calendario] timetable
  19102. :[timido] timid
  19103. :[momento] timing
  19104. :[estaio] tin
  19105. :[tinte] tinge
  19106. :[oropel] tinsel
  19107. :[tinte] tint
  19108. :[diminuto] tiny
  19109. :[propina] tip
  19110. :[consejos] tips
  19111. :[neumatico] tire
  19112. :[cansado] tired
  19113. :[tejido] tissue
  19114. :[titanico] titanic
  19115. :[titulo] title
  19116. :[para] to
  19117. :[sapo] toad
  19118. :[brindis] toast
  19119. :[tostadora] toaster
  19120. :[tabaco] tobacco
  19121. :[hoy dia] today
  19122. :[dedo del pie] toe
  19123. :[uia del dedo del pie] toenail
  19124. :[juntos] together
  19125. :[esfuerzo] toil
  19126. :[inodoro] toilet
  19127. :[simbolico] token
  19128. :[dicho] told
  19129. :[tolerancia] tolerance
  19130. :[tolerar] tolerate
  19131. :[peaje] toll
  19132. :[tomate] tomato
  19133. :[tumba] tomb
  19134. :[maiana] tomorrow
  19135. :[tonelada] ton
  19136. :[tono] tone
  19137. :[tenazas] tongs
  19138. :[lengua] tongue
  19139. :[tonico] tonic
  19140. :[esta noche] tonight
  19141. :[amigdala] tonsil
  19142. :[tambien] too
  19143. :[tomo] took
  19144. :[herramienta] tool
  19145. :[diente] tooth
  19146. :[cepillo de dientes] toothbrush
  19147. :[pasta dental] toothpaste
  19148. :[cima] top
  19149. :[tema] topic
  19150. :[top-less] topless
  19151. :[derrocar] topple
  19152. :[antorcha] torch
  19153. :[desgarrado] tore
  19154. :[tormento] torment
  19155. :[Rasgado] torn
  19156. :[torrente] torrent
  19157. :[tortuga] tortoise
  19158. :[tortura] torture
  19159. :[sacudida] toss
  19160. :[total] total
  19161. :[totalmente] totally
  19162. :[tocar] touch
  19163. :[aterrizaje] touchdown
  19164. :[conmovedor] touching
  19165. :[quisquilloso] touchy
  19166. :[dificil] tough
  19167. :[excursion] tour
  19168. :[turista] tourist
  19169. :[torneo] tournament
  19170. :[remolcar] tow
  19171. :[hacia] toward
  19172. :[hacia] towards
  19173. :[toalla] towel
  19174. :[torre] tower
  19175. :[ciudad] town
  19176. :[toxico] toxic
  19177. :[juguete] toy
  19178. :[rastro] trace
  19179. :[pista] track
  19180. :[tractor] tractor
  19181. :[comercio] trade
  19182. :[tradicion] tradition
  19183. :[tradicional] traditional
  19184. :[trafico] traffic
  19185. :[tragedia] tragedy
  19186. :[tragico] tragic
  19187. :[sendero] trail
  19188. :[remolque] trailer
  19189. :[tren] train
  19190. :[entrenador] trainer
  19191. :[capacitacion] training
  19192. :[rasgo] trait
  19193. :[traidor] traitor
  19194. :[tranvia] tram
  19195. :[vagabundo] tramp
  19196. :[transaccion] transaction
  19197. :[transcripcion] transcript
  19198. :[transferir] transfer
  19199. :[transformar] transform
  19200. :[transformacion] transformation
  19201. :[transgredir] transgress
  19202. :[transitorio] transient
  19203. :[transicion] transition
  19204. :[traducir] translate
  19205. :[traduccion] translation
  19206. :[transmision] transmission
  19207. :[transmisor] transmitter
  19208. :[transparente] transparent
  19209. :[trasplante] transplant
  19210. :[transporte] transport
  19211. :[transporte] transportation
  19212. :[trampa] trap
  19213. :[atrapado] trapped
  19214. :[basura] trash
  19215. :[baja calidad] trashy
  19216. :[trauma] trauma
  19217. :[traumatico] traumatic
  19218. :[traumatizar] traumatize
  19219. :[viaje] travel
  19220. :[de viaje] traveling
  19221. :[bandeja] tray
  19222. :[huella] tread
  19223. :[traicion] treason
  19224. :[Tesoro] treasure
  19225. :[tesoreria] treasury
  19226. :[tratar] treat
  19227. :[tratamiento] treatment
  19228. :[tratado] treaty
  19229. :[triplicar] treble
  19230. :[arbol] tree
  19231. :[temblar] tremble
  19232. :[temblor] trembling
  19233. :[tremendo] tremendous
  19234. :[zanja] trench
  19235. :[tendencia] trend
  19236. :[pecado] trespass
  19237. :[Trey] trey
  19238. :[triada] triad
  19239. :[prueba] trial
  19240. :[triangulo] triangle
  19241. :[tribu] tribe
  19242. :[tributo] tribute
  19243. :[truco] trick
  19244. :[chorrito] trickle
  19245. :[dificil] tricky
  19246. :[nimiedad] trifle
  19247. :[desencadenar] trigger
  19248. :[podar] trim
  19249. :[Trinidad] Trinity
  19250. :[viaje] trip
  19251. :[triple] triple
  19252. :[triunfo] triumph
  19253. :[trivial] trivial
  19254. :[Troll] troll
  19255. :[carretilla] trolley
  19256. :[tropa] troop
  19257. :[tropas] troops
  19258. :[trofeo] trophy
  19259. :[tropical] tropical
  19260. :[problema] trouble
  19261. :[nubes] troubles
  19262. :[pantalones] trousers
  19263. :[trucha] trout
  19264. :[ausente] truant
  19265. :[tregua] truce
  19266. :[camion] truck
  19267. :[verdaderamente] truly
  19268. :[triunfo] trump
  19269. :[maletero] trunk
  19270. :[confianza] trust
  19271. :[digno de confianza] trustworthy
  19272. :[verdad] truth
  19273. :[veraz] truthful
  19274. :[sinceramente] truthfully
  19275. :[tratar] try
  19276. :[zar] tsar
  19277. :[Camiseta de manga corta] T-shirt
  19278. :[tina] tub
  19279. :[tubo] tube
  19280. :[pliegue] tuck
  19281. :[fatigar] tucker
  19282. :[martes] Tuesday
  19283. :[tiron] tug
  19284. :[matricula] tuition
  19285. :[tulipan] tulip
  19286. :[barriguita] tummy
  19287. :[tumor] tumor
  19288. :[tumulto] tumult
  19289. :[atun] tuna
  19290. :[melodia] tune
  19291. :[tunel] tunnel
  19292. :[turbante] turban
  19293. :[turbulento] turbulent
  19294. :[cesped] turf
  19295. :[turco] turk
  19296. :[pavo] turkey
  19297. :[confusion] turmoil
  19298. :[girar] turn
  19299. :[tornero] turner
  19300. :[nabo] turnip
  19301. :[Tortuga] turtle
  19302. :[colmillo] tusk
  19303. :[tutor] tutor
  19304. :[smoking] tuxedo
  19305. :[retocar] tweak
  19306. :[doce] twelve
  19307. :[veinte] twenties
  19308. :[20] twenty
  19309. :[dos veces] twice
  19310. :[ramita] twig
  19311. :[crepusculo] twilight
  19312. :[mellizo] twin
  19313. :[enroscarse] twine
  19314. :[centelleo] twinkle
  19315. :[mellizos] twins
  19316. :[giro] twirl
  19317. :[giro] twist
  19318. :[retorcido] twisted
  19319. :[estafermo] twit
  19320. :[contraccion nerviosa] twitch
  19321. :[gorjeo] twitter
  19322. :[dos] two
  19323. :[atadura] tying
  19324. :[escribe] type
  19325. :[tipico] typical
  19326. :[tipicamente] typically
  19327. :[mecanografo] typist
  19328. :[tirano] tyran
  19329. :[neumatico] tyre
  19330. :[ubre] udder
  19331. :[feo] ugly
  19332. :[ulcera] ulcer
  19333. :[ulterior] ulterior
  19334. :[ultimo] ultimate
  19335. :[por ultimo] ultimately
  19336. :[ultimatum] ultimatum
  19337. :[ultra] ultra
  19338. :[ultrasonido] ultrasound
  19339. :[paraguas] umbrella
  19340. :[incapaz] unable
  19341. :[inaceptable] unacceptable
  19342. :[no acostumbrado] unaccustomed
  19343. :[desarmado] unarmed
  19344. :[no atractivo] unattractive
  19345. :[no autorizado] unauthorized
  19346. :[indisponible] unavailable
  19347. :[inevitable] unavoidable
  19348. :[inconsciente] unaware
  19349. :[inaguantable] unbearable
  19350. :[increible] unbelievable
  19351. :[increiblemente] unbelievably
  19352. :[no nacido] unborn
  19353. :[desabotonar] unbutton
  19354. :[misterioso] uncanny
  19355. :[incierto] uncertain
  19356. :[sin alterar] unchanged
  19357. :[tio] uncle
  19358. :[incomodo] uncomfortable
  19359. :[poco comun] uncommon
  19360. :[inconsciente] unconscious
  19361. :[descubrir] uncover
  19362. :[innegable] undeniable
  19363. :[debajo] under
  19364. :[menor de edad] underage
  19365. :[clandestino] undercover
  19366. :[subestimar] underestimate
  19367. :[subterraneo] underground
  19368. :[subrayar] underline
  19369. :[socavar] undermine
  19370. :[debajo] underneath
  19371. :[calzoncillos] underpants
  19372. :[comprender] understand
  19373. :[comprensible] understandable
  19374. :[comprension] understanding
  19375. :[atenuacion] understatement
  19376. :[emprender] undertake
  19377. :[submarino] underwater
  19378. :[ropa interior] underwear
  19379. :[inframundo] underworld
  19380. :[deshacer] undo
  19381. :[deshecho] undone
  19382. :[indudablemente] undoubtedly
  19383. :[dificil] uneasy
  19384. :[desempleados] unemployed
  19385. :[desempleo] unemployment
  19386. :[desigual] unequal
  19387. :[poco etico] unethical
  19388. :[desigual] uneven
  19389. :[inesperado] unexpected
  19390. :[injusto] unfair
  19391. :[infiel] unfaithful
  19392. :[desconocido] unfamiliar
  19393. :[inconcluso] unfinished
  19394. :[impropio] unfit
  19395. :[imperdonable] unforgivable
  19396. :[desgraciado] unfortunate
  19397. :[Desafortunadamente] unfortunately
  19398. :[hostil] unfriendly
  19399. :[desagradecido] ungrateful
  19400. :[infeliz] unhappy
  19401. :[insalubre] unhealthy
  19402. :[unicornio] unicorn
  19403. :[no identificado] unidentified
  19404. :[uniforme] uniform
  19405. :[no invitado] uninvited
  19406. :[Union] union
  19407. :[unico] unique
  19408. :[unidad] unit
  19409. :[unir] unite
  19410. :[Unido] united
  19411. :[unidad] unity
  19412. :[universal] universal
  19413. :[universo] universe
  19414. :[Universidad] university
  19415. :[injusto] unjust
  19416. :[cruel] unkind
  19417. :[desconocido] unknown
  19418. :[a no ser que] unless
  19419. :[diferente a] unlike
  19420. :[improbable] unlikely
  19421. :[ilimitado] unlimited
  19422. :[descargar] unload
  19423. :[desbloquear] unlock
  19424. :[desafortunado] unlucky
  19425. :[antinatural] unnatural
  19426. :[innecesario] unnecessary
  19427. :[deshacer] unpack
  19428. :[desagradable] unpleasant
  19429. :[impredecible] unpredictable
  19430. :[no profesional] unprofessional
  19431. :[irreal] unreal
  19432. :[irrazonable] unreasonable
  19433. :[agitacion] unrest
  19434. :[revoltoso] unruly
  19435. :[inestable] unsettled
  19436. :[inexperto] unskilful
  19437. :[indecible] unspeakable
  19438. :[inestable] unstable
  19439. :[desordenado] untidy
  19440. :[desatar] untie
  19441. :[Hasta que] until
  19442. :[falso] untrue
  19443. :[raro] unusual
  19444. :[no deseado] unwanted
  19445. :[relajarse] unwind
  19446. :[indigno de] unworthy
  19447. :[hasta] up
  19448. :[crianza] upbrining
  19449. :[proximo] upcoming
  19450. :[actualizar] update
  19451. :[potenciar] upgrade
  19452. :[cuesta arriba] uphill
  19453. :[defender] uphold
  19454. :[sobre] upon
  19455. :[superior] upper
  19456. :[vertical] upright
  19457. :[levantamiento] uprising
  19458. :[disgustado] upset
  19459. :[molesto] upsetting
  19460. :[al reves] upside
  19461. :[piso de arriba] upstairs
  19462. :[recto] upstanding
  19463. :[tenso] uptight
  19464. :[A hoy] up-to-date
  19465. :[zona residencial] uptown
  19466. :[hacia arriba] upward
  19467. :[urbano] urban
  19468. :[impulso] urge
  19469. :[urgente] urgent
  19470. :[orina] urine
  19471. :[urna] urn
  19472. :[nosotros] us
  19473. :[uso] usage
  19474. :[usar] use
  19475. :[uso] used
  19476. :[util] useful
  19477. :[inutil] useless
  19478. :[usuario] user
  19479. :[ujier] usher
  19480. :[usual] usual
  19481. :[generalmente] usually
  19482. :[utilidad] utility
  19483. :[mayor] utmost
  19484. :[pronunciar] utter
  19485. :[absolutamente] utterly
  19486. :[vacante] vacancy
  19487. :[vacante] vacant
  19488. :[vacaciones] vacation
  19489. :[vacunacion] vaccination
  19490. :[vacuna] vaccine
  19491. :[aspiradora] vacuum
  19492. :[vago] vague
  19493. :[vagamente] vaguely
  19494. :[vano] vain
  19495. :[ayudante de camara] valet
  19496. :[valiente] valiant
  19497. :[valido] valid
  19498. :[Valle] valley
  19499. :[valioso] valuable
  19500. :[valor] value
  19501. :[valvula] valve
  19502. :[vampiro] vampire
  19503. :[camioneta] van
  19504. :[vandalismo] vandalism
  19505. :[veleta] vane
  19506. :[vainilla] vanilla
  19507. :[desaparecer] vanish
  19508. :[vanidad] vanity
  19509. :[vencer a] vanquish
  19510. :[vapor] vapour
  19511. :[variable] variable
  19512. :[variacion] variation
  19513. :[variedad] variety
  19514. :[varios] various
  19515. :[barniz] varnish
  19516. :[variar] vary
  19517. :[jarron] vase
  19518. :[vasto] vast
  19519. :[IVA] vat
  19520. :[boveda] vault
  19521. :[ternera] veal
  19522. :[vegetal] vegetable
  19523. :[vegetariano] vegetarian
  19524. :[vehemencia] vehemence
  19525. :[vehiculo] vehicle
  19526. :[velo] veil
  19527. :[vena] vein
  19528. :[velocidad] velocity
  19529. :[terciopelo] velvet
  19530. :[venta] vending
  19531. :[venganza] vengeance
  19532. :[Venado] venison
  19533. :[venenoso] venomous
  19534. :[respiradero] vent
  19535. :[ventilador] ventilator
  19536. :[riesgo] venture
  19537. :[sede] venue
  19538. :[verbo] verb
  19539. :[verbal] verbal
  19540. :[veredicto] verdict
  19541. :[borde] verge
  19542. :[verificacion] verification
  19543. :[verificar] verify
  19544. :[versatil] versatile
  19545. :[verso] verse
  19546. :[version] version
  19547. :[versus] versus
  19548. :[vertical] vertical
  19549. :[muy] very
  19550. :[embarcacion] vessel
  19551. :[chaleco] vest
  19552. :[vestigio] vestige
  19553. :[veterano] veteran
  19554. :[veto] veto
  19555. :[vejacion] vexation
  19556. :[via] via
  19557. :[viable] viable
  19558. :[vibrar] vibrate
  19559. :[vicio] vice
  19560. :[vecindad] vicinity
  19561. :[vicioso] vicious
  19562. :[victima] victim
  19563. :[victoria] victory
  19564. :[video] video
  19565. :[filmar con una videocamara] videotape
  19566. :[vista] view
  19567. :[espectador] viewer
  19568. :[punto de vista] viewpoint
  19569. :[vigilancia] vigilance
  19570. :[vigoroso] vigorous
  19571. :[vil] vile
  19572. :[villa] villa
  19573. :[pueblo] village
  19574. :[villano] villain
  19575. :[vengativo] vindictive
  19576. :[vino] vine
  19577. :[vinagre] vinegar
  19578. :[vintage] vintage
  19579. :[violar] violate
  19580. :[violacion] violation
  19581. :[violencia] violence
  19582. :[violento] violent
  19583. :[Violeta] violet
  19584. :[violin] violin
  19585. :[vibora] viper
  19586. :[Virgen] virgin
  19587. :[virginidad] virginity
  19588. :[virtual] virtual
  19589. :[virtualmente] virtually
  19590. :[virtud] virtue
  19591. :[virus] virus
  19592. :[visa] visa
  19593. :[visibilidad] visibility
  19594. :[visible] visible
  19595. :[vision] vision
  19596. :[visitar] visit
  19597. :[visitacion] visitation
  19598. :[visitando] visiting
  19599. :[visitante] visitor
  19600. :[vista] vista
  19601. :[visual] visual
  19602. :[vital] vital
  19603. :[vitamina] vitamin
  19604. :[vivaz] vivacious
  19605. :[vivido] vivid
  19606. :[vocabulario] vocabulary
  19607. :[vocal] vocal
  19608. :[profesional] vocational
  19609. :[moda] vogue
  19610. :[voz] voice
  19611. :[vacio] void
  19612. :[volatil] volatile
  19613. :[volcan] volcano
  19614. :[voleibol] volleyball
  19615. :[volumen] volume
  19616. :[voluntariamente] voluntarily
  19617. :[voluntario] voluntary
  19618. :[voluntario] volunteer
  19619. :[vomito] vomit
  19620. :[voraz] voracious
  19621. :[votar] vote
  19622. :[votacion] voting
  19623. :[atestiguar] vouch
  19624. :[voto] vow
  19625. :[vocal] vowel
  19626. :[viaje] voyage
  19627. :[vulgar] vulgar
  19628. :[vulnerable] vulnerable
  19629. :[buitre] vulture
  19630. :[taco] wad
  19631. :[vadear] wade
  19632. :[gofres] waffles
  19633. :[sueldo] wage
  19634. :[vagon] wagon
  19635. :[gemido] wail
  19636. :[cintura] waist
  19637. :[Espere] wait
  19638. :[mesero] waiter
  19639. :[esperando] waiting
  19640. :[camarera] waitress
  19641. :[despertarse] wake
  19642. :[andar] walk
  19643. :[caminante] walker
  19644. :[pared] wall
  19645. :[billetera] wallet
  19646. :[revolcarse por] wallow
  19647. :[fondo de pantalla] wallpaper
  19648. :[nuez] walnut
  19649. :[vals] waltz
  19650. :[palido] wan
  19651. :[varita magica] wand
  19652. :[deambular] wander
  19653. :[errante] wandering
  19654. :[querer] want
  19655. :[guerra] war
  19656. :[pabellon] ward
  19657. :[guardian] warden
  19658. :[guardarropa] wardrobe
  19659. :[deposito] warehouse
  19660. :[guerra] warfare
  19661. :[brujo] warlock
  19662. :[calido] warm
  19663. :[mas calido] warmer
  19664. :[calentamiento] warming
  19665. :[calor] warmth
  19666. :[advertir] warn
  19667. :[advertencia] warning
  19668. :[deformacion] warp
  19669. :[orden] warrant
  19670. :[guerrero] warrior
  19671. :[cauteloso] wary
  19672. :[era] was
  19673. :[lavar] wash
  19674. :[Lavado] washing
  19675. :[desperdicio] waste
  19676. :[mirar] watch
  19677. :[vigilante] watcher
  19678. :[agua] water
  19679. :[cascada] waterfall
  19680. :[frente al mar] waterfront
  19681. :[acuoso] watery
  19682. :[ola] wave
  19683. :[cera] wax
  19684. :[camino] way
  19685. :[nosotros] we
  19686. :[debil] weak
  19687. :[mas debiles] weaker
  19688. :[debilidad] weakness
  19689. :[poder] wealth
  19690. :[adinerado] wealthy
  19691. :[arma] weapon
  19692. :[vestir] wear
  19693. :[cansado] weary
  19694. :[comadreja] weasel
  19695. :[clima] weather
  19696. :[tejido] weave
  19697. :[tejedor] weaver
  19698. :[web] web
  19699. :[sitio web] website
  19700. :[casarse] wed
  19701. :[boda] wedding
  19702. :[cuia] wedge
  19703. :[miercoles] Wednesday
  19704. :[pequeiito] wee
  19705. :[semana] week
  19706. :[fin de semana] weekend
  19707. :[semanalmente] weekly
  19708. :[llorar] weep
  19709. :[pesar] weigh
  19710. :[peso] weight
  19711. :[extraio] weird
  19712. :[Bienvenido] welcome
  19713. :[acogedor] welcoming
  19714. :[bienestar] welfare
  19715. :[bien] well
  19716. :[fue] went
  19717. :[fueron] were
  19718. :[Oeste] west
  19719. :[occidental] western
  19720. :[mojado] wet
  19721. :[golpear] whack
  19722. :[ballena] whale
  19723. :[muelle] wharf
  19724. :[que] what
  19725. :[lo que] whatever
  19726. :[lo que] whatsoever
  19727. :[trigo] wheat
  19728. :[rueda] wheel
  19729. :[silla de ruedas] wheelchair
  19730. :[cuando] when
  19731. :[cuando sea] whenever
  19732. :[donde] where
  19733. :[paradero] whereabouts
  19734. :[mientras que] whereas
  19735. :[por lo cual] whereby
  19736. :[donde quiera] wherever
  19737. :[afilar] whet
  19738. :[ya sea] whether
  19739. :[cuales] which
  19740. :[cualquiera] whichever
  19741. :[tiempo] while
  19742. :[capricho] whim
  19743. :[gemido] whimper
  19744. :[gimoteo] whine
  19745. :[gimoteo] whining
  19746. :[latigo] whip
  19747. :[azotado] whipped
  19748. :[giro] whirl
  19749. :[torbellino] whirlpool
  19750. :[whisky] whiskey
  19751. :[susurro] whisper
  19752. :[silbar] whistle
  19753. :[blanco] white
  19754. :[OMS] who
  19755. :[quien] whoever
  19756. :[entero] whole
  19757. :[totalmente] wholly
  19758. :[quien] whom
  19759. :[alarido] whoop
  19760. :[cuyo] whose
  19761. :[por que] why
  19762. :[malvado] wicked
  19763. :[amplio] wide
  19764. :[ampliamente] widely
  19765. :[ensanchar] widen
  19766. :[mas amplio] wider
  19767. :[generalizado] widespread
  19768. :[Vdo] widow
  19769. :[ancho] width
  19770. :[esposa] wife
  19771. :[peluca] wig
  19772. :[menear] wiggle
  19773. :[salvaje] wild
  19774. :[desierto] wilderness
  19775. :[mas salvaje] wildest
  19776. :[fauna silvestre] wildlife
  19777. :[deliberado] wilful
  19778. :[voluntad] will
  19779. :[de buena gana] willingly
  19780. :[disponibilidad] willingness
  19781. :[sauce] willow
  19782. :[astuto] wily
  19783. :[endeble] wimp
  19784. :[ganar] win
  19785. :[viento] wind
  19786. :[ventana] window
  19787. :[parabrisas] windscreen
  19788. :[Ventoso] windy
  19789. :[vino] wine
  19790. :[ala] wing
  19791. :[guiio] wink
  19792. :[ganador] winner
  19793. :[invierno] winter
  19794. :[limpiar] wipe
  19795. :[cable] wire
  19796. :[inalambrico] wireless
  19797. :[alambrado] wiring
  19798. :[sabiduria] wisdom
  19799. :[sabio] wise
  19800. :[sabiamente] wisely
  19801. :[mas sabio] wiser
  19802. :[deseo] wish
  19803. :[deseos] wishes
  19804. :[deseoso] wishful
  19805. :[anhelante] wistful
  19806. :[anhelante] wistful
  19807. :[ingenio] wit
  19808. :[bruja] witch
  19809. :[brujeria] witchcraft
  19810. :[con] with
  19811. :[retirar] withdraw
  19812. :[retiro] withdrawal
  19813. :[retener] withhold
  19814. :[dentro de] within
  19815. :[sin] without
  19816. :[testigo] witness
  19817. :[ingenio] wits
  19818. :[ingenioso] witty
  19819. :[esposas] wives
  19820. :[mago] wizard
  19821. :[afliccion] woe
  19822. :[desperto] woke
  19823. :[Lobo] wolf
  19824. :[mujer] woman
  19825. :[matriz] womb
  19826. :[mujeres] women
  19827. :[ganado] won
  19828. :[preguntarse] wonder
  19829. :[maravilloso] wonderful
  19830. :[maravillosamente] wonderfully
  19831. :[cortejar] woo
  19832. :[madera] wood
  19833. :[de madera] wooden
  19834. :[lana] wool
  19835. :[palabra] word
  19836. :[vistio] wore
  19837. :[trabaja] work
  19838. :[trabajador] worker
  19839. :[lugar de trabajo] workplace
  19840. :[taller] workshop
  19841. :[mundo] world
  19842. :[en todo el mundo] worldwide
  19843. :[gusano] worm
  19844. :[desgastado] worn
  19845. :[preocupaciones] worries
  19846. :[preocuparse] worry
  19847. :[preocupante] worrying
  19848. :[peor] worse
  19849. :[Adoracion] worship
  19850. :[peor] worst
  19851. :[valer] worth
  19852. :[sin valor] worthless
  19853. :[vale la pena] worthwhile
  19854. :[valioso] worthy
  19855. :[haria] would
  19856. :[herida] wound
  19857. :[herido] wounded
  19858. :[reiir a] wrangle
  19859. :[envoltura] wrap
  19860. :[envuelto] wrapped
  19861. :[ira] wrath
  19862. :[guirnalda] wreath
  19863. :[naufragio] wreck
  19864. :[demolicion] wrecking
  19865. :[llave inglesa] wrench
  19866. :[arrancar arrebatar] wrest
  19867. :[luchar] wrestle
  19868. :[lucha] wrestling
  19869. :[miserable] wretched
  19870. :[meneo] wriggle
  19871. :[exprimir] wring
  19872. :[arruga] wrinkle
  19873. :[muieca] wrist
  19874. :[escribir] write
  19875. :[escritor] writer
  19876. :[escribiendo] writing
  19877. :[incorrecto] wrong
  19878. :[escribio] wrote
  19879. :[torcido] wry
  19880. :[yate] yacht
  19881. :[tiron] yank
  19882. :[ladrar] yap
  19883. :[yarda] yard
  19884. :[bostezo] yawn
  19885. :[aio] year
  19886. :[anuario] yearbook
  19887. :[anual] yearly
  19888. :[aiorar] yearn
  19889. :[levadura] yeast
  19890. :[gritar] yell
  19891. :[amarillo] yellow
  19892. :[gaiido] yelp
  19893. :[si] yes
  19894. :[el dia de ayer] yesterday
  19895. :[todavia] yet
  19896. :[producir] yield
  19897. :[yoga] yoga
  19898. :[yogur] yogurt
  19899. :[yugo] yoke
  19900. :[yema de huevo] yolk
  19901. :[usted] you
  19902. :[joven] young
  19903. :[mas joven] younger
  19904. :[el mas joven] youngest
  19905. :[joven] youngster
  19906. :[tu] your
  19907. :[tuyo] yours
  19908. :[tu mismo] yourself
  19909. :[ustedes mismos] yourselves
  19910. :[juventud] youth
  19911. :[aullido] yowl
  19912. :[delicioso] yummy
  19913. :[borrar] zap
  19914. :[celo] zeal
  19915. :[fanatico] zealot
  19916. :[celoso] zealous
  19917. :[cenit] zenith
  19918. :[cero] zero
  19919. :[zigzag] zigzag
  19920. :[trillon] zillion
  19921. :[Codigo Postal] zip
  19922. :[cremallera] zipper
  19923. :[zodiaco] zodiac
  19924. :[zomby] zomby
  19925. :[zona] zone
  19926. :[zoo] zoo
  19927. :[zoologia] zoology
  19928. :[zoom] zoom
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