
Nation History

Aug 24th, 2014
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  1. Earth used to be prosperous. Too prosperous. People were overpopulating and there wasn't enough land for everyone. Soon, fights broke out, and war erupted. This war was known then as the War to End All Wars, and now in the Nation it's known as the Final War.
  3. Instead of trying to control population, man created weapons of mass destruction, developed biological poison weapons. The man who created the poison was a man whose first name is forgotten, known as Kantara. This is Ari's father.
  5. The war waged on until Kantara made a poison that killed all above age twenty five. However, it also had nasty side effects. It created mutant creatures out of the survivors, twisted them to malicious, disfigured killing machines while causing them to grow to massive sizes. This poison was released in bombs all around the world. Some were lucky, hiding in bomb shelters when the poison was released.
  7. For ten years, the bomb shelters kept those within locked and safe while the world above changed. Clouds rose up and covered the sun, and snow fell ceaselessly. The temperature plummeted and the world became silent except for the ice and snow.
  9. Another year passed since the remainder of humanity was released onto the surface. With a total human population of little more than three thousand dwindling down every day, there was no hope. However, a girl, Ari, who was born in the dark and cold misery of a bomb shelter, became key in healing the dying Earth. With the help of people from another world, one a doctor and others teachers, fathers, children, she had a cure to the poison developed. The doctor, Doctor R. J. Leptin, created said cure, and a way to disperse it over the world. Reliant on the aid a man of magic who taught her, Ari cleared the snow from much of the world, then Doctor Leptin released the cure.
  11. The cure turned all the mutant creatures back to what they once were, and healed them. Leptin brought bio-nanobots to track the human race, and Ari found the place that became the home of the Nation of the Blue Pheonix. With the aid of the friends she made, she gathered all the people of the post-apocalyptic Earth to the place it is today, and she now leads them in rebuilding and healing the world.
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