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Oct 23rd, 2017
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  1. My first introduction to Donny Cates was his mini God Country, a cool comic about a texan man with a super god sword and he was fighting gods and what not, I thought it was Okay
  3. After that I transitioned over to his other book Rednecks after hearing much praise and damn this is turning up to be one of the best comics I’ve read this year
  5. The comic follows a family of Texan Vampires named the Bowmans who have been around since the alamo, Civil War, ect the story doesn't follow Bowmans mostly, just the adopted member of the flock Bartlett
  7. The family has a feud with this other “family”, I couldn’t really telll I think they were more of a church community with mostly one family im not sure, throw terrible circumstance the feud blows up into a epic battle and then shit gets even CRAZZZZZZZZZIIIIEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRR
  9. I don’t wana spoil too much, but I think the artist portrayed movement and action pretty good
  11. The art can be a “turn off” to some geeks with sensitive eyes, im talking through experience since I know people are not interested if the art isn't consistent and all the way good tier
  13. I kind of liked it, I think its dark and shadow palette really brought out a kind of desert at night kind of vibe and what that might look like if all you got a is a UV light, the vampire characters all have that blue tint on them that blends well with the environment
  15. Another thing I really loved was the color, the vampire family are always under the blue-ish tint, and they keep that tint wherever they go even if the backgrounds color palette is very different, during parts that happen in the day they keep the color while talking to the colorful non-vampires its very great
  17. But the sketchy ruggyness might turn you off yeah, but I do like the cartoonness
  19. If that doesnt bother you so much, the stories very solid, Bartletet is our main hero and the events of his adopted family are mostly viewed by his eyes, GV the dad of the family was a vampire who simply wanted to settle down and be a good person, his sons Seamus and Gregg are dumb troublemakers and Slapps the good boy, Perry the youngest is a bit of a goth I “Guess”, she mature and seems to almost share that same view on themselves as their grandfather
  21. The grandfather believed they should forget this drink only cow blood shtick and go mad crazy on whatever blood they wanted, be the alpha predators of the world, I liked his look, theres a flashback issue that looks back at him before he was old, but old him looked fantastic, he was a dried up nosferatu and I thought it looked very good, especially when he gets mad crazy, I think that part was wonderful
  23. I liked the take on the Vampire story, I always kinda followed modern takes on The Masquarade-Bloodlines and most seem to do that kind of setting, but this takes it to a setting I think more writers should look into, the American west
  25. Theres a 7th issue coming out, which was shocking to learn since I thought like God Country it was gona be a short 6 issue mini,and Issue 6 almost seemed like a good ending, I havent looked up how far Donny will take Rednecks but I’ll continue to follow it till it gets bad and I quit
  27. Overall I seriously think this comics a good read, I think its always good to read more non-super-big 2 comics, so please give it a chance
  29. And thanks for reading/watching
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