
Date Night (ED)

Apr 28th, 2011
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  1. Date Night
  3. Rarity and Twilight waited by the town fountain.
  5. “So what did you say he looked like again?” Twilight asked.
  7. “Who?” said Rarity. “Oh, your date? Well, according to Reinmando he's got a rich dark coat and a long black mane. He and Reinmando work out at the same gym, so he's probably quite strapping. I didn't ask about his cutie mark.”
  9. “He sounds really handsome,” Twilight said.
  11. “Yes, indeed. But don't get jealous of Reinmando. That stallion could be carved out of marble.”
  13. “So, umm... is it seven o'clock yet?”
  15. Rarity rolled her eyes. Twilight had already asked that question five minutes ago and had been answered - with 7:20. They continued to wait.
  17. “Well I've had just about enough,” Rarity said, “wait right here.” She marched into the nearest business to use the phone. She came out five minutes later, a scowl on her face.
  19. “Oh dear,” Twilight said.
  21. “Yes, quite,” Rarity said. “We've just been stood up. I've never been so embarrassed. Reinmando will never hear the end of this. Are you... are you crying, darling?” Twilight wasn't crying, but there were tears forming in her eyes. “Whatever is the matter? There are plenty of fish in the sea.”
  23. “It's just...,” Twilight said, “it's just that I was really looking forward to this date. I've never actually been on a proper date before.”
  25. “Are... you... serious?”
  27. “Yes. I mean, I've almost gone on dates before, back when I lived in Canterlot. But this always happens. Stood up I mean. You and the other girls are really the only friends I've had since I was a little filly.”
  29. “Well, then you mustn't worry about a thing. Auntie Rarity to the rescue. Your night isn't over yet. I'll take you out to dinner and a movie myself if I have to.”
  31. “Really?”
  33. “Certainly. It will be just like the time we had that nighttime soiree at your library. We'll do everything. Besides, I've already spent the last three hours getting myself ready. I'm not about to let that go to waste.”
  35. Twilight cheered up pretty quickly. Rarity's sense of generosity had been appeased. They both trotted off in good spirits. They kept their reservation at The French Palomino. It was the newest gourmet restaurant in Ponyville. Twilight had read all the reviews in the local papers. She was so excited to go.
  37. Twilight ordered the wild mushroom ravioli in brown butter and sage. Rarity just ordered the lobster. Twilight nearly fell out of her chair with delight every time she took a bite, it was so good. Rarity had eaten better, but at leased she was pleased to be seen in one of Ponyville's most happening spots. Twilight, of course, did most of the talking. She wouldn't stop going on about her books. Rarity, being tactful, steered the conversation to at least interesting discussion on books. By the time dinner was over they were both having a good time. They ordered an eclair to share for dessert. It was an absolute monster of a pastry. They filled themselves with the chocolate goodness and both were smiling from ear to ear.
  39. They stopped at Ponyville's art house cinema for the late show. It was some strange foreign film from overseas. Rarity had a bit of trouble keeping up with the plot, despite the subtitles. Twilight seemed to enjoy it, perhaps simply because it was a foreign film with subtitles. Then, suddenly, there was a sex scene. It was quite graphic, at least by Equestrian standards. Rarity saw Twilight turn a bright scarlet red. Then they both started giggling. They spent the rest of the film giggling and teasing each other like school fillies.
  41. After the film they stopped for gelato. Twilight was surprised the parlor was still open this late at night. She had no idea these were their best hours. The place was filled with young ponies out painting the town red. Nightlife was a new experience to her. She was overcome with excitement; it was the bright colors of the gelati in their bins, the laughing from the happy young couples, the fancy clothes, it was all so new to her. They stopped for a couple of drinks at a bar, but it was filled with smoke which neither cared for, and they soon left.
  43. Rarity took Twilight Sparkle back to her library.
  45. “Would you like to come in?” Twilight asked. “I can put on some coffee.”
  47. “I don't mind if I do.” They both strolled through the front door. Spike was in his basket upstairs in the loft. He would have a full view of the central room if he woke up, but that dragon could sleep through the apocalypse. Neither pony was worried about eavesdropping.
  49. “I had a really wonderful night, Rarity,” Twilight said.
  51. “I did too. We should do that again. Only this time with proper dates.” Twilight's eyes began to fill up again. “Oh dear,” Rarity said. “It was foolish of me to bring that up again. You really need some romance in your life, don't you?”
  53. “No, it's just...,” Twilight said, “this is the life I wanted. At university and here. It's just that I'm so busy. I've never really had time for proper companionship.”
  55. “It sounds more like a nunnery than a university,” Rarity said. “That Celestia must be an absolute tyrant.”
  57. “No, it's not. It's fine. Other mares have lots of boyfriends. It's my fault I've never known a stallion. This wasn't the first time I've been stood up. It's probably me. I guess I can settle for...”
  59. Rarity rushed forward and kissed Twilight full on the lips. The spirit of generosity had overcome her again. Twilight had never really known physical intimacy of any sort, passionate or otherwise. Her flesh was willing, but her mind had always been occupied by more important things. Now those distractions were gone, but matters of the flesh remained. It felt odd to have Rarity’s tongue in her mouth, tickling and dancing with her own. Yet it was so exiting, so electric. It was a fulfilling feeling, yet Twilight needed more, far more.
  61. “I'm nervous,” Twilight whispered.
  63. “Turn around,” Rarity said.
  65. Twilight turned around. Her tail rose into the air, an old instinct. Rarity got a good look at Twilight's love. It was a pert little “innie” as the young stallions would have said. Rarity drove her tongue in. Her mouth was soon filled with Twilight's excitement. Rarity thought she tasted a hint of grape soda, although that was probably a combination of alcohol and imagination. It turned out that Twilight was indeed still a virgin. That wasn't just role playing game of the sort that Rarity herself liked to play from time to time.
  67. It didn't take long for Rarity to get Twilight as ready as she was ever going to be. Rarity pulled out her tongue and lowered her head. She inserted her horn just a bit. Twilight moaned. She pushed just a little bit harder, and Twilight's hind lifted just a bit, she was on the tips of her rear hooves. With one bold push, Rarity shoved forward. There was a tangible snap, and Rarity's horn was all the way in. The top of her head was firmly pushed against Twilight's rump. Twilight gasped. There were few reasons that Rarity would intentionally muss her coiffure, but this was one of them. Rarity began to work it.
  69. Rarity wasn't as powerful at magic as Twilight was. Yet she was still skilled with illusionary magic. There was more to illusion than the visual. There was the tangible. Rarity could make Twilight feel things that simply weren't there. Rarity began to cast just those sort of spells. Twilight could feel a pair of powerful stallion legs grasping her by her hip. She could feel herself being filled up like only a stallion could, not like Rarity's stubby horn. She could feel a pendulous pair of balls, the size of apples, slapping against her clit.
  71. It started as a groan, deep inside Twilight's lungs. It rose to a loud moan. She reached her neck up to the ceiling and began to scream. Twilight came. Rarity couldn't see Twilight's face, but she could certainly imagine it. Twilight always had the most amusing reactions. Twilight simply kept coming. She wasn't one of those mares that had one short orgasm. Or maybe several short orgasms over the course of a session. Twilight was one of those mares who just had one massive orgasm. Rarity envied her. It went on for two minutes... three... Rarity kept up the work, simply to see how long it would last. Her neck would be sore in the morning.
  73. Gradually Twilight began to subside. When she was convinced her work was done, Rarity pulled out of Twilight. Twilight's haunches continued to flex and heave with Rarity's now absent rhythm. Her whole body was shaking. Rarity walked around to speak to her. Her eyes were still rolled up in her head and her tongue was hanging out. Rarity giggled at the sight.
  75. “How was that for a date night?” she asked.
  77. Twilight's eyes returned to normal. “Turn around,” she said forcefully.
  79. Rarity laughed and complied.
  81. “Do I need to... um...” Twilight said.
  83. “Oh, just stick it in, darling,” Rarity said. “I'm all ready to go by now.”
  85. Twilight penetrated with her own horn and set to work. It had been a long time since Rarity had been fucked by a filly. She still liked to get horned, but that was just foreplay. It had its charms. There was that long spiral fluting. And she enjoyed the submission aspect. Yet Twilight's little horn just wasn't quite enough.
  87. “Why don't you try one hole up?” Rarity asked.
  89. Twilight pulled out. “Is that... is that even possible?” she asked.
  91. “Oh darling,” Rarity said, “you've still got so much to learn that you just can't learn-... yes, right there, now push but push slowly. You can't just learn everything from books. I've got so much to teach you. Ooo, yes, that's it.”
  93. “I'm in,” Twilight said.
  95. “I've noticed. Now, just like before.” Twilight began to move in and out, still a novice but improving every moment. Rarity compensated with movement of her own muscles. “I'll have to clear my schedule, Sweetie. We simply must go out again.”
  97. Neither bothered to check the loft to see if anybody was watching.
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