

Sep 20th, 2013
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  1. <class name="areapk" id="2375">
  2. <alias name="whopk" language="Lua" id="2376">
  3. <value>--dono how you will get this info in mush :P
  4. local low = zs.gmcp.char.status.level-10
  5. local high = zs.gmcp.char.status.level+10
  6. if 1&gt;low then
  7. low = 1
  8. end
  9. if high&gt;201 then
  10. high = 201
  11. end
  12. send("clantags")
  13. send("swho 12 "..low.." "..high.." clan area")
  14. zs.getclass("clantriggers").enabled = 1 --enables</value>
  15. </alias>
  16. <alias name="setclan" language="Lua" id="2377">
  17. <value>clanpk={}
  18. local clan=zs.param(1)
  19. if clan==nil then
  20. print("You need to input the name of a clan")
  21. else
  22. clanpk.myclan=clan
  23. print("Clan set to: "..clan)
  24. end</value>
  25. </alias>
  26. <alias name="getpklist" language="Lua" id="2378">
  27. <value>clanstatus={}
  28. zs.getclass("pkpagesize").enabled = 1 --enables the class pkpagesize
  29. send("pagesize")</value>
  30. </alias>
  31. <class name="clanallies" enabled="false" id="2379">
  32. <trigger name="test1" priority="62200" language="Lua" id="6220">
  33. <pattern>^(%w)%s(%w)%s%d:%d%s(%w)*</pattern>
  34. <value><![CDATA[local clan = zs.param(1)
  35. local status = zs.param(2)
  36. local nopk={"Seekers","Bard","Tao","Tanelorn","Gaardian","Touchstone","Crusader"}
  38. if status=="allied" then
  39. clanstat="<color teal>Allied</color>"
  40. elseif status=="friendly" then
  41. clanstat="<color cyan>Friendly</color>"
  42. elseif status=="hostile" then
  43. clanstat="<color red>HOSTILE!!!!</color>"
  44. elseif status=="neutral" then
  45. clanstat="<color white>Neutral</color>"
  46. elseif status=="none" then
  47. clanstat="<color white>Neutral</color>"
  48. end
  50. clanstatus[clan]=clanstat
  52. if string.lower(clan)=="rogues" then
  53. for k,v in pairs(nopk) do
  54. clanstatus[v]="<color white>No Pk :(</color>"
  55. end
  56. clanstatus[clanpk.myclan]="<color yellow>Clanmember</color>"
  57. zs.getclass("clanallies").enabled = 0 --disables the class
  58. send("pagesize "..clanpk.pagesize)
  59. end]]></value>
  60. <notes><![CDATA[#local $clanstat
  61. // %1 == clan, %2 == our status, %3 == their status
  62. #switch (%2)
  63. ("allied") {$clanstat="<color teal>Allied</color>"}
  64. ("friendly") {$clanstat="<color cyan>Friendly</color>"}
  65. ("hostile") {$clanstat="<color red>HOSTILE</color>"}
  66. ("neutral") {$clanstat=neutral}
  67. ("none") {$clanstat=neutral}
  68. {$clanstat=something went wrong}
  69. #addkey clanstatus %1 $clanstat
  70. #if (%lower(%1)=="rogues") {
  71. #forall "seekers|bard|tao|tanelorn|gaardian|touchstone" {#addkey clanstatus %i "No PK :("}
  72. #addkey clanstatus boot "<color green>Clan</color><color white>Member</color>"
  73. #t- clanallies
  74. }]]></notes>
  75. </trigger>
  76. </class>
  77. <class name="clantriggers" enabled="false" id="2381">
  78. <trigger priority="24160" language="Lua" id="2416">
  79. <pattern>^Players invis: ~[*~], Max on ever: ~[*~]</pattern>
  80. <value>send("clantags")
  81. zs.getclass("clantriggers").enabled = 0 --disables</value>
  82. </trigger>
  83. <trigger priority="1" language="Lua" id="6219">
  84. <pattern>~[({@clanstatus})~]</pattern>
  85. <value>local clan=zs.param(1)
  86. local status=clanstatus[clan]
  87. zs.substitute(status.."-"..clan)</value>
  88. </trigger>
  89. </class>
  90. <class name="pkvars" id="2417">
  91. <var name="clanstatus" type="StringList" sorted="1" id="6221">
  92. <value>Amazon|Baal|bard|boot|Cabal|Chaos|Crimson|Daoine|Doh|Dominion|Dragon|Druid|Emerald|gaardian|Hook|Imperium|Light|Loqui|Masaki|Perdition|Pyre|Retribution|Rhabdo|Rogues|Romani|seekers|Shadokil|tanelorn|tao|touchstone|Twinlobe|Vanir|Watchmen|Wolf|Xunti</value>
  93. <json>["Amazon","Baal","bard","boot","Cabal","Chaos","Crimson","Daoine","Doh","Dominion","Dragon","Druid","Emerald","gaardian","Hook","Imperium","Light","Loqui","Masaki","Perdition","Pyre","Retribution","Rhabdo","Rogues","Romani","seekers","Shadokil","tanelorn","tao","touchstone","Twinlobe","Vanir","Watchmen","Wolf","Xunti"]</json>
  94. </var>
  95. </class>
  96. <class name="pkpagesize" enabled="false" id="7058">
  97. <trigger priority="70590" language="Lua" id="7059">
  98. <pattern>^You currently display (%d) lines per page.</pattern>
  99. <value>clanpk.pagesize=30
  100. send("pagesize 0")
  101. zs.getclass("clanallies").enabled = 1 --enables the class clanallies
  102. send("clanall")
  103. zs.getclass("pkpagesize").enabled = 0</value>
  104. </trigger>
  105. <trigger priority="70600" language="Lua" id="7060">
  106. <pattern>^You do not page long messages.</pattern>
  107. <value>clanpk.pagesize=0
  108. zs.getclass("clanallies").enabled = 1 --enables the class clanallies
  109. send("clanall")
  110. zs.getclass("pkpagesize").enabled = 0</value>
  111. </trigger>
  112. </class>
  113. <alias name="pkhelp" language="Lua" id="7061">
  114. <value>print("not pretty but quick helpfile")
  115. print("setclan &lt;clanname&gt; sets what clan you are in")
  116. print("getpklist - updates the list if your clanallies change")
  117. print("whopk - sends a swho 12 -10 +10 clan area")</value>
  118. </alias>
  119. </class>
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