
Dry Bowser Got Stuck In Traffic

Jul 24th, 2018
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  1. Dry Bowser was waiting at the stop light in the middle of the Moonview Highway, being near the turnpike as he was in the city, sighing as he had his right bony hand on his skull, the skeletal reptile having been doing duties around the metropolis all night long as there was seemingly no daylight present in the dense roads of the neon lit packed city.
  3. "Damn it. This always happens every night I come here... I need a better plan for coming here," Dry Bowser commented to himself as he rubbed his chin with his left hand, his other on the steering wheel after several seconds. "Maybe I should employ the platforming skills I've learned..."
  5. Dry Bowser then glanced down the streets to see traffic jams occurring both ways, with more vehicles coming towards the opposite direction he was in, making him shrug as he shook his head.
  7. Dry Bowser: (after taking time to think about it) You know what, screw it, this is just a rental.
  9. Dry Bowser then got out of the shoddy van he was in, jumping up the ledge of the skyscraper nearby as he decided to go bouncing about since he had no time for this traffic jam. This caused the cops to come after him since he left the vehicle behind, which prompted him to zap them with electricity and burn them with purple flames as he now had to find a way to leave the city for a while so that no one would be able to find him. Of course, this caused a massive riot in the streets as everyone was mad at each other for there being such an enormous traffic jam.
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