

Mar 16th, 2019
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  1. ####################################################
  2. ## ##
  3. ## WildTools Configuration ##
  4. ## Developed by Ome_R ##
  5. ## ##
  6. ###################################################
  8. # Choose which prices plugin to check for prices (ShopGUIPlus, Essentials, WildTools)
  9. prices-plugin: Essentials
  11. # A list of prices. Use "TYPE" and "TYPE:DATA" formats
  12. prices-list:
  13. - STONE:5
  14. - LOG:0:5
  17. # The plugin brings a lot of options and features for making tools easily with rich-configuration options.
  18. # The default config has basic trench-pickaxe, tray-pickaxe, sand-wand, sell-wand, lightning-wand, harvester-hoe
  19. # and cannon-wand examples. Each tool-mode has it's own configuration options, make sure you don't mix them.
  20. #
  21. # *** Builder Tool-Mode ***
  22. # Tools in this mode will create a pillar of the same block as the clicked one.
  23. # Required sections:
  24. # length: The length of the pillar (INTEGER)
  25. #
  26. # *** Cuboid Tool-Mode ***
  27. # Tools in this mode will dig a cuboid-area (for example, 3x3x3). This mode is used for trench and tray pickaxes.
  28. # Required sections:
  29. # break-level: How big the cuboid-area gonna be (3 will be 3x3x3 area) [INTEGER]
  30. #
  31. # *** Drain Tool-Mode ***
  32. # Tools in this mode will remove all ice blocks in the checking area.
  33. # Required sections:
  34. # radius: What is the radius of the checking area? (3 will check a 7x7 area) (INTEGER)
  35. #
  36. # *** Pillar Tool-Mode ***
  37. # Tools in this mode will dig a pillar of blocks with the same type. This mode is used for sand-wands.
  38. #
  39. # *** Sell Tool-Mode ***
  40. # Tools in this mode will sell all the container's contents. This mode is used for sell-wands.
  41. #
  42. # *** Lightning Tool-Mode ***
  43. # Tools in this mode will strike a lightning to charge creepers. This mode is used for lightning-wands.
  44. #
  45. # *** Harvester Tool-Mode ***
  46. # Tools in this mode will harvest seeds and replant them automatically. This mode is used for harvester-hoes.
  47. # Drops support silk-touch and fortune.
  48. # Required sections:
  49. # radius: What is the radius of the checking area? (3 will check a 7x7 area) (INTEGER)
  50. # Optional sections:
  51. # farmland-radius: What is the radius of the checking for dirt area? (Same as radius)
  52. # active-action: Which action should activate the harvester? (RIGHT_CLICK or LEFT_CLICK)
  53. #
  54. # *** Ice Tool-Mode ***
  55. # Tools in this mode will smelt all ice blocks in the checking area.
  56. # Required sections:
  57. # radius: What is the radius of the checking area? (3 will check a 7x7 area) (INTEGER)
  58. #
  59. # *** Cannon Tool-Mode ***
  60. # Tools in this mode will fill all dispensers in a selected area with tnt. This mode is used for cannon-wands.
  61. # Right-click and left-click to select an area.
  62. # Required sections:
  63. # tnt-amount: How many tnt will be filled in each dispenser? (INTEGER)
  64. #
  65. # *** Crafting Tool-Mode ***
  66. # Tools in this mode will auto-craft items in a container.
  67. # Required sections:
  68. # craftings: All the crafting *results* for the tool (LIST)
  69. # Please follow the "TYPE" or "TYPE:DATA" format for results.
  70. #
  71. # *** Sell Tool-Mode ***
  72. # Tools in this mode will sell all the clicked chest's contents.
  73. #
  74. # *** Sort Tool-Mode ***
  75. # Tools in this mode will sort all the clicked chest's contents.
  76. #
  77. # There are sections that can be applied for all the tools:
  78. # cooldown: Cool-down between uses in milliseconds (INTEGER) (Default 0)
  79. # auto-collect: Drops will go straight into the inventory (BOOLEAN) (Default false)
  80. # silk-touch: Tool will have a hidden silk-touch enchantment (BOOLEAN) (Default false)
  81. # only-same-type: Only blocks with the same type will be dug. (BOOLEAN) (Default false)
  82. # only-inside-claim: Will only work on blocks inside claim land.
  83. # unbreakable: Tool will never be broken (BOOLEAN) (Default false)
  84. # uses: Custom durability for the tool (INTEGER)
  85. # If both unbreakable and uses are not set, tool will use the vanilla durability (supports unbreaking enchantment)
  86. # keep-inventory: Tool won't get dropped from players inventory (BOOLEAN) (Default false)
  87. # type: Material type (Check
  88. # name: Custom name for the tool (STRING)
  89. # lore: Custom lore for the tool (LIST)
  90. # glow: Glow effect for the tool (BOOLEAN)
  91. # enchants: Enchantments for the tool (LIST)
  92. # Please follow the "ENCHANTMENT:LEVEL" format for enchantments.
  93. # (Check
  94. # whitelisted-blocks: Which blocks will be dug by the tool? [LIST]
  95. # blacklisted-blocks: Which blocks won't be dug by the tool? [LIST]
  96. # whitelisted-drops: Which items will be dropped by the tool? [LIST]
  97. # blacklisted-drops: Which items won't be dropped by the tool? [LIST]
  98. # Please follow the "TYPE" or "TYPE:DATA" format for drops and blocks.
  99. tools:
  100. trench_pickaxe:
  101. tool-mode: CUBOID
  102. break-level: 3
  103. only-same-type: false
  104. unbreakable: true
  105. auto-collect: true
  106. type: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  107. name: '&f --{ &a&lTrench Pickaxe &f}-- '
  108. lore:
  109. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  110. - '&7 This pickaxe breaks a tunnel of 3x3.'
  111. - '&f'
  112. - '&a&l Blacklisted Blocks:'
  113. - '&f - &7Mob Spawner'
  114. - '&f'
  115. - '&7 Only ore-drops will be dropped.'
  116. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  117. enchants:
  118. - DIG_SPEED:5
  119. blacklisted-blocks:
  120. - MOB_SPAWNER
  121. whitelisted-drops:
  122. - COAL
  123. - IRON_ORE
  124. - GOLD_ORE
  125. - REDSTONE
  126. - INK_SACK:4
  127. - DIAMOND
  128. - EMERALD
  129. - QUARTZ
  130. trench_pickaxe5:
  131. tool-mode: CUBOID
  132. break-level: 5
  133. only-same-type: false
  134. unbreakable: true
  135. auto-collect: true
  136. type: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  137. name: '&f --{ &a&lTrench Pickaxe &f}-- '
  138. lore:
  139. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  140. - '&7 This pickaxe breaks a tunnel of 5x5.'
  141. - '&f'
  142. - '&a&l Blacklisted Blocks:'
  143. - '&f - &7Mob Spawner'
  144. - '&f'
  145. - '&7 Only ore-drops will be dropped.'
  146. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  147. enchants:
  148. - DIG_SPEED:5
  149. blacklisted-blocks:
  150. - MOB_SPAWNER
  151. whitelisted-drops:
  152. - COAL
  153. - IRON_ORE
  154. - GOLD_ORE
  155. - REDSTONE
  156. - INK_SACK:4
  157. - DIAMOND
  158. - EMERALD
  159. - QUARTZ
  160. trench_pickaxe8:
  161. tool-mode: CUBOID
  162. break-level: 8
  163. only-same-type: false
  164. unbreakable: true
  165. auto-collect: true
  166. type: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  167. name: '&f --{ &a&lTrench Pickaxe &f}-- '
  168. lore:
  169. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  170. - '&7 This pickaxe breaks a tunnel of 8x8.'
  171. - '&f'
  172. - '&a&l Blacklisted Blocks:'
  173. - '&f - &7Mob Spawner'
  174. - '&f'
  175. - '&7 Only ore-drops will be dropped.'
  176. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  177. enchants:
  178. - DIG_SPEED:5
  179. blacklisted-blocks:
  180. - MOB_SPAWNER
  181. whitelisted-drops:
  182. - COAL
  183. - IRON_ORE
  184. - GOLD_ORE
  185. - REDSTONE
  186. - INK_SACK:4
  187. - DIAMOND
  188. - EMERALD
  189. - QUARTZ
  190. tray_pickaxe:
  191. tool-mode: CUBOID
  192. break-level: 3
  193. only-same-type: false
  194. unbreakable: true
  195. auto-collect: true
  196. type: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  197. name: '&f --{ &c&lTray Pickaxe &f}-- '
  198. lore:
  199. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  200. - '&7 This pickaxe breaks all the dirt and'
  201. - '&7 netherrack blocks around you.'
  202. - '&f'
  203. - '&c&l Whitelisted Blocks:'
  204. - '&f - &7Dirt'
  205. - '&f - &7Netherrack'
  206. - '&f'
  207. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  208. enchants:
  209. - DIG_SPEED:5
  210. whitelisted-blocks:
  211. - DIRT
  213. sand_wand:
  214. tool-mode: PILLAR
  215. cooldown: 2000
  216. uses: 500
  217. type: DIAMOND_HOE
  218. name: '&f --{ &e&lSand Wand &f}-- '
  219. lore:
  220. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  221. - '&7 This wand breaks a sand pillar.'
  222. - '&f'
  223. - '&e&l Whitelisted Blocks:'
  224. - '&f - &7Sand'
  225. - '&f'
  226. - '&e&l Uses:'
  227. - '&f {}'
  228. - '&f'
  229. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  230. whitelisted-blocks:
  231. - SAND
  232. sell_wand:
  233. tool-mode: SELL
  234. cooldown: 750
  235. uses: 50
  236. type: STICK
  237. name: '&f --{ &6&lSell Wand &f}-- '
  238. lore:
  239. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  240. - '&7 This wand sells all of the contents of'
  241. - '&7 a container (chest or trapped-chest).'
  242. - '&7'
  243. - '&6&l Uses:'
  244. - '&f {}'
  245. - '&f'
  246. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  247. lightning_wand:
  248. tool-mode: LIGHTNING
  249. type: STICK
  250. uses: 5
  251. name: '&f --{ &b&lLightning Wand &f}-- '
  252. lore:
  253. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  254. - '&7 This wand creates a lightning which'
  255. - '&7 powers all the creeper around it.'
  256. - '&7'
  257. - '&b&l Uses:'
  258. - '&f {}'
  259. - '&f'
  260. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  261. harvester_hoe:
  262. tool-mode: HARVESTER
  263. radius: 3
  264. auto-collect: true
  265. type: DIAMOND_HOE
  266. uses: 500
  267. name: '&f --{ &d&lHarvester Hoe &f}-- '
  268. lore:
  269. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  270. - '&7 Click on a block to harvest, replant'
  271. - '&7 seeds and turn dirt into farmlands.'
  272. - '&7'
  273. - '&d&l Uses:'
  274. - '&f {}'
  275. - '&f'
  276. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  277. harvester_hoeun:
  278. tool-mode: HARVESTER
  279. radius: 3
  280. auto-collect: true
  281. type: DIAMOND_HOE
  282. unlimited: true
  283. name: '&f --{ &d&lHarvester Hoe &f}-- '
  284. lore:
  285. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  286. - '&7 Click on a block to harvest, replant'
  287. - '&7 seeds and turn dirt into farmlands.'
  288. - '&7'
  289. - '&d&l Uses:'
  290. - '&f Unlimited'
  291. - '&f'
  292. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  293. cannon_wand:
  294. tool-mode: CANNON
  295. tnt-amount: 64
  296. type: DIAMOND_AXE
  297. uses: 30
  298. name: '&f --{ &5&lCannon Wand &f}-- '
  299. lore:
  300. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  301. - '&7 Fill all the dispensers in a selection'
  302. - '&7 with 64 TNT from inventory or bank.'
  303. - '&f'
  304. - '&5&l Uses:'
  305. - '&f {}'
  306. - '&f'
  307. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  308. crafting_wand:
  309. tool-mode: CRAFTING
  310. type: STICK
  311. uses: 3000
  312. name: '&f --{ &9&lCrafting Wand &f}-- '
  313. lore:
  314. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  315. - '&7 Hit a chest to auto-craft TNT!'
  316. - '&f'
  317. - '&9&l Uses:'
  318. - '&f {}'
  319. - '&f'
  320. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  321. craftings:
  322. - TNT
  323. builder_wand:
  324. tool-mode: BUILDER
  325. type: DIAMOND_AXE
  326. uses: 1000
  327. length: 5
  328. name: '&f --{ &2&lBuilder Wand &f}-- '
  329. lore:
  330. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  331. - '&7 Right click a block to create a pillar'
  332. - '&7 of the same to the clicked side.'
  333. - '&f'
  334. - '&2&l Uses:'
  335. - '&f {}'
  336. - '&f'
  337. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  338. ice_wand:
  339. tool-mode: ICE
  340. type: STICK
  341. uses: 300
  342. radius: 10
  343. name: '&f --{ &3&lIce Melter &f}-- '
  344. lore:
  345. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  346. - '&7 Right click to smelt all ice in a'
  347. - '&7 radius of 10 blocks to water.'
  348. - '&f'
  349. - '&3&l Uses:'
  350. - '&f {}'
  351. - '&f'
  352. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  353. drain_wand:
  354. tool-mode: DRAIN
  355. type: STICK
  356. uses: 300
  357. radius: 10
  358. name: '&f --{ &3&lDrain Wand &f}-- '
  359. lore:
  360. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  361. - '&7 Right click to remove all ice in a'
  362. - '&7 radius of 10 blocks.'
  363. - '&f'
  364. - '&3&l Uses:'
  365. - '&f {}'
  366. - '&f'
  367. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  368. sort_wand:
  369. tool-mode: SORT
  370. type: STICK
  371. uses: 300
  372. radius: 10
  373. name: '&f --{ &1&lSorter Wand &f}-- '
  374. lore:
  375. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
  376. - '&7 Right click a chest to sort it''s contects'
  377. - '&f'
  378. - '&1&l Uses:'
  379. - '&f {}'
  380. - '&f'
  381. - '&8&m---------------------------------------'
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