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Jan 27th, 2019
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  1. Young justice: Artemis Ms. Martian and Queen Bee.
  3. Artemis and Ms. Martian were board inside Mt. Justice. Ever since the latest multiverse crisis the earth had been filled with more heroes and villains from alternate timelines and dimensions then ever before, but while the hero's worked together the villains fought amongst themselves leaving a lot of hero teams with not much to do besides take down comen thugs.
  5. “Ugh, waiting for a villian to do something dumb is so boring.” complaint Artemis. Artemis is a half caucasian half vietnamese girl slender and about average height. Her blond ponytail complementing her olive skin. Her green uniform exposed her midriff and had a arrow symbol on it to show her mentore Green Arrow. She was sporty both in looks and personality.
  7. “I know but maybe we can hang out with our boyfriends” replied Megan aka Ms. Martian. She is a bubble yet timid martian that took the form of green skinned teenager with long red hair and freckles, her outfit was a white shirt with a red x on it a blue cape and skirt.
  9. “Wally is in Jump City hanging out with the Teen Titans again. Besides isn’t Conner at the Kent family reunen they got like a dozen new family members thanks to the last crisis.” Artemis tried to deflect the subject of her relationship with kid flash having heard rumors of him wooing a villainess named Jinx in Jump City.
  11. “Ah yeah, Beast boy says he really enjoys the titans, plus Garfield says he might have a crush on that Raven Girl.” both Megan and Artemis crack a smile at gossiping about Megan’s adopted little brother.
  13. “That’s nice but were still stuck at being boar… oh my gosh is that Tim?” the girls attention was taken by Tim Drake the Red Robin or Robin 3 but who’s keeping track. Tim was a younger member of the young justice team. A skinny little kid wearing a black cowl and a cape with a red shirt with a robin symbol on it. Now however he could only be explained as… a hunk. Biceps threatening to tear his sleeves open, a six pack showing through his shirt and a sizable bulge in his black pants.
  15. Still staring Megan manages a response “well i overheard that Batman was annoyed at some new beauty chemical spreading in Gotham, you think it got him?”
  17. the girls continued to stare as Tim was talking to the more science savvy members about a vial of pinkish liquid, something about Batman wanting outside people to research. Then something caught Artemis eye on the computer.
  19. “Hey Meg just got a alert, Queen Bee just left her capital, she hasn’t done that since her last defeat. Want to check it out?”
  21. Becoming serious Megan replied “You bet I do. she has been a thorn in my side since we met, plus she constantly torments my little bro Garfield.”
  24. One flight to Bialya latter the two heroines sneak around the desert. Queen Bee had always been a dictator and had even taken over the neighboring country of Qurac. But since the last crisis and the influx of heroes and rivals she was at risk of losing that land and even her own people were starting to rebel when the justice league revealed to the world that she used to powers to practical drug people into enjoying her land. Civil unrest aside she was still dangerous foe.
  26. “Where are we Megan?”
  28. “The desert near the former border of the two countries.”
  30. As the two snuck they found Queen Bee’s abandoned vehicles near the entrance of a cave. They figured she would only have two guards with her. As they got further in a cave they started to hear conversation. Then in a large opening they saw her.
  32. Queen Bee Was flanked by two guards. She was a slender dark skinned woman with dark blue eyes and long black hair pulled back by a golden diadem on her forehead, matched with gold bee sting earrings. she wore a grey strapless mini skirt dress with black pants and high heeled boots, as well as pale blue veil on her shoulders.
  34. She was conversing with a busty ninja lady near pool in the cave and she did not look happy. “What does the league of assassins want in my country?”
  36. “My mistress Talia Al Ghul wishes to use this country’s Lazarus pit, once we have claimed it we would be more than happy to share it with you.” the ninja lady bagan to pull out a bag of pink powder before she was interrupted.
  38. “If this is a lazarus pit then it belongs to me, if your mistress wants it she will have to talk to me!” the Queen Bee declared arrogantly.
  40. “My mistress is busy… handling her sister, she does not yet understand how the league has changed, but i can arrange a meeting, but if you will the Pit is not yet ready if i could just prepare before i leave…”
  42. Artemis and Megan hid behind a rock “did you hear that, if Queen Bee unites with the League of Assassins she could increase her power, especially if they let her use the Lazarus pit.”
  44. “Not if we can help it” Artimis cocked a arrow and fired at the ninja lady. Knocking the powder out of her hand
  46. The stand off broke into a full on fight. Miss Martian flew to intercept Queen Bee and her men while Artemis Faced the Ninja. The Ninja pulled out her sword and charged at Artemis, her arrows getting knocked out of the way, then the two met in hand to hand combat.
  48. Meanwhile the body guards tried to protect their queen firing at Megan. She let the bullets phase through her then knocked the two unconscious then facing the Queen “give up my mind powers are stronger than yours, and affect everyone not just men.”
  50. Queen Bee huffed at that “so how is that little brother of your’s, how is he handling being a orphan”
  52. With a scream Megan charged at Queen Bee
  54. At the same time Artimis cornered the Ninja girl to the pit. “Look like i win” her bow at the Ninja’s throat.
  56. Looking down the Ninja kicks the pink powder into the pit turning the whole pool a glowing pink. “I have done as my mistress wished, the bimbonium as combined with the pit, so i could die now. Instead i think i’ll just step aside”
  58. Before Artemis could make sense of what she met Queen bee and Megan crashed into her from behind. The Ninja lady dodged to the side as the three of them took a tumble into the pink pool.
  60. spitting and sputtering the three climbed out of the pool. The guards were still unconscious and the ninja was nowhere to be found. Before the three could start fighting again a tingling sensation started to spread through there bodies like they were burning and freezing at the same time, yet it wasn’t painful
  62. “What’s Happening?” cried Megan being a shapeshifter she was used to her boy changing, but this was against her will, but it felt so right. Her red hair grew even longer, her large breast grew even larger, her hips widened. And her clothes began to recede. Her shirt completely disappeared leaving only the red x straps across her chest hugging her nipples. The skits became only a strap that could hide her bare pussy only from certain angles. A heart shaped belt buckle appeared and she felt make up. Being able to change her appearance she never understood make up, but now she did. Green eyeshadow to compliment her skin, ruby red lipstick and just a bit of blush.
  64. “I’m not sure” Artemis had heard of the Lazarus pits, and wasn’t sure what to expect. Her muscles grew larger yet more feminine, her tight stomach grew noticeable abs. Her blond ponytail reached the floor. Her pants became a green bikini and her top swelled with her breasts. Her arrow logo became a cut out that gave a clear window to her cleavage. Her shows became a mix of heels and combat shoes. Lastly her skin always a olive color usually shiny with her own pesperation felt smother between olive oil and lube.
  66. “What did the League do?” finally it was the queen’s turn. Her already impressive height grew by a clear foot. The now amazon felt her chest swell and hips widen ripping her grey clothing clear off of her. Her childbearing hips where expossed for the world to see as well as a gold belly button stud. Her once small chest the size of a true queen, had bee sting piercings though her dark chocolate nipple. A purple jewel above her watermelons breasts held the only piece of clothing she had on a translucent veil that acted as a cape her long black hair spilled to the floor in a almost perfect diamond shape. Brown lipstick was her makeup and her ornaments were all gold. Gold Diniam, gold bracelets along her left arm gold heeled shoes. Golden neck rings, gold earrings, and golden nails.
  68. Disorently Artemis spoke up. “What happened”
  70. “I’m not sure” Replied Megan “whatever it was it changed my entire body, right down to the cellular level, evry single part of me feels… horney” the last word was moaned out as she came.
  72. “Woah” said the shocked Artemis.
  74. All of a sudden Megan snapped to attention “Queen be is starting to get her bearings she is already thinking of ways to turn this to her advantage, i think it increased her pheromone abilities.”
  76. “Well what do we do”
  78. “Well if she is still dazed i might be able to influence her mind”
  80. “How do we keep her dazed?”
  82. “Like this” Megan then flew up and kissed the tall Queen on the lips.
  84. “Didn’t see that coming” Artemis stared in amazement as her martian friend felt up Queen Bee. she would be lying if it didn’t start to turn her on.
  86. “Come on Artemis i need help to keep her dazed while i work on her mind” Megan spoke telepathically as she was busy kissing the villain.
  88. “But i don’t swing that way” Artemis tried to justify
  90. “I can see your thoughts Artemis, just get in here.” snapped Megan
  92. Giving up Artemis takes Megans place to Queen Bee’s front, while Megan goes to her back and starts rubbing her large chest on the Queen’s back. Artimish not sure what to do starts groping the Queen’s large Breasts.
  94. “Nice start but we need more Artemis”
  96. Well how do we get..OH!” Artemis is interrupted by a hand fingering her pussy. She looks and sees Megan having shapeshifted four extra arms. Four to massage the queen’s breasts and butt and two to finger Artemis's and the Queen’s pussys. Losing herself Artemis starts kissing the queen as Megan does all the work. After a bit Artemis let’s go a shriek of pleasure as she comes.
  98. “Thank’s Artemis i can take it from here.” As artemis sits down Megan breasts expands to match the Queen’s the two press their breasts together and begin to move them up and down. Getting faster and faster, the expressions on their faces getting lewder and lewder until they both Climax.
  100. Queen Bee collapses on the ground. “Were done here” Megan says as she tiredly floats past artemis.
  102. “What did you tell her?” Artemis started t follow Megan out of the cave
  104. “She was very open to suggestion, one to give Qurac back. That was the hardest. And two to give up crime to make her country the capital of her new desire.” Megan replied
  106. “So she is giving up Crime to turn Bialya into her personal sex paradise? Artemis was trying to get it
  108. “Pretty much. It’s a win win she stops brainwashing everyone, and she gets to stay in power.”
  110. “Won’t she still be controlling people?”
  112. “Not really this time she can’t force anyone to do something they don’t want to do. Won’t be hard to tempt them i admit.”
  114. Meanwhile by the pool the guards were finally coming to. “Finally” they looked up to see there Queen now a sex goddess and nude “i’ve been waiting, time to searves your Queen.” the pheromones washed over the guards and there confusion was replaced with lust and the started to have a threesome with their ruler. One on the ground as she rode his shaft, as she gave the other a blow job.
  116. Coming up for air she spoke “can’t have to much fun right now boys, need to get back to the palace, i have some big announcements to make.
  119. Returning to Mt. justice the two hero’s where horny after there long trip. Then a yellow blur came in and Wally West “aka kid flash” was there “hey babe sorry to be late and… what the heck happened to you?”
  121. Without missing a beat Artemis shoots her heart shaped arrows pinning Wally to the wall “you, me, bed, now” and dragged her boyfriend away.
  123. Megan grinned at her friend and was a jealous her own boy toy wasn’t around, oh well she could just practice with lagoon boy, and there was so much she wanted to try.
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