
Starlight for Rukair

Nov 7th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]Measured out in teaspoons[/i][/font][/size][/center]
  11. -----
  12. [right][i]Metalsmith[/i][/right]
  14. Upon meeting Starlight for the first time, some dragons are surprised to learn that she's a metalsmith. What's more, Starlight is a quite [i]good[/i] metalsmith, able to transform lumps of ore into metalwork so fine and detailed many swear it must be made of blown glass. While many metalsmiths are content to craft goods for workers and warriors, Starlight has a more particular client base: Tea drinkers.
  16. Starlight's primary focus is on crafting teaspoons -- elaborate, beautiful, unusual teaspoons made to look like harpies or serpents or salmon swimming upstream. She can even make them look like the commissioner, if that's required. While her work is very niche, those who are willing to make the trek to Shadeddusk Weyr to sample Starlight's spoons are similarly inclined to pay Starlight handsomely for her work, and so the fae maintains a comfortable lifestyle thanks to her craft.
  18. Besides, it's an open secret around the Weyr that all the [i]good[/i] spoons are housed in the back of her shop: the spoons Starlight has forged with enchantments and magic so precise she can make a spoon do just about anything. Some enchantments are simple: a spoon that makes any tea it's swirled in taste sweet, even without honey or sugar. Some are more complicated: spoons for good health, promotions, luck or sudden windfalls. There's no request too peculiar or a spell to complex for Starlight; her and her spoons are [i]always[/i] equal to the challenge.
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  21. [right]
  22. [url=][size=1]Bio[/size][/url][/right]
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