
Me'artkahar Majaheer

Feb 3rd, 2015
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  1. Name: Me'art Kahar Majaheer
  2. Race: Human and Thunder Weaver
  3. Religion:
  4. Age: 24
  5. Appearance: A mixed race of Human and Thunder Weaver. The man has a tall stature, 6'6" in height, and takes mostly from his mixed raced father, a bald head, and very light grey eyes. However from his strong roots in his mother's genes he has a fantastic black goatee, groomed long enough to stroke and with a single streak of white in the shape of a lightning bolt coincidentally. His skin takes a mix of both, being a partially dark tan and grey look to it.
  7. Misc. Equipment: Copious Spellbooks detailing his notes and research material.
  8. A brass lamp with a large, cracked and blackened, cracked diamond on the top. Along it's edges reads, "Here lies the souls of the great kings of the desert, and may their thunder shine true." Within is a lightning elemental, he named "King Lyn." Various herbs and other alchemical ingredients.
  10. Weapons: A Staff constructed of dried lightning flower stems, twisted together and bound over an inner wooden staff with a rough yellow topaz staff topper.
  12. Armor: Dark red and yellow mage robes.
  14. Notable Skills: Magic, particularly Lightning Magic, this includes magical history, magical practices, the flow of energy, enchanting, slight bits of alchemy, gods, astrology, and of the such. He's strives to reach at least some understanding in most magic, but all in order to hone the craft of lightning magic to it's truest and greatest potential which he keeps at the forefront of his studies.
  17. Magical Specialty: Arcane Electromancy, primarily the creation, release, and control of lightning. But as well some knowledge in other fields of magic to some extent but not necessarily the practices, simply some of the knowledge.
  19. Preferred Types of Spells: Electromancy
  21. Spell Components: Memorization and creation of runes in the air, with information and incantations written in various spellbooks and materials for more advanced spells.
  23. Spells:
  24. Lightning Cloak: The Rune for Lightning over the Rune for Body and a short incantation, "Let The king's aura give me strength." Creates a cloak of lightning that damages nearby foes.
  26. Shock: The Rune for Lightning, a short buzz of electricity.
  28. Chain Lightning: Rune for Lightning along with the chant, "Let Lightning strike all." Create a bolt of lightning that then hits other enemies afterwards in a chain.
  30. Lightning Bolt: Lightning with an incantation, "Lightning Strike True." Creates a strong bolt of lightning
  32. King's Strike: Create the Rune for Lightning, then the Rune for King over top of it to create a powerful and explosive lightning blast from the Hand.
  34. Lightning Shield: Lightning under the Rune for Shield, creates a magical shield that has a lightning affinity.
  36. Lightning Enchant: Enchant a weapon with a lightning aura to deal more damage. Draw the Run for lightning onto the weapon and speak the incantation, "Let the King's blessings give this weapon strength."
  38. Flight of Lightning: Create the Rune for Lightning, then three smaller runes around it: Body, Air, Soul. Then a short incantation, "Let the King's Power give me flight." And then the body is charged with lightning an allowed for hover by will for a bit.
  41. Backstory:
  42. Mey'art , settling within the desert wastes of a town with not strong economy, and was teetering on the edge of destruction. TheKahar Majaheer was born to a poor family of immigrant Thunder Weaver mixed with humans, seeking a new life along the trade routes Town itself used to be a valued stop for traders, having good access to water and a safe place to stop for rest. The city thrived until a the current Duke took power, and taxed the city and it's caravan's dry. It became more manageable to simply skip the town entirely and move forward, being as even stopping there would be a loss to the traders. To make matters worse the Duke started drying the oasis dry to lavish himself in pools and spas for himself and his twenty wives. As a child the boy loved hearing tales of his great grandfather's time in the hurricane school and his days as a lightning mage. From then on all he could dream of was doing the same. one day, escaping this endless desert and making a life for himself.
  43. As the town's economics shriveled and the Duke's gold pile growing, bandits planned an attack on the city. At the time he was only 13 years old. His father, just being a simple trader tried his best to defend his family, only having a simple knife. Me'art and his mother tried running away from the backalleys of the town, but were cut off and cornered as the town burnt to the ground. A man riding a sand lizard rode in and grab the boy from his mother with another grabbing her from behind with a knife. The man on the sand lizard exclaimed to him, "Come with us nicely, and we'll keep her alive, for a while at least. Slave women typically live at least a few weeks. You... you'll be sent off to the mines." From there he was bashed against the wall and knocked out before he could scream.
  44. The next following few days, the young boy traveled alongside the bandits as they hid throughout the desert mountains and sandstorms. Every chance the boy could take he would try and escape, but he could never truly free himself from his bonds. However one day, in a particularly bad storm, he felt the earth beneath him shake for a moment. He tried talking to his captors, questioning what's happening, but they just thought it was another ploy to escape. However, from behind the footsteps grew silent, and the boy exclaimed there was no one left behind them, but they ignored him. Then a giant worm erupted from the front of the camels and lizards, scattering them and their riders. This was the only chance he had to escape was now. Still bound, he fell from the camel he was on and started rolling before falling into a trench dug by the worm and breaking the rope around his arms with a rock revealed by the shifted sand. He freed his legs next and started running, just escaping the slaughter behind him. For the several days, having lost count or care as he drifted in and out of consciousness and sandstorms the boy wandered on a cave just out in the open desert plains. He walks inside, collapsing on the wet floor, trying to drink, but finds he can no longer move. Content to wait for his death he looks around, seeing a small handle jutting out of the ground, mustering all the strength he could he reached out to it and touched the handle before going limp and his hand brushing against as he begins blacking out. Right as his eyes close he whispers to himself, "I wish I was home."
  45. From that wish he woke up, lying in the forests surrounding the gates of the Hurricane School. As he walked up to it, he found whoever was admissions, but he merely said, "We only accept Thunder Weavers... err Full blooded, do you even know a thing about electromancy. Get out of here... If you'd really want to learn something, why not go to the The Grand Observatory." Crushed, the boy wandered the land, taking odd jobs to travel. However much he hated the official of the school, he heeded his advice and searched out the school. Each day he thought of his parents, and his dreams, crying to himself before he fell asleep within the streets of the towns he passed. On one night he looked back at the worn lamp and rubbed it to read it's inscription, from there a great lightning struck forth from it's top, an elemental of lightning rose out and bowed to him. He read the inscription outloud to himself, ""Here lies the souls of the great kings of the desert, and may their thunder shine true." He looked towards the elemental and asked, "Were you the guardian of the kings of the past." And it merely buzzed. "I am no king, you do not need to serve me, but if you could help me learn to wield the power of those kings, I would be truly humbled." And as he traveled, the two worked to improve his form, learning from lightning itself. However it was hard, as his magic and the elemental's truly never fit, but he grew a deeper understanding of the primal forms of magic and to appreciate it and it's power.
  46. Finally arriving at the school after his 14th birthday. He stepped before the dean of the school and bowed to him, requesting that he be allowed to prove his worth in the school. "Take the exams just as the rest of the students." Disgruntled at being dismissed so easily, he took the tests. When it came to see his magical potential and skills in astrology, he just barely passed, only having learned very little so far. However, with even his mediocre refinement, he showed great power in his strikes, having learned some bare electromancy through his own willpower and was accepted, but expected to fail. Though at first he struggled with the work, he persevered. Through his studies he learned all that the school would and could offer. He often delved into other elemental magics and practices to see their application and philosophy. To know more on magic as a whole would ultimately give him a better understanding of it's pieces. However he has learned to respect magic, as well as note it's abuses and one of his wishes to ultimately be to be able to find a balance in magic, an art that seemingly only brings imbalance and as well find the most natural, primal, and most powerful forms of magic so that they may be used for this purpose.
  47. After graduating after 8 years, his goal since has been to hone his craft and eventually head his own school, to teach other's like him and gain the true prestige he and others deserve in the craft of lightning as well as teach others in his ideals that power should be used for everyone rather than for one. As well he searches the world for various points of magical importance, artifacts, and different studies to better expand his magical knowledge including similar artifacts to the lamp he carries.
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