
Evemek: Madness I

Apr 2nd, 2016
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  2. --And the trek continued to no avail...
  3. Having took flight from Nostvale's magus youth, for his own lack of confidence consumed him, he found himself lost in the one setting he had fled from for so long. This foggy marshland had claimed the lives of his parents, inhabited by killer reptillians known to Valmasia only as Crellus. If such beasts did not claim the lives of the unweary, the daemonic monstrosities of the abyss would-- Assuming banditry didn't arise sooner.
  5. "... This... This is where I met her..." He monologued, finally happening across, just another random tree. Nothing of true significance as far as he was concerned. Though, years ago, this was the very last scene he'd ever came to remember, much less revisit.
  6. Though, the stains had long since worn, he could still smell the pungent scent of the sanguineous messings his parents left when the villianous banditry that happened across them slain them for naught more than spare coin.
  8. The rune encrusted upon his appendage singed with an undying desire to inflict retribution, albeit no one would happen across the scene to appropriately accept the jury and execution from one such metaphorical judge.
  9. "... Maybe... She'll come back... " He glimpsed up at the night sky, inviting the gleam of the full moon; hopefully, much like one did prior, this 'night mother' could come to his aid once more.
  11. Standing idle, he waited... And listened...
  12. (Evemek)
  13. An uncertain bundleing of cloth hung from its grip. Loosely held by some twine, that the Revenant kept clutched tightly... Something it had no intents of leaving at this moment. Its gaze glanced to the moon. As it thought of something deeper... More wrong...
  15. But delicious. But so many things were delicious... And it should avoid letting itself be corrupted. Which was why it always made an excuse. A tail twitched behind it idly, as it slowly approached some trees amongst grime and muck. It, unlike others of the swamp, failed to gather the mud and odorous decay amongst its garb.
  17. Or itself. Its form oddly clean as it stepped to more solid ground, having noted someone else. And strangers were always things of great interest to the roamming spirit. Astounding interest in any case. Faint words, it had thought it heard.
  19. But in any case, a hand was raised, and waved. As it offerred a small but polite word. "Greetings."
  20. (Ookami Revenant)
  21. The brief means means of introduction, broke him from his pseudo-trance, tilting his head in the direction of the greeting as to listen out for further sounds of approach. It was faint, thus reasonable doubt was present, but not ultimately manipulative-- He turned to find... An Ookami.
  23. He's seen others like it before... or at least, he'd think so.
  24. There was an odd fascination of green to acknowledged, and as one pivoted to pay attention wholly to one's facade, he'd come across a key detail that'd leave him shocked to the core: He had no face.
  26. It was much like a flat sheet of flesh, without detail, scathing nor moulding: Blank. He gasp, lost for breath in that moment, stumbling backwards in a sickly brew of shock, fear and... Something else the child simply couldn't accurately define. "Wh- Wha-... W- Wa--" The words just wouldn't slip past his lips, before he'd finally stumbling backwards with a distinct splash and sputter of sodden soils.
  28. "What happened to your face?!" He exclaimed, backing up frantically until his back met a tree's girth, leaving him cornered. "What are you?!"
  29. Was this actually a yokai? No, yokai didn't look like this... Did they?!
  30. Or, maybe... It was a monster... A ghost that wandered the marshes of the deceased? But it wasn't ethereal.
  31. (Evemek)
  32. An act of shock, of revulsion. But it couldn't say it was unused to it. It's had that reaction far too much to want to claim elsewise. Any claims like that would be terribly false.
  34. And a hand went to the sheet of flesh, contorting it with the touch, bizarrely and unnaturally... As it stared intently at Evemek. "It's face... Mmm?" It shrugged. "It lost it sometime ago." It responded plainly, before looking off elsewhere.
  36. "No idea when, doesn't even remember when it had one, in honesty." However odd it spoke... Slowly it refocussed on Evemek. "What is one like you, out amongst the swamps at this time of night? If it can be asking." Pretty young.
  38. "Who knows if a yokai would take advantage of the moment, or perhaps a crellus. Or are you capable of it yourself?"
  39. (Ookami Revenant)
  40. It didn't have one? But, wasn't it an Ookami? How did a face get lost? The way it spoke, it probably wasn't a yokai, for sure. But, then again... It wasn't exactly a normal Ookami either. The way its flesh contorted to the touch, the casual stature it kept whilst conversating despite the natural incapability given one's presented anatomy upon his visage. Perhaps, the proper explanation could be... A ghost...
  42. The stories of such things arising at the hand of midnight were well-enough to keep tempered children sated of their urges to condone to the malign and unruly... But not once did he suspect any unrelated to the hellish variety of yokai abroad, to be true. Did that mean, Necromancy was real? ... Or even, powers concerning the undying...
  43. The thought of such haunted him to the soul, and left him petrified...
  44. But the mood presented, albeit creepy, somewhat disarmed him.
  46. "Huh?" It was clear that he expected a far more heart-wrenching digression upon encounter. "I- I..." still shaken, he struggled to pull the words through-- "-- I was looking for someone." He blurted.
  47. (Evemek)
  48. The youth truly was unsettled, such was fairly evident... It slowly nodded, having been listenning. "For someone...?" It inquired, glancing briefly about. "For someone..." It saw noone around.
  50. "Who?" Perhaps he had been lied to, as to them being here. "As it is evident that it isn't the one you are seeking, or perhaps you could have been all the more prepared. Less unaware." It then nodded again to itself.
  52. Slowly it sat down, on the somewhat harder ground. Still... It wasn't the best, considerring the fact that it was a swamp. "In any case, yes... Perhaps it has heard of them, and can point in a direction."
  53. (Ookami Revenant)
  54. [18:54:43] An awakening, consciousness blooming up, as the sky is snatched away by his gaze. Resting his upper-body up, legs spreaded out, hands clutching onto the blades of grass. The eyes that shared semblance to the moon looked over at strange foreigners interacting. Around the area, a marking that has not yet been erased, or wiped off remained.
  56. There is fear in these eyes, the fear of the unknown. His back rested on the fluffly school of Mushrooms, inhaling, and exhaling... the boy attempted to grasp the existence of the Revenant, and Evemek. Attempting to garner some form of comprehension of their intents. Were they malicious? were they....friendly? All that the teenager could understand is that their very souls..... have some form of nefarious intent.
  57. (Melefyte A'lintari)
  58. No one here? No, he wasn't lied to. His memories couldn't lie... Could they? The shadows of his mind clawed for the surface, daring to taunt him again, to taint his vision with the torment of the transmundanic oblivion. The Darkness within, concealed and buried even within the most innocent of mankind contorted at the seemingly benign youth. He could hear the whispers of the lost... The damned... Though, unlike before, no longer were they a cacophony of terror-- No. Now? He invited the coo of the stygian call out of void without struggle...
  60. Though it pained him, and put him through anguish at first... He grew a liking to it. Much like adaptation that ultimately strengthens one to the soul. With a blink, the world changed in his perception, much like an illusionist's curse would condone to, upon the unweary, albeit-- The others probably wouldn't have been aware of such... Assuming they too, didn't sense the esoteric resonations from his vessel.
  62. "They're not here yet." He answered, "--But I think.."
  64. "-- I think they'll be here soon." He thought he heard something, and with a batted glance and extended gander-- He found one... Not whom he was looking for. Though, with the fog hanging close to the soil, he could only garner the silhuoette of one, dimmed to only allow the moonlight's gleam to highlight them. "...Hm?" He quizzically hummed, oddly coming to solace rather quickly. This persona was freakish in his eyes, an abnormality-- But he had seen worse.
  66. "Isthis... yourfriend?" He asked of the Revenant, still pausing enough to break his speech apart, yet speeding through the words enough to mesh them together when he did.
  67. (Evemek)
  68. Apparently another was here, amongst mushrooms... It looked over, staring towards the ash colorred stranger. As Evemek asked questions. It felt something in the airs, at the least.
  70. And something on the earth... Something noticed, amidst the poor light. But what good would it be without its senses. It had good sight, for something without actual eyes. In any case, Evemek was confused, but perhaps its others would arrive...
  72. And they weren't the ashen stranger. "Anyone, can be its friend, if they're willing to talk at least." Those with blind hostility, and the like... It would treat as they attempt to treat it. Its hand fell to its side, before it turned and looked up at the moon. A forlorn, odd gaze, before looking back.
  73. (Ookami Revenant)
  74. They spoke of strange things, heretical languages being tossed to one another. Gestures of past interactions are abandoned by the A'lintari, nothing is etched on the sullied earth, an impure territory once unadulterated before the time that the continent of Valmasia, especially the Deadland Marshes were blessed by subjected foreign powers--a power of perfection.
  76. The teachings of a Pendragon versus the catastrophe that Mordred the Perfect wielded met, and clashed together like the symbol of Yin, and Yang. Even to this day of 'modern' technology distributed among the common folk by the Republic...the teachings of that Pendragon, and the catastrophe of Mordred are still utilized by the majority.
  78. There seems to be too much Yin in this area, at least.
  80. " ... "
  82. Eyes stay attached onto the floor...a non-gregarious individual, an individual that cannot understand the duo. This fraction is what creates tension, a lack of understanding, and connection. Even the hands of a divine dragon cannot truly mend such tensions, even with his messenger, Nehir. It is futile.
  84. The silence of the prarie grasslands is muchlike the silence of the A'lintari. Fear of the earth that his feet stand upon. Grudge of the earth that drinks the blood of others.
  85. (Melefyte A'lintari)
  86. Scared stiff at the facade of another child, parallel to his entity in age albeit... Different. Something about them, made him uneasy. Something that dwelled beyond that of the flesh and bone-- It had to be something of a metaphysical stature, if not beyond even that. They didn't seem to speak to them, which-- Perhaps, was more worrisome than the faceless Ookami. If this wasn't a friend of his... Then.... Who was this? It certainly wasn't whom he thought would be waiting for him.
  88. "...Go..." A voice whispered out to him, urging him to take the first step. "Clooooooseeeeeer." Another cooed, feminine, but alluring enough to bring the boy another step closer.
  89. "Walk up to him.." They hushfully ordered, "Say 'hiiiiiiiiiii' " They didn't bear the pelpetating surge to his chest as they did upon contracting in the epitome of his wrath... No, they prodded at his already strong curiosity and pushed him just over the edge. They tugged at his creative side, and shown him beauty once smothered in the shadows...
  91. This shadow, was his ignorance... His innocence, what he was blind to. Though, the longer he waded in it, the better his eyes adapted so that he could see. It wasn't long before he was upon the boy, finding inscriptions upon the earth... Strange markings... He squinted as though to attempt deciphering them, but nothing came to mind. Perhaps, something like the runic magic cursed upon his flesh, searing down to his mind and soul alike.
  93. "... A- Ar--" He seemed to struggle to speak out even now, but in close proximity, the glacial radiance rolled off him with easy detection-- Lacking the frost as nature would've intended of it. It was raw... And manifested only due to one's incapability to properly control it. He was a victim and fool to it entirely, guided by its mind-numbing embrace.
  94. "Areyou... Allright?"
  95. (Evemek)
  96. Something strange was occurring here. Something that it was... Curious of. One didn't speak for reasons undetailled. Probably because they weren't speakking... And then the other... It was more fascinated by something...
  98. They were fractured, or something, as it focussed on Evemek... Now deciding on silence. Something broke them... Fractured them wrongly. About as fractured as it knew it was... But in different ways, in much more likelihood. After all, it was missing pieces, but it had a suspicion...
  100. Evemek had all of his, put they were put together wrong. Mishaped and malformed. Curious, and interesting.
  101. (Ookami Revenant)
  102. The darkness begins to settle in, a horde of shadows rides under the illumination of the moon, night-time. The daytime light consumed, corrupted into its polar opposite. It's clear, it's as if the moon utilizes the eye of the strange child, it appears all too similar, Melefyte's optics, and the moon that remains as the mothership of the skies. A quake of Melefyte's heart is made....fear manifesting to clutch at his core.
  104. " Ieal ozyucgomso...yucm'g noumg geh vo....." The hushed tone of the boy glides towards Evemek, in some way, the words feel eerie, strange, but powerful in its definition unknown to the foreigners. The tone of the boy expressed towards Evemek, and especially the Revenant that they aren't right. Right in what? That's a question for them to answer.
  106. Why are they here?
  107. The A'lintari wonders that, much like he wonders himself.
  108. (Melefyte A'lintari)
  109. The words that reached out to him... Too alien for remote comprehension, albeit oddly... Familiar? It struck him... But why? Memories of the past, of his family... Of his life before the world's cruelty mised a crushing halt to all that was-- They made him ponder, feel... Off.
  110. He hadn't memory of rhetoric like this..... Or had he? The voices in his head began to speak up, this time, manifesting with the looming night into shadows of the depraved and fallen abroad the wide-open scene. However, to his dismay, they'd be only that which clouded his perception: All in his mind.
  112. They surrounded the whole lot midst the marshes, taking the forms of reanimated cadavers that hushed whispers through closed and sewn lips. The lurged forth, struggling in their squirm to close in mass congregation around him, ceasing him in place as the sensation of one stroking his back forced him stiff... However, all was simple the natural torment of the esoteric forces at work. Never at-rest with a host to empower it as it matures, further growing opaque as the physical age and such transcended one closer to adulthood.
  114. "...Wh- Wha--? " He inquired of the boy, "I didn't understand that." He glimpsed down at the markings... But as far as he could tell, it could be like everything else he saw. It could've been one of the things people taunted him about. They claimed the stuff wasn't real, but he saw it... He felt it... He could hear them... So, why couldn't -they-?
  115. Were they simply, not Seers themselves? Blind?
  117. Was it as simple as that for a boy with such strange eyes? Blank... Much like the faceless Ookami? Was this... His purgatory? The babble he ushered out to him. It was like the rest, this was another spell. The antipodal of light was kindling, soon to spark into a grandiose pyre.
  118. (Evemek)
  119. One spoke in another language, and the other looked at things that didn't exist... And the Revenant was just... In any case, it moved forwards, between the duo, before glancing towards Melefyte.
  121. It stood, motionless for a moment, before asking. "From around here? Or perhaps elsewhere?" To see if they understand Valmasian. Or perhaps not. Gestures made amongst hands, indicating this bit of earth, and the symbols it walked on, before gesturing towards Melefyte. "These yours, perhaps?" Not runes it quite recognized, but perhaps.
  122. (Ookami Revenant)
  123. A nod to acknowledge that those markings are his, but the langauge that the Revenant spoke of isn't captured by the A'lintari. The faceless man is an anomaly, strange, created for a purpose? is he apart of these shadows of creation? These creations that have hidden motives digged deeply below, buried by illusionary hands--unable to seep into the naked eye.
  125. No more words, ancient, and foreign...those words are not spared to the duo anylonger. The courage that took an eternity to muster up has been eaten up, dried--no more reserves lie in wait for the consumption, and nourishment of the teenager who shares the number 'thirteen' with Evemek. This life has been created on the soils of the marshes, much like many lives have been swallowed whole by the soils of the marshes.
  126. (Melefyte A'lintari)
  127. The whispers were complemented with the high pitched squeal of violin strings, being played far too close to the bridge, tuned just a few hairs too tight. He was losing it, the grasp upon humanity-- Reality... Everything was becoming so surreal, yet so accepted. He didn't want to fight what was and wasn't-- Just fall infinitely in its bottomless depths.
  129. Of course, with the progression of interaction growing stale-- Or rather, still, his mind sought to keep such from every dreaming of a static moment. It was constant, never-ending; "Get... cloooooooseeeer..." They pleaded of him, earning his approach.
  130. --And so he did, slowly pacing past the faceless Ookami to see this Melefyte, closer. He did so, to obey the voices of the damned.
  132. ".... cloooooooooseeeeeeer"
  133. He obliged, closing the proximity to an uncomfortable degree, visage blank as to the awkwardness of his action, feeling completely oblivious to wrong or unearthly doing. By now, he was likely arm's reach away..
  134. "CLOSER!" It barked at him, earning his cringe-- But much like a creaking door he leaned in, beaming one with his obscene gaze.
  136. The Occult was at work, and he-- Possessed by the very darkness he couldn't hope to contain. He had inadvertantly signed a contract with higher powers that now puppeteered the poor soul to their volition, leaving a lost boy to eternally dive into oblivion, too young to have comprehended the consequences of his decision. If there was no interuption, he'd be hardly inches away-- Breath easily tickling the skin of another's face.
  138. As though, to warn the kid of his condition, as though to explain the reasoning in his act-- To justify it, he admitted to his reasoning. "They told me you're an interesting fellow." It was, out of character... But with the constant radiation of his mana from his circuit-- They manifested into the mortal plane of existence; At least to please the eyes with visualization.
  139. (Evemek)
  140. It felt something a small ways off tugging at it. It had something else it needed to do. Something to seek out at least. However, whatever Evemek was doing... It looked away, beginning to meander off.
  142. Things of another nature needed. It had things to pursue, and things needed pursued, caused it to miss out on what was occurring. Other things were really important at least.
  144. Maybe, probably.
  145. (Ookami Revenant)
  146. The closeness that Evemek held is certaintly weird to Melefyte. Invading personal space, and speaking words of unknown origins. A common language amongst Valmasians, but a not so common language to Melefyte. A tilt of the head, confusion started to siege the boy's features. There's no space to step back, no room at all. Eye to eye, they communicated, a dullness, grayed like the moon that hovered above Evemek.
  148. The mana is felt by the boy, the presence of those that have left this plane previously--Who, and where did they come from? The true question is when was their existence sculpted into Eternia? Did they too fall from the law of perfection? or the order of light? Are they the souls, and spirits that can never ascend? Impossible....these spirits are average, neglected by the passing stream of magi.
  150. Evemek needs to produce a proper way of communication for interactions.
  151. (Melefyte A'lintari)
  152. These average souls, conjured to this realm of existence translated what was once silence into Evemek's torment-- Vocalized. Whispers cooed out to him and Melefyte alike, but their lips would never budge. It was dozens of conversations at once, some in different tongues, but all Valmasian. Was this, the boy's means of communication? He craned his neck, tilting it off to the side as though to inquiry further of Melefyte.
  154. Though, with a single inhaled breath-- All of the whispers... All of their sound... Stopped. There was naught but silence, as he recoiled somebit, regaining control over his own body and actions slowly. One's mind, no longer plagued by the infinite fantacisms to enact upon the oblivious stature, was able to ponder, to think...
  155. "I- I..." He croaked, "I'm sorry... They told me to, I didn't know what to do and..." He was speaking slower, far more calmly. Perhaps, it had to do with being outside the presence of a ghost? But then again, they were surrounded by shadows and apparitions! How calm could one poor tormented soul be?
  157. "--Are you... Alright?" He asked further, "I saw what happens when you eat the mushrooms here. If you ate any, maybeI can get some help!" That was the plan... But, could this boy understand anything he was saying? He backpedaled with a hand ushering their approach, gesturing for them to follow in the direction he presumed the faceless Ookami to have wandered in.
  158. (Evemek)
  159. Was Melefyte attempting to get herded off by Evemek? The ground wanted Melefyte's feet, they wanted him to remain in the swamplands, never to truly wander beyond its borders. Surviving in this area, it gave Melefyte that 'homeland advantage', being comfortable, it is comfortable to linger here even if he is alone, he manages to cling onto the flow of time.
  161. A wall begins to construct inside the A'lintari's interior, blocking off foreign plagues that intend to sweep, and harm the boy. The sways that would bring Melefyte into a room of agony. There, remains fear within the boy...The grass rustles, and the wind blows. The Illumination of the moon directly shines on the ground in front of the boy. It takes a single minute, but the boy begins to scurry off.
  163. Away from foreigners that place dirty feet on even dirtier grounds.
  164. (Melefyte A'lintari)
  165. He was abandoned upon attempting to guide the lost soul out of the marshes, leaving him alone with the ethereal projections of the undone. They collectively kept to silence... He was here again, lost without another living persona to talk to nor comfort him. Instead, his gander was plagued by the dead-- By the shadows of the night, encapsulating him whole... Engulfing him further. He fought it off once, but he couldn't commit to it again. Thus, he stood there, seemingly empty-minded with a blank face to boot.
  167. The spirits summoned to his person, acted according to their own will, leaving him tethered in their psuedo-spell. "Maybe he... " He started up, "--had somewhere to go... Y- Yeah... Maybe he had to go b- back... Away...." He monologued midst the translucent crowd that stared wide-eyed at him, boxing him in with their sparse numbers. "Nooo... He ran away from you..." A voice spoke out to him, this time alloud-- As though spoken by one of the spirits albeit hardly traceable considering the omnipresent source.
  169. "H- Huh?"
  171. "You're just another -freak- like the others..." Another voice spat out to him, answered with his flinch with such venomous utterance.
  172. "You're just another sinner..." They spoke in loud whispers, shaking the boy to the core.
  173. "N- No..." He answered with a quiver in his tone.
  174. "Kraus, will never accept you... You'll die and fade in oblivion."
  175. The whispers from beyond the horizon ushered out once more, this time in a chorus of outright screams intermixed with the whine of instrumental strings, stinging his ears.
  176. These sounds, these voices...
  178. He fell to his knees to clutch at his skull, now pounding from the inside; it felt well fit to burst, enough to make the child wish it had: It was pure agony. "Shut up, Shut upShut up! "
  179. In reality, there were no voices... Even the summoned poltergiests had vanished against his volition. He was alone...
  180. (Evemek)
  182. Meiji soon began to prepare himself for another journey. He was trying. Trying to become 'Someone' in this world, but it seems like even as he tried no one would accept him. Everyone only turned him away. It was like Meiji had just been to far behind times, and was being seen as an outcast. His family was gone, due to time or maybe they just left else where. Either way, they abandonned the young Ookami teen, and now he was left to suffer in the world alone with barely any memories. Meiji figured more drifting was the only thing he could really do, thus he did.
  184. He left Wychwood in search of something to complete him. In search of something that could possibly even provide him with 'purpose'. Meiji couldn't just sit around, even though he felt like it since he had no real purpose as of now. Anyhow, his drifting took him back to the east of Valmasia, soon finding himself within the marshes once again. He looked around for a short while just before hearing sudden shouts. Meiji decided to check it out, soon going on to tracking down the loud noise and coming up upon a young teen.
  186. The boy was alone, and by the looks of him he was flustered. Meiji only stared for a while just before asking "Are you alone as well...?" in a rather monotonous way while steady standing in one spot, observing the boy for a short while. Wondering if there was another person in the world who could be alone just like him.
  187. (Meiji Shidoku)
  188. Evemek rose his lowered head in acknowledgement. That was an actual person's voice! It wasn't like the others, warped, and mysterious-- But truly human in all aspect. It was a godsend... Or was it?
  190. He asked of him, a question: "N- No..." He answered, stuck betwixt the state of sadness and despair. "...I was..." He glimpsed over to his side.... But no one was there...
  191. The other? Not even the Ookami Revenant nor sign of the boy in white...
  192. Even the spirits vanished...
  193. He was alone...
  195. "--W- Well... Yes..." His voice dipped a bit in pitch, truly forlorn. The monotone voicing from Meiki helped with locking one's demotivated stature, keeping him in this constant low. Though, there was some fondness in his presence... Mayhaps, if this person was willing to approach him, rather than the other way around... Maybe, they'd be willing to see what he saw... Maybe, they'd be able to share a seat with him in this endless abyss of darkness.
  197. " The others... They ran away..." He admitted, head lowered enough to shroud his face in his mane's shadow.
  198. (Evemek)
  199. Meiji eye'd the boy for a short while while listening to him just before walking closer and placing a head on his shoulder as he'd say "At least you know those that left you alone now...I..." he hesitated for a moment and then decided to stop. No point in telling his story to someone he'd probably never see again anyways. "Forget it. How does it feel though, your lonliness that is? I too have this feeling and I feel like simply....Like im nothing but trash on this earth. Like all others with the luxury of having 'friends' and 'families' are somehow above me because I have absolutely nothing...." he'd sigh for a bit as he'd look to his side for a while.
  201. He was thinking, thinking greatly on how he wanted to continue on with his own life and all. Maybe a new chapter could be started now? Meiji would turn back to the teen and would ask "Tell me...Is there something you plan to do to get rid of this feeling? The feeling of being alone and..I suppos helpless?" Meiji as curious in Evemek's answer for a lot of reasons. Like relating with what he'd say, or possibly using what the teen would say to his own advantage in starting a new chapter in his life. He'd simply have to await the response.
  202. (Meiji Shidoku)
  203. The life of being an orphan was tough, so he knew all too well what it felt like to have no friends nor family... At least, at some point. He had emulated the attitude of others to eventually come to garner some friends... At least, he thought they were friends. If this kid was going about the same road he was, perhaps... He could help... Perhaps, he could make his first, true friend. At least, whilst the darkness was leaving him in solace.
  205. "Y- Yes... I always wanted to get rid of this feeling!" He answered, intending for one unbeknownst to Meiji entirely. " I hate feeling so helpless to it." He was avoiding the concept of being 'alone', for, he was never alone... He was always surrounded by them. Watched, ever so carefully by them... Guided in every waking moment, by -them-.
  206. "I hate it so much..." He pushed him up to his feet and feigned newfound happiness with a jump in ... Excitement?
  208. "--Do other people bully you too? " He inquired of him.
  209. "Do they call you names? What about your parents? Did they leave you too? Or get hurt?" He started, machinegunning the questions one after another before they all meshed together into a long string of babble: "WhatIliketodowhenI'mdownistalktootherpeoplelikemeandyourlikethefirstpersoniveevercomeacrosslikemeinyea--" He was cut off by the need to breath, before starting back up again, slower and more controlled-- Fatigued, maybe?
  210. "In years..."
  211. (Evemek)
  212. Meiji listened to the teen as he suddenly began to speak about how he was feeling the same abandonement Meiji was feeling. But it was odd, the child was somehow becoming a lot more talktative the more they spoke about it. Soon speeding up in his speech and giving a barrage and questions and words that, at one point, sounded like they were all just jumbled together. Meiji couldn't even understand it.. Though, he decided to answer what he could comprehened. Soon drawing his sword and pointing it towards the teen he'd say "Ever since i've been alone i've known nothing but that. No one has bullied me for it...Maybe because I can at least remember how to protect myself, or maybe it's simply because I choose not to interact with those that have 'someone' in their life..."
  214. He'd sheathe his katana quickly and go on to speaking some more. Soon saying " I don't remember who my parents were. The only family I had died...I don't know when I just know they did, sadly." he'd sigh a bit and then would move on. "Are you being bullied because you're alone too? If so, all I can say to you is learn to stick up for your se-" he suddenly stopped. A sudden image of Bober Jones shooting into his head. The two had just finished sparring, and Meiji asked Bober for training, which is when Bober was telling him basically the same things Meiji was telling this boy now.
  216. Meiji stumbled and shook his head as he was sort of daze from regaining a bit of his memory once more. "Uh...Like I was saying. If you plan to protect yourself against those bullies you've got to stick up for yourself. If you're truely alone you've gotta learn to stand alone, got it...?"
  217. (Meiji Shidoku)
  218. And then one drawn his sword, and earned the boy's awkward cringe and prompt backpedal-- Never before had he been so swift to flight. It felt... So wierd to be on the other side, even if it wasn't in an attempt to plunge into his chest from what he could tell. However, that wasn't what the voices were telling him.
  219. "Protect yourself?" He parroted, much like the simple-minded fool many had thought him to be. The blade was soon resheathed, and he cooled down. The kid didn't know who his parents were? How? Did he never grow up around them? Was he simply born and abandoned in an orphanage? What sort've backstory did this kid have?
  221. "I, Uuuh..." Then, came an offer...
  222. Training? Him? It was like, Kraus had finally answered his prayers! For once, the call of the abyss was silenced by his joy and newfound happiness, as fearful and skeptic as it may've been.
  223. Wait... What was he thinking about? This was just another misdirection, like the rest. The boy never mentioned training at all... He was just making the thought up in his mind.
  225. "...Oh...... Yeah..." He answered, slightly down at the thought. "I'll do that."
  226. (Evemek)
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