
[Dark Souls II] Old Shields%

Jan 1st, 2015
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  1. [Dark Souls II] Shield Only Old Souls Any%
  2. ------------------------------------------
  4. Old Souls - finish the game while passing the shrine of winter via acquisition of the 4 Great Soul bosses (Rotten, Old Iron King, The Sinner, Duke's Dear Freja)
  6. Shield Only - only deal damage to bosses with a shield (Dragonrider gravity and Pursuer ballista strats are fine)
  8. Tseldora management - make sure to take off the gear whenever possible without a timesave, and to put it on after every boss fight for the soul boost.
  11. Route
  12. -----
  14. Things Betwixt
  15. --------------
  16. Start Warrior/Gift optional (Healing Wares or a Homeward Bone)
  17. Grab the Torch under the cart beside the bonfire
  18. Head to Majula
  21. Majula
  22. ------
  23. Talk to Herald
  24. Light Bonfire
  25. Grab soul by the Blacksmith (optional)
  26. Run to Heide
  29. Heide
  30. -----
  31. Grab the soul/effigy (optional)
  32. Dragonrider falloff strats
  33. Talk to Licia
  34. Warp to Majula
  37. Majula
  38. ------
  39. Talk to Herald (just to cycle more dialogue)
  40. Buy Twin Dragon Greatshield from Maughlin
  41. Two-hand the shield in your right hand (makes jump attacks easier)
  42. Kill Maughlin with the shield and grab the Tseldora set (L1, L1, L1 - he aggros, knock him down 3/4 more times with jump attacks)
  43. Sort gear order/hotbar/pop souls at the gate
  44. Head to Forest of the Fallen Giants
  47. Forest of the Fallen Giants
  48. ---------------------------
  49. Grab the river bone (optional - you only need one to avoid a potential death at McDuff)
  50. Buy 1 Brightbug, Leningrast's Key, 15-20 Firebombs from Melentia
  51. Talk to her for the Silver Covetous Ring, exhaust her dialogue, light the cardinal tower bonfire
  52. Blow up the wall and head to Last Giant
  53. Pop brightbug/equip ring on the elevator
  54. Kill Last Giant (L1 is safemode, L2 is getting stomped on mode)
  55. Pop remaining souls on elevator
  56. Grab the bone above Pursuer door (optional - you only need one to avoid a potential death at McDuff)
  57. Roll Pursuer and ballista dat mista
  58. Take the nest to Lost Bastille
  61. Lost Bastille
  62. -------------
  63. Light the bonfire, pop pursuer soul
  64. Grab 1 large titanite (either ledge or ladder)
  65. Kick the barrel towards the wall (get ready to backup-firebomb it)
  66. Light the bonfire and try to rest (bone if bad doge stops your boning)
  67. Light the sconce inside McDuff's room and rest at the bonfire
  68. Grab the 5 titanite, 2 large titanite, and twinkling titanite in the chests
  69. Warp back to Majula
  72. Majula
  73. ------
  74. Buy the remaining 2 brightbugs from Melentia
  75. Open the Blacksmith
  76. Rest at the bonfire
  77. Buy 1 titanite and 11 wood arrows from Leningrast and pick up the bow in the chest
  78. Upgrade the TDGShield to +5
  79. Level up some VIT/END 10/10 minimum (save 22k souls)
  80. Buy the Cat ring, 10 bones, 10 skulls
  81. Head down the pit
  84. Gutter
  85. ------
  86. Take the first bonfire
  87. Head down to the Black Gulch
  90. Black Gulch
  91. -----------
  92. Grab the branch
  93. Take the first bonfire
  94. Head to Rotten
  95. Brightbug outside/inside (doesn't really matter)
  96. Kill the Rotten (L1 is safety, L2/Jump Attacks for bigger punishes)
  97. Head to Shulva
  100. Shulva
  101. ------
  102. Light the first bonfire (optional you filthy peach)
  103. Grab the Twinkling on the corpse past the second bonfire
  104. Head down into Dragon's Sanctum (pop a soul on the fire-bridge)
  107. Dragon's Sanctum
  108. ----------------
  109. Open the wheel-door via bow-shots
  110. Grab the soul in the door to the left (optional)
  111. Go down the right path and shoot the pressure plate on the roof (toss a skull or two during this)
  112. Grab the twinkling in the chest that has been revealed
  113. Head toward the puzzle sword room (throw a few safety skulls in here too)
  114. Grab the twinkling from the right-hand chest (soul and effigy en route are optional)
  115. Head back towards the Flynn's room, grab the 20 poison throwing knives off the body on the staircase, grab the ring
  116. Head towards the dragon stone area, throw a skull to distract the caster, grab the twinkling in spikes, double back and bone out
  117. Warp to the Black Gulch
  120. Black Gulch
  121. -----------
  122. Drop down to the giants underneath gandalf
  123. Kill the Giants (4 knives will poison, 2 sets of poison will kill them, use firebombs to speed things up if you're feeling saucy)
  124. Bone out
  125. Warp to Gutter
  128. Gutter
  129. ------
  130. Cross the first bridge, take a left (careful not to fall through the middle of this platform)
  131. Jump off of the North-West corner of this platform towards the torch hollows below
  132. Climb the ladder at the north-west of THAT platform
  133. Open the door, bomb the shit out of the statues because fuck you stone-faced poison spitting shitlords
  134. Grab Havel's gear from teh urn
  135. Bone out
  136. Warp to Majula
  139. Majula
  140. ------
  141. Drop/item box the Havel set sans the Shield
  142. Level Havel's Greatshield to +5
  143. Buy 3 Brightbugs and X of lifegems
  144. Level to 23STR, 14VIT, rest optional (pop souls if necessary, and save 2k for Licia)
  145. Go pay to open the miracle mechanism
  146. Equip the Flynn's ring if you haven't already
  147. Head to Huntsman's (Hantzman Kappa) Copse
  150. Hantzman's Copse
  151. ----------------
  152. Light the second bonfire (if you're a big peach)
  153. Head to Skeleton Lords
  154. Kill Skeleton Lords (go as fast as you want, you're a jump attacking beast at this point)
  155. Pop souls at the lever
  156. Head to Harvest Valley
  159. Harvest Valley
  160. --------------
  161. Run to Covetous (do coolboy OoB if you're not a peach)
  162. Bash the fatboy to death (L1 safe.... yeah same shit again, just don't die to this guy ffs)
  163. Head to Earthen Peak
  166. Earthen Peak
  167. ------------
  168. Light your torch at the first bonfire
  169. Dodge Manikens and Grey dudes, get up the ladder and light the windmill
  170. Pop a brightbug before the Pyro grills
  171. Kill Mytha (protip: 2 L2 staggers her)
  172. Head to Iron Keep
  175. Iron Keep
  176. ---------
  177. Take the bonfire (if you're a huge pea... wait I take this one, yeah take this bonfire for strategic purposes)
  178. Jump attack those 2 dudes at the door for teh lulz
  179. Do the Smelter jump (always good practice)
  180. Jump back across and head towards turtle tunnel
  181. Don't panic, 1 jump attack kills the guy in the tunnel, L2 his buddy around the corner if you fancy it
  182. Head to Iron King
  183. Pop a brightbug
  184. Kill Iron King (easy game easy life)
  185. Bone out
  186. Warp to Majula (or Lost Bastille if you wanna skip a set of brightbugs)
  187. Buy 3 brightbugs
  188. Level up some more (12ADP, then END/VIG)
  189. Warp to Lost Bastille
  192. Lost Bastille
  193. -------------
  194. Head to Sentinals
  195. Kill Sentinals (2 L2 staggers lel, just wait upstairs if you want full safety)
  196. Head to Salt fort (OpieOP)
  197. Pop some souls at the gate
  198. Skip the bonfire (cmon)
  199. Take the elevator down to Sinner, pop a brightbug en route
  200. Kill Sinner (bit of a pain, but if you time jump attacks you can poise through some attacks and destroy her)
  201. Bone out
  202. Warp to Majula
  205. Majula
  206. ------
  207. Buy 3 brightbugs
  208. Run to stoned pyro grill
  209. Head to Shaded Woods
  212. Shaded Woods
  213. ------------
  214. Light crossroads bonfire
  215. Head to and grab the Chloranthy ring
  216. Light Najka bonfire (if you're a huge peachasaurus rex)
  217. Head to Najka
  218. Pop a brightbug
  219. Kill Najka (hug dat butt)
  220. Head to Doors of Pharros
  223. Doors of Pharros
  224. ----------------
  225. What a pointless few lines of this pastebin, but whatever, I'll add it for consistency
  226. Head to Brightstone Cove
  229. Brightstone Cove
  230. ----------------
  231. Head to Congregation
  232. Suuuuhmashhhh Congregation with your mighty shield
  233. Head to Freja
  234. Pop a brightbug
  235. Go blow up Freja's head(s), use skulls as necessary
  236. Bone out
  237. Warp to crossroads if you took another bonfire
  240. Shaded Woods
  241. ------------
  242. Run to Shrine of Winter
  245. Shrine of Winter
  246. ----------------
  247. Pass through the shrine OpieOP
  248. Head to Drangleic Castle
  251. Drangleic Castle
  252. ----------------
  253. Open front doors, pop souls during
  254. Take first bonfire
  255. Warp to Majula
  258. Majula
  259. ------
  260. Buy 3 Brightbugs
  261. Level up w/e
  262. Warp back to Castle
  265. Drangleic Castle
  266. ----------------
  267. Kill Dragonriders (3 L2 = dead grey rider)
  268. Light bonfire
  269. Start elevator
  270. Bone back
  271. Pop remaining souls (wait we're not even gonna level again, nevermind that)
  272. Get on the Elevator
  273. Engage in top tier Mec-Approved Peestrats (you've got about 40 seconds to empty that bladder)
  274. >>>WASH YOUR HANDS<<<
  275. Grab the key, bone back, head to Mirror Knight
  276. Pop a brightbug
  277. Kill Mirror Knight (L1 is king if you have trouble avoiding the shield)
  278. Head to Shrine of Amana
  281. Shrine of Amana
  282. ---------------
  283. Take the bonfire (you'll thank me later)
  284. Head through and grab the second one if you're feeling peachy (I won't judge in this case)
  285. Kill the caster by the foggate and do sneaky strats OR kill both and try to jump attack the drakes (hero-strats)
  286. Take off that Flynn's ring (stupid bugs)
  287. Head to Frog
  288. Requip Flynn's
  289. Kill Frog (slow shield makes this annoying, just play safe and jump attack + L2 (or 2 L2) after attacks)
  290. Head to Undead Crypt
  293. Undead Crypt
  294. ------------
  295. Take second bonfire (optional, but won't call you a massive peach here either)
  296. Head to Velstadt
  297. Get through the fucking gate
  298. Pop a Brightbug
  299. Crush Velstadt like peasant grill
  300. Grab King's ring, bone out
  301. Warp to Crossroads
  303. Shaded Woods
  304. ------------
  305. Run to the King's door
  306. Head to Aldia's Keep
  309. Aldia's Keep
  310. ------------
  311. Run to Guardian
  312. Pop a brightbug if you feel like it, meh
  313. Kill Guardian (can be hilariously easy or tediously hard - gluck)
  314. Head to Dragon Aerie
  317. Dragon Aerie
  318. ------------
  319. Light the first bonfire you nutcase, jesus
  320. Do the Ela yump (first time or rito)
  321. Head to Dragon Shrine
  324. Dragon Shrine
  325. -------------
  326. Light THIS first bonfire too you crazy mofo, dayum
  327. Run to Ancient Dargon
  328. Chit-chat - get the Ashen mist
  329. Bone out
  330. Warp to Cardinal Tower
  333. Cardinal Tower
  334. --------------
  335. [If you're a pro go for the ledge-jump and skip the next 3 lines]
  336. Drop off down the ladderhole
  337. Head to the King's door
  338. Skip the bonfire (amagad teh risk)
  339. Enter the memory
  340. Kill Giant Lord (easy game easy life)
  341. Bone out
  342. Warp to Drangleic Castle first bonfire
  345. Drangleic Castle
  346. ----------------
  347. Head to the King's door
  348. Head to Throne of Want
  349. Brightbug outside (summon Benhart if you want)
  350. Destroy Watcher/Defender
  351. Get rid of Benny if you summoned
  352. Re-brightbug if you've got any spares (I've not been counting so far o_o)
  353. Kill Nashandra
  354. Flex for 15 seconds
  355. Split
  356. GG WP
  359. Credits
  360. -------
  361. Play Yatta and/or run ads o_O
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