
Pre-Season 13 Sixes™ Survey

Sep 15th, 2023
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  1. Are you interested in a rotating map pool?
  3. Results
  4. 95 (71%) - Yes.
  5. 39 (29%) - No.
  6. How satisfied are you with the current map rotation? (Excluding the alternative maps if you played IM & Main)
  8. Results
  9. 16 (12%) - Very satisfied
  10. 66 (52%) - Mildly satisfied
  11. 32 (25%) - Somewhat satisfied
  12. 13 (10%) - Unsatisfied
  13. 1 (1%) - Very unsatisfied
  15. ___________________________________________________MAPS________________________________________________________________________
  18. cp_process_f12
  20. Results
  21. 55 (47%) - Very enjoyable
  22. 38 (32%) - Enjoyable
  23. 11 (9%) - Neutral
  24. 12 (10%) - Unenjoyable
  25. 1 (1%) - Very unejoyable
  26. 1 (1%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  27. cp_snakewater_final1
  29. Results
  30. 41 (35%) - Very enjoyable
  31. 54 (46%) - Enjoyable
  32. 9 (8%) - Neutral
  33. 10 (8%) - Unenjoyable
  34. 3 (3%) - Very unejoyable
  35. 1 (1%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  36. koth_bagel_rc6
  38. Results
  39. 59 (50%) - Very enjoyable
  40. 36 (31%) - Enjoyable
  41. 15 (13%) - Neutral
  42. 7 (6%) - Unenjoyable
  43. 0 (0%) - Very unejoyable
  44. 1 (1%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  45. cp_sultry_b8
  47. Results
  48. 22 (19%) - Very enjoyable
  49. 33 (28%) - Enjoyable
  50. 28 (24%) - Neutral
  51. 9 (8%) - Unenjoyable
  52. 16 (14%) - Very unejoyable
  53. 10 (8%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  54. cp_gullywash_f9
  56. Results
  57. 33 (28%) - Very enjoyable
  58. 45 (38%) - Enjoyable
  59. 19 (16%) - Neutral
  60. 13 (11%) - Unenjoyable
  61. 7 (6%) - Very unejoyable
  62. 1 (1%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  63. koth_product_final
  65. Results
  66. 24 (20%) - Very enjoyable
  67. 35 (30%) - Enjoyable
  68. 26 (22%) - Neutral
  69. 20 (17%) - Unenjoyable
  70. 12 (10%) - Very unejoyable
  71. 1 (1%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  72. cp_metalworks_f5
  74. Results
  75. 19 (16%) - Very enjoyable
  76. 41 (35%) - Enjoyable
  77. 22 (19%) - Neutral
  78. 21 (18%) - Unenjoyable
  79. 11 (9%) - Very unejoyable
  80. 4 (3%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  81. cp_sunshine
  83. Results
  84. 60 (51%) - Very enjoyable
  85. 37 (31%) - Enjoyable
  86. 15 (13%) - Neutral
  87. 4 (3%) - Unenjoyable
  88. 0 (0%) - Very unejoyable
  89. 2 (2%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  90. cp_villa_b19
  92. Results
  93. 9 (8%) - Very enjoyable
  94. 24 (20%) - Enjoyable
  95. 10 (8%) - Neutral
  96. 7 (6%) - Unenjoyable
  97. 5 (4%) - Very unejoyable
  98. 63 (53%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  99. koth_clearcut_b15d
  101. Results
  102. 16 (14%) - Very enjoyable
  103. 35 (30%) - Enjoyable
  104. 18 (15%) - Neutral
  105. 10 (8%) - Unenjoyable
  106. 6 (5%) - Very unejoyable
  107. 33 (28%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  108. cp_granary_pro_rc8
  110. Results
  111. 9 (8%) - Very enjoyable
  112. 14 (12%) - Enjoyable
  113. 7 (6%) - Neutral
  114. 15 (13%) - Unenjoyable
  115. 8 (7%) - Very unejoyable
  116. 65 (55%) - I did not play this map in a match or scrim this season
  118. ___________________________________________________________MISC______________________________________________________________
  120. Do you intend to play RGL 6v6 Season 13?
  122. Results
  123. 96 (88%) - Yes.
  124. 13 (12%) - No.
  125. If so, what division?
  127. Results
  128. 10 (10%) - Invite
  129. 12 (12%) - Advanced
  130. 23 (23%) - Main
  131. 24 (24%) - Intermediate
  132. 28 (28%) - Amateur
  133. 3 (3%) - Newcomer
  134. Do you think RGL provides a quality TF2 experience for the cost of playing?
  136. Results
  137. 23 (21%) - Strongly Agree
  138. 40 (37%) - Agree
  139. 34 (31%) - Neutral
  140. 7 (6%) - Disagree
  141. 5 (5%) - Strongly Disagree
  142. In junction with the previous question, Did it feel like an excessive amount, an insuffcient amount, or just the right amount?
  144. Results
  145. 10 (9%) - Excessive/too much
  146. 13 (12%) - Insufficient/too little
  147. 85 (79%) - Just the right amount
  148. How would you rate the strictness of the RGL 6v6 weapon bans and whitelist? Are they too harsh, fair, or too relaxed? (strict = weapons restricted that should be allowed, too relaxed = more weapons should be restricted)
  150. Results
  151. 20 (18%) - Harsh/Strict
  152. 75 (69%) - Fair
  153. 14 (13%) - Too Relaxed/Loose
  154. Were the default times easy for your team?
  156. Results
  157. 92 (85%) - Yes.
  158. 16 (15%) - No.
  160. ________________________________________________OTHER_____________________________________________________
  162. Which age range do you fall in?
  164. Results
  165. 8 (7%) - -under 18
  166. 34 (31%) - -18 to under 21
  167. 38 (35%) - -21 to under 24
  168. 15 (14%) - -24 to under 27
  169. 12 (11%) - -27 or older
  170. 2 (2%) - -Prefer not to say
  171. Would you like to see sm_projectiles_ignore_teammates implemented within the league?
  173. Results
  174. 72 (67%) - Yes.
  175. 19 (18%) - No.
  176. 16 (15%) - No Opinion
  177. Main/IM/AM/Newcomer Only - Would you be interested in testing maps that could be implemented into future seasons?
  179. Results
  180. 75 (86%) - Yes.
  181. 12 (14%) - No.
  182. Invite/Advanced Only - Would you be interested in testing config changes for your division?
  184. Results
  185. 33 (77%) - Yes.
  186. 10 (23%) - No.
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