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Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. Sure we've all heard that smoking is bad and even that second hand smoke is worse. But the truth is that not only is it horrible to your lungs it also has major side effects on your body that usually aren't mentioned. Smoking, be first or second hand, increases the chances for hardened arteries, major strokes, blood clots, chronic bronchitis and even heart attacks to a grave risk level; which can all result in death. Other side effect include mouth cancer, which can result in the removal of pieces of your cheek, jaw, or even your entire lower jaw. Chances of these problems are increased by preexisting conditions such as pneumonia, and asthma. In the US alone over 440,000 people die annually from smoking, and for ever 1 that dies 20 more have chronic diseases or illness. While 440,000 is a small number compared to the total population of 309,000,000 that means that 8,800,000 people suffer from chronic diseases do to smoking.
  3. While smoking laws have been implemented in most states to prevent second hand smoke from being such a problem, their not always followed. In 2007 a law was implemented in Arizona called the "Smoke-Free Arizona Act" which prevents smoking in any government buildings, bar, pool halls, grocery stores, public building, and anywhere that provides food (with exceptions).This act also made it so that you have to be outside a 20 foot radius of any building. Penalties can be as much as a $500 fine. Other laws include at least 50% of hotels or motels have to be non smoking, and any tobacco products not being allowed on school grounds, play areas, busses, in school buildings, or anywhere a child may be before returning home due to the door step to door step law that states that, a student is under school jurisdiction from the time they leave their front door to the time they return to it from school.
  5. Though smokers have claimed that smoking helps relieve stress, it has also been shown to increase the chances of anxiety and depression. Which means that the stress that smokers claim it is relieving may be caused by the cigarettes themselves. Studies have also shown that The craving for nicotine increase when the person is put under pressure, meaning that depression can also lead to smoking more often. Seeing as smoking is shown to lead to depression when one tries to stop smoking or goes to long without smoking, the person would want to smoke more because they are depressed, under stress, and feel that smoking will relieve their depression; which it will because the depression is brought on by not smoking. Smoking is also harmful to your family or the ones your around. While the obvious point is second hand smoke it can also cause controversy in your family or friends, when they don't approve of it.
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