

Sep 26th, 2017
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  1. command /featured:
  2. trigger:
  3. open chest with 5 rows named "&8Featured" to player
  4. format slot 27 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  5. format slot 28 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  6. format slot 29 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  7. format slot 30 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  8. format slot 31 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  9. format slot 32 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  10. format slot 33 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  11. format slot 34 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  12. format slot 35 of player with gray glass pane to be unstealable
  13. format slot 40 of player with enchanted book named "&2&lFEATURED WORLDS" with lore "||&rTo get your world featured build||&ran amazing and wonderful build within||&ryour world and staff will review it||&rIf they like it, you can be featured!" to be unstealable
  15. if {featured::slot::1} is set:
  16. format slot 1 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::1::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::1::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::1::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::1::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  17. if {featured::slot::2} is set:
  18. format slot 2 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::2::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::2::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::2::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::2::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  19. if {featured::slot::3} is set:
  20. format slot 3 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  21. if {featured::slot::4} is set:
  22. format slot 4 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  23. if {featured::slot::5} is set:
  24. format slot 5 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  25. if {featured::slot::6} is set:
  26. format slot 6 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  27. if {featured::slot::7} is set:
  28. format slot 7 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  29. if {featured::slot::8} is set:
  30. format slot 10 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  31. if {featured::slot::9} is set:
  32. format slot 11 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  33. if {featured::slot::10} is set:
  34. format slot 12 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  35. if {featured::slot::11} is set:
  36. format slot 13 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  37. if {featured::slot::12} is set:
  38. format slot 14 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  39. if {featured::slot::13} is set:
  40. format slot 15 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  41. if {featured::slot::14} is set:
  42. format slot 16 of player with book named "&2&l%{featured::%{slot}%::name}%" with lore "||&rMOTD: %{featured::%{slot}%::motd}%||&rWorld owner:&7 %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%||&rPoints: &7%{featured::%{slot}%::points}%" to close then run [make player execute "warp %{featured::%{slot}%::name}%"]
  44. command /feature <offline player>:
  45. permission: server.admin
  46. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  47. trigger:
  48. if argument 1 is set:
  49. if {featured::players::%argument 1's uuid%} is set:
  50. send "&c%argument 1% is already featured."
  51. else if {playerdata::%argument 1's uuid%::world::created} isn't set:
  52. send "&c%argument 1% doesn't have a world."
  53. else:
  54. add 1 to {slot}
  55. if {playerdata::%argument 1's uuid%::world::motd} isn't set:
  56. set {featured::%{slot}%::motd} to "&7I don't have a MOTD :("
  57. else:
  58. set {featured::%{slot}%::motd} to {playerdata::%argument 1's uuid%::world::motd}
  59. set {featured::players::%argument 1's uuid%} to true
  60. set {featured::%{slot}%::points} to 0
  61. set {featured::slot::%{slot}%} to true
  62. set {playerdata::%argument 1's uuid%::feature::slot} to "%{featured::slot::%{slot}%}%"
  63. set {featured::%{slot}%::name} to argument 1
  64. send "&aFeatured %arg-1% (Slot: %{slot}%)"
  65. broadcast "&2&l[DESIGN] &a%arg-1% &rhas been featured!"
  66. else:
  67. send "&cIncorrect usage: &n/feature <player>"
  69. command /test:
  70. trigger:
  71. delete {featured::players}
  72. delete {slot}
  73. delete {featured::slot::1}
  74. delete {featured::slot::2}
  75. delete {featured::slot::3}
  76. delete {featured::slot::4}
  77. delete {featured::slot::5}
  78. delete {featured::slot::6}
  79. delete {featured::slot::7}
  80. delete {featured::slot::8}
  81. delete {featured::slot::9}
  82. delete {featured::slot::10}
  83. delete {featured::slot::11}
  84. delete {featured::slot::12}
  85. delete {featured::slot::13}
  86. delete {featured::slot::14}
  88. command /unfeature <offline player>:
  89. permission: server.admin
  90. permission message: &cInsufficent permissions.
  91. trigger:
  92. if argument 1 isn't set:
  93. send "&cIncorrect usage: &n/unfeature <player>"
  94. if {featured::players::%argument 1's uuid%} isn't set:
  95. send "&c%argument 1% isn't featured."
  96. else:
  97. delete {featured::players::%argument 1's uuid%}
  98. delete {playerdata::%argument 1's uuid%::feature::slot}
  99. message "&aUnfeatured %argument 1%"
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