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May 24th, 2017
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  1. Shu: 『あらまぁ? 団体さんがお越しね、大歓迎よ~』
  2. Oh my? A whole party has arrived, a warm welcome to you~
  4. Shu: 『お外は寒かったでしょ。今、 あったかいお茶をいれたげる」
  5. It was cold outside, wasn`t it? I`ll put on some hot tea right now.
  7. Shu: 『お茶菓子になるかわからないけど、 宗くんの大好物のクロワッサンもあるから食ぺてねバ~』
  8. I don’t know if you can use them as tea cakes*, but we have Shu-kun`s favourite food of croissants too, so eat up!
  10. 茶菓子 is literally "sweets that go with tea" and can apply to more than just cakes.
  12. Shu: 『手作りだから風味たっぷりで、 美味しいんだから…えへへ、 うちにお客さんがこんなにくるのは久しぶりでドキドキしちやう〜』
  13. There`s lots of flavour since it`s homemade, that`s why it`s so delicious~ ...Ehehe, it`s been a long time since I`ve had guests like this, my heart is pounding~
  15. Tsumugi: どうしたんですか〜、 宗くん。いきなり腹話術でまくしたてられても困りますよ、 ついに壊れちやったんですか
  16. What`s the matter~ Shu-kun? All of a sudden you`re talking on and on with ventriloquism -- it’s quite concerning. Have you finally broken?
  18. Shu: 『あら、 つむぎちやん! 何だかちょっぴり久しぶりね、 もっと頻繁に遊びにきてくれてもいいのよ?』
  19. Oh my, Tsumugi-chan! It feels like it’s been a little while since we last spoke. Why don’t you come visit us more often?
  21. Shu: 『宗くん、 お友達がすくないし……いつも寂しがってるの~』
  22. Shu-kun has very few friends...he`s always feeling lonely~
  24. Tsumugi: そうですか〜。まだお友達だと思ってくれてるんですね、 ありがとう宗くん
  25. Is that so~ Thank you for thinking of me as a friend even now, Shu-kun.
  27. Mika: ごめんなぁ、みんな…お師さん、忙しすぎるとテンパってしもて会話を丸ごと放棄すんねん
  28. `M sorry, everyone...Oshi-san`s so busy he`s at his wits end, so he`s totally abandoned conversation.
  30. Mika: マド姉ェが代わりに喋ってくれるから、 意思の疎通はできるんやけど
  31. Mado-nee’s gonna talk for him, though, so you can still communicate.
  33. Tsumugi: いやいや、 宗くん喋ってますよね? 腹話術でしょう、これ?
  34. Oh no, no. Shu-kun is speaking, isn`t he? This is ventriloquism, isn`t it?
  36. Shu: 『あら〜? つむぎちやんは、 まだあたしをー人前のレディだと認めてくれてないのね?』
  37. Hmm~? Tsumugi-chan, do you still not recognize me as a full-fledged lady?
  39. Shu: 『あんまり意地悪すると泣いちやうわよ〜、 あたしが涙を流すとかなり不気味よ?』
  40. You’ll make me cry by being so rude~ Wouldn’t it be quite uncanny if I were to start shedding tears?
  42. Hajime: わぁ、 か〜わいい…… 前から気になってたんです、このお人形さん
  43. Waa, so cu~ute… I’ve been curious about this doll for a while now.
  45. Shu: 『こんにちは! 褒めてくれて嬉しいわ、 あなたのお名前は何ていうの?』
  46. Hello! I`m so pleased by your compliments. What is your name?
  48. Hajime: 紫之創です〜。つて,斎宮先輩はほくのことをご存知でしょう?
  49. Hajime Shino~ Ah, but doesn`t Itsuki-senpai already know me?
  51. Shu: 「ふふ。 あたしとはまだ自己紹介もしてないでしょ、 創ちやん。 ちなみに、 あたしのことはマドモアゼルって呼んでね』
  52. Fufu. I haven`t introduced myself yet, have I, Shino-chan? By the way, you may call me Mademoiselle.
  54. Hajime: はあい... えへへ、 よろしくねマドモアゼルちやん……~
  55. Okaaay… Ehehe, it`s nice to meet you, Mademoiselle-chan…~
  57. Kuro: 頭が変になりそうだ……
  58. Seems he’s gone nuts...
  60. Kuro: おい斎宮、 何か困ってるみたいだから助けにきてやったそ.製作する予定の衣装の概要と、進捗を共有してくれよ
  61. Oi, Itsuki. We came to help out cause it seemed like something's bothering you. Share the general outline and your progress with me.
  63. Shu: ……誰も頼んでないのだよ、鬼龍
  64. ...I'm not asking for anybody’s assistance, Kiryuu.
  66. Kuro: いや、 青葉と影片に頼まれたんだよ。あんまり周りを心配させんじゃねぇよ、 馬鹿
  67. No, it was Aoba and Kagehira that asked. Don't worry those around you so much, idiot.
  69. Shu: 馬鹿とは何だね、 馬鹿とは。言葉には気をつけたまえ、君はいささか粗暴だよね
  70. Just who are you calling an idiot. You`re sounding quite rude, so watch your words.
  72. Shu: 下品な人間だと思われるよ、 いいや『親の顔が見てみたい』 とね
  73. People will think of you as a vulgar human being-- no, they'll think "what must your parents be like if you`re like this?”
  75. Shu: けれど、君はそれを見せられないだろう?
  76. Although you can't show them that, can you?
  78. Kuro: 父ちゃんの顔を見せるよ。つうか、 いちいち突っかかってくんなよ……
  79. They would know what my dad's like. You're really flaring up at every little thing aren`t you...
  81. Kuro: その腹話術もやめろよな、 高校生にもなってキャッキャウフフとお人形遊びをしてんじゃねぇよ
  82. Cut out the ventriloquism, too... You’re a high school student, don’t go around giggling and gossiping* and playing with dolls.
  84. *A phrase mostly used by boys to refer to the way that girls who are close friends laugh and banter together, coming from the onomatopoeia of girls laughing.
  86. Mika: ちょっ、 ちょっと喧嘩せんといて〜? 仲良ぉせんとあかんよ、 ふたりとも?
  87. W-Wait, don’t fight, okay~? You two gotta get along, okay?
  89. Hajime: そうですよ〜。おふたりは幼なじみなんでしょう、それってきっと家族みたいなものだから…傷つけあうのは、 良くないと思います
  90. That’s right~ You two are childhood friends, aren’t you? That means you’re like family, so... I don’t think it’s good to be hurting each other’s feelings.
  92. Hajime: ほく、 お茶とか用意しますね。 あったかいものを飲めば, ほっこりしますよ〜
  93. I’ll prepare some tea. Drinking something warm will make us all feel more relaxed~
  95. Hajime: 斎宮先輩、 このティ‐ポットとか使っちゃって大丈夫でしょうか?
  96. Itsuki-senpai, is it okay for me to use this teapot?
  98. Mika: あっ、おれも手伝うで〜。お茶っ葉とかある場所わからへんやろ、創くん
  99. Ah, I`ll help too~ `Cause you probably don`t know where the tea leaves and stuff are, Shino-kun.
  101. Shu: 賑やかだね…君たち、他人の支配圏に土足で踏みこんでやりたい放題なのはどうかと思うのだよ
  102. It`s quite busy(lively?)... What are you thinking, intruding upon another person’s territory?*
  104. 土足で踏み込む literally means intruding with shoes on, but is an expression about thoughtlessly barging in.
  106. Shu: あんまり不愉快だと、容赦なく叩きだすからね
  107. If I find you too unpleasant, I`ll throw you out without mercy.
  109. Kuro: いや、 この部室はてめぇの縄張りじやねぇだろ。学校のもんだよ、 私物化すんな
  110. No, this club room ain`t your turf, you know. It`s the schools, so don`t make it your own private property.
  112. Shu: ふん. 公権カに属する、 生徒会の飼い犬らしい物言いだね
  113. Hn. Referring to public authority -- an objection befitting the student council’s pet dog.
  115. Kuro: 何度も言うけど,俺は生徒会に所属してはいねぇよ。てめぇ態度が太いな斎宮、それが助けてもらおうっていう人間の反応かよ
  116. I`ve said it plenty of times, but I`m not a member of the student council. You`ve got a brazen attitude, Itsuki. Is that what you say to people who want to help you?
  118. Shu: 同じ言葉を繰り返したくないのだけれど、 ……誰も頼んでないのだよ。いつまで保護者気取りなのかね、 鬼龍?
  119. I’d rather not say the same thing repeatedly, I said, I'm not asking for anybody’s assistance. I wonder, how long do you intend on playing the part of protector, Kiryuu?
  121. Kuro: それが気に食わねぇなら、いつまでもガキみたいな言動をしてんじゃねぇよ
  122. If you can’t stomach it, then you should stop speaking and acting like such a brat all the time.
  124. Kuro: 無駄に語彙ばっかり増やしてるけどよ、言ってることは幼児の駄々と同じだろうが
  125. You can use all the pointless vocabulary you want, but what you’re saying is no different from a child throwing a tantrum.
  127. Kuro: 斎宮、 てめぇが引きこもろうが干からびようが知ったこっちゃねぇけどよ…お互いもう最上級生だ、 守るもんだってあるだろうがよ
  128. Itsuki, if you want to hole yourself up indoors and dry up into a husk, that`s your own business, but...we`re both seniors now, with things we want to protect.
  130. Kuro: だからこそ、どこの馬の骨かもわかんねぇ依頼主から頼まれて衣装の製作をしてんだろ
  131. That’s why you’re working on outfit requests from total strangers, right?
  133. Kuro: てめぇは、気に入らない作品のためには指ー本も動かさねぇのにさ
  134. Even though you won’t lift a finger for any work that doesn’t suit your standards.
  136. Kuro: あぁ, 俺の後ろに隠れてべしょべしょ泣いてた洩垂れが..
  137. Aah, you, the sniveling baby who was always hiding and crying your eyes out behind me...
  139. Kuro: 誰かを守るために重荷を背負えるようになったんだって, けっこう感心してたんだけどよ
  140. ...became someone who`s able to bear a heavy burden for the sake of protecting someone. That`s admirable, really.
  142. Kuro: 俺の勘違いだったみたいだな、 弱虫毛虫の泣き虫 『いっちゃん』
  143. Looks like I misunderstood you “Icchan.” You cowardly, pesky crybaby.
  145. Shu: 君こそ、図体ばかり立派になったものの未だに品のない山猿だね
  146. I should say the same for you. Even though you’ve grown to have quite a splendid body, you`re still a vulgar boor with no worthwhile qualities to this day.
  148. Shu: 『紅月』 なんぞに所属して洒落者を気取っているが、ちょっと感情が乱れればすぐに襤褸 (ぼろ)がでる
  149. You're pretending to be sophisticated as part of "Akatsuki", but the moment your emotions become even slightly disturbed, you turn to rags.*
  151. The term Shu uses for "rags" can specifically refer to faults in a pretense, which works as a double metaphor for the clothes of Akatsuki as well as Kuro's personality.
  153. Shu: 前から言いたかったのだけれど, 服に着られているよ……見苦しい
  154. I’ve wanted to say this for quite some time now, but, those clothes you’re made to wear…are unsightly.
  156. Kuro: てめぇこぞ、いつまでも母ちやんの買ってきてくれた服に袖を通すような真似をしてんじゃねぇか。喧嘩売ってんのか、 あぁ?
  157. Hey, weren`t you the one who always tried to copy me by putting on the clothes my mom bought for me? You trying to pick a fight?
  159. Shu: 凄んでも無駄だよ。 ちっとも怖くない、どれだけ疳の虫が疼いても君は決して僕を殴れない
  160. Threatening me is useless. You aren`t the slightest bit frightening, and no matter how much your short temper swells, you would never hit me.
  162. Shu: 君は誇り高い少年だ、 僕に軽蔑されることにだけは堪えられないだろう?
  163. As a proud young man, you can`t stand being scorned by me, can you?
  165. Tsumugi: あの〜。 創くんがお茶を入れてくれたので、いったん座って一服しましょう。
  166. Um~ Shino-kun’s made tea for us all, so why don’t we sit down and rest for a moment?
  168. Tsumugi: ていうか、 じゃれあってないで作業しましょうよ……仲良しなのは結構ですけどね
  169. That is to say, let's not joke around with one another and get to work… Although, your friendship is quite amazing.
  171. Mika: こ、 これが『仲良し』 に見えるん? つむちゃん先輩には?
  172. T-That looks like “friendship” to you, Tsumu-chan-senpai?
  174. Tsumugi: ええ, 喧嘩するほど仲が良いって言うじゃないですか
  175. Yes. Wouldn’t you say that they’re good enough friends that they can even argue with one another?
  177. Tsumugi: 猛獣の子供たちは、 まるで殺しあいをするみたいに遊ぶんですよ. 俺には,そんな感じに見えますけどね
  178. Just like children of wild animals that play together as though they mean to kill one another. Well, that’s the impression that I get.
  180. Shu: 訂正したまえ、青葉。鬼龍は品性下劣な野獣だけれど、僕は高貴な人間なのだよ
  181. Please amend that statement, Aoba. Kiryuu may be an inferior, low-class animal, but I am a noble human being.
  183. Kuro: 『仲良し』の部分を訂正しろよ、 昔っからこいつとは反りが合わねぇんだよ
  184. Correct the “friends” part, too. I haven’t been able to get along with this guy since way back.
  186. Tsumugi: 息ぴったりに見えますよ〜
  187. I can see you`re on the same wavelength~
  189. Tsumugi: っていうか、ぜんぜん夕イプがちがうのにそれだけ当意即妙な掛け合いができるってことは… それはもう、相性がいいっていうか
  190. Or rather, while your types might be fundamentally different, you can still respond to one another with such ready, sharp tongues...That is to say, you already have good compatibility with one another.
  192. Tsumugi: 普通に、 仲良しなんじゃないですかね
  193. That’s what friendship usually is, isn’t it?
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