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Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. 8,507 Credits Is the current amount I've got since I spent money last year before the site crashed in disappointment.
  3. As much as I loved this community.. If this crate system is enforced with a P2W concept.. then it's just time I leave when I no longer have any credits.
  5. This won't be an easy decision either, I wasted my whole senior year on this damn project for a wipe.. 360 days of hardwork on marcher to be wiped away without a care in the world.. I'm not spending another dime to repair myself to where I once was.
  7. The day I stop logging on, posting as repetitive is the day I'm gone.
  8. I'm not going to announce when, and I'm not going to post another thread relevant to this topic.
  10. You can call me dramatic sure, but marcher had sentimental value to me.. this account meant everything to me.. I lost it all.. I literally cried when marcher was terminated back on Christmas, 2016 few days after the winter hunt had ended.. do you not understand how pathetic that is? To cry over an account being lost and the only reason I even managed to regain access back to marcher was due to Brandon helping me out.. Isaac himself denied my request said I would only be able to be unip banned YET when Brandon asked him all was forgiven? So If I didn't have Brandon I'd lose everything I worked for? You can't even have a say in anything that goes around here anymore.. I remember back in march 2016 when we could curse with no filter, where we could express ourselves when it was actually fun.. chaotic.. rule free.. nothing was enforced at the time.
  12. I'm telling you this much since you can consider this a future goodbye to everyone in the bloxcity community. So go ahead hymer continue to make this site P2W since I'm done fighting a battle that has gone on long enough..I submit when you make this crate update happen..Marcher no longer marches!
  14. What a waste of time.. everyone was right about you hymer..
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