
escape from Moonfall

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. 00:03] Dillion continued to watch the woman, and it came down to a Kneel? Everything inside of Dillion made want to stand it could have been his pride eating away at him.
  3. Dillion sighed since there wasn't much her could do, and if this was his only chance at /help/ he didn't have much of a choice.
  5. Dillion did what she asked, and Kneeled, but he didn't look happy doing it.
  6. (Dillion Endore)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [00:08] The fact that he looked absolutely miserable kneeling for her only pleased her further. The Dancer grins, running a finger along his jawline and tilting his head up towards her.
  11. It was almost uncanny how much he looked like Yvel, something that brought a deep fury from within yet it did not show.
  13. "Perfect~" Chimes the Loa, pulling her finger back and turning on her heel and taking some steps forward.
  15. "Come, I've accomodations for you." She said, however such were not accommodating at -all-
  16. (Ororo Boros)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [00:08] Krís folded her arms over her chests and watch the boy submit to the Loa. She would tolerate them for now.
  20. (Krís)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [00:11] Dillion doesn't say anything he was already pissed at the turn of events he'd then cut his eyes towards Krís he wasn't sure what they wanted. Dillion felt like they were watching him even if she was directly looking at him this moment.
  24. (Dillion Endore)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [00:12] Dillion starts changing his clothes
  28. (Dillion Endore)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [00:14] Ororo Boros says, "Your belongings, all of them"
  32. [00:15] Ororo Boros says, "It is a formality."
  33. [00:15] Dillion Endore says, "..."
  34. [00:16] Dillion Endore says, "You're joking."
  35. [00:16] Ororo is most definitely not
  36. (Ororo Boros)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [00:16] Krís asks, "You want to be trusted or not?"
  40. [00:16] Ororo Boros says, "You are a prisoner, trust is built with understanding."
  41. [00:16] Dillion Endore asks, "Just my staff then?"
  42. [00:17] Dillion Endore says, "...."
  43. [00:17] Krís says, "Anything a combatant would really use. Armor, weapons, potions~"
  44. [00:17] Dillion sighs
  45. (Dillion Endore)
  46. [00:36] The Loa would begin to lead the young Dillion through the village at first, a quaint little collection of very well tended tree houses and various buildings that had been built a very long time ago.
  48. Eventually they reach the north, a thicket that was immeasurably thick and impossible to cut through. Something the young Dillion would have likely seen during his raid upon the city.
  50. If Dillion were to get lost he would get torn apart by the vale itself if not one of its many guardians. There were things far more terrible than many could believe hidden within the magics of the forest.
  52. Vines, roots and even trees themselves open a path for the Loa, her star like allure was enough to keep the young cosmic mage on track, to keep his eyes upon her as they wandered throught the magically terrifying forest.
  54. Eventually they enter what appears to be acave that opens up benath a massive tree. And then stairs, so many stairs. Some sort of illusion about this cave makes it feel as if one is walking for hours upon hours however. The Dancer moves along with ease and they finally arrive.
  56. A large plaza, lost to the world with a massive crystal in its center, floating in a magical hold to the ancient device it was connected to. Once Dillions attention is pulled from his surroundings the Loa commands it.
  58. "This is where you reside, until I have spoken with the council and until YOU yourself have been made ready by my hand." Ororo seemed to have a certain affliction when she spoke, Affirming her hold upon the boy as the whispers in his mind seemed to intensify, repeating the things she said to him in unison.
  60. "For there are many here who would not take kindly to one who defeated a Supreme in combat." She threatened, however the venom in her tone was a warning as well, one that meant leaving could very well mean his death.
  62. "And you belong to me."
  63. (Ororo Boros)
  64. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. [00:43] Dillion came here to have the voices from his head removed, but this wasn't want he expected, and now he knew that the voiced lead him to his death. Something he accepted, but was tricked into believing it was something that could be fixed.
  68. Dillion doesn't say anything at first, but the thought was rapid in his mind. He just wanted to shout at her, and make claims this was all a ploy to get him in a corner to kill.
  71. Dillion shook his head, and after a few steps he'd plant himself on the ground followed by a sigh.
  73. This was probably the last time he'd enjoy being /alive/ she he went to enjoy it hopefully.
  74. (Dillion Endore)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [00:46] Kris ran her hand along the wall of the caves as they descended. Approaching a lusher green area; The Verdant Plaza, it is her favorite spot! IT was much more comforting than it's depressing counterpart~
  79. When they entered, the meek gypsy skipped off away from the two to check on another person down here. A woman, sleeping at the moment. A quick look over them and- Done! Kris had to make sure they were still alive, but remaining captive.
  81. Jumping back to Ororo, Kris stood by them and swayed in place with her hands behind her back. "Ororo, this one defeated a Supreme?!" She sounded astonished, though she could of misunderstanded. A glance going down to the Endore. "Mhmm, you belong to the Loa now. It won't be all terrible like you think!" She spoke in a cheerful voice.
  82. (Krís)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [00:57] Ororo watched as the boys hopes drained immediately, after all watching the wills of men waver was something she took so very much delight from. Starry hues peer at him, those thoughts that surface as he sits down with the belief that he would die.
  87. "Now now boy.. Your life is not forfeit. Should you learn to accept your affliction the whispers will fade. They will not relent however, if you continue to resist them."
  89. She turns her head towards her young Apprentice and smiled.
  91. "Yes, he was able to catch Camilla off guard. However do not underestimate him for he is quite powerful. Endores can be such, however their malleability makes them useful." She said, teaching the girl a lesson in a way to choose ones enemies wisely.
  93. Some were meant to die while others were to be twisted, warped to kill those who deserved to die. Such fates could be far worse than death.
  95. "It is up to him to prove if he is worthy of living, if he is willingto understand how distant his star truly is.."
  97. "And that if he wants its power he must Sieze it"
  98. (Ororo Boros)
  99. 14:02] Natasha Lhortt whispers: Did they put on you the collar that restricts magic? Or are you free?
  100. [14:03] Natasha Lhortt whispers: I can't use magic right now because of the collar but I know the woman who kidnapped me has the keys that disable this collar.
  101. [14:03] Dillion Endore whispers: They didn't put one one me.
  102. [14:03] Dillion Endore whispers: Who put one on you?
  103. [14:04] Natasha Lhortt whispers: A woman named Krís I think.
  104. [14:05] Dillion Endore whispers: I think I seen her the other day.
  105. [14:05] Natasha Lhortt whispers: She uses Metal and Explosion magic.
  106. [14:06] Natasha Lhortt whispers: Do you think you can beat her?
  107. [14:06] Dillion Endore whispers: I hate those magics, but I don't think it will be hard.
  108. [14:06] Natasha Lhortt whispers: We can try to escape from this cave, if we defeat this woman we will just have to run out of the village and go to Osrona.
  109. [14:07] Dillion Endore whispers: Mhm.
  110. [14:08] Natasha Lhortt whispers: Even if we have to fight other people, I can fight with you.
  111. [14:09] Natasha Lhortt whispers: What do you think?
  112. [14:10] Dillion Endore whispers: It sounds like a plan.
  113. [14:11] Natasha Lhortt whispers: Now we must wait.
  114. [14:12] Dillion Endore whispers: Yeah, or until your collar comes off.
  115. [14:12] Natasha Lhortt whispers: But it will took months before the mana runs off.
  116. [14:13] Natasha Lhortt whispers: We don't have that time.
  117. [14:15] Dillion Endore whispers: Yeah
  118. [14:16] Dillion Endore whispers: I'll help you get back to Grella.
  119. [14:16] Natasha Lhortt whispers: Thanks...
  120. [14:17] Dillion Endore whispers: No problem
  121. [15:10] Natasha Lhortt whispers: I'm surprised it's been a week since I arrived and they haven't come back even once.
  122. [15:11] Natasha Lhortt whispers: What the hell do they want with us?
  123. [15:12] Natasha sighs.
  124. (Natasha Lhortt)
  125. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. [15:12] Dillion Endore whispers: No idea..
  128. [15:13] Natasha Lhortt whispers: How long will it be before Grella and the others notice we are gone?
  129. [15:13] Dillion Endore whispers: I wisk I knew..
  130. [15:16] Natasha Lhortt whispers: We could betray Osrona and stay alive like that if a jailbreak is too risky.
  131. [15:17] Natasha Lhortt whispers: Do not really cheat, just declare that we are part of Moonfall and keep serving them until we have a chance to escape.
  132. [15:17] Dillion Endore whispers: Thst could work...
  133. [15:18] Natasha Lhortt whispers: We just have to be careful.
  134. [15:21] Dillion Endore whispers: Yeah.
  135. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [17:39] "No, you came here to selfishly cure yourself of an affliction I have given you and you wanted to do so on your terms." Spoke Ororo, taking a few steps towards the boy as he'd begin to feel a sudden pressure around him.
  138. It was as if the very air around Dillion was getting heavier, enough so to pin him to the ground and make it very difficult to move. Not impossible, however without an inherent knowledge of gravity itself it was beyond difficult.
  140. "You Understand nothing Dillion and it hurts me that you think I am holding you over a city that has abandoned you just like your star."
  142. "No, boy. To Kill you and let you rot in this place would be a mercy. One you are not worthy of.."
  144. "You will stay here as long as it takes for you to realise the folly of the Order. That you might reflect upon why they abandoned you and used you and how you plan to take it upon them."
  146. "For the only way you will truly leave this place is when you realise who your true enemies are."
  148. "Not this petty, childlike brooding of yours, clinging to that vestige of a blue star, of hope for something that will never truly happen.. No.. Not me, but the Order itself."
  150. "Now, do you understand? Or is it cruelty that will change the color of your flame?"
  151. (Ororo Boros)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [17:47] "Silly" Dillion was tired of hearing things about Rhyt, and no matter what she said he it wouldn't change his mind "No matter what you say about Rhyt my opinion won't change on how I view my star, and my own path."
  156. Dillion sat there looking at her.
  158. "You're speaking as if I don't know how corrupted the Order is with the Inner circle, and how they care very little for anyone else. You're speaking as if I've been in here speaking to me like I've been dancing around saying how wonder it is to be part of the Order."
  160. Dillion seemingly was fed up at this point.
  162. "You make it seem like I've shouted that they would come save me when it's not worth my breath. If you have a better for me being in here other than me /being/ part of the order or whatever other reason you have to put me, and the Order in the same sentence, Let me know, but if you're still comparing me to the Order when I haven't said a single thing about them then I guess I'll be here longer than I expected."
  163. (Dillion Endore)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [17:51] Tonashi Botcher whispers something.
  167. [17:53] Ororo Boros whispers something.
  168. [17:56] The Loa smiles as the device is handed to her, offering the young crafter a pleasant nod as she begins to approach the young Endore. After all it seemed he had said enough to warrant some form of punishment and his imprisonment really did not seem to do anything for his understanding.
  170. She continues to instill this sudden gravitational force around him as if she attempted to keep him glued to the ground itself.
  172. The Collar itself retracts, allowing enough space for it to be put around ones neck.
  174. "And you, Dillion. Talk far too much, just like your fool of a cousin Yvel~" She chimed, this boy had a lot
  176. She giggled lightly, leaning forward and attempting to press the collar onto the young cosmic magis neck.
  178. Once activated it clamps shut with extreme force and speed like a powerful magnet. It Clicks shut and two little needles prick into his skin, little mithril spikes dig directly into two mana curcuits before it fully activated itself.
  180. A surge of magical energy courses through the boys mana curcuits and sends a powerful enough jolt to floor him completely. Letting him writhe as she looked at the remote that connected to his collar she smiles.
  182. "Now, I simply give you the example that many here see you as one of the Order. You continue to speak to me as if I know nothing of you and fail to realise that I walked in your mind and your dreams Dillion."
  184. "If you continue to fight and argue with me."
  186. "If you don't learn to keep your mouth shut when it's good for you.."
  188. "Then I will kill you personally and you will have learned absolutely nothing."
  189. (Ororo Boros)
  190. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. [18:04] Dillion had enough of the bullshit this isn't what he came here for, and if they were going to play these kinds of games then he was done talking to them all.
  194. Dillion sat there with the collar on, and didn't speak this seems like that they wanted. Dillion was tired of wasting his breath, and trying, and trying without gaining any.
  196. Dillion didn't move it's not like he could if he wanted to, and with that the collar was placed, the needles clamped down on his mana circuits to stop his mana flow.
  198. Seems like Ororo got what she wanted, and now Dillion would wait until they came to get him for whatever reason.
  199. (Dillion Endore)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [18:12] "Good. Now. You came to me to learn of the voices in your head yes?"
  204. "Of those images of my dance you see whenever you close your eyes or whenever you try to dream."
  206. She pauses, watching the boy struggle in his silence as she smiled.
  208. "Is that really all you came to me for? Dillion?"
  210. She kneels, gently resting a finger upon his cheek, the moment her skin touched his he would feel that addicting rush, that sensation that came with truly touching the cosmos. Far beyond anything he had ever accomplished.
  212. "Because you came to me with your demands and I gave you my price."
  214. "All you've done is spit in my face."
  215. (Ororo Boros)
  216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. [18:16] Dillion looks at the woman, and wanted to speak, but decides against it. She touched him, and passed her cosmos though him making him feel like everything he's work for is meaningless.
  220. "If I had an answer I'd tell you, but I don't so I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm here."
  222. Dillion answered and while he told the truth he was also slightly drained, by all of this.
  223. (Dillion Endore)
  224. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  226. [18:20] "Then my dear, are you truly willing to learn?"
  228. She smiles, slowly pulling her finger back towards him as she drained the last vestige of his hope, that final burning flicker that had led him to her before. Just as it did so many Endores before him.
  230. "Because I can cure you, I can help you truly reach that star you claim is yours."
  232. "And I can ensure that it belongs to you and you not to it."
  234. Slowly she rises, taking a few steps away from the boy to let him think upon her offer. After all breaking a man could take as long as it needed to.
  236. "You simply have to want to understand."
  238. With that the Loa would seemingly vanish, walking away through the thicket of the grotto and eventually leaving completely.
  240. Giving Dillion time to reflect upon himself and for the collar upon his neck to truly set in.
  241. (Ororo Boros)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [18:25] Dillion didn't want this, but he's truly a slave and there isn't anything he could do about it. He's given up at this point, and threw everything he cared about out the window.
  246. This wasn't the reason he came here, but at this rate it didn't matter. They were going to do whatever they wanted to him anyways so he should prepared for the worst.
  248. "Learning is good." that's all he said since anything more seems to offend people here or so it seems.
  250. He'd head off to a corner or something.
  251. (Dillion Endore)
  252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. [22:26] Ghede hovers over Dillion still, crooked smile from ear to ear.
  256. One eye is gone entirely, and the other seems to be glowing a bright blue.
  258. "What will it be? Denounce Osrona and join Moonfall, or perish. We can even make it a competition!" He cackles, turning to Grendel, Ororo, and Kris.
  260. "The one who is the least enthusiastic about abandoning those tin-head scumbags dies and gets to hang from the bridge. Which one of you is it going to be?"
  261. (Atreus Ghede)
  262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. [22:26] Natasha Lhortt asks, "What do you want me to say? That I will leave Osrona and join Moonfall?"
  265. [22:26] Atreus Ghede exclaims, "And then some!"
  266. [22:27] Atreus Ghede exclaims, "Show me that you mean it! Offer an eye to your Supreme!"
  267. [22:27] Atreus Ghede exclaims, "Put ya' SOUL on the line!"
  268. [22:27] Upon Ghede turning his gaze towards Grendel, the giant of a man raises up his left arm- Or at least, what still remains of it, having been cut off by the forearm. Only reason it isn't bleeding right now, is because he forced the bleeding the stop by tying vines near the wound.
  269. (Grendel Beo)
  270. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  272. [22:28] Ororo simply watches, seething in the fury that bubbled beneath her veil of beauty. She could feel it, that disgusting, burning holy magic that coursed through her circuits. She watched as Atreus gave the boy a choice, the very same choice she had given him and played upon it.
  274. "This is exactly what we spoke of Dillion.. You were patient."
  276. "Now claim your prize." Cooed the Loa, running a soft finger along the collar she had placed on the boys neck.
  278. "Make your choice, now."
  279. (Ororo Boros)
  281. [22:36] Dillion looks at all the people in front of him, and it seems the pressure was on the young Endore at the moment. Why should he fight for a place that doesn't give a damn what happens to him? Why should he continue to risk his life for people that wouldn't do the same for him? They didn't offer the lad the time of day to help with his mental issue, and not he was face with a choice.
  283. "I denounce Osrona for all the corrupted ways, and I pledge myself to Moonfall and offer my strength to help destroy them! I don't need to fight for a city that's only cares for the pockets of the nobles or the ones in the inner circle."
  285. Dillion paused.
  287. "It would be my honor to help you rid them from this plan of existence." Dillion took a Knee "Please use me in anyway to strike against our enemies, and gather any information you might need." Dillion looks up towards them "Give my life meaning, and purpose and allow me to make Moonfall's ideals my own."
  288. (Dillion Endore)
  289. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  291. [22:42] "Kehahahah! Perfect! And as our numbers grow, so does our collective might.""
  293. In truth, Eudocia had already kept him in the loop. Anabelle had decided which prisoner to kill of the three, and the others two? Well, they were Ghede's to fuck with. To test.
  295. And luckily, they both passed.
  297. Both of his hands reach out to rest atop the heads of Dillion and Natasha... only to ruffle their hair. He pulls back eventually and stares at them both with his glowing eyes.
  299. "You've made the right decision. Welcome to Moonfall. To my big family."
  301. And that was all the Supreme would say before walking out of the area, pulling that corrupt miasma with him as he goes.
  303. "We'll talk later, Ororo. Good work, Kris. Grendel! We both will need kits soon."
  304. (Atreus Ghede)
  305. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  307. [22:44] Grendel Beo says, "I have some mythril with me, not sure if it'll be enough for one, however."
  308. [22:44] The Loa was pleased, for she had pulled the proper strings and even further now was Dillion becoming her own. Ororo had given him plenty of chances to ask for help or to prove himself yet with all that happened in the village she did not have as much time as she would have liked.
  310. However, the boy agreed to turn against his foes and this allowed the Loa far more time and resources to delve upon what his true issue was.
  312. Because clearly it had not been the voices as they were gone for some time unless Dillion had perpetuated them further. At that point it was simply his own mental illness and not actual corruption.
  314. "That is what a woman likes to hear my dear Endore." She smiled, trailing her finger softly along his jawlined before resting it upon the collar with a light surge of energy.
  316. There is a click followed by a surge of mana that would be rather painful and the collar itself is removed. Dillion had no real reason to run. No, because Osrona had turned against him and despite the path he claimed his star had led him to Ororo.
  318. "Now, maybe we can talk about this.. Affliction of yours to a better detail." She smiled, turning towards the Supreme as was making his leave.
  320. No, Ororo was tired of being left out of the loop by the other councilors.
  322. "Very well, Kris do acquaint these two.. And show them around" She'd say, before following the supreme out.
  323. (Ororo Boros)
  324. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  326. [22:47] There was a malicious glare in Kris's eyes. Over years now, she has changed to meet the needs of these people. In truth, she enjoyed living here. Those conditions however, began to warp her. Her passion however, evident in the stardust now emanating from the chains she binded these two with.
  328. "Just like that." Her voice near a whisper, but hissing out.
  330. Her hands released clutches and in tandem the chains dissipated, releasing the two. Their weight dropping back to whatever forms they took. Her arms dropped lethargically to her sides.
  332. She actually wanted to kill one. She wanted a swift retaliation against Osrona for pillaging her home again. Though these two just denounced Osrona just like that. It would take more to convince the apprentice Loa, but for now she would leave. Only taking to a watchful eye over them.
  333. (Krís)
  334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336. [22:52] Dillion rubs his neck while looking over towards Ororo, and all he could do at the moment was nod; However, she was gone before he could speak. Dillion felt different like something was set free within him.
  337. Dillion felt like the part of him that wished to do good was blocking his true path. The young Endore rubs his eyes, and drags his fingers across the holes upon his neck. The mana there shot out violently, but he was able to maintain it.
  339. Dillion stood up looking around the area, and this is what freedom felt like. This was him free from a system were you needed to be born in power to make a difference.
  340. Dillion could finally make a difference his won way, and there was only one way.
  342. "It's time to make a difference once body at a time."
  343. (Dillion Endore)
  344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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