

Apr 24th, 2021
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  1. $ du -hs * | sort -hr
  2. 21G DEV.01 - Developer-requested Behat
  3. 18G DEV.02 - Developer-requested PHPUnit
  4. 3.9G DEV.80 - PHP 8.0 Behat (js) - 311_STABLE
  5. 3.8G DEV.80 - PHP 8.0 Behat (js) - master
  6. 1.9G DEV.80 - PHP 8.0 Behat (non-js) - master
  7. 1.8G DEV.80 - PHP 8.0 Behat (non-js) - 311_STABLE
  8. 1.4G TR - Remove ci label from waiting integration
  9. 1.4G DEV.99 - Andrew
  10. 590M W.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  11. 535M W.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  12. 498M S310.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  13. 477M W311.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  14. 446M W39.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  15. 442M W.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  16. 441M W311.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  17. 431M W311.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  18. 421M W.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  19. 418M W.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  20. 414M W.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  21. 411M W311.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  22. 402M W311.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  23. 386M W.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  24. 373M W.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  25. 371M W311.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  26. 369M W.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  27. 368M W.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  28. 354M W.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  29. 351M W311.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle
  30. 346M W.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle
  31. 345M W311.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  32. 345M W.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  33. 344M W311.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  34. 344M W311.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  35. 343M W311.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  36. 341M W311.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  37. 341M W310.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  38. 340M W311.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  39. 323M W310.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  40. 323M TR - Count delayed issues
  41. 322M W39.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  42. 322M S311.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  43. 306M W39.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  44. 298M W39.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  45. 291M W311.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  46. 288M W39.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  47. 287M W311.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  48. 287M W311.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  49. 282M W39.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  50. 282M W310.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  51. 281M W311.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  52. 281M W310.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  53. 280M W311.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  54. 279M W.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  55. 278M W39.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  56. 276M W.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  57. 271M W39.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  58. 271M W310.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  59. 271M W.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  60. 269M W.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  61. 268M W310.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  62. 267M TR - Count test-fail issues
  63. 266M W311.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  64. 264M TR - Count reopened issues
  65. 261M W310.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  66. 258M W.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  67. 258M W.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  68. 245M W310.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  69. 245M W310.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  70. 242M W310.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  71. 240M W39.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  72. 227M W310.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  73. 224M W310.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  74. 223M W39.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  75. 223M W39.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  76. 219M W310.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  77. 214M W39.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  78. 211M W39.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  79. 210M S.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  80. 202M S310.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  81. 197M W39.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  82. 196M DEV.80 - PHP 8.0 PHPUnit - 311_STABLE
  83. 192M W310.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  84. 192M MAINT - AUTO - Set build description to failure causes
  85. 190M W310.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  86. 189M W310.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  87. 188M DEV.80 - PHP 8.0 PHPUnit - master
  88. 184M W39.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  89. 174M W39.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  90. 171M W310.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  91. 171M S311.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  92. 170M W39.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  93. 169M W310.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  94. 162M W310.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  95. 160M W39.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  96. 160M W39.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  97. 158M S311.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  98. 158M S311.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  99. 154M S310.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  100. 153M S.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  101. 150M SDEV.01 - Developer-requested behat
  102. 141M S.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  103. 140M W38.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  104. 133M S.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  105. 123M S311.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  106. 121M S311.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  107. 119M MW310.01.05 - PHPUnit - MariaDB
  108. 119M MW310.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  109. 115M MM.02.02 - Behat - Chrome + App (next)
  110. 115M MM.02.01 - Behat - Chrome + App (stable)
  111. 113M MW310.01.03 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  112. 112M S311.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  113. 112M S.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  114. 111M MM311.02.02 - Behat - Chrome + App (next)
  115. 111M MM311.02.01 - Behat - Chrome + App (stable)
  116. 110M S310.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  117. 109M MW310.01.04 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  118. 108M S.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  119. 108M S.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  120. 105M S39.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  121. 103M MW310.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB
  122. 102M MW310.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  123. 101M S.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  124. 99M TR - Manage queues on continuous
  125. 96M S.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle
  126. 93M SDEV.02 - Developer-requested PHPUnit
  127. 92M S39.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  128. 91M MM310.02.01 - Behat - Chrome + App (stable)
  129. 89M TR - Check marked as integrated
  130. 89M MW310.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  131. 88M S.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  132. 87M S311.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  133. 87M S.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  134. 87M S.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  135. 86M S310.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  136. 86M MM39.02.02 - Behat - Chrome + App (next)
  137. 85M S310.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  138. 84M S39.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  139. 84M S39.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  140. 84M MM39.02.01 - Behat - Chrome + App (stable)
  141. 82M S311.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  142. 82M S.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  143. 82M MM310.02.02 - Behat - Chrome + App (next)
  144. 81M S311.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle
  145. 81M S311.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  146. 78M MW310.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  147. 78M MW.01 - Developer requested behat
  148. 76M S39.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  149. 76M S39.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  150. 75M S311.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  151. 75M S311.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  152. 75M MW310.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  153. 74M S310.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  154. 73M S310.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  155. 73M S310.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  156. 73M MW310.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  157. 72M S39.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  158. 72M S39.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  159. 71M S39.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  160. 71M S39.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  161. 69M TR - Bulk pre-launch DEV jobs (awaiting_integration)
  162. 68M S310.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  163. 68M S310.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  164. 66M S39.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  165. 65M S310.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  166. 61M S39.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  167. 61M S310.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  168. 59M S311.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  169. 59M S.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  170. 57M S39.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  171. 56M S311.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  172. 55M S.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  173. 53M S311.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  174. 53M S311.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  175. 53M S.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  176. 50M S38.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  177. 50M S.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  178. 49M S39.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  179. 49M S311.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  180. 49M S311.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  181. 49M S310.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  182. 49M S310.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  183. 49M S.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  184. 49M S.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  185. 48M S39.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  186. 47M S39.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  187. 46M S39.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  188. 46M S310.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  189. 46M S310.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  190. 45M S39.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  191. 45M S39.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  192. 45M S310.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  193. 45M S310.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  194. 42M S38.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  195. 41M W38.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  196. 41M MM.01.01 - Nightly build of integration branch to
  197. 39M S38.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  198. 38M S38.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  199. 37M W38.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  200. 37M TR - Set integration priority to one
  201. 37M TR - Move reopened out from current
  202. 36M TR - Set integration priority to zero
  203. 36M TR - Remove ci label from WIP
  204. 36M TR - Progress automated tests
  205. 36M S38.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  206. 34M S38.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  207. 34M S35.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  208. 32M S38.06.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Classic
  209. 30M S38.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  210. 28M S35.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  211. 26M W38.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  212. 26M S35.05.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Clean
  213. 25M S35.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  214. 24M W38.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  215. 24M S35.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  216. 24M DEV.99 - Headless
  217. 22M W38.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  218. 22M S38.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php72)
  219. 22M S38.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  220. 22M S38.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  221. 22M S38.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  222. 20M S38.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  223. 20M S38.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  224. 20M P.01.08 - Compare performance between Moodle master stable and Moodle master integration
  225. 19M W35.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  226. 19M S35.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle
  227. 18M S35.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  228. 17M W38.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  229. 17M W38.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  230. 17M W38.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  231. 17M W38.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  232. 17M S38.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  233. 17M S38.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  234. 17M S35.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  235. 17M S35.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  236. 17M MW310.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  237. 16M W35.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  238. 16M S38.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  239. 16M S38.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  240. 16M S38.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  241. 16M MW310.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  242. 15M W38.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  243. 15M W35.05.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres + Clean
  244. 15M S.99.99 - Rebase security branch
  245. 15M S35.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  246. 15M S311.99.99 - Rebase security branch
  247. 15M MW310.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  248. 14M W38.05.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Classic
  249. 14M W38.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  250. 14M W38.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  251. 14M W38.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  252. 14M W38.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  253. 14M W38.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  254. 14M W35.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  255. 14M S35.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  256. 14M S35.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQLi
  257. 14M S35.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  258. 14M MAINT - Remove all jobs from view
  259. 13M W38.07.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres + Classic
  260. 13M W35.04.01 - Behat - Firefox + Postgres
  261. 13M MW310.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  262. 13M MAINT - Clone jobs from view
  263. 12M W38.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  264. 12M W35.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  265. 12M MW310.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB
  266. 11M W35.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB (lowest)
  267. 11M W35.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQLi
  268. 11M S35.05.02 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Clean
  269. 11M S35.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  270. 11M S35.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  271. 11M S35.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB (lowest)
  272. 11M S35.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQLi
  273. 8.6M TR - Bulk pre-launch DEV jobs (list_of_mdls)
  274. 7.7M TR - Close tested issues
  275. 7.5M MW39.03.05 - Behat - Chrome + MariaDB
  276. 7.2M W35.01.05 - PHPUnit - Oracle
  277. 7.2M W35.01.04 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  278. 7.2M W35.01.03 - PHPUnit - MariaDB (lowest)
  279. 7.2M W35.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQLi
  280. 7.2M W35.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  281. 6.6M MW39.01.05 - PHPUnit - MariaDB
  282. 6.6M MW39.01.04 - PHPUnit - Oracle (php73)
  283. 6.6M MW39.01.03 - PHPUnit - MSSQL
  284. 6.6M MW39.01.02 - PHPUnit - MySQL
  285. 6.6M MW39.01.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  286. 6.5M S33.02 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  287. 6.4M W35.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  288. 6.3M W35.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  289. 6.2M W35.05.02 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres + Clean
  290. 6.2M W35.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQLi
  291. 6.2M W35.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  292. 5.6M S310.99.99 - Rebase security branch
  293. 5.5M S39.99.99 - Rebase security branch
  294. 5.0M MW39.03.03 - Behat - Chrome + MSSQL
  295. 4.3M S34.02 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  296. 4.3M MW39.03.02 - Behat - Chrome + MySQL
  297. 4.1M MW39.03.04 - Behat - Chrome + Oracle
  298. 4.1M MW39.02.04 - Behat - Goutte + Oracle
  299. 4.1M MW39.02.03 - Behat - Goutte + MSSQL
  300. 4.0M MW39.03.01 - Behat - Chrome + Postgres
  301. 4.0M MW39.02.05 - Behat - Goutte + MariaDB
  302. 3.6M TR - Delay awaiting issues
  303. 3.3M MW.02 - Developer requested phpunit
  304. 1.9M P311.00.00 - Attic - Performance comparison moodle.git vs integration.git (311)
  305. 1.8M MAINT - Toggle (enable, disable) jobs by name
  306. 1.1M DEV.98 - Testing standard jobs
  307. 1008K P.00.00 - Attic - Performance comparison moodle.git vs integration.git (master)
  308. 996K TR - Send rebase message
  309. 736K MW39.02.02 - Behat - Goutte + MySQL
  310. 736K MW39.02.01 - Behat - Goutte + Postgres
  311. 280K S38.99.99 - Rebase security branch
  312. 152K S35.99.99 - Rebase security branch
  313. 144K STR - Bulk pre-launch SDEV jobs (list_of_mdls)
  314. 124K TR - Move awaiting issues to current integration
  315. 104K P.01.07 - Run after master jmeter server (Exam1)
  316. 92K P.01.05 - Run before on jmeter server (Exam1)
  317. 72K M.01 - PHPUnit - Postgres
  318. 52K P.01.02 Setup moodle-performance-comparison on web server (Exam2)
  319. 48K P.01.06 - Prepare second run on web server (Exam2)
  320. 48K P.01.04 - Setup moodle-performance-comparison on jmeter server (Exam1)
  321. 40K P.01.03 - Pull latest moodle-performance-comparison on jmeter (Exam1)
  322. 40K P.01.01 - Pull latest moodle-performance-comparison on web server (Exam2)
  323. 36K MM38.02.02 - Behat - Chrome + App (next)
  324. 36K MM37.02.02 - Behat - Chrome + App (next)
  325. 36K DEV.99 - Andrew Weight
  326. 32K MM38.02.01 - Behat - Chrome + App (stable)
  327. 32K MM37.02.01 - Behat - Chrome + App (stable)
  328. 20K TEST.01 - ARN
  329. 4.0K TR.02 - Andrew testing
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