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Tom Voigt is a fraud part 2.

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Jul 14th, 2018
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  1. Here's a fact about the Zodiac Ciphers.
  2. They weren't all meant to be solved but merely take up time, while he planned his next move. Let's debunk all the suspects here a Moment, for this Idiot Tom Voigt. Who gets mad when you question his theories or evidence, he acts really shady. It's almost questionable what he's hiding exactly.
  4. Anyhow to the suspects.
  6. Lawrence Kane - in custody during the time one of the killings took place, so it's inconceivable he's the zodiac.
  8. Ted Kaczynski - Looks nothing at all like the composite, no fingerprint or DNA Match. FBI cleared him, long ago.
  10. Earl Van Best Jr. - Despite the vast publicity Stewart’s book received, experts quickly dismissed most of its claims. The method he used to crack the cipher was questionable; the fingerprint mark was similar to the Zodiac’s only if it was reversed and the handwriting on the marriage certificate was the minister’s, not Best’s. As for Best’s resemblance to the composite sketch, Butterfield says, “a crew cut with horned-rim glasses was hardly a unique look in the 1960s.” Best died in 1984.
  12. Arthur Leigh Allen - Allen seems like a good suspect as long as you only get information from people who think he’s guilty,” says Butterfield. Allen didn’t match witness descriptions of the Zodiac. His fingerprints didn’t match those found in Paul Stine’s cab and believed to be the Zodiac’s. His palm print didn’t match one found on a Zodiac letter and his DNA didn’t match the partial DNA profile created in 2002 from saliva on an envelope believed to be the Zodiac’s. Two searches of Allen’s home found no incriminating evidence. Police had samples of his right and left handwriting and neither matched the Zodiac’s.
  14. Rick Marshall - a 1989 TV interview, Marshall conceded there were many similarities but denied being the Zodiac. Napa County sheriff’s detective Ken Narlow, who pursued the case for decades, said “Marshall makes good reading but not a very good suspect in my estimation.” Marshall died in a nursing home in 2008.
  16. Richard J Gaikowski - Goldcatcher” was a known conspiracy theorist with little credibility, described by a San Francisco police inspector as “one of the three top Zodiac kooks.” When Narlow, the Napa detective, interviewed Gaikowski, the journalist claimed he was out of the country at the time of the 1968 murders on Lake Herman Road, but had lost his passport. San Francisco and Napa police denied requests to compare a DNA sample from Gaikowski with the Zodiac’s. He died in 2004.
  18. Jack Tarrance - law enforcement officials dismissed Kaufman’s evidence as nonsense. One photo showed a blob of color he claimed was Black Dahlia victim Elizabeth Short. The hooded costume Kaufman produced was much cruder than what the victims described. Researchers also challenged the document examiner’s credibility; she believed Tarrance had also written the JonBenet Ramsey ransom note. Tarrance died in 2006.
  20. Donald Lee Bujok - Bujok’s fingerprints did not match those believed to be the Zodiac’s. A park ranger at Lake Berryessa claimed Hartnell said the prison was in Colorado, not Montana. Bujok was released just three days before the Zodiac’s Lake Herman Rd. killings; some researchers think he would have had difficulty traveling across three states in that time. Bujok was incarcerated during the Bates murder and other early killings that may have been the Zodiac’s. He died in 1993.
  22. Do you see now why Tom Voigt is a fucking fraud? Law Enforcement already ruled most of the suspects (except for two) out. And the 2 who weren't ruled out are still being investigated. So i cannot speak on that. All the retired cops Tom talks to, say they don't know him every time i ask them. Those people he's in the pictures with. Aren't the people he claims they are (Facebook search, or LinkedIn search them. Totally different looking. Tom Voigt is being investigated by the Vallejo County Police Department for obstruction. And leaking sensitive information. That can no longer lead to an arrest (if anyone's ever caught) because he basically told everyone what a "Investigator." Who's now retired told him. But the guy, allegedly lost his notes? What a crock of bullshit. I have a better composite sketch of the Zodiac than Tom Ever will, because i know actual police officers, bud. You're a fraud. Give it up.
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