

Feb 2nd, 2022
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  1. [H7] The Adder's Sting
  3. The brothel, on closer inspection, is a facade. The temple of the vengeful wasp is hidden behind a stone door as you are led underground into the structure itself... Cutter leads Kyras and the others in.
  5. Soft music plays in the background. You notice mirrors strewn about on every surface of the wall, as well as stone statues of demons placed in the corners. Odd.
  7. [Euryale, Priestess of Calistria, Lamia Matriarch Cleric 3]
  8. "Mistress..?" Cutter calls out. "Are you in?"
  10. "I am." A deep and husky voice booms. A magical light illuminates a curtain, from which a coiling figure reclines. Her silhouette is shadowed against the fabric. "Hail to thee, crusaders." She says. "I would ask of thee, a boon..." A hand raises up. "A noble soul took arms in our defense. He has saved the lives of my girls. And although there was no obligation incurred..." She says. "It would be a pity to let him die."
  12. "I did not know of this." Cutter says. "Who-"
  14. "Healing ought to be given where it is needed, regardless of nobility," Julia states a matter of factly with a holy flair, "take me to him and anyone else who has need of the Dawnflower's light."
  16. "I can also brew up a couple of extracts if he or anyone else needs them." River adds a little superfluously. "It'll take a few minutes to make them though."
  18. Euryale chuckles wryly, an edge of sadness in her voice. "My goddess is of a vengeful aspect. As you well know." She says. "Tender mercy is not a boon that she offers..."
  20. “What do you mean?” Priam was confused.
  22. "Among other things, Calistria is a goddess of vengeance," the Blossom of Light turns and answers Priam before looking back towards the mistress.
  24. "The brave boy fought a flight of vrocks, to protect the lives of my beloved girls." She says. "Fool. Do you not know - heroes die young? I had calcified the limbs, to stop the corruption from his wounds. But his life ever lies on the edge."
  26. The human paladin - the one Kyras knows as Almazo - is brought out from the inner chamber.
  28. "By the light..." Julia mutters as she sees the hero's condition and rushes to his side, her icon of the Dawnflower already coming out.
  30. Ever since he'd found the sundered shield, Kyras had known Almazo most likely met an ill fate during the sack of Kenabres. But even forewarned, he still pales at the sight of what had been inflicted on the paladin by the demons. While the others rush forth to do what they can to heal the downed hero, Kyras merely hovers a short distance away, trying not to get into anyone's path. His own magic provides no means for him to aid in this endeavor, and the Wand of Lesser Healing he brought was lost with the rest of his luggage.
  32. Instead, he can only watch and hope.
  34. "I will leave you to your task." The medusa withdraws to give you all privacy. "There will be time in the morn for introductions..."
  36. Kneeling with her symbol held aloft in one hand and the other placed on the dying man's chest, Julia prayers for her goddess's intervention. The ache of seeing a young hero in his prime so close to death pulling a deep desire from her, the love for...a fellow crusader. "Valiant warrior, I share with you the radiance of the Everlight and the compassion of the Dawnflower. May your rise once more and greet Sarenae's glory once more." He hand glows as bountiful positive energy flows into the fallen warrior.
  38. “Is there anything I can do to help?” Priam asked the one trying to help him.
  40. "After a second prayer that the warrior be healed, Julia drops back visibly exhausted. "The man will live at least. That's for certain. There's little more I could ask of my goddess and others may need her healing. What the man needs now is rest more than anything else." Amongst the cleric's exhaustion are hints and flairs of a woman in full bloom.
  42. The man is missing limbs, obviously. Curiously, the petrified limbs have been removed. You can see the demonic scars carved into the flesh, chunks of that strange crystal erupting from the stone.River shifts his attention from the paladin the petrified limbs, kneeling down to get a look at the scars and crystal. Bizarrely, the stone limbs are still alive. The alchemist blinks, throws up his hands, looks up to the heavens asks. "Why?" Then he sighs and looks down at the limbs. "Also, how?" He experimentally pulls out a small stirring rod and tentatively pokes at an arm. "Interesting..."
  44. The man slowly wakes up. He looks at Priam and Julia. "Sweet angels wake me," he whispers. "And if I am in heaven-" He looks across, at Kyras. "Oh, no! If I am dead," he says, panicking. "Then you are here, that means-"
  46. "Well, our hero is awake at least," Julia mutters to herself and the other onlookers.
  48. "Uh, no! Nobody's dead!" Kyras flusters. "Well, except for all the people who actually did die."
  50. “Calm yourself! You're still alive, you idiot!” Priam shouts, blushing.
  52. Leaning down to speak to the man himself, Julia smiles. "Easy. You're alive and safe. Not likely to be doing any more heroics soon, but alive." She smiles motherly to try to keep the man at ease.
  54. Almazo sighs with relief, as he grows accustomed to his surroundings. "You are alive." He whispers, with a smile. "Aye, you are alive." He covers his face with his remaining arm. "Then all is well with the world." As he wakes up, his member begins to bulge inconveniently, and he blushes as he sits up in an attempt to conceal it. "Ah," he says. "I do not remember much. I was helpless, when I was defeated. I did not know," he says. "That the demons were so... feminine, in aspect. That was not in any of the tales I was told at all."
  56. Julia simply stays keeled by the warriors side as a warm presence while he processes his defeat. Priam also gives him a head pat, awkwardly standing about. Those help people, right?
  58. Cutter laughs. "I can take care of it, if you'd like!" The tiefling leans forward. She lewdly grips the man's shaft as she flirts. "What do you say, farmer boy?" She winks. "You're so cute, I'm in the mind to help you out..."
  60. River examines the stone limbs. They are struck through with marble, petrified like a fossil, but it is pliable, as if it were still flesh. The conjunction of contradictory aspects is fascinating. In the background, he picks it up, look at what's going on and decides that it's time to run away. "Um, the arm is still alive so... I'm just going to try and work out why. Bye."
  62. Kyras was already trying to avert his eyes from Almazo's form, made queasy by his extreme wounds, but upon the open display of lewdness he flushes and turns awkwardly to the side.
  64. "Coward!" Cutter shouts at him.
  66. Julia's eyes widen at Cutter's outrageous act, too stunned by it to either stop it or look away, a blush forming on her cheek.
  68. "I-I will be fine, thank you." Almazo blushes. "Your offer is kind, miss."
  70. "Fair enough." She catches Kyras's expression as she backs off. "Hopefully, getting you back on your feet won't cost an arm and a leg-"
  71. She laughs. "But you're not fighting any demons, crusader, with your longsword unpolished. Best find a scabbard to sheath it in!"
  73. “Is that suppose to imply something?” Priam doesn't look very happy at the situation at all.
  75. [1:51 PM] Kyras: "...Oh, Shelyn." Kyras can only mutter, covering his face in shame.
  77. "I suppose it does." She looks in Priam's eyes. "You're a woman, aren't you "Better a strapping young lad - than some horrible beast or demon, using you as a cocksleeve and knocking you up! How do you think us tieflings are made?" She grins.
  79. Clearing her throat, "maybe it's best for the young man to be allowed to rest now, after what he's gone through," Julie fidgets in place, not sure of what to do...and in a brothel of all places to begin with.
  81. “A strapping young lad I never met before. I’m not exactly that kind of woman.” Priam seemingly denied. Even though the young one was handsome and in need…
  83. "But what if you were?" She whispers, into Priam's ear. "What if you could be..." She turns to Julia. "I'm sure that you have more than healing, to offer as comfort, to a valiant crusader of the faith. But probably not." She laughs. "In the hands of you three, he'll probably remain a virgin until the Fifth Mendevian Crusade."
  85. She turns around. "You're no fun! Not at all." She says. "I'm going on patrol."
  87. Julia's blush deepens at the tiefling's taunt and she turns from the retreating temptress to the cu- brave soul on the floor. Then briefly shakes her head at the intrusive thought. She clears her throat after Cutter is gone, "I'm Julia, a recently arrived Servant of the Dawnflower...If don't require anything else, I should see to the others and if they have need of...healing," her tongue nearly slipping into saying "her comfort." Her voice is gentle and warm despite the awkwardness inspired by Cutter.
  89. She lingers though, almost wishing for him to ask her to stay by his side a bit longer...
  91. "Thank you, my lady." He says. "I am Almazo... and although I must rest." The paladin says, looking to the side. "Let us pray together, in the light of the dawn."
  93. Julia's heart ponds and she answer with a warm smile as she smoothly rises from the floor, "I would like that very much. Rest well Almazo." She turns and gives Priam a look that the young man should be left alone. She thinks little of leaving Kyras behind, the two seem to know each so best to ask about that later and let them have a moment.
  95. She then goes to see about the condition of the other survivors as she mentioned to Almazo.
  97. Miah had watched the healing process unfold silently- at first because she didn't want to interrupt it, and then because of how embarassing the situation had rapidly become. It wasn't as if she had no idea what sex was- even ignoring the fate of their unfortunate former shipborne companions, there was no way she'd have been allowed to leave the temple for the crusade without being taught that- but being confronted with sexuality so openly like this wasn't something she was really mentally prepared for.
  99. "I- I- think I'll go now. Find somewhere to practice." Miah said, rushing out of the room just behind Cutter once it was clear that Almazo was going to recover.
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