
Wick for Sadey

Jul 7th, 2015
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  10. [center][size=6][font=georgia][i]Who was that mysterious dragon?[/i][/font][/size][/center]
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  12. [right][i]A master of intrigue[/i][/right]
  14. Wick cut her teeth in the highest echelons of the Shadow crime rings, learning every kind of deceit imaginable and then some. She could be anyone -- literally [i]anyone[/i] -- at any time, and unless she willed it, no one would ever be the wiser. She started out doing intel collection for whoever had the most coin. That turned into a spy ring. Then she turned into a master spy. Soon shady folks from all over wanted to pay good coin for Wick's intel and all the work that went into procuring it. The only ones who've ever known more about the secrets of dragonkind are the gods, they say. That saying is probably what got her into the Gallows in the first place.
  16. Wick was proud of her accomplishments and felt she could do anything. So, when a mysterious client approached her asking for her to spy on the Shadowbinder and offering obscene amounts of coin for the information she got, Wick blinked exactly once and then said [i]Of course.[/i] She took the gig and she succeeded so well she surprised even herself. She was soon rolling in coin and self-assurance, so she took it all once step farther: Wick pretended to be the Shadowbinder Herself.
  18. You think that sounds ludicrous, do you? Wick's heard that one before. She'll do you one better. She pretended to be the Shadowbinder and [i]it worked[/i]. It was a good year before somebody found her out -- a rat from a rival spy ring, no doubt -- and even then, her work was so audacious and so successful that the Shadowbinder was not so much angered as filled with cautious admiration. Still, Wick could not go unpunished and so she was sent to the Crystalline Gallows.
  20. Her knack for trickery preceded her, but she still convinced the natives meeting her at the door that she was, in fact, a visiting diplomat from somewhere-you-never-heard-of and was halfway out the door again before anyone wised up. Wick still laughs about that one, but has since laid off tricking her fellow Gallows inhabitants in exchange for undetectable forgeries and bushels of intel on anyone, anywhere, anytime.
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  24. [center][size=2]Bio by [url=]Rifter #2226[/url].[/size][/center]
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