
Cosmic log 6

Jan 2nd, 2020
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  1. [21:42] Dillion Endore asks, "How are you doing today?"
  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. [21:43] Grella says, "Heh, i'm fine."
  4. [21:43] Irrin Greengrass asks, "Is this her, Dillion? The one who's teaching you?"
  5. [21:43] Dillion Endore says, "Mhm."
  6. [21:43] Irrin Greengrass whispers: "She's so pretty..."
  7. [21:43] Dillion Endore says, "I put your teachings to good use today."
  8. [21:43] Grella says, "H-heh."
  9. [21:43] Irrin meekly hides her face with her hands.
  10. (Irrin Greengrass)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. [21:43] Grella asks, "Did you?"
  13. [21:44] Dillion Endore says, "I did."
  14. [21:44] Cyrus Greengrass says, "Ah well."
  15. [21:44] Dillion Endore says, "I fought with a couple of people, and won most of the battles."
  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [21:44] Grella asks, "Then perhaps you may be ready now, hm?"
  18. [21:44] Dillion Endore says, "You're friend over there said I did pretty good."
  19. [21:45] Dillion points to Kirk
  20. (Dillion Endore)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [21:47] Irrin Greengrass says, "You'll have to show me some."
  23. [21:47] Irrin Greengrass says, "I'm still exploring magic."
  24. [21:47] Dillion Endore says, "I wouldn't mind it."
  25. [21:48] Dillion Endore says, "Ms.Grella, I'd like you to show me a little more before I attempt the test again."
  26. [21:48] Dillion Endore says, "No point in trying if I don't feel I'm at my best."
  27. [21:50] Grella says, "Hmhm."
  28. [21:50] Grella asks, "So you want another Class?"
  29. [21:50] Irrin gives Dillion a soft nod, glancing to him.
  30. (Irrin Greengrass)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [21:50] Dillion Endore says, "If you'd be willing."
  33. [21:51] Grella says, "Sure, sure."
  34. [21:51] Grella whispers something.
  35. [21:51] Grella whispers something.
  36. [21:51] Irrin Greengrass says, "...Dillion? Would it be a lot to ask to come along next time? If the time lines up, anyway."
  37. [21:51] Irrin Greengrass says, "I'd hate to keep you, or be a distraction I'd suppose."
  38. [21:52] Irrin frowns a little, wringing her hands in her shawl.
  39. (Irrin Greengrass)
  40. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [21:52] The Knight would dig her hand inside her armor, taking out a bottle of Sake and passing it a the man before turning her back to him and walk, without really any other word given, that wasn't the ones she whispered at him before doing so.
  42. (Grella)
  43. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [21:52] Grella says, "Come along, Dillion."
  45. [21:52] Dillion Endore says, "I don't have a problem with it, but the final choice is up to my mentor."
  46. [21:53] Grella asks, "Hm?"
  47. [21:53] Dillion Endore whispers: Do you mind if she tags along?
  48. [21:53] Grella says, "Hmmm..."
  49. [21:53] Grella says, "Sure..."
  50. [21:54] Grella says, "You can come, too."
  51. [21:54] Dillion Endore says, "Come on Irrin."
  52. [21:54] Irrin Irrin's face lights with surprise and joy at this, and she happily skips along after Dillion.
  53. (Irrin Greengrass)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [21:54] Dillion held out his hand
  56. (Dillion Endore)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [21:54] Grella says, "Heh."
  60. [22:11] The White haired lady would lead both of them to the Barracks, once there, she would take her own place at the sparing grounds, the wider area that was curiously empty, which wasn't really normal for the barracks of the military order.
  62. Grella fount herself looking at Dillion and then at Irrin, she nodded at the first one and arched an eyebrow upon seeing the second one standing besides her student, but at first she wouldn't really say anything, first, the Knight had some to say to Dillion, the introduction of the lesson, of course...
  64. "Well, during our last lesson you learned how to control your Cosmic energies... I think that there are a few other tricks i still have to pass you if you want to use it properly, on the offensive way..." She begins to explain, crossing her arms after her initial words, though not stopping. "It's more or less doing what you already do with Etheral mana in a minor level, but with the refined, dense mana the Stars provide. There are quite a few ways to do so..."
  66. Grella turned her back, closing her eyes, she would call out for some more of the Mana from the stars, something that a Cosmic Magi could probably do easily, a demonstration as she extended her hand forward.
  68. "First, which is the way i do myself, is chanelling the Inspirations of my Star on an offensive way, symbolic magic. I use it as a Sword to fight against evil, to protect and... That kind of shit, Symbolic Magic already helps me a little on the hardening and making the mana a good weapon part." A sphere of Golden energy would begin to form on the palm of her hand.
  70. "The other one is knowing your Mana Systems and hardening the Mana yourself, it must be focused on one point, the palm of your hands for example, and then expelling it out in the form of a Beam of energy... Not really mattering the method you choose, the result should be something like this..."
  72. Grella herself would then Cast a Nova Ray against the wall of the place, purposely atttacking it, not with full force, but enough to crack a bit of the wall and mainly but a hole on the main place she hit... She was restraining herself, yes, but it did cause some harm for the building...
  74. ...She would have to pay for that, though! A-all for the sake of demonstration!
  75. (Grella)
  76. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [22:12] Irrin was somewhat oblivious to her position as Grella explained, and when she jumps back in surprise while she demonstrates, she becomes painfully aware that where she is, is likely in the way of their training. So she carries herself away and makes herself sparse, much like a wallflower at the other end of the room. From there she would watch with attentive, bright eyes, hanging forward from the edge of her seat.
  79. (Irrin Greengrass)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [22:27] Dillion took note of everything she said , and did up until the beam was fire leaving the boy with more questions than answers; however, he'd allow his star to take the wheel.
  83. Dillion closed his eyes allowing his body to gather energy from Rhyt forming the bright cosmic aura around his body. The boy took a deep break, and begin trying to gather energy from his star.
  85. "It sounds, and looks like your pulling energy into your body, and then in a short burst you fire out all the excess mana within your body. I think we all might have a different way to understand how the energy is being used, and called upon."
  87. Dillion closed his eyes, and begin calling upon the Rhyt again attempting to pull the excess energy into his body. Dillion's body begin to glow with a faint blue aura, and the Mane of the Lion could be seen forming around his body.
  89. Dillion took another deep breath, and when he exhaled those around could see his breath. Dillion's body was cool to the touch almost as if he was floating in space beside Rhyt.
  91. Dillion being to float a little, and with his last breath his feet hit the ground, and the cool presence still flowing around his body.
  93. "I think I have something here." Dillion smiled, and his eyes had that same faint blue glow. He'd pace his head in front of him sparks could be seen flowing around his arm while the energy build up.
  95. Dillion then fire the excess energy out causing him to fly backwards, ad the beam itself flicked from a blue color to a yellow color. Dillion wasn't fully in control of his attunement with Rhyt though this was progression.
  96. (Dillion Endore)
  97. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. [22:37] Irrin watches excitedly from the sidelines, proud of Dillion for being able to learn so quickly. Though on the inside, she tucks away the lingering fingers of jealousy. For Dillion, magic seemed as simple as breathing, and any extra effort that was put into it simply perpetuated his excellence.
  101. The girl would quietly scold herself for her ineptitude, her eyebrows drawing into a furrow at the thought that she may never be as good at magic as Dillion was. He had a grasp of so many kinds, all within the element of Earth: and now he had his hands on the stars, his eyes alight with their hues and their power.
  103. A crushing feeling threatens to suffocate her, and the voices that rest in the back of her mind that tell her she's nothing, she's no good, that she's worthless. All of them chime at her, but she drowns out the noise by keeping her attentions on her friend and his teacher, who shone like stars and felt like one herself.
  105. Her eyes linger on Grella,and her hopes that someday, she could be equally as beautiful and strong at her. Her hands fold tightly together as she focuses the thought. She watches her with intensity, trying to glean as much information from this lesson as she can despite having been absent from those before.
  107. One day, she too would be a magi. A proper one, just like Cyrus. And Dillion.
  108. (Irrin Greengrass)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [22:39] A Soft grin flashed out of her face, she witnessed her student chanelling the power of the Stars to cover his body, the cloak of a Star that much interested her, it was pretty unique, in her eyes, indeed.
  113. "It is exactly what i am doing, though it's not necessary, only if you want to add more force to it. It is precisely, one of the most powerful techniques you can use with Cosmic energies, it is the best you're going to do on the basic sphere." She explains, returning to the center of the grounsd, standing in front of Dillion with a curious gaze upon him.
  115. Her arms would crossed once more as she watched him, it was evident that she arched an eyebrow as the blue hue took place, the mane of the Lion forming aroud the boy's body made her to feel quite doubtful about it all, yet in fact, it would quickly take the place of a giggle that formed on her face.
  117. "Hoh?!"
  119. A small surprise that would be really welcome, but not many seconds after she would honestly let it face, focusing more on what Dillion was doing right now...
  121. "Heh, you could channel a little bit of your Star's mana, yet you still need to go to the next step, you know. You must control the amount of energy you are throwing at, not to use it all. Otherwise... You'd end up losing your Shroud and having to channel even more mana, and doing that can be dangerous to your magic systems." She explains.
  122. (Grella)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [22:49] Dillion smiled, and slowly begin picking himself up from the ground seeing as he got a little carried away. He managed to draw the power from Rhyt; however, it was a little much and caused him to lose a bit of control.
  126. Dillion looks back at his teacher, and the faint blue aura faded away while the boy rubbed the back of his head with a smirk on his face.
  128. "I got a little carried away with my focus, and I can tell that the knowledge of the stars are quite powerful, and used the wrong way could be quite fatal to others."
  130. Dillion needed to remember this for the future so he doesn't hurt the people around him, ever. Dillion takes a few steps towards his teacher/mentor ready to continue with the lesson.
  132. "I have to be careful in the future, and learn to out use a fraction of it's power or something could go wrong. I'm glad I failed even if it sounds a little crazy now, but I can now correct my mistakes here and now"
  134. Dillion smiled while closing his eyes again, he call the power of Rhyt again; however it wasn't as great as before. Dillion was only calling a fraction of the Wisdom Star's power.
  136. The boy would fire the beam again, and he slide back again from the sear force.
  138. "Even with this small amount it's a lot to control."
  139. (Dillion Endore)
  140. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [22:58] It was truth, overall the boy was doind alright upon controlling the stars, he would probably get to the point of doing that technique easily, yet however she drove her eyes at the other one in the room, arching an eyebrow, paying attention to her reactions, Grella's expression would soften a little, but soon she shoke her head to return her eyes to Dillion.
  143. "Yeah, you also need a little bit of stability. Try to mantain the energy you gathered on yourself and make sure to hold it on a place, for the beam, get only what you are going to use. You can also use Cosmic Energy to empower your spells from other magic branches, for example." She would leave him there.
  145. The woman took a few steps, getting to cross the Arena to reach the end of it, where she would find Irrin in the corner, the woman offered her a light nod, a small bow even, in a respectful introduction, the Knight rests her hand by her chest and offers the teenager a warm smile. "Greetings, Dame Grella. Are you also interested on learning, or you're just watching your friend here?" She would question her casually.
  147. ...It was good to have a conversation to kill some of the time anyway. She believed in Dillion, thus carried no concern about him doing it or not doing it, the later one could easily be corrected.
  148. (Grella)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [23:04] Irrin's anxiety piques at Grella's approach, and she quickly picks herself up in a panic to be at attention when she arrives. To return the knight's bow, she offers a gentle curtsy. It takes everything within her to keep herself from shaking.
  153. Her bright eyes look up to Grella, though her demeanor remains small and meek. Her hands ball up within her shawl, and she has a hard time maintaining eye contact with the lovely Knight-Magi.
  155. "I had meant to just watch," She explains softly, her voice hardly above a whisper. "I didn't want to get in the way-Dillion's been working really hard to become a Cadet, and especially since he failed the test the first time."
  157. She glances to the ground, but a furrow of her brow and some determination urges her to look up again.
  159. "I'm not sure I can learn this magic. I've been working with elemental magic so far, but...I've not been able to get anywhere with it." She explains with a little sadness tinged in her voice, if not a little bit of disappointment in herself for admitting it.
  160. (Irrin Greengrass)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [23:06] Dillion didn't know where he was messing up, but something was a little off with him right now. He took a deep breath, and started recalling some of the things he did today before seeking training, what was the issue here?
  165. Then it hit him for the first time in his life he wasn't being honest, and he didn't think things though. This created a feeling of easiness about what he did, slowly taking a deep breath he'd make his way over towards Irrin.
  167. Dillion would whisper something to the girl, and leave before she could even respond to what he told here. Dillion summoned his cosmic aura, and pulled a bit of Power from Rhyt again, empowering his mama with that of his star.
  169. Dillion would fire his beam, holding his ground, and they would notice it wasn't to large or to fast. Dillion sighed a little, but at least he got that off his chest, and it allowed his mana to flow normally again.
  171. "I think my emotions had something to dowith it, and I had an uneasy feeling while doing it."
  172. (Dillion Endore)
  173. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. [23:07] Dillion Endore whispers: I lied I don't have a girlfriend.
  176. [23:08] Dillion closed hsi eyes, and begin focusing on his mana control.
  177. (Dillion Endore)
  178. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. [23:13] She saw herself blinking quite a little as she noticed her's reaction, but threw it off with a light, hard to notice shrug. She would lower herself, almost getting on her knees to reach the girl's height. It was strange however, that Dillion approached to whisper something at Irrin's ear.
  182. She would, again, blink at that and glanced over her shoulder at him trying to do it again, she was curious, yes, but wouldn't let that consume her. "Oh! It may be helping, yes... I think that now you just need a few more practice, try to look at your own Mana Systems, feel them and study them, thus it will be better to use your etheral energy!" She speaks, now turning to Irrin.
  184. "Well, i am a good teacher you know, maybe i could help you to learn... If you have any talent with magic. I myself couldn't cast spells in the start and couldn't even control my Essence Shroud. I was born with it on... And chaotic. With hard work i learned it myself... Well, uh, if you change your mind, please tell." Grella couldn't really force her. She got up and turned her back to face Dillion.
  186. "Do it again..."
  187. (Grella)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. [23:19] Irrin's eyes light with confusion at Dillion's words, and a circle of thoughts whirl around in her head for a long time before she settles on the consensus that...people are simply strange, and this includes her friend Dillion.
  192. Tucking away the thought to ask Dillion of it later, she wraps herself tightly within her red hues to look up at Grella as she spoke. Her small form seems to ease, and she nods in a quiet understanding at what she tells her. Much of it, something she already understood. It was just a matter of the execution, that kept failing her...
  194. Though Grella's story of her shroud strikes a certain tone with Irrin, and her eyebrows arch in surprise. How could she have done that, being so small? Why, Irrin was so afraid of her magic, that...
  196. She paused at the thought.
  198. Was that what was wrong..?
  199. (Irrin Greengrass)
  200. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  202. [23:21] Irrin Greengrass says, "*remains close to the sidelines to remain out of the way of their teaching. If the opportunity came up, "
  203. [23:21] Irrin remains close to the sideliens to remain out of the way of Dillion's lesson. If the opportunity came up, she would perhaps ask a couple things of Grella.
  204. (Irrin Greengrass)
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. [23:23] Dillion closed his eyes again, and instead of pull his power from above he begins to draw his power from within himself with the guidance from his star. Dillion begin to channel his only mana, sending it to a singular point in his body, and allowed that energy to build up.
  209. "Alright I'll try this again" he'd glance over towards Irrin, and then directly in front of him.
  211. Dillion allowed the built up energy to fire out directly in front of him with the guidance he needed. This was a less powerful version though it still contained traces of his star within the beam.
  213. Dillion had more control over this version of the beam, and would likely need to train if he wanted to use a powerful state of said beam. The teen begin to pant a little, but his aura slowly recover the large amount of mana lost.
  215. "I think that was better."
  216. (Dillion Endore)
  217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  219. [23:27] As Irrin didn't say a thing, Grella turned to Dillion, completelly focusing on the boy's training as a few steps were given to get closer to him, watching what he was doing, a single nod of approval was given at it all.
  221. She approached, still with her arms crossed. Her gaze falling at the beam he casted, it was clear that he would soon be able to do it, nothing that she feared, and with that in mind, she would speak.
  223. "You are doing better. Honestly, you now just have to practice in order to have it mastered. Do you wish to continue or you would like to train it yourself later, hm?"
  224. (Grella)
  225. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. [23:30] Dillion Endore says, "I'd like to contine.."
  228. [23:31] Irrin settles down on the floor, carefully seated like a lady ought to even upon its surface.
  229. (Irrin Greengrass)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [23:31] Grella says, "I see..."
  233. [23:32] Dillion Endore says, "Also Irrin I'm sorry."
  234. [23:36] Dillion took another breath, and begin drawing the cosmic energy into his body, he'd signal Rhyt again to grant him a small portion of it's power again. Dillion took a deep breath, and being to charge the energy into a single point off his body.
  236. The boy's aura being to flicker a litter more, and after about thirty seconds of charging it he'd fire it into the same spot. The beam landed, and left little sparks in the air.
  238. "It's becoming a lot better now, but I still need to work on it."
  239. (Dillion Endore)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [23:40] ...She kept watching him, nothing that she could really do or say other than simply letting him rely on his very capacity of reshaping and improving his mana, though he is getting there...
  244. "I think that it is almost good to be used on combat, indeed. Why don't you try landing it out at one of the dummies, hm?" She would give that suggestion with a chuckle on her face, willing to see how much force he could generate with that skill already.
  245. (Grella)
  246. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  247. [23:48] Same as before!
  248. (Grella mentoring Dillion Endore)
  250. [23:48] {MENTOR} You learned Invigorate from Grella
  251. [23:48] ^
  252. (Grella mentoring Dillion Endore)
  254. [23:48] {MENTOR} You learned Nova Ray from Grella
  255. [23:50] The woman begins to stratch her chin, thinking on what Irrin just told her...
  257. "A lot of things. But mainly, damage to your mana systems. I know a few medics, one that is pretty good... And that maybe i could take you to, they surely can explain better than i do. Well, emotional gates too. Magic is very Symbolic... Even those with a weak Magic Power can cast, even if it is creating a small, tiny flame for dommestic use and stuff like that."
  258. (Grella)
  259. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. [23:59] Dillion felt better control over his mana circuits, and yet another step was taken towards his goal of becoming a Cadet, and gaining a better connection with Rhyt.
  261. Dillion put himself though some emotional outburst that Paca cost would need to be corrected moving forward. This was also good training for Dillion, and he'd learn to control his emotions in battle despite what he was feeling.
  263. "Ms. Gretta, thank you for another wonderful lesson, and I believe after are next one I'll be ready to take my Cadet test again. I promise you I won't fail this time, and I'll progress to Knighthood."
  265. He'd then towards Irrin, and then looked down at the ground.
  267. "Irrin, I think Mister Paca might have got into my head a little more than I though. I'm sorry."
  268. (Dillion Endore)
  269. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  270. [00:07] "She nods." It was curious that he was working that hard for simply being enlisted as a Cadet when in fact, that should only be his first step, Dillion would have a long, hard road to follow. Something that wouldn't be easy, for sure wouldn't.
  272. She however faced it with a warm smile.
  274. "I am looking forward to that, Dillion. Once you're good enough we'll be having your test re-done. It is going to be a little bit harder than our previous time, though. Be prepared, please." She advices, she was quite sure that now, Dillion was probably Cadet-level already, she held no worries at all.
  275. (Grella)
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