
Palane Althin

Jan 17th, 2013
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  1. Palane is a well built, jade blooded, troll girl at about 5 foot 7 inches. Along her body are descent toned muscles made from surviving in the harsh Alternian deserts. Her hair is short and curly, and her bangs curl up at the cheeks. Her horns are comparable to the plumage atop the head of a horned owl. Upon her head is a black turban which wraps around and covers her face (except her eyes) at most times. She has a black cape upon her shoulders with noticeable rips on one side. Beneath her cape she wears a jade shirt with her symbol of Pallas in white across the chest. Her pants are black and stop a little below the knee. She has bandaging along her shins and arms, and she is barefoot. No doubt she of course has callouses from walking along the hot sands of the desert.
  3. Living in the desert has always made her at the outskirts of Alternian civilization, which is how she liked it. She liked the harshness off the desert, how quiet it was. It allowed her to escape society and tone herself. She leads a life of solitude, though she takes an interest in the arts of the ancients. She lives in the marble ruins of a previous civilization, using the art upon the walls as a base for her own. Her only real outside influence was her Kismesis and the internet. She lives most of her life hunting, sculpting, drawing, and chatting on the internet.
  5. She's a member of a cult that worships a djinn-like deity. The deity is named Raniba, and is said to control flames that singe those that wish to invade the desert. The cult meets on holidays and tributes only, and members are expected to worship on their own time. The cult is rather lenient and more like a dispersed tribe of desert nomads. (( The religion is actually based on her ancestor whom was a pyrokinetic. Her battle prowess was incredible, and she was rarely detected on stealth missions. Of course her name was lost over the ages though and Raniba is just the name they have currently.))
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