
DAiE Ch. 6 P. 1 - The Question

Jun 2nd, 2012
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  1. >You are Doctor Anonymous.
  2. >And right now, you are quite anxious.
  3. >As you shut the machine down, you continue explaining the nuances of folding space time to Pinkamina, who is ever-diligently listening, nodding her head and 'hmm'-ing thoughtfully at your instruction.
  4. >You wish that you yourself were paying more attention, however.
  5. >But you've got that sort of knot in your stomach, the building trepidation before taking a risk.
  6. >It's a risk you've got to take, however.
  7. >You know in your mind and your instinct that this is the right thing to do.
  8. >You have a very important question to ask Pinkamina tonight.
  9. >You hope she reacts well.
  11. >Finally, you finish speaking and take off your dirty rubber gloves, immediately slipping another pair on and giving them a firm, satisfying squeeze with your fists.
  12. >You love the feel of a fresh pair of gloves.
  13. >Pinkamina is looking up at you, still nodding and 'hmm'-ing, with an enormous grin on her face.
  14. >You raise an eyebrow, as this continues for some time.
  15. "Uhm.. Pinkamina?"
  16. >She's suddenly broken out of her trance.
  17. >"Oh! Uh, sorry, Doc. I got a bit distracted."
  18. >One of her hooves scratches the back of her head as she smiles sheepishly.
  19. "And what was distracting you?"
  20. >Her eyes grow wide at that.
  21. >"U-uhm... well, actually..."
  22. >She looks down to the floor, her forehooves crossing slightly. You know that cross. She does that when she's really, actually nervous.
  23. >What could she be nervous about?
  24. >"I had something I wanted to ask you, Doc."
  26. >You feel that knot well up in your gut again.
  27. "Really? I had something I wanted to ask you, too."
  28. >The blue pools that are the party pony's eyes grow even wider. You swear you can hear her heart skip a beat.
  29. >"O-oh! Well, uh, why don't you go f-first?"
  30. "Oh, no, no. Ladies first, Pinkamina."
  31. >You both try to shove the 'privilege' of asking first onto each other, before Pinkamina ends up shaking her head and holding up a hoof.
  32. >"Hold on, this is silly. Why... why don't we just ask at the same time?"
  33. "That... sounds equally silly. But alright, on three."
  34. >"One..."
  35. "Two..."
  36. >"Three!"
  37. >You blurt out your question, as does Pinkamina.
  38. "IthinkIfoundawaytogetbacktomyownuniversebutIreallyneedyourhelpmakingithappen!"
  40. >"What?"
  41. "What?"
  42. >Wow. That was more of a mouthful than you thought. You didn't even hear Pinkamina's question.
  43. "Oh, I'm sorry, Pinkamina. What did you say?"
  44. >"I didn't hear you either!" She giggles, while managing to sound slightly discouraged. "Maybe going at the same time wasn't the best idea!"
  45. >You nod, laughing nervously yourself.
  46. >"For some reason, I thought maybe your question was the same as mine..."
  47. "Oh. I don't think so, it didn't sound the same. I said, 'I think I found a way to get back to my own universe, but I really need your help making it happen'."
  48. >You offer her a sheepish grin.
  49. >The sound of something breaking from far off startles you.
  50. "What was that?"
  51. >"oh. nothing. it was nothing."
  52. >You raise an eyebrow at the pink pony in front of you. She's broken eye contact for the first time all day.
  53. "Pinkamina?"
  54. >There's a long pause before she responds.
  55. >"Of course I'll help you, Anon. What do you need?"
  56. >With that, you pull out the blueprint that you've been working on for some time.
  57. "Well, I need to make this. It's a device for amplifying reality distortion fields, very similar to the device that got me here in the first place."
  58. >You start explaining the basic principals behind the device. Your usually eager student seems very quiet and introspective now.
  59. >You can't help but feel you've done or said something wrong.
  61. >You shrug it off. Now you're getting back into the zone, and after you finish explaining the device to her, you wrap up the blueprint and store it in your coat's pocket once more.
  62. "There's just one problem."
  63. >She looks up, her expression one that you can't quite place.
  64. "We... can't afford to make this. That's where I really need your help, Pinkamina."
  65. >You kneel down to put her on eye level with you.
  66. "I need you to do what you do best. Throw a party. A fundraiser, to be specific."
  67. >She looks up at you, giving you a big smile. That's the Pinkamina you know.
  68. >"You got it, Doc. Where at?"
  69. "I've been talking with Luna, and-"
  70. >"You know Princess Luna?"
  71. "Oh, yes. We... ran into each other, while I was at Canterlot."
  72. >You've decided not to tell anyone the story of how you met the Princess. It was not your proudest moment.
  73. "She's agreed to let us host a fundraiser in the Canterlot ballroom, and the gardens. This machine isn't -just- for me, it can help benefit all of Equestria, Pinkamina. It sort of.. supercharges the magical ability of ponies, you see. Gives them a boost."
  74. >You boop her lightly on the nose.
  75. "And with your help, we're going to get the funds that'll make it happen."
  76. >Pinkamina blushes, and smiles up at you. "You got it, Doc."
  77. "Thanks for all your help, Pinkamina."
  78. >Suddenly, your wrist beeps at you.
  79. "Oh! I nearly forgot, I promised Spike I would help him and Twilight reshelf the library. That mare works him so hard."
  80. >You let out a laugh, and take off your goggles, setting them onto the counter.
  81. "Later, Pi-..."
  82. >Wait a minute.
  84. "My goodness, I'm such a doof. I completely forgot, Pinkamina. What did you want to ask me?"
  85. >She -had- been walking away, but she stops, looking down at the floor. "Oh! Uhm, nothing too important, actually. I... don't even remember, myself!"
  86. "Huh. Alright, well, let me know if you do. I'll see you later, Pinkamina!"
  87. >"...bye."
  88. >With that, you stroll out of the lab, a great weight lifted off your shoulders. She agreed to help!
  89. >Today was a good day, you think.
  91. END CHAPTER 6, PART... wait, really? That was it?
  92. ...well, that was short, I mean, we didn't even get to hear what Pinkie's...
  93. ...wait, wait, what's this?
  95. ...oh, my.
  98. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  99. >And right now, you are super excited!
  100. >The Doc shuts the machine down, its generator slowly disengaging with a long, winding down 'whirr'.
  101. >He's talking about how it works, explaining all the nuances of folding laundry, or something.
  102. >Honestly, you're normally a much more attentive student, but there's something else on your mind.
  103. >And you can't help but appreciate the way the sun hits the lens of his goggles, that gives his eyes underneath this devilish spark.
  104. >Even for how excited you are, you've got that sort of knot in your stomach. The building trepidation before taking a risk.
  105. >It's a risk you've got to take, however.
  106. >You know in your heart and your head that this is the right thing to do.
  107. >You have a very important question to ask Anonymous tonight.
  108. >You hope he reacts well.
  110. >You continue to feign listening, watching as the Doctor changes his gloves, as he always does when the lesson is winding down.
  111. >He gives the new pair a squeeze, letting out that clean, satisfying scrunching sound that they make.
  112. >You take some time to appreciate that too, there sure is a lot to appreci-
  113. >Wait he's waiting for you to respond to something.
  114. "Oh! Uh, sorry, Doc. I got a bit distracted."
  115. >You offer him an embarrassed grin. No need for him to know WHAT was distracting you. You'll ask when you're-
  116. >"And what was distracting you?"
  117. >Oh Hay.
  118. "U-uhm, well, actually..."
  119. >Looking down, you bite your bottom lip softly. Should you ask now? I mean, it can wait, but-
  120. >Damnit, Pinkie, you know it can't wait. If you don't ask him now, you're never gonna ask him.
  121. "I had something I wanted to ask you, Doc."
  122. >Here goes nothing...
  124. >The Doc seems to give pause at that.
  125. >"Really? I had something I wanted to ask you, too."
  126. >Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh
  127. >What do I do? What do I say? Oh, Tartarus, why does this have to be so difficult?
  128. >Oh look, Pinkie Pie, who's normally so outgoing and shameless, can't even...
  129. "O-oh! well, uh, why don't you go first?"
  130. >WHAT? 'Why don't you go first'?! Pinkie, what the hay?!
  131. >"Oh, no, no. Ladies first, Pinkamina."
  132. >Score, the ball's back in your court!"
  133. "Uhm, well, I think you should go first, Doc!"
  134. >UGH.
  135. >How long is this going to last?
  136. >As long as it takes. You're not feeling so confident any more. Hell, you're sounding like Fluttershy, as you try to shove the 'privilege' of going first onto the Doc.
  138. >Wait!
  139. "Hold on, this is silly. Why don't we just ask at the same time?"
  140. >"That... sounds equally silly. But alright, on three."
  141. "One..."
  142. >"Two..."
  143. "Three!"
  144. "IreallylikeyoualotlikenotjustlikebutlikelikeandIreallywannabeyourspecialsomepony!"
  146. >Wait, what did he say?
  147. "What?"
  148. >"What? Oh, I'm sorry, Pinkamina. What did you say?"
  149. >Oh, of all the... he didn't hear you?! You finally get the guts to blurt it out and he didn't hear you?!
  150. "I didn't hear you either!"
  151. >You let out a laugh. And it's not a happy one. More of a forced, panicked one. Now you're REALLY not feeling so confident.
  152. "Maybe going at the same time wasn't the best idea!"
  153. >He laughs too.
  154. "For some reason, I thought maybe your question was the same as mine."
  155. >Well, less thought and more hoped.
  156. >"Oh, I don't think so, it didn't sound the same."
  157. >Your feel your stomach turning and plummeting as he asks his question again.
  158. >You swear you hear your heart break.
  159. >"What was that?"
  160. "oh. nothing. it was nothing."
  161. >He raises an eyebrow at you, and you cast your eyes to the floor. It's all you can do not to burst into tears here.
  162. >"Pinkamina?"
  163. >How can he not know? You've gotta be stupidly obvious, I mean-
  164. >How the hay is he SUPPOSED to know? You fawn all over him, but you've never actually said anything. Get a grip, Pinkie, you've gotta tell him loud and clear this time.
  165. "Of course I'll help you, Anon. What do you need?"
  166. >WHAT.
  167. >The Doctor pulls out a blueprint, and starts going on about it. You tune him out completely.
  169. >The rest of the conversation just sort of happens. You keep digging this hole and never once tell him how you truly feel.
  170. >And now he's gone, probably off to plan his little fundraiser. Or maybe that's your responsibility. You weren't even paying attention, really.
  171. >Tartarus, Pinkie, he even bucking ASKED you what you said.
  172. >And you can't blame him, can you? If you don't say anything, then-
  173. "Shut up. Just, shut up."
  174. >Oh, talking to me now, are you? Maybe you should let me take over next time, I'll make -sure- he knows how we-
  175. "No! I don't need you. I haven't ever needed you."
  176. >Fine, fine, have it your way. But you better ask him before he really starts working on leaving, or else you're gonna end up alone.
  177. >Again.
  178. "I SAID, SHUT UP."
  179. >You pound your hoof down onto the counter, smashing the pair of goggles the Doctor left. Even as the lens fractures and sends jolts of pain into your arm, you ignore it, sliding down to the lab floor.
  180. >You nurse your hoof briefly, before the first sob escapes your throat.
  181. >No. No crying. You hold in the second, even as it tries to choke out of you.
  182. >You're going to throw this fundraiser, and it's gonna be the best damn fundraiser in the world.
  183. >And that's where you're gonna ask him.
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