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- //#include "preheaders.h"
- #include <string>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <fstream>
- #include <sstream>
- #include <ctime>
- #include "networkmessage.h"
- #include "protocol76.h"
- #include "game.h"
- #include "ioaccountsql.h"
- #include "ioplayersql.h"
- #ifdef TR_SUMMONS
- #include "summons.h"
- #endif //TR_SUMMONS
- #ifdef __MIZIAK_TASKS__
- #include "task.h"
- #endif //__MIZIAK_TASKS__
- #include "status.h"
- #include "spells.h"
- #include "monsters.h"
- #include "actions.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "town.h"
- #include "luascript.h"
- #include "account.h"
- #include "tools.h"
- #include "pvparena.h"
- #include "allocator.h"
- #endif
- #include "databasemanager.h"
- #ifdef WIN32
- #else
- /* Comment below line if you want to execute otserv with root user (NOT RECOMMENDED) */
- extern int32_t errno;
- #endif
- #endif
- std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > serverIPs;
- std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> > bannedIPs;
- std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t[3], uint32_t> > IPs;
- LuaScript g_config;
- Items Item::items;
- ReverseItemMap Items::revItems;
- Game g_game;
- Spells spells(&g_game);
- Actions actions(&g_game);
- Commands commands(&g_game);
- Monsters g_monsters;
- struct AccSuspensaUCB
- {
- uint32_t conta;
- uint32_t tentativas;
- std::time_t tempo;
- bool bloqueado;
- };
- struct IpSuspensoUCB
- {
- uint32_t ip;
- uint32_t tentativas;
- std::time_t tempo;
- bool bloqueado;
- };
- std::vector< struct AccSuspensaUCB > ListaAccSuspensas;
- std::vector< struct IpSuspensoUCB > ListaIpsSuspensos;
- std::time_t tempo_reciclagem = std::time(NULL) + 3600;
- #include "networkmessage.h"
- enum passwordType_t
- {
- };
- passwordType_t passwordType;
- bool passwordTest(std::string &plain, std::string &hash)
- {
- if(passwordType != PASSWORD_TYPE_MD5)
- if(plain == hash)
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- return false; //VISUAL
- }
- /*int32_t polaczenia(SOCKET s)
- {
- time_t czas;
- time(&czas);
- struct tm * timeinfo = localtime(&czas);
- int32_t minuta = timeinfo->tm_sec+timeinfo->tm_min*60;
- sockaddr_in sain;
- socklen_t salen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
- if (getpeername(s, (sockaddr*)&sain, &salen) == 0)
- {
- uint32_t clientip = *(uint32_t*)&sain.sin_addr;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < IPs.size(); ++i) {
- if ((IPs[i].first[0]) == (clientip)){
- int32_t cos = IPs[i].first[2] - minuta;
- if(abs(cos) >= 30){
- IPs[i].first[1] = 0;
- IPs[i].first[2] = minuta;
- }
- else if(IPs[i].first[1]>=5)
- return -2;//banned
- else{
- IPs[i].first[1]++;
- return IPs[i].first[1];
- }
- }
- }
- std::pair<uint32_t[3], uint32_t> IpNetMask;
- IpNetMask.first[0] = clientip;
- IpNetMask.first[1] = 0;
- IpNetMask.first[2] = minuta;
- IpNetMask.second = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- IPs.push_back(IpNetMask);
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- }*/
- bool isclientBanished(SOCKET s)
- {
- sockaddr_in sain;
- socklen_t salen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
- if (getpeername(s, (sockaddr*)&sain, &salen) == 0)
- {
- uint32_t clientip = *(uint32_t*)&sain.sin_addr;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < bannedIPs.size(); ++i)
- {
- if ((bannedIPs[i].first & bannedIPs[i].second) == (clientip & bannedIPs[i].second))
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Ulisses (Proglin) - IP/ACC Suspend System
- // April / 2006 for
- bool isAccIPSuspend(int32_t acc, SOCKET s)
- {
- bool suspensa = false;
- bool achouip = false;
- bool achouacc = false;
- sockaddr_in sain;
- socklen_t salen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
- std::time_t now = std::time(NULL);
- /* Recycling Lists (to save memory ;) ) */
- if( now > tempo_reciclagem )
- {
- OTSYS_THREAD_LOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_IP_Seach");
- OTSYS_THREAD_LOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_ACC_Seach");
- tempo_reciclagem = now + 3600;
- bool achou = true;
- std::cout << "Ips suspend before recycling: " << ListaIpsSuspensos.size() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Accs suspend before recycling: " << ListaAccSuspensas.size() << std::endl;
- /* Ips list */
- std::vector< struct IpSuspensoUCB >::iterator i = ListaIpsSuspensos.begin();
- while( achou )
- {
- achou = false;
- while(i != ListaIpsSuspensos.end())
- {
- if((*i).tempo < now)
- {
- ListaIpsSuspensos.erase(i);
- achou = true;
- break;
- }
- ++i;
- }
- }
- /* Acc list */
- achou = true;
- std::vector< struct AccSuspensaUCB >::iterator ii = ListaAccSuspensas.begin();
- while( achou )
- {
- achou = false;
- while(ii != ListaAccSuspensas.end())
- {
- if((*ii).tempo < now)
- {
- ListaAccSuspensas.erase(ii);
- achou = true;
- break;
- }
- ++ii;
- }
- }
- OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_ACC_Seach");
- OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_IP_Seach");
- std::cout << "Ips suspend after recycling: " << ListaIpsSuspensos.size() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Accs suspend after recycling: " << ListaAccSuspensas.size() << std::endl;
- }
- /* Search for IP */
- OTSYS_THREAD_LOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_IP_Seach");
- if (getpeername(s, (sockaddr*)&sain, &salen) == 0 )
- {
- uint32_t clientip = *(uint32_t*)&sain.sin_addr;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ListaIpsSuspensos.size(); ++i)
- {
- if( ListaIpsSuspensos[i].ip == clientip )
- {
- achouip = true;
- if( ListaIpsSuspensos[i].tempo < now )
- {
- ListaIpsSuspensos[i].tentativas = 0;
- ListaIpsSuspensos[i].bloqueado = false;
- ListaIpsSuspensos[i].tempo = now + 60*g_config.SUSPEND_TIME_MAX;
- }
- if( !ListaIpsSuspensos[i].bloqueado )
- {
- if( ListaIpsSuspensos[i].tentativas == g_config.SUSPEND_IP_TRIES - 1 ) //VISUAL
- {
- ListaIpsSuspensos[i].bloqueado = true;
- ListaIpsSuspensos[i].tempo = now + 60*g_config.SUSPEND_TIME_MAX;
- }
- }
- ListaIpsSuspensos[i].tentativas++;
- suspensa = ListaIpsSuspensos[i].bloqueado;
- }
- }
- if( !achouip )
- {
- struct IpSuspensoUCB candidatoip;
- candidatoip.ip = clientip;
- candidatoip.tentativas = 1;
- candidatoip.tempo = now + 60*g_config.SUSPEND_TIME_MAX;
- candidatoip.bloqueado = false;
- ListaIpsSuspensos.push_back(candidatoip);
- }
- }
- OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_IP_Seach");
- /* Search for Account */
- OTSYS_THREAD_LOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_ACC_Seach");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < ListaAccSuspensas.size(); ++i)
- {
- if( ListaAccSuspensas[i].conta == acc )
- {
- achouacc = true;
- if( ListaAccSuspensas[i].tempo < now )
- {
- ListaAccSuspensas[i].tentativas = 0;
- ListaAccSuspensas[i].bloqueado = false;
- ListaAccSuspensas[i].tempo = now + 60*g_config.SUSPEND_TIME_MAX;
- }
- if( !ListaAccSuspensas[i].bloqueado )
- {
- if( ListaAccSuspensas[i].tentativas == g_config.SUSPEND_IP_TRIES - 1 ) //VISUAL
- {
- ListaAccSuspensas[i].bloqueado = true;
- ListaAccSuspensas[i].tempo = now + 60*g_config.SUSPEND_TIME_MAX;
- }
- }
- ListaAccSuspensas[i].tentativas++;
- if( !suspensa )
- suspensa = ListaAccSuspensas[i].bloqueado;
- }
- }
- if( !achouacc )
- {
- struct AccSuspensaUCB candidatoacc;
- candidatoacc.conta = acc;
- candidatoacc.tentativas = 1;
- candidatoacc.tempo = now + 60*g_config.SUSPEND_TIME_MAX;
- candidatoacc.bloqueado = false;
- ListaAccSuspensas.push_back(candidatoacc);
- }
- OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "UCB_ACC_Seach");
- return suspensa;
- }
- std::string MakeRejectMessage(int32_t place)
- {
- if (place < 0)
- return std::string("Zla pozycja temple! Skontaktuj sie z administratorem!");
- else
- {
- std::ostringstream msg;
- msg << "Za duzo graczy online.\n";
- if (!g_config.QUEUE_PREMMY)
- msg << "Tylko gracze z Premium moga teraz wejsc.\n";
- msg << "\nJestes na " << place << " pozycji na liscie oczekujacych.";
- return msg.str();
- }
- }
- #endif //YUR_LOGIN_QUEUE
- OTSYS_THREAD_RETURN ConnectionHandler(void *dat)
- {
- srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
- SOCKET s = *(SOCKET*)dat;
- NetworkMessage msg;
- if (msg.ReadFromSocket(s))
- {
- // if(polaczenia(s) == -2)
- // std::cout << "Proba ataku!";
- //if(polaczenia(s) != -2){
- uint16_t protId = msg.GetU16();
- // login server connection
- if (protId == 0x0201)
- {
- msg.SkipBytes(15);
- uint32_t accnumber = msg.GetU32();
- std::string password = msg.GetString();
- int32_t serverip = serverIPs[0].first;
- sockaddr_in sain;
- socklen_t salen = sizeof(sockaddr_in);
- if (getpeername(s, (sockaddr*)&sain, &salen) == 0)
- {
- uint32_t clientip = *(uint32_t*)&sain.sin_addr;
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < serverIPs.size(); i++)
- if ((serverIPs[i].first & serverIPs[i].second) == (clientip & serverIPs[i].second))
- {
- serverip = serverIPs[i].first;
- break;
- }
- }
- msg.Reset();
- bool recebeuban = false;
- if(isclientBanished(s))
- {
- recebeuban = true;
- msg.AddByte(0x0A);
- msg.AddString("Twoje IP zostalo zbanowane!");
- }
- if( isAccIPSuspend(accnumber, s) || recebeuban )
- {
- if( !recebeuban )
- {
- msg.AddByte(0x0A);
- msg.AddString(g_config.SUSPEND_MSG);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- //char accstring[16];
- //sprintf(accstring, "%i", accnumber);
- Account account = IOAccountSQL::getInstance()->loadAccount(accnumber);
- if (account.accnumber == accnumber && passwordTest(password,account.password) && account.accnumber != 0 && accnumber != 0) // seems to be a successful load
- {
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString(g_config.MOTD);
- msg.AddByte(0x64);
- msg.AddByte((uint8_t)account.charList.size());
- std::list<std::string>::iterator it;
- for (it = account.charList.begin(); it != account.charList.end(); ++it)
- {
- msg.AddString((*it));
- msg.AddString(g_config.WORLD_NAME);
- msg.AddU32(serverip);
- msg.AddU16(g_config.PORT);
- }
- msg.AddU16(account.premDays);
- }
- else
- {
- msg.AddByte(0x0A);
- msg.AddString("Zly numer konta lub haslo!");
- }
- }
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- // gameworld connection tibia 7.6
- else if (protId == 0x020A)
- {
- unsigned char clientos = msg.GetByte();
- uint16_t version = msg.GetU16();
- unsigned char unknown = msg.GetByte();
- uint32_t accnumber = msg.GetU32();
- std::string name = msg.GetString();
- std::string password = msg.GetString();
- if(version != 760)
- {
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Protokol 7.6 obowiazuje!");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else if(isclientBanished(s))
- {
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Twoje IP zostalo zbanowane!");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else
- {
- OTSYS_SLEEP(1000);
- std::string acc_pass;
- if(IOAccountSQL::getInstance()->getPassword(accnumber, name, acc_pass) && passwordTest(password,acc_pass))
- {
- bool isLocked = true;
- OTSYS_THREAD_LOCK(g_game.gameLock, "ConnectionHandler()")
- Player* player = g_game.getPlayerByName(name);
- bool playerexist = (player != NULL);
- if(player)
- {
- //reattach player?
- if(player->client->s == 0 && player->isRemoved == false)
- {
- player->lastlogin = std::time(NULL);
- player->client->reinitializeProtocol(s);
- player->client->s = s;
- player->client->sendThingAppear(player);
- player->lastip = player->getIP();
- s = 0;
- }
- //guess not...
- player = NULL;
- }
- //OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "ConnectionHandler()")
- if(s) //tak mi sie wydaje
- {
- int64_t timeNow = std::time(NULL); // VISUAL
- Protocol76* protocol;
- protocol = new Protocol76(s);
- player = new Player(name, protocol);
- player->useThing();
- player->setID();
- IOPlayerSQL::getInstance()->loadPlayer(player, name);
- int32_t placeInQueue = -1;
- #endif //YUR_LOGIN_QUEUE
- static const int32_t ACCESS_ENTER = g_config.ACCESS_ENTER;
- if(playerexist)
- {
- std::cout << "Odrzucenie gracza: " << player->getName() << " aktulanie zalogowany." << std::endl;
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Aktualnie jestes zalogowany.");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else if (player->banned && timeNow < player->banend)
- {
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- time_t endBan = player->banend;
- std::stringstream txt;
- if(player->deleted == 0) // checks if not deleted
- txt << "Twoja postac zostala zablokowana! Powod: " << player->reason << ".\nTwoj ban zostanie zdjety " << ctime(&endBan) << "Sprobuj zalogowac sie po tej dacie.";
- if(player->namelock != 0) // gdy namelock
- txt << "Dostales rowniez namelocka. Zmien swoj nick na stronie.";
- if(player->deleted != 0)// deleted == 1
- txt << "Twoja postac zostala usunieta z serwera!\nNigdy nie zostanie juz odbanowana!";
- msg.AddString(txt.str().c_str());
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else if(player->banned && timeNow > player->banend && player->deleted == 0)
- {
- player->banned = 0;
- player->comment = "";
- player->reason = "";
- player->action = "";
- player->banrealtime = "";
- IOPlayerSQL::getInstance()->savePlayer(player);
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Zostales odbanowany. Mozesz sie teraz zalogowac.");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else if(player->namelock != 0)
- {
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Posiadasz namelocka. Zmien swoj nick na stronie.");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else if(player->vocation > 4 || player->vocation < 0 || player->healthmax <=0 || player->manamax < 0 || player->level <= 0 || player->experience < 0 || player->maglevel < 0)
- {
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Your character is bugged!");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- /*else if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN){
- //nothing to do
- }*/
- else if(g_game.getGameState() == GAME_STATE_CLOSED && player->access < ACCESS_ENTER)
- {
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x14);
- msg.AddString("Serwer jest tymczasowo zamkniety. Prosze sprobowac za chwile.");
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- else if (!protocol->ConnectPlayer(&placeInQueue))
- {
- Status* stat = Status::instance();
- stat->playerswaiting = (int32_t)g_game.loginQueue.size();
- if (placeInQueue < 0)
- std::cout << "Odrzucenie gracza: " << player->getName() << " ,bledna pozycja temple."<< std::endl;
- else
- std::cout << "Odrzucenie gracza: " << player->getName() << ". Ustawiony w kolejce: " << placeInQueue << std::endl;
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x16);
- msg.AddString(MakeRejectMessage(placeInQueue));
- msg.AddByte(30);
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- #else
- else if(!protocol->ConnectPlayer())
- {
- std::cout << "Odrzucenie gracza: " << player->getName() << " brak miejsca." << std::endl;
- msg.Reset();
- msg.AddByte(0x16);
- msg.AddString("Za duzo graczy online.");
- msg.AddByte(45);
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- #endif //YUR_LOGIN_QUEUE
- else
- {
- Status* stat = Status::instance();
- stat->addPlayer();
- player->lastlogin = std::time(NULL);
- player->lastip = player->getIP();
- s = 0; // protocol/player will close socket
- OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "ConnectionHandler()")
- isLocked = false;
- protocol->ReceiveLoop();
- //stat->removePlayer();
- #else*/
- stat->removePlayer();
- //#endif
- }
- g_game.FreeThing(player);
- }
- if(isLocked)
- {
- OTSYS_THREAD_UNLOCK(g_game.gameLock, "ConnectionHandler()")
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Since Cip made 02xx as Tibia protocol,
- // Lets make FFxx as "our great info protocol" ;P
- else if (protId == 0xFFFF)
- {
- if (msg.GetRaw() == "info")
- {
- Status* status = Status::instance();
- /*uint64_t running = (OTSYS_TIME() - status->start)/1000;
- #ifdef __DEBUG__
- std::cout << ":: Uptime: " << running << std::endl;
- #endif*///fix na blokade
- std::string str = status->getStatusString();
- send(s, str.c_str(), (int32_t)str.size(), 0);
- }
- }
- // Another ServerInfo protocol
- // Starting from 01, so the above could be 00 ;)
- else if (protId == 0xFF02) //tez fix
- {
- // This one doesn't need to read nothing, so we could save time and bandwidth
- // Can be called thgough a program that understand the NetMsg protocol
- Status* status = Status::instance();
- status->getInfo(msg);
- msg.WriteToSocket(s);
- }
- //}
- }
- if(s)
- closesocket(s);
- #if defined WIN32 || defined WINDOWS
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- void ErrorMessage(const char* message)
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "Error: " << message;
- std::string s;
- std::cin >> s;
- }
- int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[])
- {
- OTSYS_CREATE_THREAD(allocatorStatsThread, NULL);
- #endif
- #ifdef __WIN_LOW_FRAG_HEAP__
- ULONG HeapFragValue = 2;
- if(HeapSetInformation(GetProcessHeap(),HeapCompatibilityInformation,&HeapFragValue,sizeof(HeapFragValue)))
- {
- std::cout << "Heap Success" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- std::cout << "Heap Error" << std::endl;
- }
- #endif
- // system("color 80"); //kolorek dla szpaniku :D
- // system("title Kentana OTS Engine"); // tytul ladny
- std::cout << ":: Kentana OTS 3.0" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ":: ~~By Sid/Huczu~~" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ":: Skompilowany przy pomocy " << BOOST_COMPILER << " o " << __DATE__ << ", " << __TIME__ << std::endl;
- std::cout << "::" << std::endl;
- if( getuid() == 0 || geteuid() == 0 )
- {
- std::cout << std::endl << "Silnik zostal uruchomiony z konta administatratora. Odpal ze zwyklego konta." << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- // ignore sigpipe...
- #if defined __WINDOWS__ || defined WIN32
- //nothing yet
- #else
- struct sigaction sigh;
- sigh.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
- sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigh, NULL);
- #endif
- // LOG_MESSAGE("main", EVENT, 1, "Starting server");
- // random numbers generator
- std::cout << ":: Generator liczb... ";
- srand ( (uint32_t)time(NULL) );
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- // read global config
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie config.lua... ";
- if (!g_config.OpenFile("config.lua"))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac config.lua!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- #if defined __WINDOWS__ || defined WIN32
- std::string Priorytet = g_config.PRIORYTET;
- if(Priorytet == "rzeczywisty")
- SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS);
- if(Priorytet == "wysoki")
- SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS);
- if(Priorytet == "najwyzszy")
- SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS);
- #endif
- Database* db = Database::getInstance();
- if(db && db->isConnected())
- {
- std::cout << ":: Running Database Manager" << std::endl;
- if(!DatabaseManager::getInstance()->isDatabaseSetup())
- ErrorMessage("The database you specified in config.lua is empty, please import schemas/<dbengine>.sql to the database (if you are using MySQL, please read doc/MYSQL_HELP for more information).");
- DatabaseManager::getInstance()->checkTriggers();
- if(g_config.OPTIMIZE_DB_AT_STARTUP && !DatabaseManager::getInstance()->optimizeTables())
- std::cout << "> No tables were optimized." << std::endl;
- DBQuery query;
- query << "SELECT `record` FROM `server` LIMIT 1";
- DBResult* result;
- if((result = db->storeQuery(query.str())))
- {
- g_game.record = result->getDataInt("record");
- result->free();
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- ErrorMessage("Couldn't estabilish connection to SQL database!");
- return -1;
- }
- //load commands data
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie komend... ";
- if(!commands.loadFromDB()/*loadXml(g_config.DATA_DIR)*/)
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac komend!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- //load spells data
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie spells.xml... ";
- if(!spells.loadFromXml(g_config.DATA_DIR))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac spells.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- //load actions data
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie actions.xml... ";
- if(!actions.loadFromXml(g_config.DATA_DIR))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac actions.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- // load item data
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie items.otb... ";
- if (Item::items.loadFromOtb(g_config.DATA_DIR + "items/items.otb"))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac items.otb!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie items.xml... ";
- if (!Item::items.loadXMLInfos(g_config.DATA_DIR + "items/items.xml"))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac /items/items.xml ...!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie queue.xml... ";
- if (!g_game.loginQueue.load())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac queue.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- #endif //YUR_LOGIN_QUEUE
- #ifdef TR_SUMMONS
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie summons.xml... ";
- if (!Summons::Load())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac summons.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- #endif //TR_SUMMONS
- #ifdef __MIZIAK_TASKS__
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie tasks.xml... ";
- if (!Tasks::Load())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac tasks.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- #endif //__MIZIAK_TASKS__
- // load monster data
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie monsters.xml... ";
- if(!g_monsters.loadFromXml(g_config.DATA_DIR))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac monsters/monsters.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- if(g_config.STAGE_EXP)
- {
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie stages.xml... ";
- if(!g_game.loadStageExp())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac stages.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- }
- #endif
- std::string worldtype = g_config.WORLD_TYPE;
- std::transform(worldtype.begin(), worldtype.end(), worldtype.begin(), upchar);
- if(worldtype == "PVP")
- g_game.setWorldType(WORLD_TYPE_PVP);
- else if(worldtype == "NO-PVP")
- g_game.setWorldType(WORLD_TYPE_NO_PVP);
- else if(worldtype == "PVP-ENFORCED")
- g_game.setWorldType(WORLD_TYPE_PVP_ENFORCED);
- else
- {
- ErrorMessage("Nieznany World Type!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << ":: World Type: " << worldtype << std::endl;
- #ifdef YUR_CVS_MODS
- timer();
- #endif
- // loads the map and, if needed, an extra-file spawns
- switch(g_game.loadMap(g_config.MAP_PATH, "OTBM"))
- {
- std::cout << "FATAL: couldnt determine the map format! exiting" << std::endl;
- exit(1);
- break;
- case SPAWN_XML:
- SpawnManager::initialize(&g_game);
- SpawnManager::instance()->loadSpawnsXML(g_game.getSpawnFile());
- SpawnManager::instance()->startup();
- break;
- }
- #ifdef YUR_CVS_MODS
- double t = timer();
- std::cout << ":: Mapa zaladowana w " << t << " sekund." << std::endl;
- #endif
- if(g_config.LOAD_NPC != "spawn")
- {
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie npc.xml... ";
- if (!g_game.loadNpcs())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Nie mozna zaladowac npc.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie houses.xml... ";
- if (!Houses::Load(&g_game))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac houses.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- #ifdef YUR_PVP_ARENA
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie pvparenas.xml... ";
- if (!PvpArena::Load(&g_game))
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac pvparenas.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- #endif //YUR_PVP_ARENA
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie readables.xml... ";
- if (!g_game.loadReadables())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac readables.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie towns.xml... ";
- if (!Town::loadTowns())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac towns.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ":: Ladowanie napisy.xml... ";
- if (!g_game.loadNapisy())
- {
- ErrorMessage("Blad! Nie mozna zaladowac napisy.xml!");
- return -1;
- }
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl;
- if (g_config.AUTO_SAVE > 0)
- g_game.addEvent(makeTask(g_config.AUTO_SAVE, std::mem_fun(&Game::autoServerSave)));
- else
- std::cout << ":: Automatyczny zapis serwera wylaczony!" << std::endl;
- if (g_config.AUTO_CLEAN > 0)
- g_game.addEvent(makeTask(g_config.AUTO_CLEAN, std::mem_fun(&Game::beforeClean)));
- else
- std::cout << ":: Automatyczny clean wylaczony!" << std::endl;
- if (g_config.AUTO_RESTART > 0)
- g_game.addEvent(makeTask(g_config.AUTO_RESTART, std::mem_fun(&Game::beforeRestart)));
- else
- std::cout << ":: Automatyczny restart wylaczony!" << std::endl;
- g_game.addEvent(makeTask(1000, std::mem_fun(&Game::checkOwner)));
- // Call to WSA Startup on Windows Systems...
- #ifdef WIN32
- WORD wVersionRequested;
- WSADATA wsaData;
- wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );
- if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) != 0)
- {
- ErrorMessage("Winsock startup failed!!");
- return -1;
- }
- if ((LOBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1) || (HIBYTE(wsaData.wVersion) != 1))
- {
- WSACleanup( );
- ErrorMessage("No Winsock 1.1 found!");
- return -1;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef YUR_CVS_MODS
- std::string localip = "";
- #endif
- std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> IpNetMask;
- IpNetMask.first = inet_addr("");
- IpNetMask.second = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- serverIPs.push_back(IpNetMask);
- char szHostName[128];
- if (gethostname(szHostName, 128) == 0)
- {
- std::cout << "::" << std::endl << ":: Odpalony na hoscie " << szHostName << std::endl;
- hostent *he = gethostbyname(szHostName);
- if (he)
- {
- std::cout << ":: Lokalny adres IP : ";
- unsigned char** addr = (unsigned char**)he->h_addr_list;
- while (addr[0] != NULL)
- {
- std::cout << (uint32_t)(addr[0][0]) << "."
- << (uint32_t)(addr[0][1]) << "."
- << (uint32_t)(addr[0][2]) << "."
- << (uint32_t)(addr[0][3]) << " ";
- IpNetMask.first = *(uint32_t*)(*addr);
- IpNetMask.second = 0x0000FFFF;
- serverIPs.push_back(IpNetMask);
- addr++;
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- }
- std::cout << ":: Globaly adres IP : ";
- std::string ip;
- if(argc > 1)
- ip = argv[1];
- else
- ip = g_config.IP;
- std::cout << ip << std::endl << "::" << std::endl;
- #ifdef YUR_CVS_MODS
- if (ip == "")
- std::cout << "UWAGA! Zmien IP w config.lua!\n" << std::endl;
- #endif //YUR_CVS_MODS
- IpNetMask.first = inet_addr(ip.c_str());
- IpNetMask.second = 0;
- serverIPs.push_back(IpNetMask);
- std::cout << ":: Startowanie serwera... ";
- Status* status = Status::instance();
- status->playersmax = g_config.MAX_PLAYERS;
- // start the server listen...
- int32_t listen_errors;
- int32_t accept_errors;
- listen_errors = 0;
- g_game.setGameState(GAME_STATE_NORMAL);
- while(g_game.getGameState() != GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN && listen_errors < 100)
- {
- sockaddr_in local_adress;
- memset(&local_adress, 0, sizeof(sockaddr_in)); // zero the struct
- local_adress.sin_family = AF_INET;
- local_adress.sin_port = htons(g_config.PORT);
- local_adress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- // first we create a new socket
- SOCKET listen_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if(listen_socket <= 0)
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- WSACleanup();
- #endif
- ErrorMessage("Unable to create server socket (1)!");
- return -1;
- } // if (listen_socket <= 0)
- #ifndef WIN32
- int32_t yes = 1;
- // lose the pesky "Address already in use" error message
- if(setsockopt(listen_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof (int32_t)) == -1)
- {
- ErrorMessage("Unable to set socket options!");
- return -1;
- }
- #endif
- // bind socket on port
- if(::bind(listen_socket, (struct sockaddr*)&local_adress, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0)
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- WSACleanup();
- #endif
- ErrorMessage("Unable to create server socket (2)!");
- return -1;
- } // if (bind(...))
- // now we start listen on the new socket
- if(listen(listen_socket, 10) == SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- #ifdef WIN32
- WSACleanup();
- #endif
- ErrorMessage("Listen on server socket not possible!");
- return -1;
- } // if (listen(*listen_socket, 10) == -1)
- std::cout << "[Gotowe]" << std::endl << ":: " << g_config.SERVER_NAME << " uruchomiony..." << std::endl;
- accept_errors = 0;
- while(g_game.getGameState() != GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN && accept_errors < 100)
- {
- fd_set listen_set;
- timeval tv;
- FD_ZERO(&listen_set);
- FD_SET(listen_socket, &listen_set);
- tv.tv_sec = 2;
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- int32_t reads = (int32_t)select(listen_socket + 1, &listen_set, NULL, NULL, &tv); //VISUAL
- if(reads == SOCKET_ERROR)
- {
- int32_t errnum;
- #ifdef WIN32
- errnum = WSAGetLastError();
- #else
- errnum = errno;
- #endif
- if(errnum == ERROR_EINTR)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- SOCKET_PERROR("select");
- break;
- }
- }
- else if(reads == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- SOCKET s = accept(listen_socket, NULL, NULL); // accept a new connection
- if(s > 0)
- {
- OTSYS_CREATE_THREAD(ConnectionHandler, (void*)&s);
- }
- else
- {
- accept_errors++;
- SOCKET_PERROR("accept");
- }
- }
- closesocket(listen_socket);
- listen_errors++;
- }
- if(listen_errors >= 100)
- {
- std::cout << "ERROR: Server shutted down because there where 100 listen errors." << std::endl;
- }
- #ifdef WIN32
- WSACleanup();
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
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