
I Ovurcock i7 and stuff breaked.

Jan 15th, 2014
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  1. [7:04pm] <sweetcoolful>and when i join the world everything if fine i place blocks and dig. but when i leave the world then go back into it. everything resets
  2. [7:04pm] <sweetcoolful>all the blocks i placed disappear and the ones are mined come back
  3. [7:04pm] <juuls>sweet that is because your pc can't handle creating that many worlds
  4. [7:04pm] <juuls>slow down some
  5. [7:05pm] <juuls>mystcraft is a miracle it can work at all
  6. [7:05pm] <sweetcoolful>really. i only have 2...
  7. [7:05pm] <juuls>and its buggy and has memory leaks
  8. [7:05pm] <juuls>How much ram do you have allocated?
  9. [7:05pm] <sweetcoolful>could it be that i just overclocked my cpu and gpu?
  10. [7:05pm] <sweetcoolful>i have 14gb dedicated
  11. [7:05pm] <juuls>WTF
  12. [7:05pm] <SatanicSanta>SWEET JESUS
  13. [7:05pm] <juuls>WTF??????????????
  14. [7:05pm] <SatanicSanta>WHY
  15. [7:05pm] <juuls>That is way wayt too much
  16. [7:05pm] <SatanicSanta>THATS JUST RIDICULOUS.
  17. [7:05pm] <juuls>Tone it down
  18. [7:05pm] <SatanicSanta>PROPOSTEROUS
  19. [7:06pm] <juuls>Do you have 16gb total?
  20. [7:06pm] <sweetcoolful>really?? it has been working perfectly until the new updates
  21. [7:06pm] <sweetcoolful>and yeah i have 16gb
  22. [7:06pm] <juuls>you only need to allocate at the most 4
  23. [7:06pm] <SatanicSanta>allocate like 3GB lol
  24. [7:06pm] <SatanicSanta>thats all youll need
  25. [7:06pm] <juuls>having more than that causes problems
  26. [7:06pm] <juuls>major problems
  27. [7:06pm] <sweetcoolful>well that still does not solve my problem
  28. [7:06pm] <sweetcoolful>i tryed everyhting haha
  29. [7:07pm] <juuls>Ok so you created 2 worlds. When you go back to the overworld and break stuff, then relog it all reverts backt to what it was.
  30. [7:07pm] <sweetcoolful>no not even relog
  31. [7:07pm] <juuls>I had that happen and my CPU was broken
  32. [7:07pm] <juuls>You said you just overclocked your CPU?
  33. [7:07pm] <sweetcoolful>just when i leave the world it all disappears and goes back to its original
  34. [7:08pm] <sweetcoolful>yeah i did. but now it is also happening without travelling to mystcraft worlds
  35. [7:08pm]BevoLJ left the chat room.
  36. [7:08pm] <sweetcoolful>my main world does the same thing now too.
  37. [7:08pm]Tyrael142 left the chat room. (Remote host closed the connection)
  38. [7:08pm] <juuls>Try unoverclocking
  39. [7:08pm] <juuls>Overclocking voids your warranty for a reason
  40. [7:09pm] <sweetcoolful>thats weird because my cpu came with a overclocking software haha
  41. [7:09pm] <juuls>Overclocking that the company does doesn't void warranty
  42. [7:10pm] <juuls>but if you do it at home it usually does
  43. [7:10pm] <juuls>because you can seriously screw up your shit by doing it
  44. [7:10pm] <sweetcoolful>oh ok
  45. [7:10pm] <SatanicSanta>like melting your machine
  46. [7:10pm] <juuls>can you try unoverclocking
  47. [7:10pm] <SatanicSanta>or blowing it up
  48. [7:10pm] <juuls>^^^^
  49. [7:10pm] <SatanicSanta>or frying yourself
  50. [7:10pm]juuls>or overloading the cpu and straight up breaking it
  51. [7:11pm] <SatanicSanta>or making a bad life decision
  52. [7:12pm] <sweetcoolful>well i did not overclock it much
  53. [7:12pm] <juuls>from what ghz to what?
  54. [7:12pm] <juuls>and what cpu?
  55. [7:12pm]mrkirby153 joined the chat room.
  56. [7:12pm] <sweetcoolful>and do you know the original for the i-7 3770k?
  57. [7:13pm] <SatanicSanta>3.5GHz iirc
  58. [7:13pm] <sweetcoolful>from like 3.8- 4
  59. [7:13pm] <juuls>if you have a 3770k
  60. [7:13pm] <SatanicSanta>you really didnt need to overlcock that processor
  61. [7:13pm]Lymia joined the chat room.
  62. [7:13pm] <SatanicSanta>its op enough
  63. [7:13pm] <juuls>you do not need to overclock
  64. [7:13pm] <juuls>that thing is strong as shit
  65. [7:13pm]davboecki is now known as davboecki|out.
  66. [7:13pm] <SatanicSanta>^
  67. [7:13pm] <sweetcoolful>well i have alot of things running on my pc. gets slow sometimes
  68. [7:13pm] <juuls>heres something you could try
  69. [7:13pm] <SatanicSanta>i really doubt that
  70. [7:14pm] <juuls>dont run anymore programs
  71. [7:14pm] <SatanicSanta>like, i *really* doubt that
  72. [7:14pm] <SatanicSanta>how many programs? 50?
  73. [7:14pm] <sweetcoolful>no its my dads business computers so its always sending information and i also have games i play on it
  74. [7:15pm]Johannes13 left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
  75. [7:15pm] <SatanicSanta>end your fathers processes when they arent doing productive things?
  76. [7:15pm] <sweetcoolful>alright i took away the overclock
  77. [7:16pm]slowpoke left the chat room.
  78. [7:21pm] <sweetcoolful>the problem is still happening
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