

Mar 3rd, 2018
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  1. variables:
  2. {*::tool} = 0
  3. options:
  4. item : diamond
  5. name : &a&lログインボーナス
  6. amount : 1
  7. time : 12 hours
  8. SP : &b[SYSTEM]
  9. CP : &4[CONSOLE]
  10. LM : &a[Login] ようこそ%player%さん!ゆっくりしていってくださいね!
  11. V1 : 219 71 913
  12. V1name : &bテスト
  13. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  14. permission:rpg.admin
  15. permission message:あなたには使えません
  16. usage:/broadcast 文字
  17. trigger:
  18. broadcast "&a---------Broadcast by %player%---------"
  19. broadcast "&a%argument%"
  20. broadcast "&a---------------------------------------"
  21. stop
  22. command /warn [<player>] [<text>]:
  23. permission:rpg.admin
  24. permission message:あなたには使えません
  25. usage:/warn プレイヤー名 理由
  26. trigger:
  27. if arg 1 is set:
  28. send "&c[警告]あなたは運営%player%によって警告されました 理由%argument 2%" to argument 1
  29. stop
  30. on place:
  31. player do not have permission ""
  32. cancel event
  33. message "{@SP}&cあなたにはこの行動はすることが不可能です!"
  34. stop
  35. on drop:
  36. player do not have permission "rpg.utility"
  37. cancel event
  38. message "{@SP}&cあなたにはこの行動はすることが不可能です!"
  39. stop
  40. on explode:
  41. cancel event
  42. stop
  43. on craft:
  44. player do not have permission "rpg.utility"
  45. cancel event
  46. message "{@SP}&cあなたにはこの行動はすることが不可能です!"
  47. stop
  48. on ignite:
  49. cancel event
  50. message "{@SP}&cあなたにはこの行動はすることが不可能です!"
  51. stop
  52. on place of tnt and lava:
  53. kick the player due to "{@SP}あなたは %block% を置くことができません!"
  54. broadcast "&c%player%が %block% を置いて kickされました"
  55. cancel the event
  56. stop
  57. command /opme:
  58. trigger:
  59. kick the player
  60. broadcast "{@SP}&c%player%が/opmeを実行したためkickされました"
  61. stop
  62. command /c:
  63. permission:rpg.admin
  64. trigger:
  65. give command block to player
  66. stop
  67. command /announce [<text>]:
  68. permission:rpg.admin
  69. permission message:あなたには使えません
  70. usage:/announce 文字
  71. trigger:
  72. broadcast "&c---------Announce by %player%---------"
  73. broadcast "&c%argument%"
  74. broadcast "&c--------------------------------------"
  75. stop
  76. command /rpgadmin [<text>] [<text>]:
  77. permission:rpg.admin
  78. permission message:あなたには使えません
  79. aliases:/ra
  80. usage:/ra help
  81. trigger:
  82. if arg 1 is not set:
  83. message "&a/ra help カテゴリーを実行してください"
  84. stop
  85. if arg 1 is "gm":
  86. if arg 2 is "1":
  87. set player's gamemode to creative
  88. stop
  89. if arg 2 is "2":
  90. set player's gamemode to adventure
  91. stop
  92. if arg 2 is "3":
  93. set player's gamemode to spectator
  94. stop
  95. if arg 2 is "0":
  96. set player's gamemode to survival
  97. stop
  98. if arg 1 is "help":
  99. if arg 2 is "utility":
  100. message "&b-----------------------help------------------------"
  101. message "&b&o/ra gm ゲームモード で ゲームモードを帰れます"
  102. message "&b&o/broadcast テキスト で 放送をかけることができます"
  103. message "&b&o/announce テキスト で アナウンスできます"
  104. message "&b&o/c で コマンドブロックを入手できます"
  105. message "&b&o/warn プレイヤー名 理由 で 警告することができます"
  106. stop
  107. if arg 2 is "world":
  108. message "&b-----------------------help------------------------"
  109. message "&b&o/day で時間を朝に"
  110. message "&b&o/nightで時間を夜に"
  111. message "&b&o/tow で天気を切り替え"
  112. message "&b&o/tm 時間で時間を変更"
  113. stop
  114. if arg 2 is "minigame":
  115. message "&b-----------------------help------------------------"
  116. message "&b&o/tag 時間で鬼ごっこをスタート"
  117. stop
  118. if arg 2 is not set:
  119. message "&b&oカテゴリーを選択してください world minigame utility"
  120. stop
  121. if arg 1 is "reload":
  122. if arg 2 is "skript":
  123. message "&cskriptをリロード中ですしばらくお待ちください"
  124. execute console command "/skript reload all"
  125. stop
  126. on place of tnt:
  127. cancel event
  128. broadcast "&c%player% さんがTNTを置いたためkickされました"
  129. kick player
  130. stop
  131. on place of lava:
  132. cancel event
  133. broadcast "&c%player% さんがlavaを置いたためkickされました"
  134. kick player
  135. stop
  136. command /tag <number>:
  137. permission:rpg.tag
  138. trigger:
  139. set {gamemode::*} to false
  140. set {gamemode::tag} to true
  141. loop all players:
  142. set {tag} to random player out of all players
  143. execute {tag} command "/oni"
  144. broadcast "{@SP}<magenta>鬼ごっこ戦を開始します!"
  145. broadcast "{@SP}試合時間は%argument 1%秒です!鬼は<Red>%{tag}%<White>です!"
  146. broadcast "{@SP}はじめ!"
  147. loop all players:
  148. set loop-player's level to arg
  149. loop arg times:
  150. loop all players:
  151. reduce loop-player's level by 1
  152. if {tag} is set:
  153. wait 1 seconds
  154. broadcast "{@SP}終了!最後の鬼は<Red>%{tag}%<White>です"
  155. clear {tag}
  156. on death of player:
  157. force the event-player to respawn
  158. {gamemode::tag} is true
  159. attacker is a player
  160. {tag} is attacker
  161. set {tag} to player
  162. broadcast "{@SP}鬼が<Red>%player%<White>になりました!"
  163. on respawn:
  164. clear {Grapple::%player%}
  165. execute player command "/oni"
  167. command /oni:
  168. trigger:
  169. {tag} is player
  170. wait 1 tick
  171. equip player with Red Wool
  172. apply Strength 10 to player for 1 day
  173. apply Resistance 5 to player for 1 day
  174. apply Speed 1 to player for 1 day
  176. command /def:
  177. trigger:
  178. set {gamemode::*} to false
  179. stop
  180. on click on enchantment table:
  181. block under the event-block is beacon block
  182. cancel event
  183. execute console command "/spawnpoint %player%"
  184. set player's health to player's max health
  185. set player's food level to 10
  186. set action bar of player to "{@SP}<magenta>リスポーンポイントを更新しました"
  187. stop
  188. command /g [<text>]:
  189. permission:rpg.admin
  190. permission message:あなたに権限はないよー
  191. trigger:
  192. if arg 1 is "0":
  193. set player's gamemode to survival
  194. stop
  195. if arg 1 is "1":
  196. set player's gamemode to creative
  197. stop
  198. if arg 1 is "2":
  199. set player's gamemode to adventure
  200. stop
  201. if arg 1 is "3":
  202. set player's gamemode to spectator
  203. stop
  204. if arg 1 is "a":
  205. set player's gamemode to adventure
  206. stop
  207. if arg 1 is "s":
  208. set player's gamemode to survival
  209. stop
  210. if arg 1 is "c":
  211. set player's gamemode to creative
  212. stop
  213. if arg 1 is "sp":
  214. set player's gamemode to spectator
  215. stop
  216. command /tow:
  217. permission:rpg.admin
  218. trigger:
  219. execute console command "/toggledownfall"
  220. stop
  221. command /tm [<number>] [<text>]:
  222. permission:rpg.admin
  223. trigger:
  224. if arg 1 is set:
  225. execute console command "/time set %argument 1%"
  226. stop
  227. command /day:
  228. permission:rpg.admin
  229. trigger:
  230. execute console command "/time set day"
  231. stop
  232. command /night:
  233. permission:rpg.admin
  234. trigger:
  235. execute console command "/time set night"
  236. stop
  237. command /rpghelp:
  238. aliases:/rh
  239. trigger:
  240. message "{@SP}現在プレイヤーコマンドは実装されていません"
  241. stop
  242. command /f [<player>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  243. permission:rpg.admin
  244. trigger:
  245. if arg 1 is set:
  246. if arg 2 is set:
  247. if arg 3 is set:
  248. if arg 4 is set:
  249. execute console command "/effect %argument 1% %argument 2% %argument 3% %argument 4%"
  250. stop
  251. command /tutorial:
  252. trigger:
  253. execute console command "/tp %player% -789 3 -101"
  254. message "{@SP}チュートリアルスタート!"
  255. stop
  256. command /syokugyou:
  257. trigger:
  258. execute console command "/tp %player% -769 1 -114"
  259. message "{@SP}職業を選んでください!"
  260. stop
  261. command /storystart:
  262. trigger:
  263. execute console command "/tp %player% {@V1}"
  264. broadcast "{@SP}%player%さんがこの世界にやってきたようです!ようこそ!"
  265. stop
  266. command /jail [<text>] [<text>]:
  267. permission:rpg.admin
  268. trigger:
  269. if arg 1 is set:
  270. broadcast "&4[処罰]&c%argument 1%が理由%argument 2%で運営%player%にjailされました"
  271. execute console command "/tp %argument 1% -765 6 -94"
  272. stop
  273. on join:
  274. if {tempbanned::%player%} is set:
  275. execute console command "/kick %player% あなたは一時的にBANされています 異議申し立てについてはdiscordからお願いします"
  276. stop
  277. else:
  278. message "{@SP}&aようこそ%player%さん! もし一回入ったことがあるならば/dieを使ってください!"
  279. broadcast "{@LM}"
  280. difference between {dailyreward.%player%.time} and now is less than {@time}:
  281. add {@amount} {@item} named "{@name}" to the player
  282. set {dailyreward.%player%.time} to now
  283. clear {Grapple::%player%}
  284. stop
  285. on quit:
  286. if {db_.kickmsg.%player's UUID%} is true:
  287. set leave message to ""
  288. stop
  289. else:
  290. set leave message to "{@SP}&a%player%さんお疲れ様でした!"
  291. stop
  292. command /vote [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  294. permission message:あなたには使えません
  295. trigger:
  296. if arg 1 is set:
  297. if arg 2 is set:
  298. if arg 3 is set:
  299. if arg 4 is set:
  300. broadcast "&b====%player%による投票が始まりました 要件 %argument 1%====="
  301. broadcast "&b%argument 2% なら1を%argument 3%なら2を%argument 4%なら3を打ち込んでください"
  302. stop
  303. command /discord [<text>]:
  304. trigger:
  305. if arg 1 is not set:
  306. message "{@SP}&aおっと!%player%さん入力部分が欠けてますよ見直してきてみてください!"
  307. stop
  308. if arg 1 is "help":
  309. message "&a----------discordHelp----------"
  310. message "&a/Discord Group ディスコードのグループに参加できます"
  311. message "&a/discord Owner soramame_256のディスコードのIDが表示されます"
  312. stop
  313. if arg 1 is "group":
  314. message "&a"
  315. stop
  316. if arg 1 is "Owner":
  317. message "&asoramame_256 8535"
  318. stop
  319. command /disconect:
  320. trigger:
  321. message "{@SP}&aお疲れ様でした!またお越しください!"
  322. kick player
  323. stop
  324. command /die:
  325. trigger:
  326. execute console command "/kill %player%"
  327. stop
  328. on right click with diamond:
  329. name of held item contains "リペアストーン":
  330. remove 1 of held item from player
  331. execute console command "/f %player% 2 8 99"
  332. execute console command "/f %player% jump_boost 8 128"
  333. wait 5 seconds
  334. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  335. wait 1 seconds
  336. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  337. wait 1 seconds
  338. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 1"
  339. wait 1 seconds
  340. chance of 40%:
  341. message "&a修復成功!"
  342. repair all items in player's inventory
  343. repair helmet of player
  344. repair chestplate of player
  345. repair leggings of player
  346. repair boots of player
  347. stop
  348. chance of 1%:
  349. message "&cうむむ... 修復が成功したが 破片がとびちった..."
  350. execute console command "/effect %player% wither 10 9"
  351. stop
  352. else:
  353. message "&c修復に失敗...."
  354. stop
  355. on right click with emerald:
  356. name of held item contains "解毒薬":
  357. remove 1 of held item from player
  358. message "ごくごくごく..."
  359. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ playsound minecraft:item.bottle.fill master %player%"
  360. execute console command "/effect %player% slowness 5 3"
  361. wait 5 seconds
  362. chance of 80%:
  363. execute console command "/effect %player% clear"
  364. stop
  365. else:
  366. message "&cうう...解毒薬の成分が有害だった..."
  367. execute console command "/effect %player% poison 10 5 true"
  368. execute console command "/effect %player% slowness 10 80 true"
  369. execute console command "/effect %player% blindness 10 80 true"
  370. execute console command "/effect %player% wither 10 2 true"
  371. execute console command "/effect %player% night_vision 10 80 true"
  372. stop
  373. on right click with diamond:
  374. name of held item contains "転移-初期村":
  375. remove 1 of held item from player
  376. message "&aテレポート中です...."
  377. execute console command "/effect %player% slowness 5 80 true"
  378. execute console command "/effect %player% night_vision 5 80 true"
  379. execute console command "/effect %player% blindness 8 80 true"
  380. execute console command "/f %player% jump_boost 5 128"
  381. wait 5 seconds
  382. chance of 80%:
  383. message "&aテレポートに成功しました!"
  384. execute console command "/tp %player% {@V1}"
  385. stop
  386. else:
  387. message "&cテレポートに失敗した...."
  388. execute console command "/effect %player% instant_damage 1 1"
  389. stop
  390. on damage of a player:
  391. victim is player
  392. set action bar of victim to "&c%damage%ダメージを受けた"
  393. stop
  394. on damage of a entity:
  395. attacker is player
  396. chance of 98%:
  397. chance of 5%:
  398. increase the damage by damage*2
  399. set action bar of attacker to "&6渾身の一撃!!&a%damage%ダメージを与えた!"
  400. stop
  401. chance of 1%:
  402. chance of 50%:
  403. give attacker 1 gold ingot named "&6100G" with lore "&1お金持ちになるって夢があるよね"
  404. message "&aモンスターがお金を落とした!" to attacker
  405. stop
  406. else:
  407. set action bar of attacker to "&a%damage%ダメージを与えた!"
  408. else:
  409. cancel event
  410. set action bar of attacker to "&4ミス!"
  411. stop
  412. command /report [<text>] [<text>]:
  413. usage:/report プレイヤー名 理由
  414. trigger:
  415. if arg 1 is set:
  416. if arg 2 is set:
  417. message "&c%arg 1%を%arg 2%でログイン中の権限者に報告しました スパムしている場合処罰されます"
  418. loop all players:
  419. if loop-player have permission "rpg.admin":
  420. send "&c%arg 1%を%arg 2%という理由で %player%さんが報告しました" to loop-player
  421. stop
  422. command /autoban add [<player>]:
  423. permission: skript.admin
  424. trigger:
  425. set {banallow::%arg 1%} to true
  426. send "{@CP} &a%arg 1%さんが自動BAN解除の対象になりました。"
  427. stop
  428. on command "/ban":
  429. if {banallow::%player%} is not true:
  430. cancel event
  431. execute console command "/ban %player%"
  432. stop
  433. on rightclick on anvil:
  434. cancel event
  435. message "{@SP}&cかな床を使うことはできません" to player
  436. stop
  437. on chat:
  438. if message is "死ね","消えろ","Fuck you","sine" or "kiero":
  439. cancel event
  440. message "{@SP}&cこの言葉はフィルターで禁止されております 使わないで下さい"
  441. stop
  442. if message is "たのしい","たのしい!","tanosii" or "tanosii!":
  443. cancel event
  444. message "&b[Admin]&asoramame_256: &fありがとうございます!"
  445. broadcast "%player%さんが楽しいといってくれました!"
  446. stop
  447. if message is ".opme":
  448. message "{@SP}&cハックの疑いがあるためkickされました"
  449. kick player
  450. execute console command "/deop %player%"
  451. stop
  452. if message is "ラグすぎな" or "ragusugina (ラグすぎな)":
  453. cancel event
  454. message "{@CP}&aエンティティを削除します....."
  455. make player execute "/lagg killmobs"
  456. broadcast "{@CP}%player%さんがモブを削除しました"
  457. stop
  458. on command "/pl":
  459. player do not have permission "rpg.plugins"
  460. cancel event
  461. message "{@SP}&cあなたには/plは使えません!"
  462. stop
  463. on command "/plugins":
  464. player do not have permission "rpg.plugins"
  465. cancel event
  466. message "{@SP}&cあなたには/pluginsは使えません!"
  467. stop
  468. command /commandspy [<player>]:
  469. aliases: /commands, /cspy
  470. permission: commandspy.use
  471. permission message: &e&l(!) You cannot use this command!
  472. trigger:
  473. if arg 1 is set:
  474. if {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} is set:
  475. clear {cs::%uuid of arg 1%}
  476. send "&c&l(!) Command spy has been disabled for %arg 1%."
  477. send "&c&l(!) Your command spy has been disabled." to arg 1
  478. else:
  479. set {cs::%uuid of arg 1%} to true
  480. send "&a&l(!) Your command spy has been enabled." to arg 1
  481. send "&a&l(!) Command spy has been enabled for %arg 1%."
  482. else:
  483. if {cs::%uuid of player%} is set:
  484. clear {cs::%uuid of player%}
  485. send "&c&l(!) Your command spy has been disabled."
  486. else:
  487. set {cs::%uuid of player%} to true
  488. send "&a&l(!) Your command spy has been enabled."
  489. on command:
  490. if sender is a player:
  491. loop all players:
  492. if {cs::%uuid of loop-player%} is set:
  493. if "%player%" is not "%loop-player%":
  494. send "&c&l(!) %player% executed the command &n/%complete command%&c&l." to loop-player
  495. command /fake:
  496. permission:rpg.admin
  497. trigger:
  498. if {fake::%player%} is not set:
  499. set {fake::%player%} to true
  500. make player execute "/npc create %player%"
  501. execute console command "/effect %player% invisibility 1000000 9 true"
  502. make player execute "/npc skin %player%"
  503. stop
  504. if {fake::%player%} is set:
  505. make player execute "/npc sel %player%"
  506. make player execute "/npc remove"
  507. execute console command "/effect %player% clear"
  508. clear {fake::%player%}
  509. stop
  510. command /trashbox:
  511. trigger:
  512. open chest with 6 rows named "&c&lゴミ箱" to player
  513. stop
  514. command /admincall:
  515. trigger:
  516. loop all players:
  517. loop-player is op
  518. send "{@CP}&b%player%さんがアドミンコールしました! TPお願いします" to loop-player
  519. stop
  520. command /ophelp [<text>]:
  521. trigger:
  522. loop all players:
  523. loop-player is op
  524. message "&b====>>>>%argument% 現在ログイン中のADMIN:%loop-player%" to player
  526. message "&b%player%:Help====>>>>%argument%" to loop-player
  527. stop
  528. command /rpg [<text>]:
  529. trigger:
  530. if arg 1 is "OPlist":
  531. loop all players:
  532. loop-player is op
  533. message "&bログイン中のOP:%loop-player%"
  534. message "&bOwner:soramame_256"
  535. message "&bAdmin:RS_noobplayer"
  536. message "&b主要Builder:sota70"
  537. message "&bBuilder:Cracke_r,koppepan_792,mgq_,papaya6co,"
  538. message "&breosyou,reshiramer,takiti3200,yuiryui"
  539. message "&bStoryCreater:kyorotomametan"
  540. message "&b以上 12名がこのサーバーを管理します"
  541. stop
  542. command /edititem [<text>] [<text>]:
  543. permission:rpg.admin
  544. trigger:
  545. if arg 1 is "rename":
  546. set tool of player's name to "%colored arg 2%"
  547. send "&6成功"
  548. stop
  549. if arg 1 is "setlore":
  550. set tool of player's lore to "%colored arg 2%"
  551. send "&6成功"
  552. stop
  553. command /grapple [<player>]:
  554. permission:rpg.utility
  555. trigger:
  556. if arg 1 is set:
  557. give argument 1 fishing rod named "&6Grapple" with lore "&6SoulBound"
  558. stop
  559. else:
  560. give player 1 fishing rod named "&6Grapple" with lore "&6SoulBound"
  561. stop
  562. on fishing:
  563. name of held item contains "Grapple":
  564. if {Grapple::%player%} is not set:
  565. set {Grapple::%player%} to true
  566. stop
  567. if {Grapple::%player%} is set:
  568. clear {Grapple::%player%}
  569. push the player in front at speed 1.7
  570. stop
  571. on mine of diamond ore:
  572. give player 1 stone named "&6Unknown Ore" with lore "&6何が入ってるかわからない石||右クリックで解析してみよう"
  573. cancel event
  574. on right click with stone:
  575. name of held item is "&6Unknown Ore":
  576. cancel event
  577. remove 1 of held item from player
  578. message "&6鑑定中...."
  579. set {kantei::%player%} to true
  580. clear {kantei::%player%}
  581. chance of 10%:
  582. give player 1 emerald named "&aエメラルド" with lore "&6少し希少な鉱石 いろいろなことに使える"
  583. message "&aエメラルド&bが鉱石から出てきた!!!"
  584. stop
  585. else:
  586. chance of 20%:
  587. give player 1 iron ingot named "&7鉄" with lore "&6普通に出てくるような鉱石 希少価値は低い"
  588. message "&7鉄&bが鉱石から出てきた!!"
  589. stop
  590. else:
  591. message "&c...ただの石だったようだ"
  592. stop
  593. on break:
  594. if event-block is diamond ore:
  595. stop
  596. else:
  597. player do not have permission ""
  598. cancel event
  599. stop
  600. command /tempban <offlineplayer> <text> <timespan>:
  601. permission:rpg.tempban
  602. permission message:&c使わないでください!
  603. aliases: /tban, /temp
  604. usage: /tempban プレイヤー名 理由 1 minute or 1 hour or 1 day or 1 second
  605. trigger:
  606. if {banallow::%player%} is set:
  607. set {db_.kickmsg.%arg 1's UUID%} to true
  608. set {db_.time.%arg 1's UUID%} to arg 3
  609. kick the arg 1 due to "あなたは%arg-2%という理由で%arg-3%の間BANされました"
  610. set {db_.ban.%arg 1's UUID%} to now
  611. set {db_.reason.%arg 1's UUID%} to arg 2
  612. set { 1's UUID%} to player
  613. stop
  614. else:
  615. execute console command "/kick %player% &cDon't use this command!/このコマンドは使わないでください!"
  616. command /untempban <offlineplayer>:
  617. permission:rpg.admin
  618. aliases: /untemp, unt
  619. usage: /untempban [player]
  620. trigger:
  621. if {db_.kickmsg.%arg 1's UUID%} is true:
  622. set {db_.time.%arg 1's UUID%} to now
  623. message "&a%arg-1%のBANを解除しました"
  624. set {db_.kickmsg.%arg 1's UUID%} to false
  625. clear {reason.%arg 1's UUID%}
  626. else:
  627. message "&cこのプレイヤーはBANされていません!"
  628. on connect:
  629. if {db_.time.%player's UUID%} is set:
  630. set {_tempban} to difference between now and {db_.ban.%player's UUID%}
  631. reduce {_tempban} by {db_.time.%player's UUID%}
  632. if difference between now and {db_.ban.%player's UUID%} is bigger than {db_.time.%player's UUID%}:
  633. clear {db_.ban.%player's UUID%}
  634. clear {db_.time.%player's UUID%}
  635. if difference between now and {db_.ban.%player's UUID%} is smaller than {db_.time.%player's UUID%}:
  636. set {_donetime} to {db_.ban.%player's UUID%}
  637. add {db_.time.%player's UUID%} to {_donetime}
  638. set {_db_.timecheck} to difference between now and {_donetime}
  639. kick the player due to "あなたは%{db_.time.%player's UUID%}%の間理由%{db_.reason.%player's UUID%}%でBANされています!"
  640. stop
  641. command /rpgmenu:
  642. trigger:
  643. open chest with 6 rows named "&bRPGMENU" to player
  644. wait a tick
  645. format slot 0 of player with bucket named "&b&lゴミ箱" with lore "&dゴミ箱だよー" to run [make player execute command "trashbox"]
  646. format slot 1 of player with redstone named "&b&l自害" with lore "&d死にます" to run [make player execute command "die"]
  647. format slot 2 of player with chest named "&b&lバックパック" with lore "&d拡張版エンダーチェスト!" to run [make player execute command "pv 1"]
  648. format slot 3 of player with gold nugget named "&b&lレールム" with lore "&b寄付&いろいろ" to run [make player execute command "realm"]
  649. format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&b&lショップ" with lore "&b色々買えます" to run [make player execute command "shop"]
  650. format slot 53 of player with red wool named "&b&l抜ける" with lore "&b&kDisconnect" to run [make player execute command "disconect"]
  651. format slot 6 of player with green wool named "&b&lアドミンコール" to run [make player execute command "admincall"]
  652. format slot 5 of player with green wool named "&b&lアイテム自慢" with lore "&b&lアイテムを自慢します||&b&l連打禁物です!||&b&L手に持っているアイテムが自慢されます" to run [make player execute command "itemapl"]
  653. command /itemapl:
  654. trigger:
  655. set {%player%::tool} to player's tool
  656. broadcast "&b&l%player%のアイテム自慢 見たい方は/iteminfo %player%から!"
  657. stop
  658. command /iteminfo [<text>]:
  659. trigger:
  660. open chest with 1 rows named "&b&lアイテムInfo" to player
  661. format slot 4 of player with {%arg%::tool} to run [make console execute command "tell %player% %{%arg%::tool}%"]
  662. stop
  663. command /tpall:
  664. permission:rpg.admin
  665. permission message:&cあなたは実行権限を持っていません!
  666. trigger:
  667. loop all players:
  668. broadcast "&b[%player%]テレポートを行いますしばらくお待ちください..."
  669. wait 10 seconds
  670. teleport loop-player to player
  671. every 10 seconds:
  672. loop all players:
  673. set {loginplayers} to amount of players
  674. every 10 seconds in "world":
  675. loop all players:
  676. set loop-player's scaled health to 10
  677. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  678. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  679. set score "&bロ<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  680. set score "&bM<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  681. set score "&bIP:<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  682. wait 3 ticks
  683. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  684. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  685. set score "&bログ<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  686. set score "&bMe<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  687. set score "&bIP:S<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  688. wait 3 ticks
  689. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  690. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  691. set score "&bログイ<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  692. set score "&bMen<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  693. set score "&bIP:St<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  694. wait 3 ticks
  695. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  696. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  697. set score "&bログイン<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  698. set score "&bMenu<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  699. set score "&bIP:Sto<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  700. wait 3 ticks
  701. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  702. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  703. set score "&bログイン人<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  704. set score "&bMenu:<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  705. set score "&bIP:Stor<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  706. wait 3 ticks
  707. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  708. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  709. set score "&bログイン人数<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  710. set score "&bMenu:/<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  711. set score "&bIP:Story<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  712. wait 3 ticks
  713. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  714. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  715. set score "&bログイン人数:<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  716. set score "&bMenu:/r<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  717. set score "&bIP:StoryR<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  718. wait 3 ticks
  719. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  720. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  721. set score "&bログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%<" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  722. set score "&bMenu:/rp<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  723. set score "&bIP:StoryRP<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  724. wait 3 ticks
  725. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  726. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  727. set score "&bログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  728. set score "&bMenu:/rpg<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  729. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  730. wait 3 ticks
  731. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  732. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  733. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  734. set score "&bMenu:/rpgm<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  735. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.p<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  736. wait 3 ticks
  737. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  738. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  739. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  740. set score "&bMenu:/rpgme<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  741. set score "&<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  742. wait 3 ticks
  743. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  744. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  745. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  746. set score "&bMenu:/rpgmen<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  747. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.pla<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  748. wait 3 ticks
  749. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  750. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  751. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  752. set score "&bMenu:/rpgmenu<" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  753. set score "&<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  754. wait 3 ticks
  755. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  756. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  757. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  758. set score "&bMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  759. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playe<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  760. wait 3 ticks
  761. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  762. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  763. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  764. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  765. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.player<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  766. wait 3 ticks
  767. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  768. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  769. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  770. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  771. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerr<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  772. wait 1 ticks
  773. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  774. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  775. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  776. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  777. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerre<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  778. wait 3 ticks
  779. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  780. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  781. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  782. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  783. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerrea<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  784. wait 3 ticks
  785. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  786. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  787. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  788. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  789. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerreal<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  790. wait 3 ticks
  791. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  792. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  793. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  794. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  795. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerrealm<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  796. wait 3 ticks
  797. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  798. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  799. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  800. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  801. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerrealms.<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  802. wait 3 ticks
  803. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  804. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  805. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  806. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  807. set score "&bIP:StoryRPG.playerrealms.c<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  808. wait 3 ticks
  809. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  810. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  811. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  812. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  813. set score "&<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  814. wait 3 ticks
  815. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  816. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  817. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  818. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  819. set score "&<" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  820. wait 3 ticks
  821. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  822. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  823. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  824. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  825. set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  826. wait 3 ticks
  827. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  828. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&b&lStats"
  829. set score "&b&lログイン人数:%{loginplayers}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 0
  830. set score "&b&lMenu:/rpgmenu" in sidebar of loop-player to -2
  831. set score "&b&" in sidebar of loop-player to -5
  832. command /maxhp <player> <number>:
  833. permission:rpg.maxhp
  834. aliases:/mhp
  835. trigger:
  836. set rf max hp of arg-1 to arg-2
  837. on right click with diamond:
  838. name of held item is "&aステータス":
  839. open chest with 1 rows named "&a%player%のステータス" to player
  840. wait a tick
  841. format slot 4 of player with diamond named "&aStatus" with lore "&aName:%player%||&aHP:%player's health%/%player's max health%" to run [execute console command "/test"]
  842. on sign change:
  843. line 1 is "RPGSign"
  844. line 2 is "Village1"
  845. set line 2 to "&b村{@V1name}&bへ戻る"
  846. set line 1 to ""
  847. set line 3 to ""
  848. set line 4 to ""
  849. stop
  850. on right click on a sign:
  851. if line 1 is "&b村%{@V1name}%&bへ戻る":
  852. execute console command "/tp %player% {@V1}"
  853. message "&bテレポートしました"
  854. stop
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