
LAN Party Sidestories 1: Supplyrun Part 1 - Maud

Aug 10th, 2014
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  1. >be Maude
  2. >just had the best fucking of your life
  3. >you can't remember the last time anyone made you crack like that
  4. >perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to warm up a little, regain your composure
  5. >the cheeky bastard ninjafucked you while you were sleeping
  6. >not that it's really a bad thing, but you kind of need to drive now
  7. >and you'll be damned if you haven't got the ladyboner of your life right now
  8. >get dressed, quickly eat some bomb-ass waffles, from anon
  9. >excuse yourself from Sunset and Trixie, sneaking into Sunny S' room quickly
  10. >damn it, doesn't this bitch have anything concealable
  11. >too big, too noisy, oh fuck that's a dragon dildo
  12. >that can wait
  13. >vibrating egg, perfect
  15. >probably shouldn't masturbate in public, because law
  16. >but hot damn, you can't think straight while you're this horny
  17. >but this poker face won't die
  18. >no way, no how
  19. >with a dab of lube, you gently slide it into your ass
  20. >you'd been wanting to try do some ass-play, and at least this'll keep you on edge better than direct stimulation
  21. >panties back on, and the controller sits nicely between your thighs, just above your hem-line
  22. >sweet sediment, this feels good
  23. >every slow, rhythmic pulse eases and teases the muscle of your ass
  24. >the motor's surprisingly strong, and you can feel your whole crotch writhing with its every churn
  25. >this is going to be a long drive
  27. >every step takes you a little closer to the edge
  28. >stay calm, cool, composed
  29. >you've got this
  30. >it's already warm outside again when you get to your car
  31. >windows down, radio on
  32. >traffic's kinda slow, probably not that many people up yet
  33. >hit a set of lights
  34. >gotta regulate your breathing, this egg's driving you nuts
  35. >zone out
  36. >notice red and blue flashing
  37. >light's been green for a while now, and the cop behind you is signalling to pull over
  38. >this truly is the end of days
  39. >you're the world's poker face of the year, all years
  40. >you can do this
  42. >slowly pull over
  43. >aviator glasses
  44. >thick mustache
  45. >this guy must be trying to look like a stereotype
  46. >"License and registration, ma'am."
  47. >gulp and suppress a wince as you accidentally nudge the control while reaching for the glove box
  48. >breaking a sweat, and you could swear the thing's audible
  49. >you can vaguely see his eyes narrow through the shades
  52. >be cop
  53. >asshole chief gave you a shitty early shift
  54. >whatever, this shit's easy, just boring-AF
  55. >figure you can do it hung over
  56. >this bitch is more spaced out than you are
  57. >not even noticing a green light
  58. >whatever, her plates check out and she doesn't look like she's smoking anything
  59. >her expression hasn't changed once the whole time
  60. >does she even remember you're there
  61. >fuck this
  62. >hand her back her card and papers
  63. >such is life in your own personal purgatory
  66. >return to rock girl
  67. >by some deus ex machina, that cop either didn't notice anything or didn't care
  68. >keep driving
  69. >get home
  70. >shit, gonna need to change panties, these are soaked
  71. >fuck it, you're going to rub this one out, Anon won't have it so easy
  72. >fall back on your bed, panties down, and you get started
  73. >cranking the vibe up to max, you run your fingers down and spread your vulva
  74. "Mmm, damn you Anon..."
  78. >letting out a soft moan, you challenge yourself to keep the pokerface
  79. >index and ring finger spread your labia out, middle finger rubbing the vagina
  80. >damn Sunset has good taste in toys though, this vibe egg is really rocking your world
  81. >shh, Maud, now is not the time for puns
  82. >rubbing up the sides of your slit with your index and ring, your middle finger then slowly penetrates your warm nethers
  83. >after a couple of internal strokes, you take it back out and run circles on your clit while keeping the other two steady
  84. >oh god this is so good
  85. "Mmm, Anon, fuck."
  86. >you wince slightly
  87. >that magnificent bastard
  88. >you put in two fingers, moving your thumb to your clit
  89. >almost there
  90. >with three fingers in, you gently flex them, applying pressure with your thumb
  91. >so close
  92. >you grab your breast, tweaking the nipple slightly
  93. >and finally, you reach your climax
  94. "Fff- Anon..."
  95. >you can't stop, not yet, this can't end
  96. >he wouldn't let up right now
  97. >you forgo your well-refined technique and just rub your clit
  98. >oh god yes
  99. >switching off the egg, you lay there in afterglow as your cum and sweat seep into your clothes
  100. >after a quick rinse in the shower, you change and look for some proper gear
  101. >Trixie's into the fetish stuff, but you kink a little yourself
  102. >might as well pack a bag
  103. >handcuffs, a couple of dildos, a strap-on harness, a latex outfit, including bodysuit, gloves, thigh-highs, and six-inch high heels
  104. >and there's always "the invader"
  105. >today will be a good day
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